- 3 years ago
- 23
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"You look pensive," Krissi said Monday when they got together for lunch. They were in a small restaurant southwest part of town, away from the other students at the University. The clientele en were mostly people in their 30s and 40s, with a sprinkling of gray-haired seniors.
"I've been doing some thinking," Devlin replied. Today she was dressed in business attire: black slacks, a white blouse, and 'sensible' dark blue pumps. Krissi's dress was equally conservative: a dark blue pencil skirt and a white blouse. Her shoes, though, were flats. And she'd pulled her hair back in a ponytail.
"Thinking?" Krissi asked. "That's always dangerous."
"I'm such a slut. Do I really deserve someone like Evan?"
Krissi sighed. "What is it this time?"
"Yesterday, when we were hugging and kissing, and saying we loved each other?"
"I was hugging and kissing him, and I realized that the night before I'd had sex with five different guys. That's such a slutty thing."
"You're in the lifestyle—" Krissi began.
"I am, but he isn't. He probably thinks of me as this nice, quiet, maybe even virginal girl, and—"
"Not in this day and age," Krissi snorted. "Most gals who get married have already had their wedding night, if you know what I mean. If it wasn't their future groom, then it was some other lucky guy. I saw a statistic that the average girl has had sex with at least one guy other than her future husband by the time she walks down the aisle. And from the numbers in the article, it was closer to two different guys."
"And some of us have had sex with a couple hundred guys before that happy day," Devlin said. "I severely skew the curve, you know what I mean. I was with five guys at Emma's. There was Jesse, Vince, some other guy whose wife wanted me to drip his come into her mouth—"
"I've heard of that," Krissi said, interrupting her. "It's called sperm-swapping. I've tried it a couple of times, but I think I'd only do it again with somebody I liked." She put her hand on Devlin's wrist and smiled. "It's kind of an intimate moment."
"Yeah, well she wanted it, so I did. It felt a little funny because she was looking right up at my sex, but she didn't come on to me other than that. Anyway, there was that guy, Jesse, Vince, and those two guys we shared."
Krissi grinned. "That was pretty wild. I'm sorry for bailing on you, but I just got too sore down there to continue. I needed some therapeutic time in the hot tub."
"Yeah, and while you were doing that, I had them both. Krissi, that's five guys. That's not exactly 'pure and virginal'. I saw my panties when I got back to the apartment; they were such a mess that I ended up throwing them out."
"You're the only one I know who does something like that," Krissi said, shaking her head. "Most gals throw them in the wash. You must go through a fortune in underwear."
"What am I going to tell Evan? Do I really deserve somebody like him?"
Krissi stared at the sandwich in front of her. "I'm getting a little tired of this," she said finally. "For the last few months that's all I've heard. You're dead set on telling him, aren't you?"
"Uh huh."
"All right, you're going to do that. Have you picked the one time to do it that'll make him reject you?"
"Are you trying to push him away?"
"No! I love him, and I want to marry him."
"You sure have a funny way of going about it."
"As far as I can tell, you're going to get him alone, it'll be the last time you'll see each other for at least a month, and you'll tell him, 'Evan, I'm a slut who goes to sex parties, I was at one just the other night, and I fucked six or seven guys, I don't really remember how many because they all sort of blur together. And, no, you can't have any until we're married, but until then I'm going to fuck as many other guys as I want.' And then he'll get on the plane two minutes later, and have an entire cross-country flight to think about it. What do you think he'll do after that? He'll push you away, and he'll do it because he'll think you lied to him."
"That's crazy. I'd never do that."
"Bet you will." She dug in her purse and took out her wallet. "Bet you $20."
Krissi looked away.
"Krissi, it's not like that."
"Of course not," Krissi said. "It's never like that. And if you expect me to believe that, I've got a large bridge to sell you. Or how about a canyon? I understand the Federal Government is having a 'used canyon' sale. Just one owner, a little old lady who only visited it on Sundays."
"You think I shouldn't tell him."
"No, I've changed my mind. You need to tell him, if only because it'll establish that level of trust between you that a couple needs."
"Now you've confused me," Devlin said after a bit.
"No, you just haven't heard my idea."
"Which is?"
"Give up the lifestyle. Maybe not right now, this exact moment, but pick a date for your last visit to Emma's. Make it a memorable one, a visit you'll tuck away in that diary of yours so you'll be able to remember it years from now. But after that, no more guys, not until you're married, and then it'll only be Evan."
"But how will that—?"
"That way," Krissi continued, talking over Devlin, "you can tell him it's something you did in the past, but don't do now."
"What'll I do in the meantime? I'll explode. I need the male attention."
"The same thing most women do: go without, or play with your toys and fingers. I'll be there for you; guys don't seem to have a problem with two women getting together. In fact a lot of them seem to find it arousing. And like I said, you'll always have your toys and memories."
"But..." Devlin's voice trailed off as she thought about that. "But all of my friends..."
"After you're married, the two of you are moving to Oakland or Sacramento, or wherever he's playing, right?" Devlin nodded. "Good. You'll still have your friends, but you won't be in day-to-day contact with them, and that'll reduce the chance that you'll stray."
"But what about... what'll he think about my past?"
"That it was in your past, something that happened after Jeff, and before the two of you got serious. Guys'll buy that. As long as you're not doing it, and you let him think that he had such an effect on you that you changed your whole life, he'll go for that. It'll feed right into his male ego."
"Trust me on this," Krissi said, putting her hand on Devlin's. "I may not understand guys much more than any woman does, but I know a little, or at least more than you. If you're dead set on telling him, this is the best way."
"But... but... what'll I tell him about Danny?"
"Nothing, absolutely nothing. If you mention Danny and Sue at all, call them friends and neighbors, and mention how you found and talked Sue into that surgery. Never, ever, mention Danny in any other way."
"That isn't for you," Krissi went on, "that's for Sue and Danny. If you say anything, anything at all, it'll get Danny into all sorts of trouble. Do the words Statutory Rape mean anything to you at all?"
"But I slept with him willingly!"
"That's not how the courts would see it. Danny would be arrested and his whole life ruined. You don't want that, do you?"
"No," Devlin said in a small voice, "I guess not."
"I didn't think so."
"Do you really think I can keep myself sane without going to Emma's?"
"It'll be tough," Krissi said, "but think of it as doing something for the future you and Evan will have together. I'll be there for you, don't worry."
"If you say so." Devlin saw the shoulder strap through the white of Krissi's blouse. "You're wearing a bra today. When did you start doing that? Or have my lectures on supporting the girls had some effect."
"My boobs felt really tender this morning," Krissi said. "I couldn't bear to have anything rubbing nipples, so I wore a bra. And don't give me that look," Krissi added. "I'm not pregnant."
"Tender breasts are one of the signs."
"Saturday night was the first time I was with a guy since my last period. My breasts often get sensitive just before my period, you know that. That's probably why you're so blue. Our periods usually start within a day of each other, and yours is due."
"Yeah, I know. Are you sure, though?"
"I'm sure. Before Saturday night, the last time I was with a guy was seven weeks ago. I went up to Chicago and Steve and I did a weekend long bed crawl."
"And you had your period in between."
Krissi nodded. "My little friend came calling right on time, 27 days ago. I'm as regular as clockwork, as regular as you. Only I don't get depressed the last couple of days before my period." She snorted in amusement. "At least neither of us gets nasty."
"Yeah, that's a good thing. One of the gals on my floor in the dorm said they called it PMS because Pre-Meditated Homicidal Fury didn't roll off the tongue very well."
"I'll have to use that sometime," Krissi laughed. "I'm not so sure about calling it 'pre-meditated'. It's not like we plan on having our periods."
"There were a couple of girls on my floor who used PMS as an excuse not to do anything, whether it was turning in a paper for a class, or saying no to a guy. In their case 'that time of month' seemed to last about four weeks out of every month."
"It probably never occurred to them that they were giving the rest of us a bad name." Krissi toyed with her sandwich, pulling off the crust and pinching off small bites. "Seriously, you should probably pick a date and make that your last visit to Emma's. It'd better be soon, too. You don't want to do it after Evan asks you to marry him."
"Will you continue to go?" Devlin asked after a bit.
"No, I'll be here in town for you. I should be tapering off my visits for exactly the same reason."
"Yeah, but you'll still have Steve."
"What?" Devlin straightened in surprise. "Are you two having problems?"
"We're... not talking very much," Krissi said. "Yesterday at the ballpark was the best it's been in some time."
"In some time? But I thought you were seeing him regularly in Chicago."
"Sort of. I've had some book signings, and American Booksellers, that was why I was out of town two weeks ago. I was supposed to go up to Chicago, but I can't pass up American Booksellers."
"Why not?"
Krissi sighed. "It's about the biggest event of the year. I had a booth, just like John Saul, John Grisham, Tami Hoag, and others who are at the top of the NY Times Bestseller list. I did nothing but smile, talk, autograph books, look pretty, and hobnob with people in the publishing industry. The whole idea is to be a 'presence', a real person, not just a face on the back cover of a book."
"Does it increase your sales or something like that?" Devlin said.
Krissi nodded. "Look at John Saul. He started doing that, and pretty soon his books were in the front of bookstores, right where you would see them when you came in. And Gresham... his books get put on prominent display at the news stands in airports, right where you can snatch them up just before boarding a plane. Those impulse purchases shoot your sales numbers right through the roof; that has a major impact on the next book deal you sign. And those are just two that I met. John Saul had a booth right across from me. He's really an interesting guy. Why, do you know he writes 70-80 page outlines for each novel? No wonder his stories are so tightly written!"
"Don't you?"
Krissi snorted. "I make a few notes, and I have a file with bits and pieces about the characters, and a list of major events, but that's it. The only ones I outline are the Rose stories."
"I hope you looked your best. That would mean dressing up."
"My publisher took me to this place in New York where I got a complete facial and a hair makeover that I absolutely hated. They wanted the 'wholesome, clean-cut' look, and by golly they got it. I was in a conservative suit every day. And yes, before you ask, that included nylons and a bra." She laughed. "I wonder what they would have said if they could have seen me Saturday night."
"I know you had fun after we parted, but you didn't say much about it."
"That's because you fell asleep on the way home from the game. If you recall, I did the driving after we got back to Emma's."
"Yeah, sort of. So what happened?"
"I learned about bukkake," Krissi said. "You suck a guy, or do him in some way, and then he comes on your face. Only you don't wipe it off, you sort of parade around with it."
"I know what it is," Devlin said with a nod. "That's normal for some guys. I've lost track of how many guys have come on my boobs, and I'm always getting it in my hair." She flicked at the ends of her hair. "It really shows up in dark hair. That's why I'm always washing my hair on Sunday mornings."
"Yeah, your girls are a come magnet." Krissi shook her head. "This was different. The guys I hooked up with are seriously into this. There were four of them, and I took turns sucking them off. When each one came he'd shoot all over my face. I didn't clean up after any of them, either. Apparently that's part of the appeal."
"So you had it dripping all over you."
"It was all over my face, my boobs, in my hair, everywhere. That would have been some publicity shot."
"It'd be great for your 'Rose' stories."
"Yes it would," Krissi said, smiling. "They could get a close-up of all of the come on my face, and the way it matted my hair. It would have been better if I had darker skin and hair so their stuff would stand out more. Anyway, they wanted to do it again, but I told them I had to pee, and used the opportunity to clean up. God, I was an absolute mess, and it took two washings before my hair didn't smell like come. I like giving blow-jobs, but not as a steady thing; I have a much better place to put a cock, one that gives me pleasure, too."
"That whole thing sounds a little weird," Devlin said. "But different folks..."
"... different strokes," Krissi finished. "Personally I think it's an ego thing for the guy. Here's this woman, you've just come all over her face, and she shows it off, proving what a big stud you are, and it kind of humiliates her because all she did was pleasure you, and didn't get that much pleasure out of it herself."
"Is there a comparable one for women?" Devlin asked, smiling.
"I don't think so," Krissi said after some thought. "Guys have a thing about their come. Look at how many want to look at pictures of it in the movies."
"Marie said that was to prove to the audience that the guy had come. Somebody at her studio did a study, and apparently guys who masturbate in theaters like to come at the same time as the guy on the screen. It's some sort of psychological transfer thing. You see it, and you fantasize that that's you up there on the screen."
"That gets a bit deep for me," Krissi said. "That doesn't mean I won't think about it, but not right now."
"Didn't we meet right after your shower?" Devlin asked. "I know you smelled freshly scrubbed."
"Nah," Krissi said. "After I got cleaned up, I found a guy who wanted to do it the regular way. I can't tell you how good that felt. I needed it! He was a bit tired, so he lasted and lasted." She hugged herself, smiling. "That was all right with me. I popped at least twice before he was done."
"You just reminded me of this one night at Emma's," Devlin said. "This was before we met."
"Back when you and Danny used to go."
Devlin nodded. "I had just gone up a cup size; I was now a D cup, proud of it, and wanting to show the girls off. And it seemed like every guy I met wanted to come on them. By the end of the night I was so horny I could barely think straight. I didn't get any relief until a couple of days later. Danny and I did it three times that night, and that didn't count my spending some time with my vibrator after I got home."
Devlin sighed, stirring her coffee. "But the next time I was at Emma's I wanted to cut loose. I met this guy... it was a typical couple who are new to the lifestyle, and hadn't thought it all out yet. He'd just realized that he could have sex with as many women as he wanted, and he hasn't realized that the same thing applied to his wife."
"They usually don't last," Krissi said. "I think that on average they show up three times. The first time he's eager, and she's reluctant. The second time he's really eager, and she's liking the whole idea, though she's still a bit cautious."
"And the third time she can't wait to go, and that bothers him." Devlin nodded. "Guys don't mind acting the super stud, but they seem to have a problem with their wives acting the super slut. That was sort of the case with this guy. Of course what made it special was that he got really turned on, and..."
"God, you're tight," the man muttered as he pushed. His cock slid farther into her. Devlin bit her lip. He was almost too big. His cock was thick enough she couldn't get her fingers all the way around it. It was average in length, though, which helped.
He pulled back and thrust again, lodging more of his hardness in her. He shifted his weight, putting his hands next to her shoulders and holding himself above her. She raised her legs to make it easier—one of the women at a previous party had taught her that particular trick—and hooked them on his hips. This time he thrust all the way in, and she could feel his balls nudge her bottom.
"You are so hot," he said in a low voice. He paused, sweat beading his forehead.
She thought of moving—she really wanted to move—but held still, recognizing how close he was. Finally he drew back slightly, took a steadying breath, and smiled at her. After a few more seconds he thrust much harder than before, making her whole body shake. He looked so much like one of her teachers—his face was different, but his body had the same build—that she fantasized about him. It wasn't like she'd ever let herself get into a position where she would do it with a teacher, but a girl could have her fantasies.
She smiled as he began to move regularly. She knew there were girls from her high school, girls she knew, who were nerving themselves up to do it with a boy. They were getting hot and bothered, and would go home with their panties wet, and have erotic dreams. Some might even finger themselves when they were alone in their room. And here she was, living what they were only dreaming. Only this was with a man, not a boy, with a man's muscles, and more important, a man's cock, and a man's knowledge.
She began to move, matching his strokes with thrusts of her own. She ran her hands up his arms, and then caressed his chest and shoulders. He had all of this strength, and right now it was focused on their pleasure. She'd turned him on—they'd met in the shower where she'd played with his cock and he'd licked her clit—and her body was driving him toward his peak. What she didn't tell him was that thought, and the friction of his cock in her passage, was getting her all worked up, too.
One thing led to another, and he pushed her beyond her limits. She cried through a climax. He must have felt her pussy trying to milk his cock. He shifted to short strokes, and while she was still coming down from that moment she felt his body stiffen. He groaned, and she felt a feathery touch deep inside her as his jets of come bathed her insides. Then he collapsed, but not quite across her; he'd managed to catch himself on his elbows.
"Wow," he said when he caught his breath. "That was... that was... wow."
"Yeah," she said, smiling. She ran her hand tenderly across his cheek. "That was really good."
He kissed her, surprising her. "I can't believe how tight you are."
"I exercise every day," she said. "Including those muscles."
"It was everything I could do to not come when I put it in." He shifted, his cock sliding out of her. He settled in next to her, his hand caressing her still heated skin. "You look so young."
"Well thank you," she replied. "I work very hard at that."
"You remind me of my teenage daughter," he said. "I can't say that about any other woman here."
"It's just make-up and a lot of work," she replied. "How old is your daughter?"
"She's 15, almost 16." He chuckled. "I've seen her in a bikini that left almost nothing to the imagination, and when I saw you I kind of fantasized about her."
"There's nothing wrong with a fantasy," Devlin replied, "provided that's all it is." She wondered if she knew the girl. If she was 15, almost 16, then they were the same age. "What high school does she go to?"
"Lowpoint-Washburn High," he said.
She forced a smile. That was her high school. "Well, good luck to her. I hope she studies hard. I know a lot of girls really get into dating, and let their schoolwork slide."
"Fortunately she doesn't appear to have done so," he replied. He slid his hand up her body and caressed her breasts. "Are you up for another one?"
"Um, perhaps. The question is, are you?"
"There's only one way to find out." He slipped his finger between her legs and began rubbing gently.
"Keep doing that and I'll get off without you."
"I was sort of counting on that."
"And did you?" Krissi asked.
"It was the usual," Devlin said. "He rubbed me off. I sucked him hard, and then we went at it again."
"What about his daughter?"
"I had to get his name from Emma. I couldn't tell her why I wanted it, though. It turned out that the guy's daughter and I shared two classes: English, and P.E. Our school had an open shower in the Girl's Locker Room, so I got a look at her naked. There wasn't that much resemblance."
"Did you get to know her?"
"Not really," Devlin said, shaking her head. "We didn't move in the same social circles, and anyway, what could I say? 'I've seen your Mom do it with some guy, and your Dad and I have gotten it on.'? Not hardly. We didn't share any more classes, either, for which I was grateful. The last thing I wanted to do was meet her parents."
"Did they get divorced or something?"
"I think they went through a bad patch," Devlin said, "but they got out of the lifestyle, and from the gossip I heard, they stayed married, but it was touch and go for a while."
"That just proves that people shouldn't get involved in the lifestyle unless their relationship is rock solid," Krissi said.
"There are parts of it that I think are beneficial," Devlin said, "especially for a woman. I have this theory that every woman, at least once in her life, should let herself go. She should be as wanton as she can, be a goddess of lust at least once in her life. It may frighten her so much she never does it again, but secretly, down in her heart of hearts, she'll always have that one time when men lusted after her, and she could take or leave them without any worry for the consequences."
"A lot of women think about it," Krissi said. "They don't actually go through with it, though. After all, girls who do are sluts. A woman, excuse me, a lady, shows more control." She scowled. "Personally, I think that idea was implanted in women's heads by some man. After all, a woman should be a slut, but only with one man. She should fulfill his wildest fantasies, but only with him."
"And that way the man will know any babies they make will be his."
"Something like that," Krissi said. "Birth control has had a profound impact on society, and we're nowhere near the final outcome of that revolution. But back to 'ladies'. A woman isn't supposed to have the same sex life a man does, but that was because a woman could get pregnant. Instead, most women live that kind of life vicariously by reading a hot romance, which is where I come in."
"You never thought you'd be doing a public service, did you?"
"God, no!" Krissi laughed. "I just wanted to tell stories... and get paid for doing so is a bonus. Anyway, these women get the thrill of doing something absolutely wanton, but without any of the consequences, or having to explain to their male partner where they were that night. That's what the heroine goes through, and the reader can have the worldview foisted on her by society confirmed by the rest of the story."
"You know, since I met you, I haven't been able to read a Romance novel."
"Neither have I," Krissi said, "at least not for enjoyment. When I read one it's research to see how the author did things."
"So... back to what we were talking about. Are you and Steve having problems?"
"I think so," Krissi said softly. "I'm going up there this weekend, and I want to turn it into a seriously romantic weekend. I'm not talking sex, I'm talking everything but that."
"That reminds me of something I learned from Sue," Devlin said. "She told me that a woman who has to rely upon her body to keep her man is doing a poor job of it."
"I've heard much the same thing," Krissi said. She waved her hand. "That's why this weekend is so important. I'm going to try to lure him back without taking him to bed.
"Now, back to you. Like I said, pick a date that'll be the last time at Emma's, and stick to it. I'm serious about this, Devlin."
"Yeah, I know. And it makes sense."
"But will you do it?"
"Let me think about it," Devlin said, sighing.
"Don't think about it too long, or you'll miss the opportunity."
"Yeah, yeah. Like I said, I'll think about it."
After lunch Devlin was driving back to the apartment when her cell phone rang. She thought, she hoped it might be Evan. She was almost disappointed when it was Denise O'Connor.
"Doing anything for lunch?" Denise asked.
"I just had lunch with a girlfriend," Devlin replied. "But I wouldn't say no to a cup of coffee. What's up?"
"I have a favor to ask of you," Denise said. "Where can we meet?"
"I'm on the south side of town," Devlin said. "You could pick me up at my apartment. I'll be there in about 20 minutes."
"I think I have the address somewhere here. Ah, here we go." She read it off. "Is that it?"
"That's it," Devlin said. "I'll wait for you outside."
"I'll see you then," Denise said.
The day was warm, and Devlin had just settled down on a bench to enjoy it when Denise pulled up. Reluctantly Devlin walked over to her friend's car. Denise, though, parked the car and got out. "No sense in being inside on a day like this," she said.
"There's a patio in the courtyard," Devlin said. "It's not exactly private, but there's a garden and a fountain, and, all in all, it's reasonably private."
The patio had several tables that were in the shade. Denise, after taking a seat, dug a sheaf of papers out of her purse. "I had these made up earlier today. They're pictures of the guy I'm after. I wondered if you could pass them around, or even post them so people could see them."
Devlin nodded as she took them. Then she froze. She recognized the guy. He was the guy from Saturday night, the one where his wife wanted to have his come drip into her mouth. After a second Devlin swallowed and smiled.
"I'll pass these around."
Denise smiled her thanks. "He claims he's married," she went on, "but we have information that his 'wife' is really a hooker that he's hired to be his 'wife' at these parties. We don't know who it is, though. If we can find her, maybe we can persuade her to testify."
Devlin nodded, hoping it hid her reaction. She was going to have to call Emma right away, and get herself checked out, too. Emma would get the word out, and everyone who'd been at the party would have to get tested.
She and Denise talked a bit more before parting. The moment she was back in her apartment, Devlin called Emma and let her know.
"How do I tell Denise O'Connor that I recognized the guy because I had sex with him?" Devlin asked at the end. "She'll want to know the details."
"I'll think of something," Emma said. "One or two of the people who come to the parties may be able to help out. Your name won't ever come up."
"All right. Call me and let me know what I should do."
She hung up, and then dialed the clinic on campus. They had an opening in the late afternoon and could work her in. When she got back to the apartment—thankfully the tests were all negative—the message light was blinking on her phone. Thinking it might be Emma, she punched the button to play it.
"Devlin! It's Evan! Guess what! I barely got back to my apartment here in Sacramento before the phone rang. The big club was so impressed with what I did in Chicago that they didn't send me back down! I think I'll be in the bullpen, maybe for long relief, and the occasional spot start. I'm to report tomorrow. Give me a call!"
She grabbed her cell phone and hit the speed dial. Suddenly the whole day seemed brighter.
Afterward she had to call Krissi. When she told Emma she got a surprise.
Hey, friends.My name is Krissh. I am slim built body…With height 5 feet 9″. I have been a reader of ISS for many years and after long thought, I decided to write down my best ever experience of sex with a girl who was always closest my ahem…My prize. Not dragging anymore I will jump to the story. This was 2 years back when I was in my first year. I was known to be very shy towards girls but that approach changed when I met jenny. She was my classmate but at the initial period, we never had...
Mel found himself back at home, a fat bruise on his upper cheek and a crushed heart. After the fight with Nick he tried going back to work but found he couldn’t concentrate. His mind kept revolving around Nick and Tracy, of all the stuff Nick had insinuated they had done together, of everything he could imagine them doing together, and without a single word from either of them to Mel. He felt a chump, a naïve cuckold. With all the things filling his head, he decided to try thinking it out at...
My boyfriend and I had plans to go to a party but had been fighting all day but went together anyway since we were expected to show.He gave me the cold shoulder that night, I drank way too much and, needless to say, one thing led to another. This really cute friend of his, who was always flirting with me anyway, was there. He was a long blonde-haired surfer dude-type with a well sculpted body. So while my boyfriend was off doing whatever it is angry boyfriends do, I came on to his friend. We...
Michelle Barton had been secretly seeing Dave for several months. They had to keep their relationship private for several reasons. First off, Dave was her father's best friend and was forty-one years old - twenty-four years older than she was. Secondly, Dave was married, and his wife and her mother were also very close friends. And thirdly, Michelle's parents had something of a standing in their quiet, conservative neighborhood of Pinellas Park, Florida. Members of Sacred Heart Catholic Church,...
MatureItIt didn’t know how much time has passed since it was hanging here. Judging from the slowly subsiding pain in its cunt it’d have guesses a couple of hours. Time didn’t matter for it anymore though. It didn’t know what time it was, let alone what day, week or time of year. It was hung by its legs after a training session with Master and his slave and was left until it was to be used further. it repeated to itself just how useless it was and that it was glad Master took it as his. It vaguely...
Judy was relaxing in a lovely hot bath. There were candles burning and when Sue entered they both looked beautiful in the semi-darkeness of the candlelight. Sue's robe was open and Judy looked lovingly at her to see her curves. The outline of her breasts, her nipples that were so suckable and her tummy with its soft white skin. Faint traces of her bush could be seen and then Judy looked up to the intense look of concentration on Susie's face. She was staring at Judy to make out the movement...
I stood with Mary on the private balcony of our bedroom. Surveillance photos and videos of our house had just appeared on the eleven o'clock news on channel 5. Our law enforcement sluts, Chasity and Noel, figured the photos must have been shot from a house on Shaw Road across the empty lot. Mary and I sent our bodyguards to raid the house and were watching from our balcony. The house was two stories, sitting on a small rise and had a perfect view of the rear and left side of our house over...
White girl worships black.Story is credited to whitegirlworshopsblack on tumblr."How I got into IR sex"A few years back i was just becoming interested in sex, using the internet to learn more about my new found interest. One day i retreated to my bedroom to “indulge” myself. i watched a few videos, well more like i scanned through them to see if they were worth watching when i clicked on one (on xvideos i think) that i thought was interesting cause it had a pretty girl in it. So i clicked on...
Things are heating up with my stepfather. He loves to play all sorts of naughty games. He loves for me to wear all sorts of lingerie and has even bought me some costumes. He loves me to be a naughty school girl and he'd be the principal. I'd be a very bad girl and would need a spanking from him. I'd be wearing a short green and blue plaid pleated skirt, white shirt with a white push up bra, white lacy panties, blue knee highs, and loafers. He'd then need to give me lots of discipline. There...
TabooI felt his fingers sliding along my jaw before he plunged them into the warm cavern of my mouth. His thick fingers sliding in and out in and out all the way to the back of my throat instantly making me gag. But he wouldnt quit. Id get a breathe if I was lucky. In and out they kepy going. And still I was hard. He took his fingers out and slowly dragged them down my neck to my nipples, instantly getting them hard with just the slightest touch. Then he continued dragging them down down down to my...
"Gaaaaah!!" The thing about Sam is that he's a thieving shitbird. You have to keep that in mind, or the rest of it don't make sense. Big Tony, the manager at the Admiral, liked his rum. Fitting, really - admiral and rum. Like a lot of places, the Admiral didn't want their staff drinking. Yes, it's a bar. Customers drink, employees don't. The girls could do whatever the fuck they like. If a couple of snorts of vodka makes it easier to suck some fat guy's sweaty balls in the back...
Elissa had been dating Thomas for about six weeks now, but they’d never had sex. But that all changed when she went to his house one afternoon. Elissa had dark chocolate hair and smooth olive skin, with orange-green eyes. Thomas was sort of the opposite – tan skin and dark blond hair and bright blue eyes. She giggled and threw her head back. Thomas leaned in and kissed her. He was expecting her to pull away with a shocked look, but she kissed him back. Gently French kissing, she pulled off...
AnalPenny is definitely not all bad to look at. She’s hot, short blonde hair, beautiful face and gorgeous body. She goes to the gym twice a day, yeah, for a couple of obvious reasons, so she is nice and fit, her muscles well toned, but not freaky. She tans up nice in the sun. Has penetrating green eyes. A nice and natural rack, E’s. Oh, and she’s super hot in the sack. When she shows off, whether it’s just flashing or putting on a full blown show, she gets hot and horny. It kind...
Enlistment Enlistment ?? ??I hate farming.? Savious thought as he reached out to pull another ear of corn off the stalk.? The summer was coming to an end, and the days were getting shorter and shorter.? Savious looked across the field and could see trees on the far side next to the river.? ?Father, how much longer are we going to work tonight??? Savious asked. ?? ?We?ll keep going until we get this field done.? It shouldn?t take us but a few more hours.? He replied. ?? Savious...
I was reading ads on Craig’s List when I spied an interesting post. The ad was for massages.What caught my eye was the following in the ad: My body movement and range of motion improves mood and better sleep. My style is a combination of therapeutic and sensual. The massage can be in the nude with mutual touch if that helps make the session more relaxing, natural and comfortable.I responded to the ad asking for rates and if the masseur made house calls or only took appointments in his location....
Gay Male100% fiction! We’d been together twenty-three years, married for twenty of those we’d lived together for three before we’d tied the knot. Now we weren’t complaining, just jaded. Our sex life had been like a fantasy, wild uninhibited couplings while we lived together, we’d moved in together when we were twenty and spent the next three years exploring every position in the Kama Sutra and then some, anal, oral, vaginal, mutual masturbation, toys even a little pegging, her suggestion but fun for...
IncestTHE SHAPESHIFTER STRIKES OUT by Crazy Baron DISCLAIMERS This work may be distributed to forums where it can be read free of charge, provided that the author gives his explicit permission and that the text is not altered. Please note that this story is intended for mature readers only. The people and incidents depicted herein are completely fictional. THE STORY The small suburban single-story house, one of many on a street lined by its virtually identical clones on both...
Chapter VIThe couch on which I had placed Alice was one of the cunning pieces of furniture that I had designed for use, should I succeed in capturing her. It was unusually long, nearly eight feet by about three and a half feet wide, upholstered in dark green satin and stuffed in such a way as to be delightfully soft and springy and yet not to allow one's person to sink into it. In appearance it resembled a divan, but in stern reality it was a rack, for at each end there was a concealed...
“Why Brown?” Mandy asked one day? “I supposed its best for my subject. Except for Scarbrough, they have an amazing professor who has built a world-beating department there. People come from Europe to study with him. But of course that isn’t Brown is it?” “I’m going to Scarbrough” He looked at Mandy, amazed “You’re going to Scarbrough? To study what?” “Fashion and Design ... Not Scarbrough University, Scarbrough College of Art and Fashion. It’s in the same town though.” Scarbrough was a...
Welcome to Wife Watchers 2by Thomas WallerThomas spent a confusing Saturday afternoon. He and Helen went walking along Norbert’s Creek. They worked in the yard, clearing up debris from Thursday’s storm, and they had lunch at the Golden Griddle: a typical Saturday with typical Saturday activities. Except that Michael was coming to the house that evening to fuck his Helen. Thomas watched Helen bending to pick up a bundle of grass and leaves and was struck by the beautiful curve of his wife’s...
The morning of their departure dawned like millions more had in the Smoky Mountains. As the mist crept up from the valleys the birds and small animals began making their daily rounds, unaware that civilization was slowly dying around them. Junior took his cup of coffee to the window, staring out across the valley he mentally went through his checklist again. As his mind checked off the things he had packed his eyes scanned the terrain. He watched as a vibrantly colored male cardinal flitted...
"Me?" The woman stood there for a moment, then muttered, "No," obviously embarrassed, adding, "I don't know why I came up here. I love my husband..." She started to move off, but Mike grabbed her arm. "Kids, maybe?" She shook her head. "They're all ... over..." Mike shrugged and let go of her. Mike glanced around, disgusted. "Okay, in case you haven't heard, it's down to me -- and I have two open slots. Those of you who suspected me of being a child molester should know that...
Hey fellow readers, I am Immanuel Kari Kalan, 22, and this is a story about how I have been given a surprise blowjob and masturbated by a stranger who later became my slave. The main protagonist of the story is my Radha. Of course, her name has been changed to make her not feel cringe because she is also an ISS reader. Now 31 years, she is an average Indian housewife, but really good dressing sense and figure. I don’t know her exact stats, but she is one hell of a woman, her structure is...
Monday, one week later, didn’t go well. Sia stared daggers at me, standing in front of me as I lounged on the couch. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” she said forcefully. Perhaps I had mishandled it a bit. But, when she’d asked if we could make love tonight, I’d declined. It was my line in the sand. She didn’t seem to understand how petite she was, or how much it would hurt her - or if it was even physically possible without injury. She wasn’t swayed by my promise to have intercourse when she...
Relationships Are Made By SuppositionLife Two lonely people find true love. As I looked spiral stairway as the bellman pushed our luggage into the elevator and thought " Ronnie did great as always picking this place for our honeymoon". I have never stayed at a 4 star hotel before and on my meager teacher salary probably never would if it was not for Ronnie. We were married this morning at the courthouse in Spartanburg SC and drove here to Charleston, where Ronnie booked us here at...
Prologue: Between Worlds "Do not avert your gaze, mortal. We have seen your desires, your dark fantasies, and we have judged them worthy,” a voice echoed from the void. My dark desires? How quaint. It’s not like I have ever kept them secret… “You need but say a word, mortal, and you will be made our champion to bring the treacherous Light to heel. You will become a monstrosity without equal, to despoil their cities, rape their women, and defile their saints. All this and more shall be given."...
FantasyI pulled myself up and pulled down my skirt. I walked in to the bathroom and wiped up the sperm running down the insides of my thighs. I blotted my vagina because I really wanted to see just how much I could keep up inside of me and how many men I could get to eat me the way Bill had. It turned me on knowing that a man was eating my pussy that was full of another men's sperm, now that is just nasty and it fucking turned me on just thinking of it. I walked out of the office and Red and Lucky...
Hi everyone! My name is Soumya; and today I am sharing my story with you all. I hope you all will like it. This story is true incident which happened in my life few days back. About myself, I am Soumya; 30 years old married lady. My husband name is Rohan, he is 32 years old, software engineer and works in an IT company. We have a daughter, Sanya, 3 years old. We live in Noida and are happily married since last 5 years. I am a teacher by profession and works in a nearby school. I am 5’5”; fair,...
Monica Lewis couldn't believe how the day had turned out. She'd run into Alex Morgan at the farmer's market and had gone together to cheer up his mother, Alicia. Monica had been Alicia's best friend since high school and they were very close. They had no secrets and did everything together, including becoming submissive sluts to Alex. Everything had been going wonderfully, Alex fucking her hard, when her husband, Bill, had discovered the duo. However, instead of being furious or leaving...
After the show was over, Master came back into the viewing room where jade sat, speechless and still in shock from what she had witnessed. “I am sure this is a lot to take in and process for you right now. But rest assured, you will get used to your new station soon enough. I have done this for a long time and had many girls come through here for training. I have never lost one yet. But before we can get started on your training, slut, we need to make sure you are healthy and safe. Now...
An ear-splitting shriek, closely followed by the sound of breaking glass and a succession of thumps and clangs, all interspersed with cries of pain and language that would have raised eyebrows on a building site, ushers in Friday morning under the most unsolicited of circumstances. I sit bolt upright in bed, suddenly aware of how vulnerable I am as a girl alone in her room. Much as I hate to admit it, Suki Tatsukichi's self-defence lessons may not have been such a waste of time after...
One Week Later Luca met Sal, Moe, Peter and Paulie at the apartment. It was King Arthur time. He had a shot glass next to each chair and a bottle of scotch whiskey in front of him. “Okay Luca what’s this about?” Moe said. Luca poured himself a shot and handed the bottle around, when all of them had a shot glass full of scotch. He raised his glass and downed the shot. The rest followed suit. “I am going to take care of Kay. I am out of commission for a while.” He refilled his drink and...
A Merry Kitten Christmas, 2 Priscilla and I stood just inside the door to our room, arms crossed and bound behind our backs. Our leashes fastened to our collar loops. We wore our matching ruffled pink pantys, and both knew full well that our bottoms were about to be bared and spanked in front of the entire diner. What we didn't know was that the moment the event had been entered into Road Runners Event Log it was announced to the Kitten Academy Network. Which had been started to...
Nancy, my wife of ten years was totally faithful. That was until I discovered her infidelity almost by mistake or rather by luck. I had often teased her about coming on to other men, something she had done from away back in the days when we first met. I had been working for the same company for almost fifteen years now, and had moved steadily up the promotion ladder to the point I had several area managers under my guidance. One of these, was a guy named Bob, slightly arrogant, rugged looks,...
Last year, I met a handsome older gentlemen at my friend's Christmas party. We hit it off instantly and spent the whole night flirting and teasing one another. As the night wore on, it was very obvious that both of us wanted to spend the night fucking one another so I invited him back to my place because my roommate was gone for the holidays. As we left and I was saying goodbye to my friend, she whispered that he was her boss which turned me on so much more. We got back to my house and had an...
Saturday morning Dr. Andrew Phillips is working at his lab, doing a very strange research. Dr Phillips is a scientist, a very weird one. He is a geneticist and a good one indeed, but he was also a kind of warlock as the occult sciences interested him as well. 32 years old, single and a fat guy, he had only time when not at work for his favorite passion. The development of his own serum, a genetic change serum mixed with magic. Today Dr Phillips was indeed obtaining results;...
June 8, 1981 Bright and early on this Monday morning, four people were packed into one car, heading for the beach. But that was the only similarity to last summer's beach excursion. The four people were Dave, Eileen, Evie, and myself. The car was mine and not my mother's. And the purpose of the trip, at least nominally, was to celebrate the graduation of three of us. Since we'd effectively been blackballed from any graduation parties, this would have to suffice. But really, I didn't...
Raven-haired Leda Lotharia shows off her tattoos and runs manicured nails over her thick, luscious ass. She pulls a rose-shaped butt plug from her sphincter’s clutch and licks it seductively as porn pro Mark Wood whips out his thick boner. Leda sticks out her tongue and gives him a sloppy blowjob that covers her tits in drool. He fucks her tight pussy doggie-style. When he gives her a rim job, she begs for deep anal reaming. Mark drizzles her sphincter with oil and rails her sweet...
xmoviesforyouThe wait lasted longer than I’d hoped. We ended up staying in our hides for almost forty-eight hours. The wait had gone on for so long, that I had begun to think that Lottie’s distress call hadn’t been heard. I was actually contemplating the thought of bugging out and heading home. I would have, if I hadn’t instinctively known that if someone did show up here after we’d pulled out, then the shit would undoubtedly hit the fan, once those people realized that the compound had been taken, and...
Friday, evening, September 14th {Bob} How do I describe what it was like? I'm not talking about the sex. Okay, I'm talking about the sex too, but before that, when I first realized she not only wasn't going to kill me, but she wasn't even mad at me. I think I have some idea of what it might be like to find out that your stage four cancer has completely disappeared, and the doctor is smiling, giving you the Vulcan peace sign or whatever it is, and telling you to live long and prosper. Of...
I’ve lived in this second story apartment for three months now and finally have it furnished comfortably: big screen TV, Wi-Fi, couple of big leather recliners for football games. In one corner, I even have a little bar that I bought at an estate auction. Art of my own choice hangs on the walls—ex-wife be-damned.And, since I do a lot of work from home, as this apartment is a one bedroom, one bath with a study, I also have a nice work space with desktop and laptop computers, little TV for the...
Every year, the graduating class goes on a trip. Every year, it was always to Quebec or Montreal. This year, we changed it up, entirely. We had made a vote and decided on a camping trip. Guys would be on one side of the land, the girls on the other and just so there will be no trouble, the teachers would be in the middle. The first time I heard this, I laughed, "We're eighteen year olds! How can a few teachers that can't even run stop us from having our sexual fantasies come true?" It was...
TabooHey friends I am Harry (pet name), I want to share my first experience with you. I am a regular ISS reader. I m 28 years old guy and just got married to a beautiful women. Its an arrange marriage. My wife name is anu(pet name). She is very beautiful. Actually beautiful is an under statement ,she is damn sexy. She has a perfect face with long nose and beautiful sexy juicy lips. We both are from middle class family and are engineers. I worked at it firm in Mumbai and she worked in Pune (before...
Hi, This is Sanjay from ahemdabad gujrat, working in MNC. I am having regular sexual relation with my friend’s wife, this story is all about how I got this Colorful relation to my SEX life & how we got it first time. This true story is about one of my friend kamal’s wife seema ( A SEX BOMB) A story of my darling SEEMA friend’s can you believe she herself told me that she likes have fun with different men, so far she has done it 5 men in her life. It all started when, As I got a job in...
Private Specials, Maids on Duty 2 presents Lya Missy, a jealous wife who cannot stand having another woman in the house taking the attention of her husband. And that’s why she’s decided to fire the maid and slip into the kinky lingerie herself as she aims to win her man back with one of the best interracial fucks you’ll ever see! Watch this sexy tattooed teen on as she treats the lucky Jesús Reyes to a blowjob like no other before offering up her wet pussy for a hard pounding as...
xmoviesforyouNine months later... Kaylee and I sat at the computer in the pool house. Her hand expertly moved the presentation mouse that was just the right size for a five year-old. As she clicked on each of the eggs, she counted along with Elmo until all the eggs showed a number and then we got out of our chair and did the chicken dance. Then we did it all over again. "When's Momma gonna have her baby?" she asked me. "I don't know, sweetie, any day now," I replied, then kissed her cheek. "I...
In the dawn of the morning I watched the skiesAnd beheld the warm Sun and watched it rise,The fiery hues and sapphire dyesWere pure amazement to my young tender eyes.And as the dawn grew, I did so too,And I stretched out my wings, as all young ones do,up into the satiny cloud tops I flew, Searching for something, so fresh and new.I followed no path and wandered so longAnd had no direction til’ I heard your songA melody so pure, true and strong I knew my in heart it could never be wrongWe flew...
This story is about neha,a simple girl from Punjab who has been a brave girl all through her life..she belongs to a middle class family and right from her school days she had been good at sports..Which helped her have a well toned figure.Like any other Punjab girl,she has mass at the right places making her a beautiful young lady..She was always approached by guys but she was not in favour of having sex before marriage..After her exploits in sports,she was offered a job by the Punjab police and...
Introduction: These stories are about my true life experiances. They take place in the 1980s I couldnt wait to meet up with Mr. DAngelo. That Friday I hung out with Karen. We smoked some pot and ended up going to a porno movie. It was my idea. The theatre wasnt that crowded maybe 20 people were there. We sat in the very last row, no one was around us. We had walked in during the middle of the movie. We were buzzed laughing and joking around. It was Karens first XXX movie. I guess we were...
Commodore Thompson stood there issuing orders to the crew of the Oregon. "Lieutenant I want to know what is going on. Who authorized the launching of those mech lifters?" On the screen, lifter after lifter was dropping out of the bay and heading north. "How many mechs?" Lieutenant Commander Shawn Edwards looked at the Commodore and replied, "Sir, I don't know. All I know is that the red alert went off in the mech bay, and then three wings of mechs or thirty mechs loaded up and left...
I was busily milking a cow along with Esteban, his wife and kids, and Sissy the next morning, when Bert tapped me on the shoulder and asked, "Which one of you guys can I relieve to do other chores? I've been milking these critters all of their lives." Esteban's oldest son stood up and said, "Take my place, Sir, so that I may finish feeding the outdoor stock and hogs. There should only be one more group after these." In order to milk so many at one time, we had rigged some rope halters...
It was 6:30 A.M on a Sunday morning in November and we had the day ahead of us. Laura had changed from her madam's dress to the loose fitting pants and shirt she so often wore. In twenty-five minutes I would have her undressed and we would be in her bed. She took her seat on the passenger's side but when I started to close the car door she grabbed me by my jacket lapels and pulled me to her. "You smell like a whorehouse," she said accusingly. I thought she was joking. We had just come...
Joscelyn stood cloaked in shadow, leaning against the porches towering white posts. The strong timber seemed to be part of her essence as she stood still and unflinching before the fury of the summer storm raging around her. Lightening crackled across the sky and gusts of wind blew bouts of rain onto the porch steadily drenching her but she felt none of it. Her eyes stared unseeing into the distance, these last days lived like a vice gripping her insides. She was content simply to feel the slow...
Thuy and I walked down the bush path from the carpark down to the sheltered little cove that is Cobblers Beach. We had visited it once before, but it was during a short trip to Sydney and unfortunately the weather was awful – so not only did we not get naked, there was nobody else there – it was not a great start. But this day was different. It was warm sunny afternoon, the temperature in the high 20’s. In the morning we had sex and were lying around masturbating each other and chatting, and...
Anjali and Anup had been married for two months now and she had met Anup’s father Hari Mohan only on the day of her wedding. Hari lived on his ancestral farmhouse away fron the town. He was 6 feet tall, muscular and balding. Now he invited his son and bahu to his farmhouse. He was talking to his bahu on the phone” Beti, tum log yahan honeymoon mana lena aur iss boodhey baap se bhi mil lena. Mujhe bahut khushi hogi” Anjali was excited at the thought of visiting her”Daddy”.” OK Daddy, hum kal...
Incest“Remember ... a gentleman never tells. Be good to your sister. She’s going to visit you regularly. Only decent men ... you hear me?” Those words are going to haunt me ... I just know it. “College huh?” I asked, “What dorm?” “Ross ... same as you,” she said. “What floor?” “Third ... you’re on five,” she said. “Where’s your things?” “Daddy has them,” she said. “Where is daddy?” “Third car back,” she said. “You don’t pay attention to your mirrors, do you?” Oh god, the shame ... escorted...
So I met this girl on Facebook. Her name was Irfana and she was an indonesian hijab girl. Around 21 years old, had big breasts for an asian girl and was muslim. At first she was shy but later on I found out how horny she actually was. We would webcam one another late at night and masturbate to one another. She would touch her myself and rub her clit butt naked except for her hijab. To me the hijab made things even sexier. We would cum every night to one another but one night we were chatting...
"All right class," Miss Eddy admonished her all girl's senior high home economics class, "the bell rang over a minute ago, please take your seats so we can get started!!!" After everyone was in her seat and quiet, Miss Eddy began, "Now this is an important chapter we're beginning today, so I want to make sure that you all pay very close attention to what we discuss and do, because this is information you'll be using for the rest of your adult lives, is that clear!?!" With twenty heads nodding...
Group Sex