ChroniclesChapter 8A free porn video

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Another one from Debbie's point of view...

The train down from Glasgow was only twenty minutes late when it got into Hartsholme, the journey giving me just enough time to package up some emotions and get back into Corporate Me mode, I thought. Phil was dead and buried, in the most literal sense of the words, and polite platitudes had been exchanged with his parents and gung-ho macho man brother. I knew – and so did they – that we would probably never meet again, nonetheless promises of meetings, cards, sentiments had been exchanged. With a guilty start, I felt a twinge of relief that Phil and I had never had kids. I loved him, to be sure – loved him more than anyone else I'd ever known, perhaps – but he was gone and now I was free of all the concomitants. It was a peculiarly comforting thought, in a bizarre and morally complex sort of way.

And it took me off the train and onto the platform in a vaguely positive frame of mind ... for the first time in some months, I realised ... and capable, once again, of appreciating the strange beauty of a nondescript railway station in late Autumn, the Victorian architecture clashing poignantly with the red plastic and plate glass of modernity.

OK, I was in a reverie, a little removed from the real world, rejoicing – there is really no other word – in this rediscovery of self. It was thus slightly disconcerting to note a voice calling "Deborah, Miss Jensen..." across from the other platform, more so when I recognised the caller as one of the architects from Hertford Square. Colin, my memory finally supplied, nice enough bloke – in a puppyish sort of way. Whenever we'd met before, he'd been pathetically eager to please, quite unlike his harder edged, more business like partners. Against that, I knew he was regarded as the most creative of the trio, so he was probably also the best choice for the job.

Shrugging, I put on my best business smile, waved acknowledgement and proceeded through the subway to meet him. The last trace of my previous distraction pointed out that said tunnel conspicuously did not smell of urine. Bloody hell, I thought, definitely not in London, then.

Emerging into daylight again – whence my, no our, connecting train would depart, Colin was obviously keen to get things off to a good start. "Deborah!", he exclaimed ... or maybe ejaculated ... he was that kind of bloke. Still a bit discomfited by his being around at all – I'd thought we'd meet at the hotel or something – I cut him off quite sharply.

"Its Debbie, as you well know – we've talked often enough before."

He looked crestfallen, possibly wondering if he'd blown it with a major client –from what Dave had told me over the weekend, possibly the only client – and for a brief moment I had a vision of me making everything right, recognising in an instant the old Debbie and deciding to stick with the new one.

"OK, we're working together. When's the train? Have you sorted out a taxi from Bowmere or are we busing it? I know Dave and the team booked hotels, not a lot more."

Again, that exultant realisation that it was OK not to know everything. Not sure that Colin saw it that way but –hey – it actually wasn't that complicated. In fact, we were in ensconced in Dave's choice of hotel within the hour. Again, I felt an empathy ... could see the charm. It was a good hotel, that was obvious, but eccentric. The building was ancient, convoluted, complicated, the staff friendly but ... distracted ... not always focused on the immediate priorities of their customers. I loved it, amused by the fact that Colin loved the fact that he was in a hotel. The joy on his face when someone brought us a coffee as we sat down to map out priorities and objectives ... oh, and a plan to achieve them ... was wonderful...

Next morning was time to implement the plan. Colin took a camera and some hi-tech measuring gear over to the old slate works –our intended new home –to meet with the agent and do a preliminary site review, while I took myself over to the time share complex to begin making arrangements for the interim accommodation.

This involved meeting Andy the owner – a guy Dave had singularly failed to bond with, I knew –and I began to appreciate quite why very rapidly. I'd worked with a lot of guys in the corporate world who flaunted the gold Rolex and the hand made suit, mentioned the Ferrari and the exclusive schools for the kids on a too frequent basis, generally oozed wealth and smugness, but somehow none of them had struck me as quite so reptilian as my new acquaintance. Possibly it was the fact that the corporate arseholes had had the advantage of actually being very seriously rich, while young Andy was clearly small time, a chancer, basically, with a minor empire and some major dreams ... or possibly delusions. He was a big man in only one way, at least on first sight, and that was mostly fat ... oh and he had stubble which he probably felt looked cool but ... well, it didn't do it for me.

What also didn't work at all, from my point of view, was the fact that he was so obviously checking me out right from the point when I first entered his office. I began to regret wearing a skirt – even a below the knee one felt exposed in the face of his leer –and what I now felt was a too tight jumper, given that he was openly fixating on my breasts. I took a deep breath, set my face to impassive and tried to keep things professional.

Back in the hotel for a lunchtime catch-up, Colin was clearly excited with what he'd found –it appeared that 'aspects' were good and 'foundings' advantageous, which I guessed must both (i) mean something to him and (ii) be something to be pleased about. So I was ... it was actually quite a relief to be away from would be loverboy Mr Timeshare, just spending some time without having my cleavage checked out on a regular basis. I felt I needed a shower, barely three hours since I'd last had one, and resolved to delegate the afternoon's follow up with Andy to young Colin. Well, we needed to sort out things like power and ICT connections to the proposed workspace over there and I sort of felt that this could be considered an architectural task. In a way. Colin, of course, agreed ... he'd probably have done nude handstands on the green if I'd asked him to ... even if I could tell he was mainly keen to get on with sketching ideas and doing oh so complicated structural calculations. Well, plenty of time for that, I felt ... and it was only a building, for gods sake –been standing for a hundred years or so, not all that likely to fall down now even if we did knock it about a bit.

So I finished my coffee and sandwich, despatched Colin off to do the necessary and went back to my room. Where I did have that shower ... and phoned a Jane Whitaker at the local college, a biology teacher Dave had met the previous week, and arranged to meet her that very afternoon. Must be the rural ethos, I thought ... everyone seemed to have a lot of free time.

Which, I had to admit, was a lifestyle I could buy into.

In fact, I knew that Ms Whitaker had given up a 'free' period – which is to say, time scheduled for marking and lesson planning, not sitting around chatting – to meet me. Which I might have felt slightly guilty about if she hadn't sounded so obviously enthusiastic on the phone, been quite so bubbly in person. Even as I was extracting myself from the taxi I'd taken down the valley I could see her haring out of the college building, running towards me with a huge smile and some incoherent cry of welcome. Teachers, I felt, had not behaved like this when I was at school.

Up close, I discovered that she was, well, tiny, as Dave had said – couldn't have been more than five foot, I thought, and not a raised heel in sight –but also quite classically beautiful ... almost like a Greek sculpture, if you could imagine such a thing with bright red hair ... and an Arran jumper over a knee length denim skirt. She was also smiling broadly as she grabbed my hand and, talking excitedly the while, more or less dragged me into the building and, eventually, into a lab prep room ... apparently the nearest thing to a meeting room she had available.

OK, so the locust cages were a bit disconcerting, the cockroaches more so when I finally noticed them, but we talked ... and talked to some purpose, given the tsunami of exuberance she was sending my way. Jane told me she'd already done a 'guerilla' survey of our site, doing some initial basic mapping by – umm – simply breaking in one weekend. (I laughed, impressed with both the honesty and the initiative) and had a group of students primed and ready to go ... avid bug collectors and weed spotters to a man. Or to a boy and girl, at least. In fact, it became clear, all she really needed from me was the key to the gate padlock ... and clearly she was quite capable of managing even without that. So I gave her the key, my blessing and – Dave's suggestion – quite a large cheque for the college's development fund. And then we talked about other things ... lots of other things.

Actually, we talked through the rest of the afternoon, both of us surprised to find ourselves disturbed by the sounds of the last lessons of the day ending, a few hundred or so students making their way home in a cacophony of trampling feet and excited voices. That, at least, reminded me of the schooldays I'd known ... but they'd had nothing in them to compare to Jane. I hoped her students knew just how lucky they were.

I declined the offer of a lift back up the valley – by that time I knew she lived in Bowmere and didn't feel I could take her so far out of her way, given the amount of her time I'd already taken up – but we agreed to meet up on site at the weekend, or sooner if she could swing it with her head of department and get the students up there in the week. So I left Jane at the college reception, giving her a brief hug on parting and made my way over to the bus stop, thankfully by now mostly clear of students ... and, of course, with no more buses for an hour or so. Oh, well, I thought ... best just walk back into Bowmere and find another taxi. I was, in fact, just checking my mobile for messages – while I had a signal and all that, when a mud encrusted landrover growled its way out of the staff car park ... and drew to a halt beside me. A large smiling woman leaned over to the passenger side window.

"You wouldn't happen to be Debbie, by any chance?" she said. Well ... Dave was right, I thought ... their bloody grapevine is good.

"Got it in one", I said with a smile of my own. "And given the vehicle, and the location, I'd guess that you must be Kath, the IT teacher that Dave told me about."

"Touché. Hop in ... if you're going up the valley ... I have a sister to check up on. And there won't be a bus for ages, incidentally."

Which, of course, I already knew ... so I clambered in with her, giving her hand a brief shake and asking how she'd recognised me.

"Well, I just had Jane – Whitaker – going on about this fantastic person she's been talking to all afternoon and ... well, we don't get a lot of tall beautiful blondes hanging around the bus stop of an evening, so it seemed to be worth a go. Anyway ... your colleague Dave – you know he talked to some of my students when he was up? – mentioned a bit about you and I've been dying to meet you ever since."

I smiled at this, wondered if she knew just how much he'd told me about her, then settled back to enjoy the ride, Kath given me a running commentary on all the farms – and the farmers - that we passed. Apparently there wasn't a sane person in the valley ... at least if you took Kath's word for it.

I decided to keep an open mind.

Back in the village, Kath dropped me at the hotel after making me promise that I would meet her and her sister Rosie in the bar later on ... and that I would bring Colin, along ... or "the fresh meat", as she actually put it. I stood and watched her drive off with a silly grin on my face, quite overwhelmed by the welcome I'd received from two such different women ... and in such an unexpected way. It almost made up for that creep Andy, I thought with a shudder, before shaking myself down and heading into the hotel.

Where I found Colin sitting on a couch in reception ... looking so relieved to see me that he must have thought I'd been in danger of being kidnapped by aliens or something. Either that or Mr Timeshare's tastes were broader than I'd thought.

In fact, the latter wasn't too far off –apparently the guy had talked about me pretty much constantly, seemingly assuming a rather greater intimacy between Colin and myself than existed (or was ever likely to exist) ... even asking him what my bra size was at one point ... and how the hell would he know that, even if we were sleeping together – check my laundry basket? All of which must have been rather disconcerting to a well brought up young man, who, I suspected, did have a slight, schoolboyish, crush on me, but wasn't quite enough to explain his distraught appearance. That, it turned out was more to do with our friends at PCW. Arriving back at the hotel, he'd found a message asking him – not us – to phone some head honcho there ... which he did. And promptly got told that he needed to submit all his plans, cost estimates, timescales, etc etc to them in advance, for approval. The bastards had even reminded him that they were his practice's landlords.

Which, of course, had more than slightly upset Colin ... but it made me absolutely livid. I reminded him, as reassuringly as possible, that he was actually working for us – that is, Bronstein Associates (Europe) – and that we'd signed actual legal contracts guaranteeing him payment ... and our 'ownership' of the work to be undertaken. I did manage to keep a lid on my anger long enough to get him calmed down a bit, then sent him to the bar for a drink – which he looked like he badly needed – before retiring briefly to my room to make a few phone calls of my own.

I didn't get very far, to be honest, but at least the folks back at base knew what was happening – Colin's partners had also reported a similar approach to them, so it wasn't a shock – and at least one PCW executive had his vocabulary enhanced by a few of my choicer words. Ultimately, I felt that we needed Carla on board and overtly supporting us – if nothing else she was rich and successful, and PCW liked rich and successful people, even female ones – and had strongly suggested to Dave that he get hold of her pronto. Which was about all I could do, from here, but I was still worried.

Dave, I thought, didn't seem to realise that just because what he was doing was, to him, obviously morally right - fair in his terms – it didn't actually make it legal, in the sense of according with our funders legitimate contractual expectations. I'd had more experience in this game than he had – hell, Mickey bloody Mouse had more experience than Dave – and whilst I also knew that the figures really did stack up, that we really could make lots of people lots of money, I was ... unsettled. I knew Dave, I trusted him, I was in ... I was not exactly a dispassionate observer. Nonetheless, it seemed to me that he was blithely sailing into stormy corporate waters, assuming that people would trust him because he was, in fact, trustworthy. What he didn't seem to realise – or maybe just bloody mindedly chose to ignore – was that, in the absence of the old school tie, his backers really needed those overt signs of corporate governance – the committees, the protocols, the procedures ... all the shit he hated. Hell, I knew whose side I was on –whose world I would prefer to live in – but ... There it was. I felt storm clouds gathering, had to live with the fact that even knowing that, I couldn't face going back to London, working that closely with him. Not yet, anyway.

And, of course, I had a job to do up here. Currently, ensuring that a boy wonder architect ate a decent dinner ... and then having a drink with a mad ICT teacher.

The absurdity of it all made me laugh out loud.

Actually, getting Colin to eat wasn't a challenge – a half of bitter had relaxed him slightly and the food was absolutely excellent – and Kath turned out to be comparatively sane. If only by comparison with her sister ... who wasn't sane at all.

Both of them were sitting at a small table in the corner of the bar when we came through from the dining room. Kath had changed out of her work clothes and was now wearing jeans and a baggy fleece sweatshirt, her hair untied and falling around her face as she shared a joke with her sister. Rosie, I thought ... who might actually be on the payroll, given that Dave had apparently offered her a job without bothering to sort out any of the details – like what she was actually supposed to do, how much we would pay her, that sort of stuff. She didn't look anything like her sister, who was a large woman with a lot of curves and a sort of outdoors appearance. Rosie, by contrast, was a much slighter figure, her darker hair cut short and her body showing angles beneath the grey smock type dress she was wearing. Both waved a friendly greeting as they saw us come in and I sat down with them as Colin politely headed to the bar to get drinks in for the four of us.

When he got back – taking a couple of trips to shift the four pints, much to Rosie's disdain – and we'd got the introductions out of the way, it was Rosie who made the conversational running. I think it took her maybe ten minutes to get both Colin and my life stories out of us, followed by a swift canter through our current emotional entanglements ... and our histories in that regard, too. I think Colin was a little taken aback by all this and Kath – who, of course, knew something of my recent bereavement, given that Dave had been staying with her (sleeping with her, actually) when I'd phoned to let him know – looked more than slightly uncomfortable. I, though, felt perfectly OK talking about my life – school, university, PCW, Dave –and loves – a few early liaisons, Phil and ... Dave? I think it was simply that there was no subterfuge, no malice, in the inquiry ... or maybe it was just a relief to be talking about it all openly, almost for the first time.

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We found a single police car still out front alongside my Nissan and Prudence’s Mazda. Outside, in the lane, we found the young PCSO. He looked lost. “What are you still doing here?” asked Prudence. “I thought your role ended when the reinforcements arrived.” “They said I was doing a good job keeping unwanted people away and told me to keep on doing it.” “They’ve all left now. I’m sure they didn’t mean you had to continue guarding the place after they left.” “I tried ringing the station...

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Roomies Full Circle

(I had thought that I was done with Kim and Pam, except for possibly filling in a missed adventure or two. But recent news changed my mind and I wrote this bit of fantasy.) "Oh gosh that feels good," Pam Maguire Norton settled onto the sofa that rested against one wall of the living room of the retirement suite. Bracing her cane between her legs, she folded her hands on the top and rested her chin. "Pooped?" inquired Kim McCall Keagan of her once and now again roommate from her easy...

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PornMegaLoad Araya Sun Taking It Like A Champ

Meet Araya. She’s from North Florida. She has natural 34D-cup tits and says the kinkiest thing she’s done is have sex on Daytona Beach while there were people around. In her free time she likes to go clubbing and party on the dance floor all night long. She even shows us how she shakes her ass on a guy she likes. Soon she’ll show us what else she can do with that ass in her first ever on-camera anal scene. Araya is shy and giggly as she sucks on her butt plug. But more of that...

3 years ago
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The Quest For The Kings MagicChapter 2

A small stack of coins sat on the bar in front of me, along with a scroll, a empty tin wine cup and several empty wine bottles. Gaku was nowhere to be found. I hadn't expected to hear from Blaster again for at least a week, but the scroll had made it to the Tavern before I had. It took most of the wine before I mustered enough courage to open the scroll. It read, "Gareth, if you weren't such a stubborn old fool, we could have discussed this at the Granary. I have a job for you. I really...

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Getting to Know Mom

I have to admit that coming home for my sophomore Christmas break wasn't thrilling me. I did briefly toy with the idea of just not coming home, but I knew that would be wrong. With Dad and Mom's divorce now final she would probably need me through the holidays. I knew this wouldn't be the merriest Christmas I had ever spent. I hadn't been home except for a couple weeks here and there in close to a year. During last year's Christmas break, I could tell things were tense between my...

4 years ago
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For My Lanny

Lanny asked me to bring my girlfriend Cindy, and I did. She, like me, is very beautiful.It will give him much pleasure to have us both. He has a very large bed with blue satin sheets. There is a big padded chair nearby, facing the bed. I'm stripping naked for him as he tells me what to do, he told me what to take off and how he wanted me to slide each piece of my lingerie ensemble off for him. I slide my straps off my shoulders and caressed my breasts cupping them in my hands as Lanny tells me...

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The Awakening Young 18 Part 3

Part 1: 2: sat waiting at the table as she watched her mum walk over the fridge. What was she going to tell her? What was Mark saying? So many thoughts were rushing through her head. She didn’t dare ask as then her mum would know she had been listening in to her private phone calls.“MUM! Its not even 9am!” Katie said as her mum walked toward the table with a cold...

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Revenge is Sweet

I had been married for two years when I began to suspect my wife’s infidelity. She seemed to have little respect for me or for my feelings, and had little desire for my sexual advances, while, at the same time, wearing more and more revealing clothing when going about mundane errands in town. Thinking I would rather know than be played for a fool, I spent hours devising the "perfect plan" to discover the truth! It involved a complex series of false information left for her discovery... phone...

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07 Home 2Chapter 11

Present – Jens – In the tunnels Hammer dragged a person into the room, Linus just finished one of his terrible jokes (thanks Daddy!), and I declare, "I'm not sure which was worse the drugged water or the joke. Now Hammer what makes you think this man isn't a Marine?" Hammer answers, "Th' dobber gart up some tossel an' bull story abit hoo he'd saved th' General. He was braggin' tae aw th' other men." Daddy looked at him and swore, "Like hell he did! I've never seen this man in...

3 years ago
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Family Affair Discovery

Nine thirty on a hot summer evening, Chris lay on his bed wondering what to do for the rest of the evening. He had just finished a Skype with Tania his girlfriend, they had gone their separate ways when University had split up for the summer, he to his home on the Cornish coast, she to her family in the north of Scotland, in fact they were just about as far apart as they could be without leaving the mainland of the UK.Chris wasn’t sure where his relationship with Tania was going. She was a...

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Kimberly 20Chapter 19

Vicki's turn: Hi! I'm Vicki and I am almost nine and I'm in Louisiana with my dad and my new stepmom. I flew here by myself from California. Well, not really. Mom and her husband dropped me at the counter at the airport and I had an adult taking care of me all the way here. But I was by myself until Daddy and Kim met me at the airport here. When Mom first found out about Kim, she freaked. I remember her saying to Johnny, that's her husband, "I can't believe he's out chasin'...

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his name was jason. he was just a workin class guy, not much in the way of looks, slightly longer hair than normal, somewhat athletic, and gifted with a 11 inch penis and good sized testicles.he would go out after work and survey the bars and theaters, goin to concerts or events and haveing fun. the guy was a social maveric and great with girls. well, he knew how to get girls. he wasnt so good at choosing them.jason decided to go to the local bar after work one day and found it half deserted....

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State of Emergency

STATE OF EMERGENCY Part OneThe Student By King Diocletian 1) Arrested Rebecca stared at the stains on the wall above the door. How long had she been here? Two hours, three? She had no idea. There was no window and the only light came from a flickering bulb set behind thick mesh in the ceiling. Her head ached and her stomach was knotted with apprehension. It was chilly and she rubbed her bare arms trying to encourage some warmth. Part of her wished they would come so they could get it over...

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Kelli Mike and FriendsChapter 18 Monday

When everyone was wake the following morning, instead of Mike asking the angels they pulled him into the shower, when they had finished he said, 'if you beautiful angels keep this up I will be suffering withdrawal problems when this holiday ends, I won't be able to look at a shower the same again.' The four girls returned to the shower and called, 'is there anyone else interested in either helping us shower or wanting us to wash them?' The three guys raced into the shower laughing...

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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 7 Earth

“Follow the path you’re on and you’ll reach your destination. Divert and you may reach your destiny. If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” – Lao Tzu “So, Jason, how did your meetings go?” Razza asked when they were a few hours away from Earth. “The leaders were very impressed with both Porquenta and Mars and have decided to invest heavily in research and education on both planets. The coordination of the war effort is also going to happen on Porquenta in a...

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Deputy PorterChapter 226

It was almost noon before she left. She left with the video she came to made. I didn't care. I was sexually exhausted for the first time in what seemed like months. I could have stopped her at any time I told myself, but I always let these things play out. There was nothing the man in Miami could do to me, since I had been beaten in my run for sheriff. I realized that the timing of the Kara's visit was organized so I would go along. He knew I felt as though I had nothing to lose. He...

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The Rupert Family Adventures

                               The Rupert Family Adventures 01        It was hard to believe that only last evening the entire family was having dinner and discussing their daughter‘s private diary. Ralph and Arlene had both read it from cover to cover and considered it very interesting. Their daughter, Winifred, was delighted to hear what they had to say about her private life and where it might take her in the very near future. Their son, Harold, was three years younger than his big sister,...

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Kim Possible Dreams Can Come True Chapter 1

Kim Possible: Dreams Can Come True - Chapter 1 - Kim's wet dreamKim Possible was lying naked in her bed. Her face was a little red, her breath was shortened, her nipples were pointing straight up in the air and had a familiar moist between her legs. The same moist she has had five mornings in a row. Caused by the same dream, every night. In the dream, Kim was tied on the bed nude with her legs spread wide. Next to the bed was standing Drakken's sidekick, Shego. She was also nude, except her...

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BLACKCOCK.COMPRESENTSSULT CELEBRITIES EPISODE 1 COBIE SMULDERSBy Mr Old MuckDisclaimer: The following is in no way real. Everything you are about to read came from the mind of the author.Avengers actress Cobie Smulders had been offered a contract worth Uk 300,000 with up & coming adult entertainment company as a 2 picture deal which would see the Avengers actress become the first main steam starlet signed to the company as well as being the highest paid actress in the...

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Moments in a LifeChapter 7 Fran

The basketball season was now over which meant that after completing his studies, Bob Lacy had more time for socializing. He had the time to go out on weekends and possibly expand his social horizons. Bob's relationship with Stacy had deteriorated after she had told him that she wanted to date other guys. Well, it just wasn't other guys as he later found out. It was one guy that she had her sights set on, Lou. Lou was a junior and had been the other starting guard on the basketball team....

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My Second Encounter with Monty

“I know you don't understand,” I said quietly. “But--” But what? What did I have to say for myself? I let a dog fuck me. No. I made a dog fuck me. It was illegal, for one. For another, it wasn't even my dog. I'd started having dreams of the owner coming home and revealing a nanny-cam in the living room and catching the whole thing on tape. He was turning me in. It was all over. When I woke up I couldn't shake the dream. While I showered I had visions of my story going out over the local...

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Exams Are Over The Fun Begins

He gave me a month to study and focus on my exams, after all, every time we hung out- I kind of got ‘distracted’. Well may be absolved is a better word for use. I’d make sure to clear my schedule of all my assignments and get my studies out of the way, because my Fridays/ weekends were dedicated to him. I’d leave my class by 2pm and take the earliest bus to his work place. Yeah that’s right, he works. He’s 5 years older than me and a lot taller than me too and heavier- placing him at 6ft 5”,...

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Maa ka balidan 2

Hi this is lady fucker again with another story. Jaise ki aapne meri pichli kahani me padha ki pradip ki maa ne muze apne atit ke bare me bataya ki kaise dahej ki bajah se unki maa ne sasur se chudwaya aur unke pati ne chudwate hue dekh liya. Aur fir aage ki kahani pradip ki maa bharti ki jubani. Dusre din mere sasur chale gaye lekin maa udas thi, wo kuch bol nahin rahi thi. Maa pure din gumsum thi. Rat ko jab main so gayi uske bad mere bap ne maa ko pura nanga kar diya lekin maa abhi bhi udas...

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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 3 California

When we were getting ready to go to school there was a knock on the door. It was Barb Grimes and a young guy. "Hey, Barb, we're just getting ready. Would you like some coffee?" I asked as I ushered them in. "David, I would like you to meet your security for the weekend. This is Chuck Lowery." We shook hands. Chuck looked to be in his early twenties and about 5'10" 180 lbs. with short brown hair. He had a quick smile and firm grip. I got a cop vibe from him. I took them into the...

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Preeti8217s House Warming Party Turns To Bed Warming

Hi.. All. This is Mrs. Preeti Kulkarni from Aurangabad (Maharashtra) narrating of House Warming Party turns Bed Warming from one of my Husband’s far relative who screwed me in a wild way. After successful fucks from winning the Beauty Queen Crown, Suhaag Raat with a BBC in our house and my regular visits to clients for pleasure fucks my Mom decided to rename her residence in the name of my husband Preetam Kulkarni. In the last week of November 2013 all the formalities of the registry and...

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BFFS Kenzie Reeves Alexis Tae Vina Sky Master Debaters

Hot blondie Kenzie Reeves is here to deliver the first topic of todays Master Debate. Should they or should they not teach safe sex in public schools? Black babe Alexis Tate and Asian sweetheart Venus Sky are excited to join in on the argument too. The only problem is that Vina is a little scared of public speaking. To help her out, the girls call their professor to teach her a lesson. He pulls out his ruler dick and all three debaters get on their knees to share it, popping it in their mouths...

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Rudimentary Porno Routine

“ Without shame the man I like knows and avows the deliciousness of his sex, Without shame the woman I like knows and avows hers.” Walt Whitman – A Woman Waits For Me        I’m always reaching out for some kind of foothold to what might lead to eventually a complete aesthetic erotic experience – the kind I found in my younger days when sex was somehow a brave new world and more trepid in the imagining of its possibilities .When I can feel the moths in my craw attempting mutiny,...

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My Sonrsquos Secret Desire ndash Samantha

(This is the second installment of My Son’s Secret Desire. If you would like to view the first instalment go to my profile)Tony looked at his mom sucking his cock. It was so sexy seeing her move her mouth up and down his shaft as her tongue rubbed the sensitive underside!"Fuck mom! That feels so good! You could make me pop so fucking fast!" He groanedCarol Alberts looked at her son and smiled as she stroked his wonderful cock."Baby don't hold back. You know mommy loves your cum!" She said and...

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Sean takes Susan at the bar

Later on that evening Sean greeted Garry and Susan as they entered the social club.  He introduced them to committee members and their partners, to other club members, team managers and senior players.  Then he brought them over to the table where his party sat and introduced them to his wife, his brother and his wife and some other friends.  Inside Sean was beaming that Susan had worn a new bra that highlighted her superb cleavage.  He pulled a seat over for Susan and sat her down beside...

Wife Lovers
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Weekend on the RiverChapter 4

Jeremy awoke the next morning and groggily looked at his watch. The digital face read 7:30. He wormed his way out of his sleeping bag, and then out of the tent. The campsite was lit by the early morning light, and soft, gray smoke still trickled from the remnants of the previous night's fire. He remembered groggily that he had woken up in the night hearing strange noises, like a grunting, or moaning he had thought. But he had discounted it as an animal and drifted off to sleep. He started...

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Im A Cuckold Sissy

I'm A Cuckold Sissy by Throne My wife Tracy is observant and clever. During the first months of our marriage she noticed my natural submissiveness and how I loved her clothes. I didn't want to wear her panties and stockings. Their appeal was more like a fetish. Except that a fetish is usually exclusive to one thing, like shoes or furs. I liked everything she wore, from a full length leather coat to ankle socks with lace around the tops. The clothes were exciting enough in...

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fucking sheela 3

Once again she wrote, “ bas ek din main ghar mein akeli thi humen mauka mil gaya” (and once I was alone at home and we got chance) by this time I was getting aroused, and I asked back, “bahut dard hua hoga aapko”? (it would have pained you a lot) She wrote back in two short sentences, “ haan achhi khasi bleeding hui thi, par iss dard mein bhi mazza hai”(yes, it bleeded well, but there is pleasure in this pain” I asked again, “fir aap logg regularly karne lagge hoge” (then you guy would have...

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