Butter FaceChapter 3 free porn video

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"Any news?" I asked Jessie as he slid into the passenger seat. I always picked the guys up for school and he's the last one. Chuck and Dale were in the back running their mouths about some shit and giving me a headache.

"News about what?"

"About what I asked you yesterday. Don't tell me you didn't ask your brother."

"Oh, you mean 'bout Butter Face," he said with a snicker. It was

Wednesday and I hadn't heard from her and as far as I knew, no one has seen her since our little party.

"What's the matter, Troy; you miss your little girlfriend?" Dale joked slapping my right shoulder.

"No, I'm just concerned about what's going on with her."

"Poor little Troy is lonely," Chuck added to the laughter of the others.

"Will you guys just shut the fuck up? I'm talking to Jessie."

Turning onto the street, I looked at him. "Well?"

"Yea, I asked him. She's in Special Ed you know and he's only got

PE and lunch with her but hasn't seen her lately. She hasn't been to school this week."

"SPECIAL ED?" Chuck yelled busting out laughing.

"Oooooo, Troy's little girlfriend is a retard," Dale sputtered not even trying to keep from laughing. Jessie too was enjoying this and joined in, giggling like a little school girl.

"Shut the hell up, assholes. Maybe she just needs a little help with her school work or something," I blurted out suddenly realizing that I was defending her for some stupid reason.

"Besides, you guys had no problem fucking her the other night."

"Yea that's before I knew she was a retard," Dale said laughing.

"You'd fuck her even if you knew she was a retard," Chuck replied punching his chest.

"Yea, you're right. I would have still fucked her. Pussy's pussy, man."

I shook my head, trying to tune out their childish antics while thinking of what to do. Three days is a long time to recover from a little sex so I was worried that she told someone about us or what we did to her. What if we fucked her up inside and she's in the hospital? If so, the cops may be asking a lot of questions and my name will surely come up.

I can't just go to her apartment or call her. There'll be no way to explain why a 17-year-old senior was looking for a twelve-year-old sixth grader. The others kept talking and joking about me and my retarded girlfriend but I paid them no mind. I had more important things to worry about right now.

I could hardly concentrate during school and felt like I was in a fog. The guys noticed something wrong and joked about it at first, but when I explained my fears to them, they suddenly became equally concerned. After all, they participate in our little gang bang and even if we tried to argue it was consensual, she's underage and every one of us would be hung out by our balls.

After school the four of us waited on the wall outside of their apartment complex. If she went to school, she'd have to walk past us to get home. Several groups of kids made their way down the street, but I didn't see Heather. It was Dale who first spotted her and slapped my leg.

"There she is, man," he called out looking down the street.

Turning to watch, I saw her sluggishly making her way toward us, her head down and her school books clutched tightly against her chest. I waited until she was a few feet away before I jumped off the wall.

"Hi, Heather," I said standing in her path. She stopped just before running into me, still looking at the ground. I waited a few seconds before lifting her chin. "Aren't you going to say


Even with her face toward mine, her eyes still looked to the side. She couldn't or wouldn't look me in the eyes. "Let's go get a soda so we can talk, okay?"

"I got to go home. I got a lot of homework to do."

"That can wait. I need to talk to you. Just for a little bit and

I'll take you home, okay?" She stood fidgeting unsure of what to do. I had no idea she was a retard. Yea, she seemed a little slow, but I just thought she was shy and nervous and not mentally deficient. She must be border line or something because she doesn't act like a retard.

Taking her books from her, I slammed them into Jessie's stomach.

"Hold these for her. We'll be right back," I said putting my arm around her shoulders and guiding her back down the street toward


"You look very pretty today," I said leaning over to kiss the top of her head. I needed to make sure she didn't tell anyone about what happened and make sure she doesn't in the future. Her body was stiff while we walked and I kept asking her questions about school and talking about the weather until we ordered our drink and found a quiet booth in the back.

"How are you feeling?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulder still looking down at the table. "Heather, don't be like this, I missed you and want to talk to you. Please talk to me, okay?" She kept wringing her hands and sat stiff in the seat. I moved around to sit with her, putting my arm around her and holding her hand.

"Let's start over. I'll ask you a question and you answer. How are you feeling?"

"Okay," she mumbled after a long pause.

"Why haven't you called me?" That response took a lot longer.

"Why were you so mean to me?" she asked still not making eye contact.

"What do you mean?"

"The other night. You were mean to me. I asked you not to do it no more but you kept doing it. I asked you to stop because you were hurting me but you didn't."

I sighed. I can't believe she still thinks it was only me.

Fifteen guys fucked her nonstop for over six hours and she has no clue what happened. She can't possibly be that naive to really believe one guy could fuck that much. I looked at her and saw the tears streaming down her face.

"I'm sorry, Babe, it's just you were so sexy that night. You made me so hot for you that I couldn't help myself. If you think about it, that's a good thing because that means you've got something your man wants and no one else can satisfy me like you can," I said waiting for a response.

"I really care about you and love you more than anything and I don't want you to be mad at me any more, okay? I'm sorry I hurt you but it's kinda your fault too because you were so freakin' sexy that night that I couldn't stop even after you suggested it."

"It still burns when I pee and there was blood in my poo all day

Sunday. My dad was mad at me 'cause I was too sick to go to church and I couldn't go to school for two days because of what you did to me."

"Heather, Baby, I'm really, really sorry and it won't ever happen again, I promise. I didn't know I was hurting you and if I did, I would have stopped."

"I told you lots of times but you wouldn't stop!" she finally got bold and raised her voice.

"I know and I'm sorry for that. I don't know what to say except that you're too sexy for me I guess. I just can't control myself when I'm around you and I can't even look at another girl after being with you. You're very special, Heather, very, very special."

She stopped crying, dried her eyes and wiped her nose on her sleeve, smearing a little mucus on her cheek. "You really think so?" she asked smiling for the first time.

"No, I don't think so, I KNOW so. You're my special little girl and I don't ever want to hurt you again. Will you forgive me?"

After a couple of sniffles, she smiled enough to show her braces and nodded. "Great, Babe, you're the best," I said leaning over to kiss her cheek. I'm still steering away from those fuckin' death blades inside of her mouth and will have to see about getting those damn things taken out. Hugging her tightly against me, I rubbed her arm, letting the tips of my fingers brush against her nipple.

"You haven't told anyone about us, have you, Babe?"

She pulled slightly away and looked up at me. "NO! My dad would kill me if he knew about you!" I smiled.

"Not even your best friend?"

"Not exactly. I told her there was a boy I liked but I didn't tell her a lot about you."

"Good, keep it that way. You need to keep what we do a secret. If anyone finds out about us, they'll make us stay away from each other and I don't want that. You don't want that either, do you?"

She shook her head. "I didn't think so."

Looking around I noticed it was a slow time for the restaurant as only a few people were inside. I'd been as horny as hell these past few days and really wanted to get a nut off. Kissing her forehead, I took her by the hand, pulling her from the seat.

"Come with me, I want to show you something," I said guiding her toward the restrooms.

"Where are we going?" she asked just before reaching our destination.

"You'll see," I said swinging the men's room door open. She stopped suddenly, pulling free from my grasp. "What are you doing?"

"Th ... that's the boys bathroom," she said looking at the sign next to my head.

"Yea, so?"

"I'm a girl, I can't go in there!"

"You can if it's only the two of us. No one will know. Come on, we don't have a lotta time," I said grasping her wrist. Her feet wouldn't move as I tugged her closer and she almost fell over, putting her free hand out to grab the door frame.

"Troy, please, don't make me go in there, I'm not allowed to."

"Who says? You can go in if it's only the two of us. Come on so I can get you home before your momma starts worrying about you."

Her feet were still firmly planted and her right hand still clutched the frame as if holding on for dear life. "HEATHER!" I sternly growled giving her wrist another jerk. Swallowing hard, she released the frame, allowing me to pull her inside.

Normally I would have wanted her to give me a blowjob but I wasn't about to stick my most prized organ into the deathtrap of steel and risk injury. Bolting the door locked, I pushed her toward the sink, unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans before lifting her onto the counter. It all happened so quickly she didn't have time to react and only after her ass was on the cold counter top, did she object.

"I'll be fast," I panted unzipping my own pants.

"Troy, we can't do it in here! What if someone catches us?" she asked trying to scoot off. I stayed between her legs, keeping her in place while pulling my pants down and pushing her backwards against the mirror. She futilely resisted but didn't struggle much against me.

Once my jeans were around my knees, I looked down between her legs and got a huge surprise. The entire area was green and purple, swollen much larger than I remembered and was slightly chapped. Damn, those guys really did a number on her pussy. I guess if you want to fuck someone up, turn loose 14 horny teenagers on her and see what happens.

She was dry as I rubbed the tip of my cock along her crack.

Fortunately there was a sink within reach and I ran some water into my palm, dumping it onto both of us. This helped some, but not really enough as she was still too tight for my size. It took a few stabs to enter her, but once I did, she took me as far as she could.

Several times I had to add more water as it dried up and became painful for me. She grunted and moaned while I fucked her and occasionally she tensed up, squeezing me even tighter. Twice someone tried the door only to discover it was locked and I knew we were running out of time. Doubling my strokes, I began shooting my cum into her after about five or six minutes.

As quickly as it started, it ended and I withdrew as soon as the spasms subsided. One last pea-sized droplet of cum bubbled out as it flopped from her swollen hole and I scooped it off with my finger, bringing it to her mouth. "Lick it off," I instructed rubbing it against her lips. Her tongue slowly emerged, taking it off before disappearing back inside of her mouth. I smiled as I pulled my pants up.

"Get dressed, you need to get home," I said walking toward the door. Hopping down, she struggled to get her jeans back on just as I turned the bolt, unlocking the door. Instantly it swung open and an older, gray-haired man rushed in, nearly hitting me with the door.

"Sorry," he apologized to me before stepping in to see Heather still pulling her jeans up. He stopped, his mouth dropped open and his eyes bulges slightly.

"Come on, Heather," I urged swinging the door wider. She was still zipping her pants as she brushed by him, his eyes following her out with me close behind smiling. That gave the old fart a cheap thrill, I thought catching up to her. She was red-faced as we hurried out into the parking lot.

"That was wild, wasn't it?" I said putting my arm around her shoulder as we quickly walked away. She was quiet as we turned the corner toward her apartment complex. "Babe that was the greatest thing ever! You were awesome!" Bending down, I kissed her cheek and told her again how glad I was she was my 'woman'.

We didn't talk during the two block walk and I could tell she was upset by what happened, but didn't know what to do or say about it. I was her boyfriend and wanted to do it and she didn't have a choice in the matter.

Jessie had placed her books next to him on the wall and I grabbed them as we passed. "Babe, I want you to keep my cum in you until you take a bath tonight," I said loud enough for them to hear and she blushed again.

"Some is already leaking out," she whispered as if telling a dirty secret.

"Yea, some will, but don't clean it out until later. I want to be part of you as long as I can. With my cum inside of you, it's like we're still together even if I'm not there. Do you know what

I mean?" She slowly nodded. "Good, 'cause I want to be with you forever and ever," I added smiling. Handing the books to her I said, "Call me tonight after your parents go to bed, okay?" She nodded and I watched as she disappeared between the buildings on her way home.

I was smiling when I returned to the guys. "We're back on," I said giving them the high-five. "She fell for it hook, line and sinker." They were grinning and slapping at each other with delight. "She hasn't told anyone and I've convinced her to keep us a secret."

"Great! Let's gang-fuck her again this Friday," Dale suggested hopping from the wall.

"And Saturday too," Chuck added with a smile.

"And Sunday," Jessie said punching Chuck in the chest nearly knocking him off the wall.

"We'll have time for that, but for now, I want something a little more intimate. Just between the four of us," I said moving closer to explain my plan.

It was 10:16 when my cell phone rang. Heather was right on time.

"Hey, Babe, I said answering.

"Hi, Troy."

"How ya feelin'?"

"Okay, I guess."

"Great, I'm glad. You know, I'm right outside your window."

"You are?"

"Yea, open your blinds and you'll see me." Slowly the verticals parted and I saw her standing there holding the phone to her ear.

"Hang up and open your window."

She quickly turned and looked away. "I can't. My dad might know."

"He won't know, Babe, and I really want to see you again. I can't stop thinking about you and that sexy body of yours."

"I'm not sexy," she mumbled looking back at me.

"Oh, hell, yes you are, Babe. Come outside and I'll show you exactly how sexy you really are!"

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Butterfly Lovers

It was fantastic summer day. A gentle breeze drifted lazily across the small pond. The reflection of the midday sun made the colors of everything stand out more. You lie there upon the soft terry cloth towel, your body soaking up every ray of sunlight that fell upon you. A beautiful monarch butterfly landed upon your left nipple. You held your breath as you admired the shear beauty of the elegant creature. The brilliant colors contrasted with the dark areola that surrounded your nipple....

3 years ago
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Butterfly Tattoo

I have always been my parent’s perfect little girl, and I feel like it’s time for a change. I want things to be different. I just turned seventeen and I’m ready to spread my wings, so to speak. I've been debating this for the last six months, and I’m ready for it.  I stroll down the street, repeating the same thing in my head, encouraging myself. “You can do this,” again and again, almost like a broken record. I step up to the tattoo shop and shiver slightly, suddenly afraid to push the doors...

3 years ago
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Butterfly Curse

Butterfly Curse Written by Dauphin http://dauphinsworld.activeboard.com/ [email protected] I always hated my name! Why do parents call their children strange names? Do they not realise that these names stick with children all their life? I am 11 and I also want to change my name. My mother called me Harper and I am a boy. Besides me hating my name, I had the perfect life. I had a good mother that was not an evil bitch, or worried too much about us. She gave us freedom and...

2 years ago
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I’ve been really interested in sex, fantasies and romance since I was very young. I never understood the tingly feeling of butterflies in my stomach and groin area until I was older. I remember getting aroused before puberty looking at pictures, magazines and watching showcase tv at night. Then, 3 or 4 years later the internet and p2p sharing exploded. Kazaa, LimeWire allowed me to download all the porn I could want. Lesbians in the shower, my friends hot mom I was addicted. I was always in...

2 years ago
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Butterflies on a Mirror

Compared to my wife -- actually, compared to any woman -- Jackie was the consummate source of brightness in my life. I was captivated by her independence, her classiness, her beauty, her smile, her poise, her maturity, her humor, her confidence, the way she walked, the way she sat -- and by her breasts and her eyes and her feet and her waist and her hands and her lips and her knees and her shoulders and her ass and... Oh, was I bewitched by her! We had been a foursome: Jackie and Sam,...

1 year ago
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Butterfly Ch 01

Sometimes people just connect, and that connection can be so powerful that it crosses generations and it transcends normal boundaries, such as marriage. My story is set in a quaint English back yard on a gorgeous summer’s day, my cousins 21st Birthday was the occasion and I had only been in the country for a day. I had flown in for a formal occasion the following weekend. The party began with the usual procession of Aunts, Uncles, random relatives and various family friends. There was Pimms...

1 year ago
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Butterfly Spirits

Authors note: This is my Halloween contest entry. It is not spooky or scary or a typical Halloween story in anyway. I will admit it’s a little poignant and sad but I hope you enjoy it regardless. Thank you again to RK Moreland for helping with the copy editing, and BrambleThorn whose wisdom really helped when I became bit lost. You are both much appreciated. ~ellie * Joel walked down the dock breathing in the stale scents of the city and stopped on the side of the road before him. He had...

3 years ago
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Butterfly Effects

The saying goes: a butterfly flapping its wings in China can cause a tornado in Kansas. That’s bullshit. Well, it’s inaccurate at the least. But, in the affairs of men and women, tiny ripples often do magnify into huge waves. At least that’s been my view. Looking back on my life with Laura I used to see how little moments cascaded into life changing events. About two years ago, after first meeting Laura, I rejected her despite our mutual attraction, all because of a ring. Eventually, that...

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Butterfly Beach X Seasons or Dance of the Butterflies

Autumn.Eventually, I felt the need to feel the sun and the wind once more, and ventured to the surface, accompanied by my alien lover, Isshu.  It was nighttime, and the air was brisk upon my naked flesh.  I could not remember the last time I bothered to cover my nakedness – the memory was as distant as that of my life before this island. Paris and London had become places in barely remembered stories. I remembered my companions, of course, especially Em. I contented myself with the knowledge...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Butterfly Princess

It is a little practice, what I did here. I'm not good in writing stories like this, but I wanted to try. The characters are from a fantasy novel I'm writing, so this story isn't far from realistic. But I hope you like it.____________________________________________________________________„Sakuya? How are you?“ A gentle voice was heard. The young girl turned around, seeing her husband. „I don’t really know. My parents attacked you…You’re just defend yourself“ She turned around, making some...

2 years ago
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Her stomach is full of butterflies, clenched in a nervous knot. She paces back and forth, passing the other anxious people. They are all waiting. She is waiting for him, the one who fills her mind. ‘What insanity prompted me to do this?’ she thought. Yet she knew. Their connection had been instant, and lasting. For years, they had been arranging the clandestine meetings, as they were both unable to stop thinking of the other. Finally she sees him, walking out from the airport terminal. As...

1 year ago
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Butterflies And Beautiful Eyes

The day I'd spent years fantasizing about was finally here! It was time to pick my best friend and lover up from the airport. I hadn't seen her in four years, and was overly excited about looking into her beautiful eyes, smelling her and being able to touch her again. Up until then, all our interactions took place over the internet. I knew I'd fallen in love with her years before, but she hadn't realized she felt the same for me until she'd returned to her home country, which was over...

2 years ago
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Butterflies in my Stomach 1 Taken by surprise

You are restless all day. In the office you are hardly able to concentrate. You write an e-mail twice, and only notice it quite at the end, thank goodness before hitting the send button. When you bring a cup of coffee to your boss, your hand trembles and you ruin a document on his desk. Your apology is stammered and indistinct. He looks at you blankly – confused by the change in your behavior. Then, on the way home, you step into a gully and brake the heel, the right heel of your new black...

4 years ago
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Butterfly Beach IV The Origin of Desire or The Pool of Unearthly Delights

From the Journal of Olivia Delacroix – Fourth entry. The last few days feel like a fever dream born of delirium. Emma claims that I was gone for a span of a week and I have no reason to doubt her and yet, I find it hard to fathom that so many days passed. I can only assume that my wits were sufficiently scrambled by my ordeal. Of what I do recall, the discovery of the swarm upon the cliff’s face, the overwhelming ecstasy that was precipitated by the butterflies’ touch, and the onset of the...

4 years ago
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Butterfly Effect

It is my birthday and have just turned the big four zero. My life is not what I though that it would be. I found myself unemployed and broke with no one in my life. I’ve been pondering over my life and wonder what life would have been different if I did a few things different. When I walk into the hall closet, a book falls onto my head. I look at the book realize it is a journal that I that I wrote in high school after collection of suicides. The school wanted to know any depression from the...

2 years ago
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It is a real story. So there will be no added masalas, please bear with me. I am working in a MNC and hence have got plenty of girl company. The work culture inside an MNC is as you know unbelievably funny and there is no difference between the genders. So anything can be said without any censor and would be appreciated by all. In my section there are plenty of girls who were ready to have fun with any guy who is got a credit card. Being from a financially backward set up, I was advised by many...

1 year ago
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She’d been someone else, once. Once upon a time she’d been a daughter, a granddaughter.  A student, a friend, an effervescent teenager with girlish dreams and schoolgirl crushes, with plans of having a career one day, a family. Now, she was just his.        In dreams, sometimes, she’d catch little flashes of the life she’d had before him.  A pale green bedspread and soft cotton sheets, a closet of clothes and a drawer of tangled jewelry.  A bathroom with the counter littered with makeup and...

2 years ago
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Butterfly Book I Sherry and KyleChapter 3 Wild Night Out

It was a clear and cool late autumn day, the kind of weather that makes Midwesterners move to Florida. But on this beautiful Friday afternoon, Sherry was planted behind her desk updating a client database. Data entry was not in her job description. Didn't matter; she knew that if didn't do it, it wouldn't get done. The office was relatively quiet, and the letters and numbers began to blur together as she plowed her way through the endless list of contact information. When her phone rang,...

3 years ago
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Butterfly Book I Sherry and KyleChapter 4 Sherrys Diary Weekend at Jens

Yes, my diary, it's time to pretend I'm writing to Jen ... again. I really wish I could tell her this stuff, or at least rip this page out of my journal and mail it off to her. But I just don't have the guts. Maybe someday ... yeah, right. sigh... Dear "Jen", I was so happy when you told me you'd be back in Florida for two weeks housesitting for your great aunt! I've missed you so much since you moved to DC. Last weekend was great! Still, I'm a little disappointed that it didn't...

3 years ago
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Butterfly Book I Sherry and KyleChapter 5 The JRG

Author's note: The first part of this chapter is written from Kyle's perspective. Some of it is based on later conversations; the rest is me guessing what thoughts were going through his dirty mind. When you stop and think about it, you never totally know someone. You might learn their likes and dislikes, their pet peeves and guilty pleasures. You might be able to read their body language like a book and knowing what they're thinking before they say a word. But even your oldest friend is...

1 year ago
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Butterfly Book I Sherry and KyleChapter 6 Sherrys Diary The Vecino Surprise

Dear Diary, For once, I'm writing about sexy stuff without pretending that I'm writing to Jen! Maybe I won't need to pretend any more at all, because my wishes came true last night – sort of. I haven't written anything at all in this diary for a while, so I probably should back up a little. Leading up to our 2nd "anniversary", Kyle and I were going through a rough spot. We still got along just fine, but a lot of the newness had come off of our relationship and we were kinda taking...

3 years ago
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wife shows herself to workmen

We used to go out on "flashing sessions" as we called them over a period of many years, but haven't done it lately, as we seem to have cooled off to how we used to be. A sign of age we presumed. Until this week! We had the use of a friends caravan at a lovely but quiet beauty spot not too far away from our home. As has happened before when this has occurred it seems to make the both of us "fruity" shall we say? One early afternoon we were both sitting on the decking at the front of the caravan...

4 years ago
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The War of the CrystalsChapter 30 Washington

Over the next several months matters progressed pleasantly for Jack and his concubines. He continued spending personal time with each of them at the Hilton, as well as group fun at home, as they all made plans for when they could move into the mansion. By late fall Sharley had signed with Hot Mama Designs, a design studio for sexy maternity wear; their motto was ‘Remind him how you ended up like this!’ Sharley and the chief designer held a webcam press conference where Sharley wore a very...

1 year ago
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Loosening Up Book 3 GrowthChapter 20 Bad Behavior

Dave was surprised as he entered his office at work on Monday morning to find Derek Wilson, his boss’ boss. Derek again had broken the rule that top executives weren’t supposed to leave the vaunted executive offices on the upper floor. Maybe things are changing, or else he was in deep shit. “Good morning, Dave.” Dave greeted the man cautiously. He had multiple reasons to be worried about his relationship with the man – he was now routinely fucking the man’s wife, she wanted to join the...

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It was a few years ago, when I lived in Amsterdam, that I got talking to a woman, from the South of England, on the Internet. We got on really well, and often, our chats turned to sex. Sometimes we would share our fantasies. After about six months of chatting, she started telling me her deepest fantasies. One night she told me that she often fantasies about being watched while having sex. She said she would love to have sex live on the Internet, or to go out dogging. She said her husband was...

4 years ago
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Naked in School MiraChapter 12

Sunday I woke to a bouncing sensation. Opening my eyes, I was treated to the sight of Lisa, completely naked, bouncing up and down on my dick. As with most mornings, I was rock hard. 'Morning stiffness', I've heard it called. "Oh, yes." Lisa whispered. Apparently she hadn't notice that I'd woken up. "Oh, yes," she whispered. "Oh, yes. Oh, fuck me, Mira." I reached up and grasped her boobs. They weren't overly large, but they were very pretty and soft. "Mira," she...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 2

Beep ... Beep ... Beep ... Beep... When I opened my eyes I recognized nothing except for that blasted beeping machine. I fantasized finding the person that invented it and doing to them all the things that had been done to me since my odyssey began. I Recognized Nothing... Not a thing... Not Even Me... So thrilled to wake up, it took me a little time to realize how unfamiliar everything was, then like a bolt of electricity, it hit me. I had no idea about anything. Where was I? What...

1 year ago
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The Magic of Emerald Lake

Once upon a time in a parallel dimension there was a fairy named Jamara. She knew that a war was coming between her fairy people and the woodland elves because of her paranormal powers. How she hated the thought of a war with all of its destruction and hate. She was terrified of the possibility of losing loved ones. Finally, she could take no more of the ugly thoughts and images going through her mind, so she went to her favorite place to meditate. Emerald Lake was a beautiful, tranquil place...

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