Butterball Hotline free porn video

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Caller:  “Hello?”

119 Operator:  “Hello!  Happy holidays and thank you for choosing Butterball Turkey!  What’s your emergency?”

Caller:  “Why would you think there’s an emergency?”

Operator:  “It’s Christmas Eve, sir.  Why else would you be calling a turkey company?”

Caller:  “Well, you’re so right, young lady!  And I certainly hope you can help me…this is an absolute nightmare.”

Operator:  “Oh no!  What can I do for you sir?”

Caller:  “I have a group of twenty friends and relatives coming over for Christmas dinner tonight, and my wife just walked out the damn door with the children.  She told me that I could just handle it all myself!”

Operator:  “That doesn’t sound very nice, sir.  Did you say something to provoke her?”

Caller:  “I guess I might have.  I told her I had more important things to do than help her in the kitchen.”

Operator:  “Oh….I see.  What sort of important things?”

Caller:  “I have to work on my computer…write notes to people and publish my stories; share pictures, give insight.”

Operator:  “Well, that’s quite a lot on your plate, sir.  You’re wife doesn’t understand the urgency of these matters?”

Caller:  “I guess not!  And now I have to cook dinner by myself.  I haven’t the slightest idea how to cook any of this crap!  So I desperately need your help…”

Operator:  “You certainly do, sir.  I’ll do my very best for you.  And since we’ll be spending the better part of the day together in the kitchen, I wonder if you’d tell me your name?”

Caller:  “Me?  I’m Sam… Dr. Sam Nash.”

Operator:  “A doctor?  My goodness.  So, Dr. Nash…”

Caller:  “That’s Sam, please.”

Operator:  “How sweet, Sam.  Well my name is Kitten.”

Caller:  “Kitten?  Seriously?  Are you some kind of part time porn star or pole dancer?”

Operator:  “I’m sorry???”

Caller:  “Scratch that…I apologize.  I’m just extremely stressed right now, Kitten.  Please forgive me.  I hope you’ll understand, I haven’t the slightest idea how to cook a meal, and I’ve been left to prepare this massive Christmas feast all on my lonesome!”

Operator:  “Sam, I want you to take a breath.  Now tell me what you have there and how you want to prepare it”

Caller:  “I’ve got this turkey…this ButterBall Turkey.  I had to go buy it just before I called because my wife left me with a frozen bird in a block of ice that won’t thaw out till the apocalypse.”

Operator:  “I see…and the grocer, he gave you a fresh one from the back did he?”

Caller:  “Yes.  How did you know that?”

Operator:  “Well, I mean, I just assumed…”

Caller:  “Never mind.  Say, what are these lips beside the emergency hotline number here on the package?”

Operator:  “I’m sorry?”

Caller:  “Lips!  A picture of lips.  What are lips doing on my turkey package?”

Operator:  “Oh…those just mean it’s our freshest of the fresh, Sam.  You know, it’s been plucked, prodded, and plopped straight in the bag….right out of the barn…or the nest…or wherever those things come from.”

Caller:  “And that has what to do with lips?”

Operator:  “Ermmmm….the kiss of freshness?”


(Extended Silence)


Caller:  “Uh-huh…….Well, let’s move along.  What do I do with this thing?”

Operator:  “You have to pull it out of the wrapping, Sam.  Take it out of the bag, maybe in the sink where you don’t make a mess.”

Caller:  “Good idea.  Should I preheat the oven?”

Operator:  “Wow.  I thought you said you’ve never cooked before.  That’s very good, Sam.”

Caller:  “Thank you.  You sound very sweet.  Maybe about twelve or so…”

Operator:  “Oh, I’m older than twelve.  We have to be at least eighteen to dance around the pole, remember?”

Caller:  “I’m only joking with you, Kitten…trying to loosen you up a little.  By the sound of your voice, I’d very much like to watch you dance around a pole.”


(more silence)


Operator:  “Okay….Sam, I thought you were stressed out…”

Caller:  “Well, maybe your voice has calmed my nerves.”

Operator:  “I’m so glad to hear that.  How’s your turkey coming?”

Caller:  “I’ve got him out of the bag, and I’m washing him off in the sink.”

Operator:  “Very good, Sam.  Now there are some things you need to pull out of your turkey, and some things you need to stuff into your turkey…all this before you put it in the oven.”

Caller:  “Pull out?  Stuff in?”

Operator:  “That’s right, Sam.  You’re getting the hang of it.”

Caller:  “I think I’m going to like this more than expected.  Can you give me those instructions again?”

Operator:  “You mean Pull Out and Stuff In?”

Caller:  “Uh-huh….I like the way you say that.”

Operator:  “You do?  Okay, Sam.  At the top of the bird, where you see the wings; that’s where the head used to be.  There’s an opening up there.  I need you to reach in there and ‘pull out’ what you find.”

Caller:  “Alright….I’m pulling…I’m pulling it out, Kitten.  I feel as though I should stuff something in first – I mean, before I pull it out?”

Operator:  “I’m sorry?”

Caller:  “Oh my Lord!”

Operator:  “What?  What is it, Sam?”

Caller:  “I had no idea these turkeys were so well endowed!”

Operator:  “Huh?”

Caller:  “Look at the size of this cock!  But this is the wrong end…some stud of a turkey must have stuffed its ‘thing’ down my turkey’s throat!  This must be a girl Turkey. 

Operator:  “Sam?  Sam!  That’s NOT a penis, Sam.  That’s a turkey neck.  They put it in there for the gravy.”

Caller:  “The gravy?  What does this penis neck have to do with gravy?”

Operator:  “Are you drinking something, Sam?  Are you on medication?”

Caller:  “No!”

Operator:  “Maybe you should pour yourself something.  Let’s get out a nice bottle of white wine, pour a glass for yourself, and then put a little in a pot to simmer with that turkey neck.”


(Pots rattling…the refrigerator door opens and closes…there’s a loud pop…a soft pour)


Operator:  “Sam, are you still there?”

Caller:  (Gulp)  “MMMMM…that’s better.  I wish you were here to drink some with me, Kitten.  But Kittens don’t drink wine, do they?  They drink milk.”

Operator:  (coughing)  “Yes, Sam.  That’s what we like.”

Caller:  “Warm milk?”

Operator:  “Sam, do I hear your wine boiling?  You need to turn that down.”

Caller:  “Oh.  Got it.  So I’m simmering this turkey neck in wine.  What now?”

Operator:  “You need to put a couple cups of warm water in there as well, and we will season with some salt, pepper, garlic….and sprinkle some of that on your turkey too.  Do you have a thermometer?”

Caller:  “A thermometer?  Yea, we have one in the medicine cabinet.  What do you want with that?”

Operator:  “No, not that kind of thermometer.  We need a cooking thermometer.”

Caller:  “What’s that?”

Operator:  “It’s this big long thing that looks like you should shove it in a piece of meat.”

Caller:  “Oh, I DEFINITELY have one of those.  Let me get that out for you, Kitten.”


(There’s a snap and zipping noise)


Operator:  “Sam?  Did you find it?”

Caller:  “Got it right here.”

Operator:  “Great!  Let’s just lay that on the counter for now and we can get back to it.”

Caller:  “Okay, but don’t wait too long, Kitten.  It’s ready to go.  Would you like to see it?”

Operator:  “Oh, that’s not necessary, Sam.  I believe you have what I need.”

Caller:  “I certainly agree.”

Operator:  “Do you have any apples?”

Caller:  “I think so.  Why do we need apples?”

Operator:  “I like to cut them up and put them in the turkey cavity as stuffing.  It gives a nice flavor and keeps your bird moist.”

Caller:  “You are just amazing!  I thought we put bread stuffing up there.”

Operator:  “No, we will make that separately.  But first, you need to reach up the bottom hole and pull out what you find.”

Caller:  “Whose bottom hole?”

Operator:  “The turkey’s – you silly doctor!”

Caller:  “There’s something else stuffed in this turkey from the bottom end?”

Operator:  “Yes, Sam.  You should find a bag up there.  Just reach in there with your hand and pull it out.”

Caller:  “Okay.  I’m reaching up there.  I’ve found the bag.  I’m pulling it out…I’m pulling…I’m pulling.  Oh shit!”

Operator:  “What is it, Sam?”

Caller:  “I’m stuck!  My hand is stuck.  Crap!  This is a fine mess.”

Operator:  “How did you do that?  Are you sure it’s stuck?”

Caller:  “Oh definitely!  You don’t think I’d know if I’m stuck in a hole or not?”

Operator:  “Well alright, Sam.  Just try to remain calm.  Maybe you can lean up against the counter and gain some leverage…pull a little harder?”

Caller:  “I’m pulling as hard as I can, Kitten.  I’m pulling as hard….Ahhhhhh!”


(There’s a loud crash.  A wine glass shatters.)


Operator:  “Sam!  Sam!  Are you okay, Sam?  Say something!”

Caller:  “Oh Nooooooo!”

Operator:  “What?  What is it, Sam?”

Caller:  “I got my hand out.”

Operator:  “Well, that’s great.  What a relief!  Is everything else okay?”

Caller:  “No it isn’t!”

Operator:  “What happened?”

Caller:  “Now I’ve got my thermometer stuck up this turkey’s ass!”

Operator:  “What?  Your thermometer is stuck?  How could you….wait a minute.  Sam, is this thermometer attached to you in some way?”

Caller:  “Of course it’s attached to me!  And NOW I’ve got this turkey attached to me as well!  This is just a disaster, Kitten!  An absolute nightmare!”

Operator:  “Surely you can jerk that off, Sam.”

Caller:  “No, I most certainly cannot jerk ‘that’ off!  And my thermometer is throbbing!”

Operator:  “OMG, Sam…I’ve never had a call like this!  Just how big exactly is your thermometer?”

Caller:  “I can’t measure it this second!  I think it’s bigger than it’s ever been!  I’m gonna die right here in the kitchen!”

Operator:  “No you’re not, Sam!  You’re going to hang on!  I’ll call an ambulance for you straight away!”

Caller:  “An ambulance?  Are you crazy?  You would have an army of paramedics come crashing into my house to see this turkey dangling on my thermometer?  No thank you!  That’s NOT happening!”

Operator:  “Okay, bad idea.  What do you need me to do, Sam?  Can you make it to the hospital?  I can call ahead…have someone meet you.”

Caller:  “Have someone meet me?  Where?”

Operator:  “At the emergency room.  I’ll call someone there.  They can try to slip you in unnoticed….be discreet.”

Caller:  “Be discreet?  In a hospital?  You must be joking.”

Operator:  “I don’t see a lot of options here, Sam.  We’ve got to DO SOMETHING, don’t you think?!!

Caller:  “Alright, this is against my better judgment.  But I’ll go.  And you better have somebody there for me, Kitten!  You got that?  I can’t even put my pants on!”

Operator:  “I’m getting on that right this second, Sam.”





I knew exactly who it was racing across the hospital parking lot in that Audi Sports Coup.  He pulled up to the Emergency entrance like he owned the place as I watched through a small back door window.  He flashed his lights and rolled down the glass.  I unfolded a wheelchair, then jarred the back door open before making my dash.

“Sam?”  I inquired, rushing to the driver’s side.

“Who are you?”  He demanded.

“No time for that!  Hop in unless you fancy an audience.”

Sam stood, wrapped in a sheet with an enormous bulge at his waistline which was cradled in his right arm.  He looked twelve months pregnant.

“Sit!”  I insisted.  He plopped right down and off we went, racing for the door before the next ambulance pulled up.  Once safely inside, we paused in the empty hallway.

I extended my hand.  “I’m nurse Kit.  I’ve been expecting you.”

Sam looked annoyed, though I couldn’t help but grab his sheet for a lift to take a look.  “Oh wow!  That’s a BIG turkey under there, Dr. Nash.  We need to get moving.”

“Moving where, young lady?”

“Well, I should think the O.R.!  We’ve got to get that thing off pronto.“O.R.?”  He repeated.  “That’s the operating room?  We aren’t going to be operating on anything, Kit.  Let me make that perfectly clear!”

“I suppose you’re right,”  I surmised as I took another look.  “But we can’t sit around in the hall all day, so just hang on.”  And down the corridor we blasted, his sheet blowing in the wind like superman’s cape.

As we rounded the corner, he saw the sign and the arrow.

“Oh, hell no!  We’re not going in there!”

“Yes we are, Sam.  We must!”

“Are you freaking crazy?  I’m a man, for crying out loud!  They will stop you at the desk and ask what you think you’re doing!”

I hesitated.  “Quite right…”


We pulled up beside the surgical supply room and clicked open the door.  I dove inside, just for a second, then re-emerged with the necessary items.

“Here, put on this surgi-cap (it looked like a blue bonnet), and we’ll put this gown on your top here.”

Sam reluctantly agreed as I pulled out a small supply of make-up from my lab coat pocket. 

“Now, let’s get some rouge on these cheeks,”  I said, brushing rapidly to cover his whiskers.  “And a little eye liner,”  I continued.  “Let’s darken these eyebrows slightly.”

I stood back to admire my work.  “Your lashes are gorgeous, Sam.  We can leave them as is.  Now pucker up!”

I rolled the lip gloss on heavy.  “Strawberry,”  I said.  “You like?”

“This is madness!  Absolute madness!  How did you know I like strawberry?”

“Never mind, Sam,”  I giggled, blasting his wheelchair through the double doors of Labor and Delivery.

“He’s 10 inches!”  I announced.  “Oooops!”

“I mean she’s 10 centimeters!  Ten centimeters and completely effaced.  I’m taking L&D Room One!  Open up and let me through!”

“Opening room one,”  The scrub nurse repeated, leading the way for our arrival.

“I’ll take it from here,”  I told her, breezing by in a white cloud.

“Who is the OB and shall I call anesthesia?”  She asked.

“I’ve got it covered,”  I answered.  “Just close the door behind us.”

“You’ll need to slide up on the table, Sam.”  I locked the wheels to his chair and came round to assist him.

“I’m sure I can do this myself,”  He said gruffly.

“Oh, I know.  Anybody who can drive an Audi like that with a turkey in his lap should be more than capable of getting on the delivery table.”

“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?  I think I should be seeing a doctor.”

“I can certainly call one for you, Sam.  We can bring in a whole team if you like!”

Sam paused and grimaced.  “Why don’t you just see what you can do first.  How bout that?”

“Whatever you like, Sam.  Now, lie down on your back,”  I instructed as I rolled the chair into the corner.  I pulled out the poles on either side at the base of the bed and set up the apparatus.

“I’ll need you to slide your bottom down here to the edge, Sam.  And put your feet up in the stirrups like so…”  helping him maneuver.

“You’ve got to be kidding!  I’m not spreading my legs up in the air like this,”  Sam protested.

“Do you want me to help you or not?”

“This is not a ‘real’ delivery!”  He seemed flustered.

“It looks like one to me, Sam.  Anyway, this gives me more room to work and see what’s going on down here.”

Sam flopped back on the table with a loud bang, looking disgusted.  I strapped his ankles to the stirrups securely.

“What the hell are you doing?”  Sam tried to sit up, but I pushed him back.  “Why are you strapping my ankles?”

“Just relax,” I said.  “It’s a safety precaution.  You need to hold this turkey up while I check things out between your legs.”

“Oh this is just beautiful,”  He sarcastically remarked.

“I certainly agree,”  I responded.  “You have just what I need.”

“What did you say?”  He asked.

“I said you’re holding that turkey right where I need it.  Now hold still,”….dabbing on the Barbasol cream – a generous portion.

“Now what are you doing?”

“Hold still,"  I said!  "I’ve got a razor down here.  I’m shaving your giblets.”

“Oh my God in Heaven; this cannot be happening.”

“Standard surgical procedure, Sam; get you nice and smooth.”

“I’ve told you already, we are not doing surgery!”

“Almost done, Sam; just a few more strokes.  You have some lovely giblets, by the way.  I like how they roll around when I stroke them.”

“Do you have any plans of getting this bird off my cock?”  He whaled thunderously.

“Off your thermometer?”  I asked.


“That’s the very next thing, Sam.  I need to find just the right tool.”

I pulled open the drawer beside me, rummaging through surgical instruments and supplies, clinking and clanking -  slinging unwanted items over my back till I finally found what I needed…a special delivery speculum.

“Here it is, Sam!  Just what I….”

His hand gripped my shoulder.

“Oh shit,” I whispered.

“Oh shit is right,” he echoed.

I looked up.  “How did you get unstrapped from the stirrups?”  I noticed the turkey sitting calmly in the wheel chair.

“I’m rather nimble that way,”  He mentioned, pulling me up by my arms and bending me over the table.  “You don’t think I know who you are?  You don’t think I know what you’re up to?”

“Sam, I can explain…”

WHAP!!!  He smacked the shit out of my ass!

“Arghhhhh!  That hurt, Sam!”

WHAP!!!  He smacked me again.

“How about that one?”  He asked mischievously.

“That was even worse,”  I whimpered.

“Maybe we should pull these down and continue,”  He laughed as he ripped down my pink scrub bottoms and tore off my panties.

“Sam, just wait a minute!”  I begged.

But he grabbed my wrists and held them fast behind my back, knotting them together with my shredded thong.


“Oh my God, Sam!”

He was spanking my butt cheeks mercilessly.

“Let’s see how pink we can make these,”  He murmured, slapping my delicate white orbs into glowing red moons.

“Okay! Okay! Okay!  It was a trick.  I confess!  I confess!  It was a mystic turkey.  It was a spell…a bit of Christmas magic!  Like Frosty the Snowman…”


“Please, Sam!  Holy Fuck! You’re wearing me out!”

“Oh look,” he said, running his fingers over my burning buns.  “Pink as kitten’s tongue, I’d say - pretty as a pouting pussy.”

I felt his fingers open me from behind.  I was wet, though I didn’t want to be.  I didn’t want him to see that.  Well, of course he would see that.

“Up on the table you go, Miss Kit!”

He just slung me up there like a sack of potatoes. Then he jerked me down to the edge, strapping my ankles to the stirrups.

“This looks familiar,”  He grinned.

“Sam, I don’t know what you’re thinking, but…”

“Be quiet!”  Sam placed his finger over my mouth as if snapping a button.  Then he reached for the surgical scissors and snipped up the front of my scrub top, filleting it open like a fish.

“This too,”  He remarked, slicing through the straps of my bra, exposing my meager breasts and my tiny pointed nipples.  He ran his hands down my nudity, groping and kneading.

“How did you know, Sam?  How would you know who I am?”

Sam slid his hand down to my mound, fingering my downy fur.

“I actually know how to cook, Kitten.  I do most of the cooking when I’m at home.  I also know most of the grocers in town.  They save me the best cuts of meat, the freshest vegetables, and the tastiest desserts.”

Sam leaned way over and licked my nipples, taking each in his mouth and nibbling the sensitive flesh till I squealed, writhing delightfully.

“The grocers, they tell me things – like when little girls make special, unspeakable plans to trick me and lure me.”

“Lure you?”  I asked in a breathy tone.  “Who is actually being lured here?”

Sam playfully bit me again, then trailed down my belly with his warm, wet tongue.  I arched inadvertently, opening myself for the taking.

“Did you think you would fool me?  Did you think I wouldn’t recognize you from the hotline?”  Sam glared at me from between my thighs.

“I thought you might know,”  I said.  “I hoped you might punish me.”

“Then, you get what you wish,”  He confirmed, nipping my clit with his pearly white incisors.  I gasped.  He kissed it to make it all better.  “Now you’re the one throbbing.”

He was right.  My hood recessed, revealing my pulsating English Pea, raw and raging for affection.  I felt myself blossom.  I watched him breathe in my scent.  His tongue darted to greet me.

“Sam, you’re going to make me come and you’ve barely touched me down there.”  My muscles were twitching.

“It’s unfortunate for you to be so easy.”  He licked me long and deep, his tongue dipping in a slow wet slurp till I wept in his mouth and drizzled sweet honey down my crack.  “You’re such a messy little girl.”

“I’m only easy for you, Sam.  And you like me messy.”

He shoved in his fingers and I shattered, gushing in his palm like a champagne fountain - my trickling tunnel gasping and grasping his knuckles.  He pumped and he prodded till my thighs were a tremble. 

When he stood, I fell open.

“What’s this?”  He asked, pointing to my heart shaped pubic tuft.

“I’ve been keeping that since February,”  I answered.

“Valentine’s Day is over,”  He smirked, reaching for the razor.

“No, Sam!  Somebody likes it that way!”

“Which is why I do not!”  He growled.  Then he swiped it off! “Now it’s time to take your temperature.”  He was hard, thick, and ready.

“I have a fever,”  I said.  “Like I've been in the oven.”

“I don’t think you’re done yet.”

“Then stuff me and cook me,”  I pleaded.

“Stuff it in and pull it out?”  He playfully asked.

“Yes,”  I agreed.

“What about the gravy?”

I hesitated.  “I’m unprotected, Sam.”

“That’s not what I asked,”  He responded.

I smiled.  “You know where I like it.”

“Very naughty.  Very dangerous,”  He noted, sliding the tip of his prick between the lips of my opening.  He splayed me apart even further.  “I’m just greasing your pan.”

“Quit teasing me, Sam.  You know I need stirring.”

“I can see that,” he rumbled.  “You’re pot’s bubbling over.”

“And you’re a chef after all, aren’t you Dr. Nash?”

“Among my many occupations,”  He grinned, slamming his thermometer into the depths of my heat.

“Oh Sam, you’re so huge!”  I was gasping and heaving as he pounded and tenderized.

“Shall I scramble your eggs, naughty girl?”

“I think you already have,”  I admitted.  “What could I ever do to stop you?”  My arms were numb behind my back, still tied at the wrist with my undies.

“You don’t want to stop me,”  He moaned, thrusting and beating and whipping me to a froth.  “Your dish is nearly done.”

“It certainly is,”  I groaned, squirting across his balls with my Cherry Jubilee.  Sam was right behind me, exploding with a vengeance; filling me to the brim with his succulent sauce.  It was a marshmallow topping on my sweet potato casserole.

“Care to lick the spoon?”  He asked, prodding my mouth with his dripping spatula. 

“I’m so glad you asked,”  I giggled, lapping and sucking till he was dishwasher clean.  “And I can’t help but notice,”  I said, batting my eyes…


“Your thermometer, Sam.”


“I think your mercury is rising….again.”

“Then we’re off to quieter quarters,”  He announced.  “A more private cooking lesson!”  He picked me up and slung me over his shoulder like Santa with a bag full of presents – my bare ass bright as the northern star.

“Where are we going, Sam?  You can’t just walk out of here with me naked like this!”

“I can do whatever I want, Kitten.  I’m a chef.  And this is Christmas magic.”

“But what about your turkey?”

Sam gave me another slap on the ass, swirling me through Labor and Delivery like a sled across the sky.  He gave my butt cheek a playful nibble.

“I prefer ham to turkey any day…”

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Was this the perfect wedding for both bride and groom? It has now been 10 years since Wendy and I were married. Our sex life has always been good but as with most marriages that initial "lust fest" has worn off, with c***dren also doing their best to dampen any ardour.This tale relates to the time just before we were married, right up to our wedding day. This was a time when we were still very spontaneous and regularly exhausted each other wherever and whenever the moment took us.This was a...

3 years ago
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All my life I have been in hiding or learning to fight from one master or another. School was tutors and there was always Roger watching and more than once slapping my head. He was supposed to be my bodyguard but he always said learning came first. My parents were distant and emotionless when it came to me which is why I was named Demon. I was a younger son and not meant to rule and that changed on my sixteenth birthday. My oldest sister was killed and then both older brothers with my parents...

1 year ago
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Mistaken Identity Part One

The moon was just starting to peek over the distant range when Jake and his men finished rounding up the stray cattle. The skittish creatures rejoined the herd with grateful sounding bays and moos, as if leaving hadn’t been their idea in the first place. Jake spat the trail dust out of this mouth and leaned his long, rangy body onto the saddle horn as he watched his men bring in the last few stragglers. A quick count ensured that they had found nearly all of them. Midnight snorted and pawed...

1 year ago
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My first Gang Bang organized byhellip

I was very nervous for this experience considering Uyknas had recently initiated me to lesbianism. I accepted anyway, started viewing gangbang porn videos to get my mind in the mood. I found the women lucky having all those cocks for themselves. Such an adventure it was viewing, I watched the World Record Gangbang...a single woman fucked by 4000 men in 2 days. She let 2000 men per day fucking her in the middle of a boxing ring, on a bed; legs open one after the other, in and out then creampied...

1 year ago
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All American BoyChapter 55

We were waiting for our orders when my phone buzzed. “You have a text,” Brandy told me. My first thought was Jeri but I knew she would still be at the gym. I opened the text screen and sure enough it was from her. “Slide over here, Brandy. You may like this.” “Who is it from?” she asked as she slid over next to me and I held the phone down below the table top. “Jeri, you met her last night,” I told her and opened the text. “Jeri, from the gym? You have a pic. Damn, I’d love to see her...

4 years ago
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Lovers Game

“You know you’re distracting me!” I said while looking at Michael.  Michael was lying completely naked with his thick legs slightly spread, his muscled arms crossed behind his head and flaccid penis resting on his stomach. “How am I distracting you?” “I keep looking at you and wanting to just talk with you but every time I think of something so say I get distracted at how beautiful you are.” Michael opened his eyes and a smile crossed his lips. “May I kiss you?” I asked. “Only if you tell me...

3 years ago
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CindyChapter 7

What a delightful thing, having Cindy in the house with me. Two weeks into our relationship we were less awkward around each other. That's a good thing when the 'house' is an 8x35 foot travel trailer. But snug was okay. The bed was queen-sized, HUGE for me by myself, but perfect for me and my Cindy. We had a sofa we could share, the dinette, a little floor space. The big drawback was the bathroom. Even though my customized trailer had, for these things, a HUGE shower, it was big enough...

3 years ago
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The Traveling WizardsChapter 3

King Brent hurried through the corridors to his room. So preoccupied by what just happened he did not even notice his oldest son, Blake, try to get his attention. Once in his rooms, with the door closed and a glass of wine in his hand, Brent replayed the events of the last hour in his head. First he watched them have sex in a most unusual way. Then while she was doing this, she put his dick in her mouth. AND ATE HIS SEED! Then she let him fuck her, also in way he never tried before while...

2 years ago
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Helen Ch 01

Here I was, all set to start my retirement with a blank slate when that damn phone call came. Hi all! My name is Cid and I just ‘retired’ from 20 years as a regional manager for an electronics wholesaler. I had enjoyed a fairly successful career and was rewarded financially and otherwise. However the demands of the job cost me my marriage several years ago. Luckily there were no kids so no one else besides us were hurt by it. I was just too wrapped up in my job, trying to meet goals and...

3 years ago
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Claudias Condition and the Retrospective MurdersChapter 11

The concussion grenade fired from the robot had shattered the main window and the blue-white light from the Tactical chopper filled the room. Arnie sat behind his barricade desperately calling his brother’s name but never received an answer. He nervously rubbed the shaft of his rifle, took a deep breath, and aimed his sights out the window. He fired several rounds at anything that resembled a target. His haphazard shots ricocheted off the asphalt. He slid the lever to automatic, firing...

3 years ago
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The Paper

The Paper By Alyssa Davis My Summer Vacation "For the summer, I went to stay with my aunt in Provincetown. She hadn't seen me in several years and she couldn't get over how much I'd grown. I was almost as tall as she. In fact, she said, having me there, I could be very helpful to her by modeling a dress she was sewing for herself. It would make her work so much easier. Her kindness and hospitality made it very difficult for me to refuse and it seemed harmless enough since I was...

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ugly duckling part IV

Within a week of seeing Barbara unexpectedly at that distant town, I received a letter in the mail, postmarked from a rural town about 30 miles from where I had seen her. I could not believe it! But I guess it made sense, my name and where I was from was probably printed on the fight program, probably in the local paper as well, it would not be too hard to track me down from there. The letter was four and a half pages long, too much for me to recount entirely. She described how thrilled...

2 years ago
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The Best Teacher 2

Introduction: The continuaton of the sotry of my teacher,myself and our little affair Ive always disliked winter for its cold weather and snow. However this winter was hot.. in a manner of speaking. I was sitting in a car,parked by a grocery store waiting for my date, to finish shopping. When i say date i mean it, 40 minutes ago Ive bust a nutt in my 37 year old english teacher at school and was now waiting for her to buy condoms so we can continue our little adventure back at her aparttment....

2 years ago
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Shirley gets arrested

Hello, how are you today ma’am,?I am Officer Baxter and this is my partner, Officer Sullivan. We are with the Metro Police Department. We are looking for Shirley.Oh, you’re Shirley?Shirley is a nice looking lady for being 65. She is about 5’4” tall and weighs about 125 lbs. She has short gray hair, and her tits are huge and she has a nice plump ass.We are going to have to take you down to the precinct for questioning.It is procedure that we handcuff you for our protection, so please turn...

2 years ago
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Dungeoneering HaremChapter 9

Bonny steps ahead towards Kaito and the Angel as they stare down at her. “Please help me?” “What do you say, Master?” The Angel asks. Kaito blushes. “I want to help Elinore and get out of here, but...” “Then help me, we’re running out of time.” “Oh, your correct, even with time slowed down for this we are running short Master.” She says. Kaito stands and stares at Bonny. “Okay, we’ll help!” “Good!” The Angel yells, rushing towards Bonny excitedly. “Now Ms. Bonny, please remove your...

2 years ago
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Me With Beautiful Aunt

Hi friends, myself goutham from Hyderabad. Please give comments to my email i’d after reading story.Hmmm coming to story i want to explain in telugu language . Naa peru goutham nenu b.Tech mechanical engineering complete chaysanu hyderabad lo naku sex ante pichi maa heigh 5.8 and weight 75 kgs and looks like a mass boy.Hmmm now story begins nenu chepe story lo oka aunty peru anjali thanu naku train lo parichayam chudadaniki average ga vuntundi superb structure chudagane na cock lechi...

4 years ago
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Lots of cum fun

I was working out of town for the week, staying in a motel my wife packed some fun things for me so I could play and think of her. Every night after work and a shower it was playtime, some panty play and a phone call to the wife for a little phone sex. I jacked off while talking to her, she fingered herself and we both had fun, I so loved my wife for letting me do this. To show my appreciation I had to go shop for her something cute, sexy, fun and of course something I could wear as we were...

1 year ago
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Fucking my granny mary

Note : This story is completely fictional! I had never thought of my Old Grannies in a sexual way, but for some reason everything changed. My granny went into an old folks home because she was getting on a bit ( 92 years old and my Grandfather had just died a few months ago,) so it was better for her and safer if she went into care. I can tell that this was very hard for her to deal with. While visiting Mary the aging grannies walking around were no exception- full, fat asses that hadn’t had...

3 years ago
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The Edge of Control

The digital readout on the no-brand hotel TV advanced a minute, the room silent save for my erratic panting. My head thrashed left on the pillow and I caught sight of the wildfire in my chestnut eyes from the nearby mirror above the desk. They shone from the eyeholes of a snug Venetian lace mask that extended from inky hairline to the tip of my button nose.I wasn't sure who was staring back: me or Her.I shivered at the ease with which the mask had enabled me to compartmentalise. To...

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The Neighborhood MILF Dixie

I’m sure everyone has that one friend that’s just a little bit more out there than everybody else. Someone that makes you laugh at their own expense, someone willing to try new things before everyone else, and doing this without caring what anybody else thinks. In our group of friends, that would be Dixie. The personable brunette is one of the funniest girls I’ve ever known, and she always seems to be the center of attention, with her ability to make everyone around laugh or at least have some...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi ne chodvani maza

Hi dear all mere dosto aur pyari girls aaj me aap sab se prerna le kar apni bhi ek majedar story likh raha hoo. Ye story sun kar 100% boys muth marne lagege aur ladkiyo ki choot bhig jayegi. Agar aapko meri story pasand aaye to plz,plz,plz muje mail kare aur muje aur story likhne ki himmat de.me aapko yuhi khus karta rahuna, agar koi girls,bhabhis aur aunties mere sath ek yadgar sex karna chahti hai to plz muje mail kare, me aapko 100% satisfy karunga,aur hamare reletion ekdum confidiantial...

3 years ago
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Me The Maid And The Sage 8211 Part 2

Hi Anju here please read my previous story for intro to this story that night all my thoughts were about the sage and his snake like cock the next day morning the first thing after my husband left Suma came to me and told she could not sleep with the cock in her mind I said even I could not so we decided today we get fucked but where and how I called the MLAs son and asked for his house keys which is just 3 kms from my house and is got a big compound and just the watchman who can be sent away I...

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When I awoke some time later it took me a while to realise where I was and for the memories of what had happened to start flooding back. I also became aware of an unfamiliar weight in my lap. When I looked down I saw a naked figure, kneeling at my feet, with her head in my lap and seemingly fast asleep. I moved slightly and the figure came instantly awake. Her head came up and she had the look of a c***d caught stealing from the biscuit jar. I stroked her head gently and smiled at her. “My dear...

3 years ago
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A cuckold experience

Now I have never had trouble meeting and bedding women but why would a bloke want his wife to be fucked by another bloke. I was both creeped out and curious. I decided to ring the number. A guy answered and we chatted. He seemed genuinely interested in watching his wife have sex with someone else. Of course two questions were high on the list. Was this bloke bisexual and going to surprise me and not in a good way? Was it his idea, her idea or mutual? Again, curiosity got the better of me and I...

1 year ago
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Abducted BrideChapter 7

About an hour before the Arab had closed Monique's door and stealthily stole back to his bunk downstairs, Jean had suddenly bolted up in bed to a sitting position. She had been awakened by a noise in the adjacent room. It sounded like the muffled squeal of a pig being put to the slaughter. She had been sleeping soundly and had thought at first it was a dream but it came again, jarring her to alertness. Something was wrong in Monique's room. Other muffled sounds were echoing through the...

2 years ago
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Cumming up Trumps Part 3

Her mind wandered back to the days when her and 'Cooky' would happily play around Essex Cricket Club. Her bowling and him practising his cover drives. Cooky had moved down after finishing at Bedford School. He was a bright young man and Manning knew he was destined for greatness. Often she would tell him how his batting resembled that of Bradman or Sobers. She knew teasing him would make him horny and she could cop a grope of his cock after nets. One summers afternoon, amidst the start of...

3 years ago
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My LifeChapter 5 Sheila

Nat could not have picked a worse time to show up. There I was in a gorgeous guy's arms feeling the tingles of a strong attraction running up and down my body when Nat appeared. There was no justice in this world. I closed my eyes in order to give myself a minute to think. I WAS happy to see Nat. I loved him. He was a member of the family and a really good friend, all in one 6 foot package. As a teenager, I had even had a crush on him. I never let him know it, of course. Nat was 6 years...

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Never growing tired of her

This true story is about my ongoing love affair my own wife. By way of explanation, we spend long periods apart for professional reasons, and always have done since we were married. To add to the everlasting novelty of our love making, I have never seen her naked in full light or undress in that indifferent way that married couples do in front of one another once the honeymoon is over. Similarly, she has always allocated me personal privacy. We never discussed the matter. It just happened that...

4 years ago
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A Bed Big Enough

Eric gets a call from his old friend, Joel, 55, who invites him for a visit to his rural home near Mount Shasta in Northern California. They were hippies together in the old days, with free love for all. Joel has three young girls, ages eight to ten, with his young second wife, Daisy. Joel mentions he and Daisy believed in the family bed, and Eric was free to join them if he wanted to. Eric finally found Joel’s house, at the end of a twisty long road in a very small community near Mount...

1 year ago
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My First Fuck With A Friend

Every girl dreams of having that one guy friend. The person she can talk to about her relationship problems and just spend time with without all the drama that girls have. They want a guy who will show up at their house with food if they get hungry. They pretty much want a boyfriend without the physical part. Well that's what I had until... My name is Rachel. I was 17 years old when this story happened. I have 32 D tits and medium length wavy blond hair. I am about 5 foot 9 so I'm a tall girl....

First Time
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In The Blink Of A Ravens Eye

As night encroached on the watery dusk, I lit the fire.  A solitary raven sat on a bough.  With a caw of approval, it blinked.  Wood burned and its embers soared; I moved like its smoke.  From house to house, I weighed their souls and chose them.  I sifted through the moral and immoral: the chapel on the headland had its congregation. For me, these were acts of physical congress, for them, a lover in their dreams.  They awoke as the whites of their eyes blackened.  They struggled, and gave...

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Chronos ChroniclesChapter 28

We strip the Brutes of all the weapons we can find on them. No sense in leaving anything for the scavengers. Then pile the bodies together. There is some thought on burning them but we don't have anything to make them flammable. So we merely leave the dead brutes, as a testament to the protectors' fire-power. Though I did not do the killing, I am asked to say a few words to send them on their way. I can always ask for peace for a fallen foe. We wrap the fallen protectors in some canvas and...

2 years ago
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Unfaithful 2

Kerri followed closely behind Valerie as she gave a tour of her new home. The tour ended upstairs in Val's bedroom, where she asked Kerri to help start unpacking. "So what brings you to town?" Kerri asked as she pulled folded sweaters out of a box. "The love of my life," Val smiled widely. So, she's not single. Thank goodness. I didn't want to compete with her. Kerri thought as she sized Valerie up. Valerie stood a bout 5 feet, 5 inches, same height as Kerri. Not an ounce of fat on her...

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Of Gags and Fire Alarms

So, late last week, there I was, unable to sleep, so I figured I would throw on a ballgag, some cuffs, and do a little role playing; k**napped girl trying to get loose. I was down to my tee and panties, and slipped on the gag (medium sized, tight as always) and then put a scarf, over that, like an OTM gag. I had one cuff on, and the idea was that the chain would go behind the head board and the other cuff on my wrist. I sat on my bed and then laid down, worked the cuffs on the headboard, and...

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Searching Part three of the Brandt Family seriesChapter 9

Tyler waited until the Bluetooth connection in his car had disengaged before answering the call. “Hi, Katie. Are you okay?” “I’m fine. We just landed in Phoenix. Tyler, is everything okay with you?” “Sure, why wouldn’t it be?” “I don’t know. I just got these weird feelings about halfway through the flight here that made me think you were ... I don’t know, fearful is the best way I can describe it. Did something happen?” Fearful. Apprehensive. Concerned. All would have been appropriate...

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An RV trip with Madison

The RV was not very big. It was advertised as ‘Comfortable for a Family of Four’ when dad bought it. It had one standard sized bed for two in the back, hidden behind a door that folds out from the bulkhead. The other sleeping arrangement for two was a bunk that could be made by dropping the only table on the bench seats and lying the seat cushions on the flat surface. That’s where my sister and I slept when we traveled. The first few years it didn’t bother me to sleep beside Madison...

2 years ago
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Gary And Dave The Next Day

So you know how it is. You’ve just fucked and been fucked by your heterosexual best friend while watching a bisexual porn movie. You’ve both cum, the film has ended and you’re sat in the living room naked with cum leaking out of your arses. What do you do? Surprisingly there wasn’t any real awkwardness between us. Gary went to the toilet and cleaned himself up then returned to the living room. When I returned from the toilet he was sitting in his chair still naked watching TV. I sat on the...

1 year ago
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Internet Chat My daughter and I

100% fiction! In a little less than 24 hours, Jim Talbot would be celebrating his 36th birthday and he had big plans. At the moment, Jim was having his second cup of coffee on his outside deck and in very deep thought. Conflicting emotions on more than one level filled his mind. Jim struggled to sort it all out. When he was 18, he got a cheerleader pregnant and she didn’t want the baby, so Jim’s sister raised her from birth. The cheerleader didn’t want anything to do with their daughter from...

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Vengeance 7

The basement was dark, there was a movie playing loud, music playing louder, ping pong happening in an adjacent room. People talking, more noise. Not my kind of place. I let my hands roam free, my one sliding up her body to her breasts. I started to push them out the top of her tank top, she laughed. “Let’s get out of here,” I whispered over her shoulder. She nodded in agreement. I pushed her up off of me, stood up and carried her piggy back style up and out of the basement to my...

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Gym lesson

Mr Grey was our Gym teacher. He was ruthless and cruel. We all hated him. One day i had fallen over and twisted my ankle. After waiting for everyone else to leave he came up to me. "Come with me Ali." I limped after him and into his office. I expected a bollocking but got something much worse. He pounced on me and held me down. I yelled at the top of my voice and i'm the one who always gets a singing part in the musicals. He tied my wrists together then sat me down giving me a hard spank to...

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Seduced By An Entity 8211 Part I

Hello all, this is my first submission to this very website. This is a series of story and pure ficition. Please enjoy this if u like I will write more and complete the story. Cheyenne decided to spend the first day back swimming when a bottle nosed dolphin came up to her talking in dolphin language and trying to get Cheyenne to follow him. Ok boy show me what’s wrong.” She said as she held on to his fin where he took her to another dolphin that was injured. Oh no, it’s bad boy.” She said to...

1 year ago
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Do I Know You Ch 08

Did I mention I like to watch? I stepped back, continuing to gently and slowly stroke myself, while I took in the beautiful tableau unfolding before me. Taylor turned Mary Ann towards her, looking back at me with that mischievous look that I was truly growing to love about her. She knew I was on board, and ready to enjoy whatever (or whomever) came next. Taylor still held the soapy scrubber in her hand, but as most of the suds from it were now covering me, she needed to add some more...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Friend8217s Wife And Making Her Addicted To Me

Hi readers, This is my first story. I am not a professional writer but whatever I write here is true except the names I used here. Before starting my story let me explain about myself. I am a mechanical engineer working out of india. And I work in shutdowns. That means I stay out of india for 5 to 6 months in a year rest of my life. I am 29 years old 5.10 tall 65kg slim and healthy body with milky innocent face and 7.5″ rock and hard tool just like porn stars have. I spend my time with...

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Kenny Ch 0607

Chapter 6 After the excitement of the attempted break in, Ken’s life at the lodge settled into a routine. Ken started each day with morning exercises. After that he would do the landscaping. Every day he expanded the cleared areas by a little more. The lodge occupied a little less than 5 acres just south of Point Lobos on Hwy 1. On Hwy 1 meant that you entered the half mile of curvy driveway on the Hwy. The neighbor to the south was a winery, and the one to the north grew apples and peaches...

2 years ago
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Ghostly Love

Outskirts of Charles Town, North Carolina End of the Reign of Queen Anne, 1712 Kell took another deep drink of brandy. The smooth burning liquid slid down his throat painfully, yet easing his own pain with each drink. Sitting on his mother’s favorite settee, he stretched his legs out toward the warmth of the fire. He kept his boots on, despite the fact that both is mother and Mrs. O’Donnell hated when he wore boots in the house after working in the fields. It didn’t matter though. Nothing...

1 year ago
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me my hubby his best mate and mine 2nd time

After the fun me and my husband had with eachothers best friends our sex life was back on track we were fucking day and night 7 times in one day we often spoke dirty to eachother while fucking talking about what we would like to do to our friends it was soooooo horny.We had gone to a party and had a real good time we headed home our mates staying over again plus an extra mate of mine she already knew what happend last time as we tell eachother everything.We had drinks and then my steve my hubs...

3 years ago
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Its My PartyChapter 5

The R & R time was taking a bit longer than Mark had first estimated, but he was sure he was making the right decision. It was now10:15 AM, and his sister and two classmates were happily finishing their showers together in the large bathroom. Emily stood by the open door in the connecting pantry, acting as the link that kept the group connected. Jada and Fatima stood a few feet away. Jada hadMadison’s phone plugged into a nearby outlet, and she was idly typing 911 every twenty seconds or...

4 years ago
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Planet GykadaChapter 2 The Slave auction

We spent the next few days trying to come up with a solution to our problem. Our second slave was replaced by 373, a nice fully developed blonde with an annoying habit of screeching when she came. It was so annoying that I stopped fucking her after a couple of days. Besides, I really only enjoyed sex with Jenny. The slave auction was that Friday, and I didn't really want to attend, but 594 insisted I go. She was hoping we could find some way of transferring Jenny to a 7 class so I could...

3 years ago
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Kathaliyin Ammavai Sex Seithen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana kathaliyai veetirku santhika sendru irukum pozhuthu sexiyaaga mulai vaithu irukum aval ammavudan eppadi kama uravu seithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Sexiyaana kathali ammavai eppadi oothen enbathai solugiren, vaarungal kathaikul selalam. En peyar saundar vayathu 22 aagugirathu, intha vayathile naan kaathal seiya aarambithu irunthen. Ithu en kalluriyil iruthi aandum aagum, enaku oru kathali irunthaal, aval peyar suba parka azhagaga...

1 year ago
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One Last Sex Encounter With My ExGirlfriend Shreya

Hi ISS readers, first of all, thanks to everyone for reading my previous stories and reaching out to me. I hope I will be able to explain my experiences in a much better way. Introducing myself, my name is Aneesh and I work as a software engineer in Bangalore. I am going to explain my last sexual encounter with my ex-girlfriend Shreya and how I banged her after a year. We were in a live-in relationship for a couple of months and we broke up right after the first lockdown. I vacated the home...

1 year ago
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My Big Black Boss

Hi, I am Kerry. I was 18 years old and going out with an older guy, a college guy. He is Paul, and he is the guy you bring home to blonde girl. I am 5’10” and have long, straight blonde hair. I visit the tanning salon. I have perky c-cup breast. I was disappointed that I had to miss my boyfriend’s college football game to work at a clothes store in the mall. But we all had to work one Friday each month. He would pick me up later, and I knew that we would do the same thing that we always do,...


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