Harry And Rebecca free porn video

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Her name was Rebecca Anne Courtney and I had lusted after her since the seventh grade, but while I might have told myself that I would kill to have her I knew in my heart that it would never happen. The simple truth of the matter was that Becky couldn’t stand me. Because of mutual friends she tolerated me, but I never knew why she didn’t like me.

At first I thought that it might be that she didn’t know me all that well so naturally I tried to rectify that. Whenever I saw her I would approach her and say hi, but even though she would acknowledge me she would turn away from me or just walk away.

Over the years of the eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh grades I must have asked her out fifty times and she wouldn’t even give me the time of day. By the twelfth she was gong steady with Frank Devin so I couldn’t ask her out any more.

I never expected to see Becky again after graduation so I was surprised to see her at freshman indoctrination on the first day of school at State since I’d heard that she was going to some college back east somewhere.

By then I’d gotten Becky out of my system so I didn’t even bother to say hi when I saw her. The Fates or whatever Gods there be must love to fuck with me because they saw to it that Becky would always be around me. It turned out that we were both Business Management majors and as a result we were going to have many shared classes.

Did I still lust after Rebecca Anne? Of course I did, but I had learned from our past so I did my best to ignore her. It wasn’t easy and in some cases it was difficult as hell. It seemed like one out of every four college classes would end up having group projects and the instructors in those classes usually set up the groups by alphabet. Since Courtney and Connors where close it meant that we were thrown together a lot. Luckily for me when the group decided who did what for their part of the project I didn’t get teamed up with Becky. I’m not sure that I could have handled that.

One thing I did notice that when the groups were together working on the projects Becky always seemed to be looking at me whenever I glanced her way. I had no clue as to what was up with that.

I managed to get through freshman year without making a fool of myself and I looked forward to the summer break.

Have I mentioned that the Fates and Gods love to fuck with me? My family owns their own business and I have worked there part time ever since my thirteenth birthday. Summer is our busiest time of the year and dad always hires extra help for the season.

It was the week after classes were over and I had just gotten to work. Dad paged me to come to his office and when I got there I found Rebecca Anne Courtney sitting there. As soon as I was in the door he said:

“Good news and bad news Harry. The bad is that Charlie had a family emergency and had to fly home to Maine. He expects to be gone for a month or two. The good news is that instead of working for Charlie this summer you are going to be the temporary manager of Shipping and Receiving. Shouldn’t be a problem for you have worked there full time for two of the last three summers and part time since you were fourteen.”

He nodded toward Becky and said “I need to introduce you to Rebecca. I’ve hired her to take your spot while you play manager.”

“I already know Miss Courtney.”

He raised an eyebrow at that. Not at I already knew Becky, but at the Miss Courtney instead of Rebecca or Becky. He didn’t say anything about it then, but I knew he was going to want to know what the deal was before the day was over. All he said was:

“Take Rebecca and show her around the place; make sure she knows where everything is and then get to work.”

I spent twenty minutes showing Becky around the facility. I showed her where both of the women’s restrooms were, where the break room and vending machines were. I introduced her to Marla and Ashley in Purchasing, Janice in Accounting and Alice in Quality Control. I took her to Shipping and Receiving and introduced her to Tom and Jerry who were the others that worked in S&R. I explained what we did and what she would be doing. When I was done I asked:

“Do you have any questions?”

She did have one and it pretty much stunned me.

“Why don’t you like me?”

The question caught me flatfooted and it took me a couple of seconds to get around to answering it. I remembered something one of my English teachers once told me.

“When confused about something ask questions.”

“What makes you think I don’t lie you?”

“You know me and you know I prefer being called Becky so what is with his Miss Courtney shit? And when we are in shared classes you are cold and distant where I’m concerned.”

I took the coward’s way out.

“That is a personal matter Miss Courtney and has no pace here at work. Perhaps someday when we are off the clock we can discuss the matter, but for now we need to get busy on the Hamilton order. We need to have it ready when UPS gets here around one.”

The look she gave me told me that she was definitely going to follow through on it. Fortunately there was a lot to do and so I turned over to Jerry to show her the ropes. As Jerry led her away I wondered about what in the hell just happened. The girl had ignored me for the better part of six years and suddenly wants to know why I don’t like her? It made no sense to me. She did her best to discourage me for all those years and now she wants to know why I am ignoring her? I pushed those thoughts out of my mind and got to work.

Just after lunch I had to stop in at the purchasing office to talk with Ashley about when I could expect to see the banding material we needed. She told me it was supposed to arrive the next day and then she asked me how I had managed to get my girlfriend a job.

“She’s not my girlfriend and I didn’t even know she was working here until I got here this morning.”

“She’s not your girlfriend?”

“Hell no Ash; she doesn’t even like me.”

“Bullshit Harry. If she isn’t your girlfriend she wants to be.”

“Yeah! Right!”

“I could tell just by watching the way she looked at you Harry. She wants to be your girl.”

I laughed at that and got back to Shipping and Receiving.

The next two days went by with very little interaction between Becky and me. There is a diner just down the street from the plant and on the third day I was in there having lunch when Becky came in, saw me and then came over to my table and sat don opposite me.

“We aren’t at work now Harold and we are off the clock. So tell me why the Miss Courtney crap and why don’t you like me?”

“Let me turn it back on you. Why would you expect me to like you given the way you have behaved towards me since the seventh grade? Why would you expect me to like you after, the more often than not, rude way you responded whenever I asked you for a date? You mentioned cold and distant the other day? Think back on it Miss Courtney; was not cold and distant the way you behaved towards me all through school? Why, after the way you treated me from the day we first met would you expect me to be warm and friendly? I do not dislike you Miss Courtney, but due to past experiences I am indifferent where you are concerned.”

I could tell from the look on her face that she wasn’t used to being talked to that way and she didn’t like it. But she had asked and I had answered. She gave me a look that I couldn’t decipher and got up and left without a word.

The rest of the week went by and while we were thrown together a lot we rarely spoke to each other. Most of the talking was done by me as I told her what I needed her to do or explained to her how to do it.

Saturday afternoon I went to the country club where my family had a membership so I could swim laps in the pool. Becky’s family also belonged and I’d seen her there several times over the years and as luck would have it she happened to be there that day.

She was with two of her girlfriends, both of whom I’d known in high school, and I did have to admit seeing the three of them in their bikinis had an effect on me. At one point I saw the three of them looking at me while Becky was saying something to them and they were smiling and nodding their heads in the affirmative so naturally I wondered what was being said. I’d never know unless I asked and that sure as hell wasn’t going to happen.

The club dining room had an excellent half pound ground round so I stopped in and ordered one. I was sitting at the table waiting on my order when Sarah Wilcox and Carol Perry came in, saw me and came over and sat down with me. No “May we join you” they just pulled out chairs and sat down. The two were the two I had seen talking to Becky out by the pool. Sarah led off with:

“What’s up Harry? How have you been?”

“It’s been a while since we’ve seen you” Carol said.

I knew right away that something was up. I’d known both since the third grade and while we had always been friendly towards each other they had never just walked up to me and said Hi. Add that to the fact they had been talking to Becky while looking at me and smiling and it all seemed to say “Danger Harry Conners, danger.”

I replied “Been busy with classes and now that summer is here dad has me working full time.”

“You and Pauline still a thing?”

“Haven’t heard from her since she went back east to go to school.”

“Doing anything tonight” Sarah asked.

“Nothing planned. Why?”

“There is a party I want to go to, but I need a date. If I go without a guy I’ll be hit on all night long.”

Again I heard the warning “Danger Harry, Danger.”

I’d never dated Sarah before. I’d asked her out a couple of times, but always got turned down and now here she was asking me? Yes indeed Harry, this is a setup of some sort. I didn’t have anything planned and curiosity had grabbed hold of me so I said:

“I think I’d like that.”

Sarah smiled at Carol and said “You snooze you lose.”

“What does that mean” I asked,

“Carol was going to ask you but I beat her to it.”

That’s when I knew for absolutely certain I was being setup. It wasn’t common knowledge, but I knew that Carol batted for the other team and no way was she going to ask a guy to be her date. We set a time for me to pick Sarah up and the girls got up and left just as my ground round arrived. As I sat there and ate I tried to figure out what was going on, but I couldn’t come up with anything.

I picked Sarah up at seven and she told me the party was at Marlene Cantril’s place. Marlene was another girl I had known since grade school and we had dated a couple of times, but we hadn’t clicked. We’d stayed friends, but not really close friends and I hadn’t seen her in almost a year.

Marlene answered the door when we rang the bell and while she smiled and said “Nice to see you again Harry” I could tell she was quite surprised to see me with Sarah. She welcomed us and walked us through the house and out onto the patio. She pointed out the alcoholic and nonalcoholic punch bowls. She showed us where the beer keg was and the left to answer the doorbell.

We were not the first arrivals and we got our drinks. It was a large patio and all of the patio furniture had been moved out onto the grass so the patio could be used as a dance floor. Several couples were already dancing to the music provided by a portable CD player. Sarah and I set our drinks on one of the tables and joined the people on the dance floor and for the next thirty minutes or so we danced and mingled with the others at the party. We were dancing when I saw Becky come out of the house with Marlene. Becky saw us, said something to Marlene and then headed straight towards me and Sarah. She tapped Sarah on the shoulder and asked:

“Mind if I cut in?”

“Not at all” Sarah said and moved away. Becky took her place, smiled at me and said:

“Hi Harry.”

I think I surprised her when I said “Why?”

She frowned and said “Why what?”

“Why did you get Sarah to try to get me here tonight?”

The frown went away and her facial expression turned serious.

“I didn’t think we were THAT transparent. I needed to get you in a place where we could sit down and talk without any pressure on us and I very much doubted that if I’d asked you straight out you would have agreed to it. I thought if I ‘accidentally’ bumped into you in a social setting I could make it happen.”

“You certainly aroused my curiosity so let’s go sit down and you can have at it.”

“Let me get something to drink first.”

We left the floor and she led me over to the alcoholic punch bowl where she filled up a red Solo cup and then we went over and sat down on a couple of chairs that were out on the grass. Once seated she said:

“After our why don’t you like me talk the other day I started thinking back on our past history. I hadn’t thought on how you had taken my behavior at the time. The truth of the matter is that you scared me.”

“Me? Scaring you? Why in God’s name would you have thought that?”

“Just the way you were always looking at me, always being near whenever I looked around. What I was seeing was what I thought was the behavior of a stalker.”

“Me? A stalker?”

“Let me finish please. I don’t think you ever knew my sister Abby. She is six years older than me and she graduated before we ever started high school. She went off to State to get a degree in Information Technology. There was a guy there who kept asking her for a date and she didn’t like him and kept saying no to him. He did just what I saw you doing. Always looking at her and always being around her. In other words he was stalking her. One night at a party he grabbed her, pulled her into a room, locked the door and was in the process of tearing her clothes off of her. Some people heard her cries and kicked in the door and pulled him off of her. Later, when she told my parents what happened she described what had led up to the attack. That is what was in my mind when you came along.”

“If you would have let me I would have shown you I wasn’t that kind of guy.”

“I couldn’t. When you first asked me out I had a huge crush on Danny Freeman and I was trying to get him to notice me. If I had gone out with anyone else he would have seen it and stayed away from me so the first couple of times I said no to you it wasn’t because I didn’t like you. By the time I was over Danny I knew of what happened with Abby and I saw in your behavior exactly what she described as the behavior of her attacker.

“Looking back I can see that it was unfair to you, but in my defense I was a young inexperienced girl. When I stared going steady with Frank you stopped doing all the things that I thought of as stalking and I realized that I had been wrong about you. I thought about coming to you and apologizing for my behavior, but by then you were going steady with Pauline and I decided to just let it go. I was going to go back east to college and I never expected to see you again, but things didn’t work out and I ended up staying here for school. So here we are.”

“Well I’m happy to know that you no longer think I’m some weirdo and in light of your confession I can relax my stance and start calling you Becky instead of Miss Courtney. If you will excuse me I need to go find my date and see to it that she has a good time.”

I got up and left her there with a shocked expression on her face. I don’t know what she expected after telling me her story, but I doubt that indifference was on the list.

I found Sarah talking to Randy Combs and Rick Moore and I walked up to them. I received a “What are you doing here” look from Sarah and “Get lost” glances from Randy and Rick, but I ignored them and offered my arm to Sarah as I said:

“Our dance was interrupted. Let’s finish it.”

It was obvious she wasn’t interested in spending time with me. She did her job and got me to where Becky could get to me so her work was done right? I was supposed to be Becky’s problem now right? But she was my date and she couldn’t tell me to buzz off without causing a scene and she didn’t dare do that at Marlene’s party or she would be on Marlene’s shit list so she smiled at me and said:

“Let’s do it.”

“Who did you have set up to take you home tonight” I asked as we danced.

I could see that she was going to tell a lie, but then something in her face changed and she said “Randy.”

“Well I don’t want to ruin your evening so when we finish this dance I’ll take off.”

“Why are you going to take off? The plan was that you would be with Becky.”

“Six years of being cold, distant and dismissive are just supposed to vanish after a ten minute talk? We will probably get along a little better at work and maybe after classes start back up, but that is all that happened.”

The music stopped and I thanked her for the dance and started walking her back to where Randy was talking with Rick and Chuck Burns.

“What are you doing?”

“Taking you back to Randy and then leaving.”

She grabbed my arm and stopped me saying “Oh no you don’t. The rules are you dance with who brung you and you leave with who brung you. You are stuck with me until you take me home.”

“This from the girl who had already set up Randy to take you home?”

“The thing with rules is that there are always exceptions.”

She pulled me back out onto the dance floor and when I had her in my arms and we were moving around the floor she asked:

“Why haven’t we ever gotten together Harry?”

“Only you can answer that Sarah. I asked you out enough times, but you always turned me down.”

“I must have had a good reason at the time, although I can’t remember what it might have been now. I’ll have to think back on it and see if I can narrow it down. My problem right now is that I think I would like to correct the mistake, but I know that Becky is trying hard to get you and she is my friend. I don’t want to lose her by poaching on what she wants.”

“I can’t for the life of me figure out why she would want to get me as you put it. She spent from the seventh grade until graduation giving me the cold shoulder. I just can’t see her doing a hundred and eighty turn all of a sudden.”

“All I know is that she pushed me to get you here and she said if things went the way she wanted she would be leaving with you.”

“And her interest in me piqued your curiosity and now you are interested?

“Guilty as charged.”

I laughed and said “Don’t sweat it sweetie, good old Harry is loving the attention.”

As we danced I saw Becky watching us and I couldn’t tell from her expression what she might be thinking. After a bit I saw that she had gotten out on the dance floor with Bill Croft, but I still saw her looking my way every time I glance her way.

Towards midnight the party began to peter out so I took Sarah by the hand and went to find Marlene and say our goodbyes. Once in the car I asked Sarah if she would like to stop somewhere for coffee or a bite to eat and she said yes so I drove over to the Village in on Sixth. Over coffee and pie I asked her if our hanging together for the evening was going to hurt her relationship with Randy and she said no.

“We date occasionally, but there is nothing going on between us. We are pretty much each other’s fallback position whenever we need a date for something.”

“How is it going to affect your relationship with Becky?”

“It shouldn’t. I don’t know why it would. You were my date and she can’t be pissed at me because you didn’t go along with her program.”

“That’s tonight, but what about you going out with me after tonight?”

“Am I going to do that?”

“I don’t know, but I’m asking. Would you like to go to the VFW dance with me Friday?”

She was silent for several seconds as the ramifications of a yes rolled around in her head and then she said yes.

Sunday after church I worked in the house and yard doing some chores that mom wanted done. About four I was pulling weeds out of the front yard flower beds when my mom yelled at me that I had a phone call. It was Sarah.

“I have to cancel on our date for Friday. I just got off the phone with Becky. She wasn’t all that upset that last night didn’t go as planned, but she got positively pissed when I told her about Friday. I don’t want to lose one of my best friends over something that probably go anywhere,”

“I understand sweetie; maybe some other time.”

As I hung up the phone I couldn’t help but wonder about Becky and her actions. Why after years of snubbing me was she pushing? I could accept her reasons as she laid them out at Marlene’s party for her behavior in the past, but why the aggressive behavior now? It just did not make any sense to me. As I went through the rest of the day thoughts of Becky and her current behavior would come into my mind, bounce around for a bit, leave and then return later.

She was a girl used to having guys flock to her and I wasn’t so she had to pull me into her adoring crowd? She saw me as a challenge? She suddenly realized how charming and irresistible I was? Yeah, right, as if!

Monday morning I was sitting at the desk in S&R when Becky came in. I looked up from what I was doing and smiled as I said:

“Good morning Becky. Have a nice weekend?”

Since that was one hundred and eighty degrees from the way things had been it took her by surprise, but she made a quick recovery.

“It was okay. It didn’t go the way I wanted, but it was okay.”

Things were busy that day and while Becky and I were always around each other our only conversations were about business matters. Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty much the same. Things took a turn about an hour after lunch break on Thursday. It was a slow day and I was sitting at the desk going through some shippers. Becky was sitting at the side table entering billing information into the computer when suddenly she spun around to face me and asked:

“Are you doing anything tomorrow night?”

That caught me by surprise and I looked at her with what was probably a WTF look on my face and answered “I beg your pardon?”

“What are you doing tomorrow night?”

“I don’t know. Why?”

“I want to go to the VFW dance and I need a date. Since it looks like you are never going to ask me out I’m asking you.”

I wasn’t surprised by that. I was stunned! I didn’t know why. I probably shouldn’t have been considering the way she had behaved over the last week or so, but it still stunned me. I sat there looking at her with my mouth hanging open as my mind tried to process things.

“It isn’t all that difficult a question Harry. There are two one word answers to choose from? Yes or no.”

I finally shook the fog out of my head.

“I don’t think that it would be a good idea given our work relationship and all.”

“Oh get off it Harry. In a little over a month we will be out of here and back to school. Besides, our supervisor-subordinate doesn’t mean beans. You can’t show me any favoritism because you don’t have the authority to promote me or give me raises. I’m part time summer help Harry. So what’s it to be Harry? Yes or no?”

I have already mentioned that I’ve always had the hots for Becky right? I’ll grant that by the time I’d started college I’d already accepted that she was unobtainable, but here she was making the first move. As I sat there and looked at her there was a small war going on in my mind. On the one side the voice was saying “This is too good to be true Harry so it probably isn’t.” The other voice was saying “Go for it Harry; it is what you always wanted.” The first voice came back with “This won’t end well Harry.” The second voice said “She’s a lovely young lady Harry and she obviously wants to get to know you better. Come on Harry; what have you got to lose?”

Some other guy may have been able to look back on those years of longing and say “Fuck no!” I couldn’t do it.


“Yes what Harry?”

“Yes I would like to take you to the VFW dance on Friday.”

When I picked Becky p on Friday I was reminded of why I had been hung up on her since the seventh grade. She was absolutely stunning in her little black dress and heels. I got a great shot of her sexy legs when I helped her into the truck and my pants were ready to burst by the time I got over to my side and got in. Once away from the curb Becky said:

“Still trying to get a handle on why?”

“It has crossed my mind a time or two.”

“It is pretty simple really. I want to find out what I missed by being such a bitch to you at school.”

“The truth is that you didn’t miss much. I was so ga-ga over you at the time I wasn’t thinking straight when you were around. I probably would have done something so incredibly stupid that you would have laughed at me and put me down. That would have hurt more than the indifference.”

“You were ga-ga over me? Past tense? Does that mean I’ve lost a step or two over the years?”

“The fact that you have managed to get us both in this truck together should answer that one for you.”

I had a great time at the dance. There were several people there that we knew including Sarah and Randy and we pushed a couple of tables together. Becky and I seemed to fit and we moved well together on the dance floor. At one time during a slow number she was in close and had her head on my shoulder and I was cursing the Gods for keeping it from happening sooner.

I did dance a few times with Sarah and a couple of other girls that I knew. During a waltz Sarah said:

“It looks like I missed my chance.”

I laughed at that. You had chances galore girl, but every time I asked you for a date you turned me down.”

“Yes I did because every time you asked me I was seeing someone else. You should have kept asking and sooner or later you would have caught me when I wasn’t with someone.”

“Damn! If I had only known.”

“It isn’t too late. If things don’t work out with Beck and you can always give me a call.”

“Yep. And be told sorry but I’m seeing someone right now.”

“If I am I’ll cut him loose rather than miss my chance with you.”

I was thinking “What the hell is with these girls all of a sudden. All of a sudden I’m the flavor of the month?”

“I know just what you are thinking Harry.”

“You couldn’t possibly.”

“Want to bet? You are wondering why, all of a sudden, girls are asking you out or are letting you know they are interested in you. Am I right?”

“Pretty much.”

“A couple of reasons Harry. One is that girls talk and Paulie gave you extremely high marks so now that she is gone others want to see what it is that she thought was so great. The other is simple human nature. Someone else wants it so naturally you do too.”

The song ended and Sarah pulled me towards our table before I could say anything to that. Her words came back to me a half hour later as I was dancing with Nancy Wilde.

“You seeing anyone now that Pauline is gone?”

“I’ve dated some, but I’m not seeing anyone in particular.”

“I know what it is like. Since Rory got that full ride at Florida State I’ve been at loose ends too.”

I’m not dense and I knew I’d just been given and invitation to call her. I was starting to wonder if Sarah wasn’t right on the money. I’d gone to the bathroom and on the way back to the table I was stopped by Rita Duhman.

“How have you been Harry? Haven’t seen you in quite a while.”

“Around Rita. Mostly working and going to school.”

“Pretty much the same for me. Rumor has it that you haven’t hooked up with anyone since Paulie left. You’ve got my number. Give me a call. Got to go” and she hurried into the women’s restroom.

My eyes followed her to the door and I was thinking about what Sarah had said. Gail was my first and for a while there I thought I had a great thing going. Until she told me that Eddie Catron had asked her for a date and she was going to go out with him. I was young and a bit stupid. She was fucking me and that meant we were forever right? I soon got over it and went the “She wants to date other guys? Well fuck her! I’ll show her! I’ll date other girls” route. So I did. I dated three or four others and tried to get in their pants with no success until I hooked up with Helen Geneva. We made ‘the beast with two backs’ until she pulled the same shit on me that Gail had.

Next was Pauline, but by the time I hooked up with her I’d come to realize that fucking didn’t mean you were forever. I knew Pauline and I wouldn’t last because I knew she was going to go back east for college and didn’t plan on coming home except for summer break and the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.

Then something happened that made me wonder if I wasn’t indeed dense. I’d just gotten back to my seat after walking Nancy back to hers. I sat down, picked up my drink (iced tea – I was driving) took a sip and as I was setting my glass down on the table Becky said:

“Am I going to have to fight to get out of here with you tonight?”

Not having a clue as to what she was talking about I just looked at her with a “What the hell are you babbling about” look on my face.

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Rebecca Edwards was forty-six years old, though you'd be forgiven for thinking her ten years the junior of that age. After growing up in Southampton in the UK, Rebecca's family moved to Houston, Texas as her father took a new job. Rebecca grew into a very beautiful young woman. She had shoulder-length, light brown hair. Her green eyes were sharp and were naturally framed by voluminous eyelashes. She had a cute, but highly structured face. She grew to five-foot-nine-inches tall, with a lean and...

Straight Sex
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My first sexual encounter with my cousin Rebecca

my cousin Rebecca and I are 9 years apart, she is 22 and I am 31, for as long as I could remember my cousin Rebecca would always fallowing my every foot step as we would play together in our grandparents back yard like a brother and sister would, I always knew Rebecca loved me with a passion as I love that girl to and I would do anything for her as she would do the same, we have always been close to even this day where we share very intimate discussions of our life situations, she understands...

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Reawakening Rebecca

The woman stared up from the recliner at the study's ceiling tiles, their geometry an irritating counterpoint to the tumbling thoughts beneath her silver bob. Consternation creased her exquisitely manicured eyebrows. "Surely one should not behave in such a manner, should one? It’s simply not proper." She brought cherry polished nails to one cheek and gave it an idle scratch. "At fifty-five, one should know better. But what would you have done?"Rebecca Delaney glanced up from her notes over the...

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Broken-record time: Almost all of my writing is based, to some degree, on real people and / or events in my life. This one is no exception, but it’s about 99% fiction. There’s a lot (I think) of character development, and some explicit sex, but this is not designed to be a stroke story. It’s intended to be about loving relationships, both sexual and nonsexual, within and between generations, and healthy, renewable family bonds. Also: after looking at the finished product, I must say I had not...

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Broken-record time: Almost all of my writing is based, to some degree, on real people and / or events in my life. This one is no exception, but it's about 99% fiction. There's a lot (I think) of character development, and some explicit sex; but this is not designed to be a stroke story. It's intended to be about loving relationships, both sexual and nonsexual, within and between generations, and healthy, renewable family bonds. Also: after looking at the finished product, I must say I had...

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Jimmy and Rebecca

Chapter 1: Jimmy ?Jimmy, slide the buttplug in your rectum? said the voluptuous woman. Shewasn't fat but she had nice round hips. Jimmy actually liked Rebecca's hips.He always tried not to look at her hips and her big breasts. Jimmy tried to slide in the buttplug but without lubricant, it wasn't easy. ?Doyou want me to help you, Jimmy?? his wife asked. Her husband was always comfortablewith her and he was never embarrassed to ask her for assistance. ?Yes, please, Rebecca.? was his answer....

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Pleasing Rebecca

My name is Tim and I am a nerdy eighteen year old guy. I have never had sex. I am just a very wimpy guy. I'm not very tall. I'm only five foot four inches tall, and I'm very thin. People in school would always call me a string bean. I'm very unsure of myself around women, because I've never been with one. I'm not muscular, but I do run to stay in shape. I'll be going to college in September, to get my degree in finance. I'm very smart and have a real good sense with numbers. I was in the top...

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Training Rebecca

Training Rebecca I Rebecca prepared for the day as usual. Out of bed extra early, a workout inthe home gym, breakfast prepared to a tee as usual by the maid, a shower, andthen up to change. John had just come out of the shower. He still possessedthe hard lean body that had attracted her a dozen years before. As she donnedconservative, but expensive lingerie followed by a dress suit, he remindedher that his plane would be leaving in 2 hours, so they had to hurry. As she put on her make-up and...

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Joe videos Rebecca

video with Joe 3 (2) People me Story of making a video with Joe 3 I had watched the first video of Joe and Rebecca having sex which caught me completely by surprise. At the end of that video, Rebecca looked at the camera and said, Jan 8  me To me Jan 8 Story of making a video with Joe 3 I had watched the first video of Joe and Rebecca having sex which caught me completely by surprise. At the end of that video, Rebecca looked at the camera and said, “This was for you honey, I...

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The Stunning Rebecca

“Shit. Shit. Shit. Im gonna be late.” As I hurried down the hallway, the echoes of my 5-inch, black stilettos rang loudly causing me greater anxiety than I had anticipated. My white sleeveless dress fluttered as I scurried along. Nearly dropping my bejeweled clutch, I composed myself and walked into the Grand Ballroom. Brilliant hues of light projected themselves onto my face. My eyes focused after a long minute, and I took in my surroundings. The Annual Company Ball was an event full of...

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Two hot, horny chicks share a apartment, so why not share their fantasies as well? Sweet hot lesbian fantasies of two sexy teens students. THIS happened to me when i was at college, i decided to rent accommodation just a few blocks from campus, there were two of us, two girls who rented one apartment, this happened after we had been living together severely weeks we got on very well, and Rebecca a stunner.It was late Thursday night. I had been on a date with anna and had amazing sex. When i got...

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My day with slut Rebecca

I wrote this for another member that wanted a great story to go with a picture. I hope you enjoy! :)http://xhamster.com/photos/view/2596468-42756020.html I walk in the room and I see Rebecca is standing her naked. I instantly start to get hard. I walk up to her. She aays uhh what are you doing? I say I'm about to fuck you whether you want it or not. I throw everything on the table on to the ground. I pick Rebecca up and put her on the table. She was begging me not to do it. She says please I...

1 year ago
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Finding Rebecca

Nora ran from the party in tears. The night was unkind; lightning brightly lit the sky as sheets of wind-driven rain swept the rocky slope. Bone-jarring thunder accompanied the bright flashes. She tripped and fell to her knees, unaware that the long dress was muddied and torn. "How could you be so blind, Sir William?" Nora shouted into the darkness. "I cannot bear this burden of unacknowledged love any longer." She regained her footing and clambered up the slope to the cliff she knew was there....

First Time
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Saving Rebecca

Julie was a white woman, she had short blonde hair and was 5'5. Her ravishing blue eyes was making everybody blush when speaking to her. She had medium firm tits and medium bubble firm bubble butt. She trained all the time at home or outside. Julie hasn't seen Rebecca for almost two years. Rebecca had a private instagram with not many followers but Julie was one of them. The reason of Rebecca absence in Julie life was her new girlfriend. At first, Rebecca and Julie never were lesbian. Rebecca...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess5e3 Rebecca

“The United Kingdom of Zoo” Series 5, Episode 3: Rebecca We open with a shot of the United Kingdom – from space ... Pause for a moment – then a very cartoonish, top heavy pouting caricature of our beloved Charley appears, floating in the sky with us like a twisted version of the old “Bewitched’ tv titles ... She smiles at us, then waves and turns and falls toward the country at super-sonic speed, dropping from a low-Earth orbit to sea level over the English Channel, off the south coast, in...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Enchanting Rebecca

At my niece’s birthday party there was a clown, and when I mentioned this to my friend Rebecca she was delighted, and offered to accompany her own nephew in place of his mother. Rebecca wanted to see the clown, and I wanted to see Rebecca. She was the most beautiful woman I knew personally, and also the nicest: statuesque with long dark hair, a soft voice and a placid temperament. I was much older than her, too old to be smitten with such a young woman, but her beauty tempted me sorely, I was...

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Harry Potter and sisters Black Part 1

I first Read this story 3 days ago here on this page but it was not completed, so my OCD kicked in and i looked for the rest. So i am in no way a writer and this is not my story, however i though it would be nice to post it here for those like me who go crazy with unfinished workl can sleep easy. I hope you all enjoy it as much as i did.Thanks you OldWolf who is the first person i see post it and from what i can see is the original writer.Harry awakens with a groan. He feels the back of his...

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Harry Potter and sisters Black Part 2

Harry can feel himself smile reassuringly, "How can I help?"Cho's heart skips a beat as she sees Harry's smile, one so loving, so compassionate, so unlike the bastard who had made her publicly humiliate herself. "I was wondering if you would mind me not sleeping with you tonight."Harry chuckles and says, "Tonks talk got through huh?"Surprisingly, Cho doesn't take offence at Harry's laughter nor his question. "To a degree, at the minimum it got me thinking. I need to process this more...

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Harry Potter and the Sisters Black The Complete Saga PART ONE THE BEGINNING

This is my story that I originally posted on *******.net, under the moniker oldwolf. I think it is my best story and so I am posting it on as many sites that I can find. If you like it, please visit my other stories on that site. But first, remember that JK Rowling owns the characters and settings, I own a computer. Enjoy. HARRY POTTER AND THE SISTERS BLACK – THE COMPLETE SAGA Harry awakens with a groan. He feels the back of his head as he looks around the room. The room hes in looks to be a...

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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch Part I

Ramona Flowers Presents J.K. Rowling?s HARRY POTTER In The Curse of the Emerald Witch PART I The rays of moonlight shone through the gaps in between the curtains pulls, illuminating the boy?s dormitory like a shiny diamond ring. The four poster beds were placed around the room, the Gryffindor emblems hanging proudly from the walls. The low snoozing of the boys sleeping was defeated by the loud, heavy snores of Ron Weasley who slept in a crooked, awkward position. The wind howled...

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Harry Potter and the sisters Black The Complete

I am sharing this story on special request. And this is not my story.HARRY POTTER AND THE sisterS BLACK - THE COMPLETE SAGAHarry awakens with a groan. He feels the back of his head as he looks around the room. The room he's in looks to be a cell, one steel door, one cot, one chamber pot, and four gray stone walls. He doesn't feel anything unusual.He thinks to himself. "Ok, let's try to figure this out. I was at Privet this morning. I went for my normal run. I thought I saw something in an...

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Harry Potter and the Curse of Seven Chapter Two

“Jeez mate, come on we have to leave in half an hour and there’s going to be a queue for the bathroom” Ron explained as he hopped into his jeans, Harry rose with a groan, feeling the familiar hardness between his legs. He muttered darkly and rose to put on his own clothes. “Bloody hell” Ron said startled, Harry turned to see Ron looking anywhere but at him “Put that thing away Harry before you poke someone’s eye out” Harry looked down and saw that he was sporting a tent. He grumbled still...

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Harry Potter and the sword of Griffindor Chapter 3

Chapter Three Summary: Harry and Hermione spend time studying... and they happen to read a book or two as well Harry woke up the next day to birds singing a happy song. Of course the effing birds were singing happily; the sun had just risen, and they, being creatures that loved rising early, sang with all their hearts to the morning sun. The effing birds had interrupted a dream. Normally, Harry would be overjoyed at the concept of having his traditional dreams...

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Harry Potter and the Sisters Black The Complete Saga PART TWO

HARRY POTTER AND THE SISTERS BLACK – THE COMPLETE SAGA PART TWO (THE CONCLUSION) This is my story that I originally posted on *******.net, under the moniker oldwolf. I think it is my best story and so I am posting it on as many sites that I can find. If you like it, please visit my other stories on that site. But first, remember that JK Rowling owns the characters and settings, I own a computer. Enjoy. PART TWO Back in Ancient Runes, Harrys distracted for several minutes before he can bring...

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Harry Potter and Shrieking Shack

(All events that are in this story take place during the 6th book, “The Half Blood Prince. Also, it is during the first term of school about October time.) Harry awoke with a start. He had been having nightmares about Voldemort again. He found himself to be sweating so he got up and decided to go down to common room to cool off for a bit before going back to sleep. Just as he was about to enter the common room from the dorms, he heard two people arguing. He looked round the corner and saw...

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Rebecca (MMF, wife-sharing, reluc?) by Anonymous Author Don't read if you're u******e... or don't care to read about fantasies of sex with someone outside of one's marriage. I'll start off by saying that my wife and I have been married for 16 years and sex was becoming a bit stale and uneventful. I enjoy fantasizing and suggested a fantasy involving her and two men but her reaction was, "You couldn't love me if you really wanted that..." It became a 'special occasion only' fantasy that she...

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Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor Chapter Two

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?" Hermione screamed as she dove off of Harry. He absently noticed that her hand was still covered with her own spittle and his pre-cum. "Please, don't stop on my account," Gryffindor's ghost implored. "Continue. Pretend I'm not here." "Is that..." began Hermione as she crouched in the corner while clutching her half-opened blouse in front of her. "Is that Godric Gryffindor?" "See that?" Gryffindor said to Harry. "She didn't take a kip...

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Harry Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts1

Chapter 1 – In the Beginning Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: mmfff, exhib, grope, magic, unif, voy Harry Potter’s fifth year of education was one of the most difficult times of his young life. Publicly slighted by both the Ministry of Magic and the influential magical media, Harry had been called a liar, attention-seeker and...

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Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor Chapter One -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the sun crept into the smallest bedroom in the house at # 4 Privet Drive, Harry Potter fought the urge to wake up. Harry was having a nice pleasant dream. He dreamt that he was sitting on the shore of the ocean with his feet in the cool water, while reading a book about lighthouses. Two odd things about the dream stood out for Harry. The...

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Harry Potter and The Order of the Sex Appeal

Chapter Three by Simon Fear As the days dragged on at Grimwauld Place Harry was beginning to get anxious about going back to Hogwarts. The one thing he hated was the fact that he still could not bring himself to talk with Ginny Weasly, or Hermione. After having witnessed them having sex together and seeing their beautiful naked bodies, he always found himself blushing and turning away when either one of them approached them. Harry had shown his best mate Ron the charm that George...

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Harry Potter and the Passion Potion

“Where am I?” Harry thought to himself as he picked up his school uniform and began to get dressed. As Harry continued to think, he realized that his last thoughts were from his 6th period potions with Professor Snape, the greasy-haired head of Slytherine, who hated him more than anyone at Hogwarts. As Harry began to think more, looking very puzzled as he scratched his messy brown hair, “Something had to have happened in potions class…” As Harry thought more and more he reached down to...

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Harry Potter Full Length

sorry about not writing as much. I found this on my hardrive from when I was infatuated with Harry Potter. For my b-day on Sept. 5th, I'm releasing this harry potter Complete Works special. This was posted already under my other aliases. constructive feedback only, no dissing me out. I apologize in advance for grammar. Fun at the Park Harry was laid up in his bed thinking about his last few years at school. He had just had his seventeenth birthday. His friends all sent him presents. He...

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Harry Potter sex story

Wyldbrdmn25 Fun at the Park Harry was laid up in his bed thinking about his last few years at school. He had just had his seventeenth birthday. His friends all sent him presents. He had received a work planner from Hermione, a Play witch from Fred and George, Ginny had sent him some personal nude photos of herself (Hermione helped her out with those) and some condoms from Ron which had a note attached to it. "I don’t need a niece just yet," signed Ron With Dumbledore dead, Harry was...

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Harry and Barbara

The morning sun was still young, yet it was already turning an uncomfortably warm evening into another damned hot July day in the midwest. Seeing the brown patches of grass in his front lawn didn't put Harry in any better of a mood as he backed out of his drive. His car's magnificent sound system played his favorite music and the air conditioning was on full blast as he started his daily commute to the office. In spite of his comfortable surroundings, Harry couldn't help but become more...

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harry potter and the snake eyes

"nagini!" said valdamort in parsletounge. "make yourself known." a huge python slithered out of a hole in the floor and rapped itself around the back of valdamort's chair. " are you ready for our little indever my sweet." he said. nagini nodded, flicking her tounge . aloud sound like the backfireing of a car echoed through the room and wormtail appeared, his decreped form bent in a low bow. " master i have returned with good news." he said. " good then i won't have...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires 0

Harry Potter and the Spell book of Desires – Chapter 1 - Camping Introduction: Harry Potter discovers the Spell book of Desires in his fourth year at Hogwarts Harry Potter and the Spell book of Desires Chapter One – Camping Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. I didn't write this i found it on the internet and wanted to share it with you Harry was having the best time...

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Harry Potter and the Shrieking Shack 2

Harry got out of bed and woke Ron up so that they could go down for breakfast before school started. Ron was always rubbish at getting up, but today, he bounded out of bed and stood there, proud, right up to the point where Harry said warningly, “Err mate. You’ve got a boner.” “What? Oh shit!” Ron quietly exclaimed and sat down again so as to hide himself. Ron looked around the dormitory and saw that luckily there was no one there, and he wasn’t that uncomfortable about Harry...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 15 Hogwarts Champion

Chapter Fifteen – Hogwarts Champion Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, mf, exhib, hand, grope, spank, unif, voy The selection process for the Triwizard Cup had begun the night before, after the arrival of the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students. Any student over the age of eighteen and wanting to try their hand at being selected as Hogwarts Champion had only...

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Harry Potter and the Curse of Seven Chapter One

It wasn’t just that, he suspected that magic was in play as his normal six-inch member had grown by a few inches and thickening, he also noted that his balls had gotten bigger and heavier and he had been producing larger amounts of sperm, even after masturbating a few times a day. He knew about puberty having gone few it in his second year, but this was something else. Part of him was scared another part was proud of his size and stamina. He stroked himself until he could feel his...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 1 Camping

Chapter One – Camping Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, first, grope, magic, mc, Harry was having the best time of his life; he was with the people he cared about the most, and he was at the event of the year; the Quidditch World Cup. Harry, Hermione, and most of the Weasley family had just arrived at the campground, and Harry already knew it was going to...

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PART 1It was the middle of the night at Hogwarts. The halls were dimly lit by flickering candlelight and all was silent. Well, almost all was silent. On the third floor, Filch was patrolling the halls. A handful of students, all couples, were locked away in broom cupboards or old classrooms if they could figure out what the counter was to the locking spell the teachers used. But all of that noise was was far away. The only sound being made near Harry Potter, locked away in a old classroom...

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PART 1The evening felt like it would never end. Harry was busy patrolling the halls of Hogwarts, a shiny ‘Head Boy’ badge attached to his robes.After winning the war, Harry decided to return to Hogwarts to complete his last year. He had been told he could skip it by the ministry, they would award him all of the NEWTs that he asked for. It had been a tempting thought, though then Harry knew that he wouldn’t have felt like he really earned his NEWTs. So, he decided to return to school.Ron didn’t....

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires 1

Chapter Twenty-Eight – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Three – An Evening Snack Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, grope, magic, morph, rape, spank, unif, voy Ron’s birthday had been an interesting one to say the least; not only had he gotten an early morning surprise by his very own sister, he had been given the best birthday present...

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Harry potter sex story revisited chapters 123

Harry was laid up in his bed thinking about his last few years at school. He had just had his seventeenth birthday. His friends all sent him presents. He had received a work planner from Hermione, a Play witch from Fred and George, Ginny had sent him some personal nude photos of herself (Hermione helped her out with those) and some condoms from Ron which had a note attached to it. "I don’t need a niece just yet," signed Ron With Dumbledore dead, Harry was back at the Dursleys'...

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Harry Potter and the Hot Blood Prince

She didn't want Alfred to know she has had sex, so until now, Harry was only allowed to fuck her ass. "By the way, Harry. My cousin is coming to our school as an exchange student and wants to meet you." "What's her name?" "His name is Ping, I'll introduce him to you after dinner, tonight!" "Oh, sure! I guess everyone wants to meet the boy who lived!" "It's not like that Harry. I have told him so much about you, he wants to meet my best "friend"." "Friend? Is that all you...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 40 The Third Task

Chapter Forty – The Third Task Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mmmf, Mf, mg, anal, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, mc, spank, uniform, voy The Triwizard Tournament was finally coming to an end; Harry and the other Champions had faced numerous challenges throughout the tournament and each of them had made it to the finals relatively unscathed. Harry’s lack...

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Harry Potter and the Sisters Black Chapter 3

Damn, he thinks to himself, that wasn’t a dream after all! Harry quietly sneaks to his dresser and fetches a change of clothes before heading to the shower. On the way to the bathroom, Harry notes that all the Dursley’s are still asleep. Harry’s about half-way through his shower when he hears the door open. He turns to see what looks like a dark haired female enter the room. As he open his mouth, Bellatrix says, “Don’t worry master, it’s just me.” Bellatrix steps into the shower...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 11 The Owlery

Chapter Eleven - The Owlery Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, preg, spank, unif The Spellbook of Desires was now in the safe confines of the Weasley twins’ room, locked in Fred’s trunk and sealed magically to prevent anyone from taking it from them. The only problem was Malfoy had copied down several useful spells before the twins...

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harry 05

Smoke and Mirrors Over the next two weeks, events at Hogwarts seemed to improve the moods of many students. After Harry’s meeting with McGonagal, the notices about the searches were taken off of the house message boards. Ginny, as Harry had hoped, seemed satisfied with McGonagal’s apology, and she had made efforts to let Professor Lupin know that she forgave him as well. All in all, the mood within the castle seemed to lighten considerably. That is, everywhere except the room of...

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harry 03

“Ginny,” Hermione said as she gently shook her sleeping dorm mate. “Ginny, wake up.” “Wha…” Ginny said as she sleepily opened one eye slightly to survey exactly where she was. “Wake up or you won’t have time to find Harry before breakfast,” Hermione said. As her head cleared and the reality of the situation began to seep into her, Ginny sat up and said, “Oh my goodness, Hermione. I was going to try to wake up early enough to go to the room of requirement with Harry. You should have...

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