Reluctant Rebecca
- 3 years ago
- 34
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Training Rebecca I
Rebecca prepared for the day as usual. Out of bed extra early, a workout inthe home gym, breakfast prepared to a tee as usual by the maid, a shower, andthen up to change. John had just come out of the shower. He still possessedthe hard lean body that had attracted her a dozen years before. As she donnedconservative, but expensive lingerie followed by a dress suit, he remindedher that his plane would be leaving in 2 hours, so they had to hurry.
As she put on her make-up and put up her hair, she remembered the love makingsession of the night before, the usual before one of his many business tripsabroad. She had faked an orgasm to get him to stop pumping and cum. She feltslightly guilty, but then brushed it off as a necessary part of life. It waslike their whole existence of late?everybody smiled at the appropriate time,and said the right things, but it all rang hollow.
Descending into the kitchen again, Maria was feeding the boys, 12 and 10,otherwise ready for school. John gave them the obligatory line about theirbehavior when he was gone and then he and Rebecca fed baggage into the trunk,climbed into the Mercedes, and headed for the airport. On the way, they talkedabout the mundane?the countries he would be in this time, the vacation plannedafter school was out two months hence, upcoming events in the boy's lives,yadda, yadda. Then the turn-off. He gave her a perfunctory kiss, dug the baggageout of the trunk, and watched as she sped off heading for work.
After parking in her spot, she nodded to the girl at the front desk and ascendedthe elevator to her office. Her secretary was already at work: Type A efficiencypersonified in an attractive middle aged, body. ?Good morning, Mrs. Dunbar,? shesaid as usual. Rebecca nodded at the greeting, opened the door and enteredher office. The blinds were already open and coffee was brewing in the kitchenettethat served her office and the boardroom from the other side. The calendarfor the day was reviewed, morning e-mails read and she went to work beforeher first meeting of the day. That was followed by a conference with some importantcustomers and lunch with her executives. There they discussed a new strategyshe had been working on to increase sales even more. The details were handedover to marketing to work out, with a preliminary report due in a week.
It was after six before she left her office building, a gnawing in her stomachreminding her that the salad at lunch hadn't amounted to very much. The Mercedesglided through traffic, she stopped at the bank to deposit some cash, and theninto the upper middle-class home that was theirs. The boys were pretendingto do homework while Maria bustled around the kitchen.
Rebecca entered her office, removed her jacket, poured a drink, and startedthrough the mail. Credit card offers, country club membership renewal, a letterfrom the IRS?the IRS, that made her sit up. She opened the letter and readthe summons. She and John were to meet with an agent a week from Thursday,time and location given. She frowned, wondering what it was all about. Theywere to bring income statements, documentation of charitable contributions,and documents relating to John's business, which had lost money for the past5 years. He was to be gone for 3 weeks, so he wouldn't be back for the meeting.
She picked up the phone and called him. Finally getting though, as it wasin the middle of the night in Dresden, she explained the situation to him.He didn't seem to think there was any problem, just routine, and he was sureshe could handle it without him. Everything was in the files provided yearlyby their accountant. She wasn't so sure, but was buoyed by his confidence.The IRS missive was pushed aside as Maria called her for dinner.
The days flew past with the work on new contracts her company was negotiating.Before she knew it, it was Thursday. She had taken the morning off so she didn'thave to leave so early. She loaded the files requested into the car and headedfor the Federal Office Building. Entering at 8:45 for her 9:00 appointment,she went through security, and was directed three floors up and to a nice officeat the end of the hall. A very attractive secretary received her and askedher to be seated. 9:00 came and went. She fidgeted in her chair, glancing ather watch every few minutes. She got up and asked the secretary when the agentwould be ready. She was informed that as her appointment was set up for 9:30,it should be starting shortly. Rebecca looked at her notice and started tosay something, but thought better of it, and returned to her seat. Finallyat 10:05 a tall, well-tanned man entered the office and went through the door.It couldn't be the IRS agent, she thought, since a government hire wouldn'tbe able to buy that suit.
Five minutes later she was summoned into the office to be greeted by the suit.He was perhaps 50, with piercing eyes and an amiable smile. It was not at alllike the bean counter she expected. For his part he just paused a moment andtook her in. Her hair was dark, pulled back to leave bare an attractive neck.An expensive dark blue suit set off well-toned legs encased in hose Her facewas determined with a full mouth and expressive eyes. She had long fingerswith diamond and wedding rings. The skirt had a slit in the front and she triedto bring it together after crossing her legs. She tried again, unsuccessfully,and then ignored the leg above the knee as he glanced down at it, appreciatively.
?Thank you for coming in today, Mrs. Dunbar. My name is Kyle Laughton. Mr.Dunbar won't be joining us??
?No, he is in Europe on business. If we can move things along, I have beenwaiting for over an hour,? she said bruskly. I have brought the materials yourequested.?
?Good. Let's get a few things out of the way. You and your husband are both35 years old. Your address and SS numbers are accurate?? She nodded. ?You arePresident of Royal Manufacturing with 120+ employees. Your husband has hisown company called Ex/Im Consulting at your home address.?
?Yes, that's true.?
?I see you have paid proper Social Security taxes on Maria Sanchez, your housekeeper.?
?Yes, we try and obey the laws.?
?Do you have an appraisal for the painting you donated to the museum 2 yearsago??
Rebecca dug around in the folders and produced the document in question. Heconsidered it for a moment. ?Yes, they are a reliable firm?we will happilyaccept their assessment of the painting's value.?
She relaxed a bit at his statement. Maybe this would go better than she thought.
He handed her the appraisal. ?Your income was about $435,000 last year.?
?That is close, yes?
?You make frequent bank deposits of cash in the 8 different banks and 2 CreditUnions where you and your husband each have accounts. As a matter of fact,I notice that you and your husband made an average of $2,000 in cash depositsevery business day last year. It all stayed under the radar of the money launderingregulations and so was never reported. That amounted to about $43,000 a monthand came in at $520,000, plus change, for the year. That was pretty amazing,given the fact that your husband lost $80,000 last year, and you didn't needto borrow any money. ?
?I...I'm not sure,? she responded slowly, trying desperately to think of somethingthat might account for the cash deposits. ?We might have dipped into our savings,? shesaid lamely.
?Actually, you had such a good year, you moved a goodly sum of money to youraccount in Banco Santander Central Hispania in Spain, as you have for the past5 years.?
Her heart sank. How was anyone able to track their transactions, and whatcould have triggered this man's interest. Everything had gone so well for solong, that she had just accepted it as the way things were.
?From Banco Santander, you transferred the money to Dresdner Bank CZ, andfrom there to your account in Bank Vontobel Cayman. Shall I give you the accountnumber of the Grand Cayman bank??
She was crushed. But there was still a chance she could get out of the country.She had been told that the U.S. Government couldn't get at money stashed off-shore.He could see that glimmer of hope reflected for a moment in her eyes, and smiledto himself.
?Now let's see. Your husband works with a dozen different foreign businesses.Most of his pay is deposited directly into the Grand Cayman account. Nice tokeep those things away from Uncle Sam's greedy hands, isn't it? My recordsshow many such deposits over the past 5 years, and none of it showed up onyour income tax forms.?
Rebecca had fallen into a stupor, and just nodded. This was all going toofast for her to comprehend. He had her where he wanted her, and was ready topounce.
?I imagine you know that the U.S. government has no jurisdiction over accountsin Grand Cayman.?
She looked at him quizzically.
?Let me tell you a little about myself. I am sort of a freelancer, who doesodd jobs for the bureau, although most of my time is spent with my own businessventures throughout the world. I take on 4 or 5 cases a year of my choosingfor the IRS. My connections allow me access where there is none allowed throughnormal government channels. The CEO of Bank Vontobel Cayman in Grand Caymanis a close friend, and the managing director, Andreas Weck, has frozen yourassets there as a personal favor. Your bank accounts here are frozen as well,by the way?that is where I was before we met. The ones in Europe aren't worththe bother. From your case, I will earn 40% of what the government recoversin back taxes, fines, and interest?at least $4 million. I have special talentsthat are highly compensated. The government prefers that to getting nothing.?
Her last hope dashed, a tear of anguish found its way down her cheek.
?I will turn my evidence over to the department tomorrow.?
There was a chance, she thought, only a slim one, but she had to take it.If he hadn't turned over the evidence yet.... ?But what if you forgot all aboutthis little indiscretion. We would pay handsomely for your help in clearingup government red tape.?
?What do you have in mind??
?What if I were to offer you $5 million, no $6 million without Uncle Sam takinghis percentage off the top.?
?You would be willing to do that??
?And where would you get that kind of money??
?You would have to allow us access to the account in Bank Vontobel Cayman.?
?So that you could take the money and run, you mean,? he said, his eyes narrowing.
She decided that he was no fool, and was not about to cross him. ?I'm surewe could work out an arrangement that would be acceptable to you,? she responded.
?So you are asking me to take bribe money so you can avoid jail and fines,? hesaid.
?It wouldn't be a bribe exactly. And we will promise to declare all incomein the future.?
He thought for a long moment. Then said, ?I will consider your request, althoughit might cost you more than you anticipate. Meet me for dinner tonight at RestaurantAthenian and I will give you my answer there. 8:00, don't be late.?
Rebecca let out a long breath and nodded. She gathered up her things and leftthe office.
Rebecca Dunbar sat in her car for long minutes in a daze. Then she went toher office. She put her purse on the conference table and sat on the leather-boundcouch. For 20 minutes, she just sat there, before going over to her desk. Pullingup the web site for the Grand Cayman bank, she punched in the account numberand password. Everything came up as usual. She pulled out the book with allher account numbers and transferred money to one of them. After a few momentsshe read, ?transfer aborted, contact Bank Vontobel Cayman.? She slumped inher chair, trying to think of a way out. The plans she and John were usingwere her invention. They had started out small, but it had been so easy toget away with that they had increased the amount over the years. She pickedup the phone and tried to call John, but was unable to get through. She putin part of the afternoon and left early. A stiff drink followed by a massageand the steam room left her feeling some better. At home, she told Maria shewould be out for a dinner appointment, then spent some time with the boys.From there she relaxed waiting for time to pass, showered, put her hair upagain, put on evening make-up, and dressed, again in elegant, but conservativeattire.
It was 10 minutes to 8 when Rebecca entered the restaurant. The maitre d'took in her beauty, and the professionally tailored red suit and ushered herto the bar where the bartender offered her a glass of Black Tower, and importedRhine white wine. This startled her more than anything else during the daysince it was her favorite drink. She listened to the sounds of a jazz pianistin the background and looked around. No sign of him yet. She drank quickly,not savoring the taste as she usually did. Another glass appeared in its place.
The Maitre d' appeared again saying, ?will you join the gentleman at the piano??
Rebecca followed him and saw Mr. Laughlin playing the piano, eyes closed.She stood behind him and watched as he moved from one Gershwin tune into another?allof which she liked. His improvisations were fresh and clean, but the tune wasalways there. Then he stopped and looked around, seeing her waiting. He roseand directed her to a table in an alcove, providing a bit of privacy saying, ?Theydon't have a piano player on Thusdays.? She placed her purse on the table andsat. A waiter offered menus, which were waived away.
?Kalemera, Kerie ke Keria. To Onoma mou ena Nikolaus. Ti tha fate?
?In English tonight,? he said. For appetizers, bring us tzatziki, teramosalata,and stuffed grape leaves. Your special soup after that.?
?Amesos,? he nodded and left.
Rebecca launched right in, wanting to get it all over with. ?Mr. Laughlin,are you willing to accept my offer of $6 million in return for dropping yourIRS case. I'm sure we can work out the details to your satisfaction.?
He laughed, but the laugh didn't reach as far as his eyes. ?I told you thisafternoon that I would require more than that.?
He picked up her purse from the table and opened it before she could protest.He pulled out the tape recorder still running, and, with microphone dangling,walked over to a fish tank, and dropped it in.
?Let me make the situation clear,? he said sitting down. He pulled anotherrecorder from his pocket and pressed play. She heard her own voice, ?But whatif you forgot all about this little indiscretion. We would pay handsomely foryour help in clearing up government red tape.? ?What do you have in mind?? ?Whatif I were to offer you $5 million, no $6 million without Uncle Sam taking hispercentage off the top.? ?You would be willing to do that?? ?Yes.? He pressedthe stop button.
?That is recorded in video as well?so much easier to present evidence in court.? Sohere we have you falsifying your tax records for years, and then trying tocover it up by bribing an IRS employee. The real question is what are you willingto do to avoid exposure, trial, and incarceration? It will wipe out your savings.Who will care for your boys while you and John are in jail? Foster care? Haveyou ever been in a woman's prison? You will lose your job. Who will hire someonewith your record when you get out??
She shuddered, images flooding into her mind. But he seemed to be offeringa way out.
The hors d'oeuvres arrived. ?This is cucumber dip, these stuffed grape leaves,? hesaid. She wasn't hungry, but ate mechanically.
?What is your price,? she asked already anticipating the response.
?You,? he paused to let it sink in. ?But the real question is not will youagree, but rather are you worth the money I would be giving up??
A ray of hope crossed her face. She could screw him as much as he wanted,and would do it very, very well for what she would be getting in return.
?That seems fair,? she said, knowing that it wasn't really. ?But how do Iknow you won't double cross me later??
?You don't. But that is a chance you'll have to take. I make multi-milliondollar agreements with my word,? he said, eyes narrowing. ?It has never beenbroken.?
?It seems that you have all the cards,? she said tasting the cucumber dip. ?Wheredo we go from here??
?I need to know a little about you first. Rule #1: When I ask a question,I will require a detailed, complete and honest response. Let's begin with whatyou are wearing.?
This took her by surprise. ?A red jacket with scarf, white blouse, red skirtwith matching shoes, and pantyhose. Oh, yes, and dolphin earrings and a redpurse.?
?That is all you have on??
?Well, I...?
?Go to the Men's bathroom, remove your panties and bring them back to me.And leave the damn pantyhose in the trash.? When she looked at him in amazementhe continued ?or leave the restaurant now. I said that YOU would be the price,but if you are unable to deliver that is your decision.?
?The Men's restroom??
?If I have to repeat myself, I will get very angry. On the other hand, theguests here might enjoy the show at your expense. Let's see, what else couldI have you remove??
Rebecca glanced in the direction of the restrooms and moved quickly beforehe thought of something else. A man at the urinal looked at her as she entered. ?Theladies room is packed,? she said going into a stall. Reaching under her skirt,she removed her pantyhose and then her panties. Leaving the stall she put thepantyhose in the trash and wadded up the panties as best she could in her hand.She hurried out and back to the table, reaching under it with the hand holdingthe panties. He remained as he was with his hands on the table. ?Here,? shesaid reaching farther. When he made no move she looked around and then putthem in his hand on the table. He took them, put them to his nose and inhaled.She shuttered at the raw sensuality of the act and felt the heat rise in heras he placed them on the table in plain sight.
He reached under her jacket with his right hand and pinched her nipple throughbra and blouse, then twisted. She stiffened, eyes wide, and let out an ?aaaiii? almostbefore she could stop herself. ?Now I have your attention. Rule one was a detailed,complete, and honest answer to all my questions. Did you comply??
?No, I guess not.?
?You guess not what? How should I be addressed? As one of your lackeys atwork??
She thought. ?I'm sorry I didn't give a detailed and complete response, Sir.?
?That form of address is much more appropriate. What else were you wearing??
?I also had on red panties with a high leg cut and a white cotton strip inthe crotch and a red lace bra with full cups and a back closure, and Frenchperfume.? She tried to think if there was anything she had omitted. ?And myrings, one a quarter caret engagement ring and the other my wedding ring, bothin yellow gold.?
?Rule # 2. You will never wear panties in my presence without my express permission.And you will never, ever, sit on your skirt. It will get all slimy,? he saidincreasing the pressure on her nipple and pulling it toward him for emphasis.
?Yes, Sir,? she winced. The dark haired beauty glanced around quickly andpartially rose so she could pull up her skirt in the back. Sitting back downshe felt the seat against her bare skin and smoothed out her skirt in the front.He released the grip on her now tender nipple and she let out her breath.
?Now where did we leave off? Oh yes, your attire. You are not having yourperiod now so no tampon??
?No, Sir,? she said blushing.
?When did the last one end??
?Last Thursday, I think, Sir.?
?What is your bra size??
?34 C.?
His eyebrows went up.
?24 inches, Sir.?
?You will throw out ALL your pantyhose as soon as you get home. Do you haveany real stockings??
?Yes, Sir?
?Good, you will wear them from now on as a part of Rule #2. What is Rule #2then??
?I am not to wear panties in your presence without your permission, and Iam not to sit on the back of my skirt. I will throw out all my pantyhose andwear stockings. If I may ask, Sir, should I wear stockings with elastic tops,or a garter??
?You may ask. A garter is the preferred method.?
The waiter had arrived with the Avgolemono soup. His eyebrow went up as hesaw the red panties lying on the table, but he said nothing. Rebecca reddenedwhen she saw his eyes. The soup was delicious, although she didn't fully appreciateit. They ate it still munching on the appetizers. When they had finished Kyleleaned back and studied her. She became uncomfortable under his gaze.
?Are you wet?? he asked her.
?If you are not able to remember a simple request such as the proper way toaddress me then I will have to take measures to ensure that your memory isenhanced. I don't really think you are that stupid.?
?I'm sorry, Sir. My mind has been in such a whirl tonight. I'm sure I cando better, Sir,? she said trying to sound deferential.
?We shall see. Again I find that I am repeating myself. Are you wet??
?I...I don't think so, Sir.
?Reach down and run a finger through your pussy.?
Rebecca colored as she reached under her skirt and dragged her index fingerfrom the bottom to the top of her slit. She jumped slightly when it contactedher clit. Then she brought it out and held it up for him to see. They bothsaw the telltale signs of her arousal.
?Smell yourself,? he commanded her.
She stared at it for a moment, as if disbelief, and then raised the fingerto her nose, inhaling the musky aroma.
?Lick it off.?.
She tasted her secretions as ordered. She couldn't understand it, but shewas getting all tingly - down there. While she had never tasted herself, shehad certainly smelled her female odor and it hadn't had this effect. Why didn'the just take her? She had already told him she would please him.
The waiter reappeared, whisked off the plates and bowls, and then returnedfor the main entree. Kyle ordered calamari with rice and a Greek salad,? andthe waiter glided off to attend to it.
?Unbutton the top two buttons on your blouse,? Kyle said.
Rebecca did a it, with a ?Yes, Sir.?
?Do you shave your pussy??
?No, Sir. I do trim it,? she responded knowing that even these personal questionshad to be answered.
?Rule # 3, your pussy will be kept free of hair at all times except for alittle strip at the top. You will leave work early tomorrow and have it waxedat this beauty shop. They will be expecting you at 3:30,? he said handing hera card.
?Now just wait a minute, SIR,? Rebecca began, the color rising in her face.
?Off to the Men's Room and remove your bra. Bring it to me in 3 minutes. Yourmay re-button 2 buttons and keep the jacket if you are on time.? He lookedat his watch.
Rebecca started to say something and stopped. ?Yes, Sir,? was all she couldmanage as she dashed away from the table. Three minutes wasn't much time forthis. She tore into the stall and pulled off her jacket without even closingthe door. Next came the blouse and finally the bra. It nearly fell into thetoilet as she laid it on the seat. Then back on with the blouse without eventucking it into her skirt, a middle button and a bottom one. Then the jacketand she raced off not even trying to conceal the bra. She was out of breathwhen she appeared at the table again holding the red bra with other dinnerswondering what was going on. ?Here, Sir,? she said handing it to him. ?Doeseverything meet with your approval, Sir??
He nodded, ?2 minutes and 54 seconds,? and placed the bra next to the matchingpanties. ?But you have made a mess on your chair. Wipe it up,? he said handingher a handkerchief.
She wiped at the embarrassing pool, and then sat, pulling up the back of herskirt as she did so. She studied the silverware in front of her wondering whatother people in the restaurant were thinking of her. She hoped none of themknew her. On the one hand he was handsome and self-assured. He never raisedhis voice or was offensive to those around him, yet his presence was commanding.She knew that in another circumstance she would have found him very attractive.He had taken her on a roller-coaster ride ever since this morning?everythingwell planned out, it seemed. It was disconcerting that he was pushing buttonsin her feelings she never knew existed, and she found her reactions to whathe was doing very scary. She knew she could take whatever he chose to dishout, but her own mind was betraying her. The card was still sitting on herplate where she had left it. She picked it up, looked at the address, and putit in her purse thinking about the chore ahead of her tomorrow.
?How will I explain my lack of hair to my husband? He has tried to get meto do that before and I have always refused. He knows that I hate looking likea little girl down there, as well as the itching and soreness.?
?I'm sure you will think of a response,? was the unsympathetic answer.
The main course arrived and the wine was poured. She liked squid, and therice was well prepared. The salad was without lettuce with a tasty Greek dressing.It was a good choice on his part?as always, it seemed. As they ate, he engagedher in general conversation, pouring wine as the glasses emptied. Soon he hadher laughing and she almost forgot the circumstances that brought her here.
Dessert was a Greek pastry and coffee. As Niko came to clear the dessert dishes,Kyle said, ?Niko, you have been very helpful tonight. Rebecca has been learninga few lessons in proper deportment, Haven't you Rebecca??
?Yes, Sir,? she responded.
?Before we leave, Niko should have a proper tip. Open your blouse for him.?
She hesitated and looked into Kyle's eyes like a deer caught in the headlights.Then seeing the hardness there, she undid the two remaining buttons. Graspingblouse and jacket, she opened them far enough for him to see her nipples beforeclosing it.
?Did I ask you to close it?? a cold voice inquired.
?No, Sir,? she said opening it again and holding it open with eyes squeezedshut.
?Farther,? he ordered, noticing that a blush was washing over her upper chest.When she complied he said, ?What do you think of them Niko??
?Very beautiful, if I may say so.?
?They do have the slightest bit of sag.?
?That is just because they are full,? said the appreciative waiter.
?Would they look better with nipple rings or nipple studs, do you think??
?I would have to think on that,? was his studied reply.
?She will come back again for your decision,? Kyle said. ?You may close yourblouse now, but leave it unbuttoned. Check, please.? As they stood, Rebeccalooked over at the bra and panties. Kyle shook his head and they headed forthe door. The Maitre d' wished them well. As they walked into the parking lotshe looked at him expectantly. He ignored her leading the way to his Jaguarand opened the door for her.
?My car, Sir?? She said sitting down.
?Is already at your house,? he said to her amazement and slid into the driver'sseat.
He reached into her blouse and took a naked tit between thumb and finger.He rolled it back and forth until a moan escaped from her mouth. Then he pinchedharder and harder until the tears came. Only then did she remember and pullup the back of her skirt. This was not going to be as simple as she had anticipated.He had thoroughly humiliated her in the restaurant. Was this part of her punishmentfor cheating the government? Or was there some other ulterior motive in allthis she couldn't understand?
He started the engine and drove through the city. ?Do you remember the 3 rulesI have given you?? he asked?
?Yes, Sir,? was her reply.
?Slide down in the seat and masturbate for me.?
She had always hated that word, but she was resigned to her fate and said ?Yes,Sir.? She pulled the front of her skirt up, trying to keep herself partiallycovered, and rubbed her finger up and down the slit. Then she pushed it intoherself, hearing an embarrasing squish as she did so. She couldn't rememberever having been this wet before. She looked over at him and started to rubher clit. Her eyes closed, feeling the sway of the car in motion for a fewmoments, before blocking even that out. Although she was rubbing very slowly,she couldn't believe how soon she was on the verge of an orgasm.
?Stop,? Kyle said in a deep voice. She sat there with eyes closed for a minutebefore coming back to consciousness. ?Rule #4. You may cum only with my permission.Do you understand??
?Yes, Sir.?
?What does the rule mean??
?That I cannot cum when I want to cum. I will have to wait until you tellme to, Sir??
?And if I order you to cum??
?I will obey you, Sir,? she said, although her heart wasn't quite in it.
?Very good. You may continue.?
Rebecca began stroking her clit again and shut her eyes avoiding his gaze.Soon she was close to cumming again. She stopped rubbing to keep from breakingrule #4.
?Did I tell you to stop?? he asked crossly.
?No, Sir. But if I don't stop I'll break rule #4, and I know that would displeaseyou, Sir.?
?You are right, you will be punished most severely if you break that rule.You must learn self-discipline, Rebecca. Your mind controls your body and notthe other way around. Your nipple hurt a few minutes ago, but your mind toldit that it must be endured, and so it was. You will cum when your mind tellsyou to cum. And who controls your mind??
?I suppose you want me to say you do, Sir.?
?It is your choice. We all have choices to make in life. You can submit yourmind to me or not as you choose. Although every action you take or don't takeis also a choice made by your mind. Why have you chosen to obey me tonight??
?I had no other choice.?
?Of course you did. We often make choices we would prefer not to make becauseof another overriding interest. Does that mean we should not make them then??
?No, not necessarily.?
?So what do you chose tonight? Will you cum when your body wants to, or whenI want you to??
?I will obey you, Sir. Which I guess means that my mind is yours too, Sir.?
?We shall see whether that is the case or not. Continue.?
She did as he said and was soon thrashing about on the seat next to him. Beforelong, she was out of her mind with lust. Her moans turned to pleading. Shebegged Sir to let her cum. She would give anything for the orgasm she had storedup all night. He smiled as he watched her writhing beside him.
?You may stop,? he said as he pulled into her driveway and turning on theoverhead light. She seemed to be in another world and continued the ministrationson her clit unaware of his command. ?Stop,? he said firmly and loudly. Sheobeyed, breathing like a distance runner with perspiration running down herface. Her blouse had parted over the last 15 minutes and he admired her breastsagain, flushed with arousal and nipples hard as pebbles.
?You are home,? he said. ?Have you told your husband about our meeting??
She shook her head to clear it. ?He knew we had a summons for today. But Iwas unable to reach him to tell him about the meeting this morning.? God wasit only this morning?
?Good. We will keep it that way for the time being. And now I need relief,? hesaid moving his seat back and unzipping his pants.
The look in her face was wild as she moved across to put her mouth on him.She hadn't had sex in a car since college. Oral sex wasn't one of her favoritesanyway, although she did it once in a while, usually as a reward for somethingJohn had done. She went partially down on him with her mouth and jerked himwith her hand. He didn't force her this time but let the events of the day,and her warm mouth, do their work.
When she could tell he was getting close, she looked up and said, ?You cantake me if you want.?
?Not tonight,? he said pushing her head down to the task at hand.
She had never swallowed before, but instinctively knew that it was requiredof her. Then he was shooting gobs of cum into her mouth and she was swallowingas fast as she could, choking on the thick liquid. Her cunt tingled and shewondered why he didn't cum inside her. She knew she was attractive, so it couldn'tbe that. He gave her the same handkerchief she had wiped the chair with earlier,and she wiped his cum off her face.
?If you are really turned on, you may bring yourself off in the house tonight,? hesaid condescendingly.
?No, I am fine really,? she lied. She had never been one for ?bringing herselfoff?, preferring to cum with her husband. That had been hard with his travelschedule the past few years, so she had just gone without.
?I will contact you when I want to meet again.?
?Yes, Sir. And thank you Sir for not reporting us,? she said truthfully.
?Whether or not I report you remains to be seen. I will continue to evaluateyour progress. You just barely passed tonight.?
?Yes, Sir. I know I can do better than I did tonight,? she said wonderingfor the umpteenth time what he had in store for her, and even more, how shewould respond. Her response to what he made her do was more troubling to herthan what he had made her do.
?You may leave now,? he said, and she opened the car door to get out.
?You will need this,? he said handing her the purse. ?And if you ever getit into your head to try and entrap me the way you did with the tape recorder,Mike and Matt will be without a mother.?
She caught the snarl in his voice and knew instantly that it was no idle threat.She buttoned up her blouse, fished the keys out of her purse, and went inside.She checked to see that the car was indeed in the garage, made a stiff drink,and carried it upstairs. She sat on the edge of the bed, took two large swallows,choked, and set the glass on the night table. Damn him, she thought. Damn himto hell. She pulled her skirt up and started to massage her clit again, thefeelings as strong as before. Then she thought of his words ?If you are reallyturned on, you may bring yourself off in the house tonight.? Angrily she pulledher hand away. She was not going to let him control her any more than she absolutelyhad to, and masturbating just wasn't her thing. Disgusted with herself, sheundressed, took a shower, and spent a restless night.
If you enjoyed the story, let me know and I will continue it. Comments andsuggestions are always welcome as well as ideas for story lnes. I may be reachedat [email protected] (Iknow, I know, but finding a name there seems an impossibility nowadays ).Should you want to post this story on another web site, please ask first.
arriving at the party, jasmine realised she was slighly early as there were only 4 people there. thinking she might get drunk early and say something about wanting to fuck rebecca, she told her that shed popped in early to drop the drinks off but had to nip back home to get rebeccas present. driving home she couldnt believe how sexy rebecca looked. the image of rebecca wearing the white dress that clung to her curves and showed her full suckable tits off madejasmine moist. pulling up outside...
I am an 18 years old with a very horny virgin seven inches dick. My name is Robert. I do not have the experience of fucking a woman. I do not know how a ripped woman looks when she is naked. I have seen photographs of naked women in websites but never have seen them in reality. Rebecca is a dream girl for me as well as for my friends. She is an astounding 19 years old girl, 5 foot 4 inches tall, blue eyed blonde, with the firmest 36 C breasts, long legs and a big well shaped rounded ass. I...
Erotic“Sorry to bother you,” Emma repeated again. “It’s okay,” I smiled at her, “If anything happens again, call me.” With a wave of my hand, I turned around and walked down the street. It was a warm April day; a light breeze gently touched my face and body. I passed Jefferson Street, past the magnolia bushes. A sweetish smell hit my nostrils. Jackie lived here; she was my mother's work colleague. Once I was fixing her laptop too. Jackie is about 40 but have a very youthful appearance. An image...
Note: I reuploaded this because of fixing paragraphs, so that it will be more comfortable to read.“Sorry to bother you,” Emma repeated again.“It’s okay,” I smiled at her, “If anything happens again, call me.”With a wave of my hand, I turned around and walked down the street.It was a warm April day; a light breeze gently touched my face and body. I passed Jefferson Street, past the magnolia bushes. A sweetish smell hit my nostrils. Jackie lived here; she was my mother's work colleague. Once I...
“It’s okay,” I smiled at her, “If anything happens again, call me.” With a wave of my hand, I turned around and walked down the street. It was a warm April day; a light breeze gently touched my face and body. I passed Jefferson Street, past the magnolia bushes. A sweetish smell hit my nostrils. Jackie lived here; she was my mother's work colleague. Once I was fixing her laptop too. Jackie is about 40 but have a very youthful appearance. An image flashed in my memory: Jackie in a white top...
Rebecca Edwards was forty-six years old, though you'd be forgiven for thinking her ten years the junior of that age. After growing up in Southampton in the UK, Rebecca's family moved to Houston, Texas as her father took a new job. Rebecca grew into a very beautiful young woman. She had shoulder-length, light brown hair. Her green eyes were sharp and were naturally framed by voluminous eyelashes. She had a cute, but highly structured face. She grew to five-foot-nine-inches tall, with a lean and...
Straight Sexmy cousin Rebecca and I are 9 years apart, she is 22 and I am 31, for as long as I could remember my cousin Rebecca would always fallowing my every foot step as we would play together in our grandparents back yard like a brother and sister would, I always knew Rebecca loved me with a passion as I love that girl to and I would do anything for her as she would do the same, we have always been close to even this day where we share very intimate discussions of our life situations, she understands...
The woman stared up from the recliner at the study's ceiling tiles, their geometry an irritating counterpoint to the tumbling thoughts beneath her silver bob. Consternation creased her exquisitely manicured eyebrows. "Surely one should not behave in such a manner, should one? It’s simply not proper." She brought cherry polished nails to one cheek and gave it an idle scratch. "At fifty-five, one should know better. But what would you have done?"Rebecca Delaney glanced up from her notes over the...
CheatingBroken-record time: Almost all of my writing is based, to some degree, on real people and / or events in my life. This one is no exception, but it’s about 99% fiction. There’s a lot (I think) of character development, and some explicit sex, but this is not designed to be a stroke story. It’s intended to be about loving relationships, both sexual and nonsexual, within and between generations, and healthy, renewable family bonds. Also: after looking at the finished product, I must say I had not...
Broken-record time: Almost all of my writing is based, to some degree, on real people and / or events in my life. This one is no exception, but it's about 99% fiction. There's a lot (I think) of character development, and some explicit sex; but this is not designed to be a stroke story. It's intended to be about loving relationships, both sexual and nonsexual, within and between generations, and healthy, renewable family bonds. Also: after looking at the finished product, I must say I had...
My name is Tim and I am a nerdy eighteen year old guy. I have never had sex. I am just a very wimpy guy. I'm not very tall. I'm only five foot four inches tall, and I'm very thin. People in school would always call me a string bean. I'm very unsure of myself around women, because I've never been with one. I'm not muscular, but I do run to stay in shape. I'll be going to college in September, to get my degree in finance. I'm very smart and have a real good sense with numbers. I was in the top...
TabooChapter 1: Jimmy ?Jimmy, slide the buttplug in your rectum? said the voluptuous woman. Shewasn't fat but she had nice round hips. Jimmy actually liked Rebecca's hips.He always tried not to look at her hips and her big breasts. Jimmy tried to slide in the buttplug but without lubricant, it wasn't easy. ?Doyou want me to help you, Jimmy?? his wife asked. Her husband was always comfortablewith her and he was never embarrassed to ask her for assistance. ?Yes, please, Rebecca.? was his answer....
video with Joe 3 (2) People me Story of making a video with Joe 3 I had watched the first video of Joe and Rebecca having sex which caught me completely by surprise. At the end of that video, Rebecca looked at the camera and said, Jan 8 me To me Jan 8 Story of making a video with Joe 3 I had watched the first video of Joe and Rebecca having sex which caught me completely by surprise. At the end of that video, Rebecca looked at the camera and said, “This was for you honey, I...
“Shit. Shit. Shit. Im gonna be late.” As I hurried down the hallway, the echoes of my 5-inch, black stilettos rang loudly causing me greater anxiety than I had anticipated. My white sleeveless dress fluttered as I scurried along. Nearly dropping my bejeweled clutch, I composed myself and walked into the Grand Ballroom. Brilliant hues of light projected themselves onto my face. My eyes focused after a long minute, and I took in my surroundings. The Annual Company Ball was an event full of...
Two hot, horny chicks share a apartment, so why not share their fantasies as well? Sweet hot lesbian fantasies of two sexy teens students. THIS happened to me when i was at college, i decided to rent accommodation just a few blocks from campus, there were two of us, two girls who rented one apartment, this happened after we had been living together severely weeks we got on very well, and Rebecca a stunner.It was late Thursday night. I had been on a date with anna and had amazing sex. When i got...
I wrote this for another member that wanted a great story to go with a picture. I hope you enjoy! :) I walk in the room and I see Rebecca is standing her naked. I instantly start to get hard. I walk up to her. She aays uhh what are you doing? I say I'm about to fuck you whether you want it or not. I throw everything on the table on to the ground. I pick Rebecca up and put her on the table. She was begging me not to do it. She says please I...
Nora ran from the party in tears. The night was unkind; lightning brightly lit the sky as sheets of wind-driven rain swept the rocky slope. Bone-jarring thunder accompanied the bright flashes. She tripped and fell to her knees, unaware that the long dress was muddied and torn. "How could you be so blind, Sir William?" Nora shouted into the darkness. "I cannot bear this burden of unacknowledged love any longer." She regained her footing and clambered up the slope to the cliff she knew was there....
First TimeJulie was a white woman, she had short blonde hair and was 5'5. Her ravishing blue eyes was making everybody blush when speaking to her. She had medium firm tits and medium bubble firm bubble butt. She trained all the time at home or outside. Julie hasn't seen Rebecca for almost two years. Rebecca had a private instagram with not many followers but Julie was one of them. The reason of Rebecca absence in Julie life was her new girlfriend. At first, Rebecca and Julie never were lesbian. Rebecca...
Interracial“The United Kingdom of Zoo” Series 5, Episode 3: Rebecca We open with a shot of the United Kingdom – from space ... Pause for a moment – then a very cartoonish, top heavy pouting caricature of our beloved Charley appears, floating in the sky with us like a twisted version of the old “Bewitched’ tv titles ... She smiles at us, then waves and turns and falls toward the country at super-sonic speed, dropping from a low-Earth orbit to sea level over the English Channel, off the south coast, in...
At my niece’s birthday party there was a clown, and when I mentioned this to my friend Rebecca she was delighted, and offered to accompany her own nephew in place of his mother. Rebecca wanted to see the clown, and I wanted to see Rebecca. She was the most beautiful woman I knew personally, and also the nicest: statuesque with long dark hair, a soft voice and a placid temperament. I was much older than her, too old to be smitten with such a young woman, but her beauty tempted me sorely, I was...
Rebecca (MMF, wife-sharing, reluc?) by Anonymous Author Don't read if you're u******e... or don't care to read about fantasies of sex with someone outside of one's marriage. I'll start off by saying that my wife and I have been married for 16 years and sex was becoming a bit stale and uneventful. I enjoy fantasizing and suggested a fantasy involving her and two men but her reaction was, "You couldn't love me if you really wanted that..." It became a 'special occasion only' fantasy that she...
My heart was beating fast as Rebecca answered the door and invited me in. After months of swapping photos and chatting the moment had arrived. I was floored by how much more sexier she was than the photos we had been exchanging. My cock instantly became enraged as I stared at her. Rebecca had the cutest cheeks and eyes and she new how to do her makeup to accentuate her beauty. She wore a nice shoulder length brown wig. She had on a nice layer of foundation, her eyebrows painted dark. Eye lashes...
My heart was beating fast as Rebecca answered the door and invited me in. After months of swapping photos and chatting the moment had arrived. I was floored by how much more sexier she was than the photos we had been exchanging. My cock instantly became enraged as I stared at her. Rebecca had the cutest cheeks and eyes and she new how to do her makeup to accentuate her beauty. She wore a nice shoulder length brown wig. She had on a nice layer of foundation, her eyebrows painted dark. Eye...
Rebecca swayed lithely from side to side as she danced in the firelight. Here in the darkness of the trees at the bottom end of the three-acre garden little light penetrated. She swayed and sashayed around the fire, enjoying the heat from the flickering flames. The orange and yellow flames enhanced the natural sheen of her body as she danced. It seemed so natural to dance naked in the warmth of the African night. The fire was hardly necessary to add warmth, but its glow, and the flickering...
Her name was Rebecca Anne Courtney and I had lusted after her since the seventh grade, but while I might have told myself that I would kill to have her I knew in my heart that it would never happen. The simple truth of the matter was that Becky couldn’t stand me. Because of mutual friends she tolerated me, but I never knew why she didn’t like me. At first I thought that it might be that she didn’t know me all that well so naturally I tried to rectify that. Whenever I saw her I would approach...
Rebecca had been talking to her online master, Sir Philip for some time. One day, he picks her up after work & take her home to show her how a slut really behaves... Chapter 1 As the rasping sting from his palm settled on her cheek she knew she’d made the right choice, she also knew it was the last, and first, time she would look at him without his permission. She was sat silently in the passenger seat of his brand new Range Rover staring straight ahead. Jet black on the outside, just...
BDSMBecky was still embarrassed at her display of jealousy earlier that day, and vowed to not be that way any longer. She felt she was being a baby about things, and admitted to herself that she needed to grow up, in more ways than one.When she arrived home, she thought about how she was going to, frankly, make her dreams come true. She couldn’t bring herself to do what Beth and Stacey had done; one accidentally, the other quite on purpose.Likewise, she had no intention of invoking any memory of...
IncestI think it was about then, shortly after I had lost my stripes again not that we got paid often or much, anyhow at about that time the captain gave me a special assignment because I was the only man available and unoccupied. He told me that clearly when he called me. "I'd rather send 'most anybody else," he said. "I want you to promise me that you'll stay awake, stay sober and stay out of fancy women's beds until you get to Trenton." "Yessir," I said by reflex. "My cousin's...
My wife became a hot-wife a few months ago. Rebecca and I went out to a local club almost every Saturday night to dance. If she became interested in a man or I in a woman, we would bring them back to our house. A threesome was our usual sexual experience, but there were times both of us had picked up a partner. Those were special nights, and a small orgy usually ensued for the remainder of the weekend. Rebecca and I have an open marriage, that we both are enjoying now. I'm sure as we age, we...
MILFI had been to see Rebecca twice now for a Tantric massage lasting an hour. Rebecca always wore a white uniform she had shoulder length hair a very pretty face and a nice body. The massage started with me face down naked as she massaged each limb in turn with oil. She then asked me to turn over and repeated the process on my front, finishing with a lingam massage where she slowly massaged my cock and balls till I came. As I was dressing to leave she said now that she knew well enough she...
MasturbationI It was still a little dark outside. The pretty lace curtains gave way to the glass paned window. The blinds were pulled away just a little so that he could look outside and know how the light of the day changed. Rory loved the laces on the window. They were intricate flower patterned and in white. Nothing really different from the average window lace curtains, but he loved them nonetheless. They...
I had been to see Rebecca twice now for a Tantric massage lasting an hour. Rebecca always wore a white uniform she had shoulder length hair a very pretty face and a nice body. The massage started with me face down naked as she massaged each limb in turn with oil. She then asked me to turn over and repeated the process on my front, finishing with a lingam massage where she slowly massaged my cock and balls till I came. As I was dressing to leave she said now that she knew well enough...
Before Pelle went to bed that evening, he loaded his cart high with coal for the Baron's forge. That done, he filled his tub with water from the creek and with hot water from the kettle over his fireplace. He added soap shavings and soaked himself, his tunic, and his pants in the tepid, soapy water. It felt good to be rid of the dust again. He had a supper of venison stew and mashed grains, left over from the day before, before he rolled into his blankets in the roomy cot built on the loft...
Rebecca was her name, a very pretty girl. Slim and well fit; perfect curves, tits that really can attract most boys. And the lust in her eyes told me, she wants me. So one day, as a normal day at school came to an end. She brought me back to her house. We jumped off the bus together and made our way. We arrive at her house and She says, "Wait a minute." She opens her front door and enters the house. She comes back and tells me. "All clear." I take her hand while smiling. She...
I stood by the window in anticipation of your visit. The house was deserted, leaving plenty of space for us to play. Anxiously I check my watch hoping time would move faster. Sadly no, so I continue to wait until you come to me. After what seems an eternity I see a car pull into my drive way. I spring from the window and rush out the door to meet you.“Hey Rebecca it’s so good to see you again!” I say in an upbeat tone.“Thanks I’m glad we could get together today” you say with a mischievous grin...
A letter to Wild Becky Neaville, October, 1992, Blue Toe County Kentucky.A true story.Dear Becky,This happened to me and I'm your kin. You need to know it girl - tonight because tomorrow is your birthday and was mine too.(now in a man's hand... the old woman had to whisper it to her cousin's brother who was a minister with no secrets to tell as he couldn't talk - he said something bad once and they ripped out his tongue.) Yer granny word for word girl. Here goes...It was her 16th birthday...
Training Rose by Angie FRose has become something of a living legend around Saddleworth so I persuaded her to tell me her story for a small, or actually not so small, fee. I had to edit some of it and change a couple of identities but I hope you enjoy it. Angie. Training RoseI cowered in the corner protecting my face as best I could as the blows rained down, five, six, I counted,...
WARNING! THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION. IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL OF A SEXUAL NATURE. DELETE NOW IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO VIEW THIS TYPE OF MATERIAL.The Author does not condone any of these actions, this is fantasy, make believe, ya know day dreaming. COPYRIGHT 2006: This story is copyrighted by the author, Stillbehindblueeyes. I?d love to hear from you Stillbehindblueeyes (at) yahoo (dot) comIf you post this story else ware please let me know and give me access to it....
serviced the wealthy residents of Dewberry Place. Natalie liked training dogs. She really did. She had started working with dogs when she was thirteen years old as a kind of gofer/volunteer/intern with the town vet. Now, three years later, Natalie had obtained a user contract with a local private kennel to act as an animal obedience instructor. During the intervening years, Natalie had gone to the excellent little library that Dewberry Place boasted and had read extensively both on...
Introduction: Natalie is an ambitious young dog trainer with a taste for the finer things in life Natalie was a dog trainer living in Dewberry Place, a wealthy suburb, while she and her widowed mother lived in a trailer park at the edge of town with all the other help that serviced the wealthy residents of Dewberry Place. Natalie liked training dogs. She really did. She had started working with dogs when she was thirteen years old as a kind of gofer/volunteer/intern with the town vet. Now,...
Book ISYNOPSIS : Master Jonathan decides that it is time for His slave girl to become a pain slut. Her journey into the world of pain begins with unique training sessions conducted by multiple sadistic Masters, each man using her body to inflict His perversions and predilections for pain. The pain administered to her body is beyond anything she has experienced or could imagine. But in the end and after several days of excruciating training sessions, she learns that pain can be an...
Training Allie part 1, revised and extended {Les Evans} [1/2] ?Training Allie? was originally posted as ?Allie.? Consider ?The Story of O? and ?9-1/2 Weeks.? This story is an exploration of the question: why would any woman consent to persist in a relationship that, by any standard, would be considered abusive? There are many possible answers, each of which could be the basis for other stories. I hope that ?Allie? presents one answer. Introduction to Chapters 1-11: This fantasy has been...
This is my attempt to achieve some sort of ultimate in consensual feminization. (Of course, the ultimate is unattainable; someone else will always find a way to go further than you have gone.) I hope the result doesn't cloy; there's a powerful lot of sweetness and light here. Certainly if you're looking for whips, barking dominatrixes, with verbal and physical abuse in general, you'll be disappointed. But for a few, I hope this tale will be a dream come true. There's a little bit of sex,...
Think of training in three phases:1. Basic Training - is required to make permanent the rebalancing of the sexual roles central to a hot wife/cuckold marriage2. Advanced Training - is for couples who seek a deeper expression of cuckold devotion and preparation for the third phase3. Fetish Training - is where you build on your newfound perspectives to explore a variety of previously unimagined pleasures...Why is Training Necessary?We are all conditioned to accept a limited and distorted view of...
By now, all of you are aware how Sunita Mam enjoyed harassing me as a girl. From that day, she very often made me dress as a girl as and when she liked. I had no choice than to fulfill her desires. Only hope was getting a job. Going to work was the only way I could get rid of all this. But after doing all the house work, there was hardly any time left to search for a job. Moreover, she had other plans for me. There was more to come. One day, during the winter holidays, she called me, “How do...
Susan Wilde was a lovely woman in her forties, with brown hair and brown eyes, whose sex life was a faded memory. She wondered how she’d let it get to that point and realized that it had been out of necessity. She’d been a young widow with a daughter to raise on her own, and the sexual being that she’d been had disappeared.In high school, she’d been slutty Susie Simon, the girl who could suck a young man dry. She was technically a virgin when she had married Bob Wilde, but many thought it was...
MILFThis Agreement between husband and Wife covers the terms of the training of husband by his Wife to the optimal level of utilitarian and intimate service, as judged by the Wife. The Wife may use any and all means of enforcement as described herein necessary to achieve the results she desires. It is the intention of both parties that the husband shall become the sex slave of Wife for the term of this Agreement, to be formally trained to serve her, and that the Wife commits to firmly and...
CLAIMED- THAT, all the incidences mentioned hereinafter are true and NOT FIGMENT OF IMAGINATION CLAIMED- THAT, all the incidences mentioned hereinafter are true and NOT FIGMENT OF IMAGINATION. They are reported as they have occurred in my life. In the same sequential order. Only the names and locations have been suitably changed and abbreviated to avoid SCANDAL. Training of an INDIAN Finance Analyst. BEGINING ?I had never imagined that a time would come when I will feel like writing...
‘Okay, but you have to close your eyes and promise not to look.’ He pulled her up from the sofa and brought her to the mirror. ‘Keep your eyes closed, okay?’ She laughed softly but didn’t protest. She felt the cold stones graze the skin of her neck. She had to twist her neck to avoid being strangled – what a klutz! Could she peek? ‘Don’t peek, I’m not done.’ It wasn’t quite right. The string of purple pearls curved around her neck and down her neckline, but then spilled untidily over her...
My name is Tim and I am a nerdy eighteen year old guy. I have never had sex. I am just a very wimpy guy. I’m not very tall. I’m only five foot four inches tall, and I’m very thin. People in school would always call me a string bean. I’m very unsure of myself around women, because I’ve never been with one. I’m not muscular, but I do run to stay in shape. I’ll be going to college in September, to get my degree in finance. I’m very smart and have a real good sense with numbers. I was in the top...
My family had moved to a new city which meant starting from scratch socially, again, definitly not a area of strength for me. Although this school being 4 times as large had me petrified I was a pleaser by nature i shined in my studies and acedemic clubs quickly making me a faculty favorite. accepted and safe, teachers became role models and only friends, hadwhich certainly didnt help make me one of the cool k**s. picked on by most of the other students hearing comments like "teacher’s pet"...
The one love of my life i lost i still think of every so often. I have had a lot of women and dated my share but Becky was special. I think as a man you have those that touch you the most and you never forget them and wonder how your life might have been different. We met when we were young and i had been married and divorced. Becky was unmarried when we met. She was absolutely beautiful. She was not too thin not to big just like a 20 yr old should look.long natural blonde hair, deep blue...
Becca had always been the apple of my eye. From the moment she was born she was always daddy's little girl, and she knew it. Puberty hit early and hard for her. At 12 years old she was already a B cup and much fuller than the rest of her girlfriends. One night at a slumber party her friends were all comparing how their bodies were developing. All I could do was sit there and watch in horror and amazement at how my little girl was growing. Now she had graduated high school and getting ready to...
We were lying in each other’s arms, undressed, kissing – sweet, soft kisses. My heart was full of love for you – and you looked at me with such adoration that it made me want to give all the world to you. I was hard – and knew that you were wet with desire for me. But we had lots of time and were taking it very slowly. I caressed your arm and shoulder, then moved my hand slowly toward your breast. I felt the soft fullness of you, caressed you lightly, then took my mouth from yours and sucked...
“I’m sorry,” you said sadly. “Sorry about what, my sweet honey?” I asked. “What do you have to be sorry about?” “I don’t know! Something! I’m afraid you’re angry with me.” “I’m not a bit angry with you, darling. You’ve done nothing to make me angry.” “Okay.” You nodded your head, but didn’t look convinced. In fact, you still looked sad. “I want to be perfect for you. And when I’m not perfect, I feel you are disappointed and angry.” I looked at you seriously for a moment. “Do you think...
I spent eight years in the military after high school. I had made it thru Ranger school in the top five percent. Because of graduating so high, I had the opportunity to go through Navy Seals training. Only a few Army guys got the opportunity, so I jumped at it. I was a strong swimmer in high school and was all-State. I made it through the training and graduated. After my time was up, I got out and used my GI bill to get a degree in teaching. At my first high school, I also became the swim...
BisexualAN ENDING “My life is over!” I yelled to my aunt the day she came to discharge me from the convalescent center. With my parents being claimed by a car crash almost eight years ago, I had striven to be a careful driver since then — despite my having bought a silver BMW convertible thanks to my folks’ insurance proceeds and estate. But I almost bought the farm, too. My fiancée wasn’t so lucky. It was evening on a quiet stretch the coast highway northwest of Los Angeles, next to the ocean....
Love Stories"Dad, I have to make a confession, but I believe something good will come of it.It really is no secret that your marriage to Melissa is in shambles. You even sleep in separate bedrooms. This was such a happy house in the beginning. You married a vivacious, beautiful young lady who could easily be my sister and I was looking forward so much to a cheerful household again after Mom had passed away. It is so obvious that your relationship has soured, that Melissa is unhappy, and that you are...