LA FunChapter 41 free porn video

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I woke just after six and remembered Yuu's request to join me in exercising. I thought about waking the girls, but I would have them work out later even if I needed to do it with them.

There was a large Mr. Coffee on the bar with a tray of mugs, so I poured myself some coffee and was soon joined by Donte, followed by Dai, and then one of Yuu's bodyguards. Each of them poured a half mug of coffee while we waited for Yuu to come downstairs. Yuu walked into the big room at exactly six thirty, and smiled at all of us. He poured himself a couple of swallows of coffee as we all were standing in anticipation of going to the gym room.

Yuu said, "Show me this big gym area so I know where to send my women so they can remain fit for me."

I told Yuu, "I'll make sure my women have yours join them as they also need to work out daily. Jules and Katie have slimmed down a great deal and I think they enjoy the way they look now."

"Jules is a fine looking woman now and shows the glow of bearing your first child. Have you had visions or dreams of this child yet?"

I had to wonder at that comment, but said, "I dreamed of having a son to teach to fish in a stream. Does that count as a vision?"

Yuu was grinning, and said, "It does. You will have your first son with Jules. As soon as he is big enough to accompany you, you must take him fishing in a stream so your vision is proven for you to enjoy. I envisioned my first born being a darling little girl who I held close to me as I tried to pour my love into her. I did exactly that and enjoyed being the father I had always wanted to be."

Hideki had joined us and said, "Every child you have is special and you should hold it whenever possible so you can bond with it. It sounds improbable, but even infant children feel your love as you hold them to your chest and they bond with you. I held Jules every chance I had because she was with me when she was born so that she could bond with a man. I'm so fortunate we bonded and it is still present today."

That was heavy coming from a man who controls thousands of jobs worldwide and with a word or two can change the course of a great deal of commerce. He was a man I wanted to emulate.

We had all completed our given regimes and were stretching to keep from cramping after serious lifting. Donte asked as we left the exercise room, "How about a vigorous swim in the pool before we prepare for the day?" Hideki nodded, followed by Yuu agreeing with another nod. We all went through the lower sliding doors and out to the pool. We slid our clothes off and dove into the pool. We all swam hard laps until we were all winded and clinging to the side of the pool. There was a lot of laughter as we got out of pool, gathered our clothes, and went inside and upstairs naked. I'm sure the staff saw us, but no one mentioned it.

The girls were just stirring in the master bedroom. I kissed and tickled each of the three before going to the shower. My shave was good, so I didn't need a do-over, and an additional tooth brushing never hurts. The three women used the toilet, showered, and came out to don their loose shifts. Jules came to me for a kiss and hug, followed by Katie. With the two women of my life attached to me, Willy attempted to join us and was brought into our hug. Katie said, "You may not be our missing person, but you are our woman now, Willy. Brad, Jules, and I want you with us. That you want to be our submissive is okay with us, so we'll learn to use you the way you want us to. We three love you, Willy, and want you to be a part of us. Stay with us, live with us, love with us, and see how we will have happiness beyond anything anyone could imagine. We love you, Willy."

Willy's face was streaked with her tears, but they were joyous tears. Imagine that, the girls and I had our own servant – our own person to help us through life.

Breakfast at the big table was a surprise. The kitchen ladies had prepared a very traditional American breakfast with bacon, eggs, biscuits, fried potatoes, and gravy. Everyone enjoyed the food and the conversation across the table.

Hideki asked who was in charge of the house expansion when we were finished. Jules and Katie raised their hands, but Jules said she needed to work with a few currency modifications before she became involved with the home's remodeling. Katie excused herself as she needed to assist Jules. I think Hideki and Yuu were surprised how Jules and Katie left us, but I held my hand up and told them, "Jules has this seventh sense as to when she can become a winner while others are confused. The markets are stumbling, but watch Jules and Katie as they will find cracks in the armor and come out on top. Also watch as gold climbs. You should all note how oil is bottoming, so I'm sure we will own some oil futures for around twenty dollars. I'm sure Jules will profit from this. I know not to disturb her, but also to be available to her when she's successful. For you who want to, go play golf, Willy will have your women do their workouts and prepare for your return this afternoon."

Hideki asked, "What's your task?"

"I'll be working with the house architect so that we can see what can be done to expand our master suites. I also need to work with my people on the mainland to make sure all is well. Go and enjoy a day on the links."

I was ecstatic to have everyone out of there. The two sets of parents knew they were going to be approached for something important, but Jules and Katie were consumed with the sudden volatility in the market. Willy was being given tasks she could complete that would give additional information to the two women.

I called the LA office and got through to Kelly. "So, how is it going?"

"Actually better than it should be. We had an uprising in Portland that I sent Yori and the new man from here to resolve. Yori is familiar enough with those people to not put up with their bullshit. Between him and the man from our office, they disabled that man and he is now in jail. The man was very close to being on the coroner's table according to Yori. You left me with the tools and I used them. Yori is back to his office and our man is back here. It's so amazing how shit happens so damn fast."

"That's the way it is, Kelly. That's why you're there while I'm gone. I'm going to stay here an extra week, so prepare yourself as you need. I want you to think of splitting the LA office into two offices, along with a possible third office that works exclusively with condos. That's going to require some special talent such as yourself in order to make it all work. It isn't happening yet, but I want you to think about it so we're prepared. I depend on your opinion, so stay with me on this, Kelly."

"Jesus, Brad. You come from every direction at once all the time. Do you think we can do everything you're thinking about?"

"Who knows, Kelly? We'll find out as we try to make it all work."

Kelly hung up on me so that I wouldn't give her anything else to think about.

I called the home office and ended up with Dorothy as usual. She asked, "So are you staying an extra week as soon as she knew it was me? I'm in the pool for you to stay. There is even a place for two extra weeks. You don't think you'll stay that long, do you?"

I was almost rolling on the floor, but held my composure while the woman went through all the scenarios they were betting on. I finally said, "Listen to me, Dorothy."

There was a long pause before she said, "Okay, what?"

I need an extra couple of days to a week to get this place into a condition that I can welcome those from the home office and other areas for a visit. I'm going to open this place up so anyone who can get here will have a place. There is a house staff, a chauffeur to take people to the city and to the golf course. Those who want to contribute to the upkeep are welcome, but not required. This is our own special place for the ultimate in relaxation."

Dorothy sighed as she said, "I hope the place is still there when I can afford to fly there."

I told her, "Tell me when you are free to come, and I'll get you a ride to Hawaii. There's no reason my titty dream can't come to the land of the prickly pineapple and coconuts. Get ready, Dot."

"You asshole. Now all I'll be able to think about is how to get the time off. I'll be calling soon to let you know when I'll be there."

"Maybe I could join you on the islands, Dot. You've always been my fantasy."

"Get out of here, you asshole. Now I'm going to slide all over my chair today."

"Make sure you advise Dan that I'm staying an extra week."

Dorothy said, "We all expected it, but not for the same reason." She hung up with that.

The business calls were done, so I went to find Wanda to see if she was able to come up with the architect's name and firm. She had all his information and also came up with the original plans for the house and garage. There was an architect's sketch of what had been originally envisioned, and it included two more homes to be built on the other side of the garage. I looked at the prints and discovered that the property had almost twenty acres. I knew there had to be survey markers out there to show the property's boundaries. Donte and I had walked the area, but we weren't looking for boundary markers.

I called the architect to make an appointment with him while I was sitting at the counter in the kitchen with another cup of coffee. He asked if I was available this afternoon, so I suggested it be around two or three and to plan on staying for supper so that he could hear what all of us were thinking of.

My parents and Katie's mom and dad walked into the kitchen with wet hair and towels around their shoulders. The four were in swimwear or barely wearing swimwear in the women's case. I was amazed that JoAnn's top could contain those massive breasts. The four saw that I was looking at the house prints and asked what was up.

No time like the present, so I waved Kumi over to give the four some coffee and she brought coffee and some small cupcake looking pastries that looked like tiny pineapple upside down cakes. I began when the four were seated, "My original intent was to flip this place, but the family has fallen in love with it. I note you four seem to enjoy being here as well." The two women were grinning and the men were nodding. "One of the problems is the house isn't large enough for all the guests we could and would like to have. Another is having someone here to be a caretaker or property manager. That always sounds so cold, but I may have the answer. I want Mom and Dad to sell their place in the Villages and move here to oversee the place for me. I've thought this over a great deal and would like to enhance the place by having Joe and JoAnn move here too. The four of you would have friends here instantly that way, and could become a part of the neighborhood and become more involved with the golf clubs or associations that Jules has joined."

All four were sitting with their mouth open. Mom finally came out of it, and asked, "Are you serious? You want your dad and me to pack up and move to Hawaii? Would we have to give you the money we get for the house?"

"No, no, no. That's a good part of this. Rather than you two, or one of you having a forced or rushed sale of the place one day, sell it now while the market in the Villages is good and get full value. You keep and invest the money for your retirement, but you truthfully shouldn't have too many costs living here. We have cars, house staff, food, and a great playground. If you want to get another job to keep you busy, it can be part time so you have plenty of time to play."

JoAnn had gotten up to hug Joe, and said, "This would resolve the problem with the kids and housing. I'd love to live here, especially with Jeff and Freddie. I'll miss the grandkids, but they're growing up and will be busy as they get on in school."

I looked at the four and said, "Then it's settled, you two will be moving here as soon as you can make it happen. Make a deal with a mover for all your personal stuff and any furniture you want to bring, and sell the rest. Jules and Katie will make sure the costs are taken care of. There is a lot of space in the basement and also an unused third floor. It isn't built out yet and needs a better staircase or maybe an elevator. From the looks of this plan, there was a thought of putting an elevator in. The shaft is there, so it could be done."

Joe and JoAnn were discussing how they would do this. Joe looked up and asked, "So there really isn't any reason to bring my pickup, is there?"

"No, Sir, we have three vehicles now and we'll get more if we need them. Find one if you men want a pickup, and we'll buy it. The girls went a little silly with the Escalades, but then Jules has a penchant for the extreme."

JoAnn said, "I don't think Katie even has a car in California. She used to drive, but I guess she always has transportation since she hooked up Jules. Come on, Joe, let's go call the kids to let them know the housing crisis is taken care of. They're going to have a fit when they find out we're moving to Hawaii."

Mom looked at me and said, "You are so weird. You go out to California and finally find a woman to love. The problem is you found more than one, maybe even three. You're so strange. You have always been so tight that you rubbed nickels together and had quarters pop out. At least you did have a nice condo and an old car that you thought was a Caddy. You live in a mansion in LA and now have another one in Hawaii. I'm sure glad we're your parents and can hang on for the ride."

Mom hugged me, and Dad shook my hand. He told Mom, "Let's go call that real estate lady who asked if we might be in the market for a smaller playpen. I think she has some buyers for a place like ours."

Kumi came around the counter to where I was sitting and acted like she wanted to say something. "What's up, Kumi, is there something you want?"

The beautiful unusually tall Japanese/Hawaiian put her hands to my face and leaned in to kiss me. When she pulled away, she asked, "May I sit on your lap so you can hold me? You do know I have deep feelings for you although we have only met. Jules has told me we could be close, but that she and Katie are your wives. I want to be a part of your family like Willy."

I wondered how to handle something like this tall woman snuggled on my lap. "Willy isn't a wife and will probably never be more than a companion, Kumi. She may be intimate with Jules and Katie, but my wives are enough for me."

Kumi protested, "I know you've made love with Willy. I've heard the girls speak of it. You could make love to me and make me a very happy woman. I tried to be a wife, but the man was mean and drank too much. His touches were always harsh and usually hurt. I just know when I look at you that you are gentle and loving. I will speak with Jules again so that she knows I don't want to steal you, only to help give you pleasure."

What do you say to that? I didn't say anything, and Kumi gave me another sweet gentle kiss and got off my lap. She said, "I should get back to my cooking so that Wanda doesn't become angry."

I somehow don't think Wanda would be angry, but she would probably tease Kumi about sitting on my lap.

The girls came from the office elbowing each other and joking how they had a gift of knowing when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em. They came to me, and Jules said, "That was a nice one. We leveraged all of Hideki's investment money, all ours, plus we borrowed all of the houses' value to buy enough to make this work. We sold it all, and put everything back together, along with a very strong profit. I wouldn't do that with my investors' money but I knew it could work and went out on a limb a little. A lot out on the limb actually, but so what, I have a chunk in reserve, I've restored the money I took from your other accounts. This house will probably sell for more than we paid if l lost it all, and we didn't have that much before all this began anyway."

I told Jules, "You two are amazing. You can find investment profits in an anthill. Now, you need to gather Yuu's women and take them downstairs to exercise. Get that out of the way before the architect gets here in a while to begin working on the house plans."

Jules and Katie went to get Nobuko, and then upstairs to put workout clothes on and gather Yuu's women. They were all smiles and giggles when they came down the stairs and went on down to the lower level. I really didn't know whether to call it a basement or the first floor. I suppose lower level would best describe it. A surprising addition to the group was my mom and JoAnn.

The women came in from the pool an hour later, all nude and spent a few minutes displaying themselves to me before going upstairs. Whew, what a show. I could see how Yuu was very pleased with his group of women.

The ladies all came down to the big room and were looking at the original floor plans. They all wondered why the third floor had never been built out. They were also fascinated over the two homes that hadn't been built.

The men returned from the golf course right at one thirty. The two bodyguards were also able to play today since only Hideki and Yuu played. The men decided a quick shower would be good and left to go do that.

The architect arrived at two and was introduced to all the women. Jules and Katie took the man aside and explained the house was owned by Jules, Katie, and me. The other people who would have direct influence of the remodeling would be Hideki, Nobuko, Yuu, and his wives, in that order. I advised him that it could require more than one information meeting before we could finalize the plans, and he understood. He told us his fee structure and we all understood those costs.

The men came down and all gathered around the plans to discuss what we wanted. I told the architect that I want two additional suites similar to mine, plus a suite that would be half again larger than the others when we are done. I turned to Yuu, and said, "You have more people, and you will need the space if you bring your children." I also wanted at least five additional suites that would be as large as those we have on the second floor now.

I turned the page to another area that showed the staff quarters, and said, "I'd like the staff wing to be lengthened by one suite on each side of the hallway and a second floor with the same amount of suites as the first. That should take care of what we need.

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Hallies Tutoring Lesson 1

" Hallie ? What seems to be the problem " I asked her " No real problem actually I was just wondering if we could schedule some tutoring lessons this week ? " But Hallie , you have a very high B in this class , why would you need tutoring ? " I questioned . " Well you see my parents are quite strict on me about my grades and they'd like me to have at least an A in all of classes and calculus is the only thing I seem to have a B in . " " Oh I see " I nodded " So do you think...

4 years ago
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Inherit My Heart

The news had hit Elizabeth like a ton of bricks, and she had since walked around dazed. Her uncle, Edmund Ashley, the man who had cared for her since her parents died in the wreck when she was ten, had suffered a massive stroke and passed on. She accepted the sentiments of those who turned out to pay tribute to the Earl, her eyes empty and hollow as she tried her best to be gracious. All she really wanted to do was curl up and cry. He was the last family she had left, as he had never married or...

2 years ago
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Facebook Se Patai Girlfriend Aur Room Mai Le Ja Kar Pela 8211 Part 1

Hello guys and girls , yeh meri pheli chudai story hai agar koi galti ho jaye to maff karna. Mai delhi ka rehna wala hu. Mera naam bhut uncommon hai isliye use nai kr skta sorry, mai 21 saal ka hu yeh story aaj se 2 saal phela ki hai jab mai kota mai iitjee ki coaching kr raha tha. Mai jyda mota ya meri koi khass body nai hai aur mai baki logo ke jaise jhuth bhi nai bolunga ki mera lund ka size 9-10 inch hai, mera lund ki lambai without erection 5-6 inch hai aur erect hone ke baad 8inch ho jati...

3 years ago
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Schooldays party fuck

This is a true story of when we were at high school in our last year. When we were in our last 2 years at school that was around the time we all started going to parties, drinking, smoking and shagging. I say this but we were not all lucky enough to be having sex then.This is the story of my mate who gained a nice little reputation that lead to him fucking quite a few girls in our year. Id missed a few of these parties but I had heard some of what went on on the Monday morning at school...

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Mrs Dewitt Helps OutChapter 2

When I got home, I went upstairs to my room and, like any thirteen-year old boy who had spent part of his day with a naked woman, I proceeded to jack-off. And, I found, as I guess every post-coital male has, that masturbation is a poor substitute for the real thing. Ah, well. I sat down to send an email to my new lover. To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Next time Dear Etta, I am so happy we had today. I will never forget it. You wanted to know what I want to do...

2 years ago
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Thicker than blood Part Five

“It’s evidently serious,” said Stacey. He smiled at her words. “And you know this how?” he said. “Jenna. Said she came over when she was there last week. They were very friendly. Jenna, is happy for him or so she told me,” said Stacey. “Hmm, interesting, I guess. I mean I never expected that he would go forever without a woman. But that woman? Weird,” he said. “No weirder than you and me,” said Stacey, “and in point of fact maybe not as weird.” “I don’t know,” he said,” it’s just a very strange...

4 years ago
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A New Lust For Loving Part 1

Introduction: Joanne is getting over the break-up of her marraige and decides to take a vacation. Joanne had managed to make it back to her holiday apartment, still dripping water and slightly out of breath from the assault on the three flights of stairs. Only moments earlier, she had opened her eyes to find a guy in the hot tub with her. How long had he been there, she wondered? What made the whole event even more awkward was that he had tried to make conversation with her, as she surfaced...

1 year ago
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Chalo toilet 2

Hi this is Harry again sorry us din story puri likh nahi paya tha. Jo pehli baar meri story padh rahe hain unko main batadu meri stiry real nahi hain. Riya mere samne khadi thi uski chaddi uski knees tak the.main apne gutno ke bal beth gaya tha uski choot ki darar main jab ungali dali tab ek ajib si sansanahat sarir main dodne lagi. Woh masum aankhe meri taraf dekh rahi thi.pehle ungali dali to 1 sm andar gai .use bahot dar lag raha tha aur dard bhi ho raha tha..maine dheere dheere sirf 1 sm...

2 years ago
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Jordan the Sex Goddess

Introduction: This is a story about when I fucked the hottest girl at my school. Jordan My name is Jake. I am writing this down because I can simply not believe it myself. Hopefully when I am finished it will have sunk in a bit better. Anyways. What I am about to tell you is a very special moment in my life. When I fucked Jordan. Jordan has always been the hottest girl at my school and everyone lusts over her perfectly formed breasts. She knows that all the guys cannot resist her and makes it...

4 years ago
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The lesson part 3

Master beckons the slave to stand before him. Master: You have pleased me well slave, and I have enjoyed your slutty little stories almost as much as I have enjoyed fucking your face and creaming in your beautiful tight arse. Yet I rather think Lady Sophia expected more from me when she sent you for my particular brand of discipline. Your distraction was very clever, but I will not disappoint the Lady. Follow me. The Master ushers the slave through a door into a large room. There are no...

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Room 412

I opened the hotel room door and scurried down the hallway, my bare feet grazing against the tough of the carpet. The air had turned cold, or maybe it hadn't, it might have been because I had on only the complimentary bath robe provided to the room. I made my way down the corridor and around the corner without seeing anyone and approached the final door of the hallway, 412. I swiftly knocked and waited. Looking over my shoulder, the dimmed hallway remained barren. A moment passed and then I...

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Fulfilling Casual Lovers Second Impregnation Wish

I ran some more hot water to make sure the suds covered my erection. Shelly came into the bathroom putting the tray down on the floor before resting on the edge of the tub, I could smell her perfume. Her gown slipped open revealing smoothly crossed thighs, she absentmindedly pulled it back over her knee. She looked very tired and sad but more beautiful than ever, tall and slim with an attractive face, piercing blue eyes, full red lips on a very pale but flawless complexion, and long straight...

1 year ago
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Royal Moon

“I got it!” George shouted through the tiny flat to his new bride, Nina.In January 1982 the University of Hawai’i signed off a plan to support the continued development of scientific facilities at the site. They wanted someone neutral to observe the setting up of scientific projects and how they interacted with the local environment, including the indigenous people. At the end of the year, the observer would produce a report to give everyone a guide to move forward. As a professor of Natural...

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Going by train

The train stopped by an old station, the train hadn’t stopped there for years.  Jane looked up from her notebook, thinking  ”that’s odd”. She looked back down at her notebook, grinning at the drawing.  A voice started talking through the speakers. ‘Due to an accident that occurred further down the track we will be standing still at this station for at least another 45 minutes.  Feel free to go out and stretch your legs. If you have any questions I will be out on the platform to answer them. ...

3 years ago
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SS NerdChapter 17

I was alone with Suki when morning came. She was snuggled up with her dark head on my shoulder. As I gently moved to attempt to get out of bed, Suki looked up at me with watery eyes, "You were perfect last night, Sal. I think we were all afraid that you would freak when you realized you were going to be a father to two babies." The little woman scooted up to kiss me soundly. As I held Suki, she said, "I need the potty. Let me up and I'll come back to bed." I told her, "I'll follow...

1 year ago
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The room mate

It was two weeks into her freshman year and Marcie was finally getting the hang of college life. The difference between college and high school was stunning, and it took a little getting used to! There was no one there to tell you what to do, when to get up, what to eat, when to go to class, or whom you could associate with! Almost immediately, however, she discovered that if she let things slide for even a day, she would fall hopelessly behind in her studies and it seemed as if she spent most...

3 years ago
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Beautiful Indian Housewife8217s Starving Pussy 8211 Part 1

Hello people, this is Vidya from Hyderabad. I would like to dedicate this sex-starved story of mine to all the Indian housewives who are unhappy with their sex life. I am a beautiful, fair, and curvy 40-year-old Indian housewife towering 5 feet 8 inches. I got married at the age of 22. My beloved husband Shekar lives in the US and visits us twice a year and we have a kid who is 12. I and Shekar had lots of erotic sexual encounters in the first five years of our marriage. We made out in the...

4 years ago
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Will and Alessia Chapter 1

Alessia was a beautiful young woman.  Tall, blond, long legs, nice ass, and incredible pair of breasts that were all natural.  Nope, no implants for her, she didn't need them with her lovely set of 38C's.  Her skin was porcelain, so fair she was.  She knew she was beautiful and she used her beauty to her full advantage, when ever she had to, to get what she wanted.    She had been with her current beau, now for a couple of years, and at 27 she thought she was ready to settle down.  Will was...

Group Sex
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 29 Alone at Last

“You don’t appear to be taking advantage of your mother’s departure,” Octavia told Julia as they sat down for their midday meal. “I’ve wondered about that myself,” Liala added. “For several weeks, you’ve complained that your mother demands we chaperone with you during your visits with the king. Now she is gone and you have remained at our side. Have you decided not to press your suit?” “No,” Julia said quickly. “I ... I find there is no suit to press. It occurred to me that I am the...

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Nephew Seduces His Aunt

It began when I was at a family get together on a hot summer day. I was sitting in the sun, day-dreaming out front of the house, when a taxi pulled in and my aunt stepped out. All I saw was her thick thighs and massive breasts hanging out of her shirt. She had on cut-off denim shorts and a t-shirt. I gazed before she broke my attention by asking me to help with her luggage. I walked over and grabbed her bags and said, "Long time no see, huh?" She replied, "Last time I saw you was when you were...

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The Lawyer and the Killer Ch 09

Part Nine Cleaning Up the Mess Two Sudanese soldiers untied and cut the duct tape from his arms, legs, and torso. Battutta, Shawn’s sadistic torturer, looked at the men, ‘Turn him around.’ They turned him around. To say they turned him was a misnomer. He was so exhausted they had to hold him up. Battutta looked over his handiwork, the exhaustion, the fear, the degradation, ‘Hold him still.’ He took a small wooden rod and smashed it into Shawn’s nose, flattening it, ‘There. That should send...

3 years ago
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Finally Tasted My Innocent Mom

I started growing interest in mom by watching stories.. Started smelling her used bra and panty.. it was wonderful with smell of urine her sweat used to masturbate on it.By doing this everyday grew the desire to have sex with her.I thought of a plan..I used to massage moms legs.. planned to take it further up to her body.While massaging slowly started to move up day by day slowly so that she won’t get to know that what I’m trying to do.. In 4 weeks moved till thighs and continued.....

1 year ago
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The Black Seas Ch 16

Pearl Cays, 1705 Jack was marooned on the island for two before his ship and Maynard’s appeared and picked him up. Maynard acted displeased about the whole plan Jack had concocted without his discussing it first. Jack knew better. Maynard was all too happy to have the chance to ambush and rid the seas of one of the most feared pirates. Maynard planned to reach the Pearl Cays after Blackbeard and allow the pirate captain to go ahead to shore. Then it was just a matter of bombarding the ship...

1 year ago
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Building a LegacyChapter 4 Playing Russian Roulette

Alex and the girls enjoyed San Diego. Alex's BCM had leveled off during dinner the previous night and by morning he was feeling refreshed. They took a nice drive down without hitting much traffic and they visited La Jolla Cove, which Debra recommended. They then continued down the coast and visited Coronado beach near the Naval base. They enjoyed strolling along both beaches, and of course Alex met a few people along the way, but they managed to avoid any embarrassing encounters—a few...

3 years ago
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Miss Goody Two Shoes

As I was hanging out my washing, Mary, my elderly neighbour called me over. “Victoria, I don’t really know how to tell you this, but my son is coming to stay with us, on Wednesday.” she muttered. “That’ll be nice for you. I didn’t know that you had a son,” I replied, somewhat in shock. We’d lived next to Mary and Ron for over two years and they’d never mentioned a son. “He’s been away,” she continued, “in jail.” The last two words were whispered. “Oh!” I put my hand over my...

4 years ago
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Seducing Muslim Friend8217s Sexy Wife 8211 Part 1

Hello guys, I am a regular fan of Indian sex stories website and had started reading it from my college days. I always found interesting stories and I hope mine would also be interesting to you all. This is an actual story that really happened and in reality it took a long time to seduce a friend’s wife to cheat on her spouse. Due to the length of the story, this is narrated in several parts. This story is about my childhood friend and his wife and how I seduced her gradually to cheat on her...

2 years ago
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Wax on Wax off

I have posted many stories here in the past but i had a recent experience that i thought i would write about. This is actually a true story and i am not sure where it will end up. A bit of background: I am a married tv slut. My wife is my mistress and we have been together for 30 yrs and married for 27. We have always taken our bdsm play quite seriously and she even pierced my nipples at our engagement party. There weren't any piercing parlors back then (1982) so you had to do...

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The Looking Glass

I finally moved into a place of my own at the ripe old age of twenty-nine. After three weeks of waiting for credit checks and approval of references for rental, I was able to shift all my things into my new home. Although just a semi-detached old-fashioned cottage with a small garden and minimal rooms, having lived in only one bedroom at my parent’s house for years, it felt like a mansion. I loved the wooden beams and bricks walls, the log burner and even the old floorboards that creaked with...

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GloryHole Leah Lee 02032020

Leah wanted to get a cool gag gift for her sister that was getting married. She goes to the Adult book store hoping to find some sort of goofy party favor for the bachelorette party. Quickly she realizes that this video store isn’t for the part time adult toy and video fan. This place was for the hardened…dirty porn connoisseurs. The clerk said they didn’t carry what she was looking for…but suggested a more “hands-on experience”. Leah was intrigued. Inside a...

3 years ago
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Her Private Reddit

You looked at the picture again. You had noticed something in the background that caught your eye. There was something about that little fuzzy bear that seemed...familiar. You couldn't place it but you felt like you knew it. You shook your head slightly and broke your trance before passing over the picture and onto the next one. After all, you could feel the pressure building and you knew you would be cumming any time now. You scrolled through a few more pictures or random women with their tits...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed MotherChapter 5

Stan Lubin massaged the young teen-age virgin's breast and knew he was getting Jennifer Carmel excited. Hell, everything was getting her excited: the squeezing; of his hand, the potent and aphrodisiac qualities of the marijuana and liquor, and the lust-enciting scene as the less inhibited, more experienced couples writhed and moaned in the early stages of making love. He could tell his "date" was responding just as Vic and Tamera had promised by the way her nipple puckered through the taut...

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Jessica strained and struggled against the bonds that held her upright, but they held without budging. She could just see the bright red ball gag that filled her mouth, causing a steady stream of drool to leak out before dripping onto her breasts. She loved the sensation of being helpless and the thought of what was coming made her wetter than she had ever been before. Scarcely more than an 24 hours ago she had been sitting at her computer idly surfing the internet when a popup had caught her...

3 years ago
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Sandra The Finale

I parked my truck across the street from the motel. On the off-chance I was in for some bad luck, I didn’t want anybody to see my truck outside one of their rooms. I was a half-hour early so I sat there waiting for Sandra to arrive by taxi.That’s odd. I spotted Baxter and a guy exiting one of the rooms. They got into a red Town Car and drove off. Hmmm. Baxter has something going on, I thought.Twenty minutes later, Sandra got out of a taxi and entered the motel office. After a few minutes, I saw...

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