An Angel Of Mercy free porn video

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Greetings, readers! This story is my submission for the 2016 Literotica Winter Holidays Story Contest. Of note, I debated on several different categories to place the story in, such as Erotic Couplings and First time, as it has elements fitting well within each of them. However, I feel that the serious themes discussed in the story fit best with the Romance category, so that’s where I’m submitting it. I hope you enjoy, and I hope you see fit to give it a 5 star rating. Thanks, and Merry Christmas to all!

An Angel of Mercy

‘500 channels, and nothing but Christmas specials on…’

Ken Dix flipped through the TV guide at a moderate pace, finding nothing but disappointment at every turn. As it was Christmas Eve, every show was a mushy feel-good romp spouting lines about family and goodwill to others. None of that spoke to Ken in the slightest.

‘Ken?’ a voice came from the kitchen.

‘What’s up, Mom?’

‘I’ve got my hands full with making everything for dinner tonight, but I’m going to run short on a couple of ingredients,’ Helen Dix said, poking her head into the living room. ‘Can you run to the store real quick for me please?’

‘Sure thing,’ Ken replied, seeing as he had nothing better to do.

‘Great, thank you. I made a list on the counter for you. The store should be open for another hour or two. The main things would be the eggs, I don’t have enough to finish my famous chess pie. If they have tea by the gallon, grab one sweet and one unsweet. The rest are great if you find them, but not essential.’

‘Got it,’ Ken said as he took the list from the counter.

Heading out to his car, Ken cranked up his Honda Civic and pulled out of the driveway. As he made his way into town, Ken reflected on his current situation. Though he loved his mom, being home for the holidays was always nerve-wracking for him. His hometown of Alpharetta, Georgia was crawling with former high school classmates of his, people he’d just as soon never see again. But up at MIT, he was actually among peers that he could relate to on an intellectual level. Not that he’d made that many friends up there. As a nineteen-year-old freshman, he was still stuck in the same boring math and science classes as everyone else. He couldn’t wait until he could start his health sciences training. Maybe then he could meet some decent people, perhaps of the female variety.

Ken soon arrived in the parking lot of the local Kroger. It was soon obvious that the place was packed with last-minute shoppers, all trying to find that one final ingredient they were missing. Locking his car, Ken sauntered into the store, grabbing a shopping basket along the way. He found the shelves of the store well picked over, striking out on the nonessential items on his mom’s list. Making his way to the drinks aisle, he was pleased to see that the store was keeping the gallon jugs of tea well stocked for the holidays, and picked up a pair.

Ken soon arrived in the refrigerated section of the store. Almost every shelf was empty, but he did manage to find one last carton of six eggs, just what his mom needed. Depositing the carton in his shopping basket, Ken made his way back to the front of the store, checking out in the express lane. He gripped the shopping bags tightly, being careful that the eggs weren’t harmed from the swinging of the bags. Arriving back in the parking lot, he was pleasantly surprised to see one of his former classmates, Jacqueline Brown. As he approached, she saw him coming.

‘Ken? Kenneth Dix?’

She was extremely pretty, as was befitting one of the most popular girls in school, and kept her sandy-brown hair cut just below her jawline. Her soft, warm facial features and bubbly personality belied the sharp intellect hiding underneath. She and Ken had been partners a few times in various subjects, and he had helped craft her entrance essay to the University of Washington. This earned her a full ride scholarship. In spite of her popularity, they had worked well together, and Ken even dared to call her a friend, at least in his own mind. They had never hung out on a social basis, her circle of friends would never have let her live that down. Still, times had changed. They were both out of high school, after all. What could it hurt to ask?

‘Jacqueline? Wow, I never thought I’d see you back here. Thought you escaped to cooler climates?’

‘Yeah, Seattle is nice, but nothing beats Christmas at home,’ she replied, adjusting her UW sweatshirt. ‘You back for the same reason?’

‘Uh huh. Mom pretty much insisted. She won’t settle for anything less than a full family gathering on Christmas Eve. I’m just grabbing a few last things for her. But yeah, it’s great seeing you again. You, uh, you look good.’

‘Um… thanks,’ she replied with hesitation.

‘I’m, uh, gonna be home for a couple of weeks. Would you want to, I don’t know, hang out sometime? Maybe grab a bite to eat? My treat.’

‘Well, Ken, that’s sweet of you to ask…’ she said almost to herself. As she paused, her eyes suddenly lit up as if she had gotten an idea. ‘Alright! Here, let me give you my number.’ She scribbled a series of digits down on a scrap piece of paper, writing her name next to them. ‘I’ll, um, talk to you later, I guess?’

‘Sounds great!’

Ken couldn’t believe it, he had actually done it! He had asked out the prettiest girl he had ever known! Moreover, she had given him her number! Things were definitely looking up.

‘Dick!’ a voice behind them yelled.

Ken turned, immediately recognizing Jason Brown, Jacqueline’s fraternal twin brother, along with his two flunkies, Brian and Barrett Sullivan. Jason had been the star quarterback at his high school, and the Sullivan boys were his best offensive linemen. They often served as his muscle off the football field, as well. Ken was intimately familiar with these three, as they had made it their mission in high school to make his life a living hell. Being stuffed in lockers, having his wallet stolen, all were commonplace with them. The three approached, attempting to appear imposing, which they were from the perspective of the ever-scrawny Ken.

‘I’ve got nothing to say to you guys,’ Ken muttered as they approached.

‘Well I’ve got something to say to you, Mr. Kenny Dick,’ Jason growled.

‘Just shut up and leave me alone,’ Ken replied, his blood boiling at the use of Jason’s longtime nickname for him.

‘No! YOU shut the fuck up and listen!’ Jason said, grabbing Ken by the collar of his t-shirt and flinging him against his car. In the process, Ken dropped his shopping bags, the jugs of tea landing directly on the egg carton.

‘Jason! Stop it!’ Jacqueline protested.

Undeterred, Jason threatened. ‘Listen fuckwad, you stay the hell away from my sister!’

‘She’s an adult, dickhead! She can have anyone she wants as a friend!’ Ken protested.

‘YOU don’t belong on the same PLANET as her! You’re nothin’! A pathetic sack of guts your dumbass mother decided to give a name to! Know what? Just do us all a favor and drop dead!’

Enraged at the insult to his mom, Ken swung a wild haymaker at his assailant, but Jason was more than ready, pinning Ken’s arm back against his car. Jason then delivered a crushing punch to Ken’s gut, dropping him down to his knees. Before leaving, Jason knelt down next to his gasping victim.

‘Next time, I won’t be so nice. Next time… I might just kill you myself. See ya around. Dick.’ Turning to his sister, Jason said, ‘Come on, time to go home.’

Jacqueline looked down at the pitiful form of Ken before muttering, ‘Sorry, Ken.’

The trio of boys sauntered off across the parking lot, laughing and high-fiving at their antics. Jacqueline followed right behind them. Ken picked himself up and inspected his groceries, discovering the crushed eggs in his bag. Swearing and cursing, he grabbed the misshapen carton and went to throw it in a nearby trash can.

chess pie tonight…’

As Ken returned to his car and began his drive home, Jason and his flunkies watched on from his car, still pleased with their efforts.

‘You shouldn’t have done that,’ Jacqueline said in a lecturing tone.

Jason turned to face his sister. ‘I do what I gotta do, Jacqueline. That fuckwad has no business gettin’ friendly with you. He needs to learn his place.’

‘Be that as it may, I can take care of myself,’ she replied firmly.

‘Take care of yourself? Wait… you didn’t?’

‘I did. Jason, someday you’ll learn that there are more subtle and effective ways to ward off undesirables. Trust me, Ken won’t bother me ever again.’


Upon arriving back home, Ken couldn’t bring himself to tell his mom about the incident with the eggs. He instead told her that the store had run out altogether. She had spent many sleepless nights in the past worrying about the constant bullying her son was subjected to in school. Ken didn’t want to give her anything else to worry about. By this time, has uncles had started arriving, and the living room was soon filled with the sounds of football games. In Ken’s mind, these were no more thought provoking that the mindless Christmas specials he had found earlier. Ken went up to his room to take a hot shower, as well as get some alone time in the process. As he stripped down, he saw a bruise beginning to form on his stomach from Jason’s punch. He winced in pain as he touched the tender skin.

Shit… that’s not going away for a while.

Ken took some Tylenol for the pain before stepping into the shower. The hot water helped relax his body, and the steam gradually built up, clearing his mind a bit. He finished after a while and, after making sure his door was shut, flopped facedown onto his bed. After laying there for around an hour or so, his mom finally called him down to rejoin the family for dinner.

Taking his seat at the table, Ken glanced around the room at his various family members. His mom had two older brothers, Lee and Stan. Though Lee was tall and still relatively youthful looking at forty-five, Stan was shorter and beginning to bald as he approached fifty. Still, both of them had one notable thing in common as far as Ken was concerned: they were both still jocks at heart. Ken had never known his father, it had always just been him and his mom. He could tell that his uncles tried to be male role models for him, but their efforts were usually ill-conceived attempts to ‘man him up.’ Never once did they understand his introverted tendencies, and always tried to get him to be more of a people person. After a while, Ken stopped paying their advice any attention.

It was striking to Ken how similar Lee and Stan’s families were. They had both married beautiful, blonde cheerleaders, and now both had sixteen-year-old daughters, both of whom were among the most popular girls in school. It all sickened Ken, they were just perpetuating the stereotype of pretty and popular being the be-all, end-all in life. As the family ate, Ken remained silent for the most part. The adults were engrossed in discussions about their jobs, and the two daughters were giggling and playing on their phones the entire time. None of this was relevant to Ken.

‘You know, I saw something interesting today,’ Lee said as dessert was being brought out. ‘I was at Kroger filling up my car, and saw you in the main parking lot, Ken. Looked like you were, uh, havin’ some words with a few guys out there.’

Shit! He saw that?!

Not wanting to worry his mom, Ken replied, ‘It… it was nothing.’

‘Nothing, eh? Is that why that punk punched you in the gut?’

With a worried look on her face, Helen asked, ‘Ken, sweetie, what is he talking about?’ She walked around the table to Ken’s seat and lifted up his shirt, seeing the bruise on his abdomen. ‘Was it that Jason boy again?’

‘Mom, just let it go.’

‘No! Ken, you know I worry about you!’

‘You worry about ME?! I think you need to worry more about your brother!’ Ken shouted, his anger exploding at last. ‘Right, Uncle Lee? Come on, you see your own nephew being ganged up on in a parking lot, yet you do nothing to help him out?!’

‘A man’s gotta learn to fight his own battles,’ Lee replied in a calm voice.

‘No. You want to know what a man does? A man sticks up for his FAMILY! No. Matter. What! You stood there and watched your own nephew get beaten up. That says a hell of a lot more about you than it does me. And if that’s family… I don’t want any part of this one.’

Without a word, Ken stood and left the dining room. He then grabbed his MIT hoodie and headed for the front door. As he was about to get into his car and drive off, he saw to his frustration that his uncles’ cars were parked in the driveway behind him, blocking him in. Cursing under his breath, he prepared to leave on foot.

‘Ken! Come back inside, please!’ Helen called after him, running down the driveway.

‘No. I’ve got to go out… clear my head…’

‘Ken, it’s Christmas Eve. Please, come be with your family.’

‘Mom, aside from you, not a single person in that house feels like family to me,’ Ken replied coldly. ‘I’ll… I’ll call you after while…’

Ken walked off into the cold Georgia night, not knowing for sure where to go or what to do. Nobody else was out, as they were all at home with their families. Remembering the square in historic downtown Alpharetta, he decided to head in that direction. Maybe the quiet walk would do him some good.

Arriving in the town square, Ken walked along the sidewalks for a bit, peering into the darkened windows of the various shops and restaurants. Everything looked so different to him with everyone gone for the day, it all seemed so peaceful. As he continued to walk, he soon saw City Hall in the distance. In front of the building was a large green space, which was teeming with a surprising amount of activity for it being Christmas Eve. Ken moved closer, now spying a large gathering of people sitting on picnic blankets, all bundled up in coats and hats. Ahead of them, a large screen projected the classic film, It’s a Wonderful Life.

Though Ken was never into the Christmas cheer, as it were, he felt strangely drawn to watch a few minutes of the film from a distance. He soon began to regret that decision, as the movie had reached the point where George Baily had an arrest warrant out for him, lashing out at his family in anger. Watching him get drunk and punched in a bar fight, Ken began to feel sick with anger. Despite all his efforts to help better the world around him, the universe conspired against George Baily… just as it seemed to be conspiring against Ken. Unable to watch a moment more, he turned and walked into the nearby park.

Again alone with his thoughts, Ken sat on a bench near the fountain in the center of the park. He contemplated many things, as he often did in solitude. He thought about his piss poor excuse for a family, intent on changing him into what they say he should be. If only they could love him as he is. He thought about Jason Brown, a perpetual asshole that managed to get all the beautiful women his heart desired. If only the universe would serve up his just desserts, rather than conspiring against Ken. Sighing in frustration, he stuffed his freezing hands into his jeans pockets.


Feeling the scrap of paper still in his pocket, Ken suddenly felt a glimmer of hope in an otherwise dreary day. He needed something, anything to lift his spirits, and hearing her kind, sweet voice might just do it. Hell, he didn’t even care anymore if she was interested in him in a romantic sense, he just needed someone to listen and understand him. Digging out his phone, he dialed the number. After a single ring, a message began to play, seeming to be read by a game show host.

‘Congratulations! You’ve reached Live 95.5 FM’s world-famous Loser Line! Live 95.5, featuring the best entertainment in Se
attle! If you’ve reached this message, you have attempted to hit on a girl WAY out of your league! That poor young lady wants nothing to do with you, but you just couldn’t help creeping on her! That’s where we come in! Now you know what a loser you really are! So leave the girl alone, loser! You’re doing everyone a favor! If you’d like to leave a message for the world-famous Loser Line, begin speaking at the tone! BEEEEP!’

Ken hung up the phone in quiet disbelief. How could he have been so wrong about Jacqueline? They had worked so well together in school, and he even considered her a friend! She always spoke so kindly to him, how could this have happened? Was she really as nasty and shallow as her dumbass brother? Was she really just that good of an actress? As he pondered all this, Ken’s rage finally exploded out of him.

‘That two-faced bitch! Who the fuck does she think she is?! I trusted her! Hell, she would never have gotten a full scholarship without my help! All I ever did was LIKE her! And after all that, she doesn’t even have the decency to turn me down to my face?! WHAT THE FUCKING HELL?!’

Slumping back down onto the park bench, every thought that entered Ken’s mind brought him lower. Jason was an ass, but then again, he didn’t know how to act any different. Uncle Lee was a moron, but then again, he had no malicious intent. But Jacqueline… she was the last straw. He had trusted her, opened up to her, and she repaid him by committing the single most cruel and senseless act Ken could ever imagine. Everything was crashing down around him. As he continued to sulk, Jason’s words entered into his mind once more.

‘I should just do everyone a favor and drop dead… is that what you want, Jacqueline? Seems like you agree with your brother, or you wouldn’t have given me that number.’

Ken reached into his pocket, withdrawing a folding knife. It had been a high school graduation present to him from his grandfather, before he passed a few months later. A far cry from the typical Swiss Army knife, he unfolded the shiny, four-inch blade, which stood in beautiful contrast to the wooden handle. Inscribed in the wood were Ken’s initials. He had not used it for anything yet, never had any need to. As he stared at his reflection in the blade, Ken kept replaying Jason’s words in his mind.

‘Maybe that’s not such a bad idea…’

Just as Ken took a firm grip on the handle, preparing to take the knife to his throat, an unfamiliar voice came from off to the side.



Gabrielle Libertine relaxed in a lawn chair, savoring the crisp, cold air of Christmas Eve. This was her favorite time of the year, and being able to enjoy an outdoor showing of her favorite Christmas film, It’s a Wonderful Life, made it even better. It all fit in perfectly with her life philosophy: live for happiness. Not only her own, but as much as could be had for the world around her too.

‘You want the moon? Just say the word, and I’ll throw a lasso around it and pull it down.’

‘Oh, Jimmy Stewart, you charmer you…’ Gabby sighed.

Soon, her emotions welled up as the hopeless romantic that was George Bailey began to succumb to the pressures and injustices of life. He had blamed his own uncle for destroying their business, lashed out at his wife and children in anger, and gone crawling to his hated rival for a loan. The hardest scenes for her to watch were always the bar fight and the car crash. Still, she always stuck it out. The best was yet to come.

Just as George stood atop the bridge, Gabby caught sight of something out of the corner of her eye. A young man of about nineteen or twenty was watching the movie from a distance away, leaning against a tree near the road. His face twisted in angst as he saw the pain on display in the film, and he soon spun around, walking into the nearby park. Gabby couldn’t explain why, but something compelled her to follow him and make sure he was ok.

Collecting her lawn chair, she walked along the perimeter of the green space, soon arriving at the entrance to the park. As she went, she began to hear angry shouting up ahead of her, it sounded like the young man was in distress. After a few minutes, she came upon the fountain situated in the center of the park. On a bench sat the man from earlier, appearing to be deep in thought. By the glow of the lamppost, Gabby could now get a good look at him. He appeared to be of average height, maybe 5’7′, and had shaggy black hair that seemed a bit unkempt. Still, it’s color shone in the light of the park, and his white skin provided for quite a striking appearance. A pair of black horn-rimmed glasses framed his face, which combined with his red MIT hoodie to project a very specific image into Gabby’s mind. He had to be incredibly intelligent.

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Angel wings

"Please," Angel begged, "let me go." "Let you go? Why would I do that, when I prefer you at my mercy." "I don't know what you want, I just want–" Damian snapped his hand up to her throat, cutting her sentence off. He enjoyed the feeling of her choking against his palm. It gave him a strong feeling of power, and he could feel the bulge in his pants growing larger. As he released his grip, Angel gasped for breath. Damian tightened the chains around Angel's wrist, hoisting her...

3 years ago
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Angel Becky Gangbanged in Reno part 35 A

A night of Gangbanging the girls in our hotel room - The REST of this story...When we got back to our room we saw that the party inside was going in fullsteam. Becky was on 1 bed with 3 guys servicing her, 1 in each hole. The otherwife was on the other bed being DPed by just 2 guys. All the rest of the guyswere standing around them playing with either their tits or their butts. Ithen put the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door too. However, we did not getany ice in those ice buckets.I told Angel...

3 years ago
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Angel Flashing Fucking Truckers Angel Lov

Angel Flashing & Fucking Truckers Angel loved to flash truckers & finally got the chance to fuck a few.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you look at Angel's pictures you will see a few of her riding over theyears flashing herself while riding around. She started off just flashing her titties to truck drivers many years ago.As she got a little braver she flashed more & more nudity to them & anyoneelse high enough to see in to our...

5 years ago
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Angel My Slave

Angel My SlavePROLOGUEI met my slave Angel on the net and we shared Master and slave fantasies for along while before we finally met in person, she is beautiful and with a very sexy body. 5 ft. 9 in., 125 lb., 36C-24-36, long blonde hair with just a hint of red and soft green eyes. When we met for the first time, I seduced her immediately turning her into my obedient sex slave over night, using her tall slender body as I wished and as often as I wanted for what ever pleased me.Angel was the...

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Angel Amanda

After a long & stressful half a year this get away was just what was needed. Negril Jamaica could not be a better spot for hot sun, sandy beaches, warm nights with cool breezes and not to mention hot exotic men! All the elements needed to take your mind and body to a different world. You, Angel & Myself decided to pool some $$$ together & take an awesome end of summer vacation. We found a reasonably priced resort on the western side of the island. Nothing but 4 days & 5 nights...

2 years ago
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Angel Beckys FUN Placer Mining Day 4 of 7

Wednesday morning we figured we would kind of give the girls a break somewhat &Carl & George cooked breakfast for all of us. Nothing fancy, just pancakes &eggs. While they were cooking breakfast I told the girls to get down on theirhands & knees & go around & give the guys a blowjob while we were waiting forbreakfast & while us guys were eating they could finish the job on whoever hadnot yet been sucked off. I also told them that if they were still hungry...

3 years ago
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Angel Beckys fun placer mining day 3 of 7

Tuesday morning we told Angel & Becky to cook us some bacon & eggs forbreakfast. We had 5 pounds of bacon & 3 dozen eggs for them to cook. Since thegirls were naked they were also going to get splattered with lots of HOT bacongrease as they cooked this breakfast. Both girls were squealing almostconstantly as hot grease splattered their cunts & tits while they cooked too.Actually this cooking platform was a bit low, so MOST of the hot splatters hittheir cunt area too. By the time...

2 years ago
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Angel Naughty The Millennium Hotel Ch 2

Introduction: Steven fucks Lisa on top of her sister. I left a hotel key for Lisa at the front desk. Hours later, around midnight, she swiped the key and walked through the sitting area. Greeted by warm den-dim light, she halted in the bedroom doorway. A fuck-nasty sight made her visibly shudder. Her younger sister, Loretta-the vivacious, nineteen-year-old, dream-bodied kitten-pawed on all fours on the king sized bed. Lisas younger sister ground her fabulous ass in the air-a little...

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Angel Naughty The Millennium Hotel Ch 2

Hours later, around midnight, she swiped the key and walked through the sitting area. Greeted by warm den-dim light, she halted in the bedroom doorway. A fuck-nasty sight made her visibly shudder. Her younger sister, Loretta-the vivacious, nineteen-year-old, dream-bodied kitten-pawed on all fours on the king sized bed. Lisa's younger sister ground her fabulous ass in the air-a little post-fuck tease. The catlike Italian hottie reached back and smeared a thick film of my glistening...

4 years ago
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Angel and I share Laura

Laura and Angel had been friends since Laura moved to the area a few months earlier. They had met through work and became fast friends. Both Angel and I had been attracted to her since we had met her. She was 25, short only about 5 feet tall, skinny, but with lovely big tits. She had big brown eyes and mouse brown hair and a beautiful smile. Not only that but a lovely girl smart and funny. Angel had asked her to join us in a threesome but she didn’t want to as she was only interested in Angel...

2 years ago
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Angel 2

Introduction: cat in hat Angel 2 This is a fantasy. Any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. ******************************************************************* Angel stared in surprise, as the funny looking man is the striped pants dabbed the tears running down his face with his tail. Who are you? She asked. He stopped crying long enough to answer. I thought everybody knew that. He said. Im the Stripped Tailed Cat. He said waving his tail proudly. Most just call me Stripe....

5 years ago
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Angel Becky Gangbanged in Reno part 255

More fun in the Adult Sex Boutique with a fucking machine in AngelNow Judy came back again & asked if she could let Angel try another new thingshe had recently got in so I said "OK'. She came back with a fucking machine.This thing had interchangeable attachments. 1 of them was a double dildo with1 about 10X4 & the other about 9X3. I told her to use this 1 on Angel with thebig dildo in her cunt & the other in her asshole. We extended the arm on thisfully & then pushed it up to...

4 years ago
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Angel Beckys FUN Placer Mining Day 6 of 7

Friday morning we got up a bit after 7:00 & went out to wake the girls & theboys. However it turned out we did not have to wake them ALL up. Angel wasawake with 2 boys double fucking her cunt together. She said they had woke herup about 10 minutes earlier when 1 of the boys just uncovered her & startedfucking her. When the 2nd boy wanted to join in the 1st boy just rolled herover & the other boy shoved his cock in her as well. That was about 5 minutesago & they were hotly...

3 years ago
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Angel of Destructionpart 2

She raised her eyes to his. Immediately, her pupils dilated more, until the black nearly obliterated the icy blue. Her nostrils flared, and a soft sigh escaped her lips. The tension in her legs abated, and she actually leaned back a little more, and widened them Yes. “Touch yourself,” he hissed. “I want to see you pleasure yourself.” Another breathy whimper passed through her plump lips, as her fingers dipped into her wet slit. Her back arched, and her eyes closed to glittering slits. Her feet...

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That was her name, Angel, the meanest woman on Earth. She had made a fortune trafficking in women, children and drugs but had not caught our attention until she began to traffic in weapons. Angel was a public figure, heiress to a fortune, the public had no idea what her foreign ‘charities’ were. Her local charities were legitimate and her city of Marseilles very much loved her. She had as good a cover as one could have. I was a private contractor for various international government agencies,...

4 years ago
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Angel 2

© This is a fantasy. Any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. ******************************************************************* Angel stared in surprise, as the funny looking man is the striped pants dabbed the tears running down his face with his tail. “Who are you?” She asked. He stopped crying long enough to answer. “I thought everybody knew that.” He said. “I’m the Stripped Tailed Cat.” He said waving his tail proudly. “Most just call me Stripe. See how long my tail...

3 years ago
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Angel and Karly 01 Her Girlfriend Has A Dick

Last week Angel had walked in on Karly when she was in the bathroom. Karly had always been very shy around Angel. Now Angel could see why. Angel had a secret. And seeing Karly standing up to pee, with a dick between her legs… well Angel was very surprised.Karly looked up, shocked. “Hey!” she tried to turn away. Hoping Angel hadn’t seen her secret. But it was too late. Angel stared in shock. “Is that what I think it is? Angel said. A smile spreading across her face.Karly was embarrassed. “What...

5 years ago
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Angel Becky Gangbanged in Reno part 1 An

A few weeks after the girls & us guys had our week of mining fun Carl, Becky,Angel & me got together on Friday evening to play pinochle again.Angel & me had rode down to their house for this. As usual all Angel wore forthe ride was a zipped down short skirt & a sheer blouse. This was partlybecause she liked dressing like this anyway when we went for a drive, but italso was because she knew that as soon as we got to Carl & Beckys she had toget naked anyway. During the drive...

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Angel Beckys FUN Placer MiningDay 7part 2

About 9:00 the 2 of the last 4 boys came up & said the last 2 boys were gettingtheir cocks sucked clean finally. So some of us went back over to let the girlsdown out of the trees. In 1 way or the other they had been hanging there forabout 7 hours by then. As we got close I saw that dad & 1 of the sons were nowgetting 3rds in Angel & Becky & the other son had Angel sucking his cock, so wewaited for them to finish. This meant that all together this session the girlshad each been...

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Angel My Teen Lover

At the time I met Angel I was 29, average, if a bit sexually wild, and fairly cute, but when I met Angel little did I know just how wild my sex life could get. I first met Angel when she was a very ripe looking 15 year old neighbor of mine. I used to see her coming home from school and I couldn't help notice how very sexy she was. I thought she was much older than she was. She always dressed very sexily, and unless it was freezing out you could count on her wearing a miniskirt, revealing top,...

5 years ago
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Angel 5

©This is a fantasy; any resemblance to real people and places is coincidental. ****************************************************************** Angel spent nearly three weeks with Snow and the Dwarves. She helped Snow clean house and was learning to cook. Often while the little men were away working, the girls amused themselves with lesbian frolics. They got more and more intense as time past. The dwarves were at the mine while Snow and Angel cuddled. They were laying in the shade near...

2 years ago
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Angels adoring eyes

Jennifer Angel patiently sat back on her heels. I was lost in my reverie. Eventually, coming back to the present, I found myself looking into Angel's adoring eyes, surrounded by her halo of platinum hair.I smiled at her as I said gently, "I guess that stuff goes with us as well, Angel. See to it, please."Angel sprang to her feet, pulling a capacious Zero Halliburton wheeled metal case from behind the office door. She was carefully stacking the laptop, disks, and journals in the case, as I...

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Angel Youngs 200 261000

New porn stars are cropping up all of the time. Angel Youngs isn’t exactly fresh on the scene, but she has recently blown up in popularity. Her cute face, perfect tits, and bubbly personality are all I need to hose my bedroom down in cum.Tail DetailAngel Youngs was born on March 8th, 1999, in the growing Austin, Texas, area. As of 2023, that makes her 23 years young. She is five foot five, petite, and has a little bubble butt. Angel is neither married nor has a boyfriend. More on that point,...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Angel hanging restrained fucking my friends

Angel DID enjoy being hung up & restrained, but not quite like in the modified pictures I posted of her. She did NOT like her weight hanging by her arms & legs.------------------------------------he living room in our home had a large ( 6 inch ) beam across the centerbecause we had a 2 story home & this bore the weight across the living room.In order to hang Angel from it I went out & bought a playground replacementswing. The kind with a leather seat & chains. Also I bought...

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Angel Beckys FUN Placer MiningDay 7part 1

As usual we got up Saturday morning about 7:00am & went out to see how thegirls were. We had told the boys before going to bed NOT to fuck them thismorning. As soon as we got to them we took the blankets off of them & got agood look at their naked backs & exposed asses. Man were they kind of cute tosee in a way too. Both Angel & Becky were covered with nice red welts & a fewdried cuts on their backs & butts. We untied them from the tables as they wokeup & allowed...

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Angel Becky Gangbanged in Reno part 2 Get

When we got to the edge of town we let the girls sit up & put their coats onbut they still had to leave them wide open with everyything visible. Just whenwe got off the freeway I told the girls to button 1 middle button on theircoats. When we got to Valet parking I told the girls they could button 1 morebutton AFTER they got out of the car. They did still need to give the valetthat helped us a good view of them & anyone else there could have 1 too ifpossible.When the valet opened the...

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Angel Ch 04

After dinner we all sat in the living room having what my mother liked to call cocktails. Really it was wine, beer and for my father, vodka and tonic. We were situated around the room comfortably, my mom and dad on the loveseat, my brother Brian, Diane and then Josh on the couch. Josh’s wife, Emily, was sitting in the overstuffed leather chair (on account of her bulging stomach) and Johanna and I were sitting on the floor against the fireplace, directly across from the sofa. Everyone seemed to...

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Angel gets Help

Angel Prez is my wife's newest cunt lapping bitch. Angel is 32yrs a body that would give a 80yrs man a hard-on. she was in a dress shop buying a new dress for a party for her husband' new job. Kat my wife seen her go in and up to her old tricks acted like a sales cleck and soon had Angel naked in the try-on room, Angel never had a chance and soon was eating her first pussy. Kat keep her well fucked over the next two months they were together three days a week. Kat and her 11" strap-on...

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Angel Love

Angel was a princess. After all, her mother was a queen. Although of humble origins, the Queen had lots of beauty, money, and influence, so she could play the role. And play it she did. Opulence was her middle name, in their home, her dress, and her child’s upbringing. Although not planned, Angel was welcomed anyway. She was beautiful and bright. Her parents were opportunists and saw this child as fitting into their plans. They loved only themselves and saw their marriage as a mutually...

2 years ago
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My first story. Hope you enjoy it. No copying or whole or part please. Comments welcome. Angel The buxom brunette giggled as the dice were rubbed against her ample breasts and gave her goose bumps. He whispered in her ear and she blushed as he tossed the cubes. "Snake eyes! - The shooter looses." "Shit! - Not again!" swore Angelo. She kissed him gently on the cheek and whispered back to him, "So long honey. It's been fun but your streak is over and I'm outa...

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Angel Adams moved into the house next door to where I lived with her parents, two younger brothers and dog Grant just before my senior year in high school in He fall or autumn of 1961. Blonde almost as tall as my six foot frame Angel had deep blue eyes an elfin smile, large breasts with flat tummy and long legs and was good at sports unlike myself. At that time having been bullied for years I was still low on confidence and couldn,t summon up the courage to even ask a girl out on a date....

4 years ago
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Angel and Domenic

Domenic: Hello, dear. Angel: Hello. Domenic: How r u doing? Angel: I’m good. I’m a bit turned on, tho. Domenic: Oh? Angel: Yeah. Y else would i b here? That made me laugh. This girl was clever. We talked for a few more minutes then roleplayed some hot sex scenes that made me marvel at how intense this girl could be. She loved name calling and rough sex and toys of all kinds. By the time she was ready to finish my cock was harder than it’d ever been in my entire life. We both came at...

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Angel 6

© This is fantasy; any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. **************************************************************** The walls surrounding the city were tall and thick, festooned with many colorful flags and pinions in celebration of high summer. At the main gate crowds of people and odd animals milled around waiting to enter. The city guards were women dressed in parade armor. They wore small polished helmets with tight bronze breastplates that held their...

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Angel in the flower shop

I was so nervous that day. Walking quickly to the flower shop. My mind racing with so many different thoughts.What if she wasn't there today? No she was always there! What if she didn't have time to talk today? No she always made time to talk! What if she didn't want to hear what I had to say to her? I needed to stop thinking and just get to her shop.As I rounded the corner and the shop came into sight I stopped dead in my tracks and almost turned and ran the other way! My heart was pounding so...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Angel Carol Ben and ErinChapter 5

The sun rose on Wednesday just like it always does. The sky looked different. A front had rolled through and it would rain soon. Ben and Erin woke together and kissed gently. It quickly went beyond that bringing on a lot of passion until Ben rolled on top of her and pushed into her pussy. He fucked her tight pussy for many long minutes until they came together gasping from their orgasms. He rolled off her onto his back and she went to suck his cock clean. There was a light knock on the door...

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Angel of Destructionpart 5

Chapter Eleven  Davariel kissed the top of Devon’s head through the hood that covered him from everyone’s view. He held his son, although he was securely strapped onto his chest, while Luciel carried Lucien, who tended to be fussier. The soft grey hood on Davariel’s own head covered him well, but he was still nervous. The thought of what would happen if anyone were to gaze upon him made him tremble in fear. He remembered as a child accompanying the High Priestess, Alya, to the market one sunny...


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