ChroniclesChapter 9 free porn video

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Another eventful couple of days in Debbie's life

Colin made it back to the hotel in time for breakfast. He looked crap, it had to be said, or perhaps dead would have been more accurate. Actually, watching him queasily square up to a plate of scrambled eggs – a very brain-like comestible, it occurred to me – I found my thoughts drawn to images of zombies from the horror films Phil had so loved. Admittedly, in his present state Colin would hardly have represented the more threatening variety of flesh eating undead, but you could definitely see the similarity. I almost felt sorry for him.

I, on the other hand, felt really rather well. Kath had left early, rescuing the Landrover and and heading off for a change and a shower before school. I'd had a long shower of – and, sadly, on – my own, phoned Dave (and got his voice mail, so probably on the tube) and then ate a hearty breakfast, disturbed only by the arrival of the shambling mess that used to be my architect. Ah well, I thought ... all wounds entirely self inflicted – well, more or less – so no real cause for sympathy.

In fact, part of me was aware of a nagging sense of apprehension, a sort of desire to unpick my behaviour the previous evening and obsess on the likely impact of my – umm – wanton behaviour on my local reputation and, indeed, the future development of the company. Which was interesting, a larger part of me observed, analytically, almost like watching the old Debbie – neurotic and obsessively eager to please – doing her stuff like ... like a fly trapped on a spiders web, the spiders web apparently being the new me ... or maybe the endorphic after effects of the night before. OK, I thought with a grin, the metaphor could do with some work ... but maybe not now. I had things to do.

Obviously, the first task was to find something useful for Colin to do with the day – we were paying him for all of this, after all – and the options looked fairly limited. Sadly, the previous plan – sending him back to the odious Andy to finalise arrangements for our temporary accommodation – was clearly out of the question, so I decided he could have a day with his CAD packages and begin to draft some plans and drawings and all that stuff that architects do while I ... went back to the timeshare place. Rank has its privileges and all that.

Decision made, I gave Colin his instructions – he looked relieved, though I did wonder just how steady his drawing would be with his hands shaking like that – and I went off to try phoning Dave again ... and change. The shift dress I'd thrown on to see Kath out – yes, an actual frock as Phil would have put it – would clearly not do. In fact, I was thinking more along the lines of a burka, given my previous experience, but in the end settled for jeans, an absolutely not figure hugging jumper and ... boots. Just in case kicking someone became necessary ... or desirable.

Before confronting the beast, though, I got through to Dave, catching him on his mobile just as he was picking up the mail in the office, apparently. We talked for about a quarter of an hour ... the news of Carla's difficulties was not good, really, even from the entirely selfish perspective of its likely impact on us – god alone knew what Carla and her partner must be going through – but there was something about Dave that reassured me. Previously when we'd had problems with the development I'd sensed a weakness in him, a tendency to despondency and pessimistic prognostication which was rarely helpful when decisions needed to be taken, but this time he seemed considerably more determined ... steely, even.

Better yet, we came up with a plan, of sorts, particularly after I'd reminded him – as I'd had to remind Colin – that we had legally binding contracts with quite a lot of people and that PCW would at least have a lot of paperwork to contend with if they tried to simply shut us down. Not that that would worry them if it all came to a crux, but it would give them something to think about in the meantime. After all, we agreed, we still had a business plan which fairly convincingly showed that we could make a very large amounts of money and – at present – all they had was a sort of corporate sense of unease about the way we were going about things. Admittedly, the things we'd been going about had also involved very large amounts of money, but I felt that we could stave off a crisis for a while yet. So we agreed that Dave would talk to the team and make sure they were on board, in the loop, all that sort of stuff – I knew he was good at enthusing and motivating people – while I would press ahead with things up here, putting a few more 'obstacles' in place, if you like, while also trying to get some soundings from people I knew in PCW about just what they were thinking with regard to this project.

Call finished – we'd talk again through the week, we agreed – I went back down to the hotel lobby, where Colin was draining yet another glass of orange juice, and agreed to meet him around lunch time – he might be able to organise a rescue party if I didn't make it back, I thought – before setting off over the back path to Church Gate ... and the Timeshare complex.

Which, when I arrived, was conspicuously deserted ... a couple of guests' cars in the car park – French and German plates a bit of a give away – but nothing else. Conspicuously, no sign of Andy the Arsehole's huge Chelsea Tractor ... which presumably meant he wasn't in ... or maybe had gone out specially. Either way, this was not a good sign ... god knows I'd have preferred to do business with pretty much anyone else but what was on offer here was so much better than any viable alternative – basically either staying in London for a few months more or scattering the team in a variety of holiday cottages across the length and breadth of the valley – that it would be a major piss off if the whole thing fell through. Especially, I thought, if it fell through just because the jerk had had his pride wounded by a woman in a pub.

My musings, however – and my kicking of the occasional pebble – were interrupted by the arrival of a small Citroen van which swung in from the road and pulled up just beside me. Inside, a small red headed woman killed the engine and, freeing herself from her seatbelt, clambered out with a big smile.

"Ms Jenner?" she said. I nodded. "Sorry I'm late, Mr Lomax – Andy, the owner – has had to go into town for something urgent. He asked me to come along and meet you in his place. I'm Linda – Linda Whittaker – and I'm sort of his PA / dogsbody ... but hopefully I can help, anyway."

I was amused by the self-deprecation in the way she put that, and liked what I saw, too ... she had a refreshingly genuine smile, seemed eager to please ... well, working for Andy must be quite a challenge, I'd have thought ... especially for a woman who was both pretty and pretty young ... probably not yet twenty, at a guess. And, of course, the surname, the red hair.

"You wouldn't happen to be related to Jane Whittaker, by any chance?", I asked, "Biology teacher at the college in Bowmere?"

"Oh yes, she's my aunt ... my dad's baby sister. She told me she thought you were really nice, by the way," she said, blushing as she realised her indiscretion.

"Yes, well, I thought she was pretty wonderful, too, so no worries. And I'm sure that we'll be able to sort out everything we need to this morning ... so shall we start with a quick look round the property?"

In fact, we got everything sorted very quickly ... they'd already ordered new furniture for the flats we'd all be living in for a few months – not ideal, perhaps, but one less thing to worry about – and redecoration / refurbishment was in hand so all we really had to do was finalise arrangements for the office space ... which it turned out would be handled by their in-house electrician so, again, not really a problem. I wondered why Colin hadn't managed to sort all this out the day before but then realised that he'd been dealing with Mr Lomax himself ... which would have complicated things.

My face must have darkened at the thought of her boss because suddenly Linda was looking worried, obviously concerned that she'd somehow done something wrong ... and probably used to being torn to shreds by the bastard for minor errors, I thought. So I gave her my best reassuring smile, told her that she'd been a pleasure to work with and thanked her sincerely for her time.

She blushed, again, and asked if I'd like to have a look round the rest of the complex, seeing as how we were finished early and I agreed ... mainly because I was enjoying her company. That said, though, I was reluctantly impressed with the place – there was a decent sized indoor swimming pool, a sauna, some squash courts – all of which we were free to use, apparently – and, basically, rather more, and better, facilities than I would have imagined friend Andy capable of. I said something of the sort to Linda – carefully not impugning her employer with my question – but she picked up on the inference anyway, noticeably taking a quick look around before replying with relieved honesty.

"Oh, no ... all this was put together by old Mr Lomax – Andy's father. He ran the place for years, then got himself killed in an accident up on Honcliffe Pass – car came off the road on some ice, apparently. To be honest, the place hasn't been the same since ... maintenance not being done, that sort of thing ... and ... well, I'd be quite careful about who's around before you use the swimming pool, if I were you..."

I nodded, understanding all too clearly what – and who – she meant, asked why on earth she was working here.

"Because its a job ... and there aren't a lot of those around here. Anyway, I'm only doing it to get some cash together before I go to university, so I just make sure not to expose too much flesh, get on with my work and ... well, grin and bear it, basically." She paused, then said with a sly smile, "Mind you, having an Aunt who's friends with Rosie in the village does help quite a lot..."

OK, I thought, that mysterious Hold once again. I was going to ask her about it directly but realised that this was neither the time nor the place, so I asked if she had time for a coffee instead ... perhaps in the café in the village? She positively leapt at the suggestion, heading directly back to her van, driving the few hundred metres into town without further comment.

I wasn't remotely surprised to find Rosie herself serving in the café, nor that Linda and I were her only customers ... or that Rosie brought us three cups of coffee and sat down with us, companionably. Which seemed to me about the best opportunity I was going to get to ask my question, so I asked it.

Surprisingly, I saw my two companions exchange a quick glance before Rosie nodded decisively and answered me.

"Andy the arsehole ... is an arsehole. Well, no surprises there, of course, but we happen to know he's a much deeper arsehole than you might have gathered ... courtesy of an incident a couple of years ago."

She paused and I waited patiently. In fact it was Linda who took up the story.

"It was while I was still at college. He started hanging around the place a lot. At first ... well, we didn't think much of it ... you'd be surprised – or maybe not – how many weird middle aged men you see loitering around schools, so we – the students – just kind of ignored him. Until it became apparent that he wasn't just hanging around ... in fact he was paying a lot of attention to one girl in particular ... who was all of thirteen. Once we'd picked up on that, we took it to my aunt Jane and she took it to Ms Braithwaite – Rosie's sister, Kath – who happened to be the kid's form tutor." She paused, and Rosie took up the tale.

"Problem was that whatever it looked like, he hadn't actually done anything, at that point, so Kath didn't really have enough to go to the parents, let alone the police. Obviously, she talked to the child and after a bit got her to tell her what had happened ... and to tell her if anything else happened subsequently." She paused. "Which, unfortunately, it did ... a couple of weeks afterwards another teacher – all the staff knew, by this point – saw a bright yellow 4*4 stop to give a lift to a youngster and recognised both parties ... Andy and the child, obviously ... so he followed, phoning Kath as he did so ... who phoned me."

She shrugged. "Cut a long story short, we found the pair of them parked up in a copse just off the valley road as the car had "broken down". Again, the problem was that we had nothing we could officially do ... there was nothing wrong with the car, obviously, but nothing actually illegal had taken place and the kid was so frightened by the situation she found herself in that she just wanted it all to go away. But we took some photos at the scene – and Kath let the child protection people know, too, of course, not that there was anything they could do – and Andy knows that we know what we know. And we keep an eye on him. That's it, really."

I looked at them both, understanding, and then asked Linda, "And, knowing all that, you still work for the wanker?"

She smiled, slightly. "Like I said, its a job. Then again, it is a family resort ... so its nice to have someone watching from inside, too."

Lunch was an anticlimax, after that. When I got back to the hotel I found that Colin was actually on site – the lack of mobile coverage could be a real pain, I felt – and when I got back there I found him deep in conversation with a man in boots and a hi-vis vest, who turned out to be from the Environment Agency, here to talk about the flood remediation works. Which turned out to be more interesting than you might expect – even if my job was just to nod and agree to pay for most of the work – but I'd have to admit that I wasn't entirely disappointed to notice another vehicle pull into the small car park on site.

Which turned out to be a minibus, a school minibus, in fact, driven by none other than Auntie Jane the biology teacher and carrying three or four studious looking teenagers. Jane waved when she saw me, came over with a friendly smile as her students began unloading quadrats and nets, jars and folders.

"Hi," she said, "Hope you don't mind us pitching up with no warning but we got the bus at short notice, so I thought I'd bring up an advanced party, get the kids out in the fresh air and doing something useful."

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The Back Garden Bride

The Back Garden Bride I was born Nathan, although for as long as I can remember, I have been known as Nat. Apparently when I was very young and learning to talk, I found my name a little too long and difficult to say out loud, so I shortened it as much as I could. Naturally I had it pointed out to me many times during my childhood that Nat was more of a girl's name, but that never bothered me, so the name stuck with me. I was an average kid for the most part, average height, average...

4 years ago
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Virginia Adventures

We had met online several weeks earlier and after a couple of chats the subject had turned to sex. Then the exchange of revealing pictures. After receiving her's showing off her lovely and quite large breasts I knew that if I ever had the opportunity to visit her I would. I was then told I had to attend several meetings in the Washington DC area. Heather told me she was about two hours to the southwest of Washington, so we made plans for me to drive down and meet her. The night before she...

1 year ago
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At Midnight on Octobers Shore

The slow clip-clop of the horses’ hooves made a steady, repeating background for the irregular bursts of loud laughter and the rising and falling murmur of quiet conversation. A gust of slightly colder wind stirred the loose straw and made its way inside the collar of Jennifer’s jacket and on down the neck of her sweater. She shivered and snuggled closer into the niche formed by Steve’s arm and shoulder. He tightened his grasp and asked, ‘Cold?’ ‘No, just getting comfortable.’ Steve and...

2 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 144 The Times They Are aChangin

As it turned out, Alan was about twenty minutes later returning to Christine and Amy than he otherwise would have been, thanks to the special way Susan and Katherine had awoken him and all that had transpired after that (including quite a lot of sudsy titfucking "cleaning" with both of them). It had been a close thing, but in the end he still hadn't had an orgasm. His penis was clean though - very, very clean! He walked across his backyard wearing a pair of shorts, flip flops, and a...

3 years ago
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The Man We Met At The Bar

"CASSIE! Dear God. You are taking for-fucking-ever! Hurry your ass up!" "Get off your high horse, Maggie. I'm working on it." I gave my self a once over in the bathroom mirror. My red hair was perfectly curled down my back and my silver strapless clung to my curves tightly. The dressaccentuated my rather curvy ass, and my natural 34C breasts. "Sexy." I whispered to myself, and strutted out of the room. Maggie was sitting on the hotel bed in her tight red dress, her beach blonde hair up in a...

Group Sex
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Nimas Tale

This story is a tribute to a friend outside my crossdressing social circle. He really does have the mantra that "to get on business, you have to be prepared to do anything." Just to clarify, he is not a multi- millionaire tycoon, but a corporate accountant. Finally, it has taken a while to publish because the plot of the first draft was utterly absurd and implausible. This version is hardly gritty realism but it is less silly. ********** It had been quite a dilemma for Ash. He...

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Doing It Nice

Doing It NiceBy: Londebaaz ChohanNelson was getting a bit weary, looking at the clock again. He let the air go out of his lungs with a hurry as he shook his head and pulled his pants up one more time. Some might think it the utter stupidity but not Nelson. He wanted to make sure, it did not take him more than 10 seconds to unzip and drop his pants off his body; if he wanted Walter not even to blink and change his mind, once he had him in his grab. It was nothing new for Nelson. For some reason...

3 years ago
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Denise the submissive mom Chapter 2 One Month Later

Chapter 1-Bill comes over to watch . Eat my cunt slut Cindy was now Denise 's mistress, the 56 year old fuckpig was on all fours with a bitch stamp that read "OWNED BY ROCKY" on her backside. Denise also wore a halter top that Rocky had Bill order specially made that said "Rockys Cumpig " Denise wore the pink halter top & her 7 inch spiked heels and nothing else as she continued munching away on her mistress pussy. Bill was invited to only watch today he hadnt seen Denise for four...

3 years ago
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Lacie Ch 12

Chapter 12: Lacie’s Preparation For the next two weeks, Lacie did her best to cope with handling her tasks around the house. Her ankle was still swollen six days after her injury and bruised for a week beyond that. Heather worked with Lacie every day, restoring flexibility and strength to the damaged ankle, rubbing creams and applying cold and heat packs to reduce the bruising and swelling. A few days after the injury, Lacie was able to stand on it, but moving with any semblance of speed was...

2 years ago
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Falling In pt 3

Introduction: Two young lovers begin to explore each other in delight Continued from Falling In, pt 2 Jackie and I spent the rest of he morning lazing around the school doing the stupid shit teen kids usually do at school before it starts. Walking the halls, joking, spending time with friends. Jackie stayed with me the entire morning, hanging with me and my friends. My friends treated her weird, and I knew it was a result of the stories they had heard about her and the things she had done. I...

2 years ago
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Life Aint EasyChapter 4 Crying Time Again

On the way back home I stopped over in San Francisco for a couple of days. Alice had given me the address of an old school friend whom she suspected knew a little more than she was saying about Erica. To be honest I didn't blame her. Alice was relying on the Internet. It could be anyone using Alice's name. Who can tell who is on the other end of an e-mail? Sheila Carter, or Greenbay as she was now, had been one of our crowd at college. She had visions of being a famous actress. I must say...

1 year ago
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AssParade Brittany Shae Takes An Anal Pounding

This week on Ass Parade we have one of the best asses in the business today. Brittany Shae joins us this week to parade her ass. This chick has an amazing ass, as well as a great pair of tits. Not only is her body amazing, she also does anal. That’s right motherfuckers! This is another glorious anal ass parade. Brittany takes a good ol’ pounding in several different positions. Her pussy gets slammed until it couldn’t take anymore. Then, it was time to stretch that beautiful asshole. all...

4 years ago
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Horny Indian Lady

My education was at multi faith school. The stories we used to tell at break times were outrageously filthy! One day our big Indian friend, Sanjay surprised us all when he produced a skimpy pair of women's knickers from his jacket, 'courtesy of my aunt Sinnita' He said. Young guys that we were we all took the chance to sniff these skimpy little knickers.We used to walk in the same direction home, 'Would you like to come visit my Aunty,it turns out she was just 12yrs older than Sanjay, my mother...

3 years ago
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Night of the Living Pussy Chapter 2

Two hours laterStephanie woke on the floor and slowly began to rise. She turned her head to look at the clock, which read 11:23 pm.“Shit…” she muttered as she slowly picked herself up off the floor. Once on her feet, she yelped as she felt a familiar stir between her legs.“About time you woke up, haha. Did you have sweet dreams?” Her pussy taunted.“Oh god… no, no, no, no, no. This can’t be happening to me. I mean, I must be going crazy. You… you can’t be alive. I mean it’s impossible. It...

2 years ago
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The Cheerleader Roast Part 2 of 4

The Cheerleader Roast Story: #8 Copyright 2004 Written: December 21 2004 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: Ay-Wun Please send any comments about this story to([email protected]) ********************************************************************* Part 2 of 4 – Staceys Turn Well I told you that Stacey was another story so here we are again, we last left you just after poor Jessica was spited and eaten by the football team. She is now just a pile of bones being used to pick the teams teeth as...

3 years ago
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Baby Steps

Fear pounding in her chest as her patent leather shoes hit the sidewalk- only a few more driveways and she'd be home, there's still time, there's still tons of time- it's possible she can make it, be safe upstairs long before it got dangerous.And she stops dead in her tracks as she catches sight of her parent's drive way. Her catholic school kilt flips up over her long smooth legs as she clutches her books tight to her chest and gulps in the air. A tiny whimper escapes her fat little lips and...

3 years ago
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Papa Aur Maa Ki Chudai Dekhi 8211 Part 1

Hi main Pinky, Jaunpur, UP se. Yeh meri pehli kahani hai toh umeed karti hu aap sab ko pasand ayegi aur aap ka khub pyaar milega sab ka. Aap sab apne feedback aur mails mujhe pe bhej sakte ho. Main sab ko reply kar ne ki try karungi. Ab jyada aap sab ko bore na karte hue story start karti hu. Ye ek real story hai aur kuch bhi juth nahi uss mein. Sab se pehle apko sab ka introduction de deti hu. Meri family mein hum 3 members hai. [1] Mere papa Suryadeep Verma (49) ache physique broad shoulders...

1 year ago
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By the Will of the Gods

Camp Half Blood. The training ground of heroes. All children of the Greek gods. After the Second Titan war, the population of the camp had exploded, more and more demigods flooding into the camp. Some were children of Olympians, but more and more minor gods began to claim their brood. Then. after the events of the war against Gaea and the giants, they had discovered the existence of a whole other camp: Camp Jupiter. However, despite defeating the Titans and Mother Earth herself, monsters and...

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You just logged off after spending 2 hours on the computer talking with me, feeling very happy and tired. You walk into the bedroom, changing into what you are wearing to bed, and crawl into the covers. You start to dream of what we talked about... Walking along a nice wooded path, listening to the sounds of nature as we walk. Coming to a pond with a small waterfall we stop and sit. Hold one another close, letting my lips softly touch yours. The kiss going from one of love and compassion to...

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Self Reflection

I’ve been seeing this Gemini for three months now and I must say that I’ve already found myself compromising and trying to be patient and trying to understand what I’ve gotten myself into. The thing is, he and I understand each other in more than just intellectual conversation, which is why I keep thinking he can’t possibly be a Gemini but however, this describes him to a t. I went three weeks without seeing him and barely communicating because he was so busy and it about had me bawling on the...

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Pinki ka Pehla Gangbang 8211 Part 1

Hello dosto, I hope aap sab achhe honge. Aapke liye Pinki lekar aayi hai ek nayi kahani. Isme aap janoge ke kaise Aslam ke sath rehte hue Pinki mein physical changes aaye. Aur fir mera pehla Gangbang hua. To dosto, unke flat par shift ho gayi thi unki girlfriend banke. Waise bhi meri family mein koi nahi tha. Bas ek dur ke mama the jinhone mujhe junior college tak padhaya tha. Uske bad main unka ghr chor kar apni padhai ke liye aa gayi thi Aslam ke sath shift hone ke bad maine unse contact...

2 years ago
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Zack Girl Remix Part I

There are individuals who's very existence lies in the cross-sections between the realities of the multi-verse. Individuals who's existence allows them to transverse the different properties of realities. In some cases, this causes them to change physical form, such is our case here. Meet Zack Greenberg, normal 13-year-old student at the Hyde Academy in Canada. Normal, except for the fact that, well... Weird things happen to Zack, without warning it seems like. Termed by his friends...

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Maggies Wild Night

Maggie opened the car door and slid into the seat next to Aaron. Her 36DD breasts were crammed into a red low cut top. The jeans she had on were so tight they looked almost as if they had been painted on."What are we doing tonight?" she asked as she pulled her long wavy blonde hair up into a ponytail. She adjusted her black rectangular glasses and looked at Aaron.Aaron looked at her, thinking how lucky he was to have such a hot piece of ass. He knew from the past few weeks that she would do...

4 years ago
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Teaching Carol Ch5

Some of things we did were improvised around the circumstances we found ourselves in; others were, for me at least, planned set pieces though I didn't always tell her what was about to happen. An example of the former would be the Friday night I noticed her heading into the university library. I followed her in without alerting her to my presence. The library was mostly deserted, as was to be expected on a weekend evening. I trailed her at a distance as she made her way toward the stacks...

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Oils For Sale

Oils For Sale By Miss Anonna So I had just received my new line of massage oils and put my old ones up for cheap on CraigsList . In less than an hour I received an email from someone wanting them for the price I was asking, too. I have to admit, CraigsList is an awesome service. The guy that wanted them had mentioned he was learning deep tissue and shiatsu massage and wanted to get started without putting out alot of money. He wanted to come by the next day and pick them up but he was so close...

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Dr Neelam 3

Hi, don’t get upset. Here is the third part. Dono apne ek-ek hath se meri yoni ko panty ke upar se shala rahe the. Kabhi kabhi Dono ke hath mere nitambon ko masalne lagte. Mai apni janghon ko ek doosre par sakhti se jakad kar unke kaam me badha dalne ki koshish kar rahi thi. Magar dono ke age meri ek nahi chal rahi thi. Ulte mai is tarah se aur uttejit ho gayee aur ek jhatke se maine apni yoni ko seat par se utha kar unke hathon ko aur andar jane ka mook agrah kiya. Isi ke saath mere badan se...

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