Ngorro StrikesChapter 2 free porn video

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Hayley had been fretting in her room when she heard Jacky cry out. She turned as if looking through the wall she could see what was going on in their living room.

They had been in Africa six months now and Hayley loved the way the black men looked at her. She had been shocked the first time she had been groped, but the strange tingling sensations the fondling had created had been very interesting. After the first few times it had happened she had, when she could get away with it, slipped away from her parents in shops and then lingered close to where African men were shopping. They had rarely been slow to move along the shelves to where she was browsing. Some had moved past, in a way that had blocked her parents view.

Then they invariably start touching. At first their touches had been light touches, as though in wonder at her soft white skin, or hands trailing through her hair. She had thought it strange the way they seemed in awe of her. Grown men looking at her in strange ways. Then her breath had caught in her throat when a hand had cupped one of her newly developed breasts and squeezed. The resulting sensations had shot to her stomach, roiled around inside and then flooded out. Down to her loins, up her spine in a rush to her head. She had closed her eyes.

When she opened them again the Africans were looking at her closely. The African with his hand around her breast squeezed again, and Hayley's eyes had widened, and she had gasped. The Africans had started muttering in a language she did not understand. Then her father had arrived shooing them all away.

Ever since then she had actively sought to put herself in situations where Africans had been emboldened to touch, squeeze, and fondle her. Now here she was confined to her room while an African man was 'doing things' to her sister instead of to her! She stamped her foot. That the African had engineered her father's arrest was a concern, but if letting him touch her would gain her father's release then she was ready to volunteer herself.

Instead her prissy silly sister was distracting him! Trying to protect her younger sister. She didn't need protecting. She wanted to be touched and fondled! Who knew what might happen if her Daddy was not around to stop the fondling?

That thought grew on her, 'What would it be like to be in the grasp of black men when no one was around to stop them?'

That thought sent a pulse throbbing in her loins as hot as any time when she had been groped down there.

"Oohhhhh, God. Stop! Oh that's that's... Ahhh!"

Hayley squirmed at the sound of her sister's squeals. She could no longer sit quietly in her room. She opened the door to her room and sneaked along the corridor leading to the living room. She peeked around the corner into the living room. Her sister was nearly naked, with those disgusting large breasts of hers standing proud... and... and glistening wetly! Had the African been sucking on her sister's breasts?

Her hands rose and cupped her own pert apple sized breasts as she imagined what it would feel like if they were sucked. But her thoughts were distracted by the sight of Ngorro holding her sister's legs wide apart while his head bobbed and moved over her sister's open loins! One of her hands dropped between her own legs at the thought of being licked 'down there' sent her feverish imagination going.

She looked at Ngorro as he was crouching over her sister like a big black slug. His nakedness fascinated her. From his loins she could see a protrusion and realised this must be his cock. Her hungry eyes fastened on her first glimpse of a real cock. It was remarkably thick. It looked to have the same girth as a can of coke and realised the impossibility of something like that going up inside a woman.

Her heart stopped as, from nowhere, a black hand clamped around her mouth. She was too startled to react as she was pulled close to a black body. Something hot and hard pushed between her bare legs, and she clamped her lithe thighs tight around it.

"Shh... Ngorro won't like you spying on him... I doubt your sister would either."

She turned to look at the man behind her and saw it was Ngorro's brutal muscular bodyguard. Her actions caused the hot length between her legs to slip and slide around the inside of her thighs. She looked down. The bodyguard's hand remaining tight to her mouth but not restraining the movement of her head. Her eyes widened as she saw her second black cock. It was not as thick as Ngorro's but it was longer and protruded from between her legs. The realisation only caused her legs to clamp it tighter. It felt like a warm iron log. As she squeezed it between her legs it felt as though it had a warm moving outer covering. A covering that was ridged with gnarled, throbbing hot veins.

She reached down and took it her hand. There was a murmured groan behind her. The idea that she had been the cause of making a grown man groan excited her. She clasped her slender white fingers around the hot black cock and squeezed it. Then the bodyguard reached around her waist and she was lifted off her feet. She waved her feet in the air ineffectually as he carried her back down the corridor and into her room.

Once inside her room he pushed her face down over her bed, and Hayley subsided. She could feel the African behind her and was not sure what he was doing until she saw a shirt tossed to one side and realised with a sense of anticipation that he was stripping his clothes off. Then he was leaning over her. His hands went underneath her and she raised herself to allow him to clasp and fondle her breasts. It felt quite different having her breasts felt up knowing that no one was going to come and chase this man away. There was a tense excitement, a knot of fear in her stomach, mixed with heat in her loins.

As the man crouched behind her she felt his cock slide back between her upper thighs. Again she sought to clamp down on it. She liked the feel of it sliding hotly against the soft inner skin of her thighs. She could feel the heat of his body close to her womanhood. Her breath caught in her throat as one of his hands released a breast and reached down beneath, feeling for and then releasing the buttons on her shorts.

He freed the second button, and then he fumbled the zip down. The remaining hand caressing and squeezing her breast released it and moved to circle her slender neck from behind. One hand hauled her shorts over the curves of her bottom, while the other held her firmly in place.

It felt delightfully wicked to be lying pinned to her bed by a black man while he stripped her shorts off.

'With Daddy in jail, and my sister busy with Ngorro there was no one was going to rush to 'save me' thank God, ' she thought!

Then her shorts were around her knees and the African crouched behind her. She glanced across the room at her mirror and realised she could see the African above her. He looked so big above her slender white body. He moved back a moment and the long warm hard length between her thighs slid away, before returning to push against her loins. The end was hard, and thick like a mushroom cap, and was pressing into her!

She felt it slip between the entrance to her womanhood and she grasped the sheets tightly as the pressure between her legs increased. The pain was short lasting as she felt something that seemed to tear inside her. Then a thickness was pushing up inside her as the wonderful brute of a bodyguard behind her thrust at her.

She could feel the heat of his body behind her. The hardness of the cock pushing into her was pushing through parts of her that were totally unused to the experience! She gripped the sheets hard, and her eyes were wide in shock and excitement. She had fantasised for years of this moment, but had never expected it to happen pushed down over her bed while a muscular black brute pushed into her! Somehow the reality was far more shocking and exciting than her fantasies of a tender moment with a lover.

She felt his loins push up against her. It was the strangest feeling to have a man's loins pushed up close to the softness of her bottom. Then she felt something wet and hot trail over the back of her neck. She shivered and the movement sent ripples through her tender pussy.

'I'm not a virgin any more, ' she realised and grinned.

She felt stuffed full by the cock inside her. The tongue on her neck moved to the small exposed ear and licked around it sending strange thrills through her. She raised her hips and pushed back at the man behind her, something was missing she knew. Then the African gripped her hips and drew his cock partly out and the feel of its withdrawal sent renewed slivers of pleasure through her. Just as she thought he was going to pull out he thrust back into her and she had to grab the sheets again even tighter to avoid calling out.

She looked around at the man who had his cock up her. The excitement on his face surprised her. His hands came up and grabbed her slim shoulders, and then he humped hard at her loins. He began a steady rhythmic humping into her tight snug pussy. She gasped and groaned then started wriggling her hips.

He laughed.

"You like this don't you..." "God yes, I love it."

"Don't worry the Boss is going to make sure you get lots of this from now on!"

Hayley didn't care. All she cared about was the wonderful sensation between her legs as the hard iron black rod pushed and thrust into her now eagerly receptive womanhood. The excitedly wriggling young white girl beneath him was a treasure indeed and he thoroughly enjoyed her squirming, gasping, slender form. Young ones were always enthusiastic like this when they discovered what 'sex' actually about.

Unfortunately her tight squeezing pussy was just a bit too active and he soon was squirting his seed inside her, a fact that only seemed to excite the girl even more, and he felt her start to shake, tremble, before she went into a squirming frenzy beneath him. He grinned and held her down hard, until she stopped trembling and shaking.

"Now... do you want do this again?"

Hayley looked around and up at him.

"You must be joking, of course I want to do it again!"

The African grinned.

"Wait here."

He slipped from the girl's grasp and stood. Without bothering to dress he walked out the bedroom leaving a Hayley to kneel there and wonder at the strange but satisfying feelings sweeping over her. The bodyguard strolled down the corridor to the living room. As anticipated his boss was naked and riding the older sister. He carefully kept his face neutral as he watched the large black bulk of his boss, wobble, jiggle and roll on top of the relatively slender white girl. Her legs were splayed to either side of him, but they not idle. The girl seemed to have a natural instinct to wrap her legs around him, and she was clearly overexcited and trying to clamp his bulk to her.

It no longer surprised him that Ngorro had got the girl excited. He did not particularly understand why white women and girls became so excited when Ngorro laid his pudgy hands and obese body on them. Nevertheless over the years he had seen many white females mounted by his boss, and they always seemed to enjoy the experience. Of course, Ngorro had a particularly fat cock. Indeed Ngorro complained sometimes it was too fat. He liked young white girls, but invariable they were too tight, and that was the aspect of his job that really appealed.

All too often Ngorro delivered up teenage white girls to be opened up by his bodyguard, to be stretched, lubricated and excited before Ngorro could work his fat cock up into them! No amount of money would tempt this bodyguard away from his current employer, and he kept a straight face as he watched him heave, thrust and wobble over the attractive blonde seventeen year old.

Ngorro looked over and the bodyguard nodded. Ngorro smiled at the knowledge the younger sister was ready for him. Not that he stopped his humping and greedy thrusting. It was rare that he himself was the first with a virgin, and Jacky was proving to be a willing and exciting ride. He raised himself up and looked down at the pretty face of the girl beneath him. Drops of sweat beaded her brow. Her eyes were closed and she was biting her lip. He judged her close to orgasm and decided to wait. Her soft clasping tightness was fluttering around his cock, which was a sure sign of her pending orgasm. The girl was soft, warm and curvy, and he could feel the way she was starting to vibrate.

Then her head fell back and a wail erupted from her throat.

He looked across at his bodyguard and grinned at him. He grimaced as hard heels dug into his soft thighs, and tried to wriggled free of her now drumming heels. He held himself motionless, not caring if he achieved his own orgasm. After all her younger sister was waiting in a nearby, and that little minx he was sure would be all he anticipated! Then he reached up and stroked the girl's brow, wiping the perspiration from soft white skin. She opened her eyes, and looked at him. He loved the way women looked at him with that sense of disbelief after he brought them to orgasm.

"I think you might get to like working for me."

He watched the girl's eyes drift off before coming back to him. Then he pushed himself up and his cock slithered out of the tight sheath of her womanhood. Jacky lay back as Ngorro rose and stood. She was still trying to come to terms with the extraordinary sensation that had overwhelmed her. Was that an orgasm? No wonder some of her friends back home had let their boyfriends do it to them.

If only she had known earlier!

She was tingling and pulsing and she found herself missing the warm heavy weight on top of her. She felt sore between the legs, but it was a minor inconvenience in comparison the wave of sensation that her overwhelmed her. She looked at Ngorro, at the large black bulk with a touch of wonder. He was not exactly any girl's idea of a handsome man. He was an overweight middle-aged black man, but she knew if he ran his hand up her skirt again she would be ready to do what he wanted. Ngorro moved out of her vision as she lay there still staring at the ceiling. She turned her head to follow, but his bodyguard stepped into her view. She was surprised to see he was naked, but in her lethargic post orgasmic bliss she did not care. Her eyes dropped to his loins, and she saw that he was sporting an erection. It was longer than Ngorro's but nowhere near as thick.

Her eyes closed for a minute as she realised she was about to be taken again.

Then she opened them and looked more closely at the brute of a bodyguard. Unlike Ngorro there appeared to be not an ounce of fat on him. He was still big, however, his arms, legs, stomach, and shoulders all seemed to bulge with muscle. She felt an excited flutter between her legs.

He dropped to his knees in front of her and his hands reached out. The butterflies in her tummy blossomed into flight, as his hands clasped her knees before sliding higher up the inner thighs, pushing her legs apart. His hands were so different from the hands of Ngorro. They had been soft pudgy, though they had felt strangely magical as they caressed her. The hands of the bodyguard were hard, calloused rough hands, and they felt entirely different, but just as exciting. They were a man's hands, and her legs flopped open in easy surrender to what she knew he was going to do.

Ngorro waddled down the corridor heading for the bedroom the younger sister was in. He wondered how she would react to his lumbering presence. Women and girls had reacted in various ways to him in the past. He was not a man who cared if a woman had to be held down by others while he enjoyed her, but there had been a sparkle in the younger sister's eyes, a reluctance to leave the room that suggested there she might turn out to be a natural wanton. He grinned and pushed the door open. Hayley was standing there naked looking at the door. Her eyes widened as he walked in but Ngorro saw no fear in her eyes.

His greedy eyes ran over the naked girl. Her legs were lithe and shapely. Coltish was the word he was thinking of, the legs of a girl just turning into the fuller curves of a woman. The tops of her thighs were slick with sweat, and pinkish stains that indicated her virgin blood was now mixed with sweat and sperm. Ngorro knew he would never have been able to take this girl's virginity with his fat cock, and so felt no ill will to his bodyguard.

Her waist was narrow over splayed round hips. She would be lovely to take from behind he suspected. Then his eyes rose to the delightful sight of budding small round breasts sporting erect nipples.

'Thank God for women's nipples, ' he thought as the hard little peaks give away the girl's sexual excitement!

Her neck was slender and he anticipated he would spend hours nibbling and licking the soft whiteness of her throat. But that would come later, when he had more time and the luxury of uninterrupted hours to spend on her. Her mouth was a rosebud, and he looked forward to teaching her how to use it properly. A pert nose sat below sharp clear dark eyes, that regarded him without fear or nervousness.

"Did you like what my bodyguard did to you?"

The girl nodded. There was no bashful shyness there.

"Good, now I am going to have some fun with you."

He saw the girl give a little nervous swallow, and a pink tongue peeked out and wet suddenly dry lips.

"I think you will like me having some fun with you?"

He looked at the girl, and it took a while for her to realise he was expecting an answer.


There was touch of nervousness in her reply.

Ngorro grinned stepped forward and swept the girl up into his arms. She shrieked, though it was girlish shriek of excitement, not fear. He pulled her close relishing the feel of her slender curves. He strode for the bed but instead of throwing the girl on it, he turned and sat on the edge of the bed, dropping the girl into his lap. Her eyes were shining and sparkling now and he knew he had a hot young white hussy to play with.

Bouncing the girl's soft curvy bottom on his knee, he put his hand between those sleek lithe legs and reached for her womanhood. Her legs offered no resistance as pudgy hands slid higher. At last one of his pudgy fingers touched and probed at the slick, wet, slithery entrance. With a little twist one of his pudgy fingers succeeded in penetrating her pussy and he thrust it higher. The girl wriggled excitedly on his lap, as the fat finger twisted and circled inside her body.

With one arm around her shoulders he pulled her over backwards, and her budding young breasts were displayed to him. His lust had risen to new levels and he greedily dropped his head to grasp a young pink nipple with his teeth. The girl started shivering and shaking and he held her tight, pushing a finger up higher within, while his teeth nibbled, his tongue licked, and his mouth sucked.

When his thumb grazed, then rubbed over the girl's clitoris she jumped in his lap. He held her tight as he recognised the girl was having an orgasm and had lost control of herself as she jerked and thrashed. He did not let up his attentions at all. Indeed he took advantage of her body's involuntarily movements to push a thick second finger up inside her. That just seemed to set her squirming more but Ngorro did not care, he loved finding females capable of multiple orgasms and he flayed her sensitive female parts, keeping up his nibbling on those sweet pink nipples and his thumb driving her clitoris as though it was a button on a computer mouse! Hayley fainted, unable to cope with sensory overload.

Ngorro grinned at limp curvy form in his arms. With surprising gentleness he laid her out on her bed. She was a lovely example of a white adolescent girl. On her back her breasts did not stand proud but their youthful roundness was unmistakable. Her waist was slim, which emphasised the curves of her flaring hips. As he looked at her hips he concluded there was no doubting her ripe womanhood. Her legs were lithe and curvy rather than long and he ran his hands over her softness. They were smooth, soft and warm, and he relished the sight of his dark hands on her fresh white skin. He slid his hands up along her inner thighs. He savoured the feel of the satiny soft skin at the tops of her thighs. His fingers stroked in circles enjoying the sensation.

Same as Ngorro Strikes
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Sandra walked over to the spot on the courtyard where she had to go wait for her teacher. Laura joined her there and the two girls saw the others of Sandra's class walking towards them. Looking at this group, they noticed that Charles had still an arm wrapped around Melinda's back, while Johnny and Janet were holding hands. "Two new couples in your class?" Laura asked Sandra, with some fun in her voice. "I think so!" Sandra answered. "That's maybe also better for me. Don't you...

4 years ago
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Michelle ma belle Pt 2

So, last time I had written, Michelle had made it clear to me that she wanted to continue our relationship in this manner. She sat down with me a few months after our first night of sex and told me "I know you're feeling guilty about this but I wanted you to know that this was my choice. I've wanted this for the past few years. You've always been so kind to us and treated us like your own flesh and blood." I shook my head and replied "You may think you want a sexual relationship...

2 years ago
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A Wish Unwanted Part 1

A Wish Unwanted (Part 1) by Limbo's Mistress I was attempting to finish prepping the last of my maps for an upcoming session of Dungeons & Dragons when Cindy burst into my room looking like a cross between a lottery winner and the cat who ate the canary. "Sam! Thank god you're not doing anything important!" she squealed, closing the door behind her. "I really need your help." I sighed and put the sharpie down, turning around in my chair to face her. Not that it was a really...

1 year ago
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NubilesPorn Bunny Colby Emily Willis Emma Hix Three Princesses

In this spinoff on a fairy tale, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Cinderella get sick of waiting for a man to find them and decide to take their pleasure into their own hands. Snow White points out that none of them has even kissed a boy yet. Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty suggest that Snow White could practice kissing on a mirror, but Snow White is sick of kissing her own cold reflection. They decide to practice on each other. Once all three girls have experienced kissing, they decide they...

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A Holiday Tease Ends Well

I was travelling around the world and had reached Anegada in the British Virgin Islands in the Caribbean and was due to meet my old friend Alice and you, one of her friends from back home in Canada. Alice and I had enjoyed several holiday romances, or sex sessions, in various places around the world and I was looking forward to catching up with her. Unfortunately she wasn’t going to be here for another few days so we had some time to kill:  I’m on my way to the bar where Alice had told me to...

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Friendrsquos Mom and Daughter become My Subs Pt 3

Friend’s Mom and Daughter become My Subs. Pt 3 Punctually I arrive. Modestly Janice hides her naked body behind the door as she opens it. Excitedly she invites me in. Upon entering she kneels, “Welcome Sir. Mom is in bed as instructed.” Turning to the stairs I’m halted as Janice asks, “Sir would you like me to give you a blowjob? I was up half the night practicing.”Leaning down to her, we kiss. “Happily.” Stepping out of my trousers and pushing down my boxers I stand over her. Expecting to fuck...

2 years ago
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Breaking the Glass Ceiling

Helen Woodward took off her glasses, rubbed the bridge of her nose then sat back in her leather chair in her brand new office and surveyed her domain. Helen, at the tender age of 49, was the first woman in the history of Bass, Newman and Willis to break the glass ceiling and actually be appointed as a director of the firm and as senior director at that! She had moved from the 49th floor up to the 59th floor, the highest in the building, and was awarded, for her hard work and expertise, a corner...

2 years ago
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My First MMF

It was about 6 years ago, I was with my asian girlfriend she had a hot body and big breast and was into almost anything. We had been going out for about 6 months and I knew she was into anal. One night while massaging me she said if i would like to get a prostate massage. I was intrigued as I have seen her moan and scream from ecstacy. I was right...she started licking my asshole and gently fingering my ass...It was the first time I was tight..she said relax and unclinch and spread your legs. I...

3 years ago
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Chapter Two In My Fairy Tale

I know I have my Categories backwards and I apologize. This is the romantic chapter. Also before I start my story I would like to say I read the comments and I was shocked, very shocked. I would also like to say THANK YOU to the comments that I have, but frankly there is to parts of this story. I would also say this story does NOT turn me on, at all. Its disgust I know, it’s actually the second chapter that’s romantic. Also that was the first time of me making a story, so thank you for the...

1 year ago
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As Luck Would Have It Ch 02

The roar of the crowd erupting drifted through my living room’s open windows. Sounded like another win for the home team. The delay on the television showed Big Papi hitting a homer in the bottom of the ninth. Now we were guaranteed a good night out on Lansdowne. I took a swig of my #9 and turned off the TV. ‘You ladies ready to par-tay?!’ Hannah shouted from the bathroom as she ran the straightener through her kinky hair. I don’t know why she bothered. She’d ultimately end up putting it in a...

3 years ago
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The Rendezvous

You had known him for what seemed like forever. Meeting as k**s you had grown up the same small town and gone to the same schools. He was two years you senior and you had been infatuated with him. There had been times when you were in love with him. There were times when you thought he shared the feelings. There were even a few times as high school k**s when you’d shared the long make out sessions and it had even gone as far as some light petting. Throughout your lives you both had...

3 years ago
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Shower delight

This story happened around 5 years ago while taking a last minute camping trip first time without the k**s. Hope you all enjoy itMy wife has always been an adventurous person but is one of the people whom has to be really in the mood before trying anything and that’s where we start, I suppose. We were off for a long weekend in Lincolnshire which was a last minute, decision as the k**s were stopping at the grandparents and we had nothing else to do so we hooked up the van and off we went. Our...

2 years ago
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Male Escort 8211 First Sex Experience

Sexual desire made me to become male escort and satisfied a female who was starving for sex I initially gave her a great massage then took her to bathroom and made her moan. I am a big fan of Indian sex stories and I have been reading the stories for few years regularly as I am from Chennai male , educated with average body and very good at oral sex and massages to any female who are unsatisfied as I work in a MNC in good post accounting professional to tell you about my tool its in good size...

2 years ago
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Should not complain

Last night I had an awesome orgasm considering I’ve not had one in years.   George and I have been married for 7 years but the last couple of years sex has been boring.  It was like my husband was doing an obligatory twice a month routine.  Rub, kiss, get in, cum and sleep.  I just lay there with my arms over my head.  I’ve asked him: ‘Honey did you forget something?’ Trying to remind him that I have needs but he just snores.  Yesterday morning I told him off, I told him that I have needs and...

3 years ago
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Choice Matters Part 1 of 2

“Now…”   The rain came down steadily, heavy sheets of it falling for the last few hours. It had turned the winding cottage roads into obstacle courses with pools of water and large branches and debris strewn across the gravel and asphalt. Wise travelers would have avoided trying to push through such a torrent. Yet there would always be a few who had ‘no choice’ but to go through. Some make it just fine. Some have to face the consequences of their choice. The blue cube van had been pushed...

2 years ago
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Im not Gay But

Doug stepped out of his apartment building door, leaving the handle down so he wouldn't have to use his keys to re-enter. He strolled out on to the sidewalk and looked up and down his urban block. He lived on the edge of a nice neighborhood but close to a few industrial warehouses. Usually nobody passed by during his 10-minute sessions, and he hoped that would be the case tonight.Doug dug into his pocket and pulled out his battered pack of cigarettes. Flipping open the lid, he saw a good six or...

1 year ago
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Taking punishmentthe final twist

Parts 1 & 2 combined “……you will be taken from here to be executed by hanging in accordance with the law. Your execution is set for tomorrow.” Hearing those words Marie was stunned as the two guards in the dock hurried her down the steps and back into her holding cell. She had not stolen her mistresses’ necklace! But still she was now sat in a dark, damp cell with no light save a shaft from the small slit in the door. The door opened with a crash and she cowered in the corner as a man entered –...

1 year ago
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Celluloid Dreams

Although I always had my magazines, a collection that was to grow to over 10,000 over the years, seeing girls for real was not as easy. Fortunately seeing a sexy-dressed girl walking down the street was enough to give me ecstasy, but whether I was hanging out my window or standing on the corner in my ‘dirty’ mac, it was sometimes a long wait for girls to walk along. In the US mags in my collection, I often saw ads for 8mm movies – ‘Etalie a go-go’, ‘Etalie raised skirt’ and lots of others, so...

1 year ago
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Girlfriend and my best friend

I always had this weird fantasy on seeing my girlfriend, Louisa fuck my best friend, Aaron. I have been with Louisa for more than a year and I am actually the jealous kind of boyfriend but it always turned me on to imagine my girlfriend fucking my best friend. At first, I did not know how to speak to her about it but I always knew she finds my cute. Once, I woke up to my girlfriend sucking my cock. I was so horny and I turned her and we were in a 69 position. After which, I was fingering her...

Cheating Wifes
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Chapter 2 Prey In The Lair

Chapter 2Cammy woke up slowly, sore between her thighs from the intense pounding she took and with a deep ache in her shoulder from His teeth. The graphic events of the night before came rushing back to her as she lay safely in his powerful arms, he really wasn’t kidding when he said the fuck of her young life. Here though, quietly laying with his strong arms protectively, perhaps possessively wrapped around her, she felt protected, safe for the first time in a long time. Sighing contentedly as...

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Spirit QuestChapter 2

I awoke from the bad nightmare only to find myself lying in tall grass. At first, I didn’t realize that, while the temperature was warm, it was a lot cooler than it should have been for late August, even this early in the morning. I thought that somehow, I had landed clear of the wreckage, and miraculously survived. Having taken extensive first aid training, rather than try to get up, I instead tested each appendage for signs of injury. Fingers and toes seemed pain-free, as did wrists,...

1 year ago
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Aunt Kim defloweres

I am clara this is based on a true story. .. destiny is remarkable—- The cabin creaked as it was old Victorian . It was warm and filled with candles all the lights were off. As the rainstorm thundered from outside. Darkness becomes, as the rain storm showered the walls. Crackle crackle. In darkness she rose. Like a ghost. The cabin lit with candles and the smell of lavender filled the room as I slept. .. as if in a dream aunt Kim entered.. sliding herself next to me and caressing my breast....

1 year ago
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Seasonal Daughters Book 2Chapter 3

Before I knew it, late May arrived and May's birthday was upon us. As she had for April, Laura took May shopping one on one. They had a marvelous time. A teen about Tommy's age had hit on May and a young guy in his mid twenties had tried to pick up Laura! They had both deflected the guys gracefully according to May. She did give the boy her phone number. Laura said, "He lost a lot of interest when I explained that I was meeting my husband later and I was shopping with my younger daughter...

1 year ago
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GenerationsChapter 34 Dinner And Drinks

An unexpected business trip to Seattle for software development kept Peter away from Lauren’s the following weekend, so it was two weeks before he was able to come back to see about ‘taking care of business.’ Fortunately, it was going to be a quiet weekend; Frank and Shirley had volunteered to take Jimmy and Holly for the weekend, and Heather was able to take care of herself. Helen and Jack had taken a long weekend to go to the lake country for a small vacation of their own. When Peter...

2 years ago
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Mom Dad and Us Part 9

I am not the author. Found story on old desk top. Original name of story is 'F***ly Games' Mom, Dad, and Us Part 9 Glynn poured a drink of bourbon for his mother and took a can of beer for himself. He still felt a little funny, walking around in front of her bare assed, but she didn't seem to mind being naked. In fact, she acted proud of her nude body, and he sure didn't want her to cover up...

4 years ago
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Vacation with my family part II

*************************** Sarah was still cumming when I realized that someone was watching our action. I couldn’t move a bit so I just sat there between her beautiful legs with my fingers still burried deep inside the dripping wet cunt of my little sister. Sarah had not realized it until now cause she still was in her daze. Finally I calmed down a bit so that I turned my head towards the door. At first I was sure that dad was standing there but after some more seconds I could...

1 year ago
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Allen woke up his head was spinning, the ringing in his ears was deafening. What the hell happen he thought, Where am I? All Allen could remember was being at home watching Pawn stars and then a load crash then black silence. Allen tried to look around but it was total darkness. The creaking of an old metal door filled the room Allen turned to see who or what it was but had to turn away because the light flooding the room was to bright Allen scurried into the nearest corner. A big...

2 years ago
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Vicky Loses Her Virginity

I never put much thought into sex. The idea was of course, always there, and I considered it frequently. But I simply dismissed those naughty fantasies as my teen-aged hormones run wild. That all changed though. It wasn't just my hormones who wanted it now. The room was dim and warm; the atmosphere tense and anxious. Faint afternoon light seeped softly through the shut blinds hanging from the window, casting odd shadows around the room which would have been creepy, were it not seemingly...

4 years ago
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Junior Year Part IIIChapter 13 Trust Mistrust and Bonding

I wasn’t feeling too charitable towards my younger sibling when I crawled out of bed. He snores! “Wakey, wakey!” {groan} “Get up! It’s a gorgeous day!” I said as I bounced on the side of Phil’s bed. “Go away,” he said, as he tried to shove me off the side of his bed. “We have the breakfast surprise,” I whispered conspiringly. “Okay ... okay, give me a minute,” Phil groaned. I was an evil genius. I was finally going to get my brother and dad for all the times they’d stolen my favorite...

2 years ago
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The Crazy Chick

The Crazy Chick by DKB I can't stop thinking about her, her hair, her eyes, her kisses. It's driving me crazy. But what else could I have done? What else could I have said? I met her a couple of Fridays back, at my usual after-work haunt. It's a bit of a run down old place, no music or television, just beer. But I like it. I can drink in peace with the other old farts. But that night this girl came in and she was totally out of place. I don't think the old watering hole had...

1 year ago
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High School Experiementing PART 1

Dale, a 6" something jock was always getting on my nerves. No matter how annoying I found his stereotypical jock personality and actions, I found myself putting up with him as he was usually talking to people in my circle of friends. It could be the fact that he was blonde hair, green eyes, and an almost perfect all-body tan were some of his many amazing features. At 6"2, I was rather tall for my age, but still slightly chubby. My blue eyes and brown hair always seemed to attract girls, but I...

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Granny And Danny

NICOLE So there I was, laying on my bed, naked, my face oozing sex. My upper body rested on my elbows, causing my 36D's to hang down toward my stomach. My feet were drawn in toward my body, toward my ass actually, ankles touching each other and my knees spread as wide as they could go without causing pain. Bright red finger nails highlighted the hands holding my pussy lips spread wide open, pink and shiny from my lubrication. My snatch had been bald since around my sixteenth birthday. Gary,...

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Kittys Awakening

             Kitty left the city in hopes of a slower and more secure life. She found a nice cottage behind an old couple that rented it out for extra income.          The man was of the grumpy sort, didn’t say much. But, his wife is very upbeat. Almost in her own world, happy to be alive. If she wasn’t so old, I swear she was getting some on the regular. Any way, she told me some thing kind of strange when I moved in.       Things that go bump in the night aren’t always bad. I asked her to...

1 year ago
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Fucking The Friend Of My Brother

Hello friends and I am a regular visitor of this site. I am going to narrate one of my personal life experiences which occurred to me a year ago and the name of the characters used in the story are changed. This lucky incidence occurred to me during one of my vacations in engineering. I was in my third year engineering and was at home during my summer vacation. My brother was in 11 standards. One of his female friends used to come to our house as my father used to teach her and her parents...

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