Harry s Tale
- 4 years ago
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When Sarah, Sally, Terry, Jill, Janet and Rusty entered Joyce's room, they found Judy lying against Joyce's back with her arms around her. Joyce's hands were covering Judy's and both were smiling.
Sarah said, "They look so comfortable laying there."
"Yes," her five friends responded.
Rusty and Sarah moved to lie down on each side of them. Terry and Sally then moved to lay behind Rusty and placed their hands on his side. Meanwhile Jill and Janet had moved to lay behind Sarah and place their hands together on her side. The bed was barely wide enough for the eight of them.
"Joyce, Judy, this is Sarah. Can you hear me?"
"Yes. I can sense that Rusty, Sally, Janet, Jill and Terry are here," responded Joyce and Judy in unison. "Is this a dream?"
"No, it isn't. We are communicating like you've seen Rusty and I do. All of us can now communicate telepathically. Currently, you are in an induced sleep, like we were until a few days ago. Our hosts did this so our bodies could recover, as the stuff Sylvia gave us would have eventually killed us."
"Who? What?" asked Judy sharply.
"Please, be patient. We'll get to that. The effects of the medication are wearing off so you will soon be awake. We wanted to be with you when that happened because a lot has changed, since we walked into that trailer. While it is wearing off, we want to share what we've learned since being up. Okay?"
"Yes, but this is weird."
Sarah smiled as she responded with, "I think different is a better description. The woman that kidnapped us, was Sylvia. Remember?"
"Yes. How could I forget the bitch."
"Anyway, in the trailer we were given several injections. Apparently these were to initiate changes in our bodies, similar to what happened to Alice and Susan. According to our hosts, what she had us injected with wasn't formulated correctly. If the changes had been allowed to go to completion, we would have died painfully in a few years."
"Why would she do that?"
"We think it was greed. Recently we've learned that Sylvia's main occupation was operating a baby farm. There, she altered all the women so they gave birth to at least twins and produced a lot of milk. The women gave birth every ten to eleven months."
"Like those intruders wanted to do to you and Alice."
"Yes. Now getting back to our situation. Fortunately, our hosts were able to alter the treatments she started, using their technology. We've all recovered and our health is now excellent. However, in accomplishing this each of us look a little different than before and our senses are more acute. The eight of us now are similar in appearance, but we still have our identifying features. We like the changes and suspect both of you will like them too."
"Okay, I'll back off from saying weird but it is very strange," said Judy. "All my training tells me this is not possible but..."
"Judy, ever since Rusty and I have known one another, we've been able to communicate this way. The communication part is known as telepathy. There is another part that we refer to as a mind-link. This is a deeper sharing of thoughts which usually occurs just within a family group. Before coming here, Sally and Terry sometimes understood our telepathic communication, but they attributed it to intuition and how well they knew us. When we lived together at Nancy's, we could see their active thoughts, if we tried, but only did so, when they asked us too."
Sally and Terry then spoke as one saying, "Judy, Sarah's comments are true about our impression then, but now our communication is different and so much more intimate and dynamic."
"Right now, I suspect, you can hear whispering in addition to us. Correct?" asked Sarah.
"Let me show you how to adjust your telepathic abilities to limit the whispering. Is it okay, for Rusty to assist me?"
"Sure," said Judy and Joyce.
"Now, do you see a spot in your mind when I send you thoughts?"
"Yes. So that is what that represents."
"Now, Rusty will send each of you a thought followed by Sally, Jill, Janet and Terry."
"Okay, I see them."
"Sally, Jill, Janet and Terry will just observe, while I show you the rest. As we are all a little different. We will start with Judy." Judy and Joyce followed her guidance and had soon adjusted their telepathic ability to exclude the whispering.
"Wow, that is much better," they said. "You are now much easier to understand."
"Good. Now let's take a tour of our minds, so far the layout of ours is very similar. As you become more comfortable with this, you may want to make adjustments to the connections. Obviously they must be done very carefully. Since Rusty and I have been up, we've done some cautious exploring and learned a lot. We've shared, that knowledge and gained more, each time we've assisted others in waking up.
"First, this area makes telepathic thought possible. If you increase the energy supply here, it will strengthen it. It is like turning up the volume. You can increase the energy supply by enlarging this. Now, increase the supply slowly until it feels comfortable." They all watched the area in both increased in brightness and then stabilize.
"That feels better," said Judy and Joyce.
"The connection is even better now. Wow. I like this."
Judy added, "I do too, but it is still hard to accept.
"Next, we'll show, you how to manage your connections with others. This is important as it gives you the tools to protect yourself from a telepathic attack. It is not perfect but will make it difficult for someone to get at you. In a mental attack, the person tries to take control of your mind. Once they gain control, you are their pawn. They can rearrange your mind, reprogram you into anything they want or cause you to die."
"Oh. My."
"This is how you do it." Sarah showed the two of them how to set up mind shields and filters. "Do you have it working?"
"Good. We can test them later after both of you are fully awake."
"Yes. The background noise has disappeared completely but we can tell there are other people nearby. Oh, my, we can clearly see all of you as well as hear your thoughts."
"Now would be a good time to clarify some things about telepathy and thoughts. At least I hope it does. There appear to be at least two levels of thought exchange. One level is for telepathic communication in that you see a thought as if it was spoken. A more advanced or intimate level is our mind-link. This ability allows you to share more than just thoughts."
"I think, I see the distinction, you are making," responded Judy. "We should discuss this."
"Sure. While we are looking at how our minds work, let us point out some other things we have found." Sarah and Rusty then showed the locations for various mind functions and how to make adjustments.
"Now there have been some changes around us and to us, as I mentioned earlier. Rusty and I would like to share our memories of what we've seen and been told. Okay?"
"We can see memories," responded Judy.
"When you bring them back to your active memory, then they are easily shared," said Rusty. "When our mind-links strengthen, we understand it will be like using a shared filing cabinet. The complication is that each of us has our own filing system."
"I don't know that I am ready for that degree of intimacy."
"Judy, I don't think, it is much of a change," responded Janet. "One benefit is that it removes or minimizes misunderstandings due to assumptions or poor phrasing."
"From our experience, that would be good, especially, if we are in each other's pockets."
"I agree," added Jill.
"We may already know what some of the changes are," said Joyce. "We've been hearing chatter recently. Some of it was clear but I thought they were dreams. Now I believe, I was hearing the conversations of those near us. In the dreams each of you seemed different but still we knew it was you."
"Let's start the playback." Sarah and Rusty replayed their memories of the meetings with Donna then with Amy's clan, then those from last night.
When it was done she said, "You can look at my other memories, although it will take some time to figure out my filing system. This is a feature of our mind-link and this is how you can do it. Each of us can control, to some extent, which memories are available and those we want to keep private. You can tell when something is hidden but can't see it. For those not in your family group, it is considered hostile to pry into their memories or mind without their permission."
"So are we a family group?" asked Judy.
"It is a choice you make in conjunction with the group," responded Rusty.
"Well, considering that each of you feel like a part of me, I guess we are a group."
"I'll second that," added Joyce with considerable feeling.
"Well we are pleased," replied everyone.
Sarah said, "Not everyone here is an active telepath. Or perhaps it is better to say, we don't think everyone is. Currently we know that the members of Amy's crew and Zoe's group are telepathic. These groupings will make more sense to you when you are up and meet the others. Ann's group, and we think all of Jean's group, are telepathic." Sarah shared the background of the different groups and their members. "A telepath can see, or maybe feel is a better word, when someone is connecting to them. Sometimes it is hard to identify who it is. This makes your shields a bit tricky in that you want to keep attackers out but still communicate with strangers. Those who aren't telepathic can usually sense it and it makes them uneasy."
"In looking at your memories there was a view of you looking in a mirror," said Joyce. "Is that really you? Do we really have tails and hair down our back?" The emotions connected to her telepathic question reflected her amazement.
"Yes, it's really me. All of us have a tail and a mane. Are you ready to wake up?"
"Oh yes," replied Joyce and Judy in unison then slowly opened their eyes. Joyce leaned forward and kissed Sarah hugging her tight. Judy turned to kiss Rusty and they held each other for a long moment. Joyce began to cry, tears running down her face, as joy filled her in seeing and touching her loves again. At home, she had been apprehensive about the multiple partner relationship, but now she knew that she belonged with them, with all of them. Now she felt a strong emotional tie to all the people in their group and knew without a doubt that it was reciprocal. She loved them all.
Joyce pulled Sarah to her again and kissed her with all the emotion she could put into it. She then climbed over Sarah to greet Terry and Sally then Rusty, Jill, Janet and Judy. Their kisses spoke volumes of the love they felt for their friends. Neither Joyce nor Judy realized that a part of their emotional response was their friends' emotions that they felt through their mind-link. Their kisses were felt by all and added to the groups growing arousal. Joyce and Judy were surprised by how quickly their passions rose. Judy wasn't sure what drove her intense need to hold and fondle her friends. The two of them focused their attention, to a slightly greater degree, on Sarah and Rusty.
Judy soon realized that her rapidly growing arousal was due to the sensations she felt through her new connection to her friends. Joyce picked up immediately on Judy's realization and was ecstatic as it was what she had wanted for some time. Both were amazed that their mind-link conveyed the feelings of love and caring between all of them. As, they kissed, caressed each other, the connection between them grew. This gave them a greater sense of intimacy which in turn added to their arousal. Joyce straddled Rusty's hips and placed his cock at the entrance of her sheath. She paused to savor the sensations of it between her labia, then she lowered her hips so it slid into her. The sensations as it did were intense, triggering an orgasm which radiated out through their link. Flexing her legs, she began sliding it back and forth in her. On each rise, she stopped before the head slipped out then lowered her hips to enjoy the sensations each time it slid into her.
Sarah said, "Joyce, there is an easier way to do that."
"I'm not complaining, but how?"
"Just flex the muscles surrounding your sheath. These are the same muscles used for pushing a baby out. Try stimulating these locations," said Sarah as she showed them to Joyce.
Rusty moaned as Joyce began tugging on his cock with her sheath.
"How did you learn that?"
"Thanks to the Ben-wa balls, I had some control before. So with my new awareness, I saw where the signal originated and added to it. You can also squeeze."
"Oh yes. Thanks."
"That is unbelievable," said Judy. "Does this imply we can actively control muscle groups?"
"I'm not sure how much control, or which groups, we can affect. We've learned that our labia now have muscles in them which we have limited control over. It works well for responding to caresses. Tightening them will likely protect our lower mouth more than before. Since rubbing them is stimulating, tightening them around a cock or dildo adds to the intensity."
"I think, we should save this discussion for later." Judy had hardly finished her comment when she let out a long moan as an orgasm crested.
The intense sensations Joyce felt combined with feelings from the others resulted in her and Rusty coming after only a few more strokes. When Rusty sprayed his hot cream, it filled her fuller than she could remember. She screamed as she reached her crest then collapsed on his chest, still shivering from the after effects of her climax. Through their mind-link, everyone felt her intense orgasm, which triggered one in each of them.
Sarah and Sally eased Joyce up off of Rusty's still hard cock to lay her on her back. Sally placed her mouth over Joyce's pussy then rolled over bringing Joyce on top of her. She slid her tongue between her labia, directing the cream into her mouth. As Joyce's sheath continued to ripple with aftershocks, more mixed cream was pushed out. Sarah and Jill caressed Joyce with their fingers and lips as she lay there catching her breath.
Judy, Janet and Terry interrupted their caressing when they saw Rusty's cock standing hard and wet. Judy twisted around and moved to straddle him. Reaching down she moved his cock so its head was between her labia. She slid the head through the crease between them. The sensations she felt from the hot head were intense. When it reached her opening, she flexed her hips so it entered, then slowly sat down. The feelings caused her to shiver. When her clit pressed against him, she sat still to enjoy all the sensations she felt directly or through the others.
Judy's and Terry's lips separated as Judy began testing her control over the muscles in her sheath. Terry and Janet licked and kissed down her neck. When they reached her swollen nipples, they caressed them with their tongues before drawing one into each of their mouths. With just a light suck, Judy's milk began flowing. They swallowed some then alternated between caressing her breasts and nipples with their lips and drawing milk from them.
"Oh, my I'm lactating," thought Judy as she realized what the sensations in her breasts meant. She moaned as pleasure waves rippled through her breasts, labia and clit. After making an adjustment to the control of her kegel muscles, she moaned as the intensity of the sensations suddenly increased. Soon Judy's orgasmic bliss reached a crescendo, triggering Rusty's climax, flooding her with hot cream. The intensity caused Judy to black out and fall forward. Rusty caught her then Terry and Janet helped him roll her to the side and on to her back.
Janet moved between Judy's legs and lifted her hips to keep the cream from leaking out. Terry and her proceeded to lick the cream off Judy's pussy. Once all external traces were removed, Janet moved to lie on Judy and covered her pussy with her lips. She rolled to the side pulling Judy over on top of her. This let the cream run into her mouth while she probed the crease between the labia with her tongue. Holding the last mouthful of cum, Janet rolled Judy off her, then kissed Terry, sharing it with her.
Sarah seeing Rusty's wet cock and balls moved over and began to lick them. As she started to lick she sensed his desire and moved so he could also lick her pussy. They orally caressed each other through another orgasmic release, making sure to share the feelings with their partners.
Afterward they lay quietly, touching each other as they relaxed.
Rusty said, "We need to get up so, we can show Judy and Joyce around before dinner."
"Donna, how much time before dinner?"
"About two hours?"
"Okay let's take a quick shower then we can take a tour around the facility. By the time we finish that, it will be about time to exercise and let our milk down."
"You know I never thought much about it before, but it makes me feel very good to know that I will carry our babies," said Judy then blushed as she realized what she implied.
"We all feel that way," responded the other ladies. "We knew what you meant as we could sense your feelings and intent."
When they got up, Sally and Terry showed Judy and Joyce how to put their shoes on, while sharing the reasons for wearing them. After a quick rinse off, the group left for a tour of the facilities. Jill, Janet, Judy and Joyce were amazed at what they saw. Ann's group had been very busy and with Donna's assistance, they had transferred most of their farm items. When they went out on the patio, they could see quite a few people swimming. Next they went to the barn where Jean's group was staying. There they found Jean, Alison and Erin talking. Both Alison and Erin beamed when they saw the group come up.
Alison jumped up and hugged Sarah. Then turned to Rusty and hugged him. Alison then kissed the others. When she got to Judy and Joyce, she introduced herself and kissed them both. "You guys are such a lovely group." She exclaimed. "I am, oops, we are, so fortunate you rescued us. Thank you."
Rusty said, "This is part of the group that escaped the raiders at Sylvia's farm. Luckily we found them and were able to bring them back here. Amy's medical team is scheduled to give them physicals in the next few days. A part of that is to determine what genetic virus treatments they were given. From that they can offer treatments to correct any health issues."
"Betsy told us after lunch that she thought they would start tomorrow after breakfast," responded Jean. "She is going to bring two more people down to help out."
"Is that why you're so happy Alison?" asked Sarah.
"Yes in part. The three of us were just discussing what we thought our options would turn out to be, and how best to deal with them. Even in the worst case, I feel I'm a hundred times better off than I was just a few days ago. I think the walk helped me sort out some things. What you and Rusty did for me is beyond belief after my actions. Thank you again."
"We are showing our four friends around so we will see you at dinner. By the way, have you seen Nancy?"
"After lunch I saw her, Bob, Alice and Susan go with Ann and Sam some place."
"They are here?" said Joyce and Judy together.
"Yes, I thought you saw that when you looked at my memory."
"Hmm. Yes, I guess I did, but it didn't register even though you mentioned Nancy by name," said Joyce.
"Me too" said Judy. "You really gave us a lot of information in that short time. It was so much I thought I was the boy in 'Flight of the Navigator'."
"Sorry, but it wasn't nearly that much. I am not sure I told you, but feel free to look again," said Sarah. Rusty and the others nodded indicating they were included in Sarah's offer.
They walked down through the house showing them the computer room, library and the room Sally planned on using for martial arts workouts. They passed by the office, conference room, entertainment room and great room on the way to their area.
They had just entered their exercise area when Judy asked where the restrooms were. Sally took her hand and led her into the adjacent bath area. Judy looked around for a stool overlooking the backless ones sitting near the wall. It registered when Sally went over to use one. Judy watched with amazement as she saw her sit down and drape her tail over the back edge with no apparent effort. She had forgotten about the tail but nature was pushing her so she copied Sally's actions.
Meanwhile the rest of the group prepared to begin their exercises. Sarah and Terry helped Joyce onto her exercise bench and reviewed the controls with her. Sally and Judy joined them just as Jill and Janet positioned themselves on theirs. On seeing them, Judy quickly realized this was another part of her 'dream' that was real. Following what she remembered from her dream, she mounted her exerciser and started it with Sally's assistance. A few moments later she said, "These are fantastic."
"Yes," replied several.
Sarah said, "Using these is a very important aspect of maintaining your fitness on a space ship."
Soon the only sound was of everybody exercising. Again Sarah, Rusty, Sally and Terry were pushed to greater efforts and by the time they were done they were exhausted.
They took time in the shower, so Judy and Joyce could explore their altered bodies. Overall Judy and Joyce were pleased with how they looked. Joyce especially liked the changes as she was now as tall as everyone else. Both found their bountiful long hair pleasing, especially after they learned how easy it was to take care of.
Terry said, "I didn't like long hair before this, but now it never seems to be in the way." They all nodded in agreement with her observation. "But, it has only been a couple of days, so we'll see."
After drying off, they showed them their bedroom with its very large bed. On the way to the patio for dinner, they looked at other areas they had not seen. Approaching the patio, Sarah said, "Last night Amy's group gave a presentation on their background, along with a detailed summary of the changes in our bodies. Tonight we plan to have a discussion on how we're going to try to arrange things. Also last night, we agreed to have a question and answer period every night after dinner."
When they reached the patio, Joyce saw her parents on the other side. "Sarah, Sally, would you walk in front of me over toward my parents so I can surprise them."
Judy said, "Neat idea, Terry if you walk next to them, I can hide too."
Nancy and Alice were standing side by side, deeply engrossed in conversation with their backs toward Sarah's group. Just as they got there, Nancy turned and saw Sarah. She smiled, then returned to her conversation as Terry and Sally moved apart.
Joyce said very softly, "Hi mom." Nancy turned, screamed and jumped as she gathered her daughter in her arms. Another scream quickly followed when Alice saw Judy. The two couples hugged and cried in happiness at being together again.
The screams brought Amy, Jim and Erica running to the patio. They were quite relieved when they saw the cause.
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Ray Mallender had a couple months break from university and he wanted to do something exciting for at least part of it. Serving fast food was out of the question and so was construction, he’d been there and done that and he didn’t want to do it again. He searched several papers in Wales were he lived but there was nothing that took his fancy. However one day on the train from Cardiff to Aberystwyth he picked up a Scottish newspapers that someone had left behind and there was an advert for an...
Also read the first installments or this won’t make much sense My Whole Family Needed Me 4 There we were. Katie bent over in front of me with her newly fucked ass gaping wide open, me behind her with my limp cock that was freshly cleaned by my little sister Nessa’s mouth and Nessa laying right under Katie with sweat, cum and saliva dripping off of her face and onto the ground. The clever combination of piss, sweat, and love juices filled the...
My first wife and I were separated in the late 1980’s. After a few months she decided that she wanted to try to see if we could reconcile and started calling me. After a couple of weeks of negotiations we arranged for her to visit for a long weekend. The idea was to have a date weekend without the children. The weekend arrived and she came in on Friday. She still had a key to the house and met me at the door with a big hug and kiss. We opened a glass of wine and chatted about the children and...
Wife LoversI was so used to all three of us housemates just strolling into each others rooms when our bedroom doors are unlocked or open that I hadn’t even spared a second thought as I walked into her room but the instant that I see her I know I have fucked up. Sierra is sitting on her bed completely naked with her legs spread wide and her fingers buried deep in her pussy. Two thoughts run through my mind as I see Sierra in such a position, ‘that is so fucking hot’ and ‘oh shit, she’s going to kill me'....
23 August, 1686 Morning "So, Portobello tomorrow then?" Constance raised her head looking up at Jack as she batted her beautiful blue eyes and laid her hand gently over his forearm. "Providing the winds stay favorable," Jack responded looking curiously down on her lovely face. He couldn't help feeling something was amiss. For the last two day's both Constance and her younger sister Claire had been acting very peculiar. It seemed to him that both women had been going out of their way...
Mera naam aneez khan aur meri umer hai 20 saal ki hai aur meri didi ka naam sania kiumer hai 22 saal aur mera bhai ka naam hai naazim khan hai aur bhabi ka naam tahmina tabassum bhai naay naayi shaadi hoyi thi mera aur bhabi khoob jaam thi hamesha main aur bhabi hansi mazak kartha rahta tha ek roz ki baat hai main bhabi baat kar raha tha ki achanak bhabi na pouchi kya tumhari koi girl friend hai maine jhad se keh diya aap jho hoi aap ka hota hoya aur koi doseri girl kya zaroot bhabi shareer...
Hello, Sanpeux here, this is my first every story post on this site. I guess I should give a bit of background. I used to years ago post on Literotica under Sanpeux a mind control series. I stopped after a while because I got a little bored of it and also I was doing it on the side of my main novel writing. Now that I have been writing on this website again over the last few months, it has made me want to return to my old Academy Pursuits. I wanted to do a re-do of everything, mostly because I...
------ Hey you, listen up! This is how it's going to be! I'm going to tie you down, and suck you off, until you explode, with a fat load, of your sweet, sweeet cream! Oh, what a wonderful wet' dream! So, I'll start with placing your ball's on my face, your cock then fall's right in place, while I hum like a motor-boat race! You'll scream, so loud my eardrum's will pop, but don't worry baby, I won't stop! Not until I mount your hard throbbing cock! You place your hand's on my breast, my...
DNA: Time On His Hands Just a little short story set in my DNA universe I've been working on. You don't need to have read the main DNA sequence or the other DNA side story to understand what's going on here. For those of you who are wondering, I have started work on DNA III. This story is copyright 1998 by Stephanie. All rights reserved. You may repost or store this story on your website as long as the work is not altered or charged for. As always, this is...
Gwen Hammer was outwardly calm as her incredible husband knelt before her, even as all the others in the Great Kremlin Palace struggled to regain their composure. Though there were very few journalists in the hall for such an auspicious occasion and fewer cameras, such was the power of the internet for spreading news that the entire world had just born witness to Steve Hammer killing three men, all of them senior Russian military officers, on live television! So many unbelievable things had...
I knew it was her as soon as she walked into the restaurant in the lobby of her husband's building. She was tall thin and pretty. She was this year's model without a doubt. One of those Anne Hathaway/Katy Perry type women that look like they're English, but aren't. Whatever happened to girls like I was? Have we gone out of style? There's no way you can tell me that a man would prefer one of those thin, whiney, needy, fembot like girls to a full bodied, bit titted, fat assed blonde. If...
We sat down in the living room, knowing my parents weren’t asleep yet, so it wasn’t safe to immediately go to the bedroom and fuck. We turned on the television, not caring what was on, just trying to pass some time. He rested up against the arm rest, and I cuddled up under his arm, with my head on his chest. The only light was coming from the TV. I was starting to feel a little nervous. Was I the only one that wanted to continue? Was he thinking one and done? Then I felt his left hand come...
The beautiful ebony lady was now bent over his knee getting her rear end seriously worked upon. He had not appreciated her refusal to wear his collar and he was making sure she was getting her priorities right. Despite being a proud young lady she soon was reduced to tears, more from shame than pain but the pain did help along the way. In any case she was now much more receptive to the idea of wearing the said collard. He even had her putting it on herself, just abdicating altogether. Once the...
THE WEDDING NIGHT JOHN I had tormented myself enough for one day, my balls were bulging and it was time to empty them inside my pretty little wife. I was gonna fuck her and fuck her good several times tonight and there was nothing that she could do about it. I have spent the week training her to accept her role as a woman and now she would become a woman by experiencing the sensations that only a woman can. She would feel her husband's cock ejaculate his load of precious seed...
Hell O guys, I am Shoba (age19) a horny chic who loves to talk about sex with u guys. My size is 34, 28, 38. I have big one to offer. I am a virgin. I live in Hyderabad To be frank, this story is a fiction. This is one of my sex fantasies. I am trying to make it as real as possible. One day I was all alone in my flat, my parents, my elder sister (is a model) went to work. I had chance to masturbate, I collected all sorts of thing to be inserted into my pussy. I remove my panty and kept it on...
I was going for walk as I generally did living the city before I had to go to work. I had no idea that on that day I was not going to make it to work. I decided to walk the three miles I usually did but this time was different I saw a car on the side of the road broke down and cause I'm a helpful guy I inquired if they needed help. Well as I ask I get a rude response from the man saying he has it fixed so I continue on my way. I made it up the road a little ways and hear a honk behind me so I...
I was having a delightful dream. Her wet warm tongue was sliding down the top side of my dick and her soft lips were grabbing my root with delicate grace and exquisite skill. It was an amazing blowjob. Suddenly, I felt the sides of her knees against my shoulders, and I realized this wasn't a dream. I've always loved looking at Julie's magnificent pussy, and, when I opened my eyes, there it was, inches away, while I was getting wonderful wake up head.Life is good!“What a glorious sight to wake...
Kara calling his name woke Adam. For an instant he didn’t recognize his surroundings. As wakefulness replaced slumber he remembered where he was and the events that brought him there. He rolled to face her. They embraced and kissed. “Good morning,” she said. “Sleep well?” “Mmm ... I could’ve slept longer.” “Sorry to get you up so early. I need to get ready to take Mom to church.” “Are you religious?” “Not in the least, and Mom isn’t very devout, either. It’s a big part of her social...
Friday morning was a great day to run. It was only about seventy-two degrees outside and the incoming tide smelled good. I was really digging in this morning, running faster than normal, and I had the mental picture of me pitching up in Toronto tomorrow. I was ready to throw my best game ever at that moment in time, but I had to wait. The girls fixed me my usual huge breakfast back at the condo, and told me that they had already packed my bags. Sherry told me she had charged my laptop and...
I painted a 4-foot tall painting of an alien angel. It was admired by an older Mexican woman that I kept flirting with, but could never make a move on. I wanted to, but couldn't think of what to say. She asked me to sell her the painting a day after I brought it back home from the gallery. We made plans to meet at her studio the next day. I carried the painting from my apartment to her studio. When I got there, she offered a trade instead of the $300 I was asking for it. This is not uncommon...
Annie rang asking if it would okay if she came over on Saturday night as she wanted to spend the night here if it was okay. Of course, my sweet you know you are always welcome Exactly as the clock struck seven there she was at my doorI choose my long red dress. Extremely sheer and tight fitting with a low-cut neckline. Nothing underneath of course apart from stockingsAnnie arrived wearing her beautiful navy mini dress, very see-through, almost translucent. Plunging neckline to below her breasts...
It had been an exciting weekend ... the session with Maria all but convinced me that her only desire was to be touched and treated like a woman, rather than trying to leverage some sort of personal agenda. Even bigger than that was spending the important time with Carly on Sunday, and getting her agreement (and more) that we could continue to meet with and explore possibilities with other girls. When I got out of the shower and sat down for breakfast Monday morning, my Mom was already...
Hai friends, I am Ramkumar once again with some hot experience to share with you all. Last month I went to my native village as their was my uncles marriage. I stayed there for 10 days and enjoyed almost 10 days with two girls in which one was a virgin. One girl name is and other girls is her babhai vasanthy. Vasanthy is around 23 year, married and has a child of one year. Chitra is around 20 and she is the sister of vasanthys’ husband. It all happened like this. They are the neighbor of my...
As the two trudged on they came upon a verdant glade. In the center of it was a fountain from which sweet, icy water flowed. Desperation slowed, cooled by the deep and pure below. One turned and asked, "Shall we stop to drink and pray that the flood will work its spell, lift us from our private hell, soothe our hearts and wash what stains it will away, to 'fresh our heads and feet and whatever lies between to let anew our spirits play?" Anonymous Avery lay on his back. Jolene...
Eerie Saloon: Seasons of Change -- Winter By Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson Sunday, February 11, 1872 Reverend Yingling stepped over to the altar. "Before we conclude, Horace Styron, the president of the board of elders, has asked to make an announcement." He turned and gestured towards Horace, who was sitting to the right of the altar, with Willie Gotefriend and Jubal Cates. Horace stood up and walked over to stand next to Yingling. "At last Wednesday's board meeting, a motion...
My education during my early visit’s to the beach I think where mostly exhibition. There is one episode in particular that certainly comes to my mind that won’t be leaving my jack off fantasies anytime soon. Where as this was a case of voyeurism, certainly was an eye opener for me as it involved one of my Physical Education Teachers from school, whom to be honest I had one hell of a crush on.For this reason I will call him Mr Peterson cause I really do not know if he ever was openly gay or not....
We start this week’s show with an establishing shot of a community garden center – which is pretty overgrown - then we pan around to see distant tower blocks, then trendy and modern apartments in the foreground, until we see our host walking toward us... He’s chunky and he’s cheerful – squeezed into a West Ham football shirt that’s probably XXX Large but is still struggling to hold his belly and man-boobs. Beside him, looking up at him as they walk, a beautiful Doberman. Dennis begins his...
I just move in to my new apartment after breaking up with my gf back in 2009. It was a nice 2 family home duplex I was told my neighbor was a family very quiet and low key I was like perfect for me. So as the months past I'v seen my neighbor maybe 6 time and was a very quick hi things I felt no bigger she will never borther me this will be great. It was about 3 am when I heard all this yelling someone crying names being call and shit breaking in my neighbors house.I got up threw on some jeans...
As I watched the two girls walk out of the strip club, Ginger following after them a few minutes later, I knew there would be a story worth hearing. Just as Ginger was passing the door I was standing beside, I stopped her for a moment with my hand on her arm."Hey, Ginny," I began in a low enough voice that only she and I could hear, "you've gotta tell me about this one tomorrow." I grinned at her with a chuckle.To her credit, she just smirked right back and told me, "Sure, man, if my tongue's...
LesbianThis story was written by me and an acquaintance of mine via email piece by piece. The larger breaks show where one writer leaves off and another begins. It’s unconventional but I thought I’d share. Enjoy. I always thought that trying to rip someone’s clothes off the moment you saw them was the best way to say hello. So when she started pawing at the buttons of my shirt as soon as I crossed her threshold I couldn’t have been more turned on. As her hands frantically explored my body I pulled her...
Hi ISS readers, this is Naren (definitely not my real name). I am here to share with you all the wonderful experience I had/having/will have with a Single Lady here in the US. First of all I am staying in a Community where we have lots of Desi, particularly south Indians. I am single, single in every term. No family, no relations. Had few friends in India, but not many in the US. Made few friends at office. Most of the times I am all by myself. Being a frequent visitor to US, I was aware of...
Things were progressing smoothly enough with me. School was going well. I had just learned that my application to Notre Dame had been accepted and approved. Emily and I were having fun together, except for the two times that Shirley had phoned me. Shirley called within a week of Emily and I reconciling. We both refrained from volunteering or asking about our dating status. I'd say it was a call between friends, except there seemed to be a slight strain or separation in our choice of topics...
I couldn't say how long I had been holding the pee position for. A series of intense shocks from my collar had awakened me some time ago and I immediately got into a low squat on the balls of my feet, back arched, tits thrust out and moist labium spread wide. My muscles no longer ached the way they did when I first started learning the pose and I found that I could hold it for as long as Master required. The recording of my voice echoed in the room and I repeated each mantra in a soft...
Hello people, thanks for all the support and feedback. I’m kishan from bengaluru back with another story about my vacation with 2 girls to goa. I’ve many more days of stories to tell you so keep reading and supporting me. This was the third day of our trip and we wanted to explore goa and each other as much as we can. I got up in next morning by rekha who asked me to go out and buy us some breakfast while she got ready. By the time I returned rekha was inn bathroom taking shower and shruthi was...
It was a very hectic school year. I had just graduated and my parents were letting me just relax before going to college in the fall. My parents had treated me to a cruise right after graduation. After we came back, they said I could have a party with all my friends. My parents are the coolest parents in the world. They let me have parties all the time. Whenever I have parties, all the kids have to sleep over. That’s the only rule. They know that kids of my generation always sneak alcohol and...
The Potty Training Buddy By tammie2 I. "Ohhh, Tom, dear, may I ask you a little favor?" Tom looked up from his reading, both surprised and suspicious. Relations between himself and Rita, his wife of almost five years, had been a bit cold lately. Part of it was their ongoing debate, an argument really, about whether to have children. Tom wanted to wait, Rita was hearing her biological clock tick. So far he had prevailed,but he could tell she wasn't happy and didn't consider...