ComrieChapter 3 free porn video

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By the time Nancy, Adam and Bob arrived in the dining room, nearly everyone else was there. Briana had already introduced Adam's friends to Joyce and her spouses. When they saw Adam, they came right over to him. Adam could tell by their expressions that they were full of questions. At the same time he knew that they weren't upset or dismissive of their surroundings.

"Adam," said Todd, "we've noticed several things that puzzle us, and they have triggered our curiosity." The others nodded in agreement.

"Good, I'm glad, because I am not sure I would want to be in the field with you all if you hadn't."

"Okay, smart ass," said Kurt, "what gives?"

Joyce spoke before Adam could respond, saying, "Guys, I'm Adam's sister."

Todd said, "But I thought..."

"Nope. It is rather complicated story and hearing it has significant implications. We are willing to tell you everything, or we can answer only the questions you ask. Please listen to my next statement very carefully, as I lay out the choices." She sensed their senses sharpen. "If we tell you everything about us, then we need you to limit your ability to share that knowledge when you leave here. Adam has already crossed that bridge, because, as my brother, he would do nothing to put me in danger. If you will indicate your agreement to the limitation, I will tell you why. Okay?"

The group watched Adam's friends, as they sorted through what they had seen and sensed from their escorts. They looked around at each of Adam's family and Joyce's spouses, as well as their escorts. It was quite a crowd, but even so they had perhaps the most comfortable feeling they could remember. It took only moments before they all came to the same conclusion. After looking at each other, they nodded to Todd, making him their spokesperson, causing him to raise an eyebrow.

"Okay, we're in," said Todd, as the others nodded. "We would definitely like to know all of you better, much better."

"We are a little different and have been blessed with some unique abilities. If our abilities were known about outside of this community, we believe it would greatly imperil our safety. To avoid that we need you to limit your ability to share what you see and learn here. While doing this is not foolproof, it should ensure that we remain unknown to rest of the world. We will likely disclose our presence sometime in the future, hopefully at a time of our choosing. Currently if you share what you learn here, you most likely won't be believed, and if you are, you would not like the ensuing scrutiny." Adam nodded his head in agreement with Joyce's comment.

"Based on what we have observed so far, and what we suspect," said Todd. "I think all of us agree with the need to not share what we see, without even going any further. We noticed that our 'jet' did not need a landing strip here, but used one when we left the airport. Just that alone would be hard to keep to ourselves, and not to slip up at some time and talk about it." The others nodded their heads, in agreement with Todd.

"Guys, we are very pleased to have you here," said Sarah. "Your agreement makes it much easier for all of us to relax while you are here and enjoy the time together."

"Over dinner, we will give you the same presentation we gave to prospective additions to our group," said Erin. "In it we introduced ourselves and invited them to visit us. Then, after dinner, we will show you several presentations that were made to the prospective additions as they arrived here. These presentations tell you more about us and are very candid, as you will see. Afterwards, we need to correct a few statements made in the presentations, then we will answer any question you have."

"Cool. It seems I can sense what you are telling me, or am I ready to be committed," asked Todd.

"That is probably because you have some telepathic ability," said Sally and received a skeptical look. "You have probably noticed it before, and ascribed it to intuition or sixth sense."

"Yes, we've noticed that about both him and Adam," said Kurt. "It saved our as ... us in training several times." He blushed, as he realized what he almost said. The others laughed, but nodded their heads in agreement.

"You all have telepathic ability," said Terry. "It's just that Adam and Todd are naturally a little stronger and they are more prone to listen to it."

"You're kidding," they chorused.

"Not in the least. We can talk about it some more, after you see the presentations," said Joyce. "Briana and Cathan, we would like you and your friends to join us this evening. Besides, I think some of the guys don't want to let either of you out of their sight."

"They are a very pleasing sight," quickly responded Adam's friends. The women kissed them on the cheek, as a thank you.

"Come on, let's eat, before there is nothing left," said Tara. With that, they made their way to join the buffet line. Briana, Cathan and their friends made sure that each of Adam's friends had everything they wanted. Joyce looked at her spouses, and rolled her eyes in response to the attention the men were getting. Her family was pleased to see the two groups taking good care of their visitors.

As they moved to sit down, Briana and Cass quickly moved to sit either side of Adam. "What's this?" said Joyce, with a smile on her face. "Yeesh, I can't even sit next to my brother."

"You had him all afternoon," they said. "Now it's our turn to keep him company."

"Well, I can't think of anyone better to do that."

"Come on," said Todd, "tell us the story. I am anxious to hear about your race and space ship."

"So you figured it out," said Erin.

"Yes, I think we all did, to some extent."

As they ate dinner, Claudette and Erin shared with them the initial presentations they had made to those they approached with the offer to join as crew members. When they began talking about the space ship, they had Donna place a small holographic display on the center of the table. As they spoke softly, they also projected their thoughts, so Adam's friends heard them, as well as sensing their comments. None of Adam's friends realized that this was the reason they could understand Claudette and Erin so easily.

Claudette and Erin finished their story just as they were all finishing dinner. Adam and his friends had listened, spell-bound, to it. They had a number of questions about the ship, and what the long-term plans were. Erin told them that they were now focusing on restoring the ship, and building a settlement on Mars. Building their Mars settlement had progressed far enough that some of the crew were living there.

"Why build a settlement on Mars? It always struck me as quite hostile," said Leo.

Tara replied, "We don't consider it any more hostile than space. We need the natural resources for materials to refit Dóchas, and other things, since we don't expect to be well received by the governments on Earth."

"I wasn't considering the comparative risk of being in space."

"I think," said Kurt, "you have Earth's response pegged correctly. I can think of only a handful of stories that looked on people from other solar systems as being friendly. It was not without apprehension that I, or we, agreed to the idea of blocking our ability to share what we know of you. I now have absolutely no reservations. It is probably the smartest thing we have done. With regard to this visit, I suspect that if Adam knew what he would find when he saw his family, he would not have been so quick to invite us along."

"Yes and no," said Adam. "I would have definitely talked to my mother before extending the invitation. Now, I am really glad all of you were able to come with me, as I will have someone with me who knows about this when we go back."

"Let's go see the presentations," said Todd, his eagerness clearly apparent. They gathered up their dishes and took them to be cleaned.

As they turned to leave, Kurt saw Edana and Christina walking toward them, he stopped suddenly. The three of them saw each other at the same time, and their eyes connected. They moved slowly together, as if in a trance. Reaching one another, they grasped hands and stood gazing into each other's eyes.

"Looks like cupid has struck again," giggled Sally, as her memories of Rusty and Sarah first meeting resurfaced. Her spouses saw her thoughts and just smiled, as they agreed with her observation. They were distracted when they heard several screams. Turning toward them, they saw Darcy and Brid wrap their arms around Leo.

"My god," they exclaimed, "you're finally here." Leo had a puzzled look on his face, until he was able to get a good look at the two women hugging him. When he did, his face lit up in a smile, before they gathered together hugging one another. The comfort of being together was clearly evident on their faces.

"Let me take that back. I think," said Sally, "he has struck twice."

"Sal, you look like you feel left out," said Caoilinn, as she stepped up to one side of him, putting her arm around his waist. Sal turned to look at her just as Abbie stepped up to his other side, surprising him.

"I was wondering if I would ever meet you two," said Sal. They gave each other a kiss and a hug. "But..."

"I am Caoilinn and this is Abbie. I think we have shared many dreams that included a few others."


"Mind if we go with you to the presentations?" asked Caoilinn.

"Not at all. Afterwards, could we spend some time together?"


After a few moments, the three men turned toward the others with their new, but old, friends tightly at their sides. "I presume there is no problem with Edana and Christina joining us," said Kurt.

"Definitely not," said Rusty. "Ladies, you may want to ask the rest of your groups to join you as well."

"Oh, they are on their way already," chorused the women. "We think they knew as soon as we saw these three." The six giggled, as they realized they were speaking together.

"Donna, would you make sure the conference room will handle this growing group?" said Erin.

"Not a problem, as I have been watching it develop," she responded. "By the time you get there, the bots will have everything in place. The others should be here shortly."

"Sarah's Clan, don't forget the conference scheduled with Madeline's and Ursula's groups."

"Thanks, Donna," replied Joyce. "I know it slipped my mind. We could have Cathan and Briana take the lead for the presentations."

"They are a good choice," responded Sarah and several others.

Sarah then added, "Do you want me to excuse ourselves?"

"You can, but I don't mind doing it," replied Joyce.

As they arrived at the conference room, the other women from Dóchas joined them, along with Maureen and Siobhan. It took several minutes for everyone to be introduced. Adam, Todd, Leo, Kurt and Sal were quickly surrounded by the respective groups of women, as they found places to sit.

"Gentlemen," said Sarah, "on the way over here we were reminded of a commitment we have this evening. So rather than being the moderators for the presentations, we thought we would hand that task over to Briana and Cathan. Our apologies for bowing out at the last minute, but we know we are leaving you in good hands."

Todd just barely beat Adam in saying, "We are not offended, nor do we feel slighted."

"Yes," added Adam, "we will have plenty of time over the next few weeks to be together."

Briana said, "I am not sure we are the best choice for this."

"You'll do great," responded Joyce. "Besides there are several others here in the room who can assist, as well as Donna. We will be on Dóchas until Saturday morning."

After giving everyone a hug, they headed for the shuttle. "I am surprised this slipped up on us."

Joyce said, "I think it is due to the addition of Adam's friends. The presentations this evening weren't initially a part of our plans. One complication may be that Cathan and Briana are with two of our key Security Teams tomorrow."

"It will work out," responded Aoife.

Several of those around the swimming pool noticed Sarah's Clan hurrying to their shuttle. They were surprised as they had expected they would stay overnight due to Adam's arrival.

–-- –-- –--

As the shuttle headed for Dóchas Erin said, "I'm glad we decided to move Dóchas to Earth orbit on Wednesday."

"Well it made sense for a lot of reasons," responded Tara.

"Yea," laughed Sarah, "it didn't take nearly as much energy as we were expecting to use when eSarah went through those two buildings. So now we know distance is a factor to consider."

"Muireann," said Sarah, "are you ready to update us?"

"Yes, Ma'am. On the database side, we've verified that the code to thwart marking the records with the undocumented flag works. It has run twice with no issues. Adding this routine directly to their customers' systems is being done slowly. It resides on the customer's hardware and is triggered by the maintenance script execution, but only if a list is present."

They reviewed the latest information on the institutional and government databases that were being manipulated to make selected people invisible. One question was what to do about the records where the flag was already set. They decided to revisit the subject after they had a better understanding of the situation.

As they were wrapping up this topic Rusty said, "As far as I am concerned I am surprised you have learned this much so quickly without triggering an intrusion alert."

Several chuckled before Shannon said, "It's all because of the tools we have now, along with the resources. If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't be anywhere near as close to doing this or perhaps even knowing what needed to be done."

Terry of Sarah's Clan asked, "Have you considered restoring the identities of those we know about? In particular, those who've joined us, as the risk to them would be low."

"We've asked a few of them about this. Current thoughts are to restore some but not others."


"If the people behind this do any checking, the reappearance of these records in the databases could create ripples within their operation, hopefully ones of significant uncertainty."

"We don't see any downside. Next item," said Rusty.

"The Security teams are set to go active at 0600 hours tomorrow. Two will be based at the Enclave and one at each of the four locations. Is that soon enough?"

"Yes," responded the Command Staff. "Let's wait to notify them until after our conference. With the currently expected time line, this will be more than enough time."

"You all seem a bit edgy. Has something changed?" asked Sarah.

Muireann responded with, "We don't think so, but we are concerned that we've missed a critical piece."

"That is very understandable. It would be nice to know more about the two homes and their plans."

"For their homes, we are now getting some data from the spiders in them. This will likely improve once the drones are inside the buildings with a C&C drone to support them. Getting the drones inside is the difficulty, so feed from the spiders is sporadic."

Rusty asked, "Are you sensing any RF emissions from the house?"

"On the ground, they are unusually low while overhead they are in the normal range. The downside is that we haven't found any openings like we did on the commercial buildings."

"Two places you can try are the ridge vent or a gable vent. The ridge vent typically has a foam insert in the end. The gable vent is usually in the exterior wall just under the peak and likely has a screen behind it."

"Okay we will look for those."

Sally said, "You mentioned communication problems with the spiders. Why not cycle them between inside and outside?"

"Okay," replied Jason. "We will try some of these tonight and tomorrow. Thanks for the ideas. We'll let you know how we solve this, which should be tomorrow."

"What else?"

Shannon said, "As we planned earlier this week, we pushed dreams to the journalist covering the lodge incident for the Grand View papers. They spent quite a bit of time checking out the names they saw in their dream. These are of the people that we think disappeared from the companies. They found traces of people with those names who used to live in the area. Once they were fairly certain of them they arranged to meet Clarence at his office in the Federal Building this afternoon. After hearing the names and how they came up with them, he teased them about opening a fortune telling business. He said that there were several fairly easy ways he could verify whether the people were really missing. If there was a clear link to the lodge incident then it would be easier to use of his limited manpower to thoroughly check the names. The journalists agreed, while indicating that they felt the need to share this information with him. After the journalist left, he gave the information to Kendra, a paralegal, to follow up.

"Tomorrow is the day, so with what we know, how do we get the journalists, and, hopefully, the US Attorney's office involved?"

"Are we set to meet with the women this evening?"

"Yes. Cliona and Eavan have told them they will have old friends visiting then. It is scheduled to start in an hour, when members of your clan go to meet them."

"Are you all ready?"

"We believe so."

"Good. We are entering Dóchas now. When the call starts we will connect from the bridge."

"Talk to you then."

The shuttle entered the hangar and settled into its cradle. As soon as the door opened, Sarah's Clan hurried toward the bridge. Although they acknowledged those they passed, several key crew members noticing them heading directly for the bridge at a brisk pace wondered what was up.

On entering the bridge, Sarah's Clan, Siobhan and Maureen went to check their consoles. After the checks Erin said, "Do you think our rush up here has some of the crew wondering what is up?"

Star said, "It has. Security has modified Muireann's request to increase the number of drones. Dale and Larry are at their homes."

Command Staff said, "Star, raise the readiness level to 3. A trip schedule needs to be established with our trips to and from the Mars settlement. Star Fighters should continue flying routine sorties."

"Aye. Messages sent."

"Thank you." They stepped to the pillar, grasped the ring and were there. This time, there was no walk, as they went directly to the platform in the chamber as soon as they had gripped the ring and placed their other arm around the person to their left.

Together they reviewed the current status in the buildings. Bot32 was scheduled to return to the storage room in Larry's company before dawn. Bot44 was going to Dale's storage room at the same time. The ferrets were now monitoring both companies systems and mirroring new data.

The drugs in the cabinets had been identified. The Medical-AI had completed preparing antidotes for them. These would be provided to the women in the morning, presuming they decided to go to work.

Activity on the fourth floor showed the Administrative Assistants performing what appeared to be their normal tasks. Kim and Lace were entertaining two employees. Elsa was taking care of the three handicapped women. The triggering mechanisms on the bombs in the two buildings were rendered ineffective but left in place. Unfortunately, the two homes were still partial unknowns. Although, they now knew that the plans were to take the women to Dale's estate. Since his house had a room setup like a theater with tiered seating in a half circle around a stage, they thought their activity would be in there. On the stage were numerous bondage devices and torture implements which were like those at his company's dungeon.

They again considered the message that they needed to push to the journalists as dreams. This time their dreams would be very realistic, but the content would depend on what the two groups decided regarding tomorrow.

As they closed their review, they thought back over eSarah's trip last night. While it was a very tiring effort, the information they gained was well worth it. This was the third time they had used eSarah and the second time from Dóchas. Due to the different circumstances of each occasion they felt they had a better idea of the energy cost versus distance when using it.

"Intelligence department, did you see our review?" they asked.

"Yes. The bots in the buildings have been very helpful. They've overheard some conversations the spiders missed."

"That is a good point to remember when eavesdropping," said Rusty. "You are never sure you've heard all the conversation. You may miss enough that the apparent context is wrong."

"We are still amazed that Larry had so many duplicate DVDs in the cabinet."

"I think it is likely that he is selling them and giving them as gifts," said Terry. "They would be easy to sell over the Internet, or through mail order houses."

"I am stull surprised by the room being unlocked."

"Even if you knew of them, it would be a difficult to get past his sensors. Also, he thinks the building is secure enough that the convenience is an acceptable risk. Speaking of risks, were you able determine how the bombs would be tripped?"

"Not for certain."

Together, they then decided that Sarah, Aoife, Maeve and Joyce would push the dreams to the journalists. These would be overlapping but the content was dependent on decisions yet to be made later this evening. Alison's task was to push an idea of how records of people disappeared to the US Attorney. Sally would telepathically nudge Clarence, while the journalists were in his office, with the urge to follow up on their information, even though he would have doubts.

Command Staff returned to the bridge a few minutes before four of them had to leave for their friends' homes. Star said, "Intelligence and Security departments are ready. Cliona and Eavan are indicating that they are nearly ready."

Cliona said a few minutes later, "Command Staff, we are ready." With that Aoife and Sally linked with Madeline's group before projecting themselves into their town house.

"Wow," said Heather when they suddenly appeared.

Cliona stepped over to them and gave each a hug. "I am sure glad to see you all." It was several minutes before they finished greeting each other.

When they finished Cliona said, "Let me get some refreshments."

Madeline said, "Tomorrow is our last day at that place. After the last two weeks I am ready to leave. Considering the timing, I don't think this is a casual visit."

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I Want To Be A Glamorous Lady By: Darlene LeQueene Written: 3/3/2010 "I'm done planting the flowers Mrs. Grant," I said. "Justin honey, I swear I have no idea why you keep coming over to do chores around here." "I am rich you know just like your Mother, I do have a gardener." "There's no need for you to do these things." "Not that I mind paying you, but you certainly can't need the money either." "I just like coming over here Mrs. Grant." She appraised him slowly now,...

2 years ago
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The House at Sand PinesChapter 12 Meet the Family

Charlotte moved into the Sand Pines home that weekend. We rented a van and moved what little furniture she had along with her clothes and other personal items. There was barely a morning's work to get it all done and have her settled in our home. Yes, I thought of it as "our home" now. She had been a big part of bringing it to life and I loved her contribution. "So, we are in agreement then," Charlotte said as we sat in the forward lounge of the ferry to Horseshoe Bay. "Two children,...

4 years ago
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Once A Whore Always A Whore 8211 Part 1

Hello all ISS readers, this is my first time writing one of my many experiences. I have been reading for quite long now so I have decided to share my own story now. I am Azra, 27, from Kashmir. I am currently studying M.A in English at a university (I won’t mention the name) in Punjab. I come from a middle-class family. My dad passed away 3 years ago and since then it’s only me and my mother now in my family. She is still young, 46, very close to me and is like a best friend to me. I share...

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He owned us Both Cuckold

This story happened about a year after my wife Kathy and I got married. She had been an innocent college freshman when we met, I was a senior who hadn't had much luck with women throughout my undergrad, but managed to find enough courage to approach her in the psychology class we both took. She was even shyer than I was, but eventually after a few months of pursuing her I got her out on a date. A few months later and we finally had sex for the first time. It was the first time for us both,...

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The Website

The Website By Pink Mia It was the best webpage I'd ever found. I'll explain. I was a very feminine man who had managed to stay away from his more womanly urges for the majority of my 26 years and had even gone so far away from my feminine side that I'd gotten a girlfriend that didn't know anything about my hidden fetishes. Her name was Monica and mine was Mark, although after I found the website I know myself as Mia. I logged onto the site on a Wednesday morning. Monica had gone...

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RedTails Blue Rosette

RedTailsBlue RosetteByScarletdown"Hester," Olivia purred, "I want to order what those people are drinking." The Furling Ocelot cuddled the Furling Chinchilla who was sitting on her lap, and gestured in the direction of the party a couple tables over. Everyone present at Hot Summer Nights had paused in their dancing, dining, and drinking to watch the impromptu demonstration the inn keepers were conducting.Hester was shocked and stunned by what he was witnessing. The inn keeper's mate, a most...

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Daddy Im A Lesbian

Daddy I'm A Lesbian One day my daughter said, “Daddy, I’m a lesbian.” I hadn’t given it any thought previously but I loved her very much and decided to accept her rather abrupt statement, “Okay. Is there anything I need to do or know about?” She replied, “Well, as a matter of fact, yes there is. I would like to invite my girlfriends over to make out and spend the night with me. I would like to do it in front of you if we wish too, without you freaking out.” I had to smile as...

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Encounter With Indian Sex Stories Reader In Bangalore

I had recently posted a sex story I had with one my neighbour aunty. Suddenly 1 day I received a mail from Radhika (name changed), 34-year-old techie from Bangalore. At first, I hesitated to message her back. Let me tell about her she’s a single mom with a 7-year-old kid. The perfect curves, perfect breasts and ass and what not and she had thick hair till her ass and she wears a lot of bangles which I loved. She had issues in their marriage and somehow they got a divorce. She never made love...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Moriah Mills Fucks the Photographer

Moriah Mills is doing a photo shoot. I think we can agree that this ebony hottie can’t take a bad picture. Those alluring eyes, that pretty smile, and oh yeah, that big juicy ass and giant tits. Tony, the photographer is taking the pictures but he isn’t happy with the results. Is he fucking crazy? He gives her all kinds of silly directions until she has finally had more than enough. She decides to call her agent to tell him that she wants to cancel the shoot. Tony, who really needs the gig,...

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Mom fulfills son disires pt3

On the way to the airport Tim tried to think of everything but his mother’s full firm tits and her wet pussy. He tried to concentrate on the road and traffic. His father was outlining all the things he wanted done while he was gone. Reminding Tim that part of the deal with his receiving college money was helping around the house especially helping his mother. I definitely am going to help mom, Tim thought. First I’m going to help her out of her clothes, then I’m going to help her feel better by...

3 years ago
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Church of CyberscienceChapter 20

The train journey north was uneventful and Kenny did indeed manage to snatch a few hours of much needed sleep. The change over in Madrid had been the only worrying moments, as there wasn't much time between his train arriving in Madrid and the second train departing. He was surprised that he easily found his way around the vast Atocha Railway Station - scene of the carnage following the 2004 terrorist attacks on Madrid's commuter trains. He had opted to head for the smaller port of...

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Rider In The Night

Authors Notes: This story contains scenes of child abuse, human sacrifice, and other nauseating things. If such offends, or if you are prohibited by age or location from reading such, then don't read it. For those in Arizona, I hope I got the information correct. I apologize in advance to any of the readers who are of Indian descent for any offense they may perceive in this work. No slur is intended against Indians or any racial group. If you want to read what has been written so...

2 years ago
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Adventures in Swinging Ch 09 Carpooling With Dominic

His name was Dominic. Although he wasn’t technically a co-worker of Kathleen’s, he worked on the security team within the same building. He was in his late-fifties – sixteen years older than my wife. Kathleen’s job at the time required her to spend a good deal of time with the security team. As the team was comprised almost entirely of men, she attracted quite a bit of their attention.It wasn’t merely her stunning good looks or the way she filled out her uniform. Her quick wit and dirty banter...

Wife Lovers
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A Time for Work A Time for Ch 01

I started a T-shirt printing company when I was in college. Nothing fancy. Just handmade silk screens, a couple of wooden frames with card board backing and a squeegee. It was more for lack of something better to do and it kept me in pocket change. People liked the designs, the T-shirts sold, and the business kept growing. I asked a couple of friends to work for me when they had some time and pretty soon the business became “for real.” Today it’s a fairly large business. We have factory...

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My wifes big new toy part 2

If you haven't read part 1, you should. This picks up where that one stopped. I rub the lips of her pussy with the head of this monster, which is double the size of me. Up and down, up and down. But real slow. Then I start to circle her clit ever so fucking slow. She starts gyrating her hips just a little and let's out a very quit moan. Then I pushed the head down onto her pussy's opening and held it there, no more than a quarter inch in. I started to push the head in and I saw her body relax....

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MaureenChapter 14

On the porch of the Duffield’s house, we rang the doorbell, and a woman answered the door after a short time. “Oh, you must be the couple Sam said was renting the north cabin. I’ll need to send one of the children to get him,” she told us in a rush of words. “He’s out in the tractor shed. There’s a problem with the big tractor. It will only take a couple of minutes. Come in and have a seat in the front parlor,” she finished explaining. I could feel Sam’s Talent with my Magic senses, and it...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed Sissy Whore Part Three

Blackmailed Sissy Whore Part 3 I did manage to get a little sleep. After Tiffany finally zonked out, and the continual grinding on my thigh and the relentless playing with my nipple rings stopped, I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. Friday night was the last full night's sleep I had gotten since Marcus took over my computer, and my life. I woke up before my alarm went off, which was a good thing. I was tangled up in limbs so securely, it took me several minutes to snake my way...

2 years ago
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Looking for a Dry Spot a Day of Destruction Aftermath StoryChapter 10

During that month, we talked about what we had done. It wasn't going after the bad guys but the leaving afterwards. I told Wendy that I understood though didn't like people not listening but that I never planned to push good sense on anyone. I told her that I would rather not have friends than have friends who don't think before jumping into a situation. She responded that we sort of jumped into our relationship. I agreed but it was only us and we didn't jump so much as move quickly...

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Sports Star

Laura was a physiotherapist for the local Gridiron team. She was 28 years old and had been qualified now for about seven years, and was enjoying her work. She stood about 5’8”, had long red/brown hair that she wore in a pony tail most of the time, grey eyes that sparkled, and a complexion that was tanned from her surfing.  Gavin was one of the quarterbacks of the team. Standing about 6’2”, he was about 30 years old, was very muscular and had dark brown hair and grey eyes. They had seen each...

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Breaking Article 134 Ch 01

‘Wright! What the fuck are you still doing here?’ One would think that I’d have gotten used to that coming up from behind and yelling trick. NCO or not, sometimes he really worked my last nerve. ‘Working Sarn’t.’ I shoved a doodle paper under a stack of inventory. ‘Surely you’ve seen work before?’ ‘Don’t push it private. Get outta here. See ya tomorrow.’ ‘See you tomorrow, Sarn’t.’ ‘Not if I have anything to say about it.’ His Puerto Rican Brooklyn accent made that sound more ominous that...

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Bond Street Beauth Salon

Bond Street By: Denise On Friday I was in the West End on business and as I had arrived an hour early I decided a Coffee and sandwich would fill the time quite well. I found a nice pavement cafe, ordered my food and drinks and seated myself outside in the sunshine [quite rare in London] and began to enjoy my meal. I then realized I was sitting opposite a smart and very expensive Beauty Salon and it was in full swing with many clients coming and going. This was the kind of Beauty Salon...

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My brother Part 6

A couple of hours later we are at the party. The place is cozy and nice. It’s nothing what I pictured. I thought it’s going to be a huge place with lots of people amongst which there will be my brother’s regular friends. But none of them is here and it’s not as crowded. The place is in a basement, there is barely any lighting and I can recognize the song playing, “In my heart” by Café Del Mar. I am actually loving it. This place looks somewhat like a lounge. There is a small bar to the left of...

4 years ago
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Wife becomes a gangbang slut

This was 12 years ago. My wife Jordan and I were only married for 2 years and I told her about a fantasy I had about her being fucked by a group of guys.Jordan was the local hills slut and this is how we met. She was a bit reluctant and asked me "how many guy?"I replied "that's up to you".She said "the most I've ever done at once was 2 as a spit-roast and I was fairly drunk."I said "well what about 4 plus me and 3 can watch while you're spit roasted."Jordan thought about it and said she liked...

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VogoV Chanel Grey Hardcore Anal Action

Everybody heard about the lady in red but here goes a lady in pink and she is a really badass. Her body is perfect, her face is beautiful and always smiling and her head is always full of sex thoughts, fantasies and ideas. She caresses her stunning body in a tiny pink outfit outdoors for a start and even fingers her asshole to prepare it for further games but then goes inside the house to play with her man. Luckily he is always ready to satisfy that gorgeous lady and to give her many squrting...

3 years ago
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Amy I Love You

Introduction: Amy is such a beautiful and charming girl. Amy, I Love You The events of this story all started about 8 months ago. My name is Tom. I am 45 years old, married and have 2 kids. My wife is a successful Dentist and so based on our busy work schedules we hardly get time for each other except for when we get vacations. I am a project manager at a construction firm and so the work load is heavy. My two kids, Jim (16) and Lucy (12) are adorable and I am quite ok with things in my life. ...

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Four Little Words

The chatter died down as Professor MacNeal strode through the open door and thirty-two pairs of eyes regarded him. Back ramrod-straight from military service from eighteen to twenty-four, not a silvering hair out of place, dressed in his black wingtips, traditional three-piece charcoal grey suit, accented with a red and black pocket square and a curiously old-fashioned emerald green bow tie, Professor MacNeal, or ‘Sir’ as he was known to the group of third-year students seated in the classroom,...

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I Came Home Early

Earlier this year I came home early from a girl’s night-out. As I came in the house, I could hear the bed creaking. It was a strange noise to hear, I almost didn’t recognise it. But them the penny dropped – It was the noise the bed made when we were having sex.I stood still and listened. What the fuck was going on? There were moans coming from upstairs. As I crept up the stairs I could hear a voice. It was a deep breathless man’s voice " that’s it!, take it slut!, take it!, you love it!, take...

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Good Morning

On your side, you wake slowly wrapped in the warmth of his embrace. With his chest pressed against your naked back, you feel him stir against you. His arms move slowly against your skin caressing your breast gently. You smile, eyes still closed, as you feel his firmness of his cock press against the cheeks of your bum. Your nipples harden as he circumscribes them with his fingertip and then follows that with a gentle squeeze. You push back against him, urging him to take your body. His hard...

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You Made A Promise Chapter 3 Heartbreak

The phone rings and both you and Aleira have just been awakened from the best night’s sleep you've had in a long time, neither of you are impressed. “For fuck sake; I really didn’t want to get up yet.” Aleira gets up to answer the phone. “Hello? Oh it’s you Rose, how is the honeymoon going?” After a short while of being on the phone you sense that something is wrong. You try to grab Aleira’s attention but she puts her hand over your mouth. “Just calm down Rose okay; it’s all going to be fine....

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Priya And Adith 8211 Priya8217s Narration

Hello readers, thanks for your response to the previous narration and sex story. ( Priya and me read all your mails. It was fun and intimidating at the same time. Priya is with me while I write this, but she wants to narrate her experience, so I am off and I don’t want to hear about her excitement. Many of you wrote asking for some good time with me, I sincerely say that I am happy with my husband and not interested. Have fun reading Priya’s...

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Barsat me maa ko chooda

Barsat me maa ko chooda By: sky This is a real story which happened during Mumbai heavy rain on 26th july. Me and my mammy are woriking in a same company. So working together we become very close. We are working in same dept. Mammy is seceratry to GM(finance) and I am an accounts officer. I am 20yrs old n mammy is 41yrs old. She is very sexy n kept herself in proper shape. usualy we r coming out of office 10pm in night. Baris ke din mai aur mammy dono sath me office se nikale. Office se...

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Toms AdventuresChapter 21 Homecoming

It was almost a week later that they stood in the valley to the East of the village. Fighting Hawk suggested that they take a deer home with them, and Big Owl nodded his head in agreement. They set off to track a deer. Big Owl found his prey, and he was about to strike when Fighting Hawk stopped him. He pointed out that it was a doe and if they wanted to keep hunting deer they needed to hunt only the bucks in spring. Big Owl nodded his head and quietly left to find another deer. As they made...

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PovLife Jessie Lynn The Fuck Buddy Roommate

Jessie just moved to the area and is in DESPERATE need of a roommate. She decided it might be a good idea to put some flyers up around town explaining her situation. One of our friends spotted her, and decided to find out a little more. It turns out she just moved from Nevada and was supposed to be living with her boyfriend, but they just broke up. Our guy luckily had two open bedrooms! Jessie decided to check it out, and our boy decided to check her out if you know what we are saying. After a...

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When Teasing Takes a Turn

I sit straddling his hips, laughing as I swat him around the head with a cushion. He laughs back at me, tryng to fend off my pathetic blows. Looking down at him sheepishly, moving my hands to his ribs ready to tickle him. His mood changes, his chocolate brown eyes seeming to grow deeper as he gazes up at my downturned face. “Are you sure you want to do that honey?” he’s challenging me, I know how much he hates to be tickled. “Why wouldn’t I want to?” I shoot back at him, eyebrows raised...

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Aarons New Stepsister Part 3 of 3 Finale

One afternoon after work, Aaron sat in the waiting room of Phoenix children's hospital. Kristy had been volunteering there in the activities program, and her car was in the shop for a few days so Aaron volunteered to pick her up. After a few minutes of waiting, a grandmotherly receptionist eventually came in to talk to Aaron. "Are you here for Kristy?" "Yes, yes I am. Is she almost done with her time?" "Yes, you can go in and see her," the older woman said with a warm smile. "You must be Aaron....

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A Change of lifestyle Part 16

A Change of Lifestyle Part 16 By Sandy Paris Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife. Melissa adapts to her new life and goes back to work in her new role. Lots of other things happening between Victoria and Jess. Chapter 39 - Adapting On Monday I dressed casually and spent time fiddling with my hair and make-up. Jess came over for a couple of hours and gave me some pointers. It seems that her...

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Black Ink

Heroes and villains exist in perfect harmony. Without evil there would be no need for heroes, without heroes evil would spread unchecked until it consumed the world. In the vast multiverse there are universes where evil has prevailed, and in some of those universes it started with a simple act, a coincidence, a decision. But what universe shall we visit?

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Pictures Never Lie A Love StoryChapter 8 Making Changes

Janet’s Story The summer wore on without any respite from my sense of guilt and emptiness. I knew that the only way we would be able to put our life back on track was if Tom and I talked things through. So, we got together for several hours each week, sat in our house and chatted about the experiences that had led us to where we were. Then we fucked and he went back to his condo. I use the term “fucked” because those sessions were more for the purpose of me maintaining my sanity than they...

2 years ago
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TJ MorgChapter 97

Mary and Jane were somewhat neglected for the next weeks as Cedric was, in addition to his missile targeting training, given the task of utilising the GEC 'puters' command module – the one that had been connected to a com to transmit on external command – to be the remote control of the freighters. That externally controlled com was left booby trapped and further isolated as Derrin and Cedric worked with Morg to make the connections, physical and remote. Morg had toyed with the idea of...

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