Transe indian porn

3 years ago
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Jamila Tales of a Prison Transexual

I was convicted of drug and weapon possession last summer, and sentenced to 7 years in prison. My idiotic boyfriend stashed coke, and firearms inside of two cars, and 6 houses we both owned together. He told the stupid cops, the crap was solely his. but the prosecutor didn't care. The bitch charged me for basically knowing the stuff was there, and not reporting to the authorities. So, now I'm in prison; and in case you didn't know, I'm a transexual. I have a penis, so I'm...

4 years ago
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My Sister My Lover Part 4 Transexual Fun

We sat on the sofa as we talked about the day. Liz told us about the troublesome customers she had at the store. Linds told us about events around the house. Then I told them about the training and the events after. I described Crystal and our sexual activities in the motel. By the time I finished both Liz and Linds were obviously excited. They had their hands on me as I kissed each of them in turn. Liz rubbed my nipples through my shirt as Linds opened my pants and fished out my...

2 years ago
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My First Time with a Transexual

I was in a large city about 100 miles from my home for a week on business. I had been hitting the bars for a few days with out a lot of luck. On the way back to my hotel afer work one day I picked up a few of the alternative newspapers/sex ads. Checking the ads out later I saw women, men and transexuals all offering there services. I saw one picture of a beautiful blond and was blown away to see that the ad was for a transexual. I called and made arrangments for her to come to my hotel in a few...

1 year ago
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Trannies come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, but there’s something special about Asian shemales. Whether we’re talking about Thai ladyboys or the big-dicked futanari of a neckbeard’s favorite hentai, the tgirls of the orient have a natural mystique you don’t always get elsewhere. Oh, and they tend to be passable as hell! The trans sluts at TranSexJapan sure calls themselves “the finest Japanese transsexual site”. It’s the typical brag of any premium porn site, right?...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
5 years ago
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My first Transexual

Back in the mid-1980s, I was newly divorced, beginning to explore my bisexual interests, and very, very horny. I had seen some TV film loops in adult bookstores (usually while getting my cock sucked through a gloryhole), had bought and enjoyed TV stroke books, and had done a little crossdressing in panties. I loved the silky feel, and enjoyed fucking my ass with a small dildo while watching TV porn videos in my living room. I was on a business trip to San Jose CA, just down the road from...

3 years ago
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My 2nd time with a transexual Escort

It had been a year since Isabella had ripped my anal virginity from me (see my rough treatment story) and life had gone on as usual. I was still in a relationship with the same girl and had continued my usual routine of of work and weekend benders with my noisy mates. I may have outwardly appeared butch and masculine to my peers but my session with isabella had changed me and i found myself masturbating regularly over the memory of my domination at the hands of my transexual tormentor. I wasn't...

4 years ago
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People think I'm complicatedI'm not complicated as much as I am free of discrimination and others opinion over the true identity of who I am. See regardless whether one agrees or not I am not male, nor am I female either. I exist in a truth that is outside sociological normality. Our society got stained with the residue from over thousands of years of misleading. ONE small faction of mankind tried and semi temporarily successfully created a definition that has tried to eliminate the true...

2 years ago
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Mein weg zur Transenhure

Der Weg zur Transenhure Ich war tatsächlich ein Spätzünder in Sachen Sex. Vielleicht kurz zu meinem Äußerem Ich bin 171cm groß bin mit 62 Kilo eher schmal, aber mache zumindest regelmäßig Sport Ich habe kaum körperbehaarung und Bartwuchs braune Augen und eher zartere Gesichtszüge. Mein kleiner Freund misst im schlafen Zustand etwa 5 cm steif fast 10cm. Erst mit 18 hatte ich mein erstes mal. Ich hatte schon immer komplexe weil mein Penis immer deutlich kleiner war als der meine Schul- und...

3 years ago
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My First Time With a Transexual

This is a true story it happened back in 1986 I already knew I was bye and I liked having sex with girls and guys but I had never had a transexual. I went out clubing where all the gays and lesbian hang out just to hang out and have a good time there was always someone who would accept a straight looking guy like me so I went into this one club that had a transvestitied show or shemales show it was a great show they had some singers, dancers a couple of comedians the show was very good so I had...

2 years ago
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Let me start out by saying that I haven’t written in a while. I’ve had plenty of sex, but not many experiences worth sharing. I felt it necessary to share this one because this was my first “trans” experience. I’m not gay. This short story is about my coworker who I’m going to name “SEAN” for the purpose of this story. The person’s real name is obviously not Sean, but I don’t want to give away any real identities. Basically SEAN is a transsexual. I know we call transsexual men who change to...

4 years ago
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My First Time With a Transexual

This is a true story it happened back in 1986 I already knew I was bye and I liked having sex with girls and guys but I had never had a transexual. I went out clubing where all the gays and lesbian hang out just to hang out and have a good time there was always someone who would accept a straight looking guy like me so I went into this one club that had a transvestitied show or shemales show it was a great show they had some singers, dancers a couple of comedians the show was very good so I had...

1 year ago
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First Time TS

My first time with a transgender was not how I thought it would be...... After many years of imagining just what it would be like to have sex with a transgender female I decided to do it. I searched the local personals website and saw that there was a shemale available on the local strip. When I arrived at the motel , I was greeeted at the door, not by a beautiful TS girl, but a gay black guy wearing a wig. He let me in and went to close the door, I knew I had been baited at that point and...

2 years ago
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Auf der Preisgala

Ich war wieder mal auf einer dieser langatmigen Preisgalas unterwegs. Nach zwanzig Jahren als Musikmanager hatte ich diese ewig gleichen Rituale der Selbstbeweihräucherung ziemlich über und musste mich ziemlich überwinden, um dort aufzutauchen. Aber sehen und gesehen werden gehört schließlich zum Geschäft und wenigstens gibt es auf solchen Veranstaltungen immer genügend zu essen und zu trinken. Nachdem ich mit ein paar Kollegen den neuesten Szeneklatsch ausgetauscht und einige Freibierchen...

3 years ago
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Der Einkauf

Der Einkauf Eine Geschichte von Claudia Monroe Es war drei Uhr nachmittags an diesem sonnigen, warmen Fr?hlingstag. Peter stand vor seiner Haust?r und f?hlte sich ?berhaupt nicht wohl in seiner Haut. Genauer gesagt f?hlte er sich sterbenselend. Am liebsten w?rde er sofort im Boden versinken. Wie jeder vern?nftige Mensch wei?, tut uns der Boden in den meisten F?llen nicht diesen Gefallen. Er klingelte, klopfte. "Nun hau' endlich ab, du m?sstest dich doch ganz ...

2 years ago
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Das Rote Halsband

Das Rote Halsband © 2006 / 2019 Lydia Lighthouse Schon seit langem hatte ich es mir vorgenommen. Nur an einer passenden Gelegenheit mangelte es bisher. Zugegeben, ein wenig mehr Mut w?re dem Unternehmen sicherlich zutr?glich gewesen, aber jetzt war es ja endlich so weit. Mit einer Eintrittskarte f?r einen Travestie-Event in der Tasche war ich auf dem Weg zu meiner ersten Erfahrung als Frau in der ?ffentlichkeit. Nun gut... ?ffentlichkeit war zwar vielleicht etwas zu viel gesagt, denn au...

3 years ago
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Uma lenga Grega A Greek Legend

Uma lenda grega Cap?tulo 1: O anel Eu sempre fui fascinado por mitologia grega. Est?rias de deuses, semideuses, her?is, monstros me acompanharam desde a minha mais tenra inf?ncia e mantiveram minha imagina??o ocupada. Sendo "um vagabundo", como minha m?e costumava dizer eu tinha bastante tempo para dedicar a este hobby. Na verdade eu era "um vagabundo sortudo", pois um tio havia falecido e deixado DM 500.000,00 de heran?a que eu mantinha em uma conta de investimento. Eu n?o era exatamente rico, mas ta...

4 years ago
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Gossip Girled 5

Gossip Girled 5 Lexi and I made our way back to my bedroom where two glasses of bourbon were resting on my dresser. "Well Ariana, what the hell do you think you were doing tonight?" I took a sip of my drink and tried to come up with some kind of explaination. "I, I, I don't know what happened! He was touching me and I was touching him. Then somehow my skirt fell to the floor! "You dumb girl don't you know anything about men! You have to pay attention to everything they do! You were...

3 years ago
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Vom braven Neffen zur Familienhure Teil 1

Hallo,dies hier ist die allererste Geschichte, die ich veröffentliche.Über sachliche Kritik zu Inhalt, Rechtschreibung, Grammatik und Interpunktion sowie Fortsetzungswünsche würde ich mich freuenAlso dann, viel Spaß.-----------------------------------------Es war mal wieder eine dieser langweiligen Familienfeiern.Oma feiert ihren 73. Geburtstag und meine Eltern ließen es sich natürlich nicht nehmen, mich auch in diesem Jahr ins ferne Mecklenburg Vorpommern mitzuschleppen. Der einzige...

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Die WG Teil 1

The following story is a collaboration between Miss-Germany and me, the story is in german, given time i'll translate everything. Die folgende Geschichte ist eine Zusammenarbeit von Miss-Germany und mir, bei mir ist es der erste Versuch was L?ngeres zu schreiben, daher freue ich mich auf Kritik. -Jean Laura: Es war leicht. so leicht. Und doch unendlich feige. Ich hatte mit dem Gedanken gespielt, einfach ?ber das Gel?nder der Br?cke zu hopsen, auf der ich gerade ging. Besann mich aber e...

3 years ago
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A aposta

Notas: 1 - Aqui n?o tem desculpa, portugu?s ? minha lingua materna, se houverem erros, s?o meus mesmo. 2 - Existe sexo, mas minhas est?rias s?o escritas para investigar como as pessoas se comportariam em uma situa??o de troca de sexo, no presente caso trata-se de se tornar uma pessoa melhor. 3 - A est?ria se passa na Alemanha, por volta da virada do s?culo, varios detalhes s?o historicamente corretos (como o fato de que 13/08/1999 era uma sexta-feira, ou que Ulm e Freiberg jogaram naquele domingo). A escolha...

4 years ago
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Roommate Revenge

Roommate Revenge The set was clearing for the morning scenes and I was just about to head to my tiny room for a quick bite to eat. Minka and Leighton were all smiles as they walked right by me without saying one word. Superstar actresses like them wouldn't be caught dead socializing with a mere studio workhand like myself. As everyone headed their own way, I made my way down the hall to my private room. I gave the girls about 10 minutes to get to Leighton's or Minka's dressing room at...

4 years ago
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Kelly Lingerie

Kelly Lingerie I had just split up with a few of the boys I hang out with after school at the burger shop. They made their way down Main Street while I took a route to the more elaborate store fronts of the city. After walking 6 blocks I made my way down Rainbow Avenue and I could see the bright street light illuminating the storefront windows of Kelly Lingerie. This was the highlight of my week because I got to see all kinds of womanly items I would never see anywhere else except in...

3 years ago
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Majorrette Mirage 3

Those of you looking for an easier reading story can email me directly at: [email protected] to get my raw file using Microsft Notepad. Majorette Mirage 3 The next morning came with bright sunshine for the last day of competition. The girls were up before me and had already used the bathroom. When I made my way out to greet them Mrs Carter came over and gave me a hug. "So how are we feeling this morning Jamie Lynn?" "My ass is still really sore but...

2 years ago
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Turbulente I

In vacanta de vara a anului trecut am hotarat sa mergem pentru vreo 15 zile in Delta Dunarii. Motivele au fost diferite: eu nu mai fusesem niciodata pana atunci in acel colt de natura pura, unic poate in Europa (eram curioasa); sotul meu Alex este un impatimit al pescuitului si saliva la gandul “monstrilor” pe care-i va captura cu mana lui din Dunare; mama mea Elisa ne insotea pentru ca nici eu si nici Alex nu ne imaginam o distractie de vacanta fara ca ea sa fie prezenta “trup si suflet” (la...

3 years ago
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Ally Jane Episode 1 The deal the deed

“You know...” Stu started. “This pay could REALLY set us up” Ally looked up at him then back at the blast door, resting her hand on her hip just above her plasma blastsr. “If you say so, I can finally buy that lot back on Piscus 3...” “Kiddo, you’re 17, not 47, spend it upgrading that piece of shit breastplate to protect those nice titties” he jabbed. The breastplate Ally had was indeed very entry level. Stu was fortunate enough to have seduced the teen into giving him her cherry week...

3 years ago
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I have existed for as long as I can remember. That is a very long time. As a being that lives outside the physical realm, time has very little meaning to me. I exist in what you would describe as an energy state, but it is necessary for me to be a part of a physical life most of the time, I could survive a few days without occupying a physical body at most. The beings I inhabit are unaware of me, I can control them 100%, or leave them in complete control. I can let them remember everything...

2 years ago
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Ashley is trained for BBC

My girlfriend Ashley is a petite girl, around 5'2" 125 and a beautiful ass! I told her about my fantasy one time and we had some hot sex afterward, I did not tell her about the other man being black because I was embarrassed enough that she knew I wanted to watch someone else fuck her. One day I went into the local porn store looking for a dildo to try to help fulfill my fantasy, I found a black dildo with a suction cup at the end, it was fairly realistic looking and quite large (compared...

4 years ago
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Apocolypse chapter 13 14

If you don't like this stuff you shouldn't be here. This is all fake ok, in other words its fiction. It has situations and acts of a sexual nature between young boys. Like I said if you don't like that then LEAVE NOW. If you do like it then read on by all means. if you like it let me know [email protected] Apocalypse Chapter 13 (Ok just a little background to the characters of the story so far incase you can' remember who's who or if I have failed describe them...

2 years ago
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Apocolypse chapter 9 10

Chapter 9 (Ok just a little background to the characters of the story so far incase you can' remember who's who or if I have failed describe them enough. Derrik, he's a typical American teen age boy. 13 years old 5 foot 5 tall around 115 pounds. Light brown hair and hazel eyes and is our lead character. Chris was the next boy to come into the story. He was found locked in the freezer at the school. He's 11 with short darker blonde hair and blue eyes weighing around 80 pounds or...

4 years ago
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Apocolypse chapther 1 2

Ok just some info to get things going here. The story is based in the not so distant future. The main character is a boy who discovers who he really is in a world gone totally mad. He's a country raised 13 year old kid from the mid west living near a big city when a catastraphy strikes. Light brown hair and blue eyes. 5ft 5 in tall around 115 pounds just to give you an idea of him. The future puts his will and soul to the test now lets see how things unfold. chapter 1 The end....

2 years ago
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Deleted Scenes Of X Men 3 Scene 1

Scene 1 Bobby Drake and Kitty Pride after skating Bobby followed Kitty into her dorm room of the Xavier institute, and couldn't help but nothice how perfectly shaped her ass was. "Thanks a lot for doing thay for me Bobby it really made me feel better." Kitty said breacking Bobby's transe on her heart shaped ass. "Oh, a yeah no problem you seemed kind of down so I just thought it might help." He answered, trying not to let his growing hard on show threw his pants. "Well it...

2 years ago
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Learning about girls Rewrite

Introduction: Im a young virgin (boy) and naturally am curious about the female body. I have a sister to help with that… (I thank you for your constructive feedback on the original version of this story. I thought that, as seen as you loved the story but I had not written it very well, I would rewrite it based off the other and work on your feedback) I stand in the hallway staring at the into my sisters room. My heart pounds in my chest as I work up the courage to reach out and grab the...

3 years ago
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More at the Dollar General

I had been working here for about two weeks and already getting to know the local studs really well? Most of my customers were from the surounding black comunity some just came in to talk and get out of the heat, and others just to have little fur out of the heat. I had walked into some really hot shows as some of the local studs found out that I didn't mind a little bathroom fucking and? I was walking through the store one evening checking shelves when I heard the unmistakable sound goming...

3 years ago
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Soir eacute e secr egrave te Part 1

Mon expo était sur la bonne voie, ma petite équipe me donnait entière satisfaction travaillant d'arrache pied à l'organisation de cette manifestation artistique. Elle couronnait 2 années d'un travail photo intense sur l'abstraction et la lumière.Quelques personnes étaient dans la confidence, je préparais un After un peu spécial après l’expo. J'avais convié quelques intimes et quelques amis partageant les mêmes envies lubriques, cette soirée secrète aurait lieu après le vernissage. J'avais...

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Jessy Meine Frau und ihre Freundin

Auf der vierstündigen Heimfahrt, sprachen meine Frau und ich kein Wort und wann immer ich zu ihr rüber sah, konnte ich in ihrem Gesichts lesen, das sie an keiner Unterhaltung interessiert war. Ich hatte es ganz am Anfang der Fahrt versucht und gefragt, „Können wir reden?“ und sie sagte nur abweisend, „Lass es einfach!“ So kamen wir am Nachmittag zu Hause an. 200 m² Wohnfläche, um sich aus dem Weg zu gehen und das taten wir auch. Am Abend, ich hatte mir ein Bier aufgemacht und im Fernsehen...

2 years ago
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Sex in trei

Buna, ma numesc Denisa, sunt studenta, am 20 de ani si sunt maritata de un an cu Alex. Sotul meu are 26 de ani si este Sales Manager la o multinationala din Bucuresti. Locuim intr-un apartament cochet si ne intelegem de minune ; ne iubim la nebunie si nu ne refuzam unul altuia nicio dorinta care sa ne faca placere sau care sa ne faca sa ne simtim bine. Facem sex in fiecare zi, cateodata si de mai multe ori pe zi, am experimentat toate fanteziile sexuale care ne-au trecut prin cap si pot spune...

2 years ago
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In P uuml blic

I began mytransformation from regular boy into cock suckking teenage crossdresser. we were having a really hot heat wave here in philadelphia; my mom wantedme to get out of the house and off the computer so she suggested a movie.I felt wierd going to the movies by myself but I really did want to seethat inception movie. I looked up when they the theater opens up and wassurprised they had a 1030am showing and it was a cheaper price which wasgood for me. Being on summer break from school and not...

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I maried her twice

My first wife Cheryl.We met at an early age, she was 22 I was 24. both of us were not virgins but I was totally unaware of her sexual history.we met at a neighborhood bar, she had just turned 21 a cute red she wasn't drop dead hot or anything just an attractivefun person, at 5'3'' 110 # 34 b I found her sexy as hell and we chatted all night. I asked her for a date that night for the next weekend and she agreed, I was excited and could not think of anything else and went to work as...

4 years ago
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Sex in trei

Buna, ma numesc Denisa, sunt studenta, am 20 de ani si sunt maritata de un an cu Alex. Sotul meu are 26 de ani si este Sales Manager la o multinationala din Bucuresti. Locuim intr-un apartament cochet si ne intelegem de minune ; ne iubim la nebunie si nu ne refuzam unul altuia nicio dorinta care sa ne faca placere sau care sa ne faca sa ne simtim bine. Facem sex in fiecare zi, cateodata si de mai multe ori pe zi, am experimentat toate fanteziile sexuale care ne-au trecut prin cap si pot spune...

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Turned into Jasmine by BBC

It was just another warm Sunny weekday morning like any other in summer. My wife kissed me goodbye as she left for work, I took my usual pervy glance at her as she wiggled her hot behind out the door, I was setting up in my home office, ready for another day of working from home. I listened to the car roll out the driveway then the gate closed, I started working through the usual emails and meeting requests.. I got bored of work after a couple of hours I decided to go into our bedroom and rifle...

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Journey in Ola Hyderabad

Hi All, Happy to meet you people after long time. This is Kalyan living in Gachibowli working in Adibatla and native of Kurnool. This is real story which happened between me and my friend while travelling to her home in OLA cab. Please give feedback to me in hangouts or hangouts call or you can mail me to: Aunties, I will be waiting for you. Any Kurnool or Adibatla working ladies (aunties) too can ping. I am going to narrate the story in Telugu mixed with English as of now and based up on...

3 years ago
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What a Turn of Events part2

The plane will be landing in 30 minutes. I park the car with the Valet and head into the terminal. I have plenty of time so I decided to stop and grab myself a coffee. I'm sitting at the table and I'm watching the entertainment as they walk past. I can't seem to focus. The woman I've had fantastic fantasies of is but a few minutes from being a real person. Her it really as curly and wavy as the photo's and video's? Do her legs really go on forever? Will her smile brighten my day just...

4 years ago
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Out with Ash

Ash was in the backseat. I opened the door for her, held her hand as she got into the car. The GPS told me to turn, go this far. I did not say a word, did not ask anything. Lessons had been learned, Ash owned me and i knew my place and loved it!After two hours no idea where i was. I pull the car up to a private garage door. It rolled up Ash ordered me to drive in and to the left. i will see where to park. A space said Ms.Ash. I slide her car into the space, jumped out, ran to open Ms. Ash's...

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Um Menino Vira Menina

Part I Jessinho entrou de f?rias, e como sua m?e n?o conseguiu tirar f?rias tamb?m naquela ?poca do ano, ela lembrou-se de Ana, a sua irm?, que tinha uma filha e moravam na cidade vizinha. "Por que n?o mandar Jessinho para l?'?", pensou ela, "ele tamb?m tinha a prima que n?o v? h? anos". Um pensamento tamb?m passou na sua cabe?a, "ele tamb?m pode aprender umas coisas com ela, faz tempos que t?nhamos combinado umas coisas e agora ? um bom momento, ele est? j? com dez anos e j? come?a a olhar para as garotas da idade dele com um o...

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Sheer Energy Sissy

I was tormenting my cousins as I always do and they would expect nothing less when I come over for the weekend. This time I put iching powder in their panties. The girls were running all over the place scratching thier asses. I was laughing the whole time as Jenny and Sarah tried to figure out what happened. Whats the matter girls? are your panties all in a bind? You little bastard, what did you do to our panties? I shrugged my shoulders as my Aunt came in to say goodbye. Now you kids...

2 years ago
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Andy 1

"Ich kann doch nicht deine Jeans anziehen!" sagte ich entr?stet. "Jetzt stell dich nicht so an", sagte Biene. Sie hie? eigentlich Sabine, aber jeder nannte sie Biene. Bienchen durfte man nicht sagen, da wurde sie sauer. "Das ist eine ganz normale Jeans." "Ja, f?r M?dchen." "Quatsch. Sie ist normal geschnitten, hat keine Stickereien oder so etwas." Ich schaute bedenklich. Meine Hose war nicht mehr zu retten, das war deutlich. Es war cool eine alte Jeans zu tragen. Aber meine war zu a...

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I m Not Really a Waitress Part 3

I'm not really a waitress part 3 We got back to Lisa's place around 11:00 and as usual she helped me undress. I kicked off my heels and took off my skirt while Lisa pulled off my blouse and sat me on the bed. "Starting right now Jenny everything changes." "What do you mean, where are my clothes at?" "I had your clothes thrown away at the beauty shop earlier this morning." "Why did you do that! I can't go home wearing a dress!" "Your nail polish won't come off and neither...

4 years ago
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Sex Party

In my life, one of my biggest fantasies was to be involved in an orgy...four or more people, naked, horny and ready to fuck and suck in front of others and while other's fucked and sucked around you. Earlier this year, I met a man on another website who lives in my town. He is an older man, in his late 50's...we chatted online and even had a little cyber sex. He told me he was a member of a local club for gay and bisexual men who get together once a month for dinner and group sex. You have...

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Andy 27

Nach dem Duschen ging ich in ein Handtuch gewickelt in mein Zimmer, um Platz f?r Sarah zu machen. Einer der wenigen Punkte, die eine negative ?nderung gebracht hatten: Wir mussten das Bad nun durch drei teilen. Und M?dchen brauchen ihre Zeit... Nun stand ich nackt vor dem Spiegel und drehte mich, so dass ich meinen Po sehen konnte. Nichts zu sehen von dem Pieks. Wenn ich nicht die leere Spritze gesehen h?tte, w?rde ich es nicht glauben. Wieso war das so leicht gegangen, und praktisch ohne da...

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Der Flaschengeist Teil 16

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

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Eacute vangeline vierge d eacute flor eacute e

Les aventures d’Évangeline, vierge défloréeCette histoire fût créée par moi et un Français, avide de sexe et bien cochon. Pour ceux et celles qui désirent apprendre comment faire un bon texte érotique enligne, prenez la peine de lire ce fantasme. Je vous assure qu’il saura alimenter l’appétit sexuel. Bonne lecture,MoniqueSynapses :Ce beau Français se rend au Canada pour des aventures bien coloriées. Sa deuxième journée lui permet de faire rencontre avec Évangeline, une jeune fermière...

2 years ago
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Tour De Frances I

Tour De Frances I Driving through the French contryside brought back so many memories and great success I had achieved over the past 4 years. It was once again time for the greatest cycling event on the planet and my trip to the Palermo castle was the first order of business. Hanna, my trainer, personal physician, and chauffer, had carefully prepared me for the race I was favored to win again for the 5th year in a row. I personaly did not feel my best going into the race as my times...

2 years ago
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Tour De Frances III

Tour De Frances III Estelle and I headed back to my room and waited for Michelle to return from the wine cellar. Estelle wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close for a deep kiss. "Ohh my dear, I'm gonna love making out with you this weekend." "Let me go you lesbian!" "Stop trying to get away Frances, you can't hide from me so you may as well enjoy the attention I'm giving you!" Her hand slid up under my dress and into my panties. "Yes, I can't wait to feel you ram...

4 years ago
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Teacher s Pet II

Teacher's Pet II Mrs.Taylor made a quick stop for some fish and chips at Long John Silvers for me since Mrs. Jenkins did not have time for cooking. On the way back home she told me that Gina had called around 5:00 to talk to me. She told her I was still with Mrs. Jenkins and that I would call her when I got back. Gina was going to have to wait. The first thing I was doing when we got home was getting these feminine undergarments off of me as quick as possible. By 9:00 I managed to...

3 years ago
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Teacher s Pet IV

Teacher's Pet IV My eyes got as big as saucers as I made eye contact with her. "Mrs. Jenkins, I,I,I was just, I mean I was!" As I stammered out an explanation I pulled up my panties and Pantyhose. "How dare you do something so disgusting in this house young lady!" "Please Mrs. jenkins I can explain this!" Her nails dug deep into my arm as she smacked my ass all the way back to my room! I was quickly flopped over her knees for another motherly spanking. "Leann this one's gonna cost...

2 years ago
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Teacher s Pet VI

Teacher's Pet VI David started up the car and turned up the radio as we headed down the street. "Look guys I'm kinda tired, can't you just take me home?'" "Are you kidding Leann, I've been waiting a long time for tonight. Too bad Gina bailed on you or we could've doubled up the fun. I'll drop Mark off and then we can hang out for a while. I nervously rocked my leg back and forth as David rubbed his hand up and down my thigh. After dropping off Mark I slid over closer to the door...

4 years ago
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Mother s Sissy Teacher s Pet Part 3

Mother's Sissy, Teacher's Pet, Part 3 "Sandy's Diary" By Sandy Brown January 15th, 2012 Dear Diary, This is my very first entry! When Mom bought me this diary for Christmas, well, to be honest, I thought that only girls wrote in diaries. It didn't help that you are pink. Mom told me it's just a pale red, but you look pink to me. She also told me that lots of boys write in diaries, but the only kids I know who have...

2 years ago
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De haut en bas Part 1

Bonjour, Toute cette histoire est un pur travail de fiction. Toutes ressemblances avec certaines personnes ayant exist?es sont purement fortuites. Vous voulez nous faire un feedback : [email protected] ou [email protected] Vous voulez rejoindre la plus grande communaut? fran?aise de TG caption et TG story ? Envoyez- nous un mail avec une histoire (minimum 2 pages) ou une TG caption ? [email protected] ou [email protected] avec les noms des transform?s : Arnaud et Alex. -- La transfo...

3 years ago
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La dette de Julien envers Alex

Chapitre 1 - Julien et ses probl?mes financiers "Promis Monsieur Durand, je vous promet que je vais tout mettre en oeuvre pour r?gler ce d?couvert sur mon compte le plus rapidement possible. Je suis en train de n?gocier pour un nouveau job me permettant de doubler mon salaire et en finir avec ces petit probl?mes financiers... Laissez moi juste un peu de temps!" Le banquier regarda Julien un peu rassur? mais ce m?fiait un peu. Ce n'?tait pas la premi?re fois qu'il avait convoqu? Julien ? cause de son compt...

2 years ago
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Gossip Girl Hell

Gossip Girl Hell What a dream date I was about to have! Two of my all time great young actresses had invited me to a night of partying and promised sooooo much fun in our last correspondence. I was on my way to the Post Ofice to pick up some stamps and a tiny package from Blake & Leigh. At 3:00 the Post office was empty and when I seen the Yellow index card in my Box I pulled it out with my mail and walked up to the counter to retrieve my package. The woman behind the counter had...

3 years ago
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I came back home a much different person than I left. I have been spending time in prison for the last three years, and those years have made me very, very different. I haven't seen anyone I know in the last three years, only a few e-mails here and there, but I've told no one what has become of me. I don't know that I should. I have changed in more ways than age, and was ashamed of who I had become to show myself past the first six months in prison. I was 21 when I got arrested,...

2 years ago
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Doctor Weston 3

Doctor weston 3 Doctor weston turns mother into daughter's boyfriend and boyfriend into mother. Doctor weston put Samatha under his spell, he had sent Janet and Jack across the road to get a drink while he did his work on her. They had come in to help settle an argument about Janet moving in with her boyfriend Jack. Samantha being Janet's mother thought, at 18 they were both to young. "Samatha, you don't feel you should bother dressing in dresses anymore, they aren't you at...

2 years ago
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Boris meets Goddess Persephone

And yet, Boris always believed he was in control. How fool of him, and to that he could only agree, bound and sweating as he was, on the floor in the men’s bathroom of the night club, eyes closed so he could pretend he was not anticipating the moment he’d be finally pimped out in real life by a woman he had never met in the flesh before tonight. *** It all began with a simple click, as it always does, doesn’t it? Your usual ?Follow? button on twitter, one of hundreds accounts of dominant women...

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Paris Partie 1 sur 3

Ce jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie. Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu, mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant. - Ecoutez, jeune ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...

4 years ago
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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

3 years ago
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Gaand ki deewanian

Dostoo aur auntiou aap sab ko mera salam, namastay. Main pakistan kay shaher peshawar ka rehnay wala hoon meri umer 35 saal hay aur mera import ka karoobar story main aap ko sunanay jaa raha hoon wo sun kar aap ka dimagh mauf ho ja ga aur aap sochain gay aisi aurtain bhi hain jo sex main pagal ho jati chaliyay story ki taraf. Mujhay maray cousin( ashraf) in phone kiya kay hum saray ghar walay us kay susral karachi shaadi kay silsilay main ja rahay hain to aap hanaray ghar main aa...

2 years ago
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Fantasy came true

Hi this is Manav again with a new incidence that happened some time back this is in continuation to my old incidence happened I narrated to you all in ISS.  As I have described you about my wife, she is a dam sexy female with a very good appetite for sex her fig is 38d 30 and 40 now she has reduced her back to 38. The narration I am giving you is of a year and half back when we decided to go to Vaishno Devi and Patnitop. We boarded the Rajdhani to Jammu we have left the kids with my parents and...

3 years ago
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Majorette Mirage 2

Anyone looking for easier reading of this chapter can message me at [email protected] for the raw file using Microsoft Notepad. Majorette Mirage 2 The next morning I awoke to Talitha's gentle nudges. "Jamie Lynn, it's time to rise sweetie." I rolled over on my side wanting to sleep more but she pulled the covers off of me and cracked my pantied ass. Crack! "Come on Jamie Lynn get up we have to get breakfast and then go over the routine." I...

1 year ago
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Cenicienta y el Principe

La Cenicienta Tras bailar toda la noche con la bella dama misteriosa, una mujer simp?tica y gr?cil, de grandes ojos azules, el pr?ncipe qued? perdidamente enamorado. Era su fiesta de cumplea?os, una fiesta que marcaba el inicio de su madurez. Habiendo pasado los ?ltimos 5 a?os en el campo de batalla, en las carpas de los generales aprendiendo sobre estrategia, dando ?rdenes a los soldados, teniendo combates victoriosos y derrotas con innumerables bajas. No eran guerras importantes, era m?s bien un acuerdo...

1 year ago
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Getting caught both ways

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was getting to the end of the school year and we were having a party to celebrate with a few friends at my brothers house. We had been at the lake all day and all the tan lines and sunburns were obvious. All the girls went to the master bedroom to clean up and shower while us guys sat around drinking a few beers and chilling. While we were all chatting it up I got up to go around the side of the house to take a piss when I noticed the window was...

3 years ago
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The Secret Manor of Trans Supremacy

EROTIC FANTASY PART 1.I met a Lady once at Bar too which she was very sexy Lady as we had some fun now n then as too get too know each other I slowly tranformed myself into her escort for Her desires too which she also went swinging with the Ladys & there submissive males in toe...After a few visits too see her in Her chambers, she knew I loved sextoys and that I was Kinky but Erotic in such, she asked if I would like too stay at her House or even share as too Live with her full-time on a ...

4 years ago
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How To Keep Safe And Long distance Transgender Rel

Some people feel that they have a sex mismatched; their gender at birth is not the sex they want to be. These people are often called transgender and they come from all walks of life. According to latest studies, the United States is home to around 700,000 transgender people. Transgender dating sitesToday, there are dating sites where transgender relationships are nourished: after completing your membership, find someone and meet online for transgender dating & social networking without...

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Sentenced to Life

Sentenced to Life Special Agent in Charge Rhonda Peters tried to hide her distaste as she looked at the agent in front of her. She was sure he felt the same though he didn't show it. It was a long time from when they had been fellow rookies at the academy. Now she had just been appointed to head a small unit tasked with rooting out drug trafficking in federal prisons. Don Wilson was one of the best agents at combating the drug trade so no-one was surprised except him when she...

1 year ago
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Get Tranny! Are you horny as fuck for hot tittied beauties? I’m not talking about a woman, either! I’m talking about the trannies with those monsters cocks! If you want the best of both worlds – big titties, big asses, and dicks bigger than yours – then you already know that I have reviewed a fuck ton of these types of sites on ThePornDude! Just take your pick, and you will find an amazing selection of sites that will make you cum!But I want to point to you something extra special today. A tube...

Shemale Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Shemale Summer

Once again, this is not a story written by me! It was stored in my computer for ages and decided to share it with you. Hope you like it! One hot summer day, my friend Sam and I were scoping out the babes at our local beach, as usual. I saw this really hot, busty blonde a few towels down giving me the eye. "Hey, check her out!" I said to Sam. He peeked up from beneath his Ray Bans and shook his head. "Forget that one," he said. "She's not your type." "What do you...

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The Secret Manor of Trans Supremacy Part 2

PART 2. MY LADY TRANSEXUAL MISTRESS JESSICA/JESSIE OF FINE OUTSTANDING, DIVINE BEAUTY...The lady says I should been taken upstairs as too change into what there requirements too stay with them here for a few days in Her chambers... before such she Tie's my Balls up with a bondage rope and pulling it backwards between my legs that goes through the sides on my harness & up through the O rings of my Collar too the Mistress standing behind me as I'm cuffed too the wall in front watching my...

3 years ago
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Hero By Cassandra Morgan I knew better, dammit. I was smarter than this. From the time I first dragged a pair of panties up my legs, I have been scared to death of being caught, and the fear has made me sharp. I was never one of those transvestites who secretly wants to get caught by his mom or his wife or his co-workers. I always knew it would start a river of trouble flowing. So I knew better. Hell, I dressed before I went home, but not after. It was just for self-protection....

2 years ago
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The Teamviewer Mature Files

Teamviewer Femdom File By jo199 The computer screen shone light upon my plain-white panties and bra, making them glow obscenely atop my peachy white skin. Since the divorce, I'd become brave in private and crossdressed on occasion. That sometimes ended up all day. The webcam was on, but I wasn't in any kind of chat situation, so it was only for personal titillation. I stroked off while surfing femdom porn, not much caring to cum quickly. This was...

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My Sister My Lover Part 5

I was stunned. She took my hand and led me through the house to the master bedroom. I knew what was happening in the room before we walked into the room. Liz and Linds were in a sixty-nine embrace both face deep in the other's pussy. Crystal whispered in a sultry tone, " They are cleaning the load I put in each of them." My cock jumped in my jeans with that comment. Chrystal rubbed my cock through the fabric covering it. My eyes were glued to my wife and sister as they moaned in time...

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I met Vicki at a hook up site,she had an ad that caught my attention it went something like this "hispanic transexual looking for a serious relationship with an honest man",i read her ad and liked the fact that she was looking for a relationship and not just a one night stand,I`m very much into transexuals and been wanting to get into a serious relationship with one,so i responded to Vicki`s ad and gave her my phone number.To my surprise it took her a whiles to call me but when she finally...

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Fred s Psyche Transference Device

Hi, my name is Fred Stone. But most people call me Dr. Stone or even Melinda Johnson, well they used to, this is a story about the beginning of the device, and also how I became the 'creator' of said device. I am the creator of the Psyche Transference Device. The name is exactly as it sounds. It can transfer the psyche either in part or whole. Currently the device is used by many as a recreational tool and also as a means to save lives by doctors. For example, someone with an incurable...

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Call me Andrea

CALL ME ANDREA by Andrea Conover My name is Andrew and I am an only child. My Mom is a single parent as my Dad died when I was very young and I have no memory of him. Mom and I love each other very much and there is nothing I wouldn't do for her....and her for me. I make myself handy around the house and always help her with the laundry, general cleaning, dishes...whatever needs to be done. I am also a excellent student and usually get straight A's on my report cards. I very...

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The Alphas

The Alphas By Cassandra Morgan Cat moved slowly across the floor of the nightclub, purposefully, the way she usually moved. Her head was held high, and she stared straight ahead as she walked. In front of her, the crowd seemed to separate as if it had a will of its own, splitting like the Red Sea, moving out of her way. She moved smoothly, almost like liquid pouring out of a bottle. She did not make eye contact. She did not ask to be excused. It was as if...

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Abandoned By Cassandra Morgan "We need to talk." Are there any more threatening words in the language? Is there a sentence that can more quickly fill you with dread? Is there another collection of four one-syllable words that can change your life? I was on my knees in the kitchen, trying to clean a stubborn black smudge of uncertain origin. A boot mark? A food dropping? What it was, it had seemed so important a few seconds ago. Now, it was just another chore to be done in a...

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Chicken Neck Soup

FREDDIE'S CHICKEN NECK SOUP Stepping onto the campus Freddie was a little intimidated. The large old establishment had seen better times but still held a certain majesty all the same. While low-income housing had crept up to its grounds it was still a fine school that graduates could be proud to have come from. Freddie wasn't there to attend; he was seeking an inexpensive place to stay and more importantly a place of employment. The severe drought in the surrounding St Louis area had...

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Stolen Stockings Pt 1 SHEMALE LESBIAN PORN

WELCOME TO CHURCH OF RUBBER - STOLEN STOCKING CONFESSION .the sign read above My study doorway.My transex very leggy young secretary nurse led the new prospect in to My parlor and knocked on my door and I said "COME"the heavy gothic arch door swung open and there stood the two stunning transexual stocking sluts in ultimate sissy wear. One happened to be My private nurse and secretary, the other was a specially chosen pretty thing who had been in communication with ME for some time now. My...

2 years ago
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NymphomaniacaL Part IV

Part IV Back To School / Second Encounter Rumors has started to circulate at school about Erica being a "slut". Of course, none of them new the half of it. None of them had the slightest idea of what she'd done or what she would do if given the chance. School was difficult, not just in a social way. Her work was usually quite poor and she was slipping by in most cases with a fifty percent. At least she wouldn't be failing Geography any time soon. Not with Mrs. Adler. It was a Friday,...

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Room mate wanted part 5

Just a quick recap Jamie needed a room mate Ted needed a room after his divorce Jamie who was feminine in nature quickly took to Ted's advances and soon was Ted.s lover. After Ted got home from work and was filled in by Jill about Jamie"s feminization at Rhonda"s boutique and how Jamie loved being fucked by Marcus the black stud at the boutique. Ted was sure that this was the time for Jamie"s coming out party. Jill was asked by Ted to get Jamie ready for a night that she would remember for...

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Emmy s Iron Maiden Glory Hole

It has been a few weeks since Emmy had her way with me at her house. We have a peculiar relationship. We are like the best of friends when out having a drink, as we are now, and then when it comes to sex it is like she turns into a whole other woman and just becomes this wild volcano, erupting lava flow after lava flow of controlling sexual domination. There is no stopping it when you are caught in its path and yet I can’t help but to stand at the bottom of that mountain and gaze up adoringly...

2 years ago
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My sexual preferences and ideals

Hello, i figured i would write a little about my sexual evolution, preferences and labels. First of all i am a 40 year old man, just recently divorced with three k**s. If i were to label myself, i am straight. I love women and pussy. Never any doubt or wonder about it. I am not attracted to guys at all, not in the least bit, never have been. In fact the sight of a mans face or body is a turn off. I couldnt imagine, and never would want to be intimate with a man, kissing, cuddling, etc. Why am i...

4 years ago
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Born To Be Bred a story written about me by Gest

Born to be BredPart oneI had been a member of Xhamster for several years and amassed a nice selection of favourite videos, pictures and stories as well as a smattering of my own. Most important to me was my friends list of which probably 95% were classed under the transexual banner although they covered a wider selection from crossdressers, transexuals, Tgirls, transvestites, transgender, femboys, traps and sissies, each one is unique and special in their own way and yet i couldn't help but...

2 years ago
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Born to be Bred

Born to be BredPart oneI had been a member of Xhamster for several years and amassed a nice selection of favourite videos, pictures and stories as well as a smattering of my own. Most important to me was my friends list of which probably 95% were classed under the transexual banner although they covered a wider selection from crossdressers, transexuals, Tgirls, transvestites, transgender, femboys, traps and sissies, each one is unique and special in their own way and yet i couldn't help but...

2 years ago
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Wildest fantasy dream ever....Two really hot babes with sexy long black and brown hair and another sexy babewith silky blonde hair and clear blue eyes!They are all for me,myself,& I to watch as long as I want too and join in every now and then...:)Babe with black hair is ****FLOWER GIRL****Babe with brown hair is ***TAMMY***Babe with blonde hair is****BABY GIRL****I could not believe my eyes because in my dream ****BABY GIRL**** is a pure lesbian she told thee other's she cannot believe how...

2 years ago
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Meri Shemale Teacher

Disclaimer : All characters in the stories are fictional. The story is about a sexual relation between a shemale teacher and her student. If your name is used as one the character it is a coincidence. If you are against anything above stated please stop reading. I hope you enjoy! The ideas for this story are taken from many others as I’m regular reader to many erotica websites and blogs. For any comments and ideas Email me – Mera naam Tanish hai, yeh tab ki baat hai jab mein apne medical...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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the surprise I loved

I never had never heard the term shemale or transexual. Didn't know anything about it. I joined the military right out of high school. Ended up in the far east and started out on the town. I saw a great looking girl in a bar and started to chat her up. I bought a few drinks and we were both starting to loosen up. Then out of the blue she asked if I wanted to get out of there and sme place more private. Now I had a few girlfriends in high school and had sex with a few of them but i had never had...

3 years ago
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The Reluctant Transvestite

The Reluctant Transvestite By Pippa HighHeels [email protected] Synopsis: James Miller has a secret vice. He loves it and hates it at the same time; he revels in his perversity and is ashamed of it all and it's implications. He finally gets an exciting lifeline, then the professional help of a trained psychologist. But all is very far from what it seems... [James Hillman, a psychologist, wrote: "Loving oneself is no easy matter, because it means loving all of oneself,...

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