ComrieChapter 8 free porn video

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Amy and Jim were waiting just outside the airlock for Betsy, Erica and Connie. The facilities had not progressed sufficiently to have an automatic airlock for the shuttle. As soon as they stepped through they were hugged, even before they could remove their pressurized suits. This had been the longest they had been separated in a very long time. Amy and Jim assisted them, as they removed their suits.

Once the suits were off, they tightly embraced each other again, letting all the pent-up emotions flow between them.

"It is so good to have you close enough to touch," said Amy, and Jim nodded.

Betsy looked carefully at Amy, and then said, "So when is the baby due?"

"What?" said Amy. "I'm not pregnant!"

"I'm not so sure about that. We can check it out later. How is everything else?"

"Things have been going so smoothly, we have been concerned we're missing something, or that we were going to run into a 'brick wall'. Let's show you around, then we can go relax before dinner. When they reached their quarters, they sat so that they were touching each other."

"Jim, I noticed the structures haven't made much use of the natural cave yet," said Erica.

"The cave is a puzzle. The ceiling doesn't have some of the characteristics you would expect to find in a natural cave, which is rough and rugged with deep fissures. Besides, the walls and ceiling have the characteristics of being quarried, although there are some rough spots. The floor is nearly perfectly flat, with a slight slope toward the valley outside. So we are not sure what to make of it, we are currently evaluating its stability."

"So, do you think someone was here before us?"

"Considering the inside that would explain what we are seeing. However, we haven't any other evidence to support that idea."

"Have you talked to Sarah's Clan or the Dóchas Engineering department about this yet?" asked Connie.

"No. We have been holding off, as we see the issues they are dealing with as having long-term significance for all of us. The new AI for the settlement should help us examine the geology in greater detail, which should give us some clues."

"Did you hear about the experience Maeve, Aoife and Sarah had?"

"Yes. At first we were very concerned, so we went and looked at what they have found of old Celtic writings on Earth. They are correct; our old spoken language is very similar to ancient Celtic. The differences are not as great as those between the Irish and Scottish forms of the Celtic language."

"Wow, I wonder what that means for all of us?"

"They are with us. There are some hints of similar messages being given to our race a long, long time ago. This was a significantly before we fully developed our telepathic communication."

"Amy and I have discussed this a bit," said Jim, "and we don't see them as a God-like entity and they don't either, although, to a primitive culture, they would seem God-like, well actually so would we. Whatever, it is good that our paths crossed when they did. We shouldn't over analyze what we've observed, even if it is tempting to do so." They each had a sense that the concept was correct.

"I think those on Dóchas will be really pleased, when they see how far this has progressed," said Connie.

"We hope so," said Amy. "We are building the settlement structures along the face of the cave. That way, we can spread in either direction as it grows. If it turns out we can use the cave, then we can expand quite rapidly into it, and for quite some time."

"Let's go to the clinic, curiosity is nagging at me," said Connie.

"Okay, but I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed."

When they arrived at the clinic, Betsy ran diagnostics on the autodoc, and then placed Amy so that it could evaluate her. The autodoc took a long time to do the scan. It was so long that Betsy thought it had malfunctioned, which, in itself, was unusual.

They all gathered around the console, when the report began to scroll across the display.

"You may want to verify this," said the autodoc, "but it appears that Amy is two months pregnant, with twins. We ran the tests three times, and the probability of error is less than 1 in ten thousand." Amy's eyes filled with tears of happiness.

"Betsy," said the autodoc, "I have advised the Medical-AI on Dóchas, and she wants all of you evaluated. The initial analysis indicates that all of you maybe fertile again. This is most likely due to the genetic treatments you received."

"Can you evaluate us now?" asked Connie.

"Yes. Just step up on the platform."

"Amy, have the settlement's AI ask the original crew members stop by here on the way to dinner," said Betsy. "There should be enough time to do almost everyone before then."

The first to arrive after the announcement were worried. They trusted the autodoc, and knew that if it was very serious it would have been handled differently.

When everyone was there, Betsy said, "The autodoc just made an unusual find when she did an update on Amy's physical. It is nothing serious, as you have guessed. Based on our initial observations, we think it would be best to give everyone a physical. In part because it has been a longer than it should for some of you."

The physical evaluations were completed just as the chime sounded for dinner. "Why don't those of you that are done go get ready for dinner. We will finish up here before we join you in the dining room." Everyone indicated they liked Betsy's proposal, and left to freshen up.

Once all the evaluations were complete, the autodoc began the analysis, as it did so it shared the information with the Medical-AI on the Dóchas. The results the autodoc was finding were surprising, and would please many of the original crew.

They had just sat down to dinner, when the autodoc contacted Betsy. "Betsy, our evaluation indicates that Connie, Erica and you can again have babies, whenever you initiate the release of the eggs."


"Indications are that the genetic material you received from Sarah's Clan, healed your bodies' reproductive organs. Our analysis indicates that the original crew members can probably have children again, if they receive the genetic treatments based on the same material."

"Are you sure enough that we can announce it?"

"Yes. The probabilities are around 1 in a hundred thousand of the analysis being significantly in error. So, if an error was made, it just diminishes the likelihood, not the possibility."

"Amy, I asked the AI to open a dynamic link with both Dóchas and Comrie, as I think you have an announcement to make," said Betsy rather loudly, causing the room to quiet.

Amy stood, with Jim supporting her, "Fellow crew members," her voice cracked, as tears ran down her face, "we are very happy to tell you that I am pregnant with twins." Each of the locations went wild in applause and cheering. When it quieted, she started to speak again, but couldn't continue.

Betsy stood, "What I think Amy wanted to say, is that she is about 2 months pregnant." Amy nodded. "Today, when the autodocs found she was pregnant, they were surprised, and we were shocked. Further analysis, after doing several more updates on physicals, indicates that all the original crew can, very likely, have children again if they receive the genetic treatment we received. The autodocs told Connie, Erica and me that we are fertile again." Betsy had tears rolling down her face as she finished.

"Betsy, Connie, Erica," said Judy, "take your time coming back to the ship. I sense that the five of you would like to spend some time together. On behalf of all of us here on Dóchas, we extend our congratulations."

"Amy's Clan," said Briana's group in unison with Adam, "on behalf of us here at Comrie, we also extend our congratulations."

"Oh, thank you all. Today is one of the happiest days we have had in a very long time. It would be even better if more of our family was still with us. But, in many ways, you are our family, and seeing your happiness in hearing our news is wonderful."

"Amy, I think they are with you," said Aoife, in a soft voice that seemed to echo among them, bringing tears to several eyes.

Zoe, Melody and Belinda watched Lorraine's expression as the limo pulled away from the townhouse she had been renting. Over the last ten days or so they along with Lana, Trina and June had taken turns staying with Lorraine after she returned to the Grand View area.

The Monday following the raid on her employer, she went to work as usual. This meant that she was nearly the first employee to be interviewed by the District Attorney's investigators. She told of trying to update forwarding information for former employes and the difficulties she encountered. As they had decided earlier she didn't mention that she had confronted Larry on Friday or the subsequent events. She was interviewed several times that week. It was mostly to clarify what she had told them or to comment on over discoveries. She called the DA's office the next Monday and asked if they any objections on her moving out of the area. During her conversation she told of the job offer and provided them with the relevant information. They had no objections to her moving but wanted her to stay in contact with them until the case was closed. With that step behind her, she began making arrangement to return to the Enclave or Comrie as they now called it.

"Anxious," said Zoe.

"Yes but not about going there. In some ways it now feels like I am going home and I just want to be there now. In some respects, I am glad this happened. I mean meeting you all not the evil those two caused. How soon will we be there?"

"In a little less than 2 hours. We will meet our transportation in about 45 minutes. So what are your plans once we get there?"

"First I want to talk to the doctors about my choices then I think I will ask Nancy if she needs assistance with staffing. Well I think it is Nancy I want to talk to. She is leading the group seeking more candidates to work with you all."

"Yes. It's Nancy, Alice, Susan and several others. We thought we would head for Dóchas first then to Comrie in a couple of days."

"That is fine with me. I have a favor to ask."


"Could we share a suite for a while?" asked Lorraine then quickly added, "I've really enjoyed the time we've spent together and would like to continue it for a while."

All three chuckled then Belinda responded, "You can stay with us as long as you are comfortable with us. Even though we haven't been intimate with you, we have no objections to it occurring. It is a choice that you will need to initiate. Just because we are sharing a suite, does not in any way infer that you have to be."

Lorraine leaned over and kissed Belinda, then Zoe and Melody. "I think I would like that, but I feel I should get my bearings first."

"Smart girl," responded Zoe then gave her a quick kiss on the lips. Before Zoe could pull back Lorraine placed a hand behind her head lengthening their kiss.

Melody said, "I think you will like working with Nancy's group. We knew them from before we came to Comrie. They are a neat group of people."

It wasn't long until the limo was pulling entered the business airport and Allen said, "Your jet is here so I will take you out to it." A few moments later, he stopped next to the jet. After they got out, Allen removed their bags from the limo and was going to carry them over to the plane.

"Wait," said Lorraine. "I would like to do that." With that she picked up her suit case and took it to the baggage door and set it down. Then watched as Mórag placed it inside.

Lorraine walked back over to the limo and said, "Allen, my apologies for the way I sounded."

"Not a problem. Ladies it was good to be of service to you all again. Please call me if you need my assistance again."

"We will," replied the four then went to the steps to enter the jet.

Once they were seated in the cabin Lorraine said, "You all are probably wondering why I did that?"

"Yes and no," responded Belinda. "Curious would likely be a better description."

"Due to my bumbling, I almost forfeited making any choices for me. This was one of those opportunities to visually make that statement. I've done it a few other times as I've prepared to join you all."

"Ah..." said Zoe. "We've noticed and wondered."

"Actually," added Melody, "at time we were concerned that maybe you felt forced or seduced into this choice."

Lorraine looked at the three for several moments as she thought back over her actions before saying, "I have never felt that joining you all was my only choice. From as soon as I arrived on Dóchas, I knew joining you all was my future path. It took me a short while to understand what I felt and may have not expressed myself very well. Another way to look at those odd statements is that it was a nice way of telling Larry to go jump."


Lorraine looked out the window then asked, "When are we leaving?"

"We've left," responded Renée from the flight deck. "We will be over the ocean in a few minutes then begin our climb. It will be about 30 minutes before we arrive at Dóchas."

"Thank you. The ride in these ships is amazing."

"Yes, it is," replied Belinda with the others nodding.

When they exited the shuttle on Dóchas, June, Lana and Trina were waiting to greet them. As they were walking to their suite Lana said, "Lorraine, Muireann in Intelligence would like to talk to you when you have a chance."

"Okay," she responded with a puzzled expression.

Seeing her expression Lana added, "I think they want to know how your interviews with the DA's investigators went. Since you were there and participated, your perspective is different than the other information they received."

"That makes sense. Some one will need to show me how to get there."

"We will and we will get you a communicator to carry with you. It has a map function that is very useful even after you've been here for a while."

–-- –-- –--

Adam, along with the women in Briana's group, spent much of the next week exploring Comrie. Together, they found several locations like the glen, or canyon area, that Sarah's Clan had found. Each was different, but, at the same time, very similar. Briana and Adam were playing under a waterfall with the others in their group at the one they liked best. During this, Cass leaned against the rock wall, behind the waterfall. When it began to move she screamed and ran back under the water away from it. The rest of the group turned to look at her.

"The rock wall moved," exclaimed Cass. Adam and Briana came over to her, and together they explored the wall behind the waterfall, each pressing on different spots and looking for seams.

After a bit Briana just pressed on it then gasped as the rock wall began to move. As she watched, it swung open, creating a door in what had seemed to be solid rock. They gathered under the waterfall and looked at the now visible path leading toward a light.

"Come," said Cass, "I think we need to see where this goes." She took Briana's and Adam's hands, as she headed into the open door. The others followed them, as did one of the lions. When they were a short distance from the opening, the door began to quietly close. Sensing the door move, they turned around and gasped. They could now see how massive it was, especially given the ease with which it was opened.

"It will open again when we return," said Cass, firmly. Her assessment met with ready acceptance by the others. They turned and continued on down the path and soon reached a small valley, looking a bit like a box canyon. It was surrounded by steep rock walls some 50 or more feet high. A small stream exited the rock wall, flowing around the edge of the canyon, before disappearing into the ground. The ground was covered in fine, soft, grass, which reached almost to their knees.

Together, they followed the dirt path as it led them toward the middle of the canyon where they could see a group of rocks arranged in a circle. Once they reached the circle, they looked around, noticing that they now stood at the top of a slight rise. The area seemed to glow from the sunlight bouncing off the cliffs.

"Did you notice that we have been holding hands ever since we came through the door?" asked Adam.

"Come, let's sit," said Abaigeal. They each took a seat on the rocks, facing one another. As Charlotte sat down, she took the other hand of the person next to her, to close the circle. The connection joined them together in a way new to them.

The lion sat watching from a short distance away. She watched, as the group slid their hands up each other's arms without breaking contact, until they held each other's elbows. The look on their faces changed to an expression that conveyed extreme happiness. They looked at each other in turn, each time they saw their happiness radiated back to them, until the group began to glow.

A mist began to form around the group, and grew to cover the knoll enclosing them and the lion, in a translucent fog that sparkled like a rainbow.

Briana, Cass, Adam, Ellie, Charlotte, Anita, Abaigeal, and Cindy were in awe, as they felt themselves flow together into one. At first, they were hesitant, but the warmth and love they felt from each other quickly erased any concern. As they flowed further into each other, their love for one another progressed to a new level, a much more intimate level. As they worked to fit their minds together, organize their combined thoughts, and understand each other's senses, they came to realize that they were now one. Their memories and knowledge had fully merged into a shared repository. With that realization they floated to another plateau in their bond, to be even more closely intertwined with each other.

"Briana's Clan, it is a pleasure to see a group like yours come together," said a soft feminine voice, drawing their attention. "It is not often I see a clan bind this tightly in such a short time. As to why, I am sure it will be known in time. I see that all of you are rich in Celtic links. The group you have joined has a very strong Celtic link, as members of your crew are beginning to learn."

"We feel great pleasure with the addition of your company," they said as one. "Our bond is something we knew clans shared, but we did not know how exquisite it would feel. We now have a better understanding of the bond Sarah's Clan shares. Do they know you? How do you know us, or relate to us?"

"Yes, I know Sarah's Clan."

"It was you that spoke to them and us."

"In a way that is true, as it was one of my sisters. As to how I relate to your clan, think of me as a coach or mentor. I am not a God, but some may consider me to be God's messenger. That concept is not correct either. It may be easier just to consider me as an older more experienced friend."

"We would like that. How do we address you?"

"Just point a thought toward my object that you see in your mind. It has a slightly different appearance than any other."

"Okay. I see it," they said, as one.

"Good. When you are in your individual persona, it will still appear much the same as it does now."

"So, each of us are a facet of our clan?"

"Yes. Each physical unit or person is a facet of the clan that normally functions independently, but, even then, everyone is aware of each facet's needs and actions, because of your bond."

"We sense it will take us some time to understand this."

"Some time, yes, but only a little. We anticipate that your understanding will grow very quickly now that you have reached this point. Now, I have several things to suggest, but first, Cathan's, Darcy's, Edana's and Caoilinn's Clans are going through the same bonding process as you are."

"All of us?"

"Yes, my sisters are with them now."

"We sense this is unusual but why did you refer to us as clans? We weren't sure we had reached that point."

"In some respects, your groups are unusual in a good way. As we see it the foundation for your clan bond was laid a long time ago. It began to mature when you met a few days ago and solidified the last few days."

"So our dreams played a role."

"Yes. They often do but many over analyze when they remember them. When they are over analyzed, you can come to the wrong conclusion which can result in disappointment."

"We are very happy that we have found each other. By you being here we sense that our bond will be very important before long."

"Whether your bond will be tested before long is not clear, as our crystal ball is no better than yours." The feminine voice chuckled. "It is your sense of your surroundings that gives the impression of a crystal ball."

"So that's where the idea of a crystal ball comes from," said Briana's Clan.

"That is our impression. All of you have some psionic abilities that you haven't recognized yet, however you should explore them before Adam leaves for his next assignment. Sarah's Clan can show you what they have learned. Aoife is especially astute at sorting them out. Perhaps your clan, along with your friends, should go to an isolated spot to evaluate these attributes. Speak to Sarah, Rusty, and Aoife, they will understand your need. Yes, they know of your new relationship, and the rest of the crew will recognize it when they see you."

"Thank you."

"I will now slip back into the background. You might want to stay here a while longer so you can explore these new aspects of your bond. Oh, I almost forgot, the nearby lion has a bond with your clan. Although not as a facet, but she is a very important extension of your clan."

When they felt her presence lessen, they continued to sit in the circle, exploring their mind-link and the bond between them. They carefully evaluated each of the areas they didn't understand. In doing so they thought they had found the locations of some unknown psionic abilities. Their first inclination was to investigate more closely, but remembering her comment that Sarah's Clan would assist them caused them to pause. Even so, they were somewhat surprised that while they knew the importance of these locations they did not fully understand the benefits. They were also surprised, and very happy, to discover that the personal closets containing the demons some had were no longer there. Without their presence, their mental processes seemed to flow more smoothly.

"You can have the demon closet back, if you miss it," came the soft voice, with a hint of a smile.

"No, thanks, we think we can do better without it."

"We thought so, too."

When they stirred, the mist covering the knoll began to drift away. The lion stood and stretched, as she surveyed their surroundings. As they stood, they realized it was approaching dusk as there was hardly any sunlight remaining in the canyon. They had been there all afternoon, and it would be well after dinner before they reached the dining room. Thoughts of eating made them realized that they were hungry now.

Together, they walked back down the path to leave this secluded canyon; it seemed to be their friend's home and they didn't want to disturb it. Anita said, "Do you realize that we never asked her any of the normal questions?"

All of them laughed then Cass said, "Would you ask someone you've known all your life those questions?"

"So you've known her that long."

"I think we all felt like we did. In some ways it is how I felt about each of you when we connected."

"She phrased it well," said Briana. "She and her sisters are our older siblings and they've come to coach our growth. That probably could be worded better but..."

"We understand," replied the others as they neared the rock door. When they were close, it swung open. Once they had passed through it, they continued on through the waterfall and out into the stream. No one looked back, but they knew the door had closed behind them. As they reached the stream's bank a shuttle settled down nearby on the grass. When the door opened, Maureen said, "Would you all like a lift? That way you won't miss dinner."

"That would be lovely," they chimed, as they scrambled to board the shuttle.

As the shuttle lifted off, Maureen said, "Congratulations. You all fit very well together."

"Thank you," they said as one, with their harmony having a new richer tone.

"As for tomorrow, we will leave right after breakfast, each group in its own shuttle." They were surprised at first that she knew, but then decided that it made sense. "It should be a very interesting day or two."

"We don't fully understand what happened, or what we are to do," said Briana's Clan.

"Your understanding about what happened will come in time. As to what we are to do, well, Aoife, Rusty and Sarah have done a little exploring of our additional abilities. It is my understanding that you are going to practice what they've learned. You should have an interesting time."

The shuttle settled down on the landing area near the residences. As they stepped out, other shuttles began arriving. They greeted their friends with hugs, before walking over to their rooms so they could quickly freshen up for dinner.

At dinner that night, as each of the five groups entered the dining hall, the room would quiet down for a few moments before conversation would resume. Everyone sensed a change in the group's relationship and was pleased for them, even though they didn't quite understand the full significance of the change.

–-- –-- –--

After breakfast the five clans walked out to the shuttles where Sarah's Clan was waiting for them. "Today," said Sarah, "will be an interesting day for all of us. Our goal is to share with you what we have learned about our unique abilities. It is also an opportunity for you to learn about those you have been blessed with. We will meet you on the island."

Sarah's Clan watched as each clan entered their shuttle, then waved as they lifted off and turned to the west. When the shuttles were out of sight, they turned to face each other, putting their arms around their adjacent spouse. "Let's do it."

If someone had been on the island, they would have been amazed to see a circle of 14 people suddenly appear in the meadow, near the beach. The group stood holding one another, as together they evaluated their surroundings, and focused on their impressions of what they had just experienced. This was the first time they had moved as a group, and it was the furthest any of them had projected themselves.

"Aoife," said Sarah, "it feels the same as it does when moving short distances."

"Yes, it does," said a soft feminine voice. They looked around, startled, as they did not sense anyone else near them. "Relax, you have been aware us before. We are similar to your friend on the ship, but at the same time, we are quite different. We are aware of how you regard him. It would be correct to regard us in the same way, for now."

"There is more than one of you?"

"Yes, there are six of us. We are here to assist each clan, as they explore their abilities. They are just becoming aware of them. It is our mentor's desire that these clans understand their capabilities and their limits."

"We sense a purpose behind you meeting us here, but we do not fully understand it. Why now? Why here? Please, don't take my words the wrong way; we are thankful that you are here, and feel blessed by your interest in us."

"First, we have several things to share with you before the others arrive. A key reason we are here is due to the formation of your clan and its evolution to where you are today. There are inherently a multitude of talents among you. The formation of your group has had a ripple effect, and has brought many talented people together in this time line. It has been a very long time since there was a gathering with so much psionic potential, this is both individually, as clans and as family. A long time ago our presence would not have been needed, as in the past there were elders to show you the fundamentals of managing your abilities and assist you in learning to control them."

"We have seen," said a slightly different voice, "your experimentation. Sarah, Rusty and Aoife have the strongest natural psionic sense of what they can do with their abilities. This sense is not in strength, but an ability to parse out the skill then intuitively sorting out how to implement it. It is an exceptional talent. In strength, you are all equal. When you act together, your strength multiplies rather than adds."

"For example, remember the darts on the bridge? If you did that today, with the same intensity, you would probably melt a hole in Dóchas, which would create a whole host of other problems for the crew."

"That would destroy the ship," said Sarah, with a worried look on her face.

"Yes, it could."

"Why now?"

"The other five clans have psionic capabilities very similar to yours. Additionally, there are other clans forming in your family that will likely have similar capabilities. They do not yet have the experience, or understanding of themselves, that your clan did when you first utilized these abilities. These five new clans came together sooner and quicker than any of us expected, or even anticipated. They were not expected to form for another year or so. Circumstances, or probabilities, have changed that; much as our projections for your clan have always been short of what you have achieved."

Same as Comrie
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After each of us had taken a sip of whiskey, he spoke again. That sly smile was on his lips again when he said "By the way, don't you think we ought to know each other by name, now? Mine's Patrick, what's yours?" "Robert", I simply answered. "Right, Robert, I think the best start of my story would be if you went and took a look in my closet. It's the door to the left here. On the wall inside, you'll find one of the things you came here for, and some other stuff as well." Slightly...

2 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 157 Good Love

Going to Caitlin and Paul's wedding was an interesting experience for Warren and Sophia. They'd been to a few weddings, including their own, but this was the first where neither the bride nor groom were a family member or a skater. What this meant was that, at this wedding, Warren and Sophia were the 'token celebrities.' They actually worried about this. "You guys are supposed to be the center of attention!" Sophie said at the rehearsal dinner. "People aren't supposed to be asking a...

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By Choice or by ForceChapter 5

Everyone in the room seemed to freeze for a moment – other than Mathew and the man who had come in with him. Laurie’s mind flashed back to her father’s illness from the year before, and she shot a quick startled look at her sister, and her aunt, to see if their thoughts mirrored hers. Her Aunt Trudy gave her a quick warning shake of her head, almost imperceptible it was so slight and so quick. She also quickly touched Iris’s arm, but Mathew stood up suddenly and strode across to...

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Vixen Twitter 3800 388000

You must have read a pornstar's bio at least once in your life. These chicks always proudly point out that there's more to them than cock humping - "I enjoy adult modeling as much as I love dick gorging" is one of those "stop fucking around, rolling your eyes" statements, but proves the claim to be a complete truth. If you are one of those narrow-minded pricks thinking that pornstars are nothing but a bunch of hoes, think again! No model on this planet would have pulled off...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Chanel and Ethan 24

I’m not sure what I had expected, but it certainly wasn’t this. I start to have a small panic attack and look over to Ethan with wide eyes. “You can’t take me to Puerto Rico,” I say as a statement of fact. He steps away from the line and leads me a few feet to give us privacy. This must have been the reaction he was waiting for. “I understand if you don’t want to go with me,” Ethan says sincerely. And he’s telling the truth, I can see his face accepting my resistance. “It’s too much,” I...

1 year ago
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TheRealWorkout Valentina Jewels Getting Low On Leg Day

Valentina Jewels is working hard in her skimpy, stretchy gym clothes, and she is letting it all hang out. The squats we can get behind, but whatever you do, Valentina, keep that fat, juicy ass in tact! Our stud is on the same page. He needs to see where those behemoth cheeks lead, so when Valentina approaches him to talk about her inexperience working out, he develops a plan. He watches her use the machines, crunching her thick body into incredible shapes and he can barely contain himself....

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Wendys Fantasy

Had someone send me a message and ask me if I could write up a story for them. After talked for a bit know what she wanted to write about decided give it a shot. I was in my fully furnished basement that has every a man and teenager would want. 75' flat screen tv, all current video game systems, fridge full of pop and snack, etc. Why would a 60 year old man have stuff for teenagers in his basement. It's nothing to do for me fully. You see my wife had this fantasy that she wanted to live out but...

3 years ago
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Into the Depths of Madness

Carter reached into the trashcan, searching for food. He didn’t care what it tasted like or what condition it was in, he just wanted something to ease the empty throbbing in his stomach. His whole body was racked with pain, he wanted at least one part of his body not to hurt. He was standing under a graffiti-covered bridge while the rain hammered outside. While he didn’t make a smile or even a grunt, he was relieved to find a half-eaten hotdog. He walked outside and sat on a bench, gorging...

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My Life as a Slave Chapter 3

In TrainingWell, that pretty much set the pattern of my life for the next two years. Rachel was very pleased with me when I got home that night and handed her the letterfor her that the Doctor at the clinic had given me for her. She had me stripped and standing in front of her as she read it."Dr Blackwell tells me that you are accepted on the clinic's stud register and compliments me on the quality of your sperm. She says that with regular controlled ejaculations and the right diet and this...

2 years ago
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Horny Garndma

It was just the start of the school holidays, and I was off as usual to my Grandma’s place by the sea, I always looked forward to 6 weeks of total fun and was looking forward to seeing my friends, arriving at the house I was greeted as usual my Grandparents Nan giving me a huge sloppy kiss, that was so embarrassing if my mates saw it I would die, going to my room I changed and had something to eat, I called at my friends and we all piled off to the beach, sitting and chatting until late evening...

1 year ago
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Treated like a Dog for Black cock part 1

(the names have been changed to protect their identity)Well I was visiting with my cousin in upstate Michigan, and was very bored, and tired of having so little to do. I knew I had been submissive all my life and used to always be the Indian in Cowboys and Indians so I could get stripped and tied up by the Cowboys and Cowgirls. The only thing to do around here, (I thought) was hunt deer in the fall, so there were some clearings in the woods where some neighbors and us had planted clover to get...

3 years ago
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Our Night Out

Last night was a blast. We went to our favorite adult/swingers club Club Encounters. For a lackluster start when we arrived at 10 pm the club was pretty dead besids from a few single guys of all ages and a couple of ladies. Oh yeah let us not forget the 2 really old men who walked around nude in the club until they left around 2 am. Brrrrrrrrrrrr..... Back to the exicitent. The club started to pick up at around midnight with other couples, signle ladies, and signle men. While we were sitting...

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Defeat by modesty ENF

You're sitting on a bench in one of the town's squares, off near its suburbs. You lean back against a wooden pole, absentmindedly scratching some dirt from beneath your fingernails, as a woman is standing in the square. She's angrily adressing you, repeatedly, but you've practically tuned it out. She appears to be a knight of sorts, or a warrior. A local warlord maybe? This part of the continent was riddled with petty tyrants ruling over one or a handful of villages, who all think they're the...

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sick day surprise

     Earlier this year I was dating a Vietnamese Soft more named Amy that goes to my school. She was born in the states so she didn't have an accent at all, but her parents whom I never got to meet only spoke Vite so she spoke both. Amy stood about 5'2" long black hair to the middle of her back with blond highlights, She had light brown eyes and a beautiful smile. She has B sized tits and just enough ass to grab onto, about 105 lbs at her heaviest with a small vagina that only has a slit, no...

1 year ago
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Nice Niece and Nephew Part II

Note : This story is completely fictional! In the first part I told you about how I became invovled with my ex-sister in-law and through allowing her and daughter to secretly watch us having sex became invovled in thier sexual education. Let me give a little more detail about my niece and nephew. Josh is 19 and about 6'1", he is very slender, only about 150 lbs. Robin is 18 and much shorter, 5'1" and a little pudgy. They both have been sheltered and have very few friends or social life. After...

3 years ago
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Magic Is Gross 2 DevilChapter 2

“Davy ... Davy...” The dulcet singsong woke him up, almost. He couldn’t move. His whole body refused to respond as his eyes searched the dark. The LEDs from the computer in the corner and the dull 5:24 of the alarm clock were almost enough to see by. He saw shadows. He tried to move and didn’t. He felt pinned; like someone was sitting on his chest. Kristi? He hoped flicking his eyes to the opened window. No, his redhead witch friend hadn’t broken into his bedroom. There was someone, like a...

2 years ago
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a stressful day

hi im cindy. ive been dating my boyfriend for like 2 years now. his job is pretty stressful. a while ago i was waiting for him at his house. you know just watching tv. when i heard a the door slam. he was mad. he threw his stuff to the ground and sat next to me. i could feel the tension. so i thought it would be a good idea if i helped him relieve some stress. i rub his leg and asked "is there anything i can do?" he looked at me and laughed alittle. i laid my head on his lap and said" i wish...

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Cat Sitter

The following story is the 100% true account of my first sexual encounter....... Growing up in South Florida in the 1980's was really an amazing experience. Watching what was considered by many to be a sleepy retirement town metamorphosis into a chic metropolitan international city was quite a sight to behold. While there were many changes occurring in the world around me there were equally as many changes occurring within me. I was fifteen years old in 1985 and attending an...

1 year ago
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Private Nudes are one of those topics that a perv like me is always interested in, and I get the feeling you’re something of a like-minded individual. (If not, well, you seem to have made a wrong turn somewhere, but welcome to ThePornDude!) It’s funny how the word “private” implies something that shouldn’t be shared with just anybody, but it also perks up your ears and might even make that boner twitch. You’ve just got to see it now. Perhaps the real question is: Private to whom, exactly?It’s a...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
4 years ago
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Hot Romance With Dad8217s Friend8217s Daughter

Hi Readers, I’m a regular reader of ISS stories and read so many stories which made me to write my first sex story in ISS. So, excuse me for any mistakes or if I am making the story boring at any point and thanks in advance for reading the sex story. Let me introduce myself, I am Sunny from Hyderabad 28 M, 5’11’’ height with my tool 6 inches, slim built body with fair complex in colour. Interested Aunties / widows/ housewives can reach me @ , confidentiality maintained at its best ☺ Coming to...

3 years ago
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My friend the intern

My best guy friend has graduated from college and has started his internship at the local hospital. We have been studying together since high school. I would help him with his math and he helped me with science.One day we were talking about sex and how he hasn't had any in a while. I told him I knew how he felt. We started to joke around and tell each other about some of the affairs we had. Some of his were intense, outdoor adventures and almost being caught in the locker room. I told him...

2 years ago
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Silent but horny

In my 20s I got my first apartment of my own, and took advantage of the complex pool as much as I could. I often snuck into the apartment complex pool at night, padding barefoot across the still-warm parking lot, hopping the fence, and slipping quietly into the water before sliding off my shorts. I'd float and paddle around, enjoying the sensual feeling of cool water on my naked body. Invariably my cock would harden and I would stroke it underwater as I swam, bringing myself to the edge of...

4 years ago
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A Fathers Bargain Part 1

"Dad?""Huh?" I said, looking up from my plate at my daughter Sarah."What's wrong? You haven't said anything in a while."She was right. We were having dinner together, which was usually the time we caught up and talked about our days, how work and school were, and so on. But tonight, I was totally in my head."Oh, nothing, sweetie. Just work stuff." This was sort of true. I was dreading going to work tomorrow as I knew what was coming. I knew they would be pushing the issue.I tried to engage....

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Emma Hix Family Holiday 2 Part 3

Surprising her nephew (through marriage), Emma Hix shows up on Christmas morning in nothing but lingerie. Turned on by her sexy body, Tyler Nixon struggles to maintain his composure and resistance until Aunt Emma reveals that her husband, Uncle Shawn is actually gay and Emma is in need of a man’s cock. Tyler is shocked by the revelation but isn’t about to miss his opportunity at fucking someone as sexy as Emma and he quickly reaches between her legs and laps up her dripping wet...

1 year ago
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As the midday hunger pangs strike, damn I really wish I wouldn't have forgotten my lunch today. Looking at the time, I realize I can make it home, grab something to eat and check my lush account before my next meeting. As I turn the corner, I notice my husband’s car is in the driveway, that's a surprise. As I walk in I hear moaning come from the basement and know he is masturbating, sometimes he can be so insatiable. I start to laugh inside and think I could have a little fun with this. I...

Quickie Sex
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The Avalanche of Wobbling Flesh

There were a couple of reasons why the Pandora box of desires could have been opened – one because a friend asked for a favour or because the institutions that were set up to house individual with a mental condition, no matter how slight were closed. However for Warren it was a situation that he didn't want to become involved with because the individual who had been released was the Aunt of the sister of a very good friend. He had met the Aunt one afternoon when he went to help his mate with...

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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 42

"Before we begin, I think we should say a few words." Dad set down the steaming bird, picked up his knife and his steel, and started his ritual sharpening. Like Mom didn't keep all her knives sharp and ready. "Traci..." Dad began. "Would you mind if I went first?" I asked, standing. "Tony?" Mom said in surprise. "Usually we have to practically threaten you to get you to say anything. And then you mumble something about football or baseball, and sit down." "Last year it was...

2 years ago
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Story of Creation Chapter 1

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 part 1 – The Story of Creation Long ago, before the dawn of intelligent life, before the wills of petty and miserable gods, before the stars and their giving light, before creation itself, there was Oblivion. A solitary and lonely being, content to float in the eternal black abyss without the chaos of emotion or thought, for in the unending abyss there was nothing, and thus nothing to feel...

3 years ago
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Mom Helped To Touch Sister

Hi my Name is Vinay age 26 from Bangalore, I am the diehard fan of incest stories which started reading recently and want to narrate the real incident that happened in my life. While reading incest stories I used to think that they are no real, but now I believe that many of the stories are real and not fiction. Coming to my story we are 3 members me (Vinay) Widow Mom (Suma aged 46) sis (Payal aged 22). We lost our father 5 years back, he was running a business and was a drunkard, once he died...

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Acts of Infidelity Becky and David

This story is different from my other cuckold tales.Both readers of erotic literature, Becky and her husband David had been enjoying my Acts of Infidelity series for some time before she decided to get in touch. In an open marriage herself, she wanted me and my other readers to understand that there is a different aspect to partner-sharing that my ‘Cuckold’ stories so far had missed.Although she knows first-hand the pain and pleasure than can be derived from allowing a partner to take another...

1 year ago
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Hot Bus Journey during Winter

How I met a young girl in a bus & had a great foreplay with her all night. [email protected] or ping me on hangouts with same email address.Any girls/ladies who feel like experimenting and have a good time (FYI, I love giving massages), feel free to let me know.

4 years ago
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Sugarlips finally came downstairs from the bedroom where he'd had to clean up Doolittle Ramsey from Clark Street and Beth Hene SUGARLIPS Sugarlips finally came downstairs from the bedroom where he'd had to clean up Doolittle Ramsey from Clark Street and Beth Henessey, who was on the Easter Seals Committee with Sugarlips's wife, Fanchon. Sugar's jaw was exhausted from cleaning Ramsey's crotch off, because of course Ramsey had wanted an extra BJ... And then of course Ramsey had to show...

3 years ago
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Woww Anjali

Hi, I am Nick from Hyderabad working in as a software engineer. Please excuse me if you didn’t find my story too interesting or any mistakes, as this is my first post. Appreciate your understanding. Coming to the story. I live in a two-bedroom apartment in a posh area in Hyderabad. I go to my office on my bike every day. Everyday I used to look at a girl in a bus stop while going to my office. She is an awesome, beautiful woman of about 32-28-34 that any man turns his eyes to. So finally I...

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One morning, along a deserted stretch of beach, a movement caught my eye in the water about 50 yards out. It was a flash of pink and white, and I thought I saw a pale slender arm wave frantically above the surf. Then I heard an unmistakable cry, "Help!" and saw a girl fighting the crashing waves. She looked to be in distress, and I stood there transfixed for a minute trying to comprehend what I was seeing. As she sank below the surface, I realized she was in trouble and I kicked off my...

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Kalani Chapter One           “ A fter all that I have done for you!” Those words were constantly playing over in Kalani’s mind as she drove down Peachtree Street in her Range Rover. The vibration of her Palm Treo interrupted her thoughts, as she picked it up she smiled to herself, it was a text message from Danielle, Dani to her - and only her. I DON’T KNOW IF I TOLD YOU BUT JUST IN CASE I HAVEN’T – I LOVE YOU BABE! That message brought about a warm feeling for Kalani. Danielle Mackenzie...

2 years ago
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A Fortunate Accident

Jay Silas coughed from inside a cloud of multi colored smoke. He waved his had to try and clear the air and tried not to panic. He hadn't been working with anything too caustic and he couldn't feel any tingling or burning on his skin. Blinking a few times he was thankful to see the smoke quickly dissipating. He coughed again and inspected himself. Other than a few singes to his lab coat he seemed unharmed. Jay had been working hard on developing a new formula for perfumes. His goal was to make...

1 year ago
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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 56

Harold Hanes of durham It had been two months since I had done anything, other than take Mikah for walks. Yes there was the occasional repair to the car wash itself but that was just a couple of time otherwise it was just sit and watch time pass. Janet didn’t seem to get bored as I did. Maybe because she had found a martial arts instructor with whom she began to study. She also kept working on her TV scripts from memory. She was able to adapt some of the events of our first Virginia script...

1 year ago
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The Complete Submission 3

PART THREE: THE COMPLETE SEDUCTION 100% fiction! This morning I got up a little earlier than usual for a Saturday and after getting dressed in a cute flower sundress, that made me look 18, and pink stay-ups; I headed downstairs. No one was there. I knew that Mark would still be sleeping, no way he gets up in the morning on a weekend and dad would be at work as usual, but where was mom? I went upstairs and she was in her room, I knocked and she said come in. She was on the internet shopping on...

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A Very Sexy Anal Sex Story Outsourcing

Dylan’s bare ass was precisely what you’d think a nineteen year-old star tennis player’s ass would look like. It was tiny and round and firm. Her toned miniature cheeks made a tight cleavage. There were even two magical little dimples just above her ass on either side of her spine. It was the single hottest butt I’d ever seen. Even hotter than my wife’s.Dylan was staring at me as she swished her hips from side to side a little. Her tiny tush swayed back and forth without a single jiggle. Just a...

4 years ago
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One morning

Introduction: This is a story of what happened recently with my wife and I. This is a story of what happened recently with my wife and I. The kids were at their grandparents, so we went into town to do some Christmas shopping for them. My wife, a teacher, had received a gift certificate to our favorite expensive restaurant from her students, so after we were done shopping, we went out and had a very nice dinner. Knowing wed be making love later, I took off my shoe and rubbed my foot up my wifes...

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Shobha8217s breast feeding

Friends, I am Milind age 28 height is 5’9″ working as a Manger in reputed compay in mumbai. This is my first story in iss and i want to share one of my real experience with you. I think here we come to have fun with the mind blowing erotic stories. Let me come to point directly. At the time of my study days I use to go to my neighbor’s house for chit-chatting and asking difficulties in Maths. This story is of my favorite hot n sexy Shobha aunty graduate in Science, wheatish of 30 yrs old and I...

4 years ago
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A Visit to the Club Chapter 4

The latest Chapter. Comments welcomeAnnaxxxChapter FourCarl knelt up beside Trish and kissed her sweetly on the lips, “That was so good Trish, My balls feel totally drained. I think I need a drink, anyone else for some Fizz?”They all sat up, the strong scent of sex palpable in the air of the Red Room.Anna licked the few remaining drips of Steve’s cum from the corner of her mouth. “Yes that would be nice, I could do with something to cleanse my palate,” she laughed and got up following Carl to...

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Bible Camp BluesChapter 8

Camille turned out to have been far less discreet than Stephanie, Erin, Deanna, or even Melvin. She had gotten so caught up in fucking a 14 year old boy named Troy in the shower that she didn’t notice the time or the noise that she was making, which drew the attention of another camp counselor, a bit of a batty and prudish old woman named Mrs. Edith Bonham. A pastor’s widow, Mrs. Bonham had a distinctly old-fashioned idea that “boys will be boys,” but “ladies should know better,” as she...

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Cougar creampies from college guys

I like younger men. Something about their hard bodies on top of you with an equally hard cock inside of you. Don't get me wrong. I love being with my husband and he knows all the right tricks to get me going. But it's nice to have a younger man now and then. Since this guy was new, he didn't know much about our lifestyle. I had met him a few weeks ago at a local coffee shop and he knew I was married, but he flirted with me anyway. We met daily and I knew he was very interested in me. I talked...

3 years ago
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It was a day like any other for Jeff, he was at his daughter's house babysitting his 2 year old granddaughter Emma while his own daughter, Cynthia, was out running errands. He didn't really mind--he loved how involved his daughter wanted him to be with her family, and his granddaughter was the most well-mannered two year old he had ever known. The only thing that ate at him was how often his son-in-law was absent; always away on business leaving his daughter to fend for herself. It would be a...

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LA FunChapter 64

I woke up for a potty break just before six. Looking at the three beautiful Japanese women in the bed was like opening a Playboy magazine with three centerfolds. Using the bathroom in the suite that had been assigned to me when I first came to this house almost felt naughty, since I had just gotten out of bed with three new women in my wives’ and my lives. I knew that I needed to work out and possibly get a nap later in the day. My muscles needed stretching, and I needed to sweat out the...

1 year ago
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Academy Stars Continuing the Evaluation

Academy Stars, the Evaluation Continues By: Malissa Madison "Ok everyone look alive, we're heading to Eclipse One," called out Commander Howell. It had been two days since the incident, and everyone was getting edgy just sitting here. "Warming up the phase Jumper," called out Randi at the driver station. "Power levels, full and in the green across the board. Fuel Cells Full," he reported. "Roger, Captain Pierce, deploy your FAV's," called out Gretchen as...

2 years ago
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When The Time For Clowning Around Has Passed

Some losses are impossible to survive. I certainly felt that way when my wife of eight years was killed by a drunk driver. There were days when it weighed so heavily on me that I couldn't breathe. The only thing that got me through was the need to be strong for our two children.Our son was barely three years old at the time. He barely remembers a time when it wasn't just the three of us. Our daughter was six years old. Right from the start, she made it her mission in life to make sure her...

Love Stories
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Dacoits Wife Part1

I finished making the last chapati and then called everyone for eating. My hands are completely white with flour, I don't even feel the knive cuts now. It has been 7 years since I married Jaggan and moved to this village. Life is very simple and slow here. I wake up 4 am and get ready for a long day. I make food and send my children to school. I take care of the buffaloes. My husband mostly stays outside. His visits are random and filled with day long sex and hits. He blames me for all...

2 years ago
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First LoveChapter 17

As an early Christmas present, he got a new car from his parents, a blue Ford Bronco. He was completely shocked, and Jen teased him. Her own parents were completely clueless, she thought disgustedly, as Ryan started driving down now to see her late at night, and she sneaked him in through her side door. As soon as he walked into her room that first late night, she pulled him onto her bed. They kissed, and she rubbed him through his clothes. Laying on his back, she climbed onto him, kissing...

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