Discipline And Reward: A Love StoryChapter 14. In Which Our Heroine’s Dreams Come True free porn video

I was monitoring Cindi’s dreams now, more closely than ever. Her dreams were all gruesome nightmares. They were filled with Ares, towering over her, beating her, berating her, raping her, killing her.
Or at least they would have been if I had let them. I was inserting myself into her dreams, towering over Ares, dragging him off of her, beating the crap out of him, throwing him around like a rag doll. Eventually her dreams settled down a bit. Her subconscious had accepted that I would protect her, waking evidence from last night notwithstanding.
We were spooning as she awakened. She began to scream and thrash, visions of Ares filling her mind. I said, inside her head and into her ear at the same time, “Shhhhh. It’s okay. It’s me. You’re safe.”
Screams turned to sobs. She rolled over and hid her head in my chest. I wrapped my other arm around her and said everything I could think of to comfort her: “he’s gone”, “he’ll never come back”, “it’s all over”, “I’m here”, “I’m not going anywhere”, “let it all out”. I held her gently and kissed her tenderly.
She needed a savior. She needed a protector. I was the one who made Ares go away. I was still here. So I was the one. A wise man once said, “Man is not a rational animal, he is a rationalizing animal”. No one knew the truth of that bit of wisdom better than I did at that instant. I was the one who had brought Ares to the penthouse. I was the one who had allowed Ares to defile her emotionally and physically. She knew all that, and yet somehow I was still her hero, her rock, her shelter. I made him go away. I was still here. I was the one.
I could see that this new level of attachment would advance my plan in ways I couldn’t have imagined before. I should have been dancing on the inside. But instead I was consumed with guilt. I had done this to her.
Yes, I waterboarded her too. But I was inside her head both times. Believe me, what I allowed Ares to do to her was much, much worse than the waterboarding. I felt guilty, but I couldn’t be weak now. If she was going to bounce back from this in just another day, then I had to be the hero she needed me to be.
She had settled down some, and remembered that she has responsibilities as my slave. As she tried to push away from me, I spoke to her mind, «“Shhh. Not now. I know you love me. I know you are ... grateful to me. I know you want to serve me. But you have served well, very well. Serve me now by resting, by recovering your strength.”»
I seeded her with the image of her, last night, kissing away my tears. «“I may need that strength again some time.”»
She snuggled back into me, thinking warm thoughts that I didn’t deserve, planting soft kisses on my hairy chest as I held her closer. We both stunk of fear and exhaustion, but right now we were each other’s entire world.
She reached down between my legs. I wanted to tell her, again, that she didn’t owe me service right now, but looking into her head I saw that that was not the reason. She wanted to get the slimy feeling of sexual submission to Ares out of her head. She thought that sexual submission to me would help set her world on its axis again.
I found that I too wanted to get the slimy feeling of her sexual submission to Ares out of my head. Alright, we would do this then. As I pushed her onto her back and moved on top, she continued to hold my rigid member tightly, guiding my ship into her warm, welcoming harbor.
Her eyes were searching for something in mine. Love. She thought she had found it as I began slowly moving inside her. Something inside me hoped she was just fooling herself. Something inside me was afraid she wasn’t.
It was late afternoon. We had showered and fucked. We had brunched and fucked. We had talked, and then, for good measure, we fucked. Now she was in her happy place, lying atop me, breathing me in, drawing lazy circles on my hard chest and abs. I was playing with her hair and kissing the top of her head. I thought she would be okay. One more night watching her dreams to be sure, but that should do it.
The doorbell rang.
“My Lord?”
“I’m not expec — It’s Fred and Julia. Go fetch a robe, Cindi. I’ll throw on some jeans and a t-shirt and be out in a moment.”
“A robe?”
“Just do it.”
“Yes, My Lord,” she said with a strange smile. It was the first time she had worn clothing, well, other than the big chef’s apron, in the penthouse. Hell, in Falkirk. (No, smart-ass, the shoes and the collar and the necklace didn’t count. Oh! Right. She wore her uniform that one time too. Okay, then, the second time. Sheesh.)
At the door, Cindi met her friends with a big grin and a sweeping bow, “Welcome to My Lord’s abode, Sir and Madam.”
“Cor, luv, are you alright?” said Julia, embracing her immediately and tightly.
A memory of last night at its worst flashed through her mind. A look of fear briefly marred her lovely face. A single tear slid down her cheek, “I am ... I’m going to be.”
“Well, OI come bearing gifts.” Fred said with mock solemnity, crossing the threshold with two extra-large pizza boxes.
“Pizza delivery, now?” joked Cindi with a wide grin, “That therapy practice not working out for you, big guy?” They really had done more than just fuck for two hours after that game of H-O-R-S-E the other day.
As I was emerging from the bedroom the two women automatically turned to kneel, until I waved them off. It was high time I got it all out in the open now. “To what do we owe this unexpected ... pizza?”
Fred looked sheepish. “Just a bit concerned about Cindi ... and you, Master.”
“And me?”
“And you.”
“Why don’t we take this outside? It’s nice today.” I said.
Julia and Fred exchanged glances. Julia said, somewhat reluctantly, “Master, do you mind if Cindi and I eat inside? At the table?”
Fred wanted to talk to me alone. “sigh Fine.”
Julia slid off the top box and said over her shoulder, “C’mon, Cindi. Gehl talk.”
Cindi looked at me, smirked and shoulder-shrugged and followed. I was about to be probed and lectured by one of my slaves. It was actually amusing in a way. “Well, Fred, let’s see what secrets you can pry out of this twelve-thousand-year-old mind.”
Fred was only twenty-five, younger than Greg. And only a junior psychologist in his therapy/counselling practice. He would never have made my doctor’s “list” of top analysts, or Fenton’s for that matter. But there was no other trained therapist in easy reach who already knew about me and the Ten Thousand. Maybe something good would come of this. I could certainly cut it off anytime I wanted.
As Fred and I headed outside I heard Julia raise her voice, “If you won’t sit in a chair and eat from a plate like a human being, I’m going to scream!” In her head I told Cindi it would be okay. They grabbed plates and sat at the table.
“So, Julia tells me last noight was a little...”
“Intense?” I supplied.
“I see.”
“You apparently wehn’t too happy about it y’self.”
“Oh? Can you read minds now, Doctor McKenna?”
A look of annoyance crossed his face. He had a Masters in Psych, not an MD or Ph.D. He knew I was just jerking his chain, so he continued, “Julia saw you palming the Tums ... and ... um ... the croying was hard to miss.”
“It’s just that none of us have ever seen you do anything ... ANYTHING ... that you didn’t want to do. You clearly didn’t want to do what you did last noight.”
“There’s a world of difference between wanting and needing.”
His voice became a low hiss. “What could possibly make you need to give one of us to that sadistic son of a bitch?” How quickly Cindi had become one of the Ten Thousand, even though she was only sharing time in Annette’s body.
“I have enemies Fred, serious, deadly, powerful enemies. I’m playing a very dangerous game to turn the tables on them. Sometimes I have to do things that sicken me.”
“So is that the whole story behoind Cindi too? That you don’t want to treat her loike an animal, loike a whore, loike a harem slave, but you need to? Chroist, Master, if any of us treated our women loike that you’d have us in the dungeon in a hahtbeat.”
Fred knew my dungeon well. He saw the inside of it more than once as a teenager. “So is that the problem here, Fred? I don’t let you beat your wife enough?”
A wicked grin crossed Fred’s face. “Well, maybe sometimes. She can be a cheeky bitch... and a roight stickybeak too!”
Through Fred’s eyes I could see Julia staring out at us intently. Fred was right; she was being nosey. She was actually trying to read our lips. She quickly turned back to Cindi, her face flushing bright red.
“But seriously. Does Cindi know that she’s a chess piece in this sick little game of yours?”
“It’s not sick.”
Fred gave me a look.
“Not any more sick than it has to be.”
The look again.
“Okay, I let something slip about a ‘plan’ once, but nothing more than that, no. Look, when the time comes, I’m going to need her reactions to be completely genuine, completely natural, completely ... frankly ... terrified. There are things she just can’t know.”

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