ComrieChapter 11 free porn video

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0500 Day 634 Afghanistan – 2130 Day 633 Comrie

It was 0500 hours when Platoon A of Company C 9th Tactical Team C stepped off the trucks and gathered their gear. Nearby were four helicopters waiting to take them to their insertion point for this reconnaissance mission, with a pick-up due in ten days' time. This would be their fifteenth and one of the longer missions since arriving in Afghanistan some eight months earlier.

Adam watched as the four squads followed Todd, Kurt, Sal and Leo to the helicopters. All five of them thought the mission was strange, but only slightly stranger than the last one. Their training had given them the impression that they would be assisting locals in taking responsibility for their own security, and strengthening it. Instead, their last mission focused on trying to locate a team that had been designated as 'missing'. When it was over, they all thought 'vanished' was a more accurate description. While they were able to assist some villages, they didn't add any additional knowledge as to what happened to the other team. They didn't find any evidence that the team was ever in the area. None of the residents they talked to had seen them, which in a perfect world would be true but it wasn't, and they weren't on a recon mission. On the plus side, their interaction with the residents seemed to go well. They likely benefited from some of them speaking the local language. Another plus was that most of them could understand the basics of the local language. However, women in battle gear drew some hard stares from some, especially the older men.

As Adam carried his communication gear to the lead helicopter he noticed the Captain talking with a Colonel and a civilian. While waiting by the helicopter he saw the Colonel hand Captain O'Brien an envelope. The Captain saluted then jogged over. Once they were on board, the helicopters lifted off. Adam was surprised when they turned north rather than southwest as stated in the mission plan. A few moments later Captain O'Brien gestured for the mike. He said, "Squad leaders, when we land we want to occupy an area just North of the landing zone, which according to the maps appears to be defendable. Squad D establish a perimeter. Once secured there will be a meeting of the Squad leaders. We need to review our mission before we move out." Seeing Adam's puzzled expression he then added, "Our mission orders were changed. Similar mission. Different area."

Adam thought to himself, "This doesn't feel right," not realizing his anxiety would be noticed by the rest of his clan. Although they were aware of his activities, since they actively shared thoughts virtually every day at some point, the women typically left it to Adam to reach out to them to begin their sharing. Even though they often thought of initiating it, letting him chose the time ensured it would not cause him a problem. The other four had a similar arrangement with their ladies.

Just as the helicopters began their descent, the Cobras escorting them made several low passes over the landing zone. Their landing zone was just South of a small rise to one side of a fairly wide valley. From what they could see, a narrow road ran the length of the valley. In the distance several small clusters of buildings could be seen alongside the road. There were areas of green near the groups of buildings, and at other locations, but the valley was mostly devoid of trees, grass or brush. A few words to the lead pilot had the helicopters set down nearer the location where they were going to assemble.

Adam said softly, "Certainly doesn't look like home." Those around him chuckled.

Theo said, "It makes you wonder how they manage to survive."

"It's all in knowing your resources."

Their escorts hovered off to the side when Squad D's helicopter's skids touched the ground. The squad exited quickly. They paired off as they began moving cautiously toward the hill. Once everyone else was out, the helicopters lifted slightly then turned to fly back the way they had come. Their escorts hung about until the designated assembly area was secure then departed.

Captain said, "Adam, send CC confirmation of arrival."

"Yes, Sir."

When they were assembled on a slight rise in a copse, Adam smiled. This was a good spot for them to review the change in orders as they could see all the approaches. The shortcoming was that there weren't many places to take cover. When he thought about the toys his friends had, he sighed as he felt the warmth of their love. He quickly refocused his attention on where he was and chided himself for daydreaming. Glancing at Todd, they smiled at each other, as they had both lost their focus momentarily.

Captain O'Brien said, "Gather round so you can hear me and keep an eye on our surroundings. The area we are to cover is different but our mission hasn't changed significantly. We are to head North up this valley with the same objectives. The terrain is similar, except the valley narrows in a couple of days. While your squad leaders and I go over the map, we need for Squads A, B and C to send out a team to recon directly North and each flank. Stay in sight and let us know if you see anyone or anything unusual. Everyone else, stay close and keep an eye on our surroundings. We will move out within the hour."

–-- –-- –--

1900 Day 638 Afghanistan – 1130 Day 638 Comrie

They were getting ready to eat when Captain O'Brien said, "Adam transmit this before we eat."

"Yes, Sir."

The last three days had varied between interesting and nearly boring. Both today and yesterday, they had caught bandits. In two cases the bandits chose to resist, resulting in a decrease in the bandit population, although they thought that a few had escaped. When the victims were going in the same direction as they were, they walked with them to the next village. In each village, they stopped to talk to the elders. All of them had noticed a lack of males between the ages of about 14 and 50 or so in all the villages.

Adam said quietly a few minutes later, "Captain, we have a problem. I am not getting any response on the radio. I've checked the batteries and run self-tests. All are good. The report was sent digitally and a confirmation was received. I added a comment about the radio."

"Good thinking," he replied as he frowned.

After they finished eating Captain O'Brien motioned Adam, Todd, Leo, Sal and Kurt over by him. When they sat down he said, "Let's plan on leaving here by day-break, perhaps a little earlier."

"Aren't we suppose to meet another team in 2 days?" asked Todd.

"Yes, and I think we should make it sooner rather than later. Adam just told me that our radio does not appear to be working."

Adam's friends looked at him with a raised eyebrow then each softly said, "Shit."

Captain O'Brien looked at all five then said, "Yes. Beyond that, we need to be at the pickup point on time. This may have other implications as well."

"Like we are the next team to vanish," responded Kurt grimly.

"At least this time, we've seen signs that there is another team in front of us," added Sal.

"But we shouldn't have seen those," responded Todd. Then seeing the anxiety in the Captain's expression he asked, "Captain O'Brien, is the team we're following the one your friend is in?"

"I am fairly certain it is. If it is, I am surprised they were sent out on something like this."

"Why?" asked Sal.

"For the reason you just mentioned. Her team recently added a lot of new arrivals, and I believe this is only the second time they've been out together. She has wondered at how a couple of them made it through training. I have an uneasy feeling when I think of her, which is really unusual, and it was with me before I learned about the radio."

"What do you mean by uneasy?"

"Well, you could call it a premonition." When he saw their expressions he added with half a smile, "Other people have those too." Many of those around them smiled on hearing his comment as several of them were well known for their intuition or premonitions. After a pause he added quietly, "The officer's rumor mill has it that several TTC teams have vanished. Each was presumably operating in a different area when it happened. This has led to some officers questioning the effectiveness of the TTC concept. Their attitude is that the techniques used by Special Forces, LRP and advanced infantry patrols could not be effectively combined and function successfully in the field. Part of this is driven by the view that they don't think any woman has the necessary long-term stamina to be useful, or should even be in any combat situation. The other oddity is that not much has been said about it at briefings."

"We could leave at first light," said Adam. "I don't know that we can make up a whole day, but we should be able to cut it down some."

"Okay. Remember, all we have are suspicions based on weak circumstantial information and rumors. I do however have a hole card in my pack. There are three emergency air crew transmitters in it. Before we leave in the morning we'll spread them out. If something happens to me, set them off."

"Yes, sir," they replied.

"From now until then we need to stay very alert."

"What can we say to our squads?" asked Leo.

"Just what you know, be frank when you answer any questions."

After his friends left them Adam said, "Captain, can I asked why you brought the emergency transmitters?"

He smiled before saying, "An active imagination and too many nights wondering what happened to the others."

While they rested, Adam and his friends connected with their girlfriends who were either at Comrie or on Dóchas. They shared their thoughts relating to their recent activities. The ladies were careful to not pry very deeply into the concerns they felt or their views of the officer's rumor mill.

After sharing thoughts for several minutes Briana said, "While I like this, perhaps we should let you sleep since you are up early tomorrow."

"Yea, I believe this is going to get interesting. I love you."

"I love you," replied those in his group, giving him a warm pleasant feeling. Then Cass added, "Be careful and remember to draw on us if you need to."

"I will," he responded with a smile as he thought 'this is simply amazing'.

"Yes, you are!" Their last response resulted in a big smile on his face as he drifted off to sleep. It was shortly before first light when he felt a nudge and looked up to see Todd.

–-- –-- –--

2200 Day 638 Afghanistan – 1430 Day 638 Dóchas

Briana stewed over what she had sensed when they were sharing with Adam. She took great pains to keep her concerns abstract to minimize alerting him. Her friends knew of her stewing and understood her effort not to alert Adam. This was difficult, as the strength of their clan link had grown considerably since he returned to duty. She gave in and went looking for Rusty. When she found him, he was with Sarah, Sally, Zoe and Belinda.

Sensing she was looking for him he said, "What's up Briana?"

"Well I am not sure but..." she responded then told them what their group had learned during their recent sharing with Adam. This included information from their earlier exchanges. She finished by adding, "I haven't said anything to the others and I've tried keep my anxiety at a low level so Adam doesn't pick up on it."

"Well you probably don't need to tell the others," replied Rusty as he nodded. When Briana turned around, she was slightly surprised to see several of her clan entering the compartment.

Cass said with a smile, "When we saw you looking for Rusty, we thought we should join you."

"First, you all need to relax," said Sarah. "By doing that it is less likely that you will alert Adam or the other guys."

"Okay. So..."

"Well, we can wait until what is anticipated begins," responded Rusty, then paused to watch her expressions change, after a moment he continued with, "or we can prepare and do a little reconnaissance. My preference is the latter."

Briana said, "You did that on purpose."

Rusty gave her a wink then glanced at Sarah who nodded. He said, "Star, raise alert to level two. Advise all departments of our imminent departure for Earth orbit. Joyce prepare course for Earth. Destination is a geosynchronous orbit over Afghanistan above all satellites. All departments confirm to bridge that departure in 60 minutes is possible."

Star said to Command Staff, "All have acknowledged. However, Engineering is assessing how long it will take to secure their projects."

"Briana, I did that so I could get a better sense of what you felt," said Rusty. "Actually, I felt the anxiety from all of you. Now to minimize the chance of alerting any your friends there, we will have Zoe's group take the lead with the reconnaissance of the valley. Edana's, Darcy's and Caoilinn's groups can go with them. They'll take two shuttles with a half dozen security bots and an EMT on each. Briana's and Cathan's groups will go with a few of us, and a similar compliment of support, with another two shuttles."

"Okay," said Briana, "that makes sense. Three of us are currently at Comrie."

As Briana was speaking Aine joined them then said with a smile, "Is it okay, if we tag along?"

"Definitely!" replied everyone.

"Zoe, you may want Creidne to ride with you, at least at the start."

"She is welcome, although we don't know her very well, we do know of her reputation."

Creidne appeared next to Zoe then said, "I hope my billing was good."

"Oh! Yes," responded Zoe and Belinda as the others in their group arrived.

Melody rushed into the compartment and said, "What's up?" Then when she saw who was there added, "Wow."

Rusty glance at Briana, who nodded, then outlined how they should proceed. After discussing the proposal and laying out contingencies, those going with Zoe's group and Creidne left for the hangar.

–-- –-- –--

0400 Day 639 Afghanistan – 2030 Day 638 Comrie

On Earth Captain O'Brien smiled as he watched the squad leaders checking to make sure everyone's gear was secured. When they were all ready, Todd, Leo, Kurt and Sal looked toward the Captain. He said, "As you know we are supposed to meet another team in two days' time. We are leaving early this morning so we can make it the morning of the second day. At the same time, we need to continue doing what we've been doing. Any questions?" When no one responded, he said, "Let's move out then."

The day was uneventful. They passed through three villages which were similar to those seen previously. In each they were welcomed and visited a short time with the residents while the Captain, Adam and a translator spoke with the elders.

–-- –-- –--

1000 Day 639 Afghanistan - 0230 Day 639 Comrie

It was mid-morning when Zoe's, Edana's, Darcy's and Caoilinn's group began their reconnaissance of the valley. They started where Adam's platoon had begun their trek and followed it north. One shuttle focused on the East side while the other monitored the West side. It wasn't long before they saw Adam's unit approaching a village. It wasn't very long after that when Zoe's shuttle spotted a fairly large group walking along a narrow path single file. They continued on up the valley until they reached the outskirts of a, what was for the area, large town. Zoe had the shuttles turn around and head back down the valley at a slower pace. All the other groups they saw were small and appeared to be traveling between villages.

They were near the large group again when Belinda said, "There is a truck approaching the large group we saw earlier."

Melody said, "The total number is a few over what would probably be in the unit we are looking for. All but six have their faces covered."

"It's the unit Adam's group is attempting to meet," said Zoe.

"Are you sure?" asked Darcy.

"Sure, look at their feet. They are either too light or dark too be natives. Besides, what better way to hide Caucasians or others than to use burkas with the full face covering. Hey, look at their hands."

"Bastards," muttered several.

Creidne said, "How do you want to do this?"

"I can think of a lot of fun ways to do it," responded Zoe. "They aren't paying very much attention to those we think are their captives. So let's do this."

A few moments later the truck pulled off the road and turned around to stop a little way in front of the group. Creidne and Zoe's group exited their cloaked shuttle and moved so that the bandits were between them and the captives. The other shuttle dropped off four lions and four cloaked Security bots behind the captives.

The two bots moved quietly up behind the captives who were now standing still. Each bot said softly but firmly to the captive next to them, "Don't speak. Walk backwards slowly. Don't make a sound." They stepped to the side as the two began moving backward. They went to the next two and repeated the instructions. It took only a few minutes until all the captives were a considerable distance behind the bandits.

As expected, the bandits soon noticed and one hollered at them in his own language. Before he could correct himself, Zoe said, "Drop your weapons scum," in that language. As she spoke, those with her dropped their cloaking. Creidne wore her traditional warrior suit while the others were in tac suits with the clear helmets.

While this was taking place on one side, Darcy's, Edana's and Caoilinn's Clans had reached out to the captives to push calming sensations to them. The captives had continued walking backwards, obeying their last command. This was aided by the sensation of increasing tranquility that accompanied each step. With the whole group walking backwards, the soft rattle off their chains was obvious.

One bandit looked back at the captives and exclaimed, "They are getting away!"

The bandits glanced back toward captives just as Zoe said, "I said drop your weapons. NOW!"

"No!" screamed a bandit as he raised his weapon. When it reached his shoulder, the lions roared. He jerked round toward the sound as his finger tightened on the trigger. There was a bright flash of light. The weapon exploded, followed by a scream.

The two who were in the truck began to quickly move away. They had only taken a few steps before two lions started after them at a fast walk. When they saw the lions coming toward them they began to run.

At the truck, another bandit pointed his rifle at the captives and said, "Make another move and I'll shoot all of them."

"Only scum lower than pig dung would shoot unarmed women," said Creidne. "Or is that the only way you can feel like a man? Big man can only beat and abuse children and women."

The bandit screamed and like the other when he pulled the trigger the weapon exploded. His expression turned to one of horror when he didn't see his hands, then screamed as he felt the pain. The four remaining bandits stood paralyzed with fear.

"Take them," said Zoe.

The four men screamed when their arms were pulled behind their backs and lifted up, bending them forward.

Off to the side there were two thumps as the lions knocked down the two running away. This was quickly followed by muffled screams. Two of Zoe's group went to assist the lions with handling their capture. Before they could reach them, one of the bandits reached for his pistol. The lion let him pull it out before knocking it away with his paw. The man screamed as the claws tore the pistol from his hand, along with his index finger.

Zoe said to those on the shuttles, "I think you can help the captives now. Security team, set up a screen."

With those few words, the whole scene became invisible to any onlooker. From the inside looking out, they could see everything; it just appeared to be a bit hazy.

Darcy said to the captives, "We are here to rescue you. Once your restraints are removed our EMT will evaluate you. We suspect all of you have been drugged to block any will to resist.

"In order to remove your restraints we need to remove your covering. The quickest way is to cut it off. Is that okay?"

Seeing several nod affirmatively, those assisting Darcy began removing the captives' burkas and head covering. When the first head covering was removed they discovered that the captives' mouths were also covered.

Kaelee's first words were, "I am not sure who you are, but I think we are lucky you found us."

"You are?" asked Darcy as Kaelee's restraints were being removed.

"Lieutenant Allen."

"Is this everyone?"

"No. Two stumbled and fell. Apparently the bandits thought that they were trying to knock them down. When they tried to stand up, they were kicked and their legs were stomped on. Based on how their legs looked, I suspect they are broken."

"We are on it," said Creidne, as she and Melody started back down the trail at a trot, along with two lions. Caoilinn's group boarded a shuttle to follow them. The sight of it quietly lifting off and following those on the ground grabbed the attention of the group.

"Okay," said Darcy drawing their attention back, "let's remove your chains, that is unless you want to keep them."

"No!" was the most prevalent response and there were several ruder ones.

"We know you all have questions. Please hold them for a bit. Our EMTs need to check your injuries. Once that is complete we prefer to take you to a place where you can all receive the medical care you need. That will include dealing with the drugs you have been given. The reason we are here is that some friends were concerned about activities in this valley. Neither your military people nor the locals know of our existence, and we prefer to keep it that way. So while we work out a way for your military to find you, you can stay at our facility. Once your restraints are removed please board the ship."

"Lieutenant," said Delphine, "while we don't know them. It seems like a good thing to do."

"I agree, but was concerned whether the drugs were affecting my judgment."

Brid said, "We believe the drugs were to block your will so you would do what you were told without any resistance. It makes it easier for the bandits to control you. This approach is used to condition people for a life of slavery as they have you do things to undermine your self-esteem."

While they were talking, the shuttle returned with the two wounded men, Creidne, Melody and the lions. When Kaelee saw the shuttle she said, "How are they?"

"Both have broken legs and possibly a few other broken bones," replied Melody. "The EMTs would like to leave."

"Which ship?" asked Kaelee.

"The one they are on is fine."

Kaelee looked at each of her unit, then said, "Let's go." With that she started toward the ship. After a moment's hesitation they followed her. Caoilinn's group decided that since they were on the shuttle, they would take the group back to Comrie and get them settled.

Just before Delphine boarded she said, "What is going to happen to the vermin?"

Zoe said, "We haven't finished quizzing them yet, but one choice is to leave them here wearing the restraints they forced you to wear, no clothes and no little fingers."

"Good!" replied several.

Melody said, "We found these strange pliers in backpacks along with some drugs and syringes."

"What are you going to do with them?"

"Let Caoilinn take samples of the drugs back to Comrie. We could have them inject each other with what is left."

"An interesting idea."

"Let's go," said Caoilinn prompting the group to finish boarding. "Guys, we'll be back as soon as we can."

"Take your time," said Zoe. "When we are done here, we'll go looking for their building. We'll likely leave the truck alongside the main road with them in the back."

–-- –-- –--

1700 Day 639 Afghanistan – 0930 Day 639 Comrie

Later that afternoon two cloaked shuttles began hovering near what they believed was the slaver's building. It was an old dilapidated structure that appeared to have seen a multitude of tenants and little up-keep. One oddity was the long, wide, flat stretch of land nearby. It almost looked natural, as the area was largely devoid of vegetation. Earlier when they passed it, they weren't sure it was the building they were looking for. Although it did fit the description Zoe's group obtained from the bandits, they had seen others that were similar. So before continuing their search, they released a few spiders along with a cloaked drone to monitor them.

After searching further down the valley, they turned back and began reviewing the intel from the spiders placed in the different locations. It quickly became obvious which building was used by the bandits. The shuttle Darcy's team was sent to retrieve the other spiders and drones while those on the other shuttle went to the building the spiders showed the bandits were using. When Edana's and Caoilinn's shuttle arrived outside the building, they began carefully reviewing the feed from the spiders.

"How can they get away with this?" exclaimed Edana when she realized the extent of the facilities.

"Easy when justice is not evenly applied and corruption is a way of life," replied Abbie. "Anyway I count 62 captives, forty-nine females and thirteen males."

The captives were naked. They wore cuffs and collars identical to the ones on those rescued earlier. Their collars were connected to a cable hanging from the ceiling. These were spaced far enough apart that they couldn't touch anyone else. The cables length limited them to either standing or sitting in one small area.

Christine said, "I don't think they are all military."

"Agreed," responded Edana. "All of them have a fairly light complexion. A few of them appear to be from this region with a light complexion, and all the women are good looking. Some of the men are pretty handsome."

At one corner of the room were two narrow tables with restraints. Nearby were cabinets containing what appeared to be medical supplies.

While waiting for Darcy, they watched the monitors. Once they were sure no one was outside, several Security team members exited wearing tac suits with cloaking enabled. A physical search of the surrounding area confirmed that there weren't any sentries. The drone hadn't detected any electronic sensors around the building and spiders hadn't found any security monitoring.

"Do they think they are so immune to intrusion that they don't need to take any precautions?" asked Caoilinn.

"Apparently," responded Darcy as her shuttle joined them. "Perhaps the terrorists overlooking this area are sufficient."

"Did you see any?"

"Not really. An intel survey will be done a little later."

"We saw that."

"My count on the bandits is six men and four women."

"Do we want to try to hear what they are talking about or just quiz them?" asked Caoilinn.

"If we can get better sound pick up, then we could listen," said Edana. "It would be nice to know what those women think of these activities."

Brid said, "Why don't we just walk in there and do what needs to be done?"

"What do you mean?"

"First, there is nothing wrong with what you proposed. However, based on the intel we have on this location, there is nothing to stop us from just walking in there, cloaked of course. Their weapons are some distance away from them. We could grab them and put them to sleep before they knew we were there. With them down, we can release the captives and send them to Comrie so they can get the medical care they need. If we do this then we need to monitor our surroundings and take a few other precautions."

"Okay," replied Caoilinn. "I am game. It sure beats dragging this out, and releases the captives sooner. Let's detail what we intend to do."

It wasn't long before Edana said, "Are you ready?"

"Just about," replied Darcy, "we are about finished with checking our tactical suits."

A few minutes later Edana, Darcy, Brid, Caoilinn and Abbie, along with several others, stepped out of their cloaked shuttles. With their suit cloaking enabled they knew the location of the others, but were essentially invisible to anyone else. This was their first real experience with the suits, even so, they felt very natural. As they moved toward the building, they could sense Sarah's Clan loosely linked with them.

While Edana and Brid walked to the main entrance, the others headed toward the loading dock. When Brid pulled the door open, it gave a loud squeak. The sound drew the attention of the bandits causing a pause in their conversation.

One bandit said, "I wonder if that is Chuck. He isn't supposed to arrive until just before the plane does."

The door squeaked again as it closed. When no one appeared another said, "It must have been a gust of wind. Someone needs to fix that door as it doesn't always latch."

A few moments later a bandit was startled at seeing others collapsing around him. He said, "What..." He didn't finish as sleep overtook him.

"Nicely done," said Brid as she turned her cloaking off, along with several others. "Now they will not have a clue."

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SLUT ASHLEY 8When she got to her room, Ashley pulled her cum-stained shirt off, becoming naked except for the kerchief in her hair and a brown colored sports-bra. She took the kerchief out of her hair and her long hair fell down around her shoulders. Unbeknownst to her, Keenum was stripping behind her. “Take off your bra and let’s lie in bed naked, and watch TV.” He said, mischievously as he turned on the television in her room. Still a conservative woman, she felt very uncomfortable being...

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Big Willy Part 1

Bill's mother liked to call him Little Willy when he was young, and would often tease him about his abnormally small pecker. Bill's sisters would do the same, teasing him and sometimes pulling it hard, trying to stretch it out for him. Bill's mother said that he wasn't to blame, though - he took after his father. In all the times Bill's parents had fucked, his mother had never been pleasured by his father. Bill's father would fuck her every night after he got home, and not once was...

3 years ago
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Trained to be a Sissy

After losing my wife to her big dicked black lover I was pretty depressed. I knew that my 4 inch skinny penis was not big enough to satisfy any experienced women. Sure it was fine as a teenager fucking young girls, but in my mid thirties I figured pussy for me was likely to be rare.While reading pornography on the web I discovered stories about small penis humiliation and became entranced, seeking out more and more. Eventually I encountered stories about little dicked guys like me being locked...

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New City New Fun

After going to pick up my luggage at the kiosk I rolled out to the curb of the airport and waited for a cab. As one pulled up another woman walked up beside me and asked to share if we were going the same way. I told her I was heading for the downtown Hyatt, and she said she was going to the Sheraton just a block away from it. No problem. We could share. I am a tall woman with short, curly brown hair. I have a toned figure because, in my business, you have to look good, and I did. My breasts...

Quickie Sex
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My first sugar daddy1

The next day I opened the website again and I had a nothing in my inbox. So edited my profile a bit with better pictures and stuff. After a week I went on the website again and I got 3 messages in my inbox. The first one was from a 60 year old former business man that didn't look handsome and he was hairy, so I didn't answer him. The second was a 58 year old men who had an company, not a special guy so I didn't say anything back. But the third guy was intresting. He was a handsome...

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Fools Utopia Naomis Garden Party

The holiday parties were always fairly informal . Once the guests were pretty well settled in , clothing was optional . Naomi had learned through years of experience that she didn't want to be doing a lot of running back and forth . No sense in making a celebration into another job , she mused . Over the past 2 decades , the logistics were very well refined . The guests lacked for nothing , without having to be waited on . No details were overlooked and provisions were plentiful . Every need...

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BigTitCreamPie Roxie Sinner She Fucked The Pool Guy

Roxie Sinner was taking a shower. As she was soaping up her perfect tits, her pool guy walked in the house attempting to get a glass of water. However, he ended up getting a lot more, he started peeking as she showered and even pulled his cock out and started jerking off. Eventually she caught him. At first she was shocked but she soon began to feel flattered. From there, she let him play with her huge tits, he even got to fuck her tits and soon her pussy was being stretched in several...

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Lexies Master Part Three

Part Three My eyes opened slowly. I wasn’t in my room. It all came flooding back. The way he took me from my home and claimed me as his property because of my brother. My brother. Of course, at the time, I hadn’t really struggled. I mean I didn’t scream or anything. I had actually gotten into his car because it felt… right. Because I wanted to go with him. No, wait, I must have been out of my mind! Temporary insanity! I would sort this out right now! I lurched out of bed. I was wearing kiddie...

1 year ago
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WillowChapter 13b

Steve watched the slave girl getting fucked and felt the anger burning brightly within his mind. He felt his commitment to the cause growing stronger and better defined. While the rest of the crowd saw a girl dressed in black, he saw Dee and the night she died. This was what he had come to stop. He wondered what the other slave, the one dressed in black but with her tits out, was saying to the bound slave? She was probably whispering encouragements and comforting words to the poor girl being...

1 year ago
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Looking for a scat shop like Yezz Clips? There’s your regular, vanilla porn videos filled with dreamy lesbians scissoring, simple straight sex, sexy blowjobs, and the occasional bout of anal. Then there’s the darker fetish content that so many of us know and love like BDSM, slave play, gimps, chastity, and more. But even those fetishes are just the tip of the iceberg. I’m talking about the nastiest, most stomach-churning content you could imagine short of death and gore.Wet, sloppy piles of...

Premium Scat & Piss Porn
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A Car Park Quickie

Time is always of the essence, so the ‘Call and Collect’ facility my local supermarket had introduced was a boon for busy people. I’d ordered some cases of beer and wine for an upcoming party, and, after leaving work later than usual, I pulled into the car park, hunting for a space.  The place was busy, and I finally found a spot at the far end of the site, up against a high wall. I blipped the alarm and walked into the store. The collection point was near the front of the store, a male worker...

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Kaylees Rude Awakening I0

"Hey, open up Kaylee!" Kaylee opened slightly, just peeking her head around the corner of the front door. "What?" Dylan stuck his foot in so she couldn't close it on him. "You fucking owe me money. You think my shit is for free?" She blushed. Her dad's allowance also permitted her to have a mild coke habit, which she indulged in most weekends when her boyfriend wasn't around. It wouldn't do to have the rich neighbors hear this conversation, so she let him in. "I...

2 years ago
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I got ID

We face many choices in life, different paths to choose from. At nearly every instance I had the willpower, the determination to choose right from wrong. I am not infallible, I have made mistakes but they were small ones. I was able to correct them, apologize, and make amends with the ones I hurt. However, there was one temptation that I could not turn away from. I was given the opportunity to live out a dream that most people will never obtain. The consequence to living this dream would be the...

1 year ago
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Father and daughter Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! After the first sexual encounter I knew there would be more of them for us. The next time was within a few days. My wife was at work and my daughter had taken her shower and had come into the living room where I was sitting. As usual she had just a towel wrapped around her and I immediately had a huge hard on. She came over and sat on my lap as she usually does but this time before sitting down she took the towel off and let it fall to the floor....

1 year ago
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FantasyMassage Mercedes Carrera MomDaughter Massage Swap Part 2

Mercedes Carrera is lying down on Lucas Frost’s massage table. She’s had a tough week and is looking forward to her favorite masseuse working all the kinks out of her body. He works on her back, feet and legs. When he accidentally lifts up the towel that’s covering her ass, he can’t help but notice how perfectly shaped it is. He removes the towel, pours oil all over her body and starts working on her ass. As soon as he starts massaging it, he notices that her breathing...

2 years ago
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We had played around with bondage before. What horny couple didn't? Nothing too rough, just using my old ties to keep her from being able to use her arms. Our bed has the perfect headboard for it, with nice bedposts to tie Jennifer's hands to. We've been married for ten years, since we were 22. I'd estimate that I've tied Jennifer up maybe 7 or 8 times, and she had tied me up twice. As I said, nothing too hardcore -- just giving the feeling of being under someone else's control. (Honestly,...

3 years ago
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Birthdays can be Special

It was my birthday and what a wonderful day I had experienced. Arriving home from work, where I was been spoilt rotten with flowers, a luncheon out with my colleagues and numerous phone calls wishing me, to the single red rose with a note, from Craig, insisting that he would be here at seven to pick me up for dinner. What a lovely surprise, as I had not seen Craig since he was last in the city on business three weeks ago. I had often thought about him and the wonderful times we had together and...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Sixes and SevensChapter 8

Next day at work, Aidan’s face must have given his feelings away, for Vicky asked him what was the matter. He told her that Sam’s passport had arrived and that they had booked her flight back to Canada. She was to leave on the following Tuesday. Since Vicky knew most of their friends as well as the ‘office family’, the news spread like wildfire, and by Friday morning Vicky told Aidan that Sam and he were invited to a farewell party on Saturday evening at Giles’ house. Giles was a party...

2 years ago
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The wind howled. Tom looked out of the shallow cave, right hand on the rough stone of the entrance. Rain was going to come. He could see that. Could already hear the thunder. His parents were going to worry. He hoped they were going to worry. They might not. They might not know he was gone yet, or assume he was at some friend's house. They might not know he had run away. The fourteen year old looked down at the new backpack leaning against the cave wall. His parents had bought it for him....

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Something about Tricia

I'm a straight white guy but recently have become curious about Tgirls.Tgirls are wonderfully sexy and beautiful, but between their legs is acock. They say that they are women born into a man's body. I'm not sureabout that, but I keep hearing that they really know how to please a man.I would never consider being with another guy, but lately I've beenwondering if I could be with a Tgirl and just enjoy their fem side. Oneafternoon I browsed the t4m section on CraigsList, looking for a Tgirl...

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Close Knit 2 The Climax

          "So, are you going to ask Persephone out or what, man?" Greg, my closest friend next to Zander, let his heavy backpack fall from his shoulder as he slid down beside me on the school bus, the backpack hitting the ground with a dull thud. I peeled my eyes away from the window, where I'd been examining an auburn-haired teacher who shared an almost uncanny likeness to my mother, except with a smaller rack.          "Huh? Oh, nah," I replied. Greg gave me a puzzled look, and I shifted...

3 years ago
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Playing Sex Games With Mom 8211 My Friend Rohit

Hi ISS readers. Many of the people who read my last series are asking me to write a fantasy story about my mom and me. As you requested, I’m back with a different erotic series about sex games. While writing this series, I imagined my mom and myself as the main characters. This story is a fantasy of many sons on their moms. I hope you enjoy it. Before going into the plot, let me introduce myself and my mom. I am a 19-year-old boy studying in Bangalore. I live in a hostel with my roommate...

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40s spring break

My wife and I decided to take a weekend trip to St. Pete's Florida for a few days. We didn't realize that it was also spring break. So on our first day we were at the pool drinking while these 2 college guys were checking out my wife. Now for 40 and having a few k**s she's still in great shape. 5'6" and 120 with a nice 36b chest. She still wears bikinis, which I love, and I think age still loves to show off her body a little. Anyway, these guys kept looking over and I told my wife there was...

1 year ago
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Executive secretary

"Jennifer, would you please come in here and bring your pad!?!" "Right away Mrs. Burke," Jenny Olson answered into the intercom sitting on the corner of her desk, while scooping up her dictation pad and several extra pencils, "I'm on my way!!!" Jenny could tell right away that Mrs. Burke wasn't interested in dictation at all as her skirt was pulled up around her waist and her legs were spread wide apart revealing her pantiless crotch glistening with moisture along the length of her puffy...

2 years ago
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Visting Your Loves Castle

Long Time Ago on the far distinct lands in the kingdom of Belsa Vistral, you were reading a letter from your love Erica telling you that she is at her castle with some of her women friends and wants you to come stay some time with her. As the cool autumn breeze cascaded down your face calming his nerves. You are Gathering fast courage, it mingled through your mind that every waking just as magic flowed through his veins. You smiled inwardly. No, you are laughing at yourself out of fear; you...

3 years ago
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Sex on Department Store

My boyfriend and I were in a big department store. I saw this really nice dress and decided I would try it on. As I put the dress on, I called out to my boyfriend to ask him if the dress looked nice on me.We were feeling rather horny from the night before but had fallen asleep then.My boyfriend asked me to turn around so he could check my ass out in the black and white dress, and as I did he bent me over so I was facing the curtain-like door and holding it at each side to stop people from...

3 years ago
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Fuck With Your Boots On

For the past two years I've lived in an apartment, with a good friend of mine and a punk girl. We never really talked, me and her. Nothing ever came up so I just minded my own business. One day though somthing did come up. I was with a girl watching a movie in the living room. We had been drinking alot of Heineken, so of course I had to take a piss. Being a little drunk I headed to bathroom(thiers only one bathroom in the whole apartment). When I got to the door, I just pushed it open without...

4 years ago
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Beyond Mile High the DreamChapter 1 The Reality

I was getting on a Continental Airlines Boeing 727. It was a red-eye on a Friday night after teaching a group of engineers for 3 weeks. I taught them how their machine really worked, and I was flat burned out. This was the first leg; Tampa to Houston. I'm a contract instructor and it had been a very long 3 weeks. Something that seems so simple to me can be such a difficult concept for technical or engineering types that have no background in any kind of multiplexing. Statistical...

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The Futas Mindcontrolling PantiesChapter 11 Futa Shares Her Familyrsquos Passion

Sasha Ford Who was Dad fucking? When had he gotten a girlfriend? All my plans to reunite my family would be ruined by this new woman in Dad’s life save for one fact: my mind-controlling panties. I held the sodden pair of flannel boy shorts in my hand and marched down the hallway to confront my father and his new girlfriend, leaving my mom and little sister behind. Nothing would stand in the way of us being a family. Dad and I would share Mom and Fawn. He would help me figure out what to...

2 years ago
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Theres Something in the WaterChapter 15

A knock sounded on the door. Lieutenant Abby Kerns depressed the button on the radio. “Colonel? I think our water shipment is here. I’m going to step away for a moment.” She released the button and the radio buzzed with static. There was so much interference in Portsmith. “Message ... ceived ... care ... and out.” The Colonel’s reedy voice barely made it through. Abby nodded, adjusted the garrison hat perched on her blond head, and stood. “Code?” she said to the delivery person on the...

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Uncle Bob BluesChapter 16

When Maggie kissed me, I thought I was having one of my nutty wet-dreams, but after she jumped off me and ran toward the barn, I came back to earth in a hurry. She was crying. I pushed myself up to follow her and saw Leldon walking toward the fence. "Did I hear Maggie crying?" "Yeah." I sighed. "She went in the barn." "Do I want to know why she's crying?" "I doubt it." "Oh, great." "What's going on?" "Nothin', Dad," we said in unison as he came up beside...

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Cadet Student

Kendra walked along the wooded path away from the Cadet Camp in her uniform on a hot hazy late August day distraught. She was dressed studiously with glasses, in dark green flannel pants, a dark green blazer, a light green collar shirt, a green beret and black shoes. She just failed an exam that would boot her out of this cadet program which was to generate money for her college year. She was a fair skinned redhead 20 years old with a freckled face, green eyes, her red hair up in a bun. She...

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Chapter 1 Suspicious Minds The Beginning

We enter the lives of the average twenty-to-thirty-something couple; your typical internet dating foray suddenly meets that honeymoon phase and the influx of social media status updates and pictures arrive. But soon enough - whatever temporary daily lust turns monthly and then soon has evaporated altogether.This was Mike and Jade. Mike's daily grind had kept him relatively sheltered from his suspicions but as the signs became all too frequent; his pride shrank to the size of his below-average...

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The Prince comes of Age

(Note) The "Princes New Cncubines' with the bath orgy is the oficial continuation of the story. 3 The next few days were chaotic for Prince Jaseth. Between his courtly, and Captainly duties, and prepperations for his coming of age cerimonies, he barely had any time to sleep, let alone satisfy Avrin, Te, or Cassha. Cassha had shown up and just never left & with her tallented pussy Jaseth had no problem with that. The morning of his cerimony he was...

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An Officer and a Gentleman1777

‘Oh, oh!’ Caroline, Lady Dunsmore, moaned as the feeling swept over her. ‘No more, please. Let me breathe.’ Her lover rolled off of her. ‘My dear Jeffrey, you are insatiable.’ ‘No more than you, my dear,’ replied Jeffrey Tremaine, Major in the King’s Household Light Cavalry and first son of Edmund Tremaine, Lord Dunsmore. ‘You want it as much as I.’ Caroline threw her naked leg across his. ‘Yes, yes I do but not all at once. We must take a break at times.’ ‘Yes, mother. Whatever you say.’ ...

3 years ago
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Shop chalane wali bhabhi ki chudai 2

HI DOSTO AAP SABKO MERA NAMAN.AAP NE MERI IS PART KI AAGE KI STORY PADHI OR BAHOT SARE DOSTO NE MAIL KIYA IS ME JYADA BHABHI YO NE MAIL KIYA IS KE LIYE SHABHI KO THENKS….. Me Rohit gujrat ke ahmedabad ke 1 gao she hu.mene agle part me aap ko bataya ki mene kaise shop chalane wali bhabhi ka hisab kitab likhdene me sex kiya. YE MERI SACHHI STORY HAI BANAI NAHI HAI.JO MENE KIYA USHI KA JIKR AAP DOSTO SE KAR DIYA.SHACHI LAGE TO IS ID PE MAIL KARNA MAT BHOOLNA AAGE ush ke pati ne ushi raat bhi...

1 year ago
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Granny does the UPS man Part 1 of 2

100% fiction! I love to go to my Granny's house in the summer it's in the country and she has dog's and cats and I can't have pets in the city. I have led a sheltered life private girls school and no dates with boys. I have seen pictures, but I have never seen a real penis. I am the first 18 year old virgin in my family I will bet my two cousins are younger then me and they said they have had sex already. The rule in my Grannies house is no matter how old you are you take a nap every afternoon...

4 years ago
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Chachi Ne Seduce Kiya 8211 Part I

I am new so pls email me if you like this story. Today I am at the age 30 but some past thing never forget So I want to share with you. Hi mai manish mumbai se hu ye kahani mere aur meri chachi ke beech me hui hai. Ye baat tab hui jab mai 18 saal ka tha aur 8 vi std me tha aur mera sharir thoda medium (jyada dubala bhi nahi aur jyada mota bhi nahi) tha khelne kudane ki wajah se height bhi 4 ft thi. Meri perAur meri chachi 30 saal ki khubsurat bala thi wo humesha mujhe like karti thi pata nahi...

1 year ago
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My Sexy Aunt Her First Night

100% fiction! Hi! This is Aditya from Delhi. My friends call me Adi. I am 25 and have a motor garage in Delhi. I have been doing quite well within the last few years. I was into the business early in my life. My dad’s youngest brother, Ramesh had helped me in my work and finally I had suggested him to set up a motor parts and spares shop near our garage. With both the business under our control, we were quite well established. Ramesh is also 25 of age. We had a good friend’s relation, instead...

4 years ago
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Speedo Fantasy Lived Out

One of my online chat buddies wanted to meet up before I left. We had met online over a year ago and he would put on some hot cam shows for me in his different speedos and we would also do phone sex in our speedos. We swapped cummed speedos back and forth. It was hot wearing someone else’s stained speedos, blowing in them and sending them back. As I lived some distance from him, we had never been able to meet. This was pretty horny though as we would have hot phone and cyber sex coming up with...

1 year ago
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Marathon Rimathon

Have I mentioned I take a walk every morning? Of course I have. How else could I have enjoyed that hot kitchen floor blowjob with the married man who lived along the way (“Taking Care of Hubby”). You may remember he moved right after our encounter. Well, I FOUND his new home, and it’s just around the corner. So expect future hookups with hubby! Then there was that group of oversexed college boys on the disc golf course (“Disc Golf Dicks”). My jaws are still sore. I can’t wait for spring break!...

3 years ago
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Simons Gassing

(Author unknown)Simon laid on the bed, carefully washed clean with all the mud removed by the nurses in the casualty department who dressed him in the open backed gown. He was lying on top of the bed clothes, covered by a white cellular blanket with his left leg splinted on both sides with wooden splints and bandaged together firmly. He'd been given a rather painful intramuscular injection into his right thigh, to help with the pain, which left him feeling sleepy and with a rather pleasant...

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Wife fucking strange cocks while I watch

When I was about fifteen I use to love to read the nasty stuff written on men’s room walls. If it was real nasty I would beat off right there. I read a lot of things that turned me on. I remember some of them very well. I was not familiar with a lot of terms and some was just new to me. But it would get me hard as hell anyway. One I remember was “Pussy’s good but cock is better, I like mine, mixed together.” I never liked gay writing that much. But I didn’t have...

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EvolutionistChapter 9

Rocky Mountain News: Riots broke out Denver, Tucson and Reno on Saturday as protesters demonstrated against new anti-hoarding state laws restricting amounts of flour, sugar and other essentials a household can purchase in a week. Officials were unwilling to discuss the number of dead, but organizers estimate the count at tens in Denver and over a hundred in Tucson. National Guard trucks were stationed at every major bus transfer point. Bored men with fresh crew cuts sat in humvees with their...

2 years ago
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Night of the Sex ZombiesChapter 3

The next day at sunrise all the zombies collapsed where they were, littering the streets and buildings with bodies. The dead, were gradually moved by the vastly reduced emergency services and city crews. The living, but dead to the world, were moved to makeshift shelters. There, they could be secured and questioned when they awoke. Still, there were so many, that unless they were in the road, or out in the open, they weren't picked up. Many others were simply locked in whatever buildings...

3 years ago
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Obsession Lust and Perversion Chapters 8 9

As she was finishing up, her doorbell rang. When she opened the door, it was Connie, her neighbor, with Spartacus. “Alisha, darling, could you do me a big favor…..I have to go to Denver right now……..could you keep Spartacus for me till tomorrow about noon…….he really likes you.” Perverted thoughts crossed her mind as she told Connie, “I’d be more than happy to keep him for you, you know that……..I just love him.” Connie thanked her and handed the leash to Alisha as she ran to her car. ...

2 years ago
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Carla Returns 2

Lauren got out of bed. Ava was lying on her back, her blonde hair spread across the pillow. Lauren looked at her breasts moving slowly up and down in time with her breathing as she slept and felt that her Sunday morning might be just as rewarding as her Saturday night had been. She tore her eyes away from the sleeping German woman and stepped into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. Her bladder emptied noisily into the bowl. She looked up as Ava came in, naked. Ava hesitated in the doorway and...

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The Sex Therapist Part 2 The Cure

My name is Marge. I am the Executive Vice President of a large NY advertising agency. Following a flare up with my assistant Jolene, she suggested I go see a therapist due to problems I am having at home and at work.  After my first session with Jim, my therapist, he brought me back to his office. He proceeded to give me the diagnosis he had come to. ”Well I do not want to shock you, but you are a complex case. At the office, you are under stress trying to control the business. You carry that...

1 year ago
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I must admit she still looked as beautiful as she ever had; well, I could see through the forlorn expression on her face. Five foot two and with a figure that could raise any red-blooded man's blood pressure; I'd thought she was a special gift to me from heaven when we'd first met. I'd pursued her, wooed her and eventually convinced her to marry me. For seven years, my whole world had revolved around her. Now there she was, standing on the pavement in the drizzling rain, outside a block of...

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