Such a Drama Wendy And Friends Punish Peter Again Part One
- 2 years ago
- 35
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Wednesday November 30
I decided to skip running today because we had a pool in the backyard. Dad and Manaia sat and watched me swim laps. They seemed to be getting along well as they laughed about something while I pulled myself out of the water. I plopped down on a chair at the table they’d claimed.
“What time did you get in last night?” Dad asked.
“After two,” Manaia grumbled.
Fritz was going to have to send me someone to help Manaia. It was one thing for me to put in the hours, and another for someone to have to watch me 24/7. I would send a text to Fritz later.
“Go get ready, and I’ll make breakfast,” Dad offered.
When I came back, he’d made bacon and eggs with avocado slices and a banana.
“I hear we’re doing golf scenes today,” I said.
“I’ve worked with almost everyone, and they can at least hit the ball,” Dad shared. “Daisuke said that was all I needed to worry about. They would do something called a ‘cutaway.’”
I was impressed that Dad was on a first-name basis with our director. I’d seen different cast members leave for extended periods to get their golf lessons. Kenta had bragged that his father was a director at a large electronics company, and they had a country club membership. That may have been one of the reasons he’d won the role. With him, we at least had one of us who wouldn’t embarrass themselves when we acted like we were golfers.
“That’s where they show someone hit the ball, and then they ‘cut away’ to the shot landing and rolling into the cup. I’m sure that they can just do a ‘continuous shot’ with mine,” I teased.
“It’s good to have a dream,” Manaia said.
We’d gone to the driving range to start our day. Dad gave us each a bucket of balls and let us loose. While we hacked away, the camera crew would focus on each of us in turn. They would use the shots as b-roll later.
Then Mr. Otsuki arrived and set the scene. The four girls watched the three guys hit balls. Misaki, Kana, and Ai discussed the merits of each boy, while Haru’s character stood shyly, embarrassed they would talk about such stuff.
It helped highlight how our cultures differed. Haru’s character’s sweet innocence was probably the way girls behaved when my grandmother was young. It reminded me of middle school so much that I honestly expected them to be passing notes with checkboxes asking whether you liked someone or not.
I’ll admit I thought some of the innocence was missing in America today. But there were other aspects of Japanese culture as it was portrayed that bothered me. Everything seemed awkward, and no one wanted to admit that they liked someone. Girls were regarded as too forward if they expressed an interest in a guy and were then considered the ‘wrong kind’ to bring home to Mom. Guys became frustrated and would act inappropriately, which would get them slapped down and shamed.
I may have read too much into the script because if Japan were really like that, no one would ever find their significant other.
Plopping my character into the middle of all this shy, awkward innocence was the catalyst for the J-drama. No one would consider me a player by American standards, but I wasn’t a good boy, either. In this series, I played someone who was out for a good time and wasn’t awkward about it.
A good example was how they wanted us to notice the girls. In my case, I would look over, smile at them, and then go back to talking to the guys. But Jiro and Kenta would either glance over and quickly look away or would position themselves so they could see the girls without looking like they were interested. It gave them a sneaky, stalker vibe, in my opinion.
During a break, Kenta wanted to talk to me.
“How do I buy an American girl dinner? Every girl I asked has told me ‘no.’”
“I make them buy.”
“You are so arrogant. Is that what they expect? Am I being too respectful?”
“No, I’m just that good-looking,” I joshed.
Kenta ducked his head and nodded. The poor guy apparently thought I was serious.
“Do you have your eye on someone specific?” I asked.
“Could you maybe put in a good word for me with your assistant?”
“What’s in it for me?” I asked, still teasing him. “I’m not sure I want you bothering her.”
Kenta’s eyes got big.
“No. I would never,” he began and then saw my smile. “You are awful. It’s just that ... I don’t know.”
Yes, I did know. Lexi was a gorgeous woman. I was afraid she would destroy Kenta. She would figure out she held all the cards in their relationship and either string him along or get bored with him.
“I’m not sure she’s right for you. Perhaps we should find you an American girl with training wheels before you set your sights so high,” I suggested. “The girl who delivers scripts seems nice.”
Kenta looked away and blushed.
“You already struck out there, I take it?”
“She threatened to report me,” he admitted.
Oh my! That wasn’t good. Maybe my creepy-stalker feeling wasn’t too far off.
“I probably don’t want to know what happened,” I conceded.
Kenta gave me a sideways, shy look.
“No. It’s probably best I not repeat what happened,” he said, and then straightened up. “I’m not the only one. The girls want to meet American men. They seem to like one in particular.”
“Maybe I can introduce them to him.”
“I’m sure you could,” Kenta said with a twinkle in his eye.
Tami calls me ‘stupid boy,’ and I might be slow sometimes, but I picked up on that and let out a heavy sigh. I didn’t need the girls chasing after me.
“They are aware I have a girlfriend, right?”
“Oh, yes. Haru and Jiro have both told them they have no hope. But that doesn’t seem to dissuade them; it makes it more of a challenge.”
If I was wise to what they were up to, then I was safe. I’d fended off plenty of girls with no trouble. All I had to do was remember Brook, and they suddenly held no interest. It was a little startling to realize that. I knew I loved her, but never expected it would make me feel that way. I was a guy, after all.
Then I had an idea. My character was supposed to stir the pot, romantically. Why not give it a little truth? I would ask one of the girls to lunch. The logical choice was Misaki Hayashi because she was the first of the group who would make a run at me in the J-drama.
I was reading lines with Hana when Lexi popped her head into the room.
“Caryn received a strange request. Gordon Parker from Springbok, the shoe company, wants to meet with you and your dad. He suggested dinner tomorrow night.”
“Did he say what it was for?”
“No. Do you want me to find out?” Lexi asked.
“I’m just trying to figure out if I need an agent or manager there or not,” I said and then scratched my head. “He requested Dad and me?”
“Yeah. I’ll find out what it’s about,” she said and turned to leave.
“Hey, before you take off? Is there time for me to take someone to dinner tonight, or am I booked with the shoot?”
“You have an hour and a half around eight. Did you want me to make reservations?”
“If you could, that would be great.”
“Who are you taking?” Hana asked.
“I planned to ask Misaki so I could get to know her better.”
The look they both gave me reminded me to call my girlfriend. This may have been the longest we’d gone without either seeing each other or talking since we started dating. I’d received a couple of text messages that had frowny faces on them. I’d better make time, or I would be seeing a frowny face on her when she arrived.
We were scheduled for another group golf scene. When I arrived on set, the girls were all talking and giggling, while the guys looked bored. If I didn’t know better, I would have guessed they were all in high school. I walked straight up to the girls, and suddenly, all conversation stopped.
I looked at Misaki and gave her my best smile.
“Would you do me the honor of having dinner with me tonight?”
“I, uh,” she stammered.
Her stunned look was priceless. Before we could say anything else, Mr. Otsuki hustled over. He’d been eavesdropping.
“Hang on! Stop!” he barked out. “I need you to do that again, and I want the same reaction.”
Misaki looked around, dumbfounded, as did the rest of the cast.
Hana quickly came over and helped me learn how to say it correctly in Japanese.
It’s never as easy as you would think. We had to do it with four different camera angles and nail the expressions each time. Misaki did a great job, but the other three girls got the giggles, which turned out to be an even cuter response.
When Misaki stammered, she ad-libbed and stood a little straighter, and then bowed her head in acceptance. Asian girls acting submissive really turned me on. That caused me to get a big smile, and I turned to Kenta and gave him a thumbs-up.
“Uwa! Sugoi!,” Kenta complained (which roughly translates to: ‘Wow. Can’t believe what I’m hearing or seeing,’ or ‘Wow. Amazing.’).
Once the scene was in the can, Misaki made a beeline for me.
“You weren’t serious, were you?” she asked.
“Yes. I was asking if I could take you to dinner.”
She gave me a suspicious look.
“My driver will pick us up at eight, and we’ll be back in time for the rest of the day,” I said.
She just nodded again and scurried off. It took all of two seconds for Kenta and Jiro to corner me.
“What was that all about?” Kenta demanded.
“You said you wanted to learn how to ask a woman out, and I thought that was a good example.”
“You can’t just ask them,” he whined.
“I think he just did,” Jiro pointed out.
“But...” Kenta stammered and then turned and left us.
Jiro found it all amusing, and he had a good laugh before we had to go back to playing golf.
My little question had the cast stirred up. Mr. Otsuki loved it. He left the cameras running a few times when the girls got together and gave Misaki advice on what she should do on the date. Hana was my spy and would fill me in when they said something I should know. Of course, I could see where this little drama might blow up in my face, so I made it a point to call Brook.
“I take it you’ve been busy,” she answered right out of the box.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Lexi called me and told me that you’re working crazy hours,” she said, and then changed topics. “What’s this I hear that you’re seeing Halle?”
It sounded like Halle had called to give my girlfriend a hard time.
“Her movie was in trouble, and they needed a little star power.”
That made her laugh.
“More like you wanted an excuse to hang out with her.”
Brook knew me too well.
“You got me,” I said, and then added, “We’re treating this like Vegas, right? What happens in LA stays in LA?”
“Maybe I’ll have to call Little Tony and put a hit out on you. I’ve heard they bury people in the desert for whatever ‘happens in Vegas’ that they don’t like. I’m sure there are some places in the LA hills where you could disappear.”
“We could call it a Christmas gift to Halle. The girl has everything, and I never know what to get her.”
“I miss you, you big dork. You leave Halle alone. I’ll be out shortly, and you’ll forget all about that hussy,” Brook assured me.
I told her about dinner with Misaki and the drama it had created. Brook’s only advice was to remember her feelings and not to go overboard.
Frank Ingram, my publicist, showed up right before eight.
“Frank, what’s up?” I asked as I shook his hand.
“It’s been busy. I wanted to advise you that the video of the paparazzi dustup hit all the gossip sites today. I’ve gotten several calls from people in the business, loving it. It’s fun to see the shoe on the other foot for a change. This time it was them with their pants down.”
“It was a little disconcerting when they boxed me in. I hate that kind of stuff. If they had just asked, I would have stopped and talked to them.”
In my opinion, they should outlaw the ones on motorcycles. That was how Princess Diana died years ago. It was bad enough to be harassed; you didn’t need the danger that the bikes added.
“I understand. I also wanted to give you a heads-up,” he said.
That didn’t sound promising.
“Lexi obtained the video of you asking Misaki out, with the permission of the College First team. I got the word out to a few key people, and they’ll be out to film you going on your date.”
“Don’t tell me you had to pay off some favors and decided to sacrifice me,” I said.
“You know how it works. I asked Caryn to call your girlfriend to warn her,” Frank said.
It was good that I’d beaten Caryn to the punch. Not calling for three days and then having Caryn call Brook to let her know I was having dinner with a Japanese starlet might not have gone over very well. Sometimes you get lucky.
“Are they aware we don’t have long for dinner? I don’t want to spend half of it talking to the press,” I warned.
“All good,” Frank said, holding up his hands. “You might want to change your clothes.”
I’d planned to wear what I’d worn on set all day, but he was right. I needed to look a little better than that for my big date.
It was good that I’d changed because Misaki had dressed up for dinner. We were met out front by a couple of the gossip shows. Misaki did a good job holding her own when they started to ask questions. It worried me at first when she acted shy. But once she got started, she was a little chatterbox. Finally, I had to tell them that we had reservations so they would let us go.
I was happy when we pulled up to Nobu. I’d heard a lot of hype about the place and wanted to try it out. It was a cozy and more casual atmosphere than I expected. The bar was packed with people waiting to get seats, but they seated us quickly once they confirmed our reservations. Misaki’s head was on a swivel, watching all the celebrities and beautiful people who were there. I spotted what I would want in a trophy wife once I reached my dotage. The waitress told us the specials and then left us alone for a moment.
“I doubt we have time for the tasting menu,” Misaki said.
“How about we have sushi?” I asked.
She smiled.
“I was afraid you wouldn’t want to. Would it be okay if I picked out what we have?” she asked.
“I’m sure you know better than I would. But I do like tuna.”
Misaki turned out to be a delightful young lady. She was from the island of Kyushu and lived in Fukuoka. The city was surrounded on three sides by mountains and was an important port. Her parents had a place on Hakata Bay. Misaki had an older brother who owned a coffee shop, and she had two nephews who were under three. She also had a boyfriend who was in finance at an electronics company.
Misaki was shocked to discover I was ten years younger than her. She’d assumed that, like most actors, I played someone younger. In my case, I was playing an older character—that is, older than me. Once she figured out she was my senior, Misaki decided she would be my big sister and boss me around.
“Why was Kenta acting put-out when you asked me to dinner?”
I explained our talk about how to ask American women out to dinner and how he was striking out. She knew about what had happened with the script girl and scowled.
“He was trying to be the big star and dominate her. The script girl is our hero. She rejected him out of hand.”
“What’s it like, dating in Japan?” I asked.
“We don’t normally show affection in public. People here hold hands openly, and that’s not something you often see back home. The big problem is finding time to date. Most young people work long hours to establish their careers. What you do is important. Even more important is your family. A Japanese girl wants to make sure that she gets along with a boy’s mother. They can be a real problem if you don’t,” she shared.
“If you have a boyfriend, why did you go out with me?” I asked.
“I should ask the same of you. Someone said that you have a girlfriend.”
“I asked first.”
She blushed.
“You’re the big American movie star. Haru sings your praises and gushes about what you did to help her career when you did My Butterfly with her. And I felt it would be rude to say no in front of everyone.”
“Thank you for not embarrassing me like that,” I said with a smile.
“Somehow, I imagine you would survive my rejection. Plus, I enjoyed the prestige of being the first you asked out,” Misaki said as she sat up a little straighter.
“I take it prestige is important.”
“Why, of course. Haru had told us that she would be the one to catch your eye. You’ve made an old woman happy.”
I liked that she was self-deprecating. By the end of dinner, I was glad that I’d asked her out. We had a good time talking, and it gave me a chance to quiz her about her country while she questioned me on mine.
“You have to do something for us: we want to go to an American party. We’ve read about them and want to experience one,” Misaki said, catching me totally by surprise.
“What exactly are you expecting at this ‘American party’?”
She put her hand over her mouth and blushed.
“We hear that Americans are easy. Why do you think Kenta wants to date an American girl?”
“Ah,” I said, suddenly understanding.
“Will you help us?”
“I’ll see what I can do,” I promised.
It shocked me a little that she would want to go to a party to hook up. I wouldn’t have expected that from someone who said she had a boyfriend. Then again, I was sure this type of behavior happened everywhere.
When we got back, the girls whisked Misaki away to talk about her big date. I found Kenta and Jiro waiting for me in wardrobe.
“You must give us details,” Kenta said.
I looked at the two of them and shook my head.
“We had a lovely dinner. If you want to know what happened in the car on the way back, you’ll have to talk to Misaki,” I said.
Then I pushed them out of the dressing room.
That was probably the wrong thing to say because they both jumped to conclusions and scampered off.
Misaki was a different woman when we were back on set. She no longer stood back and acted the wallflower. She took her role as my new big sister seriously and did things like fuss over my clothes and bring me tea. Lexi wasn’t happy because she felt that was her job. I made eye contact with my PA and let her know to give Misaki this.
I was really starting to hate the Japanese work ethic, mostly because it was about to kill me. We didn’t wrap up until well after two in the morning. There were promises that we would get off early tomorrow and not resume filming until Sunday afternoon.
Thursday December 1
This morning, I skipped exercising in exchange for sleep. Lexi finally had to roust me out of bed so I would be on set on time. When I made it out to breakfast, Fritz was drinking coffee with my dad.
“You look like hell,” Dad said.
“Whoever said acting was easy was nuts. We were on set until almost three again last night,” I said.
I spotted the coffee and held up one finger for them to hold that thought while I poured myself a cup.
“It must be bad if he’s drinking that,” Dad said.
“Thanks for sending me the text. I hadn’t realized your hours were so long. I gave Manaia the morning off,” Fritz said.
“After our rough start, he’s been okay,” I conceded.
“He’s actually a good guy, just a little rough around the edges. I figured you could get him straightened out,” Fritz said.
“More like, if David didn’t cause him to quit, then he could do this for anyone,” Dad said.
“If I weren’t so tired, I would argue with you,” I said. “Is there any food?”
“In the oven. I made a breakfast casserole.”
I made plates for myself and Fritz. Like me, he could always eat.
“I hear we have a dinner meeting with Springbok. Do you know what that’s all about?” Dad asked.
“Lexi was supposed to find out. We need to ask her when she finally gets ready,” I commented as I saw her coming down the hall.
“Coffee,” Lexi moaned. She was as sleep-deprived as I was.
We waited for her to pour a cup and grab a plate of breakfast. Dad asked her about the meeting.
“They were vague as to the purpose of the meeting, according to Caryn. She said they thought you would find it beneficial.”
“Do you think it has to do with modeling?” Fritz asked.
“I doubt it,” I weighed in. “Springbok has signed up some high-profile universities recently. They’re catching up to Under Armour as the number three shoe company in collegiate sports, behind Nike and Adidas.”
“David couldn’t model for them and keep his eligibility with the NCAA,” Dad explained.
“That’s why I’m puzzled. Why would a shoe company want to talk to me while I’m still in high school?” I asked, confessing my ignorance.
“Sounds like you each need bodycams and pen-mics. I’ll get it arranged before the meeting,” Fritz said.
He was probably right. It would be better to record the encounter and find it was something innocent than not to do so and discover we had a problem. We could always delete it later. If they were up to something, we might need the leverage of an accurate recording at some point.
We worked until noon on the button and then were told to relax for a couple of days. You could see the relief in the cast and crew, as everyone had been working the same hours I had. I had all of two minutes to enjoy my freedom.
“The car is waiting,” Lexi said, reminding me that I had other commitments.
I was supposed to start shooting my part in Halle’s movie Love Letters today.
Manaia had replaced Fritz and was waiting for us out front. I started to get my phone out to call Brook.
“She said she would call you later,” Lexi said, guessing what I was doing.
“It sounds like you talk to my girlfriend more than I do. I can’t wait until she gets here.”
She handed me today’s script, and I studied it as we drove to the studio. When we arrived, Lexi guided me to wardrobe to get changed.
My character was supposed to be Halle’s best friend in whom she confided everything. It was a plot ploy to let the audience in on what Halle’s character was thinking, which can be hard to do sometimes.
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My wife and are both keen amateur actors. Recently I’ve got more into directing but my wife, Sylvie, stills prefers to perform. She’s in her forties and has a full but still very attractive figure. Recently our amateur dramatic group put on a farce. One of those sex romp things where everything gets mixed up and nobody knows who is getting off with whom. As director it was my responsibility to do the casting and I made sure Sylvie got a part that involved a lot of kissing and canoodling with...
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(List of Characters) Eric Olafson – A teenage Neo Viking leaves his home world for the first time. To travel and eventually to join the Union Navy Elena Olafson – technically a cousin to Eric, but since she was adopted by Eric’s father, she is now known as his sister. Isegrim Olafson – The current clan chief of the Olafson clan, and Eric’s father Lothar Olafson – Eric’s half brother The Ancient – aka Elkhart the Keeper. An old man claiming to have forgotten to die. Officially he is the...
Even fueled by terror, there was only so long Sato's less than perfect physique could be pressed into this kind of rigor. Feeling like he was breathing needles, he was almost grateful when realizing there was a lake in his way. He remembering, 'vaguely' something, somewhere? about how spirits, particularly demons, had some kind of aversion to water. Thinking dimly if true, this could work to his advantage! If he kept to the lake shore, he was certain to wind up at his great aunt's spa in...
Even though she’s married, Viv was always going to be promiscuous and Ted her husband knew that from the start, but he loved that. Soon after they got married she told me he liked to watch her with other men, I was more than shocked about that at the time; of course now I know it’s a common desire for lots of men. Of course at the time I had no idea that after my sister, Viv was my own husband’s most frequent fuck buddy. At school Viv was in the drama club, mostly Shakespeare and more at...
Saturday October 29 My eyes blinked open, and I moaned. And not the good type of moan like I made last night, but the moan an old man must utter when every part of him aches. My Vitamin T had worn off, and I hadn’t taken a pain pill before going to bed last night. I decided to get up and cringed when my whole right side decided it might cramp up. Duke lay at the side of the bed, where he’d slept last night. He gave me a look that said it was too early. “Hey, Buddy. Go get me a pain pill,...
Sunday September 11 I was getting ready to go running when my cell rang. I looked at the caller ID, and it was an 859 area code. I tried to think where that was. “This is David,” I answered. “David, Coach Styles,” said the head coach for the University of Kentucky. “Morning, Coach, how can I help you?” “I saw you left us off your visit list. I know you’ve been on campus a couple of times. What I’d really like to do is to schedule an in-home visit before you get much further into your...
Chris McClean Stood at the gate of a college university. "Welcome to season 5 of Total Drama, and we have all the past victems to play this season, with the exception of a new person. Now that they are all above the age of 18 there can be more drama then ever before. Will there be Love? Fights? Sex? Stay toon to this season of TOTAL DRAMA COLLEGE!"
Sunday September 25 I woke up because my bed moved. When we arrived at the hotel, Cindy Lewis was there with her boyfriend Kevin. He played defensive end for Ohio State and had taken to the training a little too seriously. If I had to guess, he was juicing. I shuddered to think of him looping around a tackle with me in his sights. Cindy wanted to go to a party, but I begged off. The last time I’d seen Cindy, she’d talked me into a threesome with her and Kevin. I didn’t want to do that to...
Wednesday December 21 Mom and Dad were up very early to talk to me before I went off to do my interviews today. I had to get up at this ungodly hour because of LA traffic. Mom was making breakfast, and it smelled wonderful. “What are you making?” “Bacon and stuffed French toast.” Not exactly on my diet, but I wasn’t about to turn it down. Dad handed me a coffee. “I talked with Ms. Dixon yesterday. She updated me on several fronts. I’ll start with your civil suit,” he said as Mom put bacon...
Saturday August 27 Brook and I had finally planned some time together. The only problem was that my security was Cassidy. If it had been Paul or Chuck, I could have told them to guard the door or something. Cassidy was more hanging out with us than guarding me. At least she let me drive my Demon. Paul and Chuck were a little too possessive of my new car. I pulled up at the Davis estate and honked. “You better let her have shotgun,” I told Cassidy as I saw the look on Brook’s face. “Next...
Wednesday December 14 When I got up, I already had messages from home. Today was the beginning of the college football early signing period. Ty, our All-State running back, had made it official and signed with the University of Michigan. I thought it was a good fit for both of them. Michigan fans would be happy when they saw what he could do for them. Ty wanted to get his recruitment over with and had known after Michigan had held a football camp at our high school that he would play for...
Sunday October 9 My mom’s attempt at humor last night had failed, in my estimation. I’d been completely freaked out until the doctor came in and explained my injuries. Any time you’re knocked unconscious, it’s cause for concern. That was why they’d kept me overnight. Other than the risk of brain injury, the doctor had said I would live. If the pain I felt this morning was any indication, I had my doubts. When I’d seen the SUV about to plow into us, I’d turned my body. The back of my head had...
Hello followers! it has been few weeks since my last post, when I told you about virgin-twink-Thomas and our oral sex session and how motivated I was to pursue being the first man inside his ass. I also told you about my friend Tina and how drunk sex after Saint Patrick turned us to regular lovers. And this is what my last 3 weeks have been: sex with Tina at least once a week and helping Thomas get off when he is stressed with school, still no ass he "saves it for someone special". And...
Chris McClean is shown in front of the screen. He has some signs of aging such as wrinkles on his face that are fairly faint. "Last time on Total Drama Is...Acti...Reven...Whatever. Romances were made as well as Bonds, alliances and even fame. But what if I found a loop hole in there contracts that they must abide to? For them to do one more season for your and my entertainment. Also we can do so much more pain, and fun yet twisted stuff to our players since there 18 and older now. And to make...
“Yeah, it’s not your best, Scarlett. It’s actually pretty bad.” The high school senior’s shoulders dropped and her beautiful green eyes threatened tears. She barely heard her drama teacher as he started to pick apart her performance, feeling numb and dumb. The problems with her acting he was mentioning he couldn’t possibly actually feel were problems! It was all so subjective! Anyone else who didn’t have her future in her hands, she would have snapped back with a snarky comeback, or argued...
It was an unwanted occurrence for me, about which I have never even imagined. The incident occurred most recently and I was totally unready for facing such type of situation. Though the whole situation was pre-planned and just a drama, nothing else. The heroin of this drama was my house owner’s middle aged wife Sulekha Bhabi. I have rented this apartment in March 2010, my flat is at the ground floor. From the very beginning when I first met Sulekha Bhabi, I attracted to her liquid eyed lusty...
TOO MUCH DRAMA by Throne Dylan didn't fit well into most groups of guys. Not only didn't he play sports, but he didn't follow or bet on them. He wasn't interested in cars. And though he had a longing for girls, his record with them was a string of failures. The last problem was especially hurtful to him. He wanted to date someone and couldn't understand his inability to do it. He was short, but so were plenty of girls. And his slender build shouldn't be a deterrent. His modest...
Every character featured in this story is 18+ You sat inside of a bus in an airport runway. The bus was filled with contestants from the first two seasons of the reality series, Total Drama. There were fifteen of the former contestants, along with you and another new contestant. You had watched the previous seasons and were prepared to do whatever it took to win this next season. You knew the stakes that would be necessary and were willing to do whatever it takes. Chris McLean, the host of the...
Tuesday October 25 I’d been afraid I would wake up and hurt from yesterday’s activity. While I could tell I’d pushed my limits some, it was more a good hurt, the kind you get from working out and not the sort from being injured. Today, for the first time, I felt like I would eventually be okay. Duke heard me awaken and jumped on my bed for me to love him up. I must have found the right spot because he stretched out his neck and his back leg began to jerk back and forth like he was scratching...
“You don’t have to come with me if you don’t want to.” I said, sitting in the passenger seat of his car. I looked over at my brother, Zach. He wasn’t staring back, but staring out the front windshield to the white garage door that was in front of us. He never blinked his kyanite eyes petrified in thought. No muscle in his body moved.I took a deep breath, turning my head to look out the front windshield, “I know this is hard for you, Zach. I don’t even know if he’s in there.” He spoke softly,...
IncestI had always grown up well, and in good care. My parents always told me to do good in school and watch out for those senior boys. I didn't even think I had a chance until middle school came around, and things started looking up for me. My chest began to grow, and boys started to notice me. I didn't know if I like the attention or not. All I knew is that when high school started, things really started to change. "Sarah, what do you think I should wear for the dance...
Wednesday January 4 I got out of bed and went to the window to check whether the fire had progressed. I could see smoke over the ridge. Low-flying planes had woken me at daybreak, and I saw one now make a run over the hogback and then pop back up like a crop duster over a field. They appeared to be dropping water to try to contain the inferno. If the fire came our way, it could destroy some of the most expensive homes in the LA area. A glint of light from a tree in the backyard caught my...
Kenny (ME!) - dyed black hair, very pale, a very slim build (103 pounds), 5’ 1’’ 14 years old Isaac – Blonde hair, A bit chubby (Guessing here but 140?) 5’ 6” 15 years old Cammy! – Coolest hair ever, brown, mixed, very curvy (Probably 125) 5’ 4” 14 Ryan Anderson – Semi curly brown hair, decently built (Stronger then me, 155-160) 6’ 2” 28 years. We all sat in the room, giggling nervously as Mr. Anderson drank another monster. You know, being 14-15 year olds, it’s fun to be sitting in...
This is a story of how I used the second half of my senior year to turn a girl I couldn’t stand into my personal completely obedient fuck toy, and got rich doing it. That girl, Sarah had always been a person I found to be extremely annoying, but interaction with her was inevitable as her locker was beside mine for all of high school, and consistently I was lucky enough to share classes with her. Sufficient to say I was extremely tired of her by second semester in senior year. Best...
You are a senior here at Greenview High. You just turned 18, as have your fellow classmates. The teenage mind being what it is, the freedom of being 18 combined with the cocktail of hormones in your brain is a ticking time bomb, and it’s only a matter of time until your sexual urges overtake you. Who needs an education when there’s so many attractive young women around? Your best friend’s name is Greg. He’s taller than you, has been since elementary school, which is where you first met. He’s...
TeenFriday October 14 I woke to my hound licking my face. It seemed someone had to go out... right now! I managed to put on a pair of shorts without passing out from the pain and hobbled down the stairs. Precious met the two of us at the back door. She was starting to really show. I did a little internal calculation and figured she should have her kittens in a couple of weeks. I groaned when the cat darted into my apartment as Duke went out. I was in no mood to play ‘find the kitty.’ When I made...
Thursday November 24 We really didn’t have room for the crowd that was coming for Thanksgiving dinner, so Mom had decided to hold it at the restaurant. Dad, Uncle John, and Greg said that football-watching was a requirement. Caryn had a TV installed at the bar to keep them from whining. I was awakened by someone pounding on my downstairs apartment door. I looked at the clock, and it was almost ten. Watching all the little rug-rats last night had been a nightmare. After dinner, everyone...
Wednesday November 2 I had my bags packed and was ready to go to St. Louis. The plan was to go to morning classes and then leave at noon. The game was to be shown on ESPN, and the network wanted to do their prep this afternoon. Coach Hope had shared that we were one of only a handful of high school teams that had had their games televised on ESPN in back-to-back years. Until this week, I’d ignored this game for several reasons. Honestly, my focus had been on two things: recruiting and my...
An off handed remark about Lush Stories by my psychiatrist led me to this site. I just had to find an outlet for this adventure somewhere besides talking to my $120 an hour near-retirement shrink, who’s obviously suffering from job burnout. I am a forty-four year old school teacher who can’t believe how quickly her life can be turned upside down. My name is Teresa and I work at a Midwest suburban high school. My fourteen year second marriage is okay but I learned from my first attempt that...
InterracialMonday October 31 As Duke and I were going out to jog, we found Precious waiting for us by the door. I knew something was up when Duke gave her a complete puppy-scan (sniffed her all over), and she didn’t bloody his nose. “You not feeling well?” I asked her as I squatted down to check what might be wrong. Yep. We were having kittens today. Gently picking Precious up, I took her to Duke’s crate. Brit had brought over her blanket, which I assumed was washable, and put it in his kennel. Duke...
Monday October 17 I was sitting in precalculus, taking a quiz, when my phone chirped to let me know that I’d received a text. This was right after Ms. Lowden had given us a lecture about turning them off for the quiz. She glared in my direction. Apparently, this was the last time someone’s phone was going off during a quiz or test ... or there would be ‘consequences.’ I don’t know what came over me. “Dare! She said to turn your phone off.” Ms. Lowden made a big display of getting out of her...
Thursday November 10 I woke up in a contemplative mood. The expressions on the Waterloo players’ faces as the clock ticked down must have gotten to me. I had at most three more games of high school football. It was hard to imagine that it might finally be over. Of course, I had a lot to look forward to. College and the rest of my life were yet to come. The Waterloo game made me understand that I wanted to play at higher levels of competition. What we’d created with this team was about as...
Friday December 23 Brook bailed on me when I had to go to the Love Letters set. She and the moms decided to go shopping one last time before the ‘rents flew out. I’d pointed out that there was shopping in Malibu, not only in the trendy areas of LA. How they’d missed the Country Market totally mystified me. I had planned to take Brook there, but when her parents had their problems, we’d all gotten distracted. Kitty Ellis had told me last night at the premiere that she wanted me to come in...
It was the end of senior year for a group of nerdy teens in a small school in rural Pennsylvania. And, like most students reaching the end of senior year, they were very ready to be beyond high school and moving into college and on with the rest of their lives. But first came many things that usually happen during the last few months of school. The senior class field trip, the day to the pool that the senior class president convinced the school to allow, the senior prank, a couple musicals and...
TeenMonday October 3 I took the boys to the house and found a rested Peggy making coffee. “Were they any trouble?” “No, they slept through the night,” I said as I put them into their high chairs. Peggy scattered some Cheerios on Coby and Little David’s trays to keep them busy while she made their breakfast. I decided I wanted grits after my trip down south. As I got the pot started, Chuck came in the back door. Duke gave him a cursory once-over and left it to Bandit to guard the house. Chuck...
Friday December 30 The plan for the day was to go to my company’s office and get updated on how everything was going. Since the meeting was scheduled for first thing, I talked my grandma into going to Granny’s West for breakfast. I’d spent the night in her guest room because my uncle had used my apartment. Before I left, I called Chuck. “Where are you? I’m supposed to pick you up this morning.” “I’m at my grandmother’s farm. She’ll be giving me a ride this morning to our office, and I’ll...
Friday October 21 My mom was of two minds. The first had me going to the vet with Duke and us both getting fixed. I was sure Duke wasn’t onboard with that idea. The second was reveling in the possibility that she had a little granddaughter in her arms. I figured the little girl couldn’t be mine. Dawsons only had boys. The only reason we had a little girl in the family was that Greg had adopted Mac. I spotted Ashley Kincaid and Scarlet White, the two girls I suspected were the mothers of...
GID'S REUNION Gideon??Reinicke and his sister Kate had quite a reunion It was a yearly thing at this point, but they always both looked forward to it.! He'd picked her up at the airport, and taken her to lunch, and they'd discussed old times, and Kate's art gallery, and of course Gideon's practice as?the most prominent?allergist in Buttermilk Falls. ? Kate had asked Gid over lunch whether there were any romantic prospects in his life. "You know, I know you must be lonely, Gideon, are you...
Please let me know what you think. _________________________________________________ Watching Haley impale herself on my dick was the most erotic thing I had ever seen. It was incredible to see how much her tight cunt lips stretched out to accept my cock. I just watched her smooth hairless cunt lips wrapped around my cock as she pushed herself up and down. My cock was enjoying the tightest pussy it had ever felt in my 45 years alive. When she leaned forward, landing her hands on my chest...
For Nancy sleep had taken away some of the sting of what had happened. She and her dad hadn’t been betrayed by her mother. No, her mother had tried to protect them from the shame that could have come from Mr. Chan. What Nancy wondered about was her fate since she had a long female line of ‘loose women’ of which she was a direct decendant. Golly, even her dad had knocked up her mom’s best friend! Maybe she was going to be lucky and not be seduced since she should have gotten it by someone by...
Thursday Afternoon: Drama Allison smiled as they finally reached the door. She darted through and made her way to the seats up front. “So I see part of the principal’s memo may have come true. You two obviously inspired the idiots chanting ‘Choose me sex deities’. So, one question remains – did you intend to inspire them to this point, or are they simply being mindless high school sheep?” I’m guessing now we’re supposed to be agents of intended chaos through worship. Mrs. Sneider’s...