My Neighbors Son Gets Caught Spying Part 2
- 3 years ago
- 21
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Herb said, "My cousin Jeff is having a birthday soon. I want to get rid of the house and make peace with the fire department and Dr Vale. Ellen should make an appearance and straighten out her affairs too."
"Are your homely brides invited to go with you?"
Herb blew up. I had not seen this coming. "Don't say that ever. You and Kim are beautiful. Even a person that doesn't have the emotional involvement I have will find you at least pretty."
"I'm sorry hon. Maybe I'm fishing for compliments?"
"You don't need to do that. I feel that we are forming more attachments to each other all the time. Its like being wrapped in spider silk. You're just as much a part of me as my arm."
We had to hug then and this felt just like the spider silk and I could take all of this I could get.
Finally Herb said, "Our family can all go. Ellen will be who you will be with and I will try to stay away."
"What about Melissa? That bun is yours. She can play the part of your girlfriend and keep those two beauties in your shorts from bursting."
Herb said, "As long as I get my wives too. What about Ellen? She's having more sex than a dozen women a third her age."
"You have my permission to take care of her too.""Well, she's less my grandmother now but I feel funny about it."
"She can find some men in Orillia to keep her occupied."
"She'll kill them."
"Have faith, they won't mind going to their deaths at all."
A week later we got into a new full sized van that had been extensively converted into a mini motorhome. We needed the room. There were five adults and two babies. We pulled a small rental trailer to bring a few things back.
The school stopped for an hour to see us off. I felt humbled by what I felt. The pack and the students could get along well without me, but I sort of made everything run smoother.
We had not even got out of the city when Herb was taken to the back to break in the motorhome right. I had to get some too before he ran out. We could feel poor Ellen in the front with a tingling clit and nothing she could do. When Herb ran out we gave him a break and told him to drive while we took care of Ellen. She was supercharged by this time and it was us that were pounced on.
The time passed quickly though we did have to take breaks to feed the babies. Ellen and Melissa were seriously studying us because they were thinking of trying to be wet nurses to give us a break. It was probably Herb that was putting this idea into their heads because there was never enough to feed him. Herb denied it but not very strenuously.
Ellen took possession of her home and I could feel her thoughts on how the house now seemed to belong to a person she met once instead of her own. Everything looked dated as if an old woman lived here.
"I see I'm going to have to do some redecorating." She looked at Herb and asked, "You still going to get rid of your place?"
"Yes, there is no reason to keep it."
We got the house heated up a little more and then started to clean up the dust. We had only been working an hour when Mrs Hays came over to say hello.
She said, "Ellen, what have you done? You look twenty, no twenty five years younger. I almost didn't think it was you. Why didn't you call?"
"Wow there Shelly. If you're referring to my body then I'll say that I spent time effort and money to get the way I am. Medical science can do a lot if you find the right people and are prepared to pay for their services."
Ellen continued, "I got wrapped up in a new job. I'm a school nurse though those positions are rare now. I got so involved in my new job that I had to cut ties to my past. You would absolutely not believe what I have gone through. I've changed inside too even more dramatically than my exterior."
"What happened?"
"Well come in and I'll introduce you to three of the young ladies that go to the school and two of their darling babies. My grandson Herb is somewhere. He works at the Albright School for Gifted Children the same as I do."
Ellen put some water on for tea and then found us working upstairs. Herb was hiding in the basement until he got his cue to come on stage.
We were dusting the furniture or sweeping when the two women approached. Introductions were made but the three of us acted like adults. This shook Shelly Hays somewhat but it was better at the start than later.
Stan and Jessica were both asleep like babies their age and like all women we made a fuss over them without trying hard to wake them up but still display how beautiful they were.
We went downstairs for tea. Shelly said to Kim and I, "You two sound so mature for your age and very sure of yourselves."
I said, "Thank you Mrs Hays. The school teaches us the way to act in many situations. Since Albright is a private school, our curriculum is much more encompassing than other schools."
Mrs Hays had to be told more but Ellen had to carry the ball now. "The School has a very limited enrollment. You would not believe the entrance requirements. The student have to be reasonably stable but also have an IQ of a 150. Many of the students surpass this mark handily."
"A minimum requirement of 150 sounds like the school would have difficulty gaining enough students and that means that only the very wealthy could go there."
"Actually every student is on a scholarship. The school has some serious money behind it. Covering a years worth of provincial requirements is quite easy for the students. The rest of the time is spent learning more of the world because each of the students will leave an indelible mark on it one day. Some will go to politics but most will go to research, medicine and business."
Mrs Hays desperately wanted to know about the babies but this had to be mentioned much later and in private.
Herb came up from the basement and called out, "We have a leaky valve, Grandma. I have to go to the store."
"Come here Herb. We have a visitor."
Herb came into the kitchen with a spider web on his hair and looked at our guest. "Hello Mrs Hays. Forgive my appearance but I was put to work."
"Hello Herb. I wondered what happened to you. All of a sudden you just disappeared."
Herb now looked very sad. It was Ellen that said quickly, "He was called away on a personal matter. Herb teaches some courses at Albright relating to the medical profession. It's a worthwhile course for the students to take."
Herb had a tea with us and left. He had his own visiting to do and we were ostensively under Ellen's care. Kim and I left to check on the children and Melissa came with us. This allowed Ellen to say that we were smart girls but we got carried away with our emotions just as much the rest and found ourselves pregnant.
Ellen mentioned about how Herb ran off to Toronto to find Nicki dying. He stayed with her for her last few weeks. Everybody knew that he still carried the torch for her even though they had divorced. Ellen had found a place for him at the school to take care of him. Herb was still upset about Nicki's death and this did not have to be faked.
All this news would get around the community in just a few days. If they saw Herb without a shirt, they would find out that he spent his free time studying for medical school and exercising. This was much the same as what he had been doing before he ran off to save us.
There had to be some other form of psychic communications because many more people suddenly showed up at the house. We stayed long enough to be introduced then we left for the rumour to be passed around to a few more people.
We purchased enough food for a short stay and we basically helped Ellen entertain. She liked how her friends were so shocked at her present appearance.
Herb collected all he wanted from his house then called his relatives in to take the rest. The relatives ended up at Ellen's where we were introduced again. This is the part we liked because we got a chance to see our new relatives. Herb desperately wanted to hold us and the babies too but he had to appear to be just an instructor and friend.
I was shocked when Greg Thompson and his wife Rose showed up. I could sense them coming up the snow-covered walk. The five of us went over what Greg knew about us and how our story had to be altered.
While Herb was being greeted, I blindsided Greg and when a break in the conversation came I said, "Hello Mr Thompson. Do you remember me?"
He turned quickly because he did remember my voice. He looked at me and smiled. "Hello Danielle, I mean Dannie. I did not expect to meet you here."
"I'm sorry but I deceived you. Marty was actually Jess. She was running from a bad situation. We ran with her and used assumed names. My real name is Piper and my sister is Kim not June. Our other companion is Melissa and that's her real name."
"But why were you running?"
"That is for Jess to say. We all happen to study or work for the same school in Toronto."
"You sure had me fooled."
"You only got some assumed names."
Kim came up with the baby and introduced herself under her real name and showed another Jessica. When Greg gently moved the blanket to one side so he could see the child, Jessica's hand rushed out quicker than I could blink and grabbed Greg's finger. Kim and I were shocked because this was like my overdrive ability.
Greg honestly did not believe his eyes and neither did anybody else. Each person believed they saw wrong and ignored the abnormality.
"She's got a good grip on me."
Kim said, "Perhaps she's making a citizen's arrest. You better come along peacefully or there'll be trouble."
Greg got Jessica in his arms but kept his nose and glasses out of Jessica's reach. He showed his wife the baby and they both cooed over her.
Herb said, "I think Uncle Greg has decided that he doesn't want any pain so he's not going to avoid arrest." There was some laughter but I was now studying Greg in much more detail.
Kim said to me, "He learned who Jess was a week after we left. He's still very curious as to why she was here and under false names."
"He's a cop and they are all curious. He can stay curious unless he found — Jess someplace.""No, he didn't but he seems odd somehow."
"What do you mean?"
"I think he has a talent."
I knew this was not musical. "A natural talent?"
"Yes. He can read minds just a bit. I think he can sense a lie."
"Do you think Jessica can sense that and grabbed him?"
"I don't know but it could be true."
We shared our information with Herb, Ellen and Melissa to be on the safe side and to learn more.
When Greg learned I had a child too he said, "How did this happen to two sisters at near the same time?"
Kim said, "I think that you would have had a talk about the birds and the bees quite some time ago. Are you saying that you are that forgetful? If necessary Piper and I can sit you down and fill you in on the details."
Rose was now the one to laugh at her flustered husband. He was on the gaff now and didn't know what to say. I said, "Kim found a boyfriend and so did I. I was not going to let an older sister upstage me. What happened was more of a matter of hormones and finding a person I meshed with so well."
"You can go to school with children?"
"It's definitely a learning process. The father of Stanley goes to our school."
Greg's eyes shot to Herb but Herb was ready and had a calm expression. Greg said, "Stanley is not that popular of a name. Is he named after the boy or one of his relatives?"
"The name is more popular than you think. Herb's father has that name and so does Stan's grandfather. One of my cousins has that name too."
Greg had not heard the gossip yet so he was not privy to this piece of information. He was still curious and not sure if he should believe us. On the other hand he could not sense that we were lying.
When we were eating I suddenly heard Stan call, "Hungry!" He had not done this before and neither had Jessica.
A strange thing happened because over a third of those present looked at me. One woman said, "I heard your baby. I think she's hungry." None of the people recognised the call as mental and attributed it to Stan calling with a cry. I got up in a hurry and so did Kim because we didn't want to explain about mental communications to the family.
We all monitored the group and found that when people were presented with an impossibility, they simply found a logical substitute that fit better into their scheme of things.
Later that night I asked Ellen and Herb, "Greg has a natural talent for detecting lies. His son Josh is supposed to be good at numbers. Another of your relatives is a world renowned chef. Still another is a very lucky fireman. He had many brushes with fatal accidents but got his men out before a building collapsed or a car blew up. Do you think your family has this talent. Or would you call it luck?"
Ellen said, "My sister was always very lucky. When those scratch tickets came out, she would always win at least what she paid but usually just a bit more. Many times she bought nothing because the tickets didn't seem right. Strangely, she never won larger prizes."
Herb said, "My grandfather was said to have a healing touch. I don't know how true it was."
I said, "I wonder if Ellen had an ability she was not aware of?"
Ellen just thought and said, "I like healing and I'm good at it now. I was fairly good as a nurse."
Kim said, "I wonder how this is going to effect the children? Jessica moved her hand almost as fast as Piper could. When Stan called out I almost had another baby. Thank human nature for letting this sort of occurrence slide by."
The next day, Herb went to his lawyer to make sure his affairs were in order. The house had been paid off so there should not have been any problems. When Herb came back I knew he was still nervous. He had left Dr Vale's employment but that of the fire department had to be dealt with too.
Herb had already talked to the doctor and used the excuse about finding out about Nicki. He also used the need to get away from his past by finding a job some place away from Orillia and his memories of Nicki. The doctor was sympathetic.
The fire department was next and this time we all went. It was snowing hard but the snow removal equipment in the city was doing a fair job of clearing a path.
We stopped at the station where Herb usually worked out of, and we talked to his friends. We had his equipment he had to wear when going out on a call. It all had to be returned. Kim and I gave the excuse that we liked the idea of being firemen. One of the paramedics was a woman and this helped a lot. Amy was a nice person and liked the way we were all in shape. She loved the babies too and they seemed to like her.
To justify Herb's place in the school we talked about our medical training. We didn't cheat and use Herb's memories either. We had read his book and then found others that had more detail.
Amy said, "You sound like you have more training than I have. I wish I was as smart as you guys."
"It's not as easy as you think. The more active the mind the more chances there are to get in trouble. It takes a lot to keep our interest. Boys came close for a while and see what happened. We love mathematics, finances, biochemistry, history, psychology and medicine. It's hard to concentrate some times, especially at our age. We don't know what we want to do with our lives. We have to learn enough about a lot of subjects to even make a choice for what to specialise in."
Amy said, "I had it hard growing up because I was a tomboy. You have an even tougher problem with babies. You're lucky you have the school to help you."
The other paramedic talked about his past. He didn't go into details because it would rub his macho image a little too hard.
Ellen talked of her early years then her training in nursing. This was to justify her place in Albright. The talk though was interesting. Ellen was a lot like Amy was when young.
We had a nice meal and then Kim and I fed the babies. Some of the firemen liked to see teenage boobs but the one that liked it the most usually got to drain any milk that was left. He grew in such delightful ways.
The chief finally came to the station and Herb introduced us. Herb had to hand in his resignation and tried to make the best of it. Actually giving the resignation was a hard thing to do for him. The chief figured this out on his own. Herb went over what he was currently doing as a long lead up.
He had not come to the part where he would not be back yet when the alarms went off. The chief grabbed the phone even as a computer screen lit up giving some sketchy details. A school bus had been taking some students on a skiing holiday when it had been hit by a truck. The bus had gone through the guardrail and down an embankment.
The chief said, "There's a lot of people hurt. Herb, you interested in one more for the road before you leave us?"
"You knew?"
"It wasn't hard."
"I'll go. Ellen is a registered nurse and the girls have been trained and they are almost as good as paramedics. At worse they can assist."
He looked at us and I said, "There are too many hurt to be picky. We are not stupid girls though it may look that way sometimes."
"You can go as civilians giving first aid."
We gathered all the spare equipment they had at the station then hurried out. The fire truck and then the paramedic truck led the way. The tonnes of water in the first truck made sure it had good traction in the snow. This did not mean that our lighter vehicle did not slip. All of us used our flying talents to give a push one way or another to keep us going straight. This didn't take much work at all.
The babies were wide awake with the noise of the siren and our own excitement. We stayed behind the paramedic truck and it was behind the fire truck. We made good time but it was still almost fifteen minutes to the crash site. Herb, Ellen and I shared our knowledge of the area but it was Ellen that remembered an accident twenty years ago that killed a whole family. The embankment was steep.
The police were on the scene first. The firemen were appraised of the situation on the way and informed the police that we were with their group. People and cars were all over to gawk at the situation.
We got a sampling of what the police knew but it was hardly any because there was so many hurt. A school bus was struck by a pickup that was sliding out of control. The truck had changed lanes and hit the bus as it came around the bend. In a combination of the bus driver trying to avoid the truck, the inertia of the truck and centrifugal force, the bus hit the guardrail and headed down the embankment.
The bus was full of highschool students coming back from a school sponsored skiing trip. Thirty two students and the bus driver were in one vehicle while a woman and her baby were in the pickup.
The woman and baby were now dead. So were at least two students and the bus driver. The bus had gone nose down into a large rock after hitting three fair sized white pine. The back bumper was at least twenty metres from the road surface that it had just left.
Herb took visible charge of our group to avoid problems. In a situation like this we shared our thoughts and then proceeded to work but here we had to have Herb give verbal orders to show that we were working under his care.
We used our own first aid kit but had to supplement it with the equipment from the station. We assessed some of the students and all of them were in some form of shock. The police got some of the spectators to pull up a crash stretcher and the students were put into warm vehicles and sent to the local hospital.
Kim was our portable x-ray machine. She assisted us in setting bones and even sewing up a severed artery in one student. This one had lost a lot of blood. We elevated his feet and sent him up the hill as soon as we could.
A makeshift operating table was set up and then two more had to be made. Too many people would not make it to the hospital alive.
A young doctor by the name of Rajeck and two nurses arrived. Herb told him what was wrong. This one was actually not stuck up and listened.
My patient was a seventeen year-old boy. He was in shock from loss of blood and I had to jump on him to get his heart pumping again. I think it was my intensive use of healing that his heart started again. I had his coat off to work on him and actually did not want to cover him. The cold weather would hopefully keep his blood near his core and slow down his mental and physical processes.
Dr Rajeck worked on a similar wounds and I read his mind about what to do though I had made a habit of studying doctor's minds. He kept looking at Kim and I as if he never saw girls like us before. Kim ran around to give us the benefit of her sight though Ellen had been gaining this power too.
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Returning to Port Zamfara this morning made me nervous. The gate guards didn’t act any different except they seemed indifferent to Karako’s presence today. The line of people hoping to sell slaves started forming even before the marketplace seemed awake. It was much shorter than yesterday, even though I recognized several people who had returned to sell additional slaves. I guessed that they thought overnight about the long-term financial prospects for Port Zamfara and decided to reduce their...
And so now, three days later, she lay asleep, snuggled naked against him, her body warm and deliciously fragrant, tender and, he recognized, very sensual. The fourteen year old noted her soft and moist lips, her now tousled long honey blonde hair, the high cheekbones, and soft features which gave his sister a face which was, if not cover girl beautiful, nonetheless quite attractive. Teamed with the firm breasts and hips, an hourglass waistline and curvaceous legs Katy had certainly been worth...
MICHELE AND PREDATOR - PART III By Michele Nylons The Predator was stunned; it dawned upon him what had happened; he had fucked and been fellated by a transvestite. A man dressed as a woman! He looked at the pathetic sight lying before him on the bed and laughed. He thought to himself that she was just as good as any 'real' woman he had fucked; and she sure wasn't going to be telling anybody about this evening, that's for sure; you could see the look of terror and disgust in her...
Jeff knocked on Allie’s door. Only a few moments passed before she opened it and invited him inside. “I’m alone here, Jeff, and I’m all yours,” she said to him pleadingly. Jeff entered the room and took Allie in his arms, embracing her firmly. He asked her if he could kiss her. She said, “Please do, Jeff.” They locked in a gentle caress for what seemed like hours. Jeff’s tongue slowly parted her lips and they explored each other passionately. It wasn’t long before Allie’s chest was rising and...
BDSMVictoria collapsed on the bed and Mark lay beside her. "Whew!" she said. "I'm whacked, emotionally and physically." "So am I. It's hardly surprising though. Today has been the best and most exciting of our lives." "Mm, I've never been happier in my life either." "Snap!" He gently kissed her lips. "I love you, Mrs Bowers." "Victoria Frances Bowers." She rolled it round in her tongue like tasting a fine wine. "I rather like that. Mrs Mark Bertram Bowers. I like that too....
Little Red Riding Whore – Part One This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real persons, livingor dead, is coincidental. Fifteen-year-old Joely Baker kneels on the wet asphalt of a dead-end alleyoff the downtown street nicknamed the "Chicken Strip". Her soft red lips arewrapped around the swollen cock of Harry, the beat cop. The middle-aged policemanlooks down at the young girl and sucks in his beer gut so he can see into thelarge blue eyes of this teenaged whore. She looks up at him as...
From my earlier stories you must have learnt that I had regular sex with my mother for a long time. But my father was not aware of it. My mother told me that father had a small cock about four inches in length and pathetically thin, and he shot his cum after just a few strokes inside her cunt. And his juice wasn’t much either. He just jerked two or three times and maybe shot four or five drops of semen. So naturally mother was unsatisfied with him. We had sex several times, sometimes even up to...
IncestIn a shot overlooking Spanish madman Nacho Vidal’s hometown, tattooed redhead Denise Martin’s nude body spills from denim overalls. The legendary stud fingers the pale girl’s holes and takes her to the barn for a lewd fuck session. Denise sucks Nacho’s giant cock and he ravages her from behind, drilling Denise’s twat as she moans in ecstasy. Nacho leads her indoors, where he slams her tight slit. Denise hops on his lap to ride his concrete-hard prick. The nasty...
xmoviesforyouMy name is Vanessa Tan and I work as a secretary for an engineering company that employs about five hundred or so personnel. Specifically I work as the departmental secretary for Sales Support where I make travel arrangements, organise meetings and contractual conferences for about thirty senior engineers, managers and a director. We are the face of the company, and as such, there is a dress code we must adhere to. Last Week - The New Dress Code Office personnel are required to dress formally...
Lucy entered St. Michaels and saw Father Anthony kneeling at the base of a magnificent cross hanging in the back of the large dimly lit church. She hurried to meet him, her steps echoing loudly through the empty building. The young priest looked over his shoulder, saw lucy approaching and stood up. "Father please, I need to to tell you what happened to me last night." "Not here Lucy." Father Anthony headed toward the confessional with Lucy close behind. The confessional was tiny and free of any...
SupernaturalWalking briskly and with clear purpose you unlock the door to your apartment and shut it behind you. Carefully traversing your way through an abundance of cardboard boxes you arrive at a mirror. Peering into the mirror, one of the very few things you’ve unpacked, you see a 35 year old male with an athletic and toned body, slight stubble and of course your favourite feature your 9 inch flaccid thick and girthy cock. Due to the fact you need to make a good first impression tomorrow you decide to...
Teen'I don't want to get up, this bed is so warm... ' Isaac thought, feeling like he was coming out of anesthesia. He could hear activity in the background of his apartment, but he didn't have the strength to open his eyes, especially after how hard he had "worked" the night before. 'I don't hear my alarm going off and I don't have to take a piss, thereby proving that I don't have to get out of bed.' He pulled up the blankets over his face, but even while covered, he could smell...
I had very much enjoyed my evening with Aunt Judy. I had a final weekend of Spring Break and reported to the company I would be spending my summer interning with on Monday for an introductory week. Monday and Tuesday both were very hectic days. I had left work Tuesday late afternoon and was headed home so that I could shower, change and get ready to go over to Aunt Judy’s for dinner with Patty and her. I had seen Patty Saturday when she had come over to visit with my mom and dad. She had...
SpankingThey moved furtively from star to star. In each system, unknown worlds seemed to float serenely off Skryben's bow, brought close by the magic of long range scanners. Each time, the image in the central screen gave little or no hint of the world's potentials. Each one was just a planet, some smaller, some larger. Each system was studied with almost exaggerated care, only to be rejected for one fault or another as unsuitable to their purposes. They jumped, and jumped again, heading for a...
The door bell rings. When I answer he is standing there in black jeans and a t-shirt that hugs his muscular chest and arms. Without a word he goes over to the couch and lowers his jeans. There is no underwear beneath them, just an already hard cock that bounces when it is released. Next he pulls off his shirt and drops down on the couch. Without a word he spreads his legs for me and stares down at his cock over the tattoos on his tight chest and belly. He is tough and hot with his shaved head,...
Gay MaleA strongandsecure original story... Ahhh. First day off. And I don't go back for a while. I look over to see my gorgeous wife standing over me with a cup of coffee. “Good morning, boo! First day of vacation! Any ideas of where we're going?” “Not yet...To Be Determined. Any recommendations?” “I don't care, Joel. As long as we're together.” I make my way downstairs. As I make it to the living room, I see a shadow in the driveway. Entering the entryway, the shadowy figure was gone. A single white...
I borrowed this story from a friend of mine (with his permission of course) who also has a xham profile page. He decided his stories would be better suited for my page since they are about two high school guys who experiment with each other.Please read and enjoy and PLEASE comment. Thanks!I didn’t want to cum yet so I pulled out of Jason’s mouth. Jason stood up and barely gave me a chance to get to my knees before he was pushing his cock in my mouth. I’m going to throatfuck you like you did me,...
Jaux woke up to find herself right outside the room with Theema's artifacts. Her back was propped up against the cold gray stone of the hallway. She might have believed she dreamt the whole interaction with the goddess, if her skin didn't feel so tender where the tendrils had carved in. She wasn't sure how much time had passed, but the hallway was still empty and it looked like no one had found her yet. Strangely enough, when she inspected her arms for the marks Theema left, she only saw...
Chapters 1-7 are somewhat self contained and describe Matt being rescued from a Midwest snowstorm by a family that turn out to be his soul mates, girls with lots of past life ties. Lots of spirituality and lots of sex. This was mostly written in 2005 and was posted in 2010. Chapters 8-13 describe Matt going home to the Northeast, discussing things with his wife, Ann, Barbara and Connie starting college. Matt and Ann setting up a business. Again lots of spirituality and lots of sex. Written and...
Sophie had never really though of herself as a Lesbian. At school she had been a bit of a ‘ goody two shoes’, always working hard and wanting to please the teachers. She remembered once when she was sixteen bursting into tears after Miss Whyte, a Latin teacher she had a crush on, told her to stay behind after class for forgetting her homework. Sophie adored her teachers and always knew that one day she would become a teacher herself. Being an all-girls school crushes were commonplace and...
Her nightgown clearing her head Ann pulled her hands to her chest, then to her side. Looking at each other they sat in silence. With a look of fear Ann said, I've never done this before. Placing her hand on Ann's shoulder Mary said, me either. Slowly Ann leaned towards Mary. Moving her hand down to Ann's back, Mary met her half way. Closing her eyes Ann kissed Mary's lips softly. Returning her kiss Mary parted her lips. Kissing her, she slid the tip of her tongue over Ann's lips. They sat...
My mother’s voice awakened me saying, “Timmy, it’s after three.” I groaned and cracked an eye open to find my mom kneeling beside me. She said, “You need to get your friends cleaned up and in their rooms.” “My head hurts.” “From the smell of things, you’re probably a little dehydrated. You probably all are.” She stood up and surveyed the room before saying softly, “I don’t see any blood anywhere. Not too bad for your first orgy.” My brain was starting to work again, but I couldn’t help...
"You aren't mad at us are you, Larry?" Clara was walking on my right while Kate was on my left. Clara looked so anxious that I wanted to reassure her. "Why would I be mad? With you along, maybe Kate will try to act more like a lady." Kate stuck her tongue out at me and did a little shimmy like dance, waving her ass and her nearly nonexistent breasts all around. Since we were in the middle of an intersection, that little dance was observed by at least three people sitting in the car...
Sandy let her eyes slide over Henry’s body as he stood on the porch. He took several long pulls from the joint at his lips, held the smoke, then exhaled. She counted the time from habit. Ten seconds exactly until no smoke from the lungs. The chuckle never made it beyond her thoughts, her beloved was not there. Thunder split the sky. She jumped, it always frightened her. For him thunder has a different Meaning. She notices his head swivel towards one particularly menacing cloud bank. ‘I wanted...
After the 1st trimester had passed Ginger & Oliver virtually lived at Daddy and Maracks, their sex drive was insatiable. As their time for birthing got closer they were fucking every opportunity they could. One morning Ginger walked over to the farm and wanted Daddy & Marack to fuck her pussy and arse. after they had cum in her she got both to double fuck her pussy, all of a sudden there was water all over the bed Gingers waters had broken, they phoned her mum to pick her up and take...
Can you understand ?Can you understand that I dream about being killed ? Can you understand that in these dreams, I volunteer for it, that I beg for it ?Can you understand that these dreams are very detailed and that I have had them since I was a little girl ? That the most wildly, totally sexual and spiritual fantasy for me is to be stabbed in the lower belly ? Can you understand that I have always wanted for this to happen in front of an audience, and audience that would take pleasure in my...
Hi boys & girls and also aunties & uncles this is my introduction part for both for the Indian sex stories and also for the sex story. Myself Adithya(23) from Chennai and I am new here, so please support me as I have many real life stories to tell, all I need is either a positive or negative reviews which boosts me to write the further stories. Ok, here I am going into the story… This story happened in a very recent day of my life during my college day, one fine day while I was smoking a kings...
When I was younger I was living with my Dad, who was single at the time. We were living in the same house that he had before my Dad and Mom got a divorce. I was shy, when it talking to girls, really any females. I liked girls just didn't know how to talk to them much. I spent time hanging out with my friends, playing football, and working out in the gym, for football. When I would feel urges, for the opposite sex, instead of trying to talk with the females, I would take care of the urges by...
“Thanks! I’ll get them in a minute.” Mike called out from down the hall when the doorbell rang. Grabbing a towel, he wiped the sweat from his face. He had been lifting weights and forgotten that his wife had told him about the InstaShop order. It would be delivered just before she arrived home.Mike had lost track of time because it was later than he thought. He didn’t bother grabbing a shirt. The delivery guy was always the same nerdy, fat guy. Mike never spoke to him. He was not in a hurry to...
CheatingI swear, even with the language barrier, my students here pick up the material five times the speed as the slow witted fools lining the seats in the lecture halls of home. There are things about this place that are paradise.Unfortunately I've still not really met anyone I want to date. It's probably fine. I'm not sure if I need to, though. I honestly think that my desires in that area just stem from the part of me that wishes I had some stories to rival all of yours.I got so wet reading each...
SeductionMy walls ache as I sit on the couch. My stomach is in knots as I bite down on my bottom lip, squirming in my seat. I look at the clock and it's just a little past noon. I groan sitting back and pushing at the belt daddy put on me. I try to grind against the little pink dildo that's shoved up against my walls. I look at it again and I can't see how to take the belt off. The key goes somewhere in the back. I grind my pussy against it, hoping to get some type of friction. It just makes my walls...
IncestWhen I arrived at college, I shared a room in the residence with Tully. Our dorm was at the end of the passage and in the room across from us, Abel and Seb were accommodated. Tully, Seb, and Abel instantly hit it off as they were all on scholarships to achieve physical education degrees. They had been recruited to the university, because of the disciplines they excelled at in track and field events.Tully was a javelin expert, Seb was an excellent discus thrower, and Abel was a brilliant...
Gay MaleA tiny beam of sunlight peeked through the curtain and tickled Holly’s cheek. She twitched, rolled over and wrapped the blanket tighter against her body, shivering as she relived last over and over again. What was I thinking, she thought? She remembered how his cock slipped in and out of her mouth, her fingers buried deep inside her pussy and that spurt of cum choking her. She rolled over and stared at the ceiling. Why? She couldn’t answer her own question but one thing was certain, she...