ΔvChapter 11 free porn video

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Annie managed to keep calm faced and quiet through a quarter of the meeting. She sat and listened as Dale laid out logistic and organizational missions to the living dead that sat around the table – listening to them as they responded in turn. The people, the ghosts, the zombies, the revenants that Dale had brought to their headquarters in San Francisco, all of them were the reanimated souls of people with enough force of will, enough personality, and enough raw grit that they had come back with intelligence, personality, memories.

That was why Annie’s teeth ground together harder and harder as Dale said: “Now that we’ve secured the nukes in France, I want to begin reanimated and binding souls to the reactors in question. Local undead can do the rough design work – I’ve got the specifications loaded on the ClouDocs, just have your local sentients acess it with the passwords provided, and get to work inscribing the runes. Once the runes are complete, I or Annie will teleport to the plants and enchant them.” He rubbed his chin. “Can we get some local camera crews down there to film the process – we need to show people what we’re doing and why it is for the best. I’m sure knowing that their nuclear power plants will run, repair, restock and refuel themselves will put a lot of them at ease...”

Annie saw Heydrich incline his head and mutter an affirmation.

And that was the last straw.

She slammed her palms down on the table and stood. “Dale. Outside. Now.”

Dale, looking as shocked as if he had been flicked in the forehead, blinked at her. Then, coughing, he nodded. “Yes, well, you have your orders. See to it.” He stood and followed after Annie, who walked across the corridor and into one of the adjoining meeting rooms of the complex they had taken. In the distance, she could hear a murmuring sound – it was coming through the walls, but distantly. Like a surf’s roar on the seaside. She put it out of her mind for the moment. Instead, she glared at Dale.

“What the absolute fuck, Dale?”

Dale pursed his lips. “Is this about Heydrich?”

“Yes, it’s about fucking Heydrich!” Annie shouted – her voice breaking at the last as she flung her arms wide. “It’s about the fact that your council of sentient undead administrators, a sentence that I will never get used to saying or thinking by the way, happens to have a fucking Nazi on it. Not a neo-Nazi, not a Trumpist, not a Ecotist, but an actual literal real life swastika flying 20th century fucking goddamn Nazi piece of shit.”

Dale ducked his head forward.

“Do you know who he is?” Annie hissed. “I googled him during the meeting. He’s not just a Nazi. He’s the Nazi.” She scowled. “He practically designed the Holocaust. He was so bad the British made sure to assassinate him early just to make sure he was fucking dead. He-”

“Don’t you think I know that?” Dale asked, scowling at her, his head snapping up. “Don’t you think I knew that this army of mine would be have almost as many monsters as it would have heroes? The Confederates we have securing the eastern seaboard of North America are almost as bad – less industrialized, but just as brutal-” He stopped himself, shaking his head. “I have him under my control. Under our control.”

Annie pursed her lips. Then she turned to the door and felt the magic inside of her bones. She closed her eyes and channeled it up – shaping it into the spheres that Dale had taught her. The chilling emptiness of the void filled her, echoing out from her bones and she lifted her hands, her fingers twitching as if she was playing with a puppet. Her finger arched and she dragged a line of force from where she stood to the meeting room – and felt it hook and tug. A moment later, the door opened and the ghostly form of Heinrich Heydrich stood before them. His face was twisted with pain and his hand clutched at his chest. Annie frowned at him.

“Yes, fra-ah!” He gasped as Annie twisted her hands. He fell to his knees.

“I’m going to make this very clear,” Annie said, her voice soft. “Right now...” She looked down her nose at the ghostly figure, her fingers trembling. There was something horrible about pain – about seeing it. She listed the massacres she had seen printed on Wikipedia, a list of Eastern European sites, each one left buzzing with flies because of this man. When he had been alive, he had been a monster. But every second she saw his face, she felt her own guilt swelling inside of her – his teeth, bared in pain. His forehead furrowing. His hand clutching at his chest, as if he was being hit with a heart attack. Annie’s fingers relaxed despite herself. “Right now...” She said, her voice as hard as she could make it. “If I ... if I ever hear of you doing anything even slightly fashy, anything cruel, anything evil, I will ... personally have Dale tear your soul apart. I will have him forge you into soulsteel and use you as a fucking bidet. Got it?”

Heydrich nodded, his face relaxing as the pain faded.

Annie flipped her hand. “Go.”

The Nazi staggered to his feet and turned – blurring through the wall as he did so, not quite reaching the door with his staggering, drunken stance. Annie turned away from the door, her arms crossed over her chest. She wanted to be sick.

What was she?

“Annie-” Dale started.

“I have to do the ... the factory job,” Annie snapped, turning to go. Dale’s fingers brushed her sleeve – but he did not call after her. He simply stood in the room, his lips set, his eyes unreadable through the glimmering haze of her tears.

She strode down the corridor, in the opposite direction of Heydrich. Slowly, the roaring sound she was hearing from outside of the compound began to intrude into her mind – and she realized it was furious shouts and cries and chants. She paused at a junction between the office complex and the rooms that she and Dale had made their private rooms – and blinked a few times as she saw a revenant leaning against the wall, a rifle slung over his shoulder. He was almost her age and ... kinda...


He had an easy little smile on his face, short cropped black hair, and a pair of ears that stuck out just enough to give him character without being radio antennas. He was dressed in a brown jacket that hung down to his thighs, with a thick scarf and gloves, which were currently off so that he could poke at (with considerable fascination and a deeply furrowed brow) a modern handheld. It looked like an Apple piece. He was cocking his head, and when his eyes widened, he looked even cuter. Annie tried to not feel a twinge of guilt for noticing he was cute. Instead, she started to walk forward – but this drew up his head.

“Ah, hello!” he said, his voice as unaccented as all the undead – their languages were translated via magic, at least, they were to her. It was even stranger to see it from aboriginals who had died centuries ago and were dressed in their traditional garb – hearing standard, broad ‘American’ accents coming from their lips felt like her whole life was being dubbed. “The Dark Queen of the Goyim herself.”

“Go ... yim?” Annie asked, her brow furrowing.

“Ah, nothing,” he said, then stood up straighter. “I am here from Poland but Dale has given me new orders.”

“Has he...” Annie frowned further.

“I am to guard you,” he said. “Best fighter of the sentient undead who isn’t more busy elsewhere.” He held out his hand to her. “Mordechai Anielewicz.”

Annie took the glowing, spectral hand. It felt faintly cold to the touch, but solid – he was doing his best to remain solid at least. Annie shook and tried to not release his hand too quickly. She still had a hard time not thinking about how long these people had been dead. Instead, she said: “Mordechai, huh? Uh, can I call you Mord?”

“No,” Mordechai said.

“Too bad,” Annie said, grinning at him. “I am the dark lord of-” She pulled out the phone. “The ... how do you spell that? Is it with a U?”

Mordechai actually smiled a bit. “G O Y I M.”

“Goyim...” She paused. “Oh. You’re Jewish?”

Mordechai looked pained as Annie started to walk towards the exit. “You, uh, don’t have many Jews around?”

“No, I- no, I mean, I do! I have!” Annie stammered. “Just, I’ve never heard the word. Maybe it’s fallen out of, uh, favor.” She paused. “Huh, translation: People of Nations. Oh! I get it. Dark Queen of Nations. Cause, I, uh, kinda rule the world right now.” Her smile faded as she saw Mordechai shrug one shoulder – as if to say, as you say. She felt deeply uncomfortable as she tapped in his name.

He’d died fighting people like her.

Annie frowned. She started to walk faster. “So, Mord ... Mordechai,” she corrected herself. “We’re going to be fixing up a factory. Uh, San Fran has a few factories, self contained consumer goods stuff, and we need to make sure that they run. Uh, and it’s important that people see why, uh, why this is good, what we’re doing. Since it is ... we’re not ... we’re not taking over the world to take stuff. Heck, I don’t want to even to run things, Dale and I are going to give up power the instant everything is set up.”

Mordechai lifted an eyebrow speculatively, but said nothing. They came to a set of double doors. The sound of chanting was louder now – set us free! Set us free! Set us free! - and shouting mixed between sounded like a dull roar. Annie gulped.

“Sounds as if things are going quite well so far,” Mordechai said.

Annie breathed in, her fingers touching the door. She closed her eyes, recalling the magic she had been taught. A bit of wood, a touch of void, a twist of shaping. That had been Dale’s genius, the methods that he had shown her when they had been quietly learning and planning for what felt like lifetimes. He had been alone on Arcadia, and he had traveled the world far and wide and learned the magic of many nations – and began to combine them. To see what resulted from forbidden combinations. The end result had been a subtle grasp of the final construction of spells. Any wizard could make a spell that would bring people into a deep sleep.

Annie cast out a net of magic that brought calm.

Not control.

Not compulsion.

Simple ... calm.

And when the door opened and she stepped out into the interior mall that served as the gathering place of the crowd of protesters ... into silence. The crowd was looking faintly shocked, as if they weren’t sure quite where their anger had gone. She saw it gathering in their faces again as she stepped up behind the line of skeletal troops in riot armor. They hadn’t done anything but hold up shields – since the projectiles that the crowd had thrown at them wouldn’t have been lethal or dangerous to living cops, skeleton cops were basically immune. Annie’s mind flashed back, suddenly, to watching a super cheesy cartoon as a kid.

SkeleCop, SkeleCop, she thought. He Cannot be Stopped.

“H-Hey everyone!” she called out, waving to the crowd. Then, coughing. “Y-You’re all free. Um. Right now. Technically. I mean, y-you were allowed to assemble here, right? I mean, uh, heh, you wouldn’t have been allowed to do that if we were really that bad, right?”

Several mutters came from the crowd. Someone who had clearly not been hit by the spell as hard as the others shouted, loudly: “You lying evil bitch!”

Annie clenched her jaw, then held up her hands. “Wait! Wait! My name is Annie Hernman DuPont. I’m just as American as anyone else here-” She winced as she heard more shouting and was glad that the distinction between the words was lost in the clamor and the roar. “-and if everyone here would follow me, I’ll show you what we’re about!” She snapped her fingers and a glowing platform appeared beneath her. She hovered upwards, Mordechai following, looking over the edge with wide eyes. A few people threw bottles – but she flicked her hand, the magic flowing through her as easily as breathing. The bottles hung in the air and she gently floated them to the ground, her jaw set as she focused on the platform, flying it over their heads. Wonder filled those eyes – wonder and fear, overcoming the calming spell. But she saw people moving to follow her, the press of the crowd shifting under her like the waves of the sea.

The procession she made was one that was filled with murmuring conversation – and it swelled. The crowd had been, compared to the population of San Fransisco’s massive, pyramidal shape, relatively small. A tiny fraction of people who weren’t utterly terrified of the ghosts and zombies that now patrolled their halls and broke up violence with nothing more than their presence. A zombie didn’t need to use force to stop someone – they just had to stand in their way and gently, inexorably, let the human wear themselves out against their undead flesh.

But she did see cameras in the crowd – cellphones, recording her flight as she made her way to the consumer factories on the lowest level of the arcology. Each arcology designed and built under the UN emergency council mandates had been designed to be self contained and self sustaining – but this took labor. Immense amounts of labor. The raw materials were mostly recycled from the city’s own trash, but the humans that worked the high temperature sorting engines – essentially plasma torches that atomized materials, then sorted them centrifugally into different atomic weights, allow the raw material to be turned into each individual element – labored for long hours on dangerous, boring jobs that couldn’t be automated. No computer system yet devised could manage the variables involved in the management of the recycling and factory lines.


Well, there were plenty of aspects of the job that hadn’t been automated.

Because people without jobs couldn’t get money. People without money couldn’t eat. That basic relationship was the underpinning of the entirety of the American economy, the entire America society.

As they came to the factory, Annie was ready to take a crowbar to it. She hovered on the floating disk as the crowds millled around outside the factory. Since the factory was built into the arcology proper, it didn’t look like how the old pictures of factories looked. No huge bulky, box shaped structure here, just a broad, flat wall covered in warning signs and strips of yellow and black paint. The doors that were marked every few feet opened into the factory halls themselves, but Annie wanted everyone to see it.

“Watch this,” she whispered to Mordechai, then lifted her palms. The sphere of Earth and Air, twisted by her will, and then she blew along her palm, sending ropes of invisible mana arcing through the air. It touched the wall and slowly turned it into a clear, transparent glass. To all who were looking, it was as if the wall had dissolved away, starting in the center and working outwards, like frost under a blowtorch. The crowd stilled and filled with gasps and cries of alarm. Mordechai tensed, glaring at the crowd.

“Just saying, Miss Dark Lord,” he murmured. “This is a great way for you to get shot.”

Annie frowned. “The city has been disarmed.”

Mordechai snorted.

“And I have shields,” Annie muttered. She looked back at the factory. The interior still had skeletons daubing paint that Dale had designed – sympathetic materials (in this case, obsidian) ground up and spread into purple paint, glittering and gleaming as the skeletons daubed the symbols that they had worked out together above massive drums that would do the atomic sorting. She lifted her palms and closed her eyes, speaking aloud. “This is what we’re doing, everyone.” Her fingers spread outwards and magic crackled along her palms as she found the faint echoes of ghosts.

This factory had been in place for decades. Over those decades, some of the factory workers had died – and those echoes, those quantum vibrations, remained in the air, drawn and connected by sympathy and long association. She began to feed those vibrations, in time with their resonance. Building the resonance, so that the sound grew louder and louder. The daubed obsidian within the factory began to glow brilliantly. Purple lightning crackled within the factory and the crowd cried out. They surged backwards and Annie tried to focus only on her spell. She cried out a few last words – shouting the magical syllables that Dale had taught her.

The last of the magic slipped through her and she felt fatigue come in after. Bone deep fatigue, buzzing and throbbing through her body. Within the factory, machines began to move themselves – arms swinging, buttons depressing. The recycling systems whirred and glowed as the plasma torches came online. The crowd watched, mute and uncomprehending.

Annie turned back to them, resisting the urge to lean into Mordechai. “T-This factory!” she said. “Is the first in America to be run entirely by magic.”

No need to tell them that the long dead souls of old factory workers had been tapped to provide the expertise to guide the magic. It’d take too long to explain that said souls were quiescent and still, as sentient as an AI program. So, instead, she continued: “Once I have cast the same spell on each, this entire city will recycle and produce the materials you are used to for free. If you wish it, you can have it!” She beamed at the crowd.

They looked at her.

Some were looking shocked. Some horrified. But one started to clap. It was a young woman – thin and skinny and desperate. She clapped harder and harder and a few others began to clap as well. Annie felt her knees turning to wobbling rubber – and then someone shouted: “What is wrong with you?” and grabbed the clapping woman. “She’s a monster, they’re all monsters-”

The clapping woman grabbed for something in her belt. It was a mace can. The hissing sound of the spray was unnaturally loud in the air – and then someone else screamed. An actual punch was thrown and shouts filled the air – shouts of traitor, shouts of motherfucker, shouts of every kind imaginable. People stampeded towards the exits and Annie, her strength ebbing, flung out her hands. “Everyone! Sto ... stop! Stop!” She shook her head, reaching desperately for magic. Screams were coming and Mordechai had grabbed onto her arm.

“We have to get out of here,” he hissed.

“Nox!” Annie bellowed. She felt something deep and harsh tug at her body. She fed every bit of strength she had into it, magic flowing through her. She snapped her shield spell in half – and the spell she had crafted, of sleep, flung outwards like a net. The emotions were so high, the crowd so furious, that she felt the net fraying – but in the center of the crowd, people were slowly lapsing to the ground, sprawling across one another as they fell asleep. Blood streamed from wounded face. Some got only halfway done before the pain of broken limbs caused them to scream awake. But at the edges of the crowd, the net was growing thinner. Annie felt wobbly – but she held on.

One of the crowd was tugging something from their vest. It was boxy and ugly and clearly a gun – a Patriot, one of the 3d printable guns. Annie’s eyes widened. “Mord-” She started.

The gun roared.

Annie felt something rip into her chest.

She coughed.

Heat dripped pas their lips.

“Miss!” A voice, very distant, echoed in her ears.

A cute voice...

Annie tried to breathe.

Tried to drag in magic. She just needed ... healing...

The healing buzzed in her. Magic swirled.

The next shot struck and flared and there was nothing after that.

The Enterprise was the only place the meeting could have been held. Arcadia was too volatile, the Russian ships too small – in aggregate, their fleet was larger, but their ships were all designed without centrifugal sections. The Enterprise had security, it had comfort, it had size, it had gravity. But it still took almost two days of wrangling and shouting before the Russians agreed to alter their orbit to a polar one and to join the Enterprise. Now, like a gleaming string of beads, the Russians and Americans looped around Arcadia – each ship following stem to stern.

While the orbits were shifted and propellant was spent, the crew of the Enterprise worked their asses off to convert a meeting room to the size that would take the Russian officers, the representatives from Arcadia, and the adopted son of the Dragon Emperor.

“Not sure why we need an adopted son of the Dragon Emperor,” Helen said to Lucas as he thumbed through the book on magic. Isabella had been teaching him and Vidya in what scant few moments they’d had free, but Lucas had yet to get more than a spark of magic from his fingers. Helen herself was dressed in her best pressed uniform, adjusting her new lieutenant pins. She shook her head, looking deeply skeptical. “And I’m not sure about bringing Fire Heart up here.”

“Well, you are Lord Winsom,” Lucas muttered. He paused. “D-Do you think ... on Earth...”

Helen’s fingers paused in their fidgeting. She turned to face him and sighed. “I don’t have family I give a fuck about, really,” she said, walking over and sitting down on the bed beside him. “But I think your family has to be fine. There’s no way that this Dark Lord motherfucker can have taken the United States. Setting off MAD? Fine, that hosed us bad. But, ya know, the USAF is just a quarter of our military. And, like, by numbers, it’s not even the biggest. The Army is still huge. And have fucking guns. This guy’s from Arcadia, a planet that things pointy sticks is cutting edge.” She grinned at him, her voice cocky. “We got this.”

Lucas smiled at her, then leaned in and kissed her, hard. He still felt a twinge in his breast, a momentary fear, a worry that she’d draw back and snort and laugh. How many times would he have to be inside of her before he stopped worrying that this was all dream? When Helen drew back, she was grinning at him. “No fair waiting till I’m in the fuckin uniform, Lucas.” She paused. “Unless...” She grinned, slowly. “Do uniforms get you hot?”

Lucas coughed. “We, uh, we should get to the meeting room, right? The Russians are docking.”

Helen snorted.

When the door opened and they stepped out, Lucas found a rather strange tableaux between him and the elevator that would take them from the living quarters deck to the meeting chambers. There stood Mohammad, one of the Indian scientists that had been a part of the mission since day one. He had his back pressed to the wall and was standing up very tall, very straight, and very steadily faced. His hands were clasped behind his back. Almost on the other side of the corridor was Vidya, her finger casually pushing the elevator call button repeatedly – filling the air with a clicking and clacking noise. Vidya, despite her dusky complexion, was nearly beat red.

Helen glanced from Vidya to Mohammad to Vidya again. Then, smirking like a cat, she headed for the elevator, timing it just as the door whirred open. She stepped on as Vidya darted in. Lucas followed after, glancing confusedly back at Mohammad. The elevator door closed and the elevator began to ascend, the seeming of gravity reducing with every foot they traveled upwards. Once they hit microgravity, a dull chime filled the air and each of them flipped over, putting their feet against the ceiling. As they did so, Helen said, so casually that it nearly slipped past Lucas’ attention: “So, doc, how was he?”

Vidya glared at her. “Nothing happened. I’m married.”

Helen bit her lip, her good humor evaporating. “Uh, doc...” She coughed. “Did you and ... well, did ... I mean, you guys were talking right.”

Vidya sighed as the elevator began to whirr. From their old perspective, it was going in the same direction – but to their feet and their bodies, it felt as if it was going down, as they approached the opposite end of the great, spinning arm that was the center of the Enterprise. “It’s a ... I ... I never asked...” Vidya said, her voice soft. “I never thought to do it, and now he’s gone again and the Earth – I...” She put her hand over her face. Her voice had caught and Lucas could see her trying to control herself. He felt his own fears uncoiling inside of him. Helen, looking as contrite as he’d ever seen her, reached out and squeezed her shoulder.

“Listen,” she said. “We’ve got nukes. This fucker doesn’t stand a chance.”

Vidya let out a sound that was halfway between a giggle, a snort, and a scream.

The meeting room, by the time, they arrived, was filling up. The Russians had sent a trio of officers – none of them were Captain Markova. But they had also brought a rather stoic looking Chinese man. He was nut brown in complexion, hazel eyed, black haired, and remarkably tall and broad shouldered. His muscles looked as if he had been doing hard labor his whole life and he’d never quite stopped. But sitting on his shoulder, craning his head around wildly, was...

A dragon.

An actual, factual, real life dragon. Lucas, who had become increasingly inured to bizarre sights and impossible images over the past few months, still took a few moments gaping at the small creature. He was small as well – kittenish in size and attitude, with sleek black scales, a white furred ruff, and a kind of mustachio, like a Chinese dragon would have. His tail twitched from side to side and he stuck his tongue out into the air, then said – in a clear, piping voice that was obviously being translated with magic: “I like this ship! I like spinning! Also, whoa! You didn’t tell me that humans could have rainbow hair!”

He vanished and appeared, floating in the air before Helen. His wings didn’t beat, and yet, he hung there, his eyes wide as he leaned his head forward, bumping his nose against Helen’s nose. Helen waved her hand. “Hey!” she said. “Also, you can f-” She hastily adjusted her word. “You can talk?” she asked. In the background, Lucas could see Captain DuPont watching with a clear bit of amusement. The Captain had taken the news that he had been subtly influenced by the Dark Lord rather well, if Lucas was any judge of such things. But he had clearly relaxed considerably when the council of elven magi that Isabella had called up had then immediately purged his body of the connection.

“Well, I’d be kind of a lame dragon if I couldn’t talk,” the dragon said. “I couldn’t say ... hey there beautiful.” He winked at Helen. “Wanna learn why they call me the Magnificent Dawn? It’s cause I never come early, but I’m always worth it when I do.”

At that moment, a hand closed around the midsection of the dragon and he made a loud squalling sound as he was dragged back and shoved into what Lucas recognized as a stretchable kitbag, the kind astros in every service used to stow their personal belongings when traveling from ship to ship. His snout stuck out of the mouth of the bag, and the hand tugged hard on the cinch, tightening the bag so that the dragon could barely squirm. “I’m betrapped!” he squeaked.

“Hua,” the Chinese man said, his voice firm. “What did I tell you about flirting with women?”

“ ... do it often cause the last time I did it, it got you totally laid?”

The Chinese man sighed, slowly, then looked up at Helen and Lucas. “My apologies for my draconic companion,” he said, his reserve nearly as intense as the dragon’s bubbliness. Lucas felt like he was about to get the bends. “He’s an idiot.”

“If I was an idiot, would I do ... this?” The dragon squirmed. “Auh! Dang it!”

“The bag has been enchanted,” the Chinese man said. “Spacer First Class, Jianhong Qasim off the People’s Shield.”

“Holy shit, you survived that?” Helen asked, grinning. “How did you do that?”

“I didn’t,” Qasim said, flatly.

Before Lucas could make hide nor tails of that, the elves arrived. Fireheart was there, as was several others he didn’t recognize – and several he did, even if he didn’t know their names. The elven magi, one representing each of the elemental spheres of magic, were all looking various kinds of queasy and battered. It was clear that the flight had not agreed with them in the slightest. They took their seats – and after them came stranger creatures. A short, muscular man with a long beard. A girl who appeared to be bright orange and came up to Lucas’ knee. A statue that walked and was carved with a snarling, tusked face. Two elves that had skin the color of charcoal and glowing red eyes. A burly green man with fur cloth and a sword strapped to his hip, glaring about himself.

Even with several walls knocked down and tables added, the meeting room became hot with body heat, the filter systems of the Enterprise struggling until the Magi of Air cast a spell that glowed over her head, creating cooling air that rushed outwards and caused Dr. Mann – who Lucas saw had been in quiet conversations with the captain – to begin walking over, clearly fascinated. Isabella came in among the last of the arrivals, which included a woman who was as blue as Helen had been before her skin dye pills had worn off, but had four arms and a dress that looked like a sari. Vidya, who had been watching with as much fascination as Lucas, choked on a drink bulb at seeing her.

“This is amazing,” Isabella whispered to Lucas, beaming. “Where did you get that?” she asked, pointing at Vidya, who was still hacking and coughing, gaping at the blue skinned woman. Following the line of her gaze, Isabella frowned. “Oh, you’ve never seen a Vedic before?”

Same as Δv
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Juniors Samples Part of the Stopwatch SeriesChapter 6

I was meandering, no place in particular to go, just trying to see how teen fit. I know it shouldn't make a difference ... Twelve to Thirteen ... I didn't look any different ... Well, maybe a little. My boobs are a little bigger ... they were bigger than G-mom's when she was 13 anyway. I'll bet that chapped her ass ... LOL. Mom said If I was going to do this ... this retrospective ... I'd have to quit using computer speak. LOL means Laugh Out Loud or Laugh On Line ... depending on...

1 year ago
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Locker Room Encounters

The pay that his boss gave him per hour wasn't the best but Jake didn't mind, the job came with other added "bonuses." Jake would often wear his favourite tight speedo shorts and the word "tight" was a bit of understatement. Swimming countless laps of the pool over the years had done Jake a ton of favours and the countless stares directed at his muscular figure bulging out of his speedo did not go unnoticed. On this particular day he noticed a couple of seniors Hailey and Jennifer...

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The Sacred Band Ch 11

Laura, Philip – and Judy. By October, I had been with Philip for four lovely months, and I was happier than I had ever been in my life. I began to want to give him something really nice to show my love for him. I decided that my gift should be an attractive new concubine of my own age. At the end of September 1955, I started as a first year at Leicester Uni. Gazing at the imposing building on University Road, I was reminded of what the Personnel Officer at Bardon Quarry had told my father, ...

3 years ago
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The Cosca Episode 3 Keeping PromisesChapter 2

The Fanelli women were uncharacteristically silent as they left the Martelli residence, and took their seats in their car. That condition lasted almost until they arrived home, at which point Maria gave Joe a serious look, and said: "You know, don't you, that you are headed for trouble with the cosca over the issue of continuing the Martelli line..." "Yes," he sighed. "It is no secret that we promised to perpetuate our pilots' genes if they fell in the line of duty. Cris's final...

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Fancy Dress

A long long time ago when I had not long turned 18 years old, my local hockey club decided to hold a bit of a fancy dress night to help raise money to pay for a new roof.On the Saturday morning of the party, my friends and I headed into the city centre in the North of England and headed to the fancy dress shop just on the outskirts of the main shopping area. It was a bit of a seedy run down area with a couple of naughty bookshops and a couple of massage parlours. The fancy dress shop was up...

2 years ago
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Unplanned Pleasure

Unplanned PleasureBy: Londebaaz Chohan Everybody was thankful that the jobs were saved and the bank; instead of closing its doors forever went into the merger plan with another larger bank. It was the part of the deal that none of the employees shall be sacked but if anybody found a better job and wanted to leave, he or she shall be treated fairly and given all what was due to them. The bank also announced the special packages, particularly for the senior employees who were expected to take the...

4 years ago
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How Polygamy Begins 43

[Heathers Narration]Sue and I came from the running a path around the ranch perimeter when Mrs. Donner came up behind us and invited us both for a relaxing sauna. I tried to make a polite exit by saying I really needed a shower.“Nonsense,” Katherine exclaimed. “You mise well take a sauna first, it will relax those tired muscles.”I had been dreading the conversation I had known was coming. I didn’t know why, I didn’t have anything to hide from Katherine. I just didn’t have a good raport with...

2 years ago
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Persuading Mom To Pose Chapter 1

I was a junior the year that this story takes place. I was about halfway through the school year and the second quarter was drawing to a close. In a couple weeks, I would have a change in some of my classes, and I was looking forward to one in particular.You see, in my school, there were some classes that ran the whole school year long like the basic classes—Math, English, History/Social Studies, and Science. Then there were others, the electives, that lasted for two semesters. This was so that...

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Night Time walks

Now I was not gay, in fact the whole idea of being gay made me sick, and it wasnt untill Tom that I changed my mind, Me and Tom spent a lot of time together as we slept in the same tent, and in the night he would often rub up against me in his sleep, he was onyl 12 and he was asleep so I thought nothing of it, but seeing as we were both wearing nothing but underwear I was aware that for a boy his age he was pretty large down there, as I would soon discover. as when I turned over in the...

1 year ago
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Truck Guy Beach ShowerChapter 1 The Beach

Like with many couples, our sex drives did not match, and they changed constantly. When we married I had, on average, a stronger more frequent drive. The difference is gradually shrinking, we figured it will flip before we hit 40. The fluctuations within an given month? That will be with us always. Our two brightest sexual memories were some we consider semi-public. One was in our late 20’s, we made love at 2 AM on the side of the road, parked in a SUV, because we were both feeling horny...

3 years ago
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Breastfeeding Leads To New Pleasures For Hubby

My husband jostles my shoulder, until, finally I stir from my deep sleep.As any new mom will tell you, sleep, especially deep sleep, is a precious commodity. One that is not to be lightly disturbed. I'm more than tired. I'm exhausted. The last two months have taken its toll on me."Huh? What?" I mumble.Groggy, I open my eyes.Rubbing them, it takes me a few seconds to focus on the red LED display of the bedside clock. It reads 3:15. 3:15 AM.  I turn my head and find my husband standing there,...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 89

Yeuhan had a list of women who wanted to go house hunting. I'd bet anything that none of them wanted to buy, but I figured Yeuhan could use the work. "Tell you what," I said, looking at the names, "if you sell to one of these bitches, before it closes, I'll let you film me fucking in her new house. Deal?" He actually looked excited. "Yes, Boss. Thank you." I watched Giovanni for a moment. He was watching the cocktail crowd a bit wistfully. "Problem, grumpy?" He sighed. "While...

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It Happened in Vegas

Ace spoke first, almost breaking the spell of ending up so intimately after a long night at the gaming tables. “I could stay like this forever, simply spooning with you in the dark, my dear slim and smooth, beautiful redhead.” “That’s because you are right behind me, you naughty tall dark handsome one, you! Just don’t break my heart.” “As if I would. Being behind you or right in front, just being this close to you is the real deal for me. I wish it could always be like this, my favourite...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Adira Allure Lacey London Seducing My Straight White Best Friend

The dating life has not been going well for Adira so when her best friend Lacey suggests they go out to the movies together that night she jumps at the opportunity. It would be so much more relaxing and stress-free to just hang out with a friend. Little did Adira know how the night would progress as she ends up at Lacey’s apartment and soon finds herself being seduced by her best friend. Having never been with a woman before Adira is at first hesitant but Lacey is just so pretty how could...

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The Stranger

She was a bit nervous knowing that she was going to have company today, even though she had done this before. For some strange reason this encounter was making her nervous, not so much nervous but, more turned on than any other time. There was a knock at her door precisely at noon, and her pussy gave a little quiver at the sound. When she opened the door the dark haired woman stepped in and closed the door behind her, without saying a word she kissed Danielle deeply forcing her tongue into her...

First Time
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Danni TylerChapter 2

"This," Aunt Jessica said, waving at the town, "is known as The Project." "The Project?" Danielle asked after a moment. "What kind of project?" She looked around. There wasn't a rundown apartment building in sight. "This certainly doesn't look like Northern California, either. Where are we, and how did we get here?" They were standing on an outdoor patio, and Aunt Jessica led her to a table that was slightly apart from the others. "We're not really in California," Aunt...

1 year ago
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Not so faithful Part 2

Sally entered the Studio 1 in the gym for her fitness class. She noticed another younger woman there. It was a welcome change to see someone younger at a 10 a.m. class, as it was usually filled with much older women. Sally, a school teacher, could only come to gym this early on a weekday as it was summers and schools were closed.She couldn’t help but notice herself in the mirror, she was proud of her well-toned body. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail, her ample breasts stretching her tank top...

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Summer Heat

Why is there no air conditioning in here? You would think a small trailer in Florida would at least have an A/C unit come standard with the rent, but for whatever reason, it doesn’t. I suppose when you’re a landlord renting units to students and other low-income tenants, amenities aren’t exactly a concern of yours. Worse off, it was in the dead of summer when the humidity is at its worst and your skin never feels completely dry. Even a standing fan doesn’t make much of a difference.If it...

2 years ago
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Office Supplies

“What is that?” “It’s, uh, my dick.” “Why do you have it on my desk?” “Because I want your opinion.” “It’s…nice. I could put it to good use. I mean, if it were available.” “I’ve got plans for it if things go the way I hope.” “Your _hope_ is getting bigger. Maybe we should call it the ‘Great White Hope’?” “Yeah, it is, isn’t it? I’d better act...

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After a hard day's work in a country town in Venezuela, arrives at my hotel, I took a refreshing shower and got ready to go down to the bar to eat and have a couple of drinks. Once there and seeing that the place was somewhat lonely, I decided to settle on the bar. I ordered a drink and after a while observe a lady of about 50 years old, very smart they smiled discreetly, smiled back and asked the waiter to bring him a drink on my own to the nice granny called Silvia said. After a started...

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In the way surprisingly

Hello friends this is Vasu back again with the next part of the story. First thanks to all for your replies and love. So many people replied to me that they like my story and enjoyed it thank you so much, it’s very good to hear about it. To all the people reading my story I assure you that each and every part of my story is completely true. I wrote the exact things what has happened in my life. So before continuing my story let me give my brief intro to the new people. I’m Vasu, I’m 28 years...

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Duncan West has been waiting for this day his entire life. His 21st birthday. Today he'll got through the blood rite as his father did before him. He'll become the earthly vessel for the enigmatic being from the beyond. One that calls itself Eternity. He enters the sacred chamer clothed in only his ceremonial robe his father stands behind an altar. His mother stands beside his father. To the left of the alter stand his sisters, an elder and a younger. To the right stands his best friend and her...

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A Day In The Life

A Day In The Life By Georg Kinaski Editor of PA Magazine The alarm clock sounds with its usual insistence. The blinking 6:00 AM announcesanother day. I immediately feel my roommate Cindy's arm on my bare thigh andwonder again if she's aware that she's taken to spooning with me when she sleeps.If she does, I wonder if it is because we have to keep the thermostat so lowin order to afford the utilities and she's just seeking some warmth. Or ifthere's another reason altogether. I have to move...

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Sunday Family Dinner

It was a normal sunday me and my whole family went to church for our regular family get together. And as always we meet at my grandparents house for dinner. This Sunday was extra special. I was sitting the pew with my family when my aunt Andrea walked in. She looked so stunningly beautiful and sexy as always. She had on a black dress and pressed tightly against her 36d tits, she was 46 yrs old and could make me horny as hell. The dress was cut pretty high, that i could almost see her cunt hair....

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The day my aunty caught me

So back to the story it was friday evening and my family left to go to their weekend break and leave me because i had work on saturday i wasnt to bothered. My mind was just running wild with all the things a could do get drunk masturbate and even try to loose my v plates (virginty). When my parents left the first thing i did was go up to my dad bedroom and got out his porno stash i started watcing it in there room. i slowly stripped my cothes i could feel that i had a full on erection my penis...

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The Balcony

Brent worked at the athletic director's office for his high school. He had been doing this for four years. He remembered the first time he walked in to the office and spoke with Mr. Burns. Mr. Burns & Mr. Kinney immediately saw something in Brent and hired him on the spot. Ultimately, it started by letting Brent come to the office during his study hall and homeroom. It was a way for the student athletes to get out of the boring confines of the auditorium and help out with in the office. He...

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A rough night at work

Saturday evening was delightful, the club was jumping, and there lots and lots of pretty people around to enjoy. A tall brunette was giving me the eye, and the way she was looking at me told me we were on the same wavelength. She finally walked up to me and spoke.‘Can I buy you a drink, pretty lady?’Silly girl, of COURSE you can!‘I’d love that, and I love Cosmos. My name’s Elizabeth, and you are?’She smiled and it was the kind of smile I liked.‘I’m Kendra, and I’m impressed, you’re very...

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One Night Thing

As we all left work for the evening we always walked to the garage together to play it safe. My name is Sharon and living alone in today’s world as a thirty seven year old working mom is tough but it has its moments and I guess this story is one of them. I climb into my old 1983 dodge and had a bit of trouble starting it. Gary one of the people that I work with came over and asked if all was well but I just looked at him and said that I had no way home that my piece of junk finally died. He...

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Taxi driver ride

Hi guys my latest sexual adventure happened recently that id like to share with u . Im a married pakistani in my mid 30s with a husband who allows me to indulge my high sex drive when needed with other men as long as i divulge my experience with him and also try and keep it safe ........The following story Is 100 percent true but I'll change the name of the person involved. So it was a Friday night and lately I've been carrying out my grocery shopping late in the evening as with work and other...

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Lasting Impressions Chapter 3 Day 2

Lasting Impressions: Chapter 3 By: ASTRO Day 2 I woke up the next morning again with the surprise of finding myself in my wife's body, but I was quicker to calm down this time. AJ had set the alarm for me at 7 AM as he left for the gym before work. I was very out of it this early in the morning. I slid out of bed and walked into the bathroom. There was a note on mirror. Jess you are acting like an idiot. We had sex yesterday and you have not taken...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Nineteen

Taking Instruction 1 The filthy stable hand who once, only recently, had been the beautiful Lady Ann Neville, came slowly awake to the stench of manure. He was lying curled up tightly on the floor of one of the stable pens, freezing cold and aching from a night on the hard floor, a great pile of freshly steaming horse dung only inches from his nose. He shuddered. Surely it wasn't possible that this was really happening; that he was still stuck in Burt Harper's body; that he'd...

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A Potters TaleChapter 3

It seemed that it took all day Tuesday just to fill out all the paperwork required to sign on as unemployed. One look at the vacancies boards told me that I was going to have to take a few steps back and a significant pay cut to even hope for another job. The staff kindly told me that I was entitled to no benefit for quite a number of weeks because of my redundancy pay and because I'd had the foresight to save money for this rainy day. I would still be required to attend the job centre and...

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Depression SoupChapter 8 Bad Jokes

The rest of the winter, starting right after New Year's Day, the weather turned unseasonably cold. The deep muddy ruts had formed when there was a thaw and then froze up again. They were so deep Pa could let go of the steering wheel and the old truck seemed to steer itself. Although the county commissioners had decided to grade the road smooth in the springtime there was little to be done when it was so cold like it was right then. Even though it was the middle of the week we had little we...

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Losing Virginity To Mama 8211 Story Of My Sister

Losing virginity to mama! Thanks for great response for my first story (Mama fucked Bhanji in front of her Brother…..). Menu she is my elder sister having good figure 32-26-34 with height 5.6 ft, fair and long hair. She got hard fuck with my mama (viju mama with great look, 24 aged) and by the chance I seen both of them during their fucking season.. Next day I noticed that menu is not able to walk properly and mama was left for office early. At the time of breakfast I was alone and nobody was...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Keely Rose Beautiful Keely Rose Is Ready For A Passionate Fuck

Chad Alva loves running his hands over Keely Rose’s big, beautiful breasts. She looks like perfection, in her red lingerie, as he explores her body with his fingertips, kissing her neck and shoulders. She moans with pleasure, letting him undress her so he can play with her big tits. He continues to have his way with her, and she opens up her legs wide, just for him. She loves how he plays with her tits and licks that clit. By now, Chad cannot wait for her to play with that big cock of his, and...

4 years ago
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Preachers Daughters Part 2 Modified

Martin drove by the church and checked with the church secretary for calls. Nothing was pressing so he told her that he was going to do some visiting before lunch. He swung his car back out into the street and drove several blocks over to Palmdale Avenue. The street was quiet this morning and the old oaks along the sides shaded the street from the morning sun. He pulled the car to a stop in the driveway of one of the old, well-kept houses. Reaching the door, he rang the bell. After a few...

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Spirits SoldiersChapter 6

Edward stood before the Lord dejected and confused. He had thought that his army would receive their new assignment today. He'd thought wrong. "Edward, it's just not a good idea for your troops to go out again so soon. Especially not after the losses you sustained yesterday. I am going to transfer some more warriors to your army. They'll be a bit green, so you're going to have to train them." "My lord, I think that we are strong enough to take on any mission. We should strike soon so...

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The ImamChapter 9

MUSTAFA CONFRONTS THE TRUTH 17th of Safar 1436 (December 10, 2014) The truth hit the Imam in waves. He returned home with his mother after the dreadful commotion at the mosque, his eyes filled with angry tears. He saw his mother as another person entirely, as though his days with her had been some terrible hallucination. He considered his trips to the psychiatric wards in a similar light. He had questions, large ones, but knew not who would provide the answers. For hours he stayed in his...

3 years ago
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Vaginal Vicky Full story reference pics in gall

Vaginal Vicky - Full StoryPlease note where there is a ** in the text below you can view the associated picture in the writers gallery Vaginal Vicky -------------------------------By way of introduction my wife Vicky is 34 average build for a woman of her age with large breasts, long brown hair and a pretty face. Some men do give her a second look from time to time particularly if she has some cleavage on display but whilst she is attractive you wouldn't say that she is a "head turner"We have...

4 years ago
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Golden Shower MomChapter 3

“Shouldn’t we go, Mom?” Lisa held his prick as they lay side by side on the blanket. “No, not yet,” she murmured, still feeling the pleasure glow. “Let’s stay here a while longer. Lisa turned on her side, facing him. She looked at his face for a moment. Mike was a handsome young boy, looking somewhat like his dad. He was trying hard to grow a moustache, but failing miserably. She stroked his cock, feeling the wetness still there from her cunt. She moved her face close to him, then ran the...

3 years ago
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Annual Meeting

"Darling, I'm just going to run to the ladies’ room." "But," Winston stammered, "but you'll miss my speech." "I've heard it, remember?" Andrea said with a smile, collecting her clutch purse and pushing back from the table. I can almost recite it myself, she thought, recalling the hours they’d spent together rehearsing, writing and making changes. Forty minutes, she thought as she recalled the memory of those evenings. It warmed her inside and she smiled as she stood, straightened her dress...

Group Sex
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Looking back, perhaps none of what happened is all that surprising. I can see now how circumstances fell into place like the pieces of a jigsaw, or perhaps like the meshing gears of a machine. Cause and effect with a dash of human weakness. The weekend of my 18th birthday, my mother, my father and I had been out for dinner to celebrate my milestone. It was a pretty posh affair: a table for three in the most expensive restaurant in town My mother wore a very attractive new dress and my father...

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Christmas Party

A Christmas Sex Party        My wife of ten years is the sales rep for a plastic whole sale company.  She sells recycled raw product to factories and manufacturing companies in a fairly large region including the east coast and into the mid-east states.  Using email and a phone she is able to do a lot of her work from an office in our home.   This allows her to be at home most days to spend quality time with our two kids, Mat 6 and Jessie 4.  To maintain personal contact with most of her...

2 years ago
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Wife strips for colleagues on webcam

When me and my wife Anne were in our twenties. Anne worked in an office. She loved that job, working as a website designer for a small company in Leeds. The whole company only had nine employees, five of which worked in the website development team and shared an office, Anne was part of this team. Luckily for such a close knit work environment, everybody got along really well and the office atmosphere was great. The only real problem with her job was the commute. It would easily take well over...

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Brandees Move Ch 01

My freshman year in high school had been a hard one. I was new to my town and to make things harder, I had become a faceless student in a school of three thousand other people. By my senior year, however, I had made plenty of friends and I was vice president of the student body. I started my last year of high school confidently, my head held high. That is why it came as such a shock the night after my eighteenth birthday. Both of my parents came into the living room as I was watching...

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Amy 22 Lets Amy

Amy 22: Let's Amy Copyright 2014 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2014 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: I Step Into a Timeless Zone We drove over to Martin's old house in Emily's semi-new black Toyota. Weird nostalgic feelings crowded in on me. Like for one thing, I kept thinking about Emily's Bronco II, which had been...

4 years ago
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Neighbours Daddy Two Little Daughters

From my usual vantage point on the landing, I was looking into my neighbour’s house and all there was to see was the daddy, sitting on the chair opposite the window, watching the telly. Nothing terribly exciting there then, but I knew it was nearing the time for the daughters to arrive home from school, so decided to stay put. As expected, after about a quarter of an hour, the younger of the two daughters came into the room, in her little school uniform, which comprised of a sweet lilac school...

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Beach pickup

Another fantasy storyLike everyone else, I like the beach - warm sun, cool breeze, refreshing water, bare flesh on view. Sometimes the quantity and quality are not there, but occasionally something just makes you think - fucking hell - that is superb.Well, there are places to see this jaw-dropping example of perfect flesh - covered only by a few bits of cotton, and my particular story is in Brazil - Rio. Even during cloudy days, flesh of all sorts is on view - but the freshest is late...

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WebYoung Jenna Sativa Megan Rain Are You Sure Youre Alone

Megan Rain sits her in bedroom bored out of her mind, after her mother grounded her for breaking the rules. As her mother gets ready to leave, Megan promises she will not contact or have her lesbian lover Jenna Sativa visit while she’s gone. Megan decides to preoccupy her time by watching a movie. But as the movie becomes intense, Megan calls Jenna to come over, despite the promise she made to her mother. Jenna and Megan are once against reunited and can’t take their hands off one...

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Lovely Mom

Hello every one. I have been a constant visitor to this site and i appreciate its work. I have an experience of a lifetime that i want to share with you. First of all let me introduce you to my self. I m Siddharth,22 , doing my BE from pune. This is the story of my incest experience with my mom.she is a nice built lady with a 5′ 6″ height and 44 years of age now. My father is a govt. Class 1 officer. My mother is a housewife. She has a very sexy body. She is a bit chubby, but she is too fair....

4 years ago
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Chasing Lacy Final Chapter

When the harsh morning light woke Lacy was surprised to see the chain holding her to the headboard was gone and her hands had been released from her cuffs. Clearly someone had been there during the night, but a quick glance around the bedroom and bath rendered no Freja, nor was there any indication her Mistress had slept beside her. Immediately Lacy felt an urgent desire to find her Mistress, but a hasty search of the upstairs yielded no sign of Freja. This surprised Lacy and instantly she...


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