Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 40
- 3 years ago
- 21
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Annie managed to keep calm faced and quiet through a quarter of the meeting. She sat and listened as Dale laid out logistic and organizational missions to the living dead that sat around the table – listening to them as they responded in turn. The people, the ghosts, the zombies, the revenants that Dale had brought to their headquarters in San Francisco, all of them were the reanimated souls of people with enough force of will, enough personality, and enough raw grit that they had come back with intelligence, personality, memories.
That was why Annie’s teeth ground together harder and harder as Dale said: “Now that we’ve secured the nukes in France, I want to begin reanimated and binding souls to the reactors in question. Local undead can do the rough design work – I’ve got the specifications loaded on the ClouDocs, just have your local sentients acess it with the passwords provided, and get to work inscribing the runes. Once the runes are complete, I or Annie will teleport to the plants and enchant them.” He rubbed his chin. “Can we get some local camera crews down there to film the process – we need to show people what we’re doing and why it is for the best. I’m sure knowing that their nuclear power plants will run, repair, restock and refuel themselves will put a lot of them at ease...”
Annie saw Heydrich incline his head and mutter an affirmation.
And that was the last straw.
She slammed her palms down on the table and stood. “Dale. Outside. Now.”
Dale, looking as shocked as if he had been flicked in the forehead, blinked at her. Then, coughing, he nodded. “Yes, well, you have your orders. See to it.” He stood and followed after Annie, who walked across the corridor and into one of the adjoining meeting rooms of the complex they had taken. In the distance, she could hear a murmuring sound – it was coming through the walls, but distantly. Like a surf’s roar on the seaside. She put it out of her mind for the moment. Instead, she glared at Dale.
“What the absolute fuck, Dale?”
Dale pursed his lips. “Is this about Heydrich?”
“Yes, it’s about fucking Heydrich!” Annie shouted – her voice breaking at the last as she flung her arms wide. “It’s about the fact that your council of sentient undead administrators, a sentence that I will never get used to saying or thinking by the way, happens to have a fucking Nazi on it. Not a neo-Nazi, not a Trumpist, not a Ecotist, but an actual literal real life swastika flying 20th century fucking goddamn Nazi piece of shit.”
Dale ducked his head forward.
“Do you know who he is?” Annie hissed. “I googled him during the meeting. He’s not just a Nazi. He’s the Nazi.” She scowled. “He practically designed the Holocaust. He was so bad the British made sure to assassinate him early just to make sure he was fucking dead. He-”
“Don’t you think I know that?” Dale asked, scowling at her, his head snapping up. “Don’t you think I knew that this army of mine would be have almost as many monsters as it would have heroes? The Confederates we have securing the eastern seaboard of North America are almost as bad – less industrialized, but just as brutal-” He stopped himself, shaking his head. “I have him under my control. Under our control.”
Annie pursed her lips. Then she turned to the door and felt the magic inside of her bones. She closed her eyes and channeled it up – shaping it into the spheres that Dale had taught her. The chilling emptiness of the void filled her, echoing out from her bones and she lifted her hands, her fingers twitching as if she was playing with a puppet. Her finger arched and she dragged a line of force from where she stood to the meeting room – and felt it hook and tug. A moment later, the door opened and the ghostly form of Heinrich Heydrich stood before them. His face was twisted with pain and his hand clutched at his chest. Annie frowned at him.
“Yes, fra-ah!” He gasped as Annie twisted her hands. He fell to his knees.
“I’m going to make this very clear,” Annie said, her voice soft. “Right now...” She looked down her nose at the ghostly figure, her fingers trembling. There was something horrible about pain – about seeing it. She listed the massacres she had seen printed on Wikipedia, a list of Eastern European sites, each one left buzzing with flies because of this man. When he had been alive, he had been a monster. But every second she saw his face, she felt her own guilt swelling inside of her – his teeth, bared in pain. His forehead furrowing. His hand clutching at his chest, as if he was being hit with a heart attack. Annie’s fingers relaxed despite herself. “Right now...” She said, her voice as hard as she could make it. “If I ... if I ever hear of you doing anything even slightly fashy, anything cruel, anything evil, I will ... personally have Dale tear your soul apart. I will have him forge you into soulsteel and use you as a fucking bidet. Got it?”
Heydrich nodded, his face relaxing as the pain faded.
Annie flipped her hand. “Go.”
The Nazi staggered to his feet and turned – blurring through the wall as he did so, not quite reaching the door with his staggering, drunken stance. Annie turned away from the door, her arms crossed over her chest. She wanted to be sick.
What was she?
“Annie-” Dale started.
“I have to do the ... the factory job,” Annie snapped, turning to go. Dale’s fingers brushed her sleeve – but he did not call after her. He simply stood in the room, his lips set, his eyes unreadable through the glimmering haze of her tears.
She strode down the corridor, in the opposite direction of Heydrich. Slowly, the roaring sound she was hearing from outside of the compound began to intrude into her mind – and she realized it was furious shouts and cries and chants. She paused at a junction between the office complex and the rooms that she and Dale had made their private rooms – and blinked a few times as she saw a revenant leaning against the wall, a rifle slung over his shoulder. He was almost her age and ... kinda...
He had an easy little smile on his face, short cropped black hair, and a pair of ears that stuck out just enough to give him character without being radio antennas. He was dressed in a brown jacket that hung down to his thighs, with a thick scarf and gloves, which were currently off so that he could poke at (with considerable fascination and a deeply furrowed brow) a modern handheld. It looked like an Apple piece. He was cocking his head, and when his eyes widened, he looked even cuter. Annie tried to not feel a twinge of guilt for noticing he was cute. Instead, she started to walk forward – but this drew up his head.
“Ah, hello!” he said, his voice as unaccented as all the undead – their languages were translated via magic, at least, they were to her. It was even stranger to see it from aboriginals who had died centuries ago and were dressed in their traditional garb – hearing standard, broad ‘American’ accents coming from their lips felt like her whole life was being dubbed. “The Dark Queen of the Goyim herself.”
“Go ... yim?” Annie asked, her brow furrowing.
“Ah, nothing,” he said, then stood up straighter. “I am here from Poland but Dale has given me new orders.”
“Has he...” Annie frowned further.
“I am to guard you,” he said. “Best fighter of the sentient undead who isn’t more busy elsewhere.” He held out his hand to her. “Mordechai Anielewicz.”
Annie took the glowing, spectral hand. It felt faintly cold to the touch, but solid – he was doing his best to remain solid at least. Annie shook and tried to not release his hand too quickly. She still had a hard time not thinking about how long these people had been dead. Instead, she said: “Mordechai, huh? Uh, can I call you Mord?”
“No,” Mordechai said.
“Too bad,” Annie said, grinning at him. “I am the dark lord of-” She pulled out the phone. “The ... how do you spell that? Is it with a U?”
Mordechai actually smiled a bit. “G O Y I M.”
“Goyim...” She paused. “Oh. You’re Jewish?”
Mordechai looked pained as Annie started to walk towards the exit. “You, uh, don’t have many Jews around?”
“No, I- no, I mean, I do! I have!” Annie stammered. “Just, I’ve never heard the word. Maybe it’s fallen out of, uh, favor.” She paused. “Huh, translation: People of Nations. Oh! I get it. Dark Queen of Nations. Cause, I, uh, kinda rule the world right now.” Her smile faded as she saw Mordechai shrug one shoulder – as if to say, as you say. She felt deeply uncomfortable as she tapped in his name.
He’d died fighting people like her.
Annie frowned. She started to walk faster. “So, Mord ... Mordechai,” she corrected herself. “We’re going to be fixing up a factory. Uh, San Fran has a few factories, self contained consumer goods stuff, and we need to make sure that they run. Uh, and it’s important that people see why, uh, why this is good, what we’re doing. Since it is ... we’re not ... we’re not taking over the world to take stuff. Heck, I don’t want to even to run things, Dale and I are going to give up power the instant everything is set up.”
Mordechai lifted an eyebrow speculatively, but said nothing. They came to a set of double doors. The sound of chanting was louder now – set us free! Set us free! Set us free! - and shouting mixed between sounded like a dull roar. Annie gulped.
“Sounds as if things are going quite well so far,” Mordechai said.
Annie breathed in, her fingers touching the door. She closed her eyes, recalling the magic she had been taught. A bit of wood, a touch of void, a twist of shaping. That had been Dale’s genius, the methods that he had shown her when they had been quietly learning and planning for what felt like lifetimes. He had been alone on Arcadia, and he had traveled the world far and wide and learned the magic of many nations – and began to combine them. To see what resulted from forbidden combinations. The end result had been a subtle grasp of the final construction of spells. Any wizard could make a spell that would bring people into a deep sleep.
Annie cast out a net of magic that brought calm.
Not control.
Not compulsion.
Simple ... calm.
And when the door opened and she stepped out into the interior mall that served as the gathering place of the crowd of protesters ... into silence. The crowd was looking faintly shocked, as if they weren’t sure quite where their anger had gone. She saw it gathering in their faces again as she stepped up behind the line of skeletal troops in riot armor. They hadn’t done anything but hold up shields – since the projectiles that the crowd had thrown at them wouldn’t have been lethal or dangerous to living cops, skeleton cops were basically immune. Annie’s mind flashed back, suddenly, to watching a super cheesy cartoon as a kid.
SkeleCop, SkeleCop, she thought. He Cannot be Stopped.
“H-Hey everyone!” she called out, waving to the crowd. Then, coughing. “Y-You’re all free. Um. Right now. Technically. I mean, y-you were allowed to assemble here, right? I mean, uh, heh, you wouldn’t have been allowed to do that if we were really that bad, right?”
Several mutters came from the crowd. Someone who had clearly not been hit by the spell as hard as the others shouted, loudly: “You lying evil bitch!”
Annie clenched her jaw, then held up her hands. “Wait! Wait! My name is Annie Hernman DuPont. I’m just as American as anyone else here-” She winced as she heard more shouting and was glad that the distinction between the words was lost in the clamor and the roar. “-and if everyone here would follow me, I’ll show you what we’re about!” She snapped her fingers and a glowing platform appeared beneath her. She hovered upwards, Mordechai following, looking over the edge with wide eyes. A few people threw bottles – but she flicked her hand, the magic flowing through her as easily as breathing. The bottles hung in the air and she gently floated them to the ground, her jaw set as she focused on the platform, flying it over their heads. Wonder filled those eyes – wonder and fear, overcoming the calming spell. But she saw people moving to follow her, the press of the crowd shifting under her like the waves of the sea.
The procession she made was one that was filled with murmuring conversation – and it swelled. The crowd had been, compared to the population of San Fransisco’s massive, pyramidal shape, relatively small. A tiny fraction of people who weren’t utterly terrified of the ghosts and zombies that now patrolled their halls and broke up violence with nothing more than their presence. A zombie didn’t need to use force to stop someone – they just had to stand in their way and gently, inexorably, let the human wear themselves out against their undead flesh.
But she did see cameras in the crowd – cellphones, recording her flight as she made her way to the consumer factories on the lowest level of the arcology. Each arcology designed and built under the UN emergency council mandates had been designed to be self contained and self sustaining – but this took labor. Immense amounts of labor. The raw materials were mostly recycled from the city’s own trash, but the humans that worked the high temperature sorting engines – essentially plasma torches that atomized materials, then sorted them centrifugally into different atomic weights, allow the raw material to be turned into each individual element – labored for long hours on dangerous, boring jobs that couldn’t be automated. No computer system yet devised could manage the variables involved in the management of the recycling and factory lines.
Well, there were plenty of aspects of the job that hadn’t been automated.
Because people without jobs couldn’t get money. People without money couldn’t eat. That basic relationship was the underpinning of the entirety of the American economy, the entire America society.
As they came to the factory, Annie was ready to take a crowbar to it. She hovered on the floating disk as the crowds millled around outside the factory. Since the factory was built into the arcology proper, it didn’t look like how the old pictures of factories looked. No huge bulky, box shaped structure here, just a broad, flat wall covered in warning signs and strips of yellow and black paint. The doors that were marked every few feet opened into the factory halls themselves, but Annie wanted everyone to see it.
“Watch this,” she whispered to Mordechai, then lifted her palms. The sphere of Earth and Air, twisted by her will, and then she blew along her palm, sending ropes of invisible mana arcing through the air. It touched the wall and slowly turned it into a clear, transparent glass. To all who were looking, it was as if the wall had dissolved away, starting in the center and working outwards, like frost under a blowtorch. The crowd stilled and filled with gasps and cries of alarm. Mordechai tensed, glaring at the crowd.
“Just saying, Miss Dark Lord,” he murmured. “This is a great way for you to get shot.”
Annie frowned. “The city has been disarmed.”
Mordechai snorted.
“And I have shields,” Annie muttered. She looked back at the factory. The interior still had skeletons daubing paint that Dale had designed – sympathetic materials (in this case, obsidian) ground up and spread into purple paint, glittering and gleaming as the skeletons daubed the symbols that they had worked out together above massive drums that would do the atomic sorting. She lifted her palms and closed her eyes, speaking aloud. “This is what we’re doing, everyone.” Her fingers spread outwards and magic crackled along her palms as she found the faint echoes of ghosts.
This factory had been in place for decades. Over those decades, some of the factory workers had died – and those echoes, those quantum vibrations, remained in the air, drawn and connected by sympathy and long association. She began to feed those vibrations, in time with their resonance. Building the resonance, so that the sound grew louder and louder. The daubed obsidian within the factory began to glow brilliantly. Purple lightning crackled within the factory and the crowd cried out. They surged backwards and Annie tried to focus only on her spell. She cried out a few last words – shouting the magical syllables that Dale had taught her.
The last of the magic slipped through her and she felt fatigue come in after. Bone deep fatigue, buzzing and throbbing through her body. Within the factory, machines began to move themselves – arms swinging, buttons depressing. The recycling systems whirred and glowed as the plasma torches came online. The crowd watched, mute and uncomprehending.
Annie turned back to them, resisting the urge to lean into Mordechai. “T-This factory!” she said. “Is the first in America to be run entirely by magic.”
No need to tell them that the long dead souls of old factory workers had been tapped to provide the expertise to guide the magic. It’d take too long to explain that said souls were quiescent and still, as sentient as an AI program. So, instead, she continued: “Once I have cast the same spell on each, this entire city will recycle and produce the materials you are used to for free. If you wish it, you can have it!” She beamed at the crowd.
They looked at her.
Some were looking shocked. Some horrified. But one started to clap. It was a young woman – thin and skinny and desperate. She clapped harder and harder and a few others began to clap as well. Annie felt her knees turning to wobbling rubber – and then someone shouted: “What is wrong with you?” and grabbed the clapping woman. “She’s a monster, they’re all monsters-”
The clapping woman grabbed for something in her belt. It was a mace can. The hissing sound of the spray was unnaturally loud in the air – and then someone else screamed. An actual punch was thrown and shouts filled the air – shouts of traitor, shouts of motherfucker, shouts of every kind imaginable. People stampeded towards the exits and Annie, her strength ebbing, flung out her hands. “Everyone! Sto ... stop! Stop!” She shook her head, reaching desperately for magic. Screams were coming and Mordechai had grabbed onto her arm.
“We have to get out of here,” he hissed.
“Nox!” Annie bellowed. She felt something deep and harsh tug at her body. She fed every bit of strength she had into it, magic flowing through her. She snapped her shield spell in half – and the spell she had crafted, of sleep, flung outwards like a net. The emotions were so high, the crowd so furious, that she felt the net fraying – but in the center of the crowd, people were slowly lapsing to the ground, sprawling across one another as they fell asleep. Blood streamed from wounded face. Some got only halfway done before the pain of broken limbs caused them to scream awake. But at the edges of the crowd, the net was growing thinner. Annie felt wobbly – but she held on.
One of the crowd was tugging something from their vest. It was boxy and ugly and clearly a gun – a Patriot, one of the 3d printable guns. Annie’s eyes widened. “Mord-” She started.
The gun roared.
Annie felt something rip into her chest.
She coughed.
Heat dripped pas their lips.
“Miss!” A voice, very distant, echoed in her ears.
A cute voice...
Annie tried to breathe.
Tried to drag in magic. She just needed ... healing...
The healing buzzed in her. Magic swirled.
The next shot struck and flared and there was nothing after that.
The Enterprise was the only place the meeting could have been held. Arcadia was too volatile, the Russian ships too small – in aggregate, their fleet was larger, but their ships were all designed without centrifugal sections. The Enterprise had security, it had comfort, it had size, it had gravity. But it still took almost two days of wrangling and shouting before the Russians agreed to alter their orbit to a polar one and to join the Enterprise. Now, like a gleaming string of beads, the Russians and Americans looped around Arcadia – each ship following stem to stern.
While the orbits were shifted and propellant was spent, the crew of the Enterprise worked their asses off to convert a meeting room to the size that would take the Russian officers, the representatives from Arcadia, and the adopted son of the Dragon Emperor.
“Not sure why we need an adopted son of the Dragon Emperor,” Helen said to Lucas as he thumbed through the book on magic. Isabella had been teaching him and Vidya in what scant few moments they’d had free, but Lucas had yet to get more than a spark of magic from his fingers. Helen herself was dressed in her best pressed uniform, adjusting her new lieutenant pins. She shook her head, looking deeply skeptical. “And I’m not sure about bringing Fire Heart up here.”
“Well, you are Lord Winsom,” Lucas muttered. He paused. “D-Do you think ... on Earth...”
Helen’s fingers paused in their fidgeting. She turned to face him and sighed. “I don’t have family I give a fuck about, really,” she said, walking over and sitting down on the bed beside him. “But I think your family has to be fine. There’s no way that this Dark Lord motherfucker can have taken the United States. Setting off MAD? Fine, that hosed us bad. But, ya know, the USAF is just a quarter of our military. And, like, by numbers, it’s not even the biggest. The Army is still huge. And have fucking guns. This guy’s from Arcadia, a planet that things pointy sticks is cutting edge.” She grinned at him, her voice cocky. “We got this.”
Lucas smiled at her, then leaned in and kissed her, hard. He still felt a twinge in his breast, a momentary fear, a worry that she’d draw back and snort and laugh. How many times would he have to be inside of her before he stopped worrying that this was all dream? When Helen drew back, she was grinning at him. “No fair waiting till I’m in the fuckin uniform, Lucas.” She paused. “Unless...” She grinned, slowly. “Do uniforms get you hot?”
Lucas coughed. “We, uh, we should get to the meeting room, right? The Russians are docking.”
Helen snorted.
When the door opened and they stepped out, Lucas found a rather strange tableaux between him and the elevator that would take them from the living quarters deck to the meeting chambers. There stood Mohammad, one of the Indian scientists that had been a part of the mission since day one. He had his back pressed to the wall and was standing up very tall, very straight, and very steadily faced. His hands were clasped behind his back. Almost on the other side of the corridor was Vidya, her finger casually pushing the elevator call button repeatedly – filling the air with a clicking and clacking noise. Vidya, despite her dusky complexion, was nearly beat red.
Helen glanced from Vidya to Mohammad to Vidya again. Then, smirking like a cat, she headed for the elevator, timing it just as the door whirred open. She stepped on as Vidya darted in. Lucas followed after, glancing confusedly back at Mohammad. The elevator door closed and the elevator began to ascend, the seeming of gravity reducing with every foot they traveled upwards. Once they hit microgravity, a dull chime filled the air and each of them flipped over, putting their feet against the ceiling. As they did so, Helen said, so casually that it nearly slipped past Lucas’ attention: “So, doc, how was he?”
Vidya glared at her. “Nothing happened. I’m married.”
Helen bit her lip, her good humor evaporating. “Uh, doc...” She coughed. “Did you and ... well, did ... I mean, you guys were talking right.”
Vidya sighed as the elevator began to whirr. From their old perspective, it was going in the same direction – but to their feet and their bodies, it felt as if it was going down, as they approached the opposite end of the great, spinning arm that was the center of the Enterprise. “It’s a ... I ... I never asked...” Vidya said, her voice soft. “I never thought to do it, and now he’s gone again and the Earth – I...” She put her hand over her face. Her voice had caught and Lucas could see her trying to control herself. He felt his own fears uncoiling inside of him. Helen, looking as contrite as he’d ever seen her, reached out and squeezed her shoulder.
“Listen,” she said. “We’ve got nukes. This fucker doesn’t stand a chance.”
Vidya let out a sound that was halfway between a giggle, a snort, and a scream.
The meeting room, by the time, they arrived, was filling up. The Russians had sent a trio of officers – none of them were Captain Markova. But they had also brought a rather stoic looking Chinese man. He was nut brown in complexion, hazel eyed, black haired, and remarkably tall and broad shouldered. His muscles looked as if he had been doing hard labor his whole life and he’d never quite stopped. But sitting on his shoulder, craning his head around wildly, was...
A dragon.
An actual, factual, real life dragon. Lucas, who had become increasingly inured to bizarre sights and impossible images over the past few months, still took a few moments gaping at the small creature. He was small as well – kittenish in size and attitude, with sleek black scales, a white furred ruff, and a kind of mustachio, like a Chinese dragon would have. His tail twitched from side to side and he stuck his tongue out into the air, then said – in a clear, piping voice that was obviously being translated with magic: “I like this ship! I like spinning! Also, whoa! You didn’t tell me that humans could have rainbow hair!”
He vanished and appeared, floating in the air before Helen. His wings didn’t beat, and yet, he hung there, his eyes wide as he leaned his head forward, bumping his nose against Helen’s nose. Helen waved her hand. “Hey!” she said. “Also, you can f-” She hastily adjusted her word. “You can talk?” she asked. In the background, Lucas could see Captain DuPont watching with a clear bit of amusement. The Captain had taken the news that he had been subtly influenced by the Dark Lord rather well, if Lucas was any judge of such things. But he had clearly relaxed considerably when the council of elven magi that Isabella had called up had then immediately purged his body of the connection.
“Well, I’d be kind of a lame dragon if I couldn’t talk,” the dragon said. “I couldn’t say ... hey there beautiful.” He winked at Helen. “Wanna learn why they call me the Magnificent Dawn? It’s cause I never come early, but I’m always worth it when I do.”
At that moment, a hand closed around the midsection of the dragon and he made a loud squalling sound as he was dragged back and shoved into what Lucas recognized as a stretchable kitbag, the kind astros in every service used to stow their personal belongings when traveling from ship to ship. His snout stuck out of the mouth of the bag, and the hand tugged hard on the cinch, tightening the bag so that the dragon could barely squirm. “I’m betrapped!” he squeaked.
“Hua,” the Chinese man said, his voice firm. “What did I tell you about flirting with women?”
“ ... do it often cause the last time I did it, it got you totally laid?”
The Chinese man sighed, slowly, then looked up at Helen and Lucas. “My apologies for my draconic companion,” he said, his reserve nearly as intense as the dragon’s bubbliness. Lucas felt like he was about to get the bends. “He’s an idiot.”
“If I was an idiot, would I do ... this?” The dragon squirmed. “Auh! Dang it!”
“The bag has been enchanted,” the Chinese man said. “Spacer First Class, Jianhong Qasim off the People’s Shield.”
“Holy shit, you survived that?” Helen asked, grinning. “How did you do that?”
“I didn’t,” Qasim said, flatly.
Before Lucas could make hide nor tails of that, the elves arrived. Fireheart was there, as was several others he didn’t recognize – and several he did, even if he didn’t know their names. The elven magi, one representing each of the elemental spheres of magic, were all looking various kinds of queasy and battered. It was clear that the flight had not agreed with them in the slightest. They took their seats – and after them came stranger creatures. A short, muscular man with a long beard. A girl who appeared to be bright orange and came up to Lucas’ knee. A statue that walked and was carved with a snarling, tusked face. Two elves that had skin the color of charcoal and glowing red eyes. A burly green man with fur cloth and a sword strapped to his hip, glaring about himself.
Even with several walls knocked down and tables added, the meeting room became hot with body heat, the filter systems of the Enterprise struggling until the Magi of Air cast a spell that glowed over her head, creating cooling air that rushed outwards and caused Dr. Mann – who Lucas saw had been in quiet conversations with the captain – to begin walking over, clearly fascinated. Isabella came in among the last of the arrivals, which included a woman who was as blue as Helen had been before her skin dye pills had worn off, but had four arms and a dress that looked like a sari. Vidya, who had been watching with as much fascination as Lucas, choked on a drink bulb at seeing her.
“This is amazing,” Isabella whispered to Lucas, beaming. “Where did you get that?” she asked, pointing at Vidya, who was still hacking and coughing, gaping at the blue skinned woman. Following the line of her gaze, Isabella frowned. “Oh, you’ve never seen a Vedic before?”
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Hi friends this is my 1st story on iss hope u all will enjoy n reply me.mera nam devraj hai or me Delhi me rahta hu.Me 25 years ka hu or mujhe bodybuilding or chudai ka shok hai me ladki ya aunty ko chodne ke liye hamesa koi na koi planning karta rahta hu.meri planning 70% time successful ho jati hai so i m sharing my experience to fuck my neighbor aunty.plz reply me on aap sabke mail ka intejar karunga.chalo me aapko apni story sunata hu. Mera flat 2nd floor par hai or hamare samne wala flat...
After my encounter with Jeff, I really felt as if I had died and gone to heaven. Our lovemaking left me totally satisfied. I fell asleep on my rumpled, soiled sheets with a smile on my face, my body coated Jeff's his jism, my no longer virgin pussy filled with his cum. I don't really know how long I slept but I slowly became aware of someone sucking my nipples. At first, I thought I was having a very erotic dream. My eyes closed, I surrendered to the currents of sexual arousal coursing through...
IncestWendy giggled. "You did it, Aunt Martha." "So did I," Amy said proudly. She looked at Grace. "Have you ever been fucked in the ass?" Grace shivered, her asshole twitching. "No, but I intend to have my shitter fucked before I leave the barn." "Not before me," Wendy said. She hurried over to Lobo. "C'mon, Lobo. I need my asshole reamed." She led him back to the group then dropped to her knees. "You can watch, Mommy." "Lemme get him hard, Wendy," Grace sighed. "I just...
Her short skirt rode up revealing a tantalising glimpse of her red panties, the question was, were they pvc, or ordinary cotton? I've been with my wife for 20 years this year, I was a bit of a player before I met her, once I even had 3 women on the go at the same time, I was with someone else when I met her, but since we got together, apart from groping a girls tits at work, I've been 100% faithfull, even when it's been offered on a plate so to speak.Standing at the bar in my local one night,...
Affair“Alicia, do you have all your little squirt guns marked correctly? You sure don’t want to mix the formula’s.” “All set. I wish I were invisible now. I’d love to tease some of those jocks sitting over there making silly comments at all the girls when they pass by.” “You’ll get your chance with them. They’ll be out here again after you get your pussy reamed good in the lunch room. The only problem I’m going to have is your loud mouth.” “I’ve got that covered. I’m going to have my panties in...
Before he could utter a sound he saw Sue come up behind him, wrap her arms around his slender body and grab at the swelling in his pants. "And just what are you doing here, Sean? I've been watching you peeping at these two. Shame on you." Sean blushed beet red. He almost looked like he was going to try to turn and leave the room, but Sue held him fast. Come on in and let's see what there is to see. She only had to drag him in a few feet before he lost his reserve and eagerly followed....
I walked in the club and spot him instantly. Tall light brown brotha with eyes like brown sugar. He checks me out a lil bit as I saunter past him to the bar. I hear my song so I must get on the dance floor. I shake my ass as Rhianna calls to a rude boy and throw him a few looks over my shoulder. He takes the hint and meets me on the floor ready for it. We dance, we touch, we flirt. He grabs my hand and pulls me out the door to the side of the club. We kiss and I feel his dick long and strong...
Straight SexThe Advert - by SONIA ===================== (email [email protected] - Please send comments!!!) Ok this story is like all my others .. .. .. a sequence of events that I would love to have happen and I fully accept it is unlikely to ever happen .. .. but if it did - - - bliss! Chapter 1 - The Advert ---------------------- I had been a closet cross dresser for years. I had started wearing my mum's panties, borrowed from the washing, well before I knew about sex....
Introduction: She cornered me in the brothel but soon were the tables turned Sophias Revenge It was a perfectly ordinary evening in Madame LOiseauxs establishment, the year was that of the great exhibition in Hyde park, 1850 I believe, I remember Chantel was obliging me as I lay upon her bed. She was sitting upon my member and pleasuring herself greatly with it as I lay back, my head upon the pillows as I rested pleasantly after returning by train and carriage to Bath after a hard day of...
Conversion of Jasmine Conversion of Jasmine Jasmine and Mike had been together for a year now, they had a good strong relationship and a healthy sex life. Mike had no complaints with Jasmines body as it got him hard whenever she stripped and showed off her assets. She kept it in shape by visiting the gym regularly; she loved showing it off as much as she did giving it exercise. Jasmine was 21 and had the most amazing breasts, and she knew it - her wardrobe focussed on making sure...
Copyright 2009 by Zeta All rights reserved This story may be freely distributed in electronic form but must include this copyright. Crime and Punishment is a work for pure fiction and all locales, names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or living persons is entirely coincidental Table of Contents Prologue Chapter 1: Crime Chapter 2: Induction Chapter 3: Inducement Chapter 4: Preparation Chapter...
When I was 14, me and my BFF, Ashley, started our very own babysitting service. She made an announcement during church and we immediately started getting phone calls. One day, Ashley said, "Come here...U gotta check this out." And she pulled out a handful of 20's. "Damn, where'd you get that?" I asked. "Babysitting," she said with a smile. I counted it...just a little over $200. "How'd you get $200 babysitting," I asked. Now, Ashley was the neighborhood nymphette and I was the...
When I woke up early the next morning, I was lying on my side, facing my brother. Eddie was still sound asleep, the covers kicked off his body. I raised my head, propped it on my hand and gazed at his nakedness. Eddie's mouth was open slightly and I could hear his every breath. I looked down his body at his chest and watched it rise and fall. My brother's penis was erect, lying against his stomach and I took a deep breath as I stared at it. I thought about the previous night's activities...
I placed an ad in C-list looking for females willing to do cream pies and have me eat them out of them. For those who don't know what is a cream pie, It simply is a man ejaculating his semen inside the vagina of a woman. I have had his fetish for years. I loved filling my girlfriends' pussies with my cum, then sucking the cum out of them until they themselves had incredible orgasms. My now ex-wife had the most incredible pussy. Her lips were long, and when she came, her whole pussy would shake...
I have not been in town long. I moved out here from the Great Plains… Kansas… A very backwater place where the biggest thing that ever happens is a beer keg and cow-pie bingo. If you don’t know what that is, you are better off not knowing. Any way, I moved here to the big city, and out of the great Midwest… Into sunny California. After being here for a while, I got my job at a collections agency, and made a few friends there. It’s hard to make friends in a collections agency, I’ll tell you, but...
It had been three weeks since the night Laura witnessed Jamey losing her virginity to Dean. The vision of the young woman, lowering her young frame unto the thick cock sticking upright from the young man’s groin, plagued Laura to the point of screaming with frustration. Her frustration caused numerous self-induced, or otherwise, mechanical, releases from her selection of toys. The biggest being a life-sized suction cup fitted dildo she used to fuck herself with while attached to the shower...
VoyeurMichael Forsyth leaned against the balcony rail and hoisted a pair of neck-suspended binoculars. He focused on an ancient freighter tied among non-descript freighters in the busy Hong Kong harbor below. It was the sixth time in the past half hour he had examined the shipboard activity on that particular vessel. Dropping the glasses he inhaled on a cigarette he held pinched between his fingers and then flipped it out into the street six blocks below. He was known as Michael Forsyth in the...
Near In Guezzam, Algeria The desert on the Niger – Algeria border was a dry, dusty place. The twenty men who lived at the training camp directly west of the small oasis of In Guezzam were relaxing after a rehearsal of the placing of a bomb. It was a terrible rehearsal ... nobody got their jobs right, on either the Team of the Prophet or the Team of The Rivers. One bomb exploded too early, one not at all – all ‘explosions’ were fake, of course. Any real explosion would obliterate the camp and...
Aboard the MSS Ballbuster (formerly the WSS Mermaid) Mars orbit, 24 kilometers from Triad Naval Base September 18, 2146 "We're in the departure corridor, Brett," said Ensign Mandall, who was in charge of the helm. "All set to align for our de-orbit burn once get a heading." "I'm down with it," said the now official Commander Brett Ingram of the now official Martian Navy. The Owl-class stealth attack ship that had once been known as the WSS Mermaid had returned in triumph to Triad...
Part two of Nate's fun ; ) (Reuploaded also) Again all feedback is greatly appreciated !It had been three days since Nate's time with Jez. It was 12 in the afternoon and he looked out his window at Jez's garden. There she was idly busying herself in the garden, that gorgeous feminine frame hiding a delicious thick cock. His cock started to harden at the thought of her again, and he was desperate for another time with her. With his parents out for a while he thought maybe he could try a chance...
It was night in the mansion, peaceful, not a noise to be heard. There was, however, movement. With the covers pulled over her head, Cho’s hand was busy between her legs, her fingers swirling around inside her juicy slit, trying to coax an orgasm. Her mind was replaying all of her old sexual fantasies, her best memories, only to find that none of them stimulated her. This was not an act of pleasure or a need for stimulation, it was an act of desperation, a search for some glimmer of purity...
Poor Jessie. She’s been fired and might not be able to pay rent. Her roommate and best friend Lulu has been encouraging for months to set up her Pussy Chat online site and make money talking to men masturbating. It’s easy, Lulu says, just imagine girls eating your pussy. But how can Jessie do that when she is not a lesbian and has never been with a woman. It’s time to change that surmises Lulu. On Jessies’ first pussy chat call Lulu takes the opportunity to help her best...
xmoviesforyouSmoke filled the air. It hung there, still and heavy in the bright lights. Men moved and bent over the tables and while waiting for their turns, assumed stances that were meant to intimidate, but instead looked contrived and foolish to me. I looked across the area and saw you. You in your shiny, slutty black leather skirt. Your little white top showcasing your shoulders. Your hair deliberately tousled to look like you had just been fucked. Your lips red and glossy, hinting that they might...
When I was much young, my parents got my a math tutor to help bring up my grades. Kevin was an older k**, old enough to drive to my house anyways. He would come over, after I got out of school, twice a week. My parents were always at work, but didn't mind him coming over, they said, "he is a nice, respectable k**." By our third session, he had my pants down and was sucking my dick. I was young and horny, it wasn't hard for him to seduce me. The feeling of a mouth, any mouth, on my young cock...
The Stocking Dead by Arcie Emm Shrieking snapped Matt awake, but only silence greeted him. Memories, nothing more than terrible memories that found fallow ground within his mind during those moments just before sleep ended. "Can't sleep, Rock Star?" Matt looked towards Jase, recognizable in the sliver of moonlight that squeezed through the boarded up window at which he kept watch. Not yet answering the one time drummer of their band, Fade to Gray, he sat and stretched, cushions...
HorrorLucy had always wondered about having anal sex. Did anyone really enjoy it? When she first started thinking about it, the internet wasn’t like it is now. Apart from asking others who had had anal sex there was not much she could do to find out. The first thing she knew was that she had to see if her fingers would feel good inside her. She used to play with herself whilst kneeling down so this would be a great way to start. She decided to slowly stroke her hole with her wet finger and see if...
ToysBy now I should have known better than to trust any of my three tormentors, I do believe that there is good in the most evil or meanest of us. I must to have been thinking of that when I ran into Bruce(one third of Charlie, Daniel and Bruce, the three r****t that forced me into sex), there he was out side the d**g store, leaning against a pole like he own the world. I started to go another way, but he saw me and stood up. 'Hi David, where you headed,' Bruce said with a sly smile. 'No place you...
Today was shaping up to be like most any other Thursday; pretty boring. My daughter Alice turned 21 today and, despite promising me that she and I would go get her first legal cocktail together, she was going out after work with her new friends from the law firm where she just started interning a month ago. Since it was about 4:30 in the afternoon, I figured my wife Suzie had cracked open that new box of chardonnay by now. Yeah, I know. Wine in a box. At least it’s cheap that way, like a volume...
Chapter 1 The breakup had been completely unexpected. Chris had made reservations for a late summer romantic weekend getaway to a quaint bed and breakfast. His plans seemed to be going great until at the last minute Erica called and told him that she couldn't go. Chris had been disappointed, they had been going out for almost eight years now. In fact it was just short of their anniversary, that day in college when Chris had finally gotten up the courage to tell Erica how he felt. ...
The year is 2057, and the latest state of the art technology has just been invented – the virtual simulator. This model has the ability to immerse you in worlds tailored specifically to your choice, and you can feel, hear, taste and see everything as if in real life. The best part of it is that you get to alter your appearance, and while in the simulator, real time passes at such a slow rate you could spend years in there and barely minutes will have passed outside. Death is of course, not an...
Mom and I had become lovers over the past few months and the sex that we were having was so intense that after we would be done either one of us would get up right away. A few nights ago my parents planned a camping trip for us since I was out of school for summer vacation and dad took a leave from work. It was a three day thing for us so Friday morning came around and we were up early getting ready for the 5 hour trip the camp site. Coming outside with a big bag I looked towards the van and I...
The concert Saturday night went as well, if not better than the one the previous night. Misty saw a lot of faces in the crowd that she had seen the night before, waving photographs at her and seeking autographs. The fact that they were hearing some of the same music didn’t seem to bother them. After a set of five uninterrupted songs, Misty announced that they were going to play a home-grown song and introduced Jasper. She went through the rest of the band, too, something she had forgotten to...
When my mom’s MILF best friend, Trinity St Clair, comes over during quarantine, I’m just happy to have some human contact! But when she tells me that she’s lonely, I think she might be looking for more intimate contact than she wants to admit. I invite her to come over more often, and the MILF starts making regular trips to hang out with me. After a while, she asks me how often I watch porn, and as the conversation gets dirtier, she shows me her bald MILF pussy. And since I’m a virgin, she...
xmoviesforyouMy step-mom, Cory Chase, came over to my brand new house this afternoon! I am excited to show her around, even though my home isn’t fully finished yet. My step-mom tells me that she is so proud of me for building my dream home, and she’s glad that I’m doing okay after my father passed away. Cory tells me that she hopes I’m not fucking any pathetic girls my own age. She thinks I deserve a more mature woman, like herself, for example. I suggested to my step-mom that she...
xmoviesforyouShe stood up and sat beside me as we sat quietly thinking to ourselves. "we cant tell anyone about this" I know mom and im sorry. "dont be sorry, you didnt know and honestly we both needed it, I just cant believe how big youve gotten". And I cant believe how sexual you are I gave a little laugh. I looked over at her and her top was still zipped down all the way showing her large tits with her hard nipples. I could lose myself in those. Ive fantasized about her so much and now ive literally...
Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 4 Rose wasn't given much time to brood on her feeling that she was being set up. While she was making the calls, her father and sister were breaking out the supplies for the other part of their Black Friday tradition - putting up the Christmas decorations. Before she knew it, she was anchoring and testing the animated yard display, while her father was stringing the DanceGlows along the roof and around the windows and her mother,...
I never meant for her to know that I saw her. I never really meant to watch, but when I came home early and heard the noises, I just had to check. My Aunt Margaret, you see, was kind enough to take me into her home when her sister, my mother, got sick. I know now what a sacrifice that was for her. At fifteen, though, my only concern was the inconvenience it caused me. Moving halfway across the country, away from my friends, my school, and everything I had known all my life - that was the worst...
Emily Willis, a college student, is hanging out in the locker room but looking nervous, trying not to draw attention to herself. She tries to calm herself, talking to herself and saying, ‘This is the LAST thing you have to do… You just have to take the dean’s clothes when she showers and the Girlsway sorority will finally accept you. You GOT this!’ She looks pumped but gets startled when she hears someone entering the locker room. ‘You DON’T got this!’...
xmoviesforyouEighteen By Julie O Edited By Robert A Chapter 1- Background My life and the lives of everyone else on Earth were shaped by two events that followed close together following the end of World War II. Six months following the dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan and their unconditional...
Hai guys back to you is deepthi.. I am very thankful to all those who send their feedbacks to me. Now coming straight to the story where I left… The morning when I woke up I felt little relaxed. I just remembered everything that happened within a week after my dad left me. I know that the whole college by now should have known about my slutty activities. Within a week of time, I was totally converted into a cheap like a slut by Shyam. I even let a stranger fuck me. To say the truth the sex...
"When were you planning to tell me about these?" Lauren asked her son when he came home from school.On the dining room table were different forms and brochures for college students looking to study abroad."I can't believe you've been looking through my stuff again," Tom replied angrily.She sighed, "Tom, you know how much effort I've put in keeping our family together since your father passed away. Your grandparents and aunts and uncles all say that they want to see your more often. They...
YELLOW FEATHERS by Throne Jack was starting to regret that he had transferred colleges. When he was still up North it had been mildly uncomfortable. Being short and slightly built, with a face that made him look younger than his 18 years, he'd had troubles. The fact that he was a nerd didn't help, either. Girls treated him like a joke. The rougher guys, especially the athletes, playfully taunted him. He thought he would be more comfortable in a smaller institution down South. In...
After arguing with the cab company about the address, paying the jerks too much to get me home at midnight, and realizing that I would still have to deal with Tommy because he worked where I did, I made it back to my apartment -- still pissed off. I shut the door, leaned back against it and looked around in the darkness.God, I felt like an idiot. I went to my room and pulled my clothes off quickly. I wanted a shower like nobody's business. As I walked to the closet, I saw the mirror by my bed....
She took a breath and tried to stop her fingers from shaking. She’d never won before. This was a big moment.“C-U-C-K,” she laid down four letter tiles and looked up at him for a response. He smiled smugly, not quite understanding what was about to go down. “O-L-D. And I’m going to use your ‘S’ for CUCKOLDS.”Her eyes rested on the board for a moment, taking in the finality of her wordplay and the scandalous idea she was about to introduce. Raising and locking her eyes on his she continued,...
First TimeMy walk home isn’t too dull, I watch cars and buses go buy and daydream about how the love of my life will jump out in front of me and cry “My darling, you are the most beautiful little thing I’ve ever seen, run away with me?” before pulling me into a passionate embrace and whisking me away to Hawaii or Dubai. Somewhere nice. Skegness would do. I call in at Sam’s paper shop on the way home, he knows me well enough as his most reliable papergirl, willing to drop what she’s doing in the...
read first 6 installments to understand. The next week was a blur. I think my wife must have masturbated twice a day to her secret video of me fucking her mom. And when the day finally arrived for us to go over there again, she could hardly contain her excitement. I still didn't talk to her much about it. I was afraid of saying the wrong thing, or pushing her to do something that might make this whole thing blow up in my face. And with the way things had progressed on their own, I was quite...
First of all, I am thirty-four years old, married and a schoolteacher. My home sex life is rather dull, which ac-counts for the vivid imagination that I’ve managed to develop over the years, especially as I work with many gorgeous young women.My fantasies always revolve around some of my students, who are aged from sixteen to eighteen. Being a confirmed “ass man” I am constantly distracted by the luscious curves all around me at school.While masturbating I imagine that the girls are all ready...
Hi readers, I am Varun Agnihotri (real name) from Jaipur (Rajasthan). I am 23 years old, working as a software engineer in an MNC in Noida. This story is all about me and my mom.It tells about how me and my mom become sex partner. We started our physical relation from the night of Diwali. Yes, it is absolutely true that we have encountered our first sex on the night of Diwali (30th Oct 2016). Let me describe my family, we are 3 people in my family (dad, mom and me). We have our own medium scale...
Blane closed his eyes, letting the warm sun bathe his face. He kept his eyes closed for a moment, a bit longer than a standard blink. Sighing, he opened his eyes and made his way back to the classroom. It was five minutes to 8 and the students had yet to arrive. He sat down at desk, opened up his bag, and pulled out the tests for the morning. Just then, the students started filling in. ‘Hi Mr. Stone.’ Blane looked up from his desk. Smiled his hellos, causing causing more than one of the girls...
Beth opened the front door of the Victorian house. Her flat lay on the second floor up 2 flights of stairs. She was slightly drunk having stayed too long at an after works drinks party and so, with a slow giddy gate, she worked her way up the first set of stairs. On the landing was another door, which led to her flat. It should have been locked but was ajar. She pushed it open, her new flatmate, a tall (six foot) and very elegant 27 year old West Indian girl called Maria, must have left it...
BisexualMy name is anamika akansha, main allahabad main rehte houn aur filhal d.U south campus ke student houn. Mere figure aur simple looks dekh kar sab mere kapro ke andar ke saman ke bare he sochne lag jate the.. Maine to in fact aise log v dekhe jo mujhe dekhte he apne penis ko upar se he sehlana shuru kar dete the..Unke penis ko pant ke andar khara hota dekh mujhe bahut hassi aate the. Main the 18 saal ke par mere boobs, hips, aur ass dekh kar sab ko lagta jaise main 23 24 saal ke kuwari larke...