An ClochánChapter 4 free porn video

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Sarah's Clan had just stepped onto the bridge when Shannon said, "Command Staffs, our sentinel ring is detecting a fleet of space ships approaching the outer ring, on the outward side from us."

"Good, that potentially puts the sun at our back," said Crystal of Maureen's Clan.

"We will have a better idea of where they will emerge from FTL in a few hours."

Rusty said, "Let's presume these are hostile and begin preparations. Star sound RL 4."

"Aye," replied everyone as the tones began sounding signaling the change.

Thirty minutes later a monitor showed two groups of Badb cruisers accompanied by several flights of Star Fighters departing. Initially they headed inward then, after cloaking, turned outward in the general direction of where the incoming space ships were expected to arrive.

Joyce said, "The two groups will hold at 9 lh out about 1 lh apart. Each flight of Star Fighters is carrying 3 ferrets."

Claudette said, "An Clochán is launching all operational cruisers and fighters that are assigned to Marthanóir and Fiontar. Once they are off, they will begin preparations to harden the site. Both ships can actively support the fighters."

"I am glad we decided to increase the number of cruisers," said Terry.

"We agree, as the newer version has significantly greater capabilities," added Kelly of Keriann's Clan.

"That's true," replied Tiff of Siobhan's Clan, "but resupply is more awkward due to the way they need to dock. They also need a slightly larger crew since they need to be more self-sufficient."

"Right now those are reasonable trade-offs," responded Chester. "Besides those improvements, they are a test bed for an even larger class of cruisers."

Calvin of Kathryn's Clan said, "Amen to that. With regard to these incoming ships, I feel like we're headed for a brawl with our eyes and ears covered."

"Well if it comes to that, hopefully we will have a couple of hours preparation before we start slugging it out. If they are hostile, it will help if the ferrets can infiltrate them and access their systems."

Rusty said, "I know it's hard, but we need to go about our activities as we would normally do. This will have two benefits. One, it will ease any anxiety the crew may feel as this is a new situation for nearly all of us and two, if they have probes monitoring us, it will give them a false impression of our status."

"Good point," responded Calvin.

It was after lunch when Shannon said to the Command Staffs, "The fleet will arrive around 1600 hours at a location just outside Uranus's orbit, that is about 20 degrees to our port near the elliptic plane. We believe their actual arrival location will only differ by a few light seconds."

Chester said, "With the position of our two task groups, we should be able to get a good scan of them. Sarah's Clan think it would be possible for one of us to project our vision into their ships for a look around."

"It is an interesting idea," said Sarah. "Since plans call for us to take the lead in contacting them we will let you all decide who attempts it, although it should only be a part a group. Let's not forget that there is also a possibility of them doing the same to us. So if we sense telepathic probing, then we need to be very careful."

It was 1538 hours Ód3604 when the unknown fleet began emerging from FTL at 5.83 lh from the sun. The Command Staffs watched the ships appear on their monitors. As each ship appeared it was given a designation, with a class relative to the Órarduine ships. When the transition was complete, there were 53 ships. They consisted of 4 Dóchas Class, 8 heavy cruisers, 16 Badb class cruisers and 25 cargo ships that were more than 5 times the size of a Dóchas class ship.

"With all those cargo ships, it looks like they came to trade," said Molly.

Aine appeared on Dóchas' bridge and said, "I think a better word would be 'acquire'."

"Our cruiser task groups have started their approach," said Terry.

"I am surprised they are not cloaked," said Paula of Siobhan's Clan. "Aine, it sounds as if you are familiar with them."

"The symbols on the ships indicate that they are Imperial Council ships. It is a surprise to see them as their home is a very long way from here. As to knowing them, it is only by reputation, although some of my sisters may have crossed their path. Earlier I used the word 'acquire' due to the size and number of cargo ships. You probably won't detect any life signatures from the cargo ships as the crew is probably in either suspension or hibernation."

"We've heard comments about the Imperial Council," replied Sarah, "but I don't remember seeing any information in the library about them."

"There may not be any. We've known of them for a long time. It is conceivable that those who created your library did not know of them. The word 'barbarian' is a good way to begin a nice description of them. We know that they rule their part of the universe with a very heavy hand. As far as we can tell, they only visit other solar systems when they intend to harvest it. We know of some worlds who sent emissaries into their area of the universe with the intention of establishing trade. Those emissaries were never seen or heard of again. Within a decade the emissaries' home planets were essentially barren and uninhabited. With no natural events to blame it on and the commonality of the circumstances, it created quite a bit of speculation among those traveling the universe, even without any hard facts."

Sarah looked at Aine as she digested the implications of her words, then said, "Dóchas Group, RL 2."

"Phoenix, moving to readiness level 2," replied Siobhan.

"Eagle, moving to readiness level 2," replied Maureen.

As the remaining ships responded, a cloaked Phoenix and Iarracht began moving to their assigned position with their assigned cruisers alongside. With the move underway, they began launching their Star Fighters.

Right after Sarah's command was acknowledged Star said, "Communication AI is having difficulty establishing communication using standard protocol."

Rusty and Calvin both said, "Let's be patient. They are nearly 6 light hours from us. We have time."

"So what are you suggesting?" said Molly.

Rusty responded with, "Let's go ahead with launching our cruisers and most of our Star Fighters. Once we learn their intentions, we can decide on the next step."

"We really need to hold back on launching Star Fighters until closer to contact," stated Chester. "This will give the pilots an opportunity to eat, and us time to tailor the armament they carry."

"Guess I messed that up," said Sarah.

"Not at all," replied Kelly, Chester and Keriann. "This is newer to you than us. We think it will benefit us to appear more naive than we are."

A woman suddenly appeared on Iarracht's bridge near Keriann, startling all of them. "Sorry to startle you all but I didn't see a way to do it less abruptly. I am Morrigan. It would be best to think of me as a sister of Aine's. May I join you?"

"Definitely," replied Keriann's Clan.

Then all the Command Staffs said, "Welcome aboard."

"From our perspective you are not naive. What you do lack is experience, and we hope we can continue to help."

The difficulty Dóchas AI was having in establishing communication was at the direction of the IC Fleet Commander. When he saw the five space ships near the 4th planet, he decided to alter their plan. After a few moments he said, "Tell the cruisers with the cargo ships to hold back. They are not to be seen by those on the 3rd planet until we control those ships near the 4th planet. While I am talking to them, alter our course toward them. Make it so that it appears that we intend to rendezvous with them. Don't show that we mean to attack until we know whether it is necessary. Those ships look new and we could use some replacements, so perhaps we can intimidate them into giving us their ships."

"Do you really think that will work?"

After glaring at the officer for a moment he said, "Well, our probes indicate that those crews are mostly female and not very combative. Whether they let us or not, once we capture them, we will have fresh meat for a change."

"The probes indicated two more ships. There are a number of other inconsistencies in our reconnaissance data."

"Enough. Start the moves. Tell those with the cargo ships to make sure the drug is released over the planet before our ships are seen."

"Yes, Sir," replied the group.

A few moments later an image formed on a monitor on Dóchas' bridge showing the bridge of the Imperial Council command ship. They were bipeds with long narrow faces and pointed ears with muscular bodies completely covered with short fur.

Showing on another Dóchas monitor was the position of the IC ships relative to theirs. As the connection stabilized, they saw a shift in their relative positions. It was now clear that the cargo ships, accompanied by 6 light cruisers, were headed inward toward Earth's orbit. The remaining ships turned toward the Órarduine near Mars. The changes seemed to indicate that Phoenix and Iarracht were undetected. The IC group headed toward them was assigned an identifier ICA, with a number added for each ship. Those headed inward were given an ICB identifier with a number for each ship.

The creature on the bridge of ICA1 said, "You on the ships near the fourth planet, identify yourselves!" As he spoke, the speed of the ICA group of ships increased, while shifting their position in relation to each other.

"You are speaking to the Command Staff of Dóchas," said Sarah's Clan in unison. "Why is your group of Imperial Council ships in this solar system?"

"Just answer my question!" replied Commander of ICA1. "You are to speak only when answering our questions. Any other chatter will be dealt with even more harshly than we normally do to heathens, thieves and renegades."

Sarah's Clan responded firmly with, "Standard communication protocol stipulates that ships arriving in a solar system must identify themselves immediately upon emerging from FTL. By your actions it appears that you are unaware of this, so out of courtesy, the answer is: We are Órarduine. We are the Command Staff for this group of ships."

They could see the ICA1 Commander talking and presumed he was addressing others around him. After a few moments he replied with, "You were told to only answer our questions. Since you disobeyed, you will be punished. In responding you've admitted to being thieves and renegades by being in control of ships belonging to the Imperial Council, in violation of our laws. NOW, you will immediately place each of OUR ships into hibernation mode. Everyone will go to the hangar deck unarmed and kneel with their head touching the deck. You will wait there for our arrival. Anyone who disobeys will experience a slow very painfully death."

"These are Órarduine ships," replied Rusty. "Your Imperial Council, whoever they are, has no claim to these ships. Any attempt to board them without our specific permission will be violently repulsed."

"The Imperial Council has jurisdiction over the whole universe. Everything in the universe is here for the benefit of them. All beings in the universe are there to serve the Imperial Council as they choose. Your occupation and control of our ships is an act of rebellion. By continuing make stupid statements you are only increasing the pain your crew will experience. Your attempt in delaying the hour of your submission to Imperial Council Masters has increased the severity of your punishment. NOW put the ships in hibernation! You have no choice. You will submit to our rule, one way or another."

"You have no authority over us!" replied Sarah's Clan, in a cold firm voice. "We've been told that the Imperial Council is an arrogant and abusive regime, approximating a living cesspool. Now we demand that you open your ships for our inspection, or leave this solar system and galaxy immediately."

"Renegades, you will comply NOW!" exclaimed the ICA1 Commander. The two groups stared at another for what seemed like hours, though it was less than a minute. The ICA1 Commander then continued with, "By your actions you have made your choice, all of you are sentenced to death. Before you die you will watch us devour the crew. In a short time we will begin tasting your luscious bodies." As he finished, his mouth opened and his long tongue licked his lips while showing his sharp teeth.

Before the connection terminated Sarah's Clan said, "When hell freezes over!"

Terry said, "Their shields are up and their acceleration toward us has increased. ICB group has not increased its speed toward Earth's orbit."

"Ferrets have accessed the large ships in ICA," said Sally.

It was quiet for a few moments as the Command Staffs digested the situation then Sarah glanced at Rusty with a grin as she said, "That is an excellent idea."

"What's that?" asked Calvin.

"Let's do what they want us to do."


Laughing she added, "Oops, I left out the word 'appear'."

When the laughter subsided Rusty continued with, "Now all of this is subject to change. First, Phoenix and Iarracht groups will continue with your aspect of our plan for now. We'll get to timing in a minute. Those with Dóchas, pull all the Star Fighters back. When back on-board, the pilots need to eat while weapons are loaded. For Star Fighters, my thoughts are RF lasers, imploder and nuke missiles. Once the Star Fighters are ready they depart on the side opposite the ICA group and immediately cloak. Our cruisers will remain alongside us until the engagement starts.

"Any questions yet?"

"Star, have an image projected on each bridge showing the position of our five ships at about the time ICA will start decelerating in order to board us. If we don't change our orientation, I suspect they will approach us from behind. My thought is to wait until they are fully committed to deceleration, then Iarracht and Phoenix groups attack from this side. At the same time, the Star Fighters will begin attacking from the other side in several waves. The attack should be from above the plane of Iarracht's and Phoenix's attack. Standard fusing settings for this kind of engagement.

"When those attacks start, the five us will accelerate away at maximum rate. Initially it will be down to our starboard then shift up to our port. This will put us in a position to attack from above their plane as we cross their path. Whether our cruisers stay with us or not will be decided as this takes place.

"Oh, I missed a point. Iarracht and Phoenix are to only uncloak long enough to fire weapons. Remember your shield fluoresces when it is hit so cloaking is not fully effective."

Calvin said, "Based on their comments, it sounds like they've done some reconnaissance on this system. Should we add a lot of RF chatter when we begin bringing fighters back on board?"

"It would be nice to know if they sense our targeting system," said Kelly. "But, the way they respond to our attack should give us the answer to that."

"Dóchas, Eagle, Taiséalai, Marthanóir and Fiontar need to begin dancing as soon as the show starts," said Keriann.

"Dóchas group will begin by executing formation B11, 10 degrees to starboard, 20 degrees down, factor 40 acceleration for 30 seconds, then up 20 degrees relative to initial reference. Subsequent course dependent on intercept."

"Aye," said Maureen and Kathryn.

"Let's get resupply of the Star Fighters underway, then we can discuss this some more," added Maureen.

"Intelligence says they expect to hear from the ferrets in the hour," said Alison.

"Aye," replied all eight Command Staffs.

It was 8 hours later when Terry said, "They've begun to decelerate."

"Command Staffs," said Sarah, "30 minutes to show time."

"Our packages are deployed," responded Molly. This was followed by Fiontar, Eagle, and Taiséalai confirming their deployment.

The ICA group's deceleration was nearly half complete when the IC Security Officer said to the Commander, "Sir, boarding parties are ready."


"Sir this doesn't feel right. The burst we saw in their RF right after you spoke to them has dropped off to almost nothing. None of the probes we sent to the ships have reported in after indicating that they were boarding them."

"They are weak ... what the hell," responded the Commander as he watched the Órarduine ships suddenly accelerate away from them. "Maximum acceleration." The ships in the ICA group groaned as they shifted suddenly from deceleration to acceleration. "Set up an intercept. Launch a salvo of long range missiles."

On board Dóchas, Sarah and Rusty watched the monitor showing the response by the ICA group. When their missiles reached the area where the packages had been left, they began detonating. As the last missile detonated, Iarracht, Phoenix and the Star Fighters began closing in on the ICA group.

It was several moments later when the first wave of Star Fighters appeared above and to the side of the ICA group. The ICA ships immediately began to fire at them. Several flights of fighters made a run toward each ICA ship releasing their missiles and veering off. Just as those missiles reached their targets, the ICA group entered the area where the packages had been left. At this time Eagle and Iarracht fired a series of slugs with their rail guns at each ship. The first slugs in a series were designed to kinetically punch a hole in the hull while the following slugs contained explosives in a fragmenting container.

After unloading the first round of missiles, the majority of the fighters and the cruisers with them focused on just a few of the ICA ships. The intensity of the attacks caused the ICA ships to drift apart, increasing their vulnerability. The ICA's cruisers took the brunt of the initial barrage. By the time their momentum took them passed the intended rendezvous point, the cruisers were essentially sitting targets. Many were soon within the range of the ground based lasers guarding An Clochán.

The remaining ICA group was several light seconds away from Mars when the Dóchas group crossed above them. As soon as they were in range, they began firing at the missiles coming toward them. They did well in blocking the incoming missiles and other weapons fired at them but their defense wasn't perfect. Their weapons were more effective in hitting the ICA ships. The rail gun slugs were very effective in opening holes in the ships' hulls, and the subsequent slugs shredded the insides with the fragmentation explosives.

While Dóchas group passed overhead, Iarracht and Phoenix groups passed along each side of the remaining ICA group. By the time they were past, two of the Dóchas class ICA ships were wrecked and drifting but still occasionally firing at the Órarduine.

Sarah said, "Let's end this," as their approach crossed the ICA vector. When the range was optimal, each FCS fired A-beams at each of the two active ICA ships. Iarracht and Phoenix groups focused on the other two ships. When the beams hit a ship, it shook then a few moments later erupted in a blinding flash as it turned into a glowing expanding ball of gas.

During the battle the members of Sarah's Clan had watched it unfold on the monitors, while managing their individual consoles. Rusty had focused on redirecting resources as the battle shifted around them. Sarah, Terry and Sally monitored the different aspects of the battle.

With the destruction of the ICA group, Dóchas group turned their attention the ICB group that included the cruisers and cargo ships. Just as they did so the last two inbound cargo ships exploded. The ships flashed brightly before disappearing, leaving only small fragments and dust.

"Attention Dóchas Group," said Sarah's Clan, "this solar system needs to be checked for any remnants of these people. FOCs will coordinate it. Assume Readiness Level 3."

Sarah's Clan watched the activity on their monitors as Órarduine ships began scouring the solar system for any remaining ships or other objects left by the Imperial Council.

"Sarah's Clan," said Clarence, "our picket line is picking up new signals from the vicinity of Dóchas group. Communication has told me that they haven't made any changes."

"All Engineering groups," said Claudette, "you need to check the outside of your ships. There are reports of us giving off an unauthorized RF signal. Security has the profile."

"Claudette," replied Leann, "do you have any idea what we are looking for?"

"No. Clarence just told us that the picket line is seeing a new signal originating from the five ships that were uncloaked. He has the signature."

"Okay, we will begin looking as soon as we get damage stabilized."

"We need to move quicker than that. Just focus on the critical damage while you see if you can determine the source of these signals. It is critical as we don't know their purpose."

"In that case we will start now."


"Star, pull our damage and injury report together," said Rusty.


"Dóchas group," said Rusty, "please forward a copy of your damage and injury report to Dóchas as time permits. Intelligence groups, we need a combined report on our engagement."

"Command Staff," said Katernia of Shannon's Clan, "our ferrets have brought us data from the ICA group ships. We are beginning to analyze it now. How should we prioritize our efforts?"

"When do you think you will have a handle on the data? One critical item is knowing whether they told their home world of our presence before the engagement. Another is what brought them to this system. Try to get a good overview of what is there and then go for details. If you could have an overview for us by the time the solar system search is complete, that would be great. After that go back to reviewing the data, the goal should be to learn more of them, their travels and capabilities."

"Will do."

"Sarah's Clan," said Kelsey of Samantha's Clan, "we have had several messages from Earth, wanting to know what is going on. Some are from the heads of governments and some are from news organizations. There are indications that some communications satellites were damaged."

"What did you tell them?"

Kelsey laughed and replied, "Not what I wanted to. I simply told them that, at the moment, everyone was too busy to talk to them, and that I would pass their requests on as soon as possible."

"Okay. Prepare a press release that is factual, but shouldn't cause panic," said Maeve. "Lorelei and Earl can probably assist you with it."

"Oh, I am sure they will as they have been down here ever since the engagement started. Can we include damage and injuries?"

"Yes. Make the comments general. We think it is reasonable to describe the Imperial Council as Aine did earlier. Make sure to note that they came to this solar system to harvest food to take back to their home system, as well as taking anything else they found. You should note that they were primarily meat eaters, and not picky about the source of meat, or whether it was cooked."

"We'll quickly work something up and show it to all the Command Staffs before we release it."

"That isn't necessary," replied Sarah's Clan.

"Command Staffs," said Aoife, "we need to call the leaders of several countries on Earth. Let's split them up among us as follows: We'll call Ireland. Siobhan's Clan can call England. Maureen's Clan calls Russia. Keriann's Clan calls the US. Kathryn's Clan calls Australia. Molly's Clan calls China. Amy's Clan calls Japan. Jackie's Clan calls Israel. We are planning on just providing them with a short summary of the engagement then asking them to share it with other heads of state."

"Any particular reasoning to the assignments," responded Amy.

"Not really. We've met all of them. I just picked names as I looked down the list, which I think all of you have."

"They are likely to ask for more information," added Kelly.

"Well I am sure we would do the same. I think that we should just stick to the facts we have at hand and defer the others. Should we commit to a conference call in a few days' time as we have a lot of cleaning up to do?"

"It won't be soon enough for some, but it is a place to start," responded Jackie.

"Okay," said Colleen of Maureen's Clan. "We'll do that as soon as we finish here."

"I think we need to be a bit more organized in checking the solar system for other intruders," said Calvin.

"Good point," responded Brandan of Maureen's Clan. "We could have Briana's Clan organize a Task Force of 8 cruisers and 8 squadrons of Star Fighters. Dóchas and Phoenix Security departments can lead on the coordination."

"Sounds good to us."

"We agree," responded the other Command Staffs.

"I'll tell Briana's Clan," said Tara.

"Once we have the calls behind us let's focus on getting our ships back in shape," said Rusty. "How about we meet right after breakfast to go over our status?"

"Aye," replied everyone.

"We need to get some rest, and make sure the crews rest as well," said Judy, Betsy and Kathy. Their comment caused chuckles.

"The best way we can do that," said Gail, "is lead by example."

"We were planning on working in shifts," responded Siobhan, "that way someone is always on the bridge."

After the normal breakfast hour, Sarah's Clan said, "Good morning."

"Good morning."

"As you know we are running our morning meeting a bit differently today. While we do have a lot of repairs to make, we thought we should give you an update on who those people were and our casualties.

"There were 323 people injured and 27 of those are critical. Unfortunately, 10 of the family have died. We will have a memorial service for them in a few days. The doctors expect everyone else to fully recover. Those critically injured are already in the incubators recovering. Sixteen Star Fighters will need to be rebuilt or scrapped. Two cruisers are in the same shape. Dóchas, Eagle, Taiséalai, Marthanóir and Fiontar all received significant damage although none of it is critical.

"Repairs have started. All damaged Star Fighters and cruisers will go to An Clochán for overhaul. Ship repairs began last night right after the engagement ended.

"On behalf of the Command Staffs, we thank you for performing your tasks in an exemplary manner. It was due to your efforts that we were able to succeed. Thank you."

"It was your leadership that kept us on the correct path," said Lorraine and Simone, "so thank you for doing that."

"Yes!" came the response.

"Thank you. Now, a bit about the visitors." With that Sarah's Clan gave a short but detailed summary of what they knew about the Imperial Council. "We are still sifting through the information the ferrets obtained. It will be available to the family once it is sorted.

"Unless someone has an urgent question, let's plan on our next family discussion being tomorrow evening. We know that that is a longer gap than we usually have but doing it this way has several advantages. One is that it gives us more flexibility in scheduling repairs and rest. The other is that we should be able to run it as we usually do. We don't know how you feel but we like that format better."

After not hearing any questions Kathryn's Clan said, "Let's be about it."


It was an hour later that Siobhan's Clan entered the conference room off Dóchas' bridge. As they greeted Sarah's Clan, the other Command Staffs entered and joined in the greetings. When they sat down Aine and Morrigan entered and said, "Good morning."

After the Command Staffs responded Aine said, "We would like to sit in this morning."

"Glad to have you," responded Sarah. "While we may cover some of the engagement, our intent is to have our after action review tomorrow."

"All of us would like to join you for that."

Morrigan said, "Before you start I have a question about yesterday, after the IC contacted you. Why did you wait where you did?"

With a big grin Chester said, "'Cause Rusty told us too." With that they all began laughing. When the laughter subsided he added, "not really, but it was his idea. So why did we?"

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If anyone has read ‘The Little Prince’ by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry then they might understand this story better. I wondered what happened after/if the little prince went back to his planet and this is just my little experiment that I went with. I wrote it all in one breath, and I hope it makes sense. I’m posting it on here to see what people think of it, and if you guys like it, I’ll continue it. Any and all comments are very much welcome. I hope you like it! ———————————————– She was born...

1 year ago
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My First Sex A Sexy Young Teacher Blackmailed Me To Fuck Her

Hello all iss readers, its rajveer, back again with another true experience from my life, first of all I would thank all the people for you valuable comments and feedback.For those of you who are reading my post for the first time let me introduce myself again. I am rajveer (that’s my real name and age), 30 years old guy from hyderabad, 5’10 height with a well built body as I workout regularly to keep myself in good shape for all my female friends. I love having safe sex with mature married...

1 year ago
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Wife turns the tables on husbands fantasy to

For years I have been exploring with my wife the fantasy of her having sex with another man. It started off with simple questions, exploring what she might like and what she didn't. Almost always when I would story tell in bed about another cock joining in, I would notice a little extra hunger and wetness in her pussy. And she never said no, just maybe or she wouldn't know unless she tried.This progressed to me writing stories for her to read and creating assignments, complete with pictures,...

2 years ago
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Growing up with Sex

Just to provide a taste of my life, I grew up in a farming community, my parents were hard working middle class and I was your typical boy, average, but with a strong body and a typical boy scout, however I was turned on to sex by feeling my mom's undies in the clothes basket, and putting them on, hmmm, and great times followed. I will never forget the rock hard cock that erupted under the silky nylon and boy did I feel great. I was too afraid to cop a pair but did find my way to the hamper a...

4 years ago
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Dear Diary5

There he is, lying there naked. My body betrays me, although I dried myself, I can feel a wetness developing deep within my pussy. The door is shut so we won’t be disturbed and the air conditioner is on, set at the perfect temperature. I come out of the bathroom, naked, and I can feel him following me with his eyes. Although he is under a blanket, I know he is warm. His body is always warm and it always makes me feel comforted whenever I snuggle up to him. I open the covers to...

3 years ago
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2nd BiMMF Threesome

So I have finally gotten around to writing about our second BiMMF encounter. Just a little background on us. We are in our late 30's and wife is a BBW. I really haven't had that much experience with other men, but have enough to know what I am doing. We put an ad up on Craigslist and sorted through all of the replies. We received a reply from a much younger guy (21) that had a huge cock. He was built fairly well and we figured what the hell, why not.We had texted back and forth a few...

3 years ago
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In den Hnden der Polizei

An diesem Frühlingstag fuhr ich mit meinem Lieferwagen die letzte Tour, maximal 2 Stunden noch. Hatte schon lange sexuell nichts mehr erlebt, 33 war ich jetzt. Ich hatte mir oft erträumt was wäre wenn man einfach sich mal eine schnappt, es dann aber doch verworfen. Die Sonne schien mir ins Gesicht als ich den letzten Kunden ansteuerte. Einige nette Girls hatte ich unterwegs gesehen, aber nichts machte mich so sehr an wie diese hochnäsigen, überheblichen Polizistinnen. In ihrer blauen Uniform,...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Lily Larimar Jazmin Luv Learning To Love Yourself

Lily Larimar arrives home from school. Her older sibling Kayley Gunner is hanging out in the living room with her friend, Jazmin Luv. Kayley and Jazmin both greet her, but Lily seems down and quickly runs off to her room. Kayley is concerned about Lily and wants to help her, but she has to go to work soon. Jazmin reassures Kayley that she can have a talk with Lily. After all, Jazmin has been friends with them for so long that she’s almost like an older sibling to Lily too. Jazmin goes to...

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368 HI IM KAY 2

Kay waited, she didn’t think coffee appropriate , a stiff drink was more her line, but those last few minutes were tense, she used the toilet, annexed to the waiting room, nervous peeing, she returned, sitting waiting on the edge of the chair, as the door opened and a short but stocky chap entered, he was totally naked, and between his legs hung a thick 8 incher and balls like a horse. He smiled a greeting walked to the door she had arrived from and bolted it ritualistically there was no...

3 years ago
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Vickies Boyfriend

This story begins in my bedroom, with my friend and her new boyfriend. We were all roughly 19 to 20 at the time. I had just brought a new gaming console and thought it would be a good idea to invite my friend over along with her boyfriend (who she invited by the way) so we could try it out. My friend had been dating this new bloke just over 2 weeks and I could tell that she was pretty into him, although she hadn’t slept with him yet or done anything sexual, from what she told. To be honest I...

4 years ago
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Cumming To Terms

Jan Roth thought that her marriage was happy. She had still no clue, after 23 years of marriage to Reuben Roth, that he was not pleased or satisfied with her performance. She was just too vanilla for his taste, plain and simple. She only wanted missionary sex- albeit a lot of it. There were other factors as well. Jan was Episcopalian, and a devout one at that, whereas Reuben was Jewish. Jan had been a virgin on her wedding night. Reuben had several girls before her. He had even cheated on her...

2 years ago
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Found Mamas Porn Films Part 1

So, I never had a thing for my mom until I found her videos buried in a box of old papers in the attic. I was cleaning it out for my parents when I found a DVD marked "Janie's Vids". I figured it was something from her c***dhood or some family movies. I was the only one home. When I took a break from the attic work, I made some food and put the DVD in my laptop. The sandwich about fell out of my hand when the first video started to play. It was my mom, must have been from the 70s when she was...

2 years ago
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My Love Story With Lovely Girlfriend 8211 Part I

Hi ISS Readers, This is Harsha submitting my story for the first time. I m writing my encounters as different parts. I will submit my stories depending on the response from u guys. Please forgive me if u find any mistakes, do suggest me and help me writing the story in a more seducing way. Please feel free to write me on First let me introduce myself. I m working as a software engineer in Bangalore with stats of 5’10” and i want to tell u guys the truth, i have dick of 4 inches height and 1...

3 years ago
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Dysfunctional Lustful Incest 8211 Part 6

I was still on the sofa with my erected dick outside my pants which was wet with her orgasmic and pussy juice. She opened the bathroom door slightly and called me inside. I dropped the pant there only and walked towards the bathroom bottom naked with erected penis. As I entered, I saw her wet and naked. It was an erotic sight. She asked me to lock the door. The bathroom was big enough for both of us. She started to unbutton my shirt and removed it along with my vest and hung it on the hook. We...

1 year ago
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Cheating on my boyfriend with a BBC

The following is a true story on me cheating on my boyfriend.So I been in a relationship with my current boyfriend for about a year now and I absolutely love him! It's just I have a lot of sexual fantasies with some involving multiple guys or guys with enormous cock. My boyfriend has a 5 inch cock and I'm okay with it, I love sucking on it and riding him. It's the perfect size for me (I'm 5'2) but it just doesn't completely do it. A few months ago, when my boyfriend went to vacation I was very...

3 years ago
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Food Court Frolic

Food Court Frolic----------It was Friday afternoon; very warm temperatures had kept most people inside except for the die-hards. I checked with Dad to see if he minded if I went shopping. He seemed happy to let me take some time off to relax for a change, so I quickly ran into the house, changed into a clean low cut blouse and a short blue jeans skirt. I had my favorite half-top red, white and blue cowboy boots on and my matching flag handbag, grabbed the keys to the truck, rolled down the...

1 year ago
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EroticSpice Josy Black Banging The Yoga Teacher

When British bombshell Baby Kxtten and her boyfriend, Don Diego, check into the Fake Hostel, Steve Q is instantly attracted to the petite blonde. After showing them to their room, grey-haired hunk Steve approaches Baby Kxtten, who treats him to a sneaky blowjob before sticking out her tight, firm ass for a doggystyle fucking! Afterwards, the horny pair do some 69ing, with Baby Kxtten rimming Steve and gagging on his thick cock, and then the cheating slut bounces on his rod cowgirl-style while...

2 years ago
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Meeting Bree

Oh c’mon Ange, it’s only 10:00, surely Brad lets you stay out later than that,’ Brandi said with a little twinkle in her eye. ‘Brad has nothing to do with my wanting to go,’ Angela replied, ‘some of us aren’t on vacation and have to work in the morning.’ ‘Oh please,’ Alison piped in, ‘you own the studio, I think you can take a day off. Sit down and have another drink. After all, Brandi hasn’t been out with us in forever.’ ‘Yeah Ange, live a little,’ Brandi said, laughing at her best friend. ...

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BadDaddyPOV Lauren Phillips Fucks Her Step Dad To Get Back At Cheating Mommy

Lauren Phillips has some bad news for her step dad. She just saw her mom cheating – fucking another man behind his back. But she has an idea cheer up her step daddy: payback. Lauren’s always wanted to taste her step dad’s cock; to wrap her big natural tits around him, and take him in her tight pussy. With a little convincing, the slutty redhead gets what she wants. Her step daddy’s cock grows hard. She makes him feel better with an epic fucking blowjob. Once his cock is wet...

3 years ago
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In a surprising development, Brett’s father had been taking advantage of multiple opportunities to feel me up and grab my tits, ass and pussy ever since we arrived. I didn’t want to ruin our visit or the upcoming wedding, so I didn’t’ say anything to Brett. As it played out, on the 3rd day of our stay Carl had ended up fucking me from behind on the chaise lounge by the pool. To be fair, Brett’s dick is a nice size – about 10”, when fully erect – and we had a great sex life. But by the pool...

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Fingering Renae Publically

When asked what he wanted, Valen held Sue's eyes, asked for Sex in the Driveway, and chuckled. She grinned the whole time she prepared it. He took a deep sip of his drink while lingering, staring into my wife's beautiful blue eyes. "Didn't you get enough of my wife when her sister was here?" I teased. "I enjoyed both their lovely naked bodies then, as they each enjoyed playing with my cock. I confess, I've been hoping for a rematch. Is Lois coming back soon?" He leered at Sue as he...

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Losing My Virginity To A Hungry Bitch

Hey guys, this is me again. First of all, thank you for your valuable feedback on my first story. It really means a lot to me. Secondly, this is a humble request to all those guys who were asking about the contact number of that lady and claiming that they respect women. Please, learn to respect women and girls. If a married woman chooses to have sex outside marriage, it does not mean that she will fuck every guy she meets. And even if she does, she would demand respect and a queen like...

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Sword and Sorcery

Swords & Sorcery Darumar the warrior paused as he saw the yellow glow of a lamp through the branches. A cold autumn wind rustled the trees and made him pull his cloak tighter around his body. Chainmail armour made of steel rings was not the warmest thing to wear on a night like this and the prospect of the warmth the cottage ahead promised was welcome indeed. Yet still he hesitated. Magic worried him. He was a plain man, simple and strong. Not stupid, he had plenty of quick...

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A Novice SorceressChapter 7

Ritual 'Ritual: An organized form of magic, in most cases there are more than one practitioner involved as most rituals are so complex and powerful that one practitioner does not have the strength or endurance to perform it. Ritual usually involves more than one form of magic at the same time.' Katy set at the breakfast table with her orange juice and bagel. She also had the newspaper which she was searching for any mention of the things that had happen the night before. The paper was...

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Toms AdventuresChapter 46 Strange Events

It was a few weeks later that Tom woke up suddenly. He wasn't sure what had awoken him but he knew that something had. He slipped quietly from the bed without disturbing Mei or Su. He looked around and decided that Wei must have headed back to her room. He quietly slipped on his pants and the soft slippers that Mei had made for him. He moved silently to the window, watching and listening. It was some time before he heard a faint noise. It drew all of his attention and he focused on finding...

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EvilAngel Hime Marie Buttfuck Gaping And Rim Job

Tantalizing brunette Hime Marie runs manicured fingers over her caramel skin. Heavily hung porn pro Mick Blue douses her ass in oil, and she masturbates sensually. She wraps her fingers around Mick’s thick cock and gives him a passionate blowjob. Dirty Keira tongues Mick’s bunghole in a sumptuous rim job. She bends over so Mick can pork her eager asshole. Hime rubs her clit while he buttfucks her. Her asshole gapes! Anal fun includes a delicious, ass-to-mouth blowjob, and Hime...

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Bound by Fiction

In a bedroom not unlike others before it, there stood a person not unlike many others before them. They awoke from a dreamless sleep before realizing that they- "Ahem..." they sounded. Before realizing that they- "AHEM..." they repeated, louder this time. I'm sorry, are you trying to get my attention..? "Yes I am," you started, "I'm trying to figure out what's going on here! Are you narrating my life?" Why yes I am. I'm the narrator of this tale. Basically speaking, I am the mouth piece...

Mind Control
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An Angel in the MoonlightChapter 8

I got the story a few days later. Amanda told me over coffee. “Brian had a best friend in college and one weekend he invited him home to meet his family. On look at his friend’s little sister and it was over. They dated exclusively and married one week after he graduated. Then he brougt his friend home and while it wasn’t love at first sight the flames were there. We married a year later. Brian and Valerie had twin boys a year after they got married, little redheaded clones of their mother....

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I lost my virginity to a shemale

As living in an Asian country where sex is very personal thing and no body wants to share any thoughts regarding that.Me as a person wants to try it in a different way and which took me to another level of that,which I had never thought of.Being a young 18 year old boy I use to see porn just to control my thoughts and body,like every guy use to do.Then while searching on net I came to know a word called shemale.I had heard that word earlier also when I was 14-15 but didn't paid attention...

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I give a Secret to my Daughter

My daughter Lacey and her fiancé had chosen a stunning mountain chalet for their wedding. The building was at the top of a hill, with a spectacular view of the valley below. Out front there was a large lawn, where the ceremony was to be held. Inside, there was a big room which was set up for the upcoming reception with formal dining tables, flowers galore, a small stage and dance floor, and a large wooden staircase for the happy couple to descend. It cost me a fortune, but it was worth it. It...

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Christmas eve home alone but not for long

This year I had managed to get Christmas eve off work as my company closed down for the festive period. My wife, though, had to work all day and would not be home till quite late. When she left for work she looked so hot dressed up as a sexy Miss Claus; this was the case every year that all the staff dressed up for Christmas eve. My wife wore a very short red Miss Claus dress that barely covered her peachy ass, a pair of black hold up stockings with a sparkly red seam up the back, high red...

Oral Sex
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My personal Best

It all started one sunday evening during a hot july night.My evening started out typical dinner and t.v..and of course a snack.It was getting late and I being myself developed some late night munchies.First off I contemplated staying in or going too the local convienence storefor my typical cookies and milk. Well after mins of contemplating I decided toogo ahead and make the ride. As I stepped in the car rolled down the windows I noticed the smell in the air.I felt that sensation between my...

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Intensity Ch 1

This was the first time that I had been to the club in quite some time. My heart began to pound hard against my chest as I walked through the door and could finally hear the heavy beat of death metal slamming through walls painted in black and white abstract patterns. I quickly flashed my ID and paid my dues as I was quickly shuffled through the line. When I got to the end of the hall, I allowed a group of regulars to hop ahead of me in line so I could have a chance to tuck my ID into my boot...

1 year ago
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Parking Lots Can Be Fun

They were in the car driving to meet some friends for dinner. This meeting had been planned for several weeks for tonight. They had both come home from work in time to change clothes and head back out the door. As they drove, Ted was quiet and Terri asked, “What’s wrong, baby?” “Nothing’s wrong, why do you say that?” he responded. Terri touched him on his leg and said, “I ask what’s wrong because I know you. You are being very quiet and I can see it on your face. Something is wrong and I want...

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A Chefs JourneyChapter 4

Jason — Earning a Reputation As the fall came and the leaves started to turn, Robert began converting the area over from a summer resort for honeymooners and hikers to a ski resort. He spent hours checking rooms for signs they might let cold air in. He also climbed the mountainside to check on the lifts and paths, making sure they were properly prepared for the coming season. The breakfast traffic died down some, but the dinner crowds continued to increase. Robert told me that my cooking was...

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The Power of a Mistress

First person story of a Master's description of a brief moment in time with his Alpha Slave, Jan, who is PERFECT.   There are two house guests, Master Brad, and his slave, Emma, Who Master Brad brought over so that he may witness Jan in action.  Poor Emma.    Master Brad is here to see Jan in action.  He is a *Friend of a friend* in the bondage circle I am a part of, both physically and metaphorically speaking.    My close friend has seen Jan in action several times when she is truly at her...

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First time21

Prologue I make my way up the long flight of steps from the dock toward the house where Cija waits for me. I speak into the entry phone, feeling a thrill at the sound of her voice telling me to come on up, the door swinging open for me. I adjust my collar, run my fingers through my hair and reflect for a moment. When we first met, she was gauche and awkward although pretty. I can already see the change in her since we started ‘accidentally’ meeting over the last few weeks, becoming more...

4 years ago
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Oh Yes Deepak 8211 Part II

Having got dried off we went into my bedroom together and lay down on the bed cuddling one another. We started talking and neither of us had any intention to become lovers when we first met but circumstances had changed during our time together and we both were pleased with the result. It was lucky I went to the airport to see off my girl friend today or we would never have met I remarked. He agreed and said a lucky day for both of us and it was a good job my girlfriend wasn’t here seeing us...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Agent of Lilith Chapter 11

James let out a deep breath and closed his eyes as he attempted to concentrate on his own magic. Focused as he was, James didn't see the unfamiliar car pull into the driveway behind him and block his car in. He reached out and touched the power that lurked within him, slowly drawing it out in preparation for the task at hand. In his mental state of supreme concentration, he didn't hear the car door close somewhere behind him. It took a considerable amount of patience and skill to carefully...

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JulesJordan Aidra Fox Has A Case Of Dredd Throat

The always stunning Aidra Fox is back at JJV, this time taking on the new MONSTER cock Dredd! Aidra Fox is perfect in every way, amazing tight body, model looks, perky titties, lusty long legs, and ass for days, what more could you want? She’s looking totally sexy in her lace bodysuit as she teases us with those amazing curves. Dredd steps in to give her something big and black to suck on and Aidra gets right to work. She tugs and sucks on that massive cock as she moans and giggles with...

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Amelia Talks to Scotty Part Three

Scotty continued to stroke gently over his mother’s smooth pussy with his fingers and Amelia felt the flow of her body’s inner naturalness form more in her sensual spot than what had been in its depths earlier. With Scotty’s finger sliding between her natural chasm, more of it escaped her delicate hole and coated his finger. Amelia could feel her natural lube slather all around his finger that fit perfectly in her tender split. She could not remember the last time she had covered a finger with...

3 years ago
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Ghamandi Mom Ki Chudai

Meri mom ka naam sapna hai wo ek housewife hai wo kisi bi anjan logo se baat nhi krti. Aur bhut loyal hain. Wo dekhne main bhut sunder hain unki age 40 hai. Baat kuch din pehle ki hai.Main mummy papa ek shadi main gye the.Papa apne friends ke sath drink krne chale gye aur main bi apne friends ke sath dance krne chala gya.Us din mom ne red color ki saree pehni hue thi aur matching bangles sindhur aur makeup kiya hua tha wo bhut sunder lg rehi thi.Sbki nazar un pr thi pr mom kisi ko line nhi...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 71

This is not a joke per say, but an inspirational piece that may help one through a bad day. Enjoy. Jack A little girl had been shopping with her Mom in Wal-Mart. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful red haired, freckle faced image of innocence... It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the top of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the earth it has no time to flow down the spout ... We all stood there, under the awning, just inside the door of the...

4 years ago
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Sex Shop Swap Swinger Anal

A couple of suburbanites in the big city for a night of CW dancing. My wife was throwing down some shots and line dancing like there was no tomorrow. She even danced a two step with a couple of cowboys but I didn't mind cause her coochy was all mine lock stock and barrel. If anything it only made her friskier. She threw down one last shot and told me it was time to go. When we got to the car she was all over me. I got my hand down her pants and rubbed her clit and was driving her wild. I...

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Another Love Part 10

“Have you packed your gym kit?” Jade asked me the following Saturday morning.“Well, I have packed my running kit, I was not sure if we were going to do any training whilst we were down there, but thought if the opportunity arose, then I might squeeze in a run.”“Oh good, I have done the same. I thought tomorrow morning we might go for a run around the park first thing. I have booked a restaurant for tonight as well.”“Oh, right have you told your parents about this? Where are we going?”“Yes, sort...

Love Stories
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BangBros18 Dillion Harper Step Siblings Caught

Dillion Harper gets dirty while cooking her soup and her step brother comes in to help her clean up. He notices her nipples through the shirt before she grabs him to let him know that she notices how he looks at her. She pushes him towards the wall and starts seducing him as he freaks out that the mom will find them. She lets him know that theres nothing to worry since there step siblings and that the mom is not home. She starts sucking hard on his cock and almost get caught when the mom gets...

2 years ago
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Park ThisChapter 12

Lane's turn: Second night with my new little wife in my bed. I had to pay the price for this, though. Little darlin' practically dragged me over to her grandmother's trailer today to ask permission for us to get married. We were already married, though. I signed an entry on the inside cover of her little red Bible under her inscription that we were married yesterday. The meeting with Judy, grandmother of Lee and aunt of Sherry, well, I've never gone into a girl's house and see her...

4 years ago
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Waif the Continued AdventuresChapter 5

In most small towns, high school sports are the major social events of the week. Yes, parents with children who played the lesser sports would show up and root their off spring on whether those sports were tennis, fencing volleyball or swimming and diving. What really put the area to a standstill were the major sports; those being Basketball, soccer, and football. Girls' soccer was added to the program as a title nine balance field sport for boy's football. Each of those sports had an...

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