ComrieChapter 19 free porn video

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The delayed e-mail arrived in Trudy and Marie's mailbox on Saturday morning, shortly after James and Clarence began watching the videos at the resort. They immediately began following the script that had been developed earlier in the week. After notifying Anthony McHenry, the Assistant DA, and Stuart Yang, Clarence's assistant, they implemented the office's emergency notification procedures.

Only 15 minutes had elapsed when Trudy reached Major Crowe, the MP Unit Commander. She told him that they had received an urgent request for help, via e-mail, from James MacFarland and Clarence O'Toole. "In it, Clarence asked me to tell you that the scenario requiring the Guards' assistance is now a reality. His e-mail indicates that he thought you could arrange transportation for our investigators to the location where they were being held."

Trudy's comments reminded him of the conversation he had with Clarence only a few days earlier. Major Crowe said, "Trudy would you read the relevant parts of the e-mail." She hadn't read very much of it before he realized that this was close to the exact scenario Clarence had laid out earlier that week. He thought, "My, God, it is now real. The twerps have kidnapped Clarence and James." Collecting himself, he focused on the task at hand. "Trudy, are you certain this e-mail is valid?"

"Yes, sir," replied Trudy, "as it has the special notation."

"Tell those needing transportation to go directly to the Air Guard base. The guards at the gate will direct them from there." Trudy relayed the information to Marie and the other staff in the office, who were now calling the rest of the staff to inform them of the kidnapping and their assignment.

Major Crowe called a friend of his, a Colonel Knapp, who was the Commander of the Air Guard unit. After chatting briefly, he told him that he urgently required the use of 8 Blackhawks, as soon as they could be readied.

His friend responded with laughter, saying "You've got to be kidding." It took him a few seconds to realize that there hadn't been a response. In fact, there was no sound on the phone at all but he could sense a high level of tension at the other end. The sensation was strong enough that it prickled the hairs on his neck after taking a deep breath he said, "Okay, tell me what's up."

The Major explained how his request was related to their activation. Just as he started speaking, the Air Guard units' Executive Officer entered Colonel Knapp's office. The Colonel switched the phone to speaker, so that both of them could hear him. The two listened intently, as Major Crowe gave a quick run-down that covered all the major details. Colonel Knapp knew some of the story from discussions they'd had in the past, and from what he had read in the paper. Colonel Knapp looked at the Exec and said, "Have you cleared this request yet?"

"No, that is my next call," replied Major Crowe. "I'll call General Wadsworth directly, and then the Governor, if the General is not available."

"The Governor personally approved your action before, right?"


The Executive Officer nodded at the unspoken question from the AG Commander. "Okay, then we are committing to supporting you. It would help a whole lot to have orders. Also, this is not a drill weekend, so I don't know if we can put up 8 birds. Fortunately, we do have quite a few folk here, for other reasons." Major Crowe could hear the klaxon in the background. "What are the coordinates of the destination?"

Major Crowe relayed the information he had about the location.

"Okay, I've got it."

"See you as soon as I make the calls."

"You're going?"

"Hell, yes. If I am going to hang my ass out this far, I want to experience the fun," said Major Crowe, laughing, as he hung up the phone.

The Major reached the Commanding General on the first try. After apologizing for not following the chain of command, he told him of the call he had just received from MacFarland's office. He quickly summarized all the relevant details, and the response he was proposing. He told the General that he had called Colonel Knapp, the Air Guard Commander, and that the Colonel had said that he thought they could provide the transportation needed.

The General told him to make sure he left sufficient soldiers to guard the armory, as these creeps might strike there once they realized what else was underway. He said he would call both the Governor, and the Air Guard's Commanding General.

Major Crowe stepped out of his office, and hit the alert button. Within moments, all those in the building, except for sentries, were gathered in the duty room. He filled them in on the calls, and outlined their mission. The clerks immediately began calling the off-duty soldiers, advising them of the alert. The acting First Sargent called the AG's OD, with a list of the MP Guard personnel that would be arriving at the air base. When the OD asked who was coming from the DA's office, the First Sargent said, "I don't know, but that they will have Federal ID's, issued by the DOJ. Some of our off-duty soldiers are going directly there, while others are reporting here."

In the meantime, those in the armory quickly began loading Humvees with their gear.

The AG CQ and several clerks, begin calling unit members that lived nearby. They simply told those they called that they had been asked to respond to an emergency, and if they could, their help would be appreciated. The additional AG members began arriving just before those from the DA's office and MP unit.

Everyone was at the Air Guard Base less than two hours after Trudy and Marie had initially received the e-mail. As people arrived at the air base, Air Police checked their ID's and then directed them to the flight operations building. The ramp was a beehive of activity, as the ground crews readied their helicopters. The only change they had to make was to mount weapons, test and load them. While this was being done, system checks were run and fuel tanks were topped off.

MacFarland's assistant decided to only send part of their group on the mission, while all of O'Toole's staff would go, except for the two they couldn't reach. Trudy found site plans for the resort, and sent copies to the base.

When Major Crowe saw his friend, he said, "I thought you said this wasn't a drill weekend."

Grinning, Colonel Knapp replied, "It wasn't, until someone called for taxi service, and invoked the Governor's name."

"Thanks. I find their enthusiasm somewhat contagious, and most of the time this work is fun. How do you want to do this?"

"You've worked with them before, so I'll let you take the lead."

As they were talking Stuart Yang, O'Toole's assistant, joined them. After introductions Major Crowe said, "Stuart, how do you want to do this?"

"I think the same way we did for the other raid. The air crews add a new aspect. We have maps and floor plans for the resort. I trust your men have body armor and can carry weapons."

Colonel Knapp said, "Yes."

The three quickly sorted out how they would accomplish the rescue then find and secure the evidence. As they finished Colonel Knapp said, "Ready?"

"I think we're ready."

"Attention!" said the First Sargent when the officers entered. This caused the group in the operations conference room to quiet down. Colonel Knapp, Major Crowe and Stuart Yang stepped to the front of the room.

Colonel Knapp said, "At Ease! Airmen, as of 20 minutes ago, you are on active duty. Our mission is to provide support for a rescue operation, of sorts. We will be transporting this Guard MP unit and a group of investigators from the US District Attorney's office. This is their operation, and because of this, you need to be Federal Officers. We know some of you already are, but it is easier if we swear all of you in at one time. So, raise your right arm so Mr. McHenry, the Assistant US District Attorney, can swear you in."

As soon as everyone had taken the oath, the Colonel said, "Ground rules are: All of you will be armed, including air crews. Live rounds, as this is not a drill. Everyone will wear body armor, even the air crews. We don't expect any resistance, but we will be prepared. There is a possibility of non-involved civilians being in the area when we enter. Most of the action is expected to take place during the late evening and early morning hours, so contact is expected to be minimal."

"Now, the mission," said Major Crowe. "In a moment, I will turn the podium over to the Lead Investigator, Stuart Yang from the US District Attorney's Office. We are supporting them. Why? You've heard of the investigation by MacFarland into a slave ring operation? Well, it seems MacFarland and O'Toole, along with their families, have been abducted by the people running the ring." With that, he turned the podium over to Stuart.

"I know a little about how you operate," said Stuart Yang. "We've worked with the MP unit on a previous raid. Our intent is to carry out this raid in a very similar manner. Now, let me go over the basics of where we need to go, how we think the site is arranged, and what we want to do once we get there." With that, a map of the site was projected on the wall. Following the map, floor plans of the buildings were shown. Then he went over the information they had been able to assemble on the layout of the resort. He pointed out the type of locations that needed to be secured, and how to identify them.

"Every investigator is to be with at least one soldier. We don't think there will be any significant resistance. However they do have a security force, so they may try to prevent our entry. We expect all the guests and members to flee. For this raid to be a success we need to accomplish two things. First is the rescue MacFarland, O'Toole and their families. Second, we are to collect every bit of evidence we can find. It is to be removed from the premises as quickly as possible. Based on our past experience with these people, in particular the 'lodge incident', all of you will need to be very alert. When gathering evidence, it must be labeled with where it was found, and who found it, before being packaged for shipment. Again, we need to do this as quickly as possible. The evidence will be transferred to the armory. If possible, photos are to be taken of everything found, before removal begins. Now, questions."

As he finished, a soldier said, "Sir, a package of aerial photos just arrived."

"Good. Those should be more recent images of the resort." Stuart looked through the photos and smiled, as the package also contained a more recent floor plan. "Major Crowe, these should be of interest to you and Colonel Knapp."

After looking through them Major Crowe said, "These are great. We need to sort out assignments so we go in with a more definitive plan. Let's have everyone check out their equipment, while we work out a strategy. Everyone should get something to eat as well."

"Which of us do you want to help?" asked Stuart.

"You, and another key person. Besides officers, we should include squad leaders and pilots."

"Okay," replied Stuart with Colonel Knapp nodding.

It was nearly an hour later when Major Crowe and Stuart went to the front of the room. They were only there for a moment before Stuart raised his hand showing the scout sign. Almost immediately the room began to quieten down. Major Crowe said to him softly, "I'll have to remember that."

A smiling Stuart replied, "It works almost every time."

Looking out at the group Major Crowe said, "We have put together a plan. It primarily covers entry points for each group, and your target. Since we are a mixed group, we will go over it together. If you see a problem, say something, but let's not get bogged down. Investigators, if you are experienced with military operations let the soldiers with you know. There is still one loose end, and that is, how will we transport the evidence back here. It hasn't been fully resolved at this point because we don't know how much evidence there will be."

As they reviewed the plan and groupings, they made a few changes. When they finished, he said, "Get your gear and let's go."

"Pilots, your flight plans are ready. Mount up!" ordered Colonel Knapp.

While the Councilors were enjoying dinner, the monitors around the room showed four sets of hands in their punishment room. The hands were clamped firmly to plates, with sharp knives resting on the wrists. The drills had finished their job. The pins were in place and could be seen extending from both sides of the arms.

The atmosphere in the dining room was like a celebration. This was one of the few times that they were all together, a situation they usually avoided for security reasons. Thus it was a chance for them to renew acquaintances, and make plans for the future of their organization. The live entertainment was unusual. Many were pleased by the addition, especially since it featured people who were a thorn in the organization's side.

A woman tapped her glass and then once everyone quieted said, "Well, it looks like after tonight, we won't need to worry about those damn journalists writing about us any longer."

"Yes!" responded another woman. "But why are we just seeing close-ups of their hands? I want to see their expressions! After all the trouble they have caused us, I want to see their faces contorted in pain."

Earlier, when Caoilinn's team left the room with the journalists, they had left the Councilors there staring fearfully as the drills purpose was nearly complete. They knew that the automated mechanism would fill the hole with a pin in a few moments. Already the weight of the knives on their wrists had broken the skin, allowing a trickle blood to flow onto the drill bit and the plate. The image showing on the monitor in the dining room rotated between all four sets of hands.

The absence of four Councilors in the dining room did not surprise anyone. They knew that the four had set up the amputations, and were known to enjoy brutally abusing anyone. Several comments were made, wondering if they were toying with the journalists while their hands were severed.

"I tried the zoom earlier, and it wasn't responding," said another member. "It doesn't look like the knives have begun pressing down on their wrists yet. The pins were in place shortly after we started dinner."

"Well, here, let me try the zoom," and the woman picked up the control, and after a few moments, got it to zoom out. She screamed when she saw the four faces, etched with fear and contorted in response to the pain. The hands they had been watching were of the four absent Councilors. Just then, as indicated by the height gauge, the knives began pressing down on the Councilors' wrists. More blood pooled around the pins sticking out from the sides of their arms and on the plates. Those watching saw the four Councilor's mouths open, with tears running down their faces, as they silently screamed in pain. The heavy knives continued to settle further into their wrist joints, cutting deeper, letting more blood flow onto the plates.

Earlier, Edana's and Darcy's cloaked Security teams had quietly entered the main IT office, and immediately placed the staff there in suspension. This would let the staff see their activities, but not them. Darcy's team began identifying and removing all the recordings of James, Clarence, Sue, Sam, Irene, Kelsey and Karmen from the system, while Edana's team made sure that the resort's security monitoring systems continued to appear to be functioning correctly. They also assisted Donna and the Intelligence department AIs in copying active and deleted data from all the systems.

In the dining room, the Councilor holding the remote screamed again as she saw the knives move. A resort security supervisor opened the door and said, "Excuse me Grand Councilor, but where were we supposed to meet the group you want us to transport?"

"Get someone down there, now!" screamed the female Councilor, as she pointed at the screen. Seeing the image on the monitor, the security supervisor immediately started talking into his radio. It was a few moments before they saw several security staff enter the room. During this conversation in the dining room had come to a standstill, as they watched the resort security staff prepare to stop the amputations.

"Wait! Stop them! There is a special sequence to stop it."

The Councilors watched in horror as the knives suddenly drove down through the wrists and stopped. They continued watching as the resort security scrambled to stop the bleeding and release the Councilors.

"What was it you wanted?" asked the Grand Master's associate, as the situation seemed to stabilize.

"Where were we supposed to meet the group you wanted us to transport?"

"In the large suite where they the sluts have been staying."

"Sir, they aren't there. We checked all the rooms in the suite and the outdoor area. There is no-one in the suite complex."


"We did find the men's clothes there." He paused for a moment, as he pressed his ear piece for his radio tighter. He was quiet for a moment, then said, "An alert has just been sent to all the security staff to find the journalists. They are summoning medical technicians to care for those in the amputation room. Besides the Councilors, the others who had been helping them were found there, hanging by a wire wrapped around their wrists."

"How could this happen?" asked the Grand Master. "Where is the head of security?"

"She is on her way to the punishment room."

"Make sure that security doesn't allow any of those eleven people to leave! They are to detain them any way they can. There will be no acceptable excuses." The Grand Master looked around the table, concern etched his face. "We had an excellent plan to squelch this investigation. All the contingencies were covered. So, how can such a simple plan become such a fucked up mess? Now we have a problem of monumental proportions. If we can't get control of this, our group is going to have a lot of problems."

"What have we missed?" asked a woman. "How could Councilors end up restrained like that? There has to be some one helping them. How does MacFarland's and O'Toole's disappearance fit with what happened to the Councilors? Is their disappearance an indication that they are attempting to double-cross us?"

"But, why so quickly?" asked another. "If that is what they were going to do, why not wait until they were home and thought they were safe."

"Placing the four Councilors in the amputation rig doesn't fit with a double-cross," said another. "Could some of the staff have instigated this, as this seems more like revenge? This is all too much of a coincidence."

"Where are the journalists?" asked the Grand Master, again.

"They haven't been found, yet. Those in the security control room are using the surveillance cameras to search the whole resort," responded the guard, uneasily.

"Increase perimeter surveillance, and put all available security guards on the perimeter," said the Grand Master's associate to the security guard. "Again, none of them are to leave here. Use whatever means you need to stop them." The guard turned and left the room, talking on his radio as he did.

The Grand Master said, "Our organization has been around for several centuries, perhaps even longer. We have survived this long because we have been very careful. Although we have had close calls in the past, this may be the closest. Now, we must assume the worst, as it will give us the best chance to survive. The high profile guests need to be alerted of possible security problems, so they can protect their interests.

"I will be leaving shortly with my two associates, and I strongly recommend you do the same. I am taking two special DVDs. There is enough evidence on them to bury the reputations of O'Toole and MacFarland, along with their families. Their contents will make it very easy for the President to fire them." He paused for a moment. "Maybe we ought to make sure of this, get both fired plus issue disposal contracts on all of them."

"Aren't we over-reacting?" asked one Councilor.

"Think about it. Someone had to release the journalists and put the Councilors in their places. The journalists were in no position to do it, so who helped them? MacFarland's and O'Toole's groups are not in the suite, where they should be. To me, that means they have violated their agreement. Why they are not there is an unanswerable question at the moment. We don't know if the three events are connected. We still don't know how the journalists were getting their information, and now we don't know where they are. There are way too many loose ends. Perhaps we should have all of them terminated immediately, as it now seems their freedom is an unacceptable risk. Stay if you want to, but we are leaving now. The staff has instructions as to what to do in a case like this."

The Grand Master quickly left the room with his two associates. They picked up the DVDs he had set aside earlier and left with the rest of his group. These DVDs had been created for the sole purpose of discrediting MacFarland and O'Toole, if and when the need arose.

The Intelligence department on Dóchas monitored O'Toole's investigators as they responded to the e-mail indicating that MacFarland and O'Toole had been abducted. They were impressed with the initiative taken by both Major Crowe, and Colonel Knapp.

Earlier it the day, the resorts' network, phone and security systems had been penetrated, giving Dóchas's Intelligence department total access to the resort. This allowed them to control the resort's security monitors, and other information seen by the resort security staff. This ensured that the resort security were unaware of their Security teams' activity. At that time Dóchas's Security teams had given all the guests in the private section a drug that would greatly change their lives. Once the drug-induced infection was complete, they would be compelled to speak truthfully when responding to any question. Some would find it impossible to keep quiet, and would talk about everything they saw, past and present. It had been a busy afternoon for the Security teams, as they had to accomplish their task while remaining undetected.

A tracking device had been placed in each Councilor's body. The Councilor's were sure that their cover story was air-tight. They were also certain that none of the resort systems could identify them. A drone traveled with the Grand Master and his two assistants on their trip back to Washington. During the trip it relayed their discussion regarding the recent events at the resort. During the journey home, the Grand Master decided to implement a multi-prong thrust to neutralize MacFarland and O'Toole. He had concluded that waiting to determine who was responsible for their disappearance was not a sensible option. Waiting to see if the blackmail plan worked was now also extremely risky. From their perspective, this left them with only one choice. They would defame and eliminate everyone in the problem group and any associates that were to inquisitive.

To get them terminated they would arrange an audience with the USAG and President, where they would disclose the information on the DVDs. As conservative as both men were, they were confident that MacFarland and O'Toole would be fired immediately. Their video company would begin preparing the recordings of their performances for distribution straight away. Then, to ensure that there were no loose ends, disposal contracts would be initiated on both MacFarland's and O'Toole's families. The contracts would indicate a preference for an accident, but that speed was of the essence. Disposal contracts would also be issued for the four journalists, with a preference for them to be brutal executions. Their discussion never dealt with what to do about any evidence.

In Alpha1, MacFarland's and O'Toole's families were surprised to see the four journalists follow them inside. The journalists were pleased to see James and Clarence, along with their families. After giving each a hug, Clarence introduced them to his and James families. While James and Clarence had expected the rescue, they were still shaky from having lived through the day's events. Only Briana, Adam, Caoilinn and Abbie were in the shuttle with them. The rest of their Security teams were positioned outside monitoring the surrounding area.

"We introduced ourselves to some of you earlier, but let's do it again. My name is Briana, and this is Adam, Caoilinn, Abbie, Astrid and Denise." She pointed to each as she introduced them. "We know you are uneasy. If I was in your shoes, I would be, too. You are safe here, so relax. Our aircraft will be departing in a few moments. We now have control of the resort and the resort staff have no clue as to where any of you are." While she was speaking, a bot offered them all refreshments. No one took a drink, until James noticed their reluctance, and took a sip of his.

When Sarah, Sally, Terry, Joyce and Rusty entered, they were wearing their tactical suits, though without their helmets. Seeing them, both James and Clarence smiled.

"I am sure glad to see all of you," said James, as he looked at the new arrivals. "Your suits certainly give you an intimidating appearance, which coupled with your height makes all of you quite awesome. I am sure glad I didn't get a view of your suits before we reached the suite, or I might not have been able to follow the script." Except for Clarence everyone looked puzzled at his comments.

"We can understand that reaction," said Sally. "We have seen other groups react in a similar manner on seeing our tactical suits."

"We're sorry," said Briana, with Adam nodding agreement. "Earlier in the suite when we met the women, we projected an image of our selves to just the women. We didn't let you see us until we were back in the suite. Looking back, when we left the suite to come here, we inadvertently dropped our cloaking. Our concern, at that moment, was getting all of you safely to the shuttle. Once we were here, we kind of forgot about it because we were monitoring some of the other activities. Without our helmets, it is hard to see some information without really concentrating. Again, we are sorry for any discomfort." As she was talking, they slipped off their helmets.

"Guys," said Clarence, "we didn't feel uncomfortable. Well, James and I didn't as we had some idea as to what was happening, and who you probably were. Actually, we probably would have gone with anyone to get out of there."

"Clarence, James," said Sue, "Briana and Adam met us earlier, in our quarters, so we knew we would be free before long. They did look different there. After they gave us a brief rundown of the situation, they encouraged us to follow our instincts. They encouraged us to express how we felt about each other when we joined you this afternoon. It turned out to be difficult, because we were afraid of making a mistake. I hope we didn't embarrass them with our reunion."

"You didn't," said Briana. "The way all of you showed your love for each other was arousing, and beautiful. With respect to making a mistake, we would have interceded, if necessary."

"Oh," said Sam, "we do love each other." Her face glowed, as she looked at Sue and James. "I think we now have some idea of just how much."

"We have these people," said James, to Sue, Sam, Irene, Karmen, Kelsey and the journalists, "to thank for many things, besides our release. Clarence and I learned, earlier this week, that this group has been giving us some subtle assistance with the lodge incident for at least the last year or so, and then with the estate event."

"But, how could they do that?" asked Marge. "We never saw anybody who looks like them. I know I would definitely remember seeing someone like them."

"Metaphorically, they made sure that there were seeds along the path to the treasure, and, in some cases, protected it until we found it."

"Why do that?" said Marge, with a puzzled look on her face.

"Marge, I'm surprised at you," said Clarence, grinning. "Using their approach, no evidence was contaminated. They maintained their cover. We gained the information we needed for the investigation."

"Oh," as she thumped her forehead, "I guess I'm a bit slow, tonight." She looked at their rescuers for a moment. "Thanks. I think I can see why you wanted to remain unknown. A group with your looks would stand out in any crowd. Wait, how tall are you?"

"We are 7 feet 8 inches tall," said Sarah, "but that is not the main reason we wished to remain anonymous. We will share our background with you later, as it takes quite a while to tell."

"Briana and Caoilinn," said Rusty, "rather than assisting at the resort, we have another mission for you and your teams. We need each of you to take a shuttle. The shuttle's AIs already have your destination and mission plan, and is waiting for you."

As the two teams left, Alison stepped into the shuttle, and said, "Beth and Eilene, we have drones monitoring both of your families. Everything appears to be fine. We will have more resources near them shortly. What hold does the council have over you?"

"My sisters' welfare," said Eilene "and the fact that my sisters are caring for my baby. The Grand Master told me that, if I ever failed them, my sisters would join me in a new life. Our appearance would be augmented, so we were extremely desirable sex toys. After that, we would be trained and conditioned to be obsessive sluts, before we were sold. He claimed that several whorehouses in the Middle East that are always looking for sensitive, well-endowed westerners." Tears rolled down her cheeks.

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Having gotten one hell of a well-deserved commission, due to Gordo's greed, I had to figure out what I was going to do first with my money and new deeds. Might as well slip by the banks to mess with them as I deposit $4995 in cash into each account. Despite what the Federal anti-drug, money laundering, or anti-terrorism bull shit regulations say, the banks will in turn give up their customers at five grand just to be safe. I am sure they will try to turn me in anyway. Too bad for them it...

2 years ago
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Visiting an old friend for a blowjob

So I reconnected with an old friend through social media (same guy from my second experience with a guy story, go look it up!) We were talking and he was telling me about a mess he had to clean up and I knew exactly what he meant, so I told him you could have saved that for me! This must have sent him into a frenzy because he immediately invited me over to his new place. I arrived at his place where he invited me in and I followed him upstairs to his bed room, he was wearing just a top and...

2 years ago
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The Day I met Deb

Hi,Just thought I would tell about my experience shagging some else's wife.Went to stay with friends a couple of days ago, during a social event at my mates house. During the night a mature couple arrived, we were introduced and straight away I quite fell for Deb. She was about 50 ish, slim with small tits. She was really good looking too. Eventually we got talking and as the night went on she started getting flirty. We could not make a move on each other becuase her hubby was near bye. As the...

1 year ago
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Best Sleepover Ever Prt 2

I took off my shirt, and then I lay on my back letting Aaron take control. Aaron got on top of me completely naked still and leaned in for a kiss. This kiss was more obsessive then the last, there was more lust then love. I didn’t mind it though and it made me even hornier. He started to kiss my cheek, and then nibbled on my ears, sending shivers down my spine. Aaron was working his way down to his prize, stopping to attend to my nipples and kissing my abs. This boy whom I have loved for so...

3 years ago
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Cam Sex With Hot Indian Girl Ishika

Hello everybody. I am Rahul from Andhra Pradesh. This is my first sex story in Indian Sex Stories. I have read quite a few stories on this site and found many of them fictional. But still, interesting. Well, I have my own. But not fictional. It really happened with my dream girl Ishika. I found Ishika from an online sex chat website. I got to know about it through my friend Ajay. He used to chat with some hot girls online when he used to stay with me in the hostel. I used to wonder, how could...

3 years ago
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John and JoChapter 13

March the 18th was John's 36th birthday and April the 7th was their First Wedding Anniversary, so Jo wanted to do something really special for her husband! Last year they had been so busy with preparing for their wedding, and she in particular with her sister's pregnancy, that poor John's birthday had tended to get overlooked. In fact, if it wasn't for a phone call from his mother, she might have forgotten it completely! She wasn't entirely to blame, she felt: the previous year she...

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Call Girl

I will in particular like to thank the ladies for their invaluable suggestions. This story happened recently. My flight was cancelled at the last minute and the airline gave the normal stupid explanations and dumped us in a 5 star hotel. I was getting thoroughly bored in the evening and so I decided to go down to the bar to spend some time. The bar was largely empty and so I at down to nurse the drink. I was approached by a slinky young beauty who introduced herself as Kim and sat...

3 years ago
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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 11

Eric and Devon had been awake for some time sharing a cup of coffee and Devon relating how amazed he had been at the auburn haired vixen who had all but worn him out before falling asleep from sheer exhaustion. "She's some kind of woman, Eric. You know that most women can't even get it in them at all. She not only took it but she took it all and then rode it like a cowgirl on a bucking bronco." "I told you she was a hell of a lay, didn't I?" "Beautiful. A body to die for and one of...

4 years ago
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survey says

It was a quiet evening, the chill of winter and a bit of snow on the ground. Our first meet was at the park, sunny and 70 degrees. Our conversations had been long before we met and longer in person. After the first few meets she signed and filled out the survey. Why sign well mutual protection to not exceed limits and not cause issues. The survey was rather normal, this is a good thing. But I took note of the one thing that she had filled out the contradicted our conversations. I brought...

1 year ago
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Summer Theater

Summer Theater                         By Rough Riding Tender Cowboy         It was full dress rehearsal for the actors and actresses at the local theater, in preparation for the summer outdoor pageant.   The stock panels had been removed in order that we could use the lights and bleachers of the local rodeo grounds.   The setting was an Indian village located on the prairies of Dakota Territory in the early 1800’s.   The play centered on the life of the Plains Indian and the early...

2 years ago
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In memory of Mike Bikers do not have attitudes, stupid people piss them off. Don’t start with your snide remarks until I have finished my story first. Christmas time the bikers ride down the interstate carrying gifts tied to their bikes, or when a member has fallen they make sure the family left behind is well-taken care of and this begins my story. Mike was such a loving man and reminded me of Dan Haggerty, the actor who played Grizzly Adams with his love for children and animals. I was...

1 year ago
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Fall of a Hero

Author’s note: This story is based on real life events that occurred to me. The names have all been changed to protect the innocent, and not so innocent. Some dramatization has been added to match the themes of this site, but otherwise I have tried to remain true to the original experience. This story does not have a lot of sex for its length, but considering it is based on reality. . . Well, you’ll see why as you read it. For those coming to this story from my dear friend’s,...

2 years ago
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The Cornholing

The CornholingWhen I was a k**, there was a slang term used to describe anal sex between boys or men. It was called “cornholing”. No one thought of cornholing as gay or queer. It was just another sexual activity. It was an activity that I developed a fascination with and it became a favorite sexual fantasy of mine. Since I cannot write about early sexual contacts here, I will have to be intentionally vague and fast forward to my adult life. I have always been a voyeur and many times I have...

3 years ago
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Imogen... Collins... stood, naked as usual, in front of the full-length mirror. She touched the shining steel collar – removable, now, as she was no longer an Indentured Servant, or a slave. Her hands moved to her heavy thighs and broad hips, stroking upwards, following the curve of her thick, if well-defined, waist, to cup and lift the heavy, pear-shaped breasts she’d hated so. Brown nipples, swollen from over a year of frequent stimulation, grew erect – over an inch long, and thick as her...

2 years ago
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Bhatije K Sath Khatarnak Sex 8211 Part 3

Welcome back sex loverz heloo everyone this is manju pandey back with yet another story of lustful sex with my bhatija manas but a new character comes in dis story i.E. Uski choti chachi whu lives in kanpur and her name is rashmi now back to hindi So ye baat abhi 1 mahine phle ki h kanpur mein manas ki chachi rehti h 1 mhine phle unka phone aya ki unk ldke ka namkaran h jiski wajah se kisi na kisi ko aana pdega sbko ptaa lgne pe sab soch mein pad gye ki kaun jayega akhir mein tay hua ki mai aur...

4 years ago
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Fluffer in TrainingChapter 3

“Rachel, so nice to see you,” Carole said as Rachel entered the building. The older woman got up and came around the desk, blatantly looking Rachel up and down. Rachel’s own gaze was drawn to the woman’s chest, her perfect-looking breasts nicely displayed in an ivory-colored blouse that fit snugly to her body. Rachel could tell the blouse was very expensive just by looking at the material. Pearl buttons ran down the front, starting just between the woman’s breasts, giving Rachel a teasing...

1 year ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 30

Even though her breasts and nipples did hurt for days, as Karen had promised, reminding her of Karen's brutal passion and sharp teeth, she couldn't stop touching them, as if to bring it back, to prolong it, to keep it there as a safeguard against the memory of Yvette. And so she now went through about a week of almost constant masturbation, more than she had ever done. In the morning before work, she would make herself come three times before leaving her apartment, then dash home after...

2 years ago
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Masturbating for Flatmate

I sat alone in my room at university. I stared blankly at a Word document which so far only had an elaborately written title and rather little content. I couldn’t focus; there was something boring away at me. I had unfinished business and I knew nothing could be achieved until I had scratched my itch.Earlier that evening my flatmate had rudely interrupted an intimate moment I’d been having with myself. I was so focused on how wet I had made myself. My juices were making my lips slick and finger...

3 years ago
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Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

Copyright © 2006 De Rozario Jesse All rights reserved. Portions of this document may not be reproduced through any means, including, but not limited to, scanning, uploading, reproduction, transmission, and distribution via the Internet or any other means, electronic or mechanical, including printing, photocopying or recording in any form, without express permission of the author. Any reproduction or redistribution of this document must be done wholly and in its entirety. * 1 Travis Born...

4 years ago
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My Maple Cookies

He was singing. This was a sure sign that he was anticipating the sexy surprise that I'd promised him. My boyfriend, Amil has been under so much stress at work lately. I wanted to do something extra special to help him relax. He always says that cumming is an instant release. We have a great sex life. Actually, it's pretty fucking incredible. We know each other's body and all of the special erogenous zones. Toys are a regular part of our play so,I'm sure that Amil thought that I'd made...

1 year ago
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Sallys Secret LoverChapter 3

The expected entry did not come immediately, however, and Sally lifted her head to look down over her quivering breasts and see John Blodgett's massive bulk crouched over her. He was sliding backward, crab-like, over her naked body until his head was positioned over her widespread thighs and with sudden horror it dawned on the girl what he had in mind. She cringed in terror. "Oh no... please, I can't... I never have!" she pleaded, with her husband's employer, her horrified gray eyes...

2 years ago
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Wifes Massage

Recently I had to go to the USA on a business trip. I usually travel alone but on this trip I convinced the company to pay for my wife Jan to travel with me and to also extend the trip for another week for some well earned R&R.I was to be there 1 week before Jan arrived to do all the business stuff and the next week would be filled with tourist adventures.On my arrival at the hotel I was informed that we had been booked into a 2 bedroom luxury penthouse suite overlooking the city and...

2 years ago
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A Mother and Daughter Debauched in Kenya

Robert was troubled. Troubled at his African Manager's latest demand. Troubled by his wife's seemingly easy acceptance of it. They had been in Kenya for nearly two years working for a western company though under a local African Manager. It had been a good two years. They had been able to save, and yet had enjoyed a lifestyle far superior to that back home. His wife Linda loved it here and had made it very clear she expected Robert to obtain a renewal of his two year contract. It was bad...

3 years ago
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Your getting your cock sucked today

Your standing looking out your front window. You have a week of pent up cum waiting inside your ball sack. Today as you stand there looking,your about to get a cock worshiper thats going to drain your frustration from your hungry mean cock. Your semi-erect cock waits for my hungry mouth to suck him off. Your cock has waited for a mouth like mine for a long time. wet,thick lipped,and hungry for his sperm. A mouth thats submissive to worship your cock like it deserves,...

2 years ago
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Love of a Lifetime Ch 01

The curtains on the window of our one-bedroom apartment were left a skewed. The sun poured in and blanketed us with warmth. Our naked bodies were entangled along with sheets and blankets. Everything about this moment was perfect. I trailed light kisses up her back, taking extra caution on the nape of her neck, my favorite place of all. I snuggled closer and breathed in her scent, something so indescribable, but so intoxicating. It was the smell of soft lavender and her shampoo. It was the smell...

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Krystenahs Punishment Lines

I squeezed Daddy’s dick between my breasts. Daddy’s dick was hard and warm and my breasts embraced him lovingly. It felt so wonderful to have the World’s Best Cock nestled between the caress of my tits. My cunt began to drool at the sensation. I moaned and... “Goofy.” Daddy’s bass voice shook me out of my dream. I blinked up at him and saw that he was hugging a steaming cup of coffee to his chest. Still a little disoriented, I looked at his semi-erect dick, which was at eye level and not...

2 years ago
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Marrying My Aunt 8211 Part 2

Like I have told in my previous sex story, I went to my Aunt Sonalika’s home to stay with her for 2 months. My mom and aunt hatched this plan so that my aunt could have sex with me. She has been a widow since five years. I entered her home and she welcomed me with a deep kiss. Sonalika was a 40 year old beautiful woman. She was fair and had long silky black hair. She looked similar to my mom, as both are sisters. Sona took me to her room and closed the door. She said, “Beta, you know why you...

3 years ago
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A Sexy Threesome

The ceiling fan luxuriously blew over our naked bodies as we laid on the bed talking about our pasts. Getting to know each other, as they like to say. My girlfriend's head rested on my thigh, her hand sliding over my stomach, hips, and slipping occasionally to stroke my semi hard cock. My own hand glided lazily up and down her slim athletic thighs. Though the lights were off, I could see the outline of her body in the moonlight. She is, by far, the sexiest woman I have ever known. Half...

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Pamela8217s Beautiful Stallion

Pamela and her horse were galloping up to a large, modern ranch house. She rode through the wide gate and directly into the large barn, jumping off the horse and walking him into his stall. There were several other horses in the barn but this was her favorite. She stroked his wide flank, rubbing the sweat off onto her hand. Then, there was a noise behind her, and she turned to see a lean, dark man walking towards her. “Ah, there you are, Lesh, she said, as she closed the door...

1 year ago
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Hell HoundChapter 03

Chuck Phillips doesn’t remember much of the first days in hospital after he was rescued from the burnt-out tank Isis. This is because he was kept sedated and unconscious for most of the time. About a week after entering the hospital he’s told he’s a general and the official Commanding Officer of the RRF. Even though hospitalized he can still perform some of his administrative duties as the unit commander, and he does so. He contacts the unit base back in the US to order some of the senior...

2 years ago
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Train To Real Life Thrills 8211 Part IV

This story is in continuation to Train To Real Life Thrills – Part III. For the benefit of all readers, I give herewith links to previous three parts. For real pleasure of the story I recommend everybody to read three previous parts first and then go for this part. Here are the links to all. Part I:, Part II:, Part III: Those who have already read previous parts please have a little look to freshen up the...

1 year ago
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FilthyMassage Gianna Grey Groping Gianna8217s Gorgeous Gash

Big-titted goddess Gianna Grey is psyched to get groped & massaged by Danny Steele today. He oils up her huge boobs, making her nipples pop through her bra. Danny rubs her clit while he fingers her perfect pussy, Gianna writhes all over the table. She’s excited to suck his hard cock, Danny doesn’t hold back and fucks her pretty face. Gianna gets on all 4’s so Danny can penetrate her hole from behind. He fucks and spanks her making her cum on his stiff dick. She likes her...

3 years ago
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Death of the Regent

Wolf 359 Ajax had drunk too much. The sobriety to realize that fact was gone but his body reminded him anyway with a queasiness in his stomach that required more and more concentration to control. To maintain his respect in the Regent’s eyes, Ajax had matched him cup for cup The Regent had set his cup down and not picked it up. He was engaged with his wives as Ajax looked on. The five of them smiled at him, and cooed words that seemed to please their lord. He chuckled affectionately in low...

2 years ago
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Inclusive Is Good Seduction Through Cinema 4

We ended our last encounter sharing a shower. Nothing of any consequence occurred because we were exhausted. Sloane excused herself to go to sleep. Siobahn asked if we could talk a bit before I left.She poured us each a Jameson and repaired to the den."I genuinely like our situation. We have a special trust and enjoy mutual respect without baggage. There are boundaries that we are very comfortable which makes our relationship very rewarding.  I love the idea that you treat me with exclusivity,...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Chloe Cherry Sneaking In To Fuck My Step Bro

Chloe Cherry has borrowed her stepbrother, Tony’s, laptop and has found a sex tape that Tony and his girlfriend made. Suddenly, she no longer thinks her stepbrother is quite as much of a prude! She shows it to Tony to call him on it, which freaks Tony out. That video gets Chloe way too hot to resist Tony any longer. After thinking about her brother’s cock for a while, Chloe decides to take action. She sneaks into Tony’s bedroom when he’s sleeping and starts sucking him...

2 years ago
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Mausi Ki Pyaas Bujaai

Hi everyone. Mera naam shlok hai aur iss par yeh mere 1st story hai waise toh mein is site ka regular reader hu. Aap mujhe apni feedback ya contact karna chahte ho toh par kijiye. I wil also satisfy any kind of girl or women with pleasure. Mein mumbai ka rehne wala hu. Story aise start hothi hai. Mere mom ki 3 sisters hai aur jo mere chotti mausi hai woh mujhse sirf 5 saal badi hai age mein aur unka naam hai meghna bohot gori beautiful aur hot figure hai uska. Waise i m 23 yrs old. Meghna...

3 years ago
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Another ChanceChapter 41

The last crate was a different color than the two prior crates. Those, when cleaned of the accumulation of heavy and dense dust were blue grey ... German Navy shipping case color. The third crate was green; Matt Bronze Green, the same exact green of the original Japanese Naval Zero. I caught a clue by the painted Rising Sun and oriental glyphs all over the case. This case was more like a coffin ... big box ... great big box. "What is it?" Arthur asked. "I don't read Japanese, but it's...

4 years ago
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Straight Invaded Chapter 2

He walked over to number 2, took the camera and ordered me, "stand up." Then he told number 2, "Take off your pants and assume the bottom position, face down and ass out on the edge of the bed." The leader gently grabbed my cock and turned me toward the ass. He was on the bed, face down ass up, with his feet hanging over the edge, spread apart as much as he could, with his knees pulled up under his chest. His arms were over his head, spread out palms down, with his head down looking at...

1 year ago
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New York Bound

It all started when I wanted to go to New York with my friend. It was the 4th of July and my best friend Jake asked me to go to New York with him and his mom. My parents we obviously not all for it see how Jake's mom is a heavy pot user. They told me I could go only if I took my little brother. I say little but in fact he is only a year younger than me. At 18 he is what kids at school would call a nerd. However I had to convince Greg (my brother ) to go with me. What happens next just blew my...

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Little Lizs Big Suprise

Liz woke up this morning feeling a little horny, which wasn't normal, but this was even different from the rare occasions that she actually did feel horny. It was a little stronger, but with Liz having a medical condition that continued her puberty she was getting used to unfamiliar feelings, so she wasn't too alarmed, just curious. Puberty as it turns out though hasn't been very kind to her- she was 19 years old now and felt like the only girl without breasts. She was just as skinny as she had...

3 years ago
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Lambda Sigma KP

I am in a happy in my relationship. . My boyfriend and I had be together for about 5 1/2 years years . I have never had thoughts of cheating on him. Physically I am an average 35 year old middle class white collar guy. I have a thin build and I'm about 5'5 1/2"." I have never been in a fight in my life and I have not been exposed to a lot of riffraff. I guess hindsight is 20/20, I can see where I could have avoided one of the most dramatic experiences of my life if I had just had some street...

2 years ago
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My first Time77

My school is usually pretty quit, so as you would guess everyone virgin. Like most boys we all claimed not to be one. Are school is really old so in the summer we had no ac. When the temperature reached 90s girls stop were unneeded clothes like bras and thick shirts. Only being 14 this girls had nice boobs. Most of the guys would wear loss shorts and you know what that means. There was maybe 3-4 really hot girls in are grade, but they were all dating out of town. Which means most boys dated...

3 years ago
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Sex and Basketball

A bead of sweat ran down my cheek and dripped onto the hardwood floor below me. I was shooting my last two free throws to finish up my basketball work-out on a Thursday morning during finals week at Wesleyan University. I made my two free throws, grabbed the basketball as it bounced on the court through the net and headed back to the locker room. I grabbed my shirt off the floor, drenched in sweat, and unplugged my phone from the aux cord. The gym suddenly went silent, having been blasting rap...

College Sex
2 years ago
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Soft 3some With A Friend And His Wife

Hi All, I have been a big fan of all the stories here and read them quite regularly. This real story is about 4-5 years old when I had a soft 3some with my friend & his wife. This story is completely real as well as all the characters described here in. You can send your comments on the email address below. I am Rohan Sippy from Ahmedabad, married and 32 years old now. Am 5’9″ with an athletic build (32″ waist). The other 2 people in this story are Raja, same as my age, a little taller and a...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Julia De Lucia Sensual Massage And Romantic Fuck

This artsy video opens with a slow, sensual sequence showing Spanish masseuse Maximo Garcia getting ready for a nude massage with curvy, dark-haired Romanian goddess Julia De Lucia. After oiling her up and slowly running hands up and down her magnificent body, the tables are turned and Julia gets on top and does the same for him. But the feel of Julia’s judicious knockers rubbing on his torso eventually brings Maximo’s considerable cock to life, and Julia can’t help but anoint...

1 year ago
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A Matter of TrustChapter 2

So that recouped some of my lost salary, but when Stacy finally got home that night and I told her about it, she gave me that same odd kind of knowing smirk as before and went into the bedroom. Damn, had all that contempt been there all along and I was just now seeing it? I tried to use the phone to call out for pizza, since neither of us was apparently interested in cooking. She was on the line when I picked up and she just banshee'd: "I'M ON THE FUCKING PHONE, FOR CHRIST'S...

2 years ago
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My 14th birthday

I couldn't wait for my party tonight, I was sharing it with a girl from school, our birthdays only a day apart, i didnt know her well, my mother knew her mother well and they thought we would be great friends, I saw her at school alot, she was very sexy looking, tanned with large firm breasts and smokey seductive eyes, Ok maybe I knew her better than I was letting on, The day passed quickly and at 8:00pm, I was changing into my sexiest outfit, tight jeans that showed off my cute ass and a...

2 years ago
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Husband Sucks My Cock

Friday night came along, I met them at a bar in town after dinner. Lots of photos were exchanged beforehand and they looked like their photos. I told them I was bi and they said that the husband is 'open minded'. After just one drink we were getting along fine and the wife asked if maybe we should head back to their place for another drink. It sounded good to me as I was getting a hardon in my jeans and black speedo already. Their house was only a 5 minute walk from the bar. When we walked...

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what happend

I think I better start from the beginning?my wife & I have been married for over 30 years, we had good times well as bad times, for me I would say been more good time then bad times over the years.once a month we do a meal in the wife would say meal tonight & fun, so we go into town pick up what we need then come home have sleep for an hour or two?about 4:30 I start the meal then about 5:30 wife go up stairs ask me to give her shave, while she getting ready for me to shave her...

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