Ezekiel's VictoryChapter 7 free porn video

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The thunder roared and the rain poured from the sky as the storm battered in full force against the tiny house. Inside, Samuel erected a temporary screen using a blanket. Using water heated in a tin bucket over the fire, Samuel and his family took turns to retreat behind the screen and wash themselves in a small tub. Even Hope got a bath with Ezekiel and Charity working together to wash the wriggling child. They also fed Hope a small quantity of smooth corn mash they prepared for her.

By the time everyone was clean, the stew was ready. The family stood around the table and gave thanks to God for blessing them with food and shelter. They sat and ate the stew and bread. While they ate, Samuel and Ezekiel described the ford and the likely delay before they could cross it. Prudence and Charity described the visit by Patience and Felicity, though they kept to themselves their feelings about Patience’s nature.

After they had finished eating, Samuel tapped the table with a thoughtful expression on his face.

“There is a question in my mind that has been troubling me,” he said. “I am not sure if I fully understand what is happening with Constance. It was my understanding that Constance would put on the seeming of a man so that none would know that my son had sacrificed himself in place of Constance back at the village. As such, it is necessary for Constance to give the seeming of Ezekiel when we are before others. Yet here we are, alone in this house and unlikely to be disturbed, and still I see Ezekiel sitting before me.”

Ezekiel nodded. “I understand your confusion, Father, for I am also confused. When we began our journey, I felt like Constance disguised as Ezekiel. But as our journey progressed, more and more I have felt like two people. I am now both Constance and Ezekiel. I move between one and the other by the simple act of changing my clothes. It is a strangeness. In this instant, I am Ezekiel, your second son of that name, husband to Charity. In this instant, Constance is like a dream to me, a memory of another time and place. I am still Constance but I am changed, much like I changed when I went from maiden to married woman. I know I once was that Constance but I am no longer her. Tonight, I shall remove these clothes and don a nightgown. At that time, I will be Constance again, widow of my brother Ezekiel and sister-wife of Charity. It will be that second Ezekiel who will then be the memory. I cannot explain it more. God’s path for me is a mystery.”

Samuel grunted. “I must confess, I have enjoyed having a second son with me to work with and to teach. My first son tried hard, but he was never...”

Samuel stopped and sighed. “But then God opened my eyes and I know now that he was always Grace. She was a daughter trying so hard to be the son I never had. Yet nobody could doubt that she was born with the body of a man. God truly works in mysterious ways.”

Samuel was silent for a moment, staring down at the table. But the family could see that he had not finished speaking so they waited quietly for him to continue.

“But with Constance, I never sensed any strangeness. As a child, and as a youngling, and as a married woman, she was always a daughter. At least, she seemed so to me. But then, naturally, I spent less time with Constance. Perhaps Prudence saw something that I did not.”

Samuel looked at Prudence with the question in his eyes. Prudence shook her head.

“I saw no strangeness in Constance. Ezekiel’s strangeness was clear to all, though we knew not the reason for it. I also saw from an early age that Charity’s path would be a difficult one. I must confess to being troubled by some aspects of the path Charity has begun to follow over the last few days, but I am not surprised to see her act so and I am pleased that she has finally begun to find joy in her life.

Prudence smiled warmly at Charity, who returned the smile.

“But Constance reminded me very much of myself as a child, as a youngling, as a maiden, and as a married woman. I saw nothing that would suggest this change in Constance.”

Ezekiel shrugged. “I felt nothing in myself. The best I can explain it is that until three days ago, I had never left the village and I was content where I was. But in the last few days I have seen so much more of the world and I am elated by the breadth of God’s Creation. In the same way, I was content as maiden and then a married woman. But now I have learned that there is more within me. There is a breadth in my nature that I had never before suspected.”

“I confess, I do not understand it, still,” said Samuel. “It seems to go against all that I have known to be proper. But I concede Grace taught me that my knowledge of what is proper was incomplete. So I will not stand in the way of this second Ezekiel.”

Ezekiel put his hand on the slight bulge in his belly. “There will soon come a time when I must put Ezekiel aside. The babe within me will grow too large to conceal. When that happens, I must show only Constance to the world for certainly a pregnant man would be a strangeness none could ignore. For that reason, when we are further from our old home, and before we get too close to wherever we are likely to settle, I must put aside Ezekiel so that the people of our new village will only know Constance.”

A look of sadness crossed Charity’s face for she had come to like having this second Ezekiel with her, but she kept her silence on that matter.

Samuel grunted and nodded. “So be it.”

There was quiet for a moment, and then Charity stirred.

“Father, there is another matter I would raise with you,” said Charity.

Samuel grunted and nodded.

Charity started to speak, but then closed her mouth and looked nervously around the table.

Ezekiel, his hand hidden under the table, reached over and clasped Charity’s hand. He smiled at her and nodded encouragement.

“I would have a child of mine own,” said Charity.

Samuel shrugged, unimpressed. “It is the duty of a woman to bear children.”

“Yes, it is!” replied Charity. “And it is the duty of a husband to lie with a woman that she may bear children. And when a husband dies, that duty falls on the man who takes her in.”

Samuel frowned. “I do not follow!”

“I am the widow of Ezekiel. And before God and the creatures of the fields as witnesses, you took me into your house. Now I ask you to fulfill your duty as that man and lie with me that I may bear a child.”

“But you are my daughter!” exclaimed Samuel. “It goes against God for a man to lie with his daughter!”

“Father, I ceased to be your daughter when you gave me to Ezekiel as wife. Now I am merely his widow and your daughter-in-law.”

“Do you ask me to take you as a second-wife?”

“No, Father. I am content with my current state as the widow of one Ezekiel and the wife of another. I merely ask you to do your duty as my father-in-law who has taken me in after the death of your son. Lie with me that I may fulfill my duty as a woman and bear a child.”

Samuel scowled. “These sound like lawyer words. They are not worthy of one who has been taught as you have been taught. In the final judgment, God will not be interested in lawyer words. God is only interested in what is in your heart. Speak your heart to me.”

Charity looked down at the table for a moment to gather her thoughts. Then she lifted her head and looked directly at her father.

“On the night I wed to Ezekiel, I pledged I would bear him children that he may fulfill his duty as a son and give you children unto the next generation. Through my love for Ezekiel, I would honor that pledge.”

Samuel grunted. “And to do so, you ask me to go against God and sleep with my daughter.”

Charity sighed. “I ask you to recall the story of Lot. He escaped with his two daughters when God took retribution against the city of Sodom. His daughters, knowing they were the last of their house, lay with their father and got children from him that their house may continue. In a way, our flight from the village is similar to that of Lot. We are the last of our house and I would get a child so that our house may continue.”

“Our stories are not exactly the same,” put in Ezekiel. “For we are fortunate our mother did not fall into the temptation to look back and so did not get turned into a pillar of salt.”

“Fortunate indeed,” replied Prudence with a smile.

“But the story of Lot tells us that God is not completely opposed to the idea of a man lying with his daughters in particular circumstances,” continued Ezekiel. “And, as you said to Noah, these are particular circumstances. I would lie with her myself if I could consummate our union and give her a child. But I cannot and therefore I beseech you to do so on my behalf.”

Samuel stared at Charity, his face impassive but it was clear that he was thinking deeply behind that mask. Charity held her breath while she waited for a reply.

Samuel stood abruptly.

“It is late. Come, Prudence, it is time we went to bed. I shall leave the two of you to bank the fire and so forth.”

Samuel waited for Prudence to stand and join him, then he picked up a lantern and escorted Prudence into the back room and firmly closed the door behind him.

There was silence in the main room as Ezekiel and Charity absorbed the sudden end to the discussion.

After a moment of thought, Ezekiel shrugged. “He did not say no. You may take some comfort from that.”

“Perhaps I ask too much of Father,” said Charity. “It does go against everything he has been taught.”

“Perhaps. And perhaps you need only be patient so that he may decide in his own time.”

Charity sighed and shook her head. They were quiet again for a time.

Ezekiel stood. “Here, help me unbind my chest and don a nightgown. We must feed Hope before we go to bed. Would you like to do once more that thing Mother showed us so you may feed Hope from your own breasts?”

Charity smiled. “Indeed! That would please me, greatly.”

Charity held Hope to her breast and watched with large eyes as Hope suckled. She almost shuddered at the love she felt for this child who was becoming a daughter to her. The process of squeezing milk from Constance’s breasts and feeding it to Hope at Charity’s teats took a lot longer than the normal way, but neither woman begrudged the extra time and effort. It was a joy to them both and they shared the time with delight.

They fed Hope, changed her diapers and tucked her into her basket. Then they banked the fire and climbed onto the bed platform.

Charity embraced Constance and kissed her. Then she began tugging at her sister’s nightgown.

“What are you doing?” asked Constance.

“I am taking this off of you, that is what I am doing,” replied Charity.

“But then I would be entirely naked!” exclaimed Constance.

“Indeed! I would have you entirely naked. And when you are so, I shall also remove my nightgown and be entirely naked as well. Then we shall lie together beneath the blankets and embrace, for I would feel your skin against my skin.”

Constance gasped. She blushed and ducked her head. But she did not resist Charity’s efforts to remove her nightgown.

Shortly they nestled together beneath the blankets. They kissed again and then tenderly ran their hands over each other.

Constance gasped again, but this time in delight. “I never dreamed...” she whispered. “It feels so ... Oh! Charity!”

“Now,” whispered Charity. “Are you so certain you cannot consummate our union?”

Constance chuckled. “Quite certain.”

“I am not convinced,” said Charity. “Won’t you at least make the effort? Perhaps God will be kind and grant us a small miracle.”

Constance chuckled again. “Charity, my sweet sister-wife. Have you no end to your outrageousness? Why should God grant such a miracle?”

“Who are we to question God’s Will?” asked Charity. “If we do not make the attempt, we will not know if He has favored us. God expects His people to work. He expects the fisherman to throw their nets before God provides them with fish. He expects farmers to till their fields before God provides them with crops. If they do not work, He does not provide the miracle of food. In the same way, God expects a husband to lie with his wife and a wife to lie with her husband. If they do not, He does not provide the miracle of life. So lie with me, my husband. Lie with me the way a man should lie with his wife and perhaps God will reward us with a miracle.”

Constance sighed. “Until this moment we have kissed and touched to show our tenderness and affection. I do not know what else we can do for despite all lofty words, we are both women.”

“Kissing and touching seems like a good place to begin. Let us do that some more and then explore. Perhaps together we will discover new ways to show our tenderness and affection.”

With that, Charity pulled Constance into her embrace and they kissed soundly. They went on to discover more that could be done when two women lay together. Their experimentation provoked new sensations and revealed both the passion and the deep love between them. They spent the time together in wonder and delight.

God blessed them with strong feelings, but He did not grant any miracles that night and their union did not result in Charity becoming with child. But it was not for want of any effort by either Charity or Constance.

In the meantime, within the back room, Samuel was lying on his back and staring sightlessly into the darkness above him. Prudence lay on her side next to him and waited in silence.

Eventually, Samuel sighed and spoke.

“Well? What do you think I should do?”

“In this, I cannot direct you,” replied Prudence. “I will stand by you and support whatever you decide.”

“I find myself having a crisis of ... something,” said Samuel. “It is not a crisis of faith for God still holds His place in my heart. Perhaps, it is a crisis of learning. So much that I was taught now seems irrelevant. This began with Ezekiel. He showed me that there are other ways to fulfill our duties than the way that I was taught. Now I question everything.”

“And yet, the first thing we are taught is to seek our own truth in the Bible,” said Prudence. “We are not Papists who rely on what they hear from their priests for everything they know. We are Reformists. As children, we listen to our elders and take their words without question for a child knows no better. But we are adults now. You are an elder in your own right! Listen to God and follow the path He sets out for you.”

Samuel grunted. “I ask God for guidance and the only reply I hear is that God is watching me. If I Sin, He will turn his eyes away from me. Surely it is a Sin for a man to lie with his daughter.”

“Yet Charity is no longer your daughter. She is a married woman, the widowed wife of your son. You took her in and gave her your protection. In law, she is now your woman, not your daughter. There would be no Sin in this. The Bible tells us that if a man dies and has no son, then the kinsman shall go unto the wife and do the kinsman’s office to her that the man’s house should continue.”

Samuel grunted and stared upward in silence for a moment.

“In effect, she asks to be my second-wife, in everything but name. How do you feel about this?”

Prudence was quiet for a time. Then she sighed.

“It is a source of great shame for me that I bore you so few children, and of those, only three survived to adulthood. A son and two daughters, and not a one of them following the path we expected for them. With the loss of Ezekiel, your direct line is ended. I have failed in my duty as a wife.”

Samuel shook his head. “Do not speak so. I have not the words to express my pride in Ezekiel. His sacrifice exceeded all expectations for a son to his father and for a brother to his sisters. If my line is to end with him then I am content. Ezekiel has surely won the greatest victory for I am certain he stands now with God in Heaven and no man could ask for more from his son. I will not hear you talk of shame in the same sentence as you speak of Ezekiel.”

“Nevertheless,” replied Prudence. “I still feel great shame for my failure. You asked how I felt, and I answered. Charity offers a way to continue your house into the next generation. A night away from your bed is a small price for me to pay so that my failure may be redeemed.”

Samuel swallowed a chuckle. “You and I both know that it will take more than one night before we can be sure she has taken with child. And I see Charity’s heart very clearly. She will not settle for one child. If I agree to one, she will come back asking for more. And where Charity leads, Constance will follow. It is in both their natures to act thus. They will not be satisfied until we cannot cross the floor of our house without wading hip-deep through younglings.”

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So there I was, standing under the shower, shaving my cock and balls, and leaving just a small, neatly trimmed patch of hair above my cock.The feeling of smooth balls and cock always made me horny, and I stepped out of the shower with a half an erection, my swollen cock jutting out at half-mast….That’s when I saw my young niece standing staring wide-eyed at my cock with a look of total fascination. “Oh, I’m sorry” I said, “I didn’t hear you come in, the water was running”“That’s OK” she said,...

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The Trip

Pam and Lori have been friends for many years. Pam had a very nice handsome dad that was now divorced from Pam's mom and the mom moved far away. Pam told lori she used to lay in bed at night and listen to her dad fuck her mom. Some nights he would fuck her mom three times or more and her mom would beg for harder and deeper. Then Pam would play with her pussy as she listened. She told Pam her dad was a sex maniac and the girls would laugh. This week end he was taking the girls to a concert in...

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Crystals QuestionsChapter 10

Crystal snapped her notebook shut. "I think we have enough to get started. I'll have a preliminary estimate of the hours needed for this by tomorrow." The woman in the videoconference screen nodded. "I'll have all of the documentation from our end ready by tomorrow, too. That means..." She looked through her planner. "How does Wednesday at 9:00 sound for a kickoff meeting?" "That'll work out just right," Crystal said. She made a note. "Do we schedule the first progress meeting...

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The Kings Temporary SlaveChapter 11 My day with the kitchen slaves

Three days later I thought I was up to working as a household slave provided they realised I could not do heavy work and would not be subjected to further punishment. Consequently at 5 a.m. the following morning a eunuch came and took me to meet Georgina in the main kitchen. She was a large, stern looking woman possibly of Turkish origin. She looked at me with some disdain but she'd obviously been told I was no longer a slave and now had access to the king so she tried to hide it. As usual I...

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Masters of the ArchesChapter 16

For the first two days after they arrived in Cold Wind's village, most of their time was spent celebrating the return of the chief's son while Vincent and his two women were treated with honour and much respect for having rescued Cold Wind and having helped him to return. Round Stone, Cold Wind's father, gave Vincent and the two women, all sorts of gifts including many arrows and pelts. It had been a very touching sight to see father and son reunited and there was no doubt in Vincent's...

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Over the years, I had developed many friends through my hobbies of CB radio and auto racing. Many an evening was spent enjoying one of our coffee and bullshit gatherings that seemed to spontaneously develop. Someone over the radio would suggest meeting at a Sambo's for coffee, and before you knew it, twenty or thirty people, sometimes more, would show up at the local Sambo’s. Most of us also ordered something to eat while we were there. So, the manager at the local Sambo's allowed us to freely...

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Alberts FantasiesChapter 10

When Darla came to, she found herself lying on her side on a bed. Her wrists had padded restraints around them, and her arms were secured behind her back. The teen’s ankles were shackled together, making her immobile. As her mind cleared, Darla looked over and saw Dr. Pennington sitting across from the bed. There were also two other men there. Realizing her precarious situation, the frightened teen asked, “Why have you done this to me, and where is my sister?” in a panicky voice. “All in...

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Two Notes Two Calls

I’m not a father, so I don’t know how authentic this might be, but I believe it conveys how I would feel about a daughter. * My Darling Daughter Emerald, You are off to Uni and we are not parting under the best of terms, so I’m slipping this note into the book you’re taking on the train in the hope you’ll read it. I realise the argument today was mainly my fault. But I’m just being your father, you know, over-protective of my little girl, because you’ll always be my little girl no matter...

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The Perils of Pauline DraxSummerby

I sat in my little scullery room and ached, we, the downstairs staff, had cleaned the mansion from top to basement. Plus my other duties, the kitchen staff had the list for the banquet, I wish I knew what was going on, how could I have become a lowly maid who has to answer to Summers. Only 8 months ago I was the innocent Pauline Summerby, a lady in my aging fathers grand house. It seems a lifetime ago, I remember our house being cleaned, just like I have had to do to this one today, but that...

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Katies Begining Saturday

The feeling of her nipple being stroked was a different way to be woken up she decided but once she had identified who was doing she relaxed. Pity she thought as a more erotic scenario flashed through her mind. But even if it was only Katie it was a nice way to be woken up. I t may have been even better had Katie actually been awake but it soon became apparent that she was asleep and the stroking of a nipple a dream or just a comfort thing. Either the way the reaction was predictable and...

3 years ago
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Daisy ChainChapter 8

Within minutes of checking into the hotel and unpacking, the phone rang. David answered it. "Hi, how's it going? Nina? Yeah, she's here, hold on." He handed me the phone. I took it, frowning at him in feigned confusion, but I knew it could be no one else but Vicki. "Hello? "Hi, welcome to town." Her voice sent a thrill through me, and my skin tingled like the night I had read her note in the skybox bathroom. "Just wondering if you'd like to get together, maybe do a little...

5 years ago
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Little Big Man the story of Mrs Jones

My mind raced with the memory of my mom fingering herself by the stairs.I looked over at Karen, her cum-covered face smiling at me, and ran my hand up her leg. I pushed one leg to the floor and lifted her other up on top of the couch, spreading them wide, and put my finger on her wide-open pussy. She giggled as I ran my fingers through the light curls of brown hair that surrounded her pussy. I stuck it between the big, pouty lips and ran it the length of her slit. Her freshly fucked snatch was...

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Sex Ed 1021Chapter 10 Time to Talk

Lesson 6 Did my household chores, had lunch and was on my way. I think I have it figures out just how I will handle this. I got there early as the girls were in the house finishing their lunch. They asked if I would like a glass of that GOOD ice tea? Of course as I went out the gazebo to wait. They came out with a BIG insulated picture of tea and some glasses. I told theme the ice tea was a good idea as it was very hot and we were just going to talk for awhile. Sissy said that would be kind...

2 years ago
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Claiming Her Ass

Her boyfriend hated her talking to me, and I honored his request at first. I did not want to come between them. But it was obvious she couldn’t stop. She had dark fantasies and like so many women discovered it was difficult finding men serious enough and not afraid to think or do the things she wanted. I surprised her because I have a dark, sadistic side and vivid imagination. Even better, I had actually done these things. Like most women, she didn’t believe me at first, but after seeing a few...

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Daughter and Friend pt 7

I moved over by Jimmy and started stroking his thicker cock. It was hard. I looked him straight in the eye and asked, " do you mind"? He said no, he didn't. I felt the desire to suck some more cock and get me some cum. I stroked him, watching my hand go up and down his cock thinking how beautiful it was. I licked my lips, wanting more. I lowered my head to his cock, ran my tongue around the head, eating the salty leftover cum. I looked over at the other's and Ian had Megan...

4 years ago
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Cum Away With Me

Jeff and Kris were a happily married couple. They had experimented sexually before their marriage, but with marriage and children, things had slowed down. They both wanted more time together, but struggled to balance it with the demands of life. Jeff decided to whisk Kris away for a vacation for two. He arranged for the kids to be taken care of while they were gone. He packed a bag for her that included a very sexy and revealing bikini, some lingerie and not much else. Jeff would not tell Kris...

2 years ago
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Shoplyfter Kasey Miller Case No 8394758

January 2nd, 2018, 4:43 PM. Case #8394758 – Suspect is a blonde adolescent female who has been observed concealing items on her person during New Year’s store reorganization. The Loss Prevention Officer detains the suspect and escorts her to the backroom. While there, the suspect claims to have no knowledge of alleged theft. The officer believes the stolen goods are hidden under the perp’s shirt. Advanced retrieval methods are deployed. The rest of this case is considered classified. Evidence...

4 years ago
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Taras Nude Offer

TARA'S NUDE OFFER (M+/f, F/f, NC, BD, Gang, Blackmail, College) CHAPTER 1 Tara sat there, nervously tugging at the hem of her skirt, damning herselffor wearing a short skirt today of all days. When she stood it came to herknee but when she sat it rode up too far for her tastes. A modest girl, sheusually only wore skirts that came below her knee or to her ankle but tonightwas wash night and she only had this one available. Normally the length of her skirt meant nothing as she sat in her...

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A Learning Experience

This is a work of Fiction. All names, places, and events are fictional. Any questions or comments may be emailed to [email protected] This is my first submitted TG story so be gentle! A Learning Experience by Phoebos "Damn you're sexy," I told my girlfriend, and I meant it. I had been dating my girlfriend for about four years. She was everything I had ever wanted. I had met her a few years ago after she shot me while playing paintball. At the time I didn't even...

3 years ago
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Banged My Girlfriend At Home

Hi friends and this is a Incident which Happen to me 2 years back more over my first sex experience starts from this only and regular readers know me well and I heartily and thanks for everyone who given their comments for my last story in Lesbian Category for new reader, let me introduce myself. I’m Manmadhan from Chennai, works in MNC Company with good package athletic body, Jovial and fun loving guy. I come to the Incident 2 years ago and I used to go by bus to office in Bus and I had a...

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Robins Worst Nightmare Come True

The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. I would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send me. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it! The following story is set in...

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Oral Confession

It’s weird. I had come to the point in my life when I realized how silly it is to get too hung up on labels and roles. I’m attracted to women. Never once had I found myself sexually attracted to a guy. When I thought about having sex, it was always with a woman. So that would make me heterosexual, right?Then why is it that deep down inside, when I’m truly honest, I wondered what it’s like on the giving end of a blowjob. I found myself looking at pictures of cocks, the bigger the better. What is...

Oral Sex
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Corrupting Cousins

Aunt Rita was the only one who could take care of Sammy and Sally, age 17 and 16 respectively, when their parents went on a three-month church mission to Africa. Initially it seemed like a good thing to the youngsters because there were two boy cousins just about their same ages that they would be living with. Rita had been a single mom for a number of years and they had always enjoyed previous visits to her place for holidays or birthdays and such. However their aunt had put on her “best...

3 years ago
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Right Under Your NoseChapter 17

JOHN I was getting antsy. Dinner was great, but I wanted to move on. If I was perfectly honest with myself, what I wanted was to get Anna somewhere private and throw down for some crazy monkey sex, but two things stopped me. First, as I've said before, she's tiny and I didn't know how that was going to work. I'd never been with a tiny woman before, and I was a little anxious. Second, as much as I desired her, I was enjoying playing with the sense of anticipation, and it seemed like it...

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My Reward My Bride My Sister

Welcome back dear readers. In the previous part, I finally proposed to my mother Neetu and we got married with the consent of my sister. Our wedding night was extremely passionate and trust me there is nothing more heavenly than making love to your mother. My eyes opened at 9 in the morning. I woke up due to my morning erection when my dick got erect inside my mother’s warm pussy. Mom felt some hardness and she opened her eyes too “hhhhhmmmm baby you’re hard again!” I looked at my mobile and I...

2 years ago
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Alyssas sexual awakening part 1

Now, you have to know that I’ve had a rather sheltered upbringing, and was rather naive and the first time my boyfriend and I had sex was a revelation for me. Of course I knew the basics -I was a healthy female of 21 years old, yes, I know- but actually seeing, touching, and feeling a hard cock for the first time was unbelievable. My boyfriend was gentle the first time, but quickly grew tired of my inexperience, and he simply wouldn’t show me how to give him pleasure, or make it more...

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NubileFilms Dido Angel Lovita Fate Kiss And Tell

Wearing a body-hugging bra and panties, Lovita Fate waits happily in bed until her girlfriend Dido Angel arrives home. Dido is all smiles as she gets an eyeful of Lovita’s lush body. Walking straight to the bed, she hikes up her short skirt to reveal her thong and then peels Lovita’s bra off between kisses to her puffy nipples. Dido’s dress is the next article of clothing to go so Lovita can do some oral work of her own. Her mouth is soft and sweet on Dido’s breasts,...

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Living the Dream Ch05

It wasn’t till I opened the pizza box that I realised how hungry I was. I think all three of us felt the same as silence descended and we attacked the pizzas like ravenous b**sts. Finally, I sat back with a contented smile on my face. Beside me Fay breathed a huge sigh and flopped back into the soft cushions. Even Sofi seemed revived and the trauma of the delivery man now a thing of the past. “I think I’ll take this little one upstairs and give her a good shower,” said Fay, finally breaking the...

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New Beginnings

New Beginnings (I'd really love an illustrator for this story. If you're interested, please let me know.) I know dad and mom hated each other, and dad had left a year ago and moved to Europe with another woman. But I never thought of him as mean, you know? When they argued, it always seemed as though mom was screaming louder than dad, and was more abusive. But mom kept telling me that he was "out to destroy our family," and wanted custody of me and wanted to take me away from her. Mom...

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Usha my bold maid

I am 35 years old businessman with an athletic body and I am proud of it as I got by lot of hard work. I have immense attraction towards women since my teenage. I got married 5 years back. I had good sex life initially but as the time passed after 2-3 years my wife lost the desire. On the contrary, I remain as usual, always looking for and fantasizing about woman. I always desired for at least one woman in my life other than my wife for sexual desire. My eyes always look for a woman with big...

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