Fionas Alices loyalty rewarded with a special party
- 4 years ago
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For the rest of the week, Robert kept Alice in suspense, telling her only that she would have the most memorable wedding night ever.
"You've found someone, haven't you?
Choosing to remain mute on the subject and let her curiosity soar he only smiled at her.
She returned the smile. "Okay, I'm willing to play that game. No! No I'm not! Come on, tell me who you've got for me."
He threw back his head and laughed while she giggled.
"Robert... come on now."
"Be patient darling, please."
"But I want to know! I mean, it isn't fair... I can't have your sweet, sweet cock, so at least tell me so I can... dream a little.
"Come on, you horny bitch," he whispered, leaning forward and touching her fingers with his.
"You know I can't, if I do, you'll blab it the bridesmaids just to make them drool with envy," part of this he felt was true, part of it was to heighten Alice's desire for the moment they entered the wedding suite and began to undress.
This bantering continued for the rest of the week. Finally the wedding took place, and as the large reception began to wane, Robert leaned over to his new wife and said, "Let's go back to our suite. I'm feeling randy. I want to see you get fucked."
Alice who had been thinking about having two, no make that three cocks at her disposal, was
Tempted to tell her closest friends what was waiting for her. Still she had to fight off exposing her wet pussy to everyone so heightened was she with sexual tension. Calling on all of her will power she stood and eyes shining with anticipated desire, she bid everyone adieu.
The room burst into applause as the newlyweds left the reception. Robert even thought he felt a twinge of desire run down his spine and hoped fervently this tactic worked.
Back in their suite, Alice removed her wedding dress and changed into white gauzy, see-through negligee and six-inch spiked white heels. She wore nothing beneath the negligee. Robert thought she was simply the most beautiful woman he'd ever laid eyes on. For her part, Alice was satisfied, thinking she had a beguiling look that her guests would find very enticing. She pirouetted for him, smiling. "Like it?"
"It's... terrific."
"Just... terrific?"
"Look, Alice darling, you don't have to go through with this..."
"You think they'll find it sexy?" She asked ignoring his comment.
"They'd be crazy not to." He realized they were committed and resigned himself to what was to come.
"You mean it?"
"Absolutely," he said picking up his tone.
She swayed up to him and put her arms around his neck. He did not attempt to push her away and she quickened with hope. "And you, Robert? Don't you find me sexy?"
"Yes," he mumbled, "God, yes, I find you irresistible. "
"Then fuck me, Robert. Please. I want your cock."
Time stood still. He drowned in her eyes. Her breath was warm and sweet on his face. Her lips fluttered open and gently met his. Robert's heart pounded. His pulse raced. Of their own accord, his lips parted. Alice exulted and quickly slid her tongue into his mouth and, sliding her hand to his crotch, squeezed him through his trousers. He was limp.
Alice stepped back. He was sweating nervously, his eyes wild with a fear she could not understand. He moaned and buried his face in his hands. Alice cupped his face gently and kissed his forehead.
"All right, Robert. Leave it for now. Soon we'll be fine."
There was a sharp rap on the door. For a second, Alice and Robert looked at each other. The knock and call were repeated. Alice took a deep breath and stepped back.
"Will you answer it, please?" she murmured. "I want to meet them inside."
She stepped past him and went into the bedroom. Robert watched her willowy form saunter away then answered the door. A few minutes later, he entered the bedroom with two men behind him. Solemnly he performed the introductions. "Dutch, Marty, my wife, Alice."
"Dutch, of course, we've met before. How are you?" Dutch noticed she towered over both he and Marty by several inches before realizing it was her heels.
"I'm fine and I hope to be even better as the evening wears on."
Alice laughed at this, and said, "I hope we're all feeling good and the sooner the better." Then she cast a quick look at Robert who stood just inside the room fully dressed.
Alice looked at the two men and felt a quick rush of pleasure. Robert had done his homework; they were handsome and exciting, rugged with good, hard bodies. Marty had a nicely trimmed beard, Dutch was clean shaven. She smiled warmly at them. "Marty," she stepped forward and shook his hand They both grinned nervously at her, their hunger evident in their eyes roving over her body.
Flicking a glance to Robert, she nodded imperceptibly in approval. He stifled a grin.
"Okay guys, are you all set?" Robert asked, lightly clapping his hands.
"Sure." Dutch smiled broadly and Marty chuckled. They moved up to her by the bed. Alice stood between the two, Dutch in front and Marty behind her. The bodies closed together. Robert flicked a glance at them and witnessed Dutch slide his hands down her face and neck, stopping to open the neck of her negligee, freeing her breasts. She murmured in pleasure as he cupped her breasts and fondled them gently. Her nipples were swelled, seeming to be almost small breasts on top of her breasts.
"You've got great tits baby," he growled in her ear. Then he kissed her. It was her tongue that first moved, gently passing his lips to seek the tip of his tongue.
She began to unbutton his shirt. Behind her, Marty slid his hands under her negligee, drawing it up around her waist, then Marty's fingers traced a light pathway over the cleft in each ass-cheek, moving from the lowest curve up to her back. He did press just lightly moved his fingers up until he could feel no more indentation beneath his fingers.
Alice shivered with excitement and realized it would not be the last time that night she would do so.
Marty moved his fingers back down. Alice responded by rising up on her toes, and this time Marty's fingers pressed between the cheeks of her ass. She shivered again and felt the early signs of orgasm pending. 'What is this?' She wondered, 'no one's ever paid so much attention to my ass before?' Then it hit her. Actually she'd known all along, but now it became clear to Alice, 'both of them would use her ass that night. Perhaps even Robert might... ' And with that thought Alice had a mini-orgasm and her knees buckled.
Dutch supported her even as he teased her elongated nipples to further length. Marty dropped his trousers and Alice watched his cock flounce out and smack solidly against his washboard stomach. Her pupils widened as she noted he was already hard, thick and long. Marty saw her staring at it and taking it in his hand, rubbed it against her soft, rounded hip, while Dutch squeezed her breasts and kissed the nape of her neck.
Alice responded by reaching for both their cocks. She reached Marty's first. Dutch gave her some minor difficulty, but she found him behind her and gave him a squeeze equal to the one he had just given her left breast. A brief moment later, she was fondling their cocks lovingly.
"Mmmm, you've got a nice juicy ass," Marty chuckled softly. "I'm gonna get me some of it soon. I like rear ending, do you baby?'
She turned her face to Marty and he kissed her over her shoulder, his hands on her breasts, while Dutch unbuckled his trousers and dropped them.
"Yes," she murmured to Marty. "I like it in the ass."
"Actually, she just likes fucking, period," Robert chuckled nervously from across the room.
Dutch turned to Marty and laughed. "And this is their fucking honeymoon?" Marty chucked as he slid the straps of the negligee from her shoulders and let it rustle around her feet. Now she stood naked between the two men, her body writhing between theirs. Dutch removed his shoes and socks.
Marty's fingers moved across her asshole, Alice almost did a dip trying to press her legs together to heighten the erotic tension between her legs. She shuddered and had another mini-orgasm on feeling two of his fingers spread her ass and a third rub with more and more pressure against her ass. A pleasurable whimper escaped her lips.
She glanced at Dutch. He was throwing his shirt to the floor, but caught her looking. He posed for her benefit, legs apart, his fat prick of about eight inches bobbed up and down in anticipation as he moved to the bed and flopped backward onto it, drawing one knee back and then cupped his testicles briefly before lowering his knee and spreading his thighs apart.
Alice watched, her tongue flickered out and licked her lip. She was entranced.
Dutch wriggled forward until his hips reached the edge and allowed his legs to hang over the side of the bed and began to slowly masturbate, his head raised up, watching her.
Standing before him, Alice spread her legs and bent steeply forward from the waist. Her breasts swung pendulously. From Marty's perspective behind her, the crease between Alice's buttocks widened, exposing the puckered brown eye of her anus. Her fingers moved downward and parted her cunt-lips, revealing the moist pink flesh within. Lifting her eyes to Dutch's face, she reached forward and grasped his fat prick in her left hand, opened her mouth and dragged her tongue lasciviously up his shaft and ended the lick by swirling her tongue over his helmet shaped cock-head.
Dutch gasped and began to buck his hips at her face. She whimpered and slowly slipped her lips around his cock-head. He groaned and his head flopped back. She took the rest of his knob and part of his shaft in her mouth.
"Oh fuck YES!" He shouted, hands flying to her head, his hips bucking under her face. "Oh yeah, suck it, baby! Suck my prick!"
Behind her, Marty grinned enjoying her expertise as she applied her mouth to Dutch, and thought he would relish her mouth on him a little latter. Then he remembered he had a job to do as well and sinking to his knees, he buried his face into her ass.
Alice gasped at this, her head rising and momentarily dislodging Dutch's cock, which promptly smacked her in the nose. The surprise over, Alice recaptured his cock and as much to show her appreciation as anything else, wriggled her buttocks as Marty swept his tongue over her puckered ass hole.
'A rim job first off, ' Alice thought, 'wonderful, I hope this does the job for Robert, and if it doesn't he's still the most thoughtful, wonderful husband a girl could have for providing me with so much pleasure on our wedding night.'
The musky odor of her asshole filled Marty's nostrils and aroused him even more. He playfully dragged his pliant tongue to her cunt, distending her labia, and lapped at her juices, which were flowing freely by this time.
Alice moaned deep in her cock-filled throat and began to suck the Dutch's cock at a slower pace, all the while plying his bulging tip with her tongue.
Robert watched, tormented by the fact his cock was not responding as his sepia toned wife bent her head to engulf his friends prick and saw her face distended by the force of Dutch's cock filling her mouth as her head bobbed up and down.
Meanwhile, Marty's tongue forged through Alice's unfurled labia, probing, probing, probing.
Alice, her eyes glassy and bright with lust, her nostrils flared, hurriedly reached behind her and spread her ass cheeks apart for Marty's invasive, darting tongue. Dutch was provided with a spectacular view of her tits, jiggling and swaying just below his rampant cock. Alice moaned in perverse delight as his tongue entered her ass and two fingers explored her gushy cunt.
Then through a foggy-lust-laden brain, Alice heard someone - it was Marty telling her to get on the thick rug. She followed his instructions and soon found Dutch's face between her legs, eagerly sucking and tonguing away at her snatch. Marty knelt over her face and pushed his cock into her mouth. Alice groaned and sucked his cock with renewed enthusiasm, rocking her head up and down under him even as her hips bucked and writhed under Dutch's face.
Suck my prick, slut!" Marty gasped, dropping to all fours, pumping his hips furiously into her oval shaped mouth. 'This one is longer, ' Alice thought. 'The other one is thicker though, but both are special and I love sucking each of them.'
"Ohhh!" Alice moaned thickly as Dutch flittered around her stiffened clit. He had two fingers from his right hand inside her stirring her juices while teasing her clit with his serpentine tongue. Her hips jerked upward from the intense pleasure and Alice knew a great climax was coming on her.
"Let's switch," Dutch said, apparently sensing how excited she was and Marty nodded his acknowledgement.
Seconds later, Alice felt Marty rubbing his cock against her and spread her thighs apart to ease his entry. Dutch gripped her face in both hands and directed her lips to his quivering prick. Alice joyfully plunged down on his shaft, sputtering a little because she took too much too soon. Marty's long cock wormed its way into her and she realized she was fucking two men at the same time, a virtual fantasy come through.
Alice pushed back at Marty, who merely grunted and hammered more of his prodigious meat into her. Alice, loving it, wanted more. Marty contentedly rocked back and forth, grinding away at her sodden cunt.
Dutch, now on his knees, was pumping further into her throat and had reached back and begun fondling her breasts.
Robert thought he felt a slight twinge in his cock and began to think this might just work after all.
"Robert," Marty gasped as he continued his steady fucking, "this lady is one sweet fuck!"
Dutch decided to add a comment of his own. "Yeah, man, a real hot piece of ass that loves sucking dick!"
Alice heard them and amplified her comment to all three men by making loud slurping sounds as she sucked away.
"Dutch!" Marty grunted, "wanna switch?"
Dutch merely nodded and the two exchanged positions. Alice whimpered at the momentary loss of her two cocks. But soon enough was enjoying the taste of her own cunt juice as Marty's prick burrowed into her throat.
Dutch was impressed with her wantonness and willingness to take them both on. He had never fucked a woman with another guy before. He had on several occasions fucked two women and found it exhilarating, especially when they were awed at his ability to continue fucking for hours.
Alice had now abandoned herself to the two lovers, almost forgetting Robert who was watching from the other side of the room.
Dutch was increasing his tempo, slamming his cock powerfully in and out of her cunt. His thighs made a sucking sound as they pressed and released against her buttocks.
Robert observed how his wife's breasts jiggled and wobbled as she lurched under Dutch's powerful thrusts. Alice realized Marty was close to ejaculating and to stall him from coming she spit him from her mouth and gasped out, "Hey! Let's change partners again."
She rolled over onto her back and pulled her legs up toward her shoulders. The sweat dripped off Marty's face and chest onto her face and breasts as he centered his prick on her cunt. Dutch decided not to join in for the moment. Marty clasped her buttocks with both hands and pulled her to him. His prick sinking deeply into her on the first full thrust.
Marty flexed his buttocks and drove into her again, this time he touched what must have been her cervix. She groaned, then whimpered, all the while squirming her lithe ass upward to meet each of his thrusts.
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Introduction: This is the first in what will be a continuing series detailing the process of turning a lady into a slut. Background Im a mid 30s black man whos had more than his share of hot women. Ive been lucky enough to bang Sisters, Latinas, Asians, American & Eastern European white girls, a Native American, and an Egyptian. Ive been with 3 women at once and Ive dated plenty of strippers&hellip, I know I can pull hot women and I know good pussy when I find it, done it many times, and was...
A month ago, I married the love of my life. It was the best day I’ve ever had in my 31 years so far. But more importantly, it was the best NIGHT I’ve ever had. Let me set the scene…We had a destination wedding in Cancun. The resort was absolutely beautiful and the service was incredible. Since we were getting married there, they gave us all the upgrades. We had paid for a junior suite, but were upgraded to a massive two-bedroom, three-bath suite with a bar and full kitchen. It had a pool table,...
The Succubus' Wedding Night Part One of The Succubus Bride Trilogy A fictional story, written by REIF DISCLAIMER: This is adult fiction with heavy transgender elements, if you find that in any way offensive then stop reading NOW. No character in this story is meant to resemble any actual person living or dead. This story is presented as part of a trilogy, the author highly recommends the sections be read in the correct order. (TSWN -> TSFBFW ->...
HorrorSoon, the day came. I was on the way to the second wedding that I was invited to. Amber's. I was still not over her by a long shot. I still wanted her. I thought about what I said in our last encounter. I was in the heat of the moment, but I think I meant it."...I could be 'Daddy..."Then I thought about our random conversations on FaceTime. I asked her one night, bored:"What do you get complimented on the most?"I noticed her chocolate skin. Her big lips. She had a really pretty mouth as...
MasturbationHello friends, I have been a reader of ISS since I was in my early graduation days. Now I’m working as a consultant in an IT company in Hyderabad. This is my first ever story here. It is going to be a little lengthy one, please excuse. I’m 32, married, average looking south Indian guy. I have a good romantic life in marriage. But the desire for more to experiment in sexual life keeps me looking for more. I find myself more attracted towards married women and women who are elder to me even with...
As I am standing, in a dark men’s suit and striped tie, at the altar near the priest waiting for my gorgeous bride to enter, my attention was caught on Bianca’s mom, the mother of the bride, Diane, entering the church and walking down the aisle and sitting down in a pew. Although I love Bianca, Diane was a gorgeous early forties woman. She is so skinny, so attractive-looking, and was dressed sexy and elegant. She is wearing a graceful skirt suit. Even though she was skinny, her breasts...
Janet and I had met and dated for four months when I asked her to marry me. She agreed and we began to plan the "big event". Neither Janet nor I had been married before and we were both still virgins when we met. Janet is from a small town and we met while I was in town installing computers at a local company where she was working. I was immediately drawn to her. Janet is 23 years old, she has shoulder length dark blonde hair, small pert tits (I guess to be a perfect A cup) and the cutest ass I...
The Wedding NightTo tell you about myself, my name is Brad, I am 21, about 5'10", 160 lbs. Ihave a very imposing football player build, am a flawless dresser, blueeyes, dark brown hair with blonde highlights and tan olive skin. Anyway, Ihad my heart broken by my high school sweetheart about four months beforethe event I am going to be telling you about. She was my life, my littleangel. I had hurt her to the point that she needed to leave me and I couldnot blame her. When I was dating her,...
June 3, 1987, Chicago, Illinois “Ready to go home?” I asked Elyse when I came back to the room. She was sitting in a wheelchair. “Yep. Just buzz the nurse and they’ll get an orderly to push me out. I could walk, but they said ‘no’.” I nodded and pressed the call button. Five minutes later, an orderly was pushing Elyse and Matthew down the hall towards the elevator. Jessica had been by earlier to check on us, but she’d had to go to work. I was taking the day off to spend with Elyse, but...
WEDDING NIGHT ???? WEDDING NIGHT???? by Zebulon This is a work of fiction.? No reference to real persons is intended.? It contains strong, non-traditional sexual imagery and language.? If you don't like this kind of thing, don't read it. This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted, and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is being posted. ????????? ???? Feedback is welcome.?...
“EEEEEEEE!!!! It is beautiful,” She squealed with delight when the door swung open. He stepped back, placed his hand on the small of her back as she clapped and hopped through the doorway.Her hands fell to her side as she looked up, turned slowly and let out a low “ohhh”. Her eyes were twinkling and her smile lit up the already bright room. The cabin impressed her and she was literally speechless.She walked over to the large bay window that offered a view of a valley. Snow topped mountain...
Love StoriesHi friends… Sagar here from Bangalore and i thought of sharing one of my memorable experience with my friend while I was on an official tour. I am 33 years old, 5’6″ height and having average built personality. Let me come to the story. Recently I had visited Pune for an official trip and had stayed in a luxury hotel. After office hours in the late evening, I called Pooja, a friend of mine who is staying in Pune with her husband and kids (I had a relationship with her when i was working in Pune...
Hi everyone….This is Dr.Akshay again. I am big fan of ISS since 3 yrs. Without wasting time let me introduce myself, I am Dr. Akshay from Pune.I am 30 yrs old having good looks and pretty good height Of 5’9”. And athletic body. I am doing my own Medical practice. I am very fun loving guy and I thought sex is the world’s most beautiful thing,and I am very passionate about sex., and you also agree to me.,otherwise you were not here… Coming to the story,let me introduce the heroin of the story,...
Till now I have been enjoying blowjob and Tung fucking. I made most use of Tongue. It was a pleasure and excitement doing this. After kissing all around satisfying our self we used to settle for 69 position. Bhabhi take whole of my Penis inside and I will go deep into her pussy. Whole room get fill with our moan. Aaaaaaaaaaa , uuuhhhhhh. We can not moan loudly other wise will get caught. Bhabhi got a habit of not taking my Penis out till my penis becomes smaller and asking me to go deeper and...
Hi all, I am Pallavi from Mysore. Presently I am working in Bangalore. I would like to share my real experience with you all readers. I am an open minded woman. Married four years back with software engineer who is working in Mysore. I’m little dark in complication. My structure is 34-30-36. After my marriage I enjoyed my honeymoon in Kulumanali for 15 days. Later my husband was busy in his work. I was getting bored by sitting in home. I spoke with my husband shall I apply to job. He said OK....
Thanks lot for many readers who appreciate my story and share their story / fantasy with me and I heart fully thank each and every one of you. Those who miss first part can read the story from below She called me on Wednesday and asked me whether I was free or not and i told her that I’m free and she asked me to come to her place and I took my bike and bought some condoms and went to her apartment and rang her bell. She opened the door and she was in light green fancy saree and she was...
My life after a memorable event. A summary of my early years from Part 1 I was a typical boy of fourteen who lived for football, cricket and field hockey, when I wasn't playing sport I was playing with my mates. After a year of visiting various medical experts, I had a hospital appointment that changed my life. The doctor described lots of things that I hardly understood, babies born with anomalies called inter-sex babies. He explained that the majority of babies are born with xx...
The names are not real due to personal issues. I am ajay from jaipur. The story i am telling is a true story which happen 1 year back when i was travelling from indore to jaipur in 2 tier 2nd class ac compartment. Here i meet puja. Puja was around 29 year having 38-26-36 figure. She was very sexy having bulgy boobs. Puja was travelling with her husband in the train. The couple was having only one confirm ticket of 2nd ac and another ticket was of 2nd class ordinary. They ask the t.t. to arrange...
Hey guys, I’m back with another story about my 21st birthday. I hope you’re all doing well and safe. So this incident is basically one that I’ve been requested to post by quite a few people. It is a memorable one, so here it is. This was the first time I had a foursome, and it was absolutely amazing. I hope you all enjoy it. Here’s a short introduction about myself. I’m Sarah, 24, living in Mumbai. I’m bisexual, and my stats are 36-28-36. Coming to the incident. It was February 2018, one day...
Hey guys, I’m back with another story about my 21st birthday. I hope you’re all doing well and safe. So this incident is basically one that I’ve been requested to post by quite a few people. It is a memorable one, so here it is. This was the first time I had a foursome, and it was absolutely amazing. I hope you all enjoy it. Here’s a short introduction about myself. I’m Sarah, 24, living in Mumbai. I’m bisexual, and my stats are 36-28-36. Coming to the incident. It was February 2018, one day...
I was plowing through the snow towards the cabin in front of me. Unexpectedly being stuck in this snow storm with temperatures dropping fast, that place was my only hope of some protection from the cold.On my way back home from a neighboring city, I ignored the weather warning partly because I couldn’t afford to stay in a hotel And partly because I just wanted to be home. But halfway through the long forest road, disaster struck, my front wheels locked up in a corner and my car went straight...
InterracialWedding Night As long as I can remember, I always wanted to get married! Whenever someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, my answer was always the same. I said I wanted to get married and be a mom. My name is Mandy Roberts and I just graduated college which makes me twenty-one years old. My parents had convinced me years ago that I needed a profession to fall back on. In the 40's and 50's it was the man who would go to work and the wife stayed home and raised the k**s. However,...
It was the second marriage for both of, we were both in our 40s but inshape and she is very attractive. Her pics are on my profile. We had lives together 6 years before we were married and she had told me she had fucked black men before we had met and I think a couple after. The thought of her taking a big black cock in her tight little white pussy has always turned me on. This is what I fantasize that happened on our wedding night. I had made a deal with her that if we got married she could...