sex in the open place
- 4 years ago
- 24
- 0
Sarah's Clan and several Security team members were in the Comrie dining room when their new guests came in for breakfast. They were wearing the light robes and sandals that had been placed in their rooms earlier. Anticipating that their guests would wear the robes, they had worn them as well.
James' and Clarence's families were among the first to arrive. On seeing Alison they went over to her as James started to speak, she said, "You all look like you feel much better now." While she was speaking, the four journalists joined them.
They all nodded. "You had a number of questions for us last evening, and are anxious to ask them now." While she was speaking, many of the guests looked around in awe at their hosts. They now noticed how different they were from themselves, and that a few were exceptionally tall. After all the uncertainty of last night, the newcomers were surprised at how comfortable they felt in these new surroundings.
"Mr. MacFarland, Mr. O'Toole, families and journalists," said Alison, being quite formal, "I would like to introduce you to all of my spouses, even though you have already met some of them." With that, Alison introduced each person in the group to her clan.
Once the introductions were made, Sarah said, "We would like you to sit with us during breakfast. This will give us a chance to provide some additional background information, especially for those we met last night. Once breakfast is over, we will have our usual morning meeting. During the meeting, we generally discuss current activities, and any general issues. After that, we plan to show three presentations which will give everyone a pretty good idea of who we are, and how we are prepared to support them. We are very open with information about ourselves and our activities. When we are done here, the Command Staff would like to have a more in depth meeting with James and Clarence regarding the 'flesh peddlers' group running the resort. From our perspective, we think you may want to include your families and the journalists. Now, if all of you will go with Janet and Jill, they will show you where we plan to sit, as we have several other people to greet before breakfast begins." Janet and Jill led them over to a group of tables in the corner.
Sarah saw Eilene and Beth talking with Eilene's sisters, who looked a bit uneasy and said, "Guys, I think we need to go talk with Eilene's sisters."
"Good morning, Eilene and Beth," said Sarah, as she walked up, with most of her family. She introduced each of her spouses to the group. Eilene then introduced her sisters and her baby.
"We are glad all of you could come on such short notice," said Sarah. "We know Eilene has been quite worried about you, and we suspect you were worried about her. We hope none of you will be offended, but this island is normally clothing optional, as are all of our locations. It is entirely up to you whether you chose to be clothed or not. We want you to choose what you are comfortable with. After breakfast, we intend to give a presentation about us and our history. Please feel free to ask questions of us at any time."
When Donna told Sarah's Clan everyone was in the dining room, Sarah, Rusty, Sally and Alison walked to the front of the room. As they reached the front, a chime sounded, and the room became quiet. "Good morning," they said, speaking as one, causing several surprised looks. "We are pleased you could join us for breakfast this morning. As soon as you find a place to sit, we can begin. A number of you are wondering where you are and why you're here. We will try to answer those questions right after breakfast. Breakfast is buffet style. A staff member will indicate when a table is to join the buffet line. Enjoy."
With that, Jill and Janet brought the group at their table over to the buffet line, to join the rest of their clan. As they began to eat, James' and Clarence's families kept glancing at Sarah's Clan.
After a few moments, Rusty and Sarah began by saying, "We know that each of you can hear us telepathically, so we would like to continue in that manner. Okay?" Everyone nodded, with a somewhat disbelieving look.
"We believe all of you experienced communicating this way yesterday. You should sense the presence of our thoughts in your mind, in a way that seems as though we are speaking to you. Please nod if you hear us." Everyone nodded, and even if they hadn't, their expressions would have confirmed they were hearing the thoughts. "Several things you will hear shortly will undoubtedly raise questions. We ask that you hold those questions until later, because as we said earlier we would like to meet privately with all of you after we are finished here."
"First, we don't know if James or Clarence have had a chance to tell any of you how we met, less than a week ago. I know we have hinted at it. At our first meeting, we gave them enough information about us to establish our credibility, and our ability to help rescue all of you. Most of our meeting then focused on planning possible responses to the events that began, for five of you at least, about 4 months ago."
While James and Clarence nodded in agreement their families' expressions indicated their surprise.
"As you have probably surmised, we are not from Earth, although many of us were born on Earth. Our society is similar to yours in many aspects, and quite different in others. We normally refrain from becoming involved in another society's internal issues, unless we are asked by members of that society and the situation meets some additional criteria. Fortunately, or unfortunately, we have become more involved with your society than is normal. Like any society, we have several precepts for interactions. Even though we are all telepathic, we do not look at another's thoughts without an agreement beforehand. There can be reasons to override this rule, mistakes however, are not tolerated. Memories are very difficult to see, unless there is a very, very close relationship between both people, such as between spouses. In this society, you may do anything, as long as no one else is harmed, and we will protect the weak from the strong.
"We have been monitoring James' and Clarence's efforts in trying to find, and bring to justice, those behind the 'Lodge Incident'. We refer to them as the 'flesh peddlers'. An element of our group has monitored their activity quite closely, even to the point of making sure evidence was not destroyed before it was found. Some of our crew have taken actions to make sure some leads were fruitful, without tainting any evidence you found. We have been very careful to avoid any action that would compromise your cases. Within the last week, we learned of the plans to compromise James and Clarence. The plan was to have their families star in porn films. To achieve this, they not only drugged them but they also induced them to ask for enhancements to their bodies. Recordings were made of them engaged in sex with their daughters. The ultimatum was that they either stop the investigation or the recordings would be released.
"Based on conversations we heard between the Grand Councilor and his associates, they have issued disposal contracts for all of you. Currently, we are monitoring your homes. We are anticipating that some one will try to destroy them, whether they are occupied or not."
"Guys," said James, "without this group's assistance, we would have been in a very difficult position last night, no, not difficult, an impossible position." Clarence nodded his head in agreement. "The 'Lodge Incident' as Rusty phrased it, has been one of the most difficult cases we have ever worked. If it was not for the journalists, activity on it would have probably ceased a long time ago.
"Their insight into a number of situations really helped us out. It would please me to see them continue to work with us."
"Oh, we will," said Marge. "Our editors have been pushing us for more variety in our stories. I think we have it now."
"So, when did you become telepathic," asked Sally.
"We are not sure. We may have always been that way, and not known it."
"After breakfast, at least one of us needs to sit with the four of you, to go over how it works and other aspects of it."
"What did you mean by variety?" asked Joyce.
"We think there are many human interest stories among those rescued. Perhaps there are some among the crew, as well."
"As for our house, I don't think we have any particular attachment to it," said James, with Sue and Sam nodding. "The two people I treasure most are here with me."
"Now clan, we need to begin our morning meeting," said Sarah. With that, Sarah's Clan rose as one and moved to the front of the room, their movement caused conversation around the room to die down.
In the dining room on Frank's island, Alice, Susan and Frank, along with the others from the crew, were greeting the former resort staff members as they arrived for breakfast. Each arrival was encouraged to get their breakfast and then find a seat.
While the former resort staff members were concerned about their new surroundings, they felt comfortable with their hosts. This place was much more comfortable than living at the resort had been. All of them had wondered from time to time about who was behind the resort's activity, but had never seemed inclined to ask. Many found it hard to believe their memories of the resort. They knew part of it must be true, because of the way their bodies had changed, and the body jewelry they now wore. All were pleased to find robes in their rooms, even though many had chosen not to wear them. This was because they felt more comfortable naked, a thought that surprised many of them.
As breakfast was ending, Alice and Susan walked to the front of the room. The room quieted down quickly.
"Good morning," said Alice and Susan. "We hope you enjoyed breakfast. We would like you to return the dishes to the kitchen, and wipe off the tables." They waited while the dining room was spruced up.
"We are thankful to have you here as our guests. We can assure all of you that you are healthy. While you may not realize it, when you worked at the resort you were under the influence of several drugs. They made you compliant and submissive. This is how the resort operators and guests controlled your actions. Many of you may feel embarrassed that you enjoyed much of the sexual activity. There is nothing wrong with enjoying the sharing of affection and sex, when it is done willingly. Now you know what activities feel good, so you can try them again with agreeable partners. When you arrived here, we gave you an antidote to the drugs you were receiving. You should notice a difference in how you feel about your surroundings. In a few moments, we will see a presentation that will cover where you are, why you were brought here, and what your options are. At the end of this, the presenters will answer any questions you have. Please speak up, as others may have the same concerns."
As Alice and Susan sat down, a holographic display formed where they had been standing. The display showed an overall view of the dining room at the Comrie enclave, then zoomed in on Sarah's Clan standing at the front of the room. The whole thing caused quite a few murmurs throughout the group.
"So that's Sarah's Clan," said Frank, his deep voice carrying across the room. Alice chuckled at this reaction and started to respond, but was interrupted as Sarah's Clan began speaking.
"Good morning all," said Sarah's Clan, together. "As some of you heard, we are known collectively as Sarah's Clan." Sarah and Rusty then stepped forward, introducing themselves. They then alternated, as they indicated the names of their spouses. "We have several things we would like to share with you this morning, as we suspect many of you have questions, probably many questions."
"Our first topic will be why you are here. We will then show you a series of presentations that will tell you about us; as many of you have noticed we are a little different. We think the presentations will answer most questions, so, if you would hold them until the end, we would appreciate it. If we run out of time this morning, we will continue this evening. We have a gathering such as this after breakfast and dinner every day. Normally, we would let our question and answer session run until all questions are answered. However, today is not a normal day. So, this morning we need to limit the time, and we will reopen for questions after dinner. All of us are available for questions at any time, and you should be able to find us easily." This lead to quite a bit of laughter. "Oh, we're sorry, the group at the other location haven't seen us up close, yet. Our height is a little over 7 feet 7 inches."
"Wow," said Frank.
"While no one has complained, you are probably wondering, 'where am I?'," said Sarah's Clan, together. "We are not going to go into that just yet, but we will say that last evening and early this morning, we moved you to your current location, as we felt you would be safer there than at the resort. We did not ask you, because you were under the influence of several drugs. Those drugs altered your perceptions, so you responded to suggestions as commands. We hope you will forgive us for not discussing it with you first.
"When you arrived, you were given an antidote to the drugs you had been receiving. You were unaware of the drugs, because they were in your food and drink.
"Some of you probably still don't believe me about the drugs. So, let us ask you a series of questions: Before you went to the resort, would you have participated so freely in the sexual acts you did there? Did you notice you never refused to do anything a guest asked? Did you have your body pierced before or after you were there? Other than at the resort, how many times did you engage in group sex? Did you enjoy the bondage or whippings? How about using electricity as a stimulant? I could go on, but the answers should give you some indication that you weren't making your decisions of your own free will, especially since some of your performances took place in front of an audience and cameras."
Many in both groups had expressions which indicated that they now believed they had been influenced by drugs. Several began to cry.
"Before we go on, we would like to hopefully clear up a misconception you may have. There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of the sexual situations or couplings you enjoyed, as long as it is your choice. Let me emphasize that. As long as it is your choice, there is nothing wrong with enjoying the pleasure you give and willingly receive. We know this is contrary to the teachings in some of Earth's cultures. In our society, people who do not abide by the rule of consent are quietly removed from the gene pool.
"I wish that was all of it. They also gave you some treatments that have, or are, modifying your body. Based on the information we have, your tongue is at least long enough to easily touch your nose. The ladies have a larger bust and much fuller labia. The guys will likely find their cock is larger, both in length and girth. Many have larger testicles, while some have been replaced with artificial ones. There were some other, more subtle, changes made to your bodies as well. Our medical staff can assist you in understanding these changes, and their impact on you.
"Now, the salary you were promised was extremely good for what, it was implied, you would do. The contract was very clear, but worded in such a way that even the lawyer here with us this morning wouldn't have realized the real intent. When you signed that contract, you gave them total control of your life. Your personal services contract automatically renewed and was transferable. You effectively became their property, to do with as they desired. You would have collected your accumulated salary only when they decided not to renew your contract. If you somehow broke the contract, then you lost everything you earned. As their property, they had great plans for you.
"The drugs you were receiving had two primary effects. One effect was to make you very compliant and accepting, without affecting your other personality traits. The second effect was to sensitize your brain cells to sexual pleasure. After a period of time, your thoughts would focus solely on today and satisfying your desire for pleasure. With your focus on sexual pleasure, you would likely never think of your personal services contract again. The strength of the dosage determined the degree of compliance. As mentioned earlier, physically, many of you received treatments that are now altering your bodies. These were to make you more desirable, as either a sex object or a breeder. Why? It was a resort, right?" Several nodded.
"Well yes and no. The part of the resort where you were working was a very exclusive private sex club and training facility. It was only used by members and their invited guests. As you know, basically your duties were to serve your assigned guest however they wanted, be it as companion, sex toy, or slut. You may not have known that you were graded on your sexual performance, desirability, personality and skill. The other side of their business was to provide men and women trained in giving sexual satisfaction to groups or individuals. Once trained, the individual would do anything they were asked to do. Several times a year, an auction was held for the members and invited guests. The purpose was to sell a select number of the special staff and other sex slaves to the highest bidder. For the record, it was your personal services contract that was being sold. Sounds innocent doesn't it?" Many nodded. "They invited buyers from private sex clubs, special full-service whorehouses, baby farms, S&M clubs and a few private individuals. These buyers came from all over the world, as this auction is well known for the quality of its offerings. Once you left the resort, you would no longer receive the drugs. You wouldn't need them, as you would be addicted to being the sexual play thing of whoever held you. Besides, it really didn't matter, for once you were out of the country you would be completely at their mercy. Hard to believe, isn't it? If you want more details, ask our medical staff, or later this week, when you have access to our library, you can look the information up.
"We mentioned that our society places no limits on the activities between adults, if they are consensual. If you want to be a breeder, a sex toy or sex companion, there are easier and safer ways to do it. We could probably find several legitimate personal service businesses on Earth who would be interested in you, and provide you with a valid contract." Several chuckled.
"While many of you went to the resort willingly, in order to become employees, that is only one method this organization used to obtain new stock. Working through agents, they gather others, mainly through abductions or bogus job referrals, from around the world. Those gathered this way receive a much harsher induction into their new life as a sex object. These captives are drugged, stripped, humiliated, and then forced to become skilled sex toys, after which they are sold around the world. Those that don't comply, find their days filled with pain or worse. In these cases, there is no pretense of selling personal service contracts. Many of these captives are sold to buyers through private showings. In a few areas, it is done quite openly. Westerners seem to be the most desirable commodity in this market. Some enter into this world through 'abduction by request'.
"You may wonder why the two different approaches. The path you followed is preferred because you are worth at least 5 times as much at auction as those forcibly taken.
"You are probably wondering how we know all this? And, why were we at the resort? Our presence at the resort was part of a plan to free some recent captives, who are friends of ours. Just after you left the resort, a contingent of federal law enforcement officers raided it. Those events are still unfolding, and can be watched on monitors at all locations. The video feed is mainly from the resort's surveillance cameras. This continued activity is the primary reason we need to be briefer than usual."
"Now both of us are in a situation we didn't plan to be in." Many laughed. "Before we go too much further, we should tell you now that our home is not Earth." A wave of comments passed through both rooms. Frank looked at Alice, and she just nodded. "We think many here had already sensed that. Many of us were born on Earth and have had experiences similar to yours. And, no, they don't all look like us, at least in height. The society we are now members of is a bit more advanced than Earth's.
"Today is essentially a day of relaxation for all of you. You are free to roam about the grounds at both locations, however, we would like for you to stay within sight of the buildings. We prefer not to be distracted by having to mount a search party." Sarah's Clan paused for a moment.
"Shortly after we adjourn, we will have a medical team at each location. They will be available to give all of you a complete physical. Having the physical is your choice! However, we strongly recommend that you take advantage of the opportunity because from our experience with these people, it is in your best interests to do so. For those who do have a physical, the medical staff will go over the results with you tomorrow. They will discuss the implications of anything they find, and advise you of the possible ways to treat them. You can have the review alone, or with your friends. The physical doesn't cost anything, and doesn't hurt, so how can you go wrong?
"We will be setting up several rooms at both locations with video equipment. The other optional activity is that we would like every one of you to make a video. Nothing erotic, unless you want to." They smiled. Several chuckled when they realized she was kidding. "For the video, we would like you to describe everything you can remember about the resort. How you found out about it? How you got there? What happened to you while you were there? What you participated in? The names of anyone you had interaction with, that includes staff members and guests." As they spoke, the puzzled looks changed to smiles.
"Yes. We want the bastards exposed and punished as appropriate. We would like to see them put out of business, but we know that is unlikely, considering the culture on Earth." A cheer went up through the rooms. "Please, only talk about what you know firsthand. If you describe something you heard, be sure to clearly state that. You will be by yourself as you make the video. Alright?"
"As we noted earlier, our view of interactions between consenting adults is that anything is acceptable as long as it does not cause injury. In our society, an adult is someone who is sexually and mentally mature. The two do not usually occur at the same time." Several chuckles were heard in the room. "There are only limited restrictions with respect to incest, and none with respect to bi or homo sexuality."
"Now, let's take questions."
"What about clothing?" asked a woman. "All we have are these robes, even though they are very comfortable."
"Oh, we overlooked that," said Sally. "Can you continue with the robes until tomorrow? By then, we should be able to move resources here so we can provide you with more normal clothing." She paused for a moment, and then continued, "I guess we forgot to mention it earlier, but we are a clothing optional society. We seldom wear any covering, unless an activity requires it. So, if you are inclined to go naked then do so, and it appears some of you are. Please don't feel compelled to do one or the other. No one will require you to do either." Several had funny looks on their faces.
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Author’s note: If any of you are wondering why the first story and this one is from Jame’s point of view when I in real life am a girl, it’s because these stories really happened with me and my current boyfriend. I just used fake names. I knew how I was feeling, but I’d fantasized about everything he’d felt. I decided to use my fantasies in the story to see how close I could get to what a man would feel losing his virginity to another virgin. Thank you for your interest in my stories. Comment...
Sue turned towards the bathroom. Looking back over her shoulder, she ordered Mark to get undressed and into bed. Mark obeyed and waited. On leaving the bathroom, Sue stopped in the doorway. She looked down on Mark’s nude shape, on the bed. Even in the moon-lit semi-darkness, Sue could see his rampant cock.Mark did not just look at Sue. He drank her in as she fronted him: Long-legged, broad-hipped, flat-bellied, with the challenging black triangle of a mature woman’s pubes. And Sue, with her...
ExhibitionismThere was a fire in me, and it took four of them to put it out. I played along with my husband’s sermon about me being a bad girl who needed this “punishment.” He was like a priest wanting to exorcise the demons out of me. I just wanted to close my mind, free myself of any pride, open my legs, and enjoy the pillaging these boys were about to commit on my body.Julian wanted me humble and hesitant, I guess. That’s probably why he was frowning as I danced my little butt off for the boys at his...
Wife Lovers"This story contains no sex" What is there to say? I like erotic stories, especially the cheating wife tales. Their emotional impact ties my stomach in knots and leaves me desiring more. Ecstatic, I discovered treasure troves of stories at various sites on line and finding them required little effort on my part. I amazed myself at the diligence with which I investigated these sites, searching out the "old classics," authored by a variety of gifted writers. The process had taken almost a...
Friday night’s we both have the house to ourselves until about midnight, and we usually just do our own stuff in our own rooms, occasionally we may find it in our hearts to sit and watch a film together, but this particular night a few days ago was something completely different, that I never thought would happen. Okay, yes I admit it – I wanted it to happen, but never thought it would. To be honest even though he isn’t my biological brother I felt kind of wrong about the thought of it,...
That night, Alita had just finished her report and was exhausted from her day’s work, so after her dinner she took a well deserved bubble bath. As she got undressed she admired her delicious body in front of the mirror, she cupped her voluptuous breasts with both hands as she turned around to see her shapely ass. Looking at herself like that made her wonder why her husband would still cheat on her. “If he doesn’t want these any more maybe someone else would love to have a taste of these.” Alita...
Part 1 Life for me growing up, particularly during me teenage years, was never easy as I was different. My name is Katherine Ackles, twenty-five years-old, and this is my story on how I met the woman who changed my life forever. It was spring in 2014, and plants and nature were blooming, and the birds were singing, and the dogs barking in nearby gardens. It had been an ordinary day, like any other day, when the door to my own arts and crafts shop opened and in walked the most beautiful woman I...
Love StoriesJoe bid farewell to the Claintu village and headed east towards the Minra clan village thirty kilometres away. Again, he was accompanied by a guide, a thin, grinning teenager who moved along far to cockily for Joe's comfort. Close to the village, okay, but after half a dozen kilometres he began to worry if the boy might be showing off in a rather dangerous way. He had to continuously shush the boy as he insisted on talking in overly loud whispers. It was more in resignation, then in...
It has been a little over 8 months since I had helped Deedee and her friends with their breast suspension and cervical splitting ceremonies in front of a large group of BDSM fans. The group then had followed it up with a horse coupling over night and the sealing of their cervical splits in the expanded condition ending the possibility of their ever being able to bare a child. Their breasts had healed well and, while not quite as high and firm as they had been, were larger than they were...
The first mixed class Cassandra sat patiently at her desk, watching as the boys, very nearly men so far as their bodies were concerned, filed in. Once all ten had taken their seats she stood up, grasping their attention. “I am sure you will all be pleased to hear that this week we are moving on to the next part of our course,” some of the boys looked pleased, others less so; but one and all their faces lit up as she added “Let me introduce my assistants for this lesson,” walking...
You are a shy guy average age. But when it comes to sex you have the worst luck. Most of this is down be a total submissive slave boy and way too much of a whomp to tell anyone or even visit a professional dominant. Though you have tried a few things like your vanilla sex life you never been that far. You are pretty certain that your ex the only one to have sex with you did it out pity and was probably why she ended it soon after. Since then you have been sitting alone at your computer looking...
BDSMThe driver handed my luggage over, one non-descript rucksack and my suit carrier. With both hands full I fumbled his fare out and ended up giving him a better tip than I intended because I couldn’t be bothered to try and count it out better. Money didn’t really matter too much as I had only got back off tour a month ago and I’d saved a good amount – you simply cannot spend money in Afghanistan. In true squaddie tradition I was destined to blow it all on women and drink. It didn’t matter though...
My buddy Jason has been married four times, now. I've known him for more than a decade, from about six months before he met his third wife. We had some fun with her, and we've had fun with his current wife, as I've been called in to participate in threesomes with both. I fucked his third wife, Shanna, on a few occasions after they split up, as a matter of fact. He knows this and doesn't mind. She was fun, and now remarried herself, although that isn't part of this story.Jason is a hound. Always...
It was getting close to lunch time and I was already restless. I was staring into the terminal of my workstation, not concentrating on what I needed to do, but thinking of wild sexual encounters involving myself and my latest lust. There was a light tap at the door behind me, taking me out of my reverie. I turned to see the part-timer, Anita, looking around the door as she opened it. She had started the previous day. She was doing a report for the boss and I had been assigned to answer any...
Being Native American Indian her skin is naturally tanned. Her pouting pussy is always wet and ready with her thick full lips hiding the slippery pinkness inside. She was a slut when I met her having been with several older men by the time she was old enough to drive. In fact our first time was in the back of her boyfriends’ car and I later learned she had just finished fucking him in order to get his car. Six years older, I pumped my big cock into her petite body and we both instantly...
I wish I have cameras not only in my Sex Studio but also in my mind as a naughty one is a joy foreverI long to record my long sexy sessions with my most favourite moms, while their dear doddies watch usI love to make love to several of my female friends, to initiate their dear doddies under their eyesI will mention and describe below my all-time first favourite fantasy with a mom and dear daughters!I introduce Helena who has two beautiful blonde dear daughters, whom I watched grow up to tasty...
My wife and I sat at a small table in a hotel bar with a man she had picked from an ad on Craigslist. The ad said he was looking for a couple to have sex with. Eve picked his ad because of the picture of his nine-inch cock, it was also six inches around. She was leaning towards him with her hand on his thigh inching towards his crotch. His hand was already under her dress, probably stroking her cunt. Eve was 45 and loved fucking guys in their 20s, “I just love men with huge cocks,” she said....
Liz let go of my hand and turned to look at me. “That came out wrong,” I said quickly. “I appreciate the trouble you went to. But this is really too much for me.” I had never had an office. My workspace at the hospital had been one of four desks pushed together to form a pod. I took a deep breath and composed my thoughts. “I don’t want to be treated any differently at work than anybody else,” I told her. “I know that,” Liz stated. “And I don’t plan to treat you any differently at work –...
“ Without shame the man I like knows and avows the deliciousness of his sex, Without shame the woman I like knows and avows hers.” Walt Whitman – A Woman Waits For Me I’m always reaching out for some kind of foothold to what might lead to eventually a complete aesthetic erotic experience – the kind I found in my younger days when sex was somehow a brave new world and more trepid in the imagining of its possibilities .When I can feel the moths in my craw attempting mutiny,...
FetishHello, Myself Sam, male aged 29 from Pune working in an MNC. I am an experienced masseur only for females and couples. I am OK to travel as well. I do this as my hobby and get to meet a lot of interesting people. I love to network and hence meet a lot of wonderful people across territories through my job. Needless to say, the massages are done at the clients location (home or hotel). Come and experience Nirvana!! Send in your suggestions, feedback regarding the sex story if any, inquiries at...
You wake on a Saturday morning after what should have been an early night with your husband but that never happened. You had the Friday afternoon off and when you got home you just wanted to relax. You had opened a bottle of wine had a glass then went to the bedroom to get undressed for a have a shower. The sun was streaming in your bedroom window as you undressed. The suns rays warming you body as you lay with your eye closed. It feels wonderful and reminds you of holidays in the sun. You lay...
James Talbot Sat back in the driver's seat of his car and inhaled the smoldering fumes of the crack pipe. He was on his way home from work and had pulled into the county park as he normally did each day to feed his habit. He was, in his opinion, a casual recreational user. He kept some lines of coke in his desk at work and maybe once a day when no one was around, he snorted a line. How he'd picked up using the illegal drugs was a work associate had given him his first hit only three months...
Mature Norah Nova is having sexual problems with her husband so she visits the sex therapist Doc. Bronson to find a solution to her problem after a consultation conversation the doctor prescribes to Norah that the solution is to disengage and receive sexual attention and he offers to give her , so he starts kissing and caress her on the sofa and then taking off her panties and starting to lick her pussy making her moan of emotion, when she is ready and well lubricated he offers her cock, so she...
xmoviesforyouHi guys this is south indian fucker back with another story….Thanks for your awesome support…. Email me at And let me know your comments In this story am telling about the sex encounters seen and felt by a rich teen Story begins……………….. I am from kerala We are a rich family….I am my parents only son hishaam… My mother’s name is fathima and father is haneefa We are muslims but we don’t follow the traditional style and prefer modern style I am not a studious boy …I am in 12th standard and I...
After our first rendezvous, and multi-orgasmic date, Dawn and I had returned to our respective homes where our cyberspace relationship continued. We chatted and teased each other nearly every night. Over the next few weeks, the lone night we spent together was practically the only topic we talked about. Dawn continued to be amazed by her ability to have multiple orgasms. She said she was already looking forward to our next date. It seems we had lit a fire in her belly. A fire that needed...
What’s up people? Steve Salomon here. I’m a big and tall young black man of Haitian descent living in the City of Ottawa, Ontario. Up until recently, I considered myself the luckiest guy in the world. I’m close to completing my studies in the business management program at the Sprott School of Business of Carleton University. And I have, no, had the love of the most amazing woman ever. Yasmin Hussein, a tall, curvaceous, sinfully sexy Somali-Canadian Muslim cutie. We met under less than ideal...
I’m perpetually horny, and I’ve learned how to get her pussy twitching at the drop of a hat. Flashing some ass with a dramatic flourish on my way to the bathroom, taking a little bit longer to pull up my underwear so that she can see my 8-1/2 inch semi-hard on sticking out, or even just walking by her and brushing my lips across the back of her neck will have her arms covered with goose bumps and her nipples standing at attention. Usually I wear my robe while sitting in my chair, and she gets...
I lived in a small Town in the early 70's. No oe ever gave me the talk about sex. what you should do and what you should not do. I was the youngest of 5 and only boy. I had to look for boys my age to play with in the another neighborhood. The boys in my neighborhood were older. I had noticed down the alley that the older boys would go in this shed behind a empty house. i always wondered what they did in that shed. I noticed a sign on the door that said boys club stay out. I was npt in the club....
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 2 Paul awoke next morning hoping that his dream was just that and nothing else. He didn't want to be a girl at all. He noticed the fortune paper still on his desk and tried again to tear it in two, but the paper was still as untearable as before. For now, he was just going to go about the day as though that dream had not happened. He was going to go to school, get more homework and enjoy the taste of Kelly's lips again. He waited as usual to get...
WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...
I told Mike I wanted too see his cum squirting into my wife's mouth. He told me he was ready to cum and to let him know when I was going to cum. She gripped our cocks tightly furiously pumping her hands up and down our cocks. The heads of our cocks rubbing together added to the excitement."I'm going to cum !" I moaned as my cum started squirting out into Sue's wide open mouth. I watched as Mike's huge cock erupted and his thick white cum gushed into her mouth with mine. Her mouth quickly filled...
A Very Very Nice Man....From the AAOne hour later, fully refreshed but desperately in need of a bath, Jane stood outside the services as the AA patrol-man pulled up. Winding his window down he told Jane that he'd take her back to her car on the dual-carriageway and see what he could do. As Jane stepped in to the front passenger seat of the AA van her split-front denim skirt again rode up, exposing a lot of white thigh. She saw the eyes of the AA patrol-man bulge as he tried to avert his gaze....
This is part three of the story. Please remember I did not write this story I love it so much that I want to post it and share it with the rest of you. If you want to show some appreciation please give it to the original author her email is at the bottom of the storyThe Wrong Bus, Part 3By Sissy TrishaI finally got home after what seemed like an exceptionally long cabride. The cum that had leaked into my panties and shorts had finallydried on the drive home. I walked into my house ready to pass...
You know them stories there you get a mind control power to you get to use to enslave and rape people? This aren't one of those stories. Someone else has gained this power and is terrorising your school, Eastwood High School. Eastwood High is a fucked up school where almost everyone is insane and many will indulge int heir perverted fantasies.
Mind ControlA hot sunny summer’s day, let’s go for a picnic and a ride into the country…. We jump in the car and head out to the countryside taking in the warm air and the smell of hay lingering in the air. We follow the winding lanes until we turn up a side road and stop at a dead end. We turn off the engine and I lean in for a kiss before getting out of the car. We start to walk, its so quiet, and very warm. It’s a good job I decided to wear a short dress and no underwear, to which you discover as you...
Take Your Daughter to Work Day Belladonna David Paris stared at his son with a slack jaw. His eyes peered over to the appalled look on his ex-wife's face as she processed their son's words. "What do you mean you're jealous of other girls?" Diana inquired, placing her hands on her hips as she did so. Her young son cowered while he said, "They get all the attention. Everyone tells them that they're pretty. They get to wear dresses and go to work with their...