A Flawed DiamondChapter 43 free porn video

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Brock found himself hanging out with Zack, Al and Josh during the photo shoot for the baseball card company. Whoever was getting their picture taken had to contend with the other three doing any number of obscene things to try to get them to crack up.

Still, they managed to get the shoot done by one p.m. and started to make lunch plans. He was about to beg off when he got a text from Stan alerting him that he had been delayed and wouldn't arrive until the next morning.

"Where shall we eat, gents?" Josh inquired.

"You remember that club we went to for Meredith and Jen's party?" Brock asked.

"They serve food?" Zack wondered.

"I wouldn't eat it if they did," Al added.

"I was thinking across the street," Brock said. "Those two party crashers said they work there. I thought we could drop off the tickets I promised them."

"Brock's ego must need stroking," Josh joked. "He wants to find his two adoring fans and let them fawn over him."

"If I wanted to be fawned over by adoring fans, I'd invite your wives for dinner," Brock shot back.

"Zing!" Zack said, giving Brock a high five. Well, it was a high five for Brock. Zack's height meant it was a medium five for him.

"You're a laugh a minute," Josh groused.

"You're just mad because Mandy wanted you to get a Brock Miller mask for Halloween," Al put in.

"Like Esmi doesn't make you wear one to bed," Josh returned.

"To bed?" Al said. "Shit, she used to make me wear it everywhere. Then she got pissed when the women would flock to me. It made her jealous to discover she wasn't Brock's one and only."

The men were still busting each other's balls when they went into the team offices to pick up the tickets. They got waylaid by the public relations director.

"Oh, just the guys I wanted to see," he said cheerfully. "I'm glad I caught you."

Brock's guard immediately went up. Since the fiasco with the soccer game, he had avoided public relations at all costs.

"You guys are going to be our bobblehead giveaways this year," the man said. Brock let out a sigh of relief. The man couldn't possibly be talking about him.

"Josh, we want to do yours in May when the Marlins are in town," the man said. "We never get fans to that one. Al, yours is going to be in August when Milwaukee comes."

"I'm good with that," Al said. "Same deal as last year? You want us to do some commercials."

"I'll get back to that in a minute," the man replied.

"Brock, we want to do yours in early June with the Pirates," he said. "We figure that will help drive your All-Star votes, too."

"Mine?" Brock asked. "Seriously?"

"Seriously," the man said. "Zack, sorry but we have nothing planned right now as far as promotions. But we'll want you to do some radio and TV spots for us – particularly since you've been popping up with Tara Wyatt on your arm lately."

"Tara can't be a consideration," Zack said. "Our careers are separate. Sorry."

"Oh, I understand completely," the man replied. "It's just you've become one of our most popular players – along with these three and Betancourt."

"Why isn't Betancourt getting a bobblehead?" Brock asked.

"Betancourt is a bobblehead," Al jibed. "He doesn't need a doll."

"It's an action figure," Josh protested.

"So you three are good for some TV spots?" the man asked with trepidation. The rumor around his department was that dealing with Brock Miller was impossible.

"Sure," Al said.

"Yeah, it was fun last year," Josh replied.

"I'm good with it if they are," Brock told him.

The man breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fantastic!" he said. "I'll get back with you on the schedule. It won't be until after we hit Spring Training so don't worry about coming back out."

The man hustled away before they could change their minds.

"Great," Josh groused. "Now Mandy is going to want a Brock bobblehead on the bed to let her know she's doing it right."

"You guys are terrible," Brock said, shaking his head.

The bistro the guys went to eat wasn't known for its early afternoon celebrity crowd. Mostly they were known for high-end dinners before the celebs hit the hot spots for the night. But it was late enough when they arrived that the evening crew was already at work.

The hostess – who had accompanied Hailey into the club earlier in the month – recognized Brock instantly. It took her a second glance to see Al and Josh. Only a casual fan, she didn't know Zack but assumed he was security. He certainly had the build for it.

"Hi," Brock said cheerfully. He glanced at the woman's nametag because he wasn't certain she had ever given her name. "It's nice to see you again, Karen. I was hoping we could be seated in Hailey's section if she's working today."

"No problem, Mister Miller," Karen said brightly. She hoped she could get the men seated and warn her friend before the poor girl came out and dropped something in their laps when she saw them. "If you'll follow me."

The four men took their seats and began peering through the menus.

"Pricy," Zack said. "It better be good."

"I was thinking the same thing," Brock admitted.

Josh and Al just laughed. After the meals they'd had in Phoenix, this was like eating at In and Out.

"Oh, God," Brock heard. He looked up into the startled eyes of Hailey Winters. Karen had been pulled aside by a new group of customers before she could get to her friend.

"Hi, Hailey," Brock said. "I remembered you said you worked here so we figured we'd come to check it out. How's your brother?"

"Good," Hailey said in a small voice.

"Did you tell him about the card?" Brock asked.

"Yeah, he thought it was cool," she told them. "Uh, could I get your drink order?"

"Sure," Brock said with a smile. He didn't want the poor woman to feel upset. "Look, if we're bothering you, we can go somewhere else. I was at the stadium today and I picked up your tickets. I just wanted to drop them off in person and to apologize again."

Brock slid an envelope from his pocket and passed it across. Hailey's hands were shaking when she took it.

"I looked," he said. "You have tickets to my bobblehead day. I don't know what day of the week it is but I know it's during the Pirates series."

"God, what an ego!" Josh said. "Why in God's name would someone want your ugly mug on a bobblehead?"

"Ask your wife," Brock replied. Hailey gave a snort as she tried to keep from laughing.

"That's hurtful," Josh deadpanned. "Miss, I don't know how you could be a fan of this guy. He is always saying mean things to me and Al."

"Yeah, Brock, did you check to see if she has tickets to our bobblehead nights?" Al asked. He answered before Brock could. "Of course he didn't. It's all about you, isn't it?"

"They're joking," Brock said. "Uh, could we get four iced teas? I'm not going to let these guys consume alcohol. It gets worse when they drink."

"Sure, I'll be right back," Hailey said. She bounced off still clutching her tickets. Brock noticed she went straight to the hostess stand to point them out – as if Karen hadn't just seated them.

Chris noticed Randi was noticeably silent on the way home. He also noticed she didn't quite look as full of herself as she had earlier. He wondered what the meeting with Tiffany Wells was about. He didn't know about Randi's upcoming role nor did he know about her meltdown.

He had his suspicions but those were entirely based on the actions of others. He had been off since the trip back from Phoenix so he could help Jen get settled in her sister's apartment.

"Do you have any other stops?" he asked.

"What?" Randi asked absently. "Oh, no. I just want to go home. I'm sorry, Chris."

"Oh, I get used to people ignoring me," Chris joked. "I'm small and unassuming. People always overlook me."

Randi chuckled. It felt strange to laugh.

"Can I ask you something?" Randi posed.

"Of course," Chris answered.

"You're friends with Brock, right?" she wondered.

"I guess so," Chris hedged. "He seems to think we are."

"That's a strange answer," Randi said.

"I know," Chris admitted. "This whole thing is strange. I mean, in my job, I have always been treated like an accessory. Most people I work for have no idea of my name or even if I have one. That's why I like working for you. You've always treated me as a person. And so has everyone else. Brock knows I have a job to do but he still makes me feel like I'm not intruding. So, yeah, I think we're friends. He doesn't treat me any differently than he treats anyone else."

"Yeah," Randi lamented. "Well, I have been a complete and total bitch to him and Meredith for the past week. How do you think I should get them to forgive me?"

"Apologize," Chris said after a moment's thought. "Then stop acting like a bitch. Wait, I might have that backward."

Randi found herself shaking her head and laughing again.

"You think they'll forgive me?" she asked hesitantly.

"Meredith? I don't know," Chris admitted. "Brock, well, Jen and I have discussed him. I guess I had to make sure I wasn't being used to make him jealous or something. He seems to forgive people for things I'm not sure I could. Can I ask what you've done?"

"Oh, the usual," Randi said. "I accused them of being jealous of my fame. I said they were trying to sabotage my career. You know, stuff you hear every day."

"Are they?" Chris asked.

"No," Randi said. "It was all in my head. But I thought they were. You saw me with the script in Phoenix?"

Chris nodded his head.

"It's a pretty screwed up story," Randi said. "I let it get to me. I let the character get inside my head. They saw it and asked me to get some help. Then I blew my top and said and did some really awful things."

"But nothing you can't take back?" Chris asked.

"I don't know," Randi said. "I hope not."

"Then all you can do is eat some humble pie and take your lumps," Chris told her. "At least that's my advice if you want it."

"I do," Randi said. "You know, I told my Mom once that if I had an older brother, I hoped he'd be like you. I was probably 15 at the time. But that's still true. Thanks, Chris. And the next time you see me start to act like an asshole, just kick my butt."

"I honestly didn't notice anything," he said.

"Gee, that makes me feel better," Randi replied.

"That's not what I meant," Chris cut in. "I mean I haven't been around since Phoenix. You said you were going to be holed up working on a project. You seemed, I don't know, a little arrogant this morning but I thought I might have been imagining it."

"You weren't," Randi said with a sigh.

"Well, you seem back to your normal self now," Chris said. "And I have a younger sister. I wish she had turned out as well as you have. Then I wouldn't have a niece who is only 15 years younger than her mother."

The men sat around the table sipping iced tea while they waited for their orders. Karen appeared and asked if she could join them for a little while.

"Sure," Al said. "Glad to have you."

Karen smiled warmly as she pulled a chair from a nearby table.

"You guys have made Hailey's year," she said. "I just wanted to thank you. She's had a rough time and it's good to see her happy."

"Anything we can help with?" Josh asked.

"No, but thanks," Karen said, looking at the ballplayers in a new light. "Her Mom ran off a year or so ago. The woman just up and left. Hailey is trying to help her father out with her little brother. She quit college to work here full-time. Her brother adores her. He's 12 and he knew that Brock was her favorite player. She saw your story on TV when you were first traded here. She said that you were a guy who refused to stay down for the count. It didn't matter what life threw at you, you got up, dusted yourself off and worked harder to get ahead. That really spoke to her. She was wearing down, you know. Then she saw how her situation could have been so much worse. She could have been left without anyone."

Brock started to tell Karen that his situation was helped by a lot of people but Al gave him a quick kick under the table.

"So Ricky – that's Hailey's brother – tried and tried to find a baseball card of you for her birthday," Karen continued. "But I guess you didn't have a card yet. He hunted and found that card she carries around with her. He had to buy the whole set to get that one card. He saved all summer, did whatever he could to earn money, just so when her birthday came in September he could give it to her – because she had given him so much. He's a really great kid. When she saw you go in to the club that night she wanted to head over. I mean, she never goes there. She hates the people who usually hit that place. She watched and watched until our shift ended. She didn't see the usual people. She recognized some of the guys from the team and figured out it was private. But we also saw a lot of women going in so we figured 'What the hell.' Of course you know the rest."

"Actually, we don't," Josh said. "At least I don't. I mean, I knew you were there but I couldn't figure out how."

Karen smiled.

"We got busted like a minute after we made it through the door," Karen said. "There was a group right on our heels or I think we'd have been OK. Still, Brock and the security guard were really nice about it. Brock told us so long as we just enjoyed ourselves and didn't become pests; we could stay and hang out. I swear it was the most fun I've had in a while. There was no pressure to be anything I'm not. It took me a few minutes to figure out it was a really private party – as in everyone there knew everyone else. That's how we got busted, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it was a gradation-slash-birthday party for one woman and a 'Welcome to L.A.' party for another," Brock said. "Still, I figured you looked harmless enough."

Karen snorted.

"I mean I eventually figured it out," Brock admitted with chagrin.

"Hailey was so flustered when Brock walked up to her that she almost got us both killed," Karen said when she saw the confused looks on three faces. "She reached into her purse to get the card she always carries around with her. After that awful thing in at the end of the season, it was not a good idea."

"Wow," Zack said. "I'm surprised Cynthia didn't snap her in two."

"Is she the really scary looking woman?" Karen asked.

"No, that's Al's wife," Brock joked. "I'm kidding. Cynthia Lu is the head of security for the team. She was one of the women with me. The other was my sister, Zoe. She's with the sheriff's department."

Karen nodded.

"Once Hailey realized what she'd done, she was mortified," Karen said. "I mean she was completely flustered. But everyone was still so nice to us. Even when Brock grabbed her arm, he didn't do it roughly. He just kept her from pulling it out of her bag. I've had my arm grabbed harder than that by a patron who wanted another drink. Then he let us stay and join the fun. The cool part was when Tara Wyatt came up at the end of the party. She got our names and our numbers and promised to call us when you got together again. It was one of the few times Hailey rode home with a smile on her face."

She suddenly pointed at Zack.

"You're Tara Wyatt's boyfriend," she said. "I knew I recognized you but I couldn't place you."

"He's a pitcher for the team," Josh clarified. "Don't worry. He sucks so badly that the only time they let him on the field if we're up 15 or down 15."

Zack rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"He's not that bad," Brock added. "I remember they let him pitch once when we were only down eight. Of course an inning later we were down 15 so I guess it still counts."

"They're kidding," Al said. "Zack came up in August so he's still a rookie. Brock was the only first-year player on the team last year and he suffered his share of pranks. I think he's been saving up all sorts of jokes for Zack."

Same as A Flawed Diamond
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As 7 o'clock rolled around Joe and Selena strolled to the cul-de-sac at the front of the resort to see Pam and Dionn on a bench waiting in tight embrace. When they saw Joe and Selena they stood and smiled and came to them hugging and shaking hands. "This has been a fun week and we're glad we had a chance to meet another couple as much in love as we are. Let's go out and celebrate each others happiness." Joe announced. "Let the Jamaican rum flow!" Dionn said with a laugh as they began...

3 years ago
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The Unexpected

It is the one memory that is burned so deep into my brain that I don't believe Alzheimer's could erase it. I wasn't supposed to be there. In fact, I wasn't supposed to be back for three days, which is probably why they were there. They were both naked and her large breasts (I found out later they were a 38D cup) were bouncing as she rode his cock. He was lying on his back on the couch and she had her hands on his shoulders, feet planted on the couch on either side of his hips and she was...

2 years ago
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Sandy and Ted Part 1 Teachers Pet

"It will be Sandy's birthday in two weeks," Pam reminded me."I remember," I replied, " the big five-o for our little teacher.""She does not want a party or anything, though," Pam lamented. "She doesn't want to even say the word fifty."I laughed, "I don't why she worries; she barely looks forty.""I know," Pam replied. “She looks so good still.""Like you," I reminded her. "You still look like you're in your thirties."Although almost forty-nine Pam looked like she was...

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Sllmighty sex

it began at 7 o'clock at the night. aori was sleeping when he woke up from a sudden noise. it took him a minute to understand that his mother was screaming. he, now 18, and so tall, banged his head on the wall behind his bed while jumping from the bed. when he got to his mother he noticed his father wasn't there. "what happened?" he asked kindly. "your - father - disappeared!!!" she said between her lips. after a few more minutes she finally explained that she was talking with him when he...

Erotic Fiction
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ldquoHonor Student in Heatrdquo

“Honor Student in Heat”My wife’s niece has been in “Talented and Gifted” classes as long as I can remember and it earned her a full grant into an H.B.C.U. After her first two years of higher education she was coming to stay with my wife and me for a month. Having started college early meant that her young body was not as developed as the other girls when she left. However after being gone for two years, my little Nerd Niece had blossomed well. She had put on another ten pounds and it was all...

2 years ago
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Anal Virgin 2

“Broadstairs Minor Sir,” the lower sixth prefect announced as he escorted the young Broadstairs into the Deputy Heads snug. “Yes Lampbert, what is all this about?” the Deputy Head asked, “Broadstairs won’t let me bugger him sir.” Lampbert complained, “Neither before prep or after rugger this aft sir, really it’s not fair.” “And what have you to say for yourself Broadstairs?” the Deputy asked. “Sorry sir, I’m from Yorkshire sir and I don’t take kindly to buggery sir,” Broadstairs...

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Fred and Bernice A Love Story

63-year-old Fred Edmonds stood outside his farmhouse looking at the impending storm clouds with concern. He was a slender but muscular man from years of hard labor of tending to the soil. 60-year-old Bernice standing on the steps of the cellar said, "Fred, I know you are worried but I don't want to lose you in this storm." Fred looked at Bernice with a haggard look and went down into the cellar with Bernice. Inside the cellar, Fred stood there in his faded Wranglers and Wranglers...

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But honey it was just a dance

I doubt, very much, if I’m the perfect husband. I have a stressful job and I know I sometimes come home a little grumpy. Maybe I’m not the best provider, I’m certainly no millionaire, but we do alright. We have a nice home, two luxury cars, my wife has a closet full of beautiful clothes and my eight year old daughter, Jennifer, has tons of expensive toys. I also love my wife and daughter very, very much. My wife, Linda, and I have been married for almost twelve years. For the most part,...

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My First Show

‘This is it. I’m going to do it,’ thought Jane. ‘No!’ she thought shaking her head, ‘I’m not going to do it!’ ‘I’m doing it!’ As she reached into her room for the light switch she thought back to that fateful Friday night about a month ago. She’d come home by taxi about 11:00 after a really boring monthly dinner meeting at which she’d had a few too many drinks. She’d stumbled into her bedroom without turning on any lights planning to just collapse into her bed and sleep it off. As she’d...

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my fantasy17

i have the entire day off with nothing 2 doso i just sit around & watch sum porn& play with my pre-cum-drooling tool...as i watch a couple of studs get it on& squeeze & stroke & pump my cockthere is a very quiet knock on the door...i press the mute button on the remoteas i quickly pull my shorts back on& do my best 2 hide my hard-on...when i open the dooru stand there& i pull u quickly inside...i am surprised 2 see ubut now i am very excited 2& i don't try 2 hide...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Alicia Williams You Made My Dick Hard

Alecia Williams knows that her stepbrother, Jason, likes to check her out. She provokes him, wandering around in tight tops and panties. Leaning forward, she pops her boobs out so he can see the whole package. Jason thinks that Alecia is fucking with him, especially when she pulls her panties down so he can see her bald kitty. Leaning back, Alecia starts rubbing her twat to continue to tease Jason. He eventually pushes her back on the couch and pulls his dick out. Alecia claims he won’t...

1 year ago
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Chronicle 1 Pretty Office Ass

This is a true sex story based on my life events. I am telling it in the third person. However, the point of view is mostly hers. She left the office at 4 pm, walked to the bus stop right across the road, and took the 4:14 bus towards downtown. The bus dropped her at Pilkington Avenue in 25 minutes. She got down, walked for ten minutes, and entered her apartment building. This is what she had been doing every weekday, for the last two years. She was a disciplinarian and did not like change....

2 years ago
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A Wet Introduction

Okay, so what exactly was the deal with Amanda? Zoe had been working at the hotel for three weeks now, to make ends meet during the summer vacation. Two of those weeks had been the epitome of dullness: mainly she sat at reception, repeated the same lines to guests and answered the phones whenever they rang. Not really work best suited to a sharp mind, but she knew that the high flying stuff would come in a few years’ time. And at least she got to talk to people, even if only briefly. Still, it...

2 years ago
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A date with my Latin guy friend

Hubby warned me he would come back home very late in the evening, since he had still some paperwork to do at his office.I told him that my old friend Saul had invited me for a walk.Victor laughed in the phone, saying I would be safe, since he knew that Saul was gay; so the guy would not try to fuck me.I laughed back, saying I was pretty sure that my sweet friend was bisexual…He was a handsome Latin type man, very polite; younger than me and I had seen a couple times his big and thick cock…That...

3 years ago
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Soccer Mom Slave Weekend In Vegas

Soccer Mom SlaveWeekend in VegasBy: KahiltnaWednesday Early AfternoonBrenda had been running errands most of the morning. After dropping the kids off at school she went to her aerobics class at the health club. Then it was off the dry cleaner, a quick stop at the library where she did volunteer work to drop off some paperwork then the grocery shopping and now back home. She looked through the mail. Most of it was junk but she did take time to look at the quarterly financial report from their...

4 years ago
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King of Hearts

Hi Folks, this one is little bit different. This one was inspired by Chrissie Steele's song "King of Hearts." Those of you who checked my twitter page for the update kind of knew that and hopefully were able to listen to the song. I hope it put you in the mood so you can get a better feeling for the story. As with most of my stories, sex plays a very small part in it, so those of you who need an outlet might want to skip it. The first two thirds of the story were edited by the incredible...

2 years ago
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Coin Toss

It had come down to this... the toss of a coin. How did we find ourselves in such a fucked up position? Heads or tails, either way one of our life's never going to be the same again... Would we even be the same person really? On second thought, it's not super complicated. It's all because we wanted a damn drink. It sounds innocent enough but if we had just gone straight home from the office we would have never run into this bat-shit crazy witch! I looked over at Bill. His face was pale...

1 year ago
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One for the BooksShare Holders Meeting part 2

The sun was shining brightly through the curtains of my room when I woke up late the next day, I came down stairs to find the cabin for the most part, quiet..I found David in the living room, cursing loudly at the soccer ball game he had playing on the big screen,“ Where is everybody?” I ask,“ The ladies have went shopping” he said with a smart ass tone, that did nothing to alleviate my fears that he had heard us all last night.I decided I was going to go for a trail run, I wanted to avoid any...

1 year ago
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Chrissie Chapters 4547

BOOK FIVE "Boss Mommy" Part LCV A stubborn fleck of red polish remained stuck to Rebecca's big toenail, and as I tried to figure out how to remove it without pushing too hard, my mistress's shrill ringtone shattered my concentration. Rebecca answered the phone with a smile. From my position at her feet, I eavesdropped on her t?te-?-t?te. "Hey, Ma. How you doin'? ... that's good. Oh, yeah, she's great ... no, she don't get home from school till about 3 ... yeah, I know, I can't...

3 years ago
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Sexual Awakenings Chapter Six

Chapter Six: Blowjob Heaven! As the two of us sat there for a moment, my heart was beating like a drum. My hands were becoming a little clammy and inside I had butterflies that were churning my insides out. ‘Okay!’ she said. ‘Why don’t you stand up and remove your clothes and sit back down so we can start’ she informed me. I rose up, and began to undress. Removing my trousers, and then slipping my boxers down from the hips as they slid to the floor and I gently kicked them to one side. My cock...

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An Oral Afternoon

On the way there I get an idea and ask if you are up for trying something different. "What do you have in mind?" I reply: "How about we just lick and suck each other in different positions, and just try a few new ones?" - "Sounds fun, let's do it!" I also ask her to not let me cum too quickly, so we can try as much as we can. So we get to the bed, I sit down and she is kneeling between my legs and starts to stroke me. Then she licks the head before taking my cock into her mouth and...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 24 Hello to you too

November 12, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “Then what happened?” Jessica asked with a smirk as our trio walked to Doctor Green’s office from the ER. “Nothing, really! I told you I’m just messing with her. I told her I was in the middle of a project and couldn’t really leave the office. I couldn’t really tease her in front of Keri.” “No, you don’t want to advertise to her what’s going on now that you and Kimmy aren’t seeing each other.” “Correct. Anyway, she asked me to have coffee with her...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Loren Strawberry Loren8217s Hunger For Sex

The Dinner table has many uses, but it’s not interesting if you use it only for lunch, right? Admit it-it’s more exciting if you use it for good sex. That is just what happened to Loren, a horny Russian slut. She doesn’t mind where she’ll get fucked with her men. That was the case this time as well, but they were interrupted by a mutual friend. Insatiable like always, she allowed herself to be double penetrated. Think about this next time you call someone for dinner you...

3 years ago
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He grabbed her wrists as she tried to move away. ‘Be still, he commanded. She still struggled. Slap. He backhanded her. She caught her breath and paused for a second to measure in her mind his new aggression. ‘Let me go,’ she pleaded. ‘Be quiet and be still,’ he commanded again. ‘You will do as I say.’ She looked at him with contempt and then jerked again, hoping to free herself from his grip but without success. Slap. He slapped her again. She was startled by his violence.

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Neices Funeral Horror

With the service over Candice made her way back to stretch limo the driver looking appropriately respectful his hands crossed, head down. As she neared he opened the door allowing the young woman to climb inside her uncle already waiting for her. She had turned 18 just 3 days ago; but it was a birthday she would want to forget. Sure her aunt and uncle had made an effort to celebrate but how could you seriously celebrate while you made funeral arrangements? As the diminutive red head sat down...

2 years ago
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You Are Not the Father

My name is Mick O’Dell and I’m here because my wife is cheating on me and my daughter is not mine. I think. I dated Deb in high school ... after she dropped the football team. Yeah, I said it correctly, not the quarterback, the team. She liked to fuck. I thought she was beautiful and I think that maybe I was trying to rescue a fallen angel. At Homecoming my Senior year, after putting her off for weeks, we had sex. I was one time short of being a virgin and she was far and away too much...

4 years ago
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The Kali Diary

“Are you sure you’ll be fine, Dad?” The voice of her daughter, Blake, was filled with worry. “Yes, I’m sure, sweetheart. I used to be Huntsman, so making my own food is no problem.” Ghira spoke with a positive tone, a direct opposite of his current situation. “Well, if you’re sure. I have to go and continue my workout, dad. I’ll come by and visit sometime. Take care!” With a quick farewell of his own, Ghira ended the call with a heavy sigh. For the first time in decades, Ghira was lonely. While...

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ANTONIA By Brian Houlihan Copyright@1999 by Brian Houlihan All Rights Reserved A knock on the door. "It's open." Heart attack time. I couldn't believe it. Did she just say, 'It's open.'? I was laying naked on my back on a massage table in Antonia's living room. An enema tube was shoved up my ass and I had about a quart and a half of soapy water in me already. My stomach was distended and I looked pregnant. On top of that, I had a cast iron hard-on that Antonia had been...

4 years ago
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Lencer Main Choda Sony Ko

App da pyara sa harry pher app ke liya original story lake hajar hua hai . Umeed hai ladkiyan wife aunty isse padhke mujh se chut marrvane ko tadafn giya . Mera land 7″ ka mota lohe jisa land kal sony ko lencer main dhake se chut main de daala .meri mail id mujhe app de bhut se mail mile . Thanks . I love u all. Abh story pe aate hai . Main punjab ka rehna wala hu . Je story aje kal ki hi hai.meri sony ke sath gal hoi ko 2 saal ho chuke hai main lar sony ne aje mainu chut nai marrvai . Mujhe...

2 years ago
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The Worlds First Futa Futas Public DelightsChapter 3 Futarsquos First Naughty Live Interview

April 17th, 2047 “So I have a question for you, Becky,” Adelia said, her hand stroking my thigh with such a familiar fashion, “and I am sure all our viewers and in-studio audience are wondering the same thing.” “Shoot,” I said, my clit-dick aching beneath my skirt. I felt the eyes of the world on me at this exact moment even though Adelia leaned her caramel-hued face closer to me, invoking an intimacy reinforced by our recent fucking during the commercial break. “Given your effect on women...

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Anniversary Album

‘I have one more thing for you,’ he said, rising from the couch where they sat. It was their tenth anniversary, and they had exchanged gifts, for her, earrings, and she had given him a new watch. ‘It’s a surprise. Stay here, I’ll go fetch it,’ he told her. He left the room and returned with a shopping bag, dropping it on the outside of his leg so she couldn’t see inside. ‘Before I give you this,’ he told her, holding her hands in his own, ‘I want you to promise me that you won’t be angry.’ She...

3 years ago
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GuardianChapter 6

Jim sent the GPS coordinates for the truck and APC park to headquarters and asked for an explanation. He did point out that these were not USNA vehicles. He was told to stay hidden while a check with other departments was made. It took less than 30 minutes for a message to come back that these were Russian troops and an immediate investigation was underway as to how they got where they were. In the meantime, Jim, Jane, and Ajax should move as fast as possible away from their current...

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