ComrieChapter 23 free porn video

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Just as James, Clarence and the Security teams were preparing to leave Comrie for Washington, James received a call from a staff assistant in the AG's office. He advised James that arrangements had been made for them to land at Andrews AFB. Vehicles and drivers would meet them and be available for their visit.

James indicated that that would be fine, and that they would need 5 vehicles. Telepathically, Todd prompted him to ask how they should identify themselves to the Andrews AFB flight controller. After several exchanges, James gave the phone to Todd, so that he could sort out the details. Todd was transferred to Andrews AFB Flight Operations. Together, they came to the conclusion that using 'Comrie Alpha2' as a call sign would work. It would be used in the transponder as well, so it showed as that on the air traffic control screens.

Alpha2 flew to a small business airport near Grand View to pick up the four paralegals, Trudy, Marie, Kendra and Kylie. They were ecstatic to see James and Clarence again. Even though it had been only a week, it had been a very trying week. On leaving Grand View, Alpha2 flew well out over the Atlantic before turning north.

While Alpha2 flew due north, with Alison and Maureen at the controls, James, Clarence, Adam and Todd debated the late offer of vehicles and request for dinner from the AG's office. When they reached the point in their flight plan that required them to turn east, Briana asked Alison to fly a holding pattern, as the debate was still in progress. They agreed that if they were being set up, it would likely happen after leaving Andrews. Eventually they decided it was best to continue with the arrangements as planned. They asked Dóchas Intelligence department to send them maps showing alternate routes to the hotel. Also, they needed their suit AI updated with the directions. During this time, the mentors for Briana's and Cathan's teams joined them in Alpha2, startling James and Clarence.

Briana asked Sally to arrange to have two more security teams, in tactical suits, staged in the Washington area. She also asked for Star Fighters to shadow them to Andrews AFB. Sally sent two reserve teams on Alpha3, and put two more teams on standby.

Once the backups were in place, they turned east toward the mainland, southeast of Washington. Approaching the coast, they turned toward Andrews AFB, and Alpha2 turned on the transponder. The unorthodox approach caused them to be hailed almost immediately, even though they were still some 100 miles off the coast. The flight controllers asked for them to confirm their altitude as they weren't sure it was correct. Alison confirmed they were at flight level 5 5 0 and that they would begin their descent once they had the coordinates for entering the ATC zone.

Command Staff on Dóchas monitored the approach of Alpha2 to Andrews AFB. They saw two air force fighters pull up behind Alpha2 for a few minutes. They then heard the fighter pilots radio Air Defense Command confirming that the aircraft was as identified, and watched them as they then peeled off. Sally advised the two Star Fighters that they would need to stay close Alpha2 on the approach, since that would avoid any close calls with other aircraft. The flight leader confirmed they would stay with Alpha2 until it departed Andrews AFB.

Alpha2 touched down and followed the instructions of the ground controller to head to a holding area on the taxi strip and await an escort. It was just a few moments before a truck with a 'Follow Me' sign pulled in front of Alpha2, to lead them to the VIP area. The Star Fighters shifted to hover mode behind Alpha2 as it taxied. When they reached the VIP area, Alison advised ground control that they would be leaving once their passengers were on their way and that they would return tomorrow afternoon, to pick them up. Their intent was to enter and exit ATC at the same point they had on arriving that afternoon. Permission was given and the flight plan was filed for Alpha2's departure.

While the exchange between flight operations and Alpha2 was taking place, the passengers had exited. As they were walking down the steps, five SUVs pulled up next to the plane. Briana asked the drivers to step out for a moment, so they could all meet. As the drivers came over to join them, Cathan's team was searching the vehicles for any suspicious items. Each vehicle was equipped with two radios, a GPS and armor.

"You guys look like Marines," said Todd, "not drivers."

"We were," said Cathal, the driver from the lead vehicle. "I have never seen this many women on a security team before."

"These two teams are better than any TTC team I've seen," said Adam.

"How would you know?"

"Todd and I were once in a TTC team that played in Afghanistan for a while."

"Tough place, especially for TTC teams, so I heard."

"It was, but I believe General Walker got it sorted out."

"That wouldn't surprise me."

"Gentlemen," said Briana, "Alison is waiting for us to leave, so that she can. I think we need to be clear with each other. We were only told of your availability just prior to our departure. Due to a number of recent events, one option we had considered while on our way here was driving the vehicles ourselves. However, after meeting you, we would be pleased to have you drive. We would not be surprised to have some kind of incident occur on the way to the hotel."

"We were told to transport you to your hotel," said Cathal. "The five of us are assigned to be your drivers until you return here for pickup. Once we are at the hotel, we are to contact our supervisor."

"Why is that?" asked James.

"So they can send someone to watch the vehicles, while we get some rest."

"Watching the vehicles won't be necessary, as we have it covered," said Cathan. "Let's wait until we get to the hotel before you tell them that."

"Let's mount up," said Briana, "Once we get in the vehicles, we can share with you the possible routes to the hotel. We have an open communication link between all our team members, so we can tell each of you which route we decide to use."

Once everyone was in the vehicles, they headed for the ramp exit. As they moved, an Air Police detail followed them. By the time they reached the ramp gate, Alpha2 was taxiing down the taxiway, toward the runway.

On leaving the main gate, the lead vehicle began to follow the verbal directions from the GPS system. The drivers were surprised at the detail this system gave them as they headed toward the hotel. With the system providing the guidance, they had time to gauge their surroundings.

"There are four cars following us," said Cindy.

"There should only be two," said Cathal.

"What other surprises are there?" asked Briana sharply.

"Sorry, it wasn't definite that they were going to shadow us to the hotel when we left to pick you up."

"Can you verify it? And why?"

"Yes." Cathal called his supervisor on a satellite phone and spoke for only a few minutes. "They didn't assign any cars to shadow us. The only reason they considered it was that the AG made these arrangements himself, which is highly unusual."

"Interesting. It was one of his staff assistants who called us with the information about you picking us up."

"Ciar, Sorcha, Abaigeal," said Briana, "see if you can determine who is in the other two cars."

As they moved through the traffic, the traffic lights would turn green and stay that way until they had cleared an intersection. After about the tenth light, Cathal said, "I have never been this lucky with stop lights. Briana, one of our passenger's name sounded vaguely familiar so they must not be in the news very often. The high security seems to be unusual."

Briana thought for a moment while she considered his interest, and then said, "Have you heard of the 'Lodge Incident' and 'Armory Attack' down around Grand View?" He nodded. "We have the lead DA and investigator on those cases with us."

"So, having two tail cars would not have been a bad idea? How large is the circle of knowledge?"

"In the Attorney General's office, I hope not very large. So, just who do you work for?"

"I'd prefer not to say."

"My guess is Federal Marshal's Office, NSA or Secret Service. Most likely, the first."

"Close." Just as he said that, they pulled into the hotel entrance. As soon as the vehicles stopped, the security team took up positions around them. Their actions, along with their looks, drew quite a few stares.

"One security team member go with each driver to park," said Briana. "Everyone else, let's go inside. James, we have the top floor. The reservation is in Madeline's name, and the company is GISS."

"Ciar," said Adam, "who was in the cars?"

"As well as we could tell, two of the cars had news people in them, looking for a story. So I would expect to see them hanging around the hotel. The occupants of the other two saw the vehicles traveling together, and seemed to be just interested in who was in them. They left when we turned in here. The news people went to the parking garage."

"Nice job guys, let's go relax." With that, they followed the group to the elevators, where Cathan passed out room keys. "Security team members with the drivers, once you have everything set, all of you come up to the top floor. Someone will be waiting to give you room keys."

"Okay, we should be up in a few minutes."

Everyone went to the main suite that James, Clarence and the paralegals would be using. As soon as they entered, Cathan said, "No serious conversations until we do a house cleaning."

"Boy, that was a neat flight," said James with a slight smile. "That aircraft has to be the smoothest I have ever ridden in."

"I agree with you," said Clarence. "That was the first time I've flown over the Atlantic."

"Too bad we weren't lower and over land," said Marie, "I like to look at the scenery."

"Well, maybe we can do that on the way back," said Cathan. "We shouldn't be in as much of a hurry."

"We have 2 hours before the AG arrives for dinner," said James. "I would expect him to have several staff assistants with him."

"We're eating here, correct?" queried Todd.

"It hasn't been decided yet but from what I have heard of the restaurant here, it should be acceptable to everyone."

"Why not suggest to the AG that you have dinner here? We can arrange a private dining room, which will make it easier to talk and manage security."

James called the AG to make the suggestion which he warmly accepted, as he hadn't been to this restaurant in quite a while. He was also pleased with the idea of a private dining area, as it would make conversation a lot easier.

With that agreed to, Todd and Cathan went to talk to the restaurant manager. Several of the security team members went to check the other rooms.

It wasn't long before everyone was back in the primary suite, including the drivers. Briana introduced the drivers to everyone in the room. Once they heard James' and Clarence's full names, the drivers understood why the unusual security arrangements had been made.

Adam told them that they knew they were carrying side arms but if there was an incident, they preferred for them to let the security teams handle it. The drivers nodded their agreement, reluctantly. Todd told them that he understood their reluctance, but doing it this way would give them the highest chance of success, without any injuries.

On Dóchas, Sarah's Clan spent a quiet afternoon with their children. The children were enthused to have their parents playing with them. They played many of the games the nannies had taught them, games which helped the children's growth while being fun.

It was a relaxing time for the adults, as they forgot about all the issues surrounding them. With their link to Star, Maureen and Siobhan on the bridge, they were sure that, if something arose, they would be called.

When the dinner chime sounded they were all surprised at how quickly the afternoon had gone by. They did their exercises, before freshening up. Once ready, they worked with the nannies to get the children ready for dinner. They decided to eat on Dóchas tonight, and to eat at Comrie the following night.

Entering the dining room, they were surprised to find the group who had ridden up from Comrie still there. Sam was the first to see them with their children, and immediately started toward them.

"I'm surprised to see you still up here," said Joyce.

"Well, we were in no hurry as James and Clarence are in Washington tonight," said Sam, with Kelsey and Karmen nodding their agreement. "This place is so neat. These must be your children. What are their names?"

Joyce and Alison took turns introducing the children to the group. The children warmed up to the group immediately. As they were talking, several of the ship's staff came over to them. Some of the children went and greeted others as they came into the dining area. Both Irene and Sue were amazed at how comfortable the children felt with them. They were even more surprised at the way their daughters were interacting with them as they had not been around small children very often.

"We would like all of you to sit with us for dinner," said Maeve.

"We won't be in the way, will we?" asked Sue, thinking of the needs of the children.

"No, not at all. All of us will fit in quite well with the children. It wouldn't surprise me to see some of them eat with other clans."


"In an Earth context, the other clans on the ship are like uncles and aunts to the children."

"Oh, I can see that," said Irene.

"We know our interrelationships on the ship are different than they would be on a planet but based on what we have found in the library, we believe that even in a settlement there is strong extended family structure. As our settlement grows on Mars, we will have a better appreciation for that aspect."

"Do you find these differences unsettling?" asked Sue.

"No," said Tara, "I don't think we have. When Alison, Claudette, Erin and I were brought to Comrie, we were very suspicious. At the same time, we were relieved to be safe and alive. Our suspicions were aroused, in large part, because of our experiences before we arrived. Because Comrie is so isolated, there was a part of us that felt we were, effectively, still slaves, with new masters. However, shortly after arriving at Comrie, we saw several events that quickly convinced us that Sarah's and Amy's Clans were leaving our destiny to us to decide. Sure they wanted us to stay, but at the same time, they made it very clear that they would support us in whatever choice we made. Once we decided to stay, the four of us were drawn to Sarah's Clan. When we told them we wanted to join their clan, they opened their arms to us. It was the most wonderful day in my life. Hum ... I am not sure I answered your question, Sue."

"You did, in a way, as I could sense the swings in your emotions as you told the story. The message I sense is, yes, there are differences, but, in total, you feel more comfortable here than you did in Earth's society. I suspect you would have stayed whether you joined Sarah's Clan or not."

"You're right. I think the openness, along with the ability to share both perspective and emotions through our mind-link, is a significant characteristic of this species and society."

"I'm not sure what 'mind-link' is."

"It is a very intimate sharing of everything about yourself and your thoughts with the others in the mind-link bond. Most clans have approached it very slowly, and opened the mind-link between themselves one layer at a time, somewhat like peeling an onion. Our interaction with others, due to our upbringing on Earth, makes the first steps toward total openness difficult. We can see a strong bond between James, Sam and you. Here, there would be nothing wrong in the three of you forming a family group or clan. There is also nothing wrong with having a child and not being part of that clan."

"So, do you think Sam would not be a good fit in a clan with James and I?"

"Whether she is a good fit or not is for the three of you to decide for yourselves, though not something to decide for each other. Now let me complicate that a bit, as it is something the three of you should decide together. I know it sounds contradictory, but you will understand when the time comes. You can feel love for many people. The sharing within a mind-link is more basic or intimate. It includes love, but also many other qualities. Just don't let your desires or preconceptions outweigh your instincts. If it is your destiny, then your instincts will help you form your clan, if you stay."

"Oh, I'm pretty certain we will ask to stay," said Sue. Sue and Tara had been so engrossed in their conversation, they hadn't noticed when they sat down to eat, or even remembered going through the buffet line. "When did we get our food?"

"You didn't, mom," said Sam. "I filled your plate, and Erin got a plate for Tara. You all just followed us until we sat down. I thought I could get engrossed in something! I think you two have me beat." Several chuckled at Sam's comments.

"Tara, Sue," said Eilene, "I found your exchange quite informative. I hope you didn't mind us listening. Besides, I think most of us heard it." The others sitting at the table nodded.

"Can I add a bit?" asked Erin. "Sam, Kelsey, Karmen; the three of you are at a crossroads. We know what you have said, regarding your love for your elders. You should not let the fact that you have been intimate with them drive your decision to seek to join them in a clan, that is, if you stay here. It could be the right thing to do, but let your senses and instincts help you seek the right direction for you."

"Let's be clear," said Sarah, "we are simply expressing the possibilities of relationships. If the MacFarland's and O'Toole's form clans, then great. If you stay here, we would be very happy to have your company on a regular basis. Our fondest desire is for you to be happy in your relationships with each other, and for them to be the most stable thing in your life."

"I saw the intent," said Sam, "of Tara's and then Erin's comments. I appreciate it and I am glad it was said. What I take away from this discussion is that I, or any of us, shouldn't structure our decisions based upon artificial circumstances. We should consider all aspects but let our instincts drive us."

"Give her an A+," said Tara, with a big smile. Several around the table endorsed Tara's comment.

"Again, thank you, all of you" said Eilene. "I think all of us will find this discussion very beneficial."

"In several cases here," said Joyce, "the precursor of a clan formed as a group of women, then at some point, a man joined the group. Once a male joined the group, the bonding between everyone began to grow. We still don't understand all the dynamics."

Claudette went to the front of the room. "It looks like everyone is done eating, and most of the tables are cleared. So, do we have any announcements or other things to share?"

"We would like to hold a concert," said a couple from the back of the room.

"Sounds like a good idea to me," replied Claudette. "What are your plans?"

"Well, I don't know that we have plans. Several of us have been trying to learn the music that we found in the archives. It has been a bit challenging, because it is scored differently to the written music we are familiar with. We think we have progressed enough to share it with the rest of the crew. It is all in old Celtic, or something very similar. We think some of the songs sound better with the original words, and others we have translated. So the concert will be a mix of both."

"We're game. When would you like to do it?"

"Say, in a week or two."

Shannon stood and said, "Considering everything, I think we ought to make it two weeks. We have a lot happening this week, and we don't know how it will play out. Besides, we need more practice."

"So, two weeks," said the couple.

"Anything else," asked Claudette. She waited a few moments, and then said, "Have a great evening and see you tomorrow."

"I wonder if they would let me sing with them," asked Sam.

"Go talk to Shannon, as it looks like she is in the group that plans on performing," said Tara. Sue smiled as she watched her daughter seek out Shannon. She knew this was the place for them, for many reasons. Even if they had come here directly, without the resort experience, she was sure she would feel the same way. It may have taken longer to reach the conclusion, but it would have been the same.

–-- –-- –--

"Wow," said James and Clarence when the four paralegals came out of their room. "You guys look great."

"Wait until you see the others," said Marie just as there was a knock on the door.

They had decided earlier that their height and good looks would make it impossible for them to blend in, so they took the opposite tack. Their clothing resembled the Salwar Kameez style with moderately loose pants. The fabric had the appearance of silk and flowed over the curves of their bodies accentuating their shape. It would easily stretch as they moved. This style and fabric gave them much more freedom of movement than western styles. Their tall high heel shoes made them several inches taller than James and Clarence. Todd and Adam wore suit jacket style tops, while the women wore a top with moderately deep necklines and half sleeves. In both cases the hems came down to just below their hips. Todd's and Adam's shoes also had tall heels to accommodate their changing feet, but it was not apparent how tall the heels were.

"Oh, my," said Clarence, as he watched the others enter the room. Adam, you realize no one will remember us with this group of women around." There was a small squeal as Trudy hugged and kissed Clarence to thank him for his comment. All the women then gave him a kiss and hug.

"Aren't you ladies afraid you'll smudge your make up?" asked James earning him several glares. "Oops, sorry. My error. All this radiance in this room has me befuddled." Everyone laughed at his quick recovery.

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Monday 1st to Friday 5th February 1971 One consequence of the exposure of the lying photos and report was that Connie and Penny became much closer and spent more time with each other. I was happy that Connie was getting out and that now she had a sister to talk with as well as my friends. What I didn’t realise, of course, was what they were talking about and planning at that early time. I assumed it was girl stuff, and that I was well out of it. Another consequence was a more careful watch...

3 years ago
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I Sream You Scream

It was going even better than I had planned. Just a few final details to attend to, and I would have everything I was dreaming about lately. I was on the phone speaking with our lawyer feigning innocence and serious concern... "So it could ruin his whole life... What if somebody does find out?... He might have to register as a sex offender?... He could actually go to prison?..." All the answers that I was expecting to hear. Some cooperation from my sister, and her 16 year old daughter,...

1 year ago
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Swipe Right Ch 01

Hello and welcome to Swipe Right Chapter 1! This originally was just going to be a one-shot story and be self contained. But as I was writing the length grew and I wanted to make sure it was easier on all of you to read. So I’m cutting it into two chapters. With this story I tried to keep it as grounded as possible but obviously there is always going to be a level of suspension of disbelief. I hope you all enjoy it and as always I encourage any feedback All characters featured in this...

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His Scent

I missed his touch and scent on my body so much, that I needed to see him that night after work. He never minded that I just stopped by whenever I felt like it, whether it was to talk with him or fuck him, which was really nice and comforting to me. I stopped by my house first to pick up a few things to put in my overnight back to take over. I made sure to put at least one piece of sexy lingerie. It didn’t stay on long but it was fun playing together and he loved it on me so much, he just could...

Straight Sex
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Oh No Not Dorothy 11

Chapter # 11 Loretta was handing Lynn, what looked like a short frilly pink dress, with a built in, not to puffy crinoline slip, attached. Meanwhile Lynn had told Jennifer to hold up her arms so she could put the next item on her. After her arms were up, Lynn slid the dress over Jenny's head and down into place. She then started to straighten out the cute babyish dress, as she did the 5 little peal buttons up the back, and then tied the high waist sash in a big bow behind Jennifer's...

3 years ago
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Wifersquos Version Wifes Ass Too Small For Ana

After our first lovemaking session with my future husband Al I discovered what it was like to be fucked by a long thick healthy nine inch cock. I came four times that first night and it was the beginning of our four year marriage. With that nine inch cock buried deep inside me almost every night I was one happy wife. I even learned to take half of his large organ in my mouth. We both wanted to experiment with new things. But when it came to anal sex we had one problem.I am a petite, 5”2”, 110...

2 years ago
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A Fragment of Something

A Fragment of Something By Ellie Dauber © 2020 I had this idea of a scene. This was a definite gargoyle, something that _had_ to be written. Only I don't know what came before or after. As an experiment, I'm posting it that way. _You_ tell _me_ what happened. I may even write out the best notion. And list the person(s) whose idea(s) I use as co-author(s). A Fragment of Something By Ellie Dauber © 2020 * * * * * I was just outside of the range when the - call...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 556

Canadian humour A young Vancouver woman was so depressed that she decided to end her life by throwing herself into the ocean but, just before she could throw herself from the docks, a handsome young man stopped her. “You have so much to live for,” said the man. “I’m a sailor, and we are off to Italy tomorrow. I can stow you away on my ship. I’ll take care of you, bring you food every day, and keep you happy.” With nothing to lose, combined with the fact that she had always wanted to go to...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Olive Glass Veronica Valentine Evelyn Claire 2For1 Special

Evelyn Claire is at work and bored. Her latest client canceled on her and now she has nothing to do! But as she laments to her fellow masseuse, Olive Glass, one of Olive’s clients walk in. Evelyn is immediately taken by how beautiful and bubbly Veronica Valentine is and, without warning Olive, insists that Veronica is the 69th customer! Because of that, Veronica gets a free massage done by BOTH of them at the same time! Although Olive is confused, she backs Evelyn and Veronica is...

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Camilla Ch 071

At 6:30 on Saturday evening, Camilla sat at a table in Club Ritz, waiting for Marcel to arrive. Candice was giving someone lap dances, so Camilla was alone, free to contemplate her current sexual situation. Unlike her first fuck with Agape, Friday night was much more successful: those dirty old towels had absorbed all of her come, and he didn’t get any on himself. She remembered her conversation with him on Saturday morning vividly: ‘Did Carrie come over last night, Camilla?’ he asked when...

2 years ago
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Neighorhood Slut Mom Chapter 2

By Janexxx The weekend of Randy’s birthday had gone just fine. We spent the time getting to know each other better sexually. I had spent the time alone with him naked just like he wanted me too. Randy would watch me as I cleaned the house and fixed meals nude. I would bend over so he could see my bare cunt from behind. He enjoyed seeing my naked ass and tits as I wiggled and jiggled them for him. In return, Randy would have his cock out playing with himself as he watched my naked body...

3 years ago
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Getting Over Jake and Under Adin

“Get your ass up, lady.” Harlee snapped at me. “You have been sulking around here since Jake dumped you, and I’m getting freaking sick of it. We’re going out tonight, and you’re going to enjoy yourself if it fucking kills me.” I opened my mouth to argue, but she shut me up with a snap of her fingers. “Don’t you dare make any excuses. You’ll wear my clothes. You are doing this, Taylor.” “Harlee,” I whined. “I don’t know if I can. I haven’t been to a club in months. I don’t even know if I can...

Straight Sex
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Meri Behen Ki Garmi Aur Pyaas Maine Bujhaya

Hi, mera naam juber hai. Mai ek student hu. Meri umar hai 24 aur mera rang kaala hai. My body type is athletic. Meri story aap log padhiyega air zaroor feedback dijiyega mere email id pe ko hai Now without wasting much time, let me get into the story. This is about me and my own lovely sister. Its a passionate hot dirty and a hardcore sex story. My sister’s name is khushboo and her age is 29. She is of wheatish complexion with huge 34 d boobs and 36 ass. She is unmarried as our left us since...

3 years ago
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Main Bana Chandrika Ka Doosra Pati

Chandrika mujhse 8 saal badi hai, baat lagbhag 1 saal pehle ki hai jab maine apni biwi asha ke saath shift kar diya, meri biwi ka chudai ka silsila to chal hi raha tha, is beech maine apni ek shop bhi khol di jahan main database aur data entry ka kaam karta tha, kuch dino mein kaam thoda badh gaya to maine data entry ke liye ad diya. Job ke liye 5-7 log aaye, unme se ek chandrika bhi thi, chandrika ki umar 36 saal thi, uske husband ki body paralysed thi jisse wo chalne firne mein asamarth...

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Living the Dream part 23

Living the Dream, part 23 By: Malissa Madison 2013-03-05 Our trip to the reservation had cost us our annual trip to Colorado, but we were still so happy to have spent the time with the rest of the family that we usually didn't see at that time of year. The story of the hunt was made even more exciting by Erika's having told it at least five times, learning each time to add more detail. Momma's and Daddy sat riveted as both Erika and Danny told about their first hunt. Greg...

2 years ago
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Life Sucks

I, Julie Mitchell, am going to say something that I would never normally say, ‘My life sucks! Not just run of the mill suck, but it fucking sucks big time.’ Life up until a couple of months ago was great, I was in a long term relationship with a great guy, I, I mean we had our own apartment, we went out to restaurants and the theatre on a regular basis, we were comfortable financially, and then he got sent overseas, and he never came back, at least not alive. He was working with refugees and...

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Which Side Of The Bed Did The Argument Start

"Who slammed the door with the stupid glib remark?" Which side of the bed???? Single -side b, (Good Song if you can find it) English Beat 1980 Alana Colegate is a happy child she has two wonderful parents who love her very much she is nine years old and is returning home from school, when she sees her Fathers car in the drive way of their home, and is happy that her Daddy is home early, and maybe he will go for ice cream with Mommy, maybe BEFORE dinner, her parents have been married for...

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Brutal Brothers Part 8211 9

First of all, I am very sorry for posting next part after such a long time and keeping all of you waiting. It was summer of 2016 and I got a 2 and a half month summer vacation from my college and finally some rest from being a college slut for some time. I was planning to de an internship in the first month of my holidays….So I told my dad about it and asked him to help me in getting an internship. 2-3 days later dad called me and told me that he had got an internship for me I was very happy...

2 years ago
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Cream Filled Sandwich

A few years ago, I got married to the most wonderful woman.   We had flirted with each other for months, laughed and played, gone places and just plain enjoyed being together 24/7.   It was a natural that we would end up together when we made love, we both very much liked being adventurous in the sack, among other places, in fact lots of places, lots of positions, lots of slow and fast paced lust was the norm for us.   But as we all come to realize, time takes a toll on such things, and at...

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Every Woman Has a Price18 Corporate Espionage

Katelyn looked at the empty seat at her elbow. Kirk’s largesse gone to waste. She feared it would have been hard but her husband had been talked out of the trip almost before she could suggest it. “You think I want to waste one brain cell congratulating that fucking sadist?” He had said the moment she had opened the exit in his conversation. He didn’t attempt to talk her out of it. He muttered something about Katelyn’s need for closure. That wasn’t it. Her teeth were on edge. She turned her...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Casey Ballerini 01162018

She’s blonde. She’s busty. She’s barely legal. She’s Casey Ballerini, and she’s got a problem. Casey went to the mall and got a swim suit for the beach, but when she got home and tried it on, Casey realized it may be “too much”. Or too little, depending on your opinion! Just look! Every time she moves her arms, her supple, all-natural 36C’s pop out of her top! And her tiny white cunt? It’s is barely covered! What’s a girl to do but ask...

3 years ago
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A Brief Guide To BDSM By R Rosethorn

Please note that I am also Randall Rosethorn... Dominus Randall Rosethorn, to be exact.How to Play the Dom and Sub as a Sex GameThe BDSM lifestyle can be brought into the bedroom in small doses, even if you aren't into the whole scene. You can play the Dominant Master and Submissive Sex Slave theme privately, at home. It is crucial that both the "Dom" and "Sub" want to experiment with the lifestyle and that both parties agree to it. Mutual consent is very important whenever BDSM is an...

2 years ago
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A Drive In The Park

During my college years, I had a few coeds with whom I had a Friend's with Benefits relationship.  One of those friends was Tracy.  Tracy had come from a farming community and had watched many of her livestock mating as she grew up.  As a result, she had a very practical view of sex as a natural, enjoyable action with no emotional strings needed.  Because of this, she was rather adventurous and a lot of fun in bed.  Since she had light brown hair, green eyes, and a nice body with orange-sized...

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The Panty Princess

Jane and I had only been living together for three weeks when I was caught red-handed. I was mortified when I saw her in the mirror, standing behind me with her mouth wide open. She had managed to come through the front door, up the stairs and into the bedroom without making any noise. I tried to explain that it was the first time I’d ever done such a thing, but she was having none of it. For the next hour we sat on the edge of the bed while she bombarded me with questions about my sexuality,...

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Family At Theatre

Native place and Theaters brought pleasant memory to all but to me it was horrifying till I entered the world of Sex. It was then I understood that I had wonderful experiences others would die to have. It was never horrifying instead very simulating. One of the incident my memory recalls is the episode in the Janet theatre in my native place. The Theatre is in a complex, which has 2 more theatres, called Jain & Jincy. Jain & Janet theater always played family movies while Jincy Theatre played...

4 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 9 The Photo Shoot

For the last session he had me get on all fours on the dining room table in the nude. He positioned the cameras so one captured my face and the other my cunt. I had to look straight into the cameras and say "I'm Pauline and I'm a slut." Then I had to lie on my back and spread my legs. He instructed me to part my cunt lips so he could film the inside of my cunt. I felt so humiliated. Then he told me to masturbate. I couldn't believe it. I never did that and now he wanted to film me doing...

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My Daughter Sally1

Like many girls, Sally feels self conscious about her weight. Susan, who dated several boys in high school, has the pencil thin body of a professional model, and a face to go with it. Sally is what they call in Yiddish, “zaftig.” She is buxom, rather than fat, with large breasts, and a waist that is much thinner than her full, rounded hips. I liked to show her pictures of German beer maids to try to convince her that many men preferred women like her, but I was unconvincing,...

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Moms church night

My mom was divorced when I was very young. It was just her and me living together while I was growing up. I hate to admit but she was kind of slutty. And what excited me most was her sexy size 5 curvy high arched feet. And she used them like a weapon, dangling her stiletto high heels at just the right moment when men of interest were around. Although she was slutty, she was a religious slut, attending church every Sunday. This particular story happened when I was 14. We were driving to church...

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Fun inside the ladies room

That night I was home alone; so my girlfriends invited me to go out.Some of them recommended me to dress sexy, since we would go to a brand new bar and Laura had found out that we could pick up some handsome black men there…I decided to wear a very short black skirt with garters and stockings. A little tight tank top and red bra showing my nice boobs. Of course I completed my sexy outfit with a pair of stilettos, that made my legs look even longer and sexier.We finally got to the new club and...

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Lonely Vacation

Lonely VacationComing up from the pool you slip out of your bikini, admire your smooth hard body in the mirror before stepping into the shower......Feeling the force of the water against your body you are about to start washing when the door opens.......She presses her body against you and you feel her nipples harden.....her freshly shaven lips press against the taught skin of your perfect butt..... Her hands move smoothly, cleaning every part of your incredible body..... Sliding her hands...

3 years ago
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The Office The Threesome

It was time for the annual Christmas Party at Dunder-Mifflin, and everyone was busy overindulging on the free bar set up by the Party Planning Committee. There was the usual animosity in the air with Pam and Angela at odds over who had the official office party. Although Angela had plenty of her delicious double fudge brownies available in the conference room for her Nutcracker themed party, most of the staff went with the free booze that Pam had in the form of Grasshoppers and Margaritas over...

1 year ago
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The Lesson of Masturbation

Hello friends, welcome to you all again in my sexual erotic gay sex story. I hope you all enjoy the previous parts of the story – Me and Uncle PART1 and 2. I recommend you to all my sexy guys, ki first aap ye do kahaniya padhe aur uske baad ye kahani ko read kare jisse ki aap full enjoy kar sake aur ek continuity bhi bani rahe. I entitled this story as “The Lesson of Masturbation” because in this story I explained you that how my uncle taught me masturbation technique in his erotic way. This...

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Stupid Mistake

Stupid Mistake By Donna Williams I first discovered the sensual feeling of nylon nighties while detailed to clean out my parent's basement. These nighties were my mothers when she was a teenager. They had a musty smell from their storage in the damp basement, and I really have no idea what possessed me to try them on. However, once on, I had my first erection and, after a few minutes, my first orgasm. I then found a couple of dresses and skirts, and tried...

4 years ago
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I Love Wakeup Sex

I LOVE WAKEUP SEXBy Kegel AnnieI come out of my dream, whatever it was. I feel warm and very aroused. I become aware of her fingers that have been gently moving along my clitoral shaft and separating my labia. Her fingers slide easily both from her saliva and from my wetness.I want to linger in this pleasure. The gentle way she caresses me feels so incredibly good. I pretend to be asleep but I don’t fool her. My breathing and body motions have betrayed me. I open my eyes and she is looking down...

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An AllAmerican Teenage Sex Life II Sophomore SeasonChapter 8

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1991 “I’m your dream, make you real I’m your eyes when you must steal I’m your pain when you can’t feel Sad but true” Waking up to one of the crunchiest guitar riffs of all time is not a bad way to start your day. I slapped the snooze bar and realized my palm was still pretty sore from that punt block. I was starting to wonder if the punter’s foot had connected with my hand. I had a bit of a bruise forming right in the center of my palm. Well, no matter. I couldn’t...

2 years ago
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Sassys Forced Submission

                               Sassy's Forced Submission                                                                                                                                                                                                                I come by my nick name honestly. My dad nicknamed me Sassy. I grew up with it, even in school it stuck. I was always mouthing off. Seemed to be my nature. Not a  smartass just feisty. I loved flirting, and sassing the guys back when...

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The Girl Living on the Floor Above

Something woke me up in the middle of the night. I looked around, then focused my eyes on the clock. 1:13 a.m. My first reaction was to curse, which I accompanied with a yawn. A noise from above had wakened me. I didn’t know why I was so sure, but I was. A nice looking girl named Jessica lives in the flat above me. She is 21. I closed my eyes, trying not to think about anything, ready to fall asleep again. A moan came from above. There was a seductive tinge in it, pain and pleasure mixed...


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