Online Affair Pt 2
- 4 years ago
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Dan's turn:
So Friday we're in the air headed to Tennessee. Yes, Cindy's in the pilot's seat. I've just about given up the seat entirely. I just wish I could get some kind of waiver to let her get licensed, but she's only fourteen. She has to wait three years.
"Tina's giving us her car for the weekend," she said. "So we won't have to rent. It's not like we're going to tour the countryside, exactly."
"You and your sisters seem to have us scheduled out pretty well," I said.
Giggle. "They're something, aren't they, darlin'?"
"Yes, they are. D'ya know how excited I get, thinking that I have friends like them?"
"D'ya know how scary it is, seeing the three of you together and knowing how much brain power is wrapped up in all that teen-aged cuteness?"
"We're all perfectly normal, thank you," she smiled.
She turned her head. Baseball cap. Headset. Red hair. Green eyes. I didn't ever accept that I just might have a fetish. Seeing that package, I admitted it to myself. It didn't need it to be a fetish, though. She was just cute.
We burbled along at altitude, the Continental engine not missing a beat as miles passed underneath us.
"This is just a get-together, right?" I asked.
"Uh-huh. Tomorrow me and my sisters and Susan's mom are going to Nashville to get Susan a dress to get married in."
"One of those 'Princess Di" things?"
"I was wondering if that was where this was going, but I should've known that Susan's more level-headed than that."
I was thinking of the Susan that I knew, and 'level-headed' wasn't on the short list of descriptors. I said so.
"Susan's kinda funny, baby. She comes off as kind of an airhead, but underneath that is a very well balanced and intelligent person," Cindy said. "Me an' her an' Tina talked the other night. Susan thinks those big weddings are silly. Says it's the people, friends and family, and the couple, that make a wedding, not all the show. She says it's ostentatious."
"That's a 'Susan' word. Or Tina. Or Cindy."
"So she says 'weekend after graduation informal, but she does think a new white dress is called for."
Giggle. "Yeah. In the classic reference. She and Jason haven't..."
Giggle again. "Really. I take her word for it. She tells Tina the same thing. But it's gonna be at the recreation hall at their church, and friends and family are invited. So we're going to shop together tomorrow and buy dresses and whatever. First time I've met her mom."
"Does 'er mom know how old you are? And me?"
"Susan and Tina have explained it. They say her mom thinks I'm a curiosity."
"Your sisters will take care of you, I'm sure. And knowing Susan, I can't see her mom being a bad person."
"Me neither," she said. "It'll be a good day. And you and Alan and Jason and Susan's dad, you guys get the whole day to hang out and grunt or what ever guys are supposed to do when the women are gone."
I thought about that. "You know, I haven't spent a day without you since last fall. I don't think I like that."
"Oh, you'll be fine, baby."
"It's true, you know. Since we moved in together ... No, since back in August, there's not been a day without you, and since we moved in together, the only night we haven't spent together was my night in the hospital."
"We'll be together in the hotel room tomorrow night. Big shower an' all!"
"Mmm-hmm," I said. "I'll survive. And you'll have a good time."
"We're ALL gonna have a good time this evening," she said. "Susan's dad's doin' ribs. She says he's got trophies from barbecue cook-offs."
"I do love me some ribs," I said.
"We have 'em lined up!"
We flew on. Eventually we closed on the destination. I knew she wanted to do it, so I let Cindy pick up the mike. "Hobart field, this is Cessna five five two three uniform, five miles south, for landing." Her eyes twinkled.
We heard the reply. "Cessna five five two three uniform, this is Cessna four eight seven five three, on the ground at Hobart, waiting on your arrival. " Tina's voice. Including the squeal at the end.
Cindy turned to me, her grin accentuated by her tongue tip just protruding from her smile. "It's great to have friends, Dan. Some nights I wake up and think of what all has happened to me since I met you..."
"My sweet kitten," I said. "I feel the same way."
"But baby, you had friends. You had work. You had family. I almost didn't have anything. Nothing like that. Mizz Helen. That's all."
"I've got the best thing ever. I have my Cindy," I said.
She executed a very satisfactory traffic pattern and put the wheels on the ground with only the tiniest of bounces, then taxied to the ramp, to a reception party awaiting our arrival. She braked to a stop on the flightline and killed the engine. As she was securing the cockpit, I got out and went to her side of the plane and opened the door. She turned sideways in her seat and and I lifted her out and to the ground, getting a little kiss in the process.
We were surrounded. Alan, Tina, Jason, Susan, squeals, hugs, kisses, handshakes and here we were. Tina handed me the keys to her car. "Solves the transportation problem. You an' Cindy have wheels. EVERYBODY has wheels."
"So what now? Everybody coming to the hotel while we check in?"
"Apparently that's the plan," Jason said.
We convoyed up for the trip to the hotel, Jason and Susan leading the way, then us, and finally Tina and Alan. We checked into the hotel. I got to drop our bags in the room, then us guys got hustled out into the lobby while the girls giggled and caught up on events.
Alan, Jason and I did the male equivalent in the lobby. There was a LOT less giggling.
I jumped right in on Jason. "Bud, you've been up here a month and a half and you're already engaged?"
Jason turned to Alan. "Are you gonna take up for me, or do we let the girls do it later?"
Alan looked like he started to say something, but Jason spoke up in a falsetto, imitating Susan. "And how long did you know Tina before y'all got married? Or Cindy 'n' Dan? Or my mom and dad? Hmmm?" He laughed. "Dan, ol' buddy, already been through this one."
"Her mom and dad?" I asked.
"The answer to that one is six whole weeks, first meeting to married. For nineteen years."
"Maybe it's genetic," I laughed.
He reverted to the falsetto. "You wanna talk about AGE? Really? What about Alan 'n' Tina. Or better yet, Cindy 'n' Dan."
I laughed again. "Jace, if she's got all THAT figured out, you might oughtta be running for the state line..."
"Not a chance," he smiled. "She's IT!"
The three of us chatted. Alan and I had already decided that if Jason was going back to school, we'd do our best to accommodate his schedule, and his response was that he'd figure out the best way to work with us while he did.
"Especially since I get a wife out of the deal," he said.
"So what do you think they're talking about in there?' I asked.
"Wedding plans," Jason said.
"The week after she graduates, right?" I asked.
"Yep," Alan said.
"Gonna be a busy week," I said. "Cindy's graduation on Wednesday, Tina and Susan on Friday, then a week later, the wedding."
"Yep," Jason said.
"We wouldn't miss it for the world. Cindy's just giggy about it."
"About the wedding? Me and Susan?"
"Yeah," I said. "My little cutie thinks you'll make Susan happy. You'd better. Cindy can shoot."
Alan looked at me. "I've never seen anything but a happy Cindy."
"Me neither," I said, laughing. "Except in the aftermath of gunplay."
"I can't believe you laugh about that, Dan," Alan said.
"Compensation mechanism, buddy," I said. "It's how I handle it. Cindy still has episodes when it gets to her. My only concern is her. I was a whole lot more motivated to protect her than I was in Iraq."
Before he could comment, Alan's phone rang. He answered it. "Hey, baby!" Pause. "We'll be in there just as soon as we run the adoring women off." He broke into a grin. "We're on the way."
When we knocked, Susan opened the door. It'd been a while since the last time I saw her and I can honestly say she has a perceptible glow about her. Good!
Susan retired to one of the queen-sized beds, sitting. My Cindy was laying on the other on her stomach, one leg bent at the knee, foot in the air, swinging in a circle.
Alan sat on the room's sofa and Tina slid in beside him. Jason sat next to Susan. I sat down beside Cindy and put my hand in the middle of her back. She purred audibly.
"So what's our dinner plans," Alan asked.
Jason gave Susan's hand a squeeze, broadening her smile. "My future father-in-law is doing ribs. We can go over there any time we're ready."
Susan giggled. "Yeah, Cindy. Mom wants to meet YOU!"
"What about me?" I asked.
Still giggling, Susan answered, "Oh, you're optional. Just an accessory." Tina and my Cindy joined the giggle.
Cindy rolled back against me. "Don't worry, sweetie," she said to me. "I'm your biggest fan." I squeezed her back against me. She sat up and kissed me, just a peck, and then grinned. "So! Ribs!"
Susan smiled, her arm around Jason's waist. "ALL the trimmings, too! I think we should go."
We all marched out as couples and convoyed to Susan's house.
Cindy's turn:
Sisters! ALL of us in the hotel room! Susan looks like she got a new coat of 'happy'. I mean, the first time I met 'er she was skipping across the apron at the airfield to hug me after me and Dan had flown in for the weekend and I thought 'What a happy girl!" Susan's a hoot! But that was all sort of overshadowed by me having Dan and Tina having Alan and Susan hanging out there with us, but needing somebody to balance out the situation.
Now she's got Jason. Before he moved up here on this project, I'd met Jason a time or two when he worked with Dan. I always thought he stood out a little because he was a technician and he was in HIS arena at work. I saw him an' Dan bantering back and forth, so I knew that Dan liked 'im. Jason's good looking enough, like THAT'S important. (Not THAT important, but still nice, you know) although he's a little overweight. Not gross. But then Susan's carrying a few extra pounds herself, although SHE looks good. Just a little more soft and rounded than, say, Tina or me.
So Jason and Susan sort of match. At least standing side by side. Or with HIS arm around her waist, like they were, sitting on the bed in the hotel room right before we left to go to her house for dinner. He's even got that sandy hair, blonde, sort of. And Susan, she's BLONDE blonde!
I'd sometimes wish I had that color hair, you know because Mom always tried to be blonde because she said it was every man's preference, but Mom was just so wrong about that. I met my Dan and he tells me that my red hair is like a fetish to him. I giggle every time he says that and tell him he's weird and then I revel in him wrapping me in strong arms and loving me and I know that I can smile and shake my head and he melts. If I was one of those manipulative women, I'd have a blank check with Dan Richards. But all I want is my Dan.
So we're in Tina's car. Tina's car! I get so aggravated at not being able to drive, and Alan bought Tina a car before they were even mated, married, whatever. Yeah, I know the official story about them going to Louisiana to get married, but Tina and I have shared EVERYTHING about our histories and I know that they were sort of like me and Dan, you know, they mated and married waaaay before there was a document making it legal. But before she and Alan were even a couple, he bought her a car, just to make life easier for her.
But I can't drive. I can fly. But I can't get that license either. Sometimes these stupid laws based on age are just WRONG!
But we're in the car. Tina's car. Just for curiosity, I punched the 'On' button on the stereo. Bach! I giggled. "My sister's genuine, you know," I told Dan.
He laughed. "Alan's smart enough not to be snookered by some bimbo who sneaks off and listens to hip-hop," he said. "So Tina says Susan's mom is curious about you?"
"Says I'm a curiosity."
"I can see that. Like if somebody made a little porcelain statue of 'cute'."
"Susan assures me that her mother won't be rude, baby. And I promise that she already KNOWS that I'm fourteen, so it won't be a shock like it was for YOUR family last Thanksgiving." I giggled. Poor Dan. He worries so much about me, and THAT day, I thought he was gonna die. I thought for a minute then that I'd really messed up what he has with his family, but now they're MY family too, and so I really don't see a problem with Susan's mom. After all, if she's decent enough to bring Susan up the way SHE is, then the lady has to have something going for her.
So we're following Jason and Susan. I pointed out to Dan how close she was sitting to him.
"She's working at it," he laughed. "He's got one of those consoles in the way."
We pulled up in their driveway and got out and assaulted (Dan's description) their front door. Susan went right in. After all, it's HER house. "Mom! Dad! We're HERE!"
That's the first time I met Susan's mom, Mizz Kathy. I can see where Susan got a lot of her looks. Mizz Kathy's hair was mostly Susan's color, and Susan was actually an inch or two taller. Both of 'em had blue eyes. And a lot bigger titties than mine. And Mizz Kathy was a little more plump than Susan, and since she was shorter, she was more rounded. But still pretty.
And she was looking right at me, out of the whole bunch.
Susan grabbed my hand and said, "Mom, this is my sister Cindy!" and she pointed her finger at Dan and said, "An' 'er husband, Dan."
Dan got a handshake. I got a hug.
"See, Mom," Susan giggled. "He doesn't have horns growing out of his head."
Mizz Kathy gasped. "Susan! I said NOTHING of the sort. Y'all come back to the patio. The sun's got it just perfect out there." She gave Susan an exasperated look. I think Susan and her mom have a great relationship. With Susan already eighteen and getting ready to graduate and get married, I think her mom sees her as an adult as well as a daughter.
Susan's dad, Mister Mike, was tending the barbecue. When we walked out the door, Susan did the introductions again. He smiled when he saw me. "I've seen too many pictures not to recognize you, Cindy," he said. "Not like you're some little mousy brown-haired thing getting lost in a crowd."
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HardcoreI sat there transfixed on the sight before me. Mrs. Farr was leaning over talking to me and I could see right down her shirt, those large melons calling for me. I could see her nipples! This was not the first time for this to happen as she wore loose fitting tops all the time. Mrs. Farr is no super model sorry to say. But for a eighteen year old k** that has always struck out with the ladies this is just as good. Mrs. Farr is average height, curly brown hair with some gray. Big warm brown...
After sometime my husband returned. Therese and Hannah had gone to bed. The twins had put a choker around Anne’s neck and were manacling her legs in chains before taking her down from the wall. They handed the leash connected to the choker to my husband. He pulled hard on it forcing Anne to grab the choker around her neck to stop herself from being choked.He stood over her. “Now listen slut. This can go two ways. You can accept that your daughters are going to be used for our sexual pleasure....
Chapter 1 Gretel Heinrich and Elsa Muller were both voluntary "breeding mothers" for the Center for Aryan Development and Furtherance in Oberammergau, Germany during the early years of the 1940s. They had both graduated from gymnasium and when the Third Reich offered the chance for sexy young German girls to serve the Fatherland by serving as "breeding mothers" for the elite men of the Third Reich, both Gretel and Elsa had stepped forward and offered their services gladly. They were only...
I returned from my semester abroad, determined to succeed at school. I followed Rudolf’s advice and switched my major to engineering physics. All the physics foundational courses I had done at Göttingen prepared me really well. I took a full load in both Summer I and Summer II, and then took an overload the following year. I was on track to graduate less than a year after I got back from Germany, in Spring 2013. All my professors, including Rudolf, encouraged me to consider graduate school in...
TrueIf you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...
Continued ...Back home Sally was out about 3 nights a week on a date and often she would have dates in the day and evenings at the weekend. She told me that there are about 20 men now who "service" her.Sally told me that the young rugby playing stud had asked her if she would put on a show for a mate of his Stag night do. She said there would be about 20 other rugby players there and it was at the rugby club in a month's time. She said it would just involve stripping off and giving the stag a...
Diane Caldwell smiled to herself as she climbed the stairs and headed towards her daughter Zofeya’s bedroom. An hour had passed since the forty-seven-year-old had spanked and caned her daughter’s boyfriend in the living room. She had enjoyed herself beating Stefan, who had also enjoyed being punished by his girlfriend’s adopted mum. Diane had sent the young couple to separate bedrooms after their punishment for recording a video on Zofeya’s mobile phone which showed the sweet, dark-haired girl...
Oral SexJonathan I'm trying not to get frustrated, but it's hard when you're used to people being on time. I can't remember the last time someone was late to meet me. Generally, people who are late to meet me get fired—unless they have a really good excuse, even then, I check up on their excuse. I guess it's part of my controlling nature. I'm trying to change though. So when I see my beat up Ford driving up, I force a few deep breaths, exhaling slowly through my nose. It works, calming me...
“I didn’t know you had chest hair.†Lin was eying Ken’s well-formed pecs she’d traced earlier through his tee. She sucked on her fingers and thought, Ken is one… fine… specimen. Now, she didn’t have to touch herself to tingle, tingles radiated from her clit all by themselves. The slighted movement of her legs, cause her muscles to flinch. OMG. Ken’s my brother, and I’m so horny for him I can’t stand it, she thought. What’s wrong with me? The weekend had arrived and their other roommates left to...
Incest"Oh my God ... Oh my God ... Oh my God!" Trevor burst through the office door without knocking, as he usually did, bouncing from one foot to the other so rapidly he seemed to be running in place. His hands fluttered about his shoulders. "Tell me it isn't true!" "What isn't true?" Lynne replied calmly. She was the occupant of the office, and though she'd worked at this company only a few months, she was long since used to Trevor's drama. "That you just scheduled a meeting with 'The...
You wake up in a dark place. You think you hear a strange voice in your head. You do and he is repeating everything you say. Yes I will say whatever you think. *Sigh* really is this where we are going. Fine I like ass on a stick. There you happy I said it. Now back to the story. Ah I seem to have forgotten who you are. You dont know either. Well then I guess we get to choose who we want to be! Lets start with the basics Male or Female?
FantasyMy name is hungry boy i am living with my mom ,grandmother and my hot aunts name is shixa .she is a bachelor and working as a receptionist ,she is of age 33.we are middle classw family living in city of baroda gujarat india .my parents are divorced so we are living in my moms home .let me introduce my members in the family ,i had alredy introduced the shixa mam, next is my grantmother kathreena and my mom usha and my 2 sisters anjali and athulya .i am a 25 year old guy ,I am a foot...
IncestImbolc It was Imbolc when first I saw Rhiannon Goch – Rhiannon the Red –named for the flame of her hair and the fire that was in her. The snow lay thick that year and we struggled up to the Druid’s Ring that crowned the hill above the village. We were warm enough when the fire was blazing and, after the hymn to Bel, I sought her out. I had braided my hair and, although my warrior’s scars were still fresh upon my cheeks and arms, I felt myself the man. But when I fell into her green eyes, my...
EroticAfter my conversation with Hogat, I showed everyone their new home. I took everyone upstairs to the seven rooms and assigned one to Hogat and Kala so they would lie together to complete their mating ritual tonight. I then assigned one to Nomat and Irani, before finally approaching Jonab and Kuni, as we stood in the doorway of another room. Kuni was the smallest Neanderthal female I had seen up to this point. She had melted into Jonab's presence, as her world had been torn asunder by the...
Introduction: The boys discover each other Next chapter. Please enjoy. Comments and feedback greatly appreciated _____________________________________________________________________________________________ I do not endorse or condone underage sex or teen pregnancy. This is a story meant for adults if it is illegal. please leave _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Characters as they are now: Sean – 15 – Discovered masturbation, taught...
My wife is an enthusiastic baker and is always interested in making complex desserts. So when I came home the other day to her baking I was not surprised. I walked in the door shouted, “Hi" to her in the kitchen and went to take a shower. I had no idea that she was cooking up something more than cupcakes. When I got out of the shower I dried off, threw on a pair of shorts, and went to give her a kiss in the kitchen. When I walked in my jaw almost hit the floor, she was rolling out some...
Straight SexWhitney Wright stepbrother Rion King argue over cupcakes as Rion’s mom Alana Cruise and Whitney’s friend Eliza Ibarra look on. Eliza catches Rion checking his stepsister out, and then stares in shock as Whitney teases Rion with frosting on her lips and then her hard nipple. Alana remains oblivious as Whitney lifts her miniskirt and rubs frosting all over her hairy pussy. Rion finally responds in kind, whipping out his dick to cover the head and shaft in a sweet surprise. Later,...
xmoviesforyouEvery evening we would go out to dinner. There are a number of small inns and restaurants in Governors Harbor, although none of them are very fancy. A lot of them are just bars that offer food, usually seafood. That was fine; we didn’t have to get dressed up and we both loved seafood. Besides, the island is small. It stretches almost 90 miles long but is really just a big beach in the middle of the ocean, and there are maybe 10,000 residents in about a dozen little towns up and down the...
Hi friends this is my first story. I m not a good story writer but reading most of the stories on this site increase me courage about my real story that happen in my life. This is the real story. I have not increased anything to change the story and make more interesting. Before going to the story let me describe about me. I m 26 years old working in the Gulf at one of the perfumes company as Accountant. I have many friends but among them there is one friend which name is Nabin working on same...
IncestChapter 1:Christine couldn’t believe her luck. She was now on her way to the private club, in a limo no less.It had only been Tuesday that she had gone out to a movie with Cassandra. That in itself seemed rather strange, but they had both gotten along well while working on a school project together. Working together wasn’t exactly correct either, as Christine did most of the work. Christine knew that was just the way it worked with rich girls like Cassandra, they always got their way. They...
I have a fantasy, It may be common or it may not be. I don't share it often so I don't really know.Here it goes,One night while I'm drinking with a few of my girlfriends, I notice a guy at the other end of the bar who seems to be looking right at me. I play it off like I don't notice, but you know that deep in my mind I want him to be looking at me.A few of the girls branch out and hit it off with random guys, and soon I am sitting at the bar alone. All of a sudden, the man from the bar is...
I was glad to see it was still daylight when I finally left the cave. I knew how easy it was to lose your sense of time while underground. In the distance, to the north, I could see the roof of a building. I guessed that to be Riverwood, based upon what Hadvar had said. From where this cave entrance was located in relation to the town, it would be easy for the bandits to spy on the town and prey on unwary travelers. I’ll tell the city guards about it so they can make sure it doesn’t happen...
By : Aadipr Hey friends? How are you all? I got lots of mails n good response of my pervious stories (incidences)! So aaj mein ek aur incidence ki baatein aapke smane rakh raha huu aap muje aapake suzav, pasandgi ya napasandgi mail kar sakte hai . Jese mein pahele bata chuka hun ki muje bisexual sex experiences mein bada maza aata hai, to aaj baat usiki batata hun. Jese mene meri pichali stories mein bataya ki mein mere room partner Sameer ko kai baar chod chuka hun. Usaka ek dost hai salim,...
~~Beatrice~~ She walked into Jacob’s alcove, down its curved path, and stopped at the fur curtain that blocked off his homely hole in the Circle’s cave. She’d heard the noises, but decided to barge in anyway. If the two of them wanted some privacy, they could easily fuck somewhere else. Bingo. Triss smiled as she pulled the fur curtain aside, leaned her shoulder against the curved entrance of his alcove, and watched. Samantha. Sweet, innocent, naive Samantha, was tied up. Her hands were...
Erica was a chubby sexy slut who lived in a small town. In high school she was skinny and quite promiscuous. 10 years after high school she has been through bad relationships. After a while she grew a few pounds but that didn’t stop guys from wanting to titty fuck her or get a great blow job from her. Erica was about five foot three and had really big tits. She was chubby but fit her curves well. She had a decent sized ass. Her eyes were so incredibly sexy and she has a “fuck me face” that you...
Group Sex