Kathaliyai Parkil Sex Seithen
- 2 years ago
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I spent almost all of Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday totally involved with my loves. I did play golf with a bunch of people on Sunday morning. The movie stars wanted to join us, so we sent them to the less difficult course, while Hideki played with Joe and JoAnn, and Yuu played with Jules and me. My wife was a better golfer than she let on, and even though she was playing with an unbalanced pregnant body, she was shooting a game that rivaled her uncle. I was using this game and course to practice my shot location, so it became all about Yuu and Jules.
This family is competitive in everything they do. It wasn’t acceptable for women to be as successful in business as Jules was, and it was unheard of that the strange niece could even come close to beating Yuu on the golf course. I think Jules let up and didn’t make the shots she could have on the seventeenth and eighteenth. I knew the two of us would play this same course in the near future and enjoy trying to better each other.
We had lunch at the club’s restaurant, and made sure the movie stars and their people would be welcome. I figured on having Dad and Joe invite them out to play the different courses often.
All knew that I was going back to the mainland on Monday morning. I left at one in the morning to arrive in LA about eight forty-five Pacific time. I felt rested and ready for everything that would be waiting for me. The other people on the flight were happy to be leaving Hawaii and arriving in LA at an hour to get most of a full day’s work in. I think everyone on the flight was sound asleep five minutes after takeoff.
The office was doing everything it should by the time I got there. Kelly had the two new Foxworth Assistants working in Finance and Accounting. She told me that she was planning on putting them into every department for a couple of days to get some knowledge about each area and then begin beating them up on numbers. She said that she had learned more about how to manage the overall office by learning what the numbers indicated was happening. Kelly could do my job this minute.
Georgia said, “You have several sample contracts for Assistant Regional Managers for offices and for key positions. You’ll need some quiet time to read and digest everything in them. There’s also a new contract for your position here in LA. You said something like this would be coming.”
“Okay, those are all very important, so I’m going to take them home and work on them. There is no way I will be able to focus enough with everything happening here. Tell those who call that I’m working on something that’s important and I shouldn’t be interrupted. I’ll be back as soon as I have worked through these.”
I really needed another pair of knowledgeable eyes to read and work with me on these, but who could I get? Kelly needs to be in the office, and Georgia doesn’t have the knowledge to evaluate the contracts. That’s when it hit me, I called Connie. “Hey, there, how would you like to go home with me for a nooner? I actually want you to go home with me to help evaluate some new employment contracts. One of them will be yours, so you have an interest in what we’re going to do.”
Connie said, “Give me a few minutes to tell my people what they need to do for the rest of the day and I’ll be right down.”
True to her word, Connie came into the office and asked, “Thanks for asking for me instead of the gorgeous folks you have in your office. Can I assume that you will bring me back to the office before close of business?”
“No sweat. We should be done by then, but we’ll work on what’s left tomorrow if not. Let’s get it done.”
I described what had happened in Indianapolis on the way home. I think what I told her gave her some confidence in the company. Everyone’s faith in Mooney had been shaken. I told her that the contracts she would be interested in should be only additions to the regular contract she was working under right now.
“We need to go over every line and word to make sure that we fully understand all the language. We need an attorney, but the only one I know of that I would trust is in Reno right now.”
Connie was laughing really hard at that, and when she finally got her breath, said, “You are really as nutty as Rose is if you trust her over her dad, but she is about as straightforward and honest as you could ever find in an attorney.”
Connie said, “I can call my sometimes roommate to come work with us if you want. I know that she isn’t working on anything right now, and I know she’s in the mood for some of my attention.”
“Have her come if she’s good with business contract law. Give me her name so that I can have the gate guard let her in.”
I pulled in front of the house front door and watched Donte jump out of the car and look around several times before going toward the house door that opened as Charles welcomed us. Donte brushed up against me and I could tell he was checking on my weapon in my shoulder holster. Connie and I went inside and we told Charles that another lady should soon be joining us.
We had just begun reading and dissecting the contracts when Jeannie Johnston was introduced into the saloon. The lady was dressed in a near floor length full skirt that was split almost to her waist. The skirt spread when she sat and showed some really nice looking legs. I was caught gawking at her gams, and she said, “Those legs you’re looking at are for the consumption of the female persuasion unless you’re really something special. It’s not that I don’t like men, I just like ladies more.”
Connie was almost in stitches as she was trying to contain herself. She hadn’t warned me or Jeannie of our status. Connie told her, “I’ve sampled this guy and he’s worth the effort if you want to enjoy some cock. He’ll probably make you talk to his women first who are in Hawaii right now, because he is a real straight-shooter. Let’s work a while and see what happens later. I have my hopes up.”
James brought us coffee and said that he would have lunch for us later. Connie and I began with the addendums to contracts like hers that would increase her responsibilities and reward her for teaching the accounting staff in branch offices, as well as continuing to improve the accounting in her own office. There was a salary percentage increase that could be universally used, as well as a two hundred and fifty-sixth of a percent ride from the offices they were working with. It didn’t sound like much, but it becomes sizeable if you think of the volume.
(Figure a million in home sales with a sales commission of six percent or sixty thousand dollars. One 64th of one percent is worth $156.25. Now figure the group does a billion in sales, not an unusual monthly amount, and that $156 becomes $156,250. Even a lowly 1/256th becomes $39,082. That’s not bad for a normally salaried employee making a hundred fifty to two hundred fifty thousand a year. How hard would you work for an additional $458,000 buckeroos a year?)
Connie told me that she wanted to supervise all the offices on the west coast. She said, “Shoot fire, Brad, I could be knocking down an extra couple of million a month doing this stuff. No wonder your commissions are so high. I thought the Office Managers were being taken advantage of at first, but now that we’re bringing in the bucks, the Sales Manager is making so much money that I’m surprised he’s still around, and you’re making more money than the U.S. treasury. You’re getting only a sixty-fourth of a percent of the volume of this office, but we’re doing some heavy business. That’s only the Regional commission. Now add a sixteenth of a percent as Office Manager and your number skyrockets. You get a sixty-fourth of every office you’re currently supervising. That’s a whopping amount of money. Add the bonus money you get for exceeding projections to all that, and you’re knocking down that extra two mill there too.”
“You knew all this before, Connie. Why are you so surprised?”
“I never put it together for myself the way I did for you. I only looked at the numbers and didn’t associate it with what the numbers really meant. I know my bonus money was bigger this past several quarters than it has ever been, but I didn’t give it any consideration until you just went through how it all was paying out. What you’re trying to do is to give me about a two hundred percent raise.”
“Think about it, Connie, you’ll get the raise if you and your counterparts produce and teach the Managers and Assistants what the numbers mean. We’ll be doing twice the business we are at present if we do this right. Now get excited!!!”
It was time for lunch and we had some decent fish sandwiches with some really good creamy coleslaw. Jeannie commented, “This is the first time I’ve ever been in a home such as this. I’ve never met a real butler or real maid until just now. You don’t seem to be snooty or pushy like a lot of my wealthy clients are. Why are you different?”
“Well, Jeannie, I’m from average parents and was able to work through college and some grad school before I joined Mooney, the company we’re doing this for. I was transferred around in the process, and ended here where I met two wonderful ladies. One of the ladies is a very successful stocks, bonds, futures, and commodity contracts trader. The other lady is becoming equally as proficient in trading. I’m told that my income is sizeable enough to be considered as part of our wealth, but I’m not sure by the way the two of them seem to absorb expenses of others. Who knows why I’m not an arrogant asshole, but it doesn’t seem like it would be fun to me. Thank you for being available to help me. I need to tell you that I will pay your normal hourly charge. Just send Connie your invoice and it will be paid immediately.”
Jeannie looked at me for a long time, but never offered a comment.
We finished up the contract addendums with only some minor language changes after lunch. We then compared my existing contract to the one being offered. The first thing that was noted was that this contract was for a specified period of time with no auto-renewal when it expired. I had thought it would contain some reduced commission areas, but it actually contained some increased commissions for new operations. It included how I would supervise my Regional Assistant Managers and what I would make as their supervisor.
This required us to stop and analyze the Assistant Regional Office Manager contracts. We went through them inch by inch to make sure that the language didn’t hurt them in the future. It was as if their existing contracts would continue, and they would enjoy additional compensation for being the supervising person for their office. The language was what it was supposed to be.
We went back to my contract and finally settled on only a few changes. I sent all the information to the home office with a note that said I would be available via my cell phone this week.
Connie told Jeannie, “Brad and I play pool in a league on Monday and Thursday. Come play with us if you like the game. We play at the ‘Rack’ in Hollywood.”
Jeannie said, “Would it get me closer to some intimate time with the boss?”
Connie laughed, and said, “Sit right there and we’ll see what the boss’ ladies have to say.”
Connie used my laptop and swiveled it to view Jeannie. She called Hawaii on the cell phone and was able to get to Jules. She asked if both Jules and Katie could come to the PC camera.
‘Ta da’, Jules, Katie, and Willy were all suddenly looking at the camera screen. Connie gave a brief description of the situation. She said, “This woman wants to make time with your man, and I told her that she had to go through you. She’s an attorney and has worked with us this afternoon on the new contracts for Brad and his people. I’ve known her for a very long time. We’re actually roommates, but we both seem to wander a little. She wants a more intimate visit but you two or three can decide that.”
Jules said, “Okay, where is this babe who wants to fool with our man?”
Jeannie got in front of the PC and said, “I’m Jeannie, and I am not as flagrant as Connie. I haven’t been with a man since my last test, and that was almost a year ago. I don’t think Connie has had a guy since then either. I’m not an ankle biter as you can see, and I don’t try to take over someone else’s property. Connie has made Brad desirable to me ever since he arrived out here, and I’ve enjoyed working with him today. We’re going to play pool in a little while, and that is why I wanted to make sure I had your permission to seduce your man.”
Katie said, “Show me your tits. My guy is a tittie man and needs some nourishing nipples to keep his interest.”
Connie and I exchanged glances and we both knew Katie was really pulling Jeannie’s chain.
Jeannie hesitated then stripped her top and bra off. She had some nice ones that were just under Jules’ size. Katie said, “Not bad. Check these out to know what our man is used to.”
Katie pulled her shift off and was offering her magnums to the screen. I said, “I may not go along with any of this, Katie. I know to fly to Hawaii and get all I could want if I need to get some loving. I just left there after enjoying all three of you last night.”
Jules came on the screen with her shift off too, and said, “All true, Brad, but you are one hell of a stud to do without even one night. Do Jeannie until she screams uncle if she interests you. Have Connie join you. I know that she’s an absolute terror between the sheets.”
Jeannie said, “I promise to return him undamaged, and I won’t fall in love with him until I know you two better.”
I told the screen with my ladies’ breasts showing, “You guys aren’t helping. I now have your tops in my head for the rest of the night. I love you and I’m telling you that I’ll enjoy all three of you in a couple of days.”
The Skype screen went blank telling me they stopped the transmission. Connie came to me, hugged me, and gave me a kiss on the cheek. She very quietly said, “Jeannie is very sweet and is usually only interested in other girls. That she is attracted to you is something different. Keep me with you if you decide to play. I’d love to enjoy you again.”
It was time for the office to close, so I called to make sure everything was working the way it should. Kelly said that we were having a great sales day, and that the Foxworth girls were running over to tell them every time a new sale was brought in. Kelly said, “Just you showing up here has your sales team producing again. I think we’ll be doing five hundred sales a week between here, the north office, and the condo office. How are we ever going to process that many sales?”
“I don’t know, but we’re going to find out, Kelly. Think about this, Kelly. If having a north LA office is a good idea, why not open a south LA office? We can’t have a beach office as there just isn’t any open land, but there is land to the east, so why not an east LA office. Think about it.”
“Oh shit, I didn’t think about either direction, but you’re right, why not in either direction? We could open offices and developments anywhere out here. We know how to clear the area so that our homes would be safe from brush fires. We have to completely clear any area we develop so that there’s no overlap between brush and tree lines that could burn us out. This is going to be fun, isn’t it, Brad?”
Georgia wanted to talk to me and said, “I have several Assistant applications that you need to review. It seems several company people want to come here to become Assistants because of our high placement rate. You might need to temper some of their hopes with the forecast that not many management positions will be open in the foreseeable future.”
“I’ll look at them in the morning while we figure out what offices need to be visited. It’s time, Sweet Thing. Go home. Make sure you smile at everyone who goes past you. That makes them want to be there in the morning.”
Georgia was laughing as she hung up.
Connie said, “Can Jeannie and I go up and freshen up? Should we use your suite or a different one?”
“Use our room. I’ll probably not shower or shave again for pool. I will change into jeans.”
Donte was in the saloon reading a book, so I asked him, “Can I give you my piece while I’m at the pool hall tonight? I want to put jeans and a T-shirt on without a sport coat. I want to play my best and don’t want any interference.”
Donte smiled and said, “Bring your clip-on and give it to me when we’re in the car. You know when there’s a problem, so I don’t have to worry about you. What’s the deal with these women?”
“I don’t know yet, but the girls in Hawaii are telling them it’s all good to have an orgy. I don’t think I’ll get involved, so I’ll probably pass on outside entertainment.”
Donte laughed and said, “Yuu must be the real chaser in the family. He is always having strange women in his bed according to Dai. Dai says the man buys condoms by the gross. That’s still dangerous. That you are reasonably circumspect about your liaisons is good, so I don’t feel guilty when you talk to your women.”
“Truthfully, Donte, I’d rather my women choose the playmate if I’m going to stray. They know most of the fun stuff in Hollywood between the three of them, and will direct me away from something that might be bad. It’s still easier to just ignore the outside stuff and keep my playtime within the family.”
Our Monday night team was hanging on within the middle of the field in ranking because the heavyweight, me, has been gone. I’m a skill level nine in 9-ball, so that leaves fourteen skill level points for others to play when I play with the team. The team has me, a seven, two fours, two threes, and two twos. Our twos were miserable pool players, but added a lot of laughs with their personalities. They tried their best but just couldn’t get the hand/eye coordination together. We could play both fours and both threes for fourteen, and me as a nine for a twenty-three skill level total if I played.
The team captain said, “You haven’t been able to play lately, so do it tonight and we’ll see how it works out. It will be tough to win if they play a low skill level against you, but you can give us a lesson in safes.”
The opposing team did what was unexpected by playing their seven first. I looked at our seven and he came to me, “This guy is probably better than me, but not you. He’s going to shit and freeze up and not do well as soon as we put you up against him. The guy can’t shoot worth a shit if he doesn’t feel dominant.”
That was a truth as the lag was silly as he bounced his ball a foot off the bottom cushion.
I broke and ran the first three racks. The fourth break only one sank, but the table totally sucked. I should have checked how tight the rack was. My only recourse was to tap the one and put the cue ball behind the other balls. That was it for my opposition as he was totally out of his league. I ended up beating him bad enough to give us an eighteen to two lead.
I played a few money games after that and picked up a hundred or a twenty at a time. Connie came to me when the team had won, and asked, “Can I come visit you tonight? You know that Jeannie would like to come too.”
“You know that I love the loving, but how about if I wait until my ladies can give Jeannie a sticker that says okay to do.”
Connie giggled and said, “That’s the reason I love you so much. You even make sense when you turn down pussy. Give her a kiss on the cheek and tell her that you’ll figure a way to fool with her next time.”
I did that between games with some of the most determined people who wanted to beat me so that they could hang a note on the wall that said they beat ‘Brad’. I didn’t let any new notes get hung and went home with lined pockets. Brindle said that she needed to take up playing pool during her off hours, because there was a lot of anxious pussy there at the pool hall.
Donte asked me if I was going to go there on his days off when I had to have others watching me. I assured him I would avoid the Rack when he wasn’t available.
Friday was crazy from when I showed up at seven-thirty until it was time to run away from the place. First was a problem with the north office’s newest development. The County was saying that we didn’t install the proper pipes for the drain field for heavy rainfall. The engineer showed them the tables that they created and we had exceeded their size by a couple of feet. The County said that the engineers who approved the drains were no longer with the County because of these kinds of mishaps.
I had our local counsel begin hammering engineering and permitting to find out if the engineers who approved us were really gone. They weren’t gone, and upon being summoned to testify on our behalf in an on-demand hearing, they told the judge that our installation exceeded what was specified by the County. We were allowed to continue to build inventory and model houses.
There was a process server who showed up on Friday just before five to give us an order to cease and desist all construction in the North LA development areas because it had a specific kind of plant that was ecologically important to the area. The time of day had us stop any work on the jobsite, but it also gave us a weekend to get this squashed, as well as find out who was working against us.
Kelly and I worked the phones until eight that night to see what we could find out. Joan showed up from Phoenix, said that she had heard about this, and that she had answered all the legal stuff having to do with the weeds that were there before we began getting permits. Kelly was going to take Joan home with her, but I said, “Let me take you two out to dinner or come with me for something the cooks can make for us.”
Kelly said, “What do you say to that, Joan. Want to join the boss for an evening of fun at the mansion? Hugh never had it as good as our guy.”
Joan said, “Oh yeah, I’ll eat him, or should that be that I’ll eat at his place? I know his women allow some fun with us outside women sometimes. They are some of the best pussy eaters in LA.”
Kelly nudged her, and said, “The women are in Hawaii, so any pussy eating is going to be done by the man himself or his currently most important Assistant.”
Joan broke up hearing that, and gave me a hug and a big kiss. “Oh boy, I get some loving without having to beg all night. Feed me, Big Guy, and let’s get to the main course as fast as possible.”
Ken called while we were eating some very special chicken breasts. He said, “Call me in the morning because Forest and I have the answer to all this bullshit. We might be able to cripple these people before Sunday. I’d like to be sure so that construction can be up and running on Monday morning.”
I now wish that I hadn’t acted rushed when Ken was on the phone. I’ll have to wait until morning to find out. The more I thought about it, the more aggravated I became because I needed to know what was going on.
Screw it, I’m calling Ken back. “This is Ken.”
I scolded the partner, and told him, “You can’t call this early in the evening and give me a teaser like that. We’re on cell phones, and they are really tough to listen in on conversations from what I’m told. So tell me what you know so that I can sleep tonight.”
Ken softly laughed, “Ha, ha, I guessed that would keep you awake. The people behind this are cronies of the Councilman you busted before we bought the city center project. There apparently were several lined up with their hands out to get a piece of that. We screwed up the deal by wanting it all. They sent a goon to the home office this afternoon to relay a message face to face so that they couldn’t be recorded, they thought. We have every word of his blackmail attempt recorded with time stamps. I’ll send you the recording, along with the transcription we made. We backtracked this guy, and one of Dot’s secretaries lifted his cell phone so that we could get the numbers he was calling and that were calling him. Our private detective agency that we still have some credit with out in LA is tracking all the numbers down. The goon has his phone back and is none the wiser. This guy’s boss wants a hundred million before he will get off our backs. You and I both know that as soon as we pay a buck, they’ll be asking for two. The man at the front happens to be another on the LA County Board of Supervisors. He obviously carries some weight and is always around during elections handing out some cash for re-election.”
Through clenched teeth, I said, “I thought I was through with the gangster stuff. We’re in a civilized city and country, and we’re being harassed by a two bit politician who feels jilted because he didn’t get a big payday on the city center deal. How do you want to fight this? Should I look him up on the golf course in the morning and shoot the bastard? How about I run over him with a concrete truck? I do love my job and am looking forward to all the successes we are going to have here, but all this payoff stuff really has me crazy. My personal bodyguard was even having some second thoughts about our security here at our home. I’m jumpy if he’s jumpy. How are you going to do this?”
Ken said, “We were able to interest the FBI in the case. They sent an Agent out to talk to us and collect the audio and video tapes of the man. He was impressed that our security had already identified the guy and had tracked him back to LA. We know where he lives and who his employer is. The board member isn’t all that sharp, since he operates as a consultant with several of his employees collecting in an old fashioned shakedown operation. It still works in LA because of so many haves and have nots. The FBI may want to interview you, and I’ve given them your telephone number. I suggest you do it at the office if you do have to be interviewed. Keep your home private.
I asked, “So are they going to arrest the guy, or just investigate him? We’re going to have to have another hearing if he isn’t arrested. We may not get a court officer who is as accommodating as the last one. Our counsel out here already has a petition to stay the cease and desist order. They believe we can accomplish this first thing Monday and be back to work by noon. We have to legally eliminate this guy and get him out of our hair. He’s going to constantly be needling us if he remains around.”
“Look, Brad, think of something you can do with the man short of shooting him. Have him dumped in deep South Africa. He’ll get back, but it’ll take him most of a year with no money and a good language barrier. He might even be taken as one of the slaves for diamond mines. Anyway, think of something.”
Typical, ‘let Brad do it’. Dai is in Hawaii with Hideki, so I can’t ask his advice. I wonder if either Hideki or Yuu have to come back for any business. They may not because they seemed pretty content to have resolved all the issues with Yuu’s new plant.
Kelly and Joan had gone up to bed. I didn’t need to be worrying about it now, but will focus on it in the morning.
The girls were busy by the time I arrived in the bedroom. The delicious ladies were in a real lovers’ clinch causing a lot of moans. I quickly stripped, showered, and shaved before crawling on my hands and knees to find an opening to join in. Joan was like a magnet and swiveled to me, wrapping her legs and arms around me. We shared some pussy flavored kisses, and then I was inside this woman with that desirable something that drove me nuts.
I loved Kelly in a familiar way when our out of town guest was sprawled out panting from multiple orgasms. The two of us had some intense feelings for each other, but recognized that we were devoted to my women and to our jobs.
The three of us fell asleep hugging each other when I had given up all the juices my body could produce.
Donte shook my shoulder and held his finger to his mouth for me to be quiet. He whispered for me to quickly dress in jeans and sneakers to go with him. He said, “Make sure that you bring your piece.”
Uh oh, something is wrong somewhere. As soon as I was downstairs, Donte said, “Someone is in the garage and has tried the kitchen and front doors. I don’t want to call the cops until I know who we are up against. Try not to shoot anyone since that always gets people riled up. We need to capture whoever it is so that we can talk to them.”
Donte said, “Let’s do this, Brad. You station yourself outside the first bay door, and I’ll go in the back door. Use your phone app to open this end garage door when I turn the lights on. Use my phone since I forgot to tell you to bring yours. That’s probably how they got in there. Like I said, try not to shoot, but return fire if they shoot at you.”
Donte ran around to the back of the garage. I pulled the garage app up and waited for the lights to come on. I pushed ‘open’ on that overhead door and it began rising. Two men were trying to crawl under the lifting door while Donte was ordering them to stop or he would shoot.
I moved up close to them, and said, “And I’m fresh out of bed ready to shoot someone for waking me. You two should be very still. Stay on your hands and knees. Donte came out and said, “These boys have left a bunch of tools over by the Bentley, and there are parts on the floor by the limo. I didn’t get back to the BMW, but we’ll have Brindle check it out too.”
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xmoviesforyouIt’s a warm summer night and I have left the windows of my room wide open to allow the gentle breeze to cool the room. The soft light of the full moon shining through the sheer curtains faintly illuminates the room. I lay naked in my huge bed my body tangled in the thinnest of sheets after having tossed the blankets to the side during the night. You slip quietly through the window glancing briefly at the large dog lying on the floor at the foot of the bed. The dog looks up at you for a moment...
I was on holiday in Greece and was ona night out with my b/f. We were hitting the clubs and getting drunk of course ;o)!!We met some guys we were staying next too and were talking and drinking when some girls came over and joined in. I got friendly with one and we were just talking and she said come back to my room as I have some pictures of family etc and free drinks. I went off with her as my b/f chatted to his mates said see you later baby.Me and this girl (can't remember her name) were...
Mandy knew that her pussy was leaking. She could not only feel the juices sloshing around in her inner folds and smooth, shaved lips but, she could feel the wetness in her blue bikini panties. She squeezed her legs together in an effort to relieve the moist fabric from her mound but only succeeded in rubbing her clit, causing a shockwave to ripple through her body. A strangled moan, like a mini grunt escaped her closed mouth. Oh shit! She thought. Her eyes quickly glanced around behind her...
Wife LoversTwo years ago I was sitting in class in my last year of high school. I was s*******n and hadn’t had too much experience with the ladies. The teacher told us that next week we’d be going on a field trip to the zoo for something. I didn’t really feel like going, and I was just going to skip it, until my girlfriend at the time, Sarah asked me if I was gonna come. I said no, I’d rather skip, and she encouraged me to come. She even promised me a blowjob on the bus if I came!Now let me describe...
Penny Authors note: This was an interesting, and challenging piece for me to do. Most of my works are usually pure fiction with perhaps a sprinkling of fact based on similar experiences, or people I’ve known thrown in. As many of us here at Lit sometimes find, we get emails or feedback from people who have read and appreciated our stories. Sometimes a friendship can come from this, or at the very least dialogue begins borne from someone’s desire to see a particular story written, or an idea...
Hi I am Rico 24 from Kerala currently working in Chennai. After completing my post graduation studies I had much expectation about career. But lastly I ended in working in a publication mainly in editing and designing. Here i would like to narrate an incident happened in my office. I am expecting your feedback and if you are interested contact Jeevitha, 34 from Karnataka has changed my life by giving what I was waiting for many years. Jeevitha madam was working as content editor in office. She...
M43, g16yo, size Characters: Lisa, Willie, Principal Skinner, Ned Flanders, Junkyard Owner. Synopsis: Lisa and Willie continue their sexual adventure. Lisa helps Willie rebuild his shack and Willie teaches Lisa a new Position. Willie lay down on the bed with his huge cock standing up; Lisa climbs up on the bed and slowly sits down on Willie’s 12 inch cock and slowly fucks him Lisa: Oh Willie I love how deep you always are in me Willie; I love being balls deep inside you Lisa...
The day dawned predictably golden on the island of Eleuthera. Lavender fingers of light were reaching up into the sky when Randy Ferris cautiously opened the door of the bungalow he had shared with his sister the night before and made his way to the red MG parked down the road. He had to work today. But he would be back at French Leave tonight... in time to get acquainted with Davie Knight! Then, tomorrow... tomorrow would be the beginning of a glorious weekend and--if Trish knew what she was...
I had known Brandy for years. While I was still married, her son was a frequent visitor to our home. We have moved to the area in the late 1990s, and our sons became good friends from second grade on. Since our two sons were best friends, we did bump into each other a lot in town and at school functions. Brandy was a divorced mother of three. She was a dyed blonde, curvy, and had very alluring, bedroom eyes. We would often have little chats by the door when one of our kids was being picked up....
Straight SexThe next week Phil had to go out of town on business. "Talk about me being ripe to fuck. I am ripe! And by now, I've got him ripe to explode too!" She said excitedly. "When I finally do wrap my warm pussy around Phil, I think he is going to cum buckets." I was excited that she wanted to fuck Phil. I wanted her to tell me about it all, in wet detail. I wanted to watch it and more than anything, I wanted her to love it. I wanted her to be addicted to his cock like I was getting addicted...
It was a cool and clear Sunday. Everything had been quiet all day and the evening patrol was no different. I came on duty at 3:00PM to start my shift. I had to cover until 11:00PM so I figured that if the day watch was an example, then it would be a very long night for me! I was assigned the 304 district over on the east side of the city. A mixture of residential, light commerical and some warehouses. The residential was middle clase, working people. Normal calls for service, and sometimes a...
EroticChapter One: Futa's First Wild Ride By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 Before the cheering studio audience, the host interviewing about my life for the last hour, was lost to her lusts. The sexy, caramel-skinned Amelia, pushed me down on the couch we were sitting upon. I didn't fight her, my futa-dick throbbing so hard against my dress. “Oh, Becky,” she groaned, her perfectly coiffed, brown hair spilling about the wild passion of her features. She had that delightful,...
Lucy nervously paced in front of the triangular window, the harsh white light infiltrating the gloom of her bedroom. She cast her green eyes down into the front garden: a mess of unkept lawn with grass that grew as high as her waist and streaks of gravel that sort of resembled a path if you squinted. She had a good vantage point, her bedroom was the highest room in the house. Most people would call it an attic and wouldn’t like to spend their time in such a dim room, but Lucy wasn’t most...
After a painful talk with Kevin, Simone decided the best course of action was to try and get some sleep, then figure out in the morning what was next. She wanted more than anything to follow Kevin to the guest room and sleep the night in his arms. But that clearly wasn't an option given the current occupancy of the house. It was something of a relief when the baby awoke wanting to be changed and fed. Simone sent Kevin back to the guest room and encouraged him to try and sleep, while she...
Two teen step-sisters, Aliya Brynn and Lily Larimar, are eager to get summer jobs. It just so happens that their step-dad, Derrick Pierce, owns a massage parlor, so they figure they have an easy in. However, Derrick only has one position available and is having a hard time choosing which daughter gets it. He loves them both equally… The thing about the sisters is that they’re both very determined and used to getting what they want. In fact, they both begin competing to try and win...
xmoviesforyouChapter Thirteen: Futa Mind-Controls Her Hot Boss By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Mildred Dean The panties sailed over my boss's desk and landed on her cleavage, sticking to the round expanse of firm boobs the dominating woman had. Athena Pearce gasped in shock, thrusting back from her desk. The leather executive's chair wheeled back as fury crossed her face. “There is no mental health condition that is going to justify throwing your wet...
Este ora 5 jumatate dimineata. Stau intins pe canapea cu un pahar de wiskey intr-o mana si telecomanda in cealalta. N-am avut somn toata noaptea. Sotioara mea iubita a urcat la ora 21 in taxi si a plecat spre petrecerea aniversara a unei foste colege de facultate. Ma asteptam sa fie inapoi pana la ora 3. Dar nu a fost. Si acum iata-ma. Are telefonul inchis. N-am reusit sa dau de ea toata noaptea. Mi-am promis ca nu o sa ma panichez. Se aude usa inchizandu-se. Inchid televizorul si o astept. La...
I'm Sorry For Many things but mainly Because I can not be, I can not be the boy that you want The boy who is strong and kind handsome and brave The boy who was the SON The PRIDE THe Brother THe Father and GrandFather THe boy who loved sports And Trucks and Guns and MAN-ly things The boy who married the girl Who lived happily ever after With 2.3 kids and a white picket fence Fate was not kind In my heart my mind my soul I am not I am not what they want what they see what...
This is Sheila, sharing with you about my sexy step-mom and my experience. My mom and dad got divorced when I was in college. But we still kept our contacts with dad and his new wife (my step-mom) in good terms and visit each other occasionally. No doubt my dad was a handsome businessman with a dashing personality. I salute on his choice when he got a very sexy lady as his new life partner. My biological Mom was not less than anyone with a tall, buxom body. Still, my mom and dad could not get...
LesbianMy wife and I lazily walked up from the beach. We'd been on holiday for the last week and were feeling lazy and relaxed. We reached out apartment and I got our lunch while Margie had a shower and changed into a skimpy little dress. As we sat out on the balcony eating our lunch, I began to feel sexy as I looked at Margie's legs and looked past her gaping neckline at her small, firm breasts. She was sitting opposite to me and I put my foot up and caressed the insides of her thighs with...
A fair number of years ago, I was about 19 or so. I had recently finished school and got myself a handy job. Making money and being young, I of course began heading into town (Dublin) on the weekends for some very enjoyable nights out. This night, was one to remember.I had been drinking with some friends in a pub. Last orders were called at bout 2:00a.m. We finished up our drinks and we all left to head home. I was on my own as I was going in the opposite direction to my friends. It was about...
There's nothing like opening the mouth to a nice fresh hard on. It makes you feel good to have that swollen head soaring through your mouth tunnel as though it is a train with passengers! It just slips inside, and tests you physically and mentally! It gives you a good time, and when the squirts start to happen you can do one of two things - swallow or spit! It's a prety lovely kind of gory to have all the slime slip down from all corners of the mouth. It makes you feel like a bit of a...
Kat the Thief: How "Fate" Messes with You by Danielle Keptres Chapter 1 The last screw dropped away from the grate, and the grate slid slowly down, held by a gloved hand, to the top of a stack of boxes. A head popped out of the vent opening now, and slowly looked around. Sliding from the vent, which was just above head level from the floor, the thief got down to the floor with a slick maneuver. The thief flipped forward, similar to doing a somersault, but out of a one and a...
Caroline Raven got home to find her kids sitting quietly together at the kitchen table doing their homework. Sam looked much better, and she felt a little surge of relief at seeing him so well. She had been so frightened for him -- frightened that he would never wake, that she would lose him, as she'd lost his father. Joan was dressed to go out, in a pair of tight jeans and a shirt with the top three buttons unfastened. I really shouldn't let her dress so provocatively, Caroline thought...
Michelle was looking forward to her holiday after having such a bad year; she had always wanted to go around Ireland see if she could find her family ancestry, she had worked out her route and set off she landed in Dublin and got to her hotel, she relaxed and then went to eat, as she sat at her table a young waiter approached “good evening madam and what would you like to drink” Michelle went weak at the Irish accent she loved it and could feel the wetness of her pussy, she gave her order and...
I was led, stumbling and not surprisingly, a little weak, through a hidden door to a luxurious en suite bathroom. I was newly drugged, bathed, douched, enema'ed, showered pampered and finally oiled. I felt and smelled wonderful when I was led back to the Playroom about an hour later. Mistress Lucy had the Japanese girl squirming on her fist, her tight tummy muscles rippling from the strong penetrations. I wanted to be on that fist... Lucy had hardly touched me in all the hours I had been...
Writing this gave me an appreciation for those who write manga tales, and Steve Zink, I think I understand what you go through every time you write a comic-book tale. (Note: It is recommended you familiarize yourself with the Pokemon TV show before reading this.) THE POKEZOO By Roy Del Frink ANNOUNCER: In their continuing quest to become a Pokemon master, Ash and his pals have arrived in Opaque City. Right now they're visiting the city zoo, a zoo full of Pokemon! MISTY:...
There's one fantasy that I Gracie finally let myself live out. The fantasy of being a cock sucking, cum swallowing, gloryhole girl. I’m not sure where my interest came from. I think it has something to do with finding my cousins porn collection on his laptop he let me use when I was visiting them when I was younger. I wrote down a few of my favorite links he had. When I finally convinced my parents that I needed my own personal laptop for school, I finally was able to check those sites out in...
Show Gurlz - Chapter 16 - The Boys at Table Four I'd hardly walked through the door when Jo was all over me. I glanced at the clock. It was 8:30 PM. "Where did you go? What did you think you'd accomplish? You're stupider than I thought you were. You can't cross Carroll that way." I didn't think of it as crossing, merely negotiating. I didn't respond, just headed towards the stairs with my suitcase. She stopped me with two words. "Julie's home." "Really? Where?" "She went...
In my story “Poolside Posers” I described the nude swim and sex romp in our hotel on the first day of the graduates induction course our company sent me, my colleague Tony, and two girls, blonde Babs and brunette Lucy on at our site in Germany. Readers have been asking what happened the next two days. The four of us spent the whole of the next day in mind numbing meetings in a stuffy windowless room in our company office. For me, and I guess Tony, the boredom was relieved only by re-living the...
I half shut my eyes at the sting of the blinding sunset; silhouettes danced against a backdrop of orange and pink hues. I smiled at an inflatable starfish that bounced off into the horizon; the tentacles swayed in sync with the distant sound of house music playing off someone’s phone. Something poked my shoulder; it was a pretty pink flower. “Awe!” I exclaimed in a fog. “You like it?” Jamie looked happy with his sparkling, light brown eyes; they glowed bright against his sun burnt skin....
Hi Indian sex stories readers I am Atul from pune,I am 5’11” good looking and have a cock which can satisfy any women, im well built working for good company. Any girl aunty bhabhi from pune can contact me at Mere ghar me hum 4 log rehte hai me, meri mom, maosi and unki 8 sal ki ladki. Ab me story pe ata hu, ye ghatana is new year me hui mere and meri maosi ke beech About my maosi,unka nam reshma, unki age 31 hai, rang gora, 5’6″ ki hai and fig 34,28,36 k hai. Sabse mast bat unki gan(ass) thi,...
This is my original work; originally published on another site. Enjoy! *hugs*Stacey_tvGood Neighbors, Part 3*** This story continues Stacey's recollections of how she came intoher current situation. Please see Parts 1& 2 for the back story. ***"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Martin asked."Now that I've sucked your cock, it seems like the most natural thing,"I said. "Besides, I'm not sure where this is going, or what happensafter today; but I do know that I'm not going to pass up...
He'd always been kinkier than most. There was something in submission that left him feeling relieved, happy, content even. To be the alpha male everyday in his "normal" life was perhaps the catalyst to his secret feelings. She had always been the perfect wife to him. Sweet, loving, romantic and dedicated to him entirely. Several times earlier on in their relationship he had hinted to her of his desires for sexual adventure, those ideas rejected over and over until, an understanding was made one...
I am now fifty and have hooked up with Susan, thirty-eight. We have rented a beach-side house south of Sydney for a week's holiday. Susan is very proud of her body - slim, athletic, shapely. She jogs most days, except for the day she does half a kilometer in the pool. She practices yoga, and eats healthily. When I see her naked, it feels like I am attracted to a very young woman.I think this was our first morning. She tells me she is going for a jog, and will be back in about an hour. Off she...
ExhibitionismAll was ready in time, and then the guests began to arrive. He cut a fine figure in his black suit and bow tie, as he made his way across the room in his easy and confident strides, his dark unruly hair sweapt back, away from his face and his pearcing green eyes glinting like fine cut emeralds. As he walked back to his office he was aware of quite a few inviting and longing female glances thrown his way. He just walked on, he didn't believe in mixing business with pleasure. Plus, he wasn't...
The lecturer brought the class to a close and the students packed up their books and made their way to the exit. I had been taking a postgraduate evening course after work, this was the second week. While I still presented as male at work, attending the course allowed me to present in female and dress as my true self, a beautiful transgender woman. This evening I was wearing a tight beige dress, black stockings, black ballet flat shoes and a black leather jacket over it. As I was packing up my...
Kendra Spade sits down at her desk and checks her schedule. With an hour to kill, Kendra figures she could have some fun by playing with herself. She takes off her robe to unveil her lacey pink bra. She starts playing with her tits, massaging them slowly. She pinches her nipples and moans in delight as she starts playing with her pussy. When Jay Smooth walks into Kendra’s establishment, he never thought to find a beautiful woman, half-naked, masturbating in the reception area. He clears...
xmoviesforyouI took a swing up US 19 yesterday to look for some action. Driving by one of my favorite arcades, I notice there were enough cars in the lot to promise some interesting action, so I swung around to make a visit.After I took a piss (this place has a nice restroom, but I’m still waiting for someone to come in and join me in it) I walked back to the handicap booth. The guy in it was pulling down his pants and pointing his ass toward the hallway as a come on. I pulled out my dick and gave him a...
One month before prom, two new students, who were twins, registered at your high school and started classes. They were introduced in your English class as Mark and Jenny, and for some reason, the only available seats were right beside you (one on each side of you). The moment they sat down, you thought that they were the most attractive people you had ever seen and will ever see in your life. They seemed to have some erotic influence over you, and you ended up inviting them to prom. You...
BDSMHave you ever had one of those life changing moments? Sometimes you don't even recognized it as such. I was called upstairs to the president's office Monday morning. Mary, the secretary, directed me to go into the boardroom where the president, the two vice-presidents and all four of the other division managers were sitting. The three senior members looked at me and smiled as I sat down. The four managers never looked directly at me. I thought, "Oh oh, this doesn't look good. The rumors...
Today was Friday. Josh flew home from high school and quickly changed his clothes. He flopped down on his bed and began to watch television. But his mind was on Tammy. He pictured as she was last night, in the bathroom with her shirt off. It was all he could do to not rub his cock just thinking about her. “Josh?” His mom stuck her head in his door. “Listen, dear. Your father and I are going out for the evening. We will probably be home very late, so I already set it up with Tammy for you to...
EroticWhat Ronnie had to do was make sure that her primary fear of being discovered ... and then being blackmailed ... would not happen. She wasn’t sure how this was going to work out, but she knew the psychology of teenagers, so she was going to take her best shot. She went straight to the motor home, relieved that the light was still on, and that the generator was still humming softly. She was afraid that the door would be locked, and snorted derisively when she found it open instead. How stupid...
Chances and Opportunities By Karen Hansen Most games can be fun... some can be sexy and kinky, a complete turn- on... others can be a little on the dangerous side. Especially when one has caught the eye of a thief who has you under surveillance. Someone who might have had your phone and residence bugged, your schedule recorded and would from that, have learned that you have a thing for your cross-dressing and self-bondage, such as calling a friend to request a...
It all started when I was fifteen years old. I came down sick with a seriously high fever. It took a week and setting in a lot of cold water baths and lots of drugs to get it down. It took me almost a year to get back to normal. I lived in a small Midwest town with my mother. Dad had died when I was ten, mom and I moved to where she could get work. As I healed and felt better I began to notice that I could influence some people to do things once in a while. Being the sixteen year old...
My name is Carolyn, and I’m twenty one and live with my lover. He’s much older than me, and I guess you could say he’s my sugar daddy. Brian is sixty-one and has been caring for me since I was eighteen. I was a stripper at a bar, and he came in one night and watched me dance. I must have come home that evening with five hundred dollars in my pocket. He was stuffing fifties into my panties. He loves to parade me all over the place. He loves for me to enter contests at bars. He really gets off...
TabooI’d finished my second lesson for the day in card making to groups of ladies at the two-day craft fair in a nice country town. As I talked to a number of ladies about their crafting problems I began to think about packing my equipment and looking for a motel. One last woman patiently waited my attention. We had a pleasant discussion about cards when she put out a hand to introduce herself. Liz had a firm dry handshake. She asked me where I was staying. I told her I hadn’t booked anywhere just...
A week later, the diner was busy and one of the other waitresses was sick, so Emma came in early to help. She hadn’t minded, since her day with Luke, she’d been in a wonderful mood. They’d gone out for a little while before her shift today, and he’d kissed her before saying good-bye. A light, curious kiss that had made her feel dizzy with delight. Even the piano in her apartment didn’t seem to loom in the corner, she knew it was ridiculous, but she thought the instrument looked almost friendly...
Sandra was the type of person that adapts quickly to almost any situation. She gathered her equipment including the weapons and instructed Miss Oh to stay close to her. She did not bother to destroy the craft because it was far too heavy to move from its location on top of the steep mountain and the control panel was covered with layers of titanium coded to open only to her fingerprint. The searchers would most likely just leave a guard on the craft and spread out to locate the riders of...
Nervously she fidgeted with her fingers. It was happening, it was finally happening. She studied the guy who sat across from her. He was rocking a perfectly groomed snowboarders goatee and wore a pinstriped suit. Behind his desks he displayed pictures of some famous singers and pop stars. She had been with this agency for a few months now, but this was the first time she was invited in to have a little chat with the big boss. ‘You’re talented.’ He said. Elisa felt her cheeks flush,...