An ClochánChapter 9 free porn video

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"What did you think of the Iridien Spec Ops group?" asked Sally of the six Órarduine teams.

"In terms of socializing," said Súsanna, "they seemed very open."

"I would put them at the same proficiency level as the Irish and English Spec Ops teams we worked with," said Nicola. "We are meeting them again at An Clochán tomorrow, so we will know a lot more about each other after that."

"Súsanna mentioned that they seemed open," said Darcy, "they were certainly open when they were showing us their cruisers. They have a larger selection of personal combat weapons than we do. However, our ship weapons throw more power than theirs do."

"The difference in weapons," said Leo of Darcy's Clan, "is likely due to different mission requirements. Their ships seem to be designed specifically for interdiction where ours have a broader mission."

"Leo, I think you hit the nail right on the head," said Joe of Nicola's Clan. "I think they would need stealth to take on a Dóchas class ship where our cruisers would have an easier time of it if it came to a fight."

"I wouldn't sell them short," replied Adam of Briana's Clan. "Remember they tangled with a group of IC ships. They did lose some ships but won the engagement. We don't know the details, but suspect they would tell us if we asked."

"What should we share tomorrow?" asked Ciar.

"Why not the operations where we supported the Brits and Irish in the African rescue. Another option would be the rescues related to the Tangiers event."

"Kacey," replied Briana, "I think those are good choices. Those will acquaint them with some of our abilities that I don't believe they have."

"It all sounds good to us," said Sally. "Have a good time tomorrow?"

"By the way, six of the teams who were supposed to be off tomorrow will take our place as our 'ready' group."


On the third morning after the arrival of the Alliance of Worlds fleet, Sarah's Clan boarded AlphaD01 for the trip to Commander Egulle's ship. They were accompanied by four Star Fighters. As AlphaD01 lined up to enter the Iridien ship's hanger, each of Sarah's Clan shivered on seeing the opening.

"Command Staffs," said Sarah's Clan firmly, "Keriann's Clan will take the lead role while we are here. Suggest dispersing now. Advise Órarduine security teams on An Clochán to be extra alert."

"We are," responded Cathan and Briana immediately. "They came with the five teams from yesterday plus a new team. There is something different about the new team."

"AlphaD01, once we leave the ship depart and hold with the fighters."


"Aoife, Tara, any clues."

"Not really, just our hair tingling. We will be extra alert. Tara and I will scan those with us and nearby so we will be rather quiet."

"Fine. Let's keep our link tight, as that will make it easier to project ourselves to AlphaD01 if we need a quick escape."

Sarah's Clan turned their attention to watching the approach to the Iridien ship. AlphaD01 followed the glide path into the hangar area and settled onto the deck. Commander Egulle and some of his staff were waiting for them as they stepped out of AlphaD01.

"Greetings, Sarah's Clan," said Egulle.

After everyone exchanged greetings, Rusty said, "Commander Egulle, we are going to have our shuttle wait with our fighters while we are here."

"As you wish, although it can remain where it is." As Commander Egulle spoke, AlphaD01's door closed as it began the exit sequence. Sally noticed that two workers in the hangar appeared disappointed on seeing AlphaD01 preparing to depart.

"We would like to start off with a tour of our ship," said an Iridien. "This will include key areas, much like the tour you provided when we visited Dóchas. Unfortunately your height precludes easily entering some areas. For those we have prepared a video which we will show you once we reach the conference room."

"We sort of expected that," replied Sarah. Then to her clan, "He wasn't with them when they visited us."

Sarah's Clan was shown the hangar, crews' quarters, flight operations center, the library, fire control center, CIC and the bridge. On the bridge, as each staff member was introduced they described their duties.

During the tour, Aoife carefully watched the thoughts of their hosts as Tara tried to sense the thoughts of others around them. They noticed that some thoughts were clearer than others. There wasn't any indication of discontent or imminent threat either on the bridge or during their tour. Both wondered what they had sensed during their approach. Everyone they met seemed to be genuinely pleased to meet them.

When they reached the conference room, Orgaine was there waiting, along with several others. Orgaine introduced those in the room before offering them refreshments. Everyone took a few of the refreshments before sitting down to eat. Sarah's Clan sat in the chairs designated for them.

"We hope you found the tour acceptable," said Egulle.

"Yes," replied Sarah. "It was very interesting. The closeness in some areas reminds us of Earth's naval ships."

"Interesting. My apologies for not being able to take you into some areas of the ship," said Egulle. "Our staff has put together a video to show you those areas before we begin with our planned agenda." Egulle nodded to one of the Iridiens and the video began. The video was paused several times to answer questions.

"Nicely, done," said Terry when the video had finished, causing the presenter to give her a small bow.

Egulle said, "Our next presentation is about the Alliance of Worlds. It will cover how it is organized, an overview of the different species, and where we are in the universe. Thoqa will begin with the background on Alliance of Worlds. If something is not clear please ask questions at any time."

Sarah's Clan nibbled on the refreshments as they listened to the presentation by Thoqa. They asked several times for clarification of a point, but as the presentation progressed they asked fewer and fewer questions. However, they never stopped nibbling their refreshments.

Thoqa was near the end of his presentation when Judy told her spouses, "We have a problem. These refreshments contain several drugs which are already having an effect on us. One is causing us to continue eating. Another is giving us a sense of euphoria; this is the most serious one as it will make us very receptive to suggestions. If we cannot block this one, we will not have the will to block the effect of the other drugs on our thought processes. Fortunately, our bodies can counter the drugs, but it will take some time and most of our focus. Now, let's relax while we appear to focus on their presentations so that our bodies can respond. While doing this, we must maintain our connection with each other and limit all other distractions. While our bodies neutralize the drugs we will be very vulnerable. Appearing to be attentive to the presentations should cover our predicament."

As the presentations continued Sarah's Clan sat so still they almost appeared to be statues. Unknown to them, this was a visual indication of the drug's effectiveness. However, for them it just allowed their bodies to rally against the drugs and render them harmless.

When the presentations began, the Iridien's didn't notice the two staff members cautiously monitoring Sarah's Clans' appearance. When the two saw subtle changes in their posture, they glanced at each other and smiled. To them the changes indicated that the drugs were effective. They knew that the visitors were now trapped in a catatonic state while the drugs turned them into their new servants. Pleased by their apparent success, they turned their attention back to the presentations.

As Sarah's Clan increased their focus on countering the drugs they reduced all unnecessary activity in their bodies. An impact of this was to severe their mind-link to the other Command Staffs.

On Iarracht, Keriann's Clan responded immediately on noticing the loss of their link to Sarah's Clan. Their first step was to confirm that none of the other Command Staffs could sense Sarah's Clan either. Almost simultaneously Keriann realized that they must have suspected something on arriving at the Iridien ship. In her command voice she said, "Muiriol, initiate Readiness Level 1 for all Órarduine ships, NOW!" Almost as soon as she finished her command, alarms sounded on every Órarduine ship and at An Clochán.

At An Clochán, Briana and Cathan were startled when they heard Keriann's command voice. Then seeing her concern, they reacted immediately by instructing Breacadh to seal the room they were using. Just as the doors locked the alarms could be heard ringing outside. The other Órarduine looked toward Briana and Cathan when they heard Keriann's command. Briana said, "We will continue our activities here for now but be alert." There was hardly any noticeable hesitation by any Órarduine.

"What is the alarm?" asked Antopolis.

"General call to stations. All of our ships and this base were summoned to Readiness Level 1," replied Cathan. "We are restricted to this room until further notice."


"We don't know the details, yet. Breacadh, show a sky map on the monitors in here."

On Iarracht, Keriann said, "All Command Staffs, move uncloaked to Delta1 offensive positions on the Alliance of World fleet. Once there hold momentarily, then cloak and move to Delta2. Star, you will command Dóchas."

"Aye, aye," was the response from each ship.

"Security! Assemble four teams."

"Aye. Assignment?"

"Rescue Sarah's Clan from Egulle's ship. Plan on a forced boarding."

"All ships, launch Ferrets at assigned targets when in range."

Aine stepped up behind Keriann, putting her hand on her shoulder. Keriann shivered as she felt Aine, and then Creidne, stand beside her. She could feel them join the mind link sphere her clan had formed to meld them into one entity.

In the conference room at An Clochán all activity slowly stopped after the sky map appeared on the display. The meaning of the alarms was clear to all. Every Órarduine ship was rapidly moving toward the Alliance of Worlds fleet.

"Aren't those your ships moving against our fleet?" exclaimed an Iridien.

No one responded. Everyone's attention was focused on the display and watching the seven Órarduine Dóchas class ships rapidly moving toward the Alliance of World fleet. As the Dóchas class ships moved, they launched their cruisers and Star Fighters which took either escort positions, or formed up in groups before moving to offensive positions around the fleet.

In the meeting room on Egulle's ship, the third presentation was nearing its end. During the nearly three hours of presentations Commander Egulle had glanced at Sarah's Clan several times. He had expected the interaction and questions to continue during the presentations, but the questions had dropped to nothing. For the last 2 hours Sarah's Clan had hardly moved, in fact they were so still he had at times wondered if they were alive. They were so still they almost seemed like statues, but when he looked closer, he saw them breathing. He glanced at Orgaine but he shrugged his shoulders. Were they really this different from others they had met? When the presentation ended, Egulle said, "Sarah's Clan, what is your impression of Alliance of Worlds now?"

Sarah's Clan sat very still, looking as if they were asleep with their eyes open, occasionally blinking.

"What's wrong with them?" asked Egulle with some alarm. "Summon the medics." Orgaine reached over and touched Sarah's arm but there was no reaction.

"Now is not the time to disturb them," said Olua in an arrogant tone. "There is absolutely nothing wrong with them. They are simply digesting the refreshments we provided. All we need to do now is sit back and wait while they assimilate those refreshments." Olua smiled, letting his large canine teeth show. "In a short while, those delicious spices we added to the refreshments will have achieved our goal. Their minds will open to us like a flower blossoming. In this state, they will readily receive and follow any direction we give them as if it was their own. Tonight we can celebrate having a new species to serve us, as they will be totally, but invisibly, under our control. As long as we keep feeding them our spices with their food, they will continue to be our most devoted servants. From the way they devoured the refreshments, they apparently like our spices and may find them a bit addictive. Now, without any hesitation, they will deliver us their technology and put their people at our disposal. They will be very popular at our banquets."

"Olua, I am shocked by your arrogance and stupidity," said Orgaine rising from his seat. "Didn't you read any of the information we acquired from them?"

"Yes, I read that drivel. You believe all that crap about their abilities. Whoever wrote that has read to many fiction stories. No one has abilities like that. It is you who is too stupid to recognize the significance of the technology these naive animals have brought us," replied Olua arrogantly. "These animals hold technology that we, the Dutsuz, have been seeking for ages. Once our drugs have taken effect, they will be ours to control and use. With our government controlling access to their technology, we will be the prime leader for the Alliance of Worlds."

"You have made a grave error," said Orgaine.

"Oh, I think not. Why don't you just watch? You might learn the correct way to meet another advanced species." Commander Egulle had slowly turned red in anger as Olua had spoken.

"Commander Egulle," came a voice over the speaker, "all the Órarduine ships have just cloaked. Earlier the situation board indicated that they were moving toward us as they launch their fighters. The pattern then indicated a high probability of an impending attack."

"Don't respond, yet. Hold our status," replied Egulle through tight lips as he tried to control his anger.

"Aye, sir."

As the dialog between Egulle and Olua had begun, Sarah's Clans bodies were rapidly overcoming the last effects of the spice drugs in the food. As soon as Rusty felt strong enough he said to his spouses, "Maintain your appearance, don't let on that we are aware of our surroundings. Let's let this apparent mutiny proceed until our strength is sufficient to move us directly to AlphaD01."

"I'd like to knock the asshole senseless before we leave," said Maeve and Sarah in a cold deadly thought.

"It would be appropriate, but let's be sure we have enough energy available," said Rusty. "To do that we need to get to the point that we can draw on all our energy reserves. If he doesn't move, the simplest thing to do is throw him backward toward the wall."

"If you give us a second after he is stunned, we can fix him so he can't lie," added Aoife and Alison with a lot passion.

"Fine, as long as attempting to lie is mind-numbingly painful."

While Sarah's Clan was sharing thoughts the dialog surrounding them continued, with Egulle saying, "Olua, your actions have likely started a war that no one will win."

"Avoiding a war with these animals will be very easy," said Olua as he pulled a weapon. As he did that the women on each side of him drew theirs. "All we need to do is engage their ship's commanders in a dialog until our new puppets are ready to do our bidding. At that point, we will have our puppets tell them to stand down and reassure them that everything is okay. It is all very simple. Once the situation is defused, we will begin preparing them to serve us while we feed them more spice."

"Who else have you conned into going along with this absurd plan?"

"Conned? Absurd? Command Egulle, it really doesn't matter. For you see, in a few moments a message from Alliance of Worlds Central Command will arrive. It will relieve you of command. In your place, an outstanding Dutsuz commander will be appointed, as it should have been in the beginning."

"That will not happen," replied Egulle sharply then followed with, "and just who is supposed to be the new mission commander?"

"Commander Arknov."

Egulle laughed before responding with, "You think a very mediocre Spec Ops Commander can command this mission."

"Certainly, he is one of our people. Mediocre only because of your people's discrimination. He has long been overlooked for advancement and now he shall have it. It will happen because the weapon in my hand says you are in no position to stop it. Besides, in a few moments you will have a very serious accident. The severity of the injuries will require your replacement. It won't be serious enough to keep you from being punished for mistreating my people. You, your buddy Orgaine, along with a few others, will pay dearly for your actions against our people." As he spoke, he became louder and angrier. "Each of you will learn what pain is like as you are punished according to our traditions. Egulle, you will be the first. It will be a pleasure to see each of you begging to die long before your pain and suffering ends. Besides, it will be nice to have fresh meat again. We learned a long time ago that a painful death provides some of the best tasting meat. We will enjoy the flavor even more as it is from those who held us back."

Keriann's Clan listened as each of their ships confirmed reaching position Delta1. By this time, each Dóchas ship was fully battle ready. Weapons were charged. All aircraft were moving to their initial jump point.

"Command Staffs," said Keriann, "on my mark proceed to Delta2." With that she began the count down, "5... 4... 3... 2 ... Mark!"

With her command, the star map changed to show the markers for their ships in orange, signifying that they were cloaked. Each ship then began moving to a new position, significantly distant from their Delta1 position.

Three smaller ships could be seen moving toward the Iridien command ship, on the side where their four fighters and shuttle were waiting for Sarah's Clan.

"Commander Egulle," came the voice over the speaker, "Spec Ops control is reporting, they lost contact with the six teams on An Clochán. Intelligence believes they are preparing to attack based on their formation prior to us loosing contact."

"Raise alert to level 3," replied Egulle.

"Aye, sir."

Those in the conference room at An Clochán were grimly watching the monitors. Several of the Iridiens had scanned the area weighing their chances of getting to their ships.

Antopolis softly said, "Briana, can you tell us what caused this?"

"We lost contact with Sarah's Clan shortly after they finished their tour of Commander Egulle's ship."

"How come your symbols for your ships changed color?" asked an Iridien.

"That color indicates it is cloaked," replied Súsanna.

"Are those three ships closing in on Egulle's ship going to attempt the obvious?" asked an Iridien.

"If you mean release Sarah's Clan, then yes," replied Briana.

"Boarding our ship with such a small group will be suicide."


On Egulle's ship, Olua said, "You act in haste. There was no reason to change our alert level. Are you dense? I just told you that all we need to do is establish a dialog with their ships until these animals here are fully under our control. Our spices are turning them into our puppets. All we need to do is give them a few suggestions when they wake so that they will tell the others to stand down as everything is okay." Just then there were three taps on the door. The door opened letting four people enter with their arms bound behind their back. Six more people with weapons followed them inside.

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And yet, she did not struggle. Her hands hung limply at her sides. She simply stared at him with her big, hazel eyes. All she could see of him was his white teeth grinning at her from under the hood of his cloak “I forgot how much you enjoy this.” You have no idea… She said nothing, only licked her lip and let her eyes shut. He chuckled and let her go. She fell to the ground, not daring to move without his order. He nudged her with a boot. “Get up.” She...

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My New Personal Trainer Part 6

MY NEW PERSONAL TRAINER, PART 6 by Zenna Swallows 19 December I'm still trying to get my head around what happened yesterday. I'm now in possession of two things I would never have imagined I could have. A key to the silver cage fastened tight around my friend Ashlee's clitty. And a cage of my own! I mean, one of those on their own would be mind blowing. But both together? Wow! It might seem obvious that I'd be mostly thinking about my own cage right now. And it's certainly hard to...

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Love and Family During the Great DeathChapter 11 A Good Teasing Scrubs the Soul Clean

The next morning David awoke before anyone else, as was usual for him. He glanced around, idly wondering who he'd fallen sleep next to the previous night, but there were bodies lying all over due to everyone's having moved around during the night, so there was no way to calculate who'd started out where. Like him, both Alice and Ellen awoke at nearly the same time. David realized, once he started to think about how to extricate himself, that not only was he still naked, but the covers had...

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Futa Naked In School 09 Innocent Girls Futa Awakening 3 Lolas Futa Epiphany

Chapter Three: Lola's Futa Epiphany By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Lola Lovell's Week, Thursday The sharp scent jolted me awake. Smelling salts. I stared up into Nurse Luann's face. Her hazel eyes studied me. I shuddered, trembling, this embarrassed heat rushing through me. I struggled together myself. I was lying on a bed in the nurse's office. I was here because... “Oh, no,” I groaned. “I'm sorry,” she said. “I didn't mean to spring that news on you so abruptly.” “A sugar...

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Dee 7

I'm Now Called Dee Ch. 07 Coming out to Kate's parents had been easier than either of us thought, I wasn't so sure about my parents. I knew the days, weeks and months ahead were going to be difficult. They would turn out to be a rollercoaster of ups and downs and of emotions. As expected my parents weren't over the moon when I introduced them to Dee. My father stormed out saying, "Don't speak to me until you get this nonsense out of your head. MAN UP!" Mum, looking crushed and...

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The Two New Teachers

She had always loved her friend as far back as she can remember. They did everything together as thus had become very close to each other. However, as time progressed for these two young ladies, she’d met a guy she soon fell in love with, and they started going out a lot. In truth she’d gone out on her fourth date with him and to Chloe he was like magic to her in that he was the nicest and sweetest and friendliest guy she had ever met. Smiling from ear to ear, every time she saw her close...

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Lisa and Kim

It all started with a girls night out for my wife Lisa. When she came out of the bedroom I instantly wanted to throw her on the couch. Dressed in a pair of faded, tight, ripped jeans and a plunging halter top that showed off her nicely tanned breasts. “Does this look OK?” is all she said. “Damn, how come you never dress like that when we go out?” She always tends to dress like a delicious little whore when going out with her friends and like a tomboy when we go out. “Whatever,” she said with a...

Wife Lovers
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RigbyChapter 7

In November the PE classes switched from football and soccer outdoors on the big playground behind the school to basketball and volleyball inside as the weather got colder and wetter. One day Mr. Lehr had Rigby’s section work on foul shots at the three baskets in the boys’ half of the gym. “Want you to take ten, two at a time and then come and tell me how many you made. Get it? Take turns. You can take other shots while you wait, understand, but get ten foul shots.” Half an hour later, near...

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Sleep over at Roberts ll

It felt funny laying in bed naked and my butt hurt. I pulled the sheets back over me and rolled over. Next thing I knew the bed was shaking. Looking around the sun hadn't come up yet. Mr Baker was sitting in the edge of the bed. He ran his hand up my leg to my crotch. As he rubbed my groin, I spread my legs. Good you're awake, he whispered. He pulled down the sheets till I was fully exposed. My dick stiffened as I thought about what he was going to do. Leaning over he kissed my nipples and...

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BlankSlate The Teacher

Blank-Slate: The Teacher By: Paradox "I just don't get it, Lisa," John Wilkins said, sighing. "I try to be understanding of these kids, I try to give them every opportunity, but..." "John, listen," Lisa said. "You can't, like, blame yourself, y'know? Butch and Jimmy are, like, total meatheads. They don't care about learning and stuff." "Isn't it our job to make them care?" John asked. "In a perfect world," Lisa said. "Maybe I'm, like, a little biased though. Those two punks...

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Johnny QuickChapter 9

Not that they had been doin' us much good that we could tell, we got word that the soldiers at Fort Gaines were bein' sent ta New Orleans. An attack wuz expected by them damned English down there, an' the soldiers were needed more there than here. Anyway, we wuz operatin' on what the Army called "heightened alert." The Army left an' the Injuns got the hint. The trouble started slowly, but it was steadily increasin', 'til we had a full fledged war on our hands, again. At least, by...

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Hot And Horny FamilyChapter 11

The family was gathered around for breakfast the following morning when they heard a noise at the front of the house. "That sounds like somebody coming," Paula said, and stopped eating. "I'll check," Billy volunteered, and jumped up from the table. When he reached the front hail, he stopped and stared at the vision that confronted him. A beautiful woman stood there smiling at him. Her lips and eyes were attractively made up, and her black hair was done in an elaborate, glamorous...

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Another St Patty Day Parade

Special thanks to Pete ‘the old fart’ 2018 for his expertise in reediting and reproofing. The staff at the office had been changing the color of different items to green for the last two weeks leading up to St. Patrick’s Day. Personally, I thought it was a load of crap. I really was not a person who got taken up with the entire so-called holiday, celebrating something I couldn’t care less about. So, I tolerated many a small indiscretion on the part of my fellow employees. They all knew my...

2 years ago
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Football Mascot ndash Gabi

Football Mascot – GabiGabi was sucking on his favorite dick stick, the one owned by the black tackle of his dad’s football team. Talon was massive all over, but especially his cock. One of Gabi’s hands was sliding up and down on it. Gabi’s other hand was stroking the massive cock of the Center on the same team. Larry was white and even heavier than Talon but his cock was slightly, but only slightly, smaller. Pedro was between Gabi’s legs using his own massive cock to gently slap back and...

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The BlizzardChapter 4

My phone alarm roused me. Reaching for it I silenced it and then swung my feet to the floor. Andrea put her arms around my waist. “Don’t leave,” she said. “I need to go to my job,” I replied. “Your alarm woke me in the middle of a delicious dream.” “What dream?” “Oh, it’s slipping away from me. I never can remember a dream ... it was about you and me and a little stone cottage with a garden...” I rolled toward her and kissed her lips. “This is the Andie I used to...

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The Courier Ch 20

Chapter 20 — The Downfall of the Duchess Program Director Cecilia Sanchez spent the following day with her normal routine. On Saturdays she always met with her students to receive updates on their studies and how they were handling life in Danubia. The majority seemed to be adjusting well, and as for the few who were having problems, those problems were routine and manageable. There was no reason for Cecilia to feel uneasy that day. However Cecilia did feel uneasy, a feeling which only...

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Nick High SchoolChapter 19

It was a new school year, but with the same routine. I was up early so I could swim. I then did my push-ups and sit-ups before pulling on the Erg. Following that was a shower and a change of clothes, which completed the exercise routine. Then I was off to breakfast. By the time I'd finished eating, they had the tables for athletics and the extracurricular activities all set up and manned. I'd seen most of them the year before. There were two types of teams; those sponsored by the school...

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Jealous Girl

There I was making out with Sandy, a gorgeous tall blonde beauty that I'd met two nights ago. She was wearing an awfully short skirt and tight little top. I was really into it with her hoping to maybe get her into bed. I was about to put my hands up her shirt when I heard a loud bang on my bedroom door. "Shit. What is it now." I said quietly. Sandy looked at me innocently and started to put her shirt back down. She remained laying on the bed as I got up to see what was going on. I opened my...

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Me And My First Family Encounter Part Four

Passion and lust.My first family encounter continues. If you have read part one, to part three, of my true story posts, you will discover the true fact that I have been having real sex with my mother for some years before this next exciting part of my TRUE STORY........ But things seem to have got far more hot between my hot horny sexy mother and me, much hotter in fact, since I was now at the age of 18.This evening I felt hot and horny, in fact I had been feeling hot and horny for the whole...

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Bride Of The Vampire

Summer breaks were always exciting but when they had the change to go to Europe, well the members of the literature club jump at it. The trip was tiring but fun, that is until they got Romania. Bad weather seem to plague them. Rain, cold, and fog; didn't this country ever have a nice day they asked the bus driver. "Just bad time of year," was all they got from him. The rains started earlier in the day and never let up. But rains are not very good if you are driving on dirt roads. The club...

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Office sex

Years ago, I got together with my bother and we went on a terror. At the bar we met up with some woman he knew from the pass and her girl friend. After several drinks we went back to the girl friends place. We drank some more and were have a good time and then my b*****r and the chick he knew disappeared. I was with this attactive 30 something brunette, great body and me horny as hell. We got into it and she said lets go up stairs to her bedroom. Once there all the cloths came off and she went...

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Skinny Dipping Part Two

My husband, Casey, and I had just enjoyed amazing orgasms while skinny dipping at the hands of our friends, Jon and Liza. So, we decided to be good hosts and return the favor.Jon’s cock was hard as a rock and in dire need of attention, and I was only too happy to help out. I have to admit that I found it a little disconcerting watching Casey sucking on Liza’s nipples, but it was also very erotic.Casey popped his head up when he saw me dip under the water and take Jon’s cock in my mouth. (I’d...

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Maternity Leave

Maternity Leave Belladonna Jerry stared at the photograph his wife had attached to her text, dumbfounded. "How did she get this?" Jerry wondered aloud as he clutched the back of his neck. Jerry's eyes focused on his made up face and hair. He examined the way the hair he curled came to a rest on the boat neckline of his long sleeved, white silk and cotton top. Shaking his head, Jerry wondered again how his wife had gotten the photograph. He took a few deep breaths as he...

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A night to remember

You and i decide to go to the bar to have a few drinks,after a few beers we start playing pool,after a few games and a few more drinks we start to get a little drunk,suddenly a couple of guys come up and ask if you minded if they played a few with us,without hesitation you say yes,as the night goes on i start to notice the looks your getting from them and ask if you have noticed also,smiling you reply oh yes.tired of playing pool we get a table and order more drinks,now we're pretty drunk and...

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Kevin and Denise Naked in SchoolChapter 17 Its Friday TGIF Not

When I awoke Friday morning it felt like I had not slept at all. Groan. This must be a post-adrenaline reaction, the body’s gotta come down from the high. I think listening to the news report must have had something to do with my delayed recovery. When I picked up Denise, she told me that the press had rung her for a statement but she told them that she had fallen, didn’t see much, so she couldn’t tell them any more than the clerk did. Smart girl. She saw the news report too and wondered how...

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Picking Up the PiecesChapter 30

Like all airline terminals the last few months, it wasn't possible to meet arriving passengers at the gate. Like most airports, the Indianapolis airport had made inadequate provisions for people waiting to pick up an arriving passenger. The area near the baggage pickup was small, crowded and rather confused. It was well after dark, long after the scheduled arrival, but Dave knew from a phone call earlier that the flight from Denver would be delayed for several hours, so there wasn't much he...

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The Succubae Seduction 2 The Twins Chapter 25a

Chapter 25 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Murphey’s Law Eldon paced the hallway, his girlfriend and new wife watching him. They’d changed out of the wedding clothes and into more comfortable apparel while Shelly was carted off to this deliver room. His twin sister was screaming in agony. What were they doing to her? Couldn’t someone relieve her pain? Why were their parents sitting there like this was normal? No one should ever have to suffer that much! Shelly was a strong woman...

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I Remember My Lover

I lie in the bath, luxuriating in the warm soapy water and I think of her. I remember how she'd bathe me, how she'd soap her hands and caress every inch, every nook and every little cranny of my body. I remember the pleasure we both got from dressing each other prior to going out, how she'd stand up completely naked whilst I pulled the stockings up over her long, suntanned thighs, my lips only inches from her hairless slit... the same hairless slit that I'd be enjoying, later on.My mouth...

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Hot Family On HolidayChapter 2

While the kids were fucking up a storm in Babs' bed, their parents, Martin and Doreen Barker, were enjoying-a little mate swapping party with Cliff and Sherry Walker. Their mother had just finished sucking off Cliff, and the exhausted man was slumped in a chair while Sherry was trying to get Martin to give her a doggy-fuck. "Come on, Martin," Sherry excitedly giggled, kneeling on the bed with her ass waving in the air. "Fuck me like I'm a bitch in heat." Crouching down behind the sexy...

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Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Catgurls Katreena swayed down the line of captives a wicked grin on her lips. The six captives each had a glowing red collar around their necks so that although they had the look of murder in their eyes they could do nothing about it. Katreena was a seven foot wet dream as she knew from some of the looks she got from the captives. Katreena and her crew were in fact Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Catgurls, SPANC for short. Amazon girls well endowed with tits, ass...

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SHORT PIECES (GAY TALES) VOL. 8LUST The landlady phoned saying there was a delivery for me downstairs and the man needed a signature. She didn’t speak French so the communication with the delivery man was minimal. I went downstairs and saw the landlady heading to her little cubicle looking puzzled or maybe curious. The man was delivering two paintings I had bought at auction in a city nearby. I didn’t expect them so soon. They were in two rectangular boxes, but they were heavy and bulky so that...

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Dinner with a View II

A knock on the door to my room. A peek through the security "eye." An opening door. An entry of Lara into my room. Such are the things of which dreams (wet and otherwise) are made.NOTE: I would have posted this late last night, but knew I had early morning business and I needed the rest. This is especially true after my experience with Lara.When she came into the room, she blurted "So, where's this hot tub you told me about?" Obviously, a focused woman. I ,we needed to go to the ground floor....

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