AftermathChapter 3 free porn video

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Everything on my body hurt. I was about to reach for the bottle I kept in the drawer beside my bed when the door opened.

My father came in with a defeated look on his face. He shook his head and I knew what that meant.

“He said no?” I asked in shock.

“Well ... not exactly,” he mumbled. “A lot has happened since he left here, Theresa. I get the idea that if he could, he’d come and get you. There ain’t no doubt in my mind that he still loves ya’...”

He hesitated. “Honey ... I know you think you had your reasons, but you hurt him pretty bad. That takes time to get over and...”

“AND... ?” I asked.

“Well he’s kinda stuck in a situation of his own,” he said.

“Tell me everything!” I said.

Over the next hour or so my father told me everything he’d been through in trying to get Kevin to come home. He’d handled it clumsily, but what did I expect?

I took a deep breath and coughed several times.

“Do you need a pill?” he asked.

“Daddy, I’m done with the pills,” I said. “I think I need to try to get up!”

“Theresa, you’re not...” he began.

“Daddy, my last surgery was more than six months ago,” I said. “Since then, I’ve been laying here on my fat ass because I didn’t WANT to get out of bed. Now I have to.”

“So, you’re gonna do what he said?” he asked. I nodded my head.

“Kevin is right. I got his message loud and clear. It’s time for me to move on with my life.”

My father seemed a bit sad but he smiled. “So, who’re ya gonna date?” he asked.

“Date... ?” I asked incredulously. “Why the hell would I want to date anyone. I’ve been done dating for a long time. I need to get myself back in shape.”

He looked at me strangely. “Theresa, you ain’t making any kind of sense,” he said.

I just smiled at him and pushed my feet off the edge of the bed. Standing up was hard. I felt dizzy and all the blood rushed out of my head suddenly. My legs felt as if they were too weak to hold me. But I’d been there before.

All the training I’d done to become a cheerleader had prepared me for hard work. I just needed to get started.



It always seems to happen on Sundays, so as I got out of my SUV a nagging little bug in my brain told me that something was about to happen that would change my life again.

It worried me because I had finally put my demons to rest, accepted my fate and found happiness.

My life was far from perfect, but I’d learned to count my blessings instead of crying about the way things should have been. Sure, I’d had to learn that life occasionally gives you nothing but shit sandwiches and if you don’t want to starve, you sometimes have to swallow some shit.

There are a lot of things that I don’t like about my life, but overall ... I’m luckier than most.

I have a nice house, I have my Mustang, I have my son and I have a woman who loves me a ridiculous amount.

As I step inside the house my legs are shaking and it’s only partially from the run I just did.

As soon as I open the door, I see her standing there smiling at me. It’s not her usual smile, this one has the entire house lit up. She’s holding my son as usual and that smile has me on edge.

Terry, never seems to let go of her, but fuck, who can blame him? I loved my mom, but if she looked like that this would be one of those incest stories.

“What’s going on, Sweetheart?” I asked.

“I’ll tell you later,” she smirks. “We have company.”

I peek out the window and see Marge and her husband in the yard.

“Shit ... he’s near the grill,” I gushed.

As I rush out onto the deck, Marge and a couple of my neighbors wave at me. They always seem to gather at our house. That had stopped for a while after Rose died, but it’s started all over again. Somehow, I can’t help but think that Rose is watching me from up there and smiling.

“Okay ... Everybody quiet,” she says from the deck.

As I watch she places my son down near one of the lounge chairs. I can’t help but smile as I remember what we did on that chair after I gave her a massage the night before.

Then she scoots away from him. Not far ... maybe a foot or two. He immediately looks scared and shocked.

“Terry ... I’m right here,” she says. The sound of her voice encourages him and he looks right at her. The rest of us don’t matter. The sound of the most important voice in his life takes all his attention.

“Ahhhhh ... mmmmama,” he gurgles.

“Come to Mama,” she says holding her arms out. “Kevin, you idiot, get your phone out,” she stage whispers to me, without taking her eyes from him.

He pushes himself up onto shaking, unsteady legs as I hold my breath and my iPhone. And then amazingly it happens. He stumbles drunkenly between her outstretched arms taking one and then amazingly two and then three lurching little steps before collapsing onto her large pillow soft breasts.

Everyone in the yard cheers and he looks around, either not knowing or not caring what all the noise is about.

A few moments later, I light the grill, still unable to take my eyes from her as she sits there among a group of older ladies, still holding him.

Our eyes meet across the yard and suddenly, no one else matters. The words that never seemed to come before, fall easily out of my mouth. “I love you ... so fucking much!” I whisper to her.

“Love you more,” she smiles.

“You are one lucky son of a bitch!” gushes Marge’s husband from beside me. I was so busy concentrating on her that I never knew he was there.

“You’re just like Sam Witwickie,” he hisses while shaking his head. I don’t fucking understand it. You’re not some Adonis. You’re just a guy. Shit ... when I was your age ... I was better lookin’ than you are. But just like that kid in the fucking Transformers movies you get all the hot women.

Shit, I thought Aria was hot. I thought you had outkicked your coverage with her. But fuck ... Theresa! She’s just incredible. And she loves you like the Pope loves Jesus. It makes no fucking sense!”

I laughed and for once I agreed with the old toad. Even as I stood there my mind went back to how all of this happened.

I guess it was at what should have been a happy place but was actually the lowest point in my life.

After the baby was born, things with Aria just got worse. I was stuck with her. The funniest part of course was the fact that I’d never tried to get her. Circumstances beyond my control seemed to just push us together and I ended up with a beautiful but flawed woman that I liked a lot but didn’t really love.

Almost from the second he was born, Terry became my responsibility. Aria was no longer working, which was fine with me, but she was no longer doing anything else either. It had always been Rose who’d kept the house and done all the cooking and Aria saw no reason to change that.

She took care of Terry during the first month or so of his life, but only while I was at work. Her headaches seemed to multiply after Terry was born and they seemed to trigger the mood swings more often too.

Working in the health care field, my solution was that Aria should see a doctor.

“Don’t you think I’ve tried that,” she screamed at me. “I went to doctor after doctor from the time I was about twelve and started having these fucking things. Just leave me the fuck alone and shut that God damned baby up!”

Of course, she was always apologetic afterwards, but each time it happened, it fractured our fragile relationship even more.

And Aria, the beautiful virgin who’d supposedly waited all her life for me and couldn’t wait to get laid... ? I have no idea where that girl disappeared to.

The Aria that I lived with, became a fucking nun, that meant that when it came to sex I got fucking NONE. And when she wanted something she became some sort of warrior nun ... as if something like that existed (shameless hint).

Yep Aria was a Warrior Nun and sex was her weapon. We’d had many battles over her last goal, but I had dug in my defenses and refused to marry her. We were already supposedly engaged, but I adamantly refused to set a date or even buy her a ring.

My only reason for holding out was the niggling little promise in the back of my mind that told me Theresa was the only woman I would ever marry.

The arguments got so bad that some of the neighbors called the police a couple of times. When they came to the door Aria would never answer it. I always had to go.

“Sir, we’ve had a complaint about a domestic disturbance at this address,” they’d usually say.

Once, I just held out my hands for them to cuff me. I was damned near in the car when several of my neighbors came out and demanded that the cops tell them what they were doing.

“We’re taking him to the police station,” said one of the cops. “Just so he can cool off. It’s standard procedure in these cases.”

“I know that you fucking moron,” said one of the guys. “I used to be a cop. I was a cop for more years than you’ve been alive. But HE wasn’t the one screaming and breaking shit. We’re trying to tell you that you’ve got the wrong one. And I hate to mention it, but leaving HER alone with a newborn while she’s having one of her episodes might not be the smartest thing you’ve ever done, if you know what I mean?”

The cops looked over at me with a confused look. “Sir, why didn’t you just explain that to us?” he asked.

“Because I just needed to get away from the screaming for a while,” I said shrugging my shoulders. “I just wanted to come home after a day of work and have some peace.”

“I hear ya, buddy,” his eyes seemed to say as he uncuffed me.

His actual words though, were, “Alright sir, try to keep it down.”

Nothing seemed to work. My only respites from the storm were when I was at work ... she called me then too, but I told her that the lead lining in the walls of the X-ray room blocked cell phone signals. I was also free for the time that I went out for my runs

Things all changed one SUNDAY morning though. And that time I never got that antsy feeling. I just walked into the house and felt as if I’d been hit in the head with a two by four.

There in front of me ... in all her glory ... was Theresa. She was holding my son as if he was hers. She smiled at me and continued walking and rocking him.

She nodded towards the sofa where Aria lay.

“I already called the police and an ambulance,” she smiled. “We’ve got a problem, Kevin. This little guy is clawing at my boobs like he’s hungry and as big as these things are, there’s no milk in them. That nice lady from next door just went to get him some formula, but I get the impression that he’s still breast feeding ... like his daddy,” she smirked at the last part.

“There’s no problem,” I said, still in shock at not only seeing her, but that Aria had let her in. Theresa could charm the shit out of anyone, but this was just too fucking much. “I’ll just wake Aria,” I said.

“Kevin, Honey, I think it’s gonna have to be God that wakes her up,” she said. And she shocked me by laughing. My son was making little gurgling sounds like he was the happiest baby on earth. And he was. As I looked he was moving his little head into position on one of the biggest boobs he’d ever seen.

I went over to Aria and shook her. But her body was several degrees cooler than normal. I knew with just a touch that Aria had passed.

I was flooded with emotions. On one hand, I felt a sense of overwhelming sadness. I also felt as if something in my life was suddenly missing.

But on the other hand, I felt a sense of relief. But before I could say anything all hell broke loose as several vehicles all got to my driveway at the exact same time.

A police car with its siren blaring, barely beat the ambulance, which in turn was only milliseconds ahead of an unmarked car that may as well have had, “Undercover cop on board,” stenciled on its sides. A few seconds later Marge’s car pulled into her driveway next door and she got out carrying a big bag.

Marge managed to be the first one inside of the house though. The cops and the EMT’s like TV vampires, all waited outside of the door to be allowed in. Marge just walked in like she owned the place.

“Hey, Kevin,” she smiled. “We’ve got this. I bought a bunch of bottles and a few different types of formula. I called my doctor and our second idea is out, it would take six to eight weeks of hormone therapy at best and maybe even more with prolactin. The bottles are our best bet.”

I had no fucking idea what she was talking about.

“Kevin, open this God damned door,” yelled a voice I was all too familiar with.

I opened the door and Detective Jackman stepped in. He looked around the room and his eyes settled on Aria.

“I’ve read the files,” he said. “I know things have been bad between you two. What happened?”

“Oh boy!” said Theresa from across the room. “My daddy wasn’t kidding. You get straight to the point, huh, Detective Jackman?”

“And who might you be, young lady?” he asked and then answered his own question. “Theresa Brady, right?”

She nodded her head and smiled. As soon as her lips curled and her eyes opened, I swear the room got brighter. Shit even the detective smiled in response.

He turned to me. “You were NOT bullshitting when you described HER, were you?” he asked. He was too professional to just gawk at her, unlike the EMTs who just stared at her with their mouths open.

“Detective, I made the call,” said Theresa. “I gave them my name. Kevin wasn’t here when she died and neither was I.”

“I was with her,” said Marge. “Kevin was out running and she couldn’t get ahold of him, so she called me. She said she was having one of her headaches and she didn’t think she could handle the baby until her head stopped hurting. I came right over and suggested that she take a pain pill and try to take a nap.

An hour later I tried to wake her and couldn’t. I also couldn’t find a pulse. Luckily this lady was here to help. She called 911 and then took the baby. I tried to get him to come back but he cried every time she gave him to me.

Then I left to go buy some formula and bottles. Aria was gonna breast feed him for his first six or eight months. I’m sure she had some bottles here somewhere, but I couldn’t find them. When I got back you guys were here.”

“Sir, there’s no sign of any external trauma or any wounds,” said the EMT. He looked over at me and smiled. “Hey, you’re the X-ray guy, right?” I nodded.

“She was pretty. Did you know her?” he asked.

“My son’s mother,” I said.

“That’s rough,” he said. “But it looks like you bounced back really well.” He nodded his head towards Theresa.

“We are not together,” I said.

“Yeah right,” said Jackman. “Kevin, you need to spoon-feed that bullshit to somebody who didn’t spend almost three hours of their fucking time listening to your God damned life story. Every time you say her name you smile.”

I didn’t answer him.

“And it looks like she’s got it worse,” he said. “She’s standing over there rocking your baby between two of the nicest titties I’ve ever seen on a white woman, but she has not taken her eyes off you since I got here.”

I turned and looked at Theresa and when our eyes met I got weak in the knees. The smile she gave me scared the shit out of me.

“All right!” yelled Jackman. “We’ve got everything we need for now. But until the autopsy is over none of you should leave town.”

He went over to Theresa then. “Miss Brady...”

“It’s Foster,” she said.

“Okay, Ms. Foster, why are you so far from Hooterville, anyway?” he asked.

“It’s Grace Lake,” she smiled. “And it’s really easy. I sent my daddy up here to get Kevin and he came back empty handed. So, I came up here myself.”

He just nodded.

Marge and I spent the afternoon planning for Aria’s burial. Marge was sure that Aria had died of a heart attack.

Theresa spent the time getting to know my son. She smiled the whole time. When she put him down for a nap, she started cleaning the house and making dinner.

That freaked me out because I was so used to grilling or going out to get something. After Marge left, Theresa and I were alone, with my sleeping son.

“Theresa, why are you so happy?” I asked. “Aria is dead. My son lost his mother today.”

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Friends Mom

It all started when I met my friend Brian in the eighth grade. We bacme friends and then we decided to do something on the weekend. We went out to see a movie and I decided to spend the night at his house. His mom came to get us and when isaw her i realized that she was the biggest milf that i had ever laid eyes upon. She was gourgeouse. Her tits were plump and round I would say a 36-38 C. They were so perky and perfect that I was not sure that they were real. Her ass was the most beautiful...

4 years ago
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Burning Bright

BURNING BRIGHT ============== Copyright C 1999, Daedalus This story contains what is known as "transgender material". It does *NOT* contain any elements of m/m, s/m, b/d, humiliation, pain, or anatomically detailed descriptions of sexual acts. If this lack offends you, do yourself a favour and read no further. All characters and situations described herein are fictional and any resemblance to any real or fictional persons or events is purely coincidental. The story...

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after work

True story thought i might share One day while at work i was doing my usual shit of making food at McDonalds not always the greatest of jobs right? Well one day i was working and this chick is bending over cleaning something. She is about 42 with really big tits kind of chubby with a godly ass. She notices me staring down her shirt and i get a little nervous thinking she will sue my ass or something, but she just smiles and asks if i like what i saw. I couldn't believe she asked me that so i...

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Urine The Line of Fire

I had to go downtown one morning to get my cholesterol checked. Doctor’s orders. After I gave a couple vials of blood at the lab, I was on my way home, and realized I was just a couple of blocks away from the Adult Movie House that I go to about twice a month. It was only about 8:45 in the morning, but I usually go there in the afternoon or at night. More action at those times. I was feeling rather horny, I hadn’t jacked off for a couple of days because it was the first week of the month and...

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Back Together

All subject matter is a figment of the authors imagination. Any similarities to real people or events or fiction is strictly a coincident. Author reserves all right to the work presented. Please do not use any of said work without express written consent from the author. Please note that all characters that actually engage in sexual intercourse are in fact 18 years old or older. —— This is my first foray into posting any of my work for others to read so please give me your comments, good and...

2 years ago
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Angel Carol Ben and ErinChapter 3

Angel stretched as she woke up feeling the stretched, sore feeling from her pussy and ass from last night's hard fucking. Her mouth tasted like male and female cum as well as anal juices. She stumbled upstairs to the bathroom to use the toilet and to shower. She had to soap her face thoroughly to get it clean from the encrusted cum. She stepped out feeling much better and even felt good after she brushed her teeth. She went into her room and lay down for some more comfortable rest. Tom...

1 year ago
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Starting a Family Tradition

100% fiction! When my mother was eighteen she got pregnant so her parents sent her to ‘visit relatives’ until I was born. They wanted Ma to put me up for adoption but she fought and kept me. At eighteen she married my father and when I was 18 Pop got himself killed in an accident at work. He had an insurance policy but the money didn’t go far. Ma worked her ass off supporting us, and besides her full time job did some part time work at home on the computer.. And as soon as I could I started...

1 year ago
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Sharing my Asian wife with a stranger

The warmer weather is approaching, the city is opening up again, your work is going well and you are starting to attend business meetings once more. It’s been the end of a long and successful week, and your client has thrown in a night at a nice 5 star hotel in the city overlooking the harbour. It sounds like fun, so we check in after work, freshen up and head to the bar for a sunset drink.You are wearing a dress that falls just below your knees, showing off your slim figure, your soft brown...

3 years ago
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A Fine Arrangement Ch 01

Brinna sat on the floor of the tub, feeling the shower water wash over her. Usually that made her feel better about whatever was going on but this time was different. This was the last straw. Brinna was a decent enough looking woman. She was 5’7′ tall with dark hair that had a reddish tint and fell over her shoulders in messy waves, bright blue eyes and a generous smile. She stared down at her smooth belly, her tan skin, her size 38 c breasts and wondered how someone couldn’t want her. Any...

4 years ago
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Pune Holidays Were Worth Enjoyment This Time

Hey buddies am sandy again here, writing a story after long time, I got great response on my recent story, and let me give my self intro to new readers, I am sandesh from solapur (maharashtra), studying b’com, staying alone for the sake of my education as my parents are staying in bangalore, height 5.11 with average body, and I often keep moving to pune as I have lots of friends over there and one of my childhood mate is staying there with his own flat, hence I keep moving to pune often,...

2 years ago
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My Wicked WaysChapter 18

Ninve and Sandra were both as good (or bad, depending upon your point of view) as their word. They teased me relentlessly during my lunch, but at least I was able to rest my dick and recover by not touching it despite the constant stimulation. We had a nice, long leisurely lunch, even some dessert in the form of a great Key Lime pie, but it couldn't last forever. When I finished my beer, I led my bevy of companions to the chaise longue, where we lay and relaxed a little while longer, just to...

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The body Builder

So it was Saturday morning and I had been texting this dude for about a week, getting to know each other and expressing our sexual desires. This guy was straight and was so curious to find out what its like with a DQueen, I told him that It takes a real Man to bring out Cleopatra. I asked him If he was really sure he wanted to be seduced by a Goddess and taste the sex poison from my tongue. We chatted for a while before he told me that he was involved with someone and their sex life was kinda...

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my first blowjob

Ok it seems the real stories are the sexiest,maybe not the most graphic but very hot because they are real, this is a true story, ill try not to embellish it in any way,hope you enjoy. I was younger,almost 17 and like most girls ,had a crush on an older guy, he was my brothers hockey coach, Im guessing around 35, handsome,dark hair, always had a 5 oclock shadow, just the typical rugged stud, he never really semed to notice me, the casual hi and that was about it, dont get me wrong I wasnt an...

3 years ago
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Nisha having a nice session with her Papa8230

Hi Doston, this is another story I would like to tell you. A lovely lustful adventure of dad and daughter… Rajesh is a 48 years old guy, working as a manager for one of the reputed banks. His family consisted of his wife Savitri (45) and two beautiful daughters Nisha (23) who's married now and Esha(21) who's marriage is fixed. Although Rajesh was 48, he looked 35 as he exercised regularly. His wife Savitri didnt let him down either, she maintained herself very well joining Rajesh in his...

4 years ago
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Pantyhose Kink In The Park

Pantyhose Kink In The Park I was extremely horny one day, and I hadn’t been to a public park in a few years, so I decided to get dressed up under my clothes, and try my luck at a local park that the locals referred to as the ‘Pickle Park’. I know that they are around in every state, but this one was very interesting. It has an incredible amount of woods, and it was full of trails that went deep, and winded around so there were many private areas to have fun. This park in particular, was known...

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Naughty Nick PT2

"She's in here." I hear a voice that I'm sure belongs to "naughty nick" and I no longer have to pretend to sleep. My body instantly seizes up and I lay rigidly still. "What would you like me to do with her Sir?" Its a softly spoken womam, an American by the sound of it. "Clean her, get her something to eat. The usual. But she's a feisty little bitch," His warning to the girl nearly makes me smile until he finishes his sentence. "The boys love it when she tries to fight but be...

3 years ago
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“Nicely done, Michael! Get any money up front?” Dad asked. “I told her that we didn’t want to be paid until the night was over,” I said. “So, have you assigned what everyone will make from that $4,000 you are getting?” Brian asked. “My simple idea, after holding back 25% or $1,000 for the corporation, was to split the remaining $3,000 by the number of total performers, in this case $60 each.” “Now, that I have said that out loud, I will personally refuse taking any income from this...

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Rebeca Joins Mike And Lena For More Than Dinner

Dinner with Sam and Sandy turned out to be a bust for Mike and Lena. They had hoped the young couple would come back to their chalet for some after-dinner fun. Instead, they said their goodbyes and went their own way. Mike and Lena spent some time in the bar but never found any suitable playmates for the night. They finally gave up and went back to their chalet.A little later, they were curled up on the bed, Lena in a shorty baby doll nightgown and Mike in his boxer briefs.  They had been...

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The Locked Door

1 Max, mid-thirties, small guy but good looking, gathered up the bags from the back of his car. He'd been working his ass off recently, so while his wife was away from work for a couple of days he'd decided to treat himself. Originally he was going to catch a double-bill of old science- fiction films he had always enjoyed with Bob. His friend had never seen either Invasion of the Body Snatchers or The Stepford Wives, but out of the blue he had cancelled at the last minute, so shopping...

2 years ago
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Fun on Cape AnnChapter 2

Of course, I had a hard-on all day and couldn't wait until lights-out. After dinner, Bonnie and I took a walk to be alone for the fist time since we arrived last night. "That was something last night, Bon. I wasn't expecting us to have sex. I loved it but why did you change your mind?" "Well, you were there. My sisters were going crazy, god, Deb even sucked-off Kati's boyfriend. I just figured, why wait, I'm on the pill, everybody's fucking, why aren't we, so you got some pussy...

2 years ago
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The Saga of Tuck Chapter 2 Tuckered Out

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Tuckered Out Copyright 1997 by Ellen Hayes. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for...

2 years ago
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The ladies last performed ‘Defying Gravity’ and both of them were fantastic. Joanie was clearly rising in quality of tone. Mr. Schwartz will have to let us do his music. These two girls ... ladies, not only brought tears to my eyes, but to everyone who was there. “We will do this all again the day after tomorrow. Is here after school OK with both of you?” Everyone agreed. “Do I need to take anyone home?” Jan offered. “I can do it,” Jennifer said, “I need driving at night experience.”...

3 years ago
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Sharing Wife With Best Friend

Our First MFM Fuck PartyFor reasons I can not explain, I had the strong desire to watch my wife have sex with another man & to join them in 3 way action. I'm not gay & have no desire to inner act with a man, I just felt 2 men could give a woman much more pleasure than one.I am also a voyeur & love to watch people having sex, so watching the woman I love being pleasured was a big turn on for me. Every thought I had of some man doing my wife gave me a raging hardon. I never had a...

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birthday present

I cummed to this story few times...To this day I still can't believe my boyfriend talked me into it. I never thought things would turn out the way they did. I guess I just want to blame someone else, when in fact, I just let things get carried away. The thing is, even though I know it's wrong, I'm not sorry it happened. I guess I'm getting a little ahead of myself, I should start at the beginning. My younger brother Tom was turning 18 years old and I was trying to think of an appropriate gift....

1 year ago
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Kiss Me First

"Veronica," dad called up the stairs, "are you in or out tonight?" "In." I called back as I struggled into a dress more than a size too small for me. I'd known that the dress was too small when I had taken it out of my cupboard; I'd bought it when I was sixteen and I had filled out a little in certain areas since then. I had also got a bit taller, thank God, and the dress, short when I'd bought it, was now a little too short for everyday wear, but it was just fine for wearing at...

2 years ago
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Chapter 1 Sarah

My phone is going off and when I look, it’s my husband texting me. He doesn’t even bother to call. He says he is going to be home late from work again. I just finished putting dinner on the table.I sit there and eat alone, having a glass of dark red wine. I know he’s fucking someone now. I take off my pants and start fingering my pussy as I finish eating alone. That bastard.It is a couple of hours later when I hear him come in the door. The food has been in the refrigerator for a while. I am...

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Unexpected Restroom Sex 8211 Part 3 8211 The Restroom Again

This story is the continuation of the previous story. As I told before having sex with one girl led to a snowball effect. It’s really surprising to see that there have been so many women around me; whom I thought didn’t even care about boys or made people feel that they were confined to themselves; were not like that. It was the case of Janani Priya that taught me a lesson. We are all deluded about people. We just can’t find who is what. Ok enough philosophy for today. Ill introduce myself...

4 years ago
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Janet in Training 11

days got longer. Winter coats were shed for lighter spring ones, then finally for jackets and even going without. The heavy clothing of winter was gradually being replaced as the seasons changed, and Janet watched as the trendy women of Greenwich wore the newest fashions that season. But not Janet, who would wear either a full blouse or dress, in order to conceal the scars on her back. Unlike the scarlet letter of colonial times, Janet wore hers on her back, and it was...

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copyright 2012 by Madengineer3 ‘Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad’ (Latin: Quem deus vult perdere, dementat prius) ‘Mills of the Gods, Grind exceedingly slow, But grind exceedingly fine.’, attributed to Euripides * Chad was sort of a useless human being. Unfortunately not only was he a miserable person but he had wealth and position that insulated him even from the law. Chad’s main source of income was drugs. Oh no, not what you’re thinking, these drugs were worse than those...

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Exerting Power Step One

EXERTING POWER/Step One By Elizabeth Parris In the nineteen fifties lines between what were girl things and what were boy things were clearly, sharply and unequivocally drawn. Woe betide any boy or girl who crossed those lines. Girls were occasionally given some latitude, boys none. A pretty girl, especially one with an attractive body might get by with being a good athlete, but she had to allow boys to win most of the time. Girls took secretarial studies and boys took...

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Beccas Breaktime

I spent my lunch break in the women's locker room at the factory, buried balls-deep in Becca Ferguson, the nineteen-year-old press operator who wanted me. I didn't want Becca. She was flat-chested and kind of dumb, no real ambition but to get married and start cranking out babies like a puppy mill. Still, she wanted me, and I was willing to use her to get what I really wanted, which was Susan. Becca and I had our shirts on, but our pants around our ankles. I pounded into her, stroke after...

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