Might As Well Go There In Style free porn video

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At the middle of the back row of the triangle of cheerleaders, Ellie turned a perfect cartwheel and dropped into an elegant, controlled split.

Rob sighed. She was one of the better ones on the cheerleading team but she didn’t get on well with the other girls. Laura, the team captain, always gave Ellie the spot at the back where no one could see her. He’d thought about intervening on her behalf, but he didn’t want to make things more difficult for her.

“Coach? You okay?” One of the lads asked.

The girls filed off to the side line and he turned his attention back to the basketball team. His team was running away with this match, but they couldn’t afford to get sloppy. He advised them on which players to watch out for, which plays to aim for, gave them a short pep talk and sent them back onto the court to do what they did best.

He found his eyes drawn to the cheerleaders again. Groups of three took it in turns to cheer on the side line as the match continued. Ellie sat a little further away, pom poms in her lap, looking miserable.

It was a real shame. She had the physical talent, but she wasn’t blond and popular. Not that she wasn’t beautiful; even at only sixteen her body had ripened into womanhood. Her thick, wavy, dark hair, pale skin and full pouting lips didn’t give her the bubbly, cuteness more common in the rest of the squad; they gave her genuine sensual allure.

Rob realised he was letting his thoughts wander in an unprofessional direction. Okay, so it wasn’t the first time, but trying to hide a semi in the middle of the packed gym was not a welcome thought.

He tried to focus on the game.


The boys kept it together and came away with a resounding win. He watched them meet up with their friends and the girls from the cheerleading squad and head off to celebrate.

As he walked back through to his office to collect his things he heard a quiet sob from the now deserted gym. He followed the sound.

“Hello, are you okay?” he called.

The only response was a small gasp and a shuffling sound as if someone was trying to move out of sight.

“I have to lock up,” he said, sympathy only extending so far.

He waited for a couple of minutes but whoever it was stayed quiet.

“Look, if you won’t leave I’ll have to call the police,” he said, folding his arms across his chest.

“Wait,” a small voice squeaked. There was another shuffle and a pale face peeked round the end of the tiers of seats. “I’m sorry.”

“Ellie?” Rob walked over to her and noticed her cheeks were streaked with tears. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

The endearment was probably inappropriate, but he felt so protective of her.

“It’s nothing,” she said, wiping her eyes on her sleeve. She still wore her cheerleader outfit.

Rob wasn’t sure whether to press her or not. He sat on the edge of the seats and watched her.

“It’s my birthday,” she said, so softly he barely heard it.

He smiled at her. “Happy birthday. What are you doing here, like this, on your birthday?”

Fresh tears rolled down her cheeks. “I don’t have anywhere to go, really. I was supposed to have a party at my house. My parents are away for the weekend. But none of the cheerleaders wanted to come, and none of my old friends will talk to me since I joined the squad.”

Rob felt a stab of guilt. He’d pressured her to join the team, seeing her natural potential. He’d never really stopped to consider the impact it would have on her life.

“Would you like a ride home?” he asked, feeling the need to offer something.

She nodded and he got up. She waited patiently while he sorted out his things and locked up, and then followed him out to his pickup.

He held the door for her while she climbed up. He caught a flash of her tender thighs under her short, pleated skirt and looked away. What was he doing? He could get fired for this.

He shook his head. He hadn’t done anything wrong; he was just giving her a ride home. He hopped up into the driver’s seat and looked over at her sitting quietly with her hands clasped in her lap. Something about the contradiction between her looks and her manner fascinated him.

He asked her address and set off.

She calmed down and relaxed a little as he drove. He glanced over at her as she leaned her head back on the seat, eyes closed. She looked tired. Again he felt that stab of guilt. Before he’d encouraged her to join the team she’d been a straight-A student, taking extra college level courses on top of her normal studies. Of course she hadn’t dropped anything; she’d just crammed cheerleading into her already tight schedule.

“Ellie, do you actual like cheerleading?” he asked.

She looked up. “Umm… yes but…” She took a deep breath. “I like dancing, but I don’t really like being on the squad. I’m sorry.”

She bit her lip as if she was anticipating him being angry with her. Did he really give her that impression?

“Then why did you join?” he asked.

She looked down at her lap. “Because you wanted me to.”

A whole torrent of mixed emotions flooded through him then. Half formed thoughts and feelings bubbled up, begging for serious consideration.

He cleared his throat. Ellie’s house was just a few hundred yards away now so he waited until he’d pulled up in her driveway before he asked his next question.

“Does it matter to you what I want?”

She kept her head down and nodded.

As if he had no control over his limbs he reached out and brushed her cheek with the back of his fingers. Oh he was so going to get fired.

Ellie gasped and bit her lip.

“You are such a sweet thing,” Rob said.

She glanced up at him with a weak smile. “Would you like to… I mean, you could… if you wanted to…” She glanced over at the house and then back to him.

“Come in? I’d like that.”

Her weak smile strengthened and she slid down out of the truck. Rob followed her. Yep, he was going to get fired, so very, very fired. Quite possibly arrested too. Sure, she was sixteen, wait, no, seventeen now, but she was still only a little over half his age. The very idea that some number on a piece of paper determined what was legal or illegal struck him as such an artificial concept.

Ellie led him through to her living room and excused herself to take her things upstairs to her room. He pulled the curtains across; some kind of inbuilt paranoid reflex possibly. Her house was small, but cosy. It had a homely, lived in look; a novel with a bookmark peeking out sat on the coffee table next to a half-finished crossword puzzle, a sewing hoop hung on a stand with a half-finished piece of embroidery.

Ellie appeared at the door, still wearing her cheerleading outfit, holding a bottle and two glasses.

“I know I’m not supposed to have this till I’m twenty-one,” she said holding out the bottle. “But Dad said it was for my birthday, to share with my friends.”

Rob took the bottle. Champagne. Nothing expensive, but real champagne none the less. He quickly popped the cork and Ellie held out the glasses for him to fill. Then he set the bottle down and raised his glass to her.

“Happy birthday,” he said.

She smiled, her beautiful lips glistening from her lip gloss and traces of her sipped champagne. Rob couldn’t help himself. He stepped closer, leaned in and brushed his lips against hers. Ellie froze, but he carried on, pressing his lips to hers a little more firmly.

“I… what are you… oh,” she said against his lips.

He slid his fingers up into her thick, luscious hair and cupped the back of her head. She started to respond, kissing him back tentatively. He wondered if she’d ever been kissed before. Half the girls on the squad were sexually active already, but Ellie was different. It was as if she was oblivious to her own charms. He’d certainly never seen her with a boyfriend.

She let out a little moan and pressed closer to him. Fired, arrested and going to hell, he thought. He brought his hand up to caress her breast. He could feel the taut bud of her nipple through her sports bra and tight sweater.

“Rob no,” she whispered.

Disappointment lanced through him. He kept his hand where it was. “If you want me to stop, I will,” he whispered.

“I, I, I don’t know.”

“You’re so beautiful, Ellie. Sexy.”

She giggled. “You don’t mean that.”

“Yes I do. I want you.”

Her eyes widened and she swallowed hard. “What are you saying?”

He took her hand and pressed it to the bulge in his pants. “I mean I want you,” he said.

Ellie gasped but she didn’t pull away.

“But I would never do anything you didn’t want me to,” he added, stroking her cheek.

“I don’t know,” she said, trembling. “I’ve never… I’m still a… I haven’t ‒ ”

“Let me make you a woman tonight.” Rob had no idea where all this was coming from, only that if he was going to hell, he might as well go there in style.

“Promise you’ll be gentle,” she said.

“I promise I will try, and I guarantee it will be better than some boy your own age with no experience.”

“Rob I… I’ve never done this before, I won’t be any good.”

“Yes you will, I’ll show you everything.”

For a second a wicked, seductive look passed over her face then she settled back to nervous and unsure. In a woman his own age her hesitation would have been a turn off, but knowing it came from the fact that she’d never been with a man before made it sweet and so very provocative.

Rob slid his hand up under her skirt and lightly tickled her mound through her panties. “Have you ever been touched here before?”


“Have you ever touched yourself?”

She nodded.

“Given yourself an orgasm?”

Her cheeks flushed bright red and she nodded again. He pulled her close and held her to his chest as he tugged her panties down.

“What do you think of when you touch yourself?” he asked.

She didn’t reply.

He pulled her panties down to her thighs and they dropped to the floor. His fingers tingled with the anticipation of touching her virgin pussy and he was so hard his cock ached.

He ran his fingers through her soft pubic hair, then parted the lips of her pussy and drew a finger along her slit. When he found her wet he knew it was really going to happen, he was really going to fuck this sweet virgin girl half his age.

Ellie moaned as he spread her wetness to her clit and began to rub her with light, teasing strokes.

“What do you think of?” he asked again.

“You,” she gasped. “Oh, Rob. I think of you, and what it would be like to be with you.”

He turned her round and backed her up until she collapsed onto the sofa. He joined her, kissing her hungrily and sliding his hand up under her top to feel her breasts through her bra.

“Wait,” she cried. “Not here, can we go to my bedroom?”

“Anything you want, sweetheart.”

She wriggled out from under him and stood up. Her eyes darted to his erection and the colour in her cheeks deepened. She led him up to her room and shut the door.

“What do you want me to do?” she asked, nervously.

He smiled and stroked her hair. “Will you strip for me? I’d like to watch. And, once you’ve taken that cheerleading outfit off you don’t ever have to wear it again, okay?”

She nodded and smiled at him. “I’m sorry if I’m not very good,” she said as he settled himself on her double bed.

“You’re perfect,” he said.

She lifted one foot up onto the end of the bed to take off her sock. With no panties on now, she showed off a teasing glimpse of her pussy and Rob groaned.

Ellie didn’t look at him but her lips took on a wicked little smile that made him suspect she knew a lot more than she was letting on.

“You drive me wild,” he said.

Her other sock quickly joined the first on the floor. She stepped back, sliding her fingers along the hem of her sweater and lifted it to reveal a sliver of smooth, supple stomach.

“Are you sure you haven’t done this before, you tease,” Rob said, grinning.

“Is teasing good?” She pouted her lips and her eyes sparkled. She slid her hand up her thigh, bunching up her skirt on her hip and then let it drop again. “Do you like being teased?”

“It’s good, and I love it, but please, don’t keep me waiting too long.”

She reached behind her back and unhooked her bra, then, in one fluid flourish pulled sweater and bra over her head and tossed them to the floor. Rob blinked.

“My God you’re stunning,” he said.

Ellie, now wearing nothing but her short, pleated skirt stepped towards him. “Did you like that?” she asked. She stopped just in front of him and let the skirt fall to the floor.

“Stunning,” he said again, a little lost for words.

“What should I do now? Should I take your clothes off?”

“I’d like that.” He sat forward on the edge of the bed with her between his legs. He dipped his head to kiss her stomach then worked his way up to the side of her breast. She tugged his top up over his head. Once it was off, he returned to kissing her sweet, firm breast. He clasped her ass in his left hand and cupped her other breast with his right.

Her hands found their way to his shoulders and she leaned on him as her legs trembled. He took her tight, bullet of a nipple into his mouth and suckled her gently. After a couple of minutes he took her hands and guided them down to his belt. She dropped to her knees in front of him.

She undid his belt then reached for his zipper. She paused. “Rob, I’ve never seen a man naked before. You know, in the flesh I mean.”

He stroked her hair. “You can stop this any time. I don’t want to do anything you’re not comfortable with. Do you trust me?”

She nodded and drew down the zipper. His cock strained for release and she gasped. He stood in front of her and pushed his pants down over his hips and off. He fought down a little frustration; he couldn’t rush her.

Ellie tentatively reached for his shorts and pulled them down. They snagged on his erection

“I’m sorry,” she muttered, flustered.

“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Rob said, stroking her hair.

Still kneeling in front of him, she stared at his cock. “Oh,” she said.

“You okay?”

“Fine, I just… I don’t know if I can do this.”

“We’ll take it very slow, why don’t you see how you feel?”

She nodded then reached out and wrapped her hand around his shaft. He stifled a groan at the sight of her delicate fingers holding him. Slowly, gently, she began to stroke him.

“Like this?” she asked, looking up at him.

Her touch was teasing and tentative. “That’s so good.” He closed his eyes for a moment.

“Should I do it harder? Faster? Tell me Rob.”

He placed his hand over hers and squeezed it a little tighter then showed her how fast to go and where to concentrate her attention.

He closed his eyes again and removed his hand from hers. A few seconds later he heard a faint, wet sound and then she touched the head of his cock with her other hand, her fingers wet with moisture from her own pussy.

“Oh sweet Lord, that’s hot,” he said. She touched herself again and then smeared her fingers over his tip. She rubbed in slow, gentle circles over his head with one hand while still pumping his shaft with the other. Where the hell had she picked that idea up?

She looked up at him, then back to his cock a couple of times, then, holding his gaze she leaned forward and kissed his tip.

“Oh, Ellie,” he moaned.

She gripped his shaft with both hands.


“Yes, sweetheart?”

“I want to give you a blow job, but, you know, I haven’t… before.”

“Just do what you think feels right,” he said. “You can’t hurt me. Well, no biting, okay?”

She laughed and kissed him again. She took her time, clearly a little nervous and unsure, slowly brushing her lips over him, licking him and finally, taking his swollen head into her mouth. She sucked gently and ran her tongue around him.

“Oh Ellie, that feels amazing.” He didn’t care that she wasn’t sucking him deeply; her tentative teasing was exquisite.

She stopped and pulled back. “You taste salty, I like it.”

He pulled her up into his arms and kissed her. She gasped as her naked body met his along its entire length. He turned her round and lowered her onto the bed. Her breath shortened until she was almost hyperventilating. He held her until she relaxed and then started to explore the soft, smooth skin of her body.

He slid his hand between her thighs and she moaned. She was so wet now; practically dripping. He teased her slowly, watching the emotions play across her face.

“I’d like to taste you,” he asked her softly

“Okay.” Her voice was breathy with her arousal.

Rob slid down the bed and settled himself between her legs. He spread her thighs as wide as he could and she moaned. The beautiful petals of her virgin pussy parted before him and he rubbed his cheek against her thigh, inhaling deep lungfuls of her musky scent. He kissed near her clit then gave her a first soft lick. The muscles in her thighs clenched and her toes curled.

He teased and tasted her slowly at first, making sure she was relaxed, then, as she started to lift her hips he sucked on her clit.

“Oh my God, Rob, oh my God,” she panted.

He brought his hand up and eased a finger into her. His eyes rolled back as he felt how tight she was and he imagined what she would feel like when he stretched her open with his cock. He kept it to one finger for now, so she wouldn’t feel any discomfort. Still sucking on her clit he hooked his finger up to give her deeper satisfaction.

She grabbed two handfuls of the duvet in a white knuckled grip.“Oh, shit, I’m cumming,” she cried just a fraction of a second before her pussy violently clamped around his finger. She groaned and whimpered as he drew it out with soft licks of her clit.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “It was just so good, I didn’t realise till it was too late.”

Rob chuckled. “Sweetheart there is nothing to be sorry about. Just consider that the first of many.”

Her eyes flashed with hunger and she smiled. “I’ve dreamed my first time would be with you,” she said. “I never thought it would come true.”

He lay down with her, intending to give her time to recover, but she sat up beside him and reached for his cock.

“Do you want me to make you cum?” she asked. “Or do you have to wait till we… you know.”

“You can touch me sweetheart, I can hold back till you feel you’re ready.”

She resumed her sweet teasing attention; stroking, licking, kissing. She kissed and licked his balls so gently it tickled and he laughed.


“Nothing, you’re just the sweetest thing ever,” he said. “Suck me now, please.”


She moved back to take his head into her mouth and he stroked her hair. He had to stop himself fromTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Wells College and its First Males

Wells College and its First Males In real life, Wells College will admit males as students in the fall of 2005. 136 years of tradition will bite the dust. I have no ties to Wells College. This story is a work of pure fiction. No buildings mentioned here exist at Wells College at the time of this writing. No people or animals were hurt in the writing of this tale. Beware of my use of historical characters in slightly different roles. See if you can spot them all. I am side stepping here....

3 years ago
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Female Masturbation Japanese Style

Female Masturbation, Japanese Style Female Masturbation, Japanese StyleBy PoweroneCopyright 2006   This story is inspired by a series of Japanese videos titled ?Female Sexual Esthetique.?  ??????????? Eriko had always been close to her Grandmother, who had spoken at length about her life in Japan until she died last year.? Eriko was amazed at the stories her grandmother told, things that her mother would never even mention.? During her grandmother?s life, the sexual norms in Japan...

2 years ago
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Cousin Billy and Theresa

It was February or March in Connecticut, and colder than anything I could ever remember before that. All the kids were home from school, maybe it was Easter vacation or something, and we were running around outside, trying to keep ourselves warm. In our neighborhood, almost all of the parent's worked, the moms and the dads. It was kind of a housing project where we lived, the rent was cheap, and there was a long waiting list for families to get in. My Uncle Bill and Aunt Margaret lived right...

1 year ago
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The Courtship of Maria Theresa

It was a world of change. The old rules were being broken every day. There was a time when your husband died and your life was over. The only thing you were good for was cooking, cleaning and watching the grandchildren when they arrived. Maria Theresa was forty-two years old the year Nick died. He pushed a young man out of the way of a falling pallet of boxes on the loading dock, and it hit him instead. He was an instant hero and she was alone. Maria Theresa’s problem was she didn’t feel old....

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My mother in law, Theresa, lived in another state. She was a beautiful lady with a classic figure; wide hips and busty, what Marilyn Monroe might look like at 55 with auburn hair. I knew she was pretty wild in her younger days, but hadn’t had a steady man in her life for a while. Theresa ran into some financial problems after losing her job, so we convinced her to come and live with us. It was cheaper to move her across the country than to “loan” her a bunch of money. She rented a truck, and...

1 year ago
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Taking Theresa

"Why won't you choose me? I bring you all those other girls, and you take them. Yeah, not all of them, but, more than half." "Theresa..." "You think I don't hear them screaming in ecstasy? Almost every night? I do. I hear them. I want to feel that good. I want YOU to make me feel that good." "Theresa, stop." "Why should I? Or do you mean I should stop bringing you sluts to fuck until they can't stand it any more?" "If you wish..." "What I wish is that you'd give me a...

2 years ago
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Mightier Than The Sword

My grandfather wasn't an affluent man, not one of those "rich uncles" you might inherit a mansion or a million dollars from. He was a writer. My mother once said he loved books more than people. But when he left me his prized golden quill, I felt a sense of pride. With it came a note--"use it wisely." I inherited something of his love for stories, and I decided that if I was going to start writing in earnest, I would be using his quill pen for my first manuscript. As I worked long into the wee...

1 year ago
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Sllmighty sex

it began at 7 o'clock at the night. aori was sleeping when he woke up from a sudden noise. it took him a minute to understand that his mother was screaming. he, now 18, and so tall, banged his head on the wall behind his bed while jumping from the bed. when he got to his mother he noticed his father wasn't there. "what happened?" he asked kindly. "your - father - disappeared!!!" she said between her lips. after a few more minutes she finally explained that she was talking with him when he...

Erotic Fiction
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Adventures with Theresa

bdsm, anal, group, exhibionistI invite you to my house – where I have screwed four rings into a wall. I give you a sheer silk dress, that covers you from your neck to your thighs. You put on the dress, it's so tight on you so that it accentuates every curve of your body. Your butt especially looks so alluring. I love that butt.I have some hoops, and I attach one to each of your arms and ankles. Then I attach you to the four wall rings. You have very little room for movement.I cover your eyes...

1 year ago
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Adventures with Theresa

I invite you to my house – where I have screwed four rings into a wall. I give you a sheer silk dress, that covers you from your neck to your thighs. You put on the dress, it's so tight on you so that it accentuates every curve of your body. Your butt especially looks so alluring. I love that butt.I have some hoops, and I attach one to each of your arms and ankles. Then I attach you to the four wall rings. You have very little room for movement.I cover your eyes with a silk scarf. You can’t see...

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Theresa My Neighbor Whore Chapter 2

I gave Theresa's ass a good smack. "I didn't say you could look at me! Eyes straight ahead, whore!" She instantly whipped her head back straight and looked at the wall in front of her. I placed both hands on her hips as if I was about ready to fuck her and felt her shudder with excitement. Then one hand, I began slowly sliding up her spine and she held her breath waiting to see what would happen next. My hand slid up to the back of her head and I massaged her scalp for a moment."Mmmm..."Then I...

2 years ago
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My Mounted Mistress All About Doggy Style

My Mounted MistressAn Omnipotent Erotic Psalm of Doggy Style John, “Big John” GallivanWarrior Poet/Erotic Psalmist “Viking Gladiator” www.eroticpsalms.comI am the Viking Gladiator, the warrior poet, the erotic psalmist,A fierce barbarian, and over 300 pounds of masculine knight!I am here today to convey that doggy style is the best position ever!For to see your curvaceous ass in that pose is marvelous!To gaze at your amazing hips in that stance is wonderful,And to witness your bulging peach...

2 years ago
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Marsha and Gary Blackwell

There was a soft tapping on my shoulder. At first I thought it was my wife, then I remembered it was late Monday afternoon and the tapping was coming from someone else. I rolled over; it was Varina Jefferson, wife and part owner of the Antique shop where I’d bought some furniture. She was smiling at me. “Wake up sleepy head,” she whispered, “it’s after 4:00 p.m. My husband will soon be back, and I have to reopen the shop.” I half leapt off the old sofa, “Varina ... I ... we...” “Not now...

3 years ago
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Pyx 3 The Christmas PartyChapter 8 Breaking In Theresa

The next morning, after breakfast, I was watching some cable news with Vonda at my side; when I realized that I hadn't seen my other slave for a while. "Pyx? Where are you?" I called. She called from the bathroom, "I'm almost ready, Master. I'll be out soon." This intrigued me. "What are you doing?" "It's a surprise," she said in a sing-song tone, not typical of her. Now, she really had my attention. "I think you'll like it, Master." I turned off the TV and watched the...

4 years ago
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Wellington Sevens Year Two

See "My Trip to Wellington Sevens" for the first part of this story.Last year I went to the Wellington Sevens rugby tournament. It is a fantastic rugby event where teams from all over the world play a form of rugby with seven players. Very fast and the guys have to be so fit. The tradition for spectators for the two day event is to wear a costume. From say a nurse to a super hero, all great fun and most are reveling clothes. Last year I was invited to a party after the rugby late on the...

3 years ago
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STYLE - Rachel Ann Cooper - (c) 2001 It was late May. Classes were over at Carrington High school. All the students had to do was go in and pick up their grades along with lists of potential classes for the fall term, in this case, the junior fall term. Lolly and Cherry (a nickname well deserved) were known for their wild and crazy parties. Both of their daddies were well to do businessmen with stay at home wives. Well, stay at home when you could FIND them there with all...

2 years ago
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Theresa Part 1

It started with a phone call when I was at work. The well spoken and educated voice at the other end asked if I would be available to visit that evening at 7pm. ‘Where?’ I asked. ‘Holiday Inn, Maidenhead’. ‘Sure, I charge £60.00 an hour plus travelling expenses’. She asked me what I looked like and a little about my experience. She then told me she wanted some deep tissue and some relaxation massage to finish off. We agreed the price and she arranged to meet me in reception and told me to wear...

2 years ago
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Wells Males Part Six

Wells College First Males Part Six Nicole gets in a jam and Larry comes to the rescue. Wells College Two Days Later. Bobbie had Nicole in the Security office and they were talking with Kit Carson, President Walker, and Lt. Georgia Custer in the security office. Dr. Walker asked, "Is this for real? Can you be sure of your facts?" Bobbie said, "Yes we can Dr. Walker. Both Georgia and myself interviewed all the injured parties. They confirmed who attacked them. Positive I.D....

2 years ago
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Wells Males Part Four

Bobbie and Nicole go in deep cover to find their foe. Insertion Time. It was time for Bobbie and Nicole to go to Wells College. Nicole loved Cinnamom Cigars and Bobbie liked the Cohibas. Bobbie admitted Berings worked perfectly for cover. Bobbie liked Scott's and Nicole's thinking on a Spa Fest at the end. A long soak in a hot tub with scented oils and candles sounded great. Relaxing with good tunes, good food, a little wine, and good friends. A great way to spend an afternoon....

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Just Your Style

This is the first story I've written, and is intended to be the first in a series about a styling salon with magical powers. I welcome all comments and suggestions for improvement. I left work a couple of hours early to make my appointment. I noticed that a new hair salon opened on the way home from work, and since my normal stylist just moved to another city, I needed to find a new one. When I called to make the appointment at a salon called Just your Style, I asked for an early...

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cuckold lifestyle70

We got a break from all the heat this weekend. Lower seventies beat upper ninties anyday. This short of kick started my wife's fall shopping. After doing all my chores Saturday I was told I needed to shower , shave , and lock myself up in my CB3000 because we where going shopping. Shaving my pubic area always takes me a long time. Shaving a nut sack can be tricky. It took me an hour to finish up and when I came into our room to get dressed my wife was setting on the bed already dressed and...

1 year ago
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cuckold lifestyle42

Saturday night my wife wanted to go out and have some fun , but, she wanted me along. I was watching something on the TV in the den when she walked in wearing a white denim mini skirt and a red button up shirt, the top two buttons where left undone and she must have had on one of her pushup bras. Her 34 B's aren't normaly that round on top. Her legs where naked and she was wearing a high stacked strappy sandals. She said get up little dick and lets go do something. I jumped up and turned off...

1 year ago
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Hot Doggiestyle

So it was another freshman weekend at college, i was looking for something to do. Get drunk, find some slut, and get laid. I couldn't find anything right away, but then i went across the hall to my friend Brian's room. He had one of his friends, who was a Junior at the time, over and the friends twin sister. They had already been drinking, so they invited me to have a few beers with them. The friend, Jeff, and his sister, Jen, were both pretty drunk already. Jen was really hot; nice face,...

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cuckold lifestyle26

Being a cuckold husband is always fun but when your wife is as crafty as mine its almost to much fun. She knows how to run the ragged edge. Buy this I mean doing her cuckolding while we have friends over or at public places , like the ZZ Top concert in story number 16. Well we had a wedding to go to one Saturday, I didn't want to go...( what guy does )? I was about to complain about having to go when my wife walked in wearing the dress she had bought to wear. It was pale blue, to her knee, and...

2 years ago
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cuckold lifestyle5

Well she had working at the BBQ shack for four months , September was almost over but it was still warm here in Georgia. Someone at the shack came up with the idea to have a summer is over party. Well being that we have a house and pool my wife said they could have it here. Most of the other wait staff was made up of college aged guys and girls that lived either at home or in an apartment. So they all agreed with the idea the party was going to be here. My wife came in and told me we where...

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SLS.com! Do you live the Swing Lifestyle, or have you ever considered swapping partners with other horny local couples? Before the Internet, it was hard to find like-minded swingers to fool around with, but we’ve come a long fucking way since the days of awkwardly asking your coworkers if their wife would be DTF. Why risk a sexual harassment accusation or an uppercut from a dude who takes it entirely the wrong way when you say you’d really like to bang his old lady? Today, we’re going to look...

Hookup Sites
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Voyeur Style! Listen, guys, I don’t know about you, but when it comes to porn, there’s just something super sexy about amateur content. And not only that, but when they turn that amateur content into voyeur content? Now that’s some next-level fun if you ask me. Here’s the deal, I just like the fact that these chicks have no idea that there’s a video being taken of them while they’re sucking a cock, fucking, getting dressed or undresses, taking a bath and so on. I know some people take it to the...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Maxwell and Janet

Janet ‘Oh my. Oh. Yes, Yes, Yes, work it. Right there, yes.’ He was finally done. He rolled over and was gasping for air like he was in a marathon. ‘You liked it baby?’ Dixon asked. I put on a fake smile. ‘Baby, do you really need to ask?’ Couldn’t he tell by the fucking fake screams? ‘You right baby. I’ll see you in the morning.’ Every time I look at this puta I ask myself why I am with him. I can’t believe I lost my virginity to him those months ago. I went to sleep disgusted....

3 years ago
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Main Meri Ma Aur Doggy Style

Hi friends this is Rehan. Main EK 20 saal ka ladka hoon. Meri Family me main, mere papa , mera chota bhai , aur meri Ma (jo bahut mast hai ) rehte hain. Main uttar pradesh ka rehne wala hoon. Mere papa apni kaam ki prati bahut imandar hai . Mera bhai mere se 2 sal umra me chota hai. Meri ma ek kushal grihani hai. wo mere mohalle ki sabse svndar aur sexy aurat hai. ohalle k sare mard unko chodna chahte hain. main kai baar suna hai kitne mardo ki mooh se kash ye mil jae. Main to iske chut ko...

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Transvestite and incestual loving of a delicate ethereal and softly sensuous nature

It was a lovely evening. The sun slipped behind the trees and the lengthening shadows crept across the patio, plunging the secluded garden into twilight. The elegantly dressed young girl slowly arose from the sun lounger and, on long, coltish limbs, stiletto heeled, glided sexily through the open French windows and into the coolness of the drawing room. For a moment she stopped and leant against the door, resting easily in that totally feminine way, with a hip thrust out and a knee bent...

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The Invention of Vibrators Pt3 Nadia Styles

(This is Mariam(Bane) and I decided to finish Max's story and to put as my guest I will use my favorite porn star, Nadia Styles.)Karen is back in her workstation when Megan walks in with a very sneaky look on her face. Karen shuts the door and begins yelling at Megan at what she had to corrupt her idea about a simple massager and use it to turn it into a device to deliver screaming orgasms. Megan says the both of them will become one of the richest people if they were to pursue this path. Karen...

1 year ago
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Wells Males Part Seven

Wells Males Part Seven Recovery, Rest, and Rewards for our valiant band. Auburn General Hospital Bobbie and Georgia were waiting for Kit and Larry. Bobbie took Larry to a small room. Bobbie said, "Nicole is suffering from shock, internal bleeding, pulled muscles, and several small cuts. She is also depressed. Right now she is in a hospital gown and in bed. She liked the fact you gave her your Godzilla doll." Larry said, "I got some cloths for Nicole. Also some nightwear....

1 year ago
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Might As Well Go There In Style

At the middle of the back row of the triangle of cheerleaders, Ellie turned a perfect cartwheel and dropped into an elegant, controlled split. Rob sighed. She was one of the better ones on the cheerleading team but she didn’t get on well with the other girls. Laura, the team captain, always gave Ellie the spot at the back where no one could see her. He’d thought about intervening on her behalf, but he didn’t want to make things more difficult for her. “Coach? You okay?” One of the lads...

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Doggy Style

TO BE READ BY ADULTS AT LEAST 21 YEARS OF AGE Doggy Style By A.F. (contact via Yahoo e-mail account "afstories") "Okay, which exit is it?" Trish was driving with Penelope in the passenger seat up front. Meredith sat in the back behind Trish's seat with Angela behind Penelope. The four were sisters in a sorority attending an annual Alpha Phi together. Every year different chapters across Southern California sent between three and five members each to Las Vegas for the...

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Altered Fates Freefalling Freestyle

Freefalling Freestyle By Elliot Reid "What are we going to do with you?" the woman asked, flatly. There was no answer to that. I stared at my fingernails. They were long and well-manicured, though unpainted and unpolished. They were also unfamiliar. They belonged to a teenaged girl I'd never met. I was trapped in a duplicate of her body, powerless. I saw no way out. I was sitting in a bare office with closed blinds obscuring the neon New York night. The glazing kept out the traffic noise...

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