- 3 years ago
- 16
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The low, flatbed ranch truck with the generator mounted on it was slowly making its way to the switching station from the helicopters. As the crowd parted to let it through, the camera’s flashed and the news cams rolled, recording each segment of the activities.
There was a large, temporary stage built near the main switch that would divert the Oklahoma City utilities to our New-Age Power Module. On the stage, I saw the President and Vice President, and many of the top military brass. The Governor of Oklahoma was up there, with Oklahoma Senators and Representatives lined up on stage also.
This has been built up in such a manner, after General Langston saw our small prototype run, that everyone was here to see this new power unit carry the energy load of the city and the entire state.
There were vans and trailers from CNN, FOX, BBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS, and all the local TV stations located across Oklahoma.
Carlton and his group of female grad students from OSU were center stage. All eyes and cameras were trained on them as they made the necessary preparations. Those girls look like a line-up of beauties in a pageant. I was proud of Carlton when he passed the DeWalt, 24-volt cordless drill to Brenda Mason. Carlton and the other assistants stood to the side so the cameras could get pictures of the starting process for the generator.
Brenda wanted to make sure that all who were watching here today and whoever may be watching across the U.S. and around the world, had a clear knowledge of what she was about to do. She held the cordless drill overhead, then she held it out toward Carlton, while he fitted the chrome socket wrench to the six inch extension in the drill chuck. She stooped and slipped the socket over the large nut on the flywheel of the turbine engine. Brenda motioned to Carlton, and he flipped a small lever on the side of the fuel cell.
With a simple whirring of the drill, the turbine engine began spinning freely, as Brenda held the cordless drill overhead to show them.
Most people never heard the engine running until someone handed Carlton a microphone. He placed the mic near the engine and a slight whirring sound came over the loud speakers. There was a chorus of oooooh’s and ahhhhhh’s as everyone here knew the engine was actually running. There were live feeds from here, back to the studios across the nation, recording the fact that the generator will soon be furnishing power the TV studios across Oklahoma ... and powering the telecasts sent to stations all over America and around the world.
Carlton waved his hand to the Governor, who was standing beside the main switchboard. With a flip of the switch on his end and a flip of the switch on Carlton’s end – in the blink of an eye – the power was transferred.
Instantly the turbine engine increased RPMs until it leveled off, running smoothly and quietly.
It was over, and just like that – just that simple – Oklahoma City was now running off this small generator, and it wasn’t even loaded. I looked over to see the President and the other dignitaries grinning and shaking hands as their pictures were made by Suma and the hundreds of other photographers here for the occasion.
Carlton waved to Adam, and Adam turned to speak to the President.
With a huge smile toward the cameras, the President pulled another switch, which transferred the entire state of Oklahoma AND Texas, to the new generator. The RPMs revved up just a bit more, then leveled off.
There was a loud roar coming from everyone on the stage, and the spectators who had heard about this event. All that was left now was the talk, and I was leaving that to Carlton and Adam.
Kendra, Suma, Carlton, Brenda and the others, were right in the midst of all the hoopla, trying to direct questions to those best suited to answer them. This went on for another hour before finally breaking up. When the crowd began to disperse, the cameras stayed along with the satellite transmitters.
Someone stated that they wanted to be nearby in case the small generator failed.
When the parking lot had cleared, there was a twenty vehicle convoy of Oklahoma National Guard troops rolling through the gate.
The men armed with assault rifles quickly took positions around the perimeter of the fenced grounds.
Adam waved me over to meet with the President, Vice President, and the Governor of Oklahoma. The Governor was the first to assure me that they would gladly run the generator for the remainder of the summer months with only a small service charge to the state’s electrical customers. He also told me he was going to introduce legislation to approve one of the new Power Modules be purchased before next summer.
Adam and I both pointed out to him that we wanted it in our contracts that the cost of electricity for the end users, would be reflective upon the cost of production. We could tell that he was reluctant to agree to this, then he told us it would be up to the legislature and the Public Service Commission to set the prices of utilities.
Adam was quick to inform him that it would also be up to our board of directors to approve the sale of Power Modules to any and all end users.
The Governor quickly let us know he would work with us, “Gentlemen, I think we can work this out to the good of the residents of the state. In the past, our cooperatives have always struggled to keep consumer costs down while providing energy to our customers. But now, we can concentrate on our antiquated power grids, without worrying about production costs.”
I got his attention when I told him. “Sir, Carlton and Adam have run the figures, and spread over a ten year period, you will be producing electricity for less than ten cents on the dollar of what the cooperatives are spending now. The only expense you will have is the upkeep of your power grid and the transmission lines already in use.”
“Have all your figures sent to me along with the initial cost of the generator, plus all financing and interest charges you require.”
“We’ll have that on your desk within the week, Governor,” Adam told him and we shook hands around the circle.
President Sullivan turned to Adam and asked him, “Professor Richards, how soon can you have another generator in operation? We need to have one running the Nations Capital in D.C. so we can get news of this out to all fifty states ASAP!”
“We can have another like this one in less than a month. It will take us at least six months to put together an assembly plant to mass produce these with all new parts and components.”
“Fair enough, please let me know when we can make the switch. We will introduce legislation to the Senate and The House to start budgeting Federal funding for each state to switch over to your Power Modules. It is my understanding the projected cost of a single nuclear power plant is over eight billion without cost overruns. Where will the price of your complete Power Module fall in?”
Adam answered calmly, “Sir, we haven’t had a chance to put a true price on it since we’re not in production, but we’re guesstimating somewhere in the range of three and one half – to four billion each.”
“Professor, are you sure about those numbers? We can have all fifty states running off your Power Modules for the next hundred years for half the cost of ten nuclear power plants.”
“Yes Sir, you can. Then, the cost of production and safety concerns with nuclear contamination, will be reduced each year after you replace the old, and run these new units,” Adam was smiling as he answered.
“Tell me, Mr. Boyd, will your company go public?” he asked me.
“Yes Sir, we plan to have our corporate papers in order in a few days. We’ll soon announce that we’re a public company with shares available on the New York Stock Exchange. We haven’t gotten that far just yet, but we’ve just recently hired these two very capable young attorneys to help us through all the legalities,” I answered, motioning for Susan and Leigh to step forward.
I introduced them down the line, to the President, the military brass and the other dignitaries present.
“Gentlemen, you need to remember these two young women. You will be dealing with them a lot more in the coming months and years,” I told them as Susan and Leigh beamed smiles at me.
The President leaned toward me, smiling as he spoke. “I understand that you and Professor Richards have a few contracts pending with the military. I’ve also heard some amazing stories about you personally, Mr. Boyd.”
“There’s no telling what people will say about me these days, Mr. President.” He grinned at my answer.
“Mr. Boyd, I’d like to meet with you at the White House when you get a chance to come that way.”
“Yes Sir, I’d be honored.”
“I’ll have my Chief of Staff call you soon and arrange a meeting with you and all your people.”
“Just let us know,” I shook his hand and he shook with Adam and Carlton before we left.
“Boyd, may I have a word before you head back?” General Langston spoke now.
“Yes Sir.”
“I’d like permission to move my men onto your place to start construction of the fences and the security setup as soon as tomorrow. I know we have a lot more to learn at your place and we need to have it secured and locked down from all the prying eyes which this event will create.”
“Yes Sir, I’ve been scouting it from the air and I have some ideas in my head that I’d like to go over with your man in charge when he gets there.”
“Fair enough, you know the place better than any of us. Tell him what you want and he will get back with me. Whatever you and he decide is needed, we’ll take care of it.”
“Yes Sir, and thank you for all your help in putting this together – and with the military contracts too. I hope you’ll come out when we get our new homes completed and spend some time with us.”
“I’ll make plans to do that Boyd. The President has asked that we get your permission to have the Secret Service set up a security command post there as well,” he said.
“You have my permission, Sir. Just tell them to get with me so we can all agree where the security command posts will be located.”
I saw Savana and Suma talking together and knew they were up to something.
Will you please go with us Savana? I’d like for you to be there, Suma told her.
Yes and here he comes now. Get ready.
“Boyd, Suma wants me to fly back with you and her. May I?”
“I’d love the company and I’m sure Suma will enjoy your company as well. I have a surprise in mind for both of you.”
“Oh Wow! What is it Boyd? You know I can’t stand it when you say that,” Savana was dancing and wringing her hands.
“Can’t tell you yet ... It wouldn’t be a surprise.” I grabbed them by their waists and we were gone in an instant.
I flew back along I-40 west and stopped at the same clearing among the trees where we’d stopped before. Suma was smiling and Savana caught on fast. They were both naked and holding hands as I stripped off my flight suit. After refolding and fastening it, I had their clothes bundled into my backpack and strapped over my shoulders. Suma ran her hands over Savana’s swollen belly and they smiled at each other.
“Let’s go.” I grabbed each of them by their waist once more as we lifted off.
Savana said, “I thought we were going to stay there a while.”
“I have a better place in mind,” I told her as we were already soaring two miles over Texas.
“Boyd, is that the Gulf of Mexico down there?” Savana asked as she looked down.
“Are we going to the beach?”
Two minutes later, we were on a white sand beach. It was mid afternoon local time.
“Welcome to Cancun, ladies.”
“Oh Boyd, I love you so much,” Savana cried as she hugged me.
“Boyd, you did bring me to the Blue Lagoon,” Suma cried also as she hugged, then kissed me.
“Well, Savana and I didn’t have a honeymoon and you wanted to lose your virginity in a romantic setting. This is the best I could do for both of you on such short notice,” I told them as we sat naked beside each other in the sand and watched the waves come in out of the bluest, clearest water I had ever seen.
“Boyd, we need towels,” Savana told me.
“I’ll be right back.”
I was a half mile up the beach at the five-star hotel in just seconds. I grabbed a armload of large white beach towels from the beach cabana and was back beside Savana and Suma in an instant.
“Now, let’s go wash the sand from our bodies, Suma. I want to help you and Boyd make love the first time,” Savana told her, grabbing Suma’s hand, pulling her to her feet. The two ran into the crystal blue water where they and romped and played, then called for me to join them. I never could refuse Savana, and now that Suma is naked and playing in the warm waters with her – I ran to join them.
“I wonder if we still have the ability to swim underwater and not have to breathe, like back home at the lake,” Savana asked.
“Let’s just see if we can. That would be wild if we can, no matter where we are.” We were standing in water about chest deep and about sixty feet from shore. I leaped into the surf and dove under, swimming away from the beach.
I knew the protective shroud was around me as soon as I submerged.
Savana and Suma were right beside me, laughing at the freedom of swimming underwater. We swam about two hundred yards from the shore before we surfaced.
Suma was ecstatic, “This is so unbelievable. I just love it.”
I agreed. “This is like scuba diving without all the gear and without having to worry about our tanks running out of oxygen.”
“Oh Lord, feel of my belly. Our babies love being in the water. I hope they have the ability to swim underwater like this,” Savana said as she grabbed my hand and placed it over her swollen belly.
I had to laugh when I felt them kicking, “They’re swimming already, the way they’re kicking and waving their hands.”
“Oh let me feel,” Suma reached over and rubbed Savana’s belly and the babies were going wild.
“Now I want babies too,” Suma hugged Savana and they both reached for me.
“Are you okay?” Savana asked Suma.
“I LOVE IT,” Suma yelled, just as she and I strained to add more babies to the clan.
“Gramps will be so happy. He thinks you two are the best people he’s ever met and he wanted me to be involved with your corporation so bad. Just wait until you meet my Granny too. She will be so happy with all our babies to love and take care of. I’m so happy at this moment. I love you both for giving me this opportunity and letting me be a part of your life.”
I pulled them to their feet and told them, “Let’s wash up in the ocean and I’ll take these towels back. I don’t want to be thought of as a thief.”
After returning the towels, we were airborne in seconds, with Savana on one side and Suma on the other. Suma asked how long it would be before we reached the ranch.
I answered, “Less than three minutes.”
The alarm went off and I reached over and hit the snooze button to buy another ten minutes. The alarm also woke up my wife of two years, but she apparently wasn’t interested in another ten minutes of snoozing. I felt her hand trace down my body in the direction of my lower middle appendage which almost instantly started to grow in anticipation of what was coming. She pushed the covers off of us and then swung over me and using her left hand to guide things she impaled herself on me. She rode...
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IncestBeth's hands shook as she moved her hands upwards. Reaching the straps of Candys bra. As she unhooked it Candy raised her head and opened her mouth to say something. She was silenced by Beth's tongue pushing in. Her heart pounded as she slid the straps off her shoulders. Her head still swimming from the alcohol Candy stopped fighting Beth, and sucked on her tongue. Dragging her nails lightly down, Beth ground her pelvis against her friend.Candys eye widened as she felt Beth's thumbs slip under...
my dad has a chemists shop and i go to help sometimes, there a lady there that helps too. she is so fit about 30 and very nice .i had dreams about her . one i went to see my dad and he was out .and i was loo king at the lady serving someone and shock ! see put the cash in her bag .i did not say anthing that day but i had a plan . the next day i ask here to meet me nin a country pub .she just look at me shaking her head no your to young . then i ask her about the cash and how i may tell my...
He let the various clips run through twice before saying, “A cell phone, teeth, and DNA from the human remains from the site confirmed that the mother and her daughter Chrissy died in the explosion, along with the two pilots and some other passengers. We don’t yet have any details about funeral arrangements.” That was fast. My parents were devastated once the shock wore off. Not being able to tell my parents anything about what happened was worse for them than Chrissy’s rapid departure...
We'd known Him for a while. If web-camming, phone sex and exchanging pics counts. We'd tried to make arrangements to meet a couple times before, but circumstances had developed that wouldn't allow it. So when He mentioned that he would be driving through our area last Sunday, despite having a bit of a hectic weekend plans wise, we were determined to try to finally get together in person. Iris was excited and it showed. She had a certain glow about her all day. A bit about her: In her late...
It wasn't like us to meet up with anyone.The fun was in the ether of the Internet, but here we were! Xhamster just came to reality!The night was cold but quiet as we pulled into the parking lot of the bar.We had never been here before, but this is where he asked to meet for drinks! It was surreal. We looked at each other in disbelief as I parked.A crooked smile hung on Mia's lips. She was already playful and glowing. She reached over and grabbed me pressing a wet and desired filled kiss hard on...
Ever since she started working at Mister Abercrombie's place of business Linda had been fully satisfied for the first time in her life. Both Molly her new supervisor and Mister Abercrombie taught her a lot about the business world and how to be a successful secretary. She had discovered things about her body that she had never thought possible with her only exposure to matters of a sexual nature being in the form of her distasteful stepfather. It didn't bother her so much that he was so...
Spanking by the VicarScene: Early Summer Northern Scotland, Year 2003. It was a warm summer afternoon I was riding my bicycle around the country side trying to relax. I graduated from University this spring after 4 years of study and landed a good job with the Government up here. The local people are all very friendly and I had befriended a couple of young women my age who were riding around with me, when we stopped to look out across the sea they asked me why I seemed so frustrated, to...
I had been wandering the school grounds taking photos for inclusion in the senior class year book. I had managed to snap pictures of most of my classmates when Ann Hunt came up to me. "Hi Grant ... I understand that you are a pretty good photographer. I was wondering if you could take some photos of me for a special friend" she asked. My immediate thought was "Sexy ones" - thinking to myself but unfortunately it transferred to Ann too. "Oh shit" I thought to myself this...
Hi lucky from jaipur just 22, main is site ka bahut purana reader hoon mujhey laga ki apna experience aap logon se share kerna chahiye, is liye main ap logon ko jo story sunane wala hoon wo isi 31st December ki hai. Main 22 sal ka young hoon maine aisa suna hai ki main smart hoon meri hieght 5 feet 8 inch hai aur gora bhara hua shareer hai 7 inch ka lamba land aur 4 inch chauda haimain aur Shekhar bahut gahre dost hai. Uske shadi ko 6 months hi huai they. Sunita bhabhi ka figure 36 X 28 ka hai....
WOW WHAT I DISCOVERED – PT3I have been thinking I should do a character studY on each of these guys This guy's name is Peter known as PeteSince Chris shared his story to the group, we have had others of the group tell their story after an intense session or to fill in time.The next guy is Pete. Pete's cock is like a Boerewor sausage when deflated and 10-12 inches long when stiff and needs 2 hands to work it, and leaks precum like a dripping faucet Pete is 21 has been doing similar classes as...
Judy Henderson was flipping through one of the large stationery sample books, unable to make up her mind between the heavy robin’s egg blue stock with gold embossing or the sunset pink twenty pound stock with ocher embossing. She needed someone else’s opinion, and she looked up to see if anyone was available. She saw that the only other person in the store was the clerk, Hannah Wilcox. Judy chewed her lip, considering her options. She decided on the blue, since even the wrong decision would be...
Note : This story is completely fictional! After weeks of arguing over their troubles, dad started sleeping on the couch. I think mom was wanting to fix things and patch up their relationship and get dad back into bed.She flirted alot but he wasnt biting. Every night he would be back on the couch at bed time. My dad or really my step dad he was forty five years old ,about 5 ft 9 inches tall.He was in decent shape, being he was a police officer.He had a pretty good size cock , seeing it a few...
IncestAlexa was our pet training to be a female. We were all set to do what ever she needed, hrt, breast implants and anything else she needed. She was there so far for 4 months. Me and my wife kim loved sex with each other we were both very versatile with each other, but needed a sub. We were both dominant and wanted to train her to be our personal slut. We fixed the basement up with stone floors and wood walls we also built many bdsm furniture. I installed a toilet, open shower in the middle of the...
Mark I sat in the conference room at Darwin Architectural Group with Greg, Sean, and Elsa. They were all grinning. Sean explained, “You’re the first client to see this new system. It’s like the fly-through we showed you several times of the house on the large laptop, but this is like a hundred times more realistic. For one, it’s big screen TV, and then we added music given the kind of venue, and some of the avatars actually move around the screen giving the feel of a movie. We can create...
Chapter 1 Hola, my name is Gustavo, and I'm Puerto Rican. I live in New York City, albeit in a nicer part of town than before, and I am a successful executive for a major airline. I have a fat salary, expense accounts, etc., and I love to travel, taking advantage of the staff discount. However, I never forget the downtrodden, the poor, and the unjustly despised. I grew up poor, after all, and I know suffering. So, perhaps for that reason, I find myself especially attracted to the girls from...
ExploitedCollegeGirls, aka ExCoGi! For a lot of beautiful young ladies, going to college is the first time they’re ever really out on their own. It’s their first opportunity to live life without parents getting all up in their shit, and some of these broads really live it up. Some get alcohol poisoning and finger-cuffed at frat parties, and others skip the studying to do molly and suck dick at festivals. Some of them need the whole world to know they’re sluts and get involved with sites like...
Premium Amateur Porn SitesMy turn. It was Friday. Josh and I walked to the Golden Stag, our local pub. Josh bought us a couple of pints and we sat in our usual spot, in a corner near a large window. He sighed. "God, this week felt like it would never end!". I nodded. "Andrea was a colossal bitch, wasn't she?" I responded. Josh just looked at me with both a weariness that shared my misery and a cheerfulness that spoke of the weekend to come. I continued. "In any case, we can forget about it all until Monday...
I was worried about Angel. She had not come back from the Captain’s Dinner and it was late. Suddenly the phone rang. ‘Hello Darling!’ It was my precious Angel. ‘Listen my love,’ She continued, ‘I want to play a game. Are you willing?’ ‘Of course baby, anything you say.’ I replied relived that she was safe. ‘In my black bag you will find four pairs of handcuffs and a ball gag. Go and get them.’ My first inclination was to ask her where she was, who she was with, and when will she be coming...
Do you know how some niche porn tubes have scat or piss in the title just as an attention grab, but they don’t really get deep into the genre at hand? Yeah, well, you won’t have that problem with LuxureTV’s scat section. Seriously, this is about as fucked up and unfiltered as scat could be. I’ve seen some shit. I’ve seen more shit on this one website than I’d ever wanted to see in one lifetime. If I, a porn reviewer, am having trouble getting through this review, you can only imagine how fucked...
Scat Porn SitesThe next day was a rest day, so when the phone rang at just after seven in the morning I was not particularly happy. I stumbled out of bed expecting to hear from the Superintendent on duty asking me to come in and substitute for an absent colleague. At first I didn't hear anything so repeatedly announced my name. Then I heard a groan and my policemen brain switched in. "Who's there, this is Inspector Anderson. Are you in trouble? Tell me your name please?" The groan came again then a...
Mandy After all the excitement of the kidnapping and rescue, things calmed down a bit. The wheels of bureaucracy turned slowly, but eventually Gwen was made my legal guardian. We stayed with D and Joyce till Gwen felt we should try and find a place of our own, so we wouldn't overstay our welcome. It was a bit of a shock for both of us, to suddenly find we were poor. We had grown up in a relatively well off family, and while we weren't trust fund wasters who didn't know the value of...
My ass quivered several mins. after Pete pulled out.Finally steady enough,I stepped out of my shorts and made my way inside.Squatting in my tub, I gingerly washed my abused little opening.That man must shot a quart of cum up me as I was coated in it.Needing some down time,I slipped into a G-string,got some jack and went out to sun.Face down on my lounge,a hot sun beating down,I thought of the hot sex.Previously I'de caught Pete leering at me sunning.Wanting more I glanced over to see nothing,so...
Hi guys! My name is Sapna and this is my story in ISS. A little something about me, I am currently 25 yrs. old and working in Mumbai. I am from a nuclear family from Himachal. I am 5’ 8” tall and have an athletic built. Now about the story, so the incident happened when I was in 12th grade. Mr Kapoor was father of my then bff, Soniya. He was about 40 yrs. old then and I was about 18. He was a gym trainer, so he was in quite a great shape and he was bestowed with a tall, fair and hot body. I and...
I was surrounded by twelve naked girls. Xiomara, my crush, my friend, my closest girl, knelt low and picked my last piece of clothing off of my ankle. I should’ve been standing tall, shoulders back, and rock hard cock striving forward. I was giggling my ass off and hunched over. I had a chub, I wasn’t anything close to unaffected. “If Dean’s dick can fit inside Suzi, we can get a bunch of girls into the shower.” Zoë was boasting. She slapped Elizabeth’s freshly bared ass, “Don’t keep us...
June had been a pretty fallow month for me. My boys were all busy or away. I told myself it was probably for the best, it had been quite a cum harvest recently after all. However, every night I would drift off thinking about cock and every morning check online for messages hoping for a service request. My thoughts turned to Gabriel's lovely cock. He hadn't messaged me since his second time and I assumed his religious guilt had constrained him. It was a shame. His penis was a joy to please. I...
The building was old but clean and it might have even been someone’s house years ago but by the age of the sign out front, Aunt Millie’s had been here for a really long time. They were seated at a table by a window with a view of marsh land, which was surprisingly beautiful. There was a crane standing just a short distance away in the marsh and he looked so graceful. Just past the crane was a mound of rocks reaching up out of the water and Sara could see turtles resting there. These marshes...
You come for solitude, and solace. This place is your special paradise, upstream, above the torrent of the lower falls, which gather into an awesome cascade, attracting so many to its beauty. But these falls are smaller, more personal in scale, and a harder climb to reach for the throngs of tourists who crowd the base of the falls far below. Here you are alone, feeling the special beauty of a natural wonder which is yours to enjoy in peace. As you have done many times before, you've waded nude...
LesbianPrologue A new couple, the Hubbard's had arrived in Dr. Zaaijer office. Dr. Zaaijer was a psychologist who did both couples and family therapy. This would be the first session between Dr. Zaaijer and Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard., he didn't know what the problem was, but he would find out. The person claiming to be Mrs. Hubbard wasn't actually married to Mr. Hubbard. She wasn't his wife, she had been his first victim. Mr. Hubbard had used his hypnotic and other abilities on the person...
Jenny had a hard life, at a young age her mother passed away due to complications with cancer, which in turn made her father ill.At the age of sixteen, she had built up a wall, a defence mechanism. Not many people were able to get through to her. Because this she didn’t have many friends, and the friends she did have were mostly in her head.It was the night of her sixteenth birthday, as usual, she got to her knees beside her bed and said a little prayer. She wished for peace for her father and...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIt was an unseasonably warm day in mid-October as I strolled up to our usual meeting spot at the southeast corner of the university quad. I was the first of the group to arrive, so I snatched up a seat at the picnic table, at the far end, that was excluded from the shade of a nearby tree.I took off my jacket, exposing my shoulders to the late afternoon sun. Let the warmth wash over my body, knowing that this would be one of the last balmy days before the weather chilled for fall.I pulled out...
College Sex