Finding Reginald Markham free porn video

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The alarm went off and I reached over and hit the snooze button to buy another ten minutes. The alarm also woke up my wife of two years, but she apparently wasn’t interested in another ten minutes of snoozing.

I felt her hand trace down my body in the direction of my lower middle appendage which almost instantly started to grow in anticipation of what was coming. She pushed the covers off of us and then swung over me and using her left hand to guide things she impaled herself on me. She rode me while I reached up with my hands and tugged and tweaked her nipples.

Her nipples are super sensitive when she is aroused and as I twisted them and pulled on them she moaned and stated riding me harder. She had an orgasm and I gave her a minute or so to savor it and then because I could never get off in cowgirl I rolled her over on to her back and then drove hard to get my release. Just before I reached mine she had another one. When I came I held myself in her until it was soft and then I pulled out and fell to the bed next to her and said:

“You know I don’t want to go to get up and go to work now. I just want to lay here and hold you.”

“I would like that too, but you know we can’t. My flight to Salt Lake leaves at ten and I have to be on it.”

“I think you need to tell your dad he needs a new personal assistant. Tell him you need to stay home with your hubby so you can work on giving him some grandbabies.”

“Can’t do that and you well know it. You knew what you were signing up for before we even said I do.”

“Yes, but at the time I had no way of knowing how addictive snuggling and cuddling with you in the mornings was going to be.

“Daddy is going to retire in six months and I won’t need to be going with him everywhere he goes”

“Bullshit. That just means that you will be in charge and will still traveling on business.”

“True, but then you can give up your job as head of security, become my PA and fly with me.”

“Why in the world would I want to do that?”

“So you can learn the business the same way I did by being daddy’s PA.”

“Again, why would I want to do that?”

“Because it is a family owned and operated business and someone needs to run it while I’m busy having your babies and raising them.”

She slapped my butt and told me to get up and get a move on. She showered while I put the coffee on and then I showered while she whipped up some breakfast. I had wanted to shower together, but she shot that down.

“You know damned well where we would end up if we did that.”

She was right so I hid my disappointment and got on with the day. At eight-thirty she came into my office, kissed me and told me to think about how to best welcome her home the next day.

“Rose petals strewn around the bedroom and a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket next to the bed would be nice.”

As I watched her leave I thought back on how I had come to be married to the boss’s daughter.

It was obvious that she didn’t recognize me, but then why should she? We didn’t move in the same circles when we were in school. I doubt that she even noticed me from the ninth grade to graduation and I was even more lost in the crowd at college, but I recognized her. Prom queen, head cheerleader, Girl Most Likely to Succeed. She had fed many of my teenaged fantasies and had caused me to exercise my right hand quite often. It had been fifteen years since I’d last seen her and those years had been good to her.

“May I ask who recommended me to you?”

“No one. I was in the building to see my attorney and I noticed Stiles Investigations on the building directory.”

That was me. Hector Stiles, private investigator.

“Might I enquire as to whom your attorney is?”

“Charles Wellington of Farmer, Burns and Wellington.”

“I know Chuck well. He sends a lot of business my way. So what can I do for you Miss Parkington?”

She gave me a weird look and said “It’s Mrs. Mrs. Elizabeth Markham. How did you know my name used to be Parkington?”

I smiled and said “Trade secret. So what can I do for you Mrs. Markham?”

She hesitated as if she intended to follow up on how I’d known her maiden name, but then she said:

“I want you to find my husband.”

That was interesting. I’d been asked many, many times to find out if a husband (or wife) was cheating, but I’d never been asked to actually find the husband.

“Is he hiding from you? Not wanting to see you for some reason or other? Most people don’t just disappear unless they think they have a good reason for doing it.”

“I have no idea. One day he just disappeared. He left for work in the morning and I never saw or heard from him again. He had shown up for work, left at quitting time and disappeared.”

“I’m sorry if this upsets you, but it is something I need to know if I am going to take you on as a client. Was there any infidelity in your marriage?”

She hesitated a bit and then said “On his part? I don’t think so.”

“And on your part? I ask because if you were I need to know if he found out and then left leaving you to handle all the divorce stuff.”

“I haven’t been unfaithful, but I do have to admit I was slipping close to it.”

“Slipping close?”

“An old flame from college recently returned to town and we’ve been talking. I’ll be totally honest with you Mr. Stiles. My husband’s parents don’t believe that Reggie just ran away. They say that is something no son of theirs would ever do. They seemed to think I’ve killed Reggie and somehow gotten rid of the body. They took their belief to the police and I am currently under an ongoing investigation.”

“Why do you need me if the police are already looking for him?”

“I don’t believe they are looking for him. I think they believe he is dead and all they are trying to do is pin his death on someone. I’m his spouse so to them I am their most likely suspect. I need to find Reggie and get out from under the cloud of suspicion.”

I decided to take the case and I gave her my rates and she wrote me a check. I gave her a list of things I needed to know about her husband and she told me she would get back to me the next day with what I wanted. She looked at the list and then back up at me.

“I should know you shouldn’t I?”

“Not necessarily. I was just one of many.”

She gave me a long look and then got up and left.

I picked up the phone and called a familiar number.

“Tenth precinct; Sgt. Franklin speaking.”

“Afternoon Tony. Is Phil in?”

“He is. Probably in his office sleeping on the taxpayers dollar. I’ll put you through.”

Two rings and then “Detective Bureau; Lt. Farmer.”

“Afternoon Phil; got a minute?”

“Don’t know Heck. What kind of trouble do you want me to get in the middle of now?”

“Just took on a client who says she is under investigation for her husband’s death, but she doesn’t think he is dead.”

“Only got one of those right now. We are talking about Elizabeth Markham right?”

“That’s the one. What can you tell me about it?”

“Not much. The husband, Reginald Markham, left his place of employment at five on May the third and hasn’t been seen or heard from since. No cash removed from the bank, no credit card trail and his car was found in the Landing Strip’s parking lot. He was a regular, but no one inside could recall seeing him that day. His prints were the only ones found on the car. Wife never reported him missing. Six days after he was last seen his parents came in, told us he was missing and they suspected foul play.

“We looked into it. Mrs. Markham said she never reported him missing because he had a habit of disappearing for days after they’d had an argument. She said that once he was gone for eleven days. According to her they had argued the day before he disappeared so she thought nothing of it. She didn’t get concerned until we came knocking on her door.”

“You turn up anything?”

“We pressed and she finally told us that the argument was over his displeasure at the time she was spending with an old boyfriend. We talked to the boyfriend and he told us all that was going on was they were renewing acquaintances, talking about old times and old friends. Other than Mr. Markham’s continued absence we’ve found no evidence of foul play. However it is still an open case. Without betraying any client confidentiality can you tell me what she wants with you?”

“Wants me to find her husband.”

“Good luck with that. All we found was a cold trail.”

“If I stop by the precinct any chance I could look at the file?”

“As long as you get here while I’m still here.”

As I hung up I thought on how nice it was to have good friends. Phil had been my partner when I was on the force. If I hadn’t taken a bullet in my right knee I would probably still be on the force. I had just taken the exam for detective and had scored high enough that I would have gotten the next opening, but Jimmy Ratz (aka Jimmy the Rat) had ruined that for me. He put the bullet in my knee and Phil had put him in the ground.

I drove over to the precinct and Phil let me sit at his desk and read the case file. I finished the file, handed it back to him and he asked:

“Anything in there jump out at you?”


“Care to share?”

“Not just yet. I need to make sure a personal dislike isn’t clouding my thinking first.”

“That sounds cryptic.”

I hesitated and then said “I guess it is something you should know. I need to give you some history here. I went through high school and college with Mrs. Markham. In fact I had one hell of a crush on her at the time, but I doubt that she even knew I was alive. We didn’t run in the same circles. Her maiden name by the way is Parkington as in Parkington Industries. In short daddy is loaded and Liz is an only child.

“As I remember it she had a rather substantial trust fund that she came into the day she graduated from college and then of course when daddy passes she will inherit the whole shebang. Did you ever notice how it always seemed the best looking girls were attracted to the bad boy asshole types?”

Phil smiled and shook his head yes.

“Well Liz was one of those girls. In our junior year she hooked up with a stone asshole. He was one of those find them, fuck them, forget them guys. We were both on the football team and in the locker room he used to brag that he would be rolling in dough when he married the stupid cunt. That’s just the way he put it. “When I marry the stupid cunt.” You could tell she didn’t mean shit to him except as an easy life. Liz on the other hand seemed to be head over heels for the asshole and thought he was the love of her life. What happened between them I’ve no idea, but one day they were no longer a couple.”

“What’s that got to do with this file?”

“Dave Bart, the boyfriend she was getting reacquainted with? The same asshole who was going to marry the stupid cunt. Was I you I would be looking into his background. What has the slime ball been up to since college?”

“What are you thinking Heck?”

“Can’t marry into money if someone else is already married to it.”

“You thinking he may have something to do with the disappearance of Markham?”

“I don’t honestly know Phil. He was an asshole back in school, but whether or not he is a bad enough asshole to do in someone for money I don’t know.”

“Could wife and possible lover be in it together?”

“I don’t know, but I doubt it. She is paying me an awful lot to find him and I just can’t see her setting herself up for the digging I’m going to be doing if she has anything to hide.”

“Keep me in the loop okay?”

“Will do.”

Elizabeth Markham showed up at my office at nine the next day with the things I asked her to bring me. She sat down across from me and said:

“I can’t believe I didn’t know who you were yesterday.”

“No reason you should have.”

“I got out my year books when I got home yesterday. Eight years; four in high school and four in college and I didn’t know you? How could that have been?”

“Our high school class had 247 kids in it and there were different groups and cliques. We just hung with different people. In college there were ten times as many people. We only had two shared classes in our freshman year and only one in our junior year. Not surprising that you didn’t remember me.”

“But you can remember me so I should be able to remember you.”

I smiled as I thought “I doubt you ever masturbated to thoughts of me so why would you remember me? You on the other hand fed many of my masturbatory fantasies” and then I said:

“A subject for another time, but right now we need to get on the problem of your missing husband. I’m going to ask you some very personal questions and while you may be reluctant to give them I need completely honest answers. I’m no different than your doctor or lawyer; anything you tell me will be given complete confidentiality.”

“No problem. I’ve nothing to hide.”

“First thing I need to know is the relationship you had with your husband just prior to his disappearance.”

“We were having a bit of a problem. He didn’t like the fact that I was meeting with my old boyfriend for lunch and then drinks after work. He wanted me to stop and I told him I wouldn’t.”

“At our initial meeting you mentioned that you were sliding towards being unfaithful. Was this the man causing you to slide closer?”

“It was.”

“Was and not is?”

She was silent for a bit and the said “Was. I can be a bitch at times and I can also be a bit bull-headed. When Dave, that’s the old boyfriend, came back to town he looked me up and asked me to meet him for lunch. I saw no harm in it so we met. At first it was just getting in touch with old friends and talking about people we knew and where they were and what they were doing now. It was a short lunch because I had to get back to work.

“Dave asked if we could do lunch again and again I saw no harm in it so I said yes. When I got home that night I told Reg about it and he got all bent out of shape over it. Told me he was unhappy that I met with Dave and he didn’t want me doing it again. That brought out the bitch in me and I told him I wasn’t going to allow him to dictate to me and I would see whoever I wanted to see and then things between us went to hell.

“I saw Dave two more times for lunch and being the bitch I can be at times I made sure that Reg knew about them. That just made things worse between us. I kept meeting Dave for lunch, not because I was interested in getting something going between us, but because I could throw it in Reg’s face. Then one day Dave asked me to meet him after work for a drink. Dave made a move on me that night and I didn’t shut him down. Of course I let Reg know when I got home that I’d stopped for drinks with Dave. Reg threw a fit. He accused me of cheating on him and then said he’d better never catch us screwing in our house or he would kill us both. That of course set me off. “Accuse me of cheating? Well fuck you! Maybe I will just to spite your ass” and things between us went farther downhill.

“The next time I met with Dave my mindset was Reg thinks I’m a cheater? Well if I’m going to wear the name I might as well play the game. And I almost did it. But at the last minute I remembered why I’d broken up with Dave in the first place. He was an asshole. I was going to risk my marriage over an asshole? But even then I unintentionally left the door open. I told Dave I couldn’t cheat on Reg, but the way things were going between Reg and me I might be single again soon and then we could pick up where we left off in college. It was all bullshit of course, but Dave didn’t know it.

“Before I could mend fences with Reg he was gone and now I have to find him. Find him and convince him he is the only man I want.”

I took the list she gave me and then said “I have to be up front with you Mrs. Markham; I may not be able to do what you want. I have an in at the police department and he told me what they have found. Your husband didn’t take any cash out of the bank and he hasn’t left a credit card trail. I have a few sources they don’t have access to, but if I can’t find a starting point on your husband’s trail in a couple of days I’m not likely going to find him. I’m telling you this now so you can get your money back if you would like.”

“Please do what you can and don’t worry about the money. If you need more I’ll get it for you. Just do your absolute best to find Reggie.”

The list she had given me had the names of friends her husband was closest to and a list of people he worked with. I spent three days talking with the people on the list and came up with zip. The people I talked to were unanimous in saying that Reginald Markham was not the kind of guy who would make himself disappear just to piss off his wife. Several of his friends did tell me that he was upset with his wife, but hadn’t shared the why of it with them. His coworkers said he was his usual normal self on the day he disappeared and his secretary said that he had given her a cheerful “See you in the morning when he left the office that day.

At the end of three days I’d pretty much made up my mind that Reginald Markham had not disappeared himself. I had to accept the thought that someone or someone’s had disappeared him. I could be wrong, but I seriously doubted that his wife had anything to do with it. The question became who and why.

To me the obvious answer was Dave Bart and the why was so he could have a clear field to Elizabeth Markham. I picked up the phone and called the number that Elizabeth had given me. When she answered I made arrangements to meet her for lunch.

She was already there and sitting in a booth when I got to Tricocci’s. After Jared had taken our order I said:

“I have some questions Mrs. Markham.”

“Please call me Liz. I’m still feeling guilty over going to school with you for eight years and still not knowing you.”

“All right then; you can call me Heck. I’m not overly fond of Hector, but my parent’s didn’t ask for my input when they named me. The questions I have concern your relationship with Dave Bart. When you initially broke up with him was the breakup acrimonious?”

“No. I found out a few things that upset me, but decided that he was going to be around until we graduated it would be easier if I ended things a bit cordially. I told him I thought we were getting too serious too soon and that we needed a break from each other. We needed to see and date others to make sure that we were really meant for each other.”

“And how did he take it?”

“He wasn’t happy. Said he already knew that I was the one for him and he was a little pissed that I wouldn’t accept it when he told me that he was sure that I was the one for him. Then we graduated and without letting him know I took off to tour Europe for a year before coming back and going to work for my father. I heard that after graduation he took a job in Atlanta and I never heard from him until he moved back here a little over a month ago.”

“What exactly did you find out that turned you away from him?”

“He was telling people that he was going to marry me and then be rolling in money for the rest of his life. Why are you smiling?”

“Dave and I were on the football team and he was always bragging to everyone that he was going to marry you and be set for life.”

“You knew who I was. Why didn’t you warn me?”

“And get slapped upside my head and be told to mind my own business? You seem to forget that at the time you appeared to be head over heels into Dave. You probably wouldn’t have believed me anyway.”

“Probably true.”

“Has he tried to contact you since your husband disappeared?”

“Every day. He wants to meet for lunch or for a drink after work. Why?”

“Curiosity. You did tell me you told him you might be single again and you might be able to pick up where you left off in college.”

“I didn’t mean it. It just seemed to be a better way to end things than to say “You are an asshole and I want nothing to do with you.”

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Reginalds FutureChapter 3

It was morning when the team changeover occurred, and he found himself with Fiona, Jessica and Freda, so had to start all over again, but he got up to have a pee before the second shift started on him. It was just as well that Frances had told him he was not attending university today. His instructions were to stay at home and relax; he would need time to recover, and would probably sleep some more. It was near lunchtime, just after telling Carol that he wanted a light lunch and see how his...

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Reginalds FutureChapter 4

Reg went on, “As I said once before, the proposition that ulcers were caused by bacteria in the stomach was initially ruled out by the medical hierarchy, because it was an established tenet of faith that the stomach contents did not allow bacteria to survive. This was based on initial tests done around fifty years before, on a limited sample of patients. When the new proposers asked for experiments to be done to clarify the facts, these were denied because it was ‘already proved’ that the...

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Reginalds FutureChapter 5

He returned to his book, as he did not want to disturb any of the other members of the household. He would wait until his wives returned. He was wondering where Jessica had got to, and called through to Sidra. She heard him, and wandered through. “Sidra, where the heck has your mother got to? I haven’t seen her for ages.” “Mum? Oh, she went out to see about something that had come to her attention. I have no idea what it was, but she said she would be some time before she was...

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Reginalds WivesChapter 2

Next morning, Simpkins was called into the editor’s office. “Simpkins, just what did you do, you stupid boy?” “Pardon, sir? Do about what?” “This Robertson story. You managed to stir up someone to take action!” “How do you mean, sir? I simply spoke to a couple of people I met on the university grounds and chatted to them about Robertson and his goings-on.” “Well, one of them took offence at your questions, and went to his or her lawyer. We have been served with an injunction against...

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Reginalds FutureChapter 6

“Ooops. Sorry, Jessica. Mea culpa. Forgive me.” “It is okay, my love; just steering you in a sensible direction. You have to remember to be less academic with social chit-chat, darling.” “I am okay with that advice, Jessica. Point noted.” The midwife was at the door shortly afterwards, and put Jessica in her car before driving to the hospital’s maternity section. Reg kissed her farewell. After his quick lunch, Reg told everyone he was going to bed for another snooze, so he did not want...

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Reginalds WivesChapter 4

“Come in,” she said, swinging the door open. “Have you eaten?” Fixer replied, “Not recently. I just got here.” Prudence gestured him through to the dining room. “Come and meet my family, and we can get you something. It is pizza tonight: suit you?” “Sure”, he responded. Seeing the group round the table, he nodded in greeting. Reg had stood up for him, and welcomed him. “Hi. I am Reg, and these ladies are Frances, Erika, Freda, and of course Prudence who got the door for you. Once you have...

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Reginalds FutureChapter 7

“I am of the same opinion,” said Reg. “Our conclusion was that a person, who we have tentatively identified as a relative of the owner, fired a Very pistol or similar flare pistol into the basement through the coal shute, and started the blaze. We have worked out that the physics of the flare cartridge’s trajectory would mean that it would bounce around inside the basement until it lost momentum and burnt out on the floor. The arsonist probably went in to clear the floor so that he could...

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Reginalds WivesChapter 5

“Gosh, we never thought of that!” Frances blurted out. “It is a common occurrence, Mrs Robertson. Only one needs to be agile and take the risk of climbing through, past broken glass.” “Yes. That is so. Reg noticed a drop of blood on the carpet, so we kept away from the spot until the forensics people arrived.” “A wise precaution, though not every blood spot leads to a culprit, if the lad had never been in the hands of the police before. You need a match, you see, and if he is not already...

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Reginalds WivesChapter 6

“Sorry,” said Tom. “In the UK, private use of a taser is prohibited, as it is classed as a deadly weapon. The police are the only people who can legally possess and use such a weapon. Even there, only specially trained officers get to use a taser, and all use is closely monitored and reported. The Americans on the other hand, as usual, allow citizens to arm themselves with practically everything!” Sergeant Phillips visited the Squadron Leader again. “Sir, I have spoken with the Robertson...

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Reginalds WivesChapter 7

He mused, “Just like the others” What did she mean by that? He shook his head to clear it, thinking that he read too much into things. He turned back to Reg. “Thanks you for your help, Mr. Robertson; in fact, you and the ladies. You were all helpful, one way or another. I’ll let you know if we have anything to go on.” He left, shaking his head at the oddities of this group of university students, nice as they seemed. Once back at the station, he spoke to the station commander about the...

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Reginalds WivesChapter 8

Reg and two of the other girls agreed, while the Sergeant’s mind flashed back to the store security man. He had said that Mrs Flanders used to be Mary Fitzgerald! But previously the Robertsons had told him they only knew him as Jim. Why the change? He asked them, and got an answer. Reg explained, “At the suggestion of the girls, I put out feelers among the students about his full name, but apparently he had threatened to hurt anyone who told us his name. I got an anonymous email which told...

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Reginalds WivesChapter 10

“Yes, Julian. That is the way it is.” “Is he blind? Does he know that none of you are lookers, Freda?” Reg had heard this declaration and shouldered his way to stand in front of Julian. “Listen, fellow. You may be Freda’s brother, but there is no need to insult my brides. They are wonderful girls, as I have found. Just because you are blind to their inner beauty, doesn’t mean you can slag them off. Now apologise to them: NOW.” Julian gulped, and saw where his best course lay. “Ladies, I...

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Reginalds FutureChapter 8

Mr Robson sniggered, “Wives are pretty adept at telling their husbands what to do, I agree.” Mrs Robson appeared at the door. “If you two boys are done blathering, you can help lay the eats on the table. Us girls have more important things to deal with. These two are wonderful now, Reg. Congratulations.” “As I told your husband, it was my household that did the job, not me.” “Whatever. The job was done, and done well; that is what matters,” she insisted. Reg nodded, as no reply was...

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Reginalds WivesChapter 12

The girls happily pulled his arms to get him to his feet, then escorted him away, one supporting each arm. Frances watched, with a gleeful smile on her face. When they were gone, Frances moved to find where her mother was, to give her a report at a distance, and thank her for the medications. She found her mother was in the kitchen, so Frances stood by the door at a careful distance, to speak with her. She told her that all the patients were now in bed; that Carol and Holly were doing an...

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Reginalds WivesChapter 13

Frances grinned as Reg’s cheeks flared red. “You do remember that, I see. Anyway, back to the question. What do you think of employing them?” “As a first step with no other pre-ordained commitments, I am happy with that. Giving the girls an opportunity to show their mettle is good. Can I suggest, Frances, that we take up the idea of them officially being employed by your father’s business? That sounds like good business sense. The other parents can make their contributions to him, in...

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Reginalds FutureChapter 11

Her eyes sparkled as she took this in. “So Dad really has to juggle things every year, estimating what produce is worth investing in, and what is a bad choice that year? If I had realised that, I would have done something to help, even if it was simply researching markets, and finding if there was an animal or produce we could diversify into, like goats for goat’s milk or cheese, or even goat meat. I saw recently that water buffalo are being farmed somewhere in England.” “That’s it,” Reg...

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Reginalds PeopleChapter 2

Fiona was pensive as she considered the abilities of Elizabeth, then delivered her verdict. “For a girl of her age, and her low self-esteem, if you had asked me when we first found her, I would have had no hesitation is dismissing her chances of success in anything, but she has changed drastically. Her self-confidence has improved, her weight is beginning to drop, and she is discovering that education can be interesting, and at times, fun. Now, I think she can do it. As long as she has done...

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Reginalds PeopleChapter 3

Next day Reg said goodbye as his wives went off to their university courses, promising to return with whatever his professors allocated to Reg to study. He had finished the first set of materials he had been given. Later, hearing heavy footsteps on the stairs, he assumed that was Elizabeth and Sidra on their self-imposed exercise regime, but the pounding seemed excessive. He called out, “What is all the noise about, girls? You are a bit noisier than usual.” A few minutes later, Sidra...

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Reginalds PeopleChapter 4

As she left, Freda called back, “It can strike at any time to any of us: be warned!” As he came to realise that such events could happen with more than one of his wives, Reg mentally braced himself for a busy time over the next few weeks; or however long this symptom continued. Then he hoped that Freda would remember her appointment with Jessica. If he did not hear back within the hour, he must remind Freda. There was a rush of girls around the house for a while, then Fiona popped her head...

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Reginalds PeopleChapter 5

“An update for you. Our friend Ferguson from the university tripped himself up, and ended in our hands as a criminal suspect. A colleague told him we had a witness to his entering the Chemistry building during the night before the explosion, so we accused him of breaking and entering with intent to cause an explosion. That rocked him back, but he then claimed he had a key, given him by a member of staff, and so he was not breaking in. He probably thought this would save him, but it actually...

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Reginalds PeopleChapter 6

“How do you mean, dear?” Frances was unclear. “If I stood behind you, I could fondle your breasts, then if you bent over the bed and opened your legs, I could enter you from behind while still standing upright. I might be able to fuck without stretching the wound; but it is up to each of you. You will now have two options to choose from; it is the best I can offer at present.” Frances bent to kiss him. “How considerate of you, my love. I will tell the girls of the options; they can choose...

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Reginalds PeopleChapter 7

The manager grabbed the papers and looked at all the markings Freda had made. His face expressed amazement, and a touch of anger when he admitted, “Such a case is unheard of, Mrs Robertson. Only the fact that there was a considerable gap between each payment prevented us noticing this fact and bringing it to the notice of the university. I note that the account belongs to a different banking group, so we would not expect to have any concern over it. The finance would be with them, so I cannot...

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Reginalds PeopleChapter 8

“In a way, but it is not so simple as that. The peculiarities of varying figures often do not mean there is a crime. It can be as simple as an expansion of the work of a department, meaning extra expenditure on staff salaries and expenses; more spent on supplies, and so on. Finding the differences allows you to ask the questions that tell you whether there is an innocent explanation, and if not, you look into it further. Once you have dismissed all the innocent explanations, you start to...

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Reginalds PeopleChapter 9

The Finance Officer told him, “Our Head of Security went with me to the Chemistry Department and demanded to see the department ordering book from the Technician. Surprisingly, he quickly went and brought it to us, and we went over it. There were none of the expected large orders that we know were supplied, and I questioned him on it. He gave me a story that I am inclined to believe. He only orders what the lecturer responsible for supplies, a man named Proudfoot, tells him to. BUT he...

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Reginalds PeopleChapter 10

Reg told them, “There is almost no chance he could object to your home-schooling, girls. I would have to be an idiot before they would have a valid objection!” “Oh.” Sidra was surprised. “Don’t they have a say in how we get educated?” “Nope.” Reg was emphatic. “The law says nothing about times and place of education, or timetables, or even subjects. As long as we can show you are being adequately educated, that is it.” “So,” Elizabeth enunciated, “All we need is to show him we are being...

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Reginalds PeopleChapter 11

“Jemima, I wonder if you have unsung talents too? Many people have abilities that they don’t get an opportunity to display. Hermione is only now showing what she is capable of. You should explore what you might be able to do.” Jemima was stunned by this. “Really? Me? You mean that?” Reg added,”Yes, everyone has talents, but not everyone has found their talents yet.” Jemima retorted, “From what I have heard, you developed your talent for learning very early in your life. Not everyone does...

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Reginalds PeopleChapter 12

One did not usually cover a closed wooden box with a plastic sack, unless there was a reason for it. The only reason he could imagine was to keep dampness out, for such plastic was flimsy and easily torn. That would imply concern that over time, dampness might be a problem for the contents. In turn, it suggested that the contents were either water-sensitive chemicals such as explosives or drugs, or perhaps it was paper of some kind; or the foregoing, covered in paper. Of course, any iron item...

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Reginalds ChildrenChapter 2

Next day, Reg asked that they leave early and do a detour to the bank where he had his account, so that he could formally acknowledge receipt of the money that had arrived, and at the same time discover how much the sum was. That happened, with the bank staff pleased to see him. He was happy to find the total was a little higher than expected, due to interest added to the sum by the insurance company. He checked that the type of account was the highest-earning interest one they offered. He...

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Reginalds ChildrenChapter 3

Freda was offhandedly blasé. “Whatever suits you, Fiona, but don’t talk to Reg about it. He will tell you that there is a mathematical framework for packet switching networks. I happened to mention queueing and almost got a lecture, for apparently packet switching is the basis for the Internet’s structure.” She went on to switch subjects without a break. “What is Reg doing now?” Frances said, “I left him in his study. Why?” “I just wondered, as I am off my birth control, so if he is...

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Reginalds DisasterChapter 2

Reg stood up and called loudly, “Warning to everyone: our carriage will be shunted to connect us without notice as soon as the train arrives, for it is running late. Expect a few bumps as it does so.” The girls made a point of sitting down and taking their babies in their laps, ready to hold them steady if there was a jolt. Elizabeth and Sidra held each others arms as they sat side by side. Jessica had wedged herself into a seat at an angle, to protect her unborn baby. Reg heard the sound...

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Reginalds ChildrenChapter 4

Sitting below the slab, sunk further into the ground, was a wide-mouthed plastic drum of some kind. He automatically went to open it, but Freda stopped him. “Stop, Reg. You have no idea what is in that container. It may be noxious chemicals, a dead animal like a pet buried there, or even a cache of guns. You don’t know, so don’t touch it.” “Freda, what the hell do you expect me to do with it? Ignore it?” “No, but my Dad would always advise getting the police to check it out first. If it...

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Reginalds DisasterChapter 3

3 “All of them? Pardon?” “They all use the name Mrs Robertson, but I am not legally married to anyone. My two teenaged stepdaughters have their own names but prefer using Robertson.” “You are sure you are not confused any more, Mr Robertson?” “Certain. Just ask for the Robertson family from the last carriage. That should find them.” “Any other factors to help with identification?” “Several are rather plain-faced, but are brilliant girls; oh and they have their babies with...

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Reginalds ChildrenChapter 5

That dismayed her. How the hell were they supposed to find out the combination for the safe? Presumably that information died with the owner in his car crash. It was time to bring in Reg to see this, so she trekked back upstairs to hearing range. “Reg!” she called loudly. “Are you available for a quick discussion?” There was a silence, then Prudence called, “He is in the garden again. I’ll fetch him.” Frances waited until Reg came to her, still puffing a little from jogging back to the...

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Reginalds ChildrenChapter 6

“Another appraisal job, Dad,” commented Frances. “I expect so,” he agreed. “Wait till I get these loose stones back in their bag, and we can have a look at the final shelf.” When Frances went to pull out the flat parcels, she found them very light, so she took out the first, and opened it out. It contained a drawing on very old paper; in fact the apparent paper seemed to her to be parchment: animal skin. It was a drawing of a man being martyred. She admired the penmanship, but didn’t fancy...

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Reginalds DisasterChapter 4

The manager noticed Reginald sitting there looked bemused by this conversation, and said, “The local paper were on the phone to ask for an interview with the victims of the train crash. Is Mr Robertson fit enough to be able to cope with intrusive questions? I suspect you would not be vastly keen on questioning at any time.” “Very perceptive of you, sir. Can you suggest that we are still shaken up and several of us are recovering from minor injuries, and one with concussion, so that we would...

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Reginalds DisasterChapter 5

Frances stormed out of the room, and almost bumped into the hotel manager. “Oops. Sorry, Frances. I was just coming to let Mr Robertson know that we have the local reporter for the Scarborough News downstairs near the front door.” “Damn. No chance he will go away?” “No. He says his boss told him not to come back before he got the story of the Robertson group from the rail crash. He must know something.” “Perhaps. I think it is more correct to say that he THINKS he knows something. We are...

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Reginalds ChildrenChapter 7

“Foam filling? The inflammable stuff that is now illegal?” asked Reg. “Hey, you are probably right, Reg. Either the house owner had this sofa sitting there for years, or Fitzgerald brought it in by his own choice.” “Sergeant, the regulations on furniture foam filling came into force in 1988, so the sofa must be pretty old, not to say decrepit, unless it was not used much previously. Can Fitzgerald possibly claim the explosive must have been there already? It seems unlikely, if such an...

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