Reginald's FutureChapter 4 free porn video

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Reg went on, “As I said once before, the proposition that ulcers were caused by bacteria in the stomach was initially ruled out by the medical hierarchy, because it was an established tenet of faith that the stomach contents did not allow bacteria to survive. This was based on initial tests done around fifty years before, on a limited sample of patients.

When the new proposers asked for experiments to be done to clarify the facts, these were denied because it was ‘already proved’ that the stomach did not contain bacteria. As Helicobacter Pylori is now know to exist and thrive in the stomachs of 60 per cent of the world’s adult population, there is a problem somewhere! If the earlier tests were actually of people who fell into the other 40 per cent group, then naturally you would get a negative result, similarly if the tests at the time were not accurate.

The failure to do wider tests, and simply assuming that these ancient results applied to everyone, led the entire medical fraternity astray for 50 years, and reaped millions of dollars for medical companies selling antacid tablets that had no real effect on ulcers. They were merely a placebo to make sufferers feel better. The pharmaceutical companies did not do any practical research to prove the acid hypothesis. Why should they bother, when they were making money hand over fist?”

“I get you. Science is not as unbiased as most scientists believe, is it?”

“Science, like history and other subjects, is affected by human failings just as much as other subjects. A true scientist has to keep an open mind, and test with reliable experiments any new proposal that comes to his notice. Even then, human beings are persuaded, by their own preconceived notions, to doubt new ideas. It is easy to discount results you don’t expect or don’t want to believe, and only use the results that fit your presumptions. Many researchers dismiss any such aberrant results as ‘experimental errors’. If you publish only your selected results, it is tantamount to cheating; but you are cheating yourself in that case. These aberrant results may be of immense significance.”

Erika stopped him. “Reg, that is enough; you have made your point. Don’t continue it to the point of boredom, darling.”

“Sorry, Erika. I do get carried away with my subject of the moment. I apologise, my love.”

Erika observed, “Reg, perhaps you should not consider a career as lecturer, for you will take your students far beyond their zone of comfort. A lecturer has to take his students along for the ride, so that they take everything in; not disturb their underlying foundations until they fall off the information train.”

“I see what you mean. Perhaps a business degree is more appropriate, if a career in Mr LeBrun’s business is our target.”

“Who knows, Reg? If our own business takes off, it may be stable enough to employ all of us in future.”

“A good thought, Erika my darling. We shall wait and see how business develops for us.”

“Oh, I didn’t tell you: you should speak to Frances, as we toyed with that building insurance scam and came up with a few ideas.”

“Will do; in fact, I’ll get hold of Frances now, before dinner, to get the outline.”

He sought her out and persuaded her to come and speak with him.

“Frances, Erika tells me you had some thoughts on the possible arson.”

“Yes. We worked from the reasonable possibility that James Fitzgerald was the provider of the arson mechanism. In that case, it has to have a chemical process involved. Firemen are not fools; they know how to identify most arson fire starters, so the answer must rely on the type of combustion that does not require an oxidiser for a flame.

Our best candidate is chlorine gas, as that reacts with most substances. All we need to do is identify which substances will react to chlorine to start a fire. We haven’t done that search yet, except for acetylene, but how come acetylene would be in the basement? You see the problem?”

Reg was admiring of his wives. “Frances, you and the girls have a done a great job. Your selection of chlorine is excellent; I am sure it would work. However, when chlorine reacts with water it produces hydrochloric acid, and enough might remain to be found by fire investigators.”

“You mean it would not work for this case?”

“Perhaps, but I don’t know for certain. I was working on the possibility of chlorine trifluoride, which reacts wildly with practically everything, but it may be impractical as a fire starter mechanism. I think I need to reread the fire brigade’s report on the case.”

“Good idea. After dinner, you should ring Prudence to tell her you are thinking of her, but don’t overdo it, Reg. She will be anxious, so say nothing to upset her.”

Reg took that to heart, and after dinner he tried Prudence’s phone. After a few rings, she answered.

“Prudence, my love, how are you feeling?”

“Oh, Reg, thanks for ringing. I am a lot better now, with all my scratches and bruises patched up. The hospital have taken blood samples and they ran me through a scanner to check on the baby, but the doctor says there should be nothing to worry about – it is just routine for a pregnant girl after a fall. Do you think that is true, Reg?”

“I do, my love. I had to undergo loads of tests when I was in the hospital, and most of them made no sense to me: routines have to be gone through, I think, to cover them for any possible slips in diagnosis. Are they letting you out tomorrow?”

“The doctor said yes, assuming my blood pressure was normal. Are you coming for me?”

“Yes, love. I’ll come by taxi once the hospital lets me know when you are getting thrown out.”

“I am not sure if that is what they do, Reg. I may have to phone you instead.”

“Whatever. I am coming to get you, and that’s what matters.”

“Thanks, Reg. I think I can sleep, now that tomorrow is sorted out.”

“Get yourself some sleep then, my darling girl. Bye for now.”

Reg closed the call, and gave a deep sigh. He had tried to say the right words to convey his feelings, and he hoped he spoke true. Now he needed to get his mind on other matters, such as the fire report.

He waded through it, noting that the fire brigade investigator was dotting all the Is and crossing the Ts, so as not to allow any faults into his report. While admiring the concept, Reg was more interested in the details of what was found, even if the detail did not make much sense.

He noted that the fire had started at the basement level, but that there were no evident residues that pointed to an ignition source. The fire had apparently started among a pile of rubbish dumped in one corner of the basement. It was as if some item had caught fire and burned intensely for a short while, enough to get the pile to burn at a high enough temperature and for long enough to set other material alight. The report used many big words to say very little, just that a fire had begun there, but with no evidence found of a specific accelerant used: no suitable containers lying there that might have held the offending material.

Reg looked for a more general description of the basement, and one item took his interest. There was a disused coal shute with a formerly bolted wooden door at ground level, but the fire had burned it out, so there was no indication of whether the door was bolted at the time or not. The bolt had fallen to the basement floor, so its position before the fire – closed or open – was indeterminate.

Reg wondered whether someone could have crawled into the basement and started the fire, but the height of the shute suggested that anyone getting in would not be able to get out again without help. The ignition site was at the opposite side of the basement, so it would be difficult to effectively throw a match or a candle to that spot.

Reg scowled his frustration. A solution refused to come to him. That was unusual. It might be another effect of the emotional shock, with his mind not behaving properly. He needed to go and hold one of his wives for a while. He wished he could go to Prudence and give her a cuddle!

He sat there for a while, staring at the report but not seeing it. He decided a cup of coffee would help, for he had not waited for the coffee after dinner. He returned to the table and found Hermione clearing the table.

“Hermione? Any chance of a coffee?”

“The percolator is too cool now, Reg. Are you able to wait so we can put another small pot on for you?”

“Yeah, I’ll wait. Thanks, Hermione.”

“How’s Prudence? The girls said you went to phone her.”

“She’s feeling a lot better, but is going to try to sleep now. She hopes she can get home tomorrow.”

“Great! I like that girl; she has guts. I’ll get your coffee started right away, sir.”

Reg nearly told her not to call him ‘sir’ but saw little point in that niggle: it would just show he was feeling narky, and not produce any good effects.

He finally got his coffee, and he was nursing his mug, enjoying the tang of the taste, when Jessica entered the room.

“Reg? Our daughters are asking for Mum Prudence. What’s the latest?”

“Jessica, the very presence I need. Come here, woman: I need to cuddle somebody, so I’ll do that with you while I give you the update.”

“Oh, we are being masterful, aren’t we? Or is it simply you needing a woman’s touch?”

“The latter, Jessica. How’s your growing bump doing?” He gathered her in to sit on his lap, and he rubbed his hand over her tummy bump.

“Not too bad at the moment, my darling boy, though I have been showing a little blood on my panties. I am trying to work out whether it is a boy or a girl, but I can’t decide. They say that boy babies do more wriggling than girls, but that may be old wives’ tales. Anyway, it has been so long since I was pregnant before that I can’t tell the difference, not that there is any wriggling yet.”

“Occam’s razor, Jessica: the simplest solution. We’ll take whatever comes, boy or girl, and love it to bits.”

“You always manage to cheer me up, Reg. That’s one of the many things I love about you.”

“Jessica, it is merely the comparison with your first husband. I am not that special, you know.”

“You are special enough that I will devote my whole life to being with you, Reg. You understand what a true marriage is all about, my love.”

“What have we here? Looks like a couple of teenagers on their own for the first time, out of sight of Mummy,” declared Fiona’s voice, “All except for that tiny baby bump on Jessica. It is smaller than my own, despite us being about the same stage. Hi, Jessica; enjoying a cuddle with our man?”

“Yes indeed, Fiona. It is fun. Did you want a turn?”

“I can wait, Jessica: I am not desperate. I prefer a good fuck to a romantic cuddle. Does that make me a slut, do you think?”

“No, Fiona. We all have times when we need one or the other. In pregnancy, I think we need both, though my first husband never gave me a cuddle: thought it was too unmanly.”

Reg brightened. “I can do whatever is required of me, girls, but at present, I am in a cuddling mood; it is probably another aspect of my reaction to shock, but it satisfies me.”

Fiona remarked, “It is lovely when he calls you and me ‘girls’, Jessica. I assumed I was too old to be regarded as a girl, but Reg sees things differently.”

Reg objected to this categorisation. “Hey, you are only a couple of years older than me, Fiona; not a decade of difference.”

“But I am more than a decade older, Reg, and you call me a girl,” insisted Jessica.

“That is the way I view you, my lovely. You are a girl, just as the rest of my wives are girls. Age is not a factor in this, merely my perception, and I see you as a girl, a cuddly girl.”

Fiona observed, “He really has absorbed the niceties of paying compliments to a lady, hasn’t he? I find it astonishing that this time last year he would have been tongue-tied in front of a girl. Frances and company worked wonders with him, and you and I get the benefit.”

“That’s true. I hadn’t thought of it that way, but then, I haven’t had a university education,” Jessica admitted.

Fiona was quick to disabuse her of that notion. “It is more a case of observation, Jessica. Had you thought about it, you would have come to the same conclusion. You are not stupid, Jessica; I have watched you, and in my estimation you are a clever woman who was unable to go to university. You should discuss with the rest of the family the possibility of you doing a university course. The family can afford to provide that now, and the children are not a bar to your or our education, dear.”

Jessica grabbed Fiona’s hand, and pressed it to her cheek. “Thanks, Fiona. You are nice to me.”

Fiona laughed, “Us girls have to stick together, Jessica.”

Reg’s attention to the girls had been distracted by a weird thought that came to him, and he pulled over his notebook to add an aide memoire: James Fitzgerald: did he have anything in his possessions that the police felt was odd? It was a vague possibility that Fitzgerald had hung onto something incriminating, rather than dumping it.

During the rest of the evening, several of his wives came to suggest possible solutions for the arson scenario, but in each case, there was another factor which undermined that explanation as a practical solution. Mostly, it was a case of residues that the Fire Brigade investigator would have picked up on. It takes a lot to fool a fire investigator!

Next morning, Reg was warned by Frances that in her opinion he was not ready to return to face-to-face university life yet, so he returned to his own thinking. After an hour, he decided to phone the insurance man and ask a question.

“Sir, can you tell me whether the entrance to the basement coal hole was always bolted from the inside?”

“Mr Robertson, it would daft to bolt it on the outside, wouldn’t it? But as to whether it was always bolted, the assumption is yes. If it was unbolted at the time, then that would be a deliberate decision linked to an arson attack. Do you have an idea about that?”

“We have a come up with several scenarios for fire-raising, but almost all of them would leave a residue that the fire brigade would have found. The only one I envisaged which would not leave recognisable residue also leaves the question of why such a substance was in the basement in the first place!

We have another scenario that involves the coal hole, but the shute is so steep and long that anyone climbing in would not be able to climb out again without considerable assistance, and that would most likely leave marks showing such activity. I am trying to envisage a solution that saves having to enter the basement at all.”

“You really are putting some effort into this, Mr Robertson. Can I take it you are accepting the challenge?”

“We are, sir. Regard it as in process of investigation before officially taking it on. We have had a series of possible fire starter mechanisms suggested, but the difficulty is the residues that would be left behind where the fire started in the basement. There is a difference between the more usual fire, which requires an oxygen source, and combustion, which does not necessarily have to use oxygen. Chlorine and fluorine are possibles instead of oxygen, but most formulations still leave identifiable residues. Chlorine Trifluoride reacts with almost anything, but leaves evidence of the activity.

The best solution is that of an apparently self-starting fire or explosion, but having that happen in a basement is another problem, except for chlorine, as that is heavier than oxygen, so would collect in the basement. Chlorine might have been found, if looked for at the time.”

“My goodness! You HAVE been working on this. Good luck, Mr Robertson. A successful solution would earn your company a significant return, and save us a huge payout. Let me know as soon as you come up with something eminently workable; a practical solution. The insurance company doesn’t have to prove it happened, just that it would be a serious likelihood, on balance of probability, and thus a justification to refuse a payout.”

Reg came to the conclusion that the content of his note should be brought to the attention of the police. He phoned the local police station and asked for Sergeant Phillips. He was, surprisingly, put straight through.

“Terence, Reginald Robertson: are you free to consider a question from me?”

“At the moment, I am at a loose end, just waiting for my tea-break to come around. What can I do for you, Reg?”

“There was a multi-storey building that burned down recently, and the fire investigators could not prove arson was involved. We are looking into it for the insurance company, and our explorations turned up James Fitzgerald’s name.”

“Fitzgerald? Oh, yes, our chemistry friend trying to sell an explosive formula.”

Reg confirmed that, saying,”When he was arrested, and his home searched, did anything turn up there that the police found odd, but could not fit it into the crimes that were being investigated? It may seem an unusual query for me to make, but I don’t put anything past that guy.”

“I’ll make that request, Reg, seeing it is you that’s asking, and I’ll tell you what, if anything, comes of it. Incidentally, Fitzgerald is out on bail, and has been for some time, pending his trial. The courts are so slow at times!”

“That would be great, Terence. I appreciate the help.”

“I presume this is in connection with that company that was helping the university with an embezzlement scam?”

“Yes, sir. Same company, set up by my family. I don’t know if you caught its name – Recovery Enterprise Group – with the initials R.E.G.”

After a moment, Sergeant Phillips roared with laughter. “R.E.G – Reg!! You say your wives set it up? Did they name it too?”

“You have got it in one, Terence. It had nothing to do with me.”

“You have quite a lively bunch there, my boy. Good luck with them.”

“Thank you, Terence. I shall look forward to hearing what you find. Goodbye sir.”

That settled, Reg had a look outside and noticed that it was dry enough for a walk; a little on the breezy side, but acceptable if he wore his new anorak After telling the twins where he was off to, he set off without any terminal point in mind, just a general area.

He breathed deeply of the fresh air, and took note of the lack of smoke in the air. This was a far cry from his mother’s industrial location which still wafted unwanted aromas towards the house. He had been able to deduce that there was a sauce factory upwind of their home. The sauce varieties varied in smells by the day, so you could tell what they were making in that establishment. Here was a dormitory area of the town, with clean air in the vicinity. It helped that there was open countryside less than half a mile distant. Mr Robson’s farm was not much further, but Reg did not propose to go there today. He supposed this was why they were being afflicted by detectorists – access to the farm was too convenient to ignore, it seemed.

His walk had brought him to beside a small play park with swings and a children’s roundabout, and a football pitch for the local amateurs to use. The park was edged with a belt of tall trees, indicating that either it was an ancient park, or that it had been an open field surrounded by trees which had been left to grow. The trees were mainly sycamore and horse chestnut which he could tell by the tree shapes and the first few leaves that were developing with the advent of spring.

The surrounding metal railings were equally ancient, judging by the amount of rust on them. He reckoned this was due to lack of repainting; an example of short-term thinking that led to longer-term high cost of replacement.

He reflected that even in a simple case such as this, waste of public money by short-termism was self-evident but never noticed by the money people of the local authority.

Further along the quiet road he saw a private example of the same thing: Trees which had been cheaply pruned, with all the branches lopped off, leaving only the main trunk or trunks. This led to a profusion of small growths the next year, making the trees look hideous. If the owners had paid for a professional job, many of the branches would have been left, and only a partial pruning done, with another set of branches dealt with the second year. It was more expensive, but the tree would continue to look good in the garden, and the birds would be able to make use of it. The cheaper lopped trees would have no attraction for birds; a disappointment for everyone except the tree loppers.

With a sigh, Reg walked on, and instead paid attention to the profusion of daffodils/narcissus flowers and the crocuses which were almost past by now. The snowdrops were already finished for the year, except for a late taller variant which he could see in a few sheltered spots.

Reg rounded a corner, with the intention of making his walk a square taking him back home. Along this street it continued to be quiet, without even anyone in their gardens. He surmised that everyone was at work or at school, this being a well-to-do suburb.

The only sign of life was a quartet of small vans parked outside one of the houses. Removal men were in the process of carrying furniture to the vans for packing inside. To Reg, the odd thing was that they must be using the back door as the exit, for the front door remained closed. It grated on his sense of normality. This was not usual, to his eyes.

As he approached, he observed that the men seemed to be in a hurry, and that did not seem right either. You have to carry furniture slowly to avoid dropping it or knocking it against something, or the owner would complain. The pieces of furniture did not even have protective packing foam round them.

Too many things were wrong here.

Reg made up his mind, and crossed to the other side of the street before facing away from the men, getting out his phone and dialling 999. “Emergency. Which service do you require?”

“Police. I think there is a burglary in progress.”

He was put through to the police, gave his location, then repeated his assertion. “It does not seem right, constable. There is no proper furniture van; they are in a rush, and have no protection for the furniture, and are bring it from the back door. Why not the front?”

“We will send a mobile unit immediately, sir. I have passed on the information, so the car will be there shortly. If it is a false alarm that is fine with us. I need your name so I can inform the responders that you are a witness. Can you remain on the spot for us, and if possible, note the vehicle registration numbers?”

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The Mall

Sara was walking out of the mall. She had just bought new sexy lingerie. She was just s*******n and had been a very wild c***d for her parents. Pete was siting in his car watching girls as he loved young pussy. He was sixty five but very sexual. He had his car door open watching when Sara walked by with her packages. He said "Hey cutie. Want to see my cock?" Sara stopped and walked to him and replied "So are you an old dirty man?" Pete told her "I can be as dirty as I need to be. You like dirty...

1 year ago
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Our Cabin in the Woods Book 1Chapter 11

The next week was very busy for Kelly and me. We went to the college admissions office to give them our new address. Kelly was able to enroll in the photography class she wanted by changing one of her other classes to make room in her schedule. The sporting goods store delivered our new equipment and Kelly and I began working out every other morning. We spent a lot of time in the house, making love whenever the mood hit one of us. While my definitions of making love and sex were still...

4 years ago
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La pica ertica de Gilgamesh

Siento como recupero mi consciencia, lo único que recuerdo es el irme a dormir, no se quien soy ni como me llamo, solo se que estoy siendo invocado como un Servant en la Cuarta Guerra del Santo Grial. El Santo Grial empieza a informarme de mi situación actual y de todo lo que debo saber para servir adecuadamente en esta era. Soy Gilgamesh, el Espíritu Heroico mas poderoso de todos, el rey mas antiguo de la humanidad, el Rey de Heroes que dio comienzo a todos los mitos de héroes posteriores y...

2 years ago
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Hearts BloomingChapter 6 Womans Right to Change Her Mind

I had promised my mom I would spend that Sunday with her and Richie, and despite the fact that I wanted to spend every minute of it with Jennifer, I did actually enjoy some parts of the day. Richie was christened that morning for one thing, and I was made his Godfather which meant I held him while they made his fussy mood worse by sprinkling the holy water on him and making him outright cry. Oh, I shouldn’t really complain, though. I was happy to do it, especially since I didn’t have a...

4 years ago
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Evening Walk with Daddy

When the doorbell rang, I was in a bra and panties on all fours in the kitchen, scrubbing the floor. The young delivery man’s eyes dilated slightly when I opened the door, but all he said was, ‘Delivery for Krystenah.’ The box under his arm was small and square, but I jumped up in excitement. I am a sucker for packages and presents. I took the box in both hands after he told me to have a good one and looked down my body as he turned back toward his truck. I waved as he pulled out of the...

3 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 194

I was at my desk at KCC at 7:30 flipping through the emails one after another. Many of them were updates from Mr. Bozman on the progress of the dorm replacement. Apparently he did not trust the contractor because he was now including a series of photographs documenting each day's progress along with daily man hours and materials usage. Bob Jackson came in with several different morning issues of state newspapers. There were plenty of pictures of yesterday's county news with pictures. The...

4 years ago
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Punjabi Girl And Kamasutra

My name is Rohit Rathi,for the first time I am writing any story,m 22 yr old boy living in dehradoon, My email is I will try to write every thing the way it was happened, kindly give me feedback for some motivation.Name of my girl is nupur, she is 5.5ft tall and chubby,34-36-38 is her stats,i am well built guy friends jab mai graduation me tha and padh ra tha baat tab ki hai mai final year engineering me tha,mai bhot h seedha saadha ladka tha kbi kisi ladki k bare me sex ki feeling nai aane...

3 years ago
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The Red Lights of Amsterdam

This is a true story, the names have been changed. Callie and Rich had been travelling Europe for just over two weeks by the time they rolled into Amsterdam. Rich had been years before when he was 18 but it was Callie’s first time abroad. A psych and sociology student, she immediately fell in love with the old city. Between the architecture, the museums, the many different coffee shops and of course the red light district. The first few days were spent walking around, dodging the many tourists...

1 year ago
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Awkward College threesome experience

“Hey your name is Courtney right?” I asked her. “Yea” she said un-enthusiastically. “I’m Stephanie. I couldn’t help but notice you look upset. What’s the matter?” Courtney responded “Well it’s nothing really… I just… I think my boyfriend has a crush on another girl and I’m getting a little jealous… I hate wearing these tight clothes that make me look slutty, but I have to get his attention somehow.” “Well you look great, and not too slutty. He is lucky to have you and if he...

4 years ago
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Banging my SisterinlawFrank and Eva

My older brother Jim had been out of town since after the holidays, working on the West coast after he had been laid off before the holidays, leaving Eva with the kids, 18 mos., 3 and 7, who were in school and day care. Jim, a big guy who trusted Eva, never felt uncomfortable traveling for work, even as he described their active and adventurous sex life to me. I, a recently-divorced bisexual man, wasn’t surprised when Jim asked me to “keep an eye on things,” knowing I would never try...

3 years ago
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The Accidental Plan Which Turn My Life

A warm welcome to all ISS readers and this is my first story and I thank all the ISS writers who put up their effort in penning down their experiences. I am Reji, 26 years old guy working as a sales executive in Thrissur, Kerala . About me 5.11 feet tall had dick of almost 7 inch and 3 inch thick .Give your valuable feedback on my email Aunties and ladies in and around Thrissur and throughout Kerala who are in desperate need of sex and satisfaction can mail me at Privacy assured. Satisfaction...

2 years ago
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Staying with our lady friends

As we drove back to camp from our weekend in London, I was excited to realize there were others queers like us who were happy with their lifestyle choices. It was all I could think about for the longest time, and how they could socialize with others like themselves, relax and enjoy without worry or feeling ashamed. Of course I admitted to Darlene how excited I was, and thanked her over and over for introducing inviting me home with her. She admitted how pleased she was that I felt that way,...

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Cooking With Molly

When I saw Molly through the mass of young bodies I almost did a double-take. It had been months, but I still had her face seared into my memory, especially that exuberant, half-drunk grin she had worn as she wiped a strand of cum off her cheek. I thought I was just seeing things. She was a roadside attraction in Cornland, not one of Florida's gloriously slutty party girls. But there she was again, ducking and weaving her way through the throng. Her face was flushed red. She waved...

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Behind The BarChapter 4

Wes had worked himself up into a fine state of readiness by the time he heard Helen's key in the lock. He stood in the middle of the living room and grinned as his prudish wife came in. "I suppose you've been out to that awful bar again!" Helen snorted, walking up to Wes and wrinkling her nose in disgust. "I can smell liquor and I don't like it!" Before Helen could say another word, Wes took the bull by the horns. He grabbed his wife in a tight embrace, almost knocking her off her...

2 years ago
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Family LettersChapter 33

Dearest Willow, For some reason, perhaps the situation that I find myself in, I have begun to study the history of slavery. Part of the reason for that is that Mr. Ackermann told me that on other ships going to colonies it was not unusual to lose five to ten women who had been brought aboard as concubines. I commented that such a thing was a waste and asked how many were killed by their sponsors. I found his answer so disturbing that I asked to have any audio books on the subject of slavery...

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Tell Laura Chapter 4

TommyFor the third morning, I woke up and Laura was there with me. The first obvious thing was Laura sprawled across me again and as the fog cleared, a couple of other things became apparent. The morning glory feeling was there, but there was also downward pressure on my cock. As I was putting two and two together and hoping I was getting five, Laura started to move. It felt like she had an arm trapped between us and she moved about to release it. This movement only highlighted the pressure I...

3 years ago
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New friends hanging out

Erica and Kelsey are both 16 year old sophomores and best friends. Kelsey is 5'2 with long brown hair, she is around 110 lbs and has a nice little butt on her. She has only had one boyfriend but it was in middle school and she only went on one date. Erica is 5'6 with long dirty blonde hair, she is more on the chubby size compared to Kelsey but still with a nice body. She has had multiple boyfriends and has been sexually active. Erica and Kelsey walk into their morning class together and sit...

4 years ago
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MUM 1 pt3

MUM 1 pt3The following 3 weeks pasted quickly I made sure mum had her passport in order and arranged with Tony in Italy to have food and other items listed delivered to the house before arrival he was the farmer that looked after the olive groves and the arrangement was a share of the profits on the harvest which suited all, I now had the same deal 20% which gave Tony a very good return as he did all the work. His wife arrange the food side stocking the kitchen and making sure the house was...

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Big Bang Theory Gang Bang Orgy

Penny was from Nebraska and even though she looked innocent and just like the "Girl Next Door" she was anything from that!After her break-up with Leonard she drifted from one guy to another, mostly hard bodies, but dumb as dirt and as she had told Leonard on several occasions; "You rat bastard, I was okay dating dumb guys, but after dating you I realize just how dumb they really are!"When Priya, Raj's sister, came into the picture she thought she had lost any chance of ever getting Leonard...

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Real Life Story

Truth is, I think I get manic. I don't know what comes over me but theres a few days every month where I am out of control. I act on my fantasies. Make them happen. I haven't really even begun to go as far as I could... but will bring you all along as i do.I figured Craigslist was a safe way to throw out fantasies, and be anonymous, not have to act on any of it. use fake name, etc., but if the right scenario popped up, I could go for it.Don't ask me why, I don't ask me why so why should you?...

1 year ago
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Dost Ke Ghar Par Ammi Ki Chudai

2 mahine ho gaye the. Office ka kaam itna tha ke ek din se zyada chutti milti hi nahi thi. Ek din mein wapas ghar jaa kar sab se milna possible nahi tha. Agar main ek din ke liye jata to ghar par 3-4 ghante se zyada rukna mushkil tha. Par ek insaan tha jisse main 3-4 ghante ke liye mil sakta tha aur mera aana barbad bhi nahi hota. Mere paas ek tarkib thi ammi ki chudai karne ki. Maine Ammi ko phone lagaya. Unse baat karne ke baad mujhe ehsaas hua woh bhi mujhse milne ke liye utni hi bekraar hai...

4 years ago
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A Deal

Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here… Sue Anderson walked into the bedroom to get ready for bed. She knew that it would not be long before Jim, her husband, would be in to join her. She had left him watching the news while she got ready...

1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 3

Johnston Island, our first stop, was a naval station by the time Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. It is part of a larger group of small islands that make up the Johnston Atoll. In my timeline it was long abandoned after being used to launch the first spy satellites and later, as a nuclear test facility. In December of nineteen-forty one it was a big runway with a handful of buildings that served the needs of the US Navy about seven-hundred and fifty miles beyond Pearl Harbor. All one could see,...

2 years ago
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Trust Fall Ch 10

Trust Fall Book One of The Trust Trilogy Tess Quince Chapter Ten I’VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT BEN Sheppard since I sealed my panties in that envelope. I thought of him as I met with Jack the appraiser at the bank. I held my legs close together even under the desk and crossed them carefully. Jack was flirty. He didn’t do or say anything inappropriate. He’s a sweet guy. It was all very innocent and low key. But I still felt a touch slutty sitting across from him without panties. He is cute. I...

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Moonlight Fun Night

Some people from where i work were throwing a big summer party and just about everyone we work with was going to be there so i decided to make an appearance as well. It was at this guy Rogers' House. I didnt work much with Roger but he was a fellow cigarette smoker so wed always run into each other at work outside on break. He told me he gave my friend Sarah directions and that the party started at 9pm sharp. I got the directions from sarah as i was getting all dolled up and ready. She told me...

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The Broken Witch

It had been so long since I left the human world. After twenty years, I decided to join my old alumni, taking on the identity of an absent student using a charm spell. Boy, it was such a rush. You see, I never actually graduated from school. I left school when I was 14 or 15. Had a big fight with my father too because of that. Anyway, everything was different from what I could remember. The school that I used to study at was larger after twenty years, taking in the surrounding lands that used...

1 year ago
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New Years Night Party For Busboys

Dan and I were not only best friends, we also worked together at a local restaurant. It had a smorgasbord in the front and a steak house in the back. It was a real bummer to have to work every major holiday like Christmas, Thanksgiving, and New Years Eve. We usually worked the steak house because we could get in a lot of hours and it wouldn't interfere with our school. This particular New Years Eve was during our freshman year. It was just after midnight, the champagne had been served and...

1 year ago
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The Proposal

Not to be copied or distributed with out express permission of the author. This document is for expressed private use. This story is intended for adults only, 18 years older.Chapter 1: The FacilitatorMegin sat in the office nervous; she had no idea why Dan Stein would want to talk to her. She worked for Vara Corp. for close to three years and never been in trouble. The only people who went to Dan Stein’s offices were those who had breached company security. In fact it was pretty well known that...

3 years ago
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The virgin came from the farm and was forcibly fucked

She 18 years, had a well-formed body, white skin, like those that when they sunbathe, just turn red; straight light brown hair, breasts already very voluminous, very hard and firm, very tight! He used to wear those little thigh-high dresses, where the males who frequented his grandfather's bar, imagined what that little girl's bootie and pepeka would be like. After a few weeks, her grandfather became ill and needed to rest at home, causing her sister Débora to be alone at the bar, with a lot of...

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i gave him my holes

We had been in the bus for only 5 minutes , both back from our job party it look likedi was drunk and he was tooboth smiling at each other, i look around and i join him him bulging nice pants was getting me hornyhe look at me touch it and rub it along his legs''looks very nice''''thanks wanna get out at my stop , i could show it to you ''''you like big black cock?''''yes i do , i want to suck it''''here just a quick taste boy''opening his pant zipper my head help sownmaking his nice bbc slide...

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Introduction: Banging the older woman next door is every teenage boys fantasy, but actually doing the did turned out to be better than I ever dreamed. My name is Nicholas, but everyone calls me Nick, or Nicky. My parents were barely teenagers when I was born, so most of my parents friends are still pretty young. In fact, my parents best friends are barely in their thirties. My dads best friend, Steven, had known my dad since before I was born. Steven married his wife, Megan, when I was still in...

2 years ago
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First Sex With Neighbor Aunty

Hi ISS readers. Let me introduce myself. My name is Sarath(name changed), 24 years. This is my first story, so please forgive for my mistakes. I am basically from Kerala, currently staying in Pune. I am working in a MNC, have a 6’ cock. Actually this story is about a real incident happened with one of my neighbor aunty about 3 months back. She is around 45 now. Her name is Moutima, Hyderabadi. She is also from a MNC. Her husband stays in Hyderabad. She stays with her mother here. Her daughter...

1 year ago
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Didi ki nanad ko choda 3

Hi, Mein hun Rohit. Aap ne meri kahani Didi ki Nanad ko Choda part 1 aur 2 padhe honge. Jin dosto ne e-mail se response diya un sab ka mein aabhari hun. Sab ki ek hi raay thi: Muze Paro se shadi kar ni chahiye. Hakikat ye hai ki maine Paro se shadi kar hi li hai. Ye kahaniyan to shadi ke do saal baad likhi ja rahi hai, Paro ke aagrah se. Khair, aap janate hein ki jab mein meri didi Shalini ke ghar gaya tha tab meine Paro ko choda tha. Un ke liye aur mere liye bhi ye pahali chudai thi. Jab jiju...

3 years ago
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Wife Becomes a Mistress

My full name is Simran Kaur Ahluwalia. I am a house-wife from India, aged 31. I live with my husband Balwinder Singh Ahluwalia, in a four bed-room apartment in one of India's largest cities - Mumbai. I have known my husband, since my school days, as both of us lived in the same locality during our c***d-hood. We fell in love at college and got married after graduation. We have two c***dren. A son, aged seven and recently, we have been blessed with a baby daughter, three months ago. We led a...

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SandcastlesChapter 65

The phone rang. Picking it up, I hoped it wasn't anyone important. "Sampson? Get your fucking ass down here. Now!" It wasn't. I looked over at the clock. It was just 12:55. It was too close to Sally's time. She was more important. In fact, she was just coming to the door. I looked up at her and smiled. Fuck this telephone shit. Our times together were becoming too precious. I never knew what she was going to come up with, but I think I liked the 'nothing' days the best. We often...

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JapanHDV Akari Asayiri Got caught masturbating at work and now she fingers

Our office girl Miss Akari Asayiri got caught playing with herself at work. She was seen by a co-worker who decided that he was going to tell the boss. Miss Akari begged him to keep quiet or she could lose her job. She knows the boss would frown upon the act of satisfying herself sexually at work. She really needs this office job so losing this source of income would be terrible for her. Since the co-worker had taken a liking to Akari, he told her he would keep her secret. But he also told her...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 14 Denise Richards

Looking at the clock on the dashboard of my BMW X5, I watched it change from 12:00 to 12:01, thereby officially making me late for my meeting with Denise Richards. Punching in the numbers on my cell phone, I had Julie, my assistant, give me Denise's cell phone number. I nearly hit the car in front of me as I reached down to write it down on my notepad. Hanging up with Julie, I dialed. To my surprise, the driver of the car in front of me (a compact fire red Mazda Miata) picked up a phone and...

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StepSister Shorts

When your dad married my mom last year, you didn’t really know me too well. I’m two years younger than you, only just now turning 18, and a year behind you in school. Of course, I knew you. In fact, you’d already inspired many a restless night before you ever moved in across the hall. Now I was sharing a bathroom with my crush? I don’t think I made through listening to a single one of your showers without picturing that big, black… mmm... Anywho! You were just about to head off to college when...

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Sexual Adventures Of Seetha Part II

So one day came when there were no one in the house. All the men were busy out and my Saass went out to pilgrimage. So I thought I had a chance. I went to my Mamaji’s room. His name was Dasarath and He was around 65 years man well built. So went and woke him up. So without any explanations or reasons I told him that since my Saas is not at home I would take care of him for few days. He was shocked and I served him tea. So, while doing that I wantedly dropped my pallu and already tied my saree...

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Let It Snow

"I don't think you can leave anytime soon, Alyson," Michael smirked, "the snow is nearly covering my door." "But I need to get home!" I protested. My boyfriend walked over to me from the window and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Baby, it's cold outside," he murmured, lightly kissing my neck. "My dad will be worried, and it's Christmas Eve, and I need to visit my grandma!" I whined. His kisses raised goosebumps all around my body and I stroked Michael's almond colored hair. "Are you cold?"...

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