ReginaldChapter 19
- 4 years ago
- 26
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Frances stormed out of the room, and almost bumped into the hotel manager.
“Oops. Sorry, Frances. I was just coming to let Mr Robertson know that we have the local reporter for the Scarborough News downstairs near the front door.”
“Damn. No chance he will go away?”
“No. He says his boss told him not to come back before he got the story of the Robertson group from the rail crash. He must know something.”
“Perhaps. I think it is more correct to say that he THINKS he knows something. We are ready for him this time. Just give me five minutes to get Reginald tidied up and ready for the press, then bring the reporter up here,” she commanded.
Frances ran back into the room, picked up the phone, and called a number.
“Freda. Organise all the company staff and bring them to the bridal suite, NOW. The local press are on the way up, and it is show time.”
She turned back to Reg, tugged his book from his hands, stuck his bookmark in for him, and laid the book on the table. She kissed him to apologise for this action, and gazed at him speculatively.
As she straightened his tie, and gave his hair a quick run through with her fingers, she spoke.
“Local reporter is here, Reg. I’ll introduce you as CEO, then you ask me as one of the Directors, to speak on behalf of the company, as you are still unwell.”
“Right; got it. Do I look all right?”
“Fine. Remember you are still not well, so that absolves you of anything untoward. Stand up till I inspect you.”
Reg stood. Frances tugged his jacket straight – why was he wearing his jacket indoors? she wondered; then ran her eyes over him. She pulled out his comb from the top pocket, and fussed a little with his hair to straiten it.
“That will have to do. Remember what I said, Reg.”
“Yes, dear.”
“And no saying ‘yes, dear’ while he is here!”
Reg stayed silent this time. There was a knock at the door, then it opened and the wives wandered in; fortunately none had a baby with them.
“Good, girls. You are company people for now. Leave most of the talking to Reg, then me; just look efficient. Any small talk has to be about business. We will see what happens after.”
The girls arrayed themselves to the back and sides of Reg and Frances, and remained standing.
In moments there came a tap at the door, and the hotel manager’s voice.
“Scarborough News reporter to speak to you, Mr Robertson, if you are up to it.”
Frances called, “Send him in, please.”
The door opened, and the manager ushered in the reporter, who looked no older than twenty in Frances’ eyes. He was not expecting the array of people in front of him.
Frances took charge.”Welcome, young man. Who are you?”
“Stephen Drysdale, ma’am; local reporter for the Scarborough News.”
“Welcome, Mr Drysdale. Mr Robertson is still unwell, but will say a few words.” She brought him in and presented him to Reg.
“Mr Stephen Drysdale of the Scarborough News, Reginald.”
Reginald nodded, and Frances continued, “Mr Drysdale, this is Reginald Robertson, Chief Executive Officer of Recovery Enterprise Group.”
The man shook Reg’s outstretched hand.
“Pardon me, I thought this was a family outing to Scarborough. That was what I was told.”
Reginald chuckled, in spite of his low-level headache.
“As is often the case with unexpected story opportunities, you have been misinformed. Our little expedition was originally planned to deliver a couple of our staff to their parents, then we saw it as an opportunity for a staff recreation and training module in a good locale.
Scarborough has both local industries and tourist attractions, and a good-sized population, so was suitable for this venture.
I lead this motley crowd, but I have been suffering from concussion as a result of the train crash; I still have a headache now, so I shall hand you back to Frances. She is one of our Company Directors, so is an ideal person to deal with the press. Frances?”
“Thank you, Reginald. Stephen, we prefer to use first names among ourselves wherever possible, as it helps expedite business operations.
Now, Stephen, Recovery Enterprise Group is a recently set up company whose aim is the repossession of losses being suffered by a company, charity, local authority, or any other body of note. We have built up a strong clientele of successful reclamations for every type of organisation, from a University body all the way to private companies.
The reason we are able to be successful is that all our senior staff are university students who bring knowledge, ability and open minds to any problem; such start-ups are not uncommon. The personnel includes myself and Reginald. As such, we cannot admit to any direct connection to our place of study, as the company is completely independent of that body. The university are pleased at our success, but are not willing to have any discernible link with our company’s operations.
You will observe that many of our senior staff are women. This is deliberate policy, for women have an amazing ability to persuade staff in an organisation to talk to them about their work. The high level of education these women possess allows them to see beyond the banal front put up by most organisations, and permits them to note where further investigation is required.
We start with a contract with the organisation. That stipulates our fees, and makes clear what benefits the organisation should achieve from the contract. We normally find that the client gains somewhere in the region of ten times our fee or more by the end of the contract. That is why we have so many satisfied clients. It also means that small companies cannot afford our fees, for their savings will be relatively minor.
That is the background information.
We had hoped to give our staff a short break here before starting our training work, but the train crash which affected our company’s private carriage left us all shaken and damaged to some extent, and not in a holiday mood. You will see that Prudence has one of the more obvious injuries, to her forehead. Reginald had concussion, which though less obvious was more serious from our point of view as a company.
Reginald managed to sit in on our recent company planning meeting that approved the plans for our activities in Scarborough.
That is a summary of the current situation, but I am open to any questions you may have, Stephen.”
The reporter had been listening intently, with his mouth open for most of the time. This was nothing like what he had expected, or been told to expect.
He managed to come out with a question of sorts.
“The York Hospital implied that you were a family group on an organised outing to Scarborough. Is that not true?”
Frances gazed sympathetically at the reporter.
“Stephen, in an A & E department, the staff are in a rush, expecting victims of a crash to be individuals and family groups. Trying to explain the ins and outs of our company in such circumstances would be non-productive, so the hospital staff were allowed to draw their own conclusions at the time. Did the hospital make any suggestion that we were not cooperative with them?”
“Oh, no. The doctor who spoke was very complimentary about you. He thought you were very well organised as a group.”
“There you are! We were well organised because we were acting as a company team. We just did not declare that fact, as it was irrelevant to the task in hand.”
“But you were all named Robertson!”
“Indeed. That is an example of our company cohesiveness. Our senior staff mostly changed their names by deed poll to Robertson, to make the company’s link to Reginald Robertson more intense. Even the company’s name reflects that commitment. The abbreviation of Recovery Enterprise Group spells R.E.G – Reg, as in Reginald!”
“Eh?” Stephen had homed in on the unusual. “They changed their names by deed poll?”
“Correct. It is all formally recorded with the authorities. That shows you the commitment our senior staff have made to the company.”
“Wow!” Stephen did not know what to ask next, but asked, “Do they have shares in the company?”
“They do, but I am not about to reveal specific figures. Suffice it to say that their commitment reflects their share value.”
“That is an unusual company, Frances.”
“It is. Everything about it is unusual, I am sure you will agree, including our ability to help our clients recover assets they were losing. We can pick and choose our clients as a rule. This training module is to teach our staff the initial aspects of selecting clients before they think of coming to us. Many will not be valuable enough for our standard contract, but this is training.
At the start of the company, we had to approach clients, but now we are in the position of having to put off prospective clients in order to come on this expedition to Scarborough. We even allowed staff children to be with us, for our pro-women stance extends to women with small children. Husbands were not invited, though, so we have no married men here.”
“Isn’t Reginald married to ... someone, I thought?”
Reginald stepped in. “Stephen, I can assure you I am not married to anyone. I have enough trouble coping with so many female colleagues, without actually being married to any of them! Can you imagine what that would be like: a wife wanting more consideration than other staff?”
Stephen was becoming overwhelmed by data that was nothing like what he thought he was expected to report.
Frances told him, “Now, Stephen, if that is all your questions, the company has work to do in the next few hours. If you see any of our people inside stores, please be assured they are not shopping; they are investigating the viability of these stores, as potential clients for us. I am sure you know how wobbly some chain stores have been recently: some may have local problems that we can solve, thus saving Scarborough from losing more stores.”
“Gosh. Thank you, Frances ... Mrs...”
“Mrs Frances Robertson, as recorded by deed poll, Mr Drysdale. My decision, as I said.”
“Thank you, Mrs Robertson, for your assistance with this story.”
“I hope you will let your readers know that we are here to help, if their business is in trouble. Farewell, Stephen.”
She showed him out as the other women started chatting to each other about aspects of their work. He could clearly hear it was work-related discussion so was convinced. He was not sure what his boss was going to say, though.
He left, and everyone relaxed.
Back at the paper, Stephen recounted his adventure with the Recovery Enterprise Group, to the astonishment of his boss.
“This is the real thing, you say? A company outing? I have heard of companies taking staff on paintball gunfights, but this is different; way different.”
“Well, they are all women executives, sir. Paintball may not be their bag. They claim to have changed their names to Robertson by deed poll to show their commitment to the company AND even the company name spells Reg, for Reginald Robertson. It all appears genuine, sir. I can tell when I am being lied to and they were telling the truth about these things about their company.”
“This does not jibe with what appeared in the Yorkshire Post. It made suggestions of a sexual nature. Mind you, they were circumspect about these Robertsons. What was the wording?” He fished out the paper, and read out, “Among other victims were a Robertson party, with one man and several young women named Mrs Robertson. The doctor was unclear about their exact relationship, but thought they were linked.”
The Editor declared, “That was a ‘get out of jail free’ card being played: commit to nothing specific, just innuendo, and blame other people for the suggestion.”
He went on, “Well, I can always check with Companies House to see if such a company exists, and you can check with the deed poll people. Don’t expect them to give you chapter and verse: they won’t; but just ask them if a number of women changed their name to Mrs something Robertson during the last couple of years. That is vague enough for them to tell you yes or no.
If it all pans out as true, then bang goes the salacious story I thought we had.”
Both enquiries produced positive results within a day, so the story that was eventually written told of a company outing to Scarborough that had been disrupted by the train crash, but now the company were back at work, using Scarborough as a training town for their staff.
The company name was not mentioned. If they wanted their name mentioned, they would have to place a paid advert in the paper, for the paper existed on advertising. If they rang to complain about their anonymity, the editor would be happy to direct them to the advertising manager.
Back at the hotel, Reginald had continued to improve, while the stores crawl by the wives continued. Jessica had received the visit by the midwife, and that lady had confirmed that labour was on proceeding slowly, but with no clear timescale. She made a measurement of the intervals between contractions, and determined that they were of a nature such that a day or two might be the timescale before the birth. Jessica was not pleased at that, and said so.
The midwife retorted, “The bairn determines the timing, Mrs Robertson, not me!” Listening to this in the room, Reg commented, “Your wording and accent have a flavour of Scotland, ma’am. Are you from there?”
“No. I was born in Scarborough, but me mother was a fisher girl from Montrose, coming down to Scarborough by train, following the herring fishing boats for the gutting, what there was of it. Even then, the herring shoals were disappearing. I can speak proper English, Yorkshire, or Angus dialects as suits me. Anger brings out the Angus in me,” she admitted.
“Interesting that people moved about the country so much. Will you be back tomorrow?”
“If she is still slow, then no point. If she has speeded up, ring me and I’ll be along to see if she is ready to be admitted to maternity. Here’s my card with my number, Mr Robertson.
“Mrs Normandale, eh? Is that a local surname?”
“It is sir. It was originally De Normanville, from a Norman who was given estates in Yorkshire, but it got corrupted over the centuries: ville became vell, then dell, and then dale. The ‘dale’ in it has nothing to do with Yorkshire dales, as you see.”
Reg volunteered, “Fascinating how names change. Americans are well known for simplifying surnames from their French or Gaelic origins into phonetic names that anyone from the UK would have great trouble recognising at all.”
“Anyway, I am off now, Mrs Robertson. Look after your wife; she is a grand lady.” Jessica intended to smile at the compliment, but a contraction started in her abdomen, causing her to turn it into a grimace.
Mrs Normandale made a point of calling on the manager to let him know she had been and gone, and might be back tomorrow. He thanked her, but was distracted by his search for a new and honest financial director. He was in some doubt as to the reliability of his bank in the matter, as the accountant had by now assured him his computer was working normally, but perhaps the bank was unaware of the financial director’s criminality. He did not want to take the risk.
Instead, he had rung the Scarborough Business Association for suggestions, and two possible candidates were being promised to come tomorrow for interview. As the job could be done part-time, both candidates already had jobs in the town, so they would come with accolades from their current employer, he was told.
By the end of the day, the ladies had come together to look at their findings. Two chain stores looked to be in a rocky position within the chain, according to local business gossip, yet both were busy with customers.
The ladies proposed that each was most likely suffering a financial drain from within, but they could not say if it was a poor manager or an embezzler on the staff. Frances announced that she would pay each manager a visit and make a decision based on her discussion with them.
Reg came by to say that he was feeling much better now, and would be happy to have a visit to the Robson farm if someone would drive him. Freda immediately offered to do the store visits herself, and thus allow Frances to go with Reg.
“My legal studies and what I have learned from Dad and Mum give me some knowledge of both finance and law, so I can talk my way in with managers and probably bamboozle them too! I propose to tell them I am acting for a possible takeover company that wants ‘on the ground’ reports before making a bid for the group assets.”
Frances pursed her lips. “That might work, Freda. I don’t want to be the primary in everything we do. We need to share our talents around. See how you fare, Freda, and let us know what we should do.”
With that agreed, Frances told Reg, “Go tell Sidra and Elizabeth what we propose with a visit to the farm. Make sure they know to stay out of the way when we are in discussion with the Robsons.”
Reginald did as directed, and both girls eagerly promised to behave as directed.
He came back to Frances with a question.
“Darling, when we engaged the minibus, it was with the assumption that Jessica would drive, as she was the only one with the age qualification the hirers demanded. She is beginning labour, so is out of the picture. Can we use that driver again?”
“Of course! He fancies another visit in hopes of more baking, Jessica said. I’ll phone and see if he can go this afternoon. If not, tomorrow morning will have to do for our visit. I’ll ring Mr Robson now to make sure either is suitable for them.”
She got Mrs Robson first, and explained her dilemma.
“Jessica is out of the picture now, and there are age restrictions on driving that vehicle. I think it is to do with insurance. I am having to book that driver to take us, so before I do, would this afternoon or sometime tomorrow be best for you? I don’t want to interrupt any plans you had made.”
“Gosh, girl, any time is fine by me; we will fit in. My daughters will fit in too. I suspect that they will be delighted to see you and Reginald again, the way they talk about you and all the others. You are their heroes, I tell you!”
“My goodness. In that case I will ask the driver which suits him, and ring you back with a time to expect me, Reg and the two teens, Elizabeth and Sidra. That pair want to feed your animals if they can. Should they bring food for the chickens or something?”
“My goodness, certainly not. We have plenty of animal feed; it is more a case of restricting how much the hens get. We don’t want them overeating and getting too fat. We want the pullets to get busy laying eggs, but we are not so bothered with the older hens. The ones for the pot can get fat.”
“Many thanks for your kindness, Mrs Robson. We have received our luggage from the train, now, so we’ll bring Jemima and Hermione’s things out with us. I’ll get on to the driver now. Bye.”
She phoned the hire firm and asked for the same driver, if he was available. The receptionist exclaimed, “He is sitting here, waiting for a job. I’ll put him on the line right away.”
In moments Frances was speaking to the man.
“Jessica, the pregnant lady who you drove out to the farm at Seamer, spoke well of you and as I need a ride out to the farm again for four of us, I wondered if you could help. My name is Frances and we will have Jessica’s daughters with us again.
Jessica has started her labour, I am happy to say, so she has to stay at the hotel for now.”
“Please tell her I hope it all goes well for her: she is a lovely lady. I am available all afternoon, so I can come immediately, if required.”
“Excellent. If we can go out there at your earliest convenience, in the same minibus, that would be lovely.”
“You have the minibus hired for the fortnight, Frances, so it is available now. I will bring it right round, if that suits.”
“Please do so. We will be a few minutes getting everyone together, and I have to phone the farm to say we are on our way.”
One call to Mrs Robson confirmed their visit shortly, then it was time to collect the two girls, and get Reginald and them to use the toilet before they left, so there were no moans on the road there about needing the loo. Frances collected the Robson girls’ luggage and handbags from the room where everything had been dumped. Their stuff would be all that was still there.
Half an hour later, they were driving up to the farmhouse. Sidra and Elizabeth were first out, and Mrs Robson was at the door with a bag of feed for each of them, and Mr Robson to show them to the chickens and give them instruction while Mrs Robson took over the other guests.
Mrs Robson looked over at the driver who stared at her in expectation. She laughed and summoned him with her hand.
“Come in to the kitchen, young man. Tea is ready, and a batch of new made pancakes. Don’t eat them all!”
That was all the encouragement he needed.
She resumed showing in her other visitors. Reginald hung back to pick up the sisters’ luggage from the minibus, then joined Frances.
When Reg and Frances entered, Hermione and Jemima were seated, both breastfeeding their babies. Mrs Robson tried to apologise for this exposure.
“I am sorry that the babies are needing fed just now, Mr Robertson.”
Reg waved this away. “I am used to seeing women breastfeeding, Mrs Robson. It is perfectly natural. We even see this during company meetings.”
Hermione and Jemima preened and happily continued breast feeding, the unused breast partially exposed above the baby. Reginald made his way to them and deposited their luggage, and asked whose was whose and which handbag was which. He was quickly informed, and the ladies had him set their handbags beside them for checking later, once the breastfeeding was complete.
Mrs Robson relaxed and proceeded to offer her visitors tea and pancakes. Reginald grinned and announced, “Our driver praised your scones and pancakes, Mrs Robson, so we are looking forward to sampling them, if he doesn’t clear the plate. Do you put them in to one of the county fairs?”
“I did show them in the produce section of Egton Horse and Agricultural Show last year, but I only got a third there, so I felt discouraged. Most of the other shows are far away, so it is awkward to leave the farm for a whole day or more. The beasts and chickens need fed and watered.”
“Had you thought of making them in bulk and selling them in Scarborough?”
“What? Me go into competition with Cooplands?”
“Cooplands? Who are they?” Reg asked, while Frances snorted her derision, telling him, “A major local bakery that has expanded all over Yorkshire and beyond, Reg. We spied them out yesterday and they are too successful for us to consider them as a possible client.”
Reg was embarrassed. “Um, sorry, Mrs Robson. I didn’t know.”
She laughed at his discomfiture, while setting out the teacups and the pancakes.
“You are not a local, so I am not surprised you didn’t know. They have shops all over the place now, after taking over other bakeries. They are successful, as your wife said.”
“Apologies to all of you. I am not at my best after that blow to the head. I think I’ll leave the talking to Frances. Are you okay with that, my love?”
“You know I am, Reg. I ran the business meeting yesterday, didn’t I?”
“And did it well, darling. I shall just shut up.”
Frances addressed her host, who was busily pouring tea and checking who took milk and/or sugar.
“Mrs Robson, we were a little concerned for Hermione and Jemima.”
“You were? In what way, Frances?”
“Their future, should they leave our company. Being single women with babies, their chances of good-paying employment are reduced, and their social standing without a man in evidence are also affected. It is their long-term future that we were wondering about.”
“That was thoughtful of you, Frances, but if they are stuck, they can come home to us.”
“Your kindness is legendary, Charlotte, but in the long term you and your husband won’t last for ever, and the girls are not going to take over running the farm, are they? It will go to another relative or be sold.”
Mrs Robson’s face fell, but she saw the truth in this.
“So what other alternative is there?” she wanted to know.
“You know that I and the other girls are not legally married to Reg, don’t you?”
“My girls did tell me that, in confidence. It didn’t seem to bother them in the slightest, Frances dear, so don’t worry about admitting it to me.”
“Reg, may I confess to an outsider about our marital arrangement?”
Reg adopted a seriously concerned face, but reluctantly stated, “In these circumstances, perhaps...”
“Thank you, Reg.” Frances took this as a ‘yes’ before speaking again to the sisters’ mother.
“Mrs Robson, while Reg is not legally married to any of us, we regard Reg as our husband, and legally changed our names to Robertson, and not just the surname, but with the prefix ‘Mrs’ added. I am legally known as Mrs Frances Robertson, and have a deed poll document to prove it. That is how I am known at the university these days. No-one there batted an eyelid at me having a baby as a consequence.”
Mrs Robson’s mouth dropped open with surprise, and Frances continued, “This means that I have registered my baby as James Robertson, with a father of Reginald Robertson and mother Mrs Frances Robertson (maiden surname LeBrun). Thus this format, while accurate regarding the change of name from LeBrun to Robertson, appears to indicate that we are married. However it does not actually say anything other than my name changing to Mrs Robertson. To all intents and purposes, the certificate seems to say that Jimmy was born in wedlock and is thus legitimate.”
“Wickedly clever,” admitted Mrs Robson, “So what is this leading up to? I don’t see the point.”
“I am getting to it. This is all background, so you will see what my suggestion is; what I have been prompted by the other girls to say.”
“Go on.” Mrs Robson was now intrigued.
“Myself and several other girls, all university students and all with a similar drawback – not having pretty faces – were unlikely to snare a husband in the marital stakes, in normal competitive circumstances. Having discovered what a lovely man Reg was becoming, we asked him if he would consider marrying us second-class citizens.
Now, you can imaging his reaction! While he thought highly of us, he knew that the law of England did not permit more than one spouse, and demurred. We were not put off, and came up with a proposal that we put to him: going through our own personal form of marriage ceremony, so that although we would have no paper saying we were married, we would KNOW we were married, having promised to commit to each other for ever.
Changing our names legally to Mrs Frances, or Freda, or Erika Robertson, would mean that we would be seen by the world at large as married women with everything except the paper document.”
“But you would not be legally married!” Mrs Robson blurted out.
Frances was patient with her.
“Tell me, Mrs Robson; how many times have you or your husband been asked, in all your years of marriage, to produce your marriage certificate to prove you are married?”
She admitted, “Only when applying for some other document I suppose; driving licence, claim for farm subsidies; that sort of thing.”
“Nobody has asked to see it otherwise, apart from formalities like that?”
“No, none.”
“Exactly. With so many couples not even bothering to formally marry nowadays, most people would feel embarrassed to ask for that proof. Thus, our own form of marriage works for us, and with the legal change of name, our children have birth certificates apparently saying they were born legitimate. It is a legal fiction, but quite acceptable. The father of one of the other girls is a lawyer and he says it is legally competent.
What has occurred to us – me and the other girls – is that possibly Hermione and Jemima could adopt the same procedure.”
Mrs Robson was seeing her way through this argument. “You mean they could do the same sort of thing, and call themselves married women?”
Frances was careful at this point.
“Close, but no cigar! They would need a cooperative and understanding man to be able to support this fiction in the long term. One of the other girls suggested adding Hermione and Jemima to our own marriage arrangement – which we call a Commitment - and getting them to change their names by deed poll to Mrs Hermione or Jemima Robertson. That would give them the status of a wife in society and their children would be legitimate from then on; but it is just a suggestion that I am passing on.
We don’t really want them to leave the company, but in future if they decided to do so, they would be in a far better position to advance farther in life, if they had adopted this process.
Now, before I go any farther on with this idea, I ought to ask your daughters whether they would be amenable to such an arrangement. After all, it is their future we are talking about, and they should have a veto over it if they don’t like the idea!”
“Thanks for the invite, but your mother expects me home tonight, so I must refuse. In fact, I’d better be off, so that I am not too late in getting home. My best wishes to all of you. Let me know if you need anything, Frances.” “I will, Dad. Give my love to Mum.” A few minutes later, Mr LeBrun was back in his car and driving away. They all returned to the living room, where they reviewed the visit. Prudence was delighted with Mr LeBrun. “Your Dad is a really likeable guy, Frances.” “I...
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“Ah.” Reg was reticent. “I admitted that you were my girlfriend, Frances.” “I have no problem with that, my darling boy. There must have been more.” Prudence interrupted, “I told Mrs Compton that my tutor was also my boyfriend, when I was talking with her. I didn’t mean to, but it just slipped out. I was so proud of that status.” “From what little I heard, it was a lot more than that, you lot. Give!” Reg told her, “I was called to see Dr Henderson after classes, and he said he had heard...
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She gaped at him, suddenly aware that he spoke the truth. Her devious plan for him had unravelled, but she rose to the occasion. “Oh. Oh, well, I suppose...” and she grasped her nightie hem and lifted it up and off her body. She was wearing only panties underneath, but quickly dropped these and stepped out of them. She faced Reg and said, “Right. There you are: just as you demanded, Reg, you forceful boy. Happy now?” He was indeed happy, getting a full-frontal view of Frances in all her...
“Thank you, Reg.” Freda kissed him again, and made a point of rubbing her breasts against him. He took the opportunity to put his arms round her upper torso, to hold her tight to him, and enjoyed the kissing session. They were still in that position when Frances and Erika came into the room. Frances called softly, “Hello, you two. Can you spare us a minute?” Reg was embarrassed. “Sorry, Frances, Freda insisted on apologising, in her own unique way.” “Oh, yes. The other girls. We’ll talk...
Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...
“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...
“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...
He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...
Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...
“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...
Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...
Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...
First Date Cathy sat at the bar in the new trendy restaurant which had just opened in town. She was both excited and a little nervous at the prospect of meeting her online date for the first time. She sat sipping her wine white spritzer, whilst taking in the atmosphere of the inn. It was around three months ago she had placed her ad on site stating “lively, attractive Irish lady, new to the area seeing a good looking friendly male for friendship and possibly more”. Quite a number of guys had...
The Babysitter She gave a light tap on the door, knowing that there was a baby in the house probably trying to sleep. The tapping was loud enough to alert the child’s mother who was sat in her living room. The house had been silent so the sound startled the young mother who, up to now, had been playing through the infinite possibilities of the night ahead in her mind. The more she thought about it, the more nervous and edgy she made herself. At least her 3 year old son, Callum, had drifted off...
LesbianTommy was 20 years old, still at home and not married. He went to the university and had got quite some girlfriends, but until now nothing serious came out of it. Because he was free during the Eastern-holidays, Jen, his mother and 39 years old, had presented him to granny for helping her out with the spring-cleaning, but this was done behind his back. He didn't care however because he loved to be with his grandma Geraldine. Geraldine, 59 years, had long black hair that she did wear tied up....
When I was still in college, I had the privilege to stay in an apartment with two of the girls from my cheerleading squad. I had just moved out of the house I had shared with my boyfriend for two years and I knew I needed a change. After about two months of living with the girls, we decided we needed to loosen up and have a little fun; that our schoolwork driven lives were too serious, and that we deserved to have some fun. So we decided to invite the rest of the girls from the squad over and...
LesbianFaith or, How I learned to love a Witch. This is a sequel to my story "The Witch, the Warlock and me." If you haven't, you might want to read it to find out about a few of the characters in this story. ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. A first meeting. My name is Carl and during the break between my junior and senior years in college, I'd taken a drive to a little town on the ocean about an hour from campus. I was walking...
Pluribus was even more crowded and busier during Union week than usual. Egill had returned from Nilfeheim only a few days ago. He stood nor far from the Northern door and entrance into the Sphere of the Assembly, it was entrance he always used. From there it was only a short elevator ride to the Alcove of Planet Nilfeheim. The assembly sphere was a complete ball on the insie and only from the outside it appeared like a huge dome, meeting the ground at its equator. The outside area all around...
It's getting late, the wine is flowing, people are laughing and chatting. My husband is deep in conversation with one of his colleagues. I leave him to it and wander off to the bar. Tom is there. I've met Tom before - every lady in the building has probably met Tom, he makes it his business to meet ladies. Tom is tall with piercing blue eyes and confident charm. He smiles at me. I love his smile. I order a gin and tonic, and he tells the barman to make him one too. "Been abandoned?" he asks,...
Hello dosto main aaj first time apni story likh raha hu baay us samay kihai jb main 12th class main the of apni summer vication’s ki chuttiya bitane k liye bua ji k ghar gaya hua tha main har garmiyo mai waha jata hu bua ji ka ek beta hai jiska naam harsh hai wo 8th class main hai or ek beti hai jiska naam sneha hai wo bahut sexy hai bua ji or uncle jb karte hai or sneha or harsh din bhar ghar main rehte akle rehte hai jb main unke ghar gaya to wo sab muje dekh kar bahut khush hue maine sneha...
First things first, you need a series to start off with. What cartoon do you want to dive into? options below.
David felt that he was also ignored by his parents as they always kept fighting and never cared about him and he saw himself in his nephew. He decided to keep his nephew with him. His sister agreed and also said that she could visit her son when ever she wanted. David knew that she was just saying that and had no intentions of looking after her son. Now David started to live with his nephew alone whose name was James and he looked after him and started to have an attachment with him. David...
She had already discussed the ground rules and knew what to expect. Tony would be the dominant member of the house. Already, it was decided that Laura would wear only a long shirt, a sun dress, or nothing at all. Her body was to be readily accessible at all times for use by whatever person wanted it. Sarah would be an equal partner as far as level. They both could be used by Tony at any time. Additionally, they were allowed to play with each other at any time. Jim was the one wild card. Tony...
Over the next three weeks Ally called frequently in the evening to practice our dancing. She also got into the habit of arriving around seven-thirty every other morning to get on the treadmill and rowing machine. I changed my workout times to seven, so that I could shower when she was working out. Ally noticed this change without comment. For me it was all about avoiding temptation. Most men would relish the opportunity to see a woman like Ally, soaking in sweat, rendering her tee-shirt...
Character description: Larry (18): Our main character. He still goes to school and has always been kind of an unpopular kid. He recently got together with a girl though. He's somewhat of a nerd and will soon be granted with godlike powers. Madison (49): Larry's mother. She's a very caring woman who raised 5 children after her husband died a few years after Larry was born. Kate (33): Larry's oldest sister. She is married and works as a successful attorney and has always jokingly been a little...
FantasyThis story is written by an adult for an adult audience. If you're not an adult or are offended by graphic sex or themes of gender transformation either you or this story are in the wrong place. Read no further. If this is your cup of tea, I'd welcome any comments or criticism as this is my first contribution. Do not redistribute this story. Prison Break By Amber S We were forty-five minutes from gone, when the cops moved in and grabbed Steve. I watched for a second while they...
I woke the next morning with an even stiffer erection than usual; images of naked bodies, hard cocks, and breasts from my dreams faded as my eyes adjusted to the sunlight. Resisting the urge to masturbate I grabbed a towel and walked naked to the bathroom, trying not to anticipate what the day would bring.After showering I threw on a pair of shorts and a clean t-shirt and went downstairs. Mum was out in the garden hanging up washing, so I got a bowl of cereal and a glass of juice from the...
OutdoorI was seventeen and had spent most of my life in the mountains or forests. I joined the military and went through training to be a combat soldier. A couple of months and I was walking off a huge plane. It was hot and humid and sergeants were yelling. The last I was used to now but not the heat or the humidity. We had pushed almost two hundred kilometers into Clar and there was only another two hundred and fifty kilometers to the Rus border. On the other side of the western border was Nees....
Hi everyone. I have been an ardent reader of this website and finally i am sharing my own experience with you guys. I have had many escapades with different set of women. I was involved with even married women. This is my first entry to iss. I will share my experience to you guys. Hope you will like it. I am Eric (name changed) and i am 29, 5’ 11’’ south Indian, relatively fair in color and athlete built with broad shoulders. I have a lot of appetite for sex and had fewer chances in my life in...
As madhu kissed on my right breast, her fingers started rubbing my mound. I could not resist what she was doing nor caress her with whole heart, it was my sister with whom I was having sex, I was eldest of all my siblings, my parents were quiet open what ever was going on in their lives to me. My dad and mom have a great married life, inspite of huge differences they have, my mom had few affairs even after marrying my dad for quiet a long time, my dad never went out of marriage, except for. I...
IncestDanni Rivers is on her bed studying. She looks at her book, puts it down and tries to stretch in the same way the book is indicating. She stretches down and says ‘I don’t think that’s it.’ She double checks the book and tries it again and compares with her reflection in the full length mirror, but scrunches her face in frustration. ‘I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong.’ She stands up and frets for a moment before giving up. She flops back on...
xmoviesforyouI've found a very easy (and fun) way to obtain the used panties of strange women. All of the thrift store chains around town carry used women's underwear.I'll put on some synthetic fabric sweat shorts with no underwear and go shopping. A lil caffeine pill is probably bad for my k**neys and heart, but it sure gets me in the perv mood.The first thing I do when I enter the store is look to see what cashiers are working, and I begin to scope out the youngest and cutest one they have available....
Ok, my name's Mark and I'm 14. My mum and dad have been divorced for the best part of my life and I'm living with my mother on are own. Well I can't quite tell when it began; I think it was going on all the time.You see, ever since I can remember with my mum. We used to spend the time together, talking, playing games and all. She used to do strange things though. One particular thing she did was play with my dick. At that time I didn't understand such things so I didn't think about it. She did...
It was tough getting up so early, but the bar had changed hands again and the new owner wanted to meet everyone this morning. Reets hadn't seen a 9 am in a month of Sundays, but she dragged herself up anyway. Caryn, her lover, said, "Come on, break that law of physics!"The not-nearly-awake Reets could only reply, "Huh?""You know, physics -- `A body at rest tends to stay at rest!' -- getting up breaks the Law of Inertia!"Reets looked at Caryn with a thoroughly disgusted look and decided...
LesbianDanny was walking to his Physics class with his head down in thought about his art project. He knew that he was kind of becoming obsessed with it. The thing was, he could almost see it working, in his head. There were just a few niggling details like, how to install windows and doors. Or how to paint the interior. There were lots of different little niggling things that were tough to solve, and could make it a virtually impossible task. He mumbled, “Every noble work is at first impossible....
There were no responses so I went ahead and poured for everybody. Melanie distributed the drinks to those lounging around the room and once again her ass was well fondled in the process. To my surprise one of the gropers was Sylvie. When Mel felt her small, soft hand on her ass she glanced at her in surprise. Sylvie smiled at her and said, “You have such a great ass. I just want to bite it.”Melanie laughed. “Go on then, knock yourself out,” she told her, bending over farther to push her ass out...
Group SexBy: Sundarram I told you earlier, I had many sexual encounters, the one which is still green in my mind is the day when i fucked my gf’s mother. My gf was a Russian, 18 years old and her mother was around forties.( I was 19 then, I was in my first year in Hamburg university) My this incident is much similar to yours. I was invited to my gf’s house on her birthday. Her parents didn’t like the idea of an Indian being their daughter’s boy friend, that too a dark guy. Even my gf told me many...
IncestHuge. Her ass is just huge. Dont get me wrong, she has giant breasts but her booty is just HUGE and I love it. I headed off to work and could feel my dick growing in my pants. The new guy at work was a girl! She made me rock hard. She is 5'9 or 10", and around 150 pounds. A Blond BBW goddess. And guess who I was working with? I fantasized she was an Blue Eyed Amazon. The lost tribe of large, powerful, warrior women. We were working together in a closet! It was close quarters. All the walls had...
Everybody had left the office except for me and Laura. She started and to get ready to leave. She got her things and then came and sat next to me. She sat down in the chair and crossed her legs. Her feet were just dangling; I could smell her sweat mixed with her perfume. Just the thought of getting to play with her feet again, was enough to get my motor running.“I think you should go home, it’s already 8 o’clock and you have college tomorrow, come on I’ll wait for you,” she said. I didn’t say...
FetishThis story is complete fiction. It includes a relationship between a Mother, Father and /daughter takes place. It is approximately 6:00pm and I am sitting at home watching some TV. Mommy enters the house dressed in a nice skirt and blouse. You are wearing a pair of black pumps and you have on a pair of dark sheer pantyhose. I can see the trace of your bra through your blouse as you remove your jacket. You kick off your pumps and come over to me before going into the kitchen to get something to...
IncestI awoke the next day to the sounds of shuffling in the hallway. I was too afraid to go out and see what may be happening since Tori was probably up to something. As I lay there examining my wakeup boner with my hand, the door slowly pushed open. A curly, blond mop of hair slowly peered around the corner. "You awake yet?" "Yeah," I said continuing to grasp my dick under the covers. "Can I come in?" she asked. "Sure, come on in." Cassy crept in closing the door silently behind her....
This is a normal morning at Virar railway station. Whole crowd rushing towards the arriving train. Some people managed to get in while train is still moving. I am in crowd near gate rushing to get in. crowd is pushing me from all sides. I am moving forward slowly and finally I am in. Still crowd pushed me from behind and I couldn't move further as there are many people ahead of me in train. I tried to hold handle, which is above my head. I held handle, which is already grabbed by someone....
This is a continuation of a story about a family that submits to their black neighbor. If you do not like stories about gay, interracial, incest, bestiality, or young sex, please move on. If you do like those topics, please enjoy. I do appreciate CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Owned Family CH2: Are You Being Served The events of last night played over and over in my head throughout the day. Tys huge black cock mouth, his cum on my face, his offer for my family, all of it kept my dick hard as I...
Taking another sip of my scotch, I realized that my cheeks actually hurt from smiling for the last four hours. My speech at the Regional Nursing Association Conference had gone better than I could have ever expected. Then I shook hands and answered questions for what seemed like forever. Finally, my friends pulled me away for a celebratory drink at the hotel bar, and here I sit, laughing and regaling the day with my trusted colleagues and confidants.But all good things must come to an end. I...
SeductionTracey and Buttercup wandered along in the dark Gomorran landscape, their shadows cast forward by the light of the nearly full moon, able to see that on this side of the border as on the other there was evidence of the detritus of war. They were both very tired and both felt thoroughly abused. Buttercup was finding the pain between her legs a particular agony for which she was grateful for Tracey’s devoted love, as she grasped her lover’s hand. Tracey herself tried to keep out of her mind both...
Note to readers: Perhaps more than any other author, I have admired Kate, who gave us Sissy Therapy and the Sissy Mister. Both cry out for sequels. Her compliments are much appreciated. Here's part two. Let's see how far it goes. I Look Like What? -- Part Two Today definitely was the day I told Rhonda off. She had a few pictures of me. So what! I crossdressed at work. It wasn't a crime, was it? Okay, it was embarrassing but that isn't fatal, I told myself. She couldn't kill...
A continuation of the journey described in part 6: The next day I went to work as usual, but skipped my noon time ‘date’ with Brad. When I got home, I called Cindy and confirmed the party invitation. Then I called Tracy and asked if she could use me at the club.“Of course! Are you k**ding? Anytime!”“Well great, what time should I come by?”“How early can you make it? We open at nine, as you know, but although nothing much happens until close to midnight, there is always a lot of action for the...
It was inevitable when a new interstate highway went it. The city followed it, intruding on and, eventually, choking out whatever had taken up the rural space beyond the original confines of the city. Thus it was when a new express highway went in between Oklahoma City and Dallas. I worked for a get-bigger-and-richer pharmaceutical company headquartered in Oklahoma City, and when I moved there I opted for a bigger, fancier house in a development that had followed the new highway into what had...
This story is a work of fiction, all characters are fictional and obviously the events are fake. You may reprint this as needed, just give credit to the author. If any differences occur between continuity, accept the one you like better as truth, and enjoy!Shall I do another recap? For some reason a magical pair of panties fell into my possession, me, being a perfectly straight male, tried them on, and since then, I've been finding my masculinity slowly fading away. I've been wearing skirts and...
All of a sudden Frank walked in as naked as the day he was born. I watched him in the mirror as he strolled dick swaying across the room. When I turned to look at him the head of his very impressive cock was only inches from my face. With no preamble he said, “Suck it.†A Quirk of fate again-VIAn orgy Part-1-of-1 I’m Samantha Cunningham, Sam to my friends. I’m a hot looking 33 year old MILF slut who writes porn under the pseudonym, Dorothy Norwood. My son Frank. And my husband...
GayI suspect my sexy wife Skyla Sun might be cheating on me. She is always talking to her friend ‘Shelley’ and busting a gut but then tries to act all casual as soon as I’m around. She’s been distant, sex is non-existent. Suspicious, for sure. Then I find a video of her fucking some stud. Knew it! Looked like she wanted a take-charge kinda man. GI Joey ate her pussy as she moaned and then seemed too eager to take the stud’s fat cock down her throat. He penetrated her...
xmoviesforyou"Come on lazy bones, time to rise and shine" Katie leapt onto the bed and straddled her brother pushing her freshly shaved pubis close to his face, "Oh for God's sake" Terry mumbled drowsily, "Just give me five minutes more" then he realized that she wasn't wearing panties and his eyes lit up. With a growl he grabbed her buttocks and pulled her forward, his tongue snaked between her labia and Katie moaned softly as she allowed herself to sink down on it. "Mmm that's not fair" she...
When I was an office junior in my twenties I had a female boss and I suppose I suffered sexual harrassment from her although we didn't call it that. She called me into her office soon after she'd hired me and made it quite clear in our conversation that my job depended upon pleasing her in every way."So," she said quite openly, "drop your pants and get your cock out."I blushed and stammered but her gaze was commanding and so eventually I did unbuckle myself and dropped my underpants too."In...
So my first time having sex with a man or woman was when I was 18 yrs. old. The weekend was coming and I didn't have any plans yet, which was unusual for me. By this time of the week I would have plans already, as a matter of fact too many to squeeze into one weekend. Later that day my mom said that Pablo aka Pelon had called her and asked if I could spend the weekend with him. She told him that it was alright with her and she would take me over to his place in a few of hours. She told me that...