Reginald's WivesChapter 6 free porn video

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“Sorry,” said Tom. “In the UK, private use of a taser is prohibited, as it is classed as a deadly weapon. The police are the only people who can legally possess and use such a weapon. Even there, only specially trained officers get to use a taser, and all use is closely monitored and reported. The Americans on the other hand, as usual, allow citizens to arm themselves with practically everything!”

Sergeant Phillips visited the Squadron Leader again.

“Sir, I have spoken with the Robertson family, and they are considering your latest offer, but say that they want the offer in writing, so that they are clear about what you want from them. I must admit, sir, that I am also unclear about what exactly you intend, so putting it in writing may clarify the situation.”

Aitchison blinked at this statement, and though for a moment, before responding.

“Sergeant, while I appreciate the time and trouble you have put yourself to, I do not want to see you more deeply involved than you are already. It would not be good for our local police to be too involved in what might be seen as litigation. If I have something to put in writing, I shall have it hand delivered by one of my family, and thus you will not have to concern yourself about it any more.

I shall inform the Chief Constable that you have been helpful but have not overstepped the bounds of your responsibility.”

“Thank you, sir. I shall return to my normal duties then. Farewell, sir.”

A day later, a letter was pushed through the Robertson letterbox while they were at university, so they got it on their return home. Reg read it out to all.

“Dear Mr Robertson,

My intention was solely to make sure you were not out of pocket in any way as a result of anything my grandson may have been involved in, relating to yourselves. I am advised that home insurance fails to cover the upset and distress that can arise through boisterous teenage activities. I hoped that I could ameliorate your situation, and hope that in return you would do your best to ameliorate our family’s situation in turn. Do let me know if we can agree on this matter.”

Freda was impressed. “Reg, do you mind if I run this past my Dad’s eyes? I suspect there is nothing in it that is actionable, as nothing is actually admitted in any way other than suggestion.”

Reg was amenable to the idea.

“I cannot see what harm that would do, my darling. It certainly does not tell me anything we don’t already know; and I can’t see anything being admitted. Your dad may see it differently, so please ask his opinion, Freda. I hope he will do it pro bono!”

“Of course he will, dear husband. You are his son-in-law, after all.”

She snapped a pic of the letter and email it to her father with a covering comment: “Is this anything we can use, or is it too innocuous?”

She told Reg. “We’ll not get a response till tomorrow, I suspect. Daddy will want to think long and hard about it.”

She was right. It was late afternoon next day before her father phoned her in person.

“Hello, Freda. You and your husband have a snake there. That letter has been written by a lawyer working for the man. It has nothing actionable, and nothing that could be directly utilised in a court case.”

“So no use to us in our dealings with the man?”

“I wouldn’t say that. On its own it doesn’t say anything, but if the boy was in court, it could be seen as evidence of attempting to pervert the course of justice. Have you been offered a bribe, as you see it?”

“Most certainly, Daddy. He wants us to not allow the case against his grandson to go ahead. The idea as we see it is that if we offer no help to the police, the cops will not proceed with the case.”

“What evidence do the police have; do you know?”

Freda said, “We think the police have a blood sample from our broken window that they can link to the grandson, but we don’t know for certain. Frances’ laptop computer was traced to the boy’s home, so that is additional evidence. I would think that his fingerprints will be on it.”

“Who is your contact in the police, Freda?”

“A Sergeant Terence Phillips, Dad. He was acting as a go-between between Squadron Leader Aitchison and us, but I felt he was on our side. The Squadron Leader is on the police committee, which gives him leverage on the police sergeant. The Sergeant didn’t seem to like that.”

“Ah.” Mr Dangerfield gave a satisfied sigh. “You have a number for him?”

Freda got the number and passed it to her father, who instructed her, “Leave it with me now, Freda. Have your husband and the other ladies do nothing for the moment, until I get back to you. This could be interesting. Bye. Love you.”

Love you. Bye, Dad.”

As instructed, the assumed their normal pattern and went off to their classes. Those who had assessments due concentrated on that task, having been given good advice from Reg. Reg just enjoyed his learning again, and picked up a few pointers from his lecturers.

They were unaware that the Dean had been phoned by a high-powered lawyer named Dangerfield, asking about the Robertsons, and advising that there was some possibility of the Robertsons being targeted by bullies or others of that persuasion. “Dean, as their legal representative, I am advising you of this fact, so that you can make sure that they are not attacked and injured. Should they be, I will be seeking damages from the University authorities, via the High Court. You understand that, don’t you?”

The Dean gulped and replied, “Sir, I cannot guarantee anything, but the university will do its best to have them protected. We can do no more. I hope you understand my position.”

“Do your best, Dean. At a minimum, I expect your campus police to be close to them throughout the day, should anything untoward happen.”

“I can assure you of that measure, sir,” the Dean promised.

“Thank you. Farewell.”

The rest of the day proved uneventful, and the five proceeded towards home again. Prudence expected to be right behind the others in the car, but lost them at a roundabout. She scanned the traffic ahead as best she could, and caught a glimpse of the right car model, and seemingly full, so decided that was the one she wanted.

She moved her scooter around, passing other cars whenever traffic stopped for a pedestrian crossing or a roundabout, and shortly managed to maneuvre herself behind the car; but then she cursed. It was the right model, but not the right registration number.

She gave up, and decided to simply get home, even if she was not immediately behind the others of the family.

As she approached the next roundabout, the car in front got a shock. A big black Range Rover pulled across from the next lane and slammed into the side of the car in front of her, with a screeching of metal against metal. The Range Rover pushed the smaller vehicle to the side of the road and over the low kerb on to the grass verge, where the driver managed to get it to slew to a stop. The airbag had explosively inflated in the driver’s face. He now slumped over his steering wheel airbag, stunned by the shock.

The Range Rover made no attempt to stop. It had suffered little damage. Its driver revved up again, switched lanes, accelerated and quickly left the scene. Prudence, shocked by what had happened in front of her, drew into the side of the road. She stepped off and bounced her scooter’s front wheel over the kerb and on to the grass. This made it easy to bring the back wheel over as well, out of the way of the traffic, then she checked that the driver had not been injured by the air bag inflating. Glad to find he was just stunned, and that the passengers were not severely affected, she used her phone to call the emergency services. She waited while the frightened occupants of the car recovered from the impact and one after another climbed out of the nearside doors, the offside doors being jammed by the broadside swipe. While they were all shaken up and still in shock, no-one seemed to have more than a bruise or two in the way of injuries.

Prudence stepped off her scooter, where she had been sitting patiently, and told them that she had called the emergency services, who would be there shortly. She waited for nearly ten minutes before a police car arrived, leading an ambulance. She reported to the policeman who she was, and what she had seen, and that she was the one who had called in. He wanted to know whether she had noted the number of the Range Rover. She replied, “Damn, no. In the excitement, I never thought to look! Sorry about that, officer. All that registered with me that it was a black Range Rover, and it was gone so quickly. That was why I thought it was deliberate: the way he scarpered. No-one even stepped out of the vehicle.”

The policeman thanked the tall thin girl once he had all the details she could give. She then explained she was late getting home for her evening meal. “If you need anything more, you have my name, address and phone number, okay?”

“I have, thank you, Mrs Robertson.”

She was allowed to go, and set off again for home.

Arriving at the house, she found Reg on duty outside the door, watching anxiously for her arrival. He saw that she was shaking when she got off her scooter, and he was immediately concerned.

“Prudence, what happened? Where did you get to? We were worried.”

He ushered her inside before she could reply, and the others clustered round to hug her and help her get over the delayed shock. She explained what had happened, and why she had stopped to report the ‘accident’, if that was what it was.

“As I told the police, it looked like a deliberate ramming of their car. I have no idea why, and I don’t know who they were. Just another bunch of students, I think.”

The girls were more concerned for her well-being, but Reg was silent, thinking hard. At last he spoke.

“Prudence, I don’t think it was an accident that you were there.”

She flashed him an annoyed glance. “But it was, Reg. I was only there because I had lost sight of Frances’ car at the previous roundabout, so it was sheer luck that I was behind that particular car.”

“That was what I was getting to, my love. It may have been YOUR presence on the scooter that resulted in that car being sideswiped.”

“That sounds daft, Reg. Are you sure you are thinking straight?”

“Actually, yes. You said it was the same make and model as Frances’ car, which is why you thought it was her car, from a distance. If as I suspect, the target for the attack was US, then your presence on the scooter, almost always behind us, was being used as a flag to point out which car was the target in a busy road. Frances’ car is a fairly common make, so the attackers needed a guide as to which car was their target. If they were told, ‘Your target is the one that the scooter is following’, then that would be the reason for forcing that car off the road. You said it was full of students, and the same model as Frances has, thus would look just like our car, wouldn’t it?”

“Oh, my God. You are right. The students were in a car the same as Frances’. They would have looked just like you lot!”

Reg had an opinion. “Prudence, I think you should stop being right behind Frances from now on. You know your way home now, so there is no sense in broadcasting that you are together with us. Put several cars between you and us on the road, if you can. That may prevent any targeting based on you.”

“God, yes, Reg. I wouldn’t want you guys to come to any harm. You mean too much to me now, all of you!”

“Thanks, Prudence. We feel the same way about you, girl,” said Freda. “We are a single family, and we wouldn’t want any of us to come to harm. You should keep a close eye on yourself and the other traffic, in case they go for you as well. I am wondering whether you should get a car of your own, Prudence.”

Prudence gasped as she saw the implications.

Frances was a bit more prosaic. “I want to know who put them up to it. Was it the Squadron Leader, do you think, Reg?”

Reg waved his palms in a signal of mental doubt. “I couldn’t say for certain, Frances. Perhaps it was someone else who doesn’t like us. On the other hand, it couldn’t be someone hoping to gain anything directly from the crash; they didn’t stay around to do or say anything, so it implies they were sent to do this, or did it for their own reasons.”

Next day was the first examination day, so they all buckled down to the task, encouraged by Reg’s advice. He had assured himself that Prudence was over the shock of the ‘accident’.

At their division headquarters, the police were also of the opinion that the crash was deliberate. They had instituted a search of the DVLA database for all black Range Rovers with registered keepers resident within 150 miles of the incident.

Unfortunately, this produced 1,257 cars fitting this description and general location, as it was a heavily populated urban area with a lot of up-market homes. The police investigators were well aware that the vehicle used for the offence might have a registered owner at the other end of the country, or that the vehicle may have been stolen, so they asked for a report on the number of Range Rovers reported as stolen recently, regardless of colour, and of these, which had been located in a damaged condition. The lack of colour differentiation was because the car may have been repainted after the event to make it less identifiable. The damage was likely to be still visible, as that takes more time to fix, particularly if you want to do it on the quiet.

The result was twelve, plus another 27 almost new ones, which had disappeared entirely. These missing ones were suspected of either having been shipped abroad or been broken up for parts. Three had a connection to the university.

It gave an indecisive result to the local police. They could pin down a number of suspect vehicles, but with no registration number known, none were definitively the correct one. This was not usable and provable evidence in a court case, so the police decided the matter had to be dropped.

The insurance company phoned Frances to say that they would pay Frances’ father compensation for all the damage to the LeBrun building, as soon as they finalised their estimates. They were awaiting their assessor’s report to know the exact amount due.

Frances was informed by the police that her laptop computer was part of the evidence against the boy Eric, and he would be summoned to attend a Youth Court, where his case would be heard by a district judge. If convicted, he might receive a community sentence, or a detention and training order if the crime was deemed serious.

The police called Frances on the phone, advising her that mitigating circumstances, such as a difficult home life or mental disturbance, could lead to a community sentence. The police suspected that the family lawyer would plead this position. An aggravating circumstance, such as invasion of a house while the owners are in bed, would lead to the latter sentence. As no-one was at home at the time of the break-in, this was less likely to lead to the detention option. If there was any aspect which the Robertsons viewed as an aggravating circumstance, they should report that through their lawyer.

Frances thanked the police for the call, and said she would discuss it with her lawyer.

She did. She got Freda to phone her father, then say that she wanted her fellow wife Frances to speak with him. Mr Dangerfield came on the line, and Freda handed over the phone. Frances said, “Sir, I am Frances Robertson, and we all live in a house owned by my father. It is that house that was broken in to by Squadron Leader Aitchison’s teenage grandson. The police have just phoned me to say that he will be taken before a youth court and if convicted he will get either a community sentence or a detention and training order.”

Mr Dangerfield said, “Yes, that is accurate. You are expecting their lawyer to go for mitigating circumstances?”

“Exactly. Can we argue for aggravation, perhaps due to the vandalism in our hallway – all the spray painting on the walls. It was quite upsetting for all of us, and it was ages before the insurance assessor came and we got authorisation to redecorate. Then there was all the rummaging through our clothes in the bedrooms!”

Mr Dangerfield was sympathetic but not optimistic. “While I can agree with you over the effects on your family members, the courts tend to be lenient with first offenders, and as I understand it, this was a first offence by the lad, as far as was known at least. In addition, a degree of vandalism is so normal in such cases that it is not going to be seen as an aggravating circumstance.”

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter X

Chapter X – Girl Finds Bisexuality(based on Falling in Love No.5 cover, DC, May-June 1956)Since I was a teen I knew it was something different about me. Something that made me not like the other girls I knew. Something that made me very unique, at least in my environment. That something was my bisexuality.I never told anyone about that subject, being that anyone my family, my friends or any men I ever had a relationship. Donald, my husband, became the first and only person so far that...

1 year ago
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Have to be a woman to Part 3

Part 3 It was Wednesday evening when I left the charity shop with my new dress now wrapped in a plain bag. Dieter and I had cuddled for a few hours. It had been wonderful to feel so full with his cock up my ass. There had also been something erotic and relaxing about the way his hardon had gone down inside me. At some point during our snuggling my wig had fallen off and he had been able to nuzzle my ear and neck. I had sighed and he had seen this as encouragement because his hand...

2 years ago
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Elevator Elevations At The Hotel

Hi, I am Lisa. I was really happy today for my night duty. I worked as a receptionist at a 4 star hotel. I had recently met Vikram, who was also receptionist in same hotel. He was handsome and we instantly connected. We had great chat yesterday and both ended up looking into each other’s eyes with lustful looks. I had been single for some time, so was really excited with him. I have good figure and pretty face. Being a receptionist allowed me to use my make-up and dressing skills to full...

3 years ago
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Happy teen campers pt2

We'd managed to clean ourselves up after our exploits earlier on. The rain had finally eased up so we made our way out of the camp site to get something to eat. We drove down towards the beach where we found a pub that served food and sat down to eat our meal. I said to my gf that it wasn't the only thing i fancied eating , she replied that perhaps she could be the dessert ! I told her i was getting horny and she reached under the table and grabbed my rapidly hardening cock giving it a quick...

2 years ago
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Sleepover fun part 1

Hi, I'm Charlie. I'm a 14 year old boy with brown hair. I'm 5"4" and reasonably skinny. I have greeny-blue eyes and have always thought of myself as straight but I do fantasize about guys every so often. So im going to tell you little story of what happened not to long ago..... It was the holidays and I had been chilling so far but was getting bored so I rang up two of my mates and asked them if they wanted to stay a few nights at my place. Hamish and James arrived just after...

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Family Vegas Trip

I wasn't shy around my brother's when sharing the room. I didn't mind going around in front of them in my bra and panties. I actually enjoyed teasing them like that. It was so obvious that they were starring and that I was making them hard. There were some other reasons in addition to that as to why I didn't mind doing that to them but that will come into play later. Also I didn't mind going into the bathroom and washing up at the sink while either one was taking a shower. I...

1 year ago
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Trish. by Kyorii Pilau. This story is a prequel to the story The Model maker and tells the tale of Trish up until the time that Chris moves in with her, I hope it fills some gaps in her life only hinted at in my story. (If however, you haven't read The Model maker yet, read this first). Chapter 1 An evening working. It's a pleasant late spring evening and I'm standing on the pavement with one of the older girls on the north side of the railway tracks...

2 years ago
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PLEASURE MASSAGE Some time back I had found a nice Asian massage parlor in a small town in Illinois just a little ways off the interstate. I happened to be in the area again and decided to see if it was still there. I had been on a trip for several days and was a bit aching from so much driving and talking to customers. Usually the customers would treat me to lunch, I would give them my sales pitch and off I would go to the next customer. After 4 days of this I was getting tired---and horny...

2 years ago
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Thunder and LighteningChapter 39

Bill drove up to the store on his scooter and parked it around the backside of the store where it would be out of sight. He walked into the store through the front door and found Mike sitting at the counter. Giving him a wave, he said, “Hello, Mike. How’s it going?” “Fine, Bill. Your dad is in the office,” answered Mike gesturing towards that back of the store. With a grin, he said, “We’re expecting Abe to show up in about twenty minutes.” “Where’s everyone else?” “Everyone else is back...

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Her father saw her naked

on the couch. She fell asleep naked and the fun part is that her father really saw her naked in situation like this. But the rest is fiction (how I would have wanted to happen). Her father DID come for visit and I really was in the bathroom while he went to the living room where Mina was sleeping naked and uncovered. So we had sex on the couch in living room and right after that she fell asleep. I was awake, watching TV and we were both naked under the blanket. I had to go to the...

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That One day On Summer Camp Part 2

I sat on the bench for a few minutes. I couldn't believe what had happened. Stacey, the incredibly hot camp counselor, had just given me my first ever blowjob. It was the best feeling I have ever experienced. I watched Stacey walk away down the path back to camp. I stood, pulled my shorts back up and followed her. I caught up with her and we walked back to camp in silence. Eventually, we reached camp and she turned and looked at me. "Come to my cabin tomorrow after breakfast," she said. I...

4 years ago
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Massage Parlor Boy

Hi, this is Sameer again from Bangalore, I am 27 years old and had worked as a male prostitute for several years in Mumbai and Bangalore, recently some 2 years back I got trained in massage and joined SPA in Bangalore, I have posted many stories about me, as I am a male prostitute, I often visits many places in India, as per the customer request, I have to go their home and satisfy them, this stories is not about male prostitute but about a massage parlor, I joined SPA as a part time job when I...

4 years ago
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the fag next door

He was smoking a cigarette outside, 2am , i was in my room, my pants sightly down, sit on my pink dildio, humping on it as i play video games 54 tall a bit on the chubby side, Henry recently divorced after 15 yrs , was looking at me play some game thru my window curtainhe smoke , watching not thinking much of it , a the boy playing game, constantly humping on his chairhe just stayed there on the side of our building plex backyard smoking , watching the game on the screenand for a brief second...

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First time with Mum

……………………………………………………………………………………. There are many accounts of boys having sex with their mothers on here but l haven’t read another one where their first fuck was on a train. There are many who say how their mother was some hot piece with amazing tits and a great arse. Well that wasn’t my mother. I’m not saying she was ugly, in fact she was just ordinary, just Mum. The time l’m talking about was the mid nineteen sixties. We lived in a small country town, l had recently started...

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Sarah and my lover Linda

This story has been rewritten at the request of Oxoncple. She has asked if I might include her so I have rewritten a true story in my life but have replaced the name for Linda and Geoff (not their real names of course). Actually, having seen so many of your beautiful photos, I often fantasise that it is you and your partner sharing my orgasms and wetness. Even as I write this I am gasping and swollen and no doubt it will have to be done between cummings and goings.I have a friend, Linda who is...

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The Bimbo Virus

"Alert! Alert!" The alarm sounded. "The virus has spread! I repeat the virus has spread!" A man over the intercom yelled hysterically. Men and women in lab coats were running for their lives, pushing and shoving through the doors to save themselves. "What's happening?" Asked a young blonde woman. Who recently graduated from college and was on her first day on the job. "You must be the new girl? You see the short version is that there is a virus that turns anyone into sexy, and dumb bimbos." A...

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Wizards Apprentice 4 the Vale in WinterChapter 21

If you listen to Gaen, you will hear things. Learn things. If you listen, you will come to know Gaen's will. The philosophers have long said this, but to my knowledge, they did not listen as I have learned to listen, and perhaps none have listened so. Just as I have come to learn about my own song, I have come to understand that if I leave the song alone as it comes to me, rather than grabbing it — ah! Well then there are things to be learned in the song Gaen sings. Some of what is there...

3 years ago
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Photographer For My Tiktok Queen Sister 8211 Part 3

Hello dear readers, sorry for keeping you waiting. But as they say, better late than never. Here I am back with another part of my story. My stories are slow to unfold so please have patience and enjoy. I woke up in the morning and gathered all that had happened in the past few days. From making innocent TikTok videos we bro-sis duo had entered into a new realm of modeling and professional photography. It was my passion to be a pro photographer and Anu didi wanted to be a supermodel. Everything...

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me and auntie with a suprise

--- ---- ----- So i fell asleep in her room little to know that i would wake up and she would be cooking my favorite food and i ate and then she told me well ur cousin is going to spend the week with her boyfriend so its me and you this week since she is my favorite aunt i said ok kool --------- ----- now that i ate and we might as well get used to eachother i wasnt used to how cold it became it was 40 degrees in the house became very cold and blankets wouldnt do the trick so she...

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BigTitCreamPie Diamond Kitty Diamonds and Creampies

Diamond Kitty moved into a new area. When she was doing her early morning jog all of a sudden Derrick Ferrari recognized her and shouted out: Are you Diamond? She thought he looked cute so she invited him to her house. Here she first took a long shower to get rid off that sweat. Slowly she rinsed her amazing breasts with soap. This made her so horny that the second she came back down she immediately pulled down Derrick’s pants and started to suck his cock. She stuck it deep into her throat....

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My Friends House Part 5

I must have been sleeping, because the next thing I heard was like someone had taken pictures of me. I was afraid to say anything, but thought about what she wanted with pictures. This went on for 5, maybe 10 minutes, and I felt even more humiliated. Then I could feel her climbing in the bed.The next thing I knew I got a cock in my face.“Lick it!” I heard this was a guy with a very deep voice. I totally freaked out. “You better behave yourself, or maybe those pictures will be used against...

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Reddit Scat Porn

Rule 34 dictates that whatever exists, be it a genre of entertainment, a novel series, a politician, or whatever; there’s a porn parody of it. Well, I suggest we recognize a new Rule 35, which I define as: any topic about sex that has happened has inspired a new subreddit.While hardly the most popular fetish, poop porn appeals to a select number of people in the populace. When these people congregate online, they get wild and share their filthy smut with extreme relish. The subreddit that this...

Reddit NSFW List
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Merry Christmas to One and All

WISH IT COULD BE CHRISTMAS EVERY DAY.Outside the world was white and frosty with the North wind blowing great gusts of snow this way and that depending on its mood. But in a small bungalow way out in the middle of nowhere recently wed Ted and Alice were enjoying their first Christmas morning together opening their presents...Ted opened his last gift to discover a box full of multi-colored golf balls staring back at him. He lent over and kissed his new wife who was sat on the sofa beside him as...

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Boy Toy Part 1

I swear I wasn't looking for a boy toy.I am a 33 year old intelligent, professional, responsible woman... normally. But I have myself a slight exhibitionist streak. Until now, I have only had one dirty little secret: I love to post my naked pictures online. I love when men from many countries, states, colors, backgrounds come to the site and look at my pictures and jerk off to them. I love tributes, comments, even the cave men types that message me and tell me every day how many ways they would...

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AmberChapter 9

April 29th: finally found a way to loosen up my virgin-cunt sis April 29th: 20 horse cocks will get that gash gapin. n a monster dildo stuck up the slots hole overnight LOL Annie stared in awe at the present that her parents had gotten her. It was her final day of school, and - coincidentally - the day of her 20th tattoo. It had been a big year - she’d methodically fucked half the school, her cunt growing tight again the next morning, each and every morning. By the time she seduced the last...

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Menaka Gangbanged By Strangers

Hello everyone. This is Varun and back with an amazing story with Menaka that happened 6 months ago. Thank you for all the feedback on my previous story, ““. This incident took place 6 months ago when I came back to India from USA for good. It had been a couple of days since I got back and I was under the influence of jet-lag. Because of this, I was awake at night and I was too bored, so I messaged Menaka. For those of you who don’t know Menaka, please read my old story. I immediately got a...

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Tales of Raln

The kingdom of Raln is a huge realm, governed by an uncaring King, and many greedy, power hungry lords and barons. However, even in such a setting, heroes can be found, even surrounded by so many villains. Some quest for honour, some for gold, some for glory...and some for sex. The wilderness of Raln is inhabited by many dark denizens; demons, sorcerors, dragons and all manner of foul beasts. And so it is that a call went out from the small town of Merith for heroes from all corners of the...

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Teasing a very naughty voyeur

Sunday morning, I was home alone in this warm summer day; so I invited my girlfriend Helena to come along to get a nice sun tan at our back pool.Helena was also home alone and she accepted; but she said we could not do some nasty things, since she was with her period…I said it was fine; we would only stay by the garden sunning our bodies.When she arrived, Helena kissed me deeply and she threw away her light summer dress, showing me she was wearing that sexy tiny thong, the one that barely could...

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How to say hello

This story was written by me and an acquaintance of mine via email piece by piece. The larger breaks show where one writer leaves off and another begins. It's unconventional but I thought I'd share. Enjoy.I always thought that trying to rip someone's clothes off the moment you saw them was the best way to say hello. So when she started pawing at the buttons of my shirt as soon as I crossed her threshold I couldn't have been more turned on. As her hands frantically explored my body I pulled her...

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