Reginald's FutureChapter 11 free porn video

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Her eyes sparkled as she took this in.

“So Dad really has to juggle things every year, estimating what produce is worth investing in, and what is a bad choice that year? If I had realised that, I would have done something to help, even if it was simply researching markets, and finding if there was an animal or produce we could diversify into, like goats for goat’s milk or cheese, or even goat meat. I saw recently that water buffalo are being farmed somewhere in England.”

“That’s it,” Reg agreed with her assessment. “Knowing more about the farm would have helped a great deal, without you even touching a cow’s udder or mucking out a byre.”

“Reg, I realise now what utter fools we were at home. We paid no attention to what was happening at the farm, for we did not care about it. Why didn’t Mum and Dad tell us?”

“With your attitude at the time, Hermione, would you have listened?”

She stopped to think, and admitted, “You are right; I wouldn’t have listened, and Jemima would have gone along with me. She usually went along with what her big sister thought. I must have made a mess of her life, too.”

“You did, back then, but not now, though,” urged Reg. “Now you see things differently, and can advise her better. Perhaps she is also old enough to make her own decisions, eh?”

“Damn! That is true as well. She should be coming to her own conclusions, just like she has to with her new job in the company. Should I stay away from her in future, when she has to think about what she should do?”

“No. You need to be there to support her. Don’t tell her what to do, but tell her to think seriously before coming to a decision, and say that you will support her in whatever she decides. THAT is real sisterly advice.”

Hermione unexpectedly came forward, grabbed Reg’s face with both hands, and kissed him hard.

“You are a great mentor, Reg. I love that about you. This is the sort of boss every young person should have.”

“I just try to do and say the right thing, Hermione. I don’t always get it right. That is why I listen to all my wives, for they can give me great input towards a decision. It might be different if they were not clever, but having wives that are at least as clever as me, that is a wonderful place to be.”

Hermione’s face fell as Reg spoke, and he noticed.

“That is not to say that you are not clever, Hermione, for you are self-evidentially clever, but not in an academic way. You didn’t takle an academic route, for that did not fit with your self-centred lifestyle, academia and clevernessa re not the same thing. Cleverness shows itself in many different ways. Take for example the work you have already done today: that was indeed clever, and I applaud it. Now I want you to go and perform another clever miracle with that local authority enquiry.”

Mollified, Hermione went off to the company office to see what she could put together. Reg in the meantime sought out Frances, and eventually found her supervising Sidra and Elizabeth in their studies. The Anwar girls were watching the older girls working. He gestured to his wife, “Frances, can I have a word?”

She left the four teenagers and came over to Reg, who drew her into the hallway, out of earshot.

“Darling, were you aware of Hermione acting sort of romantically towards me>”

“Romantically? Hermione? No, dear. Why?”

“A few minutes ago, she called me ‘darling’, then claimed it was just a follow-on from all you girls calling me that. Later in the conversation, she grabbed my face and kissed me, supposedly in admiration or something. I am not sure. It all left me unsettled.”

Frances took a long look at his face, and sighed. “Reg, things happen around you that defy logic, but your mere existence at times defies logic in my world. Hermione is not the sort of person I would expect to fall for you, but if Fiona could do it, then anyone could. I am just not sure what to advise you.”

“You think I am safe from her amorous intentions, if she has them?” He sounded worried.

“I can’t say that, Reg. What may have happened is that you have turned her from a self-obsessed country bumpkin into a helpful and considerate member of our company staff, and as a result she sees you as her hero.”

“Self-obsessed, yes, country, yes, but bumpkin, no. That woman has brain talents and is not stupid, and neither is her younger sister, my darling wife. Their work proves that. There is a big difference between being clever and using your brain properly. Back at her parents’ farm, she was just coasting along to suit her laziness. We have changed all that, so now she is a different personality in the same body.”

Frances stared at her husband.

“Reg, you are challenging my estimation of a woman, and doing it effectively. That is unheard of, my lovely man. You have changed, yourself, I can see. I must tell the girls that our husband is maturing: you are going to be a fine father, my love.”

Reg was confused, and showed it.

“But what about Hermione, Frances? What do I do?”

“Reg, you must stop depending on me and the other girls for your social judgements. You are a grown-up man now, despite your background and insecurity. I have some confidence in your ability to judge a situation and come to a conclusion. You surely don’t think she is angling to capture your heart, when you have six loves already?”

She looked into his eyes as she said this, and suddenly stopped.

“My God! You suspect that she IS trying to catch your attention!” Frances thought for a moment.

“Leave it with me, Reg. This requires a group enquiry into the facts.” She hurried to send him back to his office so that she could consult her fellow wives.

Reg obediently returned to his study-cum-office, bemused at Frances’ reaction. He had got used to the regular visits of the hairdresser to all the ladies, and later the frequent calls by the midwife to check up on his wives, but he still could not get his head around this group discussion among the girls when it seemed to him so simple. Perhaps there was more that he was missing? It was tough at times, being the only male in this household.

Then he thought about what he had been like last year, just starting university. Life had changed dramatically, so wonderfully, for him, so why should he worry about such details?

Perhaps it was because he was a mere male, and saw things in factual terms rather than emotional ones.

He returned his attention to his email in-box. There was a lot there, but mostly junk, he expected.

A while later, as he was going over the last of his email, there was a light tap at his study door, and Jemima entered, almost apologetically.

“Ah ... Mr Robertson, can I ask you something? What has happened with Hermione?”

“How do you mean, Jemima?”

“Well, a few minutes ago she was NICE to me.”

“That is a good thing, isn’t it?”

“Yes, but it is not normal for her. She likes to boss me around, as the big sister she is, but this time she was quite solicitous. It worried me.”

“So what did you want me to do?”

“I don’t know. It seems to have something to do with you, for her eyes lit up when she mentioned you. Apparently you gave her some useful advice, but it was more than that, I felt.”

“I see,” said Reg, but he didn’t. “I am still not sure what you want me to do about it, Jemima.”

“Well, this is the first time I have seen her like this. It is as if she has fallen for you, but that can’t be it, as you have plenty of women already, unfortunately. Can you recall what you and she said to each other, a little while back?”

“Oh. Now I remember: I did talk to her about how she treated you, and suggested she be more supportive of you, letting you make your own decisions. It was just in passing that it came up: I wasn’t giving her orders!”

“Well, it worked! She came and apologised to me for how she treated me in the past; told me that I should pursue my own ideas, and she would back me up if I needed it. Astonishing!”

“As long as it works, Jemima; that’s what matters.”

“Anyway, thanks for that, Reg!” She came over and kissed him on the lips. “You are a darling, wonderful, man!”

She turned and left, leaving Reg floundering again. Hermione, and now Jemima!

He thought for a while, then decided to wait and see what Frances’ consultation session came up with. Jemima could just be added to the discussion, if there was no initial consensus. He was not going to go running to Frances this time. Twice in not much more than an hour would be over the top!

He returned to his final emails, deleting almost all of them as he pondered what to do with the one from Frances’ Dad. Mr LeBrun was effectively offering the building to the Robertson family, not as a free rental as before, but as a full property transfer. He was suggesting giving the building to Frances, Reg and the other spouses, as a permanent home, but in Reginald Robertson’s name, for tax purposes. His final words got through to Reg with particular impact.

“With all the discoveries you and your girls have made within the building, you have more or less paid me back for all I spent on buying the place. I have no intention of ever tossing you out, so I thought that you might as well own it outright. I trust you to act in the best interests of your family, just as I do with mine.

There will be maintenance and repair costs which you will then have to pay for, as and when they occur, but with the cash you have amassed in recent months, you should be able to cover that adequately. I would recommend you set aside a sum per month into a maintenance and repair fund, so that when bills arise, you have the cash available to pay for it without worrying about it too much.

When you and your wives graduate, you will have the building as an asset towards a new house elsewhere, should you decide to move. That is always important with a growing family. All of us parents are going to be grandparents before too long, we realise.”

Reg was inclined to accept, as it was a better deal than taking out a mortgage or trying to find a house they could afford, big enough for his new and expanding family. He would talk it over with Frances, first; then if she was fine with the concept, they could ask the other wives for their opinion.

He had a different concern bothering him: what to do about Maryam and her daughters. They could not stay forever, so some solution had to be obtained that would allow them to live safely, free from the threat of her mentally unstable husband and his intention to marry his elder daughter off in Pakistan, against her will.

Maryam had successfully wormed her way into the life of the household, as witness her performance with Jessica over the runaway teens. She and Jessica had done a grand job with these teens and their families, despite the religious and colour clash involved.

Her two daughters had, as predicted, done well with the change to home schooling, under the tutoring of Sidra and Elizabeth. These daughters of his were wonders in themselves, and they had exams coming up shortly. He must have a chat with them to see if they were confident about their chances in the exams. Frances had the exams booked in at the technical college in the next town up the motorway in the next few weeks, if his memory served him right. He trusted she had the transport arranged to get them there and back. He quite fancied a trip there himself, as he could have a look around the town while waiting. His visits to other places had been minimal in the past, so he thought he deserved a chance to see some other places in England, even if it was in the same county.

One of his wishes would be to visit Sir Humphrey Davy’s home town of Penzance in Cornwall. Davy was a hero of Reg’s for his statement in a letter to his mother, “Learning naturally is a true pleasure; how unfortunate then it is that in most schools it is made a pain.” Reg could go along with these sentiments.

Davy was a great scientist, Reg willingly recognised, despite his views on light. He wrote in one 1798 book that light fuelled all chemical reactions, including combustion, and that human bodies ‘fed’ on it, stimulating our nervous systems and allowing us to see, feel, and think. Reg’s opinion was that even the cleverest person can have ‘off’ days; though this weird statement was a bit much for such a normally rational man.

Later, Frances came back to inform him of the conclusions of her group think. She appeared at his study, entered, then turned to lock the door for privacy.

“Reg, we had our group conference, than I went and had a talk with Hermione. She was reticent at first, then admitted that she had changed her view of you. From being an outside influence in collusion with her parents, and not liked as such, she saw you in action in that attack in Scarborough. That made her see you in a better light, but she was not happy at the plans you had for her and Jemima. That turned out far better than she expected, and she was preparing to return home when Elizabeth let fly at her for being self-centred. That made her look at herself in more depth, and she was unhappy with what she saw. Then you came up and offered her an important job with our company, and that turned her outlook upside down again.

She was in a mental turmoil, but at every turn you were there to advise and help her. She told me that she was now enamoured of you. It had not been conscious, until she called you ‘darling’ by accident. It was her subconscious speaking, saying what she was feeling, before she realised it herself.

Then you offered important advice on her relationship with Jemima, and that put the seal on her perception of you as a hero figure. She told me that she now loved you, even though she knew it was impossible, with you already very much married.

This has left our previous conclusion in tatters. Hermione is not the person she was, and is not even the person we all thought she was.

It is confusing, my darling. I don’t know what I think now, and I am unsure what I can recommend to the other girls.”

Reg was astonished at what Frances had just told him. This was not like Frances. She was normally very much in control; self-confident in the extreme, at least since they had become a couple, but a couple with extras, extras that had expanded considerably.

He could see that Frances indeed did not know what to do, so he opened his arms to her, and she rushed into them, seeking consolation or reassurance or simply a loving cuddle; he was not sure which. He whispered to her, “Welcome to my world, Frances darling. I often have the same problem. I take a ‘time-out’ and wait until I calm down, then everything seems to settle into manageable proportions. Take a deep breath, breathe out slowly and let your mind become calm again.”

She whispered back, “I think it is my pregnancy that is affecting me, Reg. My hormones are not normal, and my mind is having difficulty comprehending it. Hopefully I will be okay soon. If you fondle me a little, that may help.”

Reg did not need to be asked twice, and his hands were on her breasts in an instant. He always enjoyed playing with his wives’ breasts, so this was normal for him. These wonderful breasts had become more tender with pregnancy, so he was very careful not to be rough in caressing them. He allowed his other hand to run up and down her leg, for he had soon found with his girls that he was a leg man as well. In fact, he was an ‘everything’ man when it came to his girls!

Frances slowly relaxed, and kissed her husband in gratitude for his solicitous treatment. She murmured, “I still don’t know what to do, but you made me feel better about it.”

“Better about your indecision?”

“No. Better about accepting Hermione, and possibly Jemima.”

“Pardon? What do you mean ‘accepting’?”

“Hermione, and I suspect Jemima too, wants a piece of you”

“Oh. Jemima made a point of kissing me earlier. Is that what you meant?”

“Not really. I think they want sex with you.”

“Why? I mean, why would they want that? They know I am happily married.”

“That is part of it. They have seen how you can keep six girls happy, and pregnant as well, so they don’t see any problem with you keeping them happy too.”

Reg grimaced. “I hope that didn’t imply getting them pregnant too!”

“That is one of the factors I had trouble with, Reg. I am certain they want sex with you, but I am not so certain about pregnancy. Maybe they do think that way; but I haven’t asked.”

“Frances, did you never think about asking what I want to do?” he asked plaintively.

“Of course I did, but I decided that you would want your wives to make that call. That is what you usually conclude on any major decision. It is not exactly passing the buck, as the yanks say, but it is certainly awarding your wives the lion’s share of power over your life.”

“But while I prefer to have you girls on board with any decision before I make it, I do like it to be my own decision in the end; not a ‘fait accomplis’ presented to me.”

“Darling, it is never that way. What happens is that when you have a social-type problem, you recognise that your wives have more and better experience to work from, so you ask them to advise you. We offer the requested advice, and you proceed with it. The fact that you always take our advice is your recognition that it is good advice. Is that not so?”

Reg found he had been pushed into a corner, with no way out. He was forced to agree with the logic he had been presented with, by Frances in this case, but he felt he should try to be a little more masterful. He sought to add his own logic to the equation,

“Frances, shouldn’t Hermione and Jemima consult their parents before venturing into the unknown?”

“To what purpose, darling? Their parents have no knowledge relevant to the question, so they would simply be prattling the standard social and religious pabulum to the two girls. That wouldn’t help the pair at all; simply confuse them.”

“Damn, woman. You keep throwing my logic back in my face!”

“Reg darling, you were the one who told us to think that way, remember? That is the university standard: think rationally, not emotionally.”

He agreed, and demanded grumpily, “Well, then, what did our wives say?”

“Effectively, they passed the ball back to me. They claimed that they were not in a position to gainsay another woman’s desire for happiness. Even Erika and Freda took that line, surprising me. I think they have adopted the group’s ethos because they forced your hand, and your cock, at the beginning, when we first took you over. They feel guilty at that, and don’t want to spoil another woman’s chances.”

She paused, took a breath, and said, “I can see their reasoning, even if I disagree with it. To me, it is our responsibility as your wives to give you unbiased advice, and their present viewpoint is biased in my estimation, as a result of their past experience.

So it is down to me to advise you. I don’t want to push you one way or another, my love. I suggest that we talk to Hermione, with or without Jemima present, and see what we can get out of them. After all, they were brought here actually against their will, at the behest of you and their parents.

It is a big jump for them to want to be with you now, and I am slightly afraid that it is the kidnap syndrome, where the captive begins to align with the captor. I mentioned that to Fiona, but she says it is not an exact analogy, though there may be some slight effect involved in the situation.

That is what I have been thinking, so it will be your judgement, my love, in the final determination.

Shall we interview them?”

Reg nodded his head sagely. “It is not what I expected, but you have done your best, Frances my darling. I need you here with me, to stop me if I am going wrong. We must see what Hermione and Jemima have to say for themselves. Hermione is working in the office, but I don’t know what Jemima is doing.”

“Oh, she was out in the garden half an hour back, with Jessica, learning about what each of the trees and other plants are. It seems she wants to do some gardening for us. Imagine: growing up on a farm, and not knowing which tree is apple and which cherry, and the difference between lupin and Montbretia, or I should say, crocosmia, as it is now known.”

“Francis, I didn’t either, apart from pictures in books, but I soon learned what we had in our garden. I needed to know what was a weed and what was a planted flower. Most flowers started out as wild plants, you know. I am glad to know that Jemima is also teaching herself. Is it too soon to call her in? We can speak to Hermione by herself, if you want.”

“Might be best to do that, darling. Jemima would not be at her best if we pull her away from that. I’ll go fetch Hermione.” She got up and left the study, returning a few minutes later with an apprehensive Hermione.

Hermione burst out tearfully on seeing Reg, “What did I do wrong, Reg? I didn’t mean to upset you and Frances!”

Reg held up a hand. “Hold it, Hermione! Don’t jump to wrong conclusions before we even speak to you. Let us explain why you are here, and then you can say what you like. Okay?”

She looked a little less frightened now, and started to calm down. She grabbed Frances’ hand. “I didn’t mean to upset you; really, Frances.”

Frances told her, “I know dear. Sit down, woman. Let Reg say his piece, please.”

Once she had quietened and sat down, Reg started.

“Hermione, I need to know your intentions towards me, and also towards my wives. This is no accusation or threat to you. Your job is secure here. Start from that premise when you respond.”

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Taking Beth part 1

There was no hiding the fact she had made a scene. Beth knew she had lost control completely and that had not been a very bright thing to do. Unfortunately, if her intention had been to raise the issue of her brother’s plight, then she had totally failed. The prison staff had only been interested in her and the negative impact she was having on the whole ward. They simply marched her out of the hospital wing and took Beth straight to an isolation cell, before dumping her unceremoniously...

3 years ago
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My first time part 1 true

This is my first story on here and it is also a true story about my first experience! I hope you enjoy please leave a comment or message me your thoughts. I was in my last year of high school, i was 17 years old and i was quite mature for my age. It was with my beautiful english teacher her name was Miss.Steele. she was a goddess of a woman. She was about 5ft 6 with a beautiful thin but curvy body. She had sholder length dark brown hair, with crystal blue eyes. She had a big bust and a nice...

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Chronos ChroniclesChapter 8

The two hours fly by fast. I am the first up the ladder and out into the open. It feels so good to breathe fresh air, and feel the wind on my face. I had not realized how much I missed it, living from one artificial world to another. And lucky me, I am getting my first sunset of the Sun in a 100 years. It is beautiful. I want to bask in the splendid sight forever. Gwen wants to take me over to meet some of the other women. Saber and Melville want to head off to look for the hidden entrance...

3 years ago
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Fi Just Cant Get Enough

It was Friday, and Peter was going to visit his girlfriend, Fiona. He was a lecturer at a local college. He was about 6 feet tall, with a regular build. Most of his female students thought he was kinda cute. He had almost black hair, and very dark brown eyes. Fiona lived on the second floor of an apartment building about a mile from the campus, meaning Peter could walk there and leave the car at work. That was what he was doing today. The sun was out, and it was a pleasant walk. He turned the...

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I was 19 and still a virgin. I wasn't bad looking or fat. I graduated high school at 6 foot tall and 200 pounds and I kept working out after graduation. I was kinda shy in school when it came to asking a girl out. With older sisters, I was always around their friends who were also older. So in school I was always attracted to the girls ahead of me. Unfortunately they all wanted guys their age or older. Fast forward to the spring after I graduated. I skipped college and went to work. I...

1 year ago
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My Uncles my Dad

100% fiction! My name is Mike and I just turned 18. I live with my mom, my uncle Don (moms brother) and my older brother Ted. Me and Ted share a room in our 3 bedroom house and he's a real perv. I catch him jacking off constantly and I can hear him jacking off at night when we turn out the lights. He starts watching porn on our computer as soon as he gets off work which is ironic because he works at an adult bookstore. Moms 54, a little plump with big boobs and a nice round butt. She has short...

4 years ago
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Halloween Party for 3

A local club I frequented always tried to go all out for Halloween. So did the patrons, especially the women. It was mostly a younger crowd so the outfits pushed a few limits. In other words most were revealing as hell. A friend of mine worked as the head bouncer and he was on door duty checking IDs when I got there. He had just let in a couple of young women, one was a school girl with a vary short skirt and the other a witch in a black robe, boots, and hat. I had on all black and was made up...

2 years ago
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A Whole New Light Pt 1

a Saturday morning because I forgot to turn it off. I mannage to hit every button besides the one to stop it. Damn it I'm up I'm up. I got up hopped in shower and got dressed. A few minutes later my sister comes busting through my door. Haaaappppy Birrrthdaaaay little bro!! HOLY SHIT I FORGOT! Well since you never do anything for your birthday im taking you out. How do you like my outfit? That when I noticed how freaking hot she was. My sister always looked good but...

2 years ago
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Granpas punishment

It was getting going on Midnight when I came home from work as I thought Grandpa was in bed sleeping the night away. When he acutally was not even home yet. For some odd reason he had gone to the bar with his buddy for a change. Thinking I was to myself with no worries, I turned my computer on and headed to the porn site. I was still yet a virgin, wondering what it would be like to suck a cock, or have a cock in me..Read the porn sities and looking at the pictures was a big turn on for...

2 years ago
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The New Hole Part 3

Introduction: Please read parts 1 and 2 prior to this story Part 3 We got in the car to head home and immediately started making out and rubbing the others crotch. Rebeccas pussy was wetter than I have ever felt it. I easily slid three fingers deep in her hole and she moaned in delight, humping my fingers as we kissed. She unlocked her lips from mine and told me how great it felt to be such a slut and how much she liked watching me get off with the other couple. Before we could go too much...

3 years ago
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Tampa FL gloryhole

I was in Tampa last weekend on business and finished up early on Thursday. I went back to my hotel room and got online. I was watching some porn rubbing my little dick when I cam across a website that listed local cruising spots and glory holes. I hadn't been to a glory hole in over a year with a friend of mine. I found one that was only a few blocks away so I decided to go check it out. I had packed a pair of my wife's panties with me and a garter belt and fishnet stockings so I decided...

3 years ago
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Locked out neighbor

LIt was cold, windy and rainy day, The power had been knocked out for nearly 8 hours now. I had decided to stay home from work, which proved to be a great decision. There was nothing to do, so I laid on the couch covered in about 3 blankets trying to stay warm.My phones weather app was showing 36 degrees outside, and it didn't feel much warmer inside. There had been a ice storm the day before which eventually caused the power outage. I told my wife I wasn't feeling well and stayed home from...

2 years ago
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Bunny and the SlopesChapter 3

Bunny's eyes opened blearily. "Jack?" she asked, confused. "It's OK, baby." he crooned to her, kissing her nose. He was shaking all over. He saw past Bunny's head as Melody and Tiffany pulled a stark naked and still dripping Linda out of the bathroom, both of them shushing her quietly. They pulled her around the corner into the entry way to the room, which put them almost out of sight of the bed. Jack heard Tiffany's whisper, too loud, telling the girl to get dressed. "What's...

1 year ago
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Adult Empire Big Tits

Men are simple creatures. While ladies are busy having some of the most complicated genitals in the known universe, guys keep it easy. We have a penis, it wants to be stroked, and when it's stroked, we are happy. It's about as far from brain surgery as one can get.Universal Boner DonerThe only step that has to happen before the stroking can begin is getting hard. Fortunately, the same few things can get almost any man hard, and chief amongst these few things are a big honking set of tits.Big...

Premium Big Tits Sites
4 years ago
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KINKChapter 9 Study Session

The next afternoon couldn’t come fast enough for Dillon. It was the final designated ‘in class’ time that he and Suki would have to work on their assignment. And, even though he was convinced they’d be seeing more of each other, he just couldn’t wait to see her again. He’d well and truly transferred all of her pictures across to his laptop, in doing so, inadvertently spending another late night jerking off to the images. Even going so far as to put them in a folder titled: My girlfriend,...

3 years ago
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Three is a Good Crowd in the Neighborhood

Megan sat on a bench at the park reading a book. The sun was shining and a gentle breeze rustled the trees. The birds were chirping.         Megan felt someone staring at her but when she looked up there was no one there. After some time passed Megan collected her belongings and left the park for home.         Home was just a few blocks away. She stopped of at the local bistro for pastries. Again she felt someone staring at her but when she looked there was no one there. She tried to ignore...

3 years ago
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The Lady and the Cowboy Ch 05

The next morning, I was sitting on my bed, brushing through my hair, and completely oblivious to what was going on around me. I could still feel him on my body, and even though there was a small ache between my legs, I welcomed it as a reminder of what Tripp and I had done last night. I relived those moments over and over again as I dreamily got ready for the day. ‘Earth to Kira?’ I turned when I heard Lucy and saw her watching me from her side of the room. She was cautious, and didn’t seem...

1 year ago
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Hell Springs Chapter 1

I had been camping for the last week in an area locally known as ‘Hell Springs’. The area had a number of natural hot springs, some quite hot, and a few years back, we (as I was one of the locals that had helped) had built a number of hot tubs fed by the springs. While quite popular during the off season, here in late fall campers were few, and just the day before the last camper other than myself had taken off. So I was disappointed when very late at night I heard the sounds of a camp...

1 year ago
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Birthday Girl Ch 06

Hey Guys, Apologies for the late submission, life has a knack of getting in the way sometimes. I’ve used some creative license for this one so kindly bear with me, all the facts may not be totally accurate. This is a work of fiction and no part of it may be copied or reproduced without the express permission of the author and a signed affidavit from the league of extraordinary gentlemen. Seriously though, don’t be a cunt. Please don’t forget to vote and comment, it’s the only way for me to...

1 year ago
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The Seduction Of A Student

She watched her professor speak during the period. Things that were better left unsaid were beginning to crowd her mind. It was as if she couldn’t help herself. Every time she sat in her chair for class, her eyes focused straight on him, and didn’t leave him until the hour ended. He was a man of strength and intelligence. His shrewd blue eyes didn’t miss anything, and she was almost positive he had already noticed her admiring glances. His body didn’t help matters. She knew he had been in the...

2 years ago
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inspired by a hamster email friend

i writei never waste a drop of sweet cum. unless it tastes bad. i'd love to be on my knees and @ your disposal. and i AM really goodi love to pleasei can be very sub, and very dom, depends on who it is and how they inspire me. i did years of sensual massage, they were at my mercy. many times i slipped a finger in their ass which they didn't expect. but i know how, and made them like it, gave it to them better than anyone before me, needless to say, after i made them cum at least twice in one...

3 years ago
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Slow Learner

Sex ed in school taught me the mechanics but fell short when it came to practicalities. Take orgasms, for example. They told us orgasms happen when you’re married to a woman and you want to make a baby. They never once mentioned masturbation, so the idea that I might make myself have an orgasm never occurred to me. They told me about intercourse, too, for all the good it did. They said you put your penis in her vagina, and you have an orgasm. I didn’t even know I’d have to rub it in and out....

2 years ago
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Stepson Fantasies Chapter 3 a Team Effort

Peggy was now in full MILF Slut mode. A week or so back she broke all norms by seducing and then fucking her stepson, Steve. It happened innocently enough, she thought to herself, but it would never have happened if she had been more careful. If she had just made sure her bedroom door was closed during her morning ritual of masturbating on her bed, then Steve would not have innocently seen her playing with herself. Events then took a new course and she ended up with his lovely young erection...

2 years ago
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and the juices shall flow

Knock, knock…I open the front door, and you’re standing there, looking as beautiful as ever in a white tank top and a long flowing cotton skirt. I invite you in and close the door. I turn around, pull you into my arms and grab you gently at the back of your neck. I place my mouth onto yours, kissing you passionately, exploring every part of your mouth with my tongue. I can feel my clit start to throb. I move my hand lower to cup your arse, pulling you closer to me, kissing you harder with a...

4 years ago
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Fucking Theater Girls

There is one big advantage to drama that I think should be mentioned: the girls are amazing. They are almost universally attractive in all types, and being only average looking like I am still makes one look good compared to the rest of the actors. I’d had a few flames in the drama program but none that lasted long or were astounding in bed. There was one girl I’d always admired from a distance though. Her name was Hailey. She had somehow got herself typecast as the goddess or queen role,...

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Fun at Work part 6

Monday. It's D-Day. It's the first day of the working week and is usually the busiest day. I never liked Mondays. And this Monday, in particular, was on top of the list of all the Mondays that I hate. If there is such a thing.That's because I was dreading to see Peter, the new guy at work. The same guy I had awesome sex with a couple of days back. Twas a steamy Saturday. And it felt really, really good. I would've considered it a perfect day if only we were a couple; if it weren't for the...

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SRU Spare Key

Permission to post to TSA list, archive, and website. Permission to post to TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictomania site. Personal copies for non commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected]...

4 years ago
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An Ordinary Movie Date Pt 2

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Lucas grabbed her arm, spinning her to face him. “I have no idea what you are talking about hun.” Kristina gave a devilish grin licking her lips a bit. “You know exactly what I’m talking about.” Despite the fact that they just had the most amazing sex that Lucas had ever had, Kristina made everyone in the theater aware of it. “I’m pretty sure I saw my third grade teacher in there! Now she knows I just got my dick sucked while she was enjoying a night out...

2 years ago
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The Coffee ShopChapter 15

Glenn sat across from Sierra at their kitchen table. Jackie entered wearing a pink sleep tee and carrying the screen from her laptop. “Good morning,” he said. “Sleep well?” her mother asked. “Really well. I told Marcus about your offer and he was very pleased. Would it be okay if we invited him to dinner on Friday and he stays over?” “I think that would be fine,” Sierra replied. “I told him about our fancy new range. He offered to make dinner for us.” “That would be very nice,” Glenn...

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My math tutors cock

When I was much young, my parents got my a math tutor to help bring up my grades. Kevin was an older k**, old enough to drive to my house anyways. He would come over, after I got out of school, twice a week. My parents were always at work, but didn't mind him coming over, they said, "he is a nice, respectable k**." By our third session, he had my pants down and was sucking my dick. I was young and horny, it wasn't hard for him to seduce me. The feeling of a mouth, any mouth, on my young cock...

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Abby Ch 25

Abby drove Mr. Brasher down to the station the next day, leaving him to wander around at his own pace. It was some time before he returned to her with a smile on his face. ‘I always get emotional when I see a place such as this. It looks so forlorn and neglected now, its purpose forgotten. But it was once an essential part of an economy that boosted this Country’s wealth and social standards to be the envy of the World. Knowing that it will be restored is a source of great happiness for me.’...

4 years ago
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"Shit!" I snapped. But the tape measure never lies, my hips still were a plump thirty eight inches even though I'd lost five pounds. It's a good job, Dave, he's my boyfriend likes me like this. Well, at least I lost an inch off my waist so now that's down to twenty five inches. My tits are still the generous 'D' cup and I pray to god that they will always be so. Dave would drop me in an instant if I lost my big tits. "So how's it going then?" Dave asked as he sees the tape measure...

2 years ago
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Bachelorette Dancer

“Okay now, Bonnie asked for the last time, you got everything under control!?! Uh, yeah, he replied, I’ve got the boom box, the CD’s, my wardrobe, and the address, I think that’s it! Good, she answered, make sure you give them a good show, now the deal is they give you five hundred up front, and you get to keep two, any tips you make are all yours! What if they pay me by check, he questioned?!? It doesn’t matter how they pay you, you bring back either the check or cash to me and I’ll cut you a...

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Sexy Foreplays At Coaching

Heya, my name is Vishal from Jaipur. I am an average looking guy but girls find me attractive having handsome personality. I will use both Hindi and English words in the story to make it comfortable to read. This story is about three girls and me at a Science Coaching, where we discovered lots of fantasies and had foreplay and then a hardcore sex session. Sexy Bhabhis and Girls can fulfill their desire with me, no love relationship needed. Coming on the story. This happened several years back...

2 years ago
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Gay First Goryhole Experience

This is a true story. A year or so after my first gay experience, I decided to try again. This time I wanted to have my fun anonymously. I was really only interested in giving oral and bottoming, but knew most guys would want to give it back. I had seen many gloryhole ads on Craigslist, and decided to give it a try. The ad I selected was a 51 year old man with a fetish for younger twinks, and had a gloryhole set up at his house. I emailed him back and fourth, until I had his address and a time...

3 years ago
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Legion of LightChapter 6 Knowledge Gained

I jumped into the driver's seat of the Grav Bus and waited briefly until everyone was aboard. As usual, we were only a couple minutes in getting to our destination. As the crew piled out of the bus, I stepped between them and our destination. "Welcome to what we call the 'Garden of Knowledge'" I said, waving my hand at the area behind me. Behind me was a shimmering wall of energy. The curtain really existed. I saw Mike covering his mouth with a hand to hide his snicker. I did heard a...

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Amy Terry Tom and OthersChapter 6

Anh went back to work. Terry visited the office to explain his change of status. "I don't think there'll be a big problem," Janice said thoughtfully. "Have you got a date yet?" "We haven't thought that far ahead, but I think we'd like it sooner rather than later." "What about Amy and the arrangement we made that she'd be around for the first couple of weeks of Tom's work experience? We got her CRB check." (The CRB is the Criminal Records Bureau. Persons wishing to work with...

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Everybody Loves Raymonds Wife

Everybody Love's Raymond's Wife (Chapter's 1-5) Warning: This story is fiction, and should be treatedas such. The following story is for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, andcontains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult, or readingsex stories upset you, DO NOT read any further. If it is illegal in yourlocation, DO NOT read it. This is a copyrighted work. Copyright by NotMy Story. Reposting or any other use of it is strictly prohibited withoutthe express, written permission of...

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