Reginald's FutureChapter 3 free porn video

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It was morning when the team changeover occurred, and he found himself with Fiona, Jessica and Freda, so had to start all over again, but he got up to have a pee before the second shift started on him. It was just as well that Frances had told him he was not attending university today. His instructions were to stay at home and relax; he would need time to recover, and would probably sleep some more.

It was near lunchtime, just after telling Carol that he wanted a light lunch and see how his system coped; before he was interrupted by Hermione bringing her office phone to him in the sitting room.

“Mr Robertson, there is a Mr Jones on the phone about our company services. As you are in the office today, I thought you might wish to speak with him.” She gave Reg a wink as she went through her formal introduction.

“Thank you, Hermione. Mr Jones, you said?”

“Yes, sir.” Reg took the phone.

“Hello, Mr Jones. I presume you have heard a little about our company, but you may have a special need. What then can we do for you?”

“Mr Robertson, my wife met you at church yesterday, and told me about your company. I had never heard of you. Are you new?”

“We are indeed, sir, but I can offer two previous corporate clients who can attest to our abilities, should you need reassurance.”

“No, I will take your word for it. I work for an insurance company, and we occasionally have trouble recovering stolen or otherwise misappropriated items. I wondered if your firm has in interest in such a ‘recovery’?”

“I see. I confess it was not in our initial company plan, but it has been mentioned as an area we ought to include. If you can tell me a little of something specific, I can see what my staff think of it. If we see a possibility of success, we will accept the challenge, but if I get a negative response by my staff, I shall have to decline the offer of work.”

“That sounds a reasonable position to take, Mr Robertson. I presume you will not be interested in small items, given the size of your basic fee.”

“Quite right, sir. We aim to assist with recovery of much larger amounts, at a minimum greater than our fee. We have shown we can produce six-figure improvements for our clients, though that may not always be the case. We try to make the client satisfied with our work, so that our reputation is enhanced.”

“I take your point. A recent example we have for your consideration is that of suspected arson, with a building valued at around a million pounds. Proving arson is not easy, as you will appreciate, and the police have little interest, without positive evidence. The fire people can tell us that there may be a suspicion of arson, but if there is no sign of an accelerant, the fire service will not commit themselves to arson, and the insurance company are stuck.”

“That sounds a toughie, but we have some experts on our staff that have good ideas, so if you tell me – or send me by email – the details, we can make a preliminary judgement and get back to you. At that valuation, was it an industrial building?”

“Indeed it was. Does that make a difference?”

“We have access to the expertise of a company that buys and sells buildings, so there may be additional talent we can bring to bear. We may have to pay for that expertise, but if it leads to a happy conclusion, I am sure you will not demur.”

“Let us say that if there were not a fully satisfactory solution, it comes out of your basic fee, but if it all works out well, there will be no problem about that extra. Fair?”

“Fair. The details, then?”

“I’ll email it to you. There is much more than can be easily spoken of. You should have it within 24 hours.”

“That will suit us fine, Mr Jones. Goodbye for now.”

Reg put the phone down, and found himself clammy and shivery. He was definitely not himself, despite his performance on the telephone. He decided to try himself with a light lunch, then go back to bed for a postprandial snooze. First, he wrote down a summary of what Mr Jones had told him over the phone, just in case he forgot something.

Carol brought him a cheese and melon salad, complete with baby tomatoes and watercress, and he managed to eat that. He thanked her for her choice. “It was just right for me now, Carol, but don’t assume a full main course for me at dinner time.”

“No bother. One of us will ask you before we serve, and adjust your plateful to suit your appetite.”

“Thanks again to you both. I’ll be off for a snooze shortly. If I can manage to sleep, I don’t want to be wakened until at least four o’clock. Will you pass that round the other ladies?”

“Wow. Elizabeth and Sidra will be delighted to be referred to as ‘ladies’. Holly and I naturally assume we fit that designation...”

“You are indeed ladies. Do the Pringle boys recognise that?”

“They do, Reg. We have them under control; or at least I think we do. They seem to think that their studies come before us girls ... um ... us ladies. We have learned a fair amount about dating recently, but we are still virgins. Certainly I am and I think my sister is also; I haven’t dared ask.”

“Good girl. Time for me to get some sleep before my wives return.”

As he gently drifted of to a drowsy sleep, he wondered how you can set fire to a building and leave no trace of the activity. That conjecture faded with consciousness, and his body relaxed.

“Wake up, Reg! It is four o’clock!” Holly was calling from the door of the master bedroom. His room had been adapted to that designation when his girls laughingly called him ‘master’. It wasn’t any bigger in dimensions, but it had gained a certain ambience...

“Huh? Oh, yes. Four already? I’d best get up, shower and get some clothes on.”

He was still dressing when there was a knock at the front door, and Holly answered it. There was a policeman outside, who asked for Reginald Robertson.

“He is dressing at the moment, sir, after an afternoon sleep. Would you care to come in and wait for a little while?”

The man entered and Holly offered him a cup of tea or coffee, while she sent Carol to inform Reg.

Shortly Reginald entered the room, and greeted the man.

“Sergeant Phillips! What brings you here?”

“To bring you an update, Reg. The Bomb Squad confirmed your first find as an incendiary device, and the second trace proved to be another one. They were confused by these bombs being just a metre down in the soil. If they had come straight down, they should he gone much deeper, seeing that they failed to explode. They had a look at the rock outcrop further up the hill, and deduced that the stick of bombs had struck the rock and bounced off in various directions. This meant they hit the softer ground at odd inclinations, and with reduced velocity, burying themselves only a metre or two.

Having sorted that out, the officer in charge left his men to begin the process of dealing with these, while he looked for more weapons. If two bombs in a stick were defective, the chances are that the whole stick was the same, so there should be more in the vicinity. He explained to me the likely reason for the failures. Many of these bombs were put together with forced labour – slaves, effectively, and so these slaves did what they could to sabotage the fuses. No-one would know about it until they had landed in England, and so the slave workers would be safe from retaliation.

Anyway, the officer had his men blow up the two devices, then organised a detection sweep all round the top of the hill for a quarter of a mile around. They located two more and exploded them in situ as the safest option. Any others lying on the ground were likely found at the time of the war. They have now concluded their work and are clearing up now. The farmer has been told that you can resume your treasure hunting from tomorrow. Happy about that?”

Reg grimaced. “Yes and no, sergeant. I can only do my detecting at the weekend, so making a start tomorrow is not possible for me. It is nice to know the threat has gone away, though. It had me very worried, and my ladies were not too happy as well, about the threat I faced.

Thanks for coming to let me know. I am grateful to you for that.”

As the sergeant was heading back to the front door, he commented, “I was actually surprised to find you at home. I thought I would be leaving a message for you.”

Reg admitted, “A touch of emotional shock from finding bombs, sergeant. I was not too happy, and felt quite unwell for a time. I am partly improved now, but may not be back at university for another day or two.”

“Sorry to hear that, Reg. I know of others who had suffered from that reaction, so you might take a lot longer to get over it. Take care, young man.”

Reg closed the door behind the policeman, and returned to the living room. He had a textbook on meteorology he wanted to get out and read another chapter of it before his wives got home. He had not realised clouds were so heavy, but when you think of the amount of water a cloudburst can drop on the land, it becomes quite believable!

Out of the blue, he found himself shivering again, with his tummy feeling unsafe, and recognised that he was not back to normal at all: it had just seemed that way temporarily. A quick trip to the toilet let him empty his bowels with a bout of diarrhea. He decided to follow the medical advice and not make his own self-diagnosis. The trouble was, he didn’t know what he should be doing now. It was all so confusing ... When his ladies returned, they fussed over him immediately. While enjoying this attention, Reg found himself objecting to it as an over-reaction. He knew he shouldn’t feel this way, but reckoned that this was another symptom of his emotional shock.

When Frances asked him, “Anything new in your emails, Reg?” it came as a shock to him that he had failed to check his emails. He NEVER failed to check his email, normally.

He admitted this failure, so Frances went to his computer and checked for him. She returned a while later to ask with a frown, “What the heck is this stuff about a building, Reg?”

“Oh, yes. I should have said. I was phoned by the husband of a lady one of you girls spoke to yesterday. Oh, no, sorry. It was Jemima, I think.”

“Stop faffing around, Reg, and get to the point: what is this stuff?”

“The guy works for an insurance company, and they want us to investigate a suspected arson that they can’t get evidence for. This is the data for us to look at before we decide to take it on or not.”

“Ah. So we are not committed yet?”

“No. I knew we needed to see the facts before saying whether it was something we could handle.”

“I am glad you did. You are not yourself yet, my man, so leave it to us girls to have a first read-through, and we’ll let you know what we think.”

“Thanks, Frances. I came to the realisation today that I was still not well. I had a snooze in bed this afternoon; I think that helped, but my thinking is still a bit muddled at times.”

“That’s all right, my love. We will see that you are supported back to normal. We do love you, you know.”

“I know, Frances. I am just not myself ... uh, I’ve already said that...”

“Yes. You are not as erudite as you usually are. You’ll get there, though. You are still my Reg.”

“I hope so. I don’t like myself at the moment. Don’t expect me to be able to help much with this insurance scam, darling.”

“You have a pretty competent staff to work on the matter, Reg. Just leave it to us. Oh, I think I am repeating myself, too!” she laughed.

Reg shrugged, and looked around to see if any other of his wives wanted a tete-a-tete, but none were in evidence. Frances had told them not to overwhelm Reg with attention, but to go to him one at a time later.

Unfortunately, this departure merely made him feel nervous, and Frances sighed to herself.

“O.K., Reg. Who do you want to see?”

“Fiona, please; just for a minute.”

Frances went off and sent Fiona to him.

“Yes, Reg?”

“Fiona, this material we have received about a possible arson scam: can you please examine it from a psychological perspective, and give the other girls your ideas on what may be going on there?”

“Look at the perpetrator’s psychology, eh? Sure, I can do that. Anything else?”

“No, apart from your pregnancy: everything going well with that?”

“So far, so good, my love. The midwife wants to give us all a thorough examination next week – or is it later this week? Anyway, she will give us an accurate sit-rep.”

“Sit-rep? Where did you pick up that military term?”

“One of the lecturers mentioned it. He revealed in his lecture that he was an officer in the Territorial Army for many years: surprised me. He seemed an innocuous chap up to that point.”

“Oh? By now, Fiona, you ought know you can’t tell the true content of a book by its cover. It is the same with people, I have found. You girls each have defects of one kind or another that merely hide your talents, but these defects are miniscule in reality. In the full scheme of things you are wonderful women who have enlivened my life and made me the happiest man in the world.”

Fiona seemed to be about to say something about any of her own defects – which she did not believe she had – but thought better of it in case Reg told her exactly what was wrong with her assumed perfection. She preferred simply accepting his obvious love and attention.

Reg went on, wonderingly, “I have a sudden epiphany that the man who is claiming insurance is another human being with unknown talents or connections to unknown talents. Take that thought with you, Fiona; it might be useful.”

After dinner the wives all retired to one of the bedrooms for a private chat, and to look over the emailed documents that Frances had printed out for them. The printer had been busy for a while, producing six copies of the documentation they now had before them.

They each either sat in a chair or lounged on the bed, papers in their hands, silently scanning the data contained therein. It took nearly three-quarters of an hour before they started their analysis of it.

An hour after that, and they were back to speak with Reg in the sitting room. He looked up as they trooped into the room. He could tell they had something to report. He lifted his eyebrows in query.

Frances took the lead. “Reg, we have gone over the data supplied. There is a fire brigade report, a report from the Insurance Company’s structural expert, and another from the firm’s loss adjuster.

Their conclusion, jointly, is that there is a strong possibility that this was arson, but that there is no positive proof of that conclusion, merely hints and assumptions. The biggest factor is that the owner was losing money on that building, and its loss was his financial gain.

The fire brigade’s unease is due to them being unable to show why the fire started. Even in a case of innocence, the cause of the fire is usually self-evident; but in this case all they can say is that it started at a low level, most likely the basement, and there was enough old painted wood and oil-soaked floor timbers to make it burn fiercely. There was no sign of an accelerant, and that has them puzzled.”

Reg had listened carefully, and knew there was more. “And... ?”

Frances gestured towards Fiona, who took up the tale.

“The building was owned by one man, through a limited company with him as sole shareholder. He is married, and the loss adjuster was extremely put out by the man’s equanimity. Oh, he had put on a show of being devastated, but the assessor had seen such shows before, and knew instinctively that it was faked. This made him very suspicious, but he has no concrete evidence to show for his suspicions.”

Erika took over. “The structural engineer says that the building was a solid structure; stone walls with brick interior walls and basement supports. All the rest was timber, but there was a fire alarm fitted with sensors in various parts of the building. The alarms went off, but the batteries were well down, almost totally depleted – another sign that made the investigators suspicious – and so did not sound for long enough, or loudly enough to attract exterior attention. There was no fixed link to the fire station, and no system for someone to ring the fire brigade; in fact the building was empty of people. All the signs pointed to the building prepared for arson, but absolutely no evidence of a fire accelerant.”

Reg was interested, but saw nothing to go on.

“So, girls, what is your verdict? Drop it?”

Jessica, for once, took the lead in this discussion.

“For now, we don’t think so, Reg. We need more data, according to my university colleagues, and I agree. We need to find out more about this owner, Mr Jacob Moss.”

Reg remained puzzled. “Go on, my love.”

“The general consensus is that he can tell us a lot more about his family and his other connections. The girls believe he must have used a more highly technical manner of starting the fire than the fire brigade and insurers are familiar with, so, some kind of expert knowledge had to be available to him. We need to quiz him, to find out what and who he knows.”

Re looked incredulous at this plan. “You expect him to volunteer this information?”

Jessica responded with a smile, “Yes, my dear boy. Most men are willing to talk to a girl, even brag about their exploits; don’t you agree?”

His eyes widened as he accepted this fact of life. Only his earlier reserved personality would not fit this scenario; though as he thought back, he was only too willing to chat to Frances, as a complete stranger, because she was a girl. A boy, he would have probably ignored unless it was study-related.

“All right, you have me there. Men are susceptible to a pretty face or a sultry voice, or a luscious figure. Me: I was susceptible to almost anything back then; I was not ready to cope with female wiles, was I, Frances?”

“We still have an impact on you, my love. That is one of the really nice things about you. You are not a macho type, but one that is loveable. I still find you cute, even when I get you in my embrace.”

“Yes, but you make good use of your enticing breasts, your curvy behind, your deft fingers and your loving touch; dammit, all of you appeals to me, woman!”

Frances told him, “Granted, Reg, so all we have to do is decide which of us has the most alluring voice on the telephone, and she is the one to make the call.”

“But what excuse can she make for calling him out of the blue?”

“Simple: a university project; she is a university student, after all, so it is easy to think up a project that requires a phone call to a few random members of the population. Fiona has suggested one or two examples already, almost as if she knew what was wanted.”

Reg offered, “Something along the lines of ‘what the average Brit thinks about how businesses operate in this country’?”

“That sort of thing, yes, but it has to be angled so that we can ask the questions we want answered. We are going to draft a set of questions to draw him out. We’ll show them to you once we have done that. We don’t want a male input in drafting the questions, as it might skew them the wrong way.”

Reg grimaced as he thought of something.

“That reminds me: I had better phone our farmer friend to tell him I can’t get back to checking his fields for now.”

Fiona intervened to advise, “You might not be able to get back to that, ever, Reg. It might trigger your emotional shock again, if you return to the scene of the bombs you found. No guarantees, but be aware of the possibility, my poor man.”

“Very well; I’ll be prepared for that, but at some point I want to get back to the farm and find out for myself. I need to face my fears instead of running away from them.” The girls nodded their agreement with that thought.

Reg picked up his phone and dialled the number of the farm. Mrs Robson picked up the call, and Reg said who he was.

“Oh, Mr Robertson, thanks for calling. My husband was anxious to get you back to do more searching. He says the local press will write about the bombs and that will draw attention to the farm, just when he was trying to get it ignored. I’ll get him for you.”

Reg waited for a short while, then the farmer spoke.

“Mr Robertson, thanks for calling. You will have heard that I’d like you back as soon as possible?”

“I did, sir, but after discovering these bombs, I have been suffering from emotional shock, and have been advised to take it easy for a while. It has even been suggested that returning to your fields might give me a relapse!”

“Oh, dear, we can’t have that; you must get well first.”

“Sir, I am determined that this will not stop me. As soon as I feel up to it, I am coming over to walk your fields for a while, just to see how I react. I want to face up to my fears, not hide from them.”

“That sounds like a positive attitude, Mr Robertson. Tell me when you are expecting to be here, and I will walk with you, so that if you have a bad reaction, we can get help immediately.”

“That is generous of you, sir. I’ll take you up on that.”

“Right. That is settled. Is it still just weekends that are available?”

“Yes, sir. Weekends only. My ladies demand my presence here on the weekdays.”

“Ah, yes; your ladies. You live an interesting life, Mr Robertson.”

“I do sir, but it does not hide me from the vicissitudes of life, such as the shock I got from finding unexploded bombs. I still shake from time to time and have bouts of nausea.”

“Then look after yourself, young man. We’ll see you when you feel up to it. Farewell.”

“Farewell, sir.”

Reg closed the call with relief. That was another chore dealt with.

Later in the evening, the girls presented him with a list of questions they proposed to ask. To him, they all seemed innocuous. “None of these seem to be awkward questions,” he told them in surprise.

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Dear friends, My self karan from delhi and I want to tell you something interesting about myself. I love to do sex with different kind of womens and girls,also I fucked more 100 girls and womens in my life. Direct story, Jaisa maine apko bataya ki I love sex to ye baat tab ki hai jab delhi me maine apna new office open kia or hiring start ki apne office ke lie. Ak din ak punjabi bhabhi sonika(name changed) mere office me interview ke lie aayi maine use select kar lia us time maine us bhabhi...

3 years ago
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Hot Lady Needed More Than A Flat Tire Changed

One evening while coming home from the gym, I took a rarely traveled short cut through a tree-lined un-paved road. There was a middle aged woman, standing beside her car. As I got closer, she flagged me down. When I pulled up behind her, I saw she had a flat tire. This very attractive petite 5-2” tall woman who must have been in her mid-40s came up to me and explained that she had a flatter and her she could not make a call on her cell phone. Obviously, frazzled, I tried to calm her down a bit...

1 year ago
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Hattiesburg to the High Seas Day 3

Day 3 Island Karry woke up, grabbed a freestyle breakfast and then put on her new swimsuit and packed her beach bag for the excursion to the private island. She knew her swimsuit on her body would attract lots of men today. It was just a matter of culling the herd to prevent wasting time on those with nothing to offer her. As she was leaving the ship, she saw Clint, the black football coach she had met the day before. “Clint, are you going to the island to work on your sun tan?, she asked. He...

Erotic Fiction
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Deeper Gianna Dior Psychosexual Part 5

Gianna’s clients give her more insight than she is able to give them as she moves through her day in a state of introspection. When Oliver returns to tell her about the work he achieved with Avery, Gianna pushes him to admit why he stays with his wife. His shocking answer brings everything into sharp focus and Gianna leaves her office with a new plan. She texts Mick as she drives, promising this will be the last thing she’ll ever ask him to try. He texts back. Gianna’s next move throws them...

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Dad Made Me Mature

Hi friends I’m Zeni 22 from Kerala, I have good body structure with fair color with long hair, I’m from middle class, my dad working in bike company, my mom working in LIC, I use to watch x movies in my pc, my dad bought me pc when I join in college’s use to watch movies at Saturday because one one there in the home at that day. This incident happen 3 months back, only 3 times I watch movies in net.. It made lot of things in my life. One Saturday I ready to watch some movies.. Because no one in...

3 years ago
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Tyra Crusfiction

After a short distance Tyra staggered and fell to her knees. She knelt here momentarily trying to balance the heavy burden across her shoulders, but couldn't. She fell forward onto her face. Two soldiers had to put her back on her feet and the on-lookers laughed. The procession moved on. When she fell a second time, the centurion became worried that she was so weakened by the severe flogging that she could not carry the patibulum from the Praetorium to the site of the crucifixion and still have...

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I’m getting ready for a night on the town. My hair is done and my outfit picked out. Black tank with a smattering of silver sequins, a black choker necklace with a silver charm of a moon, a short black skirt and thick black high heels with a silver buckle. In keeping with the theme I put on a silver thong and a matching silver bra. I was looking in the mirror, admiring how the outfit enhanced my curves and trying to visualize make up when my phone vibrated. It’s a message from you, asking...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 55 Go Rest High On That Mountain

Homeroom, Medway High School 8:03am, Wednesday, March 21, 1979 The murmurings we heard in the halls before our homeroom session in Mr. Connors’ history room were tragically true. There was a heavy air in the room as a few sobbed, ‘Oh, Gods!‘ and other sadden words were muttered right after Mr. Williamson announced that two of my eleventh grade football teammates were killed in a car crash around ten-thirty on Tuesday night. Rick Wood and Paul Pierce, who was Mr. and Mrs. Pierce’s son, died...

1 year ago
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Goodbye Miss Granger Part 1

Prologue “Miss Granger, may I ask a question?” Oh shit, here we go. Class smart-ass, Craig Wellman. It was the last week of school and the Year 12s were getting feisty; we’d spent the school year preparing them for life after high-school, treating them like adults, loosening the apron strings and encouraging them to engage us as peers, if not as equals. It worked for most of them; at eighteen they can legally drive a car or drink a beer; though preferably not at the same time. Heck, they could...

Straight Sex
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Hildr The Valkyrie

Just before day break, the Viking Elrik and his men set off to meet the Saxons.I was already at the battle site, waiting atop a hill.The clearing was lined on both sides by forest. I noticed movement in the trees on each side. The two forces soon came into view and I could see that the Vikings were out numbered three to one. They came within one hundred yards of each other, stopping and shouting their battle cries.As the sun rose above the horizon, the two forces advanced toward one another at...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Subtitles By Rosie [doorbell] Hi, mum! Oh, Leslie! What a pleasant surprise. Come in. Give your old mother a kiss! [footsteps] My, you're looking very pretty today. Thanks, mum. You're looking nice yourself. You're just saying that to make me feel better about my old age. Come on, mum, you're not old. There you go with your sweet talk again. But seriously, that outfit of yours is very becoming. You like it? Sheila chose it for me. Sheila, huh? Well, she certainly knows...

2 years ago
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Sara brought the young man into her playroom and undressed him. She sat him on the chair and stripped off her clothes as he watched. Her tits were huge and full of milk thanks to the potion she got from the Orient. She sat next to him and pulled his mouth to her full tit and he began to nurse. He was just nineteen and she nursed him twice a day. She also fucked him several times each day and night. She was almost fifty and still had a youthful figure with huge milk filled tits and a great ass...

3 years ago
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The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis 7 Whats in a Name

Chatswroth Osborne, Jr. was played by Stephen Franken. My best other memory of him was as one of Samatha's warlocks on "Bewitched". He was both an admirer of Uncle Arthur, and the "Little Lord Faunteroy" mama's boy that she was engaged to marry without her knowledge or consent. The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis 7: What's in a Name? By Ron Dow75 A blond, crew cut, average early 1960's Working-Middle Class teenager sat on the marble bench in the park in front of the bronze cast...

4 years ago
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Pune Mein Reader Ke Saath Chudayi

Hello friends. Meri peheli ek story post hone ke baad mujhe bahot saare logon ka message aaya. Unme se hi ek thi Sushroni jo 42 years ki thi aur sex na milane ke karan tadap rahi thi. Mera uske saath ka experince aise pesh kar raha hu ki aisa lage ki mein tumhare saath sex kar raha hu. Meine use deewar pe push karke, uski sexy body ko hug karke, ek kiss use de diya. Aapke lips mere lips ko jor se smooch karenge, humari tongue ek dusare ko pyaar degi. Umm, ahh. Aapke haath mere balo mein honge....

1 year ago
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Christmas Day Fucking

Daddy came into my room with a big red bow tied around his dick and said "Merry Christmas". I laughed and said to him that I like this present. I walked over to him and bent over to suck on him. First, I pulled the bow string with my teeth and pulled the bow right off of him. I squatted and got on my knees. I went to grab him and daddy said that he's going to tie my hands behind my back. So, he did just so with his red ribbon, then came back in front of me and told me to suck his dick.I opened...

2 years ago
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Soccer or SuccorChapter 3

Glennie Patterson The next afternoon at practice, I could see it on Amy's face. She had that fresh-fucked look and finally admitted that she had seduced Aaron into screwing her the prior evening. During our chatting as we watched the practice, she told us all about it and Phyllis added comments about her session with Tommy so that by the end of the practice, we all had a pretty good picture of what had happened both times... and I was as horny as I could ever remember being. We agreed...

1 year ago
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One hot vixen

The windows were open, and the tropical air felt good on my skin. I had the covers pulled to the side, letting the light wind softly caress my body as I lie in bed. I’m masturbating as I recall the evening's flirting with Kimi, and what I would like to do with her. My wife, Lorry, is lightly snoring beside me. This wasn’t the first time I had masturbated to the thought of having Kimi in bed. My wife and her best friend Kimi, had had a sewing day, and I knew they hadn’t eaten any real food...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Wasting Time

There is no explicit sex in this story. Although this story is a stand alone, the reader will gain a much deeper understanding of the characters and story line if they first read ‘Binding Ashes.’ I wish to thank the people who helped contribute to and edit this story, per their wishes, they remain anonymous. No part of this story may be published at any other site without the express permission of the author. © December 10, 2006 ********** ‘Ethan, want some more juice… or… anything else?’...

3 years ago
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My roommate made me his black cock loving bitch

Hi my name is Ben i an a virgin and never had sex before. In my spare time i like to wear girl clothes and mascubate to porn. I had got a new roommate recently, he is this tall black guy and his name is Ryan. So one evening wile Ryan was out on a date with some girl i thought i had enough time to dress up and have a little me time. While i wore a pair of pink panties black leggings and a blue shirt i sat in my room and watched some interracial porn. As i was watching porn the door to my room...

2 years ago
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The Night is Young

He promised her all the sex she could handle. He was right. He leaned her head over the bed and pushed his cock in her mouth gagging her. He told her "You have to relax and learn to take that big cock. Tip your head back and let it slide down your throat and suck hard. I love it sucked hard. I am going to make you the best cock sucker in town. Now open wide and let me give you every inch as you suck me dry. You are going to love my big thick cock as it goes down your throat. Suck me till I cum...

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Meri Chudai Ki Dastaan 8211 Part XXXIII 8211 Guest Room Me Dhoom

Ham ko, mujhe aur mere pati ko, unke ek dost ne raat ke khane par bulaya tha. Wo friday ka din tha. Mere pati ke dost ka ghar Gurgaon me tha jo ki hamare ghar se thoda door tha kyon ki hamara ghar to Delhi me hai. Ham wahan sham ko pahunche aur ham ne unke dost aur unki wife ke sath bahut achha samay bitaya. Raat ka khana bahut achha tha. Khane ke pahle ham ne unke drawing room me baith kar drinks bhi kiya tha. Pahle drinks aur uske baad me khana, in sab me kafi raat ho gai thi. Un ke dost ne...

3 years ago
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How you can perk up your sex life

Want to perk up your love life? Well, then start from the kitchen with food that will give you the oomph factor, says an expert.Hormone and anti-ageing specialist Cecilia Tregear says that sex plays an important role in making people look and feel younger.Tregear, who is based at the Wimpole Skin Clinic in Harley Street, London, has worked with hundreds of couples over the course of her 25-year career."The couples who were having lots of regular sex almost always looked younger than those who...

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Masquerades 101 Chapter 27 Temptation

Nicole The cops called me again Saturday morning to let me know they still haven't found anything. I was getting pissed and frustrated. If I was going to get to the bottom of this genie business, I felt I was going to need to go to where it all started. Late Saturday morning, I did just that. I stood at the street in front of Greek Row, the area on campus where all of the fraternities and sororities built their elaborate and exclusive houses. I've been here a few times outside of...

4 years ago
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Family Fuck Farm

You wake up on your eighteenth birthday tired and not particularly excited. Pretty much born and raised on your family's thousand acre farm, most of your childhood to teenage years consisted of a lot of... well... farm work. You have doubts that today would be any different. When you weren't getting homeschooled you worked the fields, fixing fences, pushing hay bails, planting seeds. Occasionally you drove a tractor around. Sometimes you would herd and feed the livestock. Mmmm... the livestock....

2 years ago
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Flesh for Satan

-Nathanial Hawthorne, “Young Goodman Brown" *** Cassie knew what the red envelope meant as soon as it fell through the mail slot. She held it in two fingers, as if it might catch on fire. When her mother saw it she practically squealed, throwing her arms around Cassie in an enormous hug. “I’m so proud of you,” she said. “It’s not a big deal,” said Cassie. “Everyone gets one sooner or later.” But her voice trembled a little anyway, and she twisted a curl of hair around one...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Yumi Sin Jerkin It To My Stepsis8217s Ahegao Tick Tocks

My new teen stepsister Yumi is petite, Asian & apparently entrepreneurial to boot. When I secretly catch her putting on a cam show, I figure I can pirate her content IRL & just watch & maybe jerk off a little. That all falls apart when she catches me… well kinda… I’ve got something on her now, so she doesn’t exactly wanna rat me out. We make a deal to stay quiet but as I’m about to leave she asks me what every older stepbrother dreams of hearing –...

3 years ago
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??????????????? Iniquity: Prologue The courtroom was packed, the anticipation heavy in the air. The judge was trying his best to appear calm, even though he was as excited as everyone in the courtroom was. After 5 months of waiting, the big verdict was about to come in, and he, the Honorable Judge Laurence, was about to preside over a historic event. The judge motioned to one of the deputies, and the room was suddenly quiet. Slowly, the 12 jurors filed into the room and the proceedings...

3 years ago
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My sissy fantasy

I’m walking along the street, wanting to avoid traffic I take roads that are not all that populated. Lost in my thoughts I don’t pay any attention to the dark van parked on the side nor do I realize the man behind me until I feel an arm wrap around me, a cloth coming up over my face. I try to scream and struggle but it’s no use as I feel my body going limp and my vision fading to complete darkness. In my waning condition I feel myself picked up and dumped into the back of the van, the side...

1 year ago
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Attorneys WifeChapter 10

"Hello Lex, and this beautiful woman must be Stacy, go on in the Office, I'll be with you in a second. Hey, Lex, the 'white' dress and that 'Vail' in your hand, what's up" "Shit, Ben I, Ah, Well, I think I have her talked into watching a Porno Movie on your 'Big Ass T V' and have her wearing all her wedding Stuff on, while I, Ah, You know, I mean, what a Turn On, Doing her in the dress that she got married to some other guy in". "Ha, Ha', Lex you pervert, Ya, that would be...

1 year ago
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Putting the fire out

I was working late one night at the local grocery store when an older gentleman and his son came through my checkout line. The older man told me that he liked the color of my hair which was a dark plum color. I remember looking at the son and thinking about all the naughty things I could do to him. The best part was he looked to be my age so it was easy to picture. Little did I know that this meeting would soon change my life. 2 weeks later I was working again when the manager asked me to train...

3 years ago
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One happy day v2

That night I was worried about the non existent reply. Consistently checking my phone for a reply. She was very beautiful! Blonde straight hair, blue eyes, soft pink lips and a slight tinge of freckles. All of the features on her face added together to display a gorgeous girl! Despite her appearance of a typical "blonde bimbo" she was considered to be an innocent girl. Everyone assumed she was a goody girl... But I saw through that act! Her body was unbelievable, her body was shaped like a...

1 year ago
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The PeeP Hole

Note : This story is completely fictional! My sister had a few years on me growing up. My older siblings were in high school while I was still in elementry school. A few of them lived in the rentals my dad built on our large undeveloped property. Anyway at the time I was to be a freshman in high school in a few months. What a hot and memorable summer it was. We had two bathrooms, however it always seemed like my older brother or dad occupied the front one. It was not a common sight to see my...

4 years ago
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Suicide Seven Minutes Over Tampa

You've heard about that Suicide show? No, not that other one--I was at every show they ever did up until 1978, and I never saw Alan fuck a girl on stage. (And the girl wasn't me, either, despite everything you've been told.) I'm talking about the other one. The one where they fucked each other. There's been a lot of lies and half-truths told about that show. Let me tell you what really happened. It was April or May, 1977. (Or it might have been 1978. I don't know. I don't keep a...

2 years ago
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My Perverted Family 1 Bellas Story

My named is Todd. I am a forty-five years old divorcee, and I love sex. I have known since early puberty that I was addicted to sex. My virginity was taken by my cousin, Sandy at a young age. She helped me learn the intended use of my cock. Sandy introduced me to a whole new world. My dick started getting hard all the time after my brief encounter with Sandy. I started playing with the damn thing night and day. It fascinated me to no end. And another thing, I am also intrigued with is the...

4 years ago
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Part three of hotel story

Hotel adventure part 3 7 months after their first accidental meeting. Another meeting had been scheduled for next Thursday and Friday, coincidentally it was with the same company but had a different venue. Namely about 3 miles from the CD in the chat room. As soon as he was alone he sent out to text messages, to the two people he would love to share the evenings with. The responses he got back were almost instantaneous, both responded yes they would be able to share the evenings. He then...

1 year ago
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Short taste

It was aching. Her pussy was aching for some good, old fashioned affection, and her tongue flexed across the roof of her mouth. Practicing for when she had the pair of pussy lips in front of her that belonged to the angel across the room. Jennifer could see from here the perfect little dimples squinting as the raven haired angel laughed. Her black locks hung in a contemporary style, not attention drawing, but that was the point. She was a treasure to be earned. She had a medium frame and mouth...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Benefits of shopping for the wife

Bob always hated buying gifts, especially for his wife. One evening driving home from work he passed by a lingerie store and decided this time he wouldn’t wait to the last minute. Bob, who was mid forties, had been married 16 years. He thought it would be nice to spice up his marriage with some sexy lingerie. Unfortunately, shopping for lingerie was a bit embarrassing for Bob so he wasn’t really looking forward to this. Bob was greeted at the door by a 30-year-old brunette, named Dawn. ...

3 years ago
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Sex with hot Father in law

HOT SEX WITH FATHER IN LAW George, 53, lost his wife a year back due to cancer and there were many offers for his remarriage which he turned down to enable him to preserve fond memories of his late wife. Paul, 22, his son having done meritoriously in his engineering degree was sected in the campus interview by a multinational company and within a short time due to recognition of his talents he was promoted as a group leader. His gruup consisted of six engineers, all younger to him, three men...

1 year ago
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Teacher a Short Novel Under ConstructionChapter 22

On the first Monday of May, a fine, warm and sunny day, W. Paul Prentiss, the newly installed assistant principal who had been at the school since the spring break, made a mistake, a very public mistake since he had invited TV, radio and newspaper coverage. He decided to strictly enforce the student dress code and stood on the front steps as the busses arrived, pulling girls aside and handing them one of the hundred extra large, lily-white t-shirts he had purchased and telling them to put...

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