Amissum Codex The Book of LossChapter 2 Desideratus Regret
- 2 years ago
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Monday morning, several of us had to go back to work, while a couple of others looked for jobs. Maryanne almost immediately found work at a bank as a loan officer, a job she’d had before. Trish looked for work as a programmer and software designer, a job she could likely do mostly from home.
Janice, at the urging of the other ladies, called the police officer who had been investigated her wreck and explained exactly why she had hit the tree. The response was less encouraging than expected. She wanted to interview us, meaning the rest of the family, and planned on coming by when everyone was home that evening.
When we all came home, it was to a nice dinner prepared, of course, by Jen, and to find officer Judith Goodwin waiting for an explanation. For the first time in a long time, everyone in the house was fully clothed. We invited the officer to dinner, which she accepted, being off-duty, and each of us described the situation as best we could.
“So, you two,” indicating Ellie and me, “cause everyone else to feel your orgasms, as well as anyone who is, ah, involved with you in the sex act?” asked Officer Goodwin.
“Any of the family, and only those who are, or will be, part of the family, we think. This is new for us. We aren’t sure of the limitations.” I said, trying to be specific.
“And you, Ms. Burns, felt this out of the blue while driving home on Jefferson?”
“Yes, it was very strange. I suddenly felt a penis slide into me and milk...” started Janice.
“Yes, yes, you described it a bit more fully than I was comfortable with before. I have it all in my notes, thanks.” said Officer Goodwin quickly, her face a bit red. “And you,” she turned to Jen, “require milking at least three times a day?”
Jen nodded.
“And now that you’ve discovered this ... effect, you won’t be doing this while any of you are driving, or doing anything unsafe?”
We all nodded. “We don’t want to endanger anyone! We wouldn’t have done it it then if we had any idea that would happen while Janice was driving!” I added.
“This is the strangest thing I’ve ever run across,” Officer Goodwin stated. “Can you ... no, that’s improper.”
“What, demonstrate?” asked Ellie with a grin.
“Look, I can’t legally ask you to do anything like that,” Officer Goodwin said. “It’s...”
“Officer Goodwin,” asked Linda suddenly, “other than the simultaneous orgasm-thing, is there anything else strange about the situation that you’ve noticed?”
Officer Goodwin frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Have you ever met a group of women with our ages looking like this, all pregnant by one man, and living together as a family?”
“Well, no, but families come in all types these days. Mostly, we don’t ask, unless ... is anyone abused, or kept against their will?”
The circle of women shook their heads “no”.
“Well, then, that’s pretty much the end of our concerns where the law is involved. Anyone else besides Linda here legally married to David?”
There was a chorus of “No”s.
“So no bigamy. There are no laws against being a married man’s baby-mama! But that’s usually a family court thing if there are custody issues, unless someone gets angry enough to commit assault or murder. None of you seem angry.”
There were a lot of smiles at that.
“The cow thing is a strange fetish,” admitted Officer Goodwin, “but again, no law against it unless it is done to you or you’re kept against your will.”
Jen beamed.
“So there you have it. It’s unusual, but if everyone is happy, why would the law or anyone else care? Well, I suppose there are some people with strong religious convictions that would be offended, but again, unless there is assault, it really isn’ta police matter.”
Linda turned to Janice, and smiled. Janice shrugged, shook her head, smiling, “I see.”
“So, about this demonstration...” started Ellie.
“I can’t ask you to do that!” interjected Officer Goodwin.
“But if it happened in front of you and you happened to witness it... ?” prompted Ellie.
“It’s too early,” said Deb, flatly. “We don’t know that everyone isn’t driving!”
“Hmm,” said Ellie. “We know we’re good ... Dave, do you think you can feel to where the others are?”
“No idea,” I replied. “Let’s see.”
I closed my eyes and tried to feel where those other women were. I could feel the presence of the women in the room, connected by a network of lines, which all led to ... a flow between Ellie and myself. These connections were, and are, and likely will always be, impossible to adequately describe. It seemed that I had more than my share of indescribable experiences in my life lately. I could feel that there were other connections that stretched beyond, but I couldn’t feel the women at the other end, they were too far away.
“Too far, I think,” I said. “I feel everyone here, except the officer of course, but not anyone else.”
Ellie came over to me and hugged me. The feeling of connection instantly surged, and we were... together. I felt her mischievous intent and cocked a mental eyebrow at her. I felt her interior laugh. She wanted to play with the officer like a cat -- not a surprise, as she has a bit of a cat nature -- essentially desiring to blow the officer’s mind with the family’s take on sex. It was likely to work. Whether the officer would be able to deal with it I didn’t know. Ellie believed the officer was tempted and fascinated despite herself, and I felt sure Ellie was right about that. Whether this was going to have unintended consequences I couldn’t foretell.
With the intensification of connection with Ellie came the feeling of women at the other end of those lines of connection that led to far away. Two were masturbating, one was focused intently on speaking to an audience, and the last was watching television or a movie. There were four more women out there. Ellie was exploring -- all four were out of town, two were very far away, another was about half as far, and the last was about a quarter of the distance. Two were about my age, the other two were much older. Interestingly, it was the last two who were wearing out the batteries on newly purchased vibrators.
Ellie and I felt the sudden distraction our attention caused -- the lady addressing the audience lost her train of thought and we felt her desperation as she referred to her notes and recovered. We “backed away” with an ‘oops!’. Whatever it was, it was a professional speech she was making.
We, Ellie and I, focused back on our bodies and opened our eyes. Ellie released me from her hug, which was a shame, but we had business to attend to.
“There are four. At least one person is out in public right now, and interrupting would not be a good thing,” I reported. “I’m not sure when she’ll get, ah, privacy and safety.
“If you want to observe the phenomenon in action, you’ll have to wait a while,” said Ellie. She added with an irrepressable grin, “You’d be welcome to! Would you like a glass of wine or something?”
“Coffee would be welcome,” Officer Goodwin responded.
Janice coughed, and Deb said, “Do you take cream or sugar?”
“Yes, please,” said the officer.
“Um, there is no cows milk in the house...” said Deb. “It all comes from Jen.”
“Oh!” exclaimed Officer Goodwin, flushing bright red. “Oh, um, I see, uh, well, that would be ... okay, I suppose ... I mean, you all drink it, and it’s ... natural ... healthy ... certainly non-GMO, I guess, “ she laughed nervously.
“Jen, would you mind... ?” asked Deb. Jen nodded, ducked her head to the officer, and moved to the kitchen.
“So what department do you usually work?” I asked, trying to smooth over the embarrassment. “Robbery, homicide, drugs, that sort of thing?”
“Mostly traffic,” Goodwin said. “It is not terribly interesting. This is the most interesting thing I’ve ever run across. Usually when someone has a wreck because they’re having an orgasm it’s with someone else in the car with their head in the driver’s lap.” She blushed again. “Sorry! That was inappropriate.” The smell of brewing coffee drifted into the dining room, and the rattle of crockery promised coffee service would arrive shortly.
“I tell you what,” Linda said, “You’re not on duty, and we’re not at all uptight about sex, so really, you can relax and be yourself. No one here is going to even blush the tiniest bit about such things. You are not going to offend us by being yourself unless you are an asshat. You don’t seem like an asshat.”
“I hope not!” laughed Officer Goodwin. “And please call me Judy!”
Jen came out of the kitchen carrying a tray with cups, saucers, spoons, and a sugar service. She was wearing her erotic maid’s outfit.
“Oh! Um...” said Judy. “I, er, wasn’t expecting that. Nevermind, naive of me I suppose.”
Jen placed a cup and saucer before her, poured her coffee, and handed it to her. She cocked an inquiring eyebrow at Judy as she moved her breast over the cup. “Say ‘when’.” translated Deb. Jen carefully milked a stream into the steaming liquid. Because the spray would otherwise go in lots of different directions, she held the nipple quite close to the surface. Judy watched, fascinated. The coffee got lighter and lighter as she watched, squirming little in her seat. Jen glanced at her face several times, until the officer finally said, “Oh! When! Thanks!”
Jen flashed her a grin, and straightened, and placed the sugar service and spoon before the policewoman, then turned to serve those others who also wanted coffee. Judy watched as Jen repeated her performance each time. She sipped her coffee, and briefly looked a bit surprised then recovered quickly, “Its quite good, thank you!” she said to Jen, who gave a little bow, and sat in her chair.
Ellie said, “Be careful! It’s a taste that’s easy to acquire!” and grinned mischievously.
Judy cocked an eyebrow and replied, “I can imagine so,” and grinned back. She looked to the rest of us, “Sorry, this is such an unusual experience! I have the feeling like I should be a bit freaked out, but I’m not. When I try to imagine this happening anywhere else, and me just going along with it, I can’t. I don’t know whether that’s because it is so outside of my experience and expectations, or what.”
“It is extremely unusual,” said Deb. “Probably unique. I don’t know of any other group like this that isn’t based on some kind of coercion. There are fantasy stories, erotic stories and so on, but who would think that a group of women would all come together willingly like this?”
“You said that you all need to have this man’s baby ... isn’t that a type of coercion?” asked the officer.
“I don’t really know,” admitted Deb. “It certainly calls us here. We do choose to join the family. I don’t know that all who feel the need to have Dave’s child will make that choice. We’ve all wanted to, and continue to want to be here. We just went through this with Janice.”
The officer turned to Janice. “It’s not an easy question to answer,” Janice admitted. “I ... always wanted this. Well, I wanted it with men, but I wanted Dave. I’ve loved Dave for years and years, deep down. Having his child was never a possibility before, but if it had been, I would have wanted that, too. I... know ... that I will be happy here. It is what I want. I know I can leave if I want to. I just don’t want to, so far.”
“She became pregnant last night,” I said. “I felt it happen. If she wanted, she could go raise the baby elsewhere, but she will have all kinds of support, and love, here. And her baby will have brothers and sisters and family.”
Janice nodded. “It’s win-win.”
Judy nodded, and shook her head in wonder. “It sounds ... well ... kind of wonderful.”
Several of the ladies looked at me, “Um, no. I’ve never met her before!”
“Oh, no! Not what I meant!” said Judy, turning bright red.
“What did you mean?” I asked.
“Oh, just, you know, the whole, um, lots of women, uh, people, to rely on for child care and family and stuff, you know, supportive and all...”
Ellie quickly interjected, “Yeah, it will be nice that way!”
“Mm-hmm!” agreed Judy quickly, looking a bit relieved. A few smirking looks were exchanged behind the policewoman’s back. “And you know that four other women are coming to, um, get pregnant?” she asked me.
“Well, not until they actually show up. I mean, not for sure.” I said. “There’re these connections, these links I can kind of feel ... it’s really hard to explain...”
“I would imagine,” Judy said.
“ ... But there are four other women who are linked with us. Everyone here shares in those links but you. I presume those links mean they may show up, but I can’t be certain until they do.”
“And these are women you know?”
“Oh, yes! Or, at least, knew! My first wife, a teenage girlfriend, and two teachers.” Janice flinched at the words “My first wife”, but relaxed a moment later. Ellie patted her hand, and Janice looked a bit embarrassed.
“Huh,” said Judy.
Conversation went on for a while, with each of the ladies excusing themselves one by one to get more comfortable by changing into sexy robes or skimpy lingerie. Judy’s eyes got a bit wider each time, and though she paused and flushed a bit each time, she didn’t lose track of the conversation or get too distracted. Her eyes did linger on their bodies, though she tried to hide it. The ladies were visions of loveliness.
As Linda, the last of the women to change, came back in, I said to Judy, “We don’t normally wear clothes at all, here. Having a guest is a special occasion.”
The police officer swallowed, then nodded and said, “Well, lots of people walk around naked in their own homes.”
“Indeed,” I replied, “it’s just that you were looking a bit uncomfortable. Really, you can relax a bit. You are wanting us to demonstrate everyone having a simultaneous orgasm. It is going to get far more sexual and personal.”
“We don’t mind if you look, is what he’s saying,” explained Linda. “We’re more relaxed about sex. We don’t sleep around, but we’re not going to judge you for looking and being interested or even attracted. It’s okay.”
“Um, right. I just ... I’m used to being judged for my sexuality, judged with disapproval or suspicion, and even fear by women,” said Judy. “Most guys just think it’s hot.”
“Look, you aren’t a part of the family, but you are safe from that kind of judgement here. If anything, we’re worried about what you might think and feel!” said Trish.
“Why?” asked Judy, seemingly truly confused.
“Let’s just say it’s for the same reasons you feel as you do,” said Trish.
“But ... you’re a family! Sex is normal for you. It’s supposed to be that way! Hetero families, gay families, lesbian families, it’s ... well ... I guess there is judgement from some people about that, isn’t there? I guess I’m being a bit stupid.”
Deb said, “No, you re not, really. It seems to be part of this whole thing. But the point is, you can relax. It’s going to be okay. It may be strange for you, but okay. Be yourself. No one is going to do anything to you, unless you ask, and maybe not even then -- it will depend entirely on the person in question. It’s okay to admire Jen’s breasts; she enjoys it even though it embarrasses her a bit, but she enjoys that, too. You can even ask her if you can milk her! She may very well agree, but you might need a bit of help, because you might be getting in over your head there, fair warning! It will be very sexual,” she laughed.
“Really?” asked a shocked Judy.
“Really,” assured Deb. “Look, we are a bunch of very horny women with only one guy. Pregnancy is making our already-high sex drives even higher. Most of us had to jill off while we were changing clothes because we would normally have had sex several times already tonight. Some of us have to work all day and go without, so when we get home we need to ... sorry, I didn’t mean to go on like that, it’s just been a long day.”
“Going without.”
When this happens, all sex hell is going to break loose, isn’t it?” asked Judy.
“Well, let’s just say the orgasm will have had a long buildup and is long overdue. Dave, Ellie, can you check again?”
“On it!” I answered, and Ellie came over to hug me. It was much nicer in her slick silk camisole! As she did, the sexual tension in the room jumped up several notches.
I “reached” out with Ellie. Sleeping, sleeping, watching pregnancy porn naked on her couch, and relaxing with a glass of wine and a sandwich after getting home from the speech. All home, all safe, no one operating heavy machinery.
“We’re good. One is even watching pregnancy porn,” I reported.
“Oh, thank God! Finally! Why don’t you and Ellie and I go to the bedroom, and everyone else stay here and demonstrate to Officer Goodwin what this is like for us,” Deb said.
Ellie and I followed her to the bedroom, and even as the door was closing Deb was dropping her negligee and moving into my arms. Ellie slipped behind me and unbuckled my belt and undid my pants and being careful but loving with my erection as I kissed her mother. Deb broke our kiss and rapidly began to unbutton my shirt, and once it was undone Ellie drew it off my shoulders as I went back to passionately kissing her mother. There was a great deal of need built up in all three of us, and feeling it in each other made it that much more powerful.
I heard Officer Goodwin exclaim something from the dining room. Oh yes, the other ladies were feeling the fire as well, and how they were acting had apparently caught our guest by surprise. I felt that clothes were coming off in there as well, and a lot of kissing and caressing was happening.
Ellie was pulling off my shoes and socks as her mother squeezed my ass and my hands squeezed hers, which was the only reason I wasn’t falling down. Deb drew me towards the bed and I stepped out of the puddled pants on the floor and followed. She pivoted and pushed me onto my back and crawled atop me as Ellie moved around to the opposite side and straddled my head.
As Deb sank down on my hardness, Ellie’s hot erect clit and wet lips sank down on my mouth. I felt the milk spurt from Deb’s nipples and spray Ellie’s breasts, then drip down upon my chest. The feeling of Deb’s velvet warmth embracing my cock as I traced Ellie’s labia with my tongue was amazing. I felt Ellie’s thought “Fuck that! Suck my clit NOW!” even as my body moved to answer her need. Breasts were being held and nipples squeezed and rolled between thumbs and fingers in a powerful shower of pleasure as muscles milked my cock as it thrust into needy throbbing depths filling them with feels so good give me yes deep! The powerful feeling of need, passion, and love brought tears to our eyes, and our bodies moved on their own, moving towards ... into ... need ... yes! that! ... right there, gooood! More! ... Harder! Fuck! Fuck, yes! ... suck hard! Thumb in me good! ... twist the nipples ... perfect! Coming up on ... my God! Good! ... Feel it coming! Almost there ... deep and suck it hard now ... Oh! God! Cumming! Cumming NOW!
There were identical yells from all over the house, all the same note and duration. God, the feeling was so, so good, so spurting rolling clutching amazingly good!
There was a echo, faint, but there, and not from far away -- those weren’t echoes, they were strong and present. I spent a few minutes kissing Ellie and Deb, and just soaking in the love and good feelings, then my curiosity got the better of me, and, well, Deb and Ellie too. We got up and went to the door and peeked into the living room.
There was a lot of cuddling, basking, and idle caressing going on, but Linda had her face in Officer Goodwin’s blond pussy, and the officer had her lips to one of Jen’s breasts while fingering her. All three ladies appeared to be enjoying themselves thoroughly. The officer’s uniform appeared to have been ripped in haste, as there were buttons scattered about and she still had her bra around her neck and panties around one ankle.
The three of us quietly sat down on the couch and resumed cuddling, feeling the resonant afterglow within and all around us. The feeling of echo from Judy faded, though, as she began to reach her own climax, clasping Jen and thrusting into Linda’s face. I felt Jen reach another climax of her own, though it wasn’t “broadcast”.
After a few minutes, as Linda gently brought Judy down to earth, the police officer regained a bit of self-awareness.
“Oh! Um, yeah, I ... uh ... got a little carried away there, sorry!” she said, blushing to her nipples.
Linda slapped her ass.
“Oh! I didn’t mean ... it was amazing, and you,” Judy turned to Linda, “fuck you are good at that!”
Linda smiled and patted the officer’s ass as if to say, ‘that’s better.’
“I just got, um, caught up in ... everyone out here just all at once ... clothes came off and everyone was deep into ... something ... and I touched Jen because milk was spraying everywhere and she ... I ... and I felt something I’ve never ... sex with a guy never ... but damn! And I felt you all cum and I couldn’t and Linda, bless you! um, helped me out.” She shook her head, “This is incredible! I don’t know what to say! You are the luckiest people on Earth!”
“So, you believe us now,” said Ellie with a delightfully evil grin.
“Uh, yeah! No wonder! I’d have had a wreck, too! I wish ... well, nevermind.” the policewoman said wistfully.
Linda looked at me. I shook my head, “She’s not part of the ... whatever. She isn’t called, just intrigued, I think. She caught just a bit of the link through Jen and got an echo of it; I felt it happen. I don’t think we can force that connection, even with Deb’s special help. That doesn’t mean she can’t be a friend of the family, though,” I turned to her, “if you’d like. I don’t think anyone objects... ?”
I really didn’t feel anyone would, and Linda seemed to like her. Jen, too, though she seemed to feel mildly embarrassed about it. Maybe it was the breast thing.
Judy looked a little embarrassed herself as she pulled her bra down from around her neck. “I think I might,” she said, and smiled at Linda and Jen, a bit shyly. “That was an echo... ?” She shook her head, and then shrugged, and unfastened the bra and took it off, then took the panties from her ankle. She put them together with her uniform pants and shirt on the floor near one wall.
Deb said, “We do have a strict sharing rule, here -- no monopolizing, and it is share and share alike! And we’ve been on company manners tonight -- if you come back, expect things to be a lot more relaxed!”
Judy smiled, “I think I can adapt.”
Deb nodded. “If you have problems, I can help,” she said, and Judy looked at her curiously. “I’m a nurse with a lot of counseling experience,” Deb said.
“We call her ‘Mommy’,” said Linda. “She’s the family mother and Dave is the family father. It works.”
Judy nodded.
“Well Ms. Burns, I’m dropping the ‘failure to maintain control’ citation, but I can’t do anything about the ‘striking a parked object’ one. I will state on the accident report that it was “unavoidable”, so hopefully your insurance premiums won’t take too big a hit, and you won’t have to appear in court. Okay?”
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100% Pure Bondage Chapter 1 I met her where she worked at a gentleman's club. She was perhaps not the most strikingly beautiful woman I had ever seen at first glance, but I believeit was because she styled herself in a gothic manner, with a dark gloomyappearance and what appeared to be a Cleopatra wig. She certainly had all the tools to be a real looker. She had a great body, tall with long strong shapely legs and well-proportioned breasts. Her wig was straight and black, cut a...
“Yes Daddy! Move those fingers! Move those fingers!” I spread my legs wider. Slamming my pussy towards my father’s hand. Grinding my pussy as his fingers go deeper. He is moving his fingers in a frenzy as I thrash on the dining table feeling immensely good being finger-fucked by my father. His three fingers are stretching my teenage pussy while creating such delicious feelings between my legs. He lowers his head and starts suckling my sensitive puckered nipples that I cannot help but moan...
IncestAs I had no other clothes to change into, I realised that I would have to walk home in a skirt. I went into the ladies toilet to check my appearance and then checked that I had my keys and credit cards in my handbag. Then I left the office and set off home, trying to look confident even though my heart was pounding. This was the first time I had been out in the street on my own in girls' clothes. I was aware of being looked at, mainly by men and boys, but not in a way that suggested...
Hello readers. This is Rohan again. This time I will tell you about sex with my maid’s elder sister. Sheetal is my maid. Sheetal is a 45 year old woman. She is chubby and has dark skin tone. Sheetal has got long black hair. It feels like heaven to hold her hair when she gives blowjobs. She has got large hanging boobs. She always wears saree which feels great to remove from a woman’s body and have sex with her. She is a sex goddess when it comes to taking virginity. She took my virginity and had...
IncestMonsters of Cock describes itself as “The biggest throat-clogging cock site in the world!” That’s quite a brag, either sexy as fuck or maybe a little bit intimidating, depending on who you ask. However, knowing the kind of absolute deviate you are, I’m sure you fall into the former category, and you’re probably already getting a hard-on as you think about little white chicks getting all full up on BBC. “Watch these girls cum from big cock!” is a long-running paysite from the...
Premium Interracial Porn SitesWednesday was my day off and I decided to actually spend some time away from Torch. After classes, I spent the afternoon shopping and even met up with a couple of my friends for dinner. It was so nice not to have to worry about what I would be wearing, or how sore I’d be afterward. After dinner, I went back to the dorm and started packing my things into the boxes and plastic cartons I’d picked up. It wasn’t worth going back and forth every morning now that I knew I was sticking it out at...
(Four years ago) Alex started to think about her 7:00 o'clock date at about 2:15. She'd never been on a date before. In high school she was a geek: she had skipped grades and was graduating at 16; she was on the chess team; she was a math-lete; she always entered the county-wide science fair, and in her senior year, the state fair also. It wasn't that she was unattractive, but she wore clothes that hid her best features. Sweatshirts that were too big, baggy pants, and exuded an attitude...
How did I become addicted to interracial porn? I am a middle-aged white married male, who had never really watched IR porn or avoided it out of racist jealously. One weekend, on a business trip sitting by the pool at my hotel, an attractive blonde was dancing on the deck drawing attention to herself. Needless to say I started getting hard, watching her dance along the pool. I managed to take a few secret pictures of her as I rub the outside of my swimming trunks. I’m a happily married man with...
Christina and I cried around the cocks in our mouths while our assholes were being stuffed and pumped repeatedly behind us. I kept my ass as relaxed as possible so my anus wouldn't tear as it was being pounded dry. The only lube I had been allowed was the spit I could keep that cock when it was in my mouth a moment ago. The men were really enjoying themselves as they commented on how tight our unlubed asses were and how hot it was getting to **** us as they pleased. Charlie pushed his cock deep...
This is chapter four of six. You may want to read the previous chapters before this one. A big thank you to Estragon for editing this story and making it a much better read. So, back to the beginning, I was in the parking lot at the hall where my twenty-fifth high school class reunion was being held. As I’ve mentioned I never attended any of my previous ones and wondered why I was here now. I knew the answer. I wanted to see my old best friend Jenny from high school and hopefully see the girl...
Location: A road in/to a classified location 1800 hours Mission; Infiltrate, gather visual evidence of the growth of the local females age 18-24, extract. Secrecy and stealth-vital. Weapons: none Back-up: none. We enter this mission alone. There will be no official help from our government. If we're caught, we will be treated as spies and sent to prison. We, my comrades and I, are part of a top-secret mission to collect data on the young women in this area, on suspicion of smuggling bombs into...
Le sperme et ses bienfaits sur la santéAvec des qualités nutritionnelles intéressantes, ses propriétés anti-âge établies et son rôle d’antidépresseur pour les femmes, le sperme est définitivement bon pour la santé. À tel point que certains chefs le cuisinent ou le transforment en cocktail.De nombreuses études prouvent les bienfaits du sperme pour la santé des femmes. La semence masculine influerait sur notre humeur ainsi que sur le vieillissement, en plus d’avoir des qualités nutritionnelles.Le...
MUJHEY MERI SAHELI MISS DOLLY NE KAH KI ME YEH KAHANI ISS PER SUBMIT KARUMera naam nisha hai mein ghaziabad ki rehane wali hoon aur ye meri pehali kahani hai umeed karti hoon ki aapko meri kahani pasand aayegi . . Mera figure koi khaas nahi hai 32,29,33 hai , lakin dekhane mein bahut sunder hoon aisa mere janne walo ka kehana hai , meri age 31 yr hail akin ye jo kahani sunane ja rahi hoon ye kahani 16 saal purani hai , 12th ke paper diye the result ka inttzar tha , mere ghar mein mere mummy...
Incest“Do you, Natalie, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, honor, and obey, for better or worse, in sickness and health, in poverty and wealth, for as long as you both shall live?” the priest asked my fiancee. “Oui, mon pere. I do take him. I do!” Natalie told Father Corcoran with enthusiasm. I couldn’t help but smile at my French bride’s response, as the priest turned to me, “Do you, Levi, take this woman to be your lawfully...
While scrubbing the pan in which she had burned the brownies, June heard the front door slam. Hearing the booming echo all of the way to the kitchen, she figured that Jack was still angry. She couldn’t blame him if he was. Turning to Lisa, she said, “Jack’s home. Stay here and let me talk to him first.” “Why?” “I have to tell him that I’m sorry,” June said wiping her hands on a towel. She was prepared to do anything to get his forgiveness, even grovel at his feet if necessary. “Okay,” Lisa...
Chapter 1 I had finally gotten to college. While growing up, my favorite television show was ‘How It’s Made,’ a program that takes you through all the stages and steps required to manufacture a familiar, everyday product, all the way from a toothbrush to a grand piano. The complex machines used to make these products fascinated me and I knew that I wanted more than anything to become a mechanical engineer so I could think up and build those kinds of machines. So, I studied math and science...
I shook myself and realized I had drifted into half-sleep in the hot tub. Doing so when surrounded by beautiful women is, I suppose, an achievement. Sylvette had been telling us about her identity as a slut nerd, or perhaps nerd slut, and her goals both for computer and for porn businesses. It was a transformation from the shocked victim that I had rescued hours before. Shaking my head, I was the target of many lovely giggles. Mike and Kris shook their heads, at my poor efforts to defend the...
Me and the wife (but was my serious girlfriend when this tale occurred) had our good friends over for dinner (we didn't have k**s then and they left theirs at home). We had been friends for about 5 years at that point (we all met at work) and liked going out expensive bars and restaurants over London getting drunk and having a good time, typical early thirties city workers). The other couples wife (lets call her Tanya) used to work for me. We got along but as mates and there was never any...
So there is this girl in our office. I think she must be around 35. Dusky talk and completely in shape. I think she is an epitome of fitness . She is not a white glowing beauty. She is darkish, great assets, amazingly curly hair like beautifully cooked spaghetti noodles and a charming smile. This is what i dream someday may happen , though nothing has happened so far. But let me take you to the world of fantasy that i am already living in . We go out for lunches , team dinners and generally...
Athea and Denyssa opened the door to their quarters, but two amazons stopped them before they could go any further. “Stop, you are not allowed to leave the quarters, Matassaja.” One of them said. “I am not? Assanka just told me I am no prisoner. Was that a lie?” The amazon in front of her faltered under Athea’s intense gaze. “I’m not sure, we got our order from Hassika.” Pearls of sweat were forming on the amazon’s brow. “Hassika, I see. I just wanted to visit my brother. I happen to know...
Wet Pussy Games! When it comes to the world of online porn, limits do not exist. Not only do new porn sites get created every single day, but new ways of watching porn get invented all the time as well. There is, of course, the more traditional method of paying a monthly subscription price to have access to all of a given studio’s content. For some, though, this is all too 20th century (not to mention this could end up costing you a pretty penny over time).The go-to mode of accessing porn for...
Free Sex GamesLeah joined us after we had finished our cigars, and Mrs. Schwartz came out very shortly thereafter. We talked for about an hour before it was time for bed. I left for my hotel room and walked on air the whole way! WOW!!! I became a fixture at the Schwartz home over the next week. I was invited to dinner every night except Saturday for the next eight days. I did not think about the missing Saturday invitation—I just assumed that Mrs. Schwartz was tired of fixing enough food for a freeloader....
"How familiar are you with meditation?" I asked Cor. "Well, I've done it in Yoga class, and our drama teacher liked to have us do it now and then during class in high school, but I wouldn't say I do it often, or even at all recently." Cor answered. "Well, we do it at the drop of a hat, and not just us kids, but all our parents too. Its a basic tool in the arsenal of the Legion and the Guardians." Ren said. "At least you're familiar with the basics then?" I asked. "Controlling...
"There is a beautiful lake. They say it's sweet. There's even a waterfall." "Biting insects or predatory animals?" "Yes to both, but they're not bad. There are signs of people but nothing recent. There are only a few trails that are narrow and all of them are overgrown." "Then do you want to sleep on the beach or in your hammock?" "I like my hammock and it can go with us." A lot of the crew were already on the beach. They spread out for some unaccustomed privacy and I was...
Departure was delayed five hours. Although there was no public notification, rumor had it that an important arrival had been delayed due to Communications failure in Samoa. A bar fight over the result of the final try at a national Rugby test, put several customers in hospital and led to the arrest of several participants ... all wearing India National Team Rugby shirts. No mention was made or inferred as to whether or not the shirted participants were players. Rumor had it that they were...
Attending Greg and Trisha's wedding was an obligation that could have been avoided; I wouldn't have been missed. On the way back to school, I reflected. This was a good time to make some decisions. Why had I pussyfooted around and let Charlie take advantage of me? I told myself it was because of his mother. She had asked me to look out for him. But really, I knew in my heart that I was afraid of losing my only male friend. I didn't correspond with anyone from C.M.A. and doubted they even...
I can’t remember what I was arrested for. I can’t remember my trial. All I know is that I’m not to be released from prison anytime soon. And until I am I’m at the mercy of the warden and the prison guards. I was in the prison shower, stark naked and showering with thirteen other naked girls. I was somewhat surprised to find that all of the other women in the shower were extremely attractive. They were slender and young and somewhat athletic looking, with abdominal muscles visible underneath...
My car was in for its first service which was the main reason for taking the bus once again apart from the fact I was hoping for more fun on the back seat. Having experienced the Thursday night bus ride I decided I wanted to do it again so I went into town pretty late to see what would happen on the return journey. It was about 8.30 when I arrived in town so I decided to look round the places I knew that men would be hunting for other men. The first place I went was to the alley that led to the...
Gay MaleYou are about to walk in to something quite different. This is a continuation/expansion of various stories about my life that are published on Hentai-Foundry. I have decided to move the majority of them here....and allow you to control where I go and what I do. I'm interested to see people's feedback and to see if there are more people here than at HF. For now, consider this a temporary cover letter to you, the readers. Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope to continue adding to...
GayBy: Tintin1802 Linda walked along the street, her high heels clip clopping on the pavement as she walked. She called at number twelve, and collected her book, then walked on. Mr Clark at number fifteen looked up from his gardening and watched her pass. She knew he was watching her, and swung her hips, smiling to herself. It was mid summer, a warm late afternoon. She wore a pair of gladiator sandals, heeled to define her calfs which were crisscrossed by the long thongs which reached her knees....
Michael and I decided to meet. It seemed our minds and secret inner desires were in the same place. I drove from the airport to the hotel and checked in. I was ahead of schedule, so I unpacked and took a shower. About an hour later, I walked over to the restaurant near the hotel we agreed to meet. I thought about all of the e-mails we wrote. Now if everything worked out as we hoped, we would finish the day having giving each other our first homosexual experience.I wondered if Michael would make...
I was unable to sleep, the whole night thinking about the unexpected, but the fantastic experience with velu for the first time. Next morning, while taking bath, my fingers moved over my chest and nipples involuntarily and were quite surprised to get the same erotic feeling. I knew now I was eager to know and have more from him, I was feeling restless and miserable too! After a couple of days of silence, I asked the members of my group if they had doubts in the second term lessons. During the...
Gay MaleHi there. I like BBW stories and I want to write a BBM story soon. I believe in love and romance, and I believe erotica can be included within any human story. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it — even if your primary motivation is just good sex… Single people tend to have habits they fall into. One of mine is meals. I don’t like to dirty dishes or cooking, except on very special occasions. I don’t mind dishes, it’s just nicer to eat with someone around. I have three...
Claire Black is graduating soon, and she does not want to leave school withoutsex first. All the other girls have lost their virginity, and it seems like this caramel cutie is the only one holding onto it. So, she goes over to her favorite teachers house to get some interracial sex education. He whips out his long ruler dick and sticks it in her untouched pussy. She gets soaking wet, letting his shaft slide in and out of her tight teen twat with ease. Then, she practices some tongue action on...
xmoviesforyouThe door slams shut behind him. The same way as ever. The same click of the Yale safety lock, so secure and formal amidst the anger. His shoes pound down the corrugated metal staircase, fading and fading and fading. I imagine his arm in his jacket as he struggles to pull it on over his sweater, yanking and swearing, his brow creased, his face all messed up with curses and snarls.It begins as it always begins and somehow I take the moment of flight as the starting point, although no circle has a...
ReluctanceThroughout the day, we worked in the yard. It was a hot summer day and we got a lot done. Amy looked sensational and she was full of zest; it seems that her morning sex with Gary gave her an even bigger libido than she had before, I certainly wasn’t complaining. She would tease me at every opportunity that Gary knew what lingerie she was wearing but I didn’t.Amy fixed lunch and we ate in the back yard, I did everything that I could to reassure Gary that I was okay with him having sex with my...
ExhibitionismSo it happens that, through a mutual acquaintance, I met a guy I'll call "Yoel", for the sake of protecting his pride and innocence. At first, I deemed him incredibly hot, but nothing more than a blip; a dot on my radar, never to be heard from or seen again. As it happens, I found myself in the wrong; he kept coming around, until a rift came between us.You see, as someone who lost their mother due to a heart attack quite some time ago, I can not, at all, countenance the thought of someone...
Gay MaleDiana “Deb, Mick said that he would go along with our request for the wills and he is willing to go along with the swap, but I would suggest that we go very slowly,” I informed Deb as we shared a cup of coffee. “What brought on the change?” “I told him about us.” Deb looked at me and tried to process the impact of that statement. “So, he knows that we have sex.” “Yes, and he understands that it isn’t making love. I’m glad you phrased it the way you did. If you had said that we make...
The Smedleys had a boarder living in the loft, a writer, an odd sort but he paid very well to have his meals brought to him. He was little trouble, little noticed, seldom seen, but the six-hundred dollars he paid in cash each month was. That money was a godsend to the Smedleys who had three teenage daughters all needing the things growing teenage daughters need just to stay abreast of other teenage daughters breasts. They went through bras like boys went through socks and would not wear...
In the middle of the night, Jay woke up from his nightmare. He had been stuck as a fifth grader for several years in his dream. He didn't remember how many years in his dream but it didn't matter. It couldn't be possible to stay this way forever. He would have to grow up. But what would be grow up as? Would he become a woman or become a man? Physically right now he was a man. He was in fact a man in his thirties, but he had been living the life suited for a pre-teen girl. Every...