Flawed Red Silk 12 linked stories
- 3 years ago
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"Hey, Tara," Brock answered the phone. "You haven't been off the air more than 15 seconds."
Indeed, the TV screen in the living room had just gone to commercial only a few seconds beforehand.
"Yeah, I'm juggling things as best I can," she replied. "How are you doing?"
Tara's question wasn't made in the usual perfunctory manner of such greetings. She was concerned about Brock, particularly after she had spoken to Zack earlier and learned that Brock's uniform, which had hung in his locker since his injury, had been removed by the time the pitcher arrived in the locker room.
"I'm doing fine," Brock answered. "It was a surprise but there isn't anything I can do about it. There is no sense worrying or getting angry. I'll play when they tell me I can play."
"I'm glad you're taking this so well," she told him. "The rest of the guys are seriously pissed. That's why I didn't call you earlier. I wanted to try to get the facts without bothering you. But I guess I'll still need a statement I can attribute to you. Do you feel up to that or should I just tell them you had no comment."
"No, I'll give you a brief statement," Brock said. He had been working on it in his head since he got off the phone with Julie Archer. "Are you ready?"
"Go ahead," Tara said.
"It was surprising to learn of things in the manner that I did," Brock said. "That said, it was no different than any other player who has been sent down or released. The team handled the notification as they do in every instance I'm aware of. As a second-year player, I have no recourse but to follow the team's directive. Although there is no team in Las Vegas for me to report to this point, I've been assured by the new interim general manager and the team's manager that I'll be brought back to the active roster as soon as it can be accommodated."
"That's really all I can hope for," Brock paused and took a breath. "I would like to say, contrary to uninformed opinion bantered about by some television analysts, the demotion is in no way a punishment nor is it a result of a setback in my rehabilitation. I would urge these analysts to perform their due diligence before making such unsubstantiated, untrue statements. As I've said before, it's people like this who now have the word 'journalist' spoken in the same tone of voice as 'politician' or 'used car salesman'."
"That's it. Do you have any other questions?"
"No and that's a great statement," Tara said. "Did Meredith help you with it?"
"Nope, that one is all mine," Brock said with a laugh. "I didn't even have to grab a dictionary for the big words."
"You mentioned the interim GM," Tara said. "Who is it? The team issued a statement saying an interim general manager had been named but a news conference hasn't been schedule until Tuesday. I'd like to be able to pull the guy's resume and get a little background on him if you can give me a hand. I won't release his name to anyone else."
"Her name," Brock corrected.
"It's a woman!" Tara said, excitedly. "Oh, that's a great move. Damn, now I want to call her and get her to appear live with me. Crap! I can't do that and keep my source confidential."
"You couldn't contact her anyway," Brock related. "She's on a plane right about now."
"So they hired someone from out of the organization?" Tara asked.
"No, she's headed the other direction," Brock told her. "Look, her name in Julie Archer. She's an assistant GM. I've met her a couple of times. She does the arbitration hearings for the team. Right now she's headed to Milwaukee to try to get the demotion voided by the commissioner's office. That's still on background, Tara."
"I got it," Tara said. "I'll do some research on her background later tonight. But Brock, don't get your hopes up. I don't think the commissioner is going to step in. By all accounts, Morris was authorized to demote you."
"Yeah," Brock said. "She's been upfront with me. She called me personally to let me know what steps she planned to take and to promise me she'd get me back to the team as soon as possible."
"It might be earlier than you think," Tara said. "I talked to Zack to get the team's perspective. He said there has been a line of players headed to the trainer's office with maladies ranging from intermittent migraines to bunions. They're seeing if a trip to the disabled list might make sense for them. Al finally pulled them aside and told them it wouldn't work. You know the Giants are going to insist that the league look into any injury that lets you come back. As it stands, you'd miss two of the three games with them at the end of the week."
"Stan said Jim LaCross might just take a fungo to one of the rookies," Brock joked. "Still, I appreciate the younger guys trying to do that for me. For some of them, this is the only chance they might get to play in the Majors."
"It wasn't just the younger guys," Tara scoffed. "Fred Hartman was the first one in. He said he's been having some trouble with his hamstring. The trainer pointed out he legged out a triple the night before. Zack said Driesbach went in, too. He said his shoulder had been stiffening up after games and wondered if it might help to go on the DL for 15 days. You've got a lot of people in the locker room who look up to you. I hope it goes without saying that you've got a lot of people outside that locker room who look up to you, too, but I'll say it anyway. I'll do whatever I can to help you."
"Just don't get yourself into trouble," Brock advised. "I know Seth Adams is a jerk-off but don't let him goad you. Hell, he might just sue you for claiming he used PEDs when he played."
"If that son of a bitch sues me, he'll regret the moment he was born," Tara said firmly. "He retired because he was facing a 50-game suspension. The league didn't release it because he was already on the retired-inactive list. I've seen the paperwork and if he gives me a minute's trouble, I'll force the league to admit in open court that he was juicing. That was just my way of letting him know not to screw with me. Besides, it was as much for me as it was for you. He intimated that I couldn't be objective because you and I are friends or because I date one of the Dodgers players. He impugned my ethics just as he impugned your reputation with his thoughtless comments. If the network gives me shit, I'll give it right back to them. They hired the asshole!"
"Uh, OK," Brock answered, surprised by Tara's vehemence. "I just heard them say on TV that you'll have an update on the Dodgers situation at halftime so I probably should let you go. There's only a minute left in the first half."
"Give Meredith a hug for me and I'll catch up to you tomorrow," Tara promised.
"Merie and I are going to fly to Tampa with the team so it'll have to be early," Brock said.
"You must have a lot of confidence in Julie Archer," Tara said. "Is there something you're not telling me?"
"She has some unknown information to impart to the commissioner," Brock said. "It might have to do with Morris or maybe it's something else. But she asked me to accompany the team so I'm going to go with them. Meredith is coming along to keep me out of trouble."
"Yeah, good luck to her then," Tara joked. "OK, I might swing by later tonight if I see lights on. If not, I'll drop by for a bit tomorrow morning."
The biggest surprise for Brock the next day was when Randi announced she planned to join Meredith in Miami later in the week if Brock was back on the roster by then. Despite the discussion the trio had had in early July, Randi had stayed away from joining Brock and Meredith in bed.
Brock was relieved and it seemed Meredith was, too. In fact, with Randi's hectic shooting schedule, Brock had rarely seen the third owner of the house while he rehabilitated from his ankle injury. The few times Randi had a free day, she would spend it lounging by the pool or visiting with her Mom next door.
Brock had held out hope that Ryan might be someone Randi would want to know better but that hope had been in vain. The pair was too different for anything more than friendship to develop. Ryan's shyness had dwindled as he experienced success of the baseball diamond but he was still too quiet to deal with Randi's ebullient personality.
Ryan was headed back to Arizona on Sunday to take a job working at STATS until his Arizona Fall League assignment was revealed. He was sharing a house with four of his Bakersfield teammates and Brock kicked himself for not keeping the Glendale house vacant to accommodate them.
Meredith thought renting to another established professional was a better idea than having four guys just out of college as their tenants so Brock didn't press the point further.
Brock's investment portfolio had leveled off after decreasing in the past year with all the purchases he'd made. He was seeing revenue from the house in Glendale that offset the lack of revenue from Rave-Land Digital. Randi was disappointed that the studio had yet to show any sign of a profit but Brock's adviser had warned him it would be three to five years before the initial investment was paid down enough to start seeing dividends. Brock and Meredith both understood that once the studio was established, it would make money. They also understood that the industry would take a wait-and-see attitude toward the fledgling company to see if it could sustain itself.
The biggest surprise addition to Brock's bank account was from a completely unexpected source. While playing in the Low-A South Atlantic League as a member of the Indians' organization, Brock had joined an investment group in purchasing two minor league baseball teams – one in Columbia, S.C., and the other in El Paso, Texas. At the time, Brock figured it was just money wasted but he was wrong. Both franchises had turned more than $3 million in profit the year before and Brock's initial investment was paid off plus $500,000 more in dividends.
Both franchises were on pace to out-perform the year before so the check he got in January would be even larger than the one he got the year before. It all went into a blind trust so long as he was an active player, but it was money nonetheless.
In addition, he had a series of endorsements that were adding to his bottom line. He had spent the early part of August shooting commercials and print advertisements for brands ranging from Lego to Eggo. Stan's marketing arm had been correct. Brands that had never had a celebrity endorser were approached and signed on once they explained that the reason Brock wanted to do the commercials was because he used their products regularly (or had in the past) and he thought they were worthwhile.
The first of the shoe advertisements he had posed for in May appeared in a national magazine in late August. He hoped the company would advertise in HIM magazine when Meredith's pictorial appeared in the March edition. The magazine planned to do the shoot in early January and Meredith was still debating what sort of outfits she should wear. Jen had said Meredith should go all out and pose in a bra and panties.
Brock had frowned at the notion but he hadn't said anything. It was Meredith's decision to make but if she asked his opinion, he would give it. He had turned down the opportunity to pose for the brand of boxer briefs he usually wore because he thought it would be tacky. He likewise shot down a deal for a deodorant commercial because it required him to be bare from the waist up. He wasn't ashamed of his body but some of the scars he carried reminded him of things better left forgotten.
Likewise, he wasn't ashamed of Meredith's body. He probably would support her if she wanted to pose in a modest bikini but the idea of having pictures of her in her underwear floating around didn't make him happy. He was gratified that Meredith appeared to be considering the advice from Tara and Melanie more carefully than that of Jen.
Both had advised Meredith that posing in scanty clothing would cause the public to view her less seriously than if she just allowed her natural beauty to shine through. They said if she wanted to wear a tight skirt or a low-cut shirt, it would be one thing. But to pose in undergarments would be another. If she wanted to be respected as Brock's representative as well as his wife, she would need to be aware of things such as how she dressed and how she behaved in public.
Meredith seemed to understand this. She had become recognizable to a large portion of the Dodgers fans and her photos had graced several websites in the past month, particularly once the sports media got wind of the engagement.
In some ways Meredith was happy with the situation. She had always been anonymous, despite her relative wealth. She had few friends in high school or college and had been off the radar for her entire adult life.
But in other ways it mortified her. A picture taken while she was shopping showed her slipping her phone into the back pocket of her shorts. But the picture looked like she was scratching her butt and it ran under the banner: "Brock's main beauty scratches an itch."
The story didn't intimate that her behind was bothering her. Instead it said she was spotted at a trendy Beverly Hill boutique remedying her apparent need for upscale clothing. The fact that she exited the shop with nothing wasn't mentioned.
But the main point of the photographers' interest was Meredith's chest. No matter which website or tabloid newspaper ran a photo of her, it always cropped the picture to include her breasts. If she went out on an errand in a tight top or with a thin bra underneath her shirt, she was guaranteed to find her face on the internet or in the newspapers the next day. She had begun to consider if it might be necessary for her to employ a security agent in order to secure her privacy.
Instead, she began to wear formless clothes – only to be declared "frumpy" or "disheveled" by the paparazzi. The few times she and Randi had been able to go somewhere together, it was almost a free-for-all, with photographers pushing and elbowing each other to get in a spot for the best shot if one or the other happened to flash a bit of skin.
Her only solace was that the pool at the house was completely hidden from the street. The only way anyone would get a picture of her in a skimpy bikini was if one of her friends in the houses behind – or Randi's family – took it. She knew that would never happen so she was able to relax in comfort a few times a week.
Randi sympathized with Meredith. After all, Randi had lived with this for close to five years. But even she admitted that she had been permitted to grow into it. As a teenager, the paparazzi generally left her alone unless she was at an official event. There were strict privacy laws in California when it came to minors and photographers or videographers. It was only after she turned 18 that she had to be on constant guard to make sure her she didn't bend over in public or open her legs when she got out of a car. Meredith had been thrust into the deep end head first.
What Meredith found most amazing was that Brock could go out in public without being bothered. He might be approached by a fan looking for an autograph – almost exclusively young woman, much to her dismay – but he didn't have a half dozen strobe lights go off each time he came out of a restaurant.
So the trip to Tampa and Miami with Brock was more than just a chance to spend time with a fiancé she had seen only for two of the past 14 days. It was a chance for her to spend time away from Los Angeles and to be just another face in a sea of people.
Brock and Meredith flew separately from the team. They left before the Rockies had finished clubbing the Dodgers to the tune of 11-0. They listened to the game as one of Randi's security team drove them to the airport. Randi sat with them and kept up a constant conversation with one or the other. It was almost as though she wanted to tell them all the things her hectic work schedule had caused her to forget at the time.
The flight actually departed on time and as the city got further behind them, Meredith relaxed more and more.
"This is only the seventh time I've been on an airplane and every time has been in the last year," she said. "Did you know that?"
"I didn't," Brock said.
"Yep," she announced. "The first was when Randi and I flew home from her tour in September. The second was when we flew back from Jacksonville for Thanksgiving. The charter to Phoenix for the soccer game, and then there was the flight to and from Houston with you. Now this one."
"So you've always flown first class," Brock remarked.
"Like you haven't," Meredith replied with a laugh.
"I haven't," Brock said. "The first time I was on a plane was when we all flew to Carolina after high school. I wasn't 18 yet so Leslie had to book the seats. She booked us all in coach. It wasn't bad but I had grown three or four inches by then and the seats were tiny. Susan had been on a plane before but she was the only one. Even Leslie and Erin had never been on a plane before. Susan's flight to Paris after everything happened featured meals and a movie. So that's what we expected.
"Instead we were stuffed into this little tiny metal cylinder with 150 other poor dumb bastards for a flight that featured layovers in Phoenix, Minneapolis and Pittsburgh before we got to Charlotte. We got lost in the Pittsburgh Airport and almost missed our last connection. Then we got to Charlotte and Melanie's luggage was somewhere else entirely. It was something like six months before it was returned to her. I was somewhat perturbed. I mean, I had enough money for us to fly in at least business class. I told Leslie that I would never allow her to make travel arrangements for me again. I would have been happier driving from Corbly to Durham. Hell, I would have been happier riding from Corbly to Durham even if you had been the one driving."
Meredith laughed but slapped him on the arm.
"You know I had to check with the team to make sure riding with you wasn't prohibited in my contract, don't you?" Brock teased.
"You're hilarious," Meredith replied.
"I'm serious," he continued. "You know my contract prohibits me from doing dangerously stupid things. I can't skydive or bungee jump. Those are spelled out in the deal. But the language is a little vague about other prohibited acts. I wasn't sure if riding with someone who once was in the funny farm might void the deal."
Meredith laughed and rolled her eyes.
"I also decided after I rode home with you the first night that it should be even if it isn't," Brock added. "So I checked to be sure. They said there no prohibition but that I should use my best judgment. You'll notice that I rarely allow you to drive. I don't want to risk having the team void my contract if you decide you should drive with your feet or something – not that I would be able to tell a difference from when you use your hands."
"You're pushing it, Mister," Meredith warned.
"You have other virtues that more than offset your lack of driving skills," Brock replied, winking at her. "So is that offer to get frisky at forty-thousand feet you made in December still on the table?"
"You wish," Meredith said. "You should have thought of that before you started to pick on me."
"I'll try to make myself a note before we fly back," Brock replied. "Note to self: Pick on Meredith after you poke her in the can."
"You will not be poking me in the can," she said with a laugh. "I'm saving that orifice for my husband."
"I'm going to be your husband," Brock pointed out.
"I mean the husband I plan to keep," Meredith replied. "You I just plan to use for your money. We live in Hollywood, after all. Isn't that the way it works? I get a starter husband to ensure I never have to work and then I go forward looking for Mr. Right."
"That hits a little close to home, you know," Brock said.
"Crap, I already have enough money I'll never have to work," Meredith retorted. "Do you think I'd go to all the trouble to break you of your bad habits if I didn't plan to keep you?"
"What bad habits?" Brock asked.
"Sadly, we're only on a seven-hour flight," Meredith said. "I don't have time to even scratch the surface. Ask me again if we ever take a trip around the world."
"I thought you said you were saving that hole for your husband," Brock said with a laugh. Meredith's confused look led him to explain the reference.
"How would you know that?" Meredith asked. "You need to spend less time around Zack and the guys. They are so crude."
Brock's laughter brought a sharp elbow from Meredith.
"I learned that phrase from a woman," Brock admitted.
"Jen," Meredith grumbled. "I should have known. Let me guess, you've taken her from Paris to Chicago to London a few times. Well, I guess I have to keep up with her. I can't have you straying because you miss the excitement. I guess we'll have to give that a try while we're in Tampa. Houston can be our City of Romance. Tampa can be our City of Perversion."
"Hey, they're both American League cities!" Brock pointed out. "I think Los Angeles should be our City of Perversion."
"I was hoping you would offer to make Los Angeles our City of Romance," Meredith countered, crossing her arms beneath her breasts and making them even more prominent.
"We could make it both," Brock offered.
"Now, you're talking," she said with a wide smile. "We'll make it both."
Brock would never understand the vagaries of the Major League schedule. He understood the complexities of trying to schedule 162 games for 30 teams over the course of six months. Jen had sat down and shown him the impossibly long formula the Commissioner's Office used to create something approximating normalcy. The fact he knew it was a thankless and almost impossible task didn't mean it made him any happier when he was the one inconvenienced.
The team might play Sunday in San Diego and have Monday off to make their way back two hours northward to Los Angeles one week then have to play Sunday night in New York and Monday night in San Francisco the next. Such was the case with the trip to Tampa. The team played Sunday afternoon, immediately hopped on a flight eastward (losing three hours in the process) to arrive in Florida well after midnight. It was almost 2 a.m. by the time the team made its way to the hotel and got settled in. Then they had to be at the park by 11 a.m. for a two o'clock game on the Labor Day holiday.
But once the three games with the Rays concluded on Wednesday night, the team would have a full day off to travel across the small state to Miami where their series with the Marlins would start on Friday night. It wasn't just a quirk of the schedule. It happened that way frequently. It almost seemed to Brock that the schedule maker had decided the shorter trips (usually done by bus) would require more time for the players to rest.
Rather than sit around the hotel and worry about what might or might not be happening in Milwaukee, Brock and Meredith spent the morning taking in the sights and sounds of St. Petersburg. Brock was constantly amazed at the things that captured Meredith's attention. Despite the fact that her family had grown wealthy while she was in her teens, she enjoyed the simplest things.
She smiled and laughed the entire 90 minutes they spent on a scooter tour of beach. For a Monday in September, the number of people on the beach surprised Brock. Meredith gave him a glare when he commented as they got a crushed ice cone from a vendor.
"It's Labor Day, goof," she said, shaking her head. "Of course since you don't have a real job, you wouldn't know that."
"You're one to talk," Brock replied.
"My job is taking care of you," Meredith replied. "Believe me, that's full-time plus some."
"Good point," Brock rejoined. "You do it well, too."
"I'm getting better at it," Meredith said in a serious voice. "I'll keep practicing. It might take me 60 or 70 years to get it perfect."
The couple was watching a jai alai tournament, not that either understood the game in the slightest but it looked interesting as hell, when Brock's cell phone buzzed. He slipped away from the cheering crowd with Meredith not far from his side.
"It's Julie Archer," Brock announced as he looked at the screen. A glance at his watch told him it was already after noon.
"Are you at the field?" Julie asked when Brock answered the phone.
"I'm nearby," Brock said. "I can be there in about 10 minutes."
"Get there," Julie urged. "The commissioner is going to make his ruling at one o'clock. Will you have enough time to get ready if he says you're good to play?"
"Sure," Brock said. "A little BP would be nice but I can go without, I guess. So you think he'll void the demotion?"
"Honestly, I don't know," Julie said. "The man is like a sphinx. I couldn't tell if he was even paying attention to me most of the time. Still, he asked me questions afterward that let me know he was listening. I got Alex's official protest last night. That helped a lot, I think. I mean, the commissioner knows him. He has no idea of who I am, although he was very gracious. He complimented me on my promotion, as tenuous as it is. He also said that he couldn't have hand-picked a better standard bearer if it turns out I get the job full-time."
"Well, no offense, but a ruling in your favor sure wouldn't hurt things," Brock said.
"That's pretty well what I told him," Julie said with a laugh. "Are you on your way yet?"
"Meredith is hailing a taxi as we speak," Brock said. "I'll be there in a couple of minutes."
"Then I'm going back upstairs to wait for the announcement," Julie said. "Someone from the team will meet you at the player's entrance. I'll call you when I hear something."
Brock and Meredith arrived at Tropicana Field only a few minutes after the call ended. Despite the holiday, Brock knew it would be not be hard to secure tickets if the commissioner's office ruled against him. The Rays were one of the best young teams in the American League but they were always near the bottom in attendance – and thus in payroll. They routinely shipped their emerging stars off in their arbitration year to restock their minor leagues, which were always among the best. Thus they maintained a talent pipeline that other teams envied.
It allowed them to compete in the same division as the free-spending Yankees, Red Sox and Orioles yet fans were few and far between. Part of the lack of fans could be chalked up to the fact that many people in that section of Florida were retirees from other parts of the United States and already had their allegiances firmly in place before coming southward. Brock saw many more Yankees insignia on the streets then he saw Rays caps.
Another part of it was Tropicana Field. It had been home to the Rays since they arrived in the league in 1998 but it was built almost a decade before it hosted its first game. It was one of the old-style stadiums that went out of vogue in the early 1990s when Oriole Park at Camden Yards was opened. It didn't have many of the amenities that fans had come to expect at a ballpark and it lacked the fan-friendly, intimate atmosphere of the smaller, baseball-only parks. Also, it was impossible to get to because of the way the city and the major highways were situated. The fact that it was a domed stadium in sunny Florida made little sense to Brock. He understood the weather was unpredictable on the Gulf Coast but he doubted it was any more unusual than the weather in Miami or Atlanta.
Another problem with the facility was the unique design of the dome. It had a series of catwalks which frequently interfered with fly balls, creating the need for a host of "ground rules" that were used only in Tampa. Brock hoped he wasn't stationed in the outfield during his initial foray into the stadium because he had no idea of what those ground rules might be. He remembered a video of a fly ball hit there a few seasons before that rolled around the catwalks long enough for the batter to race around the bases. Then the ball fell down and was caught. The batter was out and a long and lengthy argument ensued.
It had been funny to watch on a television screen but Brock doubted that he would see the humor in it if he was one of the participants.
The member of the club's travel squad was standing outside the player's entrance when the taxi pulled up. Meredith decided she would spend time wandering around the area near the stadium and wait for Brock to call.
The locker room was empty an hour before game time. The players and coaches were out on the field, familiarizing themselves with the nuances of the stadium and getting a look at the pitcher's mound and the batting areas.
Brock found his uniform waiting for him along with the personal items he had left with Zack He had just tucked his jersey into his pants and tightened the belt when his phone buzzed again.
He took a deep breath when he saw it was Julie Archer.
"Let me read this to you," she said before he could even get the last syllable of "hello" out of his mouth. She didn't wait for an answer before she continued.
This story is completely true. I've decided to share it with you strangers because I can't really admit what happened to anyone in my real life. When I was 24 I was still working on my bachelor's degree at college and I was living at home with my parents and little sisters for the summer. It was a pretty boring summer for a while, but one day my mom told me that we would be hosting an exchange student from Japan for a week. I asked about the student and she told me that it was an 18 year old...
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FantasyThe preparations for the trip to Beletara soon became all-consuming, once the excitement of the Thanksgiving feast had died away. In addition, I had to give Master Jo an hour a day. I felt like I was starting over in my training with him. Every old thing became new when wrapped in the philosophy and knowledge of the Master. I was also taking his instruction in the Bow, along with everyone else. Somewhere at the far end of the training, the Way of the Staff and the Art of the Bow would meet...
Rob didn't like it at all; first the emergency road trip to assist a faltering client, the fearsome rainstorm, the blown tire, the lonely stretch of evergreen-lined road, the bright light and the loss of time. He was now in what appeared to be a 19th century study, with walls lined with books and no apparent windows. The one double-door was locked and musty odor was overbearing. Time meant nothing here, and Rob felt the same of himself. The lights dimmed, and from a darkened corner, she first...
Lisa felt the fast-rising bubbles on her face as she tried to scream. What the fuck was happening? One second, Bill was behind her giving her a nice slow fuck and the next she felt her knees hitting the hard, concrete floor. Using the toilet seat to his advantage, he had her head trapped in the toilet bowl. With a firm grip of hair on the back of her head, he had her face fully submerged in the toilet water. Lisa tried desperately to grab something, anything that could help her push herself...
He put his hand on his crotch and asked, "You want this?" "I don't know what you got?" I asked. He opened his fly and showed me a very average sized penis. "Suck it," he said. "You Anglos do it so much better." "Not here, too public," I said turning to walk into the lady's room. I peed then returned to the club. I never thought I would be glad there was no hallway outside a ladies room. Martinez was still waiting. "Come we will go to my car," he said. I followed him...
Walking in my front door and setting the bag containing two bottles of Alcohol on the floor, heaving a sigh of relief as I took off my shoes, I need this today. I'd spent the last few hours, before me and my cousin went and got the liquor, cleaning so there were no drunken mishaps. I peered around my living room to make sure everything was in order, confident it didn't have any trip hazards, I picked up the bag and walked through the living room past the coffee table and into the dining room. I...
Group SexMy wife, Kendra, and I have enjoyed a robust sex life from the time we started dating, up until the recent year, when we turned fifty years old and she became perimenopausal. And despite hormone therapy, she has lost all desire to have sex of any kind. I was climbing the walls and getting tired of using my hand to get off, but at least I discovered online porn and was using that for inspiration for my daily masturbation.My name is Dave, and I started out viewing and reading the normal kinds of...
BisexualThis is Rakesh from Bangalore, a working professional. I am from south, however, I lived in North, so i am well versed all languages. I am 30 years old, Dusky in appearance and I do keep myself fit with small activities in the busy life. I read this website whenever I get time and I find some of the stories so amazing and some are worth as fantasies. Still it’s a best site to explore the hidden fantasies which we keep so close to our heart. I wish to tell you about an incident which happened in...
The location of the bungalow was amazing. Her bedroom patio was literally on the beach, and the closest neighbor was about 250 yards away, and she was pretty sure that place was empty. The bungalow had obviously been around a few decades, but it had been well maintained. The open floor plan suited the place. The living room and dining area were to the left when you opened the front door, and were sparsely furnished. There was a couch and chair, along with a small entertainment center...
The day had finally arrived. It had been a long summer, I’d though after leaving school life would be easier, instead the last few months had just thrown a whole load of different challenges and problems in my face. I’m worn out with it all, I need a break. I slide back the covers of my bed, revealing my naked body under them. I’d started sleeping naked a while ago, almost got me into some embarrassing situations now and then but I love the feeling of the sheets on my bare skin, the freedom and...
TeenAfter he was long gone I peeked out to see if my Dad or Selena was out there, but all was clear. I hurried down the hall, my feet making light footfalls as I hurried to the bathroom I share with her, I went in, locked the door. I let my clothes fall to the floor around my feet then Looking at my body in the mirror and for the hundredth time I noticed my breasts were smaller than Selena's but feeling it now especially. "Pff, what ever." Shoving the idea out of my head I turn on the shower...
Author’s Note: DG Hear, MistressLynn and myself are doing a mini writing invitational. We are each picking one song from Ray Price and using it as the basis for a story. I’ve picked ‘City Lights,’ DG Hear, ‘For the Good Times,’ and MistressLynn (aka MissLynn), ‘That’s All That Matters.’ I will also be doing ‘A Girl in the Night.’ We hope you enjoy the stories – Jake Rivers **** As he lay in a hospital bed, his wounded body trying to heal, Clay let his mind drift. It had been two weeks since...
If Mara wasn’t fully well aware that her current situation was revenge, she’d be planning bodily harm on Amber. Actually, she was still planning bodily harm, but only of the “bending her over and spanking her” variety. In truth, as aggravated as she was, she had to admire the girl’s planning. Everyone in the shop knew Amber’s manipulations for what they were, but her arguments had been sufficiently sound that Mara was stuck anyway. Though, of course, the fact that Ellen seemed to find putting...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAbout a year after Roy had been dating me, he asked me to marry him. We were engaged for another year. After a lot of debating on the planning of the wedding, we finally decided to have a traditional wedding but with a little twist.It turns out the reason Roy was never jealous was because he was actually turned on by the thought of other men fucking me. I never knew about it until a night that we were discussing the wedding reception. He was really drunk, and out of nowhere, he suggested he...
Group SexPicking up a black man at the bar Victor had invited me to have dinner outside.I warned him I was in the mood for a huge black cock that night. He just smiled and said I could pick up anyone I like at the bar later.After dinner we went to a bar and had some few shots.We danced slowly as we kissed passionately and when we came back to our table, there was another full glass there for me that we had not ordered…I took it and scanned the bar to see where it came from. Then a tall black man nodded...
Dear friends, this is the story when Neeru, my sister-in-law, could achieve her desire to sleep the whole night with me ending up having sex multiple times. It happened in our house in Bangalore, which is actually smaller than my in-laws’ house in Chennai. This shows that we can plan hundreds of things, but when things happen, they just do. Let me start at the beginning. My in-laws and Neeru came visiting us in Bangalore during the monsoon time. Our house is small and they were staying for a...
IncestEarth time: 1:36 AM Saturday, June 16, 2012 Aina time: 9:31 PM day 41 of 1410 (last day of the first week of summer Makua) "Lois! Are you still working? It's so late! The sun set two hours ago." "Hi, Kalea! Yeah, I've been looking over some of the latest data from the gene sequencers. I guess I wasn't paying attention to the time... What do you have there?" "A wine cooler! Want to try some? Kiana and Kahoku built a heat-pump in the machine shop as part of their class project, and...
I sent flowers to Leah's apartment and to her office at the university, romantic long-stem red roses to her home and a mixed arrangement for her office. Then I made reservations at Bobby's, a Mancuso Restaurant in Scottsdale that offered jazz, cuisine, and wine. The wine was for me. While living in San Diego, I'd acquired a taste for fine wines while dining, and the wine cellar in my home would make a sommelier envious. The jazz was for Leah; she'd mentioned she enjoyed light jazz....
I walked naked into the African bush…To get away from the temptations of Rita and Koos, I rushed out without thinking. My emotions were in such a turmoil that I didn’t even bother to dress or put on my boots. I just walked into the noon sun.After about fifteen minutes I became aware of my own nudity, of my breasts gently moving with the rhythm of my steps. My nipples pointed into the wind, aroused and hard. My upper thighs swishing against each other, sweat lubricating the movements. I tried...
SwingersThe boys changed clothes. They didn't go all the way down to my usual grade of slutwear, but it was all very sexy. The girls shed the saris they had worn for the wedding and had pink baby doll t-shirts and harem pants to dance in. Most of the rest of the guests seemed to have known that my house was going to become a night club and had either dressed accordingly or brought something to change into. I went up to change and found a surprise. The boys' den was open and I could hear someone...
Aaron waited by the wall for the sky to darken sufficiently enough to be invisible and then climbed over the wall, dropping silently to the ground on the other side. Pulling the hood of his cloak over his head he made his way to the Central Quarter and the 'Dragon's Horn' Inn, searching for Remo. He found Remo in the same back corner table and after pleasantries got down to business. Remo had followed Master Darius as Aaron asked. Master Darius did in fact use a blind drop, the same...
Les seguí contando ya al día siguiente seria el último día que estaríamos en la finca desperté a eso de las 9am nuevamente sintiéndome como un miserable como poco hombre arrepentido de dejar que ahora el primo me le surtiera pija a mi novia y la dejara bien cogida me decía no lo voy a permitir no me la voy a dejar coger nuevamente.Baje el camarote David seguía dormido con cara de satisfacción, me puse una camiseta unos zapatos y baje ya la mayoría estaban despiertos incluso el tio que pervirtió...
Rick and Kelly had been divorced for the past two years. Rick had let his job and other things get in the way of his marriage as he watched it crumbled right before his own eyes. He still thinks a lot about Kelly and they are still very good friends with one another. Kelly’s 40th birthday was coming up fast and Rick wanted to do something special for it. He thought of several different ideas, but one of them in particular kept coming back to him. He remember how great their love making...
I have no morals and from a very young age I knew that sexually I was going to be very messed up, but growing up in a very conservative household I sort of had a split personality. I was kinky and innocent at the sometime, if that is possible. I was decently good looking and had no trouble talking to women, so unlike most of my friends who at that age where either still trying to pretend they hate women or trying to hump anything they could fit their penis in to, I was surrounded by girls who...
Lunch time, the day after the Emir's party had left, was the first time Henry had seen Janice since she was taken to the Emir's suite. "Well?" he asked as she came into his stateroom at lunch time still wearing the silk dressing-gown which buttoned at the neck but revealed her nudity beneath it. Her reply surprised and pleased him; she knelt in obeisance before him and as she did so she murmured, "Master." "How was it?" "Master. The Emir, may he live for ever, was generous enough...
I arrived at the garage apartment at 4:00, expecting to find her there. I checked to make sure I was not seen, then entered through the side door and up the plain wood staircase to the rooms above. The same key that had opened the side door opened the door to the main room, and the musty smell of the place told me how long it had been unused. But it was basically clean. Ann was not there. At lunch I had told her to be there by 3:45 and to wait for me. She had seemed totally cowed and I was...
Hello friends, I read this site regularly and I was very much impressed by some true stories in the site. I never had any sex experience with anyone before this. Therefore I decide to tell you a very truly incident which I can’t forget ever. It’s my first experience in my life and kindly bear with my story for any grammatical mistakes and suggests me of the mistakes, so that I can improve them in my future stores. My name is murali,29. The story took place around 6 years back when I was doing...
Yeh unn dinno ki baat hai jub humarey city mein TV nahin aaya tha…iss waqt mere Dad ne London se TV laya tha…aur unnhi dinno mein TV station bhi lug gaya tha….usswaqt sirf English films ya baher key dramey waghera dikhte thay…..abb mere mahelle mein mallom hoogaya ke mere gher per TV aagaya hai….tau humarey paroos ke larke…mujhey akser kehte ke hunain bhi TV per koi English film dikhana…..Uss waqt zamane ki mashoor film lagi huwi thi…..mahale ke larkoon ne kaha “Musaveer Bhai tum kooch arrange...
Muffin was holding a weeping Jessie as Summers walked into the room. "Well ain't that sweet. Lesbians are sure starting out early these days." He pulled the remote from his pocket and pressed three buttons, pointed the remote at the two girls and pressed a fourth button. Jessie screamed and grabbed her neck. She then slumped against Muffin. "Summers, you mother fucker. Leave the poor kid alone. You fucking coward. Your sure are a big man picking on a defenseless baby. I'm going to make...
by ladyfucker helo dosto kem so tame batha maru naam se amit patel ane hu mumbai marahu su. maro rang goro ane hight 5’6″ se ane mara loda ni size 7″ se ane thodo jado pan se to koi pan gujrati bhabhi,,, kaki,,,ne chodwani ichhaa thay to mane aa mail id par mail kare o.k ane aa bathu secret rahrse to apane story ni saruat kariye hu mara kaka ane kaki ni sathe rehto hato tyare mari ummar 22 ni hati mara kaka ne kapdani shop se te saware 8 wage jay ane tarna11 wage gare ave aa eno rutine time...
The next morning the newly formed wagon train moved out. They soon fell into a routine, with the two Irish women doing outrider duties, though the new arrangement still made Shaylee nervous. Two and a half weeks after they had joined forces, Jean approached Maeve. "We are running low on supplies and the map shows a town to the northeast. I know it is not on the way but..." said Jean with his, by now, familiar Gallic shrug. He proffered the map but Maeve wasn't interested. She said, "We...
“The Orcess, while dominant in her nature, I have found, can be subdued with the right leverage. While they strive to come across as in charge and powerful, a statement certainly enhanced by their obvious strength and physical prowess, they, like most I have found, can be easily manipulated with the promise of pleasure.” “Hey, fuck you!” The Orcess, Linza growled, digging her fingertips into the softness of Scarlett's plush ass cheeks, glaring up at him. Scarlett glanced back and down...
My life has always been rather simple; well, as simple as a courier can have it.I've always loved the thrill of speeding through the streets openly vulnerable on my bicycle instead of contained in the confines of a car. Sure, I could've been a mailman. But where's the fun in that? Besides, riding my bike is about all the exercise I can get these days. I enjoy it. And with the right customers, I'm almost always rewarded with a good tip depending on my performance. That's considered my bonus on...
If I may digress a bit about our relationship, you have to remember that Val and I don’t fuck. She feels it would be cheating on her b/f. My other Sugarbabies and I do EVERYTHING, but not her and I, yet we do everything but fuck, which may be why our “thing” trips my trigger so much. Joeie and Toni Lee, Jamie, and the two or three others I see from time to time all know that to keep their “Daddy” happy, they must give it up to or risk losing my sponsorship. It gets real intense and is very...
Jake watched the alarm clock that sat on the heater at the end of his bed impatiently. Eight forty-two the bright red LCD digits glared. Only eighteen more minutes before he had to report the front desk for duty. He secretly hated his job as an RA especially in the dorm building that was primarily for freshmen, but needed it for the money. Besides the Job had its perks, such as having a room all to himself. He was just hoping he couldn’t finish the response he was writing before his biology...
College SexThese are not ‘Stand alone’ Chapters. I suggest reading from the beginning. Part six of eight: No birds this time This story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up. Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow I wish to thank Wolv_Project for taking the time to edit my offering. All mistakes are mine solely, whether planed or not. * Two years have gone by. Every month or more Olive and Candy write to me. The...
“Hey!” Adam caught Emmy at her locker on the east second floor. “What? Hi Adam. Samira and Krysten had a date night last night. You need to be in the music room before Mr Kilkenny gets here.” Emmy frowned. He grabbed her elbow. Her cheeks flushed and he kissed her. “Adam?” She stepped back and ran her brown hair behind her ears. There were a few people in the hallway. Freshmen mostly. Maybe they wouldn’t know what was going on? Who she was? Still, Emmy blanched. “Go find Samira and...
Submitted to literotica.com by the author. * Keme saw movement out of the corner of his eye. Without turning his head, he moved his eyes to get a look. It was that kid again, the one that couldn’t tell nightmares from visions, Vumanesco. Keme moved his eyes back to the target and released his arrow. That annoying kid had been fluttering about since early dawn. He kept approaching him only to sneak away. At one point he had come close enough to speak, had said something completely pointless,...
Your name is Tony Denucci you are the new talent scout of the WWE. You got the job because you grew up with a former wrestler in the WWE, Jeff Hardy. His brother Matt was also a friend and when he heard that Vince(McMahon) had just fired your predcesor, he had Vince give you a call. After a couple of interviews and alot of historical wrestling talk Mr. McMahon hired you. It is your first day on the job. You pull up to the huge WWE Headquarters building in Stamford,Ct. You pull into the employ...
Sexy milf step mommy Abby has the perfect marriage and life with her home and manly step son Chad that is a younger version of his father. Abby just cannot stop rubbing her pussy every time she sees Chad working on the pool or in the shower. But when she heard Chad break up with his girlfriend she knew this was the chance to get his thick cock inside her hungry hole. Chad walks in on her masturbating and she summons him to sit on the bed and chat. Abby tells him right away she wants him to lick...
xmoviesforyouLucy and Jake Chapter one – Double the fun on the continent After 5 beautiful years of fucking, Jake and Lucy knew their sex life couldn’t get any better. That is, until they discovered a new way to connect… It was a warm afternoon in Paris, the low autumn sun shone lightly onto Jake’s back. Pulling his sunglasses off his face, he met Lucy’s eyes with a fierce twinkle. She hadn’t seen Jake for weeks, and it had been no secret how horney the two of them were getting. Suitcase dumped, Lucy...
When we masturbate there is a little bit of us that drifts off into the unknown. As a young girl, my d***k father(Who had fallen asl**p) let me watch a porn movie, where a girl was passed around a large group of older men, and repeatedly ****d, over and over. As I sat wide eyed and realised what my vagina was for, I found myself touching it repeatedly, as my father snored in his chair. I had made the connection between forcible sex, and passive sex, and the more I dwelt on it, I found I...
Dexter looked at the item and then asked, “Where’s the cherry?” “We’re out of cherries,” the kid behind the counter said. “Are there any in the back?” Dexter asked. “Yes. We got a couple big jars of them,” the kid answered. “So get some cherries out of the back, and put one on my sundae,” Dexter said. “We’re too busy,” the kid answered. There were thirty people in line with twenty of them being kids. Only two people were working the counter. He didn’t have time to go rummage around in...
Hello there and in this story, I will be sharing my wife’s story of the entire weekend swap trip. After boarding the flight and take-off we didn’t have near our seats. So I took the courage and asked Urmila, “How was your experience, jaan?” She blushed, checked the surroundings and said, “One of the best, thanks for the trip,” and kissed me. This is her story We left in the taxi and reached the hotel room. The moment I closed the room door, Arjun came from the back and hugged and started...
I must thank Randi for the edit. She’s the best! Tim Larson smiled and spoke to everyone he met as he strolled through the crowd with his daughter, Heather. He was far and away the best maintenance man in the company. As such, he spent a lot of his work time on the factory floor repairing and maintaining the complex and complicated machinery required in the manufacture of buffers and accessories. The Ferguson Family business employed well over four hundred people. Tim knew nearly all of them...
Girls Getaway Vacation Friday. I climbed out of the shower and toweled off. "See any stray hairs I might have missed?" I asked. Geena looked over my naked body and then ran her fingers down my chest to my waist. "Looks god to me. Aren't you glad we had you shave all that hair off?" "Absolutely," I agreed. I looked her over, she was putting on makeup standing there in just a bra and panties. "I also like that you are wearing sexier underwear." I traced along the lace front of...
Here are a few true to life experiences that my partner and myself have enjoyed over the years, starting from basic sex and transpiring into oral sex, further culminating in anal penetration. Thereafter sex toys and gadgets enhanced the experience and as time went on, swinging became a part of the fun. If this was not enough than more partners were brought into the equation and desires and fantasies culminated in introducing males with "Monster cocks" (for my partner). Finally, things like...
You wake up around 7am on the morning of your girlfriend's birthday. She's still sound asleep, snuggled up and smiling slightly. She's an adorably little blonde with a big, devilish smile and piercing, beautiful eyes. The two of you are so in love. You slide stealthily out of bed and hurry downstairs to make your famous eggs benedict. You fry up some potatoes and mix some fruit and yogurt in a bowl, then head back up to her room. You place the spread down on the night stand and kiss Wendi...
BDSM“Hope you’ve done as I asked or you won’t get your surprise,” John said with a smirk as he gripped the steering wheel a little tighter.I was sitting in the passenger seat with my legs and arms crossed, pretending to ignore him as I looked out the window, watching the traffic slowly move by.“Are you going to even give me a hint of what this surprise of yours is?” I finally huffed.“It’s wet,” he said with a devious smile.My eyes narrowed as I looked in his direction. I did not find him unamusing...
HumorProm was being held on Saturday, May 6th, at the Best Western Hotel downtown, probably because they had the largest ballroom. Graduation for seniors was scheduled for Saturday, May 20th in the school auditorium, and the last day of school for everyone else was Friday, May 26th. Mom and I found a nice dress at Herberger's in the mall — they're like JC Penney on steroids, with prices to match. With the matching purse and heels, the price tag was just under $350.00. A new bra and panty set in...