A Thrilling Night
- 2 years ago
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“Satellite data shows a huge gravitational anomaly on the coastal area, here, near Mount Siple. We’ve got to get you in there to perform a ground survey. A quick and dirty Navy over-flight with magnetic anonomaly detection gear returned nothing useful. We know that something is there but we can’t get a handle on it. It’s massive, it’s something deep, and it’s unknown. We expect that your penetrating ground study will tell us more about whatever the hell that mass is.”
Michael stared at the satellite reports. He couldn’t dispute what he’d just heard. Most of the readings-gravity and surface penetrating radar-indicated something unusual. He wondered why the magnetic probes came away with nothing useful. Well, odds were that it was actually something natural, a deposit or a fault intrusion, something unusual for anywhere else but Antarctica.
Antarctica is a huge continent holding larger mysteries which science only recently began to answer. Problem is, of all the areas of the vast south polar continent, Marie Byrd Land remains the most remote, the least investigated, and the most difficult to reach.
“It’s twelve hundred miles from the closest base to Siple Island. How do you propose to get me there with enough gear and supplies for ground studies? It will take at least a week to get set up, make some evaluation runs, and get out of there.”
The agency man looked nervously at his stack of reports, then faced Michael straight on.
“No, not a week. We want a thorough ground sweep. We’ll take you in with a team to set up camp, and we’ll leave you there with an assistant. You’ll be in there for two weeks; more likely three, depending on what turns up.”
Michael sat stone-faced, saying nothing. His mind churned with probable risks and it was not a good plan.
It was already too late for antarctic field work. He’d been enjoying late-season cross-country skiing at his cabin; it was the fall season in Antarctica. Days were already dark with a brief twilight at mid-day. They’d be facing early winter storms and risking isolation on the coastal ice shelf, with little chance of help reaching them if anything went wrong.
“Our big problem is the distance. At twelve hundred miles, it’s right at the range limit for the C-130’s. It’s too far for the Hercs to go in and get back without a refueling stop. There’s no place for refueling since they shut down the Byrd station up on the plateau.
“We’ve arranged for an icebreaker to take you and your gear to the site. They’ll provide crew and snowmobiles with sleds to haul your stuff to the island and help you set up. You’ll check in daily by radio, and when you’re ready to come out, they’ll come in for you. They’ve got a helo deck so they can pull you out in a hurry if necessary. Don’t worry about bringing back the gear if things get dicey. That’s expendable. What we want is the data. We’ll be sending satellite up-link equipment with you for that. Try to transmit daily data feeds. We’ll have analysts working it up as it comes in.”
“You do realize that this is a hell of a risky situation you’re putting us into?”
“We don’t see it that way. It should be easy getting in, then an easy couple of weeks running back and forth with your snowmobiles and instruments, and then an easy out. The ship will stand by right off the ice shelf in radio range, ready to pull you out of there. What could be safer than that?”
Michael had never been in the habit of teaching pigs to sing. It was a waste of time and it annoyed hell out of the pigs. Obviously this fool and his superiors had never studied a single report about polar weather or antarctic operations.
“Alright, but we’ll need extra supplies for an extended stay in case the weather window closes. Storms can shut down an area for days, even weeks at a time. Trying to get a ship-board helicopter launched and recovered during storm conditions could be damned risky, if not impossible.”
“Sure, sure, no problem. I’ll tell the supplies team to offload an extra four week’s rations and fuel, just in case. Now, here’s the plan our analysts worked up. We’d like you to lay out this grid, using GPS coordinates...”
Michael spent the next day feeling uneasy about everything. He couldn’t understand why the agency was in such a hurry to survey the site. They had good satellite data, despite the confusing Navy mag-det readings. That should be plenty to keep them busy until the following antarctic spring when conditions would be safer. What was the damned hurry?
“The damned hurry” was the size of the anomaly at Siple Island. The agency deputy director sat at his desk, reviewing the report summary.
“Is this right? Are you sure there’s no error? This is the actual estimate?”
“Yes, sir. That’s it. I had the team review it a second time, and then I called in an independent section to double check everything. We ran it twice through the computers. We had a team of programmers double-check our algorithms and modeling assumptions. That’s the most accurate assessment possible. I know it’s a bit much to swallow but we either believe it, or we go back to square one with all of our systems and throw out everything we’ve done up to this point.”
The deputy director nodded, and shuffled the stack of papers closed, sliding them into their envelope.
“Thanks, Richard. I know you and the team have done a good job with this. I had to ask. Don’t be surprised if I call you in when I meet with the chief. I’m sure he’ll have the same skepticism I did, when I tell him these results.”
Damned right, he will, Deputy director Jameson thought to himself. Scientists have known for years that there are volcanoes, mountains, rivers and lakes beneath the antarctic ice shield. But who the hell would ever believe that a manufactured object one-half mile wide and three miles long would be buried under the ice in a place where humans have rarely, if ever, visited before?’
Plans went overboard from almost the first moment the ship arrived at the Getz Ice Shelf on the southwest coast of Antarctica. The shelf, small by antarctic standards, extends along the coast for three hundred miles and varies from twenty to sixty miles in breadth. Several major islands, including Siple Island and its volcano, lay surrounded by shelf ice.
The volcanic cone of Mount Siple looms over all of them, ten thousand feet above sea level. Even from a distance of thirty miles it is huge, imposing, and foreboding. Its snowcapped form stands starkly outlined against a grim horizon.
The ship’s two-man helicopter returned from its initial reconnaissance, a sixty-five mile round trip.
“Impassable? Absolutely impassable? You mean, there is no way we can get this mission to the site across the ice?”
“Yes, that is exactly what I mean,” Michael told Agent Steve Barringer. “There’s an unbroken line of pressure ridges extending three miles deep across our route close inshore. The ice is stacked up at least seventy-five, maybe a hundred feet high for as far as we could see. Worse than that, there seems to be some shearing right along the coast where the shelf meets the coast. It alternates between ice heaps and cracks. Any one of those cracks could swallow a snowmobile, its driver, and the sled with its load. There’d be no hope of getting out. But that’s assuming we can even get to the ice cracks; those ridges can’t be climbed and they extend too far to go around.”
“What do you suggest?”
“Me? What do I suggest? This is your party, your push, remember? If you want my professional advice, we’ll turn around and go back to McMurdo. Then you’ll release this ship and its crew to return to their New Zealand port for the winter.”
“That’s not an option.”
“Alright. I was afraid you’d feel that way. If the skipper and the pilot are willing, we can-just maybe-still do this. Assuming the ship has enough helo fuel aboard, we can break this down into a two-man detail, with just enough gear, including food and cooking fuel for a four-week contingency, for a fast survey. We plan on ferrying enough stuff over for a five-day quick scan: one day to set up, three days to run the survey, and the last day to get ourselves off the ice and back to McMurdo, and I’ll pray that we’re off before the first bad storm hits.”
“Dammit, that’s not enough. The chief wanted every square yard of that area scanned. We can’t cut it that short!”
“You’re not listening to me, Agent Barringer. We do it with what we’re able to fly ashore, as I just explained, or we don’t do it. We can’t ferry enough gear and reserve supplies to carry out your full plan. In case you haven’t paid attention, it’s the late fall season and we’re lucky we haven’t yet been hammered with a serious storm. If a fast-moving weather front moves in, we could be stranded on that island for weeks before it lets up enough to get us out of there. I’ll give you today and tomorrow to revise the load and transport us there. You can do that, or wait until early summer. It’s your choice.”
Steve Barringer was an intelligent man. He knew next to nothing about Antarctica. Few men who had not spent a season on the ice really did, but he trusted those who had the experience.
His problem was pressure. He was under incredible pressure from his agency superiors to get this survey accomplished, and he was equally as baffled as his consulting geophysicist by the rush. Sure, there seemed to be something huge and unknown lurking over there, but why the hell couldn’t it wait another year? How long had it been buried there, anyway? It seemed damned unlikely to pop out of the ice and take off somewhere before they could get to it.
“I’ll call and tell them we’ve got problems. You get your stuff sorted out. See how much stuff the pilot can ferry with each flight. I’ll check with the skipper.”
The director looked up and said in a voice so soft and low that his deputy had to strain to hear it:
“You bring me a shadow, and if we hadn’t worked together for so many years I would have your ID on my desk and yourself escorted from the building, under guard, to the nearest psychiatric ward.”
Deputy Jameson shifted uneasily, but he trusted his old friend to stay calm in the face of the incredible evidence.
“Yet here it is, and it’s been confirmed. The satellite instruments prove that something massive of a manufactured shape is buried there. The Navy flight added disbelief to this ‘shadow’ by showing it has little or no magnetic properties. Yet our gravity readings show that it is something very, very dense. We can’t just ignore it, can we?” the Director grumbled.
“No, sir, I don’t think we can. It appears to be nothing threatening, but we can’t be certain of that. It’s been laying there, hidden, unmoving. We don’t know enough about it to say much of anything, except that it is huge, it is unnatural, and it is buried deep in the ice where we would expect to see nothing of its kind.”
“Then what do you recommend?”
“It’s in my report with my conclusions, there with the analysis data. But I’ve already taken some action. We need to learn more but our timing is lousy. Winter is coming on down there, and our access window is closing. I’ve got one of our leading geophysicists and an investigating agent on site. They’re preparing to run a ground sweep to get accurate shape and density readings on this thing.”
“Good, very good. Make sure it happens. You’ve got free rein to run this project. Make sure we get those results before that weather window closes.”
Michael hurried to set up their base tent while the helicopter ferried supplies from the ship. He had ridden in with the first load, a sling-load of gear including their tent, sleeping bags, and duffel bags with extra clothing. He’d gotten the tent set up and the gear stashed while the pilot brought in another sling-load bearing their ground-penetrating equipment and food. The third trip delivered the snowmobile, fuel and oil, and a sled.
The fourth and final trip carried his helper, Dan Perkins, with their radio and satellite uplink equipment. Michael stood well clear while the helicopter approached on this last delivery. Twilight was almost gone. It was dark and difficult to see anything around him. He’d stumbled badly while carrying a crate and nearly sprained his ankle. The wind had come up and was blowing billowing streamers of snow. If things got only a little worse, the pilot would have real trouble. Any wind gusts or swirling snow would be dangerous when he came in to set down.
The helicopter approached, slowly, hesitating as it descended. Mike had set out flares and burning wads of oily rags pinned to the snow with spare tent stakes as beacons, something for the pilot to use as a ground reference. But the swirling down-blast from the blades obscured the markers in upswept clouds of powdery snow. Michael could see the pilot straining to guess his height above ground.
A hard gust pushed the helo up; it veered to one side and dumped its sling load. It was too high. The radio crates crashed forty feet down onto the hard snow pack. Several split open. The helo spun around and approached again. The pilot was forced to switch off his landing lights; they were blinding him in the clouds of swirling powder. He tried to see Mike’s ground flares as markers. The whole area was obscured under a blowing sheet of snow; all he could see was a swirling, rotating ground blizzard. There was no outside reference and the buffeting he was taking in the wind gusts upset his gyro horizon.
Michael could see the red flare in his own hand but nothing below his knees. The snow surface was a slithering, seething mass of sideways blowing snow, except where the helicopter down-wash was blasting it up into a huge, billowing cloud. The pilot struggled to get his equilibrium. It was hard to tell right-side up from upside-down. The helo surged up and swung away.
He circled tightly around, too high, Michael thought, and flew straight toward the glow of the flares from about a hundred feet out. The pilot descended as he came, trying to guess where his skids would contact the seething surface below him. Michael moved forward to guide him down, swinging his flare low before him.
Two things happened at precisely the wrong moment: a wind gust caught the craft from the side and its landing skid dropped and hit the snow pack, too hard. The helo bounced; another wind gust laid it over. It spun violently around when its rotor blades hit the snow. The blades shattered. Their pieces flew at Michael and the equipment crates. The tail rotor slammed down. Its blade broke loose and spun forward into the fuel tank. Gushing aviation gas engulfed the rolling, spinning helicopter in flame. Michael ran for his life.
Dan Perkins was thrown partially out of the door. He was crushed and dead before the flames reached him. The pilot, stunned from the impact of the crash, died when he inhaled superheated air from the flames. A moment later the helicopter was a burning mass of wreckage. It lay rolled against the radio and satellite equipment crates. Everything was blazing in the gasoline inferno.
Michael was down. A hail of blade fragments streaked past him while he ran. A knife-size chunk tore into his right leg, laying it open. He fell, rolled, and grasped at his torn snow pants, feeling the stub of the blade sticking out of his thigh. He fell. He sprawled flat onto the blinding, swirling snow; he lay in agonizing pain. Immersed in the swirling ground blizzard that covered him, he didn’t see the rolling, flaming wreckage destroy his camp and supplies.
What he couldn’t see on the far side of the tent was a secondary eruption of flame. Another blade fragment had struck one of the snowmobile fuel jugs, shattering the cold plastic. That sent a spray of gasoline into the air. It whirled downwind, touched the flaming wreck, and flashed back in a cloud of fire. The other fuel jugs swelled from the heat, their plastic melted, and hot gasoline gushed out. The fuel stash became a roaring inferno.
Michael fought to stay conscious. His camp was a blazing hell; soon, sub-zero cold would return and hell would be frozen over. Michael would join the two men already dead, but his death would take longer. He’d either bleed to death or freeze to death unless he did something to save his precious gear.
He tugged the metal shard from his thigh and ripped open the tear in his snow pants to reach his trousers and thermal underpants. Both were saturated with blood. He cut long strips of fabric from his snow pants with his pocket knife, slicing the pants where they’d been torn open. He cut into his inside trousers and thermals to lengthen the holes already there. He folded and stuffed his wool glove liners against the bleeding wound and wrapped them tightly with the strips of snow pant fabric.
Shock made him queasy and nauseous; he fought it. He had little time to prepare for survival. With the helo destroyed he didn’t want to think how long he’d be stranded here. There was no way that help could come from the ship.
He folded his knife and pocketed it, then slid the outer mitten shells back onto his hands. He crawled to the supply pile, pulling with his hands and pushing with his good leg, bellying forward in a clumsy scramble, dragging his injured leg stiffly, painfully along.
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LUST AND LOVE SisyphusChapter OneI wanted her the moment she walked into the bar. I had been driving all day on my way to visit some old friends in Western Massachusetts. It was late and I decided to get a drink then head back to the sleazy motel down the road, get up early and continue my journey. The shabby bar was empty except for the bald headed bartender with a pot belly and an old guy by himself at a back table with his head down on the table, holding an empty shot glass; the head of a...
Straight Sex"What movie are we watching tonight?" I asked, knowing my parents would ask. "That new pirates movie." Mark was playing with my breast, laying on his left side facing me. "Mmmm ... Johnny Depp," I giggled, thinking about Chris. He was on his right side facing me, and playing with my other boob, since I was in the middle. "He's pretty cool." Chris smiled at me, and I was flat in my back, playing with their cocks. "So are you." Mark grinned at him. "You look like him too," I...
Yeah kahani abhi 1 hafte phle ki h jab main apne kaam se Lahore gya hua tha and mujhe wahan 3 din rukna tha kisi kaam se, so,maine wahan ke hotel me check in kiya and 3 din ke liye room book krwa liya aur wo ek kafi achha hotel tha , main apne room me chala gya and shower le ke fresh ho gya.Then I realized that ki mere room ke samne wale room me se couple ki ladai ki awaz aa rhi thi, as I m curious to know the matter bt,main aise bhi kisi ke beech me nhi jaa sakta tha, and me apne room me chala...
I had just had a weird run-in with my old College principal where he had been vandalizing public property with a rather interesting interpretation of Iron Man snapping his finger at the end of Endgame. But this time he was just flipping the middle finger. It was kind of simple but kind of good too. I wonder what kind of work he could have done if he hadn’t run off early like he had. I had all that running through my head when I came home and saw Bree in the living room with her cousin and...
Dear readers, the conversations of the story obviously were in ‘Bangla’, some places I have used ‘Bangla’ as happened and translated into ‘English’, otherwise I have tried to use translated English. FRIEND’S YOUNGER DAUGHTER JOINED WHILE FUCKED ELDER As I thought, in the next day when Geeta came with Seeta came my house, I took Geeta inside my bedroom make sitting Seeta in the drawing room. I hugged Geeta and soon removed her all attire and made her fully nude. While I was kneading her breasts...
My wife called and told me to take my time coming home, she was busy getting something ready. She wouldn't tell me what she was doing but just said, "you'll find out." Well that made me want to get home quicker. My wife was 5'6", 120, red hair, 36C and a firm tight ass, and loved mini skirts, thigh hi's and no panties. I pulled into the garage and went in the house and found it quiet, I yelled for my wife. I heard a giggle and she said back here in the guest room. I walked back to the room and...
We met online. When we first started talking, I really wasn’t looking for a relationship. I had been scanning he pages of pictures people put up when I came across hers. I thought she was gorgeous. So I left her a little comment telling her that. I moved on along through the pictures, looking for something to masturbate to when I was notified that I had received a message. Not sure who it was from, I ignored it for a bit, figuring it was probably someone spamming the site with ads for cheep...
The first night I met up with my friend Phil and went to a restaurant and then on to a pub. Unfortunately Phil had to get up early for work and so he turned in early. I headed back to the holiday camp. When I arrived it was still early and, not fancying going to bed yet, I decided to head to the bar. It was in the bar that I first met Lucy for the first time. Lucy was on holiday with a group of friends to celebrate her forthcoming 50th birthday. Lucy and her friends were very friendly...
Traveling for events and presentations is one thing I like very much. Stay at the best hotels, dine at the best restaurants, and if you get lucky, you can find someone for sex as well. This happened to me when I was attending an event. As usual, I was staying at a star hotel. After the event, I was down at the poolside when I noticed Sandhya, a married woman, with her husband, Shyam. I was about ten to fifteen years younger than Sandhya and her husband, Shyam. Sandhya was fit for her age, had...
by rodeotexas April 2012 Genre: wife, 1st time, dog, donkeys, girlfriends In telling a story as complex as this and to do so in a timely manner, I had to use the first person, second person and third person to adequately describe the events. My wife Lydia and I met while in the university in Colorado working on our undergraduate then graduate degrees. We have been married for four years now and we live near a mountainous tourist/resort town not far from where we went to...
Hottie Lily Larimar is smarting that her boyfriend dumped her, but she has come up with a way to make her ex realize what he’s missing. All she needs is help from her stepbrother, Jason. Lily approaches Jason and explains that she wants to pose so he can take a bunch of scandalous photos. Jason tentatively agrees to snap shots of his stepsister’s cute little boobs and smooth bare twat. Then Lily tries to take things a step further. Sinking to her knees, Lily pats Jason’s...
xmoviesforyouIt is Halloween, and we are all set for some partying, Kamiko’s dressing as a cat, and ah, she’ll have a proper collar and I’ll hold the leash as we’ve decided to let the rest of our friends know what’s going on. Except, I’ve got to tell Julie first, so I beg off lunch with Kamiko to have a private chat with Julie. ‘Julie, we’ve known each other for almost three years, right?’ ‘Around that, why you ask?’ ‘Well, I think I need to tell you something. Something that’s kinda big. Heavy duty...
Logan approached a cluster of squat two-story apartment buildings. He scanned the buildings looking for number 114. Seeing it, he parked in a visitor’s stall in the parking lot and approached the door. Finding a buzzer button tagged “A Winter” he pressed it. “Logan?” He heard Alex’s voice through the intercom. “Yep, I’m here,” he replied. The main door buzzed open and he headed upstairs to apartment 2B. As he approached the door it opened. Alex stepped into the corridor in a denim skort and...
While sitting at my lover Nicole's place, as she is out getting her pussy filled with cum, and I am waiting for her to come back and feed me. I got a text from a Transsexual lover Kayla; since i was just waiting, i arranged to meet her at the local bathhouse.I got to the bathhouse, stripped down and found Kayla in the steam room getting sucked off by a guy. As I entered, she stopped the guy sucking and came straight over to me and we made out for a minute. We left the steam room and went...
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is what I hope to be the beginning of a series of stories. Be patient, and I will get it done. If you want to egg me on for whatever reason, then review the story and say something on the order of "Hurry up and finish the story you idiot!" Though I would appreciate if no one called me an idiot or some such. ;) And now, Return of Magic: The Rogue Teuton, Section 1. Preface: Of the Orders of Magic Magic has existed throughout the history of mankind,...
If you have read my last episode, I will continue from there. Trish had just explained to me how her and David we introduced in to sex by Shelly (their Mom). I had to go to work, even though I really wanted to stay and discuss it some more or even get relief to the arousal that was created from listening. I ended up having an erection all the way to work and throughout most of the morning by recounting the event in its entirety. I couldn’t hold out much longer , so I went to the mens’ room to...
The Moore family lived in a large house in suburbia, a typical set up where neighbors compete for a better lawn and SUVs crawl along the otherwise silent street. They had the customary big front lawn and massive back garden, walled in by a fence. In the day, things were still. At night, there was even less excitement. Clara shuddered in her slumber as the sparkling sunlight illuminated her flawless face. It was a beautiful Saturday morning. The tall oaks standing in front of their suburban...
Alice the New Maid Pt 3 Mr. Clark grabbed Alice’s arm and escorted naked Alice into the Punishment Room. “Please punish me all you want, but don’t send me back to prison, sir”. Alice pleaded. “Alice, I hope you will become one of most valuable staff members.” Mr. Clark said. “But you have to be responsible for your actions. Sarah was punished today because she is responsible for your training, and now is the time for your punishment.” Mr. Clark sat down on a straight back wooden chair and...
SpankingI’d like to say that Vanessa and I quickly showered and promptly made our way to our appointment at the health spa, but it would be a lie. Me and her, together in a hot shower, that usually leads to some sort of sexual hijinks. This time was no exception. Somehow the big black rubber cock joined us in the shower and we each took a turn getting fucked by it. We were more than a half an hour late to the spa. Luckily Vanessa was a very good customer. She had sent them a lot of business in the...
Upon their arrival in New York, Jessica met with Jane’s attorneys. The meeting went surprisingly well; apparently Jane had been very persuasive in convincing them that this was what she really wanted. The law firm also handled investments, and had been doing a very good job, so Jessica agreed to let them continue to manage most of it. She learned that Jane had asked the firm to sell off her house and all her possessions — she had no desire to revisit her old life — and that the proceeds would...
I won’t bore you with the unnecessary details of mundane things we did that afternoon. Master likes to stop at places like Home Depot and Batteries Plus. He spends hours looking at really dull man-related home improvement stuff like diamond tip drill bits and electric flanges. I doubt you want to hear about it. He rarely talked to us while we were in the store. He expected us to quietly stand behind him and keep our mouths shut! The skirts we had on were extraordinarily flimsy and short, so...
Jade Nile is a self-proclaimed slut. Unlike most females in today’s society, Jade has no issues shopping at adult bookstores. She consumes pornography; Jade loves trying new sexual lubricants to see which ones work best; and, finally, like the lubes, Jade loves using all sorts of different sex toys to see which ones get her off the most. Jade tends to buy black dildos, as she loves all things interracial…especially the taboo aspects of I.R. sex. “Boy, I wish this was the real...
xmoviesforyou"Where are you?" Tara asked in a high pitched voice as if she was either excited or freaked out. "I'm at the boutique" I replied. "Ok I am coming by, something very important. I am so freaked out now and I will tell you all about it when I meet you. Will be there in half an hour see you." She hung up. The phone call made me really nervous.I had reasons to get nervous if not get a nervous break down. Tara and her husband owns a few restaurants in different cities across the States. I have known...
Chapter 3: Domestic Discipline & Control We sat together for a while, sipped our drinks, and I felt a bit of a buzz. For a while we chatted, me telling her about my day a little, her telling me about the day she’d had here. She was easy to talk to, and curious about most things, as I was at eighteen. There were a few good movies she’d found for us to watch later, and we planned for it. ‘It was really fun going out for dinner the other night,’ she told me hopefully. ‘I’ve never been on a date...
Note : This story is fiction! My name is Matt,i am 20 years old 6'3 very will built and i have a 10 inch dick.My {Jamie}is 19 years old 5'5 blue eyes, blonde hair,aneedd a perfect tan all over.She has 36d breast and i round ass that would make you want to bow and thank the one above for making it.Jamie and I had always been really close we did everything together where ever i went she went.A couple of years ago i started to notice how sexy she was and for the last two years that is all i have...
IncestHello, everyone!! So here comes the third part of the sex story and as I had said in the last part, those who don’t know have a clue about the story read the previous ones. Also, don’t forget to mail the feedbacks on (special preference in replies to Keralites ha ha) So finally I have reached the apartment of David and well as I guessed it was a Porsche one. So as David had told me earlier what to do I just followed it and got into his room. I could see that it was already arranged for a...
Gay MaleI was up early and went out to the barn to check on all the animals. They were all fine, so I took some time to evaluate the six horses that came to me yesterday and tried to figure out what I would need more horses for. The young man could have a horse, and the young girl might even want one. I doubted that their grandmother would want a horse. I tried to evaluate the six horses and which two I would keep. None of them were of the quality my roan or Tia’s bay were. One was what seemed like...