ComrieChapter 45 free porn video

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Máiréad and Ciar were with Jasmine, as she woke for the first time after completing her conversion to Órarduine. As Jasmine woke, she slowly began to catalog the sensations surrounding her. The first thing she noticed was that she was lying in bed rather than standing in a tube. The sounds and smells were of a hospital or doctor's office. For a moment she wondered where she was, then she remembered lowering herself into the conversion tube and watching it fill with green gel. She slowly worked through each of her physical senses.

Before Jasmine began to thumb through her memories, she heard two voices, and their images appeared in her mind. "Jasmine," said Máiréad and Ciar softly, "you are fine. Everything went as planned. You don't need to worry."

"So that part wasn't a dream, and you aren't figments of my imagination?"

"No, Jasmine. Open your eyes. We are here with you." Jasmine's eyes popped open, only to be momentarily blinded by the light, but her enhanced vision quickly adjusted.

"If my conversion went fine, then why are you here?" replied Jasmine, inadvertently exposing her fears of what Craigly's treatments had done to her.

"We are here to help you adjust to your augmented body. We do this for everyone when they emerge from the incubator. It is to help you adjust to the changes in your reflexes caused by the changes in your body. You are taller and have broader shoulders. This alters your balance somewhat, which is also complicated by the changes in your feet. However, we understand that you wore high heels a lot, so you will likely adapt very quickly."

"Sorry for being so sharp."

"We understand. Your five friends are up, and anxious to see you."

"Oh, I want to see them, as well. Why were they up before I was?"

"Because Betsy and Connie felt you needed the extra time, due to the treatments you received were larger than those your friends received. By adding the extra days it greatly reduced the probability of you having complications."

"Okay. Can I get up?"

"Yes. We would like to mind-link with you before you do."


"Remember our talking about telepathy?" Jasmine nodded. "Well, mind-link is a part of that ability. Telepathy is an ability to share or exchange thoughts. A clan's mind-link can add the ability to share or see each other's sensations. A few clans are also able to actively share physical senses, such as vision. While telepaths can easily exchange thoughts with another telepath, they may not be able to establish a full mind-link."

"Okay. This should be interesting. Does that mean I can feel your sensations?"


With Jasmine's permission, Ciar and Máiréad established a mind-link with her. "Now we will communicate this way, though we can still communicate verbally it is slower."

"I like this."

Ciar and Máiréad held Jasmine's hands as she sat up and then turned to hang her legs off of the bed. As she sat on the edge of the bed, she flexed her arms, legs and shoulders. "They do feel a little different. It seems like there is more weight on my chest, but it doesn't feel as though it is pulling me forward."

"Your chest is bigger, but the supporting muscle structure is different. Besides your shoulders being a little wider, your back and shoulders have more muscles to support the additional weight. Along with this, there is more muscle structure around your breasts, supporting them, so there will be very little sag. They won't wobble as much when you walk or run."

Jasmine looked down at her breasts. "Wow, they are bigger. My nipples really stick out."

"Yes, you are a little bigger than us, but quite a bit smaller than Sarah's clan."

"Will I stand like you are?"

"Yes. Remember the structure of our feet and lower legs are different. Probably from your point of view, it will feel like, you are standing on your toes or the front of your foot. Until your changes are complete you will need to wear heels. We frequently wear them, and although we don't really need to, they do give us some advantages. Do you want to first stand in heels?"

"No, let's try it this way."

"Fine. When you put your feet on the floor, pretend you are standing on your toes."

Jasmine slid forward to put her footpad on the floor, and then shifted her weight, to stand. As she moved to a standing position, Máiréad and Ciar found that they only needed to coach her senses a couple of times to stabilize her balance. "Wow, I like this. I don't feel any strain on my legs."

"That is the way you should feel," replied Ciar. "Your ankles have changed so that they efficiently transfer your weight to what you know as 'the balls of your feet'. Now, let's go for a walk."

The three walked around the room, and then down the hall a short distance before Máiréad said, "You should put your shoes on now as you don't want to over stress your ankles and feet."

"Okay, although I don't feel like I need them."

As they were helping Jasmine with the shoes Ciar said, "We felt the same way. The shoes we have now are much more comfortable than I remember."

"Where are we?" asked Jasmine, as they walked down one of the corridors.

"We are on Dóchas," replied Máiréad. "It is one of our space ships in orbit around Mars."

"That's what I thought, but I wanted to be sure."

"Jasmine, is there something you would like to talk about?" asked Máiréad, as she turned Jasmine so she could look her in the eyes.

Jasmine looked at Máiréad and then Ciar before responding, "Yes, I think that would be a good idea. First, where can I get something to eat?"

"Let's go to the dining room. We can have something to eat while we talk. At this time of day there will be hardly anyone there. Or, we can get something to eat and go back to our suite."

Just as they reached the dining room Máiréad asked, "How do your feet feel?"

"They feel fine," replied Jasmine. "I feel more stable." Ciar and Máiréad showed Jasmine how to request the food she wanted. They were shocked when she requested three large cheeseburgers and a milkshake.

"Jasmine, that is a lot of food. Betsy will be on our case if you get sick."

"It all looked so good. I haven't had a cheeseburger or milkshake in ages. Don't worry, I am not going to stuff myself. Thanks for your concern."

"Jasmine, why don't we use telepathy to share what you want to talk about, or we could mind-link. A mind-link would be more efficient."

"This is going to take some getting used to," replied Jasmine, as she took a bite out of the cheeseburger. "Wow, this is great."

"I think I had several dreams while I was in the incubator. Several times, I dreamed about Emelia and Blaire. They were two of Craigly's assistants, who suddenly went on new assignments. They were very close to me and several of my close friends. We were shocked by their sudden departure. Although, after my last experience there, I think I know what happened. The second series of dreams concerned my brothers and sisters. There is another issue, too."

"Have you dreamed about them before?"

"Emelia and Blaire, yes. My family, no. The latest dreams about Emelia and Blaire were different to the first ones, or at least I think so. These are the ones that I find puzzling." With that, Jasmine brought forward some of the dream she had had concerning Emelia and Blaire. It didn't take long for Ciar and Máiréad to recognize the two women and their location.

"Jasmine, those are memories from mind-linking with both of them. This kind of mind-link is different to the one we used earlier. The three of you did not have a strong telepathic link, and that is why it seemed to be a dream. While you were in the incubator, several of our security teams rescued them and 16 others from that location." Jasmine's eyes filled with tears. Both out of concern for the way they looked in the dream, and happiness that they were now safe.

"How are they?" asked Jasmine, her thoughts thick with emotion.

"They are doing fine. They are being cared for, at An Clochán, by Betsy's staff."

"Blaire looked so worn out before her location changed."

"Both were, since they have been continuously pregnant since leaving Craigly's. They have carried twins each time, except the last, which was triplets."

"What happened to the babies?"

"They were sold."

"When can I see Blaire and Emelia?"

"Soon. First Sally and Erica want you to join your five friends in an exercise class three times a day."


"This is to help you hone your coordination, strengthen your muscles and increase your stamina. There is an exercise machine in your suite that will also help. The reason for the exercise is that Sally wants all of us to be proficient in Aikido and several other martial arts techniques."

"Exercise has not been something I do a lot of."

"Before we came here, we would have said the same thing. There are several exercise machines in the suite which are fun to use. As security team members, we have to be proficient, but we enjoy the exercise anyway. I suspect we enjoy exercising because we do it together."

"You said you had another dream that puzzled you," asked Máiréad.

"Yes. My other dream was almost like watching a video of my family. If it is true, I learned that my brothers and sisters are now married. Both sisters have children, and one sister-in-law is expecting. I even saw where they lived."


Jasmine started to recall the recent memories of her family. She had not brought back very many of the memories, when Máiréad said, "You experienced what we refer to as a 'dream walk'." Jasmine's expression and thoughts clearly showed that she was puzzled by the comment. "A 'dream walk' can be thought of as an 'out of body' experience. You may want to think of it as projecting your vision to another location. You can be drawn to a location by the people there thinking of you. When you become skilled in using it, you can direct your walk.

"The night we rescued you and your friends, your mental plea brought us to the room where you were held. Viewing the room and your predicament let us plan on how we would rescue you, with minimum risk to both you and ourselves."

"So that was what I felt just before you arrived. Wait, you related dream walking to projecting your vision, so how could I feel or sense something?"

"We have a few unique abilities when we dream walk. Not everyone has these abilities."

"Okay. The other problem I see is Craigly's daughters becoming obsessed with revenge, and altering the operation of Craigly's companies to fit their vision. They are very nice people now, but achieving that goal could make them into new Craiglys."

"Tell them. They have a lot of respect for you and your friends. You should tell them about your vision and let them make the decision. You realize that with nothing to draw them back into Earth society, they will likely want to stay with us."

"I don't see anything wrong with that, at all."

"We have no objection to them staying, but from our perspective, it must be their decision as to what is best for them."

"I knew right away that becoming a Golden Amazon and joining you was the right thing to do."

"Some do, but others are more pragmatic. As you know, the conversion is not something that can be reversed. It is needed if someone wants to be able to fully contribute."

"I agree. If I think they are simply following my choices, I will challenge them. Now, let's go find my friends."

"Let's see, I believe they are in your suite."

"My suite?"

"Yes. Your friends decided that, for the time being, they wanted to share a suite, and figured you would join them."

"Good. Can we go back to my family for a moment?"


"Is there some way we can check out what I saw?"

"Talk with Security, as I expect that Clarence can help you."

"Clarence? Wasn't he involved in the Chosen Ones incident?"

"Yes. An attempt was made by the Chosen Ones to compromise James and Clarence. They tried to use their family's welfare as a lever."

"I am glad it failed. Craigly was livid when he heard it had failed, but I am not sure why."


"Let's go to your suite," said Máiréad.

It was the day after the status review, when Sarah's Clan asked Siobhan's and Maureen's Clans to meet with them after breakfast. They gathered on An Clochán near where the two Dóchas class ships were being built. After the greetings and small talk had tapered off, Sarah's Clan said in unison, "We would like your clans to assume command of Phoenix and Eagle." There was a collective gasp from both clans. "Siobhan's Clan will be on Phoenix and Maureen's Clan on Eagle."

"But we..." said Siobhan's Clan.

"We understand your feelings," responded Sarah's Clan interrupting them. "We have seen the data from the operational validation testing of both ships. It shows that they are ready for liftoff. All the work that can be completed on Mars is essentially done. Phoenix and Eagle need a command staff, and your two clans fit that need to a tee."

"We are not sure about this. Sure, we participated in the testing, but..." replied Siobhan and Maureen together, with their clans nodding agreement. " ... we never thought our participation would lead to this."

"We understand your apprehension. This is not the same situation as when we stepped into the command role on Dóchas. You will not be alone. We will link with each of you, and the ship's systems, during the dress rehearsal. During liftoff, we will only monitor your progress, as we believe that will be less distracting."

"What if something goes wrong?" said Maureen, with a worried look on her face. She, really, wasn't afraid to do it, since she loved flying. Many of the pilots thought her capabilities were well beyond anyone else's, in either shuttles or star fighters. She had found the role she filled on Eagle to be very natural during testing. This she attributed to her experience on Dóchas' bridge. It wasn't a lack of confidence, but recognition of the ship's importance to their community, and to an extent its size, that gave her and her clan pause.

"You know the answer to that," replied Colleen with a smile. "The chances of having an uncontrolled emergency are less likely than the odds of us winning one of Earth's silly lotteries." Several members of the group laughed at her comment, but also nodded in agreement.

"I know, but..."

"Maureen, according to the shuttle AIs, you are one of the best shuttle pilots. Sabrina thinks your abilities in the Star Fighters exceed those of our best pilots, and the AIs agree with her."

"Thanks for the compliments. I do love to fly them. I guess my apprehension is because so much of our future is dependent upon getting these ships off Mars and operational."

"Maureen," replied her clan, "we all have that apprehension." Siobhan's Clan nodded in agreement. "We know we can do it. We know that Star and Sarah's Clan will assist, as needed."

Bouncing up and down, Colleen said, "I can't wait to feel the response of the ship to liftoff instructions." The group was a little shocked at Colleen's sudden change of demeanor, as she was one of the most reserved of her clan.

"We suggest that you run through the complete liftoff procedure twice. After you've completed that, practice liftoff with various systems malfunctioning, this will give you some experience in handling potential emergencies."

"I sense there is more to this," said Maureen.

"I do to," added Siobhan.

"There is, we are taking the next step toward our future," replied Sarah's Clan in unison. "You will do well, as both Siobhan and Maureen have experience on the bridge and both Primary AIs have received Star's knowledge concerning operating them. Again, we will mind-link with you only to monitor your activity. If assistance is needed, we will be there, but it's not likely to be needed."

Maureen and Siobhan each scanned the faces of their clans. What they saw mirrored what they felt through their mind-link. Siobhan looked at Maureen, and nodded. With that, the two clans responded in unison, saying, "We accept the challenge. We are humbled by the faith you have in us. We will do our best to live up to the expectations of our collective family. This is not something that any of us sought and we all feel a bit overwhelmed by the responsibility."

"Our mentor, Brigit, will join the crew of Phoenix at liftoff," said Aoife. "Creidne will join the crew of Eagle when it lifts off."

Siobhan turned to her family, "Let's get to work. We have a lot to do before tomorrow." Maureen's clan watched as Siobhan's clan went toward Phoenix, and then headed for Eagle.

"Why do you think Maureen responded the way she did?" asked Joyce.

"An interesting question," said Aoife.

"I think we will see Colleen and Brandan at the helm, with Maureen handling flight operations. She is a fantastic pilot."

"I disagree. She will be at the helm," said Aoife, "although any of them could do the job, as is the case with us. Maureen held back because she thought the request was counter to our success. The combination of her flying ability and perception will make Eagle invaluable to us."

"Do you think the doors of the bridge will open automatically for them today?"

"Yes," replied Aoife, "They will both find the spirit of the ship, though it will likely not happen as quickly as it did for us. I wouldn't expect that to happen until Phoenix and Eagle are fully operational, and have made a few excursions."

Dinner on Dóchas and An Clochán had just finished when Sarah's Clan stepped to the front of An Clochán's dining room. "Good evening," they said in unison. "We have a few announcements before we begin our normal session.

"Tomorrow morning, Phoenix will lift off, with Siobhan's Clan at the helm and functioning as the ship's Command Staff." Those at each location cheered on hearing the announcement. After it quieted down Sarah's Clan continued, "Once Phoenix has reached its planned orbital position near Dóchas, Eagle will lift off. Maureen's Clan will be at the helm as its Command Staff." This announcement caused another loud cheer, causing Sarah's Clan to pause again. "For liftoff, each will have a minimal crew. The Departmental AIs on each ship will shortly begin informing you of your assignment. Staffing will post crew lists for both ships, once they are in orbit. You don't need to pack since there is much more that needs to be completed before the ships are operational."

Melinda stood on An Clochán, and once the room was quiet, said, "We are planning to record the liftoff from An Clochán. Is there any problem with providing segments of the video to Grand View's TV and the newspapers?"

"I think we need to be careful about what we show," said Lydia.

Chester of Keriann's Clan said, "I really don't see an issue with showing them high resolution photos of the liftoff or many of our operations. They would be available to anyone so perhaps someone can figure out how to achieve similar results."

"We agree," said Zoe standing with her friends.

"I suspect you are thinking of external views?" asked Leann, of the Engineering Group.

"Yes. Much like what we have all seen of a NASA liftoff."

"The structure supporting the ships is standard dry dock style rigging. It is not as large as would be needed on Earth. In fact, on Earth they would likely need to build a ship this massive in a large body of water, such as an ocean."

"Melinda, show Engineering and Intelligence departments what you plan on doing. They should review any photos before you send them. This is still a learning experience for us."

"I think you should provide a live feed of the liftoffs to Comrie," said Claudette.

"Thanks. We almost overlooked that location. For Comrie, we could do a live holographic projection, so they would feel like they were there."

"Good idea."

Lana of Zoe's Group said, "I think we are being a bit paranoid. We think it would be beneficial to offer Grand View TV live feed of the liftoff. During the broadcast, the host can cite a few general facts about the ships, just like a the space launches Earth's audiences have seen."

"Melinda, do you think your group can carry this off?" asked Sarah.

"Yes. We will consult with Engineering and Intelligence on the facts aspect. I'll advise the TV station of the availability and timing."

"Is everyone comfortable with this approach?" asked Sally.

"Yes," replied everyone.

The group spent the next hour discussing different issues affecting them. One clan expressed concern that there could be other groups like Craigly's on Earth that were just waiting for an opportunity to kidnap some of them. Terry started to respond, but saw Shannon stand.

"We suspect there are," said Shannon. "It has been close to four years since the first of us became a part of the Golden Amazon species. In that time, we have learned a lot, both about ourselves and the technology available in our library. As we've made these discoveries, we've shared that knowledge with the others in our family. To me our sharing is the key to our success.

"We need to be strong and confident in our actions, then, when challenged, we need to respond appropriately. It is my hope that if anyone on Earth manages to capture one of us, it is a short-term issue and none of us are injured. If that occurs we should extract an exceptionally high price for their action, for two reasons. One is that it will tell them, 'Hands off!' Two, those actions go against the public positions of many Earth governments. In any case, our group will do everything we can to achieve that result."

Rusty said, "We know the risks of space, of visiting Earth, and of life in general. Shannon is right; there is a strong probability that an attempt will be made to kidnap or subvert members of our family. It is possible they could succeed. We all know that, as a family, we will use all of our available abilities to release those who have been captured. We will do as Shannon indicated: those who treat us as enemies will pay an exceptionally high price for actively targeting us. By way of an exceptionally high price, I think a long life of constant agony is a higher price than a quick death, even though those who don't die can return as a threat another day."

"When we are on Earth," said Sally, "we should always try to be in small groups. This will not eliminate the risk, but it will make any attempt on us more challenging. Together, several of us would have a better chance of dealing with any potential abductors."

"Any other comments or questions?" asked Sarah. After a moment she added, "Well seeing none, sleep well as tomorrow will be an exciting day."

At An Clochán the next morning, every one gathered in the arrival area after breakfast. For them, it was the best location to view Phoenix and Eagle when they lifted off. Earlier they had seen Siobhan's and Maureen's Clans enter their ships, along with some of the crews.

It was fifteen minutes before Phoenix's scheduled lift off when Melinda began her broadcast commentary with, "Good morning from An Clochán Mars. We are pleased that you could join us to watch our Dóchas class ships as they lift off to join Dóchas in orbit above Mars. The one on the left is named Phoenix and the other is Eagle. There is still a lot of work to do before they are fully operational. For us it is more efficient to complete them in orbit. One advantage is that it allows us to optimize their structural requirements for space travel. Dóchas class ships are shaped like an ellipsoid with a length of 1500 meters, a width of 305 meters and a height of 145 meters. They are currently resting on a frame with their bow elevated at about 30 degrees. Their propulsion system consists of 8 pods arranged around the stern. When the ships are complete, there will be between 30 and 35 levels." As she described them, the viewers saw an animated drawing.

On the bridge of Phoenix, Siobhan's Clan was all business as they monitored the ship's systems as the crew prepared for lift off. As systems became active those on the bridge could feel the ship come alive they felt the environment surrounding them change. This was a sensation that had not been present during their practices.

"Dóchas," said Siobhan, "requesting permission to move to join Dóchas in Mars orbit."

"Phoenix, permission granted," replied Sarah's Clan. "May the Gods and Goddesses be with you."

Siobhan scanned the consoles along with her spouses once she confirmed there status she said, "Initiate lift."

Together they watched as their displays as they felt the ship begin to rise. Although there wasn't a real sensation of movement, everyone could sense the change, and then another when it lifted free of the rigging. Among the crew, there were no cheers, just a pleasant feeling of satisfaction as the ship began moving forward as it rose. When they were 3 meters above the supports, Siobhan said, "Keira, initiate departure sequence."

"Aye. Setting acceleration to 0.012 kms."

As Phoenix began to accelerate away Melinda said, "You just heard Keira acknowledge their departure acceleration as 0.012 km/s² using their shorthand phrase kms. Their flight plan has them accelerating for about 540 s. This will raise their velocity to 6 km/s. In about 81 minutes they connect with Dóchas' orbit which is 18354 km above Mars. After reaching orbit it will take another 30 minutes to catch Dóchas and then match her velocity. You can see on your TV a plot showing their progress and their path toward Dóchas. This plot can also be seen on the Órarduine website and is the same one shown on many monitors around here. Their orbit is a little more than a 1000 km above a Mars geosynchrounous orbit, it does require some frequent adjustments to maintain their position." As the flight progressed Melinda continued to point out aspects of the flight.

To those on the ground watching the liftoff, it was an amazing sight to see it rise a short distance above its supports then begin moving forward with a 30 degree rise. Compared to the visual impact of a NASA Space Shuttle lift off, the rise of Phoenix was dud. No bright lights. No thundering roar. Regardless, those at An Clochán, on Dóchas and at Comrie thought it was the greatest sight they had ever seen. The cheering as soon as they saw Phoenix slowly lift away from her supporting rigging. When she was well clear of the rigging, she began to accelerate as she rose into the Martian sky. When she was no longer visible, the crowds attention shifted to the large monitors showing live video from the Star Fighters escorting her.

On board Phoenix Siobhan said, "All systems nominal."

"Propulsion is indicating that we are at 10% power," said Keira. "Acceleration optimal."

"That is considerably less than engineering had projected we would need," responded Casidhe.

"Yes it is. It started at the value they projected but a few moments after began moving it started dropping and stabilized at the current level."

"Navigation is indicating that steering performance is exceeding expectations, as well."

"Remember, we are not fully outfitted," said Donna, the primary AI. "Those parameters will change somewhat when the ship is fully operational."

"How much?"

"Once the ship is complete, I am projecting that we will be noticeably more responsive than Dóchas was, when she was new. Indications are that with our redesigned propulsion system, the new Dóchas class ships will have some 30 to 40% more speed than Dóchas originally had."

"Even with all the additional mass," asked Conan.


"How can that be? I know Phoenix is based on designs we found in the library."

"Our Engineering group used newly-discovered materials, which improved the performance of the designs. We operate in the same manner, but there have been improvements in the way that that is achieved."

Melinda said to the TV viewers, "Phoenix has reached her velocity target and now has an ETA for orbit insertion in approximately 71 minutes. We will break now and return for Eagle's lift off in 2 hours. When we return, we will have an update on Phoenix's flight. Remember, continuous coverage is on our website."

On Phoenix Melissa said, "We have achieved orbital height at 79.86 minutes after lift off. Orbital parameters are optimum to rendezvous with Dóchas."

Keira said, "Aye. Deceleration to begin in about 23 minutes, precise time still being resolved."

Siobhan said, "Well done. Kendra, advise Command Staff and Maureen of our status."

"They know," responded Kendra, from the communications monitor. "Eagle is powered up and holding. Their lift off is still as scheduled which is about 45 minutes from now. A holographic display will appear here shortly beforehand so we can see their liftoff; I have routed it to the auxiliary terminals in each department."

Same as Comrie
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This is the story of a very exciting, and very strange summer I had, some years back. The events that took place that summer, were quite extensive. Which I think is a great excuse for naming the chapters meaningfully.Feel free to start from episode 1 - Discovering the forbidden fruit or looking up the stories on my user page. All story names start with the title "My family reunion trip".Most days since our trip to the market were uneventful. I enjoyed my time in this quiet village with my...

3 years ago
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The Towel Part 3

The shower head had accomplished what I wanted it to do. My first rocking orgasm was out of the way, and I could leisurely relax under the warm water until I was ready to let my heat build again to an energy controlled by myself. I released the clamps holding my hair up and felt the dampness as it cascaded down my back. I tried to keep my hair long, because I love the feel of my partner grabbing my hair and using it to control me. Whether it is by a man as he pulls back on my hair as he enters...

4 years ago
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Election Night

Tuesday, November 8th, 1960 It was a happy night. The 1960 presidential election had just reached its conclusion.  Well, for the most part. The election had pitted Senator John F. Kennedy against Vice President Richard Nixon.  What a campaign it had been. Loretta and Penny had been enthralled by every moment of it. From the party conventions, to the debates throughout the fall, and election night itself, they felt as if they had truly been a part of this campaign.The two girls were both juniors...

2 years ago
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A night at sea

Amy had been fairly certain in taking Adam’s offer that sex was involved. But it would hardly be their first time together. They had flirted on and off for all the years of their friendship, and a weekend spent on a boat together? well, why not? He wasn’t bad in bed, and she rather enjoyed their brief liaisons. They had, in some of their hotter interludes, talked about various things they’d like to try, but hadn’t really ever acted on them. Both her and Adam had – at one point or another –...

4 years ago
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Case Study 301 A Swedish Beauty Pageant

Chapter 19 Meanwhile back in New Mexico at Camelot: Miles and Kristen are in the midst of yet another therapy session. Miles has hypnotized Kristen and used a technique known as regression. This technique allows him to tap into her subconscious mind and he is able to retrieve her raw memories. Miles’ hope is to piece together who Kristen really is, then help her map out an escape from the catatonic state that she lives in on a daily basis. Unbeknownst to Kristen, she has yet...

4 years ago
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How to wash a slappers brain

The smelly little slapper who performed in the Call on Me video, for example, wearing nothing but a skintight black lycra suit which shows off her tits and has only a thin strip on the front to hide her feminine lips and an even THINNER strip at the back that goes up the crack of her nice, round, pert bum-cheeks. She pumps her hips and dances like a little slapper. Her legs are all naked and smooth and shiny like she's all sweaty from her filthy little body-twitches. It is wrong for a...

2 years ago
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Bread and Butter

Bread and Butter Beagle9690 September 2019 He served Twenty-seven years in the Marines, retiring as a Colonel at forty-five. The Marines tempered John as hard and tough as forged iron. He was respectfully known by most as Iron McCord and not so fondly by other major malfunction individuals with less complimentary names because he despises liars, cowards, and braggarts having spent most of his career in combat zones. John is a minimalist and frugal with himself. He planned, saved, and...

1 year ago
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Caught Wet Handed Part 3

I’m in a lusty haze as I try to answer Shay’s questions and throw my clothes back on. ‘Um, I…’ I can feel my face turning beat red as I try to pull myself together. Once I feel the confidence in me building, a smile forms across my face and I look up at them, knowing I have the sexy, evil look in my eyes Shay gave me when we fucked.  ‘Hell, yeah.’ They both give each other a shocked face like they were not expecting that from me. Hell, even I was not expecting it. 

1 year ago
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EuroTeenErotica Angelika Grays 2 BBCs Convince Angelika Grays to Stay Home

Ukrainian bombshell Angelika Grays needs her oven fixed, but her asshole ex-boyfriend can’t be bothered to come over and help her. However, Angelika is in luck because her neighbors – two black guys with massive cocks – are willing to help her out for a small fee. Upon entering her home and examining the oven, Joss Lescaf quickly identifies the issue and fixes it. Angelika is ecstatic! After making a bit of small talk, Joss and his friend Darrel Deeps find out Angelika thinking of selling her...

1 year ago
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Sleep over

A few months had passed since my first encounter with Aaron,we had exchanged numbers and had exchanged a few messages about the night I had made the decision to get nude for him to see and he had since asked about meeting up again however I had chickened out and put the experience down to curiosity fuel by a few too many beers. I heard nothing from Aaron until a few days before his brother’s birthday. We had all planned to go out for the day and have drinks back at his and stay over, this...

2 years ago
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Team revenge for losing the meet

It was to be the biggest meet in the season, our track team against our cross town rivals. I was the third leg of the relay team, ready and set to go as my team mate came towards me, we were leading by twenty seconds, the baton was being handed to me as I started to grip the baton I stumbled and went down in a heap. Our team lost by my bungling a temp to get a head start. In the locker room my team mates were furious, they demanded that I be thrown off the squad. Coach tried to qualm them and...

1 year ago
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A Sexy After Dinner Treat

I had met Jill a number for years earlier at a conference. We had our meals together, chatted between sessions but it never went beyond that. We exchanged Emails a couple of times a month in the last year or so but that was about it. I couldn't even remember where she was from, (somewhere in Maryland) butI do remember that she was a very hot lady. During the conference she would be dressed professionally, but at dinner she would have on tight slacks and a VERY tight fitting top, often without a...

2 years ago
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The Houseguest

I was lying on the bed, rubbing my pussy as I felt the wetness between my legs. My ass was still stinging from the spanking he gave me. God, I wanted him so badly and he was in my house, just a few feet away. I could have rubbed myself to orgasm, but I wanted him to do it. I needed him to make me cum. Ok, let me explain what led up to my insatiable horniness. Detective Liu Chang took me down to the police station last week and called my parents to pick me up. When my parents arrived, he told...

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Not everything goes down in a recession

Like most other people I had really had enough of the recession. As if the atmosphere of doom and gloom generally wasn’t enough, the cutbacks at work were also a pain. Normally when we went away on sales trips we got a nice double room each. Now here I was in another town where I didn’t know anyone and having to share a twin room with Steve, my sales manager. It’s not that I had anything against him, he was a decent bloke and good company. I just like my privacy and didn’t want to share a room...

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The Day of the BBQSchools Out Part 3

The sun was shining through the curtains as I woke up on Saturday morning, I looked at the clock and it was 10.30, it had been a hot night and I was laying on top of the bed totally naked. I heard Lisa coming up the stairs and as she walked in the room I was still half asleep. “Morning Dad, a nice cup of coffee for you”, Lisa said with a smile, I opened my eyes to see her standing over my bed with a cup in her hand looking delightful as ever. I could just make out her nipples through the thin...

3 years ago
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How I Bumped Into My Friend8217s Hot Mom

Hi, I am Shubam from Chandigarh currently based in Pune this is my first sex story and kindly forgive me for any mistakes ….I work as a restaurant manager in a reputed star hotel.I have always fantasized about older women and always wanted to be in a relationship with them. I still remember the day there was a football match between two best clubs in the world, Real Madrid and Barcelona. I was in my restaurant talking to few guests, then suddenly a lady along with her son walked in. My eye...

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Nowhere Man Book OneChapter 22

The rocket-propelled grenade shot out of the launch tube and headed in at least the right direction. John watched it anxiously as it raced towards the ship. Would it overshoot or undershoot? An undershoot might have it bounce off the water surface at an angle and miss the vessel, but with its size, who knows? He waited while a few seconds elapsed before it’s arrival. There was an explosion as it hit the ship exactly where he had aimed. That surprised John, for he had never expected a...

1 year ago
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New Kid in SchoolChapter 3

"Do they have P.E.?" his father asked, "or any kind of organized sports?" "They don't have an athletic program," Jared replied. "You're in the Construct, it's in your head, so how can you compete against other schools?" Besides, he told himself, you'd have to put on clothes. The fans and team would be more interested in making it with each other than beating the other team. "But they have P.E." Jared nodded. "I'm not sure how much good it does, though. Like I said, we're...

4 years ago
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Diggin It

Skyler pulled the truck over to the side of the gravel road and stepped out. He didn't have much of a cell signal to begin with, and he knew it was worse inside the truck. The call went through, and his father answered in a weary voice, "Hello?" "Sorry to call, but I accidentally deleted that map you emailed me with the landmarks. I'm somewhere near the place, but I just can't find it." "I'll send it again." There was a brief pause and he heard his father say, "Thanks. Your mother...

2 years ago
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Dominated by My Cousin

My eighteenth birthday. That’s when everything changed. I had been expecting a quiet evening with my relatives. What I got instead was a night I would never forget. For many reasons. The first of which was the shocking revelation my father had just made. “I-I’m adopted?” I stuttered. I was so shocked I could barely speak. I glanced around at my relatives. None of them spoke. They just stood there, waiting to see how I would react to the news. I glanced at my cousin. He averted his eyes,...

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Episode 70 Andrews Three or Four Way Sex

Andrew arrived at the Headmistresses office a little after 12:00, summoned due to some incident in the girls’ toilets. The Head, Miss Taplow, tried to put him at his ease, but was a little taken aback by the girls’ school uniform of white blouse, an apparently quite well-filled visible white bra, a short black skirt and bare legs. Andrew sat down on the proffered chair, knees coyly pressed together, but leaning slightly forward to show a cheeky slice of cleavage, in an attempt to divert Miss...

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The Okeanides MelitAkastand Admet

One can only begin to wonder where I possibly got a name such as this for my latest work of eroticism, but if you know me as well as some, you wouldnt have to submerge yourself in great depths of research or conjecture for too long. The Okeanides were the Greek Goddesses of clouds and rain. They rose from the fresh water, earth-encircling stream of their father Okeanos, carrying his waters up to the heavens and raining them down upon the earth. Melit?s the cloud-goddess who represents the...

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Wife swapping0

Hello I’m Susan, I think I had better start by saying I’m 31 years old, married to James for over 20 years, and have one boy who is now in university and haven't been with another man while James and havebeen together when I was at college. I messed around a bit and had sex with two of the boys there, not really a big event, I was drunk most of the time and after college I met James and I fell in love with him very quickly, I soon became pregnant, and we got married, So for twenty years...

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The Spy

The rain fell at a steady pace, hitting the windows like pellets. In the war room, there was once again confusion and anger. What had happened? How did the best-laid plans fail to do the job? The German high command was furious; someone would get shot for this. It was 1944 and the German High Command's best strategists had come up with a foolproof plan, that had somehow failed. There was a secret meeting to find out what had happened, all the usual suspects of the German military were present....

2 years ago
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Handling It Pt3 All In

"Un-fucking-believable," John said to himself as he checked his email.  It had only been four hours since he posted the listing under Casual Encounters, but already he had two hundred and three replies.  He couldn't believe such a basic inquiry could spark so much interest.  Maybe he wasn't as big a perv as he'd thought, he decided.The listing was titled, "Shy Asian Wife Wants To Watch."  In it he explained, "My wife wants to suck me off while I blow you.  Then she wants to watch you...

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RajahChapter 9

The incident at Marlowe Manor happened six months ago. To Neal Court, who can be found these days in the taverns along Broadway between 65th to 80th streets, it might have happened yesterday. His mind still dwells on the nightmare he witnessed, of the wild, excitedly grunting beast and his wife locked nakedly together on the bed, and his own crazed reaction... or of the long, grim trek back from the Manor house, across the moors to the first town, Snowston... or of that first, unnamed pub in...

2 years ago
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Archies Veronica Gets Her TurnChapter 17

Back at the Lodge cabin, Monique the maid, had used up the two hour tape in the video-camera. Miss Veronica had fucked each dog/boy at least once and was arranging herself for another round. Rather than risk being caught on the balcony deck, she decided to be cautious and sneak away while the four teens had their attention to other matters. Veronica had discovered how much she loved cock. She had taken them in each of her holes and loved each new experience with glee. But the thought...

3 years ago
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Helping OutChapter 2

Thursday night, he finished before she did – and got up to see what was going on. Creeping up the hallway, he needed to be extremely cautious; those sounds ... He didn’t even touch her door, but stood outside of it, listening. He could make no sense of the sounds, initially – the grunts, gasps and whines. He was pretty sure she didn’t work out. But there was a rhythm to them – something hauntingly familiar... Lucille had three fingers in her hungry cunt, jamming them into it at a rate that...

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Aeishwarya gets treated to dinner and a romantic night filled with sex0

You were so warm when I woke up this morning. I didn't want to leave you. When you read this I'll be already at work for the day. I'll be thinking about you all day. I left you some tissue paper so you won't have to bother getting up out of bed." He loved her so much. She had a runny nose all night. He left her some tissue paper so she wouldn't be trouble with getting up out of bed. The letter continued: "What do you want to do today? Anything in particular you have in mind?...

2 years ago
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SS Valentine

[author’s Note: this story starts slow and ended up longer than I expected. There is no graphic sex, hence the reason it is posted in romance. Thanks for reading and please enjoy.] Frank Johnson was a drone – one of the many thousands of worker bees that commuted into Manhattan each morning to toil with the others. His contribution by itself was insignificant, but together all the individual parts made up the whole that was the engine of prosperity. Frank was one of about 2000 people who...

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The incident that changed my life for the good 4

Melee had just asked if she could suck my cum out of Ana’s asshole after I filled it up. “Melee, you know she will be passed out after I cream her butt, just like she was when you cleaned her wet pussy?” “That’s ok John. It has been so long since I have had any sex. I am so horny and having my first experience with a 3 way, I am so excited. I have never sucked cum from an asshole, although I have licked many assholes, but never one with man cum oozing out. This will be my first and I want to...

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Prize Bitch

Chapter 1 Hello!; I’m Elaine Richmond, Our house stands in a select part of town where my father runs his consultancy practice. Mother runs a department at the university which I’m due to attend before long. I’ve had the same boyfriend since I was fourteen; Gerald Fairweather. He’s a bit boring really. His parents have always known mine and plan for us to marry after we graduate. But that’s a long way off and I want to enjoy everything going before I get tied down with little ‘ole...

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The Long Road Back Ch 05

Chapter 5 ‘I met Andrew that evening. He was a short, round man that carried himself well but had the same kind of smile and easy going manor that his wife had. After dinner we sat around the living room playing cards and talking. Andrew told me that they rarely watched TV and had mainly gotten the cable for the foster kids. When I told him that I didn’t watch much TV but liked to play cards, his whole face lit up. The next day Nancy took me shopping. I had to admit she did have good taste...

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My Wonderful Obsession Part 47

My Wonderful Obsession Part 47: Picking Up the Pieces ... Again! After Rob said his goodbyes, and after his tail lights faded out of sight down the street, I marched, in a kind of daze, straight over to Kath's. Mrs. Thomas answered, and when she saw me her eyes went huge. She immediately ushered me inside. "What's the matter, dear? Is everything okay?" I didn't even think of how I must have appeared, in that white sweater dress, tall black boots and overdone, slightly messed-up...

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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 51

"Damn dance!" I looked over at Kelly, who was muttering under her breath as she chalked her hands for the bars. "Did you say something?" I asked. "I said, oh never mind." She clapped her hands to get rid of excess chalk and stepped in front of the bars. I looked around the gym. Miss Calloway was spotting some girls on the vault, Tami was helping Traci make up a beam routine, everybody was working. I looked back at the bars and watched Kelly's routine. "So how was it?" she asked...

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Kellys First Time

"Do you like them?" she wanted to ask him. However, she knew she couldn’t seeing as she was his tutor and that was it. Okay, so what if he is a sweet kid. So what if he’s only 19 years old. She was 39. She was way out of his league. Although she was only semi-attractive and faintly pudgy, she could be sexy too, if dressed right she knew. Then she thought "what’s he going to do anyway?" Say he wants to feel me out? "Come on kid" she told herself, that isn’t going to happen in a million years....

First Time
2 years ago
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My Name Is EdChapter 36

I drove to Lucinda’s downtown gym via the doghouse restaurant, which was on the way. I stopped to pick up two hot dogs for my dinner. I had agreed to watch the cash drawer at the gym, but I didn’t agree to miss a chance for a hot dog from the Downtown Dog House, They made their own chili and the best coleslaw in the state. As Lucinda passed she looked as though she would just as soon have a hot dog as a night on the town. I wouldn’t have blamed her, if that was how she felt. Everyone knew...

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My summer of sexual awakening

Introduction: This was the summer I first had sex, and the story of my first, and second, times…. It was only a couple of weeks into summer vacation and I was already sleeping away most of the day from boredom. It was almost noon when I got out of bed. I went into the bathroom and ran the brush through my curly auburn hair a couple of times before heading out to the kitchen. I was wearing a little camisole top and a pair of boy shorts, but was pretty sure I was the only one in the house. My mom...

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Reddit NSFW ASMR, aka r/NSFWASMR! Now here’s a subreddit on that I never thought I’d see. A subreddit dedicated to ASMR, but not just any kind of ASMR. Heck, if it was just regular old ASMR, I wouldn’t be writing a review about it. Instead, it’s about NSFW ASMR. That’s a huge fucking acronym and by this point in time even I have no fucking idea what it’s supposed to mean. It’s getting longer than the LGBTQAI+ bullshit that I keep hearing all over the news. Fucking feminists… Wait,...

Reddit NSFW List
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An Accident The Internet A Hotel

100% fiction! It happened on a weekend, when I went to visit my son Mark at college. He lived a little less than an hour away, not making it unusual for me to spend the night there, rather than drive home. Sometimes I’d visit for the day and other times to spend an evening, depending on our respective schedules. But regardless what we did or for how long, I was there simply to visit him. We had a wonderful relationship, and he was never a source of worry or problematic, when he lived at home....

2 years ago
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Tipping Point Ch 03

Chapter 3: Moving Out and Moving On My last week on the job was one of mixed emotions. I was busy working, but I was saying goodbye to many of the guys and gals that I had befriended over the years. I had no way of knowing if I would see any of them again, but if I did, I was confident that it would be a happy reunion. If I could take anything from my twenty-three years with F & C it would be my relationships with my customers. I really couldn’t think of anyone that I wouldn’t want to work...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 31

It is an axiom of life: Horny girls and horny boys make babies ... in 1963. However, a modern, right thinking, twenty-two year old girl from 1988 will be on the pill. By the way ... Horny ... hormonal ... how about that. "Professor Slagle? Taking my life in my hands, I beg your indulgence," said David. They were putting away the beer. Big boats have room for extras ... like a nice, big, propane powered fridge ... in this case, a walk in cooler. It was behind the bar in the salon. Boats...

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Raped by Bigfoot

Raped by bigfoot It was a freak accident that brought me to this predicament. I was somewhat cold, completely naked, had a pounding headache, a sore ankle, and was trapped in a cave halfway up a mountain. I don’t remember being brought here, but the creature that must have saved my life had to live here. I did not see him much, since he left the cave at about dawn. All I remember was slipping on a mossy rock...

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Maidification of Cloud

Cloud entered the room deep down the Shinra building. He thought he knew this place, but he was wrong. He was parted with the rest of his team. Now, lost in the maze of corridors, he was wondering where to go. Then he found this door. This very, very unlucky door for him. "Oh, a new one?" He heard a voice. Room was looking like some kind of laboratory, with test tubes and specimens on the wall units and some strange machines. But these things weren't catching his attention as much as...

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Oscar MeyersChapter 16

“You’re kidding?” “No, I’m sorry. That’s how the assignments worked out,” answered Oliver. He had said that phrase a dozen times to a dozen other students. He expected to give the same answer a dozen more times before the day was over. “This is ridiculous,” declared Oscar frustrated beyond belief. They had just returned from the visit with his parents and had learned of their room assignments. “You can’t have Debbie as a roommate. She is rooming with another Chemistry major,” explained...

1 year ago
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Chrissie Part 44

Interest in this story appears to have waned, so this is definitely the final part of Book Four, and probably the end of the "Chrissie" saga altogether, unless enough folks want the series to continue. "Chrissie" Part XLIV by c.w. cobblestone Rebecca and Karl both did doubletakes when I stumbled through the front door. My angel covered her mouth with her hand. "OMG, Chrissie, what happened to you?" I had to brace myself against the doorjamb to stay upright. "Um ... it was...

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Punjabi Princess

The sun begin to set as I arrived to the Sarai household. I reflected on my first time meeting Anwesha and her husband, Saran, at annual company party. Instantly I feel in love with Anwesha the first time I saw her. She was the perfect example of Punjabi beauty: Long black hair that was braided and pulled into a ponytail, oval amber eyes, A red and black Shalwar kameez, and she was wearing fancy jewelry that made me wish I married her instead of Saran. Throughout the night both Anwesha and I...

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Mani Pedi 2

My name is Anna Huggins. My mani pedi last week was the subject of a recent post by my daughter Nancy’s former boyfriend, John. Perhaps you have read John’s version of it; I thought I would give you mine. For anyone who didn’t see John’s post, I will briefly set the stage. John and Nancy dated during their senior year of high school, before going off to different universities. During the year they became lovers, but they broke off the relationship after graduation, recognizing the difficulty...

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The Crack of Dawn

I knew I was screwed. The biggest party of the year and I may not be able to go. It was my senior year and should be the time of my life, but instead, my bratty little sister found out about it and threatened to tell our mom if I didn't take her with me. She had just turned 12 and thought she was older than she actually was. I mean she had only this past summer started having her period and about two months ago mom bought her first training bra but you'd think she was all that. I thought...

3 years ago
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Pink Nipples Sex With A Very Nice Lady

Hello friends. Myself rohan from delhi working professional living there. My family is in rajasthan. I wish to share my story with all of u. Everybody feel good to contact with me at I m working professional and well settled person. I m highly educated and simple and jolly in nature. In my office everybody knows me about my sense of humour or working ability. We have staff of 12 people in our office. I m living alone in delhi apart from family so its not easy to have lunch with me. Regularly I...

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