Jane Naked In SchoolMonday (part 1) free porn video

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M .1

When Brandon heard the announcement he went straight to Dr. Zelvetti's office. He managed to reach it before most of the other participants did. He was glad of that—it meant he'd have room to move. The less people around for this, the better.

"Ah, Brandon," said Dr. Zelvetti. "Come to join us in a little outreach?"

Brandon paused at that one. Come to think of it, that might help. But... "That's not why I'm here, Dr. Z."

"Really?" said Dr. Zelvetti pleasantly. She settled back in her chair, an expression of interest on her face. "So what does bring you here?"

"Jane," Brandon said.

Dr. Zelvetti looked around her office. At the moment, only two freshman and a junior were present. Even so, the office already felt comfortably populated. It was only meant to hold eight people at most; cramming sixteen in, plus Dr. Zelvetti herself, would be worse. Most importantly, however: "Well, I don't see her here, Brandon, but you're absolutely welcome to speak to her after she's undressed."

"See, that's just it," Brandon said. He ran a hand through his light brown hair. "I don't think this is a good idea."

"Whyever not?" Dr. Zelvetti asked with admirable concern. Her hair had run to a greyish white and her face was streaked with lines and age marks, but she could still make a first-rate facade if she wanted to. "Only a year ago, Brandon, you would have been pleased to see her in The Program."

Brandon suppressed anger. "That's not particularly fair, Dr. Z."

"Doesn't make it less true," she shrugged.

"Yes, I would have," Brandon said. "Yes, I would've been thrilled to see Jane naked in school. I would've been wrong to feel that way. And I might not've admitted that back then, but I would've known it."

The two freshmen and one junior watched with unfeigned interest. Brandon Chambers was a bit of a public figure around Mount Hill High School: it had been he who, just over a year ago (thirteen months to be exact) had been one of the first eight students at Mount Hill High to participate in The Program. Even more, he had been paired with that insane girl Arie Chang—the one with the mysterious scars on her arms—and had broken up with his existing girlfriend (some girl named Jane Myers) and hooked up with his current one, Meredith Levine, during that single week. It was nearly impossible not to have heard of him. Gossip about him was even better.

"Why would it have been wrong," Dr. Zelvetti asked him.

Brandon frowned. That was a good question, and it was going to take some careful answering. "Because," he said finally. "Because, regardless of what's good for Jane, it would've been wrong. I know she's sexually repressed, I know she's far too uptight about it, I know it's probably going to do her damage in the future. Whoever she marries might just divorce her when he finds out about her sexual attitudes." Which were pretty simple—no sex before marriage. Obviously her husband, whoever he might turn out to be, would hardly have a problem with that, but Brandon didn't want to bet on who would win the first time that husband suggested oral sex. "But it's still her life. It's still her choice. If that's who she wants to be, then it's not our place to force her to be otherwise, no matter how bad a choice we think she's making."

"Very wise, Brandon," said Dr. Zelvetti, nodding. "Very mature."

"So you'll take her out of The Program," Brandon asked.


"But why not? You just admitted it isn't smart to force her to do something against her will."

"But you forget, Brandon," Dr. Zelvetti said. "I didn't force her to sign up. Her parents didn't sign her up. She signed up, of her own free will. She voluntarily consented to be put into a federally-sponsored program encouraging sexual education. And, as you've said, her education in that area is very lacking, A's in Health class notwithstanding. I felt, as her principal, that it would be in her best interests to second her interest in The Program and enlist her in it."

"But you did that last year, and she had to go to the hospital," said Brandon. "She just got out in August. She had a fucking nervous breakdown." The freshmen gasped at the sight of a student, senior or no, swearing in front of the principal, but Brandon didn't flinch. And neither did Dr. Zelvetti.

"In that way my course of action was merely confirmed," she said. "You know the rules as well as I do, Brandon. If a participant fails to complete their Program week, they must do it again. And again, if necessary. And again. Until they have completed it to the school's satisfaction."

Brandon stifled a resurgence of anger. It was far too close to the surface these days. "I've never liked that rule. What if people just aren't ready? What if they just aren't capable? We're not talking a normal, healthy sexual life, Dr. Zelvetti, we're talking about forced exposure, in high school—never the friendliest of places—and with a certain amount of coercion involved, especially concerning Rule Three. The participant is forced—forced—to confront his or her sexuality, whether they are ready or not. And it may just be possible that certain participants are not ready." He couldn't keep sarcasm from his voice on that one.

"Then they shouldn't've signed up," said Dr. Zelvetti with feigned carelessness.

"That's fair," Brandon said. "That's very fair. Anyone who happens to misjudge themselves gets chopped up in the meat grinder. Yes, Dr. Z, that sounds like a very good way to run a school. Shove them into the brick wall whether they want it or not."

"So that they can grow," said Dr. Zelvetti. "Were you ready, Brandon? But you persevered. You flourished. 'That which does not kill me, makes me stronger.' "

"And what if it kills her," Brandon challenged.

"It won't," said Dr. Zelvetti. "Jane is very strong, Brandon. Stronger than you know. Stronger, perhaps, than she knows. She is going through it, and that's final. And now some of the other participants are arriving, so unless you'd like to join us, I must ask you to leave."

"Brandon?" said a voice behind him. It was Jane—the same Jane as always: slumped shoulders, hazel eyes, a mass of clean but untended hair in honey and amber. "What are you doing here? You're not my partner, are you?"

"No, actually," said Dr. Zelvetti, "Brandon was just here to argue your case."

Jane's face closed in its second-most-common expression: anger. "What, to keep me in?"

"No, to keep you out," said Dr. Zelvetti. This startled Jane so much that she didn't know how to respond. Brandon saw it, and sighed. Clearly she still had a lot to learn.

He left the office.

Many of his friends were waiting for him outside the Homer building, the school's administrative wing. There was Zachary Crane, his best friend, in a buzz cut and perpetual grin, trading banter with Christa Sternbacher, his girlfriend. She was dressed in the bright orange jacket they always saw her in, and her dyed blonde hair was beginning to show its brown color at the roots. Sajel Malhotra, his other best friend, was with the two of them, a wicked grin lighting her features. As he watched, she slung her river of black hair over her shoulder with a practiced toss of her head. Arie Chang, the mysterious girl with the mysterious scars, was chatting with Derek Strong, her boyfriend (likewise picked up during their Program week over a year ago); her Chinese heritage showed in the shape of her face, the tilt of her eyes. And even Jeff and Stasya were there. Stasya, with her reddish hair and slight traces of Russian in her voice, was Meredith's best friend. And Jeff, quiet, with aristocratic features and a calm, spectacled gaze... Well, no one quite knew about him, but he was fun to have around.

Only Meredith was missing. Meredith, whom Brandon hadn't seen since the beginning of summer vacation, for reasons he didn't quite understand.

"How did it go," Christa asked as he came down the stairs.

"Bad," he said. "She won't take her out of The Program."

"That sounds like a dumb idea to me," Arie observed.

"This is the same Jane Myers we're talking about, right," Sajel asked. "What if it's a different girl with the same name?" She was joking—Sajel was rarely serious—but something about her tone suggested she meant what she was saying.

Brandon ticked off on his fingers. "Ex-girlfriend? Yup. Girl who was tighter than a bank vault about sex? Yup. Girl who asked me why anyone would actually want to masturbate? Yup. I saw her with my own very two eyes."

"Why 'very two eyes'?" asked Jeff. "Do you sometimes have three eyes?"

"Well, if you count only the one Meredith sees," Arie said. "The one on his trouser snake?"

Sajel snorted. "Terrible joke. Minus three respect points, Arie."

"I bet he'd like to see Jane with that eye," Zach said, grinning.

"Can we not get into that, please," Brandon said, mopping his face with his hands. There were times he appreciated his friends' banter. And there were times when he simply didn't want to deal with it. Now happened to be one of those times.

"How do you feel about Jane, Brandon," Christa asked him. "I mean, you spent a lot of the summer with her, so it's probably safe to say you care about her."

"Yeah, as opposed to with his girlfriend," Derek said.

"Hey, none of us spent time with his girlfriend," Stasya said. "Meredith was away at band camp for most of the summer."

"Yeah," Zach said. "Great. 'This one time, at band camp... ' "

"Even lamer joke," Sajel said. "Minus four points to Zach."

"Bad grammar," Zach retorted. "Lose a grade on your next English paper. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200."

"I missed out on two hundred dollars?" Sajel exclaimed. "Minus twenty respect points Zach!!"

"She was actually at band camp," Stasya said, attempting vainly to bring the conversation back on track.

"Maybe something wild and wacky happened there," Zach said. " 'What happens at band camp, stays at band camp.' "

"Minus five points," Sajel snorted. "And down another six if he makes another stupid quote in the next two minutes."

"Hey, I'm not saying Meredith had an alternative," Derek said. "I'm just saying it could look bad."

"It could, at that," Arie said.

"So, Brandon." Derek turned to him. "Let's have the straight line. What is it between you and Jane?"

Brandon was silent for many moments.

"I... Well, I care about her, obviously," he said. "And... I consider her a friend. And you worry about your friends. I mean, you all came to visit her in the hospital."

"Yeah, but not four days of seven," said Derek.

"Do you still care for her?" Christa asked. "Do you still have feelings for her?"

Brandon didn't answer, and that was all the answer they needed.

"So, what are you going to do?" Derek asked.

"About what?"

"About Meredith," Derek said. "We've been in school for four weeks and the two of you have barely exchanged five words together. And this is with the two of you in half your classes together. If you don't do something, you're going to lose her. So get your ass in gear, man. Soon."

"Now," Sajel said.

"Preferably yesterday," Jeff said.

Brandon said nothing. They were, of course, totally right. But the question was... What should he do?... If anything at all? Things with Meredith were so weird now. Sure, she was a better match for him than Jane, but at least Jane hadn't been actively avoiding him all these...

He was shaken from his musings by a flurry of commentary. He turned to see the first Program participants coming down the stairs.

And there was Jane.

Her Program partner was Scott Pleins, which Brandon was glad to see: he was a smart, intelligent guy, and he'd do well by her. And Jane didn't have the reputation Brandon did; everyone saw her as a smart, by-the-books student, straight A's and very traditional—Girl Scouts, church choirs, that sort of thing. Interest in her was casual but not malicious.

Of course, everyone knew she'd been Mount Hill's first Program participant to have a breakdown. And that brought attention. But it was, again, not malicious: everyone wanted to see, but no one wanted to touch. It was, noted a corner of Brandon's mind, the old stigma against any sort of mental problem—stay away, don't touch, it might be contagious. Gather around, view, see. Pay five bucks to see the schizophrenic man. She might as well be a circus sideshow.

They were scared of her, was the simple fact, because they couldn't understand her. And that, Brandon reflected, was just as well. Though being misunderstood could bring its own brand of trouble.

"You know," Christa said quietly. "I never believed she'd really do it until right now."

"Who," Zach asked. "Jane or Dr. Z.?"

"Dr. Z... But maybe Jane too."

Jane looked distinctly unhappy, but that was to be expected from a girl who had never worn a two-piece bathing suit before. She looked about the same as Brandon remembered: an expanse of pale skin, surprisingly wide hips and large breasts... But then, Jane had never dressed to impress. He remembered the surprise others had expressed at her physical assets. They had looked at him to solve the puzzle. As if he had known.

Jane looked unhappy but not mortified, which was a step up from the last time. She had signed up for The Program in late May and been rushed into participation the very next week. The entire two days before her breakdown she had worn an expression of shell-shocked confusion, like someone suddenly yanked into a bad drug trip: surely this must end, surely this must end. Well, it had ended, but now, it seemed, it was beginning again.

A few people crowded around to take advantage of Rule Three, the infamous "Reasonable Request" rule. Program participants were considered living, breathing examples of human sexuality, and any student who wished—within reason—to examine such a specimen, must be accommodated. This generally led to a certain amount of low-level fondling, with more intense contact limited to the participant's discretion, as he or she might or might consider it "reasonable." It also seemed to depend on the day: participants and bystanders alike seemed to get more and more adventurous as the week wore on, as time passed and everyone got more comfortable with sexuality. Right now it was Monday morning, so the requests were limited—a few people touched Jane's breasts as she walked by. Even this relatively impersonal attention bent Jane's face in displeasure, and Brandon sighed to himself.

This might be a long, bad week.

Jane saw them and descended to them immediately. Scott Pleins went to meet his own friends. This was probably against Program policy, but then Program policy was evolving. All Program participants were issued a 'partner, ' a fellow participant (generally of the opposite sex) who would act as their moral and mental support over the week. Obviously one's friend was one's best partner, but not all participants managed to bring a friend in with them. In such times, Dr. Z. would pair strangers together, as she had to, with two possible outcomes in mind: either the two partners would become friends over the course of the week, or they would simply ignore each other and rely on their existing friends. This case was obviously one of the latter: Scott Pleins was known to have a very close-knit group of friends, and Brandon knew his friends would accept Jane.

"Hey," Christa said, greeting Jane with a smile. "Second time's the charm, right?"

"Isn't it 'third time'?" Jane asked.

"No, it's whatever the hell number we feel like," Zach said, grinning. "Be happy she didn't say 'fourth' or 'fifth.' "

Jane frowned. "God forbid. What if I do have to do this five times?"

"I doubt it'll happen," said Derek. "If it gets that bad, Dr. Z. will pull you out of The Program. She's not stupid."

"She sure seems like it," Jane grumbled. "I already did this once, and I hated it. And now she's making me do it again."

"Why'd you hate it," Zach asked.

"Well, because," said Jane, and paused. "Because it's degrading, you know? Being forced to do things with your body that you don't want to. If they paid us for it, we might be outlawed for prostitution or something."

Brandon frowned. It was a pretty flimsy reason. He caught Sajel's and Derek's and Stasya's looks and saw he wasn't alone in his suspicion.

The simple fact was, Jane knew nothing about sex. And she didn't know she didn't know it. But it wasn't a case of lack of education, it was a case of willful ignorance. She didn't want to know. And now she was either going to learn... Or die trying.

"Whoa," said Arie suddenly. "Whoa whoa whoa. Oh god. Augh. That's more than I ever wanted to see of my sister."

They turned. There, indeed, was Trina Chang, Arie's 15-year-old sister, descending the stairs in a state of total undress.

"Whoa," said Zach. "She has pubic hair? Already? Christa, did you have pubic hair back then?"

"Why are you looking at my sister's pubies!" Arie cried. "You have a girlfriend!"

"Pedophilia," Sajel leered. "Minus fifteen thousand."

"Err. That's a big number," Zach said.

"Yup," said Sajel.

"Is that bigger or smaller than forty-seven?" Zach asked.

Trina was positively glowing. She had always been a cute, compact little thing, almost ornamental in her attractiveness—just the kind of bright, outgoing girl some jock might love to have hanging off his arm. But now she seemed especially pleased with herself. Why? Because she's naked? Brandon wondered.

"What's up with her?" he said aloud.

"Did you know she signed up," Sajel asked.

"Yeah, I knew," Arie said. "She had to sign up for the same reason I did." Arie, clinically depressed, wasn't always able to live up to the obligations of daily schooling—getting homework done, being upbeat and positive, getting out of bed in the morning—and had made a deal with Dr. Zelvetti, trading a week in The Program for a certain amount of leniency from her teachers. Trina had done the same. "But knowing it," she added darkly, "isn't the same as seeing it."

"She seems quite happy," Jeff observed, with just a touch of dry sarcasm to admit he was stating the obvious.

"She shouldn't," Arie said. "She's cuts, just like me. She's got scars, just like me."

"Are you sure?" Christa asked.

"Well, according to what she says online," said Arie. Both she and her sister were members of an Internet bulletin board, Candlelight Vigil, for depressed teenagers. Both of them also inflicted shallow, cosmetic cuts on themselves for purposes of stress relief and coping, a behavior known scientifically as "self-injury" or "self-harm," but generally called "cutting" by those who did it. The scars on Arie's arms were the reason she never wore short sleeves, even in summer, unless she was in the company of those few people she trusted.

Arie rubbed at her arms over her sleeves. At least, she thought, the number of people I trust is slowly going up.

"Yes, but, we know she likes attention," Christa said. "She might be just saying it."

"No, I've seen her do it," Arie said.

"But she doesn't seem worried," said Derek. "Arie's reception wasn't exactly friendly, and by all rights Trina should be facing the same thing. But she doesn't seem worried."

"Something's up," Brandon said.

"Stating the obvious, minus ten to Brandon," Sajel said.

"Hey, I do my best," Brandon said, feeling inexplicably tired.

Suddenly, the PA system echoed around them. "Would seniors Derek Strong and Meredith Levine please report to Dr. Zelvetti's office immediately. Would—" The recitation was pierced by the ringing of the warning bell for first period. "—seniors Derek Strong and Meredith—" It was Monday morning, and school was about to start.

"What's going on," Arie asked her boyfriend.

"I don't know," Derek said, "I haven't heard anything about it."

"Is she even here?" Christa asked. "She's been absent so much this year—I don't think she's made a full week of school yet."

"I guess we'll find out," Stasya said.

"Ooooo, Derek's in trouble," Zach leered.

"Dork," Sajel said.

"Here we go," Brandon muttered to himself.

"So, what did you think of the Hemingway story," Christa said, taking Jane in hand. They were in many of the same classes together and had been for many years. "Did you understand it? I had to look it up on the Internet before I got it."

"I got it," Jane said, leaping eagerly into the academic world: it was, by far, her specialty. "But I've read it before. The man's trying to get the girl to have an abortion. That's what the letting-the-air-in part is all about."

"Yeah, that's what the Internet said," Christa agreed.

"I wonder why Meredith got called in," Stasya said.

"Maybe to convince her to do something about Brandon," Derek said, giving that one a direct stare.

"Not likely," Brandon grunted.

"I wish," Stasya said. Meredith called Brandon 'the best thing that ever happened to me, ' and she was pretty sure the reverse was true as well. And if anyone was smart enough to know that, it was Dr. Zelvetti. That was why her bad judgment on Jane was so disturbing—none of them had ever known her to take a wrong step. Someone was desperately wrong about Jane... But if history was any judge, it wasn't Dr. Z.

"It's going to be an interesting week," she said.

"Tell me about it," Brandon said.

M .2

Derek was busy at recess, so Brandon wasn't able to ask him about the principal's appointment until lunch. They met, as they had for over a year, at the porch on the north side of Stetsen. It was a good location—easy access to food, to bathrooms, to lockers, to most of the rest of the school; and they could see people walking by and be observed in turn. Brandon had hoped Derek might have some news about Meredith, but his response was almost as interesting: "I found out where Faith Bennett went."

"Really now," Arie said. Faith had been Derek's Program partner in early May. She gave off every impression of being addled in the head: strange conversational jumps, easily distracted, unadulterated naïveté. Then, the week after, she had simply disappeared, and no one knew where she'd gone.

"Yes," Derek said, glancing at Arie carefully. Faith had needed a lot of guidance that week, and Derek's new responsibilities had almost torn him from Arie permanently. They'd managed to patch things up, thankfully, and now they were closer than ever before, but Faith had still been a trouble spot, and Arie was known to have a very long memory. It would probably be smart to tread lightly.

"Is that why Dr. Z. wanted to talk to you?" Brandon asked.

"Yeah," Derek said. "She just heard back from some friends. Faith got reported as a Missing Person by Dr. Z. back in May, and evidently someone matched her face to the picture on the milk carton. She's in Louisiana. She calls herself Helen Chase now."

"Wait, she... What?" said Zach.

"Yeah, that was the weird thing," said Derek. "According to the police, they look identical. We've got photos to prove it. But this Helen Chase wasn't half as scatter-brained as Faith Bennett. In fact, they say she was in total control of her faculties. She's living alone in an apartment, she works at a restaurant, they described her as..." He dredged the words up from his memory. " 'Charming and highly capable.' It makes no sense."

"Faith Bennett," Arie said. "Always a mystery."

"She's living alone?" Christa said incredulously. "Without tripping over her own two feet?"

"And this is the girl Sajel described as being a kindergartener," Zach said.

"Maybe she got dropped on her head again," Brandon observed. "Knocked things back into alignment."

"Will wonders never cease," said Sajel dryly.

"This makes no sense whatsoever," Arie said. "People like Faith don't just get fixed."

"No... The thing is," Derek said, hesitating. "It might make sense."

Everyone turned to him. This was something he had never told to anyone, so he chose his words carefully.

"Right when we were all getting dressed, on the Friday of my Program week, I mean... She came on to me," Derek said. "And I don't mean, 'Hey, she said something that could be misconstrued as hitting on me, ' I mean she really came on to me. She was totally... Totally conscious, she wasn't getting distracted, she... It was like she was a different person."

"Oh. My. God," said Zach. "She's schizophrenic."

"No, schizophrenia just means you hear and see things that aren't there," Brandon corrected. "Dissociative Identity Disorder is when you have multiple personalities."

"Well, why don't they just call it multiple personality disorder then," Zach said.

"They did," Brandon said. "Then they changed the name, because they decided it wasn't multiple personalities but rather dissociated identity."

"What's 'dissociate' mean?" Zach asked.

"It means Shut up, you're a moron," Sajel said.

"So Faith was faking it the entire time?" Christa asked.

"That's what it seems like," Derek said. "If so, it was quite an act. I don't know if anyone ever caught on, even Dr. Z."

Christa looked at Brandon's face, and for his sake said the thing he should've been brave enough to ask himself: "Do you know what Meredith got called in for?"

"No, actually," Derek said. "I got sent out before Dr. Z. talked to her."

"So she was here," Stasya asked.

A pair of eyes watched the laughter from far away. Only Jeff saw her: Meredith Levine, with sadness writ large on her face. "Speak of the devil," he murmured. Her eyes were on Brandon, but also on Stasya Fyodorevna, her best friend, and he suddenly realized what a bad idea it might have been for Stasya to have merged her friends into Brandon's group—now that she was associated with him, Meredith could hardly approach her.

Jeff saw her, but when his eyes met hers, she jumped a little bit as if startled, waved in a manner that was not half as convincing as she would have liked, and walked off. Jeff frowned to himself.

"Brandon, when's the last time you talked to her?" Christa asked.

"I... I dunno," Brandon said. "I... Well, we talked on Thursday. Remember, we were all heading out after—"

"No, not just chatted with her," Christa said. They had walked to their cars as a group after their various music practices had let out; it had been inconsequential banter, and while both Brandon and Meredith had been involved in the conversation, they had walked on opposites sides of the group and had never addressed each other directly. "When's the last time you actually spoke to her, not just talked."

Brandon's face closed. "... I think... Before summer. Maybe the day Jane had to go to the hospital."

"Maybe you should talk to her," Derek said.

Brandon sighed. "Yeah." I haven't been this lonely in... I dunno, longer than I've been alive? "I should."

"You should at least try it," Sajel said.

"You know, speaking of trying," Zach said. "What about you, Saje?"

"What about me, dingbat?" Sajel said.

"Well, let's see here," he said. "Arie and Brandon have been in The Program. Christa and I have been in The Program. Derek and Meredith have been in The Program. Stasya and Jeff have both been in it. And now even Jane's in it," Zach said. "So, that leaves, just... You."

Sajel said nothing, but her face grew grim.

"So, what about it?" Zach asked.

"Never," Sajel spat.

"Never?" Zach said.

"Never's such a big word," Jeff said dryly.

"Never, and you know darn well why, Zachary Howard Crane," Sajel snarled.

"Howard??" Stasya exclaimed.

"Thanks a lot, Sajel," Zach said darkly.

"Is it because of..." Christa said, trailing off.

"The same reason as Arie and Trina," said Sajel. "But worse." Sajel's secret, better kept than most, were the injuries she had sustained as a child. A rainstorm had blown a tree down on her bedroom while she slept on her stomach. Now her back was criss-crossed with scars. She had never had a date or a boyfriend in her life—and, as far as any of them could tell, she didn't think she ever would.

"Come on, it's not such a big deal," Zach said. "Look at Arie. She found a boyfriend."

"She's not covered in them," Sajel retorted.

"My arms are," said Arie. "They're like sandpaper."

"Yeah, well, my all of me is like sandpaper," Sajel snorted. "No one's gonna put up with that."

"Even your vagina?" Stasya asked.

"What?" said Sajel.

"You said all of you was like sandpaper," Stasya said. "And I asked if that included your pussy." It was time for some humor, as far as she was concerned. "Because if it did, then I could understand why nobody would want you. I mean, a pussy's gotta be smooth, right?"

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Jane Naked in SchoolTuesday part 2

T .4 Meredith Levine squeezed her eyes closed and tried to keep calm. This was somewhat more difficult than it sounded: panic kept bubbling up her throat, threatening to erupt in a gout of... What? Screams? Crying? Vomit? She'd bet on that one, if it came to that. Hopefully it wouldn't. She couldn't remember ever being this nervous in her life. But then, she couldn't remember ever having been this stupid in her life either. "Brandon," she said. "Brandon. Can I talk to you for a...

1 year ago
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Jane goes to her first Oral sex party

The party went on at Barb's until all of us had been picked at least once and went into the back room. Back there we either sucked or got sucked, licked or got licked, ate or got eaten! We all got off and it was fun! I mean not just sexy climax oral sex fun, but fun, enjoyable. Finally, around ten PM Barb said: "Since Jane is new here tonight and I'm sure we all enjoyed her being with us, I want her to sit and watch this next game unless she wants to play. I said: "I'll play!" The group all sat...

3 years ago
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Jane Becomes a Latex Sex Doll

Jane the Model.IntroductionJane had just turned 18 and had left 6th form and was starting her new life in London at university studying modern art. She had led a sheltered life with everything she every wanted provided for her by her parents. She never wanted for anything, unfortunately both her parents had died in a car crash 2 weeks after her finishing 6th form. She struggled to cope with her lose but after help from her friends she was convinced that going on to uni and doing well in life...

4 years ago
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Jane got in way too deep

Jane had just turned 18 and had left 6th form and was starting her new life in London at university studying modern art. She had led a sheltered life with everything she every wanted provided for her by her parents. She never wanted for anything, unfortunately both her parents had died in a car crash 2 weeks after her finishing 6th form. She struggled to cope with her lose but after help from her friends she was convinced that going on to uni and doing well in life would be what her parents...

2 years ago
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Jane cums of age and how

Jane's, English, 18 and exactly 5 feet tall with natural long blonde hair, stunningly beautiful, with blue eyes and the most fantastic slim shapely figure. She had just finished her final year at school gaining three "A" Levels and looking forward to university, when her life was changed forever. Although Jane excelled academically at school her real ambition was to be an Olympic athlete and, although she was good at athletics, her lack of inches gave her an obvious disadvantage over the taller...

1 year ago
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Jane8217s Lesbian Slavery

Jane Sullivan was forty-nine, and in what she would describe as okay shape. Her long, brown hair brushed a pair of slim, tanned shoulders, her breasts were not that large and sagged just a little, but only a little she reminded herself. She also had a slim waist, and shapely legs. But then she had the time to stay in shape, not quite a trust fund baby, but she had a nice allowance from an inheritance paid into her account once a month. Still, there was always room for a little more cash. Trendy...

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Jane Takes Charge

This is Chapter 2 of New Rules at the Condominium Jane and John had suffered being disciplined by the dominatrix Miss D in front of the condominium’s Chair and Deputy. John was realising a long held dream although his wife, Jane, was unaware of that. Jane on the other hand wanted to find out what it would be like to discipline her husband, a real alpha male. This continues their journey in to the world of discipline ….. It was quite by chance that Jane met Miss D a few days later. Jane was with...

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Jane Takes Charge

This is Chapter 2 of New Rules at the Condominium Jane and John had suffered being disciplined by the dominatrix Miss D in front of the condominium’s Chair and Deputy. John was realising a long held dream although his wife, Jane, was unaware of that. Jane on the other hand wanted to find out what it would be like to discipline her husband, a real alpha male. This continues their journey in to the world of discipline ….. It was quite by chance that Jane met Miss D a few days later. Jane was with...

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Introduction: Manish saved her life in more ways than one. This had been a bad idea from the beginning, vacation with her sister, to a resort hosting a singles week. It was her own fault. Jane had always had issues saying no, not wanting to hurt anyone, so now she was stuck here. Sure, the beach was beautiful with its white sand, and the ocean was a brilliant blue, but this wasnt her idea of fun. Organized ice-breakers, games, activities, and the nightly dances these were meant for people who...

2 years ago
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This had been a bad idea from the beginning, vacation with her sister, to a resort hosting a singles week. It was her own fault. Jane had always had issues saying no, not wanting to hurt anyone, so now she was stuck here. Sure, the beach was beautiful with its white sand, and the ocean was a brilliant blue, but this wasn’t her idea of fun. Organized ice-breakers, games, activities, and the nightly dances – these were meant for people who were on the look-out for someone – like her sister,...

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Jane Jetson Astro and the PaperLad

BY Docker5000 Jane Jetson was taking a long hot relaxing shower; George and the rest of her family were still asleep. She quietly slipped out of her shower and dried herself on a large towel. She then slipped on a white short white dressing gown, and walked into the kitchen. Rosie the robotic maid was busily preparing their breakfasts. Jane said "good morning" to Rosie. Rosie turned to look at Jane then said. "Good morning Mrs. Jetson." Jane then asked Rosie "if she...

2 years ago
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I am married to one of the sexiest woman in the world. Jane is a stunning Irish girl, 5'6" with long reddish blond hair and a fantastic 36C-24-36 figure. Only 24, she has a beautiful face, creamy white skin and the most perfect round ass in the world. She loves to dress in revealing clothing and has a flirty way about her that makes her a magnet for horny men where ever we go. Not being the jealous type, I enjoy the attention that she gets and relish the fact that I am the only one who gets to...

4 years ago
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Jane Stalwart and the Cock of OsirisChapter 9 Betrayal

"If you don't mind, I think I'll be resting up a bit there then," sighed Patty while Jane finished toweling off Patty's fair skinned naked body. Patty walked over to the wall and pulled the lower berth down. "Please," said Jane, using the towel on herself. It had taken two basins and nearly an hour, but the two women finally felt clean. Their repeated requests for bathing water was starting to annoy the porter. Jane was starting to fantasize of a long hot bath at her father's estate....

3 years ago
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Janersquos first gang bang

Brian pulled the car into the pub car park.“Holy shit,” Jane said, seeing that it was full of cars. “I never expected this many… l don’t know if l’m ready for this, there must be thirty cars here.”“Mmmmm, lovely,” Suzy said, lifting her head from Jane’s breast, she had been sucking her nipples for the last ten miles. “The mood l’m in l’ll take them all,” she laughed.Brian found a vacant parking space. “It’s up to you Jane,” he said, “l’m not forcing you.”“But you want me to don’t you, l can see...

4 years ago
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Jane 1 Rape or Awakening

She was later than usual because she had wanted to talk to the woman in charge of the care home about her mother’s condition. He mother had been suffering with dementia for a number of years, but recently she seemed to have worsened. She no longer recognised her daughter and Jane’s visits often consisted of her sitting silently beside her mother as she pretended to be knitting. She checked her watch, it would be half an hour before the bus arrived at the depot, then she had to change to...

2 years ago
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Jane and Her Companion

Jane -- The coming of Carol. Jane lifted a dirty hand to brush the sweaty fringe of hair from her eyesand looked with satisfaction at the end result of her labours of the last fewweeks. Solid and sturdy, it looked smaller than she'd expected but she knewit would seem larger from inside. She walked around it, pausing at its doorto work its lock several times to reassure herself of its fail-safe operation,before putting away her tools, each in its proper place, and leaving the barnfor her...

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Jane Part IV The Granny Gangbang

Wednesday finally came, and Jane phoned my work once again as my ‘Aunt’ to tell me her ‘cover’ story about how we knew one another. “If anyone asks, we play golf together Jane informed me. “Only my two best friends know about you”. “Also, 7pm is too early for you, arrive about 8.30pm and wait in the bar. I want to make it look like a chance meeting. Not an invite”. I was listening intently to Jane’s soft voice, getting slightly turned on. “Seems a bit over the top, but ok.” I replied before...

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Jane rides the subway

Jane was wearing a dark long flowing dress, spaghetti straps, open from the neck line all the way down to the small of her back, six white buttons down the front. She wore black Steve Madden Deja Vu platform shoes, red lipstick and a splash of smokey grey eye shadow.She was quickly walking down the street, as if she was late for an appointment. She was clenching her small purse in one hand and a ticket in the other. She walked down the stairs into the subway station. She could feel the warm air...

1 year ago
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JaneJoes Prison OrdealChapter 5

"Now, Jane," he said, not whispering but still below a normal voice level. "I want you to answer me very truthfully. Did you or did you not enjoy sucking my cock and swallowing my cum?" Without flinching, Jane/Joe answered. "Yes, I did. To both." "And do you want us to do this again... and again?" "Yes!" "And how about ass-pussy fucking each other?" "Yes!" "And if I want to piss in your mouth and have you piss in mine?" Jane/Joe was quiet, thinking. Then: "Yes, even...

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JaneMy wife, Jane and I, David, have been married for 21 years and she is 40 years old, while I am 45 years old. We met when she was 18 years old and I was 23 years old, at the same factory. We have 2 k**s, both have moved on with their lives and we have regular contact with them. She is still as good a looking woman as she was when I first met her, all those years ago. But sex between us has become a bit stale over the past few years, and even she admits to that. Jane stands 5 feet tall and...

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JANE By Lorna Elizabeth Black CHAPTER 1 - NEW BEGINNING Two years ago, I was, to my mind, in a bad way. My marriage had just ended in divorce and I'd lost my job through redundancy about the same time. So all in all, I was what you might say, in a fairly desperate state. However things were beginning to improve slightly, I did manage to get another job as a clerk in an accountant's office in another town. Although I had spent most of my working career in the insurance...

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Janes new toy

9:13pm on a Sunday..... I was sitting in my living room watching the Chargers lose another important home game, when all of a sudden l heard my doorbell chime. l was too lazy to get up, so l decided to hit the call button and ask 'Who is it?'. A shy quite voice answered back, 'uh...l don't know if you remember me but it's...uhm..' l knew right away that charming but nervous voice was none other than Jane, the beautiful tart with whom l had a torrid romantic encounter with only a few...

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Jane the porn star

Jane pretended to be asleep until Brian got up to shower, then she quickly pulled on her dressing gown and went downstairs to prepare his breakfast.She was stood by the cooker when Brian came up behind her, putting his arms around her, sliding his hands under her dressing gown and fondling her breasts.“Morning sexy,” he said, nuzzling the back of her neck.“Careful,” she said, trying to fight the warm glow that travelled from her breasts into the pit of her stomach. “Paul could come down.”“We’ll...

4 years ago
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Janes Fantasy Fulfilled

Jane’s Fantasy FulfilledMy wife Jane and I enjoy a very satisfying sexual life. It may be kinky to some, but we enjoy spanking as a part of our play. I'm the top and Jane is the bottom, and a very lovely bottom she is. I'm sure it would come as quite a surprise to Jane's very prestigious law firm to know that one of their most popular and professional attorneys can often be found with her skirt hiked up to her waist, her panties around her ankle's and her bottom cheeks subjected to hair brush...

2 years ago
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JaneJoes Prison OrdealChapter 3

Finally, mercifully, Jane/Joe felt it. The beginings of an orgasm. Thank you, lord, Jane/Joe thought just before he yelled out to Sir Cougar, "Now! Sir Cougar, sir! I'm gonna shoot, sir!" He felt Sir Cougar pick up the pace a bit, banging in and out of his ass with purpose, trying to drive himself to his own orgasm. Sir Cougar was now leaning over him and he could feel drops of the man's sweat hit his chest and belly. They both did their respective parts for a few second more. Then......

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Jane catches neighbor 3 Jane and Tyler meet up again

Friday morning and Jane couldn’t get the fact that Tyler was going out of town with her out of her head. Her pussy was so wet with just the thought of what was going to happen. She lay across the bed, took out her vibrator and started rubbing her soaked pussy with the toy. She thought of Tyler while she started fucking herself with it, making her cum almost instantly. She lay there naked on the bed just thinking about what was to come. She got so relaxed she fell asleep laying across the bed...

4 years ago
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JaneJoes Prison OrdealChapter 4

Barker bullshitted about flowers, of all things! How the rose was his favorite, blah, blah, blah. Hurry it up, you dumb fuck! Cum in my fucking mouth so I can go home all ready! Then Barker told him how nice it was that a young man like Jane could be so accommodating with his pretty young mouth. To Jane/Joe, the man looked lecherous, almost to the point of drooling, but otherwise he found the guy pleasant enough. Nice even. He didn't appear to look down on him. Jane/Joe appreciated that...

1 year ago
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Jane The Sequel

“Well, I don’t know about you, but after that fantastic experience, I’m ready to go all the way, lover. I ache to feel you inside me, and I’m not talking just about your fingers and tongue.” With that she kind of pulled us both over so that instead of lying across the bed, our legs dangling over the edge, we were more in the centre of the bed, lying up and down. She stayed on top and when we were comfortable, she started to kiss me again, a long sexy kiss, the tips of our tongues...

3 years ago
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Jane Catches Neighbor 2

On Wednesday, Tyler turned up just like he was instructed to do. Knocking on the door, he heard a voice from inside. “Come on in, it’s open, Tyler,” Jane yelled. Tyler went into the house and shut the door. “Tyler, make sure you lock the door, I will be out in just a minute. I hope you like what I picked out for you today,” Jane explained from the bedroom. “I’m sure I will Jane, you could put on anything and be sexy,” said Tyler. “You are so sweet, thank you for that compliment.” Tyler...

3 years ago
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Jane Takes Flight

“Oh God Jane, you’re such a naughty slut.” Jane was being naughty and she knew it, edging him again so close to coming in her mouth he was actually pulsing before she pulled off. She held his rocklike pillar vertical from its base with her finger and thumb while watching his face. She blew against it as one might cool hot tea. This was all new to Jane but sure she wasn’t ready for him to come. His breathing mollified and Jane used the fingers of her other hand to gently stroke his balls, drawn...

1 year ago
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Jane was tending to the Bonobo chimps in the zoo

Jane has been in charge of the Bonobo enclosure for a couple of month, and she was enchanted with them. She has come here from ** where she had been in the staff of the local zoo, working with the Chimpanzees. She liked these lively and curious apes but their irascibility and mischief making especially of the hot tempered males- was a pain in the ass. You had always had to be on your guard never turn your back to them or else. She had heard of course, like everybody else, about the love apes...

2 years ago
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Janersquos new world develops

All afternoon Jane felt as if she was a bomb, about to go off. Sex with Suzy had been a totally new experience, Brian and her had talked about it, Jane often wondered if Brian’s enthusiasm wasn’t more about seeing another woman naked and possibly getting the chance to fuck her, but now she realised how erotic it would have been to have her husband watching while Suzy made love to her.Twice during the afternoon Jane had to retire to her bedroom, using her vibrator to bring herself to orgasm...

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Jane Part II The Filthy Granny

The Friday after I had met Jane, just six meagre days since we had fucked hard despite meeting one another only a few hours beforehand, I was sitting at home watching TV with the events of that Saturday still on my mind. I had asked Jane for her phone number that night, but she had advised me that she did not own a mobile and I didn’t bother asking for her home number as I assumed with that answer Jane had no interest continuing our relationship after this, I was her one night stand. I then...

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JaneI have been friends with a guy from work (Dan) for a long time he and his wife (Jane) have been swingers for years we used to talk about some of the places they would go on their vacation . My wife would never do anything remotely like the things they were doing . So after my divorce I got to know them much better . I have been invited over to their house about a month after my divorce (no k**s) because Dan said that I looked depressed at work which I was . My regular supply of pussy when...

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Jane Stalwart and the Cock of OsirisChapter 8 Danger in Strasbourg

"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph," muttered Patty, looking up when Jane returned to the room. Patty was standing in the center of the room, looking at the pools of sexual fluid all over the floor. Jane's sudden return through the broken door, nude had startled her. "What happened?" asked Patty, taking in Jane's naked body. Half the semen on Jane was still wet and the other half dried flakes. "Aket, that's what happened," growled Jane, striding over to the basin. "And he has the...

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Jane Continued Depravity awaits

Jane groaned as she rolled over in bed. She opened her eyes, Brian was looking at her.“Sore?” He asked.“Mmm,” she replied, “my boobs are, and my bum is on fire.”“I’m not surprised, let me see,” he said, pulling the quilt away from her breasts.“Careful,” she said as his hand cupped her left breast.“They’re not as bruised as l expected,” he said, “they are a bit red in places and there are some small bruises, your nipples are hard.” he said, stroking his thumb over her nipple.“Oh, don’t,” she...

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Jane Part III My Aunt Jane

After two very different but equally dirty sessions with Jane, again I was left wondering what was next. However, what was abundantly clear about our “relationship” if you could call that, was the fact Jane had the clear upper hand in it. She knew where I stayed, my full name and even where I worked as I had shared this information with her, but she seemed extremely reluctant to do the same and I was learning things about this granny in very small amounts, with the fact she was a teacher the...

2 years ago
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Jane Bill Enjoying Each Other Others

Jane & Bill: Enjoying each other and othersJane and I had been on the road for a number of hours and were getting close to the hotel we were going to stay for the night. Driving vacations could be tiring at times but tomorrow there was no need to start out real early so maybe we could really have a fun sexual evening. We both were looking forward to just letting go! Actually, Jane told me that she was feeling very horny. It all started with that great looking guy that served them dinner and...

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Jane from the pub

I haven't had much luck meeting any older women on this site. In fact I have barely even had a conversation apart from the occasional one off responses which sometimes result in some dirty chat. Much appreciated don't get me wrong, but nothing beats the real thing. I therefore decided if I am ever to repeat my ultimate fantasy of fucking an older woman again it would need to be via a chance meeting where I got extremely lucky. Enter the lovely Jane. I had met some friends in the pub early...

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JaneJoes Prison OrdealChapter 2

He had been hitchhiking from school to home and was offered a ride by a middle aged man in a pickup truck. The forty-five minute trip started innocently enough, blah, blah, blah, but it soon turned to the sexually interesting ideas of getting a blowjob. The man appeared to be an expert on the whole matter. He went on about how it was so great to have a hot mouth on your dick. At that point he asked, "Know what I mean?" Joe said, without even thinking about it, "Oh, yeah, ain't nothing...

3 years ago
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Jane Stalwart and the Cock of OsirisChapter 4 Baptism on the Orient Express

Jane's eyes were closed as she floated naked on her back in the hot water. She was in a deep meditative state, completely relaxed. She'd had difficulty achieving this state of being with the professor's murder being so fresh in her mind. When she opened her eyes again, she'd feel totally refreshed as if she'd gotten a full nights sleep. Patty slid up out of the water and let the hot steam embrace her nude body before reaching for a comb and going to work getting the tangles out of her...

1 year ago
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Jane my Slut Wife Part One

*** Chapter One I have to go back to the first time I met my future wife, she was just eighteen and I was twenty two and we met in the local coffee bar frequented by most of the younger crowd in our town. It was not love at first sight or any of the other clichés, she had just moved into town with her parents and was out with a group of new friends she had made. I as normal was out with my friends and we all sat around chatting, at the end of the evening I offered the girls a lift home...

Group Sex
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Jane ch 1

Introduction: Havent written in a while so this is kinda like my warmup Story will be a bit rough havnt written in a while Jim walked through the large glass doors, glancing at the email from his hopefully soon to be boss. A reference from his college had given him the lead for the job. He figured his good college education along with him being the good guy he had good chances. He walked through some security gates and walked into a packed elevator full of people in suits. He watched as each...

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Janes interracial gangbang adventures in Lon

Jane awoke to Kenny rubbing his erect, black cock into the small of her back. She had been gang fucked stupid the night before but the feel of her lover against her had her pussy juices flowing and she began to rhythmically rub back against his large, black member. Kenny fondled my wife’s large breasts from behind as he kissed her neck. “I wanted a quickie because I was going to send Kenny on his way for the day and besides, I needed some breakfast” Jane later told me.She turned around to face...

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Jane Peppers is 28yrs just got a new job as a check out girl at Rudy's Food Mart. She just moved here from her parents house. Moving out on her own she needed every thing for a home but her money was tight. She window shopped a lot and the shoes at Ginger's shoes were the best she had to have them, but at *0 dollars they would have to wait if she wanted to eat. The shoes were to good though so she bought them. Now hungry at work she stole a meal and drink and Wendy saw her. Wendy is the...

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Jane Kilmer Teacher

It was her first year out of college and into full time teaching. No more being an student teacher having to answer to another and follow what they dictated. She was now accredited with full credentials as a teacher in high school. Jane Kilmer was young, only twenty-two, and very pretty. She had long brown hair that fell well below her shoulders, silky and soft. She also had a very nice figure, a body worth taking more than a second look at when she passed. Some would go so far as to say she...

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Jane ch 1

Jim walked through the large glass doors, glancing at the email from his hopefully soon to be boss. A reference from his college had given him the lead for the job. He figured his good college education along with him being the good guy he had good chances. He walked through some security gates and walked into a packed elevator full of people in suits. He watched as each one of the people one by one left the elevator as he passed their floors. He was heading to the top, figuratively...

1 year ago
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Jane is Horny

It started simple enough: Jane was horny. When Jane gets horny, she fucks. A lot. Today, though, wasn't so simple. Jane was a red-headed college student, with natural DD breasts, a plump ass and that little bit of fat on her tummy. While many girls didn't talk to her, whispering how they thought she was fat or ugly, the boys are driven WILD by her looks. Naturally, she used this to her advantage. Especially today. Walking into the men's locker room, Jane saw to her delight what she considered a...

2 years ago
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Jane Poole

Jane Poole was sitting in her living room with her head leaning against the back of the sofa. As she was staring blankly at the ceiling, her thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the back door, followed by Sandy's usual cheerful voice. "Hello?" "In here," Jane said, sitting up but still looking a bit glum. It was their usual morning ritual. Jane would get her husband, Brandon, off to work, have a few minutes to herself until Sandy would step through the back door with two cups of...

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Jane Pt 2

Jane pt 2Jane , Dan and I were together every weekend until the we headed to the swingers party . I took Friday and Monday off as vacation because if this party was as good as they told me it would be then I definitely would need to rest up before returning to work . The drive took us nearly five hours to get there , Jane told me about some of the regulars that attended these parties , their are several ladies that will go crazy for your talented tongue . Of course your big fat cock won't hurt...

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Jane Goes Running by loyalsock

Alyana pulled the tight sports top over her young breasts and smoothed downthe material, slowly running her hands over her soft flesh. She waspreparing herself for her daily run in the park. She was her school's bestrunner and loved racing and practising, the feel of the tight clothes overher skin, the toned flesh of her young body and the sight of the beautiful,fit bodies of the other girls she ran with.Alyana was 18 and loved the sight of other girls her age, girls turningslowly to...

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Jane Bound Office Wear Capter 4

Jane Bound Office wear Chapter 4 Jane steps into Miss's office balancing the silver tray, adorned with fresh picked strawberries, cream, fresh coffee and organic honey. Carefully setting the tray beside the large wooden desk. She places paper folders in their proper location, wipes down the desk, computer, and chair, preparing for another day of work. She hears chiming from the doorway as the door opens in the reception area, Jane scoots to assume her position at the desk,...

2 years ago
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Jane Jonny Choir MILF

Like Angela, Jane made closer friends with choir ladies that Jonny would be interested in having in his escort stable. One of these was Michelle. In all outward signs Michelle (she liked to be called Mi) had it all, well almost all – the only lack, which didn't bother her was she had no c***dren. On the other hand, that ment she had no stretch marks and she had a flat stomach. Mi was of model proportions: 5' 10” tall, slim but nice tits that didn't really need a bra, although she unsally wore...

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