Jane Naked In SchoolThursday (part 2) free porn video

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Th .5

The world was hers for the taking. And Jane Myers intended to get everything she could out of it.

With her decision had come a font of courage the likes of which she had never known. It was as if nothing could scare her. Nothing did scare her. She felt as though all consequence had been stripped away from her; she could do anything, today and tomorrow, and on Monday it wouldn't matter, it would be as if she hadn't done them at all. The slate would be wiped clean. She was free.

A girl could get used to this. A girl could get too used to this. Jane had always suspected, a little defensively, that she kept strict rein on herself for a very good reason, and now here it was.

Nonetheless, a girl could get used to this heady feeling of power.

More people had come to Rule Three her than all the rest of the week combined, and she had had more orgasms today than—well, not in her lifetime; she seemed to remember being quite well-acquainted with her plumbing in younger years—but certainly more than she'd ever had in one day, and for a very long time. Was it three today, or four? Probably more than most Program participants had in one day, to be certain. Oh look. I'm setting records. And she had not once seized up, or shuddered, or felt any indication that what she was doing was in any way wrong. Society isn't frowning on me, the school isn't frowning on me... Even the church can't complain too much. God gave me a body which feels pleasure, so it must not be wrong to enjoy it. And it's not like I've actually had sex.

And the one person who normally frowned the most wasn't frowning either. Nope. No frown on Jane Katherine Myers's face.

How free. How free.

Though a part of her did worry that she was getting just a wee bit drunk with power. I'm not invincible, she had to remind herself, I'm not invincible. I can get hurt. I can be harmed. One day soon the flight will end, and then I have to land again.

But she couldn't get this intoxicating freedom out of her veins. It was what she had wanted, without truly realizing it, for her entire life: not to have everyone's approval, not to be beyond reproach, not to be unassailable... But to not care, either way. On Monday I was Jane Katherine Myers, straight-A student. But today, I am... Whoever the heck I want to be.

And let them try to stop me. Just let them try.

And it showed; it showed. People weren't just stopping to fondle her titties, people were stopping to talk to her. People she'd known for, well, twelve years in some cases—she'd known Karin Ashpool straight back through to first grade, at the very least, and David Spirio and Claudia Chung as well—known, but never been friends with, were stopping to say hello and ask how she was doing. And a surprising number of people were complimenting her as well. "I'm not sure what you've found, Jane," Karin told her, "but if you could put it in a shampoo, I bet a lot of people would buy it." And Gordon Lane stopped and said, "You know, you wouldn't think it looking at you clothed, Jane, but naked, you're very attractive," which, from Gordon Lane, was saying something, because when's the last time anyone saw him without an acknowledged beauty like Jen Weathermeyer or Melinda Carlisle on his arm? If nothing else, this whole liberation thing was getting her a lot more public exposure.

But the person she had most expected a response from—Brandon—didn't seem interested at all.

Well, maybe that was to be expected. He was dealing with a lot right now, what with Meredith and the situation she had created by sleeping around (See? See? That's the kind of thing I was trying to prevent!). But she had thought he might be a little more interested in her private parts. He had certainly been interested when they were dating.

She realized now that she wanted his interest—his attraction, his lust, his approval—because she trusted his judgment. She remembered when they had first begun dating; he had seemed exotic to her, wise and mature, because he knew things she didn't. But it wasn't just that she didn't know them, it was that she knew she couldn't know them. She wouldn't know where to start learning. Things about human behavior. Things about life. Things about Jane herself, even; there were things he'd said about her—"You avoid people because you're scared of messing up near them," and, "You have strong feelings, but you pretend you don't"—that she'd believed, simply because he'd said them. In the quiet cynicism of his smile was that faint touch of veracity—I know, it seemed to say, I've been there—and she loved that about him. And she loved being loved by him, too; because, if he had been there, if he knew (and surely he did), and still loved him, then surely she must be worth something.

When she was with him, she could quiet that internal censor that monitored everything she said—quiet it, and just be herself. With him, she could just be. That had delighted her and scared her in equal amounts.

And now, here she was—just being. Free. Through her own heart and mind and willpower, this time, without any of Brandon's efforts. And if he was out of reach, there were still plenty of other people to impress.

It was during choir, however, that it all came crashing down; and predictably it all came down to Russell Hebbert. It was he who had unlocked the box in the first place, by phrasing it all as a challenge—the one thing she could never back down from. And now it was he who brought the wreckage.

She was ready for him when he arrived, but only barely; she hadn't expected him to show up halfway through choir practice, during their ten-minute break. What was he doing here? Was he on a sports team or something? And why did he always have to have a flock of followers? Strength in numbers? Was she really that dangerous?

"Jane Kai-shek," said Russell Hebbert.

"Is this going to be a normal thing," Jane asked. "Like, should I write it down in my planner?"

Russell was not to be deterred. "I have come, bearing Rule Threes. And I came all the way from the goddamn Homer Building, too—" Across campus, in other words. "—so you better appreciate it."

"Certainly," said Jane graciously. "Your presence honors me, Mr. Hebbert. What can I do for you?"

Russell gave a delighted laugh. "Well, Ms. Myers, if you would just step this way, I'll explain it all..." He led her to one of the larger practice rooms, where there was room for a desk as well as a piano.

It was Rule Three, of course; what else. Why she needed to be pulled off to one side for it, she didn't know. At least, she didn't until Russell began to open his mouth.

"I think we should up the ante a bit," he said, playing with her breasts. He was getting very good at that, and she could already start to feel desire arching up her back, tingling in her extremities. "How would you like for me to get involved a little bit more in all this Rule Three stuff?"

"Sure," she said. Couldn't hurt.

"All right then," he said. "My idea is to put you on the other end of the Rule Three experience. You've never touched a guy, right?"

She didn't even feel the need to be a stickler about it: Well, I've touched a guy, but only in a, you know, friendly manner. "Yeah, I haven't."

"Well, let's change that," he said.

"And which guy is going to be brave enough to let me at his naughty bits," Jane asked. Brave enough or dumb enough. God only knows what sort of mangling I might manage on accident.

"Myself, of course," said Russell brightly.

"Oh, well," she said. "That's fine then." Brave, dumb or otherwise, Russell was also quick, lightning-quick and smart. If anyone should be able to handle himself while she tried to handle him, it would be he. She felt safer about the situation.

She wondered if she should feel eager about the chance to touch a man's parts for the first time. She had seen her father's, in the shower, many years ago, but that meant nothing; throughout all the time she had dated Brandon, she had never once wondered what he might be like with his clothes off, which was something he had almost certainly wondered about her. All of that was foreign to her. In some ways it still was. Jane was a practical girl, concerned mostly with the here-and-now. And here and now was an opportunity—not really anything she wanted or needed, but an opportunity nonetheless. She might as well take it.

Russell unbelted his pants and let them slide down to his ankles. Then he shoved off his boxers in the same way.

Jane stared. "Is it always that... Wavy? I just thought I was weird."

"What?" He looked down at his pubic hair. "Oh. Yeah, of course it is. Don't you look at porn?"

"No," Jane said, a bit of her old defensiveness creeping in.

"Good for you, porn is stupid," said Russell. "Stay away from it if you can."

Jane glanced around, for the first time realizing that Russell's little entourage had come inside the room with them. Through the door's small inset window, she could see people passing back and forth on their way to the bathroom.

"So, what do I..." she said, looking back at him.

He shrugged. "Whatever you want to. You're Rule-Three'ing me, remember? It's your chance to investigate any weird little oddity about penises you always wanted to know about." He seemed totally unconcerned, standing there with his hands on his hips, his privates bared to all the world (and his friends!). Jane, for no reason she could understand, felt nervous.

Weird little oddity? The truth was, she'd never been really curious about penises. They were just there—some people owned them, some didn't. Some people were interested in them. She wasn't (she hadn't been). Maybe she would be, later... But she wasn't now.

She knelt in front of him, eye-level with his crotch.

She recognized it—the whole package, the whole deal—from biology textbooks. There's the hair, and then that would be the penis, and here is the scrotum, not quite as distended as it sometimes was—supposedly the testes retract, she remembered, when the air outside is cold, and the Music building was generally air-conditioned to a pretty low temperature. She recognized it, and yet, she didn't—this was nothing like the cartoonish icons they gave you in school. This was real, skin and tubes and millions of sperm in there somewhere. There were wrinkles and ridges and veins and bumps and colors and textures and smells she'd never known to expect.

At a loss, desperate to say something, she asked, "Are you circumcised?"

"No, actually, I'm not," Russell said. "I'm told that most Americans are circumcised, but my parents didn't have them do it to me, for whatever reason. Some people think circumcised cocks look ugly. Some people think uncircumcised cocks look ugly. What do you think?"

'Cocks'? Slang term for penis, I guess. "I don't know," she said, "let me look."

He laughed.

It was growing precipitously—she could see redden, start to bump up and down. That was blood supply, as she recalled, blood flowing in through valves to engorge special spongy tissues along the length of the penis, to make it hard. The glans was beginning to poke out from under the foreskin; it was definitely red. She wanted to see more. "Do you mind if I..."

"No, go ahead," said Russell.

She reached out and pinched his foreskin between two fingers, to try and pull it back, but only succeeded in tenting it upward. Russell said, "Ow. No, look, do it this way." He took a grip as if holding a pencil—a really large pencil—with fingers on either side, and pulled the entire structure backwards. Now she could see the shaft, the same shiny red as the head of his penis. The whole thing was starting to point in her direction.

"Is that... Is that for me?" she asked.

"Hunh?" he said. "Oh. Well, kinda yes, kinda no. Men aren't really picky, Jane: if they're in the vicinity of a naked female, of any naked female, for a length of time, they'll probably get an erection. That's the way Mother Nature made us. We can't help it."

Jane nodded. Brandon had said as much.

"If you're asking if I'm attracted to you... Well, yes, actually, I am. I think you're quite pretty. And you're brave, too. Gritty. I like that."

"Oh," she said. The head of his erect penis was an inch from her nose.

"So," he said. "You're here now. Would you like to touch it?"

Jane didn't look behind her, so she didn't see Christa's shocked face at the window. All she saw was Russell Hebbert and his penis (cock?), and she reached out to touch it.

His skin was like nothing she had ever felt before: soft, silky, marvelously textured. She could feel the warmth of the blood pumping beneath the surface, feel its solidness even as its skin gave way beneath her fingers, feel the marvelous life inside. Babies come out of this. It brings life. Or, if you believe all the women who are gagging for it, it is life. Jane didn't agree with that assessment; but she was willing to allow that this was a pretty interesting organ.

"Oh," said Russell, "oh Jane." When she looked up, his face was flushed. "Do you... Do you want me to do the same to you?"

"What, touch my privates," Jane said.

"Ye— No, actually, no, let's not," said Russell. "I'm not going to touch them. I'm going to lick them."

Jane's eyes popped. She had heard of the concept, of course—cunnilingus, was it called?—but who in their right mind would actually put their mouth on such an unsanitary place?? "Are you— Are you sure you want to?"

"Yes, of course I'm sure," said Russell. And then, before she could ask her next question: "And you're sure too. Trust me, Jane. It's one of the best feelings in the world. It's better than having a hand down there. It may be even better than sex."

Well, I wouldn't know about that. But something that feels even better than being touched? Sure!

Russell had her bend over the desk, and knelt behind her. She felt his breath on her... Area. It was a new sensation, to be certain, but it was not unpleasant.

And then his tongue touched her, and she understood what Russell was talking about.

For long moments there was only the rush of her breath, the beating of her heart, as Russell did... She had no idea. She was bent over the desk, her tush in the air, and Russell crouched behind her, doing his monstrous, miraculous thing with his mouth and tongue. She wasn't sure what, exactly, was going on, but it felt sinfully good. If he continued like this, she was going to orgasm; it was really as simple as that.

Then Russell's panting voice: "Jane, Jane, do you wanna... Do you wanna go all the way?"

Do I... What? What a silly idea / What a good idea! Have sex? Have actual sex? Do that, that... That thing she'd been avoiding for years?

Do something that feels better than this?

"All right," she said, before she could change her mind.

She looked behind her. Russell was rising to his knees, but her shoulders blocked off most of the view. Behind him, his cronies stood silent. Through the window she thought she glimpsed Brandon's face—but then she blinked and he was gone again. What was going on?

"Are you ready?" Russell grunted.

Then she felt it: a penis. In her vagina. And it was good—actually it was really good—but suddenly she saw herself, a naked girl of seventeen years, bent over this desk like a common prostitute, a man behind her still wearing his shirt, a man she barely knew—his friends were there! His friends were in the room! And she didn't know him and she didn't know herself and he was feeding his penis into her body inch by inch and making noises and groans and exultations and even though it felt marvelously good, a firm spreading sensation and the gorgeous feeling of her vaginal canal clamping down on something just the way it was supposed to, and it was wrong! It was all wrong!

And then his hips touched hers, and she felt his pubic hair on her buttocks, and his scrotum brushed against her clitoris, and it was very, very good.

It didn't take long; he was primed and ready, and so was she. It was as if her body, denied sexual release for over ten years, had simply been bottling it all up. Barely a minute, and she felt the clench and rush and bursting delirium of her orgasm, and heard Russell grunting, and felt vaguely (through the thrashing of her own senses) his final thrust, and then a spurting warmth deep within her, and she knew it was over. A minute—not all that long.

Too long.

Russell was doing up his pants. "Jane? Jane, are you okay?"

"I'm... I'm fine... Go on, I'll catch up with you later," she said. Or so she hoped; whatever sounds were coming out of her mouth were foreign to her. She was somewhere on the wrong side of rational speech. But they appeared to work, because Russell left, taking his entourage with him, without a backward glance.

For a while she lay there, staring dimly at the wall. She felt drowsy, lethargic, tired the way she was after a good bout of exercise. It was a good tired, and that made it worse. She'd heard that some people felt sleepy after sex, and for a moment she considered it. Sleep. Why not just drift off... Drift away, and never come back.

I'm Jane Myers. I'm not invincible. I'm weak. I'm so weak that a man with a penis could destroy me.

Presently she forced herself to move. She smelled the same acrid crimson smell she had met yesterday, all those years ago—twenty-four hours ago; less—the smell of human semen. It was coming from her, she realized, from her own vagina, and when she stood up she felt it begin to track down her leg. Wasn't it supposed to stick around? How could a woman possibly get pregnant if all that stuff just dribbled down onto the ground like that?

... What do I care? I don't want to get pregnant. I'm not on the Pill, I never got The Shot, and I don't think Russell used anything. So I guess I better pray.

Yesterday the idea of being pregnant would have wrecked her. Not today, though. Today I'm already wrecked.

It was cold outside, and the wind cut across her body, drawing stiffness into her nipples and gooseflesh to her skin. Clouds had drifted in, the dark clouds of an early October rain, and the sky was a brooding grey miasma. The wind tugged at her hair, tangling it in all directions. Her body felt raw, like a strange thing, a limb she had never known she had. Well, I'm not a virgin anymore. I've been fucked. I guess it makes sense for me to feel different.

She felt betrayed. Russell had taken advantage of her... Sort of. She had said yes, but now she knew what kind of mistake that had been. She felt betrayed by Russell, for asking. By Christa and Brandon and Meredith, for encouraging her to step into a world of greater sexuality. By Dr. Zelvetti, who had done the same. By Dr. Janine Graves, who had birthed today's social climate out of blood and sweat and genetics. By her own body. By herself.

I did this. Me.

"Hey," someone said.

She was sitting on bare concrete, feeling grit on her thighs and calves and vulva. It was north Stetsen, the only place to get out of the wind. Someone stood

above her. Jeff Gainesborough.

"I followed you," he said.

She looked at him remotely, and said nothing.

"I... I saw," he said. "I saw what happened. We... We all saw." He grimaced. "Christa passed by, and then told us, and..."

She didn't answer.

"Brandon didn't want to see," Jeff said. "He said he just... Wasn't interested."

"Did anyone want to see," she asked, acid.

"Well... Not really," said Jeff. "But Meredith and I watched."

"Oh, a voyeur," said Jane, acid.

Someone else might have bristled. Jeff simply said, "No. We didn't want to watch... But we didn't want to leave you alone, either."

An act of loyalty, then, if an ugly one. If all they could do was be near until it was over, then stand they would. Some of the black humor around her heart evaporated, leaving only a deep, aching emptiness.

Jeff sat down near her. The wind ruffled his short curly hair and tugged at his thin sparse beard.

"Did he force you," he asked.

"What!" Jane said. "No. No. Of course not. I did that to myself." She laughed, low and humorless. "I got into that mess a-aalllll by myself."

"It's not the end of the world," he said. "You've done so many other things today, it's not like you really jumped the gun or anything."

"The other things I did weren't mistakes," she said.

"And this one doesn't have to be either," he said. "Sure, you got into bed with the wrong guy. You're hardly the first woman to do that in the history of mankind, and you won't be the last. The question is, are you gonna let it load you down... Or are you gonna learn from it? Turn it into a story to tell your kids."

"What makes you think I'm going to have kids," she said.

He snorted. "Jane, if you tell me he turned you lezzie, I ain't gonna believe it."

Despite herself, she gave a snort of laughter, and for a moment they sat there, huddled against the wind.

"I... I shouldn't've," she said finally. "It was a mistake, and... I think I knew it. Going in. But everyone kept saying, you know, Oh, it's the greatest thing ever, you've gotta try it... And I look at Brandon, and Meredith, and Zach and Christa, and even Arie and Derek, and they're all... So happy with each other, and I thought..."

"You thought that, if you did it..."

"Maybe, it would... Maybe I could... Have what they had."

At another time, she might've been crying right now. But not today. Today she had no tears. Tears required something she didn't have. Like virginity.

"The thing is, though..." said Jeff. "It's not just sex. It's not only sex. They... They're meant for each other, at least Brandon and Meredith are. Zach and Christa... I dunno about, but they know how to make it work. Even if they aren't, like, The One for each other, it's pretty clear they still love each other, and they can make up in effort what they lack in chemistry."

"In effort," she asked.

"Mmm," he said. "Well. There's a saying people use in countries where they have arranged marriages. They say to us, 'You marry the person you love. We love the person we marry.' Love isn't just something that happens to you, in other words, it's something you do. You don't just roll the dice and pray, you work at it. And if you do, you can love... Anyone.

"And Zach and Christa know that. I think their dice lined up pretty well, but they aren't going to give up just because something goes slightly wrong."

"But Brandon and Meredith might," Jane said.

"Not if I have anything to do with it," Jeff said, surprising her. "Those idiots. Don't they see what they have? And don't they have any idea how many people would kill to be in their shoes?"

"I would," Jane said.

"So would I," said Jeff.

They sat in silence for another moment.

"It was because you were lonely," Jeff said.

Jane stared at him. "Yeah. Yeah, that's it exactly, it's..." She sighed. "I used to have friends, but I don't know where they went."

"Away," Jeff said. "Because you were scared."

At another time, she might've been angry. "Scared of what?"

"Scared of being judged," he said. "Anyone who comes near starts to judge; that's just the way humans are. But you couldn't bear to be judged unworthy, so you didn't let anyone near."

It's like he knows me, she thought.

"So, now, I'm alone," she said. "And I've got no friends. And I just gave away my virginity and..." She sighed. Blackness enfolded her, tenfold.

"That's not true," Jeff said. "You have friends. Brandon, Meredith, Christa..."

"None I can talk to," she said. "None I can really talk to. About anything. Brandon, once, but, now..." Overhead, thunder rumbled, harbinger to a coming storm.

He regarded her in silence.

She understood.

"Come on," she said.

He stood up after her. "What?"

"Come on," she said again. "We're going to leave. You're going to take me somewhere. And then... We're going to do it. For real this time."

"What?" he said, totally confused.

"Russell didn't count," she said, "it was a mess, it shouldn't be my first time. So now you're going to do it. A better job, this time. A real first time."

"I..." he said. "I am." A statement, but a dubious one, the questions clear in her eyes.

"Yes," she said, "you are." And then, as the last of her courage ebbed out of her: "Please."

When his eyes met hers, she felt as though he could see through her. But she could see through him, too, and she knew that she had won.

Or lost.

Maybe they're the same thing.

Th .6

"Wow," said Tommy. "This is your house?"

"Well," said Brandon. "It's not exactly mine. It's my parents'. But right now I'm the only one living here, so I guess it's mine." He assisted Meredith from the passenger seat of his car, closed the car door, and went to unlock the house. The tiny courtesy lifted Meredith's heart.

"How long are you guys going to be here," Brandon asked. "Should I get some dinner going?"

"It's not going to take that long," said Christa. "... Is it?"

"Well, we don't want to hurry them," said Zach, to prevent Tommy from jumping in. Of course Tommy would want as much time as possible. "I mean, we came here so that they could spread out and take their time. And it is 5:30."

"Dinner it is," Brandon said, and yanked the door open.

"No, no dinner," said Tommy. "I'm not hungry. I didn't come here to eat."

"Not food, at least," Meredith said dryly. Lisa blushed, but Tommy was too eager—or headstrong—to back down.

"Don't worry, kid," Zach chuckled. "We wouldn't feed you if you were hungry."

"Tommy," said Christa. "I think you should thank Brandon for the offer of food, and for being so thoughtful and letting you come here like this."

Tommy scowled. "What are you, my mother?"

"All right," Christa said, calling his bluff with alarming alacrity. "Get back in the car, right now. We're going home."


"Then thank Brandon!" Christa said. "He's going to a lot of trouble for no other reason that he is concerned for you, and for Lisa. He could've said no and forced you guys to do this in the back of a car, or in the dirt behind the baseball diamond, or maybe even just the bathroom down by the library. Would that be fun?"

"Act like a man," said Zach, not unkindly. "That's the whole point of this excursion, right? To make you a man, and to make Lisa a woman. But if you act like a kid, we'll treat you like one. And you won't get to do the grown-up thing with Lisa."

Meredith blinked at him. 'The grown-up thing'?

Tommy finally had the grace to look ashamed. "I'm sorry, Brandon."

"No worries," Brandon said. "I was eager at your age too."

He let Christa and Zach install them in a bedroom somewhere—his house had thousands—while he began digging out pots and pans. "Well. That started off well."

"It could've been worse," Meredith said, ever politic. "Tommy could've stripped Lisa down and started banging her in the driveway."

Brandon wrinkled his nose. "All those red tiles give off dust. She'd be covered in pink from head to toe."

"She will be, if Tommy has his way," Meredith said.

"Nnn," said Brandon, feeling around for a strainer.

"Do you want some help," Meredith asked.

"Yeah, actually, if you don't mind," Brandon said. "I need some butter and a loaf of bread, and some tomato sauce, no meat." Christa was a vegetarian, and Meredith was thinking of taking it up herself. "I've got the pasta here already."

For a few moments there was no talk except the back-and-forth consultations of the business of food. Zach and Christa arrived and were put to work on a salad. Meredith felt at home; she and Brandon had done this many times, occupying a kitchen together, feeding body and soul at the dual altars of food and companionship.

For the first time, she began to truly believe that she and Brandon could work things out.

"I've missed this," she said aloud. "Just... Being."

Brandon, tending a boiling pot at the stove, looked over his shoulder at her. "So have I," he admitted. "It's been... Way too quiet here."

Zach and Christa looked at each other. "... You know, I think we'll go check on Tommy and Lisa," said Christa. "Come on, Zach."

"Not that we haven't seen that already today," Zach chortled. "Jane and Lisa, whodathunkit?"

And Brandon and Meredith found themselves alone.

Meredith finished the bread and slid it into the oven, manipulating the controls with practiced ease. Then she meandered—casually, casually!—over to where Brandon was standing. Her heart hammered in her ears; she was intensely aware of his presence, of his location, in the kitchen, in her life. It was all she could do to keep calm.

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Jane Naked in SchoolTuesday part 2

T .4 Meredith Levine squeezed her eyes closed and tried to keep calm. This was somewhat more difficult than it sounded: panic kept bubbling up her throat, threatening to erupt in a gout of... What? Screams? Crying? Vomit? She'd bet on that one, if it came to that. Hopefully it wouldn't. She couldn't remember ever being this nervous in her life. But then, she couldn't remember ever having been this stupid in her life either. "Brandon," she said. "Brandon. Can I talk to you for a...

1 year ago
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Jane goes to her first Oral sex party

The party went on at Barb's until all of us had been picked at least once and went into the back room. Back there we either sucked or got sucked, licked or got licked, ate or got eaten! We all got off and it was fun! I mean not just sexy climax oral sex fun, but fun, enjoyable. Finally, around ten PM Barb said: "Since Jane is new here tonight and I'm sure we all enjoyed her being with us, I want her to sit and watch this next game unless she wants to play. I said: "I'll play!" The group all sat...

3 years ago
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Jane Becomes a Latex Sex Doll

Jane the Model.IntroductionJane had just turned 18 and had left 6th form and was starting her new life in London at university studying modern art. She had led a sheltered life with everything she every wanted provided for her by her parents. She never wanted for anything, unfortunately both her parents had died in a car crash 2 weeks after her finishing 6th form. She struggled to cope with her lose but after help from her friends she was convinced that going on to uni and doing well in life...

4 years ago
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Jane got in way too deep

Jane had just turned 18 and had left 6th form and was starting her new life in London at university studying modern art. She had led a sheltered life with everything she every wanted provided for her by her parents. She never wanted for anything, unfortunately both her parents had died in a car crash 2 weeks after her finishing 6th form. She struggled to cope with her lose but after help from her friends she was convinced that going on to uni and doing well in life would be what her parents...

2 years ago
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Jane cums of age and how

Jane's, English, 18 and exactly 5 feet tall with natural long blonde hair, stunningly beautiful, with blue eyes and the most fantastic slim shapely figure. She had just finished her final year at school gaining three "A" Levels and looking forward to university, when her life was changed forever. Although Jane excelled academically at school her real ambition was to be an Olympic athlete and, although she was good at athletics, her lack of inches gave her an obvious disadvantage over the taller...

1 year ago
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Jane8217s Lesbian Slavery

Jane Sullivan was forty-nine, and in what she would describe as okay shape. Her long, brown hair brushed a pair of slim, tanned shoulders, her breasts were not that large and sagged just a little, but only a little she reminded herself. She also had a slim waist, and shapely legs. But then she had the time to stay in shape, not quite a trust fund baby, but she had a nice allowance from an inheritance paid into her account once a month. Still, there was always room for a little more cash. Trendy...

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Jane Takes Charge

This is Chapter 2 of New Rules at the Condominium Jane and John had suffered being disciplined by the dominatrix Miss D in front of the condominium’s Chair and Deputy. John was realising a long held dream although his wife, Jane, was unaware of that. Jane on the other hand wanted to find out what it would be like to discipline her husband, a real alpha male. This continues their journey in to the world of discipline ….. It was quite by chance that Jane met Miss D a few days later. Jane was with...

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Jane Takes Charge

This is Chapter 2 of New Rules at the Condominium Jane and John had suffered being disciplined by the dominatrix Miss D in front of the condominium’s Chair and Deputy. John was realising a long held dream although his wife, Jane, was unaware of that. Jane on the other hand wanted to find out what it would be like to discipline her husband, a real alpha male. This continues their journey in to the world of discipline ….. It was quite by chance that Jane met Miss D a few days later. Jane was with...

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Introduction: Manish saved her life in more ways than one. This had been a bad idea from the beginning, vacation with her sister, to a resort hosting a singles week. It was her own fault. Jane had always had issues saying no, not wanting to hurt anyone, so now she was stuck here. Sure, the beach was beautiful with its white sand, and the ocean was a brilliant blue, but this wasnt her idea of fun. Organized ice-breakers, games, activities, and the nightly dances these were meant for people who...

2 years ago
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This had been a bad idea from the beginning, vacation with her sister, to a resort hosting a singles week. It was her own fault. Jane had always had issues saying no, not wanting to hurt anyone, so now she was stuck here. Sure, the beach was beautiful with its white sand, and the ocean was a brilliant blue, but this wasn’t her idea of fun. Organized ice-breakers, games, activities, and the nightly dances – these were meant for people who were on the look-out for someone – like her sister,...

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Jane Jetson Astro and the PaperLad

BY Docker5000 Jane Jetson was taking a long hot relaxing shower; George and the rest of her family were still asleep. She quietly slipped out of her shower and dried herself on a large towel. She then slipped on a white short white dressing gown, and walked into the kitchen. Rosie the robotic maid was busily preparing their breakfasts. Jane said "good morning" to Rosie. Rosie turned to look at Jane then said. "Good morning Mrs. Jetson." Jane then asked Rosie "if she...

2 years ago
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I am married to one of the sexiest woman in the world. Jane is a stunning Irish girl, 5'6" with long reddish blond hair and a fantastic 36C-24-36 figure. Only 24, she has a beautiful face, creamy white skin and the most perfect round ass in the world. She loves to dress in revealing clothing and has a flirty way about her that makes her a magnet for horny men where ever we go. Not being the jealous type, I enjoy the attention that she gets and relish the fact that I am the only one who gets to...

4 years ago
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Jane Stalwart and the Cock of OsirisChapter 9 Betrayal

"If you don't mind, I think I'll be resting up a bit there then," sighed Patty while Jane finished toweling off Patty's fair skinned naked body. Patty walked over to the wall and pulled the lower berth down. "Please," said Jane, using the towel on herself. It had taken two basins and nearly an hour, but the two women finally felt clean. Their repeated requests for bathing water was starting to annoy the porter. Jane was starting to fantasize of a long hot bath at her father's estate....

3 years ago
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Janersquos first gang bang

Brian pulled the car into the pub car park.“Holy shit,” Jane said, seeing that it was full of cars. “I never expected this many… l don’t know if l’m ready for this, there must be thirty cars here.”“Mmmmm, lovely,” Suzy said, lifting her head from Jane’s breast, she had been sucking her nipples for the last ten miles. “The mood l’m in l’ll take them all,” she laughed.Brian found a vacant parking space. “It’s up to you Jane,” he said, “l’m not forcing you.”“But you want me to don’t you, l can see...

4 years ago
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Jane 1 Rape or Awakening

She was later than usual because she had wanted to talk to the woman in charge of the care home about her mother’s condition. He mother had been suffering with dementia for a number of years, but recently she seemed to have worsened. She no longer recognised her daughter and Jane’s visits often consisted of her sitting silently beside her mother as she pretended to be knitting. She checked her watch, it would be half an hour before the bus arrived at the depot, then she had to change to...

2 years ago
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Jane and Her Companion

Jane -- The coming of Carol. Jane lifted a dirty hand to brush the sweaty fringe of hair from her eyesand looked with satisfaction at the end result of her labours of the last fewweeks. Solid and sturdy, it looked smaller than she'd expected but she knewit would seem larger from inside. She walked around it, pausing at its doorto work its lock several times to reassure herself of its fail-safe operation,before putting away her tools, each in its proper place, and leaving the barnfor her...

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Jane Part IV The Granny Gangbang

Wednesday finally came, and Jane phoned my work once again as my ‘Aunt’ to tell me her ‘cover’ story about how we knew one another. “If anyone asks, we play golf together Jane informed me. “Only my two best friends know about you”. “Also, 7pm is too early for you, arrive about 8.30pm and wait in the bar. I want to make it look like a chance meeting. Not an invite”. I was listening intently to Jane’s soft voice, getting slightly turned on. “Seems a bit over the top, but ok.” I replied before...

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Jane rides the subway

Jane was wearing a dark long flowing dress, spaghetti straps, open from the neck line all the way down to the small of her back, six white buttons down the front. She wore black Steve Madden Deja Vu platform shoes, red lipstick and a splash of smokey grey eye shadow.She was quickly walking down the street, as if she was late for an appointment. She was clenching her small purse in one hand and a ticket in the other. She walked down the stairs into the subway station. She could feel the warm air...

1 year ago
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JaneJoes Prison OrdealChapter 5

"Now, Jane," he said, not whispering but still below a normal voice level. "I want you to answer me very truthfully. Did you or did you not enjoy sucking my cock and swallowing my cum?" Without flinching, Jane/Joe answered. "Yes, I did. To both." "And do you want us to do this again... and again?" "Yes!" "And how about ass-pussy fucking each other?" "Yes!" "And if I want to piss in your mouth and have you piss in mine?" Jane/Joe was quiet, thinking. Then: "Yes, even...

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JaneMy wife, Jane and I, David, have been married for 21 years and she is 40 years old, while I am 45 years old. We met when she was 18 years old and I was 23 years old, at the same factory. We have 2 k**s, both have moved on with their lives and we have regular contact with them. She is still as good a looking woman as she was when I first met her, all those years ago. But sex between us has become a bit stale over the past few years, and even she admits to that. Jane stands 5 feet tall and...

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JANE By Lorna Elizabeth Black CHAPTER 1 - NEW BEGINNING Two years ago, I was, to my mind, in a bad way. My marriage had just ended in divorce and I'd lost my job through redundancy about the same time. So all in all, I was what you might say, in a fairly desperate state. However things were beginning to improve slightly, I did manage to get another job as a clerk in an accountant's office in another town. Although I had spent most of my working career in the insurance...

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Janes new toy

9:13pm on a Sunday..... I was sitting in my living room watching the Chargers lose another important home game, when all of a sudden l heard my doorbell chime. l was too lazy to get up, so l decided to hit the call button and ask 'Who is it?'. A shy quite voice answered back, 'uh...l don't know if you remember me but it's...uhm..' l knew right away that charming but nervous voice was none other than Jane, the beautiful tart with whom l had a torrid romantic encounter with only a few...

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Jane the porn star

Jane pretended to be asleep until Brian got up to shower, then she quickly pulled on her dressing gown and went downstairs to prepare his breakfast.She was stood by the cooker when Brian came up behind her, putting his arms around her, sliding his hands under her dressing gown and fondling her breasts.“Morning sexy,” he said, nuzzling the back of her neck.“Careful,” she said, trying to fight the warm glow that travelled from her breasts into the pit of her stomach. “Paul could come down.”“We’ll...

4 years ago
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Janes Fantasy Fulfilled

Jane’s Fantasy FulfilledMy wife Jane and I enjoy a very satisfying sexual life. It may be kinky to some, but we enjoy spanking as a part of our play. I'm the top and Jane is the bottom, and a very lovely bottom she is. I'm sure it would come as quite a surprise to Jane's very prestigious law firm to know that one of their most popular and professional attorneys can often be found with her skirt hiked up to her waist, her panties around her ankle's and her bottom cheeks subjected to hair brush...

2 years ago
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JaneJoes Prison OrdealChapter 3

Finally, mercifully, Jane/Joe felt it. The beginings of an orgasm. Thank you, lord, Jane/Joe thought just before he yelled out to Sir Cougar, "Now! Sir Cougar, sir! I'm gonna shoot, sir!" He felt Sir Cougar pick up the pace a bit, banging in and out of his ass with purpose, trying to drive himself to his own orgasm. Sir Cougar was now leaning over him and he could feel drops of the man's sweat hit his chest and belly. They both did their respective parts for a few second more. Then......

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Jane catches neighbor 3 Jane and Tyler meet up again

Friday morning and Jane couldn’t get the fact that Tyler was going out of town with her out of her head. Her pussy was so wet with just the thought of what was going to happen. She lay across the bed, took out her vibrator and started rubbing her soaked pussy with the toy. She thought of Tyler while she started fucking herself with it, making her cum almost instantly. She lay there naked on the bed just thinking about what was to come. She got so relaxed she fell asleep laying across the bed...

4 years ago
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JaneJoes Prison OrdealChapter 4

Barker bullshitted about flowers, of all things! How the rose was his favorite, blah, blah, blah. Hurry it up, you dumb fuck! Cum in my fucking mouth so I can go home all ready! Then Barker told him how nice it was that a young man like Jane could be so accommodating with his pretty young mouth. To Jane/Joe, the man looked lecherous, almost to the point of drooling, but otherwise he found the guy pleasant enough. Nice even. He didn't appear to look down on him. Jane/Joe appreciated that...

1 year ago
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Jane The Sequel

“Well, I don’t know about you, but after that fantastic experience, I’m ready to go all the way, lover. I ache to feel you inside me, and I’m not talking just about your fingers and tongue.” With that she kind of pulled us both over so that instead of lying across the bed, our legs dangling over the edge, we were more in the centre of the bed, lying up and down. She stayed on top and when we were comfortable, she started to kiss me again, a long sexy kiss, the tips of our tongues...

3 years ago
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Jane Catches Neighbor 2

On Wednesday, Tyler turned up just like he was instructed to do. Knocking on the door, he heard a voice from inside. “Come on in, it’s open, Tyler,” Jane yelled. Tyler went into the house and shut the door. “Tyler, make sure you lock the door, I will be out in just a minute. I hope you like what I picked out for you today,” Jane explained from the bedroom. “I’m sure I will Jane, you could put on anything and be sexy,” said Tyler. “You are so sweet, thank you for that compliment.” Tyler...

3 years ago
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Jane Takes Flight

“Oh God Jane, you’re such a naughty slut.” Jane was being naughty and she knew it, edging him again so close to coming in her mouth he was actually pulsing before she pulled off. She held his rocklike pillar vertical from its base with her finger and thumb while watching his face. She blew against it as one might cool hot tea. This was all new to Jane but sure she wasn’t ready for him to come. His breathing mollified and Jane used the fingers of her other hand to gently stroke his balls, drawn...

1 year ago
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Jane was tending to the Bonobo chimps in the zoo

Jane has been in charge of the Bonobo enclosure for a couple of month, and she was enchanted with them. She has come here from ** where she had been in the staff of the local zoo, working with the Chimpanzees. She liked these lively and curious apes but their irascibility and mischief making especially of the hot tempered males- was a pain in the ass. You had always had to be on your guard never turn your back to them or else. She had heard of course, like everybody else, about the love apes...

2 years ago
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Janersquos new world develops

All afternoon Jane felt as if she was a bomb, about to go off. Sex with Suzy had been a totally new experience, Brian and her had talked about it, Jane often wondered if Brian’s enthusiasm wasn’t more about seeing another woman naked and possibly getting the chance to fuck her, but now she realised how erotic it would have been to have her husband watching while Suzy made love to her.Twice during the afternoon Jane had to retire to her bedroom, using her vibrator to bring herself to orgasm...

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Jane Part II The Filthy Granny

The Friday after I had met Jane, just six meagre days since we had fucked hard despite meeting one another only a few hours beforehand, I was sitting at home watching TV with the events of that Saturday still on my mind. I had asked Jane for her phone number that night, but she had advised me that she did not own a mobile and I didn’t bother asking for her home number as I assumed with that answer Jane had no interest continuing our relationship after this, I was her one night stand. I then...

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JaneI have been friends with a guy from work (Dan) for a long time he and his wife (Jane) have been swingers for years we used to talk about some of the places they would go on their vacation . My wife would never do anything remotely like the things they were doing . So after my divorce I got to know them much better . I have been invited over to their house about a month after my divorce (no k**s) because Dan said that I looked depressed at work which I was . My regular supply of pussy when...

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Jane Stalwart and the Cock of OsirisChapter 8 Danger in Strasbourg

"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph," muttered Patty, looking up when Jane returned to the room. Patty was standing in the center of the room, looking at the pools of sexual fluid all over the floor. Jane's sudden return through the broken door, nude had startled her. "What happened?" asked Patty, taking in Jane's naked body. Half the semen on Jane was still wet and the other half dried flakes. "Aket, that's what happened," growled Jane, striding over to the basin. "And he has the...

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Jane Continued Depravity awaits

Jane groaned as she rolled over in bed. She opened her eyes, Brian was looking at her.“Sore?” He asked.“Mmm,” she replied, “my boobs are, and my bum is on fire.”“I’m not surprised, let me see,” he said, pulling the quilt away from her breasts.“Careful,” she said as his hand cupped her left breast.“They’re not as bruised as l expected,” he said, “they are a bit red in places and there are some small bruises, your nipples are hard.” he said, stroking his thumb over her nipple.“Oh, don’t,” she...

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Jane Part III My Aunt Jane

After two very different but equally dirty sessions with Jane, again I was left wondering what was next. However, what was abundantly clear about our “relationship” if you could call that, was the fact Jane had the clear upper hand in it. She knew where I stayed, my full name and even where I worked as I had shared this information with her, but she seemed extremely reluctant to do the same and I was learning things about this granny in very small amounts, with the fact she was a teacher the...

2 years ago
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Jane Bill Enjoying Each Other Others

Jane & Bill: Enjoying each other and othersJane and I had been on the road for a number of hours and were getting close to the hotel we were going to stay for the night. Driving vacations could be tiring at times but tomorrow there was no need to start out real early so maybe we could really have a fun sexual evening. We both were looking forward to just letting go! Actually, Jane told me that she was feeling very horny. It all started with that great looking guy that served them dinner and...

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Jane from the pub

I haven't had much luck meeting any older women on this site. In fact I have barely even had a conversation apart from the occasional one off responses which sometimes result in some dirty chat. Much appreciated don't get me wrong, but nothing beats the real thing. I therefore decided if I am ever to repeat my ultimate fantasy of fucking an older woman again it would need to be via a chance meeting where I got extremely lucky. Enter the lovely Jane. I had met some friends in the pub early...

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JaneJoes Prison OrdealChapter 2

He had been hitchhiking from school to home and was offered a ride by a middle aged man in a pickup truck. The forty-five minute trip started innocently enough, blah, blah, blah, but it soon turned to the sexually interesting ideas of getting a blowjob. The man appeared to be an expert on the whole matter. He went on about how it was so great to have a hot mouth on your dick. At that point he asked, "Know what I mean?" Joe said, without even thinking about it, "Oh, yeah, ain't nothing...

3 years ago
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Jane Stalwart and the Cock of OsirisChapter 4 Baptism on the Orient Express

Jane's eyes were closed as she floated naked on her back in the hot water. She was in a deep meditative state, completely relaxed. She'd had difficulty achieving this state of being with the professor's murder being so fresh in her mind. When she opened her eyes again, she'd feel totally refreshed as if she'd gotten a full nights sleep. Patty slid up out of the water and let the hot steam embrace her nude body before reaching for a comb and going to work getting the tangles out of her...

1 year ago
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Jane my Slut Wife Part One

*** Chapter One I have to go back to the first time I met my future wife, she was just eighteen and I was twenty two and we met in the local coffee bar frequented by most of the younger crowd in our town. It was not love at first sight or any of the other clichés, she had just moved into town with her parents and was out with a group of new friends she had made. I as normal was out with my friends and we all sat around chatting, at the end of the evening I offered the girls a lift home...

Group Sex
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Jane ch 1

Introduction: Havent written in a while so this is kinda like my warmup Story will be a bit rough havnt written in a while Jim walked through the large glass doors, glancing at the email from his hopefully soon to be boss. A reference from his college had given him the lead for the job. He figured his good college education along with him being the good guy he had good chances. He walked through some security gates and walked into a packed elevator full of people in suits. He watched as each...

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Janes interracial gangbang adventures in Lon

Jane awoke to Kenny rubbing his erect, black cock into the small of her back. She had been gang fucked stupid the night before but the feel of her lover against her had her pussy juices flowing and she began to rhythmically rub back against his large, black member. Kenny fondled my wife’s large breasts from behind as he kissed her neck. “I wanted a quickie because I was going to send Kenny on his way for the day and besides, I needed some breakfast” Jane later told me.She turned around to face...

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Jane Peppers is 28yrs just got a new job as a check out girl at Rudy's Food Mart. She just moved here from her parents house. Moving out on her own she needed every thing for a home but her money was tight. She window shopped a lot and the shoes at Ginger's shoes were the best she had to have them, but at *0 dollars they would have to wait if she wanted to eat. The shoes were to good though so she bought them. Now hungry at work she stole a meal and drink and Wendy saw her. Wendy is the...

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Jane Kilmer Teacher

It was her first year out of college and into full time teaching. No more being an student teacher having to answer to another and follow what they dictated. She was now accredited with full credentials as a teacher in high school. Jane Kilmer was young, only twenty-two, and very pretty. She had long brown hair that fell well below her shoulders, silky and soft. She also had a very nice figure, a body worth taking more than a second look at when she passed. Some would go so far as to say she...

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Jane ch 1

Jim walked through the large glass doors, glancing at the email from his hopefully soon to be boss. A reference from his college had given him the lead for the job. He figured his good college education along with him being the good guy he had good chances. He walked through some security gates and walked into a packed elevator full of people in suits. He watched as each one of the people one by one left the elevator as he passed their floors. He was heading to the top, figuratively...

1 year ago
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Jane is Horny

It started simple enough: Jane was horny. When Jane gets horny, she fucks. A lot. Today, though, wasn't so simple. Jane was a red-headed college student, with natural DD breasts, a plump ass and that little bit of fat on her tummy. While many girls didn't talk to her, whispering how they thought she was fat or ugly, the boys are driven WILD by her looks. Naturally, she used this to her advantage. Especially today. Walking into the men's locker room, Jane saw to her delight what she considered a...

2 years ago
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Jane Poole

Jane Poole was sitting in her living room with her head leaning against the back of the sofa. As she was staring blankly at the ceiling, her thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the back door, followed by Sandy's usual cheerful voice. "Hello?" "In here," Jane said, sitting up but still looking a bit glum. It was their usual morning ritual. Jane would get her husband, Brandon, off to work, have a few minutes to herself until Sandy would step through the back door with two cups of...

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Jane Pt 2

Jane pt 2Jane , Dan and I were together every weekend until the we headed to the swingers party . I took Friday and Monday off as vacation because if this party was as good as they told me it would be then I definitely would need to rest up before returning to work . The drive took us nearly five hours to get there , Jane told me about some of the regulars that attended these parties , their are several ladies that will go crazy for your talented tongue . Of course your big fat cock won't hurt...

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Jane Goes Running by loyalsock

Alyana pulled the tight sports top over her young breasts and smoothed downthe material, slowly running her hands over her soft flesh. She waspreparing herself for her daily run in the park. She was her school's bestrunner and loved racing and practising, the feel of the tight clothes overher skin, the toned flesh of her young body and the sight of the beautiful,fit bodies of the other girls she ran with.Alyana was 18 and loved the sight of other girls her age, girls turningslowly to...

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Jane Bound Office Wear Capter 4

Jane Bound Office wear Chapter 4 Jane steps into Miss's office balancing the silver tray, adorned with fresh picked strawberries, cream, fresh coffee and organic honey. Carefully setting the tray beside the large wooden desk. She places paper folders in their proper location, wipes down the desk, computer, and chair, preparing for another day of work. She hears chiming from the doorway as the door opens in the reception area, Jane scoots to assume her position at the desk,...

2 years ago
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Jane Jonny Choir MILF

Like Angela, Jane made closer friends with choir ladies that Jonny would be interested in having in his escort stable. One of these was Michelle. In all outward signs Michelle (she liked to be called Mi) had it all, well almost all – the only lack, which didn't bother her was she had no c***dren. On the other hand, that ment she had no stretch marks and she had a flat stomach. Mi was of model proportions: 5' 10” tall, slim but nice tits that didn't really need a bra, although she unsally wore...

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