Sweet Melissa and Sour SarahChapter 5
- 3 years ago
- 20
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"Andy Warhol lived in this building," said Elliot proudly as they entered the old Park Avenue South apartment building.
"Andy who?" asked Melissa. Sarah looked equally as baffled.
"You're kidding. He's like the most important artist of the second half of the 20th Century. He's like my hero. I'm feeling old and I'm only twenty-two. You don't know either, Sarah?"
The old elevator arrived. They clambered into the confined space. Sophie pushed 4.
"I'm going to have to educate you two if we continue seeing each other."
Melissa started giggling, soon joined by Sarah. "We're kidding, Elliot," said Melissa. "I mean he's Pittsburgh's proud son."
"I know you're from some town in Pennsylvania ... Here we are." They stepped off the elevator. Elliot led them to his apartment.
"Pittsburgh's closer than Philadelphia," shrugged Melissa.
"Or almost as far away," Sarah countered. "Hinton's a puny speck in the eye of civilization. Nice pad."
Not a large space, the high ceiling and the large window facing Park Avenue made the two bedroom apartment feel more spacious. Also the sparse furnishings in the living room, softly rounded couch and matching arm chair, a glass coffee table, and the pale pink, almost white color scheme of the furniture, the walls and the Persian rug, helped the illusion.
Sophie set down the bag containing Mumms champagne and Remi Marten cognac on the counter dividing the moderate kitchen from the living room. The stools surrounding it, two on each side, provided the seating for a sort of dining table.
"Let me show you where to put your stuff, Sarah. I guess I'll give you guys the grand tour. Sophie? You know where the glasses are, right?"
Sophie nodded and smiled.
The girls followed Elliot into a small hallway. He opened the first door on the right, revealing a smallish bedroom with another large window. A double bed, a vanity, a chest of drawers and an armoire filled most of the space. "This is where Mom stays when she's here. You can toss your stuff anywhere."
Sarah relieved herself of the weight of her backpack, large purse and portfolio, all pressing heavily on her shoulders, dropping them in a corner as far from being in the way as possible. "Thanks," she sighed. "So your mom doesn't live here?"
"Thankfully not too often. She usually heads home to our little house in Yonkers. Dad needs the company."
"They're still married?" smiled Melissa.
"In their way. Dad kind of disappears in the presence of anyone. He defines meek and mild."
"What's he do?" asked Melissa.
"Accounting. Not too interesting. Mom makes up for his lack of presence. This door leads to the shared bathroom."
"Nice," said Sarah when they entered it. It had a long counter with two sinks, a shower stall and a round tub.
"This is my room, the second reason I got the place." They entered a large bedroom with a king sized bed, a desk and tilted drawing easel, another armoire which he revealed to be stuffed with multi media gadgets, a reclining chair with an antique goose neck lamp hovering over it, shelves crammed with books and two large chest of drawers.
"Very nice," giggled Melissa, caressing the mauve satin cover of the plush bed.
"Uhm, yes," Elliot responded, blushing slightly and cutely, at least to Melissa.
"Last but not least and the third reason for my living here. Can you believe the couple that lived here before used this as a nursery!?!"
Opening a door in the corner towards the hallway, he guided the girls into the largest closet either one had ever seen. Innumerable pairs of shoes tilted up from the floorboards. Three rows of cubbyholes contained carefully folded shirts. Suits and jackets and slacks and coats hung opposite the cubbyholes. At the end was female attire: dresses and dress suits and lingerie, with a line of women's shoes below them.
"Some are my moms, but a lot are my work or clothes I bought for inspiration."
"It's amazing and appropriate, Elliot," Sarah pronounced.
"I agree," said Elliot.
"I love your apartment," Melissa beamed.
"Me too."
They joined Sophie, smelling the brewing coffee. She had plated the three slices of cheesecake they had taken home from the deli, one each for Elliot and Melissa and the third one shared between Sarah and herself. "I hope you guys are ready for dessert," she said. "I'm brewing decaf if that's alright."
"Perfect," said Elliot, the girls nodding. "As usual."
"So domestic," smiled Sarah.
"I've often fended for myself," Sophie explained a little sadly.
"We're going to sit at the couch, if that's okay?" said Elliot grabbing the two plates and the two empty mugs, Melissa following. She and Sarah giggled.
"Of course it's okay, silly," said Melissa. "You're the master here."
"So I am," he smiled.
Sarah sat beside Sophie on the kitchen side of the counter, studying her. "I don't get it," she said. "You're so beautiful and regal and accomplished. Why would you ever be alone?"
Sophie breathed a sigh. "My lovely Sarah, I'm an independent, self made woman. Do you know what that means?"
"You're a success?"
"I'm a bitch."
"I don't see that at all."
Sophie faced the young woman, taking Sarah's long, lean, graceful hands into her long, lean elegant hands. "The minute I saw you, my mind computed what I could get from you. Dollar signs flickered across my eyes. I saw you getting a huge modeling contract and me getting a substantial finders fee. I didn't care what happens behind your lovely face, just the outside and the sexy shape below. Do you understand?"
"Hey, that's a good thing. I'm the one with the big contract supposedly. You're giving me a chance to make some dough."
"But I don't ... I didn't care what you got out of it."
"You do now?"
"Coffee's ready. Just a second."
Sarah watched the tall, lithe woman move around the apartment, leaning down to pour. She walked with perfect poise, but Sarah saw the stiffness when she leaned.
They began delicately slicing away at the slice of cheesecake. "Just coffee tomorrow," sighed Sophie.
"You're a narcissist, aren't you?" said Sarah. "I bet you were bulimic."
"Yes, my sweet, but I grew out of it. I'm careful now."
"But you're only careful for yourself."
"The mirror speaks: 'Who's the fairest.' Well, I'm not exactly fair. A quarter Negro."
Sarah glided her hand along Sophie's arm. "So soft," she murmured. Looking up into the deep brown eyes, she asked, "Have you been in love?"
"I ... just can't. I ... tried."
"How long ago?"
"None of your business, young lady!" Sophie stated with feigned anger and chuckled.
"I shouldn't say this because I am young," Sarah began, "but you wear your age with such elegance, it takes my breath away. I look into your eyes and I see something I won't see in me for years. Wisdom. Lessons learned. Paths to take. Paths to avoid. At the same time, just as beautiful because it's so deeply embedded inside your perfection, is a lonely soul waiting to be saved at last. It's like a blues song sung by a master. That child you hide just behind your eyes wants to nestle with another, to whisper all those things you wanted someone to hear and to hear those things another needs for you to hear. I'm too young. The child inside me's a fresh little brat. She hasn't suffered so long in hiding. She hasn't the depth of soul. It's a brash song she'd sing. Kind of whiny and too loud like some hard core punk thing."
The sad smile on the beauty's face made Sarah's heart palpitate, threatening to break. Eyes pooled and leaked a little.
"Oh Sarah, you lovely creature, this is the model for my life, the structure. I loved a man once, the only man I loved and the only man I let make love to me." She sniffled. "Let's have a couple snorts."
Rising, Sophie opened the cognac and poured out snifter glasses full, taking two to the couple on the couch who thanked her. When she returned to her seat, Sarah held a joint in her hand. "Want to smoke?"
"You guys want to smoke?" she asked the couple. Before they could answer she gave them another joint to share. "She gets horny when she smokes," Sarah winked at Elliot. "Or should I say hornier."
Melissa giggled and didn't deny it.
Returning to sit beside Sophie, lighting up, getting a decent toke and handing it to her, she giggled carefully as the smoke leaked out of her nose and mouth. "I thought you meant something else when you said 'snort'."
Holding the smoke in her lungs, it took a moment for Sophie to reply. "I got off that shit quick. Bad for the pores."
Sarah chuckled at the characteristic reason. "Me I can't stand the shit."
Sophie shrugged. "I liked it."
"Tell me about him."
"I had my reasons for pursuing the man. I wasn't much older than you. I had been modeling for I think five years. It got me out of a crappy home where my white mom was bitter and my half black dad was scarce. Unlike the stories you here from those who grew up poor; I knew how poor I was and wanted no part of it. I had an aunt here in New York who became my adult supervisor while I modeled. My mom's side of the family. She had a thing for young lesbians. Not incest, but maybe incest once removed. I dated her young girlfriends she got tired of, you know? Anyway, I got a bit sick of the work and started looking around for a sugar daddy.
"Stephan was a worldly sort, a self made millionaire from Austria. He was about my age now," she sighed. "He became an expatriate in New York thriving on the fashion scene and the models. I caught his eyes several times, but since I'm not straight ... Still, he kept eyeing me. We chatted and flirted at parties. I found him utterly charming. I like the European style of richness. Not nearly as pompous or self-righteous as the Americans, but very sure of themselves, very opinionated. I decided to find out how the other half lives, or the other nine-tenths I guess.
"I put my cards on the table. 'If you want me, it has to be old fashioned. You have to woo me. Take me on dates. Kiss me at the door. Take it slow.' I knew it wouldn't work otherwise.
"So he did. We became inseparable. My one concession for his wandering eye and for my needs, we often shared the bed with another model. Rarely was it the same one.
"I fell in love. We seemed to move to the same rhythm and think the same thoughts. We could break each other up or get into the most intense conversations. It was wonderful.
"Finally I asked him if he would consider me for a wife. I watched his reactions carefully. I didn't see him flinch. He agreed. We'd marry in Vienna so his family could attend. We spent a week celebrating, planning, engorging ourselves on our future.
"Then he was gone. One morning I wake up in his apartment, our apartment. He had stuff there, but his bags were gone. This was before cell phones but he had a satellite phone which he never answered. I called friends. Nobody had seen him or admitted to seeing him. I felt distraught, worried about him. I mean terrified. Then that evening I get a call from the fucking real estate guy that sold Stephen the fucking condo. He tells me I needed to visit his office the following morning to sign papers. I ask him what papers. 'Ownership papers, ' he says. Stephen paid off the mortgage and signed the condo over to me!" Sophie laughed hysterically.
Sarah hopped off her stool and found a glass and pressed it into the water dispenser on the fridge. "Drink this," she said.
"I'd rather drink champagne," said Sophie, choking a little.
"Later. Come on."
"To bed. You need a massage."
Calming down and drinking the water, Sophie said, "You're right."
Massage became a theme for the night and one way or another Sarah was involved. At a location uptown, in the hotel room, Marjorie massaged Naomi. Conversation led to it.
The mothers drank their champagne--picked up when the limo driving the group to their two locations stopped at a liquor store--and chatted about their offspring. As they drank through the champagne, its effect produced more daring conversation and more emotional reactions. Trouble with spouses brought both to tears. No sex for Naomi and abusive sex for Marjorie.
"You seem to have recovered from those two horrible nights," said Naomi.
"I thank my daughter's best friend for that. She seduced me and she led me to a gentle young man."
"How did she seduce you?" asked Naomi, wanting to be seduced.
"I'll show you. Take off your clothes."
"Uhm, I..."
"You're lovely, Naomi. It's just us ladies. Come sit on the bed. Let me help."
Kissing lips would have startled Naomi, so as flesh became revealed—heavy breasts and a chunky middle—Marjorie kissed the exposed flesh. Teasing around the more blatant erogenous zones, she slowly zeroed in on them. At first, less daring, she focused on the ears and the neck. But soon Marjorie held Naomi's sizable breasts and fingers slid across the wide circles of areola and the taut, thick nipples. When her mouth took hold of a nipple, Marjorie's hands released the button on Naomi's pants.
"You have a cute body, Naomi. It just needs some toning," Marjorie said when the panties came off. "Lie on your front."
Hoping for Sarah to give her one of those voluptuous massages, Marjorie brought almond oil on the trip. She quickly stripped to her panties and began working on the lush body of her new friend. Hands caressed past Naomi's sides to reach her breasts. Marjorie pressed her mons against Naomi's big butt. Essentially she copied the seductive massage Sarah had given her and taught her using Melissa as a model.
By the time she told Naomi to turn over, she had teased her into a frenzy of need. Naomi had gone without any loving for many, many years. They kissed for the first time on the lips. Pussy pressed against pussy as they fucked against each other. Not quite getting there, Marjorie grabbed her pink vibrator strategically placed for its moment. While shoving the vibrator in and out she kissed down Naomi's body and licked and finally tasted the woman's pussy. One suck and lap of Naomi's big clit as the vibrator buzzed inside and Naomi went off like a rocket, nectar streaming from her pussy as if a dam had broken. And indeed it had.
Marjorie eased off, gently stroking and kissing around Naomi's sex, hands sliding up to pinch thick nipples, until the sensitivity lessened. The climb to a second climax took several minutes. The results were intense in a different way. The orgasm lasted much longer.
Crawling up to embrace Naomi, she brought her her flavor and Naomi savored it. Several soft kisses developed into a lusty, tongue sharing slobbering.
Naomi rolled Marjorie onto her back and let fingers glide over the soft yet remarkably resilient flesh. "You're so beautiful," she told Marjorie, glancing up and down the female landscape. "I can see what a man wants with such beauty. And you feel wonderful."
"Uh," replied Marjorie as Naomi gently pulled and twisted her nipple. Normally uptight, the massage and the cums had given Naomi patience. She savored every bit of flesh below her, the taste and the texture. The sounds too, Marjorie's moans and sighs, pleased her senses. Nearly as exciting and satisfying as the orgasms Marjorie brought to her, pleasing this gorgeous woman thrilled her. When the moment came to taste another woman's sex, she didn't hesitate. She could hardly wait.
"Use the vibrator too," murmured Marjorie. Moving from lips and tongue on the clit with the vibrator stroking inside to the vibrator pressing the intensely responsive organ and sliding fingers as deep as possible and fucking Marjorie and rubbing her g-spot, when she clamped her mouth on the clit and sucked and Marjorie writhed and hummed and panted, she shoved the slender pink vibrator into Marjorie's rectum and fucked her.
Marjorie screamed, "Oh fuck." Her body shook. Her cunny lips puckered and seemed to hold and release Naomi's fingers. The fingers became soaked by the oily secretions pouring forth.
"Oh my, you clever bitch, come kiss me," said Marjorie when she could talk. After the kiss she asked the older woman, "What made you think to fuck my butt?"
"I fantasize about two men fucking my holes," Naomi explained.
"We'll make it happen."
"Have you..."
"Yes my lovely. And it's ... intense."
"How can you get me two men?"
"Remember my lovely Naomi, I'm a slut."
"Can I be one too?"
They giggled.
The final of the three massages may have been the most necessary.
After Sarah turned Sophie to jelly with her skilled hands, the sexual aspects kept minimal and in some ways more effective because of it, the two made love. The slow progress of building Sophie to orgasm produced in the end a convulsion of pleasure and afterwards, tears.
Sarah comforted the older woman, kissing the salty tears and petting her thick black hair.
'I'm sorry," said Sophie.
"It's okay. It's good. You hold too much in."
Sophie sniffled and smiled. "I do. Maybe it's why I avoid getting too close. I have to protect my fragile self."
"You're not so fragile. You're a tough bitch, remember? You're strong enough to let go now and then and rebuild."
"I don't know."
"I do. I've met women, one's in the next room, who needed a catharsis to become whole again."
"I don't trust anyone with my weakness."
"Oh Sophie. I wish you would."
Sophie looked lovingly into the young woman's eyes, losing herself in their deep blue, plunging in as if they held a deep pool that reflected a deep blue sky. "You're lovely," she said.
"You are too."
"I'm all hard angles except my tits. They hang like popped balloons."
"They're fun to play with," said Sarah, sucking one into her mouth and slowly letting it out.
"Ooh. That's nice."
Sarah did the other one.
"You're too good to me."
"I like you."
"I ... You're so fucking young!"
"I can't help that."
They chuckled.
"You love Melissa," Sophie stated.
"Yes. Completely."
"So I..."
"I'm not all that needy," Sarah explained. "I mean, I love being with a woman, but I can do without sex for awhile. Melissa's a sexual creature. She loves sex. It brings her joy, both for herself and maybe more importantly for her mate. We haven't been together for months, and in that time she must have slept with a dozen men, boys really. She told me about every one of them. Every once in a while I feel a pang of jealousy, but most of the time I celebrate her joy. She brought me happiness, and she brings her partners happiness. Ours is different though. It's like a unity of mind and body. She makes me feel whole and I make her feel whole. I guess what I'm saying is, I have a lover. I am in love. But we don't keep each other on some kind of tether. We don't tie each other up in expectations or demands. We let each other be whatever we are. Not that we don't suggest improvements." Sarah chuckled to herself. "I can be Melissa's other, her true love or whatever, and I can be your friend, however that pans out."
"I'm not all that sexual either," Sophie shrugged. "Although the way you made me cum, I may rethink that." They giggled. They stared deeply. Sophie turned Sarah onto her back and began making love to her. "Your turn," she said.
The door opened and Melissa entered naked, concern damping the effect of her smile. "Sorry to interrupt but I need your help, Sarah."
"What's wrong?" asked Sarah.
Melissa's smile broadened. "Nothing you can't fix. I'm sorry, Sophie, but it's kind of important."
Reluctantly Sophie eased her body off Sarah. They gave themselves one last stare. Sophie kissed her forehead and her lips, softly. "Another time?" she asked.
"I'd like that," Sarah smiled and kissed her. She got up and went for her panties.
"No need for that," said Melissa.
"I should go," said Sophie, getting up and getting dressed.
"Oh. It was great meeting you," said Melissa. "I'm sorry about barging in."
"I forgive you," Sophie replied with a genuine smile. The evening brought it to her. "Do you mind if I leave my card on the counter?" She looked to both young women for reply.
"Your cell phone's on it?" asked Sarah.
"I'll call you tomorrow and leave you my number."
"We have a lot to talk about young lady." Sophie sounded mockingly business like.
"I know," smiled Sarah. "I'm looking forward to working with you."
"And playing."
"That too." They kissed briefly and Sophie sighed when she watched the extraordinary young woman walk out the door.
As soon as Sarah closed the door the two lovers embraced and kissed. When the kiss ended they whispered, "I love you," into each other's ear.
"What's up?' Sarah finally asked, holding both hands of her lover.
Melissa leaned in to whisper, "Elliot's having a hard time being heterosexual." She released one hand and led Sarah with the other into the master bedroom.
Sitting naked on the end of the bed, his hands rubbing his knees, the pale, soft torso tilted low, Elliot looked up with a tense face and an embarrassed smile. "Oh hi," he said to Sarah.
"Hey Elliot," Sarah smiled.
"I'm going to go pop the cork. Elliot needs a massage," Melissa let go of Sarah's hand and walked out.
"I do?" he asked to the departing back of Melissa.
"I'll go grab some oil."
"I have some in the bathroom," he replied, standing up.
"You just lie down on your belly. Tell me where it is."
"It should be in the right hand bottom drawer of the first sink."
"Be right back," she smiled.
In the bathroom she startled Sophie taking a piss. "I guess we're getting real intimate," she smiled.
Sophie's genuine smile returned. "Guess so."
"I just need ... Here. See you soon, Sophie."
"I hope so."
"Me too." Sarah exited.
Sophie sighed. "So lovely."
Setting the oil down on the bedside table, Sarah asked, "Any massage music?"
"Bring me the laptop on the desk," Elliot answered. Sitting up cross legged, a familiar position reminding her of Melissa, making Sarah smile, he opened it and his fingers danced on the keyboard.
Sarah wrapped her body around him and watched. He brought up a program that mapped his multi media set up. A menu listed several music files. He clicked on "Massage." A serene sound emerged from speakers all around the room: delicate plucking of strings, guitar maybe, but it could have been a harp. Beach sounds, quiet waves and sea gulls cawing could be heard beneath the strings. He adjusted the volume to a pleasant setting. When he shut the laptop, she returned it to the desk. He lay on his front again.
"Nice set up," said Sarah, spurting oil into her hand from the plastic squeeze bottle and rubbing hands together to warm the oil.
"It's nice being able to afford luxury."
"No doubt." She began working his neck and the back of his head. "You've had massages before."
"Another perk. There's this ... agency."
She could feel him tense up. "Shh," she said. "You shouldn't talk. Just concentrate on my hands."
Despite scarce sleep, everyone, including Marjorie and Naomi, looked revitalized when they met at the old Delon Pere building the next morning. Sarah and Melissa looked stunning wearing clothes from Elliot's huge closet--Sarah in slacks and button down shirt and summer weight jacket and Melissa in a sexy wrap around dress. Gathering in the large conference room, Elliot used Skype to communicate with Frederick. As intense as he was exotic, Simon paced back and forth like a caged panther...
Nearly a year later, mid-august, Sophie rang the doorbell of a small light blue house on the northern edge of Columbia, Missouri. She knocked as well when the wait seemed long. A taxi cab idled at the curb. Finally the screen door opened and then the outside door. A beatific grin greeted her. "Sophie!" yelled Melissa and embraced her. "It's so good to see you," she said quieter into the lean mulatto's ear. "What are you doing here?" "I'm looking for Sarah," Sophie said and began...
It was as if nine months hadn't separated them. As soon as Sarah entered the room of the Holiday Inn in Manhattan, they embraced. The embrace turned into kisses. The kisses moved to the revealed parts of the body as they stripped each other. Mostly Melissa stripped Sarah because Melissa had worn only the hotel robe. Soon they were naked on the bed, pressing swollen and leaking pussies together, fiercely kissing. The pressure of clit on clit squishing brought them both to climax. Panting...
"What's it like being a prostitute?" asked Sarah as the foursome wearing nighties and a pair of boxer shorts ate a decadent breakfast of champagne mixed with orange juice and buttery croissants and Danishes. "Do you plan on joining the oldest profession?' Vic smirked. "In a way it's not so different what the whores do in Amsterdam advertising their wares and what you do up on the catwalk and in magazines," said Nils. "Exactly," said Sarah. "At least the monetary aspect doesn't...
It took them much longer to arrive at the Englewood house the next day because Sorry preferred walking than taking a bus. The subway to midtown didn't bother him. Like the plane that had brought him to America, it had enough space to relax him. And he liked being underground. He didn't mind stretch limos as much either for similar spatial reasons, though the more stretched the better. Buses weren't too horrible unless crowded. Cars made him feel like being inside a steel trap about to be...
Sunday morning began with Vic tasting Sarah to climax while Nils's cock and Sarah's tongue brought Vic hers. He fucked Vic doggy style and came soon after his wife's throbbing pussy and balls coating spray allowed him permission to release his sperm into her fetus occupied womb. Afterwards the threesome shared the table with Joe and Mary, drinking coffee and enjoying cream cheese swathed bagels. Melissa and Sorry, wearing a light robe and a sheet respectively, joined Sarah a little later...
They waited for sunrise before beginning the ceremony. Wind whipped through the gathering, sending the white wedding gown built by her mother high enough to reveal Melissa's red and black silk garters on her white stocking covered thighs. Even Zelda's heavy, low cut, black velvet dress adorned with silver moons, one for each phase except the new moon, rose from ankle length to her knees. Her black lace scarf fluttered, but glistening five pointed silver and gold star pins in her hair kept...
Shaking her head, Sarah told Elliot, "Yes I can see her resemblance to Melissa, but Melissa never lies." "What do you mean?" asked Elliot. They had walked several blocks to arrive at Zelda's and found a line had formed to receive her guidance and touches. Instead of queuing up, they decided to sit across the street at a sidewalk café and sip coffee and cognac and eat pastries and watch Zelda perform through the window. "She's probably good at it what with the popularity," Sarah...
Sophie being less drunk followed Sarah's new white VW beetle to the hotel, noticing Melissa and Bradley kissing in the backseat. Melissa had teased the young man mercilessly, rubbing her hand on his groin through much of the night. Melissa's head disappeared behind the seat back, reappearing a couple minutes later after a loud groan from Bradley, swallowing and licking her chops and kissing him again. Sophie chuckled, following Sarah's car into the hotel parking lot. "You better zip up,...
After a month in hell or Hinton High School, Sarah couldn't figure Melissa out. First of all, that smile continued to be nearly permanently affixed to that cute and beautiful face. One would think with a girl smiling like an idiot, she would be. Melissa may not have been as brilliant as Joe or Amy, but she was smart. Second, Sarah couldn't figure out why Melissa kept her spirits. Except for Joe and Amy, she had no real friends. And like with Sarah who had also befriended the couple, those...
Consequences of the near rape sent Sarah back to Englewood and her father. She hated leaving Melissa, her first and only true love, but having told her mother of the three goons, her mother thought it best not to tempt fate. Unfortunately her mother had a contract. As the school nurse she needed to remain at Hinton High School through the school year. At least she could make sure Melissa didn't suffer similar threats. Before heading east on Monday, Sarah picked up Melissa on Sunday and...
Using Melissa's spoken directions, Sophie steered through Des Moines. They ended up in an area full of large industrial and warehouse buildings. A moderately sized stand alone building on a corner surrounded by asphalt for parking gave its name on a sign over the main entrance: "Q Tease—A Gentleman's Club." "I had a suspicion," Sophie sighed. "A suspicion?" asked Melissa. "Worst fears confirmed?" Sophie gathered herself to go. "Wait." "What for?" "Just wait here. I'll be...
Sarah hated the pain. She hated Sorry for giving it to her and for his beautiful smile of encouragement and Melissa's similar smile. She roared as her body worked to expel its cause. She sweated like a pig, most unbecoming of a negligee and swimsuit model, although she hadn't been one since Paris and New York in late summer six months before. She cursed every curse in the book, including in French and in Sorry's African language. Her vagina opened impossibly wide. Why didn't she choose...
In the limo, Melissa unzipped Sorry's tuxedo pants and pulled out his enormous penis, engulfing it in her mouth. "Ung," Sorry grunted. His long fingers slid under her dress and found heat and wetness between her thighs. With her mouth still busy, she slid off her panties. He moistened his finger with the oil slick he found around her pussy lips and slid it inside, finding her g-spot immediately. His thumb pressed and rubbed her clit. Her moans vibrated around his glans, bringing him more...
Dropped off in the center of Amsterdam by Nils who needed to get back to work, he promised to pick them up at the same place in four hours. Immediately Sarah sought out a coffee house to buy some weed. Nils provided them with a map of downtown, circling the red light districts but not the coffee houses of course since he never indulged. Not a problem though, since the younger, scraggier fellows walking the streets would know. A trio seemed to fit the bill. A tall man with pale skin and...
"You look fabulous," smiled Marjorie before kissing Sarah fully on the mouth. "You too, Marjorie," said Sarah. "You look sexy in that power suit." "That's the idea," Marjorie winked. "You made it yourself?" asked Sarah as they sat at the long table in the Carnegie Deli. "Of course. Unfortunately everyone's gay! That's why I invited the executive secretary and the head seamstress to dinner with us." "Which house?" asked Melissa. "Delon." "You were right then," said...
She giggled. She did that a lot. It defined her. While laughter or chuckling or guffawing or snickering more often than not comes from cruelty, a tinge or an overwhelming helping, giggling comes from innocence and delight. The innocent Melissa delighted nearly everyone she encountered. Long enough in her presence, she delighted everyone. Take Sarah for example. That moment, a moment that changed them both forever, Sarah made Melissa giggle. The cause may have been construed by many...
Waking up before sunrise, the aspirin Sophie had handed out the evening before effectively forestalling a hangover, Emily woke up Sophie with a kiss. She whispered to the beautiful naked mulatto, "Let's wake up Melissa with a cum." "She has a gorgeous body, doesn't she? Made for sex." Emily nodded. She took position between Melissa's thighs, gently coaxing them further apart. Sophie worked on her perfect round breasts. Fingers traded areas. Emily's played with Melissa's pink...
"Oh my," Sarah thought, entering the small house. Everywhere she looked hung aphorisms: silver lining, upside down frown, less muscles in a smile, half full, smiling outside makes you smile inside, on and on, all done in needlework with homey wooden frames. There must have been at least ten lights on from reading lights to lamps with frilly shades to a small crystal chandelier that shone perfectly clear. No particles of dust slowed brightness. Melissa switched all of them off except the...
Consequences from that evening couldn't have been more different at the two neighboring houses. The next evening, Saturday, sated and mulling over the previous night's pleasures, Melissa and Sarah studied together on the bed in which Melissa's virginity had ended. Melissa felt a lingering throb, a resonance from Freddy's sweet loving, but noticed Sarah's lack of libido when they kissed briefly before hunkering down. An hour into their studying, a still relaxed and stunning Marjorie...
Over the following month Sarah eased Freddy's concerns about the effect he had on Melissa when she witnessed his ejaculation. She also eased Melissa. That took very little time. "So what's the plan?' asked Freddy as the three of them stared at the completed nightmare painting hanging in the hallway outside the art room. Randy and his cheerleader girlfriend walked by snickering. They stopped and Randy spoke. "Hey Fatso, desperate enough to go after the Weird Sisters?" The cheerleader...
"Could I join you?" asked Sophie, sounding desperate. Sarah arrived first at Charles De Gaulle Airport and waited for Melissa's plane from Barcelona to land. She called Sophie to check in on what had been happening and told her the plan to spend their last two days together exploring Paris when Sophie asked to accompany them. "Of course," Sarah replied. "Do you need to ask Melissa?" "Sophie, would you like to just be with me? I'm sure Elliot would love to spend time with...
Waking still in the arms of the Dutchman changed Vic's life completely for the better. She kissed his bitter mouth. He awakened almost immediately and smiled. His life too had been completely improved. "Hi Nils," she whispered. "Still handsome I see." "Hi, my supermodel. You are a sight for sore eyes as they say." He nodded towards the sleeping young lovers. "Them too." They chuckled as the two young lovers snored. "The angel Melissa said she shall cure me," he told her. "The...
"Paris!" Sarah shrieked, setting down her drawing pad and embracing Elliot. "Yes of course," said an embarrassed Elliot. Henri looked surprisingly amused when he glanced at him. Henri had been full of surprises lately. Magic happened to Henri, Marjorie magic. The first couple weeks had been as hellish as expected. The first day he met Marjorie, Henri had threatened to leave for Paris and tromped out the studio door. Sophie took care of that, catching him outside her office and...
Sarah had been an angry adolescent. She moved next door to Melissa a month before they met when her mother moved in with her step father. She hated everyone, especially those closest to her. Her mother kicked out her dad. Her dad made her mom kick him out for being a drunk and a cad. And sober he treated Sarah so sweetly and kind of grown up, but he ruined it. And her step father and his son ... She really hated them. Even more, she didn't trust them. She dressed and altered her face in part...
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete fiction.my self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
That same night in the neighboring room of the hotel, Sophie and Sarah also talked a lot and made love, though the words and the deeds existed separately. Conversations remained mostly in the world of the pragmatic. Yet within these discussions lay desire and the tension caused by the possibility of separation from it. Mostly they discussed work and school and the conflicts involved. They even brought Carrie, Sarah's contact at the agency, into the discussion via Sophie's cell phone on...
The short blonde with the legs of a dancer ans slightly exaggerated breasts stood unsure and naked within the cone of bright light. It's heat made her skin feel like the beginning of a sunburn. Her hands crept, shakily toward covering her private parts.„Don't even think about it,“ Madame Loraine commanded, looking right trough Melissa.Her hands fell, helplesly at her sides. She opened her mouth to plead, but she was so frightened nothing came out.Madame's deep green eyes took in every curve and...
This is the third installment of my story of helping Amanda and Tessa, a Mom / daughter home that needed some help. They head off to the shower leaving Melissa, my daughter and I alone and naked in the bedroom...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Amanda and Tessa both got up off of the bed after recovering from their shared pleasure. Melissa and I barely stirred. We were all rather tired and spent and even with the tight bindings on my privates, I was starting to lose some of my...
That evening, Melissa being a bit sore from Sorry's large appendage thoroughly filling her for hours the night before, she aided Sarah's pleasure when Sorry entered her true love from behind, doggy style, licking at the conjunction and rubbing Sarah's clit. Sarah enjoyed the fuck immensely, especially since she could bury her nose and mouth in Melissa's fragrant, succulent and responsive pussy. Everyone came, though Melissa's release arrived a few minutes later when Sorry and Sarah...
Melissa made her way through the thick foliage and found herself at the edge of a pristine lake, the gorgeous crystal water surrounded by a clearing of soft deep green moss. Shaking, she removed her clothing and, taking a step up onto a rock that bordered the waters, dove in to the cold haven, shivering at its icy temperature. Floating in the water, she let her outer protectiveness melt away and began to sob. It was hard to believe the plane had crashed over 3 days ago. It felt like just...
Erotic"Oh God I wish I had a joint," murmured Sarah to herself, sitting in the corner of the backstage where a group of models, including her, rehearsed for the evening's presentation of Delon Fils negligees. "I hate these arrogant, narcissistic airheads." It was to be her grand debut as a featured model for the line and as a top level runway model in Europe. After spending a busy four days being photographed and evenings loving Paris, the wonderful week was ending bitterly. She loved the sexy...
'Mel stands for Melissa' I could tell this plump, chubby cutie was just starved for attention - sitting there at the bar in a tight fitting skirt - edge of her pink thong clearly visible - black thigh-high nylons with her legs crossed. She had glanced over at us a few times, smiling and looking away - tending her drink, which looked like a tequilla sunrise. The bar was mostly empty that time of night around closing time - and my two buddies and I only shared a few...
Melissa Scott had returned to her New York hotel room after a long day. She enjoyed her work, helping promote the message of the Teen Pregnancy foundation, which strove to reduce teen pregnancy. Still, the busy schedule did occasionally take its toll on her, with the constant public appearances, television interviews, and photo shoots the foundation asked of her, along with her work with other charities, not to mention her professional obligations to a multitude of studio projects. Melissa was...
Melissa Henry was unlucky, she was an only child. Almost every other person at school had at or more older brothers or sisters, giving them protection. At Fick High you pretty much need older family at the school to stop yourself from getting some random senior, or even a male teacher, from becoming your baby daddy. Melissa didn’t have the same luck as most of her friends. There was a small group of girls who were only children that banned together, most of them already had a kid others were...
Peer Pressure: Melissa by Virtual Scott Chapter 1 Sullivan College was going to be a big change from high school, Melissa realized. She watched the cab drive off, half wanting to call it back and have the cabby return her to the airport. A moment later, the comely brunette was completely on her own. Well, her parents had said going to an out-of-state school would build self-confidence, but it wasn't as easy to believe now as it had been in the comfort of her home. She'd been known...
Recently her husband had been distant too. Melissa knew it was from the way she was treating him. It was funny she had been mean to her husband from her own mistake. He had said some words back that were harsher than usual. They had been in this fight for weeks. Tonight, was going to be the night they made up. She had dressed the part short skirt, black stockings, silky panties and black patent pumps. They still were trying for a baby and Melissa was in the middle of her cycle. She was...
Melissa made her way along the narrow little street, feeling hemmed in by the houses as she made her way towards the sea front. The daylight was fading, lights were coming on in the town square, and along the seafront. Finding an intimate and charming cafe, she decided to enter. Melissa seated herself where she could look across an open terrace. A thought crossed her mind. The view is so beautiful. This place is like a heaven. She ordered coffee and stared out to sea. In front of her over the...
LesbianTwo days after her "taming" Jasmine called me.."Hey! You ok?" She asked before I could say anything."Yeah.. What's up?""Oh My Fucking God!" She squealed," You won't believe this......The day after her taming Jasmine had spent the day with Melissa. Melissa's boyfriend was away for a week, a stag do in Amsterdam. Melissa was not particularly happy about this so the girls planned a day of shopping, taking in a movie at the cinema and then some girly time at Melissa's house with a bottle of two or...
Introduction: Warning: Melissa was like a lot of young girls her age that had kissed and felt up her girlfriends as a curious child but never thought much about sex. It was mostly just a natural curiosity to inspect other girls bodies to see if they were like her or not. Her family lived in Birmingham, England. Her parents bought a semi-detached home in a nice residential neighborhood. The homes were the latest thing in their day. She was an only child. In every way she was an average sandy...
Claiming Melissa H. Dean? Copyright H. DeanThe right of H. Dean to be identified as the author of this book has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights and Patents Act 1988.All rights reserved.PrologueMelissa was a tiny thing. Her hair was a lustrous, Stygian black that fell nearly to her waist. She was busty for her size; muscular but curvy in a sort of Marilyn Monroe kind of way. When she smiled her full lips parted to reveal the most perfect set of teeth. I was...
kissed and felt up her girlfriends as a curious child but never thought much about sex. It was mostly just a natural curiosity to inspect other girl's bodies to see if they were like her or not. Her family lived in Birmingham, England. Her parents bought a semi-detached home in a nice residential neighborhood. The homes were the latest thing in their day. She was an only child. In every way she was an average sandy haired blonde child. She was proud of her hair and kept it...
A lost lover, Changes for Melissa Part THREE by MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. I appreciate the editing assistance of Santacruzman Summary of Parts One & Two: Thom meets a co-worker, Cindy who offers to help him dress. Thom introduces herself to his wife. The Ex's lesbian lover Lindsay co-opts Melissa but also educates her over several months. Melissa has a sexual adventure with two lovers. Part THREE When I awoke...
Melissa: Big City Girl? Part#1(MM/f, n/c relec, humil, spank)By: Jake OliveAuthors note: The story and characters are entirely fictional. This is my first attempt at this type of work. Please provide any feedback to: [email protected] really had to be done with Melissa. Here Paul was on what should have been the greatest day of his life and he had a problem; What to do about Melissa. Paul Stanford was by all accounts a successful young man. Only 27, his quick mind and ease of...
Melissa arrived at the school much early than she had to make sure she could set up the room to her liking. She was allowed past the guards and parked in the teacher’s lot. She felt funny returning to a school after she had been out for so long. Things sure had changed. Much tighter security now. All the doors had locks. Classrooms even had autolocking doors so no students could enter after the bells rang. The hallways were quiet as the classes were already in session. The sound of her...
In the shower that morning, she was having a fantasy about Jordan (again). This time he was in the shower with her. The hairbrush she was using to penetrate herself was his dick. He was moaning and talking dirty to her, ramming her tight pussy from behind. Too soon, Melissa’s mother yelled upstairs for her to get out of the shower. She was still wet and hadn’t climaxed. She dressed in a provocative outfit, booty shorts that said “Juicy” on the butt and a low cut purple tube top that...
The Mall By the end of my sophomore year I had been dating Jamie for a full six months. Surprisingly I had been totally faithful to her the entire time, with the exception of one night with Katie at the beginning of the summer, but no one ever needs to know about that. It was now summer and to my utter disappointment, Jamie was planning to spend the summer at camp! How could she do that?! She’s going to leave me here alone all summer? There’s no way I’ll ever survive that long without...
Ted loved his afternoon jog. Not only did it keep him in shape, but the path he usually took was always filled with gorgeous young women and girls, most of whom used jogging as an excuse to show off their firm, sexy bods. They were invariably clad in tight, skimpy running shorts and even tighter tee-shirts, leaving little to the imagination. The sight of so many pretty young things bouncing along the path usually made Ted hotter than the exercise itself, and by the time he got home to his wife,...
It was a big event for the assembled staff, the introduction on Monday afternoon of their new boss. Something of a surprise too. Not so much the arrival of a woman to head up an otherwise all-male department (the 21st century, after all, and besides they already knew that a newcomer called 'Melissa Reynolds' had been appointed) but more her age and appearance. Melissa looked to be no more than late twenties, young for such an exalted position, and she was strikingly attractive. The new Head...
Melissa had been a good student. Too good. She spend all of her time in highschool working on her classes that she rarely dated. She really didn’t have the time to spend with boys. She wanted to receive a scholarship so badly that her studies became her main interest. Needless to say, she remained a virgin all through her highschool days. And her straight A average were proof that she had better plans for her life than getting fucked. It wasn’t that she wasn’t desirable....
Junior year Summer had finally ended and it was back to school for junior year. I was excited to see all my friends and all my favorite girls every day. Walking through the halls was just a festival of hugs and kisses and stories of what everyone did over the summer. There were some exciting stories too! It turns out I wasn’t the only one who had such an amazing summer. On the other hand, being back in school meant that I didn’t get to spend as much time with my girlfriend Jamie. Jamie went...
Junior year Summer had finally ended and it was back to school for junior year. I was excited to see all my friends and all my favorite girls every day. Walking through the halls was just a festival of hugs and kisses and stories of what everyone did over the summer. There were some exciting stories too! It turns out I wasn’t the only one who had such an amazing summer. On the other hand, being back in school meant that I didn’t get to spend as much time with my girlfriend Jamie. Jamie went to...
"The Running of Melissa" Melissa couldn't believe it. There was no way ? no fucking way ? Jeff couldbe this crude, this insensitive, this fucking rude! Here, in front ofall her friends, her jock ex-boyfriend was acting like all other jocks andignoring her while he ?hit on' one of the slutty cheerleaders. He actuallyhad his hand under her top, visibly fondling her breasts! And, not thatjust her friends were here to see this spectacle ? oh no. He had to pullthis juvenile, macho stunt right...
I sat at a coffee shop in Bronte. The salt air fresh and clean and the weather pleasantly warm. I sat waiting for my prey, the very willing prey that I had met online. I spotted them from a distance coming across from the beach. I spotted Melissa first, a luscious lady in her 40s, her blonde hair billowing in the seabreeze. Even from such a distance her tits looked magnificent. I knew from the photos they were DD. Her husband James was by her side. As they approached I took in Melissa more...
Sara had just turned 20 and was new to my wife's office. She had moved to the area for the job and had only been here for about 5 or 6 months when this encounter occurred. Sara was of Vietnamese decent and she is petite with very large breasts. Sara's hair was black shoulder length and her legs seemed to go on forever. Her personality was very bubbly and she had a terrific smile and was always happy. She is a person that you would want your son to marry. Melissa and I set our plan in...
Introduction: This is part 2 of my story. Please read part 1 first. Have fun! Lara & Jack to Melissa – the 1. day continues When I came back from shopping some hours later, first thing I did was looking for Melissa. She still slept so I went back into the living room and checked my new bought stuff. I got some new and bigger butt-plugs, dildos and strap-ons which i really wanted to try. 3 new latex-outfits, one for me and 2 for Melissa. One new whip and two new wooden paddles, a package of...
Melissa and Brad had been dating since her sophomore year at college. Brad being a year ahead of Melissa moved back to his hometown to manage his father's business. At first he emailed and texted her everyday. Melissa knew in her heart she was going to marry him someday. Suddenly his emails and texts became scarcer and when they spoke on the phone he seemed distant and evasive. Something was wrong. Despite having planned a trip to visit her family during spring break, Melissa decided to make a...
Barefoot Melissa, my fun and exciting sister in law. Melissa was 30 and fresh. She was 5’3 decently slim with wide hips and soft wide ass, small b cup breasts which were perky and fit her frame well, thick pale thighs and thin legs and slim size 7 feet.Her hair is dark and cut right below her slim neckline. Mesmerizing hazel green eyes and pale lips. Her size 7 feet have high arches and slender toes. She often goes barefoot in the house, almost immediately after entering. I enjoy her...