MisfitsChapter 14 free porn video

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The Grand Atrium of Hern served as the Royal Gardens. It lay open to the public with its stone pathways winding between flowering plants of every description. From the smallest picklillies no larger than a pin, to expansive wetfruit trees whose limbs could stretch a hundred yards or more in every direction, the Gardens were a carnival for the senses. One could be overwhelmed by the sights and smells, the ripe flavor of the air itself, and the unavoidable texture of leaves and grasses caressing the skin. A curious sound would steal into the ears as the whispered, secret language of life itself, or so some would claim. Those people were most often found in the center of the gardens, speaking in hushed tones and sharing a selfless faith in the universe.

Fronting that temple to our worldly origins, the Royal Theatre stood as an annex to the Citadel of the Royal Court. With a brilliant façade of rare onyx and broad steps rising between marble columns, it was for many people the only glimpse they would have of that portion of the ship I called the castle. Admission was free and organized by lottery, I believe, although I'd never had occasion to learn the details. Every performance would be offered to an audience liveried in such splendor as they could afford, or sometimes borrow, as the case may be.

Attending the Theatre was an event and nearby were restaurants and cabarets catering to the evening's nouveau gentry. Balls were held and grand masques upon the rooftops overlooking the Gardens. Nobles and commoners would debate on topics great and small. A baron could dance with a barmaid, a princess with a plumber; the music would swell until the late hours and then wane with drunken laughter and lonely tears. Lovers would quarrel and strangers would fuck, and all would feast until they became gorged with unsated pleasure. It was a paradox, aye, and a good and necessary one.

The Royal Theater would occasionally feature films, as a human would interpret them. Dramatic stories with characters and plots which truly are universal irregardless the specific details, and visualized through the magic of holography. The Duchess much admired swashbuckling romance and her court would sometimes be treated to the Imperial equivalent of a Hollywood epic. Not often, however; such entertainment was considered by many as too pedestrian for nobility. The average citizen wanted his royalty to act, well ... Royal.

On this particular evening, in a tradition far more usual and pleasing to proletarian sensibilities, the Eyasian Ballet performed to the ethereal strains of The Ghostly Slipper, as it would be called in English. The Royal Symphony accompanied, of course, and by all accounts the first act had been breathtaking. I'd found it interesting, or I should say that Tristam had enjoyed it, but I wasn't in a mood to cater to his pleasure. I'd made a conscious effort to dislike the music, the dancing, and most especially Helena's rapt fascination with the whole affair.

We were rather displeased with each other.

"I've drafted a letter to my father," Helena said, leaning her arms on the ornate railing and looking at me over her shoulder.

"Oh." I nodded from my chair, the one usually occupied by my cousin Talis. We were on the balcony, in the royal box, and supposedly we had the very best seats in the house.

"It only requires your signature, my Lord."

"Rubber stamp it," I replied with a shrug.

"Excuse me?" She narrowed her emerald eyes and English isn't a simple language even for people who grow up with it.

"Just sign my name," I sighed. "I don't need to see it, do I?"

"I thought you'd like to review it," she said, turning her head so she could look down at the impatient crowd. The ballet was always popular.

"How many men do you think Talis has fucked up here?"

"I'm quite certain I wouldn't know, my Lord."

"Or women, for that matter," I said. "She does have a penis, after all. Have you seen it?"

"Obviously not," Helena replied.

"I'd be jealous if you had."

"I don't believe you."

"Well, not jealous maybe. Hmmm ... Concerned?" I shrugged. "Whatever. I bet she's fucked Ellicent, right here in this very chair."

"You're acting like a child."

"I'm acting like I'm sixteen," I retorted. "And I hate the ballet. Bunch of faggots. Let's go somewhere else."

"You can't leave now," she told me, pushing off the rail and turning around. "It would insult the performers."

"Fuck," I sighed. "What good is being the king if I can't do what I want?"

"You're not a king, my Lord."

"And you're not my mother!" I snapped. "I'm leaving."

"Please," Helena said quickly, stepping close enough to push me back down. "Stay, my Lord. It's important."

"Alright," I agreed. "If you'll sit down and jerk me off while we watch the rest of the show."

"Leave then." She crossed her arms over her smallish tits. "The dancers can spare the humiliation better than I, my Lord."

"Sensitive," I snorted. "I'm just teasing you. No need to cry about it."

"I'm not crying."

"Sit down," I said with a nod towards the empty chair beside me. "They're about to start the second act."

"I won't play your games."

"Just..." I rolled my eyes with a sigh. "Sit down already; you're making me nervous."

"Me?" She smiled unhappily. "What's wrong, my Lord?"

"Nothing a little ballet won't fix," I said as the house lights dimmed and only the great chandeliers burned above the audience.

The chandeliers were a half-dozen in number, crystalline clouds formed of Tartian diamonds, thousands of them and each with a glittering gold flame burning tirelessly inside. It had something to do with the radiation saturating that world's unique geography and the stones themselves were quite worthless individually. Diamonds, of any size, shape, or color, are among the most common rocks in the galaxy, as a great many women on Earth were going to discover to their disappointment. On the other hand, rubies, emeralds, and sapphires were always a precious commodity, along with a number of lesser gemstones.

Such circumstances were one of the many countless issues we had to deal with. Like Europeans trading glass beads for land in the New World, we had to prevent unscrupulous traders, speculators, and carpetbaggers from bleeding Earth dry. Humans were our newest children and they had to be protected. I'd spent much of the day to just that purpose, reviewing plans for the new cities already being built on the ashes of the old. New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles would be the first and from the ground up they were designed to be modern, efficient, and functional. They would be the beautiful hubs from which Imperial culture would radiate.

The rest of my day had been spent brooding over Windham and every drop of my blood yearned to crush that measly space into dust. The military was on full alert, all its personnel on duty, every ship being prepared for battle. Plans were being drawn up, forces being gathered like the pieces on a chessboard. The logistics were staggering. Thirteen fleets were being assembled with over fifteen hundred warships. Assault forces, over a million shock troops for the planet Windham alone, were loading onto their transports. It wasn't going to be the largest invasion ever conducted by the Duchess of Cepheus, not even close, but still a significant operation and I hated the inevitable waiting.

"Wine, my Lord?" a soft voice tugged at my ears, small and female.

"Who might you be?" I whispered in reply, not wishing to interrupt Lady Helena's balletomane pleasure.

"Alys Piern," she replied with a fine curtsy, holding her silver tray steady.

She had elfin features, wide lavender eyes and a small nose between her sharp cheeks. A very angular sort of girl, tapering all over with a thin smile and a long neck rising from her slender shoulders, the rest of her long and lithe to the very point of her toes. Alys had no breasts at all, but a soft, hollow chest and a tiny waist indistinguishable from her hips as her body seemed to flow into her thighs. Her yellow hair had been pinned into a tight bob at the crown of her head, each strand drawn severely, and her small ears were pink and pointed with a filigree of woven silver, like the costume she wore. A metallic lace of intricate design covered her pale flesh, hiding and revealing the child beneath.

"Are you a student, Alys Piern?"

"Yes, my Lord," she agreed as a smile teased her brightly painted lips. "I performed the Fantasia Aperitif."

"I remember," I agreed. "You were very good. How long have you been studying?"

"Since I was three, my Lord." Her eyes shone and I gestured at a small table.

"Put the tray down and join me." I patted my thigh. "Here. You may sit with me, Alys."

"My Lord." She widened her eyes and blushed, drawing a glance from Helena.

"What are you doing?" she asked, leaning close and touching my arm.

"Entertaining," I replied, watching graceful Alys place her tray and goblets on the table. "It's why I'm here, isn't it, my Lady?"

"Hmph." Helena returned her attention to the stage and I ignored her blunt displeasure.

"Like this..." I whispered, taking the girl's hand as Alys very carefully arranged herself on my lap. "Put your arm around my neck. I want you to be comfortable."

"Yes, my Lord." She shivered and I took a deep breath of her sweet scent, holding her with my fingers clasped at her boyish hip.

"Are you cold? Shall I find some way to warm you, Alys?"

"I'm not! I assure you..." She shook her head.

"Shhhh ... Since you were three years old, did you say?" I smiled at her. "And how long ago was that?"

"I'm fifteen, my Lord." Alys licked her lips and she looked much younger than that, I thought.

I felt her warmth pouring from beneath the fine web of silver that clung to her body. The lace had become infatuated with the girl's heat; it wasn't cold to the touch at all and seemed more like silk than metal. The design was of a floral motif, with stems and leaves entwining along her legs and crawling across her lithe body. Flowers bloomed with delicate petals carefully arranged to conceal her sex, but only in the most illusory sense. The eye was tricked into focusing on the composition laid upon the soft canvas beneath.

"And very beautiful, Alys," I murmured, bringing my right hand upward.

Her nipples formed pink pistils for the delicate florets adorning her chest. They were pinched and deliberately exposed that way, enticing and teasing in league with her coquettish smile and elusive eyes.

"Mmmmm..." She compressed her lips as I massaged her left nipple, coaxing the rubbery nub to life as it began to swell.

"Much better like that," I sighed into her ear. "You're going to bloom for me, aren't you, Alys?"

"My Lord..." she offered with a ragged breath and I pulled her closer, letting her trim bottom settle upon my cock. The girl stiffened slightly, arching her back as she felt the unmistakable ardor of my erection straining against my breeches.

"Have you been plucked, little flower?" I asked, flicking my thumb across her right nipple and it too grew quickly stiff with the attention.

"Noooo..." She licked her lips, tightening her right arm around my neck as I licked the soft skin just beneath her ear.

"Why not, Alys?" I pinched her nipple, pulling her immature breast into a cone barely fit for girl just entering puberty.

"I'm saving myself," she answered, arousing her innocent smile with another blush.

"Such a long, hot wait," I sighed, dragging my teeth along her florid neck to kiss the girl beneath her jaw. "I admire your courage."

Alys was Ovellean and her newfound adolescence would stretch another twenty years probably. She'd descended from a rare species and a well regarded one, coming from a very distant star coreward of the March. I wondered how she'd made the journey at such a tender age, for she wasn't a slave or even a servant, but a student of the Royal Academy and perhaps in a dozen years the prima ballerina, if Alys possessed the talent and determination. If the child wasn't deterred from her art by the inchoate desire reflected in her lustrous eyes.

"Give us a kiss, sweet Alys," I whispered. "Brave, beautiful, obedient, Alys. You'll come to me soon, won't you?"

"My Lord, I..." the words were caught in her throat as I touched her lips with mine, tickling her with tip of my tongue and letting her go.

"You'll save your budding treasure for me," I told her. "We've kissed upon it now, Alys."

The roe's eyes closed and she nodded quickly.

"Yes, my Lord."

"Off with you then," I said, pushing her from my thighs and she only just caught herself with a marvelous plié and pirouette.

What a talent! And I felt too pleased with the unexpected performance to wonder why I'd let her go.

"Soon, Alys," I whispered as she slipped between the thick brocade covering the doorway. "Come to me soon."

"You should be wary of the girl, my Lord." Helena looked at me and I suspected she'd been observing us for some while.

"Her curiosity is piqued," I replied with a smile. "Yours as well, my Lady?"

"You've terrified her. She hardly knows what she's doing."

"The best way to plant the girl is in the fertile soil of her imagination. She'll want to be courageous in the face of love and test herself against me."

"I understand she's already been gifted; an arranged marriage with a squire of Paramus," Helena informed me. "A spoiled knave, from what I've heard, and quick with his temper."

"Do you keep tabs on everyone?" I narrowed my eyes with mock suspicion.

"Only you, my Lord."

"Whoever the boy is, he's too old for her in any case..."

"And you're not?"

" ... I'll merely put some color into her cheeks; a bit of expectation into her loins, as they say."

"Rather more than that, if I know you."

"Did you see the way she quivered?" I sighed. "Her heart demands enslavement, you'll see. Beautiful Alys. It's in her blood now."

"It's all Helena's fault." I shook my head, tromping through the empty hallways and muttering to myself.

"You should sleep, my Lord." Ransom echoed my footsteps, if not my thoughts. He didn't understand; nobody could.

"That bitch! That slut!" I felt the pommel of my sword under my fingers as the scabbard slapped my thigh. "I can't think when she's around."

"She's a beautiful woman," he offered with a chuckle, but I refused to be cheered.

"She's a whore for that bastard Tristam," I snarled. "Fuck! He's stronger when she's with me."

"My Lord, you are Tristam."

"I can't fight them both." I turned a corner and entered one of the old libraries. We were getting deep into the castle now.

The place should have been covered with dust and grime, the thousands of books moldy with the decay of years, but it wasn't. The cleanliness offended me. The efficiency of the chamberlain and his staff. The air filtered so thoroughly that I felt like an insect beneath a looking glass. I kicked a chair out of the way, onto its back with rigor mortis. I had half a mind to perform an autopsy on the beast, cutting into the fine tapestry of its skin and the overstuffed flesh beneath.

"Stupid chair." I searched my memory for a book and found it, tilting the fifth volume of Ahkruhk's tepid History of the Ancients.

"Where are we going, my Lord?"

"Behind the scenes, my friend." I grinned at the black giant as a section of the bookcase surrendered with a groan. "Didn't know about this one, did you?"

"No." He smiled back at me. "Where does it lead?"

"I just told you," I replied, slipping into the narrow passage. "Mind your head."

At last I found some must to itch my nose and the darkness swallowed me whole. I felt the wall with my right hand, keeping my left on my sword. My feet knew the way and I kept my eyes closed as I counted the steps. One hundred thirty-four ... Not yet, my legs were shorter ... One hundred sixty-seven and I felt a draft upon my cheek.

When I opened my eyes, the faint light seemed as the mid-day sun and I winced, looking left and right. We'd come to an intersection of sorts and Ransom's breathing seemed to echo through the crooked flume.

"Hold your breath," I hissed. "I can't hear myself think."

I couldn't hear anything and I went left out of habit, following the light towards an ancient balcony overlooking a disused chamber below. The ceiling was a lattice of pipes and cables, the nervous system of the great ship exposed and out of place. The room had once been used as a salon, but the furniture had been broken up to feed the fires of yesteryear. The stone walls were mottled and once majestic tapestries were now tattered and eaten through, clutching at their sprits like the sails of derelict set adrift. No fancy rugs here, just dull stone worn smooth and uniform grey.

What light there was came from the balcony opposite mine, and from that yawn I could hear the rutting grunts and gasps I sought.

"This way," I breathed. "We'll cross the pipes one at a time."

"These pipes, my Lord?" Ransom offered me a doubtful look, reaching upward to take one in his fist and pull.

They were long and narrow, bundled together by threes and fives, a half-dozen at the most, and slick with mildew. The metal groaned as Ransom gave it some weight and a loud snap issued from somewhere in the shadows.

"We'd best go around," he suggested, letting go and slapping his palm against his thigh.

"You go around," I said. "I'm going across."

"And if you fall?"

"It's only thirty feet." I shrugged. "It won't kill me."

"Unless you land on your head," he said with a chuckle. "Come along, my Lord. We'll find another way."

"Too late..." I grunted, leaping from our perch with my hands over my head, catching two pipes with a third above and between them, denying me a firm grip.

"Tristam!" Ransom growled. "Son of a..."

"Shhh..." I hissed, almost laughing as I turned my hips and shoulders, walking my hands quickly as I dangled above the stones below.

I'd been too old for too long and it felt good to have some vigor in my blood. But I wasn't Tristam. Without Helena he was weak and I had my own thoughts, not his. I should have fucked that baby ballerina. Taken her in the royal box in front of Helena. That stuck up bitch! Fuck! She pretended like she didn't care, but I knew better. She had Tristam whipped. The bastard had never even fucked her. I'd made her kiss my dick; he couldn't even get the slut on her knees! I'd fuck her next. I'd do it while he watched. Do it while she wept for her precious virginity. Stupid whore. Let her marry Wren, she could make her vows with my sperm burning inside her womb. It would serve them right, all of them.

"There now..." I breathed, crawling through the balcony and onto the old dais overlooking the Harlequin Stanch.

On that oval stage sat a chair, heavy and handsomely carved from a single stone, and I ran my hand along the back. Three short steps led to the floor and makeshift torches burned in wrought iron cradles, linens soaked in wine so nearly gone to vinegar that the cloth would hardly burn. They smoldered and sputtered, heaving black smoke into the air. Broken chains lay rusting where they'd fallen and of the many clever devices I remembered, none could be recognized.

"Ho-ho!" I grinned at the three men and their victim, a pink-faced whore flat on her back. "What gallant pursuit! Saving a fair maiden from her virtue, are we?"

They stared at me, the woman with her skirts around her waist as she lay on the floor. The laces of her bodice had been undone and I judged her heaving breasts had been roughly kissed recently. The flesh looked red and swollen, with dark splotches where bruises had begun to sprout. I reckoned the whore hadn't minded awfully as she wore only pleasure beneath a mask of surprise. Her chestnut eyes matched her curling hair as it clung to her face and neck, and she wasn't so much plain as just plain dirty.

They were all filthy, but especially the men with their mismatched clothing and hairy, haggard faces. These were the lost children of the Royal Court, young men whose excesses had bankrupted their welcome. They were drunks or unlucky gamblers perhaps; debtors and thieves most likely, living in the walls and stealing scraps to survive. Patchwork knaves without a shred of decency between them.

One of the men had his pants around his ankles, his bare ass between the woman's bent knees and his prick buried within her cunt. Another must have recently finished with her, his semi-hard cock still dewy with passion and his threadbare trousers likewise undone. The third was still dressed at least, although he held his crotch mid-squeeze and I cocked my head, wondering if that wouldn't begin to hurt after awhile.

"How far the Empire has fallen, eh?" I asked in the gutteral tongue of low Imperial. "Do you know this room?"

"Bugger off, boy," the man on his knees replied, throwing himself into the whore with a vile grunt.

"I say we bugger him," one of his companions offered, the one massaging his crotch.

"Pretty little thing, what?" The other stroked his slick penis, pulling the foreskin back and pushing it forward. "I'll give him a go."

"My master wouldn't care for that," I said, grinning as I fondled the hilt of my sword. "He's a mighty Lord. You'd be foolish to cross him, I think."

"We won't be telling," the one holding his cock said. "And neither will you."

"Not after I cut off his tongue." His companion had drawn a dagger from behind his back, waving it back and forth as he lurched towards me.

"Only the two of you?" I narrowed my eyes. "Perhaps we should wait for your friend to finish."

The knife advanced before the grinning scarecrow and now that I could get a good look at him, I felt something akin to pity for his wretchedness. That would be faggot, I thought, and I pushed his feelings aside with an effort. He drew his strength from Marcia and she was another whore I had to watch closely. She should have been mine, not his; I'd made her a slut. She belonged to me! Bambi as well and I had it in mind to sell them both and be free of those ghosts forever.

"Don't be frightened, boy," the man whispered, extending his empty hand and clawing at the air with his cracked fingernails. "Come to me now. There's a good, lad. I won't hurt you ... Come on."

I stepped from behind the chair with a flash of steel, cutting through nerves and tendons and very nearly severing the vagabond's right hand at the wrist. The knife clattered on the stones, tumbling from twitching fingers he no longer controlled. I took him through the throat a second later, with his eyes turned down and a screech forming behind his curdled grin. Blood sprayed across my boots before I could pull my blade free and I danced around the chair as he gave staggering chase. The man took three steps and the fourth led straight to hell; he landed face first on the stones with a heavy thud.

"Cowards!" I shouted after the other two, taking the steps one at a time with my sword pointed down and away from my body.

They'd run like dogs, with their tails between their legs and whimpering.

"Don't hurt me!" The woman had pushed herself upright, hugging her knees to her breasts. "Please! I'm innocent!"

"Innocent of what?" I asked, frowning as I'd intended to kill all three of the fools.

"Everything!" she cried, rolling over and prostrating herself at my feet. She sobbed and kissed my bloody boots, and I was taken aback by her grotesque display.

"Nobody's that innocent," I reminded her, finding the whore's throat with my blade and lifting her head.

She choked down a breath with wide, blinking eyes as I held the edge tight beneath her jaw. Upright on her knees, the girl's unfettered breasts jutted from her meager form. I'd thought her a woman, but now I could see through the cloak of poverty and she wasn't so much older than me. She stank of fresh cum and stale vomit, the bright odor of piss rankled my nose and I turned my head and spat on the floor.

"P-Please, my Lord ... My Master ... Don't murder me!"

"What's your name?"

"Whaaahhh ... Swan!" she said quickly as I turned the cold steel across her wax-like skin.

"Swan ... Swan?" I narrowed my eyes and considered that for a moment. "No. I don't know anyone by that name."

"Ohhh..." the girl rasped with a shiver, closing her eyes and plainly expecting me to slice her throat.

"The Harlequin Stanch. Do you know of it?"


"I do," I sighed. "Look at me. I have to tell you a secret."

Swan arched her spine as if she might grow a fraction taller. Her head remained very still as I spoke, her eyes dulled and diluted by tears.

"Before the rule of Talis, her father began the Spinward March. That..." I looked at the empty chair " ... was his throne and this place, this gloam of glory, was his butchary. It's said that only Duke Hern's favorite jester could stop the slaughter in this room."

I paused, listening to her ragged breathing and the slow beating of my heart.

"So much blood. They say visitors to Hern's court would have to wade knee-deep through the bodies. Men, women, children ... pretty dells like you, Swan, all hacked to pieces."

"Please ... I'm sorry, I..." Her hands fluttered like butterflies.

"For the good of the Empire, he used to say." I took a deep breath and focused my eyes on hers. "Do you know what happened to the Duke?"


"He went mad and his daughter and her lover murdered him. They had to, you see? He was suspicious of everyone and sooner or later, he would have brought them down here. He would have cut off their heads, Swan, and nobody could have stopped it, not even his favorite harlequin."

"D-Don't cut off my head, sir," she begged and I felt the palpitation of her heart through my steel.

"We had to do it," I whispered. "I used the walls and came in through the balcony, quiet and clever, imagining each step to be my last. Talis knelt before the throne, soothing her father the way a daughter shouldn't, and..."

I looked at the chair.

" ... I cut old Hern's throat and saved us all," I told her. "Regicide ... It's the last time I knew fear, Swan. After killing a man like that, what's left? The terror supping at the very marrow of your bones. Can you feel it?"

"Yes!" she gasped, shutting her eyes with a shiver.

"And now you know the secret," I sighed. "The only one I have. Oh, Swan ... Whatever shall I do with you now?"

"P-Please! I don't want to die in this place!"

I pulled the sword away, giving the girl one quick breath before finding her left breast with the tip, pricking the skin for a red pearl. A thin, rivulet of sanguine milk followed the curvature of her flesh, gathering into a single, bloated drop that refused to fall.

"Stubborn life." I lifted my blade. "Kiss the sword, Swan, to seal our pact. Kiss the brittle blood of terror and never forget the taste of it."

I had Swan bathed and her clothing burned in the hearth while I stirred the ashes myself. Precious oils were soothed into her chestnut hair until it glistened, curling as the liquid evaporated and leaving behind only the scent of sweet acacia. Likewise, a rare balm of dragonseed burned away the bruises and the girl's veteran skin turned pink and supple with youth. She grew vigorous before my eyes, stretching her asthenic body as a smile crept across her face like sunrise after a long, dark night.

"Am I beautiful, my Lord?" she asked, pointing her dark nipples towards the ceiling as she reached above her head.

Her fingers found the edge of the mattress and I could count her ribs and see the bones beneath her scrawny hips. Swan spread her legs and pointed her toes toward the corners of the bed, exposing her sex through a veil of curling brown pubic hair. Her labia were long and ruddy, pulled apart to reveal the pink meat inside, and her clitoris extended beyond its wrinkled sheath.

"No." I shook my head. "Not yet, but soon perhaps. How old are you?"

"I don't know, my Lord."

"Where are you from?" I unsnapped my tunic as she furrowed her brow and finally laughed.

"I don't remember, my Lord."

"Have you any other name?" I wondered. "Lady Swan? Slave or servant? What must you be now?"

"Lady Swan," she sighed, watching me with her doe eyes full of humor. "I am dreaming, my Lord. Or have you murdered me and this is heaven?"

"There is no heaven," I replied. "Hell, perhaps ... but no heaven for the likes of us."

I removed my breeches and took my languid penis in my fist, stroking myself to erection as I mounted the bed and then the girl. I put her legs over my shoulders so that I could see her helpless and yielding. The moist folds of her sex surrendered without so much as a whimper to mar the moment.

"You've been a whore for a long time, I think." I felt her hot inside, and wet, but hardly tight.

"Yesssss ... my ... Lord," she breathed, licking her lips as I pumped her famished cunt.

Same as Misfits
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Milhouse walked across the school yard to meet up with Bart; he felt Lisa’s eyes following him every step of the way. When he finally reached Bart he smacked him High Five. Bart and Milhouse had been experimenting with different things and they had finally decided that it was time for them to experiment with one another. Milhouse had watched plenty of gay pornos in preparation for their new experience. ”Are you sure we won’t get caught? We are still on school grounds and this is...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed WifeChapter 4

I went into the bedroom and stripped and got into bed. I pulled the rubber cock out from under my pillow and I began rubbing my clit and worked myself up to fingering my hole. I began sucking on the cock that I was about to fuck myself with. The covers were off to the side and the only light on was the light coming from the bathroom lighting up the bed where I was. I worked myself into a frenzy and by the time I was ready for my black rubber lover, I was really ready to climax. I brought the...

2 years ago
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My College Professor

Introduction: My first story. I hope you like My college professor Its the beginning of a new semester and Samantha is not happy with the school she is at. You see over the summer Sams mom had a heart attack and because of that Sam moved home to take care of her. So instead of going to the top notch college that she had loved her freshman year she was going to the local technical college that took anybody. Being a business major Sam had to take a marketing class that she didnt think she was...

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John CarterChapter 6

John stood in line at the cafeteria with his tray full of food on the waist high shelf in front of him. It was a standard southern cafeteria where you push your tray along a shelf, selecting the items that you wanted to eat. The person behind the counter would serve up a single portion. At the end of the counter, you paid for your meal based on what you had taken. More often than not, a person would select a lot more food than they could eat. John looked at his tray and wondered how he was...

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Introduction: Eric set his sights on his married sisters. I grabbed my sister Sheila as she walked by where I was sitting and pulled her onto my lap. It was purely an impulsive move...or maybe not. I'd been obsessing about Sheila and my other sister Vanessa for a while. My name is Eric and I'm 16 years old. If you read "Barb-a-que" you know how I lost my virginity and acquired two lovers in one eventful day. That was almost a year ago. One lover was my own mother and the other was a friend of...

3 years ago
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Extreme animal sex on holiday in Greece

After I left the village where farmer Norman introduced me to my first bestial experience I seemed to drift from place to place. There was no contact at all with old friends from the village so I just started over again, and enrolled in evening classes one year because I got so bored. It was much more fun than I thought. The course was about classical Greek life and architecture, yes I know it sounds very dry and boring, but it interested me. The Greeks were a very open minded lot and much...

4 years ago
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Schools outBut Im Trapped in part 1 and 2

PART 1: ANYA’S CAPTURE Anya stared into the mirror at what her class mates in school called the geek, freak, ugly and other colorful names. While this was partly true, Anya truly didn’t understand why they called her ugly. While nothing truly special looked back at her in the mirror, she felt she had potential if people could only ignore the glasses and freckles. Wiping the tears from her eyes she reached for her back pocket and pulled out the photo she always kept there, James Vincent her...

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DownfallHaving been to the beautician for a full body and face wax I check into the hotel to prepare. The suite consists of a large living room and a comfortable bedroom with a large bathroom. The bedroom has a nice dressing table with mirror and stool. A full length mirror is adjacent. The king size bed is of an older style with metal barred head and framed foot. The living room has a soft leather couch, occasional tables, a desk with cane based chair with arms, and all the usual hotel...

4 years ago
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Wake Up

"Wake up guy." I cracked open one eye and looked up. Larry was standing over me nude, a lit joint in his hand extended to me. I reached up and took it and hit it hard, pulling the THC laden smoke deep into my lungs and held it. I handed the joint back to him idly noting that his cock was about half-hard. I released the toke with a whoosh as Larry took another hit and handed the joint back. I sucked in another lung full of smoke and handed it back and began to fight a cough. I held the cough at...

2 years ago
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The Ordeal of Emilia Clarke

She doesn’t care if it is Star Wars, Marvel, or even a Disney Channel original. Emilia Clarke wants to be in a successful franchise outside of Game of Thrones. A franchise where she doesn’t have to be nude all the time. Right now, she is alone in the waiting room. Oakhill’s secretary went to use the bathroom right after she singed Emilia in. This wasn’t her first option of getting a role. She considered going to his son, Cyrus Oakhill for the role but he was apparently working now. ...

3 years ago
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Misty 1

I can’t believe it, the pain just goes on and on, even when nothing is happening I remain in pain, I don’t know how much more I can take. They have left me alone for a while, but I still hurt all over, I don’t thing I could find one square inch that I could touch without it hurting. How did this all happen? I have always been something of a spoiled daughter. My mother died when I was quite young and I was the only child my father had to heap his love on and I learned how to take advantage...

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Part IV Pattie and Robert

My name is Robert. I was born in a sleepy little oil town in southeast Texas, and now I live on the North Sea coast of Germany. How I came to live here in Ostfriesland, as this region of the country is called, is a story for another time. Suffice it to say that I have a house here, and I work as a software architect/designer/developer for large banks, insurance companies, and corporations in Germany.  When I look back on my life, I often wonder how a shy skinny little black kid from a sleepy...

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Quest For KnowledgeChapter 6

"Shit," Nilsen muttered as he watched the retreating backs of his twin sisters. Turning back he sighed and looked at the woman sitting up in his bed. She had the hint of a smile on her lips and had allowed the sheet to fall down uncovering her very large, and from the looks of them, firm, breasts. "Damn," he said crossly, "you can at least cover yourself up. If you don't want men to stare at your breasts then you shouldn't flaunt them." Rather than the expected angry response, or at...

4 years ago
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The Bookshop Part 1

Chapter 1"Oh, I'm good at following instructions and love to learn new things, kinda like a sponge," she said and smiled at the smart-looking gentleman who was about halfway between her age and her Dad‘s. "So you think maybe I might do? Shall I come back Friday? Anything in particular I should wear?" she asked.He chuckled at the rapid-fire questions. "You'll definitely do,” he replied, “let's see how it goes Friday but I think we’ll be a good match. There's no dress code as such but smart...

2 years ago
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Garam Bhabhi Ki Garma Garam Chudai

Hi indian sex stories dot net guys.. Ldkio or auntio ko mera pyaar bhara salaam.. Kisi bhi aunty ya ldki ko sex chat krni h to muje email kr skti h aapki privacy meri priority h.. To ab story pr aata hn.. Main ghaziabad me rhta hn.. Mere ghr k pas me ek bhabhi rhti h jo ki dikhane me bilkul ptaka lgti h.. Figure to pta ni or mene puchi b ni lkn bhaut mst h or wo jyadatr deep cut blouse or deep cut suit hi phnti h jisse uska cleavage saaf saaf dikhta h.. Gore gore boobs aadhe dikh jate h.. Unko...

2 years ago
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MyPervyFamily Andi James Talk With StepMom 8211 Part 2

Andi James can’t get it out of her mind. And by ‘It’, I mean her stepson Tyler Steel’s massive cock. They fooled around with each other the other day – breaking all conventions & norms. But it’s not enough for Andi. The specter of stepson’s thick dick won’t stop haunting her. She proposes that they help each other out, satisfy each other’s needs. Tyler is pretty hesitant, but when Andi takes out her big MILF tits, he’s quick to...

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A Sisters Persistance

Disclaimer This story is entirely fictional, and has nothing to do with my life. It is also my first story, so comments are greatly wanted!!! Hope you enjoy!It's dark, quiet. Calm and cool. Peaceful. And yet, Amelia Trimble cannot sleep. As of late she was struggling with feelings she had no business experiencing. In every sense, her mind screamed its protest, and she knew how wrong, morally, she was. She was irrevocably, completely, and utterly in love with her older brother, Samuel. And,...

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First Time On the Job Part 1A

Peeking through a small hole from product, he stared at how sexy she was until the noise came closer. He continued his work until his shift was done. She was wearing a black blazer and black pants, her hair in a bun. As she checked everything in the store was good to go, she called it a day as some of the workers left the store. Once the store was closing he ended up staying behind and cleaned the store, while she was sticking around. She went into the backroom gathering paperwork and her...

3 years ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 127

Tickets for the award's dinner, show and reception. It was being held in the hotel's main ball room, and to my surprise, there was a table reserved for me. "Mr. Merchelli would like a word with you, if you're available, Mr. Jons." The girl checking us in said. "I can call him if you'd like." I knew what he wanted and shook my head. "Tell him the answer's still no. Come on, boys. Nothing down here until dinner." "Actually, they're screening the nominees down the hall." The...

4 years ago
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Act of NecessityChapter 6 Happy New Year

Darlene became a permanent house guest. At first, Francesca and I found it awkward because we felt it took away our privacy and our intimate moments. Darlene and Francesca had a conversation that I was not privy to and apparently they made some unilateral decisions. We were to feel free to be ourselves around the house and not worry about Darlene. She wouldn't be offended if once in a while she might become aware we were making love. It took a little getting used to, but we eventually...

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Cabin at the lake

We arrive mid morning on Saturday to start the weekend. Riding the bike to the lake house is always a good time. I can feel your hard nipples on my back from the cool morning air swirling around us as we ride. Your hands on my thigh, I can feel your nails through my jeans as you hold on around the corners. Once we're there, and settled in, I start the grill for lunch while you work in the kitchen preparing a side dish or two. Sitting on the deck listening to the leaves rustle, and the small...

Straight Sex
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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 5

Hoping that Rob still had the same one, Terry dials the number. "Speak" the deep raspy voice commanded "Rob its Tel, long time no speak" "Hello matey, bloody hell must be five years. What can I do you for?" Rob smiles cheerily "Got some work coming up and need a space filled, you interested?" "Does a bear shit in the woods?" "No details over the phone. Will explain when we meet" "Time and place?" "Nice, Sunday 7pm Curzon Club don't be late" Hanging...

5 years ago
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When Worlds Collide

It had been several months since the creatures from the other world had started migrating here. There had been some issues at first, and some others were still resolving. But they brought with them business, jobs and labour, the other world had not progressed in the last 500 years anywhere near as much as our and so they weren’t really a threat to the working class. But their presence brought new customers, customers willing to try new foods, and new experiences. All and all it had been a...

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Body Corporate 14

2738 - 1.39Chapter 14Sea TrialsUncomfortable as she was Cindi still fell asleep being completely exhausted by the day’s events. sleep ended when her master came down and released her from the ropes. As it turned out she was awaken so she could go back to sleep only in the Master’s bed, for a few more hours. Cindi was told to report to the dock at 1:00pm. She was to have her makeup on and be prepared for photos and other activities. The photos seemed like no problem but the other activities gave...

2 years ago
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My First Anal Fuck

I had been living with my boyfriend for about a year our sex life was great we did it whenever we had the chance.I remember one day I had been sunbathing in our garden I was wearing my black bikini and had loads of oil coating my body,I had just remembered I hadnt taking anything out of the freezer for our supper so I jumped up and went into the larder, I was bent right over my peachy bum tight and taught my bikini bottom slightly embedded in my crack then suddenly I felt his hands rubbing my...

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The Quarantine Period

When the corona pandemic was just starting to get serious, I had thought it would be something like bird flu and the quarantine period would be over in a couple of weeks. I decided to stay in the current place instead of going home to my family. In a few days, the situation worsened. Now, even though I wanted to head back home, I was locked in the room. I lived in a 2bhk apartment on the 16th floor in a building with two of my roommates. The roommates had already left. I was gonna leave for a...

2 years ago
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A Fantasy Can Become a Nightmare

A Fantasy Can Become a Nightmare It had taken months of planning for Chris to get everything ready for the fantasy of his life. It would something he had only dreamed of doing for a long time. The timing had to be right and this time it was. He would have the house to himself for a full week, and be completely undisturbed. Chris had been into self bondage for years and cross dressing was part of the humiliation he enjoyed forcing himself to endure. He had always been a control...

3 years ago
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Lost FoundChapter 49

An officer came by my cell half an hour later. "I have the right to a phone call," I asked politely. "Can I make it please?" "Kid, it's the middle of night," the officer replied. "You can call someone in the morning." I slept fitfully the rest of the night on the thin, uncomfortable mattress on the bunk. I woke up to the sound of someone opening the door to my cell. "C'mon Martin, you made bail," the officer at the door said. "Huh?' I grunted as I tried to wake up. This all...

3 years ago
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My Bitchy Love Anarkali

It has been a very long time since anarkali and me in a relationship. Yes, we are simply in ‘love’ for each other. In all these five years we had made out so many times at beach, bus travels, at her home and where ever we can. Making out includes kissing, squeezing boobs, handjob, fingering and blah blah. The time came when she has to leave me for her studies. She went quite far away and meeting her was quite impossible. I wish to go to her place but time never permits. Almost after six months,...

2 years ago
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נכנסת בבוקר לכיתה שלך. שם אתה רואה את אנה יושבת לבד. אתה שואל אותה "מה את עושה פה לבד?" ואז היא עונה "גם אתה לא שמעת? מתחילים בסוף בעשר" "אה... אז את כולה יושבת כאן?" "כן, אין לי מה לעשות, ואני גה רחוק מדי בכדי לחזור"

5 years ago
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Finally Nailed Him

I took in the view of the man lying next to me. Long limbs stretched the length of the bed, long and tanned legs with soft hair trailing up his legs to the full rounded cheek of his arse. His waist narrowed into the soft duvet, pushing his spent cock into the cushioned mattress as he slept. His strong muscled back rose and fell with the regularity and calm of his breathing. I could feel the coolness in the air and so could he. The almost colourless hair at the base of his spine stood erect,...

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Elvin and Nadine

I sneaked cautiously through the dark house to her bedroom. I was trying to realize a dream, I wanted to lie next to a girl, be in the same bed, be near her warmth and softness. At sixteen I’d never done that, been in bed with someone of the opposite sex but I knew deep in my balls I would enjoy it. I silently pushed the lever on her door then slipped ghost-like through the narrow opening then clicked the door closed behind me. I could see her lying on her side, facing away from me, bent at the...

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Harem App

It starts off as the User is having one of their normal average days. Until a notice on the user’s smart phone tells them that they have the chance to download the app. And that message makes some bold claims. “Congratulations, you have been selected to get the Harem App. The App allows you to make any man or woman, real or fiction a willing and loyal member of your personal harem. Modify them to your hearts content, have different versions of the same person side by side with you… In...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 68 Tiger Sex

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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Seven Year Itch

So I have been married for a little more than seven years. My wife is great and we have great sex together. But before I met her I was a slut, fucked anything I could stick my dick in. So for me to go this long without strange I thought was really good. Being that I just turned 35 I was feeling kind of old and really needed a pick me up. So I started working out and doing some hobbies and shit. The wife and I went on a trip to this small town up in the mountains. We were having fun shopping...

2 years ago
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SweetheartVideo Charlotte Stokely Kenna James Chapter 3 The Redemption

The next morning Sister Mona (Mona Wales) and Sister Mary (Serene Siren) pray to the lord for forgiveness when Mother Joan (Magdalene St-Michaels) enters the room. She’s not quite convinced that Sister Mona is healing from all her vices, but she is willing to give her a try. Meanwhile, the health of Mother Superior (Nina Hartley) doesn’t seem to improve, which causes Sister Charlotte (Charlotte Stokely) overwhelming stress. If she loses her mentor she will be forced to live her life...

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Teen Lovers

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two Teen Lovers Have An Experience Of A Life Time. True Story, Happened To Me. Names Have Been Changed. My first story of this kind, feedback would be greatly appreciated. Should I do a part...

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Readers Choice

This story will be a true novelty! In this, YOU will decide pretty much ENTIRELY where the story should go! As to how, etc., please excuse me for no explanation; Am taking-over a long-abandoned story.

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Shelia and Thomas

Chapter 1 — Shelia and Thomas Meet It was late at night and Shelia was lonely. After dumping her boyfriend two months ago, for cheating, she had finally gotten over the ‘all men are dogs’ theory and wanted to simply have someone appreciate her for her. Not wanting to just meet someone at a bar she had started complaining to her girlfriends about there not being any good men left. With their agreement she sank deeper into her loneliness. Work was always the same. There was Mark in Marketing,...

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A Bridge to the Past

I didn't fall in love with you, I walked into love with you, with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way. I do believe in fate and destiny, but I also believe we are only fated to do the things that we'd choose anyway. And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you. ~ Anon***You stick a bookmark into Armistead Maupin and look over at her."I sometimes wonder what it would have been like...

Love Stories
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Audition NoticeChapter 11

We talked a little longer. Kevin told us that the man Maggie was married to was a little rough, not leaving any marks you could see. Amy and Kevin held each other for a very long time. We left for our place. She called and found her mother at home, asking if we could come by. It was late, but Maggie must've said yes. We got there, and she opened the door. Maggie must've been looking out the window for us. We all sat around the dining table. Amy and I were next to each other while Maggie...

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My Sister JeanChapter 8 Victorias Secret

"Look at the ass on that one, will you?" That got my attention. I'd been reading the Sunday paper over coffee and fruit with Jean at a street-side cafe. We'd ridden our bikes down from our home in the hills behind the University in the cool of early morning and had stopped for coffee. Glancing up at Jean, I followed her gaze over my shoulder and turned to look at "the ass" she was pointing out. In our increasing comfort with each other, we'd come to accept our growing sexuality and...

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PeekaBoo ISeeYou

As I walked towards the coffee shop, I felt the breeze blowing up my short, flimsy skirt, feeling pert, all alert. It felt good on my naked pussy. It was my kind duty to spread myself around as much as possible. And when I say spread, I mean it literally. I did that by flashing my little triangular hair pie to all those men who struck my fancy on a fine summer day, when I wanted to play. I giggled in anticipation, an-ti-ci-pa-tion, it’s making me late, keeping them waiting. I sat in a corner...

2 years ago
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Looking online again trying to find something that i like to quench the hunger i feel, the never ending desire. I realize nothing here will be able to do that. What i want cant just be watched, what i hunger for is the experience. I can watch all i want, I can cum all i want to them but its hollow it'll make me content for a while, but ultimately i'll become horny again wanting relief. I decide to take my chance on you, i'm not one to do something like this, but im excited i've never done...

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Roll the Dice

Original story by Mara-Mischief. Support her and her work by going to https://maramischiefs.blogspot.com/?m=1 You were walking home home one day, when you hear something move past your feet. You look down and pick it up, it’s 3 die! “Weird”, you think to yourself. “Why would there just be die, lying in the middle of the street?” You shrug it off, and continue on your way home. As you enter your house, you set the die on the table to examine it. There are 3 of them, one named an action like...

5 years ago
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Chris let out a heavy sigh. He poured himself a scotch and then paused. Then he poured some more. So what if it’s the middle of the afternoon? It’s been a long week. He wandered into the living room looking for his current mystery novel, but paused. The girls were out by the pool, taking advantage of the warm spring day to soak up some sun. They’d picked lounge chairs that were almost directly in front of the window to lie on. Their nude bodies glistened in the sun, though there must have been...

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A sting in the Tale

A sting in the Tale Brigid lay in the hospital bed, as impassive as ever. I couldn't help but wonder how much she actually understood of what was about to happen to her. We had told her she was finally to be rid of that most erroneous anomaly that lay between her legs. As it existed now it was shriveled and atrophied and devoid of function. She seemed willing, perhaps even excited to be rid of it. Not that her emotional range really extended as far as excited. It really only...

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Journey of a Naive Lily White Woman

(For those looking for sex, there will be PLENTY of that…as we move into this series… This is NON FICTION and is being written by both parties. We are extremely busy, and will have no concrete posting schedule due to our professional lives. I am sure that some will not like the white slave/Black Master dynamic, but for those of you who do…we thank you for taking the time to read our story. We are excited about sharing our experience with you all as we have enjoyed several of your stories. We...

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Private Alisha Brendy Cute Teen Hungry for Cock

Alisha Brendy has come to Private Specials, Young Nymphos 5 and today this teen beauty proves too irresistible for her boyfriend Nick Rock XXX to resist as a hot home video camera soon turns into a homemade video. Watch all the sexy action on www.private.com where Alisha she strips off revealing her hot teen figure before getting down on her knees for a nice sloppy blowjob. Then sit back, relax and enjoy as this skinny beauty puts her tight wet pussy to work, riding, grinding and getting fucked...

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Big And Beautiful

It allstarted my Junior year of high school, on the end-of-the-year band and choir trip to Washington, DC. I was seventeen, with short black hair, and a dark complexion. I was on the heavy side, okay, I was huge. But I wore my weight with pride, I didn’t want to be a teenie tiny stick. I was proud of my curves, and the weight brought with it a large ass and size D boobs. If you ask me, that’s nothing for guys to turn away from. Unfortunately, I went to school with all the guys that did. I’m...

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