Misty 1 free porn video

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I can’t believe it, the pain just goes on and on, even when nothing is happening I remain in pain, I don’t know how much more I can take. They have left me alone for a while, but I still hurt all over, I don’t thing I could find one square inch that I could touch without it hurting. How did this all happen?

I have always been something of a spoiled daughter. My mother died when I was quite young and I was the only child my father had to heap his love on and I learned how to take advantage of that. Oh, I do love my father, he is the most wonderful man I know and I would never do anything to hurt him, but I enjoy the special life he has given me. When I graduated from college I returned home and started out in one of my father’s companies at a much higher pay than any of the other law clerks, in fact I made more than most of the lawyers. I lived well and had no desire to get married, sex was not a big thing for me and the thought of a man trying to run my life just didn’t work for me, nor could I see myself as a dutiful wife. My father had different ideas, he wanted grand children and I was the only way he would ever have any.

I became friends with one of the lawyers in the firm and soon discovered he was gay. This suited me just fine, no pressure for sex. We went to dinner together and soon had my father convinced we were working toward taking the road to wedded bliss. Randy and I talked about it and he was alright with the idea of us getting married and setting up housekeeping; he would continue with his sexual games as long as he was discreet and we would worry about the child thing later on. There was a fly in the ointment though, Billy, Randy’s boyfriend, he didn’t like the setup and would glare at me when he came to visit Randy. I don’t know why he was that way, I was always friendly to him, perhaps he didn’t care for my sense of humor when I told him he could have Randy for the night but I wanted him back. I guess he felt threatened by this, thinking his lover might be turning toward the straight life. I am almost certain that is what has brought me here.

I received a call that there was a break-in at my apartment so I rushed from the office without even saying anything to anyone. When I got to my car a van pulled up and two men dragged me into it an immediately put a black canvas sack over my head and were trying to put plastic ties on my wrists. I kept struggling, thinking I could still find a way to get away; I connected with a solid kick to one of them and suddenly felt a fist driven into my stomach, my lunch threatened to return and I rolled over onto my stomach. The fist came down again, hard, into my right kidney, then my left, the pain in my body tripled and I almost blacked out. “Put your hands behind your back. If you fight me again I am going to hurt you so bad you will pray to die,” a gruff voice whispered in my ear. I did as I was told and felt the zip tie pull tight around my wrists. He also wrapped a rope around my wrists then passed the rope around my neck and secured my feet with the other end and pulled the rope taught. “Now, move all you want but try not to choke yourself, we want you alive for some fun.” I started screaming again but was quickly quieted by someone jerking on the rope and choking me until I began getting dizzy. “Look bitch, we have a long fucking ride ahead of us and that trip can be very boring. If you don’t behave like a good little cunt I am going to entertain myself by causing you as much pain as I can,” the voice came.

I decided that laying there quietly was my best bet right now so I quieted down. “Hey man, who won the bet?” asked the driver. The hem of my dress was lifted and the voice said, “I did, they are red.” “Bullshit, I don’t believe you, let me see.” Hands reached beneath my dress and my panties were pulled to my knees and cut from my body. “Damn, they are red. Let me have them, as long as I paid twenty dollars I might as well get to keep them,” said the driver. “Damn, man these panties smell sweet, I bet her cunt is sweeter than candy, is her pussy shaved?” They could not see my face turning red, but I could feel it, then rough hands reached past my thigh and pushed roughly between my legs, “Nah, she ain’t shaved, course we could fix that.” Pain ripped through my crotch as he grabbed a hand full of hair and pulled it out. I screamed again, this time he kicked me in the stomach, taking away my ability to breathe; as I jerked, the rope cut into my throat again, “I told you to keep your mouth shut, you will have plenty to scream about later. I am going to take great pleasure in seeing you fucked and beaten by the boys, I just wish I could take the first crack at you myself.” Once again he pulled the hair from my pussy; he pushed my dress up to my hips and began systematically pulling out the hair that once protected my near virgin pussy. When he was through pulling out the hair he slapped me right on my clit, “Now you look like a whore ready for fuckin’, that hair would have just gotten in the way, now the boys can get to that little cunt of yours much easier,” he and the driver laughed.

It seemed like hours before we made a turn so sharp and fast that I found myself rolling across the floor of the van forcing the rope to cut painfully into my throat. The road was rough and full of potholes causing me to be tossed around on the floor. We finally came to a stop and the doors were opened and I was carried out of the van, “Be careful boys, she is a fighter; I had to rough her up a bit to get her settled down.” “I hope you didn’t fuck her, Snake will be really pissed if he ain’t the first one to get his cock up her ass, and you don’t want him pissed at you…again.” I heard laughter from a bunch of men and I could hear women laughing as well. “I didn’t touch her, except to pull some hair off her cunt, I got a little bored on the trip.” A woman’s voice came next, “You better not have touched her, Snake will have the guys fucking that dirty asshole of yours again, only this time he may tell them to use their fists,” more laughter, “Besides, we get her first, Snake promised that we could have this one first. Look at that milky white skin, bet she shows marks real well.” With that I heard something whistle through the air and a strap of leather landed across the back of my legs, I screamed. “Come on, Snake is in the warehouse, let’s get her in there so we can get started.”

The rope was released from my feet and, with much effort and some help, I was able to stand. The rope was passed between my legs and jerked hard forcing the rough surface of the rope between my pussy lips, scraping painfully on my clit. Someone jerked the rope, “Come on cunt, we are about to teach you all you need to know about how to please the whole club.” She jerked the rope again and I followed. I could feel the summer sun beating down on me and I was starting to sweat profusely, when we stepped into the warehouse the temperature seemed to go up twenty degrees. “Why does she still have her clothes on, get them fucking clothes off of her and get her ass over here,” came a voice as cruel as any I have ever heard. Immediately hands were all over my body, ripping my dress and bra off, “Leave those stockings on, and her garter belt, they look sexy.” I was completely naked except for my hose and garter, “Ok, take off the rope and cuffs, leave the bag on her head, she is probably so fucking ugly my dick wouldn’t get hard.” The rope was untied and dropped and someone cut the plastic ties; as soon as I was certain the blood was circulating again I reached up and pulled off the hood. “Look you son of a bitch, I don’t know who you think,” was all I got out before one of the girls hit me in the stomach three times, I dropped to my knees.

“Look, bitch, you better just learn to keep your mouth shut unless someone asks you a question. Do you understand me?” he asked in a voice that told me there was only one answer. Before I could say anything he was on his feet, his huge hands grabbing my throat and squeezing my throat, “You better learn to answer more quickly. You don’t need to think, in fact thinking will do nothing but get you hurt. Now, if you understand I want you to reach down, unzip my pants and gently squeeze my cock.” I didn’t hesitate, I scrambled for his zipped, trying to get my hands on his cock before I passed out, but I didn’t make it, the world turned dark. When the lights turned back on my arms were spread over my head, attached to two different ropes and I was being lifted, it felt like my arms would be pulled from their sockets. I was only a few inches from the floor when ropes were attached to my feet and my legs were pulled painfully apart.

“Misty, you have a right to know what is happening to you. We have been paid a lot of money to make you disappear, it seems you have made someone very angry. We were also instructed to make your last few days on earth as painful as we possibly can and we intend to earn that money. First, I will turn you over to our ladies…well, they may not be classified as ladies from where you come from…as a matter of fact the only person who would call them ladies, and mean it, is Satan himself. They have been instructed to have all the fun with you they want before I come back to take over. Next you will have me to deal with; you will have my cock shoved down your throat, up your ass and in your pussy. I will spend half a day fucking you every way possible. After I am through with you I will turn you over to the boys and, for as long as you live, they will have their fun with you. They too will fuck you, beat you, cut you and eventually kill you by shoving a steel spike up your ass; this will be painful and will cause you a very slow death, it may take two or three days of extreme pain before you finally see the end of your life. There is no reprieve, no mercy and no way for you to escape or end your own life. In the end you will die like a whore with your guts falling out your asshole. Then you will be taken into the desert and provide dinner for some of our friends. There is no escape, even if you got out of the building there is forty miles of dessert between here and the nearest town, you would be dead, even if we didn’t find you, long before you get there.”

I was crying, “Look, my father is very wealthy and will pay more to get me back than anyone could pay you to hurt me. I won’t say anything about what has happened so far. Call him at 555-9875, tell him you have me and he will pay you.” He started laughing, “He warned us you might try something like that. Sorry cunt, that story won’t hold water. Ok, girls, she is all yours.” The men began leaving the warehouse and I began to scream. One of the women picked up something that looked like a cop’s night stick and brought it up hard between my legs; pain burst through my body like an electrical shock. “Shut up long enough to hear me, bitch. We can’t fuck you and Snake will not let us kill you, but you are about to find out what it is like to snack on about fifteen cunts after we have a little more fun.” She looked to one of the other women, “Bring that belt over here,: she was brought a long leather belt which she doubled over and slapped me across my lower belly, then my tits and then began beating my entire body until I was red and bruised. I can’t even describe the level of pain I was feeling. “Bring her down a little,” said the ugly cow to the other cows.

When my tits were about even with her face she ordered one of the other women to bring something to her. On a tray was a pair of pliers and something that looked like thick ear studs. She picked up the pliers, grabbed my left nipple and squeezed hard and pulled it toward her, I let out a screech that could be heard for miles. She took one of the posts and began forcing the sharp point into my nipple; my nipple burned as blood began oozing from the wound. I thought the worst was over until the point began pushing through the other side of the nipple, all I could do was scream as she attached a ball to the other end. Then she grabbed my right nipple and did the same thing, I was certain I would pass out but darkness would not come. “If that hurt you are going to love this. Lift her up a bit.” I was raised so that my pussy was now aligned with her face, she grabbed my clit with the pliers and I thrashed about, trying to escape the pain, “Hold her still,” demanded the woman. Five pair of hands gripped my body and held it in place and she began forcing the last post up through my clit. I just knew pain could not get any worse but then she took a knife and began removing the hood from around my clit, leaving it completely exposed. The last thing I remembered was someone pouring alcohol on my wounds and I passed out.

When I woke up it took me awhile to get my bearings. “Good, the bitch is awake. Hey, cunt, are you ready to eat some pussy?” came a not too feminine raspy voice. A hard kick to my crotch from a work boot clad foot caused me to scream and grab for the damaged area, “I asked you a question bitch, you better start answering more quickly or your pussy will be a bloody pulp before Snake gets his dick in there. Are you ready to eat some pussy?” I was laying on the floor on my back trying to catch my breath from the kick, still in severe pain but I was not about to give in to this bunch of hags, “If you want someone to eat your pussy why not get one of the dogs I saw running around outside,” I screamed. “Somehow I knew that was the kind of answer I was going to get. You will eat my pussy, and every other cunt that is put in your face. You will be eating so much pussy you will think you were born to do it.” I didn’t see the fist coming but it landed hard on the left side of my face, “Snake said we couldn’t stick anything in your cunt or asshole but he didn’t say anything about you needing any teeth.” Through the tears I saw a distorted view of the next fist before it landed on my lips, splitting then and sending blood into my mouth. My father said my mouth would get me in trouble one day but I never imagined this. Someone grabbed the studs in my nipples and pulled me to the sitting position screaming, then twisted my tortured nipples sending pain through my chest the two hard punches landed on my breasts. “I better get a different answer from you this time or I am going to spend the next two hours causing you so much pain you will wish you were dead, then I will still have you lapping our cunts. Are you ready to eat some pussy now?” I considered my options, of which there were few and looked at this fat, ugly bitch, “Go fuck yourself.”

I knew I had just invited this bitch to beat me near death, but I figured I was as good as dead anyway and I was not going to give them the pleasure of defeating me. I was hauled to my feet and, once again secure to the ropes that had held me earlier; my arms and legs spread wide. “I think I will enjoy this even more, you would probably do a lousy job anyway,” she said just before her fist landed on my right kidney. I saw four women walking toward me with long thin rods in their hands, “In Taiwan when someone breaks the law they have a number of punishments that they employ. One of them is caining, you are about to discover why it is so effective.” The first blow landed on the backs of my thighs, then one across my lower abdomen right at my pelvis. Then they began striking in random order all over my body, even the souls of my feel. I don’t know how long this went on, at some point I passed out from the pain.

When I came back around the women were standing around; there were buckets of a white substance that looked like sand in front of me. “One of the ways leather was treated was to rub salt into it, I am not sure why but that was a method. Of course the animal never had the pleasure of feeling the salt being applied because they were dead. You, on the other hand, will get to feel every grain,” with that she reached a gloved hand into the bucket and brought a hand full of salt to my face, then began rubbing it into my wounds. The salt seemed to sear my skin, burning as though hot coals were being pressed to my body. After covering my skin with salt the beating began again, each blow driving the salt into my skin. They stopped before I passed out then began again, stopping just before I went out and then began again when I was alert. Fists then began pounding my body, striking me everywhere. With my head hanging down I could see the welts all over the front of my body and blood on the floor beneath me. Punches rained on my kidneys and stomach, driven into my crotch and stomach. At one point I felt my bladder let go and a stream of bloody piss shot from my body, then I passed out again.

When I cam too I found myself tied to a filthy bed in the middle of a small room. The temperature in the room had to be well over a hundred degrees and the sweat from my body caused the wounds to sting even more. I lay there for what seemed like an eternity, my throat parched, my tongue and lips swollen and my mouth as dry as the dessert outside. Snake came into the room, “You gave the girls quite a bit of trouble, I hope you fight me that hard when I get my turn with you; the more you fight the tighter your asshole will get while I rip it in two with my cock. If you happen to live through that, and the boys having their fun your pain will be even greater when we rip your gut open from inside your asshole.” He poured a cup of warm water into my mouth and I quickly fount it was piss, I tried to spit it out but he quickly held my mouth shut making me swallow “I am going to untie you. You will remain here until I am ready for you. There is one thing I want to make sure you understand; you are going to die here but before you do I think you should know why you are here. Your husband has paid us a lot of money to kill you and to leave you in the dessert to die painfully. He also wants us to make sure you suffer as much humiliation as possible before that happens. I didn’t ask why, and really don’t care; fifty thousand dollars is enough reason for me.” I almost choked, “Is that all:” I managed to say through my damaged lips, “my father would have paid ten times that, even more to bring me back home. Before you go through with this you better find out who my father is; he isn’t like the cops who will give up after a while, he will hunt you down and you will suffer more than you can imagine. As a lawyer he has represented some of the biggest names in crime and there is no end to what he will do to find out what happened to me and who was responsible. I may die here, but there is nothing you can do to keep yourself alive; there is no place in the world you can hide so you better enjoy that paltry amount you are being paid, you will be dead before the money is gone.” “Yeah, right, he told me you would make up any story to make us stop. Nice try but I am not buying it,” he said then cut my bonds and left.

Time passed slowly as I lay in that room. The temperature seemed to climb by the minute; it was so hot I could hardly breathe and my tongue was swollen so much that it didn’t seem to belong in my mouth. I heard the lock on the door being removed and Snake came into the room, “Ok, cunt, lets go. My dick is so hard I could poke a hole in a tree and fuck that, but your ass will do much better.” He dragged me from the room by my hair into the hot sun and into the old shack. The shack may have been old but it was cool and fairly clean. He pointed toward a chair and told me to sit down then brought me some cool water. I almost choked on the cool liquid but soon had that glass and two more downed in a matter of minutes; it caused my stomach to cramp but that was a small price to pay. “Ok, get your ass in the shower and get back out here sparkling clean and ready to fuck.”

The water hitting my body was almost as bad as the salt had been but the stinging soon stopped and I was beginning to feel better, I was even hungry. When I stepped out of the shower and looked in the mirror I was shocked; my face was bruised, there was a cut under one eye, my lips were puffy and split in three different places and my whole body was covered with bruises and welts. I don’t remember my hair being pulled out but there were bare spots where large clumps had been ripped from my head. I have never been a beautiful woman, not ugly but not a runway model either, now I looked like an add for “Beaten Women Weekly” magazine. I would have laughed if the thought of what was yet to come hadn’t flashed through my mind. “Get your fucking ass in here,” Snake yelled so I returned to the room.

Snake was standing there naked and a new fear ran through me. His cock, only half hard, was over twelve inches long and the head was as big as my fist. I no longer had to fear what anyone else would do, that thing was going to rip my guts and I would die bleeding to death on the end of his cock. “Get on the bed, I want to have a good look at your pussy.” In a flash I ran for the door and almost made it before he grabbed me by the hair and jerked me backward, flinging me on the bed, “You are going to make this much worse than it has to be,” he said as he jerked my legs apart, “Damn, the girls did a nice job on your clit,” then twisted the stud passing through my clit. I screamed as loud as I could then he grabbed the stud in his teeth and the studs in my nipples and pulled until they were ripped from my body. Before I could begin to scream he moved and jammed the head of his cock against my dry pussy, then, using the blood from my torn clit as lubricant he forced the head of his cock into my pussy. I thought I was being ripped in two.

The head of his cock pushed deeper into my dry pussy; I could feel every inch of progress as it traveled deeper than any cock had ever been. “How does it feel to have a real man’s cock in your cunt, you are so tight you must have been fucking piss ants,” he laughed then jammed most of his cock deep into my pussy. The pain was beyond anything I had imagined it to be, it hurt more than having my cherry taken in college. It felt like my insides were being rearranged and when he once again rammed at my hole I could feel something rip and almost passed out. He pulled his monster out then hammered it back into my torn hole, it felt like a punch in the stomach. I was screaming, begging him to stop but that just seemed to spur him on all the more. He scooped my ass in his hands and pulled me tight against his cock then began slamming in and out of my battered pussy, “Come on, bitch, you gotta love this. Every cunt enjoys having a real cock in their holes. Fuck me, bitch, push that pussy at me.” He just kept hammering into me, ripping my insides like so much hamburger.

I thought it was over when he ripped his cock from my battered pussy but when he rolled me face down I knew I was in real trouble. “Hold this slut down so I can get in her ass. You hear that cunt, I am about to rip your asshole apart, when I am through with you there will never be a man who can satisfy you.” Someone grabbed the back of my head and forced it into the smelly mattress forcing me to breathe in the stench and dust. He pulled my ass cheeks apart and spit on my hole, “That won’t help you much but I can at least get it in,” he laughed. He jammed a finger in my virgin asshole sending pain screaming through my butt, “Damn, honey, you are really going to gave trouble getting me in there.” He pressed the head of his cock against my exposed anus then leaned against it, spreading the tiny opening.

I wailed like a banshee but it seemed to cause him to work harder to destroy my asshole. There was a searing pain as the head of his filthy pole tore into the opening. It felt like someone had pushed a burning match into my hole; I kicked and screamed as the walls of my ass were being spread further apart and destroyed. “You may be the luckiest bitch in the world, you just may have the honor of dieing with my cock in your ass. I am going to fuck you so long and so hard your guts will be bleeding, then I am going to used that blood to coat my cock so it will move easier in you.” Just as he pushed deeper into my ass someone burst through the door, “Snake, you better stop, you gotta hear about her old man.”


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My mind was screaming at me to stop, telling me that what I was doing was wrong but my body was telling me not to listen. That we both needed this. It had been such a long time. I opened my eyes and looked at Chris, as he shoved me up against the bathroom stall I dropped my camera bag to the floor. The flap opened and some of my equipment spilled out. I shut my mind off and let my body fully enjoy what Chris was doing to me. He had one hand wound up in the bun that I had previously pulled my...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Me and my boyfriend

The first time I met my boyfriend, was right after I was 20. I had moved into a new apartment in the city, had a nice job. Not really missed that much. Except it and always be looking for someone to fuck with. I never have trouble getting a night stand or a sex friend who can fit it at that time. But miss a special one. I remember well when I met my boyfriend. It was three months since the last time I had had sex. Friday afternoon, my fuck buddy calls, and says he has hit a brown, bisexual,...

2 years ago
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They pulled a polyethylene drop sheet over his body as he lay in the trench. Demonic laughter merged with the sound of heavy plastic. “Dancin’ with the devil now, motherfucker,” somebody said up above the crinkle. More laughter, voices fading off toward the outer fringes of the junkyard. They left the knife in his thigh, along with three bullets in the trunk of his body. Officer Townes Baylor was rat feed. Everything was a swirl of nothing and darkness. No angels showed up to lead...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Girls With Dirty Panties

I was getting seriously annoyed at my sixteen year old niece, Ashley. This was the fourth time I had done laundry for her and found brown skid marks in her panties. What? She's sixteen! This is what I'd expect to find in the underwear of an eleven year old boy, not a teenaged girl halfway through high school! I need to do more than just have a talk with her this time... Wait a minute. You're probably asking yourself why I, a middle-aged male, has been doing laundry for a sixteen year old...

2 years ago
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Heels The Ultimatum Chapter 10 More Surprises

Heels: The Ultimatum 10 - More Surprises By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003 Synopsis of Chapter 9: Alterations The heels, adhering to their prime directive to enrich Dennis' life, had taken the metaphysical leaching process a step further. On the day of Dennis and Gale's marriage, beginning with the happy couple's first kiss as a wedded couple, the heels, via the magical potential they had replicated within Dennis himself, had begun to gradually create a carbon copy...

2 years ago
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Looking for a BBC at the adult book store

I was on a business trip that night and I was really very horny.I had talked recently with my sensual wife.Ana had teased me, telling she was now horny at home; but she would call her Black Master to come to our marital bed and fuck her until she would be done…Her words made me even hornier, being alone at the hotel room…After sipping a glass of Irish whisky and having my rock hard cock in my hands, I decided it was time to look for an adult book store there.I could get some anonymous cock...

3 years ago
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Rally Virgin Part 3

Rally Virgin Part 3.The Party at the Club house!We were finally arriving at the party I'd been warned about. To raise money for the charity she was helping, my girlfriend had agreed to show some style for a night. The club members had demanded she wear a short leather mini skirt with thong panties underneath, and her soft beige boots. She wore a fishnet top with just black tape in X shapes to cover her nipples. She had made me help her dress, helping her put on her slave collar with studs in,...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Naomi Swann Anal And Squirt

Breathtaking teen Naomi Swann flaunts dirty blonde hair and brown eyes with dramatic makeup. Elegant lingerie and heels accentuate her lovely, natural body and creamy skin. Markus Dupree stuffs his face in her crack for a rim job and eats her shaved pussy. Aggressive fingering makes her ejaculate girl squirt! He feeds her the juice, later making her lap her liquid from the floor! Markus grips her by the hair for a face-fucking blowjob, and Naomi licks balls. Manhandling sex includes a standing,...

3 years ago
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JourneyChapter 9

Tim gently opened the door to their bedroom and looked inside. He could see Janice lying on the bed, her face in the pillow. Slowly he walked over and sat next to her. When she didn't move or acknowledge him, he pulled her up from the pillow. There were tears streaming down her cheek. Tim hugged her and she began to sob on his shoulder. "What's wrong," Tim asked stupidly. "You... you... know what's wrong," she sobbed. "It's okay sweetheart. I love you." "How... how can you say...

2 years ago
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Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex Part 05 Jake and Cynthia

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I almost never write a story longer than one part. I have had many requests to do so. This may be my only time and as far as I’m concerned each part will be a standalone story. That way I can end it anytime that I want too without annoying you readers too much. Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex – Part 05 = Jake and Cynthia After Jake’s last date, his son was no longer shy around girls. In fact he had a girl of his own coming over for Saturday. Jimmy was going to...

3 years ago
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business trip

I job requires extensive travel.  And I am away from my wife and family for 6 weeks at a time.  One trip in perticular was a very interesting one.  I was at the bar with 2 of my co workers enjoying the band and feeling no pain.  A older couple in their late 50’s were there and began talking to us.  The wife was pretty overweight and definatly not my type.  But she was very ‘friendly’ with all three of us guys.  Right in front of her husband she would begin to rub my hair and touch my thigh. ...

1 year ago
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Single Mom Black Gold Ball

Rochelle placed the order for a champagne-colored jacquard ball gown with a beaded halter neckline. The classy floor-length number was made by Eliza J. She was planning to war it to the Black & Gold Ball where her twin brother, Randy, lived. Randall Stewart, M.D. was the correspondence secretary for his alumni chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He and his wife, Leah, were on their way to a full reconciliation - so much so that after he completed one more month in sober living, he...

2 years ago
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Jenna and Ryans First Time

Introduction: Just a fantasy of mine, characters based on real people. It was a bright and sunny Saturday evening, Jenna Harper was sitting on her bed talking to her boyfriend, Ryan, on her cell phone about their plans for that night. Since Jenna was 15 and Ryan was 20, they had to sneak around to be together. Jennas parents had a hard time letting her go out with guys her own age, she could only imagine what they would say if she asked them for approval of a guy 5 years older than her. What...

1 year ago
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Night Dreams Chapter 2

Night Dreams Chapter 2 After being exposed to sex at eighteen by my mother, who felt sorry for my lack of social and physical development, the next significant event occurred when I was finishing my senior year in high school. My body, which had been smallish, suddenly hit a growth spurt. I grew an inch monthly for five months, growing from 5 ft 5 to 5 ft 10. My mom and dad were becoming more distant. His business trips became longer and when he was home, there wasn’t much communication. So I...

3 years ago
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Todd looked at his watch -- 4:45 PM. Fifteen minutes to quitting time. He stepped up and walked out of his cubicle to use the men's room. His boyfriend just broke up with him and he was really down. Jack's ass was sooo tight, and he was great at sucking cock! Stepping into the men's room, he glanced at the row of eight toilet stalls. The doors to the nearest six stalls were open and unoccupied. The doors to last two stalls at the far end were, closed. Leaning over a little to peek under...

2 years ago
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Trai main chudai

Ek bar mai apne office ke kam se new delhi se bangalore ja raha tha. Mera railway ticket office walon ne karnataka express me 1st ac me karwa diya tha. Mai apni yatra ke din sham ko ath baje new delhi station par pahunch gaya. Bahar december ka mahina tha isiliye thand bahut par rahee thee aur mai apni seat me baith gaya. Thori der ke bad train chal paree aur t.t. Aya aur ticket check kar ke cahala gaya. Humare coupe me ek hi parivar ke do auraten aur ek admee tha. Mera upper birth tha aur...

1 year ago
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Stay the Course Part 6 Meeting Master John and the cabbie

Stay the Course Part 6: Meeting Master John. Please read the previous chapters, it helps with the story line. I hope that you enjoy. I walked into the terminal and scanned the area. I couldn’t see Master John anywhere. I moved myself into a corner and put my bags down. I had my carry on bag top of my case that I had collected from the baggage area. I decided to find my phone and send my ‘task’ pictures to my Master while I waited for Master John. I remembered Master John had told me he wanted...

1 year ago
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The black neighbours

I lost my virginity to my paternal uncle who had tricked me to sleep with him when i was 18 in trade of new clothes. I only had one boyfriend after that with whom I had slept occasionally. I use to work at the deparmental store after school on weekdays and babysit during the weekends to earn extra money. A new couple had moved in the next block. Mr. & Mrs. Ray. Mr. Jake Ray was a software engineer and his wife Daisy was a journalist. The were the first black couple in our area. They had a...

2 years ago
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Whispering lust

Introduction: Revealing the greatest of all my secrets for the first time, how I met my lover. I was enjoying the warm August night in my bedroom with my window wide open and quiet music coming from my laptop. The full moon spills its light dancing over my silky skin as I squirm around on my bed, fondling my left breast with my left hand while my right hand is in my panties, slowly massaging my lusty love spot with circular motions. My long, dark hair scattered over my pillow, shimmering under...

2 years ago
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Daisy Modified ch 06

Anyone walking or driving past might notice her but they wouldn't think anything of it. Not unless, perhaps, they came back an hour later - or two - and saw her still standing there, planted like an ornament or a fixture, in exactly the same position hour after after, night after night. Jack took a sip of scotch from the shotglass on the table then turned back to his laptop. *she's still there* he typed. *i had no doubt* Peter answered. *i own her completely* Jack shook his...

3 years ago
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Jodis Therapy

It all began in my job as a psychotherapist and had numerous women come and see me with complaints of headaches and talk of demanding husbands always wanting sex, that the women did not want to provide. The story was almost always the same, to the same neat pattern. The women would explain that when they met their husbands, when they were younger, usually in their late twenties, that they had numerous lovers to choose from, and they would either choose the most attractive “hunk” or the best...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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A Game of Kings

One hand rested lightly on Kallen's crimson locks, barely touching her. In the early days, Andrew had to guide her, but that wasn't necessary anymore. She'd taken him in her mouth often enough to know what he liked. The feather-light touch was meant to signify his control over her; not to actually control her. The other hand was wrapped around the thin waist of Milly Ashford. He turned his head away from Kallen and towards her, leaning in for a kiss. She eagerly replied, meeting him halfway....

Mind Control
2 years ago
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EmilyChapter 4 Later that summer

"Gently, Daniel." I stroked the underside of Emily's breasts, touching her only with my fingertips first, then brushing with my fingernails, as Emily leaned back in my arms. "Yeah, like that." I stretched to kiss the back of her neck and up behind Emily's ear. She shivered, and I moved to cup her breasts in my palms, entranced by their lovely heft and feel. "Mmh. Now above, OK?" I released her boobs with some reluctance and returned to drawing my fingertips across them, now above...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Jewelz Blu Lily Larimar Doing More Than Home Work

Lily Larimar and her friend Jewelz Blu are doing their homework on the computer while Lily’s stepbrother, Tyler Nixon, hangs out in the same room on his phone. The girls attract Tyler’s attention with their giggles and then ask for him to help them out. Eventually Tyler agrees to give them a hand. Coming to sit behind the girls where they’re on their knees, Tyler tries to be helpful but instead he’s just distracted by the way their asses look beneath their short skirts....

2 years ago
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Transformed into a black cock whore 5

Getting back to their home Steve said, "let's get that robe of you whore a lot of blood has seeped into it. Valerie tried but said, "Yes and its stuck on, I need help Steve, get some warm water and soak it in me were the blood is showing."Valerie lay back, as Steve soaked both her tits and around her cunt in warm water slowly releasing her from the blood-soaked robe, "Hope you got more of these valerie," he said this one is for the bin, "Don't worry Steve," valerie replied. "Joel made sure I...

4 years ago
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Charlenes Dirty MovieChapter 3

She had been taller than the other kids in her class all through grammar school and into high school. Charlene had resented her size. None of the boys wanted anything to do with her except when they let the girls play softball or basketball. Charlene always ended up sitting alone at the parties while the other kids danced. When she entered junior high school it became worse. As the girls all began developing bodies that curved and teased, her tits swelled out enormously. She appeared even...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Megan Marx It8217s Just Dry Humping

Rion King is watching a documentary about exploring sexuality and his stepsister Megan Marx joins him. Rion reminds Megan of the times they used to dry hump, but Megan freaks out and leaves. Later, she comes back to talk it out. She says she does remember and asks if it would be weird if they tried it again now that they’re older. Rion agrees to lie down and let Megan do her thing. He gets permission to touch his stepsis’s tits as she rocks her hips. Megan likes it enough that she...

1 year ago
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Brother Of The Bride Ch 03

Note : This story is completely fictional! I woke up the next morning very early. The sun was just coming out and I felt my whole body tingling with lust. I couldn't believe how hot Eric had gotten me the night before. I could still feel his tongue between my legs, licking me, sucking me and tasting me. I'd fallen fast asleep right after my brother performed his incredible oral sex act on me. I was thinking of Eric and then of Nick and how much I loved them both. I kept craving both of them in...

4 years ago
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I Think I Know What My Answer Will Be

I Think I Know What My Answer Will Be... My head was spinning; there were so many conflicting thoughts and feelings going through my head. I was feeling confused and shocked. I was sitting facing the mirror with a sense of disbelief. The girl in the mirror couldn't be me. Yet when I moved, she moved, I brushed my hair gently behind my ear and the girl in the mirror did the same. How could my mother and sister do this to me? I was a boy; at least I thought I was. The image in...

3 years ago
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Me Her And Lots Of Questions

As the title says, this is more than a  indian sex story. I leave this for you readers to decide whether this is a fictional or actual story. But I am pretty sure that you will like this one. A short description of the lead characters. Characters name are fake but interesting. You will know why I have kept those names once you read the story. Musa: 23 M (.|. = 7.5inch ) An above average looking guy. Slightly dark complexed. Aasiya: 22 F (32-28-32) An Airhostess, now you can imagine how pretty...

2 years ago
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Journey to Complete Submission

Susie was away again, she had spent her entire life ducking out of one care home to another as a child, now at 18 she found herself skipping out on dubious landlords who would charge her the earth for a place to stay, unless she would offer payment in kind. Not happy to do either, she would oft moonlight whilst owing, and now was such an occasion. She headed for the more urbane part of town; the small amount of money she had would not sustain her long; she needed find work and shelter quickly...

4 years ago
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Chrissie Remembers Mommy Chapter 3

Chapter 3Chrissie Remembers MommyI awoke on Saturday morning drenched in sweat from the hot flashes I hadbeen having all through the night. The strange erotic dreams I had aboutmy mother, Rob, Alex, Helen and Heidi were still hovering barely beneathmy consciousness. It was 7:00 am and Heidi was still asleep next to me inour bed. I quietly slipped from under the covers, grabbed my robe andwent to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and learned lessonone about makeup: wash it off...

3 years ago
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Penny Weekend

I had to get ready and dressed or Master would punish me for sure. I made a concerted effort to regain my composure and resumed my shower. I eventually walked out of the bedroom wearing a short black rubber skirt, a white rubber blouse, the lockable collar around my neck, long rubber gloves, black fishnet stockings and knee high 6 inch black rubber boots. I was fully made up with deep red lipstick and the usual complimentary eye shadow etc etc. When I entered the sitting room there...

2 years ago
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 4 Sex CampChapter 5 Forgiven

Lana was staring a little angrily at the sleeping berth in which Maria Ramos had locked herself four hours earlier with Rita Mars. She noticed Roberto and Aaron were giving Ana's holes another short break (for the most part they had taken Maria's orders to keep the holes well filled very seriously). Going over to Ana Lana said, "I think it's time to talk." "Yeah, we better; I have to tell you something. The Kitchen will be better for privacy." In the kitchen they found Patty...

2 years ago
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The Weekend

A story inspired by the very sweet and sexy samantha satine and my beautiful wifePart 1 - The preparationsamantha packed her suitcase with her usual attention to detail, makeup, lingerie, wigs, but no dresses. Her head was confused by this, Master D had given her instructions to pack several changes of silky underwear and plenty of heels and boots but not to worry about dresses or outerwear. "You wont be needing them" he said. samantha's head raced with excitement and a bit of trepidation with...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 405

There was silence; a long silence, then smiles, and then an outburst. “THAT SETTLES IT! I am resigning too. I want to stay home with the boys and do my part here,” Jenny said. The discussion lasted another hour and it was a happy discussion. JBG would be whole for the first time since we had started the business with all of us in the office every day. I was still behind on my favorite dishes so tonight we went to the big Italian restaurant in Annapolis - just us girls - and the boys who...

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Red Riding Hood And Big Bad Wolf

She was born Shyla Hood. Yet everyone in her neighbor knew her simply as Red. Called by this name not because of the color of her hair, but the fact that she always wore red. Shyla used to be called ‘ little red’ by her family and friends when she was younger. But she was all grown up now. Boy, was she ever. Shyla had developed a drop dead gorgeous figure by the time she was 18. Now 21, she had become a sexual dynamo. She had long dark hair, a 36c chest, an ass so perfect it begged to be...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 94 Setting Up The Future for Business and Family

Mark I sat in my posh office with Andy Martin, my number two in the company, and Tom Power, a superb executive and leader I’d discovered purely by accident in St. Croix. Less than a year later I recruited him and put him in charge of a burgeoning start-up in nanotechnology we’d discovered in Silicon Valley; a great idea by several profs from Stanford but with no management talent to get it going and to market. Over the subsequent two years, he’d turned some hopes and dreams into a real...

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The SisterhoodChapter 60

Within an hour the remainder of the people from Prendwick arrived at the palace. Although they had left much later, they had flown in a direct line down over Germany, and didn’t have any problems getting from the airport into the city, either. Finishing lunch, there was a phone call reporting that a large church delegation headed by the Pope himself had arrived at the palace to review plans for the coronation. “Oops!” Karla exclaimed. “Here’s trouble ... maybe.” Then she said, “Susie, I need...

3 years ago
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Ignorance Is No Excuse

Ignorance Is No Excuse By NC Geode Brent is a self-centered, lazy, well built, whore hound, bully that makes it through life taking advantage of those smaller and weaker than him. When he made it to college off other peoples work he thought he had gotten his Holy Grail of a dorm roommate but he will soon learn, "Ignorance Is No Excuse." (Thanks for reading my first story and I hope you enjoy this, my second story. Please let me know. Special thanks to Charlotte for her help...

2 years ago
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Floor ExercisesChapter 3

I entered the boys' locker room on Monday. I opened my locker just as Coach Johnson appeared. "Go change on the other side," he said and pointed. "You're one of the girls. I don't want you in here." I knew better than to argue so I grabbed my stuff and headed over to wait outside the girls' side for Coach Carson. "Forget your clothes?" she asked when she saw me still in street clothes. I explained. "That ... that..." angrily said Coach. She couldn't bring herself to say the...

1 year ago
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StrandedChapter 9

We awoke to the aroma of bacon and eggs being prepared. I got up, showered, with Sarah washing my back, but avoiding any direct stimulation, and wandered out into the kitchen to be greeted by a cheerful and well rested Michelle. She threw her arms around my neck, kissed me aggressively, and said, "Thank you so much for being with Sarah last night. I am so happy that her first time was wonderful. I am sure, by the time it is over, she will never forget this weekend." "What about you? What...

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