An ClochánChapter 19 free porn video

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Siobhan's Clan stirred as the morning chimes sounded. The sound startled Ahha and Mapk. Although it was softer, it triggered their memory of the horns squealing the previous morning. Both quickly sat up with anxious looks on their faces. It took them several moments to remember where they were and to realize that it was only the morning chimes. Looking through the open door, they could see their friends beginning to get out of bed. They sighed as they placed their arms around each other and hugged, neither noticed their nakedness. Although they had not talked about it, both already felt like they were in a place that they could call home.

Keira came in and said, "Did you guys sleep well?"

"It was the best," they both replied. Mapk continued with, "It has been a long time since I have slept so soundly."

"I agree. It was great," added Ahha.

"Good. Let's exercise then freshen up before breakfast."

Ahha and Mapk followed Keira to the exercise area where the rest of the clan was already getting onto their exercise machines. Keira showed them how to use the machines. She watched as they began, before stepping over to her own machine. Mapk and Ahha watched as she stepped onto a foot pad and then put her leg over the bench seat. Once seated, she moved forward, placing her breasts into small cups and then leaning her head against the headrest. Once in position, she began her exercises. When she initiated the exercises, the small cups holding her nipples began to suck, pulling her breasts in further. After a few moments her milk began letting down.

Ahha and Mapk then turned their attention to their machine's instructions and focused on their own exercises. It was some time before they felt comfortable enough with the exercises to look around at the others. Ahha noticed that only the women's machines had cups under their chests. Looking closer she saw a white tube attached to the cups. She soon realized that the white color was the women's milk and that they were letting it down. She glanced over at Mapk and saw him starring at May who was next to him.

Between breaths Keira said, "We will talk about it after we finish."

Ahha just nodded as she was now breathing hard.

They had been exercising for about 45 minutes when the machines began to slow and then stop. "Wow," said Mapk, "that was really different."

"I agree," added Ahha. "Someone may have to help me up."

"All of us felt that way after the first time," said May. "The first time you use the exercise machine it determines your fitness level so it is a bit more strenuous. Next time it won't be quite as exhausting."

"The white liquid in the tubes was our milk," said Keira. "We let our milk down at least twice a day. This is usually done while we exercise. Some days we may also let our milk down just before lunch."

Blushing slightly Mapk said, "I kind of guessed that the white fluid was milk. My apologies for watching but it was quite fascinating. At home, some women would get upset if you paid too much attention to them while they were nursing. You guys are so different."

"Watching us doesn't make us uncomfortable. In many ways, we are different from humans. We need to take our showers so we can go to breakfast."

They were drying off after their showers when Ahha said, "I have a question, but..."

"Just ask it."

"Well it is a little embarrassing."

"Let me guess, you have some questions about our bodies." Both nodded and blushed.

"Okay. We have a little time now. Keira and I will be the models," said May. "Siobhan and Aisling can guide the tour." Several laughed at May's wording. With that, Siobhan began describing the features of their bodies, starting with their overall appearance.

"We need Conan for part of this. You guys can't model everything." Everyone laughed with Siobhan as May blushed.

"Conan, I'm sorry."

"Not a problem, but I was wondering how you were going to cover that part of the anatomy lesson," replied Conan with a smile.

After the laughter died down Siobhan continued with, "There is a more detailed description given in the video you need to watch later today. Our height is between 198 and 214 cm, while Sarah's Clan are the tallest Órarduine at a little over 230 cm. It is unusual for Órarduine to be that tall. We only have hair on our heads, mane, tail, eyebrows and eyelashes. The hair on our head grows to just below our shoulder blades and usually stays at that length. We can cut it but very few do. It is very easy to take care of as it just needs washing followed by combing or brushing. You've no doubt noticed our mane. Our hair runs down our back over the spine, beginning at our neck and going down to cover our short tail which is 4 to 6 inches long. Our hair color has as much variance as humans do. Our yellow brown skin tone is due to a protective layer that reduces our sensitivity to UV light. Because of this, we can be in the sun a long time before there is any redness. Some refer to our skin color as golden.

"Our breasts are large by human standards being between an H and J cup. Even though they are large, there will be very little sag as we age. This is due to a difference in tissue structure, along with more muscle support from our back, shoulders and in our chest. As we mentioned before, we begin lactating when we complete our transition from child to adult. Another way to think of it is that it starts a year or two after onset of puberty. It is best if we let our milk down at least twice a day as it has a better flavor. We can stop lactating at any time, however our milk is used in our diet as it provides special nutrients that we must have in order to be healthy. There are synthesized substitutes, but they are only partially effective."

May said, "You can touch us if you want to. Touching is a sense that can help you learn." Keira smiled as Ahha tentatively reached out to touch her hair and the other parts of her body. Mapk soon followed Ahha's lead.

"Your hair is so soft," said Mapk with a look of amazement. "Your mane feels just like the hair on your head. Your skin feels so silky soft but if I push a little I can feel the hardness of your muscles."

After a pause for the children to explore May and Keira, Siobhan continued with, "As a rule, we don't wear clothes because we are more comfortable without them. A soft material like we wore yesterday is OK for short periods of time. Anything rougher, or having more stiffness, is like wearing sandpaper, and for us would quickly become quite painful. Both sexes are equal in stamina and strength but it does vary from individual to individual. Gender differences are primarily in reproduction. Our vision has a wider sensitivity range than humans, such that we can see when it is nearly dark. Dark for humans is like a moonlit night for us. Let see, what else?"

"Well you've skipped our feet and reproduction," said Aisling. "The joint you know as an ankle is made differently for us. It is more like a ball joint, and distributes our weight evenly to what you refer to as the balls of your feet, so we look like we are walking on our toes. As a result our foot segment is longer and wider than a typical human foot. There are also significant differences in the muscles and ligaments in our legs and feet. We have tough pads where our feet touch the ground. This is similar to what some animals have, like dogs or lions on Earth. Now for reproduction, I presume you both know how to make babies." Both Ahha and Mapk nodded and blushed. "Our female genitals are significantly more visible than in humans." As she spoke, Keira spread her legs increasing the visibility of her labia; she then caressed them causing them to swell. "As Keira is showing you, our outer labia extend at least 3 cm from our body with the inner labia extending a little further." As she was speaking Keira's labia had swollen, with the center opening slightly. "The best part is that we have some control over their movement which adds to our pleasure when we share the physical side of our love." Keira then began to flex the muscles in her labia causing them to pucker and relax as if kissing. After a few contractions, the tip of her clit extended just beyond its hood. Ahha's and Mapk's expressions indicated their fascination with the change Keira exhibited.

Keira said, "You can touch them if you want to." Ahha and Mapk slowly reached out and touched her labia. When Ahha's fingers slipped between Keira's lips, they tightened around her fingers and pulled on them. Ahha gasped and jerked slightly, then looked up at Keira.

"Amazing," said Ahha as she pulled her fingers away bringing them up to her nose.

As Keira's labia pulled on Ahha's finger, Mapk gently touched Keira's clit causing her labia to become very wet. After Ahha pulled her fingers back, Mapk let his fingers slide between Keira's wet labia. Keira again flexed the muscles, grasping Mapk's fingers to pull them in. Mapk smiled as he felt Keira caress his fingers with her labia. After a few moments Keira relaxed, letting Mapk pull his fingers back, now dripping with her cream. He sniffed his fingers then began licking them clean. Looking over to Ahha, he saw that she was doing the same thing.

"Thank you Keira," said Mapk, "that felt amazing. It feels so different. Your cream is as tasty as it smells."

"I agree," added Ahha. "I hope you let me taste it directly from the source sometime."

Keira said, "I take it you had sex with the staff at the boarding school?"

"Yes," they replied. Ahha continued with, "We always had to comply with whatever the staff member wanted us to do. Some of it I think I would have enjoyed in other circumstances."

"Here sexual interaction will only occur when all of those involved agree."

"We understand," said Mapk. "I think both of us are looking forward to experiencing it with someone we care about and who cares about us."

Aisling said, "All of us have found much more pleasure from our physical interaction since we have been here. Now, let's shift to the male. Conan's penis will increase from his current state in both length and diameter as his arousal increases." As she spoke, Keira began to caress his penis with her fingers, causing it to begin swelling. She then placed her fingers around his growing penis, raising it up and showing his ball sack. "His testicles are larger than an average human. They are sensitive to pressure and cold just like a human's, but he can pull them into his body for short periods of time." Keira softly caressed Conan's penis before releasing it. Ahha looked at Conan and saw him nod before reaching out to touch his penis.

"You mean like when you're cold," said Mapk.

"Yes, or threatened."

"It is much bigger than any I have ever seen. Will it really fit? Oh, that is a silly statement. It just seems so big."

"Oh it fits very well." Several of the clan chuckled. "The last item is babies. We control when we are fertile. It is normal for us to have either twins or a pair of twins. We can carry as many as 4 pairs of twins, but it is rarely done as it puts a lot of additional stress on the body. I know of only one who has had three sets of twins and that was Claudette of Sarah's Clan. Can you guess why I speak of them as sets of twins?"

"Because each set of twins are identical," said Ahha.

"Nearly identical would be a better description, but they are much closer to being identical than paternal. When a male is one of the twins the big differences will be in their sexual attributes. If you want more details, ask our doctors. That pretty much covers everything and we need to get to breakfast as we are late."

"Thank you," said both Ahha and Mapk. Ahha continued with, "It is strange to realize that I know more about your bodies than I do mine and it took me longer to learn about my body than it did yours."

"Ahha, Mapk, please don't hesitate to ask about anything," said Siobhan as they walked through the exercise room where each woman picked up the bag of milk from their exercise machine as they continued toward the dining room. "We are very open. We think we remember how you feel because we were new here at one time."

"I think that would have been when we were about 5 or 6 years old," replied Mapk. "Weren't you some of the first to become crew members and then Órarduine."


The group had just sat down to breakfast, when Ahha said, "After we went to bed last night, we noticed a blue glow coming from your room. I started to point it out to Mapk when I heard this voice asking us to not disturb you. Why was that?"

"We've heard of the blue glow but haven't seen it," said Eileen. "You remember that Siobhan was concerned about something before we went to bed?"


"Once we were in bed, we joined together in a special way. Then, as one, we sought to determine what was bothering Siobhan. It stemmed from events occurring at your old school. When we saw the place, we observed two approaching groups. Neither of them were the Spec Ops group that the PM had ordered to investigate the school. Our Security Teams had just finished checking it out. So using our abilities, we reached out to coach them. When we connected with them we learnt that they were extremely upset. In searching the school they found that several staff were sexually using the older children for their pleasure. It was clear that the children weren't resisting, but that they weren't willingly participating either. By the way, your map helped a lot. In their anger, the Security Team had overlooked the two approaching groups. One was the group of criminals who operated the school for the money they earned in selling the teenagers into slavery. They were coming as they had heard that the school was going to be raided by their primary customer. Earlier, the criminal's customer had demanded that they immediately sell them all the children now at the home regardless of age. The buyers for the children were a very powerful international group and the dealer was afraid to say no. The criminals didn't want to sell them all at once as it would cause them too many political and legal problems in Russia. It would also end this source of income for an extended period, as it would take several years before they would have more teenagers ready to sell.

"When we checked on the Russian Alpha Spetsnaz team, we learnt that they hadn't received their orders to check out the school until late in the day. The orders also gave no indication of urgency or interest by the PM. The commander, a Commander Oleiv, scheduled the operation for this morning. This was due in part to being unable to get any clarification on what their objective was, or when the operation should take place.

"We pushed the two Security Teams to reevaluate the area before doing anything else. That was enough for them to identify the two approaching groups. With this information, they arranged for the two groups to arrive at the same time. We gave Commander Oleiv a very vivid insight into why he was ordered to check the school out. As a combat veteran the vision was vivid enough that he immediately initiated the operation. As his unit was being alerted he demanded immediate air transport, obtaining the use of stealth helicopters. They arrived at the school just after a gun battle started between the criminals and the dealers. Seeing the two gangs engaged in a fire fight in front of the school, the Spetsnaz Alpha team chose to quietly land behind it, as it was the school that was their objective. From that point on the operation went very smoothly. Alpha team was able to secure the school and capture a couple of those involved in the gun battle before they finished each other off. The prisoners were questioned intensely before they died. The interrogation of the staff members they caught engaged in sexual activity with children was just as intense. The interrogations and records at the school provided a lot of detail about the young adult slavery operation. We understand that there are several more raids planned for today."

"You mean that was going on at other schools?" said Mapk.

"Yes. At day break the local police arrived. This was shortly followed by a shouting match between the senior police officer and Commander Oleiv. The Commander settled it by calling his headquarters. After a few moments both were surprised when, after identifying himself, a senior officer said, "Tell the police officer that you are there at the specific request of the Ministry of Justice and you, as the Spetsnaz Commander, have full authority to act as necessary. If the police officers have any questions, they should contact their superior. If he continues to cause problems, he could be a suspect." Again, Commander Oleiv was thankful that he had acted when he did, but the feeling was tempered by the realization of how close they came to being too late.

"Commander Oleiv was surprised when several children demanded that they find the two of you. The children knew that you had disappeared just a few days earlier. After they found pictures of you, the Commander sent a message to his command asking that they distribute the photos as the children shown were believed to be in extreme danger. The response was: 'Why? This is outside of your assignment and is a police matter.' He almost blew a gasket but then quietly said, 'these are the orphans of Spetsnaz Alpha group members. We take care of our own!' After he finished, he hung up before he said something stronger. It wasn't long before he was informed that both of you were very safe. It was then that he learned that the PM had a special interest in this case, which caused him to again thank God for directing him to arrive when he did."

"So everyone is safe?"

"Well the children are safe. The Spetsnaz group took them back to their base, along with all the records from the school."

Mapk looked deep in thought as he finished his breakfast. "Would it be possible to see them again? It would be nice to say good-by." After a few moments, he added, "While it would be nice, it may cause some complications."

"We can see about arranging it," replied Kendra. "It may be several days before it's possible, besides, it might be better to let them get settled first."

Siobhan said, "Mapk, Ahha, the next time I talk to the Prime Minister, I will ask. Is that okay?"

"Yes," they replied with big smiles.

"So, you had some good friends there?"

"Yes," replied Ahha. "Most were around our age. Some of the younger children saw us as older siblings. No one was as close as we are. In fact, some would kid us about how close we were when there weren't any staff nearby. That wasn't often as we were watched constantly, and doing anything other than what we were told would invite some kind of punishment. Besides, drawing their attention increased the chances of them taking you to their room for the evening."

"Mapk, what complications are you seeing with respect to them coming here?" asked Kendra.

"They would see how nice it is here as it is so much better than the school. This difference could blind them to any other considerations. If they don't meet the criteria to stay, their blindness could make it difficult for them to accept the rejection. It is quite possible we won't meet the criteria. There is also the possibility that some may have had dreams similar ours."

"With the exquisite detail contained in both your dreams, we don't suspect you will have any problem with the criteria. The real question for both of you is: What is the correct choice? Not just the best, but the correct choice."

"We think we know that now," replied Ahha. "We will learn the correct answer when our telepathy is active. If we understand sharing correctly, we will know the answer then. As to our school mates, I think it is best for us to wait until everyone is settled. That way the turmoil will be at a reduced level."

"After our meeting here this morning," said Conan, "May will go with you to An Clochán for your medical evaluation." Both teens had a worried expression. "Nothing to be concerned about. An Clochán is our largest facility and the physicians want to thoroughly evaluate the injuries you received from your abuse. You should be done by lunch time, so you can eat here or there. May will be with you the whole time, but she could be a bit distracted at times as we also have a conference with the other Command Staffs on An Clochán this morning."

"We would like to eat lunch with you, wherever that is," replied Mapk with Ahha nodding her agreement.

"Kendra, Aisling, were you two going to lead this morning?"

"Yes. Come on up with us," said Aisling as she held out her hands to Ahha and Mapk.

"What's up?"

"We are hosting our ships morning meeting and would like you to join us." Both Ahha and Mapk looked a bit uneasy but went with Kendra and Aisling.

Later that morning Sarah's Clan greeted the other Command Staffs with "Good morning," as they entered a room at An Clochán.

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Being a university professor has brought great satisfactions to my life in both personal and professional aspects. Something I have always tried to do is not just to fill my students with tons of information, but also get to see their human side and try to help them as much as I can.Recently, one of my brightest students, Natalia, came to me to ask for advice. Her family and her were about to be evicted as they hadn’t been able to pay rent for the last three months. She wanted to know if I...

Group Sex
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A Naughty Evening Part Two

The next day, I woke up around noon and remembered what I had done with Mark. I also remembered that he came inside of me. I was really hoping that he didn’t get me pregnant. I never had somebody come inside of me before. I did hear that you could get the morning after pill. I called my gynecologist and spoke to her on the phone. I told her I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend and that he came inside of me. She called in a prescription for the pill and for the morning after pill. I felt it...

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Wife cheats outdoors

My wife and I were spending a long weekend camping with a few hundred other people at a campsite used for outdoor pursuits . There was a challenge run over the week end for each area taking part and our area consisted of about thirty people. On the Saturday evening my wife suggested she could get one of the items required from a hotel which was about 15 minutes walk away and then said to me Chris a young man in early twenties would go with her. Knowing my wife I was sure she had something in...

Cheating Wifes
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Wedding Gown Romp

Sonya carefully removed the hot rollers from her hair. The honey-colored mass fell well past her shoulders in thick curls. She began combing it and then pulling it up and away from her face, securing it with pins. She swiveled around in the chair at her vanity and smiled. Her wedding gown was spread out on the bed, made of the finest silk that money could buy. The dropped neckline was trimmed with iridescent sequins and edged with fine hand-woven lace: a spectacular diamond necklace her...

3 years ago
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Black Girls Get What They Want

“Can you get those invoices mailed out today?” “Sure. Do you need me to email that proposal also?” “Oh shit. Yes please. Thanks.” Having someone to help with the little things was a big help. I had gone through about five temps before I found someone who could not only do what I needed, but anticipate what I needed. Tonya was a good find. She wanted to do a good job and saw this job as an opportunity… just a bit of a different opportunity than I...

2 years ago
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A Loving Parent

Ruby Crocker was a single mother. Her husband had abandoned their family without warning. The excuse was 'I need to sow some wild oats'. The truth was Guy Crocker was a bum. He just didn't want to be responsible for being a husband and father anymore.Ruby had two c***dren to bring up by herself. She adored them so. It was the young parent's intentions to keep them safe and always loved. The mother wishes were that they remember only each other could be relied on. They were family and nothing...

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Unguent 5 Dinner

Laura sighed, and looked around her, post orgasm. La petit mort was also la petit renaissance, and post climax everything looks different from the moment before. She distinguished more features in the women who had been pleasuring her, and wondered how many centuries they had been around. The fingers vanished beyond the grill, as their owners observed that they had done their magic. The disembodied voice spoke up again. “Laura Lioness. Recompense.” That was all the voice said. As if on command,...

2 years ago
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Washed UpChapter 3

My boss was a pure ass. I was about fifteen minutes late getting in and he saw me. "What the hell are you doing, coming in late?" he practically yelled. I saw several heads popping up over the walls of cubicles wondering who had made the boss mad this time. "I'm fifteen minutes late, Dale," I said. "That's right and I've been looking all over for you. You need to be on a plane to Denver in less than two hours. The site is shut down until you get there." "That's not going to...

4 years ago
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Rin Ch 03

James the father of Matt's c***dPlease read Part 1 and Part 2 to have a continuation of this episode.Matt stirred and pulled himself up sitting at the edge of the bed. He looked at the naked form of his sister lying just beside him. She had her right arm over her face, covering her eyes. Matt’s eyes moved down to see her breasts heaving gently as she breathed. He could not help himself as his penis began to rise again, getting hard at the sight of Rin, lying there, so defenseless and at the...

1 year ago
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Me and Patti Anne

Once upon a time in the land of OOH Blah Dee there lived an aircraft mechanic who worked for an airline. One day the mechanic met and fell in love with a beautiful stewardess and he pursued her. Eventually the beautiful stewardess succumbed to the aircraft mechanic's charm and they were married and lived happily ever after. The story of my life? Not!! I'd been working for North Central Airlines for just a little over three years when I met Patti Anne Manis. One look at her smiling face and...

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Seduced By My ExGirlfriends Mom

My name is John. I have always been a fairly well-balanced, healthy, All-American boy. Six feet, 185 pounds, athletic body, blond hair, blue eyes. Good family, normal relationships, all that jazz. When I was twenty-seven years old I met and became involved with a girl named Jen. She was twenty-two at the time. The relationship started off with a bang and was balls to walls all the way. She was a piece of work. After about a year the ride got a little too wild and I jumped off. I broke up with...

3 years ago
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The RescuedChapter 94 SM03Tau Day 402

The creature that knew itself only as Matriarch's milk slave awoke slowly, its mind blurred by an emotional damper. It was lying, naked as always, on a soft but supporting surface, with two warm bodies pressed against it. Unlike the body of Matriarch, these bodies were the same temperature as its own, and their general shape was like it as well. The only difference was that these bodies had a thick growth of long fur on their heads, and a patch between their legs, just above the spot which...

1 year ago
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The BrokenHearted Boys Club

For such a beautiful woman, my wife is ugly as hell when she’s about to cum. That was what I was thinking only moments before this shit all started. I was on top of her, doing what we do. I loved watching her as we fucked. I loved the sight of her big old titties flopping back and forth as her body strained under my actions. I got an evil smile on my face as I suddenly stopped moving. The look on her face was priceless. Her eyes shot open and her mouth started to gasp. “No no no no nooooo!”...

2 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part 2

Continuing the story of Steven Jennings and how he left his old life behind forever.Returning to the M6 motorway, we headed south towards the M5 and then Taunton, this had taken around 10 minutes, which was spent in silence. Gina cast a few looks in my direction to see if she could work out my current mood. I simply kept driving the Bentley, in and out of other traffic, and occasionally I smiled to myself. She did notice however that whenever I did this I always licked my lips first. She...

3 years ago
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new job part 2

fatman nudges tightarse in the night'wake up this job is 24-7''yes sir' says tightarsefatman pulls back the sheets 'get down there take my cock in your mouth'tightarse does as she is told but fatmans cock is limp so she doesn't understand'do not take your mouth off my cock swallow everything'tightarse still doesn't understand until fatman takes hold of her ears and pulls her head forward onto his cock then slowly starts to piss into her mouth she struggles and tries to pull away but fatman...

3 years ago
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The Story of Rudina the Hunter Wolf

The Story of Rudina the Hunter Wolf A magical tale set in the Etz Chaim universe A message from the author. Words of warning: Because I'm a nerd: I like to world build I write for my own amusement: I will not apologize for not being PC to Tumblr definitions of what I am, or how I should act: I am a 45+ Transgender Woman: I am way past caring about other people's opinions of me. I am a USMC Veteran: I love firearms, I understand discipline (Not the BDSM stuff) and...

3 years ago
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Having Fun In Dubai 8211 Part 4

Hi readers – this is my next story in the series of having naughty fun in Dubai with my colleague Surabhi. My earlier experiences with her can be found . This one did not end up in a fuck session. But we had a very erotic experience and amazing fun that I can never forget. That day in office, we had our annual awards function. Surabhi’s project won the best project in a category and she was beaming with joy. Lots of the employees were congratulating her and she was on cloud 9. I also wished her...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Alexis Crystal Katarina Rina Swingers Dream

Svelte brunette Alexis Crystal and her hubby Yanick Shaft have been dreaming for a while of adding a little spice to their relationship by having a swingers’ night with Yanick’s best friend, Lutro. Now she’s finally been able to set it up when her petite yet busty friend from work, Katharina Rina, agreed to join in. But when at first the boys seem more interested in food than fucking, the ladies take matters into their own hands and start making out with each other, licking...

3 years ago
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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 4 Wedding Bells

January 1808 One of Mrs. Pelham’s servants was waiting for Wolverine‘s officers at the quay to guide them to her house where their hostess greeted them effusively. “Welcome, gentlemen, and thank you for accepting my invitation!” “On behalf of myself and my officers, I thank you for hosting our celebration,” Benning answered. “May I present Commander Eckleson, Master’s Mates Wainbridge and Warner, and Mishipmen Boyle, Prideaux and Pons? You already met Lieutenant Grey at the governor’s...

2 years ago
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It had been a long, frustrating afternoon in the recording studio. Darya Jones was making her first solo album, and things were not going well. She had been a leading member of a hugely successful all-girl pop group, for which she had been chosen by their manager for her stunning looks even more than her rich and melodic singing voice. But that voice was not coming up to scratch now, as stress and pressure affected her reach for the purer notes. Darya had recently quit the girl-group to...

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Horny Babe

The 35 year old mother of two, Noreen walked slowly into the attached bathroom of the hotel room. The now cold sticky dribbles of man juice were slowly oozing out of her well fucked cunt. Ali liked to go bare-back riding; Condoms were a turn off to him. Truth was that Noreen also had a thing for feeling a man cum in her cunt and then letting it slowly trickle from her.Noreen took a lot of time washing her choot. She ran her fingers between the lips of her fuck box and even pushed the tip of her...

1 year ago
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The ParkersChapter 8 Party Party Part 1

Laurie Parker's 22nd birthday would be on Sunday, December 7. Her birthday party would be on Saturday, December 6. But on that Friday, as usual, Laurie would spend the night in her boyfriend's apartment. She had already promised she would come home Saturday morning to go out with her family. Like Laurie, Brad Johnson was an actor. And a dancer. That's how they met, they were both in the same group. Brad was bisexual. Which wasn't rare. He was an actor, he was a dancer, he had seen too...

2 years ago
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how i got 30 years from a 5

When I first got with my wife I was introduced to her 5 year old special needs son and the first thing he said to me was you fucking my mommy. I was blown away. See she was married to a violent drunk and he taught the boy to curse, disrespect mommy, and flash his penis to all girls. I found that last one out when I brought my 8 and 4 year old daughters to meet them for first time. I wanted to set his ass on fire and almost did before mommy explain d that his daddy also beat him and touched him...

4 years ago
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Donna And Megan Part 1

As she took another sip , she thought to herself…. ” I'm tired of being alone , I want to share my life with someone…someone I can support and mentor ” but she didn’t know where to start.. So she went to the one place she could possibly find an answer…. “Google” … and after a couple of hours she landed on “seeking”, she made an account and started looking for prospective partners. After weeding out many fake and desperate profiles, she came across a profile. It was of a...

2 years ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 55

I had leftover french toast and cherry sherbet for lunch. The second batch I'd made had been sitting in my freezer since Friday and I was going to serve it tonight to Mitch. There was an awful lot of it though. I could use more dinner guests. I wondered if he had a girlfriend. I grabbed the cell and called him this time. "Canceling dinner on me Cooper?" he said as soon as he picked up. "Nope, just wondering if you have a girlfriend you'd like to bring along. I've got more food than...

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I Was a Young Exhibitionist 5

Introduction: Happened mostly like this When I was sixteen I agreed to house sit my aunts apartment. I didnt have another summer job and it was only for three weeks so I jumped at the opportunity. My aunt lived in a cool apartment complex that had an Oasis theme. Lots of swimming pools dotted the complex. It was a bit run down by which is how my aunt could afford to live there. Several of the pools had closed, or were in minor disrepair (lights not working, few chairs, etc.). The main pools in...

4 years ago
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April Fools Diary HiMen

8 May 2021Oh, diary where should I begin? I woke to find everything as normal as can be, by which I mean the 'new normal', the normal everyday world of a newly constitutional adult. My teen-angel breasts were resplendent in the morning light, so yummily perky and their nipples so impressively pokie, that before I knew what was happening my mischievous fingers were caressing and tugging and pinching and massaging them every-which-way. Which is how I discovered that my shower-head cunny had...

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A New Beginning

This story is pure fiction and is not based on any real characters. Carlie Love was an ordinary girl in high school. She was about 5’7, dark brown hair and eyes, and puffy red lips. She wasn’t popular, but she wasn’t exactly invisible either. She attended the jock parties and went to all the games. She hung out with popular teens but was never really on the inner group. She wouldn’t lie and say she didn’t want to either. It was one chilly October Friday night. Her high school’s football team...

2 years ago
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First Time With My Cousin Part 8211 2

Thanks for reading my part-1 story and sending me comments. For all those of indian sex stories dot net who were asking for second part am writing now. I am Deep, working in IT, aged 27 years & this story is set back a few years ago. Am quite fat and look chubby with a height of 5 feet 7 inches, an average cock at 6 inches length & 2-3 inches thick. Without wasting much time let’s get into the story. Her name is Priya. The morning we have an oral sex. So now post lunch we were lying in bed...

3 years ago
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Sissy Bride Caught Peeking Parts 3 and 4

XXX WARNING!!! This story contains adult situations and sexual material. The characters portrayed in this story are FICTIONAL and portray FICTIONAL circumstances for FANTASY purposes only. It in no way condones non-consensual sex or unsafe-sex by any means. XXX The Sissy Bride: Caught Peeking By Janice337 Part III - Through the Open Door Around midnight I woke up with an erection. I couldn't get the feeling of tiny little Paula's breasts pressed against me when we...

4 years ago
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Mature BBW Appreciation

Mature BBW Appreciation By Geekman I went to a Tech school instead of the local high school since I wanted to learn electronics. A neighbor was on the board of Ed at the Tech school. When he found out I was attending the Tech school he asked me if I wanted to work for he, and his wife. He explained that he owned several income properties as well as a multi-family house. He stated I would work with him on the weekends and I would work for his wife doing landscaping work at their house. Mr....

1 year ago
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Seduction And Exhibitionism Part V

Hi, Dear ISS readers, this is Seenu, I am back and hope you would have cherished reading the part 4 of my sex escapes with Ragini. Well, what happened on Monday was beyond my wildest imagination and it so happened that I would rate this sex experience as the best among all my encounters with servant maids till date. Yes, that Sunday was bit boring and I had to literally kill the time as I was anticipating the surprises awaiting me on the next day. 24hrs did pass by and i got up little earlier...

4 years ago
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Sharing CIndy Chapter 28 4th of July Fun

Introduction: My wife teases in the pool and the shower. Sharing Cindy Chapter 28 A Fun Fourth Of July I have always loved the Fourth of July holiday. I love watching the fireworks. I love the food, the fun and being together with friends, having a great time, celebrating the independence of our great country. I also love the fact that it falls right in the middle of summer, meaning the women are usually wearing very little clothing or simply bathing suits. When Cindy and I purchased our...

3 years ago
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Cooking With Mom

This story happened when I was 17 and through my parents divorce and the shuffling of k**s I wound up living with my Mom, just her and me. Her boyfriend had moved out a few months before. And even though Mom went through a wild phase right after the divorce she didnt seem to date much now. Of course, I had the normal teen fantasies about her but never really acted on them, I had a long time buddy that lived downstairs in our apartment complex with his Dad, also divorced. His Dad, Bill, had a...

1 year ago
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Reddit Jilling, aka r/Jilling! Yeah sure masturbating to porn feels great; it's an excellent anti-stress practice, boosts your immune system, and is free, but what about reversing the roles once in a while? No, I'm not talking about letting people watch you have sex while they masturbate (although that is a pretty kinky thing), I'm talking about watching porn that isn't some POV video of some dude having sex with the woman of your dreams.I'm talking about watching porn that shows nothing but...

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