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Chapter 16. Brenda woke the next morning, her eyes red from the tears of the previous night. She dressed and went to work, no sense making myself sick about this she reasoned. Brenda walked in the front door and called Carla to let her know she was there. "Hi Carla, I'm here." "Thank God, the phones have been crazy, good luck." Brenda barely had time to remove her sweater before the phone rang. "Good morning, Universal." "I have to talk to Melissa, is she there?" "Miss Benson won't be in for another hour, how may I help you?" "I have to have that girl, this is Jan Morris, the director of marketing for Calvin Klein, have her call me." and the phone went dead. God what was that? Brenda wondered. The phone rang again and it was pretty much the same, I want that Voss girl, have Melissa call me before she talks to anyone else. Brenda took at least twenty calls over the next hour and all pertaining to Tiffany. Everyone wanted her. Melissa finally came through the door, looking much the worse for wear. It was obvious that she hadn't slept much the night before but she did have a satisfied look on her face. "Good morning Brenda, any calls?" "It's been crazy," Brenda answered, before she handed Melissa a stack of phone messages. "Everyone wants Tiffany." "I saw that add yesterday, she did look good, thanks," Melissa said as she took the messages and went into her office. Tiffany arrived several minutes later. "Hi Brenda." "Tiffany, thank God you're here, you won't believe what's going on. Everyone wants you." "Everyone?" "Yes, everyone." "Who's everyone?" "See that Cosmopolitan magazine over there, open any page and that's who wants you, girl, you're famous." "I'm not famous, I've only been on one back page." "You wouldn't know it from the calls this morning, everyone wants the Voss girl." The phone rang on Melissa's extension. "Yes Melissa." "When Tiffany gets here send her right in." "She just arrived, Tiffany, Melissa wants you in her office." Tiffany went to Melissa's office and opened the door. "Tiffany, come in here and close the door." Tiffany entered and shut the door behind her. "Tiffany do you have any idea of the excitement you are creating in the industry? Everyone wants you, we're going to make so much money, God, this is so exciting." "What am I supposed to do?" Tiffany asked. "Just keep being yourself, don't change a thing," Melissa answered. "I am being myself. People stop me for an autographs and it's embarrassing." "Tiffany, that's the price of fame. You might as well get used to it because you've hit the big time," Melissa said, "your going to be a busy girl." "Busy? Doing what?" "Shows on the runway and photo shoots, Revlon wants you, do you know what that means?" "No." "It means you're a millionaire girl and so am I," Melissa exclaimed excitedly. "You have a show for Bloomingdale's this afternoon so you'd better get going." "What will I be wearing?" "What ever rags they want you to wear, who cares, you're a big buck girl now. Tomorrow I've lined you up for another show in the morning and a photo shoot in the afternoon and evening, it's going to be a long day so get some rest tonight." "Yes Melissa." Brenda was waiting for her friend to come out of Melissa's office. "What did she say?" Brenda asked. "She said that I'm a millionaire." "Oh my God." "I'll talk to you later I have a show to do at Bloomingdale's, I'll call you tonight when I get home." Tiffany left for her assignment while Brenda tended to the increasing number of phone calls. The agency door opened and the ever cheerful Ron entered. "Good morning Brenda, is Tiffany around?" he asked. "Hi Ron, no you just missed her, why?" "I wanted her to sign my Sunday paper before she becomes famous." "Well judging by the phone calls this morning she already is." "Melissa called, is she in?" Ron asked. "Hold on, I'll see if she's busy," Brenda said. "Melissa, Ron's here to see you. She said to come in. She said her office is freezing." "Thanks, you look good today." "Ron you're not fooling anyone, I could look like shit and you would say the same thing, but thanks anyway," Brenda said. Ron seemed to be spending a long time in Melissa's office and Brenda wondered if that had anything to do with the drugs. I'll have to see if I can place a listening device in there soon, it might save a lot of time. The front door opened and Mario came in with his morning delivery. "Hi," he said. "Hi," Brenda replied. "You look nice," Mario said. "You're just saying that because were friends." "Really, you look very nice, and thanks for coming over yesterday, you made quite an impression on the family." "I did? I hope it was good." "My mom loves you, she wants you there again next week." "Really?" "Yep, and I would like that too." "Can I think about it? I really like you Mario but I don't want to rush things. I don't want your mom to get the wrong idea about us, after all we just started dating." "I feel the same way. My mom is already marrying us off, I'm telling you, she thinks you walk on water." "I like her too. She's so sweet. Are those all of the packages for today?" Brenda asked. "There is one package for Melissa marked personal, shall I bring it in to her?" "Go ahead, better knock first though, Ron is in there and who knows what they might be doing." "Ron and Melissa, I doubt anything would be happening with those two." "You never know," she giggled. Mario knocked on the door and Melissa asked him to enter. He delivered the package and continued with his deliveries. "I'll phone you at home later tonight," he said to Brenda. "Talk to you later," she responded. The rest of the day went smoothly for Brenda other than the growing discomfort of her breasts. She would have to get smaller forms soon because the constant pressure was becoming unbearable. Brenda called Tiffany when she got home. The answering machine picked up so she left a message to call her back. Mario called and they made the usual chit-chat about the day with the exception that Mario asked her out for a snack Wednesday evening after work which she accepted. Brenda called Maria after that and left a message about her breast forms and the need for smaller ones, she hoped Maria would call back soon. It was after nine before Tiffany called. "Hello," Brenda said into the phone. "Hi, it's me. God I'm so tired. I didn't think I'd ever be able to go home," Tiffany said. "Did the show last this long?" Brenda asked. "No, there was a party afterward. Melissa showed up and was selling me to all kinds of people. It was strange, people were fawning all over me. It really was exciting." "You're a star now Tiffany, things are going to change for you. Don't forget why were here, we have to find Melissa's drug source." " I'm trying but you have no idea of what it's like having this kind of attention all the time. Have you heard from Bill Cline?" "No I haven't. I think I'll call him tomorrow and see if they've found anything." "I'll see you tomorrow, I have to get some sleep. I have a show in the morning and then a photo shoot after that, it's going to be another long day," Tiffany said. Tuesday was very much like Monday. There was a flurry of phone calls about Tiffany and another visit by Ron. "I have to check Melissa's office again," Ron said. "She's not in, go on in and do what you do," Brenda said. "After I'm done I'll need to check the coffee room too." "I'm sure you will," Brenda answered with a bit of sarcasm in her voice. Mario came in next with his usual pile of boxes. "Hi, how's it going today?" "Pretty good, how about you?" she asked with her best smile. "Pretty good, do you have time for lunch?" "I wish I did, but I have an errand to run, maybe tomorrow, that way I can make up for today." "Don't forget we have a dinner date tomorrow." "You can be sure I haven't forgotten that." "Good, see you later." Noon came and Brenda left for lunch. Her real mission was to call Bill Cline and she couldn't do that at the office. Brenda called Bill Cline on her cell phone from a nearby restaurant. "FBI." "Bill Cline, please," Brenda said. The call was transferred. "Bill Cline." "Bill, hi, it's Brenda." "Hi Brenda, what's up?" "I was wondering if you found anything on the list I gave you?" "We're almost done with it. We've cleared all but Ron English, Jack Larsen, and Susan Marques." Brenda breathed a sigh of relief. Mario had been cleared of suspicion. "Oh, I forgot, that Puccinelli guy is still active too. We're trying to find more information about him, but it's difficult because of his time in Colombia." Brenda's heart sank when Bill said that. Mario wasn't cleared after all. "Bill, I have to return to work, can we meet later?" Brenda asked. "Sure, how about tonight, around eight?" "I have nothing going on, that will work." "I'll meet you at the same place as last time, see you then." "Bye Bill." Brenda returned to work and she was agitated. Her breasts were bothering her and her boyfriend was under suspicion. Maybe its all a misunderstanding, something that will be easy to straighten out, Mario couldn't be the source, damn bra. Brenda's mind was in a whirl as her anger grew over the situation she found herself in. Tiffany called and said that she was on her way to the photo shoot and that the show went well. "I'll call you later tonight when I get home," Tiffany said. "I'm seeing Bill Cline after work for a drink. I'll talk to you when I'm finished with him," Brenda said. Brenda's day ended and she found her way to the restaurant for the meeting. "Hey pretty lady, found your way back, did you miss me?" Danny asked, while giving Brenda his biggest smile. "Danny my world would end if it weren't for you," Brenda said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "At least you remembered my name," Danny said. "I'll bet you don't remember mine." "I never forget a pretty woman's name, lemon drop, right?" "Lemon drop is what I drink you goof," she giggled, "See you did forget my name." "You got me, I always remember the drink and not the name that goes with it, so, what is your name?" "Brenda." "You aren't meeting that guy again are you?" "Yes, why?" "You two seem so different, you're pretty and sexy and he's, well, old." "That's not nice Danny, actually it's a business meeting. We work together." "That's a relief, I would have hated to break up a nice couple like you two, maybe there's hope for me yet." "Danny, you're a flirt." "It's good for business." "And all this time I thought you loved me, you broke my heart," laughed Brenda. "Can I get you a lemon drop?" "Sure, why not." Danny returned with Brenda's drink and placed it in front of her and asked, "What do you do when you're not hanging out in this upscale establishment?" "I work for a modeling agency, I told you that the last time I was here. I'm the receptionist." "I'm sorry, I meet a lot of people and sometimes I forget, I'll remember next time though. Does that guy work for the agency too?" "Umm, kind of, he's an investor." "I'll bet he'd like to invest in you, be careful with guys like that Brenda." "I will be, oh, here he comes now." "I remember his name too, mister double Jack, don't let him drive you anywhere." "I won't." Bill wandered over to Brenda and sat down next to her. "Hi Brenda, have you been here long?" "No, I just got here myself." "Give me a double Jack over please," Bill said to Danny. "Do you have the list?" Brenda asked. "Just a partial one, maybe we should find a table, I really don't want anyone else to see this." The hostess led Brenda and Bill to a table and placed their drinks down for them. Bill finished his drink and ordered another. "This is what I have so far," he said. "There really isn't a lot to go on right now but there are some leads. Jack Larsen is a mystery. I can't find anything about him other than he visits Melissa once a month with a package of what we don't know. I'm going to leave him up to you and Tiffany to find out what he's doing. The next guy is Ron English. He has an interesting connection to this group. We can't find anything that he has done wrong in the past other than being Lon English's brother. Lon is a different case. He's doing five to ten for selling meth and for assault. Now here's an interesting twist about him. He was dating Susan Marques before he was sent away. He was an engineer in the same building as his brother, in fact Ron got him the job. That was where Susan met Lon and they started seeing each other. We don't know if Susan knew anything about the meth thing or not, but she still visits Lon once a week and has had conjugal time with him on more than one occasion. Other than that we have drawn a blank so far." "What about Mario Puccinelli?" "He's an interesting guy, were still trying to find out more about him. All we have so far is that he was involved in delivering cocaine to Panama in truck loads of cow shit, oops I'm sorry, I mean manure. We're not sure if he knew he was delivering drugs or not and we're still looking into it with an undercover operative in Colombia. I can tell you this. He's a very lucky man. On his last delivery he was almost killed. We think the government was involved in some kind of payoff and some soldiers were going to make an example of him, but he was able to escape before they shot him. We're looking into whether he was the courier that took the payoff or just some innocent shmuck that was in the wrong place at the wrong time." "When will you know more about him?" "It might be a while, things move slow down there so I want you to keep an eye on him and see what you might turn up." Brenda wondered how she was going to do that. She had fallen in love with Mario and now she was being asked to investigate him. This shouldn't have happened, she should have kept to herself and just been an agent and not tried so hard to be a girl, especially a girl with a boyfriend. She especially didn't want to be the one to find out that Mario was the drug connection for Melissa, if he was at all. She would have to be careful about her feelings toward Mario and try not to let them interfere with the investigation. "What about the Ron connection?" "We have a lot of work to do with that one. Just try to keep your eye on him and Susan when they are around. As much as I hate to say this, I think we might be in this thing for the long haul. There are too many things that don't add up." "Thanks for the good news, we thought we would be done with this thing in a month." "The way it's going, we'll be lucky if we're done in six months. I hate to run Brenda but I have a date tonight." "You have a date, with whom?" Brenda couldn't believe her ears. Bill had a date. Who would want to go out with him? He wasn't what you could call a catch and with his drinking he smelled of booze. The woman must be really hard up. "It's my mother's birthday and I'm taking her out for dinner." "Wish her happy birthday for me," Brenda replied. For some reason the old saying 'a face that only a mother could love' kept running through her head. Brenda finished her drink and headed for the front door. "Hey Brenda leaving so soon?" Danny asked. "I'm expecting a phone call from my girl friend," Brenda said. "Well hurry back when you aren't meeting with your friend." "I'll do that Danny, see you later." Brenda could feel Danny's eyes following her as she left the bar. Being a girl is so much fun Brenda thought. Being pursued was much more fun than being a guy and trying to make it with a girl. All a girl had to do was look pretty and men would do anything for you, God I love this, was her only thought.

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The Accidental Fuck CH1

The Accidental Fuck Chapter 1 I work nights four times a week at a call centre start at 9pm finish at 7 in the morning normally get home about 7.30 the straight to bed. And today was no different I unlock the half ton of locks on the front door, dump my coat and bag some were near the front door and work my way up to the attic to my bed. Wile undressing say the customary morning love and in return I get the customary grunts from under the sheets. Slipping in beside her naked scoot across...

4 years ago
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Big RedChapter 11 Simon

"Brilliant," Brenda chided herself. "I've just driven off my one and only boyfriend. Wade has fallen for Petra, his new paralegal, and I'm out in the cold once more. Fantastic!" There wasn't a lot of point in kicking herself over it. After all, hadn't they both agreed their relationship was one of "friends with benefits?" Of course they had. It's just that she was getting used to having the big lug around ... especially in her bed a couple of times a week. It helped keep the edge...

3 years ago
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Son Gone Girl Father Gone Son

"Damn I look good!" That's what I tell myself every time I get undressed and look into the mirror. My name is Meka. Two years ago it was Michael or as my family called me, Mikey. That's right, I'm your friendly neighborhood Tranny. Some like to say "Shemale", "Tranny", or for the sexy little Asians,"Ladyboys". In five minutes I will be arriving at my parents house in Atlanta, Ga. This will be the first time I've seen them in nearly two and a half years. And this will be my "coming out party"....

1 year ago
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Connie and the Chalet Day 1

Day One: WelcomesThe drive to the chalet, a Swiss-style vacation home in the Pacific Northwest, was wonderful. Connie lay back on the reclining front seat of their Escape, drowsing in the early afternoon sun. Her window was cracked slightly open, and the sweet scent of the recent showers wafted in, mingled with the aroma of fresh greenery and one of her favorites, the smell of the rain evaporating from the two-lane road they meandered along.Her husband Sam navigated the unfamiliar road well. ...

4 years ago
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MaquisChapter 16

Ulster. March, the same year. “I won’t, and you can’t fookin’ make me.” “You ‘fookin’ will. This comes down the chain. This is a direct order from the bloody Army Council. They says you do it so you do it. No questions, no back chat.” “Well he can go stuff his-self, can’t he.” The two men glared at each other. The taller of the two, who was also the older and more senior, spoke first. “Do you really think the Army Council gives a steely damn what you want? They asked it be done, they even...

3 years ago
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On The Farm Part One

My name is Jim, and I spent this past summer back on my Uncle's farm in Iowa. I was sixteen years old and will be a senior in High School. My Uncle asked me to come out and work on his farm for the summer, and he would pay me $200.At the time, Tom, who was about twenty-five and Joyce, who was nineteen, was the only kids left at home on the farm. Tom had leased some land and was farming it along with help from his dad.Joyce didn't like doing the "small" chores which I would be doing, like...

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Hardcore threesome Comment Please

Hello Roy here , writing this first time so please excuse me as it is group sex so please do understand and enjoy my real encounter, this story is about my group sex with my teacher and her friend, well i used to have sex with my neighbor teacher aunt (also my teacher), i had seduced her once after sex we both were taking bath together she told me that shes gotta friend who knows about this,I asked her why did you tell her she replied that day she had come to my place and i was happy after...

3 years ago
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Middle school classmate Jennifer part 2 with Amy

Middle school classmate Jennifer part 2 (with Amy)To recap part 1, Jennifer invited me over to her parents house and I masturbated infront or her in the pool, and then took her virginity shortly after in the backyard.After eating pizza and Jennifer suggesting I spend the weekend over at her parents empty house, she asked "should I call Amy to come over? I know she wants to have sex with you to". Amy and I sat next to each other in science class and she was a stunner. Amy had dirty blonde hair,...

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Retreat Robledo Mountain 3Chapter 15

“What do you mean something funny is going on in the land office, Paul?” Steve asked. Tom, Steve, and I were in the family dining room going over our land plans one last time, after finishing a large breakfast. Anna, Yolanda, and the boys were with Mrs. Mendoza over in the house writing up the invitations after she agreed to host the meeting tomorrow. “I’m not sure what, but something just wasn’t right about the map in the land office when we were there the other day. In all the excitement...

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A DaemonHorn BladeAttachment B

Crystal Lake City of Tellismere (Capitol of Duchy, where the short Klure River flows west into the Great Western Sea from Crystal Lake) Village of Swanford (just east of Crystal Lake up the Emerald River) City of Evesham (coastal southern port of the Bekingham River, where it flows south from Crystal Lake) Town of Meribren (small coastal town) Town of Alnmouth (small coastal town near the Juniper Mountains) Dead Tree Island (ruined town along a dangerous point of the Emerald...

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More Than a MotherChapter 4

It was late afternoon, and Joyce was still amused by her actions in the orange grove. Mike had been extremely excited. Once he overcame his fear, realized he really had nothing to fear, the sweet boy had enjoyed himself very much. It had been sheer accident they caught Mike without his brother and sister with him, and Joyce was hoping they could do the same with David and Sandra. She didn't anticipate any problem even if they didn't get them one by one. Not after what Shari had told...

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Mast mast chodai

Hey dosto kaise aap log,jaise ke aap jante hai ke main delhi kaa rehne waalaa hoon , uar mera naam yash hai my age 19 ht6,well body, horse passion in fucking,jaise ke aap ko pehle bhi baaataa chooka hoon ke agar koi bhabhi,yaa aunty apni husbnd se satisfy nahin hai to mujhe mail karo,i will give u more satisfaction,n i promise 2 keep our relation secret,to to mujhe bohat mail aaye aur 2 ,3 ko to maine choda bhi hai magar sorry frnds main aap ko unka naam nahin baataa sakta kyu ki maine promise...

1 year ago
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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 40

It was Fretail and Marlet’s turn to stay with me this morning and I proceeded to eat out Fretail and I pounded Marlit into the mattress for some time before I gave her my essence. Fretail immediately swooped in once I pulled out of Marlit and sucked most of my cum out of her sloppy pussy. I said, “Shower time ladies, we need to be clean and fresh for breakfast.” Just as we were drying off Bertet came in and said that breakfast was ready, I grabbed her and gave her a long slow kiss good...

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Nephew Seduces His Aunt

It began when I was at a family get together on a hot summer day. I was sitting in the sun, day-dreaming out front of the house, when a taxi pulled in and my aunt stepped out. All I saw was her thick thighs and massive breasts hanging out of her shirt. She had on cut-off denim shorts and a t-shirt. I gazed before she broke my attention by asking me to help with her luggage. I walked over and grabbed her bags and said, "Long time no see, huh?" She replied, "Last time I saw you was when you were...

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Where it begun and where is the end

Well, I do not know how old I was then. My cousin sister came to visit us in our village. She also was just an young girl. One morning she started peeing in front of me. She was sitting under a tree. I got curious, since her body part looked very different from mine! I went near her and started to look intently. Suddenly, my uncle came from behind and yelled at me – do not touch, you get bad disease. He was a doctor. I got very scared. But the curiosity remained… Couple of years later, I joined...

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WGMGS Inc Ch 3

Sylvia’s chatter brought Adrienne back to reality, only catching the last of the young girls words, ‘… pay it all back.’ Adrienne looked at Sylvia with a questioning look, ‘What dear? I’m sorry, I was thinking about business.’ ‘I said, All these beautiful clothes, dinner, everything, I just don’t know how, I’m going to pay it all back. Am I really going to make that much money that I can start buying things like this?’ Sylvia continued to chatter. Adrienne was amused at the young girls...

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Navarathri Special

Hi Everyone and this is Rahul again and it is the continuation of my previous story, My Wife And Her Navaratri Tattoo. After a lot of struggle I was able to get vacation from my office work and reached my home on the festival day night. Since our home telephone was out of order I was not able to inform my wife Gracy about my arrival as I said before, girls and ladies perform dance on Navarathri day wearing sexy dresses and showing their tattoo in their body. My wife also got ready for the...

2 years ago
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sucking big black candy cock

I fucking love halloween!that time of the year i go out dress like a skimpy lil fairy and no one looks at me weirdmy plug turned to hi walking in the dark street with my lil fairy wings , mouth wet looking for nice big black candy cock like a real cock fairyeach year i found new house to go collect my treat and god do i love when the door open and i am welcome by my daddies in sweat pants already raging hard waiting for the fairy girlI walk to the first place, knocking at the door smiling my...

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I’d been and had my car serviced but unfortunately, they were running late and rang me to tell me to pick my car up at 6pm. I arrived at 5:55 and was ushered into a waiting area. I stood around only for a minute or so and suddenly a young man spoke to me. As we talked, I found out he was Justin, 27, a qualified mechanic, single, still lived at home with his parents, and more to the point I fancied him. As we conversed another younger man asked me if I wanted a coffee, I acknowledged that I...

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The Neighbours Son Part 1

This has been a strange year as you will know if you have read my earlier tales. Having fun with my Neighbour’s daughter Mandy started it all and then phone sex with her mother Sarah after she asked my advice about her son Peter using her panties.Anyway, that all sounds quite extreme and I am hoping that experiences with Mandy and Sarah will continue. Not sure about Mandy as that’s gone very quiet, but I am sure I can get Sarah to continue given her obvious sexual frustration with her...

1 year ago
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A Lush Encounter

A Lush Encounter I reckon It started innocently enough. I had discovered Lush Stories and was becoming slightly hooked, making fast and intimate friends among the membership and enjoying the erotic writing. I found myself very much attracted to a handful of Lushies because of their humor, intelligence and just plain sexiness, truth be told! When I first started viewing Lush frequently I had just moved to a new town and rented a couple of rooms in my band mate’s home until I found something...

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When You Play Dreams Come True

I believe that everyone has sexual fantasies. Mine is to watch another man fuck my girlfriend. I have written several stories about my girlfriend, Judy. Out of all the stories, this is my favorite. It is a true story!Gil, who is a friend, kept calling Judy at work wanting to get back with her. He had no idea that I knew anything about their first sexual experience. Judy called me from her work to tell me that Gil had been calling. She wanted to know what I wanted her to do. Of course, I wanted...

4 years ago
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Porch Sitting With Daddy

Copyright© 1/14/2005 Inpired by and written for my special "Daddy" Daddy got home late; the house was dark except for a low light in the kitchen. He made his way down the hall and looked in on his little girl. In the glow of her nightlight he could see her sprawled, naked on the bed. He went into the room and pulled a sheet up over her, ran his hand over her long hair as he bent over and kissed her cheek. She didn't even change her breathing. He'd almost wished she'd woken up, if only to...

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Scrolller Lesbian

If you horny betas have anything in common with me, it’s probably that you have commitment issues. The only time I want to be on one knee is when I’m tongue deep in a whore’s tight pussy. Fuck off with all of that marriage and dating bullshit. It’s not like I fuck these bitches for their personalities. And, fuck, I don’t know what I’d do if I had to settle for just one slut to bang for the rest of my life. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. Now, I know you cucks don’t have quite the same...

Lesbian Porn Sites
3 years ago
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In the NavyChapter 18 Fitting Out

The week in High Matcham ended too fast. Both Tony and Harriet felt that the house and the surrounding land had grown on them, but they had to go back to Portsmouth. They started out early on that Thursday morning, and Nadine Blacket accompanied them in the coach. Of course, with their faithful housekeeper on board, there was no danger of starving. They stopped in the village to drop John Little off at the tavern. He would collect the volunteers and follow in a second, smaller coach that Tony...

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Across the BorderChapter 18

Lisa hadn’t had time to get gas before picking Josh up from school so Lisa and Josh found themselves standing in line at the local convenience store. Josh leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Mom. Will you buy cigarettes?” Lisa gave him an odd look but did as he asked. She didn’t say anything until they were back in the car. “So when did you start smoking?” From her tone, she was not pleased. “Oh, no. They’re not for me.” Lisa stared at her son for several seconds before it clicked. “Oh!...

3 years ago
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No panties at work

Yesterday, I went to work without underwear. I wore hold-up stockings and left my knickers and bra in the draw. The dress I chose was a nice smart one and I wore my favourite high heeled shoes. The dress comes to a couple of inches above my knee and is nice and tight. Although the dress was quite tight and a total lack of VPL might be a giveaway, I don’t think people would easily be able to tell I wasn’t wearing knickers, I think it was probably quite clear I was braless. But I knew that if I...

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He Got Used and Didnt Mind Part Three

Great responces so once again 10 comments or 1,000 views gets part 4. I hope the categories are listed correct this time. Part 4 may be the last to this series unless I get fed some ideas after it. If you like the series please comment.The next morning Dave woke up at Lucy and Carla's feet at the foot of the bed. He went to wake them and they each smacked an ass cheek. "Dave come take a shower with me." Carla beckoned as she nibbled his ear. Lucy nodded in approval and off they went. Once in...

1 year ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 46

That was the end of the scene, I knew it was going to happen from my script, but it still rankled that I wasn't getting a straight run at this gorgeous blonde. Again, the crew re-sited the equipment, while Vicky busied herself with her make-up and hair. When Debbie the make-up girl had finished with Vicky, she applied a little foundation to my face and brushed my hair. Then Peter said, "positions please," Peter called "action" and then Vicky and I moved over by the couch, then Vicky...

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