Sexy Lady On Bed With Me
- 3 years ago
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"Good work, dork." Briana muttered in Tony's ear as they stepped out onto the pavement.
"I told you what I told him... it didn't seem that big a deal to me."
"He's probably embarrassed, you know how shy he is." She argued.
"No, he's probably feeling guilty, at the moment." Shawna put in, distractedly. "He really doesn't like to upset people. Was he singing when he left?"
"No idea, the band had started up again by then." Tony answered. "Which way's the quickest way back?"
"No... do you hear that?"
"Hear what?" Elspeth asked, after a couple of seconds of patient waiting.
"Running water."
"Yeah, there's a little river at the bottom of the hill." Briana recalled from their orientation packs.
"He'll be there, he likes the sound of water, it calms him." She set off down the hill, and the others could only follow. Sure enough, on the little wooden bridge over the stream was Marcus. Hands flicking in the air beside his head, he walked in a small, tight circle, muttering to himself, and as they got closer they could begin to make out the words.
"Stupid, thick... didn't think... listen. Don't speak, don't do... think, listen, watch... don't get up on stage. Idiot..."
"Marcus?" Tony called, and he started a little as they neared, until Shawna turned and waved them away.
"It's OK, Marcus... it's just me."
"I wasn't ready for the stage, Princess..." he muttered, still walking the tight circle. A few locals stopped to stare at him for a moment, but either this wasn't unusual for students or they weren't interested in putting up with Briana's challenging look, because they quickly moved on.
"Sorry... you did good up there."
"I messed up again... again... didn't think, didn't listen."
"It's OK... you'll get the hang of it."
"Yeah... you keep saying that... they all keep saying that..."
"It's a whole new world, Marcus, it's going to take time." She held out an arm, letting his shoulder brush against her hand as he passed. "Calm down for me, Bullfrog... we'll get you back home." He brushed her hand again, she edged forward, made the contact a little firmer, kept muttering soothingly to him, and then he was stopped, wrapped up in her arms, still twitching, gently.
She looked back at them, far more serious than any of them might have expected, daring them to judge.
"Anything we can do?" Briana asked, quietly.
"Don't ask me," she said, firmly. "Ask Marcus, he's still here..."
"I'm fine... " he muttered, easing himself away. He kept his gaze down on the floor, though. "I'm... I'm sorry, Bri. I didn't think about..."
"Hey... it's OK. I've been through too much shit to worry about who doesn't like that." They all looked, except Marcus, but none of them asked. That got a tight smile.
"Not everyone would be so understanding though, would they?"
"Possibly not..." He nodded, and then started walking up the hill towards the house.
"Would anyone like a cup of coffee?"
"Only if you don't have anything stronger?" Shawna giggled, and suddenly she was party-girl again, wrapping her arm in Tony's and dragging him along. "Surely you've got something to keep a girl warm on a cold Autumn night?"
"It's still summer." Marcus pointed out, his voice flat. The others stared at the tone, but Shawna just ignored it, breezing on through.
"Summer, Autumn... it's dark, and it's cold."
"Look..." Tony cut in, "I'm not normally the cautious one in any group, but... what the fuck was that? Is that likely to happen a lot?"
"Tony!" Briana snapped at him.
"What, you don't have to live with the guy. If this is... Nick should have told us."
"He wanted to." Marcus stopped, turning to face them all. "I asked him not to, I thought I could leave all the talk and the names and things behind. I just... I haven't had a moment like that since, what... fifth year?"
"When Ally moved in." Shawna confirmed, with a nod.
"It's... I tried too much, too quickly. It's a little overwhelming."
"Too much what?" Elspeth spoke up.
"People... novelty... it's difficult to explain."
"Do you have a morning routine?" Shawna asked, urging them all to start walking again. Elspeth nodded.
"Well, Marcus tends to have a routine for just about everything. He puts them together like little jigsaw puzzles of time, building up his day out of them."
"Once I get comfortable somewhere I can be a little freer, just leave some spaces to do whatever I feel like, but... I'm not that settled here."
"So what happened? You just... run out of little... templates?"
"Yeah, I guess... sort of. Fell into a gap, and didn't have any sort of sense of what was coming next."
"So you go looking for something familiar, is that it?" Elspeth asked, pressing forward a little.
"Comforting. Water noises are comforting, and music."
"And his guitar." Shawna added, stepping side as they trudged up the steps to the door of the flat.
"Yeah..." Marcus smiled.
"Do you... um..." Elspeth paused, flushing, as Tony let them all in, and Shawna hurried over to stand by the radiator.
"Just say it." Marcus told her. "I'm not very good at picking up on hints. I won't be upset — I owe you some sort of explanation for all that."
"It's just... there was a girl at school that used to... cut herself. She said she was... it wasn't about hurting herself, she was just looking to control what was happening, something that she could sort of... guarantee?"
"I don't do that." He observed, settling down into one of the seats. It was only then that Elspeth realised he didn't have a coat on, just the short-sleeved shirt he'd gone out in. "I... it's not about controlling anything. Well, I suppose it is, sort of... it's about knowing what's coming next. I don't like surprises."
"It's true — we don't wrap anything for Christmas for him... it's the weirdest thing to watch him get presents."
"Aren't you cold?" Briana asked.
"I don't tend to notice it much."
"He's half-penguin, I'm sure of it." Shawna finally shucked off her fur-trimmed jacket. "Wait until Spring, I'm still in winter thermals and he's out in shorts."
"I don't mind the cold, so much." Elspeth joined in. "But then, if you don't like cold in Inverurie you're going to be pretty unhappy."
"I'm a Summer guy," Tony put in, placing the first cups of tea on the table.
"Uh-huh," Briana put in, taking her drink, "short-skirts and tight-tops, right."
"Hell yeah."
"Have you got the legs for a short skirt?" Marcus managed, breaking the mood, and the conversation settled after that. They joked around for a while, decided they could all tolerate one another reasonably well, and then, suddenly, Marcus stood up.
"I'm heading for bed, now." And as quickly as that, he was gone.
"Did we say something to upset him?" Briana asked, as he disappeared into the bathroom.
"No, it must be 11:45." Shawna pointed out, checking her watch. "He'll go to bed, read for about an hour and a half, fill out his diary, and then lay down to sleep about 2 in the morning."
"How did he know the time?" Elspeth asked. "I didn't see him look at his watch... there isn't a clock."
"Doesn't wear a watch, doesn't need one. He's usually right to about two minutes." Shawna reached over, grabbing her jacket from the radiator. "Listen, guys, I'm going to head off... you wanna walk back to the dorms?"
"Yeah, it's getting late." Briana acknowledged, putting her cup back down. They were quickly jacketed up and ready to go.
"Look, do you guys want a lift?" Tony asked. "It'll be a bit of a squeeze, but I've got a car."
"Car?" Briana snorted. "You've got a flatbed van, Tony, and a rattly one at that. I think I'm safer walking in the dark on my own in a strange town than getting in that death-trap."
"It's MOT'd and everything... there's nothing wrong with it."
"It's alright, we'll walk." Shawna told him, leaning forward to peck his cheek. "Thanks for the offer, though. Listen... if Marcus isn't awake by about seven, call me, yeah?"
"Sure... but... if he isn't bedding down until two..."
"He sleeps about four hours a night, usually. If he stays in bed he's either ill or upset."
"OK, no problem."
"Isn't he going to need your number for that?" Elspeth pointed out as she turned to leave.
"He's already got that. I scribbled it on the notepad by his phone." She smiled at him, arching her eyebrows.
"Damn, girl, you work faster than he does!" Briana laughed. "Tony Richardson's finally met his match."
"Hey, guys." Briana knocked on the partially ajar door, "everybody decent?"
"Never." Shawna replied. "I'm dressed, though."
"Come on in, Bri." Elspeth called, from the bathroom.
"So... I got talking to a few people this week," Briana pushed the door closed, flopping into the easy seat by the door. "Seems there's a club over on Graham Street we might want to check out."
"What's wrong with the café?" Shawna asked.
"Well... it's a bit... mixed."
"One of those clubs." Elspeth shouted through.
"Hey, you're one of those remember." Briana laughed. "I was going to check it out tonight, I wondered if you guys wanted to come along."
"Sure." Elspeth didn't hesitate, though her face did look flushed when she emerged.
"What brought this on?" Shawna asked. "You normally just tag along with us... we cramping your style?"
"No... I wanted some friends around, that's all. There's a girl in one of my Spanish classes that seems to have been paying a lot of attention... I'm just testing the waters, and I wanted some support."
"I'm out with Tony, tonight." Shawna commiserated. "I'd ask him to change plans and come with, but... " Briana waved her away.
"You still coming?" she almost begged Elspeth.
"Of course. Sounds like it might be fun."
"Cool, I'll go get changed, pick you up about eight?"
"Sure." She slipped back out the door a sight more relaxed than she'd arrived, and Shawna eyed Elspeth in her mirror as she dabbed on her eye-shadow.
"I'm surprised..." she ventured. "I thought you had a thing for Briana."
"She's... I like her, but I think I need a little more time. She's a bit full on."
"Bri? That's a front. She's as scared as you are on the inside. I'd say she's got a strong hunch she's reading this wrong, that's why she invited us. Let's face it, first date you don't take friends along with you."
"We have to, too often. It's not until the second date that you know you've got one of your own."
"Bullshit. If you like 'em, ask 'em. If they say no, it just means they aren't right for you. Doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you, doesn't mean there's anything wrong with them."
"But... I'm always afraid I'm going to ask someone who's straight."
"And? If they can't see the compliment in someone finding them attractive they have the problem..."
"It must be nice to think like that."
"Couldn't say, it's the only way I think."
"So... you want me to wait with you, or do you want me to stay out of the way and just sort of be around?"
"You've done this before, haven't you?" Briana giggled, feeling nervous as they strolled down the steps into the basement club.
"I went to an all-girl school, I was always running lookout for friends meeting boys from St Luke's."
"I don't know... sort of... be around. Maybe pop off and get a drink when I see her arrive? It gives you an excuse to come back if I need you."
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GayThis is my own work, and copyrighted as such. No attempt should be made to copy or redistribute in any form on any other site.What follows is a mix of truth and poetic licence. Enjoy.Cathy was one of my bar staff.I say bar - more of a lunchtime and after work social club. An escape from the drudge of the office life.I never knew why she volunteered, it didn't suit her person.Cathy was a bit geeky. Almost 30, so five or six years my junior. Shortish naturally ebony hair, quite thick rimmed...
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InterracialAuthor’s note: It seems some readers don’t understand Flash stories and complain because they are too short. They are SUPPOSE to be short, encapsulating a little tale with relatively few words. If you prefer long stories then close this one otherwise pay attention to the storyline and presentation. Thanks. Marnie found herself singing a tune she hadn’t thought of in years - “Bend me over in the clover; lay me down and do it again.” The words weren’t exactly the same ones in the Limeybirds...
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See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story Each chapter is like a 'stealth mission', with lots of slow build-up and pervy creeping around. The protagonist's mission is always to rape and abduct his victims, adding to his harem of vampires. Then occasional chapters show his sexual family lifestyle with his mind-controlled free-use slaves. Then right back to another stealth mission. DISCLAIMERS -I'm just trying to be helpful with these...
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Hi friends mera naam Suraj hai mai Mumbai se hu and ek badi MNC me job karta hu. Aaj kale k project ke liye mai 1 saal ke liye France aaya hua hu. Mai kafi samay se ISS me stories padh raha hu and kafi samay se soch bhi raha thi ki apni stories bhi post karu. Mere life me kai aiyse exciting ghatnaye hai. Aaj jo story mai batane jaa raha hu is 100% real. Mai dikhne me average, fair hu height 5’10 and strong built hai and age 28 hai. Aap logo ka jayda samay na lete huye mai story pe aata hu naat...
The It was in the late nineties, 1998 to be exact and I was living in a small apartment in downtown Montreal. I’d been divorced now for over three years after 25 years of marriage. Thankfully my kids had been out of the nest and living on their own at the time of my divorce. Some think I was lucky as after my husband had taken off with a much, much younger woman, as I was left with everything. So after my divorce which was not contested, I was left with our house, the furnishings and our car. ...
Once we were all in Tyler's room, Mike asked, "So what else can we do?" I get on the bed and sit up on my knees. I grab my half-hard dick and present it to Mike. "How about you start with this?" He needed no more prompting. He jumped on the bed enthusiastically on all fours, grabbed my cock, and shoved it in his mouth. He didn't have the technique down just yet, but it still felt really good. If he doesn't end up regretting tonight, I imagine he will have plenty more practice to get...
So far you read that After opening herself to a tailor having a cock of only 4” , she became mad for his cock and chudai. Thereafter she opened up fully during two night’s orgy at her house. She enjoyed openly with three friends of husband and invited one of them to fuck her as much he desire even at her house. In the morning of second orgy night Paro , maid of house informed owner that her husband has not fucked her since Diwali and requested him to arrange fuck of Aashu with her husband...
Part One.Hank and Titch were best buddies. From the age of five, they were inseparable. They first met when Titch’s father was employed by Hank’s dad as the foreman on his farm. Hank’s parents were wealthy farm owners and had a very successful business. The two buddies spent their entire school careers together and at the age of twenty, had completed a further three years at an agricultural college, living in an apartment that Hank’s father rented.They had been born a mere ten days apart, Titch...
BisexualThe guy she sat down next to and smiled at is me. I live alone in a small house in North Florida, about four blocks from the Atlantic Ocean, and I walk down to this little place on the beach for happy hour on many weekday afternoons. I like the weekdays because there aren’t so many tourists around. Weekends, forget about it, I stay home and drink Cuba Libres on my back porch. The bar is called The Sandcrab, and it’s at the foot of A Street right at the beach. It’s a small place. It has a...
Amanda: Thanks for setting up this date for me Estephania.Estephania: Don't mention it. It's my duty as your c***dhood friend and best woman to make sure that you'll say goodbye to your life as a single lady and hello to the one as a married woman without having any unfulfilled fantasies and desires.Amanda: If only Bruno could think like you do... To be honest i'm feeling kind of guilty that i'm about to cheat on him the night before our marriage.Estephania: There is no reason for that. He is...
Please vote positive and add comments if you like my story so I would be motivated to write more. Please comment or DM me for recommendations. XOXO - Emma Cop Searched Emily and Emma on a Speed Trap Stop Emma and Emily was driving from their cheerleading team practice back home, going through rural farmland roads, with no one around, and they saw a police car approaching them fast, with lights flashing. Emily pulled over to the side to give way and stopped, and the squad car stopped right...
My neighbor across the street and I had become pretty good friends over the last couple of years. She’s a couple of years younger than I am at 50 years old. She’s a little overweight, but is a very nice woman. Although I’ve never really thought of her as “dating” material, I have to admit that I’ve jacked off a number of times thinking of her.As with most overweight women, she has a huge set of breasts. I’ve always wanted to see them and imagined what it would be like sliding my hard cock...
Group SexThe Judge called. "Noah, you saved us a lot of heartache with Tom DeBusque, and now I have to ask you to help us out again." He was not given to pleasantries. The Judge told you what you needed to know and went from there. "You are perfect for the next mission because you have Angela DeBusque with you. The two of you can pose as siblings. We accidentally discovered some things about a crazy group of environmentalists that makes us think they intend to release a biological weapon intended...
I want to tell you about how I got such a wonderful wife. If I told you we just started dating 6 months ago you might think we had a very short courtship. All this is true but sort of misleading. You see she's a loving hot beautiful wife, just not my wife, and yes we have been dating for 6 months. In the beginning at they say, I was cruising the net one day and saw a photo of an incredible brunette (the photo below, yes I saved it). She stood out so much from the other women on the site that I...
Wife LoversI was stood by the kitchen counter one morning as she entered and closed the door. I had my back to her and so turned to see what she was doing. She carried a pile of clothes, which she set down by the washing machine before walking over to the kitchen table to check her mobile phone. I directed my attention towards her.She was wrapped in a red dressing gown, which was not the most flattering of robes but, feeling amorous, I was intrigued to see what was underneath. I averted my gaze to the...
Roger stood, his cock bone hard and dripping after Josie had squirted on him, a huge smile on his face. Carol still had her hands under jos slumped body , still squeezing her tits, she withdrew one and started to stroke her hair" she started to speak, like she was talking to a c***d" ohh jo,jo, you liked that didn't you? You liked that chubby arse being spanked and that big cock in your tight little cunt eh, now go and sit on that chair while we have a little chat"Josie ent over to a leather...
2015 It was hot in Douglas. It always was in early August. People just got used to it, well, they all said they did; it was a matter of civic pride. The wine was poured and the shrimp salad was on the table. “I think we need to do it,” I said. “Do what?” said Rozelle. “Get married,” I said. I reached over the table and placed the little black box in front of her. She looked at it, frowned, smiled, and screamed. “Okay! Yes!” she said. I came around to her side of the table got down on my...
Iam Rajesh, from my child hood i always dreamed about having sex with HOT girls, i used to see FTV and used to masturbate wildly. Incest was in my blood, believe me when i was young, i used to dream about very very wicked incest sex. But i didnt think i would do it. I was a very I have a cousin sis called pallavi, we are almost same age, she is about 6 months younger than me. As we were cousins we used to play together. our family used to visit a lot to their place. Pallavi was a somewhat lean...
IncestMy wife and I had been married for 4 years. Even now, I can't believe my luck. At 28 years old she is a revelation to behold. Not only has she turned a lot of heads with her long blond hair, delicate and beautiful face, perky 36C breasts, slim waist and a perfect nice and round ass, but she has always been completely dedicated to our relation and faithful.She kept herself in shape by long strenuous bike rides, and daily laps in the pool. Also, she is very successful in her professional career,...
Straight SexMy name is Gabriela. No, it’s not, but I’m not telling you my real name. I’m 29 years old. I was 29 last year too. I’m a professional girlfriend. My boyfriends’ wives would call me a whore. My boyfriends buy me jewelry, clothing, pay my rent, my credit card bills, sometimes even give me shares in their companies or illegal stock tips. What do they get out of it? What do you think? They get a beautiful woman to go out with, to secretly take on business trips, to make their friends jealous,...
Rebecca was excited to hear that I'd reached Angela again. We didn't talk much on the phone but I did give her all the information on the sounds that Angela had remembered. The gun shots were the most promising for giving us a place to start. "Three shots, closely spaced, means it was intentional," she said. "No one fires a gun accidentally three times; you don't target shoot in groups of three, or in a single group. Something, or more likely someone, died of those shots. "I hope you...
Racy Lacy Lennon was born in North Carolina, United States, on January 23rd, 1997. In late middle school, she moved with her family to Nevada, where she began studying lyrical singing.A Calling From GodNevada is a slut hotbed. I assume it wasn't until she breathed in that hot, dry Nevada desert air that she felt a tingle in her panties. The unmistakable tingle of a vagina demanding large amounts of penis. Once this process starts, it can't be stopped, even by moving to Utah. In fact, Utah will...
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